On the distribution of teaching load in secondary schools. Study load for children How many hours of physical education

Does it remain in the 2016-2017 academic year for students primary school 3 hours of physical education in the curriculum?


The third hour of physical culture can be carried out as part of extracurricular activities. For classes that have not switched to , the organization of the third obligatory hour of physical culture is carried out taking into account the regional BUP within the framework of the current legislation

In 2010, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2010 No. 889, the third obligatory hour of physical culture was fixed in the federal basic curriculum (hereinafter - BUP) and exemplary curricula for general educational organizations (hereinafter - PEP) in order to increase the volume of motor activity students, development of their physical qualities, improvement physical fitness, instilling skills healthy lifestyle life.

"Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general educational institutions", approved. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 (hereinafter - SanPiN regulated the norms for the use of sports facilities, places of physical culture and sports (clause 3.4), offered recommendations for holding outdoor activities air, .

In accordance with the minutes of the meeting of the expert council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 2, 2011 No. 2 and December 21, 2011 No. 3, a number of educational programs were recommended for use, allowing to expand the basic content of physical education lessons (programs for mini-table tennis, fitness aerobics, etc.).

The third mandatory hour of physical culture was introduced by increasing the maximum allowable weekly load by one hour. It was forbidden to replace physical education lessons with other subjects.

The situation has changed in connection with, approved. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 24.11. 2015 No. 81. According to this edition, it is allowed to organize classes physical culture within the framework of extracurricular activities of students.

Paragraph 10.20 SanPiN received the following wording: "To meet biological need in motion, regardless of the age of students, it is recommended to conduct at least 3 physical education lessons (in lesson and extracurricular form) per week, provided for in the volume of the total weekly load. It is not allowed to replace physical education classes with other subjects.".

The indicated change is predominantly related to the PEP developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, since the very concept of extracurricular activities is regulated only by the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and is not included in the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. For classes that have not switched to the Federal State Educational Standard, the organization of the third obligatory hour of physical culture is carried out taking into account the regional BUP within the framework of the current legislation.

Actual now:

School: basic, secondary general education

Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189 (as amended on December 25, 2013) "On approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general education organizations "

X. Hygienic requirements for the mode of the educational process.

10.1. The optimal age for starting school is no earlier than 7 years. Children of the 8th or 7th year of life are admitted to the 1st grade. Reception of children of the 7th year of life is carried out when they reach by September 1 school year age at least 6 years 6 months.

The class capacity, with the exception of compensatory education classes, should not exceed 25 people.

10.2. Education of children under the age of 6 years 6 months by the beginning of the school year is recommended to be carried out in a preschool educational institution or in a general educational organization in compliance with all hygienic requirements for the conditions and organization of the educational process for children up to school age.

10.3. To prevent overwork of students in the annual calendar curriculum, it is recommended to provide for an even distribution of periods of study time and holidays.

10.4. Classes should start no earlier than 8:00. Zero lessons are not allowed.

In institutions with in-depth study individual subjects, lyceums and gymnasiums, training is carried out only in the first shift.

In institutions that work in two shifts, education of 1st, 5th, graduating 9th and 11th grades and classes of compensatory education should be organized in the first shift.

Training in 3 shifts in general educational organizations is not allowed.

10.5. The number of hours allotted for students to master the curriculum of a general educational organization, consisting of a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in the educational process, should not in aggregate exceed the value of the weekly educational load.

The value of the weekly educational load (number of training sessions), implemented through lesson and extracurricular activities, determined in accordance with table 3.

Table 3

Hygienic requirements for the maximum values ​​of the weekly educational load

The organization of specialized education in grades 10-11 should not lead to an increase in the educational load. The choice of a training profile should be preceded by career guidance work.

10.6. The educational weekly load is evenly distributed during the school week, while the volume of the maximum allowable load during the day is:

For students of the 1st grade - should not exceed 4 lessons and 1 day a week - no more than 5 lessons, at the expense of a physical education lesson;

For students in grades 2-4 - no more than 5 lessons, and once a week 6 lessons at the expense of a physical education lesson with a 6-day school week;

For students in grades 5-6 - no more than 6 lessons;

For students in grades 7-11 - no more than 7 lessons.

The schedule of lessons is compiled separately for compulsory and optional classes. Extracurricular activities should be scheduled on the days with the fewest compulsory lessons. Between the start of extracurricular activities and the last lesson, it is recommended to arrange a break of at least 45 minutes.

