Admission in 2 subjects of the exam. How and where can you do without the exam. How to get a higher education without the exam

Entering a university is a difficult time that comes in the life of a person who decides to get higher education. At this time, many questions arise. How well a person is familiar with all the rules and nuances of admission depends on his further fate, career. So how do you get into college? Let's find the answer to this question.

Choice of higher education institution

If you moved to the 11th grade, then at the very beginning school year think about where you would like to go. When choosing an educational institution, keep in mind that they are state and non-state. There are many differences between them. State universities have budget places. This is not the case in private universities. Educational services are provided only on a paid basis.

Often state and differ in the quality of education. This is confirmed by the checks that Rosobrnadzor recently conducted. They showed that many non-state universities are ineffective. Teachers and students do not properly relate to the educational process. Students are only interested in a diploma, and employees of educational institutions are interested in money.

If you have not yet decided which institute to enter, then remember that many employers, when considering applicants' vacancies, pay attention to a diploma. Graduates of major Russian state universities are in high demand. For persons who graduated from non-state educational institutions often have problems finding employment.

Choice of the direction of training

When choosing a university, decide on a specialty. Exams that will need to be taken in the form of the exam depend on it. The fact is that after graduation, people can participate in the admission campaigns of higher educational institutions only on the basis of the results of the unified state exam.

To clarify the above information, applicants constantly ask the question of, Unfortunately, immediately after graduation, it will not be possible for ordinary students to do this. Without results, on the basis of entrance examinations conducted within the walls of the university, graduates of past years, people with a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education are enrolled. Winners and prize-winners of Russian Olympiads can also enter the institute without the Unified State Examination.

Preparation for passing the exam and entrance examinations

As a rule, 3 subjects are set for each specialty for passing in the form of the Unified State Examination or entrance examinations. General subject for all areas of training - this is the Russian language. Other disciplines depend on the specialty. Additionally, a creative or professional task may be indicated.

Often, applicants think about how they can enter the institute, having significant gaps in knowledge. In such cases, enhanced preparation for exams is necessary. You can carry it out on your own. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is best to sign up for pre-university training courses. This service is available in almost all higher educational institutions. She is paid. Classes in selected subjects are taught by qualified teachers. They help to understand the theoretical material, explain practical examples, offer repeated trial testing in the form of the Unified State Examination.

Submission of documents

After passing the exam and obtain the results, compare the scores obtained with the minimum allowable values. Universities publish them on their websites. If the scores obtained are higher, then apply to the selected university. If the points scored do not meet the minimum threshold, then this means that you will not be able to enter. The admission committee will not accept your application and documents.

Submission of a package of documents is carried out in a strictly allotted period. It is important to meet it and not be late. To know how to enter the institute, study the list required documents shown below:

  • an application that is filled in at the admission committee or downloaded from the official website of the institute;
  • passport;
  • certificate or diploma, indicating the availability of education;
  • documents testifying to individual achievements.

About the number of applications and the original certificate/diploma

In Russia, the admission of applicants to universities is regulated by a special procedure for admission to study, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of our country. If you are thinking about how to enter the institute, study this document first. According to it, you can submit 5 applications to various higher education institutions (at the same time, in each of them you can apply for a maximum of 3 specialties). This will increase your chances of getting in. For example, if you fail to pass the competition in the famous Russian university, you will be able to enroll in another chosen by you educational organization, in which the passing score will be lower.

Very important nuance admission is related to the original certificate / diploma. If you have not yet decided on the institute or want to submit several applications to different universities, then present a copy of the document on education. In the future, you will need to decide on the educational institution and bring a certificate or diploma to the selection committee. A certain period is allotted for the acceptance of originals. Students who have not brought a certificate or diploma, after the expiration of the stated period, are deleted from the rating list and are not accepted for training.

Ways to submit documents

There are several ways to submit documents to the selection committee of the selected institute. If somewhere nearby, then go there personally. If the university is located in another city, then send the documents by mail. First, check whether such a form of submission of documents is acceptable at the institute, find out the address.

Many large universities have begun to apply electronic form submission of documents. For example, to enter an institute in Moscow, you will need to fill out an online application, questionnaire, upload scans or photocopies of documents. This is very convenient for out-of-town applicants.

Calculation of total points and formation of the list

During admission campaign the institute determines the points for each applicant. They are calculated by adding the results of exams, entrance tests. Additional points for individual achievements, a red certificate, and a medal are added to them.

Depending on the values ​​obtained, rating lists of applicants to the institute are formed, which are published on the websites of universities. Based on them, you can determine the approximate chances of admission. They depend on where the applicant is located and how many people have submitted original documents. It should be noted, however, that sometimes occupied places are released. Some people decide to go to another place and take their documents. As a result of this, very often those people who are already disappointed in the possibility of entering, go through the competition.

