Psychological masks of people. Why do we wear masks? (philosophical treatise). The most common masks

We all wear masks for different reasons. Some masks we put on because that's what we really want to be. Some we wear because we can't accept what's underneath or because someone needs to see us that way. And we wear some masks in order to stay in the shade, but there is one drawback in wearing masks: they can be torn off at any moment ...

“What do women want?” - sooner or later every man asks this question, and everyone is at a loss. He tries to solve a complex puzzle of difficult female logic, especially if there is an interesting object nearby. From this moment the game of masks begins. Sometimes it captures, it becomes so easy that you yourself don’t know where reality is and where fantasy is. But the game can also be difficult, forcing you to periodically step over yourself, driving you into despondency and depression. In any case, this is just a game, and over time everyone gets tired of it ... Many people naively believe that pretense and masks are just a woman's privilege. I do not want to disappoint anyone, but men often use such means to conquer girls' hearts. Sometimes, their masks are ridiculously obvious, but women believe in fairy tales and are ready to be deceived in the hope that they have met their handsome “prince”.

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All girls have different ideals, but globally, the evaluation criteria are quite similar. As a rule, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity want to see next to them a strong man who is self-confident, noble, generous, delicate, gentle, and capable of beautiful deeds. Well, clever man he will try to be just like that: he will give his coat on the way out, open the doors in front of his lady, look after her, be amiable and gallant. Any female representative cannot but appreciate such a reverent appeal to herself, and the ice in her heart will slowly begin to melt. But as soon as the "fortress" is conquered, the outer "tinsel" disappears. There are fewer calls, flowers are given less and less, and instead of restaurants, the man offers to stay at home and watch TV.

Unfortunately, such changes cannot but upset a woman, because you want an eternal fairy tale, a constant “bouquet and candy” period, and a “prince”, always dressed with a needle. But, if at first we see only the shell of a person, then over time, when the mask of the mute gets bored, we manage to see his “insides”, revealing a lot of new, no less pleasant qualities. It is quite possible that everything new that you will see will more than overlap the initial opinion about a person, both in a good sense and not very much.

In addition to the “prince” mask, there is also a “melancholic” mask. This will be a man who has survived a lot, tired of the difficult trials of fate, a man who has lost faith in his own abilities. Most likely, behind this mask is a person who is very afraid of being uninteresting and easily accessible, so he came up with the image of a certain martyr for whom a woman, in the literal sense, can become a “lifeline”. On the one hand, this type is a kind of variety, but everything is good in moderation. There is hardly a girl who is ready to constantly act as a "vest", solve her man's problems, and pull him out of depression. Sooner or later, she herself will want to find a “strong shoulder” to lean on. Imagine how disappointed she will be when she learns that her beloved “martyr” is able to wash the cup himself, vacuum the carpets, and the world does not collapse.

Not just how popular among the stronger sex is the mask of romance. If a beautiful stranger sunk into the soul of such a young man, then believe me, he will do everything, but he will achieve it. There will be a million scarlet roses, and serenades under the windows, and a candlelit dinner, and spontaneous gifts. But such an ideal life partner will stay with you exactly as long as his romantic ideas last. As a rule, the supply is limited and as soon as it runs out, he will find a new victim and the game will start again. After all, such men do not fall in love with you, they only like the emotions that they give you. If the “disguiser” still prefers to stay with you, then don’t be upset if one fine morning you don’t find a bouquet of roses or breakfast on your nightstand, this does not mean that life is over, it only indicates that the mask has been torn off and you have to meet a new person.

Another one male mask- macho tempter. He will be laconic, but will not forget to once again hint at his masculine strength and emphasize physical virtues. On the one hand, why not, if it is really that good, then you should use it while you have the opportunity, but on the other hand, something stops you. After all, intuition correctly suggests: a real macho will not stick out his insides, and tell what a great lover he is right and left, he will rather prove it in practice. Therefore, it is worth considering whether your “pseudo-macho” will turn out to be an offended boy who simply needs free ears to talk about all the troubles that have fallen on his hard lot.