10.7. The schedule of lessons is compiled taking into account the daily and weekly mental performance of students and the scale of difficulty subjects(of these sanitary rules).

10.8. When scheduling lessons, one should alternate subjects of various complexity during the day and week: for students of the 1st stage of education, the main subjects (mathematics, Russian and foreign language, natural history, computer science) alternate with lessons in music, fine arts, labor, physical education; for students of the II and III stages of education, subjects of natural and mathematical profile alternate with humanitarian subjects.

For students of the 1st grade, the most difficult subjects should be taught in the 2nd lesson; 2-4 classes - 2-3 lessons; for students of 5-11 grades in 2-4 lessons.

IN primary school there are no double lessons.

There should not be more than one session during a school day. control work. Tests are recommended to be carried out at 2-4 lessons.

10.9. The duration of a lesson (academic hour) in all classes should not exceed 45 minutes, with the exception of grade 1, in which the duration is regulated by clause 10.10. of these sanitary rules, and a compensating class, the duration of the lesson in which should not exceed 40 minutes.

Density academic work students in the lessons in the main subjects should be 60-80%.

10.10. Education in the 1st grade is carried out in compliance with the following additional requirements:

  • training sessions are held on a 5-day school week and only in the first shift;
  • the use of a “stepped” learning mode in the first half of the year (in September, October - 3 lessons per day of 35 minutes each, in November-December - 4 lessons of 35 minutes each; January - May - 4 lessons of 45 minutes each) ;
  • it is recommended to organize a dynamic pause in the middle of the school day for at least 40 minutes;
  • training is conducted without scoring the knowledge of students and homework;
  • additional weekly holidays in the middle of the third quarter in the traditional mode of study.

10.11. To prevent overwork and maintain an optimal level of performance during the week, students should have an easy school day on Thursday or Friday.

10.12. The duration of the breaks between lessons is at least 10 minutes, the big break (after 2 or 3 lessons) is 20-30 minutes. Instead of one big break, it is allowed to set two breaks of 20 minutes each after 2 and 3 lessons.

It is recommended to organize changes in the open air. To this end, when conducting a daily dynamic pause, it is recommended to increase the duration of a long break to 45 minutes, of which at least 30 minutes are allocated to the organization of motor-active activities for students on the sports ground of the institution, in the gym or in recreation.

10.13. The break between shifts should be at least 30 minutes for wet cleaning in the premises and their ventilation, in case of an unfavorable epidemiological situation for disinfection treatment, the break is increased to 60 minutes.

10.14. Use in educational process innovative educational programs and technologies, class schedules, training modes is possible in the absence of their adverse impact on the functional state and health of students.

10.15. In small-scale rural educational institutions, depending on the specific conditions, the number of students, their age characteristics, it is allowed to form classes-sets of students at the first stage of education. Optimal, in this case, is the separate training of students different ages I stage of education.

When combining students of the first stage of education into a class-set, it is optimal to create it from two classes: grades 1 and 3 (1 + 3), grades 2 and 3 (2 + 3), grades 2 and 4 (2 + 4). To prevent fatigue of students, it is necessary to reduce the duration of combined (especially 4th and 5th) lessons by 5-10 minutes. (except for the lesson of physical culture). The occupancy of the classes-sets must comply with Table 4.

Table 4

Filling of classes-sets

10.16. In classes of compensatory education, the number of students should not exceed 20 people. The duration of the lessons should not exceed 40 minutes. Correctional and developmental classes are included in the volume of the maximum allowable weekly load established for a student of each age.

Regardless of the length of the school week, the number of lessons per day should not be more than 5 in primary grades (except first grade) and more than 6 lessons in grades 5-11.

To prevent overwork and maintain an optimal level of performance, a light training day is organized - Thursday or Friday.

To facilitate and shorten the period of adaptation to the educational process of students in compensatory classes, medical and psychological assistance should be provided by educational psychologists, pediatricians, speech therapists, and other specially trained teaching staff, as well as with the use of information and communication technologies, visual aids.

10.17. In order to prevent fatigue, impaired posture and vision, students in the classroom should conduct physical exercises and gymnastics for the eyes (and these sanitary rules).

