Requirements for equipping the office Equipment of the OBZh cabinets. I. General safety requirements

Company "Development of education" offers more than 200 products to create a modern office of the Fundamentals of Life Safety (OBZh). A complete list of equipment can be seen in the section.

All names can be divided into several groups:

Includes weight and size models of weapons, personal protective equipment (gas masks, OZK suits), dosimeters, VPKhR device, etc.

With its help, you can not only in theory, but also in practice learn the rules of first aid in different situations. This category includes dressing and anti-chemical packages, Maxim cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulators, special stretchers, etc.

Models of shelters and shelters

They are designed to show on a scale what structures should be designed to protect people from military operations, radiation, natural and man-made disasters.

Printed materials

Demonstration sets of tables and posters on topics such as "Fire Safety", "Healthy Lifestyle", "Road Signs", "Terrorism", etc.

Among the 126 stands, there are not only informational,

About improvement educational and material base to teach citizens basic knowledge in the field of defense.

The Ministry of Education and Science proposes for use in the work the recommended material and technical equipment of institutions for teaching citizens basic knowledge in the field of defense and training them in the basics military service(application). The standards were approved by the joint order of the Minister of Defense of the Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2010 No. 96/134 “On approval of instructions on organizing the training of citizens in basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training on the basics of military service in educational institutions of secondary (full) general education, educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education and educational points” (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) in order to bring the material and technical equipment of the educational institution into line with the instruction.

The instructions define the followingfunctions of heads of educational institutions

Organize the training of citizens in an educational institution with basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service;

Provide material and technical equipment of the educational institution

To teach citizens basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service

- organize work in an educational institution for the military-patriotic education of citizens;

Provide assistance to the military commissariat in registration of citizens for military registration;

Participate in organization of training camps;

Interact with military commissariats and military units on issues organizing and conducting training camps.

For the qualitative performance of the above functions in educational institutions, the educational and material base is being created and constantly improved. The educational and material base includes: a subject room with educational and visual aids, technical training aids, a sports town with elements of an obstacle course (at least three), a shooting range or a place for shooting (an electronic shooting simulator).

In the absence of elements of the educational and material base or insufficient material and technical equipment, it is necessary to approve a plan for bringing them into line with the recommended standards.





1. Regulatory documents

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Federal Law "On military duty and military service"

by the number of students in the class (group)

General military charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

by the number of students in the class (group)

2. Educational literature

Life Safety Fundamentals Primer

by the number of students in the class (group)

Shooting Instructions: The Basics of Small Arms Shooting 7.62mm (or 5.45mm) Modernized Kalashnikov Assault Rifle

Basic Medical Knowledge Tutorial

by number of students

3. Educational and visual aids

A set of posters or electronic publications: Organizational structure Armed Forces Order of Russia Text of the Military Oath

Military ranks and insignia Military uniform clothes

Measures of compulsory preparation of citizens for military service

Military Applied Sports

Military registration specialties of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen

Military educational institutions vocational education of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation Tactical and technical characteristics of weapons and military equipment in service Russian army and armies of foreign states

Guard duty Measures taken during the initial registration of citizens for military registration Literature and visual aids on military patriotic education Standards for applied physical training Regulations on radiation, chemical and biological protection

Weight and size layout of a 7.62 mm (or 5.45 mm) Kalashnikov assault rifle

A set of posters on the device or electronic publications: 7.62-mm (or 5.45-mm) modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle

5.6 mm small caliber rifle

A set of posters or electronic publications:

Fundamentals and rules of shooting small arms

Techniques and rules for throwing hand grenades

Mines of the Russian Army Fortifications

Personal protective equipment Radiation surveillance devices

Chemical reconnaissance devices Organization and performance of internal service

Drilling First Aid Civil Defense

Individual protection means:

Combined arms gas mask

Combined Arms Protective



radiation reconnaissance chemical reconnaissance

Household dosimeter

The layout of the simplest shelter in the section or in the format of the EOI

Shelter layout in section or in EOI format


Electronic educational publications on magnetic and optical media on the subject of the program (ESI) A set of equipment for demonstrating ESW

4. Medical property

Personal protective equipment:

First aid kit A.I.