Many will agree that the most repulsive mask for men is the mask of a rude dork who makes vulgar and rather offensive jokes, and is periodically and frankly rude. Such behavior is designed to put the object you like into a stupor from undisguised cynicism and aggression, after which the victim becomes more accessible and surrenders without a fight. Despite cultural progress, this behavior is still found among men. Its representatives go against the standard scheme, if usually a person shows his the best sides and qualities, in this case, he is trying to demonstrate all the most vile and disgusting character traits, according to the principle: “If you love me like such a monster, then I will also be nice to you as a prince!”. But not every girl has the strength to get to the bottom of the bright and pure side of her chosen one, many will leave without even trying to find out if he has it at all.

Having dismantled each mask, one involuntarily wonders why they are needed at all. After all, no one can wear it forever. Sooner or later you will stumble, revealing your true face. And it’s not a fact that your so-called “half” will be delighted with the real you. So maybe you shouldn’t waste your time or hers playing giveaway, but look for the one who also loves karting, not ballet, and will be happy to stay at home instead of going to a social event.

The creation of a mask is an attempt to protect oneself, to hide one's basic psychological trauma from oneself and from others. Angelina Sham, business coach, expert in business psychology, will tell about the variety of masks and behavior with their wearers

Have you noticed that people at work in certain situations behave unpredictably and inadequately: capriciously, painfully, childishly? Unfortunately, traditional management tools are powerless to deal with such a situation. The person seems to be losing control of the emotions that have captured him, and you cannot break through their mask to discuss the issue calmly and in a businesslike way.

If any person is asked the question: “Do you want to live life happily, easily and joyfully?”, then everyone will answer: “Yes, of course.” However, something constantly prevents this, and for the hundredth time people choose to suffer, be afraid and feel inadequate. The reason for this is our childhood psychological trauma, early traumatic experience in relationships with parents and loved ones. We must admit that parents are not perfect. Nature has not yet created such a mother or father who is always calm and gentle towards the child, finds the necessary time and love for him, does not show any negative emotions even in the most difficult situations.

Children in childhood often suffer from the "unfriendly" behavior of their parents. Should we blame the parents for this and feel sorry for the children? Not at all. Nature does not design everything by chance. A person in his life must go through a certain path of growing up his soul in order to become a strong and holistic personality. Parents, as if on purpose of nature, “injure” the child so that he learns forgiveness and acceptance, learns to value himself and other people, and begins to live consciously and happily.

If parental traumas become too painful for a child, he puts on a psychological protective mask to protect himself from traumatic experiences in the future. However, what often happens is that the mask becomes a habitual way for a person to respond to any situation that reminds him of a childhood painful experience.

1. For example, there are people who wear invisibility mask . Has it ever happened that you noticed a new employee six months after the start of his work?

The Invisible Man questions his very right to exist. His body usually appears fragile and appears to be incompletely formed. Such people actually turn out to be smart and prudent, but, unfortunately, they do not feel their value. The reason for this is the trauma of uselessness and undesirability by parents experienced in childhood. Apparently, the child in childhood felt that he was superfluous at this “celebration of life”. He learned to live with the feeling that he is nobody and nothing, you can even hear it in his words: “My supervisor said that I am nobody in these matters, I will have to leave.” The invisible seeks salvation in solitude and is afraid of the attention of others. It is difficult for him to be in a team, to accept the love and recognition of those who are nearby.

One day, with one manager, we were walking through the production workshop of his company. He approached the fragile boy at the computer, patted him lightly on the shoulder, said something briefly, and we moved on. "What have you done now?" I inquired. “This guy has only been with us for two weeks, but he has already come up with an interesting “ratsuha,” said my client. “I wanted to thank him for this, but I was warned that he was painfully shy, and I didn’t want to injure him in front of everyone.” Well done leader!

Advice. If such a person works in your environment, take care of his mask, do not demand closeness, openness, publicity from him. Respect his shyness and desire to remain invisible. Then you will keep his comfort and will be able to use all his intellectual potential and efficiency.

2. The second mask you may encounter in the office is addicted person mask . This man in childhood painfully experienced loneliness. Either one of his parents left the family, or he was sent to a camp or to his grandmother for a long time. His traumatized childish brain decided that he would no longer let people go. Dependent people have a weak sagging body, sad eyes, long helpless dangling arms. A vivid image of such a person is the image of the Kid from the cartoon about Carlson: always sad, lonely, who created a fictitious friend for himself for entertainment.

In a working relationship, this person loves to be a victim, to attract attention with his helplessness, to arouse pity for himself; cries easily, clings to people, painfully perceives criticism as a threat of separation, constantly seeks advice, but does not follow it. They seem to fall into different stories on purpose in order to attract attention and not feel lonely.

