Approximate schedule of speech therapy classes. Approximate schedule of speech therapy classes Schedule of classes of a speech therapist teacher in a secondary school

Each stage of speech development has its own characteristics, and sometimes it is difficult for parents to understand what a child needs speech therapist. However, diagnosis and correction is a matter for specialists, and dads and moms need to pay attention to alarming "bells" in time.

  1. Age group 2.5-3.5 years. The kid is in no hurry to speak or his speech consists of single interjections. He does not perceive the appeal to him, does not understand the words denoting objects or close people.
  2. Milestone 4 - 5 years. At this age, distortions of phonemes are alarming. Nasal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation of hissing sounds (the baby lisps), throat sound "r", speech - "porridge". In words, the child rearranges syllables in words, skips or adds new ones.
  3. Over 5 and under 6 years old. It is difficult for children to coordinate words in sentences; there are the above sound defects. Rhythmic speech disorders (fast/slow, quiet/loud), stuttering.
  4. Junior students 7-8 years old. Difficulty in reading, mastering writing (mistakes, poor handwriting). Poor vocabulary.

If you have at least one of the symptoms, do not hesitate to contact speech therapist. If you miss the moment, children are waiting for peer ridicule, learning difficulties. Severe defects affect the psycho-emotional development or are their consequences. Elementary attention to the peculiarities of the development of the baby will protect from a heap of problems.

What is the aid for?

Family Center "Planet" provides assistance with the following speech therapy disorders in children:

  • general underdevelopment of speech;
  • psycho-speech dysfunction;
  • sound defects;
  • phonation disorders;
  • tempo-rhythmic speech disorders, including stuttering;
  • intonation-timbral defects;
  • writing and reading disorders.

Problems may have medical "roots" or be at the intersection of psychology and education. Therefore, the speech pathologist needs to identify real reasons speech defects.

How a speech therapist works with children

Correction takes place exclusively in the form individual lessons. Preliminary speech therapy examination of the child is carried out:

  • the level of development of speech is established;
  • kindergarten drawings and works, school notebooks are studied;
  • speech defects are detected;
  • the speech apparatus is examined, the conclusions of doctors are analyzed.

If the problems are severe, an additional examination in the clinic, a consultation with a psychologist may be required. Troublesome, but the root of the problem will be established. Only now the speech therapist is correctional program and schedule of activities with the child.

Directions of logopedic correction in the Planet club

Correction of speech defects is primarily an individual work of a speech therapist with a child, including:

  • formation of the basis of speech skills - replenishment of the vocabulary, building language structures;
  • hearing and speech rehabilitation;
  • staging speech voice, articulation and respiratory function;
  • work on sounds and word structure;
  • development fine motor skills hands;
  • development phonemic perception("speech" hearing);
  • learning to read and write;
  • disinhibition of the speech of non-speaking children (from 3 years of age).

The individual program depends on the age and general development of the child. The younger our visitor is, the more game elements are used by the speech therapist: music, logorhythmics, group games, learning poetry.

Now specialists are recruiting children from 4 years old. Reception is by appointment. Classes are held twice a week on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Call the club and choose the time for the first consultation with a speech therapist.

A lesson with elements of fairy tale therapy for children of the middle speech therapy group "A fairy tale came to visit us" Compiled by: Pashkova Irina Ivanovna Educator of the MBDOU kindergarten of a combined type No. 12. Theme: "A fairy tale has come to visit us."

A lesson with elements of fairy tale therapy for children of the middle speech therapy group "A fairy tale has come to visit us" Compiled by: Pashkova Irina Ivanovna Educator MBDOU kindergarten combination type...

Abstract of a correctional and developmental lesson in the senior speech therapy group of the MDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 131"

Correctional and developmental lesson in the senior speech therapy group on the lexical topic "Insects"...

An integrated lesson in the preparatory speech therapy group of a kindergarten of a combined type. Topic: "Mysteries of the winter months"

Lesson objectives: Exercise in dialogic speech. Strengthening the ability of children to independently ask questions to the picture; Improving the ability to grammatically correctly compose 4-5-word sentences; Complete ...

Individual speech therapy lesson for children with OHP on sound automation [s] using ICT MBDOU "Lyambir kindergarten No. 3 of the combined type" RM Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson for children of senior preschool age with

The abstract contains a detailed presentation of the course of speech therapy classes. It includes corrective actions. The lesson contains stages of work that are interconnected. Speech material - used ...

The work program of the teacher-speech therapist "Correction of general underdevelopment in children aged 5-6 years in the conditions of the speech therapy group of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 77" EMR of the Saratov region

Presented working programm speech therapist teacher MBDOU "Kindergarten of combined type No. 77" EMR of the Saratov region ...

A comprehensive open lesson for a mixed-age group of a combined type "And the saved world remembers"

The recording of the song “A long time ago there was a war” sounds, children enter, take their places ... Leading. It all started back in 1941. All the people, young and old, rose to the defense...

Many parents, sending a child with speech defects to school, expect that a speech therapist will work with him there. However, this is often not feasible for quite objective reasons. Let's get acquainted with how a speech therapist works at school.