Dressing packages PPI

Individual anti-chemical packages IPP-11

Bags and sets of medical equipment for first aid, first aid bag SMS

gauze bandage medical non-sterile, size 7 m x 14 cm

gauze bandage medical non-sterile, size 5 m x 10 cm

cotton wool medical compress scarf medical (dressing) bandage medical large sterile

bandage medical small sterile

Medical consumables:

safety pin

wire splint (ladder) for legs

wire splint (ladder) for hands

plywood rail 1 m long

objects, devices and surgical instruments:

elastic hemostatic tourniquet Devices, devices and accessories for traumatology and mechanotherapy:

resuscitation manikin

transport splint Diterichs for the lower extremities (modernized)

inventory sanitary property:

Sanitary stretcher

Sleeve badge of the Red Cross

Medical stretcher strap

Red cross flag

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  • Guidelines for holding the Unified All-Kuban class hour in educational institutions "We will forever glorify the woman whose name is Mother!" November 30, 2014.

Cabinet Requirements

1.1. Availability of regulatory school documentation for the opening and functioning of the classroom:

☑ Order on the opening of the study room and its functioning to ensure the conditions for successful implementation educational program (according to the profile of the office; kept by the head of the office in the folder “Regulatory documentation) .
☑ Order on the appointment of a person responsible for the cabinet, his functional duties (according to the profile of the office; stored in the folder "Regulatory Documentation") .
☑ Passport of the office, issued indicating the functional purpose of the equipment, devices, technical means, visual aids, didactic materials, etc. available in the office.
☑ Inventory list for existing equipment .
☑ Safety rules for working in the office .
☑ Rules for using the classroom by students (posted in the office for review) .
☑ The act of acceptance of the study room by the school administration in order to prepare the study room for functioning (stored in the Cabinet Passport folder) .
☑ Minutes of the decision of the methodological council of the school on the readiness of the classroom to provide conditions for the implementation of the educational program (according to the cabinet profile) for a specific academic year (stored in the Cabinet Passport folder) .
☑ Work plan of the cabinet for the academic year and perspective (stored in the Cabinet Passport folder) .

1.2. Compliance with safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic standards in the classroom.

1.3. Compliance with aesthetic requirements for the design of the classroom.

Requirements for educational and methodological support of the cabinet

1.4. The staffing of the classroom with educational equipment, educational and methodological complex, a set of teaching aids necessary for the implementation of the educational program of the school.

1.5. Compliance of the educational and methodological complex and the complex of teaching aids (according to the cabinet profile) requirements of the standard and the educational program.

1.6. The presence of a complex of didactic materials, standard tasks, tests, control works, essays, essays and other materials for diagnosing the quality of education and the educational process (according to the profile of the office).

Provision of conditions for the successful fulfillment by students of the requirements for educational preparation on the basis of the classroom

1.7. Provision of textbooks, didactic materials, handouts in accordance with the educational program of the school.

1.8. Open and visual presentation by students of the standard of education.

1.9. Providing students with a set of standard tasks, tests, essays, tests, etc. to diagnose the fulfillment of the requirements of the basic and advanced levels of the educational standard.

1.10. Schedule of the study room for the compulsory program, optional classes, program additional education, individual lessons with students of various categories, consultations, etc.

2. Requirements for planning and organizing the work of the classroom to create optimal conditions for the successful implementation of the educational program of the school.
☑ Unconditional fulfillment by teachers and students of the requirements of the educational standard.
☑ Development and implementation of the educational program of the school (according to the profile of the classroom).
☑ Implementation of developmental learning methodology.
☑ Development of the program of the school of choice.
☑ Learning differentiation.
☑ Humanization of learning.
☑ Student-centered learning.

3. Evaluation of the activities of the cabinet for the academic year.
☑ Self-assessment of teachers. Student assessment.
☑ Evaluation of the methodological association, methodological council.
☑ Conclusions on further work office.
☑ Certification of the classroom (preparation for the next academic year).

