The hadron collider is dangerous. The Large Hadron Collider is a threat to the planet. Acceleration and collision of particles in the LHC

The essence of experiments with the LHC is to use the most powerful electromagnets to accelerate protons - the fundamental particles of the matter of the Universe, whose origin and structure is unknown- and push in opposite directions, trying to observe what happens and understand what it means.

These experiments can be compared with the occupation of people who beat plates and, enjoying the ringing, study fragments with microscopes. For 100 years described all kinds of fragment shapes - cubes, cones, prisms, balls, parallelepipeds, tetrahedra, octahedrons, icosahedrons (over 300), and now they are already looking for the particles predicted by their science in the form of a dumbbell or weight. Sooner or later, perhaps they will find them. But if they were smashing cymbals...

The main method of their collider science is to increase the luminosity of the collider " at random into the unpredictable”, i.e. increasing the energy and frequency of particle collisions so that it increases the STATISTICAL PROBABILITY of the possibility of some kind of miracle. They hope that "SOMETHING" will eventually happen, about which they will write dissertations. And if "SOMETHING" is mind-blowing, they will receive the Nobel Prize.

LHC design capacity 10 times above the record of its predecessor (Tevatron in the USA). The energy of particle collisions in it is millions of times greater than the energy of the synthesis of a helium atom from hydrogen atoms, which occurs during an explosion. hydrogen bomb, the number of collisions is billions of times per second, the temperature at the place of collision is 100 thousand times higher than in the center of the Sun. Such a collision energy of protons, according to these scientists, will already allow them to create in a collider ( on a habitable planet!) the conditions that existed in the first fractions of a second after big bang who created the universe the cause of which they do not know) and see what happens after that!

Think about what you can understand about the intelligent beginning of the Universe by artificially creating and observing such collisions in microscopes? And you will understand the cause of the crisis in theoretical physics. The very method of such experiments is ignoring the philosophy and methodology of science, a fundamental change in the essence of the observed objects to their complete inadequacy to rational Nature.

At the recent International Conference on High Energy Physics CHEP-2010 held in Paris, a complete zero and a crisis of their "collider science" were revealed. The Tevatron experimenters said that they had succeeded in narrowing the range of masses in which they intend to continue searching for the "particle of God", i.e. Higgs boson. At the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a number of records have already been set, both in terms of the energy of proton collisions, and in the frequency of collisions or the luminosity of the collider, but they also have not yet found. We only found, think about it, a beautiful particle containing the so-called lovely antiquark and a strange particle that arose from the collision of two protons at an energy of 3.5 teraelectronvolts. After flying 1.5 mm, the particle Bs decayed into a muon μ-, a quark Ds+ and a neutrino ν. At the same time, the neutrino was not detected by detectors, because it can fly across the entire Earth without any interaction, - explained in the official press release of the Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment. Their "enchanted particle" disintegrated after 6.5 mm ...

To fill with some meaning the result of their empty work at the collider, CERN announced that their “ the installation is already ready to invade the unknown areas of physics". They also issued a new application - an even more powerful particle accelerator, 50 kilometers long and worth 10 billion euros.

Think about Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl. Hasn't History taught us that super- and super-caution is necessary in dealing with the fundamental principle of matter? For the consequences of mistakes here are unpredictable! Many scientists, such as the American professor of theoretical physics Walter Wagner ( explored cosmic rays, worked in the radiation safety service), Ukrainian physicist Ivan Gorelik, German chemistry professor Otto Ressler and others have gone to court voicing their gravest fears about what could happen, arguing that LHC experiments could destroy the Earth. But this does not bother the nuclear scientists. Experimenters are proud to lead, speaking their words, "search for new, previously unknown phenomena", in order to make "discoveries of which we are not even aware" in "experiments, the results of which are unpredictable in principle" in order to "overcome the barrier faced by fundamental physics today". Do not be afraid, they assure, the first tests of nuclear and thermonuclear bombs looked no less dangerous than the launch of a collider. Then even the test scientists themselves doubted whether their experiments would initiate an explosion of the entire planet. But a nuclear and thermonuclear charge was blown up, and nothing happened to the Earth. It will survive even now, but what prospects it will open for us... What and to whom - they do not specify, but as an example of the merits of CERN they cite only the Internet. But this story is known: .

The connection between madness and talent has been proven many times. After the explosion of the first atomic bomb, her "father" R. Oppenheimer subsequently "joked" that they, of course, doubted, but decided that if everything went well, then no one would condemn them. And if it's not okay... then there will be no one to judge ... They took a chance and became famous: they were the first to detonate the atomic bomb. Others became famous for being the first to detonate the hydrogen bomb. Today's nuclear scientists are also willing to take risks in order to become famous for "discoveries that we don't even suspect about", in experiments, "the results of which are unpredictable in principle."

People who are far from understanding the problems and motivations of nuclear scientists believe that politicians pushed these scientists to explode nuclear and thermonuclear bombs, because, they say, they were tempted to possess “absolute weapons”. This is an erroneous opinion. Many could be convinced of this by sending letters to the heads of state on this issue. Such letters are eventually forwarded to experts, that is, precisely those people whose hypotheses, actions and ambitions are condemned in these letters. It is they who are enthusiastic destroyer geniuses, doubtful, but ready to take risks in order to become famous, who are the initiators of all new bombs. Accustomed to risk, hushing up and downplaying it, it is they who convince politicians to go on dangerous experiments, regardless of the meaning, tempting them with the opportunity to get unprecedented weapons, create it, try to test it and receive income and honor for it. As a result of their plans, behind the screen of science, dozens of super-powerful nuclear and thermonuclear charges were created and exploded on Earth, in its bowels, water and space, which could already violate and earth orbit, And the earth's crust with the destruction of its important lithospheric plates, to generate (and have generated) man-made earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis.

Nuclear physics is in crisis today. Her flywheel spun cold war" in the last century. Think about it: at the beginning of the 20th century, there were only about one thousand physicists in the world working in all fields. Today, up to 10,000 physicists take part in work with the LHC alone, who were released in the field of weapons science and nuclear-thermonuclear bomb production after the “defeat”, “perestroika” and the collapse of the USSR, now united by one international goal - to find their employment, income and glory in what -or a collider project. And universities are graduating more and more new nuclear scientists on crisis theories, who also all need colliders for the same purpose. And the clans of nuclear scientists are constantly deciding how to create new, even more powerful colliders in terms of destructive power.

It is known in systems theory that any idea that brings high returns is used in increasingly difficult conditions until it causes a big catastrophe. The idea of ​​accelerators, which for almost a century gave employment and fame to lovers of such experiments, has long exhausted itself and has become dangerous for the Planet. Constantly increasing the power of the accelerators, they got used to the risk and uncontrollably, under the auspices of CERN, approached the limit, the passage of which can destroy everything... How many accidents have there already been at THIS COLLIDER, to which everyone is accustomed and does not react to them?

In connection with all this, I would like to draw attention to the great wisdom in the book by Nassim Taleb “The Black Swan. Under the sign of unpredictability. Here is an abridged excerpt from that book:


“How do we know what we know?... Consider the example of a turkey that is fed every day. Each feeding reaffirms the bird's faith in the general rule of being fed every day… Its confidence grows with the number of friendly feedings and more and more it feels safe… But on the afternoon of the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, something unexpected is bound to happen to the turkey. ... Think about what a turkey might know from yesterday's events about what exactly will be in the store tomorrow? ... ”The turkey problem can be fully applied to the situation with colliders. We may not be able to catch up...

Those gullible people who have too much faith in the great scientists in today's crisis of nuclear physics should take into account one more pearl of wisdom in this book - words very emphatically uttered by a great professional:

“In all my experience, I have never been in such an accident worth telling about ... I have never seen a shipwreck, I have never suffered one myself, and I have never been in a position in which there would be a threat of death in disasters of any kind." These are the words of E. Smith, the captain of the infamous Titanic, spoken by him in 1907. Captain Smith's ship sank in 1912, the most infamous shipwreck in the history of the planet.

On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on one of the oil platforms of the British Petroleum company, which has been producing oil and gas in many parts of the world for over 100 years. This resulted in the largest ecological catastrophe: from a well at a depth of 1.5 km, up to 1,000 tons of oil were poured into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico every day for three months ...

All of the above is just an introduction to the topic. Read carefully below


A THEORY OF THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE IS DEVELOPED, which shows that the Universe originated and is being formed not the big bang in violation of all physical laws, but rationally full in accordance with the laws of conservation of energy and thermodynamics. Briefly the essence of this theory.

It is known that emptiness in nature is impossible. For example, in any liquids subjected to vacuum discharge, vapor bubbles appear, and in the places where vapor bubbles exit, crystals of their solid phases appear in liquids at low temperatures, and ice crystals in water. It has been experimentally and theoretically proved that particles also appear in ultrahigh vacuum in the same way. In theory, it is deduced that at first, as bubbles of "vapor" in a certain "liquid" of space, ELECTRONS (). At the same time, at the points of exit of electrons into existence, their antiparticles appear as energy holes - POSITRONS (+ ) with the corresponding antimass and exactly the same magnitude but opposite in sign electric charge. And around the positrons, as energy holes, due to the loss of energy in them at a temperature of ~ absolute zero, there appears, as it were, a "coat of icing" of space. Positrons in such a "meson coat" are PROTONS. Protons and electrons form (explained as) neutrons, atoms, molecules, bodies, planets, stars, galaxies.

THE CAUSE OF GRAVITATION, the essence of inertia and masses of bodies, the mechanism of light propagation, the regularity of the results of the experiments of A. Fizeau (1851), A. Michelson and G. Morley (1887) and phenomena not previously explained by science are EXPLAINED. Everyone reading these lines, having realized the cause of gravity, as it is explained in theory, can make it yourself the simplest spinner with blades (see Suspended on a thread or a thin fishing line, with a meaningful environment for its massive barriers to external radiation on the corresponding blades, it begins to rotate. Its rotation in one or the other direction is easy to control, eliminating air flows, the influence of electrostatics and twisting of the thread, redirecting only the “shadow” of the obstacle from external radiation to certain blades.

MAIN- in theory it is shown that there should be in nature a way of returning matter to non-existence! This path is proton destruction with the destruction of a stable proton, as the basis of all material formations in the Universe. For almost 100 years, nuclear physicists have been making efforts that cannot be explained by any rational sense, building particle accelerators and colliding particles in order, in the words of experimenters at the Large Hadron Collider - think again - "in search of new, previously unknown phenomena" to do " such discoveries that we do not even suspect in "experiments, the results of which are unpredictable in principle." They can already destroy the proton in the near future!

An analysis of the conclusion of the CERN working group on the safety of the collider shows that it is erroneous, see It follows from the theory that the destruction of a proton will open the way to the annihilation of its nucleus with any of the electrons. This will release the total energy of the proton and electron according to the formula E=mc^2. This is a microprocess, but it can initiate a phenomenon unknown to the Earth in the collider: a chain reaction of the decay of proton-electron pairs, completely destroying any substance, hundreds of times faster than the reaction of a nuclear explosion, with the release of all the energy of the substance according to the formula E=mc^2. This means that each experiment at colliders with rising energy levels or collision intensity, or other characteristics of particle collisions, can always be the last for the Planet. The earth can instantly disappear with a powerful explosion as one array of explosive-substance, with the shaking of the entire solar system!

Science is reasonably critical of astrology, but it should be borne in mind that the famous European predictor M. Nostradamus (1503 - 1566, a man of the highest learning in those days: in 1521 - a master, in 1534 he received a doctorate, in 1546 for the selfless work of a doctor in the fight against the plague in the south-east of France, the parliament of Aix-en-Provence was awarded a life pension, from 1564 until the end of his days - the royal physician and adviser to the king of France) in his works-quatrains warned about the "satanic arc of rabies", which will appear in Europe and may cause in 2010"horror of burning" half the globe. If this happens, he broadcasted, then in 2011, as a result of black precipitation, everything will be infected, neither vegetation nor animals will remain ... Then it will turn out to be accurate that after 2012 the well-known calendar of the Maya Indian tribe will not will need...

The power of the LHC in experiments is still only half of its capabilities, but who knows if this will not be enough for an Earth explosion? And what will happen if the collider is launched at full power? Or increase the density of collisions? We risk the Planet for the sake of the abstract ideas of the CERN nuclear scientists with their unpredictable fantasies in order to become famous. Why do we take such risks? What's the point in this for us?

Many of the former nuclear scientists subsequently become active fighters for saving the planet, like D. Sakharov, R. Oppenheimer, A. Einstein. But while they are passionate about experiments in colliders, it is useless to turn to them.

On March 26, 2010, we sent a civilized appeal to all CERN organizations (in Russian and English) signed by 215 people with a request to consider our information before further increasing the energy and intensity of proton collisions at the collider. It is presented on, today there are much more signatures under it. However, CERN ignored the appeal to him so a large number concerned people and continues his " basically unpredictable.» program.

