Hyperactive child problems at school. Parent meeting "hyperactive child at school". How do you get them to study?

A conversation with a colleague excited me, and I decided to convey the essence of the conversation by writing down the most important.

My friend claims that her child is extremely active and restless, but as soon as she starts, for example, perform with him homework how he calms down and does whatever she needs.

“Probably your child is not hyperactive,” I said and added that at school every day I meet dozens of children with attention deficit disorder in class. Nothing can hold them back. They, as if stung, rush around the classroom even during the lesson.

“These kids have absolutely no control over themselves! I continued. “And no matter what I came up with, no matter what I frightened them with, nothing brought them to their senses.

They are not afraid of “deuces”, punishments and even calling their parents. I don't know what to do in this situation. But I need to lead the lesson further, to explain the topic.

I don't just work for this hyperactive guy! If he lacks perseverance, this does not mean that the other 24 people in the class should be left without a lesson.

“Perhaps you're just not a fully professional yet and haven't found your approach to children yet,” she answered. - Probably, your lessons are not interesting for everyone.

What does “not everyone is interested” mean? Why should I waste time with children with the syndrome?

“So you think my child has the syndrome too?” To be honest, it's not very pleasant to hear this ... Have you tried calling the parents of your "hyperactive children" for a conversation? Did you tell them that their children were “with the syndrome”?

− Of course!

I called my parents and continue to do so in case of any childish offense - I immediately write to them in WhatsApp or in an electronic journal.

- And what are they?

- Moms come and only make a helpless gesture. Many roar. Why roar? You need to make an appointment with a neuropsychologist or neurologist. And be treated. And if it doesn’t help, go to a specialized class or school (so as not to interfere with other children’s studies).

- And why did you decide that they are “with a syndrome ...” and they need to go for treatment? I'm sure they don't need a neurologist or a neuropsychologist, the teacher objected. − In my classes I deal with such children easily. Yes, and with what kind of "such"? They are ordinary children, just more inquisitive and active.

This attention deficit disorder of yours, hyperactivity and restlessness are just excuses. If in my lesson several children get up from their desks and start to loiter, then everyone else is allowed to get up and change location.

We have such rules: we change places every 15 minutes of the lesson. And it happens that we generally remove the desks and sit on the windowsills and on the floor. Or do I post teaching materials throughout the classroom, and we move throughout the lesson from one wall to another.

“But it’s already not a school, but a real farce,” I was indignant.

- You follow the lead of an unbalanced child and turn everyone into hyperactive ones.

- But satisfied parents come to me who do not cry at night because their child is “not like that”. You don’t need to attribute your shortcomings to the child and doom him to taking pills and going to the doctors forever.

- And what will happen to these children later, did you think? When will they become adults and go to work? I have such acquaintances, all relatives still suffer from them.

- And how is it expressed in adults? How can this be diagnosed? a colleague asked me.

- I know one of these "difficult children".

He cannot find his place in the world, constantly changing jobs, friends, etc. And this is all from the fact that they were not cured in time!

“More likely, this is all from the fact that he did not come across good teachers in time,” my friend corrected me, and this was the end of our argument.

But I sat for a long time and argued with myself which of us was right. As a mother, it would really be unpleasant for me to hear that my child is with some kind of “deficit”. But one thing is pleasant or unpleasant, another thing is the educational process. There are after all norms, requirements for results!

It was just as strange to hear the phrase that I had not yet found my approach to children. Maybe so, but still I have not been working for the first year or even the third ... In a word, I got confused and completely upset.

Summary: Hyperactivity in children. Hyperactivity with attention deficit. Features of the behavior of hyperactive children. Hyperactive child, problems at school, what to do? Mobile child. Problems at school.

This article is a fragment from the book by I.Yu. Mlodik "School and how to survive in it: the view of a humanistic psychologist". In the book, the author shares with readers his thoughts about what a school should be like and what needs to be done so that students consider education an interesting and important matter, leave the school ready for adult life: self-confident, sociable, active, creative, able to protect their psychological boundaries and respect the boundaries of other people. What is the feature modern school? What can teachers and parents do to keep children interested in learning? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this book. The publication is intended for parents, teachers and all those who care about the future of children. The book was published by the publishing house "GENESIS". More information about the book and the conditions for its purchase can be found at the link >>>>

Now one of the most common problems that almost all teachers note is the hyperactivity of children. Indeed, this is a phenomenon of our time, the sources of which are not only psychological, but also social, political, and environmental. Let's try to consider the psychological ones, I personally had a chance to deal only with them.

