Gbpou NSO Novosibirsk Industrial College. Novosibirsk Industrial College. Technical regulation and quality management

Basic information

Education after grade 9 is gradually gaining popularity. And it can be provided by the Novosibirsk Industrial College. You can enter here immediately after 9 years of schooling.

How to enter here?

In order to become a college student, you must first write an application for admission. Admission is based on the results of a competition organized by admission committee. It is chaired by the director of the educational institution. The college undertakes to timely inform applicants about the results of the competition. Detailed rules for admission must be published no later than March 1.

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What levels of education are provided here?

The college offers the following:

1. Basic.
2. In-depth.

Enough for most basic level. Training on it lasts 3 years. But sometimes deeper knowledge of the industry is required. To do this, you need to complete the fourth year of study. After every 6 months, a winter or spring session follows, which includes both tests and exams.

Why study here is beneficial?

In order to receive a quality education at the Industrial College of Novosibirsk, it is not at all necessary to pay serious money. The fact is that the college offers budget places. Tuition is paid from the budget Novosibirsk region. Each specialty has a certain number of places. In 2016, there were 206 such. If the applicant does not get budget place This does not mean at all that he will not be able to study here. The college provides paid educational services on the basis of grade 9.

Where can you live?

Especially for non-resident students, the college offers accommodation in a hostel. In total, the housing stock includes 65 residential premises, which can accommodate up to 136 students. They are located in the courtyard of the college, at the addresses: Novosibirsk, Mira street, house 4. Students are not charged for accommodation.

Why else should you study here?

At the Novosibirsk Industrial College, after graduating from grade 9, you can get good training in the following areas:

  • Engineering technology
  • Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment (by industry)
  • Technical regulation and quality management
  • Profession machine operator

Financial incentives are provided for good students. In particular, the academic scholarship is 600 rubles, and the social stipend is 900. The college contributes to the early employment of its graduates.

Applicant's navigator

  • Novosibirsk Industrial College official website
  • Industrial College Novosibirsk official website for

Novosibirsk Industrial College (GBPOU NSO) - institution vocational education.

License: series 54L01 No. 0002193 dated 05.03.2015

Resource center in the field of metalworking

Winner of the National Project "Education"

Participant of the educational program "Development of polytechnic and agrotechnical schools in the Novosibirsk region

Member of the National Register "Leading educational institutions of Russia" - 2010

The history of the Novosibirsk Industrial College is rooted in the distant war years. Due to the shortage of personnel at the evacuated factories, on August 24, 1943, the People's Commissar of Machine Tool Building decided to establish the Novosibirsk Machine Tool College at the Tyazhstankogidropress plant.

In 2005, on the basis of the Decree of the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region, the Novosibirsk Machine Tool College and Vocational School No. 17 merged. In October 2014, the technical school was given the status of a college. And today our educational institution keeps up with the times. Conditions have been created for obtaining quality education.

The classrooms are equipped with computers of the new generation, in educational process new technologies and methods are introduced. Relations with social partners are being developed: OJSC Siblitmash, OJSC Sibelektroterm, LLC Proekt-R, OJSC Shvabe - Defense and Protection.

The college has passed professional and public accreditation. College students take an active part in regional, regional, all-Russian competitions, festivals and other creative projects. The theater studio of the "ViAndre" college has repeatedly become the winner of the regional competition "I enter the world of art", winning the Grand Prix and first places.

The volunteer detachment of the Territory of Good College is listed in the Book of Good Deeds of Novosibirsk, students help veterans and people with limited mobility.

Students and teachers take part in regional, regional and international competitions, olympiads, competitions: "WorldSkills", "I enter the world of art", "The Edge of Success", "Art-Profi".

Over the years of its existence, the college has graduated more than 17 thousand specialists. Our graduates work at the enterprises of Novosibirsk, the region. They can be found in many cities of our country.

Many business leaders design bureaus, chief engineers, chief metrologists, technicians, mechanics, quality control inspectors, machine operators with software are our graduates.