Since July 29, the LHC has started working with a new record. The bunches are already being injected into the accelerator not one at a time, but in whole “bursts”. Protons collide hundreds of billions of times per second. The number of clusters and the energy of collisions are going to be further increased... Every second can be the last for everyone on the Planet! How long can we still be lucky in this collider roulette?

We are all already like on the Titanic, but many people believe that God will not allow the death of the Planet. Let me remind them of the parable of the one who prays during the flood, to whom the boat sailed three times, but each time he sent it back: "Don't worry, God will save me." How many times has something happened to the collider? Even the bird threw its food there...

The theory is presented in an accessible way, everyone can get acquainted with it and see for themselves that the EARTH IS THREATENED BY MAN-MADE DANGER. There is an urgent need to draw the attention of CERN, NATO and the governments of the member states of the UN Security Council to the arguments new theory about the danger to the Planet of collider experiments. Take at least a step to protect yourself, your loved ones and the Planet from danger: read the theory and support our appeal to CERN, Send a link to this page ( to friends, acquaintances, ask them to understand the essence of the problem, notify their friends about it.

Together we will have time to achieve a proper examination of the dangerous CERN project!

From all those who signed the appeal to CERN (see,
Sincerely, the author of the theory, member of the Board of the Belarusian Slavic Committee
Evgeny Dovgel, Minsk,

It took the world almost three hundred years to comprehend the new simple teaching of Copernicus
Now humanity does not have such resources of time, it is necessary to think thoroughly and quickly!

People of the world, listen, think!

The purpose of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is "to search for unknown, previously unobserved phenomena in order to overcome the barrier that fundamental physics has encountered." The power of the LHC is 10 times higher than the record of its predecessor. In experiments, they intend to achieve such energies that protons will break each other. The collision energy of particles in the collider will be millions of times greater than in the thermonuclear fusion reaction during the explosion of a hydrogen bomb, the temperature in the experiments will be more than a trillion degrees. This, according to the organizers of the experiments, “will allow us to get closer to the answer of how the Universe arose, and to make discoveries that WE DO NOT EVEN SUSPECT!”

Enthusiastic people who have invested years of their lives and billions of dollars in the LHC do not think about the possibility of irreversible consequences of this “WE DO NOT EVEN SUSPECT”. But many scientists see the danger of this experiment for the Planet. CERN's objections in response to them "closed", mainly on black holes, but on the fact that particles of higher energies are found in space than are possible in a collider. In this case, the main danger is overlooked. It is that in the LHC they intend for the FIRST TIME to achieve the destruction of stable protons, which are the BASIS of ALL SUBSTANTIAL FORMATIONS IN THE UNIVERSE without presenting possible consequences . This has not yet been realized at CERN and in the world!

And what will follow next? Please think about it (remember that the simple idea of ​​N. Copernicus was not accepted for 300 years, and G. Bruno was burned for it). Read on carefully.

In nuclear explosions, when they are destroyed atomic nuclei, the mass of matter decreases ONLY BY A SHARE OF A PERCENT (during the explosion of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima, only about 1 g of uranium-235 was converted into energy. Who could understand this before Hiroshima?). In the thermonuclear fusion of helium from hydrogen isotopes, a much greater energy yield occurs than in nuclear decay. Accordingly, the mass of the components in the reaction is consumed more - it decreases by ALMOST ONE PERCENT.

CERN needs to stop increasing the capacity of the LHC and conduct an examination of the project according to the procedures adopted in international practice for analyzing possible man-made disasters. The UN and NATO must take control of this.
Otherwise we risk the Planet!

Facts and theoretical justification:, 14 p.

“If thousands of suns rise at once over the world, man will become death, a threat to the Earth...”
Words from the ancient Indian epic "Maharabharata", uttered by the "father" of the atomic bomb R. Oppenheimer after the first in history atomic explosion July 16, 1945 at 5.30

The Large Hadron Collider could destroy the Earth instantly

This follows from theoretical work>>>, which explains: the emergence of matter, the essence of gravity, inertia, body masses, the regularity of the results in the experiments of A. Fizeau (1851), A. Michelson and G. Morley (1887), the well-known mystery of quantum physics - the experiment with two slits, etc. phenomena considered paradoxes modern science, and THE HIGH DANGER OF A PLANETARY DISASTER IS PROVED.

Recently, a brief commentary by Nobel laureate in physics David Gross (USA) was published on the Internet, see below. , in which he enthusiastically announced that the launch of the Large Hadron Collider: “will make it possible to make discoveries THAT WE DO NOT EVEN SUSPECT, and overcome the barrier FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS TODAY FACED". “With such energies,” he rejoiced, “…scientists intend to get closer to the answer to how the Universe was created,…expect temperatures of about one and a half trillion degrees, EXISTING ONLY IN THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE UNIVERSE.”

Indeed, it has long been no secret that theoretical cosmic microphysics is in the stagnation of fruitless construction of unprovable theories like the Standard Model, the Big Bang, etc. And someone, contributing to this, generously finances their further searches. More than $10 billion has already been allocated for the Large Hadron Collider. Nobody is against such sponsorship, the problem is different.

The official plan of the CERN experiments is scientifically and methodologically absurd: to accelerate the first particles of matter - protons to terrible energies, compress them into beams with powerful electromagnets and push them in opposite directions, "trying to observe what happens and understand what it means." It's the same as if, wanting to understand the structure of glass balls, they began to throw billions of them against a stone wall, and on the basis of the trillions of fragments received, "write and defend" theories of their occurrence.

Proton (in Greek - the simplest, primary) was discovered in the early 20s of the last century. It is the basis of all material formations in the Universe, is part of the nuclei of all elements, of which we also consist. An infinite number of experiments carried out by the physicists of the world in order to find out its structure have not given any understanding of its structure, nor the mechanism of its origin, nor the reason for its stability. Neither the nature of its mass, which is equal to the mass of an electron (=1836.1526675 ... electron masses), nor the nature of its electric charge, which is absolutely exactly equal in absolute value to the charge of an electron, finds an explanation either. Of all the particles, the proton is the only stable particle that exists in nature unchanged from the moment of its origin in the Universe. Hypotheses about the quark structure of the proton are nothing more than speculative conjectures based on mathematical abstractions, such as the “truth” that each ruble is made up of three parts of 33.333 kopecks each, and they are so connected that it is impossible to break their connection.

In this case, it is only important that the power of the LHC 10 times exceeds that achieved at the most powerful accelerators (the synchrotron in Batavia, USA). Even at the initial stage of experiments, the energy of the axial collision of protons will be millions of times greater than in single acts of thermonuclear fusion during the explosion of a hydrogen bomb or the energy of lightning particles, which will far exceed the total energy of the colliding particles (according to the Einstein formula E=ms^2). And therefore there are enough reasons to believe that this time they will be able to achieve the destruction of protons, which was not possible before.

This means that events will go unpredictably!

A number of scientists prove that the experiment can lead to the emergence of black holes, as well as "strapelles", "magnetic monopoles", "magnetic holes", etc. They convince that the situation is dangerous with the death of the Earth. But CERN ignores these arguments of scientists. Although CERN does not rule out the appearance of black holes in the collider, they say that they will be small, quickly disappearing. They substantiate this by referring to the opinion of one of the theorists who suit them - S. Hawking. But is it permissible to draw such responsible conclusions on the presumed opinion of only one the only person on the ground?

American Walter Wagner (LL.D., professor of theoretical physics at Berkeley University, researched cosmic rays, worked in the radiation safety service) and Spanish scientist Luis Sancho appealed to the federal court of the state of Hawaii, arguing that the collider could create whole line situations dangerous for the destruction of the Earth, requiring a thorough assessment of planetary security. But CERN is outside the jurisdiction of the court. He considered such concerns on his own (with his working group, 5 employees) and claims that the collider does not pose a danger. AND NO OTHER SECURITY EXAMINATION OF THE COLLIDER, except for this examination-fiction for the money of CERN, people interested in receiving generous funding further, HAVE BEEN CARRIED OUT BY ANYONE! An experiment dangerous for the planet is preparing to start completely uncontrollably!

As the main argument, CERN claims that the Earth is constantly exposed to cosmic rays, the energies of which are not inferior to the level of the collider - and has not yet been destroyed. But this is an absurd substitution of concepts, it is a shame to listen to such scientists. One thing is random protons in space, which in free conditions interact as mutually repulsive charges of the same name. Another thing in the collider, where they will be specially direct with powerful magnets, compress into bundles and collide at the speed of light in opposite directions billions of times per second!

We are assured that everything has been calculated. But what is calculated if absolutely nothing is clear? Physics does not yet understand reliably how the atom and its nucleus are arranged, how many nuclear reactions proceed, the reason for the mass of particles, the positivity and negativity of the charge, the essence of electricity and much more is unknown ... But today's physicists, who envy the glory of the "fathers" of the first nuclear and thermonuclear bombs, are already ready to simulate the Big Bang, which, in their opinion, created the Universe. Consider the "justification" for the experiment, which was recently presented by a great scientific authority in the press: "If we accept the Big Bang theory, then, according to it, there was originally a symmetry between matter and antimatter. And then this symmetry broke spontaneously, and one extra quark for every billion quarks and billion antiquarks formed the Universe after the annihilation of those billions. But why and how did the symmetry breaking occur, as a result of which the world became matter remains a mystery. This is also a subject of study at the LHC.”

It turns out, “if we admit such a “theory”, then the ENTIRE UNIVERSE ... turns out to be the result of a residue from some spontaneous violation of the symmetry of the MAIN PHYSICAL LAW ON THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY? And everything that corresponded to the Law - then, it turns out, as a result of annihilation, it simply disappeared, leaving no trace! Violation cp- invariance, c- asymmetry, the baryon asymmetry of the universe and the violation of thermodynamic equilibrium - that's what their science itself, which underlies their dangerous experiment, can tell you about this assumption. This is complete absurdity!

Those who suffer to become famous and earn are ready for anything. But the level of knowledge of their science about the processes that can be caused by their experiments, as we see, is such that, without any hesitation, they may well model for us not so much the beginning of the Universe as its end. And every time in the collider - an accident, like a warning from above. Are we testing the patience of the Lord?

Danger concerns everyone! Therefore, let's, dear ones, overcome our mental inferiority complex in ourselves in honoring some great wisdom of the ancient Egyptian priests, who explain their scholarship in modern cosmic microphysics exclusively in "bird" language and absurdity, and try to delve into the essence of real danger.

Experiments with the LHC are a real threat to our entire Planet! Think about it:

1 . According to all theories, hypotheses, including the fairy tale of “learned” cosmic microphysicists about the “Big Bang” that created the Universe, matter initially arises from non-existence, in other words, from emptiness. But if matter arises from emptiness (vacuum, etc.), then there must also be an inverse mechanism in nature: the exit of matter from being. And the universe has such a mechanism. It is no coincidence that many galaxies in space have a void center and a spiral shape, as if a powerful vacuum cleaner was working in their center;

2 . It is well known that each gram of matter contains a HUGE amount of energy. Split molecular bonds allows our body to use the energy of the chemical compounds contained in food. But by splitting molecules, for example, TNT, dynamite and even ordinary water, you can get a powerful explosion. Splitting the atoms of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 - we get a nuclear explosion;

3 . And what happens, logically, if we achieve the destruction of eternally stable protons? They will scatter and touch the substance of the collider with their very energy essence ( +, plus) and, therefore, entering into a reaction directly with electrons ( -, minus), which are always present in any volume of matter. And if during nuclear explosions, when only atomic nuclei are destroyed, the mass of the components decreases only by a fraction of a percent (during the bomb explosion in Hiroshima, only about 1 g of matter turned into energy), then here the particles will DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY, with the release of energy of previously unprecedented power, chain reaction that destroys any substance to the primordial void. The process can instantly cover the planet, The Earth will disappear, flashing brightly as a small star-sparkle in the Cosmos. Do we need to take that risk?

Do not think that CERN does not understand the risk at all, but there is a lot of money involved here (10 billion dollars!). And many people really want to become famous as a sensation in science. After all, what an honor it is to be the first to break a proton! So it was already before the first explosions of both the atomic and hydrogen bombs, even then the question arose whether this would cause an explosion of the Planet. As the “father” of the first atomic bomb, R. Oppenheimer, “joked” later, they, of course, doubted, but decided that if the explosion went well, then no one would condemn them. And if it's not okay... then no one will judge ... They took a risk and became famous - they detonated the atomic bomb first. They are also willing to take risks.

