Rules of conduct during lessons at school. Rules of conduct for students at school Why are school rules needed?

Modern etiquette is a whole set of rules of behavior and good manners, which teaches how to meet people, greet each other, how to behave in public places, how to visit people, how to properly set the table and behave during meals, and so on. The rules of etiquette at school begin to be instilled from childhood.

General rules of conduct at school for students

1. You need to arrive at school early, about 15 minutes before classes.

2. Appearance must be appropriate for the educational institution, clothing must be clean and tidy.

3. The student must always have a change of shoes with him, which, like outerwear, must be taken off in the school wardrobe.

4. Before the start of the lesson, the student must prepare everything necessary for the upcoming lesson, check the availability of a diary, pen, notebook, textbook, and so on.

5. It is strictly prohibited to bring any type of weapon, alcohol, cigarettes, narcotic or toxic substances, etc. into the school grounds.

6. You cannot leave the educational institution during lessons and breaks without permission. Absence from classes for valid reasons must be confirmed by a certificate from a doctor (in case of illness), or explanatory note from parents.

7. The rules of student behavior at school are based on the principles of respect for older people and a caring attitude towards students junior classes.

8. Students need to take care of and maintain school property in its original form, including furniture, books, and so on.

Student behavior during class

Students must also follow certain rules of polite behavior at school during the lesson itself. As soon as the teacher enters the office, the students standing greet the teacher or another adult who has looked into the class. During the lesson you need to behave decently, do not make noise, do not shout, do not engage in extraneous activities, especially not leave your place without permission. workplace and don't wander around the classroom. If you need to leave the classroom, you must first ask the teacher for permission. The rules of behavior for children at school are the same for absolutely everyone. If you need to ask the teacher about something, you need to raise your hand first, and not shout out from your seat.

Such simple rules

The student should try to express his thoughts when answering clearly, clearly and understandably, using all the necessary visual materials for this. On a day when the class schedule includes a subject such as physical education and health, you must have sportswear and shoes with you. You can only enter the gym with the permission of the teacher. Students who are excused from physical education classes for various reasons must still be in the gym. It is believed that the bell at the end of the lesson rings for the teacher, and students leave the class after the teacher announces the end of the lesson.

School etiquette

School etiquette rules require a neat appearance, this applies to clothing, hairstyles, and the judicious use of cosmetics and accessories. School etiquette involves students being friendly towards each other. Polite students greet and greet all teachers, not just those they know personally. You should call each other by name, and do not use offensive nicknames.

The rules of student behavior at school also imply self-discipline. Litter on the territory educational institution(and not only) is prohibited, there are ballot boxes for this. You need to behave culturally not only in class, but also during breaks. Running, shouting and pushing is prohibited; you should be careful on stairs. Children should also behave in a civilized manner in the dining room, eat only in the designated area, and clean up the dishes after the meal.

Etiquette rules in elementary school

Etiquette lessons in primary school must be included in the plan for educational work with students. It is very important from childhood to instill in a child the basics of correct behavior in a given situation. Mutual respect should be an integral part of behavior. Starting in first grade, children are taught to be grateful and introduced to the words “thank you” and “please.” Etiquette presupposes a respectful attitude towards elders, and addressing them must be “you”.

There is also something called telephone etiquette. If a child calls his teacher or class teacher, the first thing you need to do is say hello and say your name. In public places, where there are usually a lot of people, you should talk on the phone without attracting attention. a lot of attention, and in places such as a museum, theater or cinema, it is generally better to turn off your mobile phone.

  • To feel comfortable in class, you must complete the homework assigned in advance.
  • It is better to have a school diary filled out two weeks in advance; it should be kept carefully and kept on your desk during lessons.
  • Your bag or school backpack must be packed in advance; be sure to check the availability of textbooks, notebooks, pens and pencils and other necessary things.
  • The mobile phone must be turned off or set to silent mode during classes. You can call or send SMS during recess.
  • You need to behave decently not only in class, but also on the street, at home and in public places. These are not just rules of behavior for students at school that must be followed, they must become an integral part of the personality of an educated modern person.
  • Leaving school without the knowledge and permission of the teacher or nurse is strictly prohibited.
  • You should always be neat, cleanliness should be maintained in everything, in your appearance, at work.
  • It is the student's responsibility to attend class on a first-come, first-served basis. This responsibility must be fulfilled in good faith.
  • During breaks, it is better to leave the classroom and allow the teacher to ventilate the room. By the way, this is very good way walk and stretch

  • Etiquette lessons: at school and in life

    School etiquette is not only a set of rules that must be followed within school walls. First of all, this is the formation and development of cultural communication skills, these are lessons in courtesy, attentiveness and kindness. These qualities are simply necessary for the development of a full-fledged harmonious personality in the future.

    School etiquette rules include treating different groups of people appropriately. Everyone knows that ladies should be allowed in first, and pregnant women, as well as elderly and disabled people should give up their seats on public transport. Adults should also observe etiquette at school and outside of it, because they are the ones children look up to first and foremost.

    In order for studying to bring useful knowledge and the joy of communication, it is necessary to follow certain rules of etiquette at school, which will make the stay within the walls of the educational institution comfortable for all participants in the educational process.

  • How to behave at school
  • How to meet students
  • Conflicts between teenagers and peers. How to behave as parents
  • how to behave during recess
  • - pen;
  • - pencil;
  • - notebook;
  • - thermometer;
  • - weather vane;
  • - compass;
  • - calendar;
  • - computer.
  • Weather diary for schoolchildren
  • weather diary for schoolchildren
    • - knowledge of painful techniques.
    • how to work with students
    • Tip 7: Why and how to keep a psychological diary

      For whom should I write? A person writes a diary primarily for himself. If he writes a diary so that someone will read it, then the psychological effect will disappear.

      How often to write? Write when you want. Perhaps you experienced some strong emotion or someone upset you. Maybe you visited interesting event or something memorable happened to you. You can write in a diary sometimes daily, sometimes once a week, and sometimes several times a day. The main thing is not to make this an unpleasant duty.

      What to write in your diary? There are no rules for the content of the diary. Moreover, this is your diary, and you should know better what you want to write in it. Be guided by your own feelings. The reason for turning to the diary can be a strong experience, impressions of people, cities, work. You can set a goal for yourself and write in your diary what steps you have taken to achieve your goal. Write down observations about yourself, your decisions and aspirations.

      Why read your diary? You write your diary to not only throw out your emotions, but also to comprehend and look at the past anew. As time passes, emotions subside, which means you can assess situations with an almost unbiased mind. As you read your diary, you may notice some recurring patterns in your behavior. Perhaps you will find in previously written articles problems that at that time seemed unsolvable. And you will find a way out of these situations.

      You can also keep a diary on the Internet on special websites. Personal records can be hidden under lock and key and no one except you will see them. And you can tell your friends about exciting events by adding photographs or pictures to them.

      First you need to realize and understand the motives that guide the offenders. Most often these are the following motives: envy, the desire to gain popularity and authority among one’s peers, anger that is associated with teenage problems, the desire to look cool, to have power over a person. As we see, there is not a single reason that directly concerns the person being bullied.

