Daily routine for children coloring book. The daily routine of a student - what should be and how to make. Rest and free time

A properly planned daily routine organizes the child, helps to be collected and tidy. Schoolchildren of junior and senior classes should have their own daily routine, which would correspond to the peculiarities of the physiology of a particular age.

In primary school Special attention is given to such processes as learning perseverance, attention, memorization. In a small schoolchild, these processes are not yet mature, but at the stage of active development. A high school student should focus on perseverance, since he is able to write, read and memorize information, but due to entering puberty, perseverance is replaced by laziness.

For all age groups, it is very important not only to develop their intelligence, but also to take care of physical health.

How to build your day so that you have time for everything, do not get tired and stay healthy?

Rise at 6.30 - 7.00.
The student's day should begin with an active awakening: pouring cold water on the face, arms and legs. Such an express method of awakening will not only force all the forces of the body to mobilize, but also has a tempering moment.

Breakfast at 7.10 – 7.30
Prepare a delicious hot dish for breakfast for the student. Breakfast should be rich and high-calorie. Do not worry about the figure of the child - all these calories will be "eaten up" by the brain during the first hours of study. It is known that after a rich, hearty breakfast, hunger sets in later, closer to 12 noon, and all the mental activity of a student is aimed at learning, and not at comprehending the feeling of hunger.

Road to school 7.40 – 8.00
Take your child out of the house to school 10-15 minutes earlier, let him spend this extra time on the street, breathing fresh air. The blood is saturated with oxygen, providing the child with a “fresh” head and cheerfulness.

School classes 8.00 – 12.00
Give your child food to snack between breaks. Nuts, sweet buns, sweet tea are very useful for mental activity. A snack should be not so much satisfying as sweet - the brain really needs glucose during the study period. A huge amount of energy is spent by the body on mental and mnestic processes. It would seem that the brain is very small compared to the whole body, but during the tense moments of study, more energy is spent on its maintenance than the muscles when running.

During classes in the classroom, the child's intelligence increases, but health deteriorates:

A long static posture while sitting causes the appearance of scoliosis and scoliotic posture.
Muscles are weakened
Impaired blood supply to the muscles and brain
Periods of short-term but frequent stress harm the nervous system
At the end of the school day, the child is drowsy and tired.
Digestive problems may occur due to irregular and improper diet
Vision is deteriorating

If the child is not taken care of and his regime is not organized, then the school can become, no matter how terrible it sounds, a crippling phenomenon.

For students lower grades:

Road home, walk after school, sports section 12.00 - 14.00.
After school, the kid needs some time to “let off steam” in the fresh air. If he fell asleep in the classroom, then on the street he has physical activity, the muscles are saturated with oxygen, fatigue is relieved, his cheeks turn pink.

Daytime sleep 14.00 – 16.00
If a child is accustomed to sleeping during the day from kindergarten, then this rosy-cheeked merry fellow should be put to bed in the afternoon, according to the old habit, having fed him before this hot dinner. Until about 15.00-16.00 the child will have daytime sleep.

Performance homework 16.00 – 19.00
After a daytime sleep, it's time to do homework with him. It should be remembered that elementary school students get tired very quickly, not to mention their poor perseverance and absent-mindedness. They are given a short time to write continuously - no more than 10 minutes. With continuous reading, they get tired even faster. Therefore, take small breaks for physical activity while reading or writing. After completing one lesson, take a long break and then move on to the next subject. No need to learn lessons until nightfall, a couple of hours is enough. The fact is that after 19.00, the performance of a primary school student drops sharply and everything that he reads or writes will not be deposited in his head. And in order to do all the lessons in a couple of hours, use the gaming technique in completing the task: if the baby does not understand mathematics well, analyze this example on his favorite toys, and instead of reading, arrange a small one-man performance - this way the child will better remember the images, and the text will be easy for him .

Walks and sports sections, time for communication with family and friends 19.00 - 21.00
After 19.00 it's time for active walks or sports sections. In school years, it is best to give the child to mobile, playing sports or the pool. Of course, it’s good if you educate your child comprehensively developed personality who speaks five languages, understands the paintings of Van Gogh and Picasso, embroiders cross stitch, satin stitch and ribbons. But, alas, health with such a lifestyle will not increase. Ideally, if you manage to combine all the circles of interest (often the interests of the parents, not the child) - both sports and handicraft-intellectual, but, nevertheless, you need to choose in favor of sports and physical development.