The cabinet must meet the following requirements:

4.1. The office should be equipped with furniture, work equipment, TCO, a work table and a demonstration table.

4.2. The OBZh classroom must be equipped with teaching aids in accordance with the "List of OBZH training equipment for general educational institutions of Russia", approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The front wall of the cabinet can be equipped with:
☑ interactive whiteboard;
☑ demonstration panel;
☑ interactive attachment;

Teacher workplace equipment may include:
☑ personal computer;
☑ interactive panel;
☑ printing device;
☑ scanning device;
☑ multimedia projector;
☑ document camera;

The student's workplace can be equipped with:
☑ personal computer;

For the study of theoretical material can be used:
☑ interactive tutorials;

Knowledge control can be carried out using:
☑ voting systems;

4.3. In the office primary school display materials should be:

☑ Reflecting events of inner and outer life.
☑ Organizing students to master the methods of educational work.
☑ Corner to study your region.

4.4. Literature should be available in the office:

☑ Reference.
☑ Popular science.
☑ Tutorials.
☑ Scientific and methodological manuals.
☑ Samples of practical and independent work students.
☑ Selections of Olympiad tasks, etc.

4.5. In the primary school classroom, teaching aids should be systematized:

☑ By type (maps, diagrams, tables, etc.)
☑ By grade (grades 6-9)

4.6. Handouts should be in the office:

☑ To organize individual, group, frontal independent educational work.
☑ To test knowledge, skills (task cards).
☑ To prepare advanced tasks.

4.7. The office must meet sanitary and hygienic conditions, aesthetic and technical requirements.

Cabinet- a room designed for special classes with the necessary equipment for this.

study room- a school classroom equipped with visual aids, educational equipment, furniture and technical teaching aids, in which methodological, educational, optional and extracurricular work is carried out with students.

The purpose of certification of the study room:

Analyze the state of the classroom, its readiness to meet the requirements of educational standards, determine the main areas of work to bring the classroom into line with the requirements of educational and methodological support of the educational process.

Rules for using the OBZh office

1. The office must be open 15 minutes before the start of the lesson.
2. Students are in the classroom only in change of shoes.
3. Students should be in the classroom only in the presence of the teacher.
4. The office should be ventilated every change.
5. The teacher must organize the cleaning of the classroom after the 3rd lesson and at the end of the lesson.


1. Improve the quality of life safety lessons;
2. Skill building safe behavior students in extreme situations;
3. Raising a sense of responsibility for personal and public safety, as well as for one's own health and life;
4. Raising a sense of patriotism for the small and large Motherland;
5. Development of skills to apply theoretical knowledge of the life safety course in practice;
6. Healthy lifestyle promotion, Physical culture and sports;
7. Conducting thematic quizzes and competitions, relay races and military training.

Instructions for labor protection in the office of life safety

1. Persons of both sexes who have reached 18 years of age and have Teacher Education and undergoing medical examination

2. The teacher must:
- know their job responsibilities and instructions for OT (labor protection)
- pass introductory briefing and briefing at the workplace
- be guided in the work by the rules of internal regulations
- the mode of work and rest is determined by the teacher's work schedule

3. Injury hazard in the office:
- when turning on electrical appliances, TCO equipment (technical training aids), electric shock
- in shooting practice
- when using dosimetric devices - radiation
- violation of personal safety rules

4. Report injuries to the school administration

5. Comply with labor safety regulations

6. The OBZH teacher belongs to the electrical personnel and must have the 3rd qualification group of electrical safety admission.

7. Do not engage in self-repair of electric lighting devices

8. Store TCO equipment, dosimetric devices and weapons in a laboratory equipped with an alarm

9. Do not involve students in carrying instruments and equipment in study room

10. Bear responsibility (administrative, material, criminal) for violation of labor protection instructions.

II. Safety requirements before starting work
- check the readiness of the classroom for classes
- check the correctness of the electric lighting
- ventilate the classroom - prepare the necessary equipment
- check its serviceability, readiness for operation.