      A teenager should know that if he is bullied at school, it is not his fault. Under no circumstances should you blame yourself or your appearance, nationality, feelings, hobbies, opinions. You should always be proud of who you are.

      There is no shame in asking for help; you can tell your teacher, parents, or school psychologist what is happening. If your teenager is being bullied at school, here are some things you can do:

      1. Do not react in any way to the offender. If you don’t react in any way to a person who is trying to offend, then soon he will get tired of it, and he will simply leave behind.

      2. Take care of your safety. If the offender can physically hurt you, then it is better to leave.

      3. Report bullying. Don't be afraid to tell your teacher or school principal about it.

      How to overcome the psychological consequences of bullying?

      1. You need to find those people who share interests and enlist their support.

      2. Tell about your experiences to a person who inspires trust. You can't carry everything in yourself.

      3. Develop self-confidence.

      4. Don’t think about the humiliation you had to go through. It’s better to remember those moments when people treated you well.

      5. Don’t blame yourself for the fact that wounds don’t heal so quickly.

      6. Talk to someone who is also being bullied at school. This way you can understand that there are others with similar problems.

      7. Help someone. You can get a job as a volunteer at a charity organization. One of the best ways forget your troubles - help others in difficult situations.

      8. Play sports. It's a good idea to enroll in some martial arts class. As they say, “a healthy mind in a healthy body.” This will help you cope with the trauma and, if necessary, fight back against your offenders.

      Rules of conduct at school (pupil, student)

      Unfortunately, modern culture The behavior at school of students, both junior and senior grades, leaves much to be desired. Teachers, of course, are involved in raising children, but parents must initially instill the rules of behavior in students. After all, from the very early age kids copy the actions of adults, which means it depends on them how children will behave in society with adults and with peers.

      Every child who is still going to school kindergarten, it is necessary to have an idea about the basic rules of student behavior at school, because school time will come very quickly and unnoticed. Behavioral diagnosis should be carried out in a timely manner junior schoolchildren to create programs for teaching children a culture of behavior at school. In the lower grades there are extracurricular lessons, in which children learn to behave at school, but the rules of student behavior at school must also be included in the high school curriculum. And in order for a child to be interested in learning the rules of behavior at school, it is necessary to make him understand that he has not only responsibilities, but also rights. And in this article, we decided not only to outline the basic rules of behavior at school, a reminder of which is important for all children starting from grade zero, but also to tell us what rights schoolchildren have.

      What rights do students have at school?

      So, before you instill in your child the rules of student behavior at school, tell him about what he has the right to. First of all, you can make your child happy because he has the right to free education. In order for him to feel a moment of happiness, it is necessary to explain to the student that studying is not an obligation, but rather a benefit that the state gives to everyone who wants to learn, develop, become smarter and stronger.

      Another right that a student has is not to attend additional classes (electives). Everything necessary for students is included in the state curriculum, and additional classes are introduced only by order of the school administration, so whether or not to attend them is up to the student.

      Schoolchildren studying in public schools do not have to donate money to the institution, class fund or any other needs of the school. The class teacher can invite students' parents to donate money, but has no right to force them to do so.

      School students may not agree to perform any type of work activity, because... forced labor of students in schools is prohibited by law. That is, a student may not go to the cleanup day, and nothing will happen to him for this. And therefore, the school administration can only ask students to help put the school in order, but not order it.

      Students have the right to attend class even if they are not ready for class or are late. A teacher can reprimand a student, but he does not have the right to kick him out of class. Otherwise, the student can file a complaint with the school principal, and if the problem is not resolved, with the education department.

      So, the student knows about his rights, but he should also be aware of the culture of behavior at school. It is important for the student not only to know these rules by heart, but also to learn to follow them. And for this, schoolchildren need to convey that only if the rules of student behavior are observed, a friendly atmosphere will reign in school, which is what the students themselves need. Therefore, the memo “rules of behavior at school” should be displayed on a stand in every school. There are many rules of behavior at school, but we will give the main ones.

      Rules of conduct for children at school: attendance and appearance

    • Children should come to classes in a clean and ironed school uniform, polished shoes and modestly combed hair.
    • Students are required to come to school every day 15 minutes before the first bell in order to have time to undress, change shoes, go to class and prepare for the lesson.
    • Students are not allowed to bring items to school that are not related to class.
    • Students need to go home immediately after classes. Only those who attend additional classes (electives, clubs, etc.) or are engaged in social work.
    • Rules of conduct for children at school: how to behave in class

      The main problems teachers have with students arise in the classroom. Students who are late and disobedient sometimes disrupt half a lesson. To prevent this from happening, it is important for children to know the rules of student behavior in class. By the way, notices with a list of them must be hung in each office so that students do not say that they do not know about them. So, 10 rules of behavior in the classroom:

    1. You must arrive to class 10 minutes before the bell rings.
    2. Only the teacher or the headman can open the office.
    3. Students only need to sit in their own seats. The seating pattern is always set by the teacher.
    4. There should be nothing on the desktop except the supplies needed for lessons.
    5. When the teacher enters and when he leaves the classroom, students are required to stand up.
    6. During the lesson, you must remain silent and follow the teacher's instructions.
    7. To leave the classroom, the student must obtain permission from the teacher.
    8. You can’t put your hands up, wanting to answer first. You can answer the teacher’s questions only with his permission.
    9. The student must go to the board with a diary to put it on the teacher’s table.
    10. Students are not allowed to tell their classmates the correct answers without the teacher's permission.
    11. Knowing these 10 rules of conduct at school regarding lessons, and most importantly, observing them, schoolchildren will be able to provide comfort both for themselves and for the teacher, which will give them the opportunity to better assimilate knowledge.

      Student behavior rules at school: recess

      1. After the bell rings for recess, students may be free only with the permission of the teacher.
      2. During recess, class attendants must prepare the office for next lesson- ventilate the office, wipe the board.
      3. During recess, students are required to maintain discipline: do not run around the classroom and hallway, do not open windows or sit on window sills, do not play with dangerous objects, do not damage school property, do not litter, and follow fire safety rules.
      4. When walking down the corridor, students need to stay on the right side.
      5. When leaving the office or school, you need to give way to adults and girls.
      6. You can’t eat in the hallway during recess, and especially on the go.
      7. You cannot enter the staff room without permission.

      Rules of conduct for students at school: culture

      School rules are not only about how children should behave at school, but also about the culture of their interactions with teachers and other students. Therefore, the school behavior manual should also contain such social rules.

    12. Students should be polite and friendly.
    13. When talking to the teacher, you should not keep your hands in your pockets.
    14. Guys need to be called by name.
    15. Within the walls of the school, communication in the language of slang and especially obscenities is unacceptable.
    16. High school students should offer their (any) help to lower school students.
    17. Rules for environmental behavior of schoolchildren

      These rules need to be instilled in students from grade zero. They are simple, and most importantly, schoolchildren know about them from early childhood, but not all of them want to use them. Cultivating a love for nature is a difficult task, but it can be solved, and education can begin with the basic rules of environmental behavior for schoolchildren.