Evaluation of the chances of admission by passing score

Entering an institute in Moscow or any other city is psychologically very difficult. Students worry about whether they will be able to get into the university, they begin to study last year's passing scores. These are indicators that indicate the result of the entrance examinations of applicants who took the last places among the maximum allowable.

Should not be addressed special attention for last year's passing scores. They serve only as approximate indicators, they help applicants to form an idea of ​​how difficult it is to enroll in a particular area of ​​training. change annually. Sometimes they go up or down a lot. In any case, it is worth trying to enter the specialty you like.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that you should not rush into admission and run on the very first day of the start of the admission campaign. The question of how to enter the institute requires reflection. Try to first get acquainted with all the educational institutions and specialties that interest you. Choose the university and direction that you like. Of course, in the future you can transfer to another educational institution or to another specialty, but it will be a waste of time and nerves. You will have to take those subjects that you did not have in the program, you will again adapt to learning process, to establish connections with classmates and teachers unfamiliar to you.

Hello everyone!

Now I will mercilessly reveal tricks that will help you enter a university (higher educational institution), and even on a budget. Why do I have the right to write on this topic? Because (1) I have been working at this very university for more than 7 years, and (2) I have worked directly in the admissions committee more than once. Through this has accumulated a lot of tricks on how to enter the university.

IN By the way, we have already revealed the secrets of the passage of targeted admission to the budget. So read that article first. Now for the tricks.

First trick: in 2015, you can apply to five different universities for any three directions. Thus, an applicant can apply for 15 areas (specialties) of training. There are practically no specialists now. Therefore, the word "specialty" was replaced by the word "direction". What possibilities does this beauty open up? Amazing.

Suppose you have already chosen a university and a direction, a profession, for whom you want to study. Pay attention to how prestigious this university is in the city in which it is located. If it is outside the top three, and there are budget places, remember: everyone who applied with high scores will most likely not submit original certificates there. They will most likely take a chance and serve them in more prestigious universities. Consequently, half of the candidates for a budgetary place can be safely weeded out.

That is, feel free to submit the original of your certificate if (1) the university is not among the top three in the city.

How to determine whether a university is prestigious or not? Very simple. Universities are the most popular. Next come the academies and only then the institutes. So if you enter the academy on a budget and you have enough high scores, then do not fuss and do not take risks by submitting the original to the university. Apply to the academy: free higher education has never hurt anyone.

The second trick is how to enter a university: everyone aspires to metropolitan universities. That is, all the guys who scored 270 points in the exam are striving for the capital. Be smarter and wiser. Why do you need a metropolitan university? To pay 20,000 for a hostel, even if you're lucky enough to slip through the budget? Dismiss me. The USE system allows you to apply to any university in the country.

Choose Novosibirsk: there are decent scientific personnel and admission conditions are softer if you have enough points. Remember, now many universities are simply changing their name to appear more prestigious. For example, recently some Kolomna Institute was renamed into the Moscow University of something there. Truncated?

Cunning the third. If you have not passed the budget and your parents are not averse to funding your higher education, or maybe you yourself, then be vigilant! If you are told that their education is almost free, only some 50,000 a year, they want to deceive you. The fact is that the prices for education in all state universities are set by the state.

This year it has set the minimum amount of tuition at universities at about 80,000 rubles a year. A university that offers you to study “almost for free” probably simply has not been licensed or accredited. And probably can't legally issue diplomas. To check all this, just ask the admission committee a question: has your university been licensed and accredited?

It happens that not the whole university, but several directions, has not passed accreditation, and then the faculty that has these directions is not entitled to issue diplomas until it passes accreditation again. Therefore, be careful and ask uncomfortable and unexpected questions directly to the members of the selection committee when submitting documents.

The fourth trick is how to enter a university: all those who did not go to the budget in the capital will return to those universities where they pass according to their USE scores. It even happened that an hour before the deadline for submitting originals, a wild queue grows and the guys think, but where to submit the documents? Where is better?

The fifth trick is how to enter a university: the answer to the question "Where is better"? Doesn't make sense at all. Better than what? If you are comparing universities to which you have passed by points for the budget, then compare them by measurable indicators: image, fame, where exactly can you get a job after a university, does this university have agreements on passing training practices at enterprises? Will the university provide you with a normal hostel at a normal price? (Yes, yes, you will also have to pay for the hostel!). You can forget about the shots from the television series "Univer": everything in life is terrible a hundred times in terms of living conditions.

It's important to ask about learning practices. After all, it may turn out that the dean’s office will tell you: “Look for places for internship yourself!” Here you will be yourself with a mustache. Think ahead and ask the same questions to the admissions committee when applying.

Now reread the article again to fully understand these tricks on how to enter a university. Use them and don't forget to like!

