Passive voice in Russian and English. The system of collateral relations in Russian

Voice in Russian is a grammatical category formed by means of morphology and syntax. The voice category is formed by juxtaposing a series of morphological forms, the meanings of which differ from each other by different representations of the same relationship between the semantic subject, action, and semantic object [Fortunatov 1970: 87].

Grammatical means of expressing voice meanings can be morphological and syntactic.

Morphological means in the formation of pledges are:

  • 1) affix -sya attached to the verb: to please - to rejoice;
  • 2) suffixes of real and passive participles (compare: seeing - seeing and visible - seen).

The syntactic means of expressing pledge values ​​are:

  • 1) a syntactic difference in the expression of the subject and object of the action (cf .: Waves wash away the shore. - The coast is washed out by waves);
  • 2) the presence of an object of action and its complete absence (cf .: Rain increases the harvest. - The rain begins);
  • 3) the difference in the forms and meanings of nouns controlled by the verb (cf .: The contract is concluded by the foreman. - The contract is concluded with the foreman).

The main voices in the Russian language today are considered to be valid (active) and passive (passive) voice.

The active voice has transitive verbs denoting an action performed by the subject and actively directed at the object. The active voice has a syntactic characteristic: the subject of the action is the subject, and the object is the object in accusative without a pretext, for example: Peace will win the war.

The passive voice corresponds in meaning to the active voice, but has its own morphological and syntactic characteristics. The passive voice is expressed by adding the affix -sya to the verbs of the active voice (cf .: Workers build houses. - Houses are built by workers). In addition, the meaning of the passive voice can be expressed in the forms of passive participles - full and short. For example: Mother is loved. The topic has been studied. Comparison of the construction of the active and passive voice: The factory fulfills the plan - The plan is carried out by the factory shows that in the construction with the active voice (with a transitive verb), the subject of the action is expressed by the subject, and the object is the object in the accusative case, and in the passive (with a reflexive verb) the subject becomes object, and the former subject turns out to be the complement in the instrumental case [ibid: 206].

Considering voice from the standpoint of functional grammar (A.V. Bondarko), one can make following conclusions: in the center of the field of the Russian passive voice, it is customary to place the form "short passive participle + copula verb BE in zero or non-zero form", and the periphery of the field is made up of reflexive verbs [Bondarko 2003: 101].

Voice as a grammatical category covers all verbs. There are no out-of-voice verbs. The division of verbs into categories of transitive and intransitive is closely connected with the category of voice in Russian. Transitive verbs call an action that is directed at an object expressed by a dependent name in the form of an accusative case (if there is a negation of such an accusative case in a sentence, it is regularly replaced by genitive case: read the book - did not read the book). Most transitive verbs have their own grammatical features: their paradigm includes the form of the passive participle. Intransitive verbs call an action that does not imply an object expressed in the form of the accusative case. As a rule, they do not have a passive participle form in their paradigm. The passive voice is directly related to transitivity: its morphological means are based on it [Korolev 1969: 203].

With the division of verbs into transitive and intransitive, the allocation of reflexive verbs is associated. Reflexive are called intransitive verbs with a formally expressed intransitivity: these are verbs with a reflexive particle -sya. In some cases, they carry the meaning of suffering - and then the verb with the postfix -sya is used in the construction of the passive; in other cases there is no such meaning - and then the reflexive verb is used in the active construction [Timofeev 1958: 143].

Thus, in modern Russian, two voices are traditionally distinguished: active and passive. hallmark The passive voice is the possibility of not mentioning the producer of the action, while others oppose the active voice to the passive one, depending on whether the subject is an agent or a patient.

Chapter 1 Conclusions

pledge linguistics translation passive

The voice category is a grammatical category expressing subject-object relations. The category of voice is also one of the most controversial issues in linguistics. This is due to the presence of a large number of different points of view of linguists regarding the voice, and in particular the passive voice. German and Russian linguists put forward various concepts that establish the number of voices (Gulyga, Moskalskaya, Helbig) and the relation of certain constructions to the passive voice.