For 90 years of experiments on accelerators (since 1919, when E. Rutherford laid the foundation for artificial nuclear transformations, which led to the creation of nuclear and thermonuclear bombs), physicists got used to the risk, constantly increasing their power. Their colliders have already approached the natural limit. The level of technology at the disposal of individuals already allows them to destroy the Earth, but humanity does not yet realize this. Look how many flaming objects are in the Cosmos! It is also terrible that work on the creation of black holes is being carried out everywhere with the persistence of terrorists. Enter the words into the Internet search engine: “creating black holes in laboratories” - you will get tens of thousands of addresses with various information. But the main programs are strictly classified.

“Humanity has come to the threshold beyond which a new morality, and new knowledge, and new system values” (N.N. Moiseev, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, RAS and RAAS).

So maybe, let them first clearly explain to us, "amateurs", those "geniuses of null physics" (see "The Far Rainbow" by the Strugatsky brothers about a catastrophe on one of the planets), who are ready to risk themselves and everyone, at least in what planetary security guarantees. Because there was no independent expertise on the safety of CERN experiments, except from their “commercial company” (see “ Analysis of the report of the CERN working group "). Their scientific clan is more afraid of examinations than LHC accidents. As well as public discussions with opponents, without even touching on the sources of their funding.

They often ask with aplomb the question, “Do you think scientists are such boobies that they want to destroy themselves?” Let's face it: the Darwin Prize, which is awarded posthumously for the most ridiculous death on Earth, already has many winners. For: “The most harmful thing is not ignorance at all, but the knowledge of a hell of a lot of things that are not really true” (F. Knight). Why should we take risks with them? It is necessary to suspend, rethink and take under competent international control dangerous experiments at powerful particle accelerators. Otherwise, we can all turn into a vacuum.

There are fewer and fewer days left before the start of experiments at the LHC that can destroy the Planet. And every minute of indifference can irreversibly turn events to disaster. Every moment after the start of the experiments will threaten us with a chain reaction of the explosion of the matter of the entire Planet. The probability of such an outcome at the very beginning of the experiments is ~ 50/50, with an increase in the power of the collider, it will increase all the time...

If something is not clear here, to this issue, which explains: the emergence of matter, the essence of gravity, inertia, masses of bodies, the regularity of the results in the experiments of A. Fizeau (1851), A. Michelson and G. Morley (1887), a well-known mystery of quantum physics - an experiment with two slits , other phenomena that are considered paradoxes of modern science and THE HIGH DANGER OF A PLANETARY DISASTER IS PROVED! (~14 s.).

The government of any country can save the Planet by an urgent appeal to the UN, if it understands what threatens it!

Your indifference can destroy the Earth! What to do? At least this: see

Together we will solve critical problems and improve the world.

This follows from the theoretical work (, which clearly explains: the emergence of matter, the essence of gravity, inertia, body masses, the regularity of the results in the experiments of A. Fizeau (1851), A. Michelson and G. Morley (1887), a well-known mystery of quantum physics - an experiment with two slits, and other phenomena that are considered paradoxes of modern science.

There is less and less time left before the start of the experiments of the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), although many scientists warn about their danger to the Planet with disturbing articles on the Internet.

The European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) is again preparing to launch the LHC. Officially - to test one of the hypotheses of the origin of the Universe - the Big Bang theory, although many scientists (create a request on the Internet) completely deny this "theory" and warn about the danger of experiments for the Planet.

The official design of the experiments is not complicated: to overclock the first particles of matter are protons up to terrible energies, compress them into bundles with electromagnets and push them in opposite directions, trying to observe what is happening and understand what happened. The power of the LHC is 10 times higher than that achieved at the most powerful accelerators, the energy of particle collision will be a million times more than in single acts of thermonuclear fusion during the explosion of hydrogen bombs. In the course of experiments, they can achieve the destruction of protons, what was not possible before. It is sad to hear the reasoning that protons will scatter into fragments, like broken billiard balls. Because something else is possible...

A number of scientists prove that the experiment can lead to the emergence of black holes, as well as "strapelles and magnetic monopoles, initiate the embryo of a neutron star", etc. They convince that each of these situations is dangerous for the destruction of the Earth. But CERN ignores these arguments of scientists. Although CERN does not rule out the appearance of black holes in the collider, they say that they will be small, quickly disappearing. They substantiate this only by referring to the opinion of one of the theorists S. Hawking. As the main argument, they say that the Earth is constantly exposed to cosmic rays, the energies of which are not inferior to the level of the collider - and has not yet been destroyed. But this absurd substitution of concepts: one thing is random protons in space, which cannot collide in any way due to the multidirectional trajectories and repulsion of like charges, this is known from school course. Another thing in the collider, where they will be specifically push in opposite directions at the speed of light billions of times per second!

We are assured that everything has been calculated. And every time they have an accident! So why not, instead of assurances, provide an explanation on the Internet about how protons arose in nature, explain their eternal stability, the reason for their mass and the positiveness of their charge, the essence of electricity ... And most importantly, why should they be powerfully “threshed” in a collider, which meaning? There are many questions for CERN on the Internet, but there are no serious answers to them. I would like to listen to them, but are CERN supporters ready to explain anything to us - big question? It seems that it is easier for them, in the pose of “geniuses”, who have already been allocated money, to pretend not to be condescending to “amateurs”.

He who thinks clearly, speaks clearly. “That philosopher is bad who is not able to express his views to any more or less educated being, and if necessary, even to a capable child” (F. Schelling). Therefore, let's, dear reader, overcome the complex of our mental inferiority in honoring some great wisdom of the ancient Egyptian priests, and sometimes just charlatans, who explain their learning exclusively in "bird" language, and try to get to the bottom of it.

Experiments with the LHC are a real threat to the Planet! Think about it:

1. According to all theories, hypotheses (including in the fairy tale for the simpletons who distribute taxpayers' money, about the "Big Bang"), the substance initially arises from non-existence, in other words - from the void. But if matter arises from emptiness (vacuum, etc.), then THERE SHOULD BE IN NATURE ALSO A MECHANISM FOR DRAWING MATTER FROM EXISTENCE, otherwise the eternal Universe would long ago have been filled with excess matter. And the universe has such a mechanism. It is no coincidence that many galaxies in space have a void center and a spiral shape, as if a powerful vacuum cleaner was working in their center;

2. It is well known that each gram of matter contains a HUGE amount of energy. The splitting of molecular bonds allows our body to use the energy of chemical compounds contained in food. But by splitting molecules, for example, TNT, dynamite and even ordinary water, you can get a powerful explosion. Splitting the atoms of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 - we get a nuclear explosion;

3. During the destruction of stable protons that exist in nature in an unchanged form from the moment of their occurrence in the Universe, of which we also consist, their energy base (+) will merge with the electrons gravitating towards them (-). And if during nuclear explosions, when only atomic nuclei are destroyed, the mass of the components decreases only by a fraction of a percent (during the bomb explosion in Hiroshima, only about 1 g of matter turned into energy), then here we get the reaction of annihilation of protons with electrons. Particles will DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY with the release of energy, previously unprecedented power, destroying any substance by a chain reaction. After the destruction of the proton, the void hole will instantly grow to the volume of the planet, The earth will disappear, flashing brightly.

I received a letter from the CEO of the Russian company Logic Cell with the following conclusion on my reflections: “I agree that there are serious concerns about launching the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. We have created a computer collider based on primary ideal objects (PIO) and when two particles collide at high speed, they really begin to virtually divide on the monitor, crumble like dust and the computer freezes ... We consider the probability of your event to be 50:50%.”

I do not think that CERN does not understand the risk at all, but there is a lot of money involved (> $ 10 billion) and many people want to become famous in science (what an honor, to be the first to break a proton!). So it was already before the first explosions of both the atomic and hydrogen bombs, even then the question arose whether this would cause an explosion of the Planet. As the father of the first atomic bomb, R. Oppenheimer, “joked” later, they, of course, doubted, but decided that if the explosion went well, then no one would condemn them. And if it's not okay... then no one will judge...

So maybe, let them first clearly explain to us, "amateurs", those "geniuses" who again would like to risk the Planet, at least what the guarantees of planetary security consist in. Because there has not yet been any independent expertise on the safety of CERN experiments, except from their "commercial company" (see "Analysis of the report of the CERN working group",

They are more afraid of examinations than LHC accidents, as well as public discussions with opponents. But with aplomb, the question is often asked: “Do you think that scientists are such boobies that they want to destroy themselves?” Let's face it: the Darwin Prize, which is awarded posthumously for the most ridiculous death on Earth, already has many winners. For: "The most harmful thing is not ignorance at all, but the knowledge of a hell of a lot of things that are not really true" (F. Knight). Why should we take risks with them?

“Humanity has come to the threshold beyond which a new morality, and new knowledge, and a new system of values ​​are needed” (N.N. Moiseev, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, RAS and RAAS). It is necessary to stop the "scammers" - colliders, which, under the guise of science, extort huge amounts of taxpayers' funds for secret programs and to please the vanity of individual near-scientific clans, otherwise they will blow up the Earth with colliders.

Experiments on colliders are going on, and every minute of indifference can be the last for the Planet. If something is not clear here, read the theory (, 14 pages in total with illustrations).

Let's protect our planet!

Evgeny Dovgel


"Humanity has come to the threshold beyond which a new morality, and new knowledge, and a new system of values ​​are needed."
MOISEEV N.N. (1917 - 2000), academician Russian Academy Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Scientific research shows: for life on earth to continue, our planet should be at the optimal distance from the star-sun. A change in this distance of just 2% would make life on Earth impossible. Only a few percent can change the period of rotation of the Earth around its axis without prejudice to life on the planet. The Earth's orbit is almost circular, which is important for maintaining a constant climate, unlike all other planets that have elliptical orbits. The dimensions and mass of the Earth are optimal, if they were smaller, the Earth would lose its atmosphere, like the Moon, for example, and if it were larger, then toxic gases such as methane, ammonia, hydrogen would remain in the atmosphere. Without such a unique atmosphere, there would be no life on Earth. The same can be said about the sea and fresh water, about such vital elements as carbon, oxygen, phosphorus and much more. The Earth is prepared for life by many interconnected characteristics of our galaxy, star-sun, planets. This scientific discovery is called Hawking's anthropic principle. Modern scientists have over 40 characteristics, without strict observance of which life on Earth would be impossible.

The American astrophysicist Hugh Ross estimated the probability of a random coincidence 41 of such a characteristic and received a value equal to 10 to the minus 53 degree (scientists consider the probability of an event less than 10 to the minus 40 degree to be practically impossible). Indeed, given that the observable Universe contains less than one trillion galaxies, each of which has about 100 billion stars, and there is one planet per 1000 stars, we get the number of planets in the Universe 10 to the power of 20 ( 33 orders of magnitude less than required), i.e. no planet has all the conditions for the emergence of life that would have arisen spontaneously, solely due to natural processes.

The conclusion about the exclusivity of the phenomenon of the existence of life on Earth is also confirmed by the data obtained during the experiment at the Biosphere-2 facility in Arizona. This building was a closed natural model of "Biosphere 1", i.e. the real biosphere of the Earth itself. The construction, with an area of ​​1.3 hectares, was created for 5 years and cost about 200 million US dollars. Despite the state-of-the-art technological support, Biosphere-2 was unable to provide eight people with the necessary amount of food, water and air even for 2 years. Already 15 months after the closure of the outer insulating shell in 1991, the oxygen level dropped to a critical level and it had to be injected from the outside. Of the 25 species of vertebrates placed under the dome, 18 died out, as did most of the insects. There were serious problems with temperature control, water and air pollution. As a result, the organizers of this grandiose experiment had to admit that we have no idea in what way natural ecological systems able to provide everything necessary for human existence.

Even more "dark forest" in ideas about the essence of the universe can be stated in modern theoretical physics. It has just been widely reported in the media that an international group of physicists conducting experiments at the American proton-antiproton accelerator Tevatron registered an unexpected phenomenon of the birth of elementary particles - muons, not at all as predicted by the existing theory. Moreover, too many muons were born, even muon jets appeared, which in no way can be explained by the theory generally accepted today and calls it into question. “This unexpected phenomenon was neither predicted nor expected by any of the theorists. All this is very strange, - this is how the well-known Russian physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Rubakov commented on what he saw in an interview with ITAR-TASS. “The effect is strong. If this is due to the appearance of a previously unknown elementary particle, then it is strange that the effect was missed in previous experiments ... If the result is confirmed, - the academician added, - then this will be an unexpected discovery with very serious consequences. From the scientist’s point of view, “now, in search of an explanation for the phenomenon, theorists will write a lot of papers, and these will be quite exotic explanations, a simple extension of the Standard Model, something completely new cannot be done here ... What can be counted based on known physics is clearly not enough to explain the results."