Organization of the work of a speech therapist in a regular school

IN general education school a logopoint is organized. Often it is one for several nearby educational institutions and serves 25 primary school. A speech therapist works 20 hours a week, that is, his working day lasts 4 hours. The vacancy of a speech therapist at school is an excellent start in a career and young specialists are happy to occupy it. There are many diligent and obligatory among them, but often the ambitions inherent in youth prevent them from consulting with a more experienced specialist in time and from communicating with their parents.

    conducts diagnostics of deviations of speech development in children;

    corrects violations of oral and written speech, helping schoolchildren to learn educational material;

    conducts activities aimed at preventing speech disorders in students;

    a speech therapist for parents and teachers conducts thematic classes that help them to work more skillfully with children with speech disorders.

Information for parents

    If a speech therapist did not enroll your child in classes at a speech center in the first half of September, then there is very little chance that this will be done later. At the same time, you have every right to consult a speech therapist and decide on the need for classes with a specialist outside of school.

    A speech therapist is available free of charge at children's clinics, but there can be a long queue. The choice of paid classes is quite wide. Here it is better to focus on reviews and come to a speech therapist who has a formed positive image.

    You can use the services of our Speech Center to find a suitable specialist working near you or ask a question to practicing speech therapists.

at 20 __/__uch. year

Working hours:

Monday - Friday from 13:00 to 17:00

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
13.00- 13.40 I - 1 OHP II - 1 FFNR: dysgraphia I - 1 OHP II - 1 FFNR: dysgraphia I - 1 OHP
13.55- 14.35 I- 2 OHP III - 1 FFNR: dysgraphia I - 2 OHP III - 1 FFNR: dysgraphia I - 2 OHP
14.50- 15.30 II - 1 OHP: dysgraphia III - 2 FFNR: dysgraphia II - 1 OHP: dysgraphia III - 2 FFNR: dysgraphia II - 1 OHP: dysgraphia
15.45- 16.25 ONR II ur. development speech ind. class ONR II ur. development speech ind. class ONR II ur. development speech ind. class ONR II ur. development speech ind. class
16.35- 16.55 ONR II ur. development speech ind. class ONR II ur. development speech ind. class ONR II ur. development speech ind. class ONR II ur. development speech ind. class ONR II ur. development speech ind. class

Speech therapy center at school No. 337

Speech therapist: Gorbachevskaya Natalia Yurievna

Symbols: Roman numerals indicate the distribution of children by class, Arabic - numbers of subgroups. For example: II - 1 - second class, subgroup No. 1.

Passport of a speech therapy room presents a small notebook in which all the equipment in the office is recorded, visual, educational and teaching aids, textbooks and methodical literature. Instead of a speech therapy room passport, a speech therapist can compile a file cabinet.

The passport of the speech therapy room or file cabinet is compiled regardless of whether the speech therapy center is located in a separate room or occupies part of the classroom or part of any other room.

Report on the preventive and corrective educational work done for the academic year, the teacher-speech therapist makes three copies at the end of the school year: two copies are handed over to the senior speech therapist or inspector of the district department (department) of education, and the third remains at the speech center.

Document retention periods

The following items are subject to storage at the speech therapy center: Attendance register speech therapy classes, Journal of examination of oral and written speech of students, speech cards of the examination of oral and written speech, notebooks for verification work, a report on the work done during the academic year and a passport or file cabinet of a speech therapy room.

The journal of attendance at speech therapy classes, speech cards, copies of reports for the year are stored at the speech therapy center until the full release from the speech center of all students listed in this journal, i.e. at least two years. The same number of notebooks for verification work are kept.

The journal of examination of the oral and written speech of students is kept at the speech therapy center until the end of school by all the students listed in it. Such a long period of storage is due to the fact that the Journal of Examination of Oral and Written Speech of Students is a document in which all students attached to this speech therapy station and having speech disorders are recorded, and notes are made on the measures taken in relation to these children. In the practice of speech therapy work, there are often cases when it becomes necessary to establish whether a particular child with speech disorders was identified in time, and what kind of assistance was provided to him. Therefore, information about students with speech disorders should be kept by a speech therapist teacher during the entire time these children study at schools attached to this speech therapy center.

The passport of the speech therapy room or the file cabinet is constantly at the speech therapy center.



The successful implementation of correctional work depends on the contact of a speech therapist teacher with primary school teachers.

Very often, a speech therapist teacher is faced with the fact that the teacher meets his appearance in the classroom with caution. This happens because teachers, especially those of the older generation, misunderstand the purpose of speech therapy work at school. They believe that a speech therapist is only concerned with correcting sound pronunciation in children, and they do not understand why a speech therapist takes students to classes who pronounce all sounds correctly. On this basis, conflicts arise between a speech therapist and a primary school teacher.

To prevent this from happening, the speech therapist teacher must speak at one of the pedagogical councils and tell in detail about the types of speech disorders that occur in schoolchildren; about how these speech disorders affect the successful assimilation of children-logopaths curricula in all subjects, especially mother tongue and reading. In his report, the speech therapist also talks about the content of correctional work, its organization, how correctional work is connected with the program of training in the native language and reading. Practice shows that primary school teachers, having become more familiar with the goals and objectives of speech therapy work at school, begin to treat the work of a speech therapist objectively and with interest.