Sleep 21.00 – 7.00
Night sleep for a primary school student should begin no later than 22.00. Before going to bed, parents should try as much as possible to balance the mental state of the child: reduce his activity, calm him down. To do this, dim the lights in the apartment, eliminate all noisy sources (TV, radio), give the child warm milk with honey to drink, and ventilate the bedroom. In this case, immersion in sleep will be physiological, without overexcitation.

For high school students.

Adult students do not need to sleep during the day. But it is necessary to unload the nervous and musculoskeletal system. For this, the same walks after school and sports sections are recommended. A senior student can go to the section both immediately after school and after 19.00.

It is best to learn lessons from 15.00 to 20.00. After 20.00, the student's work capacity decreases, memory deteriorates. It makes no sense to study lessons further - the nervous system is overloaded, the eyes are tired, the head may hurt, symptoms of overwork appear.

High school students have a lot of extracurricular activities - from circles within the school itself to preparation for a university. Sometimes all the time is spent on these preparations, there is no time at all for physical development. It is not right. The lack of training for the muscles entails a violation of posture, the appearance of flat feet, a decrease in tone and the appearance of asthenia. It is important for parents to organize sports activities on weekends in cases of everyday employment of a student. It is clear that strumming the guitar or chatting on the Internet is often more interesting than physical development. That's why important mission parents is to somehow influence their child and engage in his physical development.

Wake up 7.30 – 8.00

Breakfast, water procedures 8.00 – 9.00
Students of the second shift are advised to get up no later than 8.00. You need to start the day with an invigorating dousing of cold water on the face, arms and legs or a general contrast shower. Then, by all means, have a tasty and hearty breakfast, giving preference to high-calorie, but healthy food.

Homework 9.00 – 11.00
After breakfast, air out the room and do some of the homework.

Lunch, school fees 11.00 - 12.00
Before school, you need to have a hearty lunch. Lunch, unlike breakfast, should consist of meat dishes and, preferably, soup. A hearty meat lunch will allow you to push back the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Classes at the school 13.00 - 17.00

After the lessons, it's time to go to the sports section. For high school students with a heavy workload of additional classes, it is optimal to spend time in sections at least twice on weekdays and always on weekends.

Walks, sections, circles 17.00 - 19.00

Homework 19.00 – 21.00
After 19.00, when the student returns home, you can learn some of the lessons. Go to bed no later than 22.00-23.00.

The life of a student cannot be regulated by lessons and strict discipline. The child has a lot of other important things to do - friends, a computer, a skateboard, shopping, riding a "bike" and much more.

Important! At the beginning of the week, the child is trained in the learning process. It lasts until the middle of the week, when there is a peak performance. By the end of the week, performance drops sharply, especially heavy days are Thursday and Friday. If we consider the working capacity during the day, then it reaches its peak by 12.00-13.00 and by 16.00-19.00.

Based on weekly peaks of efficiency, it is necessary to plan the schedule of sections for Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as weekends. On weekdays, a child attending school on the second shift should go to the section immediately after school, and on weekends - after 10.00 or in the evening from 16.00-19.00

A separate difficult topic is the computer and TV in the schoolchildren's daily routine. Nowadays, all children, starting from the cradle, know how to handle technology. By the time they leave school, many children become gamers. This formidable trend worries both parents and pediatricians with psychologists. It is extremely difficult to wean a child from a computer, because it is very difficult to give up the attachment formed in childhood. Therefore, only by their personal example, parents can show the child that there are many things in life that are much more interesting than a computer. Pediatricians advise to spend no more than 2 hours a week behind the monitor.

Attention! While doing homework, do not distract the child with small tasks: turn off the kettle, open the door, serve some thing. Little things like that distract and disorganize. For subsequent work, the child needs a lot of effort to “get together” and re-integrate into learning.

Make sure that in the evening everything is prepared for school - the clothes are ironed, the shoes are clean, the books are in the backpack. Constant disorganization neuroticizes and slows down the child - he becomes sloppy and forgetful.

