How to find your individuality: advice from a psychologist. How do you become a person? Practical Steps How to Develop Individualism

There is an opinion that, first of all, a person is a person, regardless of his character traits and behavior. And this statement is absolutely true, but it is important to note that in order for a person to become and continue to be a person, he needs constant development.

What's happened ? First of all, this is a unique, special person, not like others, with a rich and developed inner world.

But as soon as such a person stops and stops developing himself, working on himself and, in short term he will become the same as most people, and will not be distinguished by special qualities and unique abilities. It is already difficult to call such a person a person.

However, why should each of us strive so hard to be different from others and to be a “person”? why do a lot of work on yourself and develop self-discipline?

Dear reader, our article will tell about this, and believe me, there is definitely a benefit from such an activity as self-development, and it is great.

The need for "self-development" and becoming a person

Take a closer look at what happens every day in our lives? What is the most valuable thing in this world? First of all, what is valued in this world is small, what people lack, lack. It is so?

Sometimes a person does not even think about the fact that he needs some thing until he realizes that it is in short supply, and interest immediately arises. By nature, a person has love, an attraction to everything rare, unique, a great desire to be the owner of what others do not have. This applies not only to objects, but also to people. Agree, everyone wants to be in demand, valuable, the right person. Such a person receives more attention, love, he has more opportunities. It is for such a person to become just such a person that self-development is necessary, the creation of a particularity and a certain uniqueness in oneself. It is necessary to be more interesting than other people, to do something better, and perhaps even more unusual, in order to stand out, to excel.

There are many ways to improve yourself: you can be puzzled by working on your appearance, but this is just a wrapper, it is more useful to do the most important thing - the development of your inner content. The job is not easy, and it's easy to give up halfway through. But if there is a desire to be significant, valuable, unique, irreplaceable, then this work must be done.

Surrounding people will begin to show attention, respect, and continuing, subsequently, any person will become a more interesting, noticeable, perhaps even a little mysterious person. Sounds tempting, right? We all want to be irreplaceable, necessary, valuable, unique, one of a kind. Just ask yourself right now - why do you love, appreciate and respect? What is your uniqueness? why among all people it is necessary to single out you? What qualities do you possess to be unique and irreplaceable? Each of us must answer these questions for ourselves.

Some of us have a very high opinion of ourselves, and believe that there are no others like them in the world. On the one hand, this is good, you need to think well of yourself and love yourself. But only other people can think of you in a completely different way, and see you from a completely different, unflattering side. The question is, does it matter to us? Most likely it has, because, first of all, a person is a social being, and depends on this society, so if we do not take into account the opinions of others, we will not be able to become part of society, and it will be quite difficult to survive. All people depend on each other, because each of us occupies a certain place in society and plays a role. Therefore, it is better for a person if he is a unique personality, not only in his conceit, but also for the people around him.

Developing a “personality” in oneself is a very difficult and purely individual matter. First of all, this is work on oneself, and the concept of work is always tension, diligence, efforts, all that, to put it simply, unloved human activities. It is much more pleasant to do what brings pleasure and relaxation, and work does not fall under this definition. You will say, but there is work that brings pleasure, there is a favorite thing that brings satisfaction, etc.

Yes, this is true, but now we are talking about working on ourselves, when it is difficult to start, but it is very nice to see the results of our efforts. Therefore, we can safely say that “self-development” is a very useful and rewarding business. Do not be afraid that this is not easy, understand how useful it is, and you will want to work on yourself.

In order to develop as a “personality”, you need to constantly learn something, learn, master new skills, engage in creativity, science, it depends on who is interested in what. This is a constant work on the body and mind, leading to perfection, which will distinguish you from other people. However, the importance lies not in what to do, but how to do it. Of course, we are not the first to wonder how to develop, and if you enter the appropriate query on the Internet, you will see how many books and articles are devoted to this topic. Each book or article offers its own methods of self-development, many of them are similar to each other. It remains only to choose for yourself such a method that will help you become the one and only as soon as possible.

We start with the basics.

For example, if a person wants to invent or technically improve something, then first of all he studies physics, mathematics, etc.

If the goal is to save humanity from diseases and discover a new medicine, then it is necessary to study chemistry, biology, medicine, etc.