First, children who are called hyperactive are very often just anxious children. Their anxiety is so high and constant that they themselves have long been unaware of what and why bothers them. Anxiety, like excessive excitement that cannot find a way out, makes them make many small movements, fuss. They fidget endlessly, drop something, break something, rustle something, tap, shake. It is difficult for them to sit still, sometimes they can jump up in the middle of the lesson. Their attention seems to be distracted. But not all of them are really unable to concentrate. Many students study well, especially in subjects that do not require accuracy, perseverance and the ability to concentrate well.

Children diagnosed with ADHD require more participation and are best served in small classes or groups where the teacher has more opportunity to give them personal attention. In addition, in a large team, such a child is very distracting to other children. On educational tasks, it can be very difficult for a teacher to maintain the concentration of a class in which there are several hyperactive students. Children who are prone to hyperactivity, but without an appropriate diagnosis, can study in any class, but on condition that the teacher does not increase their anxiety and does not constantly upset them. It is better to touch a hyperactive child, seating him in his place, than to point out a hundred times the obligation to be disciplined. It is better to let go for three minutes from the lesson to the toilet and back, or run up the stairs, than to call for attention and calmness. His poorly controlled motor excitation passes much easier when it is expressed in running, jumping, that is, in wide muscle movements, in active efforts. Therefore, a hyperactive child must definitely move well during the break (and sometimes, if possible, during the lesson) in order to remove this disturbing excitement.

It is important to understand that a hyperactive child does not intend to demonstrate such behavior "to spite" the teacher, that the sources of his actions are not at all promiscuity or bad manners. In fact, such a student simply finds it difficult to control his own arousal and anxiety, which usually disappears by adolescence.

A hyperactive child is also hypersensitive, he perceives too many signals at the same time. His abstract appearance, the wandering gaze of many is misleading: it seems that he is absent here and now, does not listen to the lesson, is not involved in the process. Very often this is not the case at all.

I am in class in English and I’m sitting on the last desk with a guy whose hyperactivity the teachers don’t even complain about anymore, it’s so obvious and tiring for them. Thin, very mobile, he instantly turns the desk into a bunch. The lesson has just begun, but he is already impatient, he begins to build something out of pencils and erasers. It seems that he is very passionate about this, but when the teacher asks him a question, he answers without hesitation, correctly and quickly.

At the call of the teacher to open workbooks, he only after a few minutes begins to look for what he needs. Break everything on his desk, he doesn't notice how the notebook falls. Leaning over to the neighbor's desk, he looks for her there, to the indignation of the girls sitting in front, then suddenly jumps up and rushes to his shelf, receiving a strict reprimand from the teacher. When he runs back, he still finds a fallen notebook. During all this time, the teacher gives the task, which, as it seemed, the boy did not hear, because he was fascinated by the search. But, it turns out that he understood everything, because he quickly begins to write in a notebook, inserting the necessary English verbs. Having completed this in six seconds, he begins to play something on the desk, while the rest of the children are diligently and intently doing the exercise in complete silence, broken only by his endless bustle.

Next comes the oral test of the exercise, the children take turns reading sentences with inserted words. At this time, something constantly falls on the boy, is under the desk, then attached somewhere ... He does not follow the check at all and skips his turn. The teacher calls him by name, but my hero does not know what sentence to read. Neighbors tell him, he answers easily and correctly. And then he again plunges into his incredible construction of pencils and pens. It seems that his brain and body cannot stand rest, he just needs to engage in several processes at the same time, at the same time it is very tiring for him. And soon, in the strongest impatience, he jumps up from his seat:

May I come out?
- No, there are only five minutes until the end of the lesson, sit down.

