Rating of the best literature for hr. The best HR books - list, features and reviews. Denis Gurlenya, director and founder of Fox Hunt

Hundreds of books on HR are published each year. We have selected the most interesting, in our opinion, publications, which contain today's trends and techniques that help HR professionals create a talented and successful team.

1. "Assholes don't belong here. How to survive in the office jungle"

Robert Sutton

Publishing house "Our format"

Who are the assholes, and what do they do at your job? How to identify an asshole and put him in his place? Sutton cites research findings that show that assholes in the workplace not only humiliate colleagues, negatively affect their self-esteem, but also bring financial losses to the company.

How to implement the rule "Assholes do not belong here" in your company and how not to turn into a bastard yourself - the author will simply and concisely tell.

It has long been proven that the presence of at least one asshole in the company reduces the productivity of the entire team. In his book, Sutton not only explains why assholes are dangerous for work, but also gives specific recipes for how to reduce the number of so-called "destructive elements" in your company, how to behave if you still have to work with assholes, and what to do. so that you don't become like that.

Robert Sutton's book immediately after publication entered the bestseller list according to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Business Week.

2. "WHO. Solve your number 1 problem"

Jeff Smart and Randy Street

Jeff Smart is the #1 Expert in the #1 Business Topic on Hiring the right people, founder and CEO of ghSMART (Fortune 500 executive consulting firm, billionaire entrepreneurs, political leaders). Author of several bestsellers. Jeff and his colleagues annually consult companies from the educational, medical and public sectors on a pro bono basis.

Randy Street is the Managing Partner of ghSMART. Over 20 years experience as a consultant.
A simple, practical and effective solution to what The Economist calls "the biggest problem in business today" - inefficient hiring.

Hiring the wrong person costs the company 15 times their salary. To save executives from such losses, Jeff Smart and Randy Street developed a simple and straightforward hiring strategy. It includes 4 steps:

Drawing up an evaluation sheet (we determine what we expect from an employee in this position);
search (where to take people);
selection of the best (4 interviews);
deal (how to persuade right person go to your company).
There are no abstract discussions in the book. The authors make specific recommendations practical advice, based on interviews with 20 billionaires, 30 top managers of large companies, as well as successful directors, managers, heads of non-profit organizations and experts. These interviews took a total of 13,000 hours. The book is also based on the authors' own experience: they advise companies on recruitment issues, helped them answer the question "Who?" 12,000 times. and trained 30,000 managers to apply the methods to their work.

3. "Charged for results. Culture of high performance in practice"

Neil Doshi and Lindsey McGregor

Publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

Neil Doshi and Lindsey McGregor are the founders of Vega Factor, a company that helps other organizations build high-performing cultures through technology, training, and process tweaks. Their total experience in transforming corporate culture in different companies is 20 years.

In the past, Neil was a partner at McKinsey & Company, and Lindsey led projects there with Fortune 500 companies. Neil and Lindsey are married and live in New York.

A revolutionary book with which you can use the knowledge of psychology to create a highly effective culture in your company.

Relying on current research in psychology, the authors of this book show that the key to business success is a high-performing culture. The internal culture should be given the same attention as other aspects of the company, such as production or marketing.

Doshi and McGregor studied the experience of the world's best companies, studied how tens of thousands of people work - from programmers and financial advisors to teachers and bankers - and found that great corporate cultures usually rely on beautiful and simple scientific approaches. If earlier the concept of "corporate culture" was unformed and vague, now its effectiveness can be measured and determined in what it is weak and in what it is effective.

What leadership style should be used in your organization?
What is the best way to create core values ​​in the organization and create a sense of community in the team?
How to manage employee performance?
What could be the most fair and effective system of remuneration of employees for work?
What are best practices organizational culture management?

5. "45 manager tattoos"

Maxim Batyrev

Publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

A tattoo is an inscription for life. Important inscription. The titles of the chapters in this book are tattoos that remain in the memory and heart of the manager, his everyday and organizational experience. These are rules about how to treat colleagues, how to act in certain situations: a set of principles that must be followed if you want to succeed. Why? Because behind every chapter there are meaningful actions, someone's pain, anguish, joys, good and bad experiences, ups and downs, dismissals and leadership, and most importantly - the desired result.

7. "How to become a first-class leader. Rules for attracting and retaining the best specialists"

Geoffrey Fox

In our time, a company will be profitable only when the spirit of cooperation reigns in it, when the leader sets clear goals, and every employee in his workplace cares about the success of the company.