Advice. To build a productive working relationship with an addict, do not support his game, do not get involved in his emotional stories, do not "treat" his problems. Otherwise, you will give a false sense of intimacy with you, and sooner or later this will become a problem in your work. Build a working positive relationship with him initially, without switching to friendship and intimacy.

3. The third mask - masochist mask . This man was very shamed and humiliated in his childhood. Perhaps the strict despotic mother always found fault with the child and was unhappy with him. appearance, behavior, manners. His fragile soul had no choice but to transform humiliation into love, hence the formation of a masochistic personality type. As a rule, fat, awkward, untidy, with pimples and a sniffing nose, he is ready to evoke a feeling of disgust with his whole appearance.

However, he, like the rest, wants to be significant and loved, therefore, to his own detriment, he tries to be very good, takes on a mountain of work, and shows unnecessary concern for others. He takes criticism with pleasure, thanks you for it, as if you gave him pleasure. They are easy to manipulate and use because dignity he is undermined by trauma, and he does not feel personal boundaries, letting anyone in and suffering from it.

At first glance, it seems that they are ideal performers, meekly taking on any tasks. However, if the injury is strong and the mask is strong, then they do it with only one goal - to fail the task and receive a portion of punishment. They struggle with personal transformation and find it difficult to lead others.

Advice. Since in the desire to be good, he is ready to accept any job, do not fall into this trap. Dosed tasks, frequent and regular monitoring, well-deserved praise in case of success, learning analysis of failure in case of failure. He needs to create a feeling of small well-deserved victories to build self-confidence and a sense of true significance in the team, and not a “whipping boy”.

4. The fourth mask - control mask . This is a mask of power and influence. It is given out first of all by the body radiating power. In men, these are broad beautiful shoulders, eye-catching biceps, protruding chest. In women, this force is concentrated in the abdomen and thighs. The mask of control is formed as a result of childhood experiences of betrayal by parents. Since the child suffers from this pain, in order to protect himself from this suffering, he decides to become strong, responsible, in order to control everything and everyone. The controller is a strong personality with an active life position. A common type of despotic leader. Usually such a person is convinced that he is right, seeks to convince others of it, acts quickly and decisively. Easily manipulates people, hardly trusts them. Faced with more strong personality retreats for fear of losing control. He loves speed and gets annoyed by delay. A person with a mask of control will always add his "five cents" to what others are doing.

He does not raise his subordinates, because he holds power completely in his hands and is afraid to delegate large tasks to them. At some point, such a person becomes a brake on the development of himself, his team and business.

Advice. These people aspire to leadership and are made for it. However, the more traumatized they are, the more vulnerable they are to criticism and feeling out of control. They only recognize greater strength and greater competence than they have. Therefore, if you want to have such people in your environment, you must be an authority for them, otherwise you can drown in power positional wars for power and leadership.

5. And finally, the fifth psychological maskperfection mask . The person wearing this mask is distinguished by a straight, inflexible, proportional and perfectly shaped body. His movements are constrained, which betray closeness and restraint. The jaws are usually compressed, the neck is proudly straightened, the voice sounds loud and even.

This mask was formed in childhood as a protection against painful parental injustice, when the child decided that he would be impeccable in everything. He has a strong fear of error, he is afraid to seem imperfect. Therefore, the question "how are you" quickly and cheerfully answers: "Fine." He rarely gets sick, does not allow himself weakness, seems cold and insensitive, but looks attractive. In a conflict, he will defend his point of view until he is recognized as right. “Being right is more important than being happy” – this is about them.

These people are characterized by what in psychology is called the word "rigidity", which means "inflexible." They have too strong their own system of beliefs and rules. Attempts to change or correct them during a direct attack will break against his mask. He will do this out of a sincere desire to restore order and achieve justice. Where flexibility of thinking and plasticity of behavior are needed, they will feel their failure. Such people are good as a bulwark of stability and constancy. It is no coincidence that there are many of them in science and in religion, where it is impossible to deviate from the existing paradigm.

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The topic is not new. Now there is a lot of talk about those "masks" that we wear in Everyday life, about how they appear, and how, at times, they replace the original.

There is a fairly well-known film "The Mask", shot just on this topic. He perfectly illustrates the situation of the possible "growth" of the mask and the loss of one's identity.