He sits down, but now he is definitely not here, because the desk is shaking, and he is simply not able to hear and write down his homework, he is frankly tormented frankly, it seems that he is counting the minutes until the bell rings. With the first trills, he breaks off and runs around the corridor like a catechumen throughout the whole change.

It is not so easy to cope with a child's hyperactivity even for a good psychologist, not like a teacher. Psychologists often work with the problems of anxiety and self-esteem of such a child, teach him to listen, better understand and control the signals of his body. Do a lot with fine motor skills, which often lags behind the rest of development, but by working on which, the child learns better to control his gross motor skills, that is, his larger movements. Hyperactive children are often gifted, capable and talented. They have a lively mind, they quickly process the information received, easily absorb new things. But in school (especially elementary school), such a child will be in a deliberately losing position due to difficulties in calligraphy, accuracy and obedience.

Hyperactive children are often helped by all kinds of modeling with clay and plasticine, playing with water, pebbles, sticks and other natural materials, all types of physical activity, but not sports, because it is important for them to make any muscle movement, and not just the right one. The development of the body and the ability to throw out excess excitement allow such a child to gradually enter his own boundaries, from which he always wanted to jump out before.

It has been noticed that hyperactive children absolutely need space for such a vain manifestation of themselves. If at home it is strictly forbidden, through constant pulling or other educational measures, to behave in this way, then they will be much more hyperactive at school. Conversely, if the school is strict with them, they will become extremely active at home. Therefore, parents and teachers should keep in mind that these children will still find an outlet for their motor excitement and anxiety.

Other publications on the topic of this article:

Hyperactive child at school and at home.

Recently, we are increasingly hearing the concept of a "hyperactive" child. What is he? What are the causes of hyperactivity in a child? What to do in this situation.What is hyperactivity?

"Hyper..." - (from the Greek. Hyper - above, above) - an integral part compound words indicating an excess. The word "active" came into Russian from the Latin "activus" and means "effective, active".

Hyperactive behavior of children is characterized by the following features: restless movements are often observed; spinning; gets up from his seat in the classroom during the lessons, when you need to stay in place; often talkative; usually has difficulty waiting his turn in various situations.

Probably, in every class there are children who find it difficult to sit in one place for a long time, to be silent, to obey instructions. They create additional difficulties in the work of educators and teachers, because they are very mobile, quick-tempered, irritable and irresponsible. Hyperactive children often touch and drop various objects, push their peers, creating conflict situations. Famous american psychologists W. Oaklander characterizes these children in this way: "It is difficult for a hyperactive child to sit, he is fidgety, moves a lot, turns around in place, sometimes talks excessively, can be annoying with his behavior. Often he has poor coordination or insufficient muscle control. He is clumsy, drops or breaks things, spills milk. It is difficult for such a child to concentrate his attention, he is easily distracted, often asks a lot of questions, but rarely waits for answers. "

How to identify a hyperactive child?

The behavior of hyperactive children may be outwardly similar to the behavior of children with increased anxiety, so it is important for the teacher and parents to know the main differences in the behavior of one category of children from another. In addition, the behavior of an anxious child is not socially destructive, and a hyperactive child is often a source of various conflicts, fights, and simply misunderstandings.

To identify a hyperactive child in the classroom, it is necessary to observe him for a long time, conduct conversations with parents and teachers.

American psychologists P. Baker and M. Alvord offer the following criteria for identifying hyperactivity in a child

Criteria for hyperactivity

Active Attention Deficit

Inconsistent, it is difficult for him to hold attention for a long time.

Doesn't listen when spoken to.

With great enthusiasm, he takes on the task, but never finishes it.

Experiencing organizational difficulties.

Often loses things.

Avoids boring and mentally demanding tasks.

Often forgetful.

Motor disinhibition

Constantly fidgeting.

Shows signs of restlessness (drumming fingers, moving in chair, running, climbing).

Sleeps much less than other children, even in infancy.

Very talkative.


1. Begins to answer without listening to the question.

2. Unable to wait for his turn, often interferes, interrupts.

3. Poor concentration.

Cannot wait for reward (if there is a pause between actions and reward).

When performing tasks, it behaves differently and shows very different results. (in some classes the child is calm, in others he is not, but in some lessons he is successful, in others he is not).