III. Safety requirements during work
- have in the classroom instruction on safety (safety) for students
- during shooting classes, as well as with the use of dosimetric devices, conduct safety briefings with students
- Maintain order and discipline in the office
- do not allow students to independently turn on the TCO equipment
- do not leave students unattended during classes.

- in the event of an emergency, take measures to evacuate students
- report the incident to the school administration, in case of fire, notify service 01
- provide first aid to victims in case of injury
- in case of a sudden illness of a student, call a health worker, inform the parents.

V. Safety requirements at the end of work
- Disconnect TSO equipment from the mains
- remove dosimetric devices in the laboratory
- turn off the lights, close the office with a key
- Report any deficiencies found during work to the school administration.

Familiar with job description

Instructions on safety rules for students in the OBZH office

I. General safety requirements

1. Compliance with this instruction is mandatory for all students involved in the classroom.

2. Calmly, slowly, observing discipline and order, enter and leave the office.

3. Do not clutter up the aisles with bags and briefcases.

4. Do not turn on electric lighting and TCO facilities.

5. Do not open vents and windows.

6. Do not move study tables and chairs.

7. Do not touch electrical sockets with your hands.

8. Injury hazard in the office:
- when lighting is turned on
- when turning on TCO devices
- when carrying equipment, etc.
- when working with dosimetric devices

9. Do not bring extraneous, unnecessary items to class, so as not to be distracted and not injure your comrades.

10. Do not sit on pipes and water heating radiators.

II. Safety requirements before starting classes

1. Do not open the cabinet door with the key.

2. Enter the office calmly, slowly.

3. Prepare your workplace., educational supplies.

4. Do not change the workplace without the permission of the teacher.

5. For duty students, wipe the board with a clean, damp cloth.

III. Safety requirements during classes

1. Listen carefully to the explanations and instructions of the teacher.

2. Maintain order and discipline during the lesson.

3. Do not turn on TCO devices on your own.

4. Do not carry equipment and TCO.

5. All academic work follow the instruction of the teacher.

6. Maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace.

7. When working with dosimetric devices, follow the instructions and instructions of the teacher.

IV. Safety requirements in emergency situations

1. In the event of an emergency (fire, etc.), leave the classroom as directed by the teacher in an organized manner, without panic.