But if you want to understand yourself and other people, develop in yourself strengths, then start with psychology. This is the foundation of the basics. Ask questions:

  • what kind of person would you like to see yourself?
  • what personality do you want to become?

Take a closer look at what surrounds you, what is now valued, what is popular, what is interesting. And what you need to study in order to become a person versed in relevant areas. Let's say you don't like this method, and you want to find something of your own, go for it! find your calling, come up with, invent something new. But regardless of the chosen path, you will have to learn and develop, and in order to become a real unique personality, you will need to study very diligently and diligently. In order to study successfully, you need a great desire to achieve your goal. Think carefully about what you would like to achieve, and take your time, this is a serious matter.

The bottom line is simple - if a person knows how to do what others can't do, or if it works, but worse, this person becomes unique in his own way. At the same time, being a person means not only having your own opinion, which is sometimes subjective and often incorrect, but being able to understand and accept someone else's opinion, different from ours, which can be true.

In the meantime, here are some tips that will serve as a great starting point:

1. Self-taught

Set yourself a goal - self-education. The main advantage of self-education is that you choose what to teach. And in this case, education is not those obligatory imposed things that one has to study (often under duress) at school, university, etc. to obtain a certificate of education. You need to learn those things that help you understand better the world and answer questions of concern. After graduating, for example, from school, by nature, a curious person stops asking questions and craving new knowledge, but in order to develop, you need to constantly question your world and try to understand it better.

Improve your lexicon and high intellectual growth will be ensured.

Write out the definitions you like from the dictionary every day and try to use them in everyday speech.

Pass interesting vocabulary tests, work for the result

Read a lot. At all times, reading has always been the basis of education. Do you want to be the smartest? Then read every day. Not all people can enjoy reading, but it will bring a lot of new thoughts into your life, allow you to share the experience of other people. The process of reading should be varied, read books of several genres to expand your horizons.

Get to know the world around you. Pay attention to all the events that are happening around, curious facts, interesting quotes, educational films, books, scientific inventions and research. Try to think critically, think about the causal relationship of events.

Reading a feature article is much more useful than watching a TV show. The main goal of television is to keep the viewer at the screen and watch ads in parallel. As a result, time is lost, and the benefits are minimal, or none at all.

2. Expand your horizons.

Learn new languages. Doing linguistic exercises is a great training for the brain, in addition, learning a new language often becomes an occasion to get to know new people and phenomena. Visiting a country in whose language you can speak at least a couple of phrases will make you feel more comfortable and free. Cognitively learn that not all phrases and words can be translated into your native language. This is a very exciting activity for the mind.

Learning a language is not an easy process and requires perseverance, patience and diligence, but when you reach the desired level in the language, you will be generously rewarded for your efforts.

Visit new places. Ideal if you have the financial ability and free time to visit other countries. But even visiting the cities of your country, you can learn a lot of new and interesting facts by making your mind more flexible and open. It is very useful to meet new people and different cultures.

Be open to everything new. If you are good at something, then one thing, then know that this is not enough! Get out of your comfort zone and learn something new.

3. Get Good Habits

Ask questions. Being interested in what is happening around and getting answers to the questions posed, a person becomes smarter. It is very useful to know what, why, when and how.

Set goals every week. When setting new goals for yourself, ask yourself what goals were achieved last week? what has not been done and what needs to be done to achieve a better result. If the goal is achieved, be sure to reward yourself for your efforts.

Be more organized. It is not necessary to be the ideal of organization, but it is better to avoid wasting time. Being aware of how you spend your time and organizing it will allow you to not only adjust your routine by allocating more time for self-education, but also increase the time for rest.

Get used to learning. Without hard and painstaking work, you will not become smart overnight. You also need to be able to learn, get used to being focused and actively thinking in the learning process.

Constantly learn. Good in modern world sources of information are everywhere: books, newspapers, news feeds, documentaries, Internet. If you were a straight A student in school, it does not mean that you are smart. The desire to learn and constantly learn something new is what really helps to become more educated.

4. Train your mind.

Pay attention to puzzles (Rubik's Cube, Sudoku, etc.)

Working on such puzzles will allow your brain to improve and increase mental abilities, to find non-standard solutions. Sudoku is not easy to solve, but in the process of thinking, thinking will expand and develop. Similar puzzles can be found in newspapers, or for free on the Internet.