Therefore, it is more important than ever for a leader to surround himself with talented employees. Jeffrey Fox's book contains balanced and often non-standard recommendations on how to accomplish this difficult task. The recommendations are based on the real experience of the author and a number of top managers of leading American companies and are highly practical.

8. "Hard management: Make people work for results"

Dan Kennedy

Publishing house "Alpina Business Books"

Only Dan Kennedy would have dared to write such a guide to ruthless management—no frills or highly learned theories, just ironclad recipes tested in practice. Now that you have this book, it is incomprehensible to the mind how you could have managed without it until now.

It empowers you to take back control of your business, make the rules, prioritize profits, and get real results from those who work for you.

Anyone who will arm himself with the principles of the famous business guru and consistently apply the methods and techniques described in these pages both in business and in life will soon see a change for the better.
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9. "All bosses do it. A step-by-step guide to solving (almost) all managerial problems."

Bruce Tulgan

Publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

Bruce Tulgan is a well-known specialist in the field of leadership and management. Author of several bestsellers.
A bunch of practical examples for managers of all levels. Tells how to retain key employees, effectively control the work of their subordinates. Many managers believe that the practice of so-called "micromanagement" leads to negative consequences. Bruce Toolgan shows that if employees are left without support, it will take more time and money to solve problems later. There is a "snowball" effect. Bruce Tulgan reviews contemporary problem"undermanagement" and gives you a plan of action that will make you a strong manager who can prevent problems. You will learn:

Clearly explain tasks to employees, eliminating double interpretation.
Maintain feedback with employees.
Timely notice and correct the mistakes of subordinates at the initial stage.
Don't forget to reward them for their success.

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10. "The new digital HR leader. A practical guide on how HR can lead digital transformation"

Advances in digital technology are not new. What is revolutionary is that digital is an irreversible lifestyle that changes our physical world forever. Even our brains are being transformed to learn how to think differently.
How does this affect our thinking, work and business beyond our daily social life? How can you and your organization benefit from this?

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The editors of Neo HR constantly receive literature on personnel from publishers. This section contains reviews of books on personnel management, specialized business literature, books on management.

Assessment of the level of professionalism of employees is a procedure that any company inevitably faces. At the same time, an HR specialist has several different methods in his arsenal, which differ in the implementation algorithm, budget, and the necessary basic training of evaluators. But in any case, personnel assessment helps HRs in performing a very important part of their work - determining the degree of preparation of an employee to perform a specific range of duties that are assigned to him. This allows you to identify potential professional growth and identify deficiencies.

The book "Managers are not born" is a joint work of two outstanding leaders at once. Frank Svaitek, a consultant who has worked with many Fortune 500 companies for many years, and Danny Strigl, the former director of Verizon Communications, the largest American telecommunications company, managed to create a step-by-step guide for a manager, in which most of the advice relates specifically to working with personnel .

In 1970, at the age of 20, Richard Branson founded Virgin. Since then, never looking back, he has gradually built a huge number of profitable companies operating in various fields business. This is a unique example in the business world. How he managed to achieve such success, he tells in his book "My Rules".

The Enneagram is a system for identifying differences between people, which divides people into nine personality types, located on the nine anchor points of the pie chart. Each of us has traits of all nine types to varying degrees, but one tends to predominate. The type, the features of which are most characteristic of a person's personality, is his enneatype. Determine your enneatype.

In its 35 years of existence, the Pixar film studio has had to overcome many obstacles and difficulties. But those principles of personnel management, which were applied by its founders at the very beginning of their journey, made it possible to develop and preserve a unique corporate culture. Pixar President Ed Catmull talks about them in detail in his book Genius Inc.

Svetlana Ivanova's book teaches how to notice "signals" in a conversation and interpret them correctly. The author is known in Russia, first of all, as a specialist in personnel management. During her professional career, Svetlana Ivanova has conducted over 12,000 interviews with candidates.

“We know for sure that we cannot motivate other people, but we can remove the obstacles that prevent them from motivating themselves,” writes Brian Tracy in his book. “All motivation is self-motivation.” If this is true, then what is needed to maintain self-motivation? Tracy is sure - it all depends on the leader. If conditions are created, then self-motivation will appear naturally, without coercion.

A simple tool to avoid stupid mistakes. "Checklist" is a strategy useful for everyone.

Brian Tracy Delegation and Management. A book by a well-known expert in the field of sales management, leadership and motivation about the mechanisms that turn delegation into a learning process.

Dan Kennedy, the author of this book, is a living legend in the world of copywriting. His many years of professional experience are enough to increase the profits of both huge transnational corporations and small enterprises. The Sales Letter is a book that has become a classic. A must read for anyone who wants to comprehend the magic of the word and attract more customers.