Here is another recent post. Using a combination of superstrong magnetic fields and cold, 100 times stronger than in interstellar space, experimenters from McGill University have created a new state of matter - a quasi-three-dimensional electronic crystal. As one of the authors of the work, Guillaume Gervais, explained: “We are dealing with a transition between states - a completely new phenomenon. This is one of the things that theorists love. Now they are racking their brains and trying to correct their models.”

But it is clear that people do not tend to learn from mistakes ...


The European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), despite repeated accidents and multiple malfunctions, officially launched on October 21, 2008 an incredibly powerful nuclear particle accelerator - the Large Hadron Collider (LHC or LHC). Experiments are being prepared to create in a collider in miniature the so-called "Big Bang", which, according to experimenters, accompanied the birth of the Universe, in order to achieve the destruction of the fundamental principle of the world - stable protons that exist in nature in an unchanged form from the moment of their occurrence. The collision energy of particles in the collider is 14 TeV (1.4x10 to the 13th power of an electron volt) will be million times more, released in a single act of thermonuclear fusion (i.e., in the fusion reaction of deuterium with tritium during the explosion of a hydrogen bomb), and the frequency of particle collisions will be billions of times per second!

Until now, no one has succeeded in destroying the proton. But the power of the LHC is ten times higher than that achieved at the aforementioned American proton-antiproton accelerator Tevatron, and therefore it may be possible to break the proton. And what will follow next? Perhaps, at least CERN itself, founded by the NATO countries at the peak of the nuclear confrontation between the two world systems, knows this to implement military nuclear strategies? Is CERN, which is associated in the world only with accelerator technologies, known as a supporter of quantum dynamics and relativistic views? Doubtful.

Judge for yourself by the questions posed by these experimenters. “Why do elementary particles have mass and why do their masses differ? Why is there no antimatter left in the universe? Why do bodies gravitate towards each other? All this is unknown to them. Even their very concept of the "Big Bang", on which experiments are conceived, is completely denied by many scientists. Here are the words of the famous Swedish physicist and astrophysicist H. Alfven, who was awarded (together with L. Neel) the Nobel Prize in 1970 “for fundamental work and discoveries in magnetohydrodynamics and their fruitful applications in various fields Plasma Physics, was also awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in London (1967) and the Lomonosov Gold Medal of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1971), a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society of London, and other academies:

“Modern cosmological theory is the height of absurdity - it claims that the entire universe arose at some specific moment, like an exploding atomic bomb, measuring (more or less) the size of a pinhead. It seems that in the current intellectual atmosphere, the great advantage of Big Bang cosmology is that it is an insult to common sense: credo, guia absurdum (“I believe because it is absurd”)!

Here is the opinion of another well-known authority in physics - A. Einstein, who wrote: “The great initial successes of quantum theory could not make me believe in the dice game underlying it ... Physicists consider me an old fool, but I am convinced that in the future the development of physics will go in a different direction”.

In CERN's view, at least officially, the essence of these phenomena comes down to the Higgs boson, which they believe may be inside the proton. This boson was postulated without any factual and theoretical grounds by P. Higgs in 1960 to explain the failure of his experiments.

It was a time when the world was testing intercontinental ballistic missiles, equipping the ground forces, air defense, missile defense, air force with missiles, creating a nuclear missile submarine fleet. In 1961, the "Kuzkina Mother" was blown up - the world's largest "Tsar Bomb", with a capacity of more than 50 megatons (in the report on this experiment it was noted: "Successful testing of this charge opened up the possibility of creating weapons of almost unlimited power"). In 1962, the Caribbean "missile crisis" broke out (the Americans discovered Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba aimed at the United States) and the world was on the verge of nuclear war. At that time, no money was spared for preparation for it. In the absence of other ideas, the boson has become a real "golden calf" for the atomic scientists of the nuclear powers. A real hunt for the Higgs has begun in the world. Colliders were built in the USA, USSR, Germany, Italy, China, Japan, Switzerland. They searched for Higgs for 40 years. Especially in the USA. Among other things, they even swung at a superconducting supercollider (SSC) 97 km long and costing $ 4.6 billion, during construction the project was inflated to $ 8.3 billion, but the US Congress, having finally analyzed the crazy situation, in 1993 stopped funding SSC. Participated in this obsession with gigantomania of accelerators and the USSR, everything also ended in a complete fiasco. They built a tunnel in Protvino with dimensions almost the same as at CERN, a ring 22 km long, made experimental halls, but when all this was ready, they came to the conclusion that it makes no sense to continue the project. Also closed in 2006 is a unique electron-proton collider in Germany. Billions of dollars were spent not only in vain, but with great harm to the Planet! In fact, only CERN remains the only Higgs seeker today.

Would you personally, dear reader, if you were elected ruler of any of the NATO countries, in a similar situation, would CERN give a billion dollars just to search for the Higgs, to satisfy his curiosity? Moreover, CERN has already searched for it to no avail for 11 years (from November 1989 to 2001) at its unique Large Electron-Positron Collider LEP. I think no. And NATO countries 10 billion dollars have already been allocated for the collider. Therefore, the boson is a boson, but in reality it is NATO's search for ways to create proton weapons under the guise of world science. For this, military strategists conceived super-powerful colliders. During the approval of the project of the largest of the existing accelerators in the US Senate, its leader R. Wilson was persistently "tortured" what it would do for the economy, health care, defense capability ... The essence of the answers was unequivocal: it would give a lot for the defense and military might of the United States, which - should not be planned yet.

Nuclear scientists from all CIS countries joined the NATO project. In market Russia, the Russian Academy of Sciences, RosAtom, the universities of St. Petersburg and the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University, as well as federal nuclear centers, VNIITF and VNIINF, Sarov and Snezhinsk began to earn money on this. About 800 specialists constantly go on business trips to Switzerland. At the same time, about 200 Russian physicists are at CERN, who, as they write in foreign media, "amaze their foreign colleagues with passion for their work. People work, not limited by any time frame, in fact around the clock." It should be noted that in the days of the USSR, the development and even the names of many such specialists were strictly classified. Don't we understand all this? Or has everything already become indifferent in market conditions?
Let's remember Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl... Hasn't History taught us yet that super- and super-caution is necessary in dealing with the first particles of matter? And how many accidents there were at THIS COLLIDER, to which everyone is already accustomed and reacts little to them. But even this is not what worries opponents of dangerous experiments today, something else is much more important!


There is a well-known concept in science that matter is not the result of some absurd "big bang", about which nothing else is known and the concept of which does not hold water, but emerged from a vacuum. And this turns out to be fundamentally important for understanding the danger of the planned experiments.

Based on the analysis of data on the creation of a deep vacuum, information about cosmic phenomena and the results of world-famous scientific experiments, THEORY OF THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE was DEVELOPED>>> ( which explains the mechanism of the origin of matter, the effect of gravity, the nature of spatial holes and other natural phenomena. It is shown that an electron and a proton are born from vacuum in one natural act. Therefore, they have a strictly equal in magnitude but opposite in sign energy charge, and therefore the Universe is electrically neutral. The whole Universe consists of these two primary particles, it is shown that the neutron is also the result of the interaction of the proton and the electron.

But if matter arises from vacuum, then this process can be reversible! The implementation of the experiment on the destruction of protons is extremely dangerous for the Earth! The theory explains in detail what, how, why. Here we will say briefly: when the proton shell is destroyed in the collider, the proton will merge with any of the electrons (which are present everywhere, including in the communications of the collider) and the disappearance of both particles from being.


1) during explosions of nuclear and thermonuclear charges, the mass of the components participating in the reaction decreases only by a fraction of a percent. And in the collider TOTALLY DISAPPEAR INTERACTING PARTICLES, their mass and energy charges - a microhole of emptiness will appear with micro-output of such energy, which will melt the shell of a number of other protons;

2) in the nuclear reaction of the decay of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 in an atomic bomb, only 2-3 free neutrons arise, which cause the decay of the next 2-3 nuclei. And in the collider, the collision of protons is planned to be carried out: A) after compression by the most powerful magnets into the densest bundles; b) in opposite directions with the energy of the "big bang" and billions of times per second. The appearance of a microhole under such conditions will melt thousands of protons, and microholes can appear in a collider in the billions ... This means that the development of a void hole by a chain reaction will go much faster than in a nuclear explosion, the "hole" will instantly grow to the volume of the Earth. After that, it will dissipate in space to the cosmic vacuum. In other words, in a moment after the destruction of the proton from the Planet, there may not be a trace.

An analysis of the conclusions of the CERN working group (the opinion of 5 of its employees, each investigated some areas on their own very controversial theoretical basis, then compiled a summary report on the safety of the hadron project) shows>>> ( htm) that the conclusions of their report are superficial and erroneous. Many scholars have seriously criticized this report, but this is ignored by CERN.

Let us consider here just one of the arguments that CERN officials consider the most convincing. Like, the Earth is constantly exposed to cosmic rays, the energies of which are not inferior to the level of the collider, and even surpass them, and so far it has not been destroyed. This is absurd and a substitution of concepts. High-energy protons flying freely in space are one thing. They cannot collide in any way due to the multidirectional trajectories and the repulsion of like electric charges. Another thing is in the collider, the whole idea of ​​which is to accelerate the protons to the speed of light, collect them into dense beams with the most powerful magnets and push them head-on on a collision course with the energy of the “big bang”. Where will he go this colossal energy during their head-on collision - apparently, they did not even think about this at CERN. Their argument that the energy of a collision of two protons in a collider will not exceed the energy of a collision of two mosquitoes in the air - and therefore, they say, it is safe - simply amazing absurdity!

Recently, the author of this article received a letter from the general director of a research organization with information that they have created in Russia an ideal elementary particle accelerator based on primary ideal objects (see the articles on the Internet by Lipkin, Klyshko "On the collapse of the wave function"), which makes it possible to obtain experimental confirmation or refutation of existing fundamental physical theories based on new solutions in computer modeling. They have already simulated LHC experiments on computers. Here is an excerpt from that letter:

"I agree that there are serious concerns about the launch of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. We have created a computer collider based on primary ideal objects (PIO), and when two particles collide at high speed (we have the ability to scale), the particles really start on the monitor virtually share, crumble like dust and the computer freezes. We cannot interpret it yet. But there is such a fact ... We consider the probability of your event to be 50/50%".

Many people believe that no one will take such a risk with the planet. We have to recall here the well-known aphorism:

“Get 10% profit and the capital is willing to use it; 20% - becomes animated; 50% - ready to break his head; 100% - tramples on all laws; 300% - there is no such crime that he would not risk, at least under pain of the gallows ”(K. Marx).

The income of the nuclear business is a big secret! And the capital in the collider is not small - more than 10 billion dollars have already been invested! And therefore, whatever the risk, there will always be a desire to take risks among those who expect to receive their interest from this amount.

There will also be brave ones among the nuclear scientists who are aiming for the Nobel Prizes. The risk of 50 to 50% will not seem high to them. So it was before the first test nuclear bomb on the ground, When really the question was: would the explosion of a nuclear charge in the United States not initiate a nuclear explosion of the entire planet? One of the fathers of the first atomic bomb, R. Oppenheimer, later shared with his friends that they, of course, also doubted, but decided: if everything goes well, then no one will condemn them. And if it is not normal, then there will be no one to judge ... Then they took a chance, and, as it were, won - they got a nuclear bomb at their disposal!

“I have the power of the entire universe. Now I have become the destroyer of the world."
A verse from the Mahabharata, which Dr. R. Oppenheimer quoted at the first test of a nuclear weapon.

As for the remaining 6 billion people on Earth, no one asked then, and no one is going to ask now whether they are willing to risk again for a new bomb. Now NATO and CERN have already decided this for everyone, and on the wrong theory - fearlessly according to an obviously losing option for the Planet.

Dear inhabitants of the Earth! Our planet is in danger. Information about the postponement of experiments to a later date may turn out to be misinformation in order to prioritize the implementation of NATO's secret programs. An INDEPENDENT safety assessment of the planned experiments is urgently needed, otherwise we risk everything turning into a vacuum.

The collider clock is running, and every minute of indifference can be the last for Humanity!

How this will happen can be imagined by watching a 3-minute video>>> ( on the Internet.

Evgeny Dovgel,

The European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) is already launching a nuclear particle accelerator of incredible power - the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and the responses to the upcoming event on the Internet and the media do not at all reveal the essence and dangers of the planned experiments.

Let's talk without euphoria.

CERN is the global nuclear business backed by NATO. Established in September 1954 by NATO countries to joint work on the implementation of nuclear strategies. The CERN program is run by NATO countries, i.e. United States (Allied Command Atlantic is headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia). The cost of the project, according to the latest data, is about 10 billion dollars. Experiments are being prepared to create in miniature the so-called "big bang", which, according to experimenters, accompanied the birth of the universe! The collision energy of particles in the collider will be million times more, released in a single act of thermonuclear fusion (i.e., in the fusion reaction of deuterium and tritium during the explosion of a hydrogen bomb), and the frequency of their collisions will be about a billion times a second.