Collateral concepts can differ from each other in several ways: in the definition of pledge, in the allocation of the number of forms of pledge, and in their qualitative characteristic, in determining the semantic homogeneity/heterogeneity of voice forms, in determining the nature of voice oppositions, in solving the problem of coverage of verbal vocabulary by the category of voice.

In Russian and German linguistics, two voices are traditionally distinguished: active and passive, connected by the relationship "object - subject".

One of the well-known ways to study voice is the concept of functional grammar, developed by A.V. Bondarko. He considers the pledge from the position of the functional-semantic field. FSP is "a system of multi-level means of a certain language: morphological, syntactic, word-forming, lexical, as well as combined - lexico-syntactic, interacting on the basis of the commonality of their functions, based on a certain category [Bondarko 2003: 87]. Linguists take the opposition as the center of the FSP of pledge "active/passive".

The center of the microfield of passivity in German is werden + Partizip II, and in the center of the microfield of passivity in Russian there is a "short passive participle + linking verb "BE" in zero or non-zero form". S.A. Shubik explains this by the fact that these constructions have a particularly pronounced interlocking of components, which creates their real indecomposability, idiomaticity and the presence of common meanings. They are also syntactically indecomposable and appear in the sentence as one member [Shubik 1989: 48].

Thus, these structures have one common function: in Russian and in German they serve as means of expressing the passive voice. But the criteria for their selection for inclusion in the field of passivity in German and Russian are different due to a number of features that distinguish these forms from each other, which is due to differences in the verb systems of these languages.

Non-collateral verbs are verbs that do not express subject-object relations. These include:

1) irrevocable intransitive verbs ( cry, turn white, threaten);

2) verbs in -sya, formed from intransitive verbs. In this case, the postfix -sya, joining the intransitive verb, forms not voice forms, but new words ( cry - cry);

3) impersonal verbs in -sya, formed on the base:

Intransitive verbs ( sleep - can not sleep, doze off - he is dozing);

4) verbs formed from both transitive and intransitive ones with the help of a prefix and a postfix –sya ( eat - eat, scream - shout, cry, dance. sleep, sleep, get hungry);

5) non-derivative verbs with the postfix -sya. In these words -sya stands out, but they do not have corresponding irreflexive verbs ( balk, be afraid, greet, touch, repent, bow, admire, imagine, hope, like, vouch, smile, compete). In these verbs, the postfix -sya is an indicator of their intransitiveness, but does not perform either voice-forming or word-forming functions.

6) verbs in -sya, which differed in meaning from the corresponding irrevocable verbs ( to torture - to try, to finish off - to achieve, to consist - to take place, to get - to get, to forgive - to say goodbye, to crush - to choke).

Thus, in theories of three collaterals the original is the actual pledge. The form of voice expression is the subject of the action and the object. According to this theory, all verbs in the Russian language are divided into voice and non-voice, and voice, in turn, can express the meaning of the real, passive and reflexive voices.

Collateral values ​​have not only a finite verb, but also participles. Wherein passive participles express meaning only passive pledge ( Earth illuminated by the sun. A room filled with light). Valid participles can, like conjugated verbs, either express or not express a pledge value:

Headman compiling lists (DZ.)

The idle elder will not put things in order (non-collateral communion).

House being built by workers (NW).

We saw hugging friends (OT).

In addition, in Russian linguistics there is a theory two pledges, which was first presented by A.V. Isachenko, and then was used in WG-70, 80, as well as in the textbook "Modern Russian Language" ed. Beloshapkova. According to this theory, the voice expresses the different orientation of the verb feature in relation to its carrier, expressed by the subject. The direction of the action is expressed with the help of special constructions of the asset and liability.

For example, The task is determined by the teacher (the subject is active). – The task is determined by the teacher (the subject is passive).

According to this theory, the passive voice occupies a strong position, because it has a clear morphological expression - postfix -sya. The active voice combines everything that is not included in the passive and, thus, both transitive and intransitive verbs are included in the active voice (in contrast to the theory of three voices, according to which intransitive irrevocable verbs do not express voice relations).