The American IT company 37signals (renamed Basecamp since 2014) has always stood out from the rest. First of all, its vibrant corporate culture. Founded in 1999, today it employs just over 30 people, continuing to carry the charge and spirit of a start-up. On the official website, 37signals executives regularly maintain a blog that young entrepreneurs read. The activities of 37signals, or rather its good tradition of tirelessly breaking stereotypes in doing business, has become a kind of role model for everyone involved in the IT industry.

Casey Stengel, famed manager of the New York Yankees baseball team, once said: good people not so difficult. It's a lot harder to get them to play together." David Meister, the world's leading authority on people management, shares how to lead a team of confident, talented, and ambitious employees who can be seen as more like equals than subordinates.

2. Jeffrey Liker andDavid Mayer“Talented staff. Raising and educating people in the spirit of the Tao of Toyota»

Toyota has developed a unique people management system. Firm leaders do not rely on a lucky break to find innate talent—such finds are rare. TWI technology, based on a well-designed standardized training process, allows you to achieve unsurpassed results with ordinary people. It is faster and cheaper than all known methods. Toyota proves this in practice.

  • Non-material motivation of personnel - system, methods, examples

3. Marcus Buckingham“Damn the flaws! How to use your strengths

Consider how Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin, uses his appearance for the purposes of your business. Here is an example of how a leader presents his characteristics in a favorable light. A book on how to find strengths and the strengths of their employees and make the most of them. Learn to capitalize on the individuality of your people.

4. Edward Michaels"War for Talent"

The leader will lose if he does not attract and retain talented people. Edward Michaels, director of McKinsey & Company , tells how the leaders of 77 corporations do it. For example, Jack Welch led the talent assessment process at GE for 30 days a year (the famous C session). Welch appreciated his "stars" very much, but at the same time he was sure that the work should be organized in such a way that a replacement for any "star" could be found within eight hours.

5. Claudio Fernandez Araos“The choice of the strongest. How does a leader make major decisions about people?

How to find and place "the right people in the right positions"? This is rarely taught, and trial and error is expensive. Therefore, top managers often entrust the selection of personnel to experts. But this is not the way out. The manager must choose the main employees himself. This skill can be trained. No other investment in your development will give you such a high return. Claudio Fernandez Araos, partner and member of the steering committee of Egon Zehnder International, a specialist in the selection of senior executives, tells how to do it.

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The best guide to personnel management is the book "Lead the people behind you", written by a recognized expert - David Novak, head of the world's largest restaurant chain Yum!Brands. His leadership program allowed the company to motivate its employees as much as possible and involve them in the work process, turning "office plankton" into real business associates. Novak's book provides specific guidance, tools, exercises, and questions to help you prepare for HR.

Books written by successful managers provide a unique opportunity to study in absentia the author's leadership programs for managers and business owners.

Another popular book by David Novak is Managing Managers. It describes in detail various aspects of managerial activity, self-organizational moments, integrated approaches to solving various problems, recommendations for managing personnel and time, and much more. The book is based on real events, which will help the reader to see the pitfalls of modern business more clearly, learn to avoid mistakes in management and not be afraid of crisis situations.

Books from professional psychologists

One of the best books on personnel management is Drive. What really motivates us? by Daniel Pink. It talks about the uselessness of the behavioral motivation system, which has long been outdated in the management of company employees. The author of the book considers various new methods, recommending focusing on personnel with strong intrinsic motivation. In addition, Daniel Pink gives in his bestseller many methods and tools with which a manager can create new system staff motivation.

Book by Daniel Pink, which is best allowance in humanistic psychology, backed up by hundreds of psychological studies of human behavior.

The book from Scheer August Wilhelm “Hard Management. Make people work for results." Its author gives recommendations on personnel management with a firm hand and an emphasis not so much on motivating employees as on building clear rules that help build a stable and profitable business. The book describes tips for increasing the value of marketers and

Theory and practice of management psychology: a handbook for a personnel manager


“Theory and practice of management psychology: board. book. HR manager / O.V. Vikulina., Moscow, VLADOS-PRESS Publishing House, 2008, ISBN 978-5-305-0020 ":


Practical recommendations contained in this book are universal in nature and can be applied to any small business, regardless of its profile and specifics of activity. The publication is addressed to students of humanitarian universities in their study of the psychology of management and management, designed for small business leaders, personnel managers who, by the nature of their activities, have to combine the duties of office work specialists, psychologists, as well as everyone who is interested in the problems of psychology of personality and business.