    18. Students are prohibited from breaking trees, bushes, picking flowers and trampling flower beds.
    19. Do not damage the bark of trees by tearing it off or cutting inscriptions on it.
    20. You must not throw garbage in the school or in the yard or litter water bodies.
    21. It is prohibited to make fires on school grounds.
    22. Students who witness harm to wildlife should report this to the class teacher.
    23. It is difficult to achieve good behavior of children at school if children come to learn without understanding why it is necessary. Many schoolchildren believe that they study because adults need to do so. The task of parents is to instill in the child that he goes to school for knowledge for himself and his future life, and for nothing more. And every child who is just about to go to school should have the “rules of conduct at school” reminders.

      Etiquette rules for schoolchildren in pictures. 10 rules of etiquette for schoolchildren

      Every year millions of mothers bring their children to school. It is quite difficult for first-graders to get used to a completely new life for them. They are afraid of how their classmates will accept them and whether the teacher will like them.

      You need to behave correctly at school. There are all sorts of rules that must be followed. Only in this case will learning be truly comfortable.

      10 rules of student etiquette

      Every student must behave correctly. There is a certain etiquette that needs to be followed. There is a huge amount important rules. There are 10 main ones:

      1. You should come to school on time.

      2. Necessary things should be carefully placed in the backpack.

      3. When entering the school, they wipe their feet. When entering the classroom, greet the teacher.

      4. To answer, you must raise your hand.

      5. Talk to friends and teachers politely.

      6. It is necessary to take care of all school property and under no circumstances damage it.

      7. It is forbidden to run and shout during recess.

      8. You should say hello to all adults.

      9. A boy lets a girl pass first at the door, and a schoolboy lets an adult pass first.

      10. All garbage should be thrown into the trash bin.

      How to behave in class?

      · It is best to arrive at school early. There must be at least 10 minutes left before class. This is just enough time to leave your outerwear in the wardrobe and come to class. It is important to prepare for the lesson.

      · All homework must be completed. The diary must contain a schedule.

      · For the duration of the lesson, you need to forget about the existence of a cell phone.

      · You must not utter indecent words or show uncivil gestures.

      · You can leave lessons only with the permission of a doctor or teacher.

      · If classes are missed due to illness, you must bring a note from your parents or a certificate to school.

      · At the beginning of the lesson, be sure to greet the teacher. To do this, the whole class must stand up. Greet other adults in the same way.

      · During the lesson, you must not disturb others from talking.

      · If you need to go out, you must raise your hand.

      · Cleanliness and neatness are important at the desk. Only what will be needed during the lesson should be on it. All foreign objects are put into the backpack.

      How to behave during recess?

      Sitting for a long time and listening carefully to the teacher is quite tiring. Change is necessary for rest. But this does not mean that you need to run and scream. This is not only wrong, but also dangerous. It is imperative to follow the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren regarding correct behavior during breaks.

      If you want to run, it is better to go to the sports ground. Recess is suitable for going to the library, to the cafeteria, preparing for another lesson, calling mom.

      If behavior during recess is calm, this indicates not only respect for others, but also for oneself. You should try to rest well and gain strength for the next lesson.

      What should you not do during recess?

      The rules prohibit during breaks:

      · Throw any objects at others.

      · Get ​​into fights or be the instigator of them.

      · Slide down the railings or lean over them. It is very dangerous. The steps can be ascended or descended only from the right side.

      · Sit on windowsills.

      Be sure to say hello to teachers and parents.

      Doors should be opened and closed very carefully. Don't slam them. Be sure to let the adults walking in front pass, and then go on their own. You cannot push anyone on the stairs, as this is very dangerous.

      How to behave in the dining room?

      There are usually a lot of people in the dining room. The break is only 15 minutes, and during this time you need to have time to eat. It is important to follow the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren at the table:

      · Don't try to get here first. You must come with the class. There is no need to rush to sit down first at the table, even if you really want to eat.

      · It is worth keeping a queue.

      · You need to walk carefully in the dining room. In this case, be sure to look at your feet. If you have a plate in your hands, you need to be doubly careful.

      · Be sure to wash your hands before eating.

      · Use the fork very carefully and never swing it.

      · You should eat soup and tea carefully, without spilling it on yourself or your neighbors.

      · You need to sit straight at the table, without jostling those sitting next to you. Elbows are not placed on the table.

      · Everyone must clean up their dishes after eating.

      Etiquette rules for younger schoolchildren

      Particular attention should be paid to correct behavior in elementary school. It is at this age that all norms are laid down. If students are not taught how to behave in certain places, it will be much more difficult to do so at an older age.

      · Enter any vehicle carefully, without pushing anyone.

      · It is necessary to give way to elderly people and pregnant women.

      · You cannot talk loudly as it disturbs others.

      · Don't try to talk to strangers.

      · Don't behave provocatively.

      · Do not comment loudly on the film.

      · You cannot talk on the phone during the session.

      There are certain standards of behavior in other public places. Etiquette rules for 4th grade students are extremely important as children get older and move into high school. By this time they should already be educated.

      Rules of etiquette in pictures

      Children must know and follow a huge number of various rules of etiquette. Education must begin at an early age. It is quite difficult for children to remember everything at once.

      To make the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren easy to learn and make learning as interesting as possible, it is worth using visual aids. The rules of etiquette for schoolchildren in pictures will allow children not only to quickly learn them, but also to clearly imagine how to behave. It is also worth using pictures that depict incorrect behavior. Children will understand that such behavior is far from generally accepted norms. Visual learning will allow you to learn the material quickly and easily.

      It is also worth raising children by example. These should be the parents themselves, as well as teachers at school. Etiquette training in game form most effectively. This allows you to perfectly grasp the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren. Pictures help do this.

      A child should come to school with already developed etiquette skills. If in preschool age the child has not been instilled with certain standards of behavior, it will be very difficult for him in a team. Bad manners and rudeness will only cause irritation and inevitable rejection among others. That is why parents should first of all teach children etiquette.

      Why are standards of behavior important?

      Preschoolers do not always behave correctly. For them this is forgivable. Everyone has long known that if the parents have a good upbringing, then the child will gradually learn all the necessary norms of behavior.

      But if schoolchildren behave incorrectly in a public place, those around them are usually outraged. It is unpleasant to look at unkemptly dressed, pushing and screaming children who do not know how to use cutlery.

      It is quite simple to learn the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren. Learn polite communication It's not difficult at all. Everyone can dress neatly.

      Usually parents require their children to behave decently. This turns out to be important when children find themselves alone in some public place. It is important to strictly follow the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren at school. Children must know what to do in a given situation. This is where their maturity is manifested.

      Also, do not forget that parents are judged by the behavior of children. Don't make them blush. You need to try to be polite and well-mannered. This is why you should study the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren.

      Memo to schoolchildren. How to behave at school and in the classroom.

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      Rules of behavior at school

      1. You must come to school on time, without delay, neatly dressed, with your hair combed. When you enter school, don’t push, don’t rush to get ahead of everyone.