They plan to achieve the destruction of the stable fundamental principle of the world - PROTONS, which are in nature unchanged from the moment they appeared in the Universe.

Until now, no one has succeeded in destroying the proton. But the power of the new collider is ten times higher than the limit reached at the largest of the operating accelerators (the synchrotron in Batavia, USA), and therefore it may be possible to break the proton. But what comes next? Does it know that CERN, which in the world is associated mainly with particle accelerators, is known as a supporter of quantum dynamics and relativistic views? Doubtful. Even the very concept of the "big bang", on which experiments are conceived, is denied by many scientists. Think about the words of the famous Swedish physicist and astrophysicist H. Alfven, awarded (together with L. Neel) the Nobel Prize in 1970 "for fundamental work and discoveries in magnetohydrodynamics and their fruitful applications in various fields of plasma physics", whose scientific merits were also awarded with a gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in London (1967) and the Lomonosov Gold Medal of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1971), a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society of London and many other academies:

"Modern cosmological theory is the height of absurdity - it claims that the entire universe came into being at some specific moment like an exploding atomic bomb, measuring (more or less) the size of a pinhead. It seems that in the current intellectual atmosphere, the great advantage of the cosmology of the Big explosion" is that it is an insult to common sense: credo, guia absurdum ("I believe, because it is absurd")!

"The great initial successes of quantum theory could not make me believe in the game of dice underlying it ... Physicists consider me an old fool, but I am convinced that in the future the development of physics will go in a different direction."

Evaluate the questions posed by experimenters: "Why do elementary particles have mass and why do their masses differ? Why is there no antimatter left in the Universe? Why do bodies gravitate towards each other?" All this is unknown to CERN. They, not representing the essence of the proton, hope, by breaking it, to find the Higgs boson that does not exist in nature..

This boson was postulated (more precisely, simply invented without any factual and theoretical grounds) by P. Higgs in 1960 to explain the failure of his experiments (he was looking for the effect of gaining masses by electroweak bosons by breaking the symmetry of his "Higgs field"). The situation in the experiments looked like a dead end. But Higgs came up with an original solution: "Eureka! If you make such and such ASSUMPTIONS, then my whole theory becomes working again." It was a time when the world was testing intercontinental ballistic missiles, equipping the ground forces, air defense, missile defense, air force with missiles, and creating a nuclear missile submarine fleet. In 1961, the "Kuzkina Mother" was blown up - the world's largest "Tsar Bomb", with a capacity of more than 50 megatons (in the report on this experiment it was noted: "Successful testing of this charge opened up the possibility of creating weapons of almost unlimited power"). In 1962, the Caribbean "missile crisis" broke out (the Americans discovered Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba aimed at the United States) and the world was on the brink of nuclear war. At that time, no money was spared for preparation for it. In the absence of other ideas, the boson has become a real "golden calf" for the atomic scientists of the nuclear powers. A real hunt for the Higgs has begun in the world. Colliders were built in the USA, USSR, Germany, Italy, China, Japan, Switzerland. They searched for Higgs for 40 years. Especially in the USA. Among other things, they even swung at a superconducting supercollider (SSC) 97 km long and costing $ 4.6 billion, during construction the project was inflated to $ 8.3 billion, but the US Congress, having finally analyzed the crazy situation, in 1993 stopped funding SSC. Participated in this obsession with gigantomania of accelerators and the USSR, everything also ended in a complete fiasco. They built a tunnel in Protvino with dimensions almost the same as in CERN, a ring 22 km long, made experimental halls, but when all this was ready, they came to the conclusion that it makes no sense to continue the project. Also closed in 2006 is a unique electron-proton collider in Germany. Billions of dollars were spent not only in vain, but with great harm to the Planet! In fact, CERN remains the only Higgs seeker today.

Would you personally, dear reader, if you were elected ruler of any of the NATO countries, in a similar situation, would you give CERN a billion dollars just to search for the Higgs, to satisfy his curiosity? Moreover, CERN has already searched for it to no avail for 11 years (from November 1989 to 2001) at its unique LEP Large Electron-Positron Collider. I think no. And NATO countries have already spent about 10 billion dollars on the collider. Therefore, a boson is a boson, but in reality it is also a search for ways to create a proton weapon. For this, military strategists conceived super-powerful colliders. During the approval of the project of the largest of the existing accelerators in the US Senate, its leader R. Wilson was persistently "tortured" what it would do for the nation: its economy, health care, defense capability ... The essence of the answers was unequivocal: it would give a lot for defense and military might countries, nothing else should be planned.

Nuclear scientists, scientists and engineers from all countries were involved in the project. In Russia, the Academy of Sciences, RosAtom, the universities of St. Petersburg and the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University, as well as federal nuclear centers, VNIITF and VNIINF, Sarov and Snezhinsk, are participating in the project, a total of more than 700 specialists who constantly go on business trips to CERN. At the same time, about 200 Russian physicists are in Switzerland, who, as the media write, “amaze their foreign colleagues with passion for their work. People work, not limited by any time frame, in fact around the clock.” Here it can be noted that in the days of the USSR, the development and even the names of many such specialists were strictly classified. Now there are no more secrets. It advanced everyone, but to what?

Let's remember Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl... Haven't History taught us yet that in dealing with the first particles of matter, super- and super-caution is necessary? And the accident at THE SAME COLLIDER at the time of preliminary tests, when due to an error in the calculations one of the 20-ton magnets was thrown off the mounts, after which there was a powerful explosion, the 27-kilometer tunnel was filled with helium from the cooling system, firemen had to be called, and scientific station personnel – urgently evacuate? And all subsequent failures and accidents? Perhaps everyone is already accustomed to the constant malfunctions of the collider and they practically do not react to them?
But even this is not worrying today.

At present, the prevailing concept in science is that matter is not the result of any "big bang", but emerged from a vacuum. This concept was adhered to by P. Dirac, F. Hoyle, Ya. B. Zel'dovich, E. Tryon and others. And this turns out to be fundamentally important for understanding the danger of experiments at the collider!

At a theory is presented in which, based on the analysis of phenomena and experimental data, an explanation is given of the mechanism of the emergence of matter, the effect of gravity, inertia and mass of bodies, etc. natural phenomena. It is shown that an electron and a proton are born in one natural act, as an opposite, from the primordial emptiness (it is explained how exactly). Therefore, the electron and proton have an energy charge equal in magnitude, but opposite in sign, and therefore the Universe is electrically neutral. From these two first building blocks-particles, the entire diversity of the Universe was formed (the neutron is explained as the result of the interaction of a proton and an electron). But the main thing: if the substance arises from the void, then this process can be reversible! The theory explains in detail that the implementation of the experiment on the destruction of protons can cause the Earth to die instantly (it is shown specifically how and why). Here we explain very briefly that when the proton shell is destroyed in the collider, a merger will occur inner essence proton with any of the electrons (which are always present in space, in vacuum, in atoms, in a word, everywhere, including in the communications of the collider) and their disappearance from existence.


  • during explosions of nuclear and thermonuclear charges, the mass of the components participating in the reaction decreases only by a fraction of a percent. And in this case, COMPLETELY INTERACTING PARTICLES DISAPPEAR in the collider, and not only their mass, but also energy charges will disappear - a microhole of emptiness will appear with an energy release, which will melt the shell of a number of closely spaced protons;
  • in the nuclear reaction of the decay of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 in an atomic bomb, only 2-3 free neutrons arise, which cause the decay of the next 2-3 nuclei. And in the collider, the collision of protons is planned to be carried out: a) after compression by the most powerful magnets into the densest beams; b) in opposite directions with the energy of the "big bang" and billions of times per second. The emergence of a microhole under such conditions will melt thousands of protons, and "microholes" can pour into the collider in the billions...

This means that the development of a chain reaction will go much faster than in a nuclear explosion, the "hole" will instantly expand to the volume of the Earth. After that, it will dissipate in space to the cosmic vacuum. In other words, in a moment after the destruction of the proton, there may be no trace left of the best Planet of the Universe.

The specified site also presents an analysis of the conclusions of the CERN working group (the opinion of its 5 employees, each researched some areas, then compiled a summary report) on the safety of the hadron project. The analysis shows that the conclusions of the report are erroneous. Many scientists in the world seriously criticize their judgments, but their voice is not heard behind the "pipes" of the ideology of the NATO countries and the noise of people who want to feed on colliders.

Claiming that the emerging microscopic black holes in the collider will quickly decay and will not be able to draw in any significant amount of matter, they refer to the opinion of only one person on Earth - S. Hawking, 30 years ago. But read what S. Hawking wrote about this (, "Black holes are not so black", about 7 pages), and you will disagree with the conclusions of CERN.

Consider also the main argument that CERN officials constantly trump. Like, our Planet is constantly exposed to cosmic rays, the energies of which are not inferior to the level of the collider, and even exceed them, and so far it has not been destroyed. This is complete absurdity and a substitution of concepts. High-energy protons flying freely in space are one thing. Naturally, they can never collide due to the multidirectionality of their trajectories and the repulsion of similar electric charges. This is clear to anyone who taught physics at school. Another thing is in the collider, the whole idea of ​​which is to accelerate the protons to the speed of light, gather them into dense beams with the most powerful magnets and push them head-on on a collision course with the energy of the "big bang". Where their colossal energy will go during a head-on collision - apparently, they did not think about this at CERN. Their loud conclusion that the energy of a collision of two protons in a collider will not exceed the energy of a collision of two mosquitoes in the air - and therefore, they say, it is completely safe - is simply amazing absurdity!

Recently, as the author of the theory on the indicated site, I received a letter from the general director of one of the research organizations with information that they have created an ideal elementary particle accelerator based on primary ideal objects (see the articles on the Internet by Lipkin, Klyshko "On the collapse of the wave function" ), which makes it possible to obtain experimental confirmation or refutation of existing fundamental physical theories based on new solutions in computer simulation. They have already simulated LHC experiments on computers.

Here is an excerpt from that letter:

"I agree that there are serious concerns about the launch of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. We have created a computer collider based on primary ideal objects (PIO), and when two particles collide at high speed (we have the ability to scale), the particles really start on the monitor virtually share, crumble like dust and the computer freezes. We cannot interpret it yet. But there is such a fact ... We consider the probability of your event to be 50/50%".

This FACT is a serious warning to earthlings. The probability of the death of the Earth in experiments at the collider is high! Danger is real for everyone. Read this article carefully, read the theory on the above site (12 pages with illustrations in total), discuss the problem with friends and think together: WHY DO WE RISK THE PLANET? Because of the 10 billion dollars invested by NATO countries in a collider with goals unknown to us? Or because of the fact that some of the scientific "luminaries" are coveting the Nobel Prizes on the completely absurd and old idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfinding the Higgs?

An INDEPENDENT safety assessment of the intended experiments is required. This is what the opponents of the collider are trying to achieve. It would seem, well, what's the problem? The way such an examination will take place. But CERN, of course, does not want to let anyone into NATO secrets and its trade secrets. Publicity is only in what cannot be hidden, everything else is strictly classified. We don't need their secrets. It is necessary to at least ensure that they themselves study the new theory and comprehend the problem. This will be enough to slow down the experiments with the collider: they will not be satisfied with the role of space martyrs.

A new theory for CERN is a factor of force majeure, to step over which means deliberately taking an ultra-high risk with the Planet! And why is it for the NATO countries if they are "in the same boat" with us? They must slow down the collider without bringing it up to the power of a "proton thresher". Only CERN would not find herostrats ready to take risks no matter what. But they can find and take risks ...

In fact, the main danger is that "the strongest fortress is the human head" (K. Marx). And that "the most harmful thing is not ignorance at all, but the knowledge of a hell of a lot of things that are not really true" (F. Knight). WILL CERN AND NATO HAVE TIME TO UNDERSTAND THIS – THIS IS THE PROBLEM! Moreover, their main strategist - the United States - is currently extremely busy with the presidential election campaign in his country, as well as the problems of Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Iraq ... and the dollar crisis, because of which he will soon forget everything. Therefore, dear reader, if you understand the seriousness of the problem, do not remain indifferent. The clock in the collider is already running!

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CERN experiments could destroy the planet! Read this article, which PROVES that the experiments of the European Center for Nuclear Research with the first particles of matter can destroy the Earth. An INDEPENDENT safety assessment of the intended experiments is required. Strive for it to be carried out, otherwise we risk everything turning into a vacuum.

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(or TANK)- currently the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world. This colossus was launched in 2008, but for a long time worked at reduced capacities. Let's figure out what it is and why we need a large hadron collider.

History, myths and facts

The idea of ​​creating a collider was announced in 1984. And the project for the construction of the collider was approved and accepted already in 1995. The development belongs to the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN). In general, the launch of the collider attracted a lot of attention not only from scientists, but also from ordinary people from all over the world. They talked about all sorts of fears and horrors associated with the launch of the collider.