During the academic year, a speech therapist teacher, if necessary, can attend methodological associations of primary school teachers and make their reports. The speech therapist thoroughly and thoroughly acquaints primary school teachers with the specifics and types of speech disorders that make it difficult for students to successfully master reading and writing, and draws the attention of teachers to the need for a differentiated approach to underachieving students. It is desirable in such reports to rely on examples of speech disorders of specific students of a given school.

At methodological associations, it is advisable to tell primary school teachers about the methods and techniques of speech therapy work, because often primary school teachers are willing to adopt certain methods of speech therapy and successfully use them in the classroom.

The speech therapist must necessarily bring to the attention of primary school teachers that students with speech development disorders, but with intact intelligence and hearing, are enrolled at the speech therapy station. If there is a child in the class who has a reduced intelligence or hearing, then referring him to a specialist doctor and taking him to special school the teacher is engaged, since it is he who works with this child, observes him daily and can characterize him comprehensively. And if such a student studied at a speech center, the speech therapist writes a description of him and gives it to the teacher to attach to the child's documents. In this case, a speech therapist can assist the teacher in transferring a child from a public school to a special one.

For a more detailed acquaintance of primary school teachers with the specifics of speech therapy work, a speech therapist can give them one or more open classes.

A speech therapist should be well aware of the content and methods of teaching the native language and reading, as well as what topics and at what time are studied in the classroom, so that in their classes they must take into account the level of program requirements for the native language and reading.

Memo for the teacher

One of the most important conditions for corrective work is the development of unity of requirements for a speech pathologist student on the part of a teacher and a speech therapist. The speech therapist must make every effort to convince the teacher of the need to evaluate the work of the speech pathologist student very carefully and carefully. The fact is that these students, with all their desire and diligence, are not able to complete assignments, especially written ones, in accordance with the norms adopted at school. The task of the speech therapist, firstly, is to draw the teacher's attention to the fact that errors of a logopathic nature should not be counted when evaluating the student's work, and secondly, to teach the teacher to distinguish between a logopathic error and an error due to the fact that the student did not learn this or that grammar rule. . It is advisable to prepare and distribute to teachers a memo table with a list of logopathic errors and indications of what type of speech impairment they are caused by.

I. Errors due to the lack of formation of phonemic processes and auditory perception:

1) omission of letters and syllables - “passed” (forgave), “greedy” (greedy), “ishka” (toy);

2) permutation of letters and syllables - “onko” (window), “zvyal” (took), “peperisal” (rewrote), “natuspila” (came);

3) omission of letters and syllables - “deeds” (did), “shovels” (shovel), “swollen” (swollen);

4) building up words with extra letters and syllables - “tarava” (grass), “cathorae” (which), “bababushka” (grandmother), “klukikva” (cranberry);

5) distortion of the word - “naotukh” (hunting), “khabab” (brave), “pikes” (cheeks), “speki” (from a hemp);

6) continuous spelling of words and their arbitrary division - “nasto” (by a hundred), “hanging” (hanging on the wall), “at the station” (tired);

7) the inability to determine the boundaries of the sentence in the text, the continuous writing of sentences - “My father is a driver. The job of a driver is difficult; a driver needs to do well. Know the car after school I do too. I will be a driver";

8) replacement of one letter with another - "trick" (three); “At the worm” (at the crossbill), “telpan” (tulip), “caps” (boots);

9) violation of mitigation of consonants - “cornflowers” ​​(cornflowers), “smali” (crumpled), “kon” (horse).

II. Errors due to the lack of formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech:

1) agrammatism - “Sasha and Lena are picking flowers. The children sat on large chairs. Five little yellow chicks” (five little yellow chickens);

2) continuous spelling of prepositions and separate spelling of prefixes - “in the pocket”, “when they flew”, “in the green” (took), “on the road”.

In addition, in order to avoid misunderstandings, primary school teachers should be aware that in their classes, a speech therapist evaluates the work of students in a very specific way. Evaluation in a speech therapy lesson is primarily based on the psychological and pedagogical parameters of the student's work, i.e. for attentiveness during the entire lesson, activity, desire to work and the number of independently discovered and corrected mistakes, and not made by him. Therefore, a student who performs poorly in class can receive positive marks in speech therapy classes. The speech therapist must convince the teacher that the creation of a favorable psychological climate for the speech pathologist student in the classroom is much more important than the normative assessment.

A speech therapist teacher, at the request of the parents, can issue a certificate to a child who systematically attends classes in order to help the primary school teacher or the Russian language teacher correctly evaluate the student's written work (dictations, compositions, presentations) taking into account speech diagnosis. Help sample:

speech therapy room

school number 337 in the Nevsky district

St. Petersburg


Given to Sergei Bogdanov born on September 13, 1995, a student of 2 "A" class 337 of the school, living at the address: st. Babushkina, d. 117, building 1, apt. 41, in that on September 5, 2003, he turned to a speech therapist at the speech therapy center at school No. 337 with complaints about difficulties in mastering the 2nd grade program in the Russian language.