      2. When you enter the classroom, say hello first to the teacher and then to your friends. If you are late for class and enter the classroom after the bell rings, apologize and ask the teacher for permission to enter.

      3. The school must be kept clean and orderly.

      4. Take care of school property. Take care of your desk, don’t break it, don’t scratch it, and don’t write anything on it.

      5. You can go out for recess only after the teacher gives permission.

      6. Students come to physical education lessons in sportswear and sports shoes. Students are not allowed to enter the gym without the teacher's permission.

      7. School students show respect for elders and take care of younger ones.

      8. When communicating with everyone around you, show politeness, tact, respect and modesty. Rudeness is unacceptable!

      9. In case of absence from classes, the student must present to the teacher a doctor’s certificate or a note from the parents about the reason for absence from classes.

      Rules of behavior in the classroom

      1. Come to class before the bell rings for class. Before class, take out all the necessary educational supplies from your backpack: notebooks, textbook, pen, pencil, ruler.

      2. Meet the teacher standing at your workplace. When a teacher or other adult enters the classroom, students stand to greet him. When an adult leaves the classroom, all students must also stand.

      3. Be quiet and calm during the lesson; do not talk to your neighbors and do not be distracted by extraneous things.

      4. Do everything the teacher says.

      5. If you want to ask the teacher something, want to answer a question, or need to go out, raise your hand.

      6. Don’t shout from your seat, don’t interrupt the teacher. Don't get up without the teacher's permission.

      7. When your classmate answers, listen carefully to what he says. Don't tell him if he doesn't know the answer.

      8. If the teacher calls you to answer, speak loudly, clearly, intelligibly.

      9. Don’t copy from your neighbors: it’s not only unsightly, but also distracts other students from their work.

      10. Try to maintain order in your workplace.

      11. When you hear the bell announcing the end of the lesson, do not jump up from your seat. You can leave the classroom only with the permission of the teacher.

      Rules of conduct: how to behave in Asia

      So, you're going to Asia: you've packed your things and purchased a phrase book. With so many new experiences, it's easy to forget that cultural norms vary widely different countries. No matter how hard you try, some occasional mistakes are inevitable. You can always smooth things over with a smile and apologetic gestures, but here are some tips to avoid awkward situations.

      1. Watch your hands

      In Buddhist culture, the head, as the uppermost part of the body, is considered sacred. Therefore, touching a person’s head is considered a very aggressive gesture in countries where Buddhists live, for example, China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and others.

      In Korea, Japan and Thailand, always give and receive objects with both hands; doing it with one hand means showing disdain.

      2. Be careful with gestures

      Many habitual gestures in Asian countries it is considered indecent, for example, crossed fingers in Vietnam is not a wish for good luck, but rather the equivalent of showing the middle finger. In countries South-East Asia Pointing at something with one finger is rude, so it is better to use an open palm to point. Among Buddhists, the feet, as the lowest part of the body, are considered dirty. Therefore, you should absolutely not point at something with your feet or show your feet.

      3. Be careful with cutlery

      In countries where it is customary to eat with your hands, asking for a fork or spoon can cause confusion. But where people eat with chopsticks, such a request is absolutely appropriate.

      However, if you are a proponent of using chopsticks, be careful and follow a number of rules. You should not insert chopsticks vertically into rice, pass food with them, spear food on them, shake them, knock on the table, clench them in a fist, or move dishes with them.

      In some Muslim countries, appliances may be designed for either halal or non-halal food. In this case, halal forks and spoons will have ornaments on their handles.

      4. Practice dining etiquette.

      No matter what utensils you use to eat with, in China and Korea it is considered arrogant to ask for food to be passed while sitting with your hands folded. It's an active process, so reach for food if it's nearby and don't hesitate to share it with your tablemates. It is always better to offer it to others first, then take it for yourself. In the same convivial spirit, it is impolite to refuse if someone offers you food or puts food on your plate.

      It is also worth considering religious restrictions. Eating pork in front of Muslims in Malaysia or beef in India is not a good idea. If you are traveling to Muslim countries during Ramadan, avoid eating in public during the day.

      5. Eat with one hand

      In Nepal, India and some Muslim countries such as Bangladesh, Indonesia or Malaysia, it is common to eat with your hands. But remember - you need to eat with one hand, and preferably with the right. In these countries, the left hand is reserved for performing certain hygiene procedures. In general, try to avoid using your left hand, such as picking up things with your left hand or pointing at things with your left hand.

      By the way, this is why left-handed people are rare in Asia. They are forcibly retrained at school. It is believed that 10-12% of the population are left-handed, in Asia this number drops to 2-5%.

      6. Be careful with alcohol

      In some countries, refusing to join in a toast is as impolite as refusing an offer of food. In Korea, when someone offers you soju or Korean beer, it is a symbol of friendship and refusing is an insult.

      On the other hand, in Muslim countries, public consumption of alcohol is a condemned thing, even prohibited by law. And in some states of India, for example, it is considered offensive to give alcohol as a gift.

      7. Be respectful

      In Korea, even more than in neighboring countries, it is customary to respect elders. It is impolite even to take chopsticks at the beginning of a meal or to leave the table at the end before the elders. Additionally, many Asian cultures tend to be conservative, so it's important to respect this in everything from how you communicate and express your feelings to what you wear. For example, you should refrain from vulgar jokes and frivolous conversations, especially in China.

      8. Tipping

      In most Asian cultures, tipping is simply not acceptable, and in Japan, tipping is even considered insulting. This is due to the work ethic of the Japanese, they take pride in their work and salary and do not need additional incentive. Moreover, it can be seen as patronizing and embarrassing.

      The same practice is common in South Korea and China, although in tourist places gratitude will most likely be accepted.

      Tipping is encouraged in India and Southeast Asia. They may not be shy about asking for money.

      9. Be careful in Singapore

      Singapore has very strict rules regarding cleanliness and public order, so there is a risk of paying a significant fine even for seemingly minor violations. For example, you should not eat or drink in public transport, feed birds, smoke in public spaces or bring pets there, not to mention littering, spitting gum or engaging in vandalism in any form.

      10. Don't show feelings in public

      Due to the conservative nature of cultures, it is worth refraining from public displays of affection, especially kissing. In India, public kissing is even criminalized as obscene behavior, especially if the couple is not married. It is considered impolite to hug or shake hands with someone of the opposite sex. In Indonesia, you shouldn't even look your interlocutor in the eyes, it's considered rude or strange.

      In absolutely any country you should avoid touching locals of the opposite sex.

      11. Wear closed clothes

      Due to cultural differences, people in Asian countries are used to more covered clothing and have stricter standards. Choose closed clothing worth traveling to Muslim countries, as well as for visiting any religious buildings. In addition, in closed clothes you attract less attention from antisocial elements.

      12. Stay away from drugs (and jail)

      Many Asian countries have very harsh penalties for drug offenses, often the death penalty. Therefore, even the smallest amount of even the mildest drugs can result in serious problems.

      The worst thing that can happen to you is going to jail in Asia. Read, for example, the story about how a St. Petersburg musician settled in Cambodia and ended up in a local prison. How, how long he stayed, how much the payoff cost and how he was treated -

      Locals are also terribly afraid of arrest, especially in India. In case of any problems, very effective method- call the police. Just be sure that you are right in doing so.