It should be noted that the grammatical categories of aspect, transitivity and voice are characteristic of all forms of the verb (conjugated and non-conjugated). They are called common verbs categories.

Conjugated forms, in turn, are characterized by the presence of the category of mood, tense and person. They form the verb as a predicate, therefore they are called predicative categories.

The interrogative form is formed by transferring the (first) auxiliary verb in place before the subject, for example:
When was the work done?
Has the work been done?

The negative form is formed by negating not, which is placed after the first auxiliary verb, for example:
The work was not done last week.
The work will not be done tomorrow.

Compare the active voice with the passive voice:

Active Voice
Tom delivers the mail. Tom delivers the mail.
Tom delivered the mail. Tom delivered mail.
Tom will deliver the mail. Tom will deliver the mail.

Passive Voice
The mail is delivered by Tom. The mail is delivered by Tom.
The mail was delivered by Tom. The mail was delivered by Tom.
The mail will be delivered by Tom. The mail will be delivered by Tom.

As in Russian, a noun that plays the role of an object in an active sentence usually becomes the subject in a passive sentence. If the producer of the action is indicated in phrases with a passive voice, then in Russian it is denoted by the instrumental case, and in English it is preceded by the preposition by. The use of tense in the English passive voice is not fundamentally different from its use in the active voice. When translating the passive voice into Russian, the following options are possible:

1. Short form of the passive participles
I am invited to a party.
I'm invited to a party.

2. Verbs ending in -sya-
All observations were made by a team of famous scientists.
All observations were carried out by a group of famous scientists.

3. Indefinitely personal sentences (this method of translation is applicable only in cases where the producer of the action is not mentioned in the English passive voice).
We were asked to come as early as possible.
We were asked to come as early as possible.

Active and passive voice: characteristic features

The theory concerning such an important topic of the English language as active and passive voice, which, by the way, are called a little differently in Russian - active and passive voice - is a rather difficult theoretical question, especially for those who are just starting to study, absolutely, as well as for those who know him mediocrely.

First of all, I propose to define the very grammatical term pledge. This concept includes a special form of the verb, showing whether the subject performs a certain action independently (acts as a subject), or is the object of the action being performed.

  • Active (Russian valid) voice: The girls are planting flowers. The girls are planting flowers.
  • Passive (Russian passive) voice: The flowers are being planted by girls. - Flowers are planted by girls.
  • Active and passive voice in English are quite common, so you can not put a special emphasis on any one, saying that you can easily do without the second.

    The basic rule goes like this:

    If the subject in the sentence is the subject of the action, then the verb-predicate is used in the asset.

    For example, My ex-boyfriend wrote me this strange note. My ex-boyfriend wrote me this strange note.

    If the subject of the sentence is the object of the action, then the verb-predicate will be used in the passive.

    For example, This strange note was written by my ex-boyfriend. This strange note was written by my ex-boyfriend.

    Active and passive voice have different ways education, or more precisely, the passive voice is built from the corresponding tense form of the real according to the following formula: the verb be (in the corresponding tense) + III form of the verb (past participle).

    In practice, it will look like this:

    Group of simple English tenses Simple (passive voice):

    • Present Simple: A little noisy boy is examined by doctor. A little noisy boy is examined by a doctor (meaning regularly).
    • Past Simple: Yesterday a little noisy boy was examined by doctor. Yesterday a little noisy boy was examined by a doctor.
    • Future Simple: Tomorrow a little noisy boy'll be examined by doctor. Tomorrow the little noisy boy will be examined by the doctor.
    • Group of long English Continuous tenses (passive voice):

    • Present Continuous: A little noisy boy is being examined by doctor. A little noisy boy is currently being examined by a doctor.
    • Past Continuous: A little noisy boy was being examined by doctor from 6 to 7 yesterday. Yesterday a little noisy boy was examined by a doctor from 6 to 7 o'clock.
    • Group of perfect English tenses Perfect (passive voice):

    • Present Perfect: A little noisy boy has been examined by doctor already. The little noisy boy had already been examined by the doctor.
    • Past Perfect: A little noisy boy had been examined by doctor by 12 o'clock yesterday Yesterday at 12 o'clock the doctor had already examined the little noisy boy.
    • Future Perfect: A little noisy boy will have been examined by doctor by 12 o clock tomorrow Tomorrow by 12 o'clock the doctor will have examined the little noisy boy.
    • As you might have already noticed the obvious fact that the group of perfect continuous tenses, as well as the future. for a long time, Future Continuous in the passive (passive) voice is not used.