2. In case of injury, contact the teacher for help.

3. If you feel unwell or suddenly fall ill, inform the teacher.

V. Safety requirements at the end of classes

1. Tidy up your workspace.

2. Do not leave the workplace without the teacher's permission.

3. Report all the shortcomings found during the classes to the teacher.

4. Leave the office calmly, without pushing, observing discipline.

Head of study room

Accounting inventory of educational and visual equipment

Name of objects and means of material and technical support Quantity
1.1 Personal Computer 1
1.2 Laser printer HP Laser Jet P1005 1
1.3 EPSON multimedia projector 1
1.4 Interactive whiteboard Interwrite Board 1077 1
1.5 Network filter 1
1.6 Tablet interactive 3
1.7 Training and metodology complex on road safety 1
1.8 Specialized software 1
1.9 Operational knowledge control system PRSIR for 25 students 1
1.10 Software and hardware complex for the AFS Safe Lifestyle cabinet (the complex includes: Data Acquisition System (DSS); Software(BY); A set of sensors (6 types): surface temperature, oxygen content, pressure, cardiogram measurements, heart rate monitor, belt tonometer). 1
1.11 TV 1
2. LIBRARY FUND (printed products)
2.1 Legal Literature
2.1.1 Federal Law "On military duty and military service" 1
2.1.2 Federal Law "On fire safety" 1
2.1.3 General military charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 1
2.2 Methodical materials
2.2.1 Brochure “Public Action to Prevent Terrorist Actions” 1
2.2.2 Brochure "First health care in emergency situations" 1
2.2.3 Brochure « Primary prevention tobacco smoking" 1
2.2.4 Primary Prevention of Alcohol Use Brochure 1
2.2.5 Brochure "Respiratory and skin protection equipment (gas masks, respirators and protective clothing)" 1
2.2.6 Brochure School of Survival. Life support in emergency situations» 1
2.2.7 Brochure School of Survival. Orientation. Tracking." 1
2.2.8 Brochure "Armed Forces of Russia" 1
2.2.9 Brochure « Fighting traditions Sun. Symbols of military honor» 1
2.2.10 Brochure "Conscription" 1
2.2.11 Brochure "Peculiarities of military service" 1
2.2.12 Tsykalo V.G. Methodical recommendations for the teacher of OBZh and OVS (brochure and CD) 1
2.2.13 Makeeva A.G. All colors except black. Pedagogical prevention of drug addiction in schoolchildren. Methodological guide for teachers 10-11 cells. 1
2.2.14 Makeeva A.G. All colors except black. Family prevention of drug addiction: A book for parents. 10
2.2.15 Makeeva A.G. All colors except black. Method of work with the kit. 7-11 cells.
2.2.16 Makeeva A.G. All colors except black. Pedagogical prevention of drug addiction in schoolchildren. Methodological guide for teachers 7-11 cells. 1
2.2.17 Bezrukikh M.M. All colors except black. Book for parents. Elementary School. 10
2.2.18 Bezrukikh M.M. All colors except black. Organization of pedagogical prevention of drug addiction among junior schoolchildren. Handbook for teachers. 1
2.2.19 Bezrukikh M.M. All colors except black. A guide for teachers and parents. 10
2.2.20 Rybin A.L., Maslov M.V. Road traffic. Safety of pedestrians, passengers, drivers. Allowance for students of educational institutions grades 5-9 1
2.2.21 Rybin A.L., Maslov M.V. Teaching the rules of the road 5-9kl. Toolkit. /Complete with posters/ 1
2.2.22 Road safety. Programs for the system of additional education for children. 1
2.2.23 Bogoyavlensky I.F. Rendering of first medical, first resuscitation aid at the scene and in the centers of emergencies. Directory. 1
2.2.24 Brochure. radioactive contamination. Deactivation. 1
2.2.25 Brochure. Tactical training. 1
2.2.26 Dvorkin A.D. Airguns. Shooting, operation, repair. Shooting range equipment. 1
2.2.27 Brochure. Military topography. 1
2.2.28 Brochure. How to plan civil defense and emergency situations at the facility. 1
2.2.29 Brochure. National security RF. Documents, concept, history. 1
3.1 Posters
3.1.1 Set of tables "School against terror" (C guidelines to the set) 1
3.1.2 Set of tables "Fire safety" (With guidelines) 1
3.1.3 A set of tables “Fundamentals of military service. For senior classes "(With methodological recommendations) 1
3.1.4 A set of posters "Antiterror" 1
3.1.5 A set of posters "Know how to act in case of fire" 1
3.1.6 A set of posters "Actions in case of fire" 1
3.1.7 A set of posters "First Aid in Emergencies" 1
3.1.8 A set of posters "First aid in emergencies." Poster Set No. 5 1