He was examined and with a diagnosis of "FFNR: complex dysgraphia with a predominance of phonemic recognition disorders (acoustic) and elements of optical dysgraphia" was enrolled in a speech therapy group, where he has been studying from 15.09.03 to the present.

Given the systematically ongoing work, I recommend not to take into account errors of a logopathic nature when evaluating a student's work.

You can study according to the program of a comprehensive school in the Russian language for the 2nd grade.

Speech therapist: __________________ (Gorbachevskaya N.Yu.)


In order to implement an integrated approach to the correction of speech disorders in children, effective continuity is needed in the work of two very important links - preschool and school speech therapy services. Their close interaction will help speech therapists of preschool institutions, on the one hand, more clearly present the difficulties that children with speech disorders have in the process of studying at school, and get acquainted with the direction and methods of corrective work at the school speech therapy center, and on the other hand, it is most expedient and purposefully build their work in order to prevent these difficulties and reduce them to a minimum. In turn, school speech therapists, having become better acquainted with the work of their colleagues, will not spend school time for duplication of those topics that have already been mastered by children in the speech therapy group of the kindergarten.

It is very important that correctional work with children with speech disorders be carried out strictly in stages, so that all stages are interconnected and flow from one another.

Under these conditions, the number of dysgraphic children in schools will inevitably decrease.

The relationship in the work of speech therapists of school speech therapy centers and speech therapists of preschool institutions is carried out by holding joint methodological associations, at which organizational, methodological issues are resolved and best practices are studied.

Organizational issues include, first of all, the issue of staffing speech therapy groups at school logo stations.

Speech therapists of preschool institutions at the end of the school year (until May 15) find out which schools in the district their children will go to, compile lists of children indicating the last name, first name, home phone number or address, the number of the school where the child will study, and a speech therapy conclusion on the moment of graduation from the speech therapy group of the kindergarten. After May 15, these data are transferred to speech therapists of school speech therapy centers so that the correctional work begun with children at preschool age continues at school.


Great help in the work of a speech therapist teacher can be provided by the parents of students studying at a speech therapy center.

The first time a speech therapist meets with the parents of students enrolled in a speech center is in mid-September, when, after the final grouping and scheduling of classes, he convenes the first parent-teacher meeting. Practice shows that the majority of parents do not know what speech therapists do with their children. Moreover, other parents have a negative attitude to the fact that their children are enrolled in a speech therapy center, and conflicts arise on this basis.

If the parents of the child still refuse to study with a speech therapist for one reason or another, it is advisable to ask them to sign a waiver of classes in order to avoid conflict situations in the future. “But no one told us anything,” parents often say, who have been repeatedly warned about their child’s speech problems even at preschool age, or demand that the child be enrolled in a speech therapy group when the enrollment is already completed and all groups have been formed. Refusal sample:

Speech therapist at a speech therapy center

at school No. _________________

from ___________________________

residing at:




I refuse a place in the speech development and correction group at the speech center at school No. ____ for my son (my daughter) __________________________

study _______ class of school No. ________ in connection with _________


___ is familiar with the speech diagnosis of the child. Recommendations received. ABOUT possible consequences warned ___.

"___" _____________ 20___ Signature ________________________________

In order not to arise conflict situations, a speech therapist already at the beginning of September comes to class parent meetings, introduces himself to parents and very briefly reports on the goals and objectives of his work. In particular, the speech therapist says that phonemic and lexical and grammatical speech disorders are not always accompanied by a violation of sound pronunciation and therefore parents do not notice them. However, these violations most seriously affect the child's assimilation of the school curriculum, are often the reason that he consistently fails in a number of subjects, and in the most severe cases, even the question arises of the impossibility of his education in a public school. Such complications can be avoided if the child is given special remedial classes aimed at correcting defects in speech development. During the presentation, it is desirable that the speech therapist gives one or two examples from his practice. Having thus obtained the most general information about the work of a speech therapist, parents with great attention and interest will treat the invitation to Parent meeting at the logopoint.

The speech therapist informs the teacher about the date and time of the parent meeting, and the teacher passes this information to the parents. It is better if the speech therapist himself informs the parents about the upcoming meeting by phone or a note. Notes indicating the date, time and place of the parent meeting are given to each student (it is better for first grade students to put notes in a briefcase or jacket pocket).

At the meeting, the speech therapist gets to know the parents, talks in detail about phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical speech disorders, about what type of speech disorder was detected in a particular child and what learning difficulties are possible in connection with this speech disorder. It is very useful to let parents look at the written work of dysgraphic children so that they can clearly see the consequences of phonemic and lexico-grammatical speech disorders.

Next, the speech therapist reports on the composition of groups and subgroups, the schedule of classes. It is necessary to draw the attention of parents to the fact that they "are equally responsible for attending speech therapy classes with their children, along with the teacher."