      However, nothing will stop the police in India or Vietnam from demanding bribes for real and fictitious violations, especially when riding a bike. So be careful, wear a helmet and always have your license with you.

      Corruption in Asia by country.

      13. Don't discuss politics, don't talk about the king

      Refrain from any political comments, especially negative ones. First of all, this applies to China and monarchical countries. Residents of Malaysia and Thailand treat their kings with religious reverence, so it is better not to say anything about them. Any criticism of the monarchical form of government as a whole is also undesirable.

      13. And don’t discuss religion either.

      Regardless of the religion of the interlocutor and the country you are in, avoid talking about religion and certainly not joke about these topics. First, don't criticize the other person's religion. Secondly, do not speak out against religion in general and do not publicly declare yourself an atheist; in Indonesia, for example, this may end in police intervention. Many Asian countries are not yet ready for an open discussion on these issues.

      14. Take off your shoes before entering the house.

      Even if the owner of the house tells you not to take off your shoes, take them off anyway. This is not only a matter of cleanliness, but also a demonstration of respect and courtesy towards the owners. This is especially important in Singapore with its cult of cleanliness. This rule also applies to some temples. In general, if you see someone’s shoes taken off at the entrance, take them off without hesitation.

      This article contains the most general rules of conduct, but each Asian country has its own culture and nuances. Therefore, when going on a trip, pay attention to the cultural characteristics and unspoken rules in each specific country.

      And, of course, in Pattaya, Nha Trang, Goa and other super-tourist places, the attitude towards violations of cultural norms by foreigners is completely different - most likely they will not even notice it.

      Rules of conduct at school for primary school children

      Like any public institution, the school has its own rules of conduct. If high school students have already adapted and know what they can do and what they cannot do, then schoolchildren younger age still need to teach everything. What etiquette rules exist for elementary grades and in particular for first graders?

      When preparing their child for the first day of school, many parents give their instructions and recommendations. Moms and dads say that within an educational institution you need to obey the teacher (and rightly so). For primary classes There is its own etiquette and rules of communication in a team.

      You need to arrive to class 10 minutes before the bell rings. in order to have time to get to your class, take off your outerwear and change into spare shoes, if necessary.

      If the school has a dressing room, then you need to leave your coat or jacket there. Each class has its own seats and hangers. You should hang your outerwear on the same hook every day so that you don’t have to look for it later. It is also worth remembering that you need to leave things in the wardrobe or classroom closet carefully.

      If someone's clothes are accidentally touched and they fall, you should be sure to pick them up and hang them in place.

      You cannot play in the school locker room or spend time during breaks. For this, there is a classroom, schoolyard or cafeteria where you can spend a free 5-10 minutes.

      You should never be late for class without a good reason. If it happens that being late is inevitable, then you cannot walk along the corridors waiting for one lesson to end and the second to begin. A latecomer must knock on the classroom door, say hello, ask for forgiveness for being late and, if allowed, enter the classroom.

      Classroom Rules

      As soon as the bell rings, you need to be ready for class. Each student must sit at his own desk, and textbooks, notebooks and other school supplies must be prepared in advance. During the lesson, the student must behave calmly:

    • keep quiet;
    • do not shout;
    • do not distract classmates;
    • don't get distracted yourself.
    • As soon as the need arises to ask a question about the topic of the lesson or to answer a question posed by the teacher, the student should raise his hand, but not shout from his seat. You can also leave the lesson for any reason only with the permission of the teacher.

      When another student answers a question or introduces a topic, you can't interrupt him. Even if he answers incorrectly. Then you can raise your hand and ask to complement the answer or topic.

      As soon as the teacher calls the student to the board, he must stand up. You can answer from your seat or go forward. You need to do as the teacher says. The question should be answered clearly.

      You need to speak clearly so that the whole class hears the answer, and there is no need to ask again or ask for repetition.

      Assignments and exercises must be written down clearly and accurately in a notebook. You can't cheat from your neighbor's desk - it's wrong. If a student does not fully understand the topic and cannot cope with the task, then you can always contact the teacher for additional clarification of the topic.

      As soon as the lesson ends and the bell rings, you cannot jump out of your seat and rush into the corridor. The teacher must have time to complete the lesson, give homework, which must be carefully recorded in your diary. Only after this can you go to recess.

      What is allowed during breaks?

      Recess is time free from class. But this does not mean that the student should forget about the rules of behavior and behave noisily.

      Typically, primary classes are located in one isolated part of the school. High school students don't come here. In addition, first-graders are prohibited from leaving the corridor of the floor where their class is located, otherwise the kids could get lost and be late for class.

      When playing with classmates at recess, you should remember that you should always respect the work of others in everything. You cannot litter, scatter candy wrappers and labels, or dirty the walls in the hallway or classroom. Every day, every classroom and every corridor is thoroughly cleaned before schoolchildren arrive, so Students must maintain the cleanliness of their home school as much as possible.

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    Modern etiquette is a whole set of rules of behavior and good manners, which teaches how to meet people, greet each other, how to behave in public places, how to visit people, how to properly set the table and behave during meals, and so on. The rules of etiquette at school begin to be instilled from childhood.

    General for students

    1. You need to arrive at school early, about 15 minutes before classes.

    2. Appearance must be appropriate for the educational institution, clothing must be clean and tidy.

    3. The student must always have a change of shoes with him, which, like outerwear, must be taken off in the school wardrobe.

    4. Before the start of the lesson, the student must prepare everything necessary for the upcoming lesson, check the availability of a diary, pen, notebook, textbook, and so on.

    5. It is strictly prohibited to bring any type of weapon, alcohol, cigarettes, narcotic or toxic substances, etc. into the school grounds.

    6. You cannot leave the educational institution during lessons and breaks without permission. Absence from classes for valid reasons must be confirmed by a certificate from a doctor (in case of illness), or an explanatory note from parents.

    7. The rules of student behavior at school are based on the principles of respect for older students and a caring attitude towards younger students.

    8. Students need to take care of and maintain school property in its original form, including furniture, books, and so on.

    Student behavior during class

    Students must also follow certain rules of polite behavior at school during the lesson itself. As soon as the teacher enters the office, the students standing greet the teacher or another adult who has looked into the class. During the lesson you need to behave decently, do not make noise, do not shout, do not engage in extraneous activities, especially not leave your workplace without permission and do not walk around the classroom. If you need to leave the classroom, you must first ask the teacher for permission. The rules of behavior for children at school are the same for absolutely everyone. If you need to ask the teacher about something, you need to raise your hand first, and not shout out from your seat.

    Such simple rules

    The student should try to express his thoughts when answering clearly, clearly and understandably, using all the necessary visual materials for this. On a day when the class schedule includes a subject such as physical education and health, you must have sportswear and shoes with you. You can only enter the gym with the permission of the teacher. Students who are excused from physical education classes for various reasons must still be in the gym. It is believed that the bell at the end of the lesson rings for the teacher, and students leave the class after the teacher announces the end of the lesson.