10.18. It is necessary to alternate during the lesson different types learning activities(excluding tests). Average continuous duration various kinds educational activities of students (reading from paper, writing, listening, questioning, etc.) in grades 1-4 should not exceed 7-10 minutes, in grades 5-11 - 10-15 minutes. The distance from the eyes to the notebook or book should be at least 25-35 cm for students in grades 1-4 and at least 30-45 cm for students in grades 5-11.

Duration of continuous use in the educational process technical means learning is set according to table 5.

Table 5

Duration of continuous use of technical meanslearning in the classroom

Classes Continuous duration (min.), no more
Viewing static images on whiteboards and reflection screens TV viewing Viewing dynamic images on whiteboards and reflection screens Working with images for an individual. computer monitor and keyboard Listen. audio recordings Listen. audio recordings in headphones
1-2 10 15 15 15 20 10
3-4 15 20 20 15 20 15
5-7 20 25 25 20 25 20
8-11 25 30 30 25 25 25

After using technical training aids related to visual load, it is necessary to carry out a set of exercises to prevent eye fatigue (), and at the end of the lesson - physical exercises to prevent general fatigue ().

10.19. The mode of training and organization of the work of classrooms using computer technology must comply with the hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and the organization of work on them.

10.20. To meet the biological need for movement, regardless of the age of students, it is recommended to conduct at least 3 physical education lessons per week, provided for in the volume of the maximum allowable weekly load. It is not allowed to replace physical education lessons with other subjects.

10.21. To increase the motor activity of students, it is recommended to educational plans for students to include subjects of a motor-active nature (choreography, rhythm, modern and ballroom dancing, teaching traditional and national sports games).

10.22. Physical activity students, in addition to physical education lessons, in the educational process can be provided through:

  • physical education minutes in accordance with the recommended set of exercises ();
  • organized outdoor games at recess;
  • a sports hour for children attending an extended day group;
  • extra-curricular sports activities and competitions, school-wide sports events, health days,
  • independent physical culture lessons in sections and clubs.

10.23. Sports loads in physical education classes, competitions, extracurricular activities sports profile, when conducting a dynamic or sports hour, they must correspond to the age, state of health and physical fitness of students, as well as weather conditions (if they are organized outdoors).

The distribution of students into the main, preparatory and special groups, for participation in physical culture and recreation and sports events, is carried out by the doctor, taking into account their state of health (or on the basis of certificates of their health). Students of the main physical culture group are allowed to participate in all sports and recreation activities in accordance with their age. With students of preparatory and special groups, physical culture and health work should be carried out taking into account the conclusion of a doctor.

Students assigned to the preparatory and special groups for health reasons are engaged in physical culture with a decrease in physical activity.

It is advisable to conduct physical education lessons outdoors. The possibility of conducting physical education classes in the open air, as well as outdoor games, is determined by the totality of weather conditions (temperature, relative humidity and air speed) by climatic zones ().

On rainy, windy and frosty days, physical education classes are held in the hall.

10.24. The motor density of physical culture lessons should be at least 70%.

Students are allowed to test physical fitness, participate in competitions and hikes with the permission of a medical worker. His presence at sports competitions and at classes in swimming pools is mandatory.

10.25. In the occupations provided for by work educational program, it is necessary to alternate tasks of different nature. You should not perform one type of activity in the lesson throughout the entire time of independent work.

10.26. All work in workshops and home economics classrooms is performed by students in special clothes (robe, apron, beret, scarf). Protective goggles must be worn when performing work that poses a risk of injury to the eyes.

10.27. When organizing practice and socially useful work of students, provided for by the educational program, associated with heavy physical exertion (carrying and moving heavy loads), it is necessary to be guided by sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the safety of working conditions for workers under 18 years of age.

It is not allowed to involve students in work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during which the use of labor is prohibited, persons under 18 years of age, as well as in cleaning sanitary facilities and common areas, washing windows and lamps, removing snow from roofs and other similar work.

For agricultural work (practice) in regions of the II climatic zone, it is necessary to set aside mainly the first half of the day, and in regions of the III climatic zone - the second half of the day (16-17 hours) and the hours with the least insolation. Agricultural equipment used for work must be appropriate for the height and age of students. The permissible duration of work for students aged 12-13 is 2 hours; for teenagers 14 years and older - 3 hours. Every 45 minutes of work, it is necessary to arrange regulated 15-minute breaks for rest. Work on sites and in premises treated with pesticides and agrochemicals is allowed within the time limits established by the State Catalog of Pesticides and Agrochemicals.