Olga Vasilievna Vikulina

Theory and practice of management psychology: desktop book. personnel manager


This edition is practical guide recruitment and personnel management. This is a course of self-development and self-improvement in the field of practical human science and psychology of personnel management. With the help of this book, you can not only improve yourself, but also get practical help in training and knowledge of your colleagues and subordinates, and will also help improve the overall effectiveness of management activities in your team.

This course is based on a generalizing practical experience of the work of state and commercial enterprises, taking into account the current regulatory and methodological documents Russian Federation.

For easy reading, the manual is divided into five chapters. Each part contains the materials of the relevant documents with the current standard (GOST R 6.30–97, Requirements for the execution of documents).

The first chapter "Building a structured management system in an organization" highlights some of the theoretical provisions of management so that the reader can get the necessary information about the theory, as well as the structure and system of personnel management.

In the second chapter "The practice of psychology of selection and staffing" the main provisions are given for practicing the techniques and methods of competitive selection of employees and their acquisition. How to distinguish a professional from an amateur? How to conduct an interview? These and other questions can be answered in this chapter.

The third chapter, "Theory and Practice of Management Psychology," presents guidelines and tips that you can use to highlight points you may not be aware of.

The fourth chapter "Techniques and mechanisms of psychology used in stress and conflict" is a kind of workshop that will allow you to apply certain knowledge of techniques and techniques for relieving stress in practice.

The fifth chapter "Keys to the art of management" includes psychological tests, trainings and a wide variety of materials that will help you think about your place in life, about work, about the correct use of your potential.

The work used foreign and Russian sources on psychology and management.

The publication is intended for heads of small enterprises, their deputies, HR managers, who, by the nature of their activities, have to combine the duties of record keeping specialists, lawyers, HR inspectors, and psychologists. It can also be useful for students of humanitarian universities when studying the psychology of management and management, as well as for everyone who is interested in the problems of personality and business psychology.

Chapter I

Building a structured management system in an organization

1. Management. Functions and roles of the personnel manager

The modern world today requires the rejection of outdated, unjustified approaches to the problems of management, leadership, and management.

Today management- rational management of modern production, closely related to the improvement of the organization based on the constant introduction of new principles, forms, structures and methods of management in order to increase the efficiency of production and business.

The manager forms personnel, establishes a system of relations between people, includes them in the creative process of collective labor activity. Its mission is to empower staff, promote their development, learning and growth, including an effective learning process to improve work efficiency, job placement and promotion.

Manager(English) manager- manager) - a specialist in the management of production and circulation of goods, working for hire. The manager organizes the work in the company, manages the production activities of the company's employees. The manager is an official of the company and is included in the middle and top management of the company. Unlike members of supervisory and control bodies, managers are endowed with executive power.

The main characteristic of a good manager is determination. Many managers allow themselves a long swing in the decision-making process, which, in some cases, is not acceptable. Of course, the manager is obliged to collect as much information and predictive estimates as possible. But at some point you have to trust your intuition, take a risk.

Firstly, because even the right decision turns into a wrong one if it is made too late.

Secondly, there is no absolute certainty.

Sometimes, if there is no information at hand, you have to rely on your own experience.

HR manager must possess outstanding business knowledge and excellent communication skills. The work he performs requires abilities, skills. It should be inherent in such qualities as mobility, responsiveness and stress resistance.

The qualities of a manager should be judged by how well he can organize big number people and how effectively it can get the best results from each of them.

The main goal of management– achievement of high production efficiency, better use of the resource potential of an enterprise, firm, organization.

IN practical activities corporation, the personnel manager has to encourage each of its employees to contribute to the common good and seeks to find reserves for increasing productivity.

One of the main issues is the management of the team, group, company, enterprise, management structure. Leader- a person who is able to unite and captivate others, to awaken initiative and enterprise in the members of the team, to respond flexibly to changing external conditions. The HR manager is the link between the manager and employees.

Administrative documents- a kind of organizational documents, but additionally having an indication, what, to whom, by what date need to do. They are sometimes united by one concept of "organizational and administrative documentation".

The company mainly uses administrative documents certified by one person: command, order, command and order.

A collective administrative document may be the Minutes of a meeting (meetings, meetings, etc.), if, based on the results of voting, instructions to specific persons are included in it with an indication of the deadlines for execution.

Reference and information documents- documents containing facts, data, characteristics and other information necessary for the enterprise in its production economic activity. These include: official letters and telegrams, sent and received through post offices; as well as their substitutes - teletypes, telexes, telefaxes, written and audio documents Email, telephone messages. This also includes: references, acts, protocols; reporting, service and explanatory notes; reports, forecasts, analytical and other materials.