Get creative. Engage in drawing, modeling, embroidery, and other types of creativity. Art classes will help develop problem-solving skills, as the creative brain can and can think outside the box, finding easier and faster ways.

Do the exact sciences. Do the calculations in your head, not on paper, or even worse, on a calculator. Tense thinking math problems promotes active brain work and the emergence of new connections for a faster and more effective process of thinking.

Develop your writing skill. This type of creativity improves oral speech and enriches speech patterns, because during the writing process a person involuntarily thinks about situations and possible dialogues of characters and describes the environment. This will help you become an excellent thinker and process the information received as efficiently as possible. Moreover, writing is one of better ways to express yourself and your thoughts.

5. Improve as a person.

Simplify. Conversations about abstruse things that no one but the speaker understands will not make anyone smarter. No wonder they say that everything ingenious is simple. If someone cannot understand what you are talking about, this is not at all evidence that the interlocutor is ignorant, it is your fault that you explain slurredly.

Listen carefully. It is impossible to be a knowledgeable person in everything, therefore it is important to listen to the opinions of other people, it is not necessary to agree with them, it is enough to remember that each person can teach us something. Asking the right questions can help dispel your own beliefs or reveal flaws in other people's beliefs. Don't be prejudiced against anyone.

Show attention to people. Adequate behavior and manifestation of kindness, patience in difficult situations is a clear sign of maturity and high intelligence. Again, each person can teach you something new, and showing kindness to people will allow you to open access to their knowledge and experience. Do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to learn something new.

Points to pay attention to:

There are many types of resourcefulness and ingenuity: book, street, human, psychological, technical ingenuity and many other types of mind and intellect.

Being smart and being knowledgeable are two different things. Knowing a lot about a certain subject is not the same as being smart. Clever man understands the essence of the problem and finds ways to solve it. And to be knowledgeable means that a person knows a lot about one or more subjects. Are you a smart or knowledgeable person?

Note that being different from other people and having certain qualities is not at all necessary that for other people you will be a person. Not all uniqueness is valuable. For example, a person is very unusual, unique, interesting, but at the same time it can be harmful. Even if some character traits delight us, but at the same time this person brings some kind of negativity into our lives, we will make every effort to exclude this person from our lives. So work on yourself to be unique in a positive way.

If we talk about shortcomings, then everyone has them, and it is extremely necessary to work on their elimination, and if this is not possible, then try to hide them, disguise them so that they are not conspicuous. The ideal person, the one you need to look up to, admire, you should always strive for this image. Even if the ideal is not achieved, a lot of work will be done in the process, which will be very useful for "self-development". The ideal person and personality are equivalent concepts, even if it is ideal only for several people, and even if for one person. Imagine that shortcomings are enemies and you need to fight them, raising your cultural and intellectual level, you cannot give in to them. Do not pay attention to other people, let them behave as they see fit, behave in the right way, the right way, and make a positive impression on people. If you respect yourself, then others will, as your behavior will meet the highest requirements. Self-discipline is required, no one except you should be the master of your life, no other people, no circumstances, nothing. You yourself determine the norms by which you want to be guided, depending on the society in which you live.

Dear reader, you have read this article to the end and your path towards becoming a unique personality has successfully begun, continue to make the necessary efforts and move in the chosen direction. It remains to wish only one thing - do not stray from the chosen path, keep moving, develop and influence positively the people around you. Development is a life's work, but it is richly rewarded. Decide on the purpose for which you are ready to do this work and let it inspire you!

A person's style is determined by the selection of clothes, accessories, shoes, makeup. All this together creates a unique image of a woman. Today we will talk specifically about women, because the representatives of the weaker sex traditionally pay more attention to their appearance. Every girl wants her style to be unique and original. Unfortunately, girls often copy the images of pop and movie stars, and this does not always look interesting. Today we will talk about how to find your unique style and how to become individual. This is not so difficult to do, you just need to take time for yourself.