Consistency is important for a child - help him go to bed and get up at the same time every day, always prepare a fresh breakfast, check the lessons, the main thing is that this should not be forays, but systematically. A child's academic success largely depends on their parents!
my article

The value of the day regimen for schoolchildren different ages not always adequately perceived by parents. In order to evaluate positive influence a well-built daily routine, you need to understand what the word “regime” itself means, the totality of what factors it includes, what principles of organization exist for its correct compilation.

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The content of the article:

Mode and its components

- a specifically established and constantly repeating routine of human activity. If we talk about the daily routine of a student, its main components are:

  • sleeping mode;
  • diet;
  • hygiene mode.

Each of the factors cannot be considered separately. Only a clearly established alternation of all elements will allow us to develop conditioned reflexes, to ensure the effective, useful and healthy development of a child of any age.

A change of activity will help the student not only grow up healthy and strong, but also open him up. hidden talents and abilities.

Meals in the daily routine of the student

What fuel you fill your car with, how timely you service it, so it will serve you. Sleep and nutrition are fundamental factors for proper development.

The maximum production of melatonin (the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle) occurs from 12 am to 4 am, provided there are no light sources. It is important that during this time the child is in a phase of deep sleep. The functions of the hormone are the prevention of colds and oncological diseases, a powerful immunomodulatory effect, the regulation of biorhythms, and recovery.

The mode includes uncomplicated truths that do not require much effort.

Food intake for a growing organism should be five times. The calorie content of each intake is from 20 to 35% of the total caloric content of the daily diet.

Daily calorie intake at school age:

  • younger students - from 2200 to 2400 kcal;
  • middle school students - 2600–2850 kcal;
  • youthful age - from 3000 to 3150 kcal.

The main share of the diet tends to favor animal and vegetable proteins.

Rest in the student's daily routine

There are many ideas about the rest of the child. It is best to restore strength by alternating different types activity. and weakened children should rest during the day, completely relaxing. It can be an hour and a half sleep or just an opportunity to lie down without doing anything. For healthy children, it is enough to change activities. An example would be this model:

  • school lessons in alternation with physical activity during physical education and during breaks;
  • sculpting, drawing or playing musical instruments;
  • classes in sports sections or outdoor games in open space;
  • independent work on lessons with the inclusion of physical education minutes.

Principles of organizing the daily routine of a student


It is better to start accustoming a child to the regime 10 days before the start of the training period, and not on September 1. This time is enough to develop a reflex to wake up at the same time, and at the same time repeat educational material set for the summer.


If you haven’t followed a clear schedule before, limit yourself to a few items, and then gradually add the rest. This is especially true for middle and high school students. Toddlers follow a routine kindergarten, so they won't need to rebuild much. The task of the parents of future first-graders is not to break the usual routine.

Accounting for the physiological and psychological characteristics of children of different ages

The degree of fatigue, biorhythms, the state of systems and organs, the rate of biological growth and maturation in different age groups are very different.

Child health monitoring

If the student's body is weakened, he belongs to frequently ill children or has chronic diseases, this must be taken into account.

Assessment of individual characteristics

We must not forget about the type of temperament of the student and other individual characteristics.


The amount of time children should spend outdoors will directly depend on this factor.

Accounting for the change of classes at school

The daily routine of schoolchildren who study on the second shift differs significantly from the schedule of schoolchildren attending school in the first half of the day.

  • if you teach your child to spend 10 minutes preparing for the next activity, during the day you will save 1 hour of his time for rest and hobby activities;
  • alternation of physical motor and creative activity makes different parts of the brain turn on, which allows you to improve and correct all the processes occurring in the body;
  • at 8-10 o'clock in the morning, the working capacity is maximum. At 13-14 hours it decreases and rises again by 16-17 hours. In babies, the second rise in working capacity decreases by 19 hours;
  • if you carefully listen and take notes on the teacher's explanations, it will take 3 times less time to prepare the lessons;
  • in order for the body to have time to join the rhythm of wakefulness, it needs 5-7 minutes. Wake up your child 5 minutes earlier so that he can start exercising with stretching while lying in bed. This will help to avoid stress when getting up early;
  • between the end of the lessons and the completion of tasks at home, at least 1.5–2 hours should elapse;
  • a first-grader can perform continuous written tasks for 8-10 minutes, a student of grade 4 - 15-20 minutes. Continuous reading is also dosed. After the specified time, another activity must follow;
  • when doing homework, it is better to start with work of medium and high difficulty.
  • various types of activity make the brain perform a coordinating and controlling function, and only mental work is the main working one;
  • during mental activity, blood flow to the brain increases 10 times, and the need for oxygen increases accordingly. It is important to ensure the ventilation of the room;
  • artificial lighting behind should be in the front left. In this case, the shadow from the hand will not fall on the lines while writing;
  • evening homework for students elementary school most effective from 17 to 19 hours. For middle school students - from 17 to 20 hours. For high school students from 17 to 21 hours.