If at least six of the listed signs appear before the age of 7, the teacher, parents can assume that the child he is watching is hyperactive.

What to do?
First you need to establish the cause of hyperactivity, for which you need to consult with specialists. If a neuropathologist prescribes a treatment course, massage and adherence to a special regime, it is necessary to strictly follow his recommendations.
Create a calm, favorable environment around such a child, since any disagreements in the family only charge the child negative emotions. Communication with a hyperactive child should also be soft, calm, as he is receptive to the mood of his parents and people close to him.
It is necessary to observe a single line of conduct for parents and all family members in raising a child.
It is very important not to overwork the child, do not exceed the load and work hard with him. For example, to send a child to several sections or circles at once, jumping over age groups. All this will lead to whims and deterioration of the child's behavior.
In order to prevent overexcitation of the child, it is very important to observe the daily routine, which includes mandatory daytime sleep, early evening going to bed, it is necessary to replace outdoor games and walks with calm games, etc.
The less comments you make, the better. In this situation, it is better to distract him. The number of bans should be adequate to the age. Such a child really needs praise, so you need to do it very often, even for a trifle. But praise should not be too emotional, so as not to cause overexcitation of the child.
Try not to make your requests carry several instructions at once. When talking to a child, you need to look him straight in the eye.
In order to develop fine motor skills and general organization of movements, it is necessary to involve hyperactive children in choreography, tennis, dancing, swimming, and karate classes.
It is necessary to introduce the child to outdoor and sports games, the child must understand the purpose of the game and learn to obey the rules, plan the game.
When raising a hyperactive child, one should not go to extremes: on the one hand, show excessive softness, and on the other hand, increased demands that he is unable to fulfill, combined with harshness and punishment. Frequent change of punishment and mood of parents renders Negative influence for a hyperactive child.
Spare no time and effort to develop obedience, accuracy, self-organization in your child, develop in him a sense of responsibility for his actions, the ability to plan and complete what he has begun.
To improve the concentration of attention when doing homework, it is necessary to remove, if possible, all annoying and distracting factors, it should be a quiet place where the child can concentrate on work. During the preparation of homework, it is necessary to look at the child to make sure that he continues to work. Every 15-20 minutes, allow the child to take a five-minute break, during which you can walk around and relax.
Always try to discuss his behavior with your child and express comments to him in a calm and friendly manner.
It is very important to increase the child's self-esteem, self-confidence. This can be done by acquiring new skills, success in school and daily life.
A hyperactive child is very sensitive, he reacts especially sharply to comments, prohibitions, and lectures. Sometimes it seems to such children that their parents do not love him. Such children, more than others, need warmth, care, attention and love, love not for something, but because it exists. So we come to an important topic - what should parents do with this restless bunch of energy ..

1. Harden the child.

For example, dousing a child with a bucket of cold water every day ... or another option that is acceptable to you. Trite? But very effective! Do you know why hardening is effective for both pulmonary and gastrointestinal and nervous diseases?

Cold water is stressful. The body did not understand what happened, but is ready to defend itself: run, attack, hide. At the time of this preparation, the adrenal glands secrete the stress hormone - adrenaline. And there is no battle. But you can’t drive adrenaline back ... and it starts working where the body has a weak spot. In our case, in the nervous system.

In addition, a bucket of cold water poured onto the shoulders and scruff (not the head!) Will relieve excess psychomotor stress on the cerebral cortex. It is characteristic of hyperactive children and it is this that prevents them from falling asleep when they really want to sleep.

2. Do not keep at home.

It is highly desirable that a hyperactive child attends a children's institution. After the age of three, the house for him finally becomes cramped. He needs communication and a variety of impressions, he is mobile, sociable and easily converges with people, enterprising and not touchy.

In addition, this experience for him will be a preparation for serious stress at school. It is better that he gradually gains social experience with other children and adults, adapts to the requirements.

3. Teach the child to observe his condition and report it to others.

Sounds weird? Moreover, most adults are not very good at doing this ...