  • Your image should match your inner state. Do not be guided only by fashion and prestige. For example, not everyone feels comfortable in mini-skirts and breathtaking stilettos. If you feel constrained and uncomfortable, then your image will be spoiled, no matter how beautiful you are. If you like informal clothes - ripped jeans, sneakers, then you are unlikely to fall in love with a strict business suit.
  • Try on different looks. Look through fashion magazines, look for inspiration in films, books, in different eras. What kind of women do you admire? How do they look? Remember: your task is not to copy someone else's style, but to choose the perfect image for yourself. Write down everything that you like and what you would like to embody in your image.
  • Analyze which colors suit you. Stylists recommend focusing on your color type: autumn, winter, summer and spring. Either warm or cold shades can suit you. Find multi-colored pieces of fabric and apply them to your face one by one. What color makes your face fresher, brighter, more expressive?
  • Think about what impression you want to make: light, sophisticated or passionate, strong? Romantic? Amazon? Maybe a girl from the 30s? You can be anyone. The main thing is that this image really inspires you. It is not necessary to dwell on one image - a woman can be different and unpredictable.
  • Don't limit yourself to clothing choices. Pay attention to accessories, hairstyle, shoes and other details. Everything must follow the same style.

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Penalties for engaging in microbusiness without registration will be increased by 40 times or more. Any independent activity for which a person receives money is entrepreneurship. And in order not to be considered a "shadow business", you need to obtain a certificate from the tax office. It will not only help you avoid fines. Another thing is more important: getting out of the shadow is profitable. We'll tell you how to do it.

Millions unguarded

"Shadow" in Russia, according to various estimates - from 12 to 24 million. These people are considered unemployed, so their pension will be lower than that of legally employed, and in the future the list of free medical services will be reduced: legislative novelties in this regard are already being discussed. If the client deceived the microentrepreneur, robbed him or caused other damage, the illegal immigrant cannot count on full-fledged assistance from the law enforcement system, because he himself is the violator. That is, these millions of our citizens are completely defenseless.

Now for the penalties. Today, for conducting a microbusiness without registration, a penalty is imposed from 500 to 2000 rubles. The new bill is supposed to increase the fine for each subsequent violation. For the first time - from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, for the second - from 20 to 30 thousand, the severity of further punishments will be specified. One should not hope that this law will not be adopted: it has already received a positive assessment in the State Duma and the Ministry of Justice.

In general, for those who periodically engage in self-employment, it would be reasonable to take the increase in fines as a hint that it is time to register as an entrepreneur.

You can register as a legal entity (for example, LLC), an individual entrepreneur (IP) or self-employed. But the creation of an LLC makes sense only if you plan to hire employees for yourself, and the legislation on the self-employed is in the process of being finalized and now actually applies only to tutors and carers with the sick and children. Therefore, it is most logical to register as an individual entrepreneur.

How to become an IP

Registering as a sole trader is easy and inexpensive. To do this, you need to provide only four documents to the tax office at the place of residence or actual business: a copy of the passport, TIN, a receipt for payment of a fee of 800 rubles and an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001. It is more convenient to do all this (including paying the fee) via the Internet. On the portal of public services and other services for processing documents (Documentologist, Assistant), templates are posted in electronic form, which you just have to fill out and send. The registration procedure is notification, that is, you simply inform the state that you are becoming an individual entrepreneur, and they cannot refuse you if the documents are in order. You will receive a copy of the certificate e-mail, and you can call for the original when you need it.

The application itself (form P21001) consists of 7 sections, as well as sheets A and B. But don’t let this scare you: the electronic filling wizard will tell you what to enter and where. Let's stop only on sheet B, which lists the types economic activity that you are planning. Only one can be selected as the main view. For example, I want to rent sun loungers on the beach. I press the "rent" button in the wizard's menu, and it issues codes on this topic from the general catalog of activities (OKVED). Among them there is 77.21 (rental of goods for leisure and sporting goods). When you click on this code, it is automatically printed on the application form. As additional, you can specify at least all other OKVEDs allowed for an individual entrepreneur. There are 57 of them in total. This includes plumbing repairs, cleaning of premises, and production building materials, and development of computer software, as well as work as an advertising and travel agent, a private hairdresser and financial auditor ... And, of course, wholesale and retail trade.

Why cucumbers are better than milk

So, by registering as an individual entrepreneur, you insure yourself against a fine for shadow entrepreneurial activity, even if it grows 40 times (it remains only to pay tax once a year, but more on that below). Do whatever you want, with a few exceptions.

Here is my grandmother selling strawberries, cucumbers and milk. And individual entrepreneurs are allowed to sell "fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts" (code 46.31.1), but nothing is said about milk. So, formally, it breaks.