When organizing classes on labor education and vocational training in grades 5-11 in interschool educational complexes, provided for by the educational program, compliance with these sanitary rules and sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the safety of working conditions for workers under the age of 18 is ensured.

10.28. When organizing extended day groups, it is necessary to follow the recommendations set out in Annex 6 of these sanitary rules.

10.29. Circle work in extended day groups should take into account age features students, to ensure a balance between motor-active and static classes, and is organized in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for institutions additional education children.

10.30. The volume of homework (for all subjects) should be such that the time spent on its completion does not exceed (in astronomical hours): in grades 2-3 - 1.5 hours, in grades 4-5 - 2 hours, in grades 6-8 classes - 2.5 hours, in grades 9-11 - up to 3.5 hours.

10.31. During the final certification, it is not allowed to conduct more than one exam per day. The break between exams must be at least 2 days. With the duration of the exam 4 or more hours, it is necessary to organize meals for students.

10.32. The weight of a daily set of textbooks and stationery should not exceed: for students in grades 1-2 - more than 1.5 kg, in grades 3-4 - more than 2 kg; - 5-6th - more than 2.5 kg, 7-8th - more than 3.5 kg, 9-11th - more than 4.0 kg.

10.33. In order to prevent violations of posture, students are recommended to have two sets of textbooks for primary school: one for use in lessons in a general educational organization, the second for homework.

From the beginning of the academic year to the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for Tomsk region there are many questions from parents about the organization of the educational process and the distribution of the teaching load of students in schools.

Hygienic requirements for the regime of the educational process in schools are regulated by sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions."

The number of hours allotted for classroom and extracurricular activities should not, in aggregate, exceed the value of the maximum weekly educational load.


2-4 cells

8-9 cells

10-11 classes

at 6 days a week, no more

at 5 days a week, no more

In institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceums and gymnasiums, training is carried out only in the first shift. In institutions that work in two shifts, education of 1st, 5th, graduating 9th and 11th grades and classes of compensatory education should be organized in the first shift.

The volume of the maximum allowable load during the day is:

For students of the 1st grade - should not exceed 4 lessons and 1 day a week - no more than 5 lessons, at the expense of a physical education lesson;

For students of grades 2 - 4 - no more than 5 lessons and once a week 6 lessons at the expense of a physical education lesson with a 6-day school week;

For students in grades 5 - 6 - no more than 6 lessons;

For students in grades 7 - 11 - no more than 7 lessons.

Modern scientific research it has been established that the biorhythmological optimum of mental performance in school-age children falls on the interval of 10-12 hours. During these hours, the greatest efficiency of assimilation of the material is noted at the lowest psychophysiological costs of the body. Therefore, for students of the 1st grade, the most difficult subjects must be taught in the 2nd lesson; 2-4 classes - 2-3 lessons; for students in grades 5-11 - at 2-4 lessons.

The mental performance of students is not the same on different days of the school week. Its level increases towards the middle of the week and remains low at the beginning (Monday) and at the end (Friday) of the week. Therefore, the distribution of the study load during the week is built in such a way that its largest volume falls on Tuesday and (or) Wednesday.

The duration of the lesson (academic hour) in all classes should not exceed 45 minutes, with the exception of Grade 1. The training of "first-graders" is carried out in compliance with the following additional requirements:

Training sessions are held on a 5-day school week and only on the first shift;

The use of a "stepped" learning mode in the first half of the year (in September, October - 3 lessons per day of 35 minutes each, in November-December - 4 lessons of 35 minutes each; January - May - 4 lessons of 45 minutes each) ;

Training is conducted without scoring the knowledge of students and homework;

Additional weekly holidays in the middle of the third quarter in the traditional mode of study.

The duration of the breaks between lessons is at least 10 minutes, for catering for children after 2 and 3 lessons, two breaks of 20 minutes each are set.

To meet the biological need for movement, regardless of the age of students, it is recommended to conduct at least 3 physical education lessons per week. Physical education classes are recommended to be included in the last lessons, after physical education lessons there are no lessons with written assignments and tests.

P. 4.9 SanPiN

It depends on the area of ​​each particular office.

  • With the frontal form of classes, each child should have at least 2.5 m².
  • In the group form of work in the classroom, each child should have at least 3.5 m² of area.

These calculations do not take into account the area required for arranging furniture.

What floor should the primary school classrooms be on?