      Those. we have seen that the passive and active voices have different amount temporary forms, and if there are 12 for an asset, then it is permissible to use four less in a liability, only 8.

      The passive voice is used when the attention of the interlocutors is focused on the person or object to which the action is directed. As a rule, the subject of this action, if indicated, is quite rare.

      Our institute was founded 150 years ago. Our institute was founded 150 years ago.

      In this sentence, the institution is the object of action that is expressed by the predicate (it was founded); and it is about him that we are talking, and not about the personality of the founder.

      If necessary, the subject of the action can be conveyed by expressing it in addition using the preposition by (has no translation, but converts the next word into instrumental case) or with (translated from English means “with”, “with”, “when using”) .

      They were invited by my best friend. They were invited by my best friend.

      As I said above, the active and passive voice in English is used equally often. Although if we draw a parallel with Russian, then we can say with confidence that in our mother tongue the passive voice is used much less frequently.

      In this article, I have tried to summarize one of the most difficult topics. And finally, I would like to give advice to all beginners to study foreign language. Remember, active and passive voice are concepts that require not only a complete understanding of what has been learned, but also a long and painstaking improvement in practice.

      Active and Passive Voice in English

      In this lesson we will analyze a very difficult grammatical topic - Active and Passive Voice in English. Simply put, the pledge is an indicator of whether the subject performs an action or the action is performed on it.

      There are two forms of voice in English: the active voice (the Active Voice) and the passive voice (the Passive Voice).

      In the active voice, the verb denotes an action that is performed by the subject:

      • I read twenty pages yesterday.
      • Yesterday I read twenty pages.
      • In the passive voice, the verb denotes an action that is performed on the subject:

        • Twenty pages were read by me yesterday.
        • Yesterday I read twenty pages.
        • Compare the following examples:

          • They usually sing such songs in class. (Active Voice)
          • Usually they sing such songs in class.
          • Such songs are usually sang by them in class. (Passive voice)
          • Such songs are usually sung by them in the classroom.
          • Has the manager checked up your report? (Active Voice)
          • Did the manager check your report?
          • Has your report been checked up by the manager? (Passive voice)
          • Has your report been reviewed by a manager?
          • If you have reached the topic of pledges in English, then so far, you have already managed to learn tense forms of the verb in Active Voice. You already know that there are 12 main active voice tenses in English. Each tense is formed in its own way, with the help of endings and auxiliary verbs. What does the tense system look like in the passive voice?

            Formation of the Passive Voice

            The passive voice also has a system of tenses. But unlike the active voice, there are only 8 tense forms in it. All times of the Perfect Continuous group, as well as the time of Future Continuous in Passive Voice are not used.

            For the formation of times passive voice, we need an auxiliary verb to be, which must have the appropriate form of the active voice, and the past participle of the semantic verb. You already know that the past participle is formed with the ending -ed for regular verbs, or the III form of irregular verbs from the table is used, which you need to know by heart.

            The passive voice formation scheme for all tenses is as follows: How are temporary forms of the passive voice formed?

            Below are examples of conjugation tables for the verbs to promote and to choose in the passive voice (affirmative form).

            Simple Tenses in the Passive Voice −
            simple tenses in the passive voice

            Continuous Tenses in the Passive Voice -
            long times in the passive voice

            Perfect Tenses in the Passive Voice -
            Perfect tenses in the passive voice

            What verbs form Passive Voice forms?

            All verbs in English have Active Voice forms. Passive Voice forms can form not all verbs, mostly only transitive verbs (Transitive Verbs).

            Transitive verbs express an action directed at some object and take a direct, indirect or prepositional object.

