Primorsky Aviation College. Attached to the application

It was 1944, in the distant Far Eastern taiga village of Semyonovka, a plant for the repair of military aviation equipment had been operating for the fifth year. He experienced great difficulties in qualified personnel. This prompted the management of the plant to apply for the opening of an educational institution. And such a decision was made.

Orders of the Committee for Affairs high school under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry, the Primorsky Aviation College was organized and opened in July 1944.

The development and formation of the technical school is inextricably linked with the development of the aviation plant "Progress". Director of the plant Novikov N.S. it was proposed to allocate premises for an educational building and a hostel, staff the educational institution with teaching staff, provide practical help in equipment educational process and in solving other issues.

By his order, the director of the plant appointed engineer Fefer Efim Markovich, head of workshop No. 22, as the first director of the technical school. By order of Efim Markovich, dated October 7, 1944, 140 people were enrolled. Until 1994, the technical school was narrow-profile educational institution and trained specialists in Mechanical Engineering Technology and Aircraft Manufacturing.

Years passed, grew and improved educationally - material base technical school. In 1962, a dormitory for 200 people was built, in 1969 - a new one. educational complex for 960 students.

Primorsky Aviation College (PAT) FESTU (FEPI named after V.V. Kuibyshev

Now in college 33 classroom and laboratories. An information and computing center has been created. Teaching and educational work is carried out by 36 full-time teachers, of which 14 people have higher qualification, 17 people - the first, 5 teachers are holders of the sign " Honorary Worker middle vocational education". A number of teachers have worked at the technical school for 25-40 years. These are Kozmin V.B., Shakhova I.A., Makarova L.M., Priezzheva N.S. and etc.

Currently, the Primorsky Aviation College of the Far Eastern State Technical University provides training in such specialties as:

  • Aircraft manufacturing
  • Engineering technology
  • Automated information processing and control systems
  • Economy and Accounting
  • Finance
  • Jurisprudence
  • Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
  • Standardization and certification of products (by industry)
  • Methodological Council, headed by Deputy. director of academic work Kolomytsina L.V., coordinates the issues of improving the educational process. On high professional level the lessons are taught by teachers Pisareva G. V., Volkova S. V., Redchenko L. P., Volkova I. A., Gnilitsky Yu.
    Great importance is given to the development of professional skills of students, their cultural and physical development. Scientific and technical conferences, olympiads, competitions, competitions are held annually professional excellence. For everyone who wants to study, gain professional skills and strives for this, the technical school is a real opportunity to realize their plans.
    Also, the college has created conditions for the recreation of students. There are sports sections, a club of volunteers "Young to Young", a student scientific society, a club of amateur technical creativity, DND, KVN. Many events and holidays have become traditional - Health Day, competitions "Looking for Talents", "Gifts of Autumn", "The Strongest, Most Courageous", the action "Students Against Drugs", KVN, etc.

    In the city of Arsenyev, the Primorsky Aviation Technical School of FESTU is the only educational institution of secondary vocational education and enjoys well-deserved prestige among young people.

    For 65 years, the technical school has trained over 8 thousand specialists.

    "Freshman's Day" was held in the Far East federal university(FEFU) September 16.
    09/17/2019 FEFU Her further fate will be determined by a specially assembled commission Christina GREEN The scandal that flared up within the walls of the Primorsky Industrial College has not subsided so far.
    09/17/2019 KP Vladivostok The visit of the Chairman of the Frunzensky District Court, Nina Krasnova, to VSUES took place as part of the implementation of the "Invited Speaker" project.
    17.09.2019 VGUES In two cases investigators have already established arson Anastasia Dorozhnyak A series of fires swept through the partnership "Coast of Hope" in the Nightingale-Kluch area.
    09/17/2019 KP Vladivostok In the Primorsky Industrial College, one of the first-year students beat her classmate.
    09/17/2019 VostokMedia.Com The regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is conducting an inspection on a high-profile case that occurred at the Primorsky Industrial College in Arseniev.
    09/17/2019 VostokMedia.Com The film tells about how a mariculture farm is forced to survive on Far East and calls to answer long overdue questions Alexey SAMUSKOV In Vladivostok at the film festival "Meridians of the Pacific
    09/17/2019 KP Vladivostok In Vladivostok, the “Russian Around the World” finished. A symbolic swim in honor of the 17th Pacific Meridian Film Festival.
    16.09.2019 STRC Vladivostok On September 21 and 22, the main sailing event of the city of Nakhodka will take place in the waters of the Vostok Bay - the Cup of the Nakhodka urban district in the ORC class, in the Optimist class and in cruising yachts of all classes.
    16.09.2019 Vl.Ru