However, even now, it is quite possible that someone is waiting for the apocalypse associated with the work of the LHC and is cracking at the mere thought of what will happen if the Large Hadron Collider explodes. Although, first of all, everyone was afraid of a black hole, which, at first being microscopic, would grow and safely absorb the collider itself first, and then Switzerland and the rest of the world. The annihilation catastrophe also caused great panic. A group of scientists even sued trying to stop the construction. The statement said that antimatter clots, which can be obtained in the collider, will begin to annihilate with matter, a chain reaction will begin and the entire universe will be destroyed. As a famous character from Back to the Future said:

The whole universe, of course, in the worst case. At best, only our galaxy. Dr. Emet Brown.

And now let's try to understand why it is hadronic? The fact is that it works with hadrons, more precisely accelerates, accelerates and collides hadrons.

hadrons– a class of elementary particles subject to strong interaction. Hadrons are made up of quarks.

Hadrons are divided into baryons and mesons. To make it simpler, let's say that almost all the matter known to us consists of baryons. Let's simplify even more and say that baryons are nucleons (protons and neutrons that make up the atomic nucleus).

How the Large Hadron Collider works

The scale is very impressive. The collider is a circular tunnel that lies underground at a depth of one hundred meters. The length of the Large Hadron Collider is 26,659 meters. Protons, accelerated to speeds close to the speed of light, fly in an underground circle through the territory of France and Switzerland. To be precise, the depth of the tunnel lies in the range from 50 to 175 meters. Superconducting magnets are used to focus and hold the beams of flying protons, their total length is about 22 kilometers, and they operate at a temperature of -271 degrees Celsius.

The collider has 4 giant detectors: ATLAS, CMS, ALICE and LHCb. In addition to the main large detectors, there are also auxiliary ones. The detectors are designed to record the results of particle collisions. That is, after two protons collide at near-light speeds, no one knows what to expect. To “see” what happened, where it bounced off and how far it flew away, and there are detectors stuffed with all kinds of sensors.

Results of the Large Hadron Collider.

Why do you need a collider? Well, certainly not to destroy the Earth. It would seem, what is the point of colliding particles? The fact is that there are a lot of unanswered questions in modern physics, and studying the world with the help of dispersed particles can literally open a new layer of reality, understand the structure of the world, and maybe even answer the main question “the meaning of life, the universe and in general” .

What discoveries have already been made at the LHC? The most famous is the discovery Higgs boson(we will devote a separate article to it). In addition, they opened 5 new particles, first collision data obtained at record energies, the absence of asymmetry of protons and antiprotons is shown, unusual proton correlations discovered. The list can be continued for a long time. But the microscopic black holes that terrified housewives could not be found.

And this despite the fact that the collider has not yet been dispersed to its maximum power. Now the maximum energy of the Large Hadron Collider is 13 TeV(tera electron volt). However, after appropriate preparation, the protons are planned to be dispersed to 14 TeV. For comparison, in the LHC precursor accelerators, the maximum energies obtained did not exceed 1 TeV. This is how the American Tevatron accelerator from Illinois could accelerate the particles. The energy achieved in the collider is far from the largest in the world. Thus, the energy of cosmic rays recorded on Earth exceeds the energy of a particle accelerated in a collider by a billion times! So, the danger of the Large Hadron Collider is minimal. It is likely that after all the answers are received with the help of the LHC, humanity will have to build another more powerful collider.

Friends, love science, and it will definitely love you! And they can easily help you fall in love with science. Ask for help and let learning bring joy!

The largest installation in the history of mankind for physical experiments- The Large Hadron Collider, located in a 28-kilometer underground ring in France and Switzerland, continues to cause controversy. Some expect miraculous time travel from her, others - the discovery of a particle of God that is missing in the picture of the structure of the physical world, others - dire consequences imitations of the Big Bang, capable of destroying our planet.

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What is the essence of the experiments carried out in the collider and can they really pose a danger to all mankind? Is the significance of a physical discovery comparable to the risk of a planetary scale, even if it is acceptable with an insignificant probability?

In the debate show "Angle of Suspicion", the director of the Scientific and Educational Center for Particle Physics and High Energy, professor of Belarusian State University and an independent researcher, philosopher, author of the theory "About a new theory of the origin of the Universe and the danger of extreme experiments with matter" discuss the problem.

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Nikolay Maksimovich, what experiments became possible with the advent of the collider?
A collider is a microscope (this is almost a verbatim analogy). A microscope is needed to see what is not visible to the naked eye. An elementary particle accelerator is needed to use it to examine finer details in the depths of matter, to study them. Before the construction of the Large Hadron Collider, physicists with the help of the Tevatron reached a distance of 10-18 m, that is, 10-16 cm. The size of the atom is 10-10 m, the atomic nucleus is 10-15 cm. That is, physicists looked into matter several orders of magnitude deeper . The Large Hadron Collider made it possible to go even further into the depths of matter and find out how it works, what new particles are generated at such distances and time intervals, how the fundamental interaction of nature behaves. All this will allow you to see some new phenomena.

As far as I know, collider experiments don't just observe nature as it is. Some processes are launched that do not occur in nature or are difficult to observe when they occur in their natural form. After all, the experiment produces something with matter, and not just observes it. Could you clarify this point?
On the basis of proven conventional theories, which do not have a single failure, not a single contradictory fact, we predict what information will be obtained by conducting these experiments. Of course, there may be new particles, new interaction properties. But since there is not a single experiment that would contradict the theory of relativity and quantum field theory, which describes fundamental interactions, our predictions should come true.

But at the same time, public opinion was agitated from the very beginning. Some physicists have made statements that it is impossible to ensure complete control over the work of the collider. That is, no one can guarantee complete security. This is true?
I do not know such physicists. So they say from lack of information.

The first to raise this issue was the American physicist Lauren Wagner, who studied cosmic rays and also worked in the radiation safety service. There was also the Ukrainian physicist Ivan Gorelik, chemistry professor Otto Ressler, and you can still find many names that reasonably raise the question of the unpredictability of experiments.

When the first press conferences were held on the eve of the launch, its organizers expressed pride that for the first time in the history of science, experiments were being conducted that were basically unpredictable. They said they would make discoveries they didn't even know they had, and overcome the barrier that fundamental physics faces today. Theoretical physics is in crisis, and the Big Bang theory is one of the concepts that does not answer many questions and leads to a dead end.

Can you voice the unresolved questions of the Big Bang theory?
If there was a Big Bang, and the Universe began with it, then how could one get the causelessness of this explosion in an empty state? The explosion itself contradicts the known laws of physics (such a basic law as the law of conservation of matter and energy, the law of thermodynamics). This is how the Universe came into being: from nowhere in an empty causeless place.

This sounds unprofessional and has absolutely nothing to do with what the physical theory explains and what we are currently observing. We do not know until the end of the model of the beginning of our Universe, its phase and what will happen to it next. Perhaps the Universe is pulsating, compressed into a point, and then unclenched. But one cannot imagine that there was a void in which something arose from nothing.

Physicists frankly say that they do not know the reason why the Big Bang happened, but there are definitely no competing theories that would be confirmed by observational facts. I mean the CMB, Hubble's law (expansion of galaxies), and now also the accelerated expansion of our Universe. We have come to the concept dark matter and dark energy, which makes up 96% of the mass of our universe. The Big Bang Theory is the most reliable model, and I know of no other models that could compete with it with this degree of observational validity.

At first, she explained something, but when they began to understand, it turned out that only 5% of the matter follows from this theory. Then, completely unproven, they introduced new entities - dark matter and dark energy.

According to Newton's second law, acceleration is impossible without force. Force is associated with energy, which means that the Universe can expand with acceleration due to energy. This energy, which we see, but about which we do not yet know anything, we compare with a parameter that can be used to determine the acceleration. And we say that it makes up about 74% of the mass of the universe. Another 22% is estimated to be dark matter. These are unknown neutral (uncharged) particles. One of them may be the Higgs boson, which will be discovered as a result of experiments with the collider.

There are other theories that explain things that the Big Bang theory does not. And they do this without introducing unprovable postulates in the form of dark matter.

What is the alternative theory to the Big Bang theory?
There are two views on the origin of the universe. According to one version, it came from the smallest point as a result of the Big Bang. Even Nobel laureates give unflattering assessments to this theory. On the other hand, the matter in the Universe arose not from an explosion, but from a vacuum. This theory solves all issues, and within the framework of all the laws of physics, without involving additional entities.

People are free to invent hypotheses, such is their nature. Nobel Prizes in Physics, especially recent decades, were received just for confirming the Big Bang theory. The hardest question in physics is "why?". First, physicists answer the questions "what?" and "how?", and questions "why?" are decided later.

Collider can help answer the question "why"?
Undoubtedly. Why are the charges of electrons and protons equal in absolute value? This is the mystery of nature.

How dangerous is the collider based on your theory?
If we proceed from the fact that the world came out of the void that gives birth to particles, we can induce the process of annihilation.

These are completely baseless speculations.

Were there examples in the work of the collider that could somehow confirm these conjectures? Are there any out-of-control processes?
Of course not! In 2008, the director of CERN resigned and wanted the collider to be launched while he was still there. Therefore, everyone hurried a little, did not check the elementary things - the connections of wires to tanks with liquid helium. When they began to raise the voltage and increase the power, the current increased, and one contact melted. Drops of molten metal burned a hole in the tank of liquid helium, and, naturally, it exploded. That's all that happened. After a year and a half, everything was cleaned up, and complete security was ensured. This car is now the most reliable nuclear power plants and space ships.

Because of this, the processes did not go into some uncontrollable course?
The tank with liquid helium exploded, the shock wave was 320 m, the shutters automatically extended, and the protection system worked.

The danger of the collider is not in technical failures, but in the unpredictability of the phenomenon. For the first time, experimental installations have been made that affect matter particles an order of magnitude higher than during the explosion of a thermonuclear bomb! It is possible to generate a process that will cause the annihilation of the planet's matter. Nikolai Maksimovich said that the collider is more reliable than a nuclear power plant. But at Fukushima, the reason was human factor: it was necessary to take into account the possibility of a tsunami.

Were there experiments on the annihilation of matter? Was this process carried out on a small, controlled scale?
The Tevatron accelerator in the USA is a proton and antiproton accelerator. They collide and annihilate because it is a particle and an antiparticle.

But at the same time, there is no change in the matter around, a chain reaction?
No, this is an ordinary nuclear reaction of the collision of elementary particles.

CERN recently announced the discovery of a particle similar to the Higgs boson, which was predicted by Peter Higgs in 1964. How can this discovery affect the state of modern physical theory? Can working with this particle be risky?
I will immediately answer the last question - no, of course not. This is important because we didn't know where the mass comes from. The basis of the theory that describes the fundamental interaction of particles is the principle of symmetry. At first, particles are obtained without mass, but in reality they are massive. Therefore, the theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking of an equal and massless particle was invented. Scientists have blamed the appearance of mass on an additional scalar field and on the Higgs particle as a quantum of this field.

It is assumed that this field permeates the entire Universe. Overcoming it by initially massless particles gives them mass. The greater the overcoming of the Higgs field, the greater the mass of the particles. The origin of the mass itself remains inexplicable: it is still difficult to understand where it comes from in the Higgs boson itself. The discovery of the boson is a fact of great significance, which will explain the origin of mass, the main characteristic of everything that exists in the Universe.

A century and a half ago, the famous Austrian physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach explained the mass effect more clearly than CERN with the boson and collider. "Each particle has some kind of field. The set of particles forms bodies that have some kind of field. The set of bodies emitting stars, galaxies also has its own electromagnetic, energy, gravitational fields, which form the total field of the Universe. In it, every particle that has its own field, interacts with the matter of the Universe, slows down, accelerates.

Beautiful words without a single formula and mathematical statement.

Isn't it funnier to say that there is a particle that is responsible for the mass of everything in the universe?

At the heart of everything that exists is a counted number of particles. In fact, what surrounds us is two quarks, an electron, an electron and an ion neutrino. Bosons cause these particles to interact. All other particles are born in experiments, collisions of particles, in the collision of cosmic rays. The theory that explains such a simple structure of the world is the gauge theory of fundamental interactions. But you have to pay for this beauty by the fact that all particles are massless. The only mathematically justified and physically supported explanation is the mechanism of spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking, which leads to the existence of the Higgs boson.

The word "field" does not suit modern physics?
Any particle corresponds to a field that describes the interaction of particles.

You are referring to a new entity that is introduced by an unsubstantiated postulation. Quarks are an unproven idea, it is built on a pure mathematical abstraction: if we allow fractional charges, protons and neutrons will add up.