Intensive for admission to a university on a budget

In addition, I analyzed all my key tricks and tricks on how to enter a university on a budget in 2019 for my guys from training courses at a three-day Intensive:

You will learn:

  • How universities hide their dirty laundry from applicants.
  • How to enter a university on a budget using knowledge of: how it works selection committee how budgetary places are distributed, how to use the "waves" of income for income to the budget.
  • How do you really need to analyze the university, so as not to get into trouble in the last year and still get a diploma of higher education.
  • And much more!

If a graduate has passed only two exams - in the Russian language and mathematics at the basic level, he has no chance of entering a university this year. The fact is that basic mathematics- the only one of the exams, the results of which cannot be counted upon admission. He acts only as a graduation.

Thus, the admission committee of the university can only “credit” such an applicant with an exam in the Russian language - and this is not enough for admission to undergraduate programs, even if the exam was passed brilliantly.

A graduate who has passed only the “mandatory minimum” of the Unified State Examination can continue his education in institutions of secondary vocational education- colleges and technical schools, admission to which is carried out, including on the basis of 11 classes. But the choice of profession is practically unlimited. The subjects that you took at the exam do not matter - if there is a competition, only GPA school certificate, and additional tests are passed only by those who enter creative specialties or professions where there are special requirements for physical or psychological preparation applicant. The term of study on the basis of 11 classes is from two to three years, after which, if desired, you can continue your studies at the university.

If a graduate is determined to get a higher education and does not consider options for entering a college, it will be possible to pass exams in the missing subjects in a year as a graduate of previous years. You will not have to retake the Russian language exam - USE results valid for four years.

Which universities can I enter after passing the Unified State Examination in Russian and specialized mathematics

For graduates who have passed the required math exam at profile level, there is still a chance to enter a university in the year of graduation, but the range of available specialties is not very wide. With the results of the Unified State Exam about Russian and specialized mathematics, you can enter those universities where additional tests of a creative or professional orientation are provided.

The fact is that according to the law, in order to enter a university, an applicant must pass at least three subjects - the Russian language (it is mandatory for all specialties), a profile exam in the form of the Unified State Examination and one or two exams at the choice of an educational institution. For specialties requiring training outside the school curriculum, the elective exam usually takes the form of tests that the university conducts on its own.

Creative specialties, which can be entered after grade 11, having passed the Unified State Examination in Russian and specialized mathematics, as a rule, belong to one of the following areas:

  • architecture,

  • urban planning,

  • design,

  • design in light industry (clothes, textiles, etc.),

  • technologies for the production of art products.

As creative tests in such cases, they most often pass a drawing or composition (which requires serious artistic training); sometimes there is an exam; upon admission to specialties related to architecture and construction, the university can also conduct additional tests in mathematics.

Another common option that allows you to enter a university with a basic level of Russian and mathematics is to apply for specialties where special requirements are imposed on students. physical training applicant. These are, as a rule, universities that train specialists for law enforcement agencies and military educational institutions. As a professional test in such cases, standards for physical culture; additional tests in general education subjects may also be conducted. In addition, special requirements are imposed on the health of applicants in such cases, so applicants will have to undergo a medical selection, and sometimes psychological testing for aptitude.

IN " peaceful life”, having passed the exam in Russian and mathematics and with good physical preparation, you can enter some pedagogical universities(specialty - physical education teacher).

Russian language and mathematics are compulsory subjects for passing the exam, without them you will not receive a certificate at school. How can these subjects be used for admission to universities? We will talk about this in our article.

How to use Russian and mathematics for admission?

First of all, please note that can only be used for admission specialized mathematics, a basic level of won't fit. Most often, to get into an educational institution, you need results in three subjects. We have collected information on what subjects Russian and mathematics are combined with, what directions you can choose.

The set of subjects for the same specialty in different universities may differ. You can find a suitable educational institution and direction on our website:. Enter your exact or estimated USE scores in the search filter, and the system will select universities and specialties for you.

Where can you enter if you only passed Russian and mathematics?

This option is possible upon admission to the specialty of a creative orientation. In this case, it is enough to provide the results of the USE in two general education subjects. Instead of the third, there will be a profile or creative exam at the university. With Russian and mathematics, you can enter the following areas:

As a DWI, you need to pass an academic drawing, composition, drawing or architectural graphics. You can enter these areas at the Moscow Institute of Architecture, St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, KGASU, Ural State Academy of Arts, NNGASU, VolgGASU, TyumGASU, TGASU, PGUAS, SGASU.

What to do if you can't pass the creative exam?

Another option is to postpone admission to the next year. During this time, you will be able to complete the necessary items and improve your results. Moreover, the results of the exam are valid for 4 years. How this can be done, we described in the article "How to pass the exam to a graduate of past years: step by step instructions".

Russian language and mathematics are required in many popular areas. So it makes sense to try to pass them as best as possible. The higher the scores, the more chances you have to get into a top university in a prestigious direction.