But if this is taught to a child from a very young age, he does it very well. First, parents need to track these "good" and "bad" periods in their child. Then the mother will regularly and in detail inform her child about her observations of his condition:Today you don't get it. Let's try tomorrow", "After kindergarten, you seem very excited. Let's try to take a shower, and then we'll do it? ”,“ This time everything was simple and wonderful for you. Please remember this state". And then soon the child can make his own observation:I'm angry and hungry right now. I need to be fed and I'll get better".

4. Teach your child to relax.

This can be done in the form of a fun game.It is also necessary to call for help "natural psychotherapists" - water and sand. Games with them have a wonderful healing effect - they relax. And if on the banks of a river or the sea a hyperactive child picks to his heart's content in the sand, builds sand towers, plays with water, swims and dives, there may be a significant improvement in behavior, sleep, etc.

What's happened? The boy Sasha is studying in the 1st grade, he went to school from the age of 7. By the age of 7, he was perfectly able to read, write and count. He is very active, inquisitive, he has a bright, expressive speech. Parents assumed that the child at school would be easy, and the first grade would be a place where he could show his abilities, but in reality something else happened.
In a class of 30 people, Sasha is completely unable to concentrate on any process. He is very active in the classroom, but this activity is of a different order than that which is expected from a student. He jumps up, he interrupts the teacher, he butts into his explanations. At some point, the teacher, tired of this behavior of the child, puts the boy on the back desk. But even on the back desk, the child did not stop his activity. At the same time, due to the distance, he stopped listening to the teacher, the teacher no longer fell into the zone of Sasha's attention. He was engaged in his activities, scattered pieces of paper, bullied neighbors, communicated with them, talked. As a result, Sasha was separated from his classmates by desks so that he would have a personal free space in which he would not interfere with anyone. But since Sasha still remained active, and this activity had to be put somewhere, he began, unnoticed by the teacher, to quietly crawl under the desk, waiting for the teacher to turn away, crawl out to the door and go wandering around the school, trying to slip out and beyond it too. The school survived for about half a year, after which the mother was given the condition that either she takes the child out of school, or the school is trying to achieve some other efforts to transfer the child to a school for children with deviant behavior.

How to help? Let's try to look for the reasons for the failure of an active and inquisitive boy with a wonderful developed intellect. What often surprises parents is that the child at this moment has a large stock of not educational, but so-called educational skills. These are active, nimble children who go to school already reading, writing, counting almost within 100.
Parents have a feeling that school, at least first grade, will be an easy pastime for them. And it doesn't always happen that way.

I think most of you are familiar with the mosaic development situation. Psychologists often say about our adopted children that their general development very uneven. According to some parameters, for example, in the development of memory, in the development of the cognitive sphere, they reach the norm, and some parameters sink. It depends on what problems and what situations the child had in early childhood.

In the situation with Sasha, whom I talked about, the mosaic nature of development is expressed in the fact that despite his excellent physical development and the good development of the intellectual sphere, Sasha's emotional-volitional sphere sinks. That is, his volitional regulation much below the norm, so the child is not able to make long-term efforts and is completely unable to do what is not interesting to him or seems unimportant at that moment. Often the weakness of the emotional-volitional sphere is associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). They later have maturation of certain parts of the brain that are responsible for self-regulation. Therefore, it is very difficult for such children to meet the requirements. school life, they do not fit into the school due to their behavioral characteristics. Of course, in a class of 30 people, such a child with disruptive behavior is immediately regarded as a very uncomfortable child.

We consider such children a risk group, because they rarely bring children to us, they are not considered to be in need of help. As a rule, such children are punished, this is the phenomenon when parents and teachers say that the child "behaves badly." Since a child misbehaves, it means that he needs to be disciplined, reined in. The more measures of this punitive nature are taken, the more tension increases in the child, and the ability to concentrate and make efforts automatically falls.
When we, adults, are under stress, when we have a difficult emotional situation, our thinking abilities do not function effectively, what can we expect from a small child with such problems?

How to help a child and what to pay attention to parents who have such a child? If you see from your child’s preschool childhood that he: has poor concentration, is not diligent, is easily distracted, abandons his studies halfway, is not able to listen to your instructions and fulfill them, then this should bother you at school.
Parents often think that in the kindergarten the child was restless, smart, few people could cope with him, but he will go to school, and everything will be settled. Unfortunately, it will not settle down, moreover, the situation at school against the background of getting used to the new environment can only worsen. Any child who comes to school experiences stress, and for such children, stress is especially destructive, they have low stress tolerance.