Then the speech therapist talks about what the students of each group will do during the year at the speech center. He also informs the parents of first-graders about what the children will do in the second year of correctional work, lists the items that the children will need for speech therapy classes. In conclusion, the speech therapist talks about the speech regime in the family, in particular, that parents need to contribute as actively as possible to the accumulation vocabulary children. Here you need to tell parents that you can’t force a speech pathologist child to rewrite several times homework, in order to achieve accuracy and correctness of execution, one should not allow him to sit on his homework for more than the time established by sanitary standards - 1 hour in the 1st grade, 1-1.5 hours in the 2nd-4th grades, and this time includes doing all homework - both written and oral, and for work and drawing.

Parents should be aware that speech pathologist children, as a rule, master the reading technique with great difficulty, therefore it is advisable for an adult to first read the text that is given for home reading, then ask a few questions about what was read, and only after that let the child read the text on his own. At the same time, it is useful to give the child a small pointer in his hand so that he leads it through the text. This technique will significantly reduce the stress that a child-logopath experiences when reading an unfamiliar text.

At the same meeting, the speech therapist informs parents that in the course of speech therapy work, it sometimes becomes necessary to consult a child with a specialist doctor (psycho-neurologist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist). This is done primarily in the interests of the child, in order to comprehensively study his personality and choose the best option for correcting the shortcomings of his development.

Next, the speech therapist turns to the parents, whose children will be engaged in the correction of sound pronunciation. He explains that these children should have special diary notebooks in which the speech therapist will write down exercises to consolidate the material they have learned. If the material is not consolidated, then, firstly, the necessary efficiency in the work will not be achieved, and secondly, the period of corrective work with the child will be significantly lengthened.

Then the speech therapist informs that he will conduct systematic consultations-conversations for parents, names the days and times of such consultations.

During the school year, the speech therapist constantly maintains contact with parents, periodically informing them about the success or failure of their children. If the child, being present in the classroom at the lessons, does not appear at the speech therapy lesson, the speech therapist informs the student's parents and the teacher about this.

Especially close contact is necessary for a speech therapist with the parents of those students who are engaged in correcting sound pronunciation. If a child comes to class several times with unfinished homework, the speech therapist calls the parents to school and carefully understands the reasons why this is happening. If the reasons are good enough, the speech therapist should try to help the parents. Parents should always feel that a speech therapist is not just a mechanical performer of duties, but a person who takes the fate of their children to heart and is always ready to help. It must be remembered that the authority of a speech therapist largely depends on the attitude of the students' parents towards him.

A speech therapist should be especially tactful and careful if it becomes necessary to consult a child with a psychoneurologist or neuropathologist. As a rule, parents perceive such proposals very painfully, therefore, in a conversation, a speech therapist requires maximum goodwill, the ability to convince parents of the need for such a consultation. Here you can not act by brute pressure. Parents need to prove that for the most successful work with their child, for choosing exactly those methodological techniques that will give the greatest effect, the speech therapist should know psychological features his personality, that only a specialist doctor can give the necessary recommendations, and if necessary, help, for his part, to reinforce the pedagogical impact with drug treatment.

At the end of the school year, the speech therapist again invites all parents to the final parent meeting, at which he informs the parents about the results of his work with students, about who no longer needs the help of a speech therapist, and who is left to continue corrective work. Here it is advisable to compare the level of speech development of children upon admission to the speech center and after the work carried out with them; clearly, on concrete examples, show the results of corrective work. Because the Comparative characteristics each child will take a long time, we can only talk about the most difficult children or those students who have not made noticeable progress. It is necessary to note the work of the parents themselves, their specific assistance to the speech therapist.

The second half of the meeting can be devoted to recommendations for activities with children in the summer. First of all, remind parents that it is impossible to stop classes with children to correct sound pronunciation, otherwise the work done during the school year may go down the drain: insufficiently automated sounds may be “lost” and work on their production will have to be started all over again.

During the summer, parents can work on the accumulation of an active vocabulary and the development of coherent speech for their children. This is greatly facilitated by summer travels, new impressions received by children during trips. It is only necessary to constantly draw the attention of children to the environment. If a child goes to a health camp, it is very important to ensure that he writes letters as often as possible, telling what surrounds him, what he does, where he goes, etc.


Annex 1

1. Surname, name, date of birth: _________________________________

2. School, class: _________________________ Home address: _________________________________________________________________

3. Full name parents ___________________________________________

4. Home phone __________________________________________

5. Work phone ____________________________________________

6. General history.

From which pregnancy __________________ childbirth _________________

The nature of pregnancy (toxicosis I 1/2, II 1/2, falls, injuries, psychosis, chronic diseases, influenza, rubella, anemia, threatened miscarriage) ________________________________________________________

Childbirth (early, urgent, fast, rapid, protracted, dehydrated).

Stimulation (mechanical, electrical, chemical, was not).

Scream (was, not immediately, was not).

Asphyxia (white, blue, no).

Birth weight ____________________, length __________________

Was discharged from the hospital on __________________________________ day

Reason for the delay _____________________________________________

Early psychomotor development.