3.1.9 A set of posters "Healthy lifestyle 1
3.1.10 A set of posters "Respiratory protection equipment - gas masks, respirators .." 1
3.1.11 A set of posters "Actions of the population in case of accidents and disasters of a man-made nature" 1
3.1.12 A set of posters "Rules of conduct in emergency situations natural character» 1
3.1.13 A set of posters "Actions of the population in emergency situations of a natural nature" 1
3.1.14 A set of posters "Actions of the population in emergency situations of a man-made nature" 1
3.1.15 A set of posters "Ensuring personal safety in extreme situations" 1
3.1.16 A set of posters "Armed Forces - Defenders of the Fatherland" 1
3.1.17 Set of posters "Serving Russia" 1
3.1.18 Set of posters "Fire training" 2
3.1.19 Posters "Protection structures of civil defense" 1
3.1.20 A set of posters "Organization of civil defense" 2
3.1.21 A set of posters "Protection of the population in emergency situations of peacetime and wartime" 1
3.1.22 A set of posters "Corner for civil defense and emergency situations" 1
3.1.23 A set of posters "Small arms, grenade launchers, flamethrowers" 2
3.1.24 A set of posters "Armored vehicles" 1
3.1.25 A set of posters "Combat aircraft and helicopters" 2
3.1.26 A set of posters "Means of air defense" 1
3.1.27 A set of posters "Rockets and artillery" 1
3.1.28 Set of posters " warships Navy" 1
3.1.29 AIDS and HIV posters (set of 5 laminated posters, A-4) 1
3.1.30 Addiction posters (set #1 of 8 posters) 1
3.1.31 Addiction posters (set #2 of 3 posters) 1
3.1.32 Addiction posters (set #3 of 3 posters) 1
3.1.33 Addiction posters (set #4 of 2 posters) 1
3.1.34 Personal Hygiene Poster Set 1
3.1.35 A set of posters "Road Safety Corner" 1
3.1.36 A set of posters "Road Safety" grades 1-4. / Izhevsky P.V. etc./, 12 posters 1
3.1.37 A set of posters "Road Safety" grades 5-9. / Rybin A.L. and others/in 2 parts, 24 posters 1
3.1.38 A set of posters. Orders and medals of Russia. 1
3.1.39 Poster. Safety requirements for shooting from small arms (1000*700) 1
3.1.40 Posters. Traffic signs. 8
3.1.41 Posters. Computer and security 2
3.1.42 Album for children about fire safety rules (10 posters) 1
3.1.43 Album for children about the rules of the road (10 posters) 1
3.1.44 Childhood without alcohol. A set of visual aids. 1
4.1 Movies
4.1.1 “Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and its damaging factors./video/, 30 min. 1
4.1.1 “Protection against weapons of mass destruction. Defense against nuclear weapons” /video/ 1
4.1.2 “Protection against weapons of mass destruction. Protection against RH” /video/ 1
4.1.3 “Protection against weapons of mass destruction. Personal medical protective equipment” /video/ 1
4.1.4 "Ground Forces" /video/, 20 min. 1
4.1.5 « Air Force Russia” /video/, 20 min. 1
4.1.6 « Navy Russia” /video/, 20 min. 1
4.1.7 « Rocket troops strategic purposes” /video/, 20 min. 1
4.1.8 "Warrior rituals" /video/, part 1, 20 min. 1
4.1.9 "LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Fundamentals of fire safety” /CD/, 30 min. 1
4.1.10 "LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. The street is full of surprises” /video/, 52 min., for children of preschool and primary school age. 1
4.1.11 "LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Basics of water safety” /video/, 27 min. 1
4.1.12 "Life Safety, Water Safety" /6 educational films, CD/ 1
4.1.13 "LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Safety in the house» /3 educational films/ 1
4.1.14 "LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge» Library of 18 educational films, /Includes 2 CDs/ 1
4.1.15 “Providing first aid” (From the series “Occupational health and safety” / video / 1
4.1.16 "Right to Life" Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents, /video, CD/, 43 min. 2
4.1.17 “HIV. To know in order to live” /video, CD/, 50 min. 2
4.1.18 "Emergency situations" (From the series "Occupational health and safety"), video. 1
4.1.19 "Life safety and propaganda healthy lifestyle life” (Video program from the series “Occupational Health and Safety”), /video/ 1
4.1.20 Plague over Russia (about drug addiction), /CD/, 30 min. 1
4.1.21 “There is no other way” (about problems connected with drug addiction and alcoholism), / CD/, 80 min. 1
4.1.22 "Formidable Forces of Nature" (Natural Disasters) /video/ 1
4.1.23 "Catastrophe" (On natural and man-made emergencies. Ecological consequences of emergencies) /video/, 20 min. 1