The daily routine of a student studying in the second shift

It is important to understand that the rise must be early so that after the morning meal the child does his homework. In the evening, it is not advisable to do them, since the efficiency of mastering the material and working capacity after school will be low and lead to overwork.

In addition to lessons, children should have time to take a walk in the open space and attend sports or creative classes before the start of classes. Therefore, it is important to use every minute of time as organically and economically as possible.

In many ways, the mode of children studying after lunch is determined by age and the number of lessons. As a rule, schools where the organization of classes takes place in 2 shifts have a 6-day working week. Switching from first shift to second shift is always stressful. The task of adults is to gently control and help the child enter a new working track.

The approximate daily routine of schoolchildren who attend classes in the afternoon (due to the difference in curricula schools, we indicate the time of duration, and not the exact hourly schedule of procedures):

  • Wake up, stretch, get up, wash, toilet: 6:55 to 7:25.
  • Morning meal: from 7:25 to 7:55.
  • Self-preparation for school: from 7:55 to 10:25 (for students in grades 5-6) or until 9:55 (for grades 3-4).
  • Creative, sports activities, active outdoor games - 2.5 hours.
  • Lunch - 25-30 minutes.
  • Walk on the way to school - 30 minutes.
  • Lessons with an afternoon snack at a big break of 5-6 hours, depending on age.
  • Return home - 30 - 35 minutes.
  • Evening meal - 25 minutes
  • Free lessons - 1.5 hours.
  • Water procedures, preparation for sleep - 25-30 minutes.
  • 21:05 - sleep for children in grades 3-4, 22:05 - grades 5-6.

The daily routine of a younger student

Primary school students who study in the first shift have the following approximate schedule:

  • Awakening, stretching, lifting, hygienic recreational activities: 6–55 – 7–25.
  • Full breakfast: 7-25 - 7-55.
  • Walking to school: 7-55 - 8-25.
  • Lessons and second breakfast - from 4 to 6 hours.
  • Hike from school - 30 - 35 minutes.
  • Daily meal - up to 30 minutes.
  • Passive rest, sleep, for schoolchildren in grades 1–2 - 1.5 hours.
  • Active recreation for children in grades 1–2: 2 hours.
  • Outdoor outdoor recreation, games, attending interest classes for children in grades 3-4 - 2.5 hours.
  • Work on lessons with physical education minutes: 1 hour 10 minutes - 1st grade, 1.5 hours - 2nd grade, 2 hours 10 minutes. - 3-4 grade.
  • Dinner - 30 minutes.
  • Evening walk, free classes 1.5 hours.
  • Getting ready for bed, shower, washing - 30 minutes.
  • Lights out: 20-30 for grades 1-2, 21-00 for grades 3-4.

Teen day routine

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on the daily routine for schoolchildren in grades 6–9. Children of this age are actively growing, their body undergoes many significant hormonal, functional, mental changes. It is very important when establishing a regimen for teenagers to take into account their interests, to instill the habit of routine correctly and without pressure. Otherwise, instead of observing the regime, parents will receive a protest that turns into a conflict.

  • Awakening, stretching, lifting, gymnastics, water procedures: 6-55 - 7-30.
  • Morning meal: 7-30 - 7-50.
  • Walk on the way to school: 7-50 - 8-20.
  • Lessons, electives, lunch at the big break and snack: 8-30 - 14 - 30.
  • Hike from school: 14-30 - 15-00.
  • Hot lunch: 15-00.
  • Hobby classes (sports, music, drawing), walks: 15-00 - 17-00.
  • Independent work on lessons: 17-00 - 19-00.
  • Break for dinner: 19-00 - 19-30.
  • Self-preparation: 19-30 - 21-00.
  • Free activities - 30 minutes. Water procedures, going to bed: 21-30 - 22-00.
  • Sleep: 22-00.