Students who successfully master educational programs are paid an academic scholarship; those in need of social support are paid social scholarship, organized preferential (free) meals for the poor. All students enjoy the right to preferential travel on transport. Needy non-resident citizens are provided with a place in a hostel free of charge.

Training in basic professional educational programs secondary vocational education of basic training at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the regional budget

Name of professions, specialties of secondary vocational education


Form of study


the level of education

Training period

Training programs for mid-level specialists
engineering technology technician full-time 11 classes

9 classes

2 years 10 months

3 years 10 months

Specialists-technicians are preparing for professional activities in the field of production of mechanical engineering products as an engineering and technical worker in enterprises, in research and design organizations, as well as on machine tools with program control.
installation and technical operation of industrial equipment (by industry) mechanical technician full-time 11 classes 2 years 10 months
Graduates are in demand at enterprises with automated production management systems. They organize the production process at the sites of industrial enterprises, ensure compliance with the technological regime, select and operate equipment, tooling, tools, ensure the use, repair and maintenance of equipment.
technical regulation and quality management technician full-time 11 classes

9 classes

2 years 10 months

3 years 10 months

Graduates are employed in certification and licensing centers, as well as in organizations operating in the field of metrology. Technicians maintain documentation in an accountable structural unit, as well as control the quality and test the necessary products, works and services.
Training programs for skilled workers, employees
machinist (metalworking) general machinist

machine operator with PU

full-time 9 classes

11 classes

2 years 10 months
The machine operator makes various metal parts to create units and mechanisms. For this, turning, milling, drilling, grinding and other machines are used. Graduates are employed at metalworking enterprises. The operator of machine tools with program control, in accordance with the developed technology, carries out the process of processing parts from the control panel.
adjuster of machine tools and equipment in machining adjuster of machine tools and manipulators with PU full-time 9 classes 3 years 10 months
The serviceman profession is one of the youngest and promising professions. It arose simultaneously with the appearance in the industry of complex automatic and semi-automatic equipment. In the conditions of automated production, machine operators are replaced by adjusters who combine these two functions.
Programs vocational training(training, retraining, advanced training) at the expense of individuals and legal entities
Turner, miller, operator of machine tools with program control, welder, grinder, thermist, clerk, mechanical assembly worker, repairman, driller, supervisor of machine and locksmith works. Preparation is carried out within 2.5–4 months.

Advanced training, retraining - 3-10 weeks

Dear applicants!

We invite you to get working professions and specialties that are in demand on the labor market of the Novosibirsk Region:

machine operator of a wide profile, operator of machine tools with program control, adjuster of machine tools and manipulators

with program control, technician - technologist, technician - mechanic.

Novosibirsk Industrial College is a professional educational institution known to more than one

generation of working dynasties as a machine-tool technical school. Its graduates work in all industrial

enterprises of the city, many achieved high professional success. The college has a student club, a theater studio,

sports sections, programs are being implemented additional education. Students practice at a high-tech industrial

equipment under the guidance of professional specialists.

To study at the college, you need to submit the following documents:

citizens Russian Federation:

* original or photocopy of documents proving his identity, citizenship;

* original or photocopy of the document on education and (or) document on education and qualifications;

* 4 photos.

Foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots living abroad:

* a copy of the identity document of the applicant, or an identity document foreign citizen in the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation";

* original document(s) foreign state on education and (or) a document on education and qualifications (hereinafter referred to as a document of a foreign state on education), if the education certified by the specified document is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of the corresponding education in accordance with Article 107 of the Federal Law (in the case established by the Federal Law, - also a certificate of recognition of foreign education);

* duly certified translation into Russian of a document of a foreign state on education and its annex (if the latter is provided for by the legislation of the state in which such a document was issued);

* copies of documents or other evidence confirming the belonging of a compatriot living abroad to the groups provided for by Article 17 of the Federal Law of May 24, 1999 N 99-FZ "On the state policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad"

* 4 photos.

Surname, name and patronymic (the last one - if available) of the applicant, indicated in the translations of the submitted documents, must correspond to the surname, first name and patronymic (the last one - if available) indicated in the document proving the identity of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation.