Holds head (before 3 months or after) __________________________

Sitting (before 7 months or after) __________________________________

Walking (before 1 year and 3 months or after) __________________________

First teeth with ________________________________________________

7. Diseases.

Up to 1 year (rubella, measles, whooping cough, jaundice, pneumonia, etc.) __________________________________________________________________

After 1 year __________________________________________________

Infections __________________________________________________________

Bruises, head injuries ____________________________________________

Convulsions at high temperature ______________________________

8. Speech history.

Cooing with _________________ Babble with _____________________First

words _____________________ First phrases ______________________

9. Did you attend kindergarten (speech or mass group) ___________________________________________ with what diagnosis __________________________________________________________________

did the child study with a speech therapist in the clinic, individually __________________________________________________________________

Results ___________________________________________________

10. The speech environment of the child (are there stutterers in the family, with speech defects, bilingual, who started talking late) __________________________


11. Progress in the Russian language _____________________________

Complaints of parents, teachers _____________________________________

12. Conclusion of a psychoneurologist (whether the child was observed by a neurologist, for how long) __________________________________________

13. Cause (PEP, MMD, enuresis, tics, dysarthria, increased intracranial pressure, neuroses).

14. General motor skills ___________________________________________

Coordination of small movements of the fingers _______________________

15. Leading hand (right, left). Are there left-handed, retrained left-handers in the family?

16. State of biological hearing (No., diseases) _________


17. State of vision (No., diseases) _____________________

18. Features of your child (isolation, resentment, aggressiveness, insecurity, etc.) ___________________________________

Timetable of classes: __________________________________________

Parents, along with teachers, are responsible for attending speech therapy classes with their children.

Date completed _________ Signature of parents ____________________

19. Coherent speech.

general characteristics speech (according to age level) _______________________________________________________________

Level of self-narration _________________________

Types of offers used _______________________________

The choice of words and the correct use of them ____________________


Difficulties in constructing a phrase (yes, no) _______________________

The general sound of speech (pitch, tempo, fluency, voice, breathing, intonation) _________________________________________________

20. The sound side of speech.

Articulation apparatus: structure ____________________________,

motor function _______________________________________________

Absence of sounds _____________________________________________

Mixing sounds ______________________________________________

Sound replacement (reflected, in independent speech) _________________


Distortion of pronunciation ______________________________________

The syllabic structure of the word _______________________________________

Sound analysis and synthesis (for which group or several groups of phonemes there are violations) ______________________________________________


General characteristics of the vocabulary (ratio of active and passive vocabulary) ___________________________.

The name of the parts of the whole ____________________________________________

Generalizing concepts _____________________________________________

Name of action ____________________________________________

Selection of a definition for the word _____________________________________

Selection of synonyms ____________________________________________

Selection of antonyms ____________________________________________

Selection of related cognate words _________________________


The use of various parts of speech (adverbs, relative adjectives, etc. - note) ____________________________________

21. Grammatical structure of speech.

Inflections (if any, which ones) ____________________________

Word formations (if any, which ones) _____________________

Syntax (types of construction of sentences and features of violation of their structure) _______________________________________________________

Compliance with the age level _______________________________

Phrases (use of various types of phrases: agreement, control, adjunction) ______________________________


Understanding grammatical forms and constructions __________________


Understanding the text (factology and hidden meaning) __________________


Other features _____________________________________________

22. Letter.

Graphics Features __________________________________________

Specific errors (cheating, dictation, independent work) _______________________________________________

The presence of non-specific errors _______________________________

23. Reading.

Reading technique (global, analytical, letter-by-letter, syllable-by-syllable, continuous, etc.) _____________________________________________________

Reading pace (out loud, to yourself) ___________________________________

Reading comprehension _______________________________________

Characteristics of errors ________________________________________

Features of speech associated with stuttering ________________________

Date of enrollment at the speech therapy center ________________________

24. Speech therapy conclusion upon admission to the speech center __________________________________________________________________

25. The result of corrective work after the first year of study __________________________________________________________________

26. Speech therapy conclusion before the second year of work _________


27. The result of work after the second year of study __________________


28. Consultations with medical specialists: _________________________


Date of issue ____________ Signature of speech therapist ____________________


End of table

The class schedule is drawn up by September 15 and is certified by the administration of the preschool institution. It may be accompanied schedule for children to attend individual classes, which indicates the approximate number of classes per week with a particular child, the time, for example:

A speech therapist teacher conducts at least 6 individual lessons daily, the duration of each of which is determined by

depends on the structure of the speech disorder, but cannot exceed 15-20 minutes. The teacher-speech therapist can take children for individual lessons from any lesson of the educator, music director, physical education instructor. Attendance by children of individual lessons is recorded in the journal. Example of registration in register of attendance by children of individual classes:

pp F. I. children September
I-v Oleg + + + n
Quantity Ira + + + + + +
Mr. Ivan n n + + + +

The form and number of classes varies depending on the year and period of study. On first year of study speech therapy classes with children with ONR (first level of speech development) conducted individually or in small subgroups. This is due to the fact that children do not fully understand speech, they learn instructions addressed personally to them. It is also necessary to take into account the specific features of their mental activity. Therefore, speech therapy classes in the first period of training are conducted in the form of a game involving favorite puppet characters and are aimed at developing understanding of speech, active imitative speech activity, attention, memory, and thinking.