And if you think about it, do we know ourselves, our true selves, without masks?

Not for the boss, not for the spouse, not for friends, but for yourself? What are we to ourselves? When was the last time we met ourselves - beloved, true and not covered up?

Maybe it never occurs to someone that the face is naked, but it happens. And then you can see the true essence of man. But it's such a rarity these days. To expose our essence, we need infinite trust, which we have long forgotten how to experience.

We are always in society , and he is demanding and merciless, and therefore we are compelled to "keep face".

Let me quote Lincoln's words on this score.

One day, President Abraham Lincoln, after rejecting a recommendation from his advisors to appoint a certain person to an important position, explained that he did not like the person's face.

“A person is not responsible for his face,” the advisers objected.
“Every man after forty years of age is responsible for his face,” Lincoln replied.

So we are responsible for the expression of our face, sometimes forgetting to relax even at home, alone with ourselves.

Of course, Lincoln meant that a man in his forties should be able to control his emotions.

But this is already "aerobatics".

The impenetrable and calm face of the sage suggests that he has come a long way to himself. His tolerance for external factors is based not on patience, but on understanding what is happening.

Patience is fraught with the fact that sooner or later it will end, and we will get a storm of emotions from scratch. That's where the bowl overflowed, there it will flood, regardless of objective reasons.

Those. the reaction to the three of the son can be like a dangerous life situation - the stimulus will not correspond to the reaction. But there's nothing you can do about it emotions are not easy to deal with, especially if there is no contact with oneself, and emotions are not given an outlet in time.

And if you need a "mask" for contact with the world, then there is definitely no contact with yourself.

There is a need to make the desired impression, to please, to be accepted. And notice it's not about behavior thoughtful or relevant to the task. This is about the image, the new creation of yourself, in the image and likeness of subjectively perceived social desirability. He or they if there are several masks, is fixed and declared in any situation, and eventually becomes a substitute (and) "I" personality.

And we do our best to maintain this newly created image. Many “keep” their faces, even when they are alone, but what if someone is watching? There are fewer opportunities to relax. And today's passion for selfies exacerbates the situation many times over. A person simply does not have intimate time for himself. Some even manage to take pictures of themselves during hygiene procedures. And, in the end, even they themselves forget what they look like.

The result of such a situation, it seems to me, can be a complete rejection of oneself.

This, in part, can be observed even now: pumped up lips, tattooed eyebrows, made noses, chins, strained faces.

Previously, the phrase "stretched face" meant a disgruntled face. By a freak accident, now a quickly stretched face allows one to like oneself and is considered beautiful.

And what is it, in fact? This is a rejection of one's own image, of one's individuality. and creating a stationary mask, i.e. the “keep face” option is no longer suitable; a monumental, non-removable protective mask is needed.

What is she protecting from?

  • From self-doubt
  • from rejection of oneself and one's own characteristics,
  • from vulnerability, etc..

A person, transforming himself, expects the effect of pride, satisfaction and self-confidence.

But does it really help?

Most people who resort to such a cardinal transformation eventually find other shortcomings in themselves and again go to the magician - reenactor. And so on ad infinitum.

The mouth no longer closes, the eyes do not open, there are bumps under the skin, and the process of “self-improvement” continues. It turns out that this option of dealing with self-doubt does not work, or does it work for a short time?

But, despite this, more and more people resort to such methods, losing health, appearance, liveliness of facial expressions, and sometimes they simply turn themselves into monsters.

This is how much you need to hate yourself to like the appearance of a bald, tattooed, bumpy monster with vampire fangs more than your own.

But find a way to yourself without resorting to quick methods, not easy. Loving yourself with all the flaws is also difficult. The work is not for one day, and few people dare to go this way. But in vain. The quality of life in this case really improves, and health remains with you, and there is more joy in life.

There is another destructive aspect of wearing masks, in addition to the loss of one's own individuality - moral decay and spiritual impoverishment.

At one time, I read a few historical essays on the creation of various kinds of masks in different cultures.

A general conclusion was formed - the mask protects, provides an opportunity, hiding behind it, to follow one's desires without fear of consequences.

Now this function is carried by avatars on the Internet. Remember, as in Tirso de Molina: "Behind the mask, any schoolboy can make eyes at the countess." This is happening online right now. A person, hiding behind his avatar, pours out a stream of shadow bile on those around him and is not responsible for his behavior. And impunity corrupts. Therefore, all sorts of trolls are multiplying at such a speed.