    School etiquette

    School etiquette rules require this to apply to clothing, hairstyles, and the reasonable use of cosmetics and accessories. School etiquette involves students being friendly towards each other. Polite students greet and greet all teachers, not just those they know personally. You should call each other by name, and do not use offensive nicknames.

    The rules of student behavior at school also imply self-discipline. Littering on the territory of an educational institution (and not only) is prohibited; there are trash cans for this. You need to behave culturally not only in class, but also during breaks. Running, shouting and pushing is prohibited; you should be careful on stairs. Children should also behave in a civilized manner in the dining room, eat only in the designated area, and clean up the dishes after the meal.

    Etiquette rules in elementary school

    Etiquette lessons in elementary school are necessarily included in the plan for educational work with students. It is very important from childhood to instill in a child the basics of correct behavior in a given situation. Mutual respect should be an integral part of behavior. Starting in first grade, children are taught to be grateful and introduced to the words “thank you” and “please.” Etiquette presupposes a respectful attitude towards elders, and addressing them must be “you”.

    There is also the so-called If a child calls his teacher or class teacher, the first thing you need to do is say hello and say your name. In places where there are usually a lot of people, it is worth talking on the phone without attracting much attention, but in places such as a museum, theater or cinema, it is better to turn off the mobile phone altogether.

    • To feel comfortable in class, you must complete the homework assigned in advance.
    • It is better to have a school diary filled out two weeks in advance; it should be kept carefully and kept on your desk during lessons.
    • Your bag or school backpack must be packed in advance; be sure to check the availability of textbooks, notebooks, pens and pencils and other necessary things.
    • The mobile phone must be turned off or set to silent mode during classes. You can call or send SMS during recess.
    • You need to behave decently not only in class, but also on the street, at home and in public places. These are not just rules of behavior for students at school that must be followed, they must become an integral part of the personality of an educated modern person.
    • Leaving school without the knowledge and permission of the teacher or nurse is strictly prohibited.
    • You should always be neat; cleanliness should be maintained in everything, in your appearance, in the workplace.
    • It is the student's responsibility to attend class on a first-come, first-served basis. This responsibility must be fulfilled in good faith.
    • During breaks, it is better to leave the classroom and allow the teacher to ventilate the room. By the way, this is a very good way to walk and warm up.

    Etiquette lessons: at school and in life

    School etiquette is not only a set of rules that must be followed within school walls. First of all, this is the formation and development of cultural communication skills, these are lessons in courtesy, attentiveness and kindness. These qualities are simply necessary for the development of a full-fledged harmonious personality in the future.

    School etiquette rules include treating different groups of people appropriately. Everyone knows that ladies should be allowed in first, and pregnant women, as well as elderly and disabled people should give up their seats on public transport. Adults should also observe etiquette at school and outside of it, because they are the ones children look up to first and foremost.

    In order for studying to bring useful knowledge and the joy of communication, it is necessary to follow certain rules of etiquette at school, which will make the stay within the walls of the educational institution comfortable for all participants in the educational process.

    Rules of conduct for students at school


    1. Students are required to come to school in a school uniform, clean, modestly combed, ironed clothes, and polished shoes. It is necessary to have replacement shoes.

    2. Students come to physical education lessons and sports sections in sportswear.


    1. The student arrives at school 15 minutes before the start of classes; clean, tidy, takes off outerwear in the wardrobe, puts on replacement shoes, takes a workplace with a warning for the lesson and prepares all the necessary educational supplies for the upcoming lesson.

    2. When entering school, students must wipe off their shoes and change into replacement shoes.

    3. Students are immediately sent to class in accordance with the lesson schedule.

    4. If individual students appear in a sloppy state, the attendants demand that they immediately put themselves in order.

    5. All students arrive at school on time.

    6. It is not allowed to bring foreign objects that are not related to classes to school.

    7. Students go home after classes in an organized manner, accompanied by a teacher.

    8. Only students engaged in social work or in clubs according to the schedule can stay at school after classes.


    1. When the bell rings, students must take their seats at their desks and prepare everything they need for the lesson.

    2. The attendants are required to prepare the classroom and equipment for each lesson and inform the teacher about the absence of students in the class.

    3. Students must remember that the teacher begins the lesson only when the classroom is absolutely clean and everything necessary for academic work is available.

    4. Each student is responsible for the cleanliness, order and safety of the classroom workplace.

    5. When teachers and elders enter, students must stand up to greet them.

    6. There should be nothing unnecessary on the desk; textbooks and notebooks can only be opened with the permission of the teacher.

    7. During the lesson, students should sit straight, listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations and the answers of their comrades, and not talk or engage in extraneous activities.

    8. When called to answer, the student must come to the board with the diary; when answering, the student must stand straight, speak loudly and clearly.

    9. Students who want to ask the teacher about something must raise their hand after the teacher gives permission to stand up and ask a question.

    10. Students should not give hints or correct the answers of their friends without the teacher’s permission.

    11. When the bell rings from class, with the permission of the teacher, students leave the classroom calmly.


    1. When carrying out breaks in the school premises, students must behave calmly and disciplined.

    2. During breaks in the school premises, students are only on their floor.

    3. When taking breaks in the school yard, students must take care of green spaces: do not break trees, do not trample lawns, do not litter, do not push during games, do not disturb others.

    4. During breaks, students eat in the cafeteria at the time established for this class.

    5. Each student, at the request of the teacher on duty or the student on duty, is required to provide his last name and class.

    6. When walking along the corridor, you should stay to the right, do not run, do not shout.

    7. Be polite, say hello to all adults and children you know.

    8. When entering or leaving school, do not push others aside; let older people and girls pass first.

    9. It is allowed to play games during recess, but in such a way as not to disturb others.

    10. Eating on the go during a break is uncivilized. You need to eat in the cafeteria; if you eat in class, spread a napkin on the table, don’t litter, and after eating, wipe your hands with a napkin.

    11. Do not enter the teachers' room, the office of the principal or his deputies without permission.

    12. During breaks, only those on duty remain in the classroom to ventilate the room and put the classroom in order.

    13. During recess, go to the restroom so you don’t have to take time off from classes. Be careful in the restroom, don’t forget to wash your hands.


    1. All students are required to take care of school property and take care of their belongings.

    2. In case of damage to property due to the fault of a student, its restoration or repair is carried out at the expense of their parents.

    3. Students are required to preserve green spaces, including at school, and restore them if damaged.

    4. Textbooks, books, school diaries must be wrapped neatly.

    5. All students should take care of their textbooks. Every book needs a bookmark. You cannot tear out or fold pages, or make notes or drawings on the book.


    1. Be polite and friendly to everyone.

    2. When talking to adults, do not keep your hands in your pockets, stand straight.

    3. When greeting the guys, call them by name.

    4. Maintain cleanliness and order, do not litter.

    5. Help adults and comrades. Don't wait to ask for help, be attentive to those around you.

    6. Be neat and tidy. Keep your face, hands, and hair clean, and keep your clothes and shoes clean.


    1. Come to school holidays smartly dressed, smart, neatly combed, at exactly the appointed time.

    2. When taking a place in the hall, do not push, do not run ahead of everyone.

    3. While waiting for the holiday, you can talk calmly, you can’t push or run. As soon as the start is announced, you need to stop talking.