The number of children in subgroups in the first year of study varies at the discretion of the speech therapist (from 2-3 to 5-6 people). At the beginning of the school year, the number of children in a subgroup may be less than at the end of the school year.

With children with OHP (second and third levels of speech development) group and private lessons are held. The main goal of individual lessons is to prepare children for active speech activity in subgroup classes. At individual speech therapy classes, work is carried out to activate and develop differentiated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus; under-

heating of the articulation base for the assimilation of missing fats; staging of missing sounds, their discrimination or hearing and the initial stage of automation at the level of i chogs, words. When selecting the content of classes, not only the level of speech development is taken into account, but also the form speech disorders(motor alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia).

When compiling calendar plan work on week-chi, the type of lesson is determined (by the formation of lexical-11\u003e e m of the mathematical means of the language and the development of coherent speech; by the formation of the pronunciation side of speech), its theme, tasks, short plan. The speech therapist focuses on program content. As a rule, within 1-2 weeks, a speech therapist and other specialists of a preschool institution organize the study of a certain lexical topic, which contributes to the successful accumulation of speech means and their use by children in communication chains. Themessubgroup lessons on the formation of lexical and grnmatic means of the language and the development of coherent speech, rt also some individual lessons, for example, with children with alalia (at the initial stages of correctional education) - lexical (“Family”, “Flowers”, etc.). Examples of the wording of the topics of subgroup lessons on the formation of the pronunciation side of speech and individual lessons: “Vowels ...”, “Sound from”, “Sounds m, n".

Special attention should refer to the definition tasks pogopedic work. It is known that the content of the teacher's activity, and, consequently, its results, depends on the clarity of setting madachs. The nature of the tasks set determines one or another content of the lesson, its structure, and not vice versa. The task of the lesson should be specific and diagnostic, i.e. the teacher-speech therapist sets the task of forming a certain skill in children, the degree of mastery of which at the end of the lesson can be realistically assessed (for planning work in subsequent classes, making adjustments and additions to advanced planning). In this sense, such formulations of tasks as “improve auditory perception”, “develop speech breathing”, “develop coherent speech using

I use schemes”, “learn to distinguish sounds in words, sentences”, “fix the dictionary on the topic “Pets”, etc. As examples of defining the tasks of speech therapy classes, the following can be given: “to form the ability to distribute air in the process of speech”, “to form the ability to reproduce simple rhythms with the help of claps and tapping”, “to form the ability to determine the first sound in words like tap",“to develop the ability to form verbs in a prefixed way based on a sample”, “to form the ability to ask questions using ready-made answers”, etc. It should be remembered that in speech therapy work the achievement of results is possible under the condition of systematic, phased and consistent. The goals of work determined by the methodology at a specific planning stage (month, week) should be as specific as possible. For example, work on the development of auditory perception consists in the consistent formation of a number of skills: identify a sounding object; correlate the nature of the sound with differentiated movements; memorize and reproduce a number of sounds; recognize and distinguish non-speech sounds by loudness and duration, etc. Having determined during the examination the child’s ability to distinguish sounds by ear, a speech therapist can set specific tasks for the development of auditory perception for a series of classes.

Plan form individual work with kids(for each month or week of the current month) can be represented as follows:

When planning work, a speech therapist should take into account that severe speech disorders to one degree or another (depending on the nature of the speech disorder) negatively affect everything mental development child. Inadequate speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of the cognitive activity of children in general: they have a decrease in verbal memory; memory productivity suffers, verbal-logical thinking; there are insufficient stability of attention, low mental capacity. In children with speech disorders, the originality of the emotional-volitional sphere is often noted, which is reflected in increased excitability, irritability, negativism, aggression, etc. That is why in logopedic-II,<>In this work, two interrelated directions should be implemented: correction of the actual speech disorder and prevention, overcoming secondary deviations from the cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres.

The success of speech therapy classes is determined not only by their content, but also organizational (spatial, subject and etc.) conditions their implementation.

In the space of an office for speech therapy classes (for group and individual lessons), three zones are traditionally distinguished:

The zone in which the wall mirror becomes the space-organizing element of the impulse (in front of which a significant part of individual lessons on staging and automating sounds, mimic gymnastics and other exercises are carried out), i should think over the lighting of the mirror during classes;

A zone for subgroup classes, which is formed from headboards and chairs for children, typesetting canvas, flannelgraph / noirolinograph, wall boards (slate, magnetic) and m. It is desirable that there is a round table in the office. If not, then you can move tables or arrange chairs in a circle so that the children are placed facing each other, which is important for interaction;

The area of ​​the workplace of a speech therapist, consisting of a speech therapist, cabinets for visual aids, books, etc., a bridge for a tape recorder, a computer, etc.