This has been experimentally established by numerous irrefutable facts. The effects caused by quarks cannot be explained by anything else. We cannot register a free quark, we see only its trail, jets of secondary particles. People can't accept it, but that's the reality. Once upon a time, Einstein did not accept quantum mechanics because he said that God does not play dice. But after all, no one canceled quantum mechanics from this, and everyone understood that it was not visual. Who can imagine that a particle is also a wave? Such processes will never be visible, but this does not mean that they do not exist.

But it doesn't mean that there is. This is an unproven assumption.

Has the flywheel position been proven somehow?
Everyone has a mind, a person can analyze and draw their own conclusions.

The same is done here. For some reason, the Higgs boson is called the God particle. Why exactly?
There are different opinions. Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman said that the Higgs boson is a God particle. But the translation turned out to be inaccurate. It seems to me that the boson can be figuratively called the particle of God, because it differs from all other particles in that it interacts very weakly with other particles. Only thanks to the record high energy, beam densities, only 8 events with the Higgs boson were detected. The statistics are still small, but the experiments will continue, and there will be hundreds and thousands of events. This is an extremely rare phenomenon that provides the mass of everything that exists, so figuratively it can be called a particle of God.

What are the future plans of the experimenters? Will power increase or will already discovered particles be studied in more detail?
This is only the beginning, it is necessary to establish the properties of this particle. It is necessary to establish - is it the Higgs boson of the standard model or something else? They will talk about new phenomena, go beyond the standard model. In March 2013 it is planned to stop the collider, and within 1 year and 8 months it will be upgraded. The collider will come out with an energy of 14 TeV in the center system and with an increased luminosity - 1034. Then the collider is planned to stop in 2018 for a year and a half, and the luminosity will be doubled. If by that time the engineers will solve some issues, then 5 times. It is planned to collect statistics, search for new and refine already known phenomena, various parameters in order to make the standard model more accurate. The operation of the accelerator and installations is planned until 2030.

CERN is finishing preparations for the launch. For a long time it was believed that the experiment with the collider is unsafe for humanity: it can cause the appearance of black holes and “strangelets” that will destroy everything that exists. The project's final safety report states that the collider poses no danger. Nevertheless, it is possible that not all the possibilities of the death of the world from the action of this machine have been calculated.

Cooling the windings of superconducting electromagnets Large Hadron Collider(LHC, Large Hadron Collider) at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) on the border of Switzerland and France is nearing completion. Most of them have already reached an operating temperature of just 2 degrees above absolute zero (-271o C), and scientists hope to start accelerating the first particle beams as early as next month. If everything goes as planned, in the fall, colliding beams of protons moving at about 0.99999992 the speed of light will begin to collide. The number of collisions will gradually increase, approaching the planned level of billions of events per second.

The joyous excitement of scientists immersed in the preparation of what is probably the largest scientific experiment in the history of mankind is understandable. However, for some people, the languor in anticipation of the launch of the LHC continues to result in a lot of fears around the story of a terrible black hole that will appear at the site of the collision of particles and, rapidly growing, after a while will devour not only the Geneva airport and the Jura Mountains, but our entire planet.

In fact, this is not the worst thing that can happen. Physicists have come up with several more eschatological scenarios, including the transformation of all the atomic nuclei of our planet into the so-called strange substance, the destruction of protons by magnetic monopoles, and even the rapid fall of the structure of the entire Universe familiar to us as the “true” vacuum bubble created in the accelerator expands.

The authors of the “lightweight” safety report are the LHC Safety Assessment Team: John Ellis, Gian Giudice, Michelangelo Mangano, Igor Tkachev. Last Friday, a special working group set up to assess the reality of such events submitted a “lite” final report, and on Monday a full-scale work appeared in the archive of electronic preprints, detailing the danger of black holes.

The conclusion of scientists: there is nothing to be afraid of. The earth and the universe will most likely endure. The main argument of the team of five physicists to some extent repeats the common phrase "this cannot be, because it can never be." Only exactly the opposite: the prophecies of the LHC skeptics cannot come true, because all the experiments that physicists hope to carry out in the depths of the ATLAS and CMS detectors occur in nature all the time, and the entire LHC program in the observable part of the Universe has already been repeated quadrillions quadrillions of times. And nothing, we still exist. Moreover, no events that could be interpreted as evidence of the alleged terrible consequences of proton collisions have yet been seen either by physicists in their laboratories or by astronomers looking at space distances.

The fact is that, by the standards of terrestrial accelerators, the energies, gigantic by the standards of terrestrial accelerators, first at 5 TeV, and then at 7 TeV (teraelectronvolts), to which it is planned to accelerate particles in the 27-kilometer ring of a huge accelerator, are not new for the universe. In fact, particles of this and greater energy every second crash into the spacesuit of an astronaut who has come out of spaceship. With the same frequency, they would bombard our bodies, if the Earth had no atmosphere. air shell partially saves us from these particles, and they are called cosmic rays.

Therefore, until the accelerator began to collide proton beams, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of: we are dealing only with the every second experience of the followers of Alexei Leonov, the first cosmonaut who went to space. outer space. Such particles, when colliding with a target, knock out tens and hundreds of protons from it and destroy several atomic nuclei. The experience of 74-year-old Alexei Arkhipovich shows that there is nothing terrible either for the existence of our world or even for human health in such events.

In the fall, however, CERN hopes to begin bringing together beams of charged particles moving in opposite directions and pointing them at each other. It's already tougher. Although each of the protons rushing at each other has the energy of a mosquito flying under the ceiling, it is possible to recreate the processes occurring during their interaction only by directing a proton with an energy of tens of thousands of TeV at a stationary target. The fact is that when using a stationary target, the main energy reserve of the incident particles is spent on maintaining the momentum of the fragments flying apart after the impact, and only miserable crumbs remain on their interaction, which is most interesting for physicists.

Values ​​of thousands of TeV are unlikely to be reached in the foreseeable future at terrestrial accelerators, which is why colliding beam accelerators have become so popular. Nevertheless, in space there are enough such particles. There are much fewer of them than "mosquitoes" - about 100 billion times, so it is unlikely that any of the astronauts managed to experience such a blow. But our entire planet is shaken by several thousand such collisions per second, and during its existence there have been about 1021 times. For the entire time of operation of the Geneva accelerator, within the framework of the LHC experiment, it is planned to recreate approximately 1017-1018 impacts; so without any participation of physicists this experiment has already been repeated on Earth tens of thousands of times.

Are stationary objects dangerous?

It seems that there is really nothing to be afraid of. These are the conclusions reached by the authors of the current report, confirming the opinion of their colleagues who presented the results of an independent study on the same topic in 2003. However, in reality, the first impression is deceptive. There is a big difference between cosmic rays and collisions of particles in colliding beams.

First, the density of events in Switzerland and France (detectors are located on both sides of the border between the two countries) is incomparably higher. If the average distance between similar events occurring simultaneously in earth's atmosphere, is thousands of kilometers, then the cross section of the colliding beams is measured in centimeters. Moreover, in addition to protons, scientists will also collide lead nuclei with each other, each of which contains two hundred protons and neutrons packed with nuclear density. And although cosmic rays certainly also contain heavy nuclei, they are much smaller than protons and alpha particles.

However, the main difference is not even in this, it is in the speed of expansion of the collision products.

Assuming that miniature black holes or droplets of deadly strange matter are actually formed as a result of the impact, they, according to the law of conservation of momentum, will move further at great speed, flying through the Earth in the blink of an eye. If such objects appear in accelerators, their speed will be low: the colliding beams have practically the same speeds, which add up to zero. So, say the pessimists, having appeared once, black hole will quickly fall to the center of our planet, and there it will gradually devour her body, growing by swallowing more and more new portions. Eventually, things will come to the surface.

It is the behavior of such almost stationary objects and the extremely low probability of their appearance that most of the last report is devoted to. Scientists, one by one, analyze in detail the possible doomsday scenarios, taking into account even the most speculative versions of physical theories and the latest experience with accelerators, and come to the conclusion that nothing threatens us after all.

Black holes will not appear?

As for black holes, their appearance in the LHC is generally a big question. If true general theory Einstein relativity (and there are no serious experimental objections to it yet), then black holes will not form even in the collision of lead nuclei. The reason is that gravity, which controls the movement of grandiose celestial bodies and determining the fate of the universe as a whole, at microscopic distances - a very weak force. It is many orders of magnitude inferior to the other three fundamental forces - both electromagnetic and two nuclear interactions, the so-called weak and strong. And these forces do not provide for the formation of any black holes, and indeed, it is not yet very successful to "marry" these forces, described by quantum theory, with Einstein's theory of gravity.

But, even if a black hole appears, it should instantly disappear due to quantum effects. One of the few successful attempts to understand the phenomena at the intersection of quantum mechanics and gravity, undertaken by the famous British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, led to the emergence of the concept of "evaporation" of black holes. Virtual pairs of particles and antiparticles, which, in accordance with quantum mechanics, continuously appear in space and disappear into nowhere after a very short time, must sometimes also form at the boundary of a black hole. In this case, the particles of the pair cannot annihilate with each other, and for an external observer in the vicinity of the hole, something is “born” from nothing; energy is spent on this, and as calculations show, the smaller the black hole, the more energy.

The largest black hole that can be born in the LHC has an energy no greater than the total energy of two colliding nuclei. Such an object, in accordance with Hawking's theory, lives for a breathtakingly short time - less than 10-80 seconds, during which it will not only swallow some other particle, it will not even have time to move.

Some theories, however, predict the existence in the microcosm of the so-called hidden spatial dimensions in addition to the three known to us - length, width and height. In such cases, not only gravitational forces at very small distances can become much stronger than predicted classical theory gravity, but even microscopic black holes themselves may turn out to be stable.

However, this option does not work either.

Here, scientists are looking again at space objects. If stable black holes could form and grow, then when the Earth or the Sun is bombarded with cosmic rays, these holes would become charged very quickly, attracting primarily protons, and not electrons, which move much faster at the same temperature. A charged black hole, unlike a neutral one, interacts much more actively with surrounding particles, which will quickly stop it.

Thus, flying through the Sun and even more so superdense stars like white dwarfs or neutron stars, the black hole will slow down and remain in the body of the star. Events like those planned to be produced at the LHC have occurred so many times in the life of each star that if black holes could form, they would grow quickly enough and destroy the celestial bodies known to us.

How exactly these objects grow depends on the specific model of the theory of gravity with "extra dimensions". Sequentially analyzing numerous options and taking into account all conceivable effects, scientists come to the conclusion that even under the most extreme assumptions, neither the Earth nor white dwarfs could exist for more than a few million years. In fact, they are billions of years old, so microscopic black holes do not seem to form in the universe at all.

The degree of danger of strapels has not been investigated!

Another popular agent for the destruction of our world during the launch of the LHC is droplets of a strange substance, or "strangelets", as Russian astronomer Sergei Popov preaches to translate from the English strangelet. Such a substance is called strange not for its behavioral features, but because of the presence in its composition of a significant admixture of the so-called strange quarks (“flavor” s) in addition to the up and down (u and d) quarks that make up protons and neutrons that form the nuclei of all ordinary atoms.

Small strange nuclei, in which a particle containing strange quarks is added to neutrons and protons, have already been obtained in laboratories. They are not stable - they disintegrated in billionths of a second. It has not yet been possible to obtain nuclei containing many strange particles, however, from some versions of the theory of nuclear interactions it follows that such nuclei can be stable. They are denser than ordinary matter, and astronomers are actively interested in them. neutron stars- a kind of giant atomic nuclei, into which massive stars turn after death.

If "strange" nuclei are really stable (there are no experimental indications on this), then, by invoking additional considerations, also not experimentally confirmed, it can be shown that the transition to a strange form will be energetically favorable. In this case, when interacting with ordinary nuclei, the strange ones will provoke the transition of the former into a strange form. As a result, droplets of a strange substance, or "strangelets", are formed. Since they are formed from protons and neutrons, the charge of the straps will be positive, so they will repel ordinary nuclei. Again, in some theories, negative straps may also occur, which are not stable. Already the fourth hypothesis in this paragraph assumes the presence of unstable, but long-lived negative strands, which ordinary matter will attract.

It is precisely such four times hypothetical strapels that pose a threat.

With such phantoms, scientists have to work, proving the safety of the LHC.

The main arguments against the existence of any strangelets at all are the results of experiments at the so-called American Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), which was launched at the American Brookhaven National Laboratory at the end of the 20th century. Unlike CERN, where lead nuclei will collide, at Brookhaven, the nuclei of slightly lighter gold atoms collide, and at much lower energies.

As the RHIC results show, no strangelets appear here. Moreover, the data collected by the accelerator is perfectly described by the theory, according to which, at the site of the collision of two nuclei, for an insignificant fraction of a second (about 10-23 seconds), a clot of quark-gluon plasma is formed, which has a temperature of about one and a half trillion degrees. Such temperatures existed only at the very beginning of our universe, and even in the centers of the most massive and hot stars, nothing like this occurs.