            Examples of transitive verbs in active and passive voices:

    1. My parents told me many interesting facts about our family's past. (verb to tell in Active Voice; indirect object - me, direct object - facts)
    2. I was told many interesting facts about our family's past by my parents. (verb to tell in Passive Voice; subject in sentence 2 corresponds to indirect object in sentence 1 (I − me)
    3. Many interesting facts about our family's past were told to me by my parents. (verb to tell in Passive Voice; subject in sentence 3 corresponds to direct object in sentence 1 (facts - facts)

    Type 2 sentences in Passive Voice use the following verbs: to allow - to allow, to ask - to ask, to award - to assign, to forbid - to forbid, to forgive - to forgive, to give - to give, to offer - to offer, to pay - to pay, to present - to give, to show - to show, to teach - to teach, to tell - to speak.

    • My big brother was given many gifts for his birthday - My older brother was given many gifts for his birthday
    • They were asked some questions at the enter-exams - They were asked a couple of questions at the entrance exams
    • We will be taught Spanish next year - We will be taught Spanish next year
    • I was shown the way by a small girl - A little girl showed me the way
    • In Russian, sentences of type 2 are not used in Passive Voice. Instead, indefinitely personal sentences or personal sentences with a verb in Active Voice are used. Compare:

      • We were told many interesting stories - We were told a lot interesting stories(indefinite personal sentence)
      • We were told many stories by our teacher − Our teacher told us many stories (personal sentence with verb in Active Voice)
      • If a verb in Active Voice takes a prepositional object, then the prepositional object can act as a subject in a sentence with a verb in Passive Voice (and the preposition is placed after the verb). Compare:

        • People speak much about that film - People talk a lot about that film (Active Voice)
        • That film is much spoken about - There is a lot of talk about that film (Passive Voice)
        • Olga liked to wear very short dresses, and she was often made fun of by her classmates - Olga liked to wear very short dresses, which is why classmates often laughed at her
        • In Russian, sentences of this type are not found. Instead, indefinitely personal sentences or personal sentences with a verb in Active Voice are used:

          • He is waited for − They are waiting for him
          • He is waited for by his friends − Friends are waiting for him
          • Using Passive Voice Forms

            Passive Voice predicate sentences are used in English when the main interest is the object undergoing the action (action object) rather than the action performer (action subject), as in Active Voice verb sentences.

            In sentences with Passive Voice, the object of the action is the subject, and the subject of the action is either expressed by a prepositional object with the prepositions by/with, or not mentioned at all.

            Examples of sentences with a verb in Passive Voice, in which the subject of the action is not mentioned:

            • Tennis is played all over the world − Tennis is played all over the world
            • The wounded were flown to hospital - The wounded were sent by plane to the hospital
            • I am told you're a bad player - I was told that you are a bad player
            • Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14 - Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14
            • A new building is being built in my street - A new building is being built on my street
            • As you have probably already noticed, sentences of this type are translated into Russian as indefinitely personal sentences, or less often, sentences with a verb in the passive voice.

              Examples of sentences with a verb in Passive Voice, in which the subject of the action is expressed by a prepositional object with the prepositions by / with:

              • Many flowers were planted by our children last spring - Our children grew many flowers last spring
              • The sky wasn't covered with dark clouds - The sky was not covered with dark clouds
              • The radio was invented by Popov In 1895 - Popov invented the radio in 1895
              • Tenses in the passive voice have the same meanings as the corresponding tenses in the active voice. The passive voice in English is used much more often than in Russian, where the same meaning is conveyed by indefinitely personal, impersonal or personal sentences with a verb in the active voice.

                No matter how difficult the topic “Active and Passive Voice in English” seems to you, you simply have to learn it, because. the passive voice is very often used in both spoken and written English.

                Watch the following video lessons on the topic: "Active and Passive Voice in English"


                PLEDGE- a grammatical category that indicates the relation of an action to the subject and object of this action. The active voice shows that the subject denotes an object or person (group of persons) that performs an action aimed at another object or person: The commission considers projects; The lamp illuminates the room.

