Unknown world. Category: Unknown. Amphibians enclosed in a rock mass

How many worlds exist in our common world? Who really determines the order of things on this earth? Is there really a "world government" and who is in it? Which characters stand behind the most influential international organizations?

It is well known that various secret societies played a key role in the most important episodes in the history of Mankind, whether it was the Great French Revolution or the War of Independence in America. The myths and legends about these brotherhoods embellish reality. However, no one questions the influence of secret societies on the course of world history. Freemasons, Rosicrucians, the Illuminati, the Ku Klux Klan, the Golden Dawn, the Thule Society, the Ahnenerbe (German: Ahnenerbe, Ancestral Heritage) and others.

A characteristic feature of all these societies is mystery and secrecy. The teachings of many of them are a mixture of politics, economics, esotericism and metaphysics.
The secrets of the mentioned brotherhoods are not at all fiction, fairy tales or games for adults - they are complex magical rituals performed with technical precision. Often they are based on ancient knowledge, and therefore are little understood by ordinary, unprepared people: in the hands of members of these societies are the keys that open the secret power contained in man and the Universe.
It is quite obvious that such rituals and knowledge require a completely different mindset from a person than for performing the most ordinary actions and deeds. Often it is necessary to use the mind and the ability given to a person for linguistic communication in a completely different way. That is why all the rituals and ceremonies of secret societies are kept under the strictest confidence. As Albert Einstein said, “those who take it upon themselves to make decisions for the good or evil of other people constitute a cryptocracy.”

There is no religion higher than truth - the slogan of Theosophy.

In 1921, René Guenon set in his work "Theosophy: the history of one pseudo-religion" next question: “Is there not something much more terrible behind all these movements, unknown even to the leaders of these societies, who are nothing more than mere tools in the hands of higher powers
To better understand the world of today and the world of the future, it is worth lifting the veil of secrecy hiding the secret life of these societies, whose intervention in some international conflicts at certain points in history has played a decisive role.
Let's see how events unfolded. Since ancient times, the rulers of people - kings and pharaohs - shrouded their existence in legends. Various archaeological finds show that, according to the legends of almost all the peoples of the Earth, their kings were descendants of the gods. IN Ancient Greece Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great, had a dream in which she was possessed by a snake. The oracle of Dodon in Epirus revealed to her secret content of this dream: “The son born to you will be a descendant of Zeus and a mere mortal. This means that in your womb the divine blood mixed with human blood.
In the Middle Ages, numerous priests who called themselves "God's vicegerents on Earth" ruled over their peoples and decided the fate of the people subject to them. Even the monarchs of the recent past convinced everyone that power was given to them from above, and the common people perceived their kings as gods or demigods, dressed in gold and magnificent clothes.
After the Great French Revolution the authorities began to promote abstract ideas, and the government hid its origin behind a veil of secrecy. On the one hand, the arbiters of the fate of the people tried to be like ordinary people, do not separate from their subordinates, on the other hand, they constantly kept their distance.
Since the middle of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries, entire countries could no longer say with accuracy who rules them, who decides their fate, and to whom they belong.
Modern democratic societies give rise to a variety of interpretations regarding the ownership of power. Someone says that the whole of America is subordinated to the interests of large industrialists, Great Britain - to the interests of bankers from the City, where the key role is played by financial receipts from Saudi Arabia. France is said to be run by Freemasons and the United States by Jewish financiers.
In fact, today's government is shrouded in such a veil of secrecy that it is almost impossible to establish exactly "who is who" and "who makes decisions."
We have often seen entire tops of democratic governments fall as if all these politicians were mere puppets manipulated by strings among papier-mâché scenery. But true power is always in the shadows, hidden and unshakable.

Here is the story of one such secret society.
The Golden Dawn was founded by Samuel Maeyers at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, more precisely, in 1887.
The idea of ​​creating a new Hermetic Order of Maeyers was inspired by the society of "English Rosicrucians", founded twenty years earlier by Robert Wentworth Little from the masters of various Masonic lodges. It consisted of 194 people, among whom was Bulwer-Lytton - the author of " last days Pompeii". The brilliant polymath Lytton could not have imagined that his novel would lead to the creation of a mystical society that became the harbinger of Nazi organizations.
However, in some of his other works, such as "The Coming Race" and "Zanoni" (in the Russian abbreviated translation of "Ghost" - approx. Auth.), He emphasized reality spiritual world and, in particular, the infernal world. In his narratives, Bulwer-Lytton showed confidence that there are people endowed with superhuman abilities, they will bring the best representatives of the human race to amazing “changes”.
This idea of ​​"Higher Unknowns" can be found in almost all black mystical teachings of the West and East: they are either underground inhabitants or come from another planet, and Lovecraft - another writer, like Arthur Machen, who was part of the Golden Dawn - portrayed them in their works as giants.
The founder of the Golden Dawn, Samuel Mazere, himself claimed to be connected with the "Higher Unknowns" and, together with his mother (the sister of the philosopher Henri Bergson), established contact with them.
Here is an excerpt from Mathers' 1896 manifesto of The Members of the Second Order: "I can tell you nothing about the Secret Masters who gave me the wisdom to create the Second Order. I don't even know their earthly names and only a few times I managed to see them. physical bodies. Physically, we meet with them in predetermined places, at a predetermined time. In my opinion, these are human beings living on Earth, but possessing monstrous and superhuman abilities.
The Golden Dawn, which had not yet received such distribution as the teachings of the Rosicrucians, set as its goal the practice of ceremonial magic, occultism, participation in initiation rites in various Masonic lodges, striving to obtain secret knowledge and abilities in this way. The early leaders of the Order were Woodman, Maseret, and Wynne Westcott, who ensured that the Golden Dawn maintained close contacts with the anthroposophists of Rudolf Steiner and members of certain movements that were influential in the society of the period preceding the rise of Nazism.