Documents on the personnel of the enterprise- documents characterizing employees and their labor relations with the administration of the enterprise and other employees. These include: a personal statement, an appointment order, a personnel record sheet, an autobiography, copies of certificates and certificates, and other documents, combined into a set "Private bussiness", and Employment history and various accounting cards.

State and municipal organizations may send to the enterprise documents regulating various issues of its activities (taxation, security environment and so on.). These documents form a separate group normative documents government agencies.

In an independent group, commercial contracts (agreements) can be distinguished - the main documents of entrepreneurial activity.

All of these documents refer to organizational and administrative documents (ORD). The exception is financial and accounting documents, the features of the preparation and processing of which are regulated by special instructions.

Features of paperwork, such as: Technical project, Economic justification, Act, Protocol, Staffing table, Enterprise structure etc., are as follows. These documents must include the following details:

1) the name of the document;

2) stamp of approval;

3) approval stamp;

4) registration index of the document;

5) city or place of preparation;

6) document form code;

7) copy number;

8) visa approval;

9) signature; 10) printing.

Almost all documents, with the exception of letters and their substitutes (telex, teletype, telefax, etc.), have the name: Application, Help, Memo, Order, Act, Protocol, Labor agreement, Agreement, Contract, Staffing, Structure enterprises, etc.

Organizational documents

to documents, developed by each organization, also relate regulations on subdivisions, job descriptions, internal labor regulations, a collective agreement, staffing, tables of functional relationships between divisions of the management apparatus, tables of the functional division of labor in any division, operograms of individual management procedures, etc.

Structure and staffing.

The head of the enterprise, especially at first, has to decide for himself who, under what conditions, will perform this or that work or be responsible for a certain area of ​​economic activity. The initial outlines of the structural diagram of the enterprise, as a rule, precede the creation of such required documents, as "Structure and staffing", "Staffing".

The document "Structure and staffing" defines all structural divisions of the enterprise, the positions required in each division, as well as the number of employees. Organizational structure the enterprise must correspond to the scale of its economic activity.

As for the requirements for the document "Structure and staffing", it must comply with the charter of the enterprise. A document is drawn up on the general letterhead of the enterprise, signed by the deputy director, agreed with the chief accountant and approved by the director of the enterprise. The stamp of approval is certified by a seal.

Staff schedule.

The staff list specifies the number and position of the enterprise, indicates the monthly payroll.

The staff list is drawn up on the letterhead of the enterprise and contains a list of positions, information on the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and a monthly payroll.

The staff list is signed by the deputy head of the enterprise, endorsed by the chief accountant, and approved by the head of the enterprise. The approval stamp indicates the total staffing of the enterprise and the monthly payroll. The stamp of approval is certified by a seal.

Any document consists of a number of elements (date, text, signature), which are called requisites. Each type of document has a certain set of details.

Title of the document. In accordance with GOST 6.30–97, it is placed in the center of the form if the stamp is linear, or at the left edge of the sheet above the text of the document if the stamp is angular.

Registration number, Place and Date of registration. In accordance with GOST 6.30–97, these details are placed in the following order:

Document registration number is affixed next to its name; place of registration(city, district) - to the left of the name and slightly below it. Registration date, copy number, document form code located to the right of the name.

Visa approval placed after props Signature. Each of them consists of a position, signature, transcript and date of approval.

personnel documents

Labor relations between an enterprise and an employee are regulated by the Labor Code (Labor Code) of the Russian Federation. Based on the articles of the code, the enterprise should establish a unified procedure for registering the admission, dismissal and transfer of employees to another job. The set of documents in which the periods of labor activity of employees are recorded is called personnel documentation(human resources, personnel). These documents include:

- labor contracts (agreements) concluded by the enterprise with the employee;

- orders on personnel (on the admission, dismissal, transfer of an employee);

- work books;

- personal cards form T-2;

- Personal things;

- personal accounts wages;

- a personal statement.

Documents on personnel require special care and accuracy in the preparation. In addition, they must be preserved for a long period of time.

When working with documents on personnel, it should be borne in mind that personal data (information about facts, events and circumstances of work and personal life) of citizens is classified by the Law as confidential information.

Statement- most often this is a written request from a private person with a request to an organization or its official representative indicating his name and surname, place of residence or social status, certified by the personal signature of the author.

The application is written by hand on a blank sheet of paper, and as a prop destination in the upper right corner of the sheet, the full name is affixed. and position of official representative of the organization. Under the text of the application, the signature of the author and the date of circulation are affixed.

The application of the official body is printed and executed in the form of a business letter on a letterhead with details.

The personnel documents are discussed in more detail in chapter II.