It would be nice for such a child to get into a class with a small occupancy, but, unfortunately, both in Moscow and in the regions, there are very few schools where there are up to 10 students in a class. Optimization is underway in Moscow, many schools have been enlarged. Due to increased distractibility and a weak ability to concentrate on one thing, in a large class of 30 children, the environment for a hyperactive child is simply unbearable, his attention disappears all the time.

If it is not possible to attend a class with a small occupancy, then it is necessary to agree with the teacher that he put this child right in front of him on the front desk, so that during the lesson he would show individual attention to him, come up and look through his notebook, once again tell him how do some exercise. Sometimes a few manifestations of the teacher's attention during the lesson are enough for the child to become more or less stable.

For children with hyperactivity, it is also important not to remain completely immobile for 40 minutes, but to somehow move. It would be good to agree with the teacher that in the middle of the lesson he would give the child the task to go wet the rag, or wipe the board, or do something else so that the motor activity was legitimate, accepted in the class. Thus, the child will not disturb the peace and quiet of other children. Some children are encouraged by positively minded teachers to stand up and walk down the aisle in the middle of the lesson. If a child is not able to concentrate in order to pass without hurting someone, then a small 7-8 year old child can be taken by the hand and walked around this class with him. For such children, movement becomes a release.

If you organize a learning regimen with these features in mind, children will interfere with others much less and will learn much more on their own. Such children are also shown a sparing regime, and in the middle working week it would be nice to take a break. It is advisable to take him home immediately after school, in no case leave him for an after-school, so that the school does not turn into a permanent, everyday, long stay, in which the child loses all opportunity to concentrate on something.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of children with weak emotional-volitional regulation among adopted children. The reason for this is clear, the problem lies in early childhood, because the development of our will begins with the development of the emotional sphere. If a child grew up in an antisocial family or in an institution and no one paid attention to his emotions, and he was not taught these emotions to distinguish, understand what another person thinks or feels, the child himself will never learn this.
Be sure to learn to express emotions - especially negative ones - in some acceptable way. Otherwise, he will feel any emotion, whether it be joy, irritation or resentment, as some kind of internal excitement. And this inner excitement is looking for a way out, and no matter how much the child restrains himself, it will break through at some point.

As a rule, it breaks through a chaotic motor activity, bodily contact, such children are often called pugnacious. This is not always associated with aggression, often it is due to the fact that they simply do not know what to do with this excitement, especially boys - pushing, fighting - this is a way to relieve these bodily clamps, relieve excitement.

How well we can recognize and express our emotions also determines how well we can manage our actions. Here the connection is direct and not without reason this sphere is called emotional-volitional. It is useless for such children to make increased demands, thinking that they are misbehaving. They just aren't capable of it yet. And in such cases, the correction of the psycho-emotional sphere is very important. It would be nice if there was some specialist next to you who would help build exercises for the child. There are a lot of different methods of working with the emotional sphere, behavioral correction, which is associated with this particular area. And here the prospects are also very good.

Usually with proper support and special work such children also level out, and it is very important not to knock them down, not to label them as a bad student, not to represent him as an intruder, not to make him a scapegoat at school. Because otherwise the child very quickly becomes a bad student, and he will no longer have the desire to learn and make efforts. And against a negative emotional background, he intellectually understands worse than he could.

Advice to parents on how to work with emotions if you do not have a specialist nearby: first, you need to teach your child to recognize his emotions. If you see that the child is angry, upset, offended, or vice versa, very happy about something, tell him about it so that he knows the name of the state in which he is now. We say to the child “I see that you are very upset”, “You were very upset that we did not go to the cinema today.” When we feel that the child starts to get angry, anger builds up in him, we also tell him about it, “I see that you are angry. When we say this to a child, he understands that any state of his has a name and a reason. In addition, the child sees that you accept him in this state and, therefore, it is not a shame to experience him.
And the third important side: after you teach the child to recognize feelings, then you need to teach the child to somehow express them, primarily negative ones. What can I do if I get very angry? It is this question that the child asks parents, not only with words, but with behavior. Your family should have accepted ways to relieve this tension. What do you allow a child to do, how can he be angry?