                The passive voice shows that the subject denotes an object or person being acted upon by another person or object: Projects are considered by the commission; The room is illuminated by a lamp.

                Not all verbs have a passive voice, but only those that denote an action performed by the subject and directed at the object. The vast majority of such verbs are transitive verbs: consider, illuminate, build, read, to sign and under. Verbs denoting an action that is not directed at an object do not enter into opposition by pledge. These include intransitive verbs: go, look, fight, live, turn white, be sad and similar, impersonal ones: get light, vomit etc., verbs with meaning subjective feeling: seem, wonder, dream, like and some others.

                The passive form is formed from transitive verbs neses. species by attaching a formant to them - Xia: build - build, sign - subscribe, compose - compose and so on. These forms are usually used in the 3rd person singular. and plural. numbers: The protocol is signed by the secretary; The lists are compiled by the board of the cooperative. From transitive verbs of owls. such forms are not formed; can't say: * The protocol was signed by the secretary; *The lists were compiled by the board of the cooperative. Transitive verbs in owls. the form that has the value of the active voice corresponds to short passive participles formed from these verbs: signed (Protocol signed by the secretary), compiled (The lists were compiled by the board of the cooperative).

                In addition to verb forms with a formant − Xia and short passive participles, the meaning of passive participles is expressed by full passive participles - the present tense ( considered, illuminated, readable etc.) and past tense ( considered, lit, read) - as well as short passive participles of the present tense (in modern language rarely used: consider, illuminate, read). In addition, the meaning of passiveness can be expressed by the full participles of the present and past tense, formed using the suffixes of the active voice and postfix - Xia: —yi (-Yusch), —ash (-crate), —vsh (-w): readable (read), under construction (under construction) and under. Wed : lecture course, read by a professor - a course of lectures, read by the professor - a course of lectures, read by a professor - course of lectures, read by professor.

                Participles on - named, —received, expressing the meaning of suffering, can be formed not only from transitive verbs, but also from some verbs that subordinate to themselves an object expressed by a noun in the form of non-accusative, but other cases. Wed : The driver drives the car. - Car, driver-controlled. ; The director leads the team. - Team led by director.

                The meaning of passiveness is most clearly expressed when there is a noun in the sentence in the form of the instrumental case, which has the meaning of the subject of the action; the subject of the action is usually indicated by an animate noun, less often by an inanimate one: The statement is compiled by an accountant; Book read by all students; The room is lit by a lamp.


                Active and passive voice in English

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              We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice – that is, until we have stopped saying “It got lost,” and say, “I lost it.”

              Sydney J Harris

              We didn't cross that fine line between childhood and adulthood until we moved from the passive voice to the active voice, namely, we stopped saying "It's lost" instead of "I lost it."

              English verbs have such a grammatical category as voice ( voice). It shows whether the subject itself performs the action or whether it is the object of the action. It is for this purpose that all English verbs are used either in the real or active voice ( active voice), or in the passive or passive voice ( passive voice). If the subject itself produces the action, then we use the verb in the active voice. For example:

              They often join me at the meetings. They often go to meetings with me.

              Our relatives presented us with a bouquet of flowers. Our relatives gave us a bouquet of flowers.

              Passive Voice in English

              A familiar situation: for a long time you promise yourself to take up the study of the topic “Passive Voice in English”. The school stock of knowledge is probably forgotten, and the articles that you so diligently searched for on the Internet are written more for philologists and connoisseurs English grammar. Quite expected questions arise: “Maybe I can do without using this intricate pledge? Can I chat without using it?

              Theoretically you can. A native speaker will be able to understand the general meaning of your statement, but your phrases will not sound quite natural and logical. Sometimes, instead of one concise phrase (in the passive), you will have to explain the situation with the help of a whole group of sentences in the active voice. Therefore, let's finally deal with this mysterious passive voice, so that in the future you can easily use it both in speech and in writing.

              The passive (or passive) voice in English is used in cases where the fact of an action is much more important than its performer.

              The towels were not used yesterday. – Towels were not used yesterday = The towels were not used yesterday.