"Echo of the tragedy of the century" (Consequences of man-made accidents. Chernobyl), /video/, 20 min.

"Ammonia release accident" (Actions of the population), /video/, 20 min.,

"Know and be able." Cartoon. (Radioactive contamination), /video/, 10 min.

"Emergency in the school area" (Fire - 3 minutes, accident at a chemical plant, chlorine leak - 3 minutes, radiation pollution - 6 minutes, mercury spill - 6 minutes), /video/

"Actions of the population in case of chemically dangerous accidents" (Ammonia, chlorine. Cartoon.) /video/, 8 min.

"In the event of an accident at a nuclear power plant." The main measures to protect the population and personnel. /video/, 20 min.

"Actions of the population in the zone of radioactive contamination" (1987, 10 min., video)

"Rescuers" /video/, 17 min
4.2 Electronic Tutorials (CD)
4.2.1 "School of Safety". Computer Tutorial 1
4.2.2 "Safety on the streets and roads." Educational encyclopedia on the BZ. Part 1. (For elementary school) 1
4.2.3 "Exams on life safety" Educational encyclopedia on life safety. Part 4 1
4.2.4 "Life safety at school". (Labor protection, industrial security, civil defense and emergency situations, life safety) 1
5.1 First aid kit individual AI-2 2
5.2 Universal first-aid kit "APPOLO" 2
5.3 Dosimeter household 2
5.4 Gas mask GP-7 20
5.5 Gas mask GP-5 20
5.6 Stretcher 2
5.7 Individual anti-chemical package IPP -11 10
5.8 Individual dressing package IPP - 1 10
5.9 Sanitor's bag (complete) 3
5.10 Model of a Kalashnikov assault rifle 3
5.11 Military chemical reconnaissance device (VPKhR) 2
5.12 Respirator 20
5.13 OZK (Cloak, stockings, gloves) 6
5.14 air rifle 3
5.15 Compass "Azimuth" 20
6.1 Stand "Stop the drug" 1
6.2 Stand "AIDS learning to live" 1
6.3 Collage "Do it" right choice» 1
6.4 Stand "Legislation of the Russian Federation on security" 1
6.4 Stand "Means of protection of respiratory organs" 1
6.5 Stand "Actions of the population in case of accidents and disasters" 1
6.6 Stand "Actions of the population in case of natural disasters" 1
6.7 Stand "Armed Forces of Russia" 1
6.8 Stand "To the lesson" 1
6.9 Stand "UID in action" 1
6.10 Portrait of the President of the Russian Federation 1
6.11 Portrait of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 1
6.12 Stand "State Symbols of Russia" 1
6.13 Tablet over the board "Life safety .." 1

The course "Fundamentals of Life Safety" was introduced into the school curriculum to teach children the right behavior in any life situations. Classes teach safety rules in Everyday life, correct action during emergencies, including first aid and defense.

The new school curriculum in the Russian Federation involves an active approach to the study of life safety and visibility, which primarily relates to equipping classrooms. Along with teaching aids, it is necessary to have simulators and materials for practicing useful skills.

Requirements for furniture in the OBZH office

The OBZh cabinet should be equipped with such furniture as:

  • a table and a chair for the teacher (it is possible to have a podium for speeches);
  • tables and chairs for students;
  • board;
  • cabinets and cabinets for storing textbooks, stands, handouts.

None specific requirements there is no furniture in the OBZh office. However, the use of a medical couch for practicing first aid skills is encouraged.

Requirements for technical equipment class OBZH

System Russian education encourages the presence of interactive materials in the lessons of life safety. The effectiveness of such training is several times higher than usual. To provide right process training in the OBZH office, it is desirable to use the following technical means:

  • projector;
  • interactive whiteboard;
  • computer;
  • TV;
  • player.

Many educational materials are distributed in digital format: audio recordings, videos, spreadsheets, documents, images and even games. The presence of such data on electronic media significantly expands the possibilities of training, while saving space in the office. Part of the tables and posters can be stored in electronic form.

Requirements for teaching aids and equipment

The set of manuals and equipment should include materials on five main sections:

  • Healthy lifestyle.
  • Fundamentals of military service.
  • Behavior in emergency situations.
  • Medical knowledge and first aid.
  • A set of security issues.