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
    Branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution
    higher professional education
    "Far Eastern Federal University"
    in Arsenyev
    Aviation College

    The college of the FEFU branch in Arsenyev was created on the basis of the Primorsky Aviation College, which was one of the oldest educational institutions in the Primorsky Territory ( educational activities conducted since 1944) The teaching staff consists of 46 teachers. Of these, 17 people have the highest category. The title of "Honorary Worker of SPO" was awarded to 8 people.

    TO teaching activities specialists of the leading enterprises of the city are also involved (OJSC AAK Progress, OJSC Askold and others), who have great experience production activities in the specialties of the college.

    College students have repeatedly become winners of regional subject Olympiads and scientific and practical conferences. For the thirteenth year, the KSTT amateur technical creativity club has been operating under the guidance of teacher V.I. Kovalev, where college students not only design aircraft, but also create full-scale models, and then fly them. Over the years, a number of small aircraft products have been created by the hands of students.

    Since 2006, the press center has been operating using information technologies. The result of the work of the press center is the release of the newspaper "PAT-News", which reflects the life of the college and students.

    Graduates of all specialties of the college successfully work at the enterprises of the city and the region. There are no problems with their employment. Most of the graduates continue their studies in the HPE programs at the branch, both full-time and correspondence forms learning.

    An increase in interest in the chosen profession occurs at various extracurricular activities. On high level competitions of professional skills "Best Turner", "Best Locksmith" are held, in which 2nd year students of specialties take part: "Technology of mechanical engineering", "Production of aircraft", "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles".

    Sports teams take an active part in college competitions, in city events: rallies, sports days, sports cups. Throughout school year competitions and tournaments are held certain types sports: volleyball, basketball, table tennis, swimming, skiing, athletics, kettlebell lifting, darts, football. For the above sports, qualified coaches work, which allows you to conduct classes and competitions at the highest methodological and organizational level.

    The college is waiting for you, graduates of 2012!



    Aircraft manufacturing

    Russian language,


    or physics.

    Engineering technology

    The term of study on the basis of 11 cells. - 2 years 10 months

    Russian language,


    and car repair
    The term of study on the basis of 11 cells. - 2 years 10 months

    The term of study on the basis of 9 cells. - 3 years 10 months

    Russian language,


    Technical regulation
    and quality management

    The term of study on the basis of 11 cells. - 2 years 10 months
    The term of study on the basis of 9 cells. - 3 years 10 months

    Russian language,


    Information systems (by industry)
    The term of study on the basis of 11 cells. - 2 years 10 months

    The term of study on the basis of 9 cells. - 3 years 10 months

    Russian language,


    or computer science

    Law and organization of social security

    Russian language

    Economics and Accounting
    The term of study on the basis of 11 cells. - 1 year 10 months

    The term of study on the basis of 9 cells. - 2 years 10 months


    Russian language

    Attached to the application:

    • education document, 2 copies
    • GIA certificate
    • eight photos 3x4;
    • passport copy of passport
    • vaccination certificate
    • insurance pension certificate, copy