Rudolf Steiner

So, for example, one of the English Rosicrucians, Robert Wentworth Little, not only influenced the Golden Dawn from the very moment of its creation, but also maintained relations with the German Rosicrucians. In particular, with Dr. Willy Ley, who founded a secret society in Berlin called the Shining Lodge or the Vril Society. The Lodge was contacted by Karl Hauehofer, who, along with Dietrich Eckardt, Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess and Adolf Hitler, was a member of the Thule Society.
Subsequently, the "Golden Dawn" was headed by Eleister Crowley - one of the most famous figures of Neo-Paganism, traces of which we can find in Germany.
After Woodman's death and Wescott's departure, Maseret became Grand Master of the Golden Dawn, for some time managing the society from Paris, where he had just married his cousin, the daughter of the philosopher Henri Bergson.
As head of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Mathers was replaced by the poet William Butler Yeats, who some time later became a laureate Nobel Prize in literature (one of the key works of the spirit of understanding Yeats's worldview is "Vision"). When presiding over the meetings of the society, he always put on a Scottish kilt, covered his face with a black half-mask and wore a golden dagger on his belt.
Among the members of the Order of the Golden Dawn was one woman - Florence Farr - a theater director and a close acquaintance of Bernard Shaw. In addition to her, numerous writers were adherents of the Golden Dawn: Blackwood, the author of Dracula Bram Stoker, Sax Rohmer, the Scottish Astronomer Royal Peck, the famous engineer Alan Bennet, the president of the Royal Academy, Sir Gerald Kelly, the author of revelations about the existence of special links between pan-Germanism and Islamic messianism John Bushan, Hermann Hesse and many, many others.

"Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown" №15 2013

A few centuries ago, scientists were able to see another planet behind the sun. Planet X. It looked a bit like the earth.

This unknown planet X hung motionless for several days, and then disappeared behind the sun. When telescopes appeared, the number of mysteries increased even more. Scientists studied star systems, the location of the planets away from the sun, and they noticed that the larger planets were always closer to the star. In the solar system, everything is done the other way around. The giant planets are on the outskirts, and four small planets: Mercury, Earth, Mars, Venus, are located closer to the sun.

And everything looks as if they are specially close to the sun. Scientists believe that several millennia ago, the sun had a completely different design. Any astrophysicist can say this, that the solar system has an irregular shape. All this happens only when artificial placement of planets is performed. To draw such a conclusion, many texts were analyzed by scientists. They were compared with modern ideas about the structure of stellar systems.

As for the asteroid belt that is around us and our sun, it did not exist before. In its place was the planet Phaeton. Mars was closer to the sun. All three planets solar system were populated by people. Scientists think that some highly developed civilization was able to give a lot of scientific knowledge to earthlings.

They realized a long time ago that most discoveries can fit into mathematical formulas. It was then that scientists began to pay less attention to telescopes, and took up mathematics. It was found that there is a special law - doublet.

The meaning of this law is that the large bodies that are in the solar system are duplicated. That is, they exist in pairs. Scientists began to compare the size, density of other bodies in the solar system. All of them can be divided into several groups.

The first group contains objects - Neptune, the planet Earth, Mercury. They are 18 times smaller than each other by weight. They have a connection with each other. The second group has planets: Uranus, Mars, Venus. Here, too, everything is provided. The researchers were able to conclude that the last in the second group is the sun. It is heavier than this planet.

Simply put, the Saturn group may well be the children of the sun. But the first group of Jupiter must also have some kind of planet, but this body must be several times larger than Jupiter itself. It should be huge and look like a star.

Now scientists have confirmed that many star systems have two stars. It turns out that in our sky there used to be several suns. By the way, this is mentioned in the myths of many peoples.