Item 4.6.

Sanitary standards recommend placing first-class classrooms no higher than the second floor, and second-fourth grade classrooms no higher than the third. The wording “recommended” used in SanPiN allows the administration not to consider this rule as mandatory.

How often should the school premises be cleaned?

Clause 12.3, Clause 10.13

All school premises must be washed daily with detergents. And toilets, canteens, lobbies, recreation - after each change.

Between shifts, a 30-minute break should be provided, during which the premises are cleaned.

What should be the distance from the first desk to the board?

Clause 5.6. SanPiNa

From the first desk to the training board should be at least 240 centimeters.

What are the rules for seating children of different heights?

Clause 5.1, Clause 5.2, Clause 5.5, Clause 4.8, Appendix 1 (“Recommendations for the upbringing and formation of the correct working posture for students”)

The desks should be arranged in order from low to high, with the lowest desk in the first row and the highest in the last.

At the same time, a desk corresponding to his height should be provided for each child. If it is not possible to take this requirement into account in the classroom system of education, then it is recommended that each class of middle and high school be assigned its own cabinet, as in elementary school.

Is it acceptable to hold physical education lessons in another school building?

P. 4.13 SanPiN

Sanitary standards suggest the possibility of placing a gym in a separate building. It follows that the need to transfer children from one building to another for physical education lessons does not violate sanitary standards.

What time does the first shift start?

Clause 10.4.

Not earlier than 8 o'clock. There is no standard for late start times.

Is there a time limit for the end of the second shift?

Such a rule does not exist. The start and end time of the second shift depends on the duration and number of lessons and breaks in the first and second shifts, the cleaning time between shifts.

Should shifts be rotated annually?

There is no such requirement in sanitary standards. However, grades 1, 5, 9 and 11 should not study in the second shift.

What are the rules for the maximum number of lessons?

P. 10.6, 10.10

The following maximum number of lessons has been established depending on the class:

  • Grade 1 - no more than 4 lessons, once a week 5 lessons at the expense of physical education;
  • from 2nd to 4th grades - no more than 5 lessons, once a week 6 lessons at the expense of physical education;
  • from grades 5 to 6 - no more than 7 lessons, but on average per week no more than 6 per day;
  • Grade 7 - no more than 7 lessons;
  • from 8th to 11th grades - no more than 8 lessons, but on average no more than 7 lessons per week.

That is, in the fifth grade it can be like this: three days 6 lessons, one day 5 lessons, one more day - 7 lessons. And on average, 6 lessons per day will be obtained per week.

For the first classes there are additional requirements:

  • in September-October - 3 lessons per day lasting 35 minutes;
  • in November-December - 4 lessons per day lasting 35 minutes;
  • in January-May - 4 lessons per day lasting 40 minutes.

Can additional classes, circles at school be mandatory?

All classes that are not included in the schedule are optional. Visiting them can only be voluntary. These classes should not be taught in the main school curriculum. Extracurricular activities in any class should not exceed 10 academic hours per week. (Table 3 of Appendix 3 "Hygienic recommendations for the lesson schedule")

Is more than one test per day allowed?

Item 10.8.

What are the norms for the maximum load on students?

Hygienic requirements for the maximum total weekly educational load of students (appendix to SanPiN)

The maximum load is indicated in academic hours (1 ac = 45 min.)

Classes 6 day week
(no more)
5 day week
(no more)
1 - 21
2 — 4 26 23
5 32 29
6 33 30
7 35 32
8 — 9 36 33
10 — 11 37 34

The specified workload includes mandatory scheduled lessons and additional classes.

Extracurricular activities in any class should not exceed 10 academic hours per week. The program of extracurricular activities can be implemented both during the school week and during holidays, on weekends and non-working days. holidays. However, extracurricular activities should be a voluntary choice of the student, that is, it is not an obligatory part of the educational process.

Is it possible to have double lessons?

P. 10.8 SanPiN

Double lessons are not allowed only in the primary grades. An exception is physical education lessons when the lesson is held on skis or in the pool.

At what temperature can you exercise outside?

P. 10.23, table 1 "Recommendations for conducting physical education classes, depending onon temperature and wind speed, in some climaticzones Russian Federation outdoors in winterperiod of the year"

In autumn and spring - at any temperature. The main thing is that there is no rain.