Or the same grandmother sells bread. In this case, it all depends on the place where she does it. Code 47.24 allows the sale of bakery products, as well as meat, only in specialized stores. At the same time, "weekend fairs" are considered to be specialized stores in some places, but not in others.

A certificate is a protection for a person who earns on his own

Or, for example, code 47.11 allows the sale of drinks, chocolate bars and even tobacco products in non-specialized places. And the anti-tobacco law prohibits it.

There are many such nuances, I will not scare them. It is important that to understand them, if you are an individual entrepreneur, it should no longer be a policeman on the street, but someone more serious. And his hands simply will not reach microbusinessmen.

“The certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur is protection for a person who earns on his own,” Anna Bodrova, senior analyst at Alpari, told RG. easy, and the individual entrepreneur has all the rights to be protected from arbitrariness. For the same reason, medium-sized businesses were legalized in the nineties, when it became clear to them that getting out of the shadows was the most reliable way to get rid of racketeering."

Six or fifteen?

We have listed four documents that are needed for registering an individual entrepreneur, but along with them it is better to immediately submit the fifth one - a notification of the transition to a simplified taxation system. The form for it is also electronic and the most important thing when filling it out is to choose a tax base from two options. You can pay 6% of all the income of your business or 15% of the amount that you get if expenses are deducted from income. The hour of reckoning, like everyone else, is April 1, the report and money can be transferred online.

This is where the most questions arise. The fact is that, according to the law, an individual entrepreneur is not required to open a bank account, and in most cases, to have a cash register. Who, then, will verify the authenticity of the report?

Infographics "RG": Anton Perepletchikov / Mikhail Zubov

“No one,” Anna Bodrova explains. “You can’t assign a financial controller to each individual. Especially after fines rise and hundreds of thousands more people register as individual entrepreneurs. Those who have really good incomes, as a rule, become noticeable. And from the rest are now being asked only one thing - to get used to the fact that you work in the legal sector, that you need to pay taxes. And if an individual entrepreneur shows that his annual income minus expenses amounted to one hundred rubles and pays 15 rubles, no one will be offended yet.

The peculiarity of the laws on individual entrepreneurship and self-employment is that they establish general rules and aim to bring microbusiness out of the shadows. And the procedure for collecting tax payments and fines for those who do not want to deal with the fiscal authorities will be specified by by-laws and by amending laws for more than a year.

Be a person is an essential condition for success in today's world. Because strong, interesting, creative and charismatic people can achieve success now. How to develop these qualities in yourself? How to become a person? Let's talk about it.

In psychology, especially domestic, there are a huge number of definitions of the concept of "personality". The concept of personality, however, is always associated with the social aspect. It is believed that a person cannot become outside of society. Let us take the most appropriate, in our opinion, definition of personality. So, This totality psychological features a person that characterize his attitude towards himself, society and the world. It can also be added that character, temperament and abilities are often included in the personality structure. But at the everyday level, we often consider not all individuals, but especially outstanding individuals, to be personalities. How to become them?

How to become a strong personality?

The strength of character is always associated with overcoming a person's weaknesses. It is when a person overcomes the physiological characteristics given to him by genetics that he becomes stronger, this is how the development of a person’s personality occurs. Modern development personality, as well as the process of personality development is individual, remember the stories of athletes or ordinary people who were seriously injured but overcame the pain and regained their lives.

How to become an interesting person?

A person may have natural qualities that are attractive to other people, but more often they have to be developed. It is probably difficult to be interesting to others without developing your mind, without reading books, without engaging in self-education and professional growth. It is efforts in these areas that will help you become an interesting person. The development of personality traits is the way to a successful and strong personality, this process can also be called personality formation.

How to become an individual?

In fact, as already mentioned, each person is individual by nature. Everyone has their own characteristics, genetics makes us different. But since people are constantly influenced by society, conformal behavior is produced. We buy the same clothes, watch the same movies, read the same books and magazines, even act the same. To manifest your individuality, you just need to study yourself, analyze your strengths and weak sides. If you have musical talent, then it is better to develop in music than to try to become a top model. The study of one's personality is the first on the way to the knowledge of one's individuality.