For example, the Indian texts also speak of the Raja-sun. It was much brighter than our sun and was constantly in the sky. Then for some reason it suddenly disappeared. We now know that stars eventually die. In this case, the Raja-sun could burn out many millions of years ago. Most likely, this body was huge in mass. Now it is clear that the children of the Raja-sun is the group of Jupiter.

It's just that these planets then came to our Sun. But there is a riddle here, where are the now extinguished sun? Saturn gave us the answer. He and his companions represent the solar system in miniature. Scientists believe that many thousands of years ago the Great Catastrophe occurred and the people who inhabited Phaeton and Mars were able to move to earth.

Most likely, the builders of the solar system have not gone anywhere. There is another undiscovered planet behind the sun and scientists are talking about it. This big planet, and most likely it is inhabited by residents.

She has all the ideal conditions for life. But our modern science knows nothing about this planet. If you read the ancient texts, then there is some knowledge about this. It definitely talks about the coexistence of this planet. The texts say that aliens came to earth and gave people knowledge.

They provided information about mathematics and other subjects. All this knowledge came from this planet. By the way, one scientist was able to calculate the location of the planet using conventional mechanics.

The satellite system of Saturn should ideally repeat the entire solar system. Saturn has two moons at the same distance. Why they behave this way is the real mystery of the solar system. Most likely, there are also two bodies in the Earth's orbit. This was confirmed by mathematical calculations. There is still some hidden mass in Earth's orbit.

This planet revolves around the sun and is behind the sun in Earth's orbit. We do not see it because the sun hides a huge area from us. All spacecraft that have been launched have never been aimed at the earth's orbit. The distance is very large and the land itself is not even easy to see.

Here the theory is confirmed by the behavior of the planets of the solar system themselves. If Venus begins to run faster in its orbit, then Mars lags behind. If Venus, on the contrary, is late on schedule, then Mars is ahead of it. This is possible only when there is another body in the intermediate orbit. It is it that can influence one and the other body, and such an effect will occur. That is, one body speeds up the movement, the other slows it down.

The planet that hid behind the sun is called Gloria. It has been observed several times by astronomers in past centuries. Scientists saw when they pointed their telescopes at Venus as some other body that was behind the sun.

In 1764, Gloria was again able to emerge from behind the sun, and apparently became in her orbit, and was never shown to people again. But strange "comets" began to appear, and most likely they are around the planet in the form of space starships. If the "comet" flies behind the sun, then it does not fly out from there. Where can she go? The trajectory does not lead to the fact that it fell into the sun. All these oddities indicate that that planet still exists and there is life on it, and comets are theirs. spaceships.

Many different cataclysms are happening on the earth now, and we can hope that those civilizations that are on the planet behind the sun will not let the earth perish. The orbit of our planet will not change, and we will continue to develop and prosper for a long time to come.

Unexplained phenomena that even science cannot explain. Researchers and scientists all over the world solve mysteries of any type thanks to numerous analyses, studies, hypotheses, astronomical intelligences, etc. However, there are things that no one has yet figured out and explained, and even science cannot give an answer to these inexplicable phenomena.

Life after death

You have undoubtedly heard at least one real story about a man who looked down on himself. On operating table doctors are fighting for his life, even when the machine shows death. For this man, it is said that there was a moment when he turned into a ghost, looking at his lifeless body from above. Then from above, a voice tells him that his time has not yet come and he is coming back to life. These stories are becoming more and more common and we are increasingly asking ourselves, is there life after death?

supernatural powers

There are people who claim to hear, see, or someone tells them about the future. Is this a matter of the psyche, or is there really something more. This issue is disputed, especially when the abilities of these people help in resolving police cases.


Or the feeling that it has already happened, that you know something that you supposedly said or showed for the first time. The feeling that you have already seen what is happening in the future. Call it a sixth sense - many have experienced it, you can too. The question is, what is it?


We came across a number of photographs, stories and other evidence of their existence. Undoubtedly, one of the most discussed topics and you can hardly convince a person who saw a sign in the opposite.

Ball lightning

As we know, lightning bolts are usually zigzag stripes, but there are reports that they are ball-shaped. No one can explain this phenomenon until today.


Or an unidentified flying object. Some of them are meteorites, atmospheric balloons, airplanes, or other explainable things. However, there are cases when witnesses swear that they saw a UFO that is not from our world.

Amphibians enclosed in a rock mass

In 1821, a piece of rock was discovered that contained a lizard. After scientists destroyed the rock mass around it, the animal jumped and ran away, leaving a trail behind. After some time, more amphibians were discovered and they all came to life. How can an organism get stuck in a rock and be reborn after it is released?


It is a sound that some people hear and others do not. It is popular in New Mexico and parts of the Americas. A completely inexplicable phenomenon. Scientists cannot understand where and why this is heard, and more importantly, why only some people hear this sound.

Big Foot

So many movies, legends and stories about this creature. There is still no answer to the question of whether Bigfoot exists or is it just a myth. The truth has not been proven or disproven.

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