But at such temperatures, dangerous strangelets, even if they are formed, are instantly destroyed, since the reactions with them are characterized by the same energies as for ordinary nuclei, otherwise they would not be a stable, that is, energetically favorable state. The characteristic "melting" temperature of the nuclei is billions of degrees, so at temperatures of a trillion degrees there are no traces left.

The temperature of the quark-gluon plasma, which is planned to be obtained at the LHC, is even higher. In addition, its density during a collision will be, oddly enough, lower.

So getting strapels at the LHC is even more difficult than at the RHIC, and it was harder to get them at the LHC than at the accelerators of the 1980s and 1990s.

By the way, when the RHIC program was launched in 1999, its creators also had to convince skeptics that the end of the world with the first collision of nuclei would not happen. And it didn't happen.

An additional argument against the possibility of the appearance of strapels is the presence of the Moon in orbit around the Earth. Unlike our planet, the Moon has no atmosphere, so its surface and core heavy elements that it contains are directly bombarded by the nuclei that make up cosmic rays. If the appearance of strapels were possible, then over the 4 billion years of the existence of our satellite, these dangerous nuclei would completely “digest” the Moon, turning it into a strange object. However, the Moon continues to shine at night as if nothing had happened, and some were even lucky to walk around this object and return back.

Another way to kill the universe

More exotic candidates for the role of killers of all living things are magnetic monopoles. No one has yet succeeded in cutting a magnet into two parts and getting its separate north and south poles, but a magnetic monopole is just such a particle. Again, there are no experimental indications of its existence, however, as early as the first half of the 20th century, Wolfgang Pauli noticed that their introduction into the theory makes it possible to explain why all charges are multiples of the electronic one.

This idea turned out to be so tempting that, despite the lack of any evidence, some physicists continue to believe in the existence of monopoles. If we take into account that one monopole for the entire Universe is enough to quantize the charge, then this belief is hardly worse than belief in a single principle, thanks to which there is good in the Universe.

However, a magnetic monopole is not good, at least for a proton. Having a large charge, monopoles in their ionizing effect should be similar to heavy atomic nuclei, and in some versions of the theory - again, not in the almost sacred standard model for physicists, which has so far been able to explain all experiments with particles - monopoles can cause decay protons and neutrons into lighter particles.

Most physicists believe that magnetic monopoles must be very massive particles with an energy of the order of 1012 TeV, which neither the LHC nor any other terrestrial accelerator can reach. So there is nothing to be afraid of them.

Nevertheless, if we assume that the monopoles may have a smaller mass, then they should also have long been formed during the interaction of terrestrial matter with cosmic rays. At the same time, interacting with the substance in the most active way through electromagnetic forces, the monopoles must slow down very quickly and remain on the ground. The bombardment of our planet and other celestial bodies by cosmic rays has been going on for billions of years, and the Earth has not disappeared anywhere. So either light monopoles are not formed, or they do not even have the property to somehow contribute to the decay of the proton.

Will the universe go into a state of true vacuum?

Finally, the worst thing that can happen is the appearance of “true vacuum” bubbles in space. They are capable of destroying not just the Earth, but the entire Universe known to us.

Generally speaking, the physical vacuum - complex system from a set of interacting fields. IN quantum mechanics vacuum is simply the energetically lowest state of such a system, and not some kind of " absolute zero". Each cubic meter of vacuum may well have its own energy, and moreover, the vacuum itself can even influence the physical phenomena occurring in it.

For example, if we have some false, very stable, but still not the lowest energy level, we can still step down from it, and the difference in energy between the two levels can be used to create new particles, just as light quanta are created when electrons move from a high atomic level to low. Astrophysicists, for example, are sure that such transitions have happened in the past, and thanks to them our world is now filled with matter.

Generally speaking, it does not follow from anywhere that the vacuum that we know is not so false. Moreover, the simplest explanation for the mysterious “dark energy” that accelerates the expansion of our universe is precisely the presence of non-zero vacuum energy. In this case, the transition to the next stage is possible, and moreover, according to some theories, recent astronomical observations have even increased its likelihood.

Of course, it does not follow from anywhere that collisions of protons in the LHC supercollider can provoke such a transition. However, if microscopic bubbles of the “true” vacuum do form, then the theory predicts their rapid expansion due to the transformation of vacuum from one type to another along the bubble boundary. Expanding at the speed of light, such a bubble envelops the Earth in a fraction of a second, and then it will take over the rest of the Universe, giving rise to many particles and, possibly, making the existence of matter familiar to us impossible.

Generally speaking, exactly how the LHC can trigger a vacuum transition is not clear. In the absence of a refutation subject, in this case, the authors of the report again turn their gaze to the sky, repeating the same logic. If we still do not see any catastrophic consequences of the collision of charged high-energy particles in space, then the appearance of such bubbles is either impossible or too unlikely. In the end, as scientists calculated, the Universe during its existence conducted 1031 LHC swing experiments in the part of it that we observe. And, if at least one of them ended in the destruction of some part of the world, we would certainly notice it. And what is one experiment against 1031? The probability that we will not be lucky is too small.

Is the risk justified?

Of course, talking about probability is hardly appropriate here. When it comes to the price of car insurance, you can divide total number accidents per total number of cars, getting the probability of an accident for each car, and multiplying this probability by the average cost of the car. This value is called the mathematical expectation of damage to the machine. Add to this amount the fees for which there are insurance companies - and the cost of insurance is ready.

Professionals also operate with the mathematical expectation of the number of human deaths - for example, in earthquake-prone areas. This may seem cynical to some, but such a calculation is probably the only way to effectively manage the always limited resources in order to save the maximum number of lives.

If the probability of the destruction of the Earth at the launch of the LHC is, say, one chance in a billion, then expected value the number of deaths - the product of the world's population per one billionth - will be 6.5. It is possible that among the several thousand scientists working at CERN, there will be not seven, but many more people who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of science. However, can they put at stake, even if it is almost guaranteed to win, the existence of all mankind? What if we are talking about the existence of the entire universe? Hardly anyone can answer this question.

Walter Wagner, a resident of the American state of Hawaii, for example, considers the risk unjustified and even filed a corresponding lawsuit in one of the American courts. The claim, however, has already been rejected, but what will be its further fate in the US judiciary, no one knows yet. It is only clear that it is unlikely that he will be satisfied by mid-autumn, when, according to the plan, the oncoming beams in the giant tunnel near Geneva will begin to accelerate towards each other. And the American court over the European Geneva has no jurisdiction and can only prohibit the supply of important equipment for CERN, which is produced in the USA; By the way, this is what the lawsuit is directed at.

The fear leading up to the launch of the LHC is not new. The same thing happened when the ion accelerator was launched at Brookhaven. And in the late sixties, the whole world was informed about the discovery by the Soviet chemist Nikolai Fedyakin of the "polymeric form of water." In the West, there was only talk about the fact that, once in the world ocean, “polywater” would quickly convert all its contents into a polymer form. Why not the story of the strangelets that can turn all matter into a strange form? Those who wish can recall another legend - about underwater tests of a hydrogen bomb, the explosion of which only barely missed the bottom layers of the ocean rich in a heavy hydrogen isotope, causing their detonation throughout the planet.

It turns out that the potential dangers associated with the launch collider should not be taken into account. Much more likely is the death of the Earth from an asteroid impact, a supernova explosion in the neighborhood. Even the war for mineral resources will cause much more damage than starting the car. Thus, proposals to stop experiments with the LHC are unlikely to be considered constructive.

The largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world - the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - recently returned to work. After the upgrade, the particle accelerator has doubled its capacity. Does this mean that all the fears associated with its original launch have been resurrected twice as much?

Although this event was awaited all over the world, there are two people who remained silent: Walter Wagner, a retired nuclear security officer, and Spanish journalist Luis Sancho. They have their own history associated with the LHC, and perhaps we owe it to them for all the horror stories associated with the launch of the proton-splitting machine.

Even months before the collider was to be turned on for the first time in 2008, Wagner and Sancho filed a lawsuit against the organizations behind the monstrous machine: the US Department of Energy, the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and the National Science Foundation.

Needless to say, it took a lot of courage and perhaps a little madness to try to sue any of these organizations that employ the brightest intellectuals of mankind, let alone attack them all at once. Especially after they finished building a 30-year, $6 billion project. In defense of men, Wagner and Sancho tried to save the world from what they thought was inevitable destruction.

Among the fears was that the LHC could spawn a miniature black hole that would literally swallow the Earth. In their lawsuit, they argued:

"In the end, all The earth will fall into a growing micro black hole, which will turn the Earth into a medium-sized black hole, around which the moon, satellites, ISS, etc. will continue to rotate.

The lawsuit was dismissed because the men were unable to prove a "real threat". However, there are still people on Earth who are sure that the LHC will lead humanity to collapse. Although Sancho and Wagner were wrong - the Earth is still, the LHC has been operating for several years in a row - it is important to understand why the scientific background of the work of the LHC does not imply any threats. Understand why The Large Hadron Collider won't do that much damage.

Birth of a black hole

Black holes are extremely dense compact objects with masses ranging from 4 to 170 million times that of the sun. Although black holes are huge by definition, it is possible, at least in theory, that a small amount of matter - tens of micrograms - can be packed tightly enough to create a black hole. This would be an example of a microscopic black hole.

So far, no one has observed or produced microscopic black holes - not even the LHC. But before it was turned on for the first time in 2008, Wagner and Sancho feared that subatomic particles accelerating to 99.99% of the speed of light and then colliding could create such a dense mess of particles that a black hole would emerge.

Physicists at CERN report that Einstein's general theory of relativity suggests that it is impossible to produce such an exotic phenomenon at the LHC. But what if Einstein was wrong? Wagner and Sancho fear this.

Even so, another theory developed by renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking predicts that even if a microscopic black hole forms inside the LHC, it will instantly disintegrate, posing no threat to the existence of the Earth.

In 1974, Hawking predicted that black holes not only devour matter, but also spit it out in the form of extremely high-energy Hawking radiation. According to the theory, the smaller the black hole, the more Hawking radiation it emits into space, gradually fading away. Thus, a microscopic black hole, having become the smallest, will disappear before it can damage and destroy us. Perhaps for this reason we have not seen microscopic black holes.

Birth of Strange Matter

Strange matter consists of individual hypothetical particles - strandels - which are different from ordinary matter, which makes up everything that is around us.

Wagner and Sancho fear that this strange matter could merge with ordinary matter and "may turn the whole Earth into one big starlet." Of course, the fears of Wagner and Sancho are not based on their theories - these thoughts were discussed in more serious scientific circles.

Nevertheless, no one knows the exact behavior of strange matter, or even a single strangelet; this is partly why the strangelets remain candidates for the dark matter particles that dominate our universe.

To support this theory, physicists at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York have been trying to create a strangelet at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider since the beginning of this century. So far, not a single strand has been seen. But there are always chances, of course.

If Brookhaven National Laboratory is lucky in its search, fears remain that the strangelets, in contact with ordinary matter, will start a chain reaction that will turn you, us, and everything else on Earth into a lump of strange matter. Whether we will be able to survive such a transformation and what will change - one can only guess. But the unknown is scary.

CERN physicists, however, argue that if Brookhaven manages to create a strangelet, the chances that it will interact with ordinary matter are very small:

"At the high temperatures that colliders produce, it's more difficult to mold strange matter together than it is to form ice in hot water," they say.

The birth of magnetic monopoles

In nature, magnets have two ends - a north and a south pole. But in the late 19th century, physicist Pierre Curie, husband of Marie Curie, suggested that there was no reason why a particle with one magnetic pole cannot exist.

More than half a century later, such a particle called a magnetic monopole has never been created in nature and has not been observed in nature. That is, it is purely hypothetical. But that didn't stop Wagner from suggesting that a powerful machine like the LHC could create the first ever magnetic monopole that could destroy the Earth.

“Such particles may have the ability to catalyze the decay of protons and atoms, causing them to turn into other types of matter,” he and Sancho wrote.

The theory that a monopole can annihilate protons - the subatomic building blocks of all matter in the universe - is speculative at best, CERN physicists explain. But suppose this theory is correct. In this case, this particle will have a mass that is too large for the LHC to create such a particle.

In general, we are safe.

"The existence of the Earth and other celestial bodies rules out the possibility of creating dangerous proton-eating magnetic monopoles with the LHC," physicists tell CERN.

Physicists will spend the next few months ramping up the LHC's power to more than double the power limit the LHC was operating at during its first launch. This does not change the fact that the Earth is unlikely to be destroyed by microscopic black holes, strangelets or magnetic monopoles.