Air temperature and wind speed at which outdoor activities are allowed:

Climate zone


no wind

at wind speed
up to 5 m/s

at wind speed
6-10 m/s

at wind speed
more than 10 m/s

Northern part of the Russian Federation
(Krasnoyarsk region, Omsk region, etc.)
up to 12 years -10 -11 ºC -6 -7 ºC -3 -4 ºC Classes
not held
12-13 years old -12ºC -8 ºC -5ºC
14-15 years old -15ºC -12ºC -8 ºC
16-17 years old -16ºC -15ºC -10ºC
In the conditions of the Arctic
(Murmansk region)
up to 12 years -11 -13 ºC -7 -9 ºC -4 -5 ºC Classes
not held
12-13 years old -15ºC -11ºC -8 ºC
14-15 years old -18ºC -15ºC -11ºC
16-17 years old -21ºC -18ºC -13ºC
The middle lane of the Russian Federation up to 12 years -9ºC -6ºC -3ºC Classes
not held
12-13 years old -12ºC -8 ºC -5ºC
14-15 years old -15ºC -12ºC -8 ºC
16-17 years old -16ºC -15ºC -10ºC

For Primorsky Krai, there are separate norms depending on the season.

Where can I complain about violations of sanitary standards at school?

Rospotrebnadzor directly monitors compliance with the norms of sanitary rules. You can call there, or file a written complaint personally or on behalf of several parents, or write an appeal electronically from the website of the Rospotrebnadzor administration in your region.

Some issues of finding children in school are also regulated by the departments of education of the regions. Appeals there are also accepted in three forms.

If it is impossible or unwilling to solve the problem with the help of officials, contacting the prosecutor's office helps.

The office of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in your region can help with solving a systemic problem.


Information about the distribution of the teaching load in general education schools The regional department of the department posted on its website.

Since the beginning of the school year, the department has received many questions from parents about the organization of the educational process and the distribution of the workload of students in schools, the report says. Hygienic requirements for the educational process in schools are regulated by the document "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions."

The number of hours allotted for classroom and extracurricular activities should not in aggregate exceed the maximum weekly load.

In institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceums and gymnasiums, training is carried out only in the first shift. In institutions operating in two shifts, teaching of the first, fifth, final ninth and 11th grades and classes of compensatory education should also be organized in the first shift.

The volume of the maximum allowable load during the day is:

- for first grade students - no more than four lessons and one day a week - no more than five lessons, at the expense of a physical education lesson;

- for pupils of the second-fourth grades - no more than five lessons and six lessons once a week at the expense of a physical education lesson during a six-day school week;

- for students of the fifth-sixth grades - no more than six lessons;

- for students of the seventh-eleventh grades - no more than seven lessons.

Scientific research has established that the optimal level of mental performance in children of school age falls on the interval of 10:00 - 12:00. During these hours, the greatest efficiency of assimilation of the material is noted at the lowest psychophysiological costs of the body. Therefore, for first-grade students, the most difficult subjects must be taught in the second lesson; second-fourth grades - at the second-third lessons; for students of the fifth-eleventh grades - in the second-fourth lessons.

The mental performance of schoolchildren is not the same on different days of the week. The level of efficiency increases towards the middle of the week and remains low at the beginning of the school week, on Monday, and at the end, that is, on Friday. Therefore, the distribution of the study load during the week is built in such a way that its largest volume falls on Tuesday or Wednesday.

The duration of the lesson in all classes should not exceed 45 minutes, with the exception of the first class. The training of "first-graders" should be carried out in compliance with additional requirements:

- training sessions are held on a five-day school week and only on the first shift;

- a "stepped" training mode is used: in September, October - three lessons a day for 35 minutes each, in November-December - four lessons for 35 minutes each; in January-May - four lessons of 45 minutes each;

- training is carried out without scoring the knowledge of students and homework;

- additional weekly holidays are introduced in the middle of the third quarter under the traditional mode of study.

The duration of the breaks between lessons should be at least ten minutes; to organize the nutrition of children after the second and third lessons, two breaks of 20 minutes each are established.

To meet the biological need for movement, regardless of the age of schoolchildren, it is recommended to conduct at least three physical education lessons per week. Physical education is recommended to be placed among the last lessons. After them, there are no lessons with written assignments and tests.

The department clarifies that in case of violation of these requirements in schools, you can apply in writing to the Rospotrebnadzor department for the Tomsk region: the institution will be checked for compliance with its activities with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.