The history of Venetian masks perfectly illustrates the situation of moral decay.

Initially m The asca was the symbol of the Venice Carnival. Venice has always been a socially prosperous province. The inhabitants of Venice created a unique culture, where a person, hiding his face, also hid his social status. Any commoner, wearing a mask at the carnival, could claim the role of a nobleman. It got to the point that people liked this game so much that they began to wear masks in everyday life and lead a dissolute lifestyle. Even the nuns allowed themselves outside the walls of the monastery, hiding under a mask, to indulge in debauchery. The moral level dropped sharply. Eventually, a law was passed banning the wearing of masks in everyday life. They were allowed to wear only on holidays.

So what happens when we invariably wear our intangible social masks in our daily lives?

Approximately the same thing happens. Our values ​​are tailored to the image we strive to create. Over time, we become different and no longer understand where is ours and where is superficial. Our true identity is changing we believe that under this mask you can do this, and under this mask you can…

A modest and shy girl is jealous of her friend's freedom of communication. She tries to imitate her puts on "war paint", goes to a nightclub and tries to imitate her behavior. A feeling of ease in communication is created, and the girl repeats this behavior from time to time, training herself for the image she likes.

But is she prepared for the consequences of such behavior, because, unlike her friend, a vulnerable and sensitive heart is hidden under bright makeup. And the fact that her friend casually discards her will hurt her extremely and make her suffer. But the girl believes that this image of a femme fatale is absolutely necessary for her and continues to diligently cultivate it, until she completely loses herself.

Can't a sweet, gentle, domestic girl be interesting for who she is? How many men are looking for such girls, because it is with them that it is good to create a family and raise children.

Where did this girl get the idea that she was not like that? and she should be different. But this is already, as usual, from the family.

A child who feels his value as he is does not need to conform to any image, and he has every chance to live happy life in harmony with yourself. But the one who endlessly hears that he is not like that, not the same, will not be able to stand up for himself, will never find a partner - he has to look for a socially desirable image of himself that corresponds to the ideas and expectations of others.

We are often surprised how much a person changes with age.

There was such a sweet girl, and now an evil aunt. Or, she was so shy and inconspicuous, now she is so lively and open. Or, he was such an uninteresting young man, and with age he became such a charismatic man.

Some will say it is burden of the years and misfortune, or vice versa success, so changed appearance. But, it is curious that often those who experience terrible events, and, at times, sink to the very bottom, escaping from there, become more open, calm and friendly. Their faces look enlightened and radiate love and kindness. No wonder they say that the soul is perfected by suffering.

It is impossible to draw a parallel between the person who experienced the trials and another who lived easier. Rather, it's an inside job. Peace is not given to anyone just like that, neither rich nor poor, it must be earned and suffered. It seems to me that when the face opens and clears up with age, we can say that a person has gone through some serious path of self-discovery and he no longer needs to wear masks.

You might argue that a kind face can also be a mask. And here it is not. There is a difference that can be noticed - these are tense facial muscles. The mask can be recognized by the tension and unnaturalness of emotions.

How many masks we create in our life. There is a mask for work, there is a mask for friends, for relatives, a holiday mask for the day off, and God knows how much more. How many of these layers should be on us , layers of "subjective social desirability".

How many layers do you need to remove to find yourself underneath? And which "are you real"? And do we really want to know? Yes and no. The unknown is, of course, scary. You never know what you will find there, maybe it will be a good-natured creature, or maybe you will release a monster. Maybe the unknown is still better than the merciless truth? And lighter and warmer under all these protective layers?

Everyone answers this question for himself. And everyone decides what is best for him.

But I believe that each of us, such as he is, is able to bring something very important to life and society. People who look the same and think the same are a crowd, and if it's rude, a herd.

Don't try to fit in, don't try to be like someone else. The world needs your individuality!!!

And I'll put my poem back in again. As if in place.

For a long time people do not like to show their faces.
Under the veil, the bride will wear a ring in the church.
We hide faces, we hide thoughts, we hide the expression of the eyes.
Masks love, masks cry and laugh together with us.
All of us - women, men - are fascinated by the game,
It is so easy to put on a mask, to fence off the world with a wall.
People cover their faces with bright paint for show,
Since it is easier to get used to the world with a mask than with any of us ...
So people wear masks without removing them to the end,
But under a thick layer of paint there may not be a face ...