Our foster families themselves offer a lot of ways, they come up with, adopt from each other, we offer them some. Since tension often builds up in the body, a common way is to release it through muscular effort. Now there are many large soft poufs, pillows that can be thrown on the floor and invite the child to beat these pillows, wallow on them. Some children with big soft toys do something, take out their anger on them. If you allow it, that too good way, the child does not harm anyone at this moment. There are families who, for example, allow you to scream in the bathroom. For most children, it is important to release their anger and irritation through sound.

A beautiful mother recently told us about this method for a 5-year-old boy: when he is very angry, he goes to his room and beats Lego pieces on an iron tray. Mom was with us for a consultation, I talked to her and said, “After all, it’s probably very loud?” She replies, "Yes, of course, it's loud, but I understand that he needs it now to be loud, so I allow it to be done."

I'm sure if you take care of this topic, you will come up with many ways to discharge for a child that will not disturb the peace of other family members and reduce the risk of unforeseen explosions and scandals. We can't stop a child from being angry, we can't stop a child from experiencing negative emotions, it does not depend on our will.
We, adults, also experience all these feelings, and it must be said that there is nothing good if we suppress them. A child often cannot suppress them, hide them in himself, but even if he succeeds, negative emotions will always find a way to come out in some other way, including through somatic diseases.
No one wants a child to be sick, so it's better to teach him to be angry in the right way. You need to agree with your child about how, from your point of view, it is acceptable to express your anger. You can give him some small objects to school that would calm him down. For example, one of our children carries small balls to school that they hide in their hand, and when the child feels that he can no longer sit still, he begins to knead this ball. You can agree with the teacher that the child is allowed.

We were told by foster parents that in kindergarten, V senior group A pile of red cardboard was placed on one of the tables. And a child, when he is angry with someone or has unpleasant feelings, comes up to this table, there is a wastebasket nearby, he tears / crushes / tramples this cardboard, and then throws it into this wastebasket. So the teacher taught the children, the children use it. The boy who was with us for a consultation said that it helped him a lot. We think it's very good teacher which brought many benefits to all children. This will help them in school life.

The article was prepared based on the materials of the webinar by Natalia Stepina "School problems of adopted children". Full version webinar can be viewed

“The child is constantly distracted in the classroom, indulges, interferes with the others ... I am constantly called to school. What to do?" “The son is excessively disinhibited, runs away from the classroom, does not listen to the teacher. How to make him study? ADHD for someone is a set of letters, and for someone it is a diagnosis that makes parents go to certain specialists. Many mistakenly think that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is about the fact that the child lacks parental attention. No, this is a specific diagnosis. In this article, psychologist Victoria Musatova will tell you how to get a child with ADHD interested in learning.

ADHD: how to get a hyperactive child interested in learning?

What is ADHD?

In order to do homework, it is important to choose a period of time during which the child optimally maintains concentration. For example, it's ten minutes. But keep in mind that any task must be completed, i.e. It is important to praise the child. Next - we switch attention, we need a change of activity. Combine with physical activity is not worth it, because. overexcitation will begin and it will be simply impossible to focus on “quiet” activities again.

When doing lessons, the table should be clear of unnecessary items. Only a pen, a book and a notebook. The room should also be cleared of toys, distracting objects such as: phone, computer, TV. The task of the parent is not to do homework for the child, but to teach them to correctly understand the task, write it down, add, subtract, collect things in a briefcase, and be organized.

For more successful learning, a system of tokens can help parents. For example, a child receives a token for each correctly completed task. He saves them and then exchanges them for a prize or a gift, best of all, if these are emotions. For example, going to the water park with the whole family. Spending quality time together helps a lot to correct this disorder.

It is advisable to arrange an individual day for the child at least twice a month. Only mother and child, then only father and child. At such moments, you do not need to discuss his grades at school or learn lessons, it is better to listen to the child, to his desires and thoughts. Based on the fact that children with ADHD are often reprimanded due to the fact that they differ in behavior from other children, they have low self-esteem and increased anxiety. There is a feeling that he is worthless, and it can become stronger and haunt him throughout his life. Therefore, individual days will help restore balance.

With ADHD, it is necessary to organize proper nutrition for the child

You also need to normalize proper nutrition. For example, citrus fruits, rye, barley, wheat are not the best foods for children with ADHD. im more dairy products, meat, fish are needed, - those that do not have extractive properties.

It is important to remember that a strict daily routine is important for children with this disorder. For example, you need to get ready for bed in advance, perhaps you should start at 19.00 to go to bed at 21.00. We need consistency in the actions of both the child and the parents. Spontaneity and chaos can only hurt. Overexcitation should be kept to a minimum. Cartoons, blockbusters are best replaced with tennis, football and fresh air.

At all, sports are very important for a child with ADHD, because if he does not “splash out” his energy, then energy toxicosis will occur, which leads to overexcitation. It is best to choose a sport that requires maximum concentration e.g. hockey, ping pong. It is important to find an activity that will please the child.

It is recommended to include yoga for children in the schedule. It will help to relax, establish proper breathing and relax. This is important to teach the child.

Classes with a neuropsychologist are also indicated, as a rule, they include: stretching, breathing exercises, oculomotor exercises, functional exercises, communication exercises, visualization, relaxation, massage. Functional exercises consist of the development of attention, arbitrariness and
Do you want to improve memory, attention and other cognitive functions in yourself and your child? Train your core brain skills with CogniFit! The program automatically identifies the most impaired cognitive functions and suggests a training regimen that is right for you! Train regularly 2-3 times a week for 15-20 minutes, and after a few months you should be able to see improvements. The program is recommended for children over 7 years old and adults.

At home, you can do neuroexercises on your own, otherwise they are called asymmetric exercises for brain development. They are useful for adults too. For example, the exercise "fist-rib-palm". First show the child, then he repeats. Put your fist on the table, then from the fist put your hand in the position of the edge, and then into the palm. It is necessary to ensure that the fingers are tightly pressed against each other. Do it in forward and reverse order. To learn, do it slowly at first, and then, when it starts to work out, speed up the pace.

The next exercise: raise your left arm and right leg up, parallel to your right arm and lower your left leg down. It's important not to get confused.

Alternatively, for stretching at home, you can offer to imagine the child that he is a jellyfish and, sitting on the floor, make smooth movements with his hands, imitating a jellyfish.

For relaxation, you can turn off the lights, turn on the night light and classical music, and just lie silently for three or four minutes, provided that no one gets up and does not move. At first it will be difficult, the child needs to be controlled and returned to its original state, but over time, he will learn to control himself and get relaxation. Such an exercise can be done before going to bed, when all the work has already been completed and there is no need to be distracted by anything.

Breathing exercises at home can be performed using candles. The parent lights, the child blows. You can also blow up balloons with your mouth.

I recommend buying home the neuropsychological game "Try it, repeat it" and a quick reading of "Read it, grab it." In support of parents, I also encourage them to sign up for ADHD forums and connect with families who are already struggling with ADHD learning.

And in order not to "drown" in this diagnosis, read Irina Lukyanova's book "Extreme Motherhood". This is a clear, practical guide on how to behave in different situations how to help a child at school, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to quote W. Shakespeare: "Our medicines often lie in ourselves ...". Be patient, the path of teaching a child with ADHD will not be easy. But with the common sense of parents and the understanding of teachers, you will lead your child to success! Health to you and your children!

Thank you for your time. We welcome your questions and comments.

Graduated from Tver Technical State University in the direction of "Organizational psychology", as well as a master's degree in the direction of "Psychology". Currently studying in the direction of " Clinical psychology". Practicing psychologist. Since 2015 she has been practicing with children with handicapped health (HIA). She worked in a neuropsychiatric sanatorium, has experience working with children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, delayed mental development, delay speech development, general underdevelopment speech, cerebral palsy, minimal brain dysfunction, acoustic spectrum disorders. Regularly improves his professional experience at refresher courses.