              In this sentence, the subject denotes an object (towels) that is subject to action by some person (the performer is not specifically known to us), while he himself does nothing. The fact that towels were not used is much more important to the speaker than who exactly did not use them.

              Remember, if the action is carried out with the help of any object, tool, material, then the preposition is used with.

              The streets are covered with snow. - The streets are covered with snow.

              If the performer of the action is a person or a group of people, we will put a preposition by.

              He was asked about the accident by the police yesterday. Yesterday the police asked him about the accident.

              The formation of the passive voice in different tenses

              In childhood, many of us loved to collect the designer. We can easily master the rules for using the passive voice in English if we present our proposal in the form of various constructor blocks. We need 2 elements:

              It is(verb to be) made(irregular form of the third column) of glass. - This made from glass.

              They were(verb to be) not invited (regular verb with the ending -ed) . - They are not were invited.

              We will consider the most commonly used passive forms with you using examples from your favorite English cartoons.

              Present Simple Passive Voice (statement of fact or ordinary, constant, regular action)

              tangled- "Rapunzel: Tangled"

              In one of the episodes of this Disney cartoon, the main character Rapunzel shares the secret of her golden hair with her new friend and travel companion Flynn Ryder. The touch of the magical hair of a young princess heals from all diseases and restores youth.

              Once it 's cut, it turns brown and loses its power. - as soon as they cut off, they become chestnut and lose their power.

              Past Simple Passive Voice (completed action in the past)

              Frozen- "Cold heart"

              Let's remember the lovely and naive Princess Anna, who on the day of the coronation of her sister Elsa met Hans at the reception. The thirteenth prince of the Southern Isles offered her his hand and heart, and the girl agreed. In this episode, a young beauty tells her chosen one about a white strand of hair in her hairstyle. The girl does not know that this is the result of her older sister's magic.

              I was born with it, although I dreamed I was kissed by a troll. - I was born with her, although I imagined that I kissed troll.

              Future Simple Passive Voice (an action that will happen in the future)

              Moana- "Moana"

              It is impossible to ignore such a colorful cartoon about the islands. Pacific Ocean. At the very beginning of this story, the grandmother main character Moana tells the children of a tribe living on an exotic island the legend of the heart of the goddess Te Fiti. When it is found, the former balance and order will be restored in nature.

              But one day the heart will be found by someone who would journey beyond our reef. - But one day, the one who swims over our reef, will find heart.

              Present Perfect Passive Voice (the action happened recently, its result is important)

              The Boss Baby- "Boss Baby"

              If you have already watched this cartoon, then you certainly have not forgotten how main character Tim Templeton decides, together with his unusual younger brother, to act against the director of the corporation PuppyCo. In the course of their joint adventures, Tim becomes attached to a phenomenal baby, and in one of the episodes he tickles him during a funny photo shoot.

              What? You 've never been tickled? - What? You never tickled?

              Modal verbs with Passive Voice (function determined by modal verb)

              Kung Fu Panda 3- "Kung Fu Panda 3"

              The legendary adventures of the panda named Po continue in this cartoon. He has an important battle with the evil spirit Kai. Only a true hero can stop him and prevent trouble. Grand Master Shifu finds ancient scriptures and says the following phrase:

              He can only be stopped by a true master of Chi. - His can stop only a true Qi master.

              Others can be used in the passive voice modal verbs: May, must, could, ought to, should. Here are examples of their use:

              The lessons should be attended regularly. - Classes should visit regularly.

              All the traffic rules must be obeyed. – Need to follow all traffic rules.

              As it turned out, even in cartoons one cannot do without the passive voice. And we continue to collect our "constructor" and offer you a table with those temporary forms of the passive voice that we have not mentioned yet.

    According to the most widely accepted theory collateral category associated with the division of verbs into transitive and intransitive.

