English proficiency certificates. How to get a certificate of proficiency in English. Cambridge Language Tests

Whether you are about to enter a higher education institution abroad, emigrate or interview and work in an international company, then in all of you you will need “proof” that you speak English at the proper level. This “proof” will be one of a number of international English language proficiency exams. Of course, you first need to decide which specific international exam is right for you in order to achieve your goal, and seriously prepare for it. So let's see what we have here.

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Life does not stand still and presents us with surprises and many new things, demanding not to stop there. Each person strives to achieve certain results and leave his mark in this world. IN modern society above all linguistic charters rises the English language. In order to test your knowledge and consolidate it documented, international exams were invented. English language.

Some take them to study or work abroad, others use exams as an incentive to learn the language, and others need a certificate for a successful career in their country. Be that as it may, among English learners such exams are gradually gaining popularity all over the world. This article will talk about the most famous international exams in English, their comparison and, of course, the answer to the question "Is it necessary at all?". Let's start with him.

Why do you need an international exam?

Really! After all, this requires money (the exam is not free), energy and a lot of time! However, there are reasons for everything. For example:

  • First of all, the exam is passed to receive a special certificate, which will officially confirm your knowledge. Once you receive it, you will be able to prestigious universities who are located abroad (for example, in the USA or Canada,
    as well as other countries where the main language of communication is English). More than 7,500 educational institutions in the territory of English-speaking countries will require your document.
  • Getting a decent job abroad also unlikely without a certificate, because no one needs illiterate employees. In order to settle down favorably abroad, you need to pass this exam and a certificate with high score. The higher it is, the more likely it is that you will get a job with a high level of pay. Everyone wants to occupy not the last positions, but this requires hard training, a lot of desire and patience. Yes, different companies require different levels knowledge of the language, but often this indicator should be higher than 80 points. So... you better be ready.
  • In addition, you can pass such an exam and for the purpose of self-assertion. It will be nice to test your abilities and get a document that will confirm your literacy and skills, and, perhaps, help you win the argument (the certificate will become iron proof).

Passing the exam is a guarantee that you know the language and can communicate and write fluently in it.

Types of international exams

The diversity of this sector of knowledge is due to specific preferences in certain regions of the world. That is, one exam is taken at one site, and another at another. Now we will introduce you to the main varieties of this section of knowledge.

Recently, more and more people are taking international English exams: TOEFL, IELTS, CAE, FCE and others. Let's start with TOEFL.

TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language

The most common and most popular type of international exam for the United States. The TOEFL exam was prepared by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton University, New Jersey, USA. main feature the TOEFL exam is that it is based on American English, so to successfully pass the TOEFL, you need to understand the lexical and grammatical subtleties that distinguish American English from British English.

This knowledge control is designed to determine the level of your knowledge at the academic level. More likely, if you decide to study at universities in the United States or Canada, then you will have to take it. It is worth noting that this American English proficiency test has received approval and a lot of positive feedback from various government and even international organizations. Of course, we can say that this is the leading exam in English among its fellows.

The main purpose of the international exam TOEFL- assess the level of preparation of those for whom English is not native. Submitting TOEFL scores is a prerequisite for admission to more than 2,400 colleges and universities in the US, Canada and some other countries. The TOEFL certificate is a document required when enrolling in foreign universities to study under the MBA program, when obtaining the right to an internship in English or for applying for a job requiring knowledge of the English language. Some academic and professional certification programs also require applicants to take the TOEFL. The certificate is valid for two years.

Now there are 2 versions of the test: Paper Based Test (PBT), that is, a written test on paper, and Internet Based Test (iBT) - testing via the Internet. The second option has recently been considered preferable in many universities, as it includes tasks not only for reading, listening and writing, but also for speaking and combined tasks.

Like most exams of this type, it takes place in 4 stages:

  • Reading(read and translate 3 texts, answer a series of questions);
  • Letter(write 2 essays on given topics; emphasis on grammar, accuracy and stylistic correctness);
  • listening(listen to 2 texts in American English and answer a series of questions, or pass a series of tests for each);
  • Talk(communication with the examiner in American English + answer 6 questions, clearly formulating your thought).

All tasks must be completed with the utmost clarity. The approximate cost of this exam will be 260/180 US dollars for residents of Russia and Ukraine, respectively.

The maximum number of points in the computer version of TOEFL, which almost completely replaced the old paper version, is 120 . To study at a prestigious American university, on average, it takes at least 80 points.

IELTS - International English Language Testing System

This type of exam tests your knowledge of British English. IELTS appeared later than TOEFL, but it is gaining more and more popularity. This exam is considered more extensive, because unlike the previous one, it is divided and given in 2 modules.

You can take English at the academic level ( Academic Module, for applicants to universities abroad), or you can - in general ( General Module(for those who leave for permanent residence in Canada, Australia or New Zealand, etc.). Both versions also consist of 4 parts: "Reading" (60 minutes), "Writing" (60 minutes), "Listening" (40 minutes), "Speaking" (11-14 minutes). The first 2 parts in different modules are different, the other 2 - listening and interview - are the same. English texts for the exam are selected in such a way as to cover the maximum level of your knowledge and evaluate them objectively.

The test result is valid for 2 years from the date of receipt.

KET - Key English Test

The test is intended for adults and children from 