The daily routine of high school students

In the daily routine for high school students, more time has to be devoted to additional training in some subjects. This is due to the future self-determination of children, attending courses, tutors.

  • 6-55 - 7-30 - waking up, stretching, exercising, hygiene procedures.
  • 7:31 a.m. – 7:50 a.m. Hot breakfast.
  • 7:51 a.m. – 8:20 a.m. Walk on the way to school.
  • 8-31 - 15-00 - main and additional classes, lunch at a big break, snacks.
  • 15-00 - 15-20 - walk along the road from school.
  • 15-20 -15-50 - hot lunch.
  • 15-50 - 17-20 - sports, active motor activity.
  • 17-20 - 18-30 - additional training in the necessary subjects. If such a need does not arise, you can divide this time between active classes and lessons.
  • 18-31 - 19-00 - main dinner.
  • 19-01 - 21-30 - self-preparation with a break for a small snack (kefir, yogurt, fruits of your choice).
  • 21-31 - 22-30 - free classes.
  • 22-31 - 23-00 - water procedures, relaxation before bedtime.
  • 23-00 - lights out.

In the presented examples of the daily routine, time is allocated for attending classes of interest. If the child devotes this time to playing musical instruments or drawing, it is necessary to allocate additional time for physical education or sports.

Physical development in the daily routine of a student

  • physical education lessons compensate for the mandatory number of daily movements by only 11%;
  • children of primary and secondary level can be involved in physical culture breaks in game form. High school students are better motivated by improving their appearance;
  • the number of hours of physical activity decreases with age, but its intensity and calorie expenditure should increase. A combination of aerobic and coordination loads is desirable (for example: dancing, swimming or game types, athletics, swimming);
  • the only contraindication for swimming are inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, reproductive and urinary systems. This species has a particularly beneficial effect on the formation and strengthening of correct posture, increasing joint mobility.

Weekend mode for students

There are 2 views on this question:

  • Let the child rest and sleep.
  • You can not deviate from the established schedule.

Both opinions are correct with a little commentary on each of them. If we are talking about the weekend, you must adhere to the second statement. Knocking down the child from the usual schedule, parents give him disservice. The next day, returning to the usual mode will be painful for him. In order for the student to rest, on weekends you can slightly shift the time frame in favor of the opportunity to lie down a little longer in bed. Free time must be organically distributed between vigorous physical activity, economic affairs, and hobby activities. All within the age range.

We all love our kids. We ourselves rejoice like children at their first steps, their first words. We are worried about their health. We try to make them grow up as normal, healthy, decent people. But this will not happen on its own. they need to be steered in the right direction. From childhood, to teach discipline, the daily routine, the correct distribution of personal time. by the most in a simple way will make such a routine and hang it on the wall near the bed.

Waking up every morning, the child can look and quickly remember what he needs to do first. And if it is not just written by hand, but in color, and even with funny little animals, then he will be doubly pleased with all this. And for us parents, it will be much more convenient to monitor their actions. keep everything under control. Such a schedule is drawn up taking into account all possible actions. Morning toilet, exercise, breakfast, getting ready for school, etc. You can also not forget about all kinds of sections, circles. Don't forget about outdoor games. Fresh fruits, vegetables - all this can not be included in the routine. Let's not forget about rest. The burden on the body is too great. Maybe you need to turn on naps. In any case, all this is purely individual.

We bring to your attention a short video on the topic “Daily routine FIRST CLASS for schoolchildren \ Raising a child of 6 years old”:

A little about raising a first-grader

Very important in the development of any child is the habit of eating at the same time. It is desirable that the doctor also gave some advice. He knows well all the possibilities of the baby's body. Don't demand too much from him. Children are emotional, the nervous system is still under development. There are always tantrums and scandals. They need to be dealt with gently. We don't belt.