All materials are divided into 5 categories:

  • Posters, stands. Thematic corners related to the main sections of life safety knowledge, equipped with posters and stands with key data on the topic, will become indispensable assistants in the learning process. Also, this type of manual is convenient in studying classifications, action schemes, demonstrating the components of a gas mask kit, as it provides excellent visibility.
  • Brochures, printed manuals. This is the optimal format for handouts on actions in dangerous situations, the order of medical care, safety rules. It is desirable that the number of brochures and manuals correspond to the number of students.
  • Electronic aids: films, posters and other. Children readily absorb information in the form of films, so part of educational material can be submitted in the form of demonstrations: traffic rules, drug abuse prevention, injury prevention, behavior on water and in case of fire, etc.
  • Slide Sets. This is an alternative to posters that match the topics of the lessons. Slides can completely replace stands or be used as a supplement.
  • Equipment for life safety. This is the most important part of the learning equipment, as children get the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned. It is advisable to have a simulator for resuscitation, a first aid kit, gas masks, PPE, non-combat weapons (for demonstration) in the OBZH office.

The presence of interactive materials will allow you to get a visual representation of dangerous situations, help to recognize them in life. Demonstration of video, especially documentary, gives an understanding of the real picture of events and actions of people in emergency situations.

Practicing resuscitation techniques on simulators is the only way to get practice so as not to get lost in a critical situation in the future.

OBJ training equipment is great for modeling and role playing when creating potentially dangerous situations. Students can prove themselves and apply knowledge in the subject, provide medical care and even conduct a training rescue operation.

Everything you need to design an OBZh cabinet can be found in the Rector center. We will help you arrange the class correctly and select the necessary thematic materials.

Name:Educational and methodological equipment of the OBZh cabinet in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Target: Creation of a guide for the teacher on the use of material, technical and methodological equipment of the OBZH classroom.


Chapter 1. Regulatory documents: brief interpretation, guidelines for each law. Explanations with which sections of the program you need to use.

      Federal Law "On Education"

      Federal Law "On Security"

      Federal Law "On Defense"

      Federal Law "On civil defense"

      Federal Law "On fire safety"

      Federal Law "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies"

      Federal Law "On military duty and military service"

Chapter 2. Tutorials

2.1. Topographic atlas: short description work

2.2. Actions of the population to prevent terrorist acts: authors, publishers.

2.3. Means of respiratory and skin protection: authors, publishers.

2.4. First aid in emergencies: authors, publishers.

2.5. Ensuring fire safety at the facility: authors, publishers.

2.7. Statutes of the armed forces: a brief description of the work using them

Chapter 3 Technical means learning

      Computer (overhead projector) in the activities of a life safety teacher

      Webcam: its functionality in the lesson

Chapter 4 Demonstration equipment: guidelines for the use of each device (how (quick guide for the teacher) and with what sections of the program to use)

4.1.Machine of the machine

4.2. Multimedia laser shooting range

4.3. Gas mask GP-7

4.4. OZK protective suit (cloak OP-1, stockings, gloves L-1)

4.5. Respirator R-2

4.6. Military chemical reconnaissance device (VPKhR)

4.7. Compass

4.8. Dosimeter / Demonstration measuring device universal

4.9. Digital temperature sensor (-20- +110 °C)

4.10. Digital humidity sensor (10-100%)

4.11. Digital heart rate monitor

4.12. Digital respiratory rate sensor

4.13. Digital ECG sensor

4.14. Digital blood pressure sensor

4.15. AC magnetic field meter

4.16. Conductivity, pH and temperature meter

4.17. pH and temperature meter

4.18. Meter of electrical conductivity and temperature of solutions

4.19. Simulator of cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation

4.20. Medical training simulator for intravenous injections

4.21. Resuscitation training simulator

4.22. Simulator for providing first aid to victims

4.23. Simulator for emergency care in extreme conditions

4.24. Simulator-dummy "Wound and defeat simulators»

4.25. First aid kit individual AI-2

4.26. Individual dressing package IPP-1

4.27. Individual anti-chemical package IPP-11

4.28. Medical orderer's bag

4.29. Sanitary stretcher

Chapter 5 Stands, posters, videos, websites: guidelines for use (the optimal amount and with which sections of the program to use)