    4. During a concert or movie, you cannot talk, disturb others, move from place to place, or leave before the end of the event.

    5. When you notice adults entering, offer them a seat.

    6. If something doesn’t go well on stage, there’s some awkwardness, don’t laugh

    1. General rules of behavior at school

    1.1. The student comes to school 10-15 minutes before the start of classes, puts outerwear and outdoor shoes in the cloakroom.

    1.2. The student attends classes neatly dressed in accordance with the Regulations on Business Dress, combed, and wearing replaceable shoes.

    1.3. The student must have a school bag with him, which contains textbooks, notebooks, a diary, a pencil case with accessories and other educational material, if it is required for the lesson.

    1.4. You cannot bring, show, or use weapons, piercing and cutting objects, explosives, explosive and flammable substances, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, matches, lighters, drugs and other intoxicants, toxic substances and poisons to school.

    1.5. Cell phones must be turned off before class. Students may use mobile phones during recess only for the purpose of making a call. In case of repeated violation by a student of this rule, the class teacher, social teacher, deputy. the director has the right to withdraw mobile phone, place it in the director’s safe until the phone is handed over to the parents (legal representatives).

    1.6. You cannot bring or distribute printed materials to school that are not related to the educational process.

    1.7. The student, with the permission of the teacher, enters the classroom, calmly takes his workplace, and prepares all the necessary supplies for the lesson. The lesson begins with the bell.

    1.10. You cannot be late for classes, come to class after the bell rings, or leave or miss classes without a good reason. A student who is late is present in class with the permission of the teacher, and an entry about the tardiness is made in the student’s diary.

    1.11. In case of absence from classes, the student provides the class teacher with a medical certificate or a statement from the parents indicating the reason for the absence.

    1.12. During the absence of a student from classes, responsibility for completing the program falls on the student and his parents.

    1.13. Leaving the school or being on its territory during classes and breaks (outside the schedule) is possible only with the permission of the class teacher or the deputy director on duty.

    The class teacher or deputy director on duty notifies the student's parents by telephone that he has been dismissed from classes.

    Social teachers note the time of arrival of a late student to school, as well as the time of the student’s early departure from classes, and report this to the class teacher and the administrator on duty.

    1.14. School students show respect to all elders and take care of the younger ones. School students address all adults as “You,” by first name and patronymic. Teachers and school staff can also address students as “you.”

    1.15. Students - adults, senior students - juniors, boys - girls - are allowed through the corridors and also the first to enter the door.

    1.16. Students take care of the school’s property, their own, as well as all persons in the building and on the territory.

    1.17. Personal property is inviolable, but the student is presented for inspection at the request of authorized persons in the presence of parents or teachers.

    1.18. Students do not have the right, while on school grounds and during school events, to commit actions that are dangerous to the life and health of the students themselves and those around them.

    1.19.Smoking, swearing, excessive use of cosmetics, and bringing and drinking alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the School and on its territory.

    1.20. School students in any place behave with dignity and act in such a way as not to damage their honor, the authority of their parents and the school.

    2. Rules of conduct in class

    2.1. Students greet any adult by standing up and sitting down with the permission of the teacher.

    2.2. During the lesson, students must listen carefully to the teacher and comply with his requirements, which do not contradict the laws of Russia and the rules of the school. The teacher can give the student assignments, call him to the board, conduct oral and written surveys, evaluate classroom, home, test work. The assessment criteria for each subject must be brought to the attention of students and their parents (legal representatives). During the lesson, the student's diary lies on the desk and is presented to the teacher at his request for notes and marking. The student must go to the board with a diary.

    2.3. In exceptional cases, a student may arrive unprepared for the lesson, which must be reported to the teacher in advance. At the next lesson, the student must report to the teacher on the completed task.

    2.4. During the lesson, you must not make noise, be distracted yourself or distract others with conversations, games, correspondence and other matters not related to the lesson. During classes, each student must

    2.5. If during class a student needs to leave class for a valid reason, he must ask the teacher's permission. The teacher is obliged to satisfy such a request from the student.

    2.6. During a lesson, a student can address the teacher, ask a question or answer, only by raising his hand and receiving permission.

    3. Rules of behavior during breaks, before and after lessons

    3.1. During breaks, before and after lessons, the student should not be in classrooms, gyms, assembly hall, workshops without a teacher.

    3.2. Students are not allowed to:

    • smoke;
    • leave school before the end of classes as scheduled;
    • run along stairs and corridors;
    • sit on windowsills;
    • open windows and stand near open windows;
    • stand up and sit on stair railings;
    • move along stair railings;
    • climb attic and fire escapes;
    • open fire doors and electrical panels;
    • touch electrical wires and lamps;
    • disrupt the integrity and normal operation of door locks;
    • shout, make noise, use obscene expressions and gestures;
    • push each other, use physical force, throw various objects;
    • play games that are dangerous to life and health;
    • prevent others from resting.

    4. Rules of behavior in toilets

    4.1. Students comply with hygiene and sanitation requirements: carefully use toilets for their intended purpose, use toilet paper, flush water, and wash their hands with soap.

    4.2. In the toilet it is prohibited:

    • run, jump, stand on toilets with your feet;
    • damage the premises and sanitary equipment;
    • use sanitary equipment and hygiene items for purposes other than their intended purpose;
    • gather with other students for communication and conversation.

    5. Wardrobe rules

    5.1. Students hand over outerwear and outdoor shoes to the cloakroom. Outerwear must have a strong hanger loop. Shoes are placed in a special bag or package.

    5.2. The student greets the cloakroom attendant and hands over his clothes.
    and gets a number. The number is kept in a specially designated place in the bag. If lost, the student's parents will restore the number.

    5.3. The wardrobe does not work during lessons. Reception and issuance of clothing is carried out in accordance with the class schedule and, as an exception, by order of the deputy director on duty.

    5.4. At the end of classes, the student gives a number to the cloakroom attendant and receives clothes.

    In case of loss of a number or clothing, the student contacts the deputy on duty

    5.8. Only one person at a time is served in the cloakroom; placing clothes of several people in one room is prohibited. Clothes cannot be issued to one person using multiple numbers.

    5.9. You cannot run, push, jump, or play pranks in the wardrobe, because... The wardrobe is a high-risk area.

    5.10. Clothes are handed over and received in the order of the general queue, which must not be disturbed.

    At the end of all lessons, the teacher accompanies the class to the wardrobe and is present when the students receive their clothes. The teacher monitors students' compliance with these rules.

    6. Rules of behavior in the gym locker rooms

    6.1. Students are in the sports locker rooms only before and after physical education lessons with the permission of the teacher and under his control.

    6.2. Staying in the locker rooms during class is prohibited.

    6.3. You are not allowed to run, push, jump, or play pranks in the locker rooms, because... they are a high-risk area.

    6.4. During the lesson, the teacher locks the locker rooms with a key.

    6.4. At the end of the lesson, students quickly change clothes and leave the locker rooms. It is prohibited to use the locker rooms for other purposes.