If it is necessary to create special conditions for admission, persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities additionally provide: a document confirming disability or limited opportunities health, requiring the creation of these conditions.

Admission Application Deadlines

Admission to the college is carried out on the basis of the submitted original documents on education.

Admission to study in the main educational programs of secondary vocational education at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets is carried out on a public basis based on the results of the average score of the certificate, without passing exams, without presenting certificates of passing the OGE or Unified State Examination (in accordance with the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" of December 29, 2012).


If you want to become a journalist - come to the student club. Run after the hero of the material, puff over the article, cry over the truncated note - if you are ready, then go for it! Interestingly, all clubs influence not only the development of talents, BUT musicians, dancers and actors performing on stage will confirm that any exams or answers at the blackboard are no longer a problem, because you gradually get rid of the fear of the public. Do not forget that you are already so famous that you can handle any exam. But perhaps the most important thing for all student council members is communication. New friends, common interests, joint holidays. Take a look at the calendar of student holidays and see for yourself.


The task of the studio is to develop creative personality, reveal talents, and most importantly - help to realize their own performing abilities, to understand what is beneficial for the voice, what performing styles are suitable. A lot of time is spent on instilling vocal skills, searching for the best sound, identifying mistakes in performing skills and correcting them. The work of the studio is aimed at everyone who loves to sing, organization of leisure and artistic education of students. Requirements for students are moderate, because creative team amateur studios. In their repertoire there are often diverse pop works, as well as parodies, less often romances. Classes are held during free time. Creativity is not only about performing a song. Studio members are happy to make remixes of many famous songs, compose hymns dedicated to their educational institution And hometown. Modern technology work with sound material allows you to stage musical fairy tales, subtly select musical accompaniment to the action taking place on the stage. I am very pleased that many students themselves are able to assess their strengths and make a choice when choosing a repertoire. For 2009-2010 academic year our students won prizes in various competitions. The literary and musical composition "Photograph for memory", dedicated to the founding of the city of Novosibirsk, took 2nd place among the secondary professional educational institutions. In the competition of pop soloists, students of our technical school annually receive the titles of Laureates of 1-2 degrees. In our studio, not only students are engaged, but also their teachers. They themselves are the authors of numerous works, because the song helps us to build and live ...


For those who have acting skills!!! The studio was founded in 1998. The first production was a literary and musical composition dedicated to the Victory Day Theatrical performances studios of plays by Russian and foreign classics, modern plays by Russian and foreign classics. Dedication to students. International Student's Day (humorous scenes from the life of students). April Fool's Day (jokes, practical jokes, sketches). International Day of Theater (production). Victory Day (literary and musical composition). Children's Day (through the pages of fairy tales ...).

Studying in the studio, you can:

  • master acting skills;
  • learn to stay on stage;
  • acquire the skills of expressive reading;
  • become more confident and liberated;
  • unleash creativity.


Without our wonderful NPT, there would be no less wonderful KVN team “Deport the Squirrel”, which participates in the city KVN leagues and is a success. 2009 - the city student league of KVN teams "Golden Bolt". In the festival KVN NSUEU season 2010 - 2011 received diplomas in the nominations "Best Player", "Best Joke", 1st place in the final game.


The art studio works under the guidance of an experienced graphic designer. The studio helps students to discover their abilities and realize their opportunities. The studio includes editorial boards of groups that are engaged in the design of technical school events, festive and thematic wall newspapers, exhibitions, processing materials and making sketches of banners and signs. Actively participate in the Siberian fair. Anyone who wants to touch the world of painting and art can come to the studio.


Technical creativity occupies an important place in student life. Students develop and create interesting technological equipment based on power tools. Exhibits made by students are exhibited in the House of Technical Creativity, twice exhibited at the Sibpolytech Exhibition, as well as at the Uchsib exhibition of the Siberian Fair. Under the guidance of an experienced teacher, students learn the basics of the theory of inventive problem solving - TRIZ.