    Grammar category of voice a verb category is called, which expresses the relation of the action to the subject (the producer of the action) and the object of the action (the object on which the action is performed). For example:

      The general abruptly stopped the car near his tent(Cat.). The verb stopped has a form of voice that expresses the relation of the action ( stopped) to the subject ( general) and the object of the action ( car), covered by the action in full;

      ...A small cart drawn by a trio of exhausted horses stopped in front of the porch.(T.). The voice form of the verb stopped denotes an action that closes in the subject itself (cart), not passing to the object.

    The difference between the verb forms stopped and stopped in the above sentences is collateral difference.

    Basic pledges and their formation

    The grammatical means of expressing pledge values ​​can be morphological And syntactic.

    Morphological means in the formation of collateral serve:

      affix -syaattached to the verb: rejoice - rejoice;

      suffixes of real and passive participles (cf .: seer - seer And visible - seen).

    By syntactic means pledge value expressions are:

      syntactic difference in the expression of the subject and object of the action (cf.: Waves wash away the shore.- The shore is washed away by the waves);

      the presence of an object of action and its complete absence (cf.: Rain boosts crops. - The rain starts);

      difference in forms and meanings of verb-controlled nouns (cf.: The contract is concluded by the foreman. - The contract is concluded with the foreman).

    Basic pledges: real, mid-reflexive and passive.

    Active voice have transitive verbs denoting an action performed by the subject and actively directed at the object. The active voice has a syntactic characteristic: the subject of the action is the subject, and the object is the object in the accusative case without a preposition: Peace will win the war.

    Average return deposit have verbs formed from transitive verbs (active voice) through the affix -sya. They express the action of the subject, which does not pass to the direct object, but, as it were, returns to the subject itself, concentrated in it; compare: return the book and return (to yourself), pay attention And focus(himself).

    Depending on the lexical meaning foundations and nature of syntactic links verbs of the middle voice can express shades of meaning that characterize the relationship between the subject and the object of the action in different ways.

      Self-reflexive verbs express an action whose subject and direct object are the same person: [Daughters] will put on perfume and make up that the dolls will dress up(D. Bed.). The affix -sya in these verbs means "self".

      Reciprocal verbs designate the action of several persons, of which each person is both the subject and the object of the designated action. The affix -sya for such verbs has the meaning of "each other": And new friends well hugging, well kissing(Cr.).

      Reflexive verbs express the internal state of the subject, closed in the subject itself, or a change in the state, position, movement of the subject. Such verbs allow the addition of the words "self", "self" - get upset, move(himself); frustrated, moved(myself): Popadya Balda does not praise, the priest only grieves about Balda(P.).

      Indirect reflexive verbs denote an action performed by the subject in his own interests, for himself: He was a neat guy. Stock up on everyone on the way back(P.).

      Objectless reflexive verbs designate an action outside of relation to the object, closed in the subject as its constant property: The sun is already burning (N.); Mother darned a sheepskin coat, but he was torn and torn (Paust.).

    Passive voice in meaning it correlates with the active voice, but has its own morphological and syntactic characteristics. The passive voice is expressed by adding the affix -sya to the verbs of the active voice (cf.: Workers build houses. - Houses are built by workers). In addition, the meaning of the passive voice can be expressed in the forms of passive participles - full and short. For example: Mother is loved (beloved). The topic is studied (studied). Design matching - The factory executes the plan(actual construction) and The plan is carried out by the factory(passive construction) shows that in the real construction (with a transitive verb) the subject of the action is expressed by the subject, and the object is the object in the accusative case, and in the passive construction (with a reflexive verb), the object becomes the subject, and the former subject turns out to be the complement in the instrumental case.
    Thus, the passive voice presents the action as passively directed from the object to the subject. The most important grammatical indicator of the passive voice is instrumental noun with the meaning of the doer, the real subject of the action. The absence of such an instrumental case brings the passive meaning of the verb closer to the mean reflexive, especially when the subject is the name of the person (cf .: Skiers go hiking; Letters are mailed; Parcels are sent by a forwarder).

    Based on materials: Modern Russian: Textbook / Edited by N.S. Valgina. - M.: Logos, 2002.
    Rosenthal D.E., Golub I.B., Telenkova M.A. Modern Russian language. - M.: Rolf, 2002.