The most important guarantee of the harmonious development and well-being of the child is a good daily routine. And if it is still sensibly, competently organized, then success is guaranteed. Children get tired very quickly, so proper rest is essential. Let him play a little with his favorite doll, train, gain strength, relax a little. Less TV, all sorts of cartoons only spoiling your eyesight. More action. especially during the summer holidays.

We all work, we get tired, we are nervous, but we need to devote more time to our child. And the more the better. All of this will pay off over time.

Scientists have long proved that our human body is a special system that obeys various rhythms. In early childhood, he was entrusted with a huge burden. Everything grows physically, morally. The heart, bones, brain very quickly gain weight, mass, volume. It is advisable not to allow all sorts of stresses, creatures conflict situations., overwork.

Some features of the routine that will suit any baby:

  • morning exercises or gymnastics;
  • food intake. Proper eating at a strictly scheduled time will help normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • after returning from school, it is necessary to give rest for 5 hours. Acquaintances with the school, teachers, classmates - affect nervous system. The little man for the first time begins to realize that it is necessary to obey the building rules that must be followed. Whether you like them or not;
  • after dinner, it is advisable to take a little walk, get some fresh air.

We offer you to use our ready-made templates for drawing up a personal daily routine. It is best to print them on a color printer.

Download daily routine, different funny pictures, a list of lessons and other things, you can follow this link:

We wish you and your offspring more health, good luck, love!!!

Increasingly, in our society, there is a pattern when children cannot clearly tell what time of year or time of day it is. Perhaps the baby heard these words in the speech of adults and even used them in his own, but he cannot correlate morning, afternoon, evening, night and their signs. Sometimes this does not come from ignorance, but from the lack of a complete picture in nature in the child's mind at a given period.

Basic Rules

As a rule, the baby associates morning, afternoon, evening, night with the actions that he or the people around him perform at this time.

  1. So, in the morning he goes to kindergarten, and his mother goes to work;
  2. during the day he eats and sleeps;
  3. in the evening, his mother comes home from work, picks him up from kindergarten;
  4. at night he must sleep.

The child is not very interested in what is happening in nature at this time, and parents sometimes have no time to observe the full picture of each time of day. However, the baby can and should be taught everything.

To do this, we offer you pictures called "Morning, afternoon, evening, night." They can be taught in a variety of ways.

  • Firstly, you can rely on the Doman technique and show the child pictures for several seconds, giving out loud the names of the time of day. Gradually, the baby will remember the picture and will distinguish between morning, afternoon, evening, night according to their signs in nature.
  • Secondly, pictures called "Morning, afternoon, evening, night" can be hung in different parts of the room, and, approaching one of them, tell the child about the time of day.
  • Thirdly, just select the pictures and talk about them with the baby: consider all the details, discuss them and comment. So, gradually morning, afternoon, evening, night for the child will be associated not only with everyday activities - the baby will learn to understand nature and see beauty in it.

Pictures called "Morning, afternoon, evening, night" can be downloaded and printed from our website. Ideally, if you will set aside strictly defined hours for classes at the same time of day. So, you study the morning in the morning, comparing the picture in the picture with the view outside the window and finding similar characteristics. We do the same with other pictures. All signs of the night can be observed in the evening in winter, when it is not too late and the baby is not sleeping.

Discussing pictures with your child

After studying the pictures in detail, try to get a response from the child. You can already conduct such classes with children 2-2.5 years old: they are quite capable of answering questions.

Ask your child to say:

  1. what happens in the sky at night
  2. as the morning comes
  3. why is it getting light
  4. why it is warmer during the day and colder in the evening, etc.

Such tasks are quite within the power of the child, unless, of course, he has previously received all the necessary information from you. We ask only what we have taught ourselves!

And, of course, coloring will be a useful step in learning. When studying pictures, pay attention to those colors and halftones that dominate nature at certain times of the day. Offering the child a coloring book on this topic, ask them to display the main colors of the morning, evening, night. This is a great exercise for memory and imagination.

Thus, the pictures offered on our website will help you develop your child, learn new concepts with him, and get to know the nature around us more deeply.

Compilation of free materials

Child's day routine

Thematic lesson from the School of the Seven Dwarfs on the topic: The daily routine of the child.
Poster: The daily routine of a schoolboy. Daily routine of a preschooler.
Daily routine of a preschooler.

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