It is also advisable to allocate such zones as:

A zone for conducting psycho-gymnastics and logarithmic and other exercises related to the performance of movements by children in various directions. In it, children can move freely, sit on the floor, on soft modules (including in a semicircle or circle for conducting communicative exercises);

The zone, an element of which is a couch, is for carrying out individual work by means of speech therapy massage, breathing exercises, etc.

The setting should encourage speech development a child - for this, special speech corners can be created in the speech therapist's office and / or the room of the group, which are filled with various aids for the development of fine motor skills and manual praxis; visual and illustrative material on lexical topics, basic phonetic groups, as well as for the development of phrasal speech, phonemic hearing; toys for the development of diaphragmatic-speech breathing, etc. It is desirable to highlight and design the corners:

For dolls And fairy tale therapy - with the aim of developing coherent expressive speech, overcoming logophobia;

For sand therapy, for games with various loose materials and water (“finger pool” - for the development of small movements of the fingers, which are an important means of stimulating speech and increasing efficiency), etc .;

For practicing creative activities (sculpting, applique, designing, drawing) - with the aim of developing fine motor skills, orientation in space, planning and regulating the functions of speech, etc.

The experience of organizing subject-spatial environmental resources in working with preschoolers with speech disorders is widely presented in publications.

When modeling the environment of the office, it is necessary to avoid its oversaturation, and also remember that it must be characterized by a certain dynamism, that is, it must be subject to constant change.

The room should be well ventilated (for breathing exercises). Other hygiene conditions 14

i i, ivr temperature regime, sufficient illumination, furniture and according to the results of anthropometry, etc.) should be optimal. The office for speech therapy classes must meet the requirements of sound insulation.

11ri organization of the subject-spatial environment (decorated rif.ii walls, selection of colors for curtains, blinds, carpets, interior design elements, etc.), it is desirable to use chromotherapy (taking into account the properties of colors: calming or activating their effect).

When organizing comprehensive support for the development of a child, it is possible to use equipment for procedures to minimize the impact of organic disorders that exacerbate speech insufficiency (asthenic, neurosis-like phenomena, N1,10, psychomotor disinhibition, etc.) intake of vitamin teas, taking into account individual needs); the use of pharmacotherapy (vitamin therapy, restorative agents), as well as physiotherapy exercises; the use of sets of essential oils (pavand, rosemary, orange, etc.), aromatization "impy (aromatherapy). These procedures are carried out as prescribed and under the guidance of a doctor.

Organizational environmental components are of particular importance in the correctional education of children with SPD: a single speech mode in educational institution and family; providing children with samples of teachers' speech (orthoepic correctness, unhurried pace, sufficient volume, expressiveness and continuity of speech, correct speech breathing, etc.); differentiation of dosages of speech and language material, selection of linguistic material that is communicatively significant for the child, accessible in content, corresponding to his pronunciation capabilities.

List of used literature

1. Bychkova, M. M. Creation of a comfortable intra-school environment for children with speech disorders / M. M. Bychkova, G. M. Kartashova // Speech therapist. - 2008. - No. 3.

2. Raising and educating children with severe disabilities*
speech / Program for special preschool institutions /
authors-comp. Yu. N. Kislyakova, L. N. Moroz. - Minsk: NIO

3. Zhukova, N. S. speech therapy. Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers / N. S. Zhukova, E. M. Mastyukova, T. B. Filicheva. - Yekaterinburg: III round, 2003. - 318 p.

4. Zaitseva, L. A. Organization and content of speech therapy classes in educational institutions / L. A. Zaitseva. - Mozyr: White wind, 2004. - 79 p.

5. Kozina, I. V. Correctional corner of the group as part of the subject-developing environment / I. V. Kozina, T. V. Kulakova // Speech therapist. - 2006. - No. 2.

6. Correctional work V preschool institutions/ M. V. Smolyanko [and others]. - Minsk: Mastatskaya literature, 2000. - 205 p.

7. Kumanina, M. V.“Speech therapy kingdom, sound state” / M. V. Kumanina // Speech therapist. - 2008. - No. 6.

8. Loginova, I. N. Goal-setting in correctional and pedagogical work with children with special needs of psychophysical development / I. N. Loginova, V. V. Gladkaya // Shravanne u adukatsy - 2006. - No. 3.

9. Organization educational environment for children with special needs of psychophysical development in the context of integrated learning / under the general. ed. S. E. Gaidukevich, V. V. Checheta. - Minsk: BSPU, 2006. - 116 p.

10. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy / ed. R. E. Levina. - M.: Education, 1967. - 366 p.

11. Sokolova, E. V. Construction of a developing space in specialized groups of kindergarten / E. V. Sokolova, N. F. Balashova // Speech therapist. - 2008. - No. 6.

12. Stepanova, O. A. The main directions of the correctional and educational process in preschool educational institutions (groups) for children with speech disorders / O. A. Stepanova // Speech therapist. - 2004. - No. 4.

13. Filicheva, T. B. elimination general underdevelopment speech in children preschool age/ T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina. - M. : Iris-press, 2004. - 224 p.

14. Shigina, G. F. Correction-developing environment of speech therapy group / G. F. Shigina, E. Yu, Popkova // Speech therapist. -