    6.5. In case of loss or damage of things, the student immediately reports this to the physical education teacher or the deputy director on duty.

    6.8. To classes physical culture Students are allowed only in sports uniform and shoes.

    7. Rules of behavior in the dining room

    7.1. Students are in the dining room only during breaks and during the time allotted by the meal schedule.

    7.2. In the dining room it is prohibited to run, jump, push, throw objects, food, cutlery, or break the line.

    7.3. You cannot take food out of the dining room.

    7.4. The student complies with hygiene and sanitation standards:

    • washes hands before and after eating;
    • does not accept food and drink from the same container with others;
    • does not bite off a common piece with others;
    • does not share cutlery with others;
    • does not accept drinks from the neck of a bottle or can; puts food on a plate and not on the table surface;
    • does not leave dirty dishes behind on the tables.

    7.6. Students are not allowed to place or place school bags, textbooks, notebooks and other school supplies on the surface of tables in the dining room.

    7.7. Order in the dining room is maintained by the class teacher, the administrator on duty, and the teacher. The demands of adults, which do not contradict the laws of Russia and the rules of the school, are fulfilled by students unquestioningly.

    7.8. Students observe the following food culture during meals:

    • hot dishes are carried and eaten carefully, without getting burned;
    • cutlery is used for its intended purpose, avoiding injury;
    • use napkins after meals;
    • dirty dishes are placed on a tray and taken to the sink;
    • do not speak, chew food thoroughly;
    • thank the canteen staff when receiving food and at the end of it.

    8. Final provisions

    8.1. A school student, being anywhere, has no right to create situations that threaten the life, health and well-being of others and himself.

    8.2. The student complies with these rules in school time, as well as during any activities outside of school hours, including outside the school.

    8.3. Violation of these rules and the school's Charter entails penalties in accordance with the current legislation of Russia and the Charter, local acts of the school.

    8.4. These rules are brought to the attention of students during class hours at the beginning of each academic quarter and are posted in a conspicuous place in the school recreation area for public viewing.

    8.5. The class teacher makes an appropriate entry in the class journal about studying the rules of behavior with students.

    8.6. These rules are required to be followed by all school students.

    Every child studying in a secondary school must know the rules of behavior at school when going to 1st grade. This should be taught to him by his parents, who can demonstrate by their own example how a cultured person should behave.

    And if students in grades 9–10 know what their essence is, then in grades 1 or 2 children can get confused in numerous points. For this reason it is provided Classroom hour, in which students can be shown a video, a cartoon, where everything is explained in detail, and most importantly, in a way that is understandable for children.

    From this article you will learn

    The basis

    All students, regardless of age, should know the rules of school etiquette. This issue should be given attention both in the classroom by the teacher and by parents outside the classroom. As often as possible, you should talk about this topic with students in grades 1–2 who are just beginning to acquire knowledge, as well as with students moving from grades 4 to 5. In the second case, the children move to an adult school, where there is no control of the first teacher, who has become a second mother for many of them.

    School etiquette requires compliance with certain rules, the main of which are:

    • Be a moral person, behave appropriately and follow ethical standards.
    • Show respect to elders and help younger ones.
    • Avoid the use of physical force and escalation of conflict situations.
    • Do not leave the educational institution during classes without warning teachers.
    • Do not bring items to school that are not related to educational process posing a threat to others.

    Visit and clothing

    Every student must know the rules of conduct at school. Therefore, lessons are held on this topic and conversations are held. Its goal is to convey to students what school etiquette should be and how to behave within the walls of an educational institution. For children in grades 2–4, a cartoon can be shown or a presentation can be given on the topic: “Rules of behavior at school.” Students in grades 5 and older are introduced to them in the form of rules, which include the following:

    • You need to go to school in a clean, ironed uniform and polished comfortable shoes. Girls' hair should be tied up so as not to interfere while reading or writing (this rule becomes especially relevant if this is not a simple school, but a gymnasium).
    • Arrive 15 minutes before class starts. This is enough time to undress and prepare for the lesson.
    • At the end of the school day, students leave the territory of the educational institution. Only those who attend additional classes or sections remain.

    How do students behave in class?

    Most children in elementary school perceive new information better in a playful way. That's why interesting game, invented by a teacher, or a simple and understandable poem for children will be the best option for familiarizing yourself with and mastering the rules of behavior for children in school during the lessons.

    For students who have entered 4th grade, this method is also relevant. After all, a cartoon or rules of conduct at school in verse are remembered much better than a list on a piece of paper. The basic requirements that students must comply with in class include:

    • The office before the lesson is opened by the teacher or the headman, on his instructions.
    • Each student must have his own place and take it when entering the office.
    • There should be nothing on the desk other than the items necessary for class.
    • After the teacher appears in the office, you need to stand up.
    • During classes there should be silence and order.
    • You cannot leave class without the teacher's approval.
    • When going to answer the board, you need to take a diary with you.
    • When a classmate answers, you should not give him any hints.

    Behavior during recess

    Children in grades 1 and 2 are usually supervised by a teacher during lessons and recess. Starting from grades 4–5, they become more independent, and when they move to high school, they are completely without control from the teacher.

    Students left to their own devices, starting in grade 4, may behave inappropriately. Therefore, they should learn the rules of behavior during recess. A cartoon or a reminder that can be done at home as homework will help to convey information to them. Rules of conduct during recess include:

    • The lesson is considered over when the teacher dismisses the students.
    • At the end of the lesson, all children must leave the room so that the staff on duty can prepare it for the next lesson. Preparation includes washing the board and ventilating the office.
    • During recess, you need to behave appropriately for a student - don’t make noise, don’t run, don’t litter. It is forbidden to open windows and sit on the windowsill.
    • When leaving the classroom, boys must let the teacher or girls pass first.
    • You are not allowed to have lunch in the hallway. There is a dining room for this.
    • Spontaneous visits to the teachers' room are prohibited.

    About culture

    The rules are extremely simple, and parents should start introducing them to their children even before they go to school. primary class. This will allow them, upon moving to 2nd grade, to navigate and follow the acquired knowledge. The category of rules on culture provides for the following points:

    • Politeness and friendliness come first.
    • When conducting a dialogue with a teacher, it is not permissible to keep your hands in your pocket.
    • You should address your classmates by name, avoiding nicknames.
    • You cannot swear within the walls of an educational institution.

    Parents must also understand that culture is important for a child. And it needs to be taught from birth. Well, as for the standards of behavior within the walls of the school, today there are many ways to convey to students all the requirements that are provided to them. A cartoon staged for a 2nd - 3rd grade student, a conversation, and even homework, in which children and their parents can participate, will help in this matter. For example, the drawing “Rules of behavior at school.”

    It should be taken into account that no matter what educational cartoon a student who has entered the 2nd grade watches, if there is no culture in the family, then it is unlikely that he will learn about it. Therefore, parents should become an example for the child. Only in this way will cartoons and other methods used to teach rules of conduct at school give the first positive result.