    It was 1944, in the distant Far Eastern taiga village of Semyonovka, a plant for the repair of military aviation equipment had been operating for the fifth year. He experienced great difficulties in qualified personnel. This prompted the management of the plant to apply for the opening of an educational institution. And such a decision was made.
    By orders of the Committee for Higher Education under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry, the Primorsky Aviation College was organized and opened in July 1944.
    The development and formation of the technical school is inextricably linked with the development of the aviation plant "Progress". Director of the plant Novikov N.S. it was proposed to allocate premises for an educational building and a hostel, staff the educational institution with teaching staff, provide practical assistance in equipping the educational process and in solving other issues.
    By his order, the director of the plant appointed engineer Fefer Efim Markovich, head of workshop No. 22, as the first director of the technical school. By order of Efim Markovich, dated October 7, 1944, 140 people were enrolled.
    Until 1994, the technical school was a narrow-profile educational institution and trained specialists in Mechanical Engineering Technology and Aircraft Production.
    Years passed, the educational and material base of the technical school grew and improved. In 1962 a dormitory for 200 people was built, in 1969 a new educational complex for 960 students was built.
    Now the technical school has 33 classrooms and laboratories. An information and computing center has been created. Teaching and educational work is carried out by 36 full-time teachers, of which 14 people have the highest qualification, 17 people - the first, 5 teachers are holders of the sign "Honorary Worker of Secondary Vocational Education". A number of teachers have worked at the technical school for 25-40 years. These are Kozmin V.B., Shakhova I.A., Makarova L.M., Priezzheva N.S. and etc.
    Currently, the Primorsky Aviation College of the Far Eastern State Technical University provides training in such specialties as:

    "Production of aircraft",
    "Technology of mechanical engineering",
    "Automated information processing and control systems",
    "Economics and Accounting",
    "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles",
    "Standardization and certification of products (by industry)".

    Methodological Council, headed by Deputy. Director for Academic Affairs Kolomytsina L.V., coordinates the issues of improving the educational process. Teachers Pisareva G.V., Volkova S.V., Redchenko L.P., Volkova I.A., Gnilitsky Yu.F., Torgushinova L.S., Drozdova N.A., Kuznetsova I.N., Okovity I.I., Maltsev A.M.
    Great importance is given to the development of students' professional skills, their cultural and physical development. Scientific and technical conferences, olympiads, competitions, competitions of professional skills are held annually. For everyone who wants to study, get professional skills and strives for this, the technical school is a real opportunity to realize their plans.
    Also in college conditions for students' recreation have been created. There are sports sections, a club of volunteers "Young to Young", a student scientific society, a club of amateur technical creativity, DND, KVN. Many events and holidays have become traditional - Health Day, competitions "Looking for Talents", "Gifts of Autumn", "The Strongest, Most Courageous", the action "Students Against Drugs", KVN, etc.

    In the city of Arsenyev, the Primorsky Aviation Technical School of FESTU is the only educational institution of secondary vocational education and enjoys well-deserved prestige among young people.
    For 65 years, the technical school has trained over 8 thousand specialists.
    Undoubtedly, the Primorsky Aviation College has all the opportunities to provide young people with a full-fledged education in demand.

    Full description


    (full-time, free education)

    Technical regulation and quality management.

    Engineering technology.
    Specialty 151001. Qualification - technician.
    Specialist in the mechanical processing of metals, in the assembly of mechanical engineering products. The specialty is in demand in any branch of mechanical engineering, including work in mechanical workshops.

    Information systems (by industry).

    Law and organization of social security.


    (full-time, paid education)

    Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.
    Specialty 190604. Qualification - technician.
    Specialist in the field of maintenance and repair of all types of transport.


    Finance (by industry).

    Economics and accounting (by industry) .
    Specialty 080110. Qualification - accountant.
    Specialist in the field of property activities of enterprises.

    Aircraft manufacturing.
    Specialty 160203. Qualification - technician.
    Specialist in the manufacture, assembly and testing of components, assemblies of aircraft. Can work as a technologist, designer, foreman of aviation, ship, auto and machine-building production.

    Standardization and certification of products (by industry).
    Specialty 200504. Qualification - technician.
    Specialist in standardization of products, works, services for quality control and certification of engineering products. The specialist is engaged in product quality control.

    Automated systems for information processing and management (by industry).
    Specialty 230103. Qualification - technician.
    Specialist in the field software information systems and technologies, able to use computer technology in various areas: accounting, industrial production, statistics, high technologies.


    (paid training)
    Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.
    Specialty 190604. Qualification - technician.
    Specialist in the field of maintenance and repair of all types of transport.

    Specialty 030503. Qualification - lawyer.
    Specialist in legal relations between citizens and organizations.

    Finance (by industry).
    Specialty 080106. Qualification - financier.
    Specialist in the field of public finance, taxes and taxation, securities market.