Horoscopes say that "twins" are dual. One cannot but agree with this astrological speculation, because not only the "twins", but also all other people have not only two, but many more faces. “Every person, whoever he may be, tries to put on such a look and put on such a mask so that he is accepted for who he wants to appear; therefore, we can say that society consists of masks alone” (Francois de La Rochefoucauld).

Each of us has a lot of masks for different occasions. A person is like a glass, consisting of opposite sides: only those who once cried can laugh; To be able to be kind, sometimes you have to be evil. Depending on the situation, we turn to other people with our different facets: with children we are not the same as with adults; with the boss we behave differently than with subordinates; with acquaintances is not the same as with strangers; with women is not the same as with men; for some people we are angels, while for others we can be almost devils.
We are frank only with ourselves and only occasionally with others. Quite often people think one thing, but say something else, because "if our thoughts were written on our foreheads, then everyone would turn away from us" (Skilef).

Our personality is made of masks, and life is a masquerade.
We are a source of fun and sorrow mine,
We are a reservoir of filth and a pure spring.
Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces:
He is insignificant, and he is immensely great.
(Omar Khayyam)

Our society is arranged in such a way that, getting into certain life situations, people put on "masks" with the not always conscious purpose of presenting themselves to others in a more favorable light.

"The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors"

The English word "person" (personality) comes from Latin word"persona", which meant the mask worn by actors performing in the amphitheaters ancient greece and Rome. In subsequent centuries, the mask was traditionally used where it was necessary to hide one's face and one's intentions, where a person wanted to be mistaken for another. There are historical characters: Iron Mask, Zorro. The Chicago mafia of the thirties used exclusively a black scarf, which covered the entire face to the eyes, and the special forces used a knitted cap-mask with slits for the eyes, borrowing this simple device from the Japanese ninjas.

Masks, countless in their variants, are a source of joy and fun at modern Venetian and Latin American carnivals. Thanks to the mask, people did not recognize each other, all sorts of conventions and taboos disappeared. Each person began to behave as uninhibited as he refused the role that society had hitherto imposed on him.

We wear masks, but why? There are many reasons why people want to justify their masquerade. Not everyone can admit it and answer...why? Why is he wearing masks? To answer sincerely... without wagging... without dodging... To confess to oneself... Why?

Because it's easier, safer. And the one who says that he never uses any kind of mask is sure to be cunning. It's like a lie, we can't be completely frank. That is life...
But, it all depends on the number of masks and the purpose of their use.

I am lost in yellow-red colors,
I suffer from autumn cold.
In multi-colored, elegant masks,
Lost, frozen, sorry....

The mask is necessary, it has become a constant and integral attribute of a person. The mask is a game, by wearing it we are not distracted by facial expressions in the eyes of a person, we become a character for a while. The mask allows us to change our usual image, it gives us freedom of expression of ourselves. Putting it on disappears past and future and we live only in this moment. The mask is a huge opportunity for a person. There is an opportunity to try yourself in different roles and thereby better know yourself.

Everyone wears masks - wise men and fools,
evil, kind, graphomaniacs and poets.
Without a mask you feel naked -
hiding in the web of words,
dreams with reality weave around the cover ...
But there is an evil irony in that,
that the mask gradually grows
and ready to shoot, but - not in this world.

We try on different masks: good, evil, stupid, smart, flirtatious, vulgar .... In different situations we want to seem like what we really are not - smarter, freer, more frivolous ...
Why do we wear masks? Why do we hide our real faces?
Are there people who don't wear "masks"?

I feel sorry for people wearing masks
With shortness of breath, from sticking cardboard.
They don't believe in themselves or in fairy tales
And only at night they moan slowly.
Without oxygen, they breathe guta-percha,
Inhaling the poison of cheap plastic.
Their exhalation generates the power of tornadoes
On their own necks, falling lasso.
The longer the masquerade, the deeper - the pain
The mask grows in, jaws clenching.
And only the soul screams, asking for freedom:
"Remove the chains! I'm still alive!
Take life! Don't tear! Don't choke!
Take off my sick body!
I'm suffocating! I beg you, breathe!
She said... She died... and turned black.

"Why hide under someone else's face,
When yours is truly beautiful?"