In the light of this example, let's move on to the question: "How to become creative personality? Of course, abilities are laid down by nature, but many talented people say that without painstaking work in the chosen direction, talent is negligible. Try different techniques to develop the necessary skills. There are, for example, methods for developing the imagination.

It is probably more difficult to answer the question: “How to become a charismatic person?”. After all, charisma is an analogue of talent only in the field of the ability to lead people. This is something mystical, irrational, not amenable to calculation. Perhaps someday scientists will find the code for charisma. Most likely, it lies in certain structures of the psyche. One can only advise to train in the field of persuading people and develop in oneself such valuable rare qualities of character. Personal education and development the necessary conditions perception of their individuality. After all, a scarce resource is always appreciated. And this applies not only to material values.

We tried to present our vision on the question of the formation of personality. Take note of our advice and look for your own path, perhaps through faith, religion. Be personal!


In every profession, in order to be successful, you need to be a bright individual. Without this, the locomotive of your dreams will not budge. Even if you are a very shy person who lives in his beautiful small world, you can turn the tips below into a habit. Time to get off the ground and change your attitude and yourself! Everything is possible, the main thing, as they say, is desire. Why is there a desire, the main thing is to burn and have a passion for your work. No passion - no business!

1. Be curious!

Take a look around. The world is incredible and mysterious, even if you live in the same city all your life, almost without getting out. You can still find something you didn't even know existed.

Ask yourself the question, “I wonder what it is?”

Pay attention to details, be it street art or vintage balconies. Study history or just eat with your eyes, look for something new! Attend events, be it a simple literary evening in the Mayakovsky Library, music festivals or trainings. Most importantly: don't be critical, try to keep a neutral stance and enjoy the moment.

Also, read more! You have to be a bookworm to understand how to classical culture, as well as in modern times. If you have certain book preferences, try to read a different genre, discover new things along with new pages.

It's no secret that preferences in music can also be revised, listen to new directions of music, open new musical horizons!

In short, get out of your comfort zone!

2. Burn!

As I said above, you need to burn and breathe what you are doing. If you burn out at work, take a break and look for inspiration or do something else.

In any work, the main thing is passion!

For me, the word “work” sounds burdensome, if this is your passion, then this is not work, but rest! I had an experience when, while working in a company, I did not understand what I was getting paid for. I worked at full capacity, do not think, it was just my passion, and it seemed to me that all this time I was resting. Change your attitude towards work. If you are not satisfied with the work schedule, all this can be discussed with the management, depending on the specifics of the work.

  • Set new goals every day, just for yourself, and you will see how you gradually go towards your goals!
  • Organize your time, do the most unpleasant and difficult in the morning.
  • Don't forget to grow professional growth very important, don't be silent about it! Let your management know. If you sit in one place for a long time, you will simply burn out.

3. You should have your own opinion on all questions, tasks, try to look at things comprehensively

Before making any decision, ask a lot of questions, re-analyze, apply outside-the-box thinking. In this regard, one thing always helps me. I imagine that I am a pirate, plowing the boundless ocean. I take a monocular (Ferris tube) and try to find the island. I'm not looking in one direction, but in different directions, because the island can be anywhere. After, for example, I find two islands in different directions and decide which island to sail to. Abstract, come up with your own scenario!

Don't forget to work as a team and brainstorm as well!

4. Nobody has canceled the fact that you must be a confident person!

As for confidence, for some this is a problem, I know from myself. Oddly enough, I'm comfortable being shy. Acting helps me to be more confident. I put on an image confident person and rushed! For me, this is a game. You can find and invent your own game! With confidence comes perseverance, which is important!

5. The most important thing in my opinion is responsibility

This is no secret, people need a reliable and the responsible person who will do everything on time.

If you've made a mistake, admit it. Know that everyone makes mistakes, no one is immune from this. But I don’t like the word “error” either, I call it the word “experience”! Of course, making a bunch of mistakes and gaining experience in this way is not worth it. But still, change your attitude to mistakes and do not get upset over trifles.

6. The most favorite thing is to treat everything with a positive attitude!

Find the positive side in everything. It started to rain, you didn’t take an umbrella - no one canceled the romantic mood and the opportunity to walk barefoot in the rain (in the summer, of course, otherwise it turned out from a series of bad advice)! Of course, you don't have to be super mega positive. But you have to be able to find the good in everything.

Everything is in your hands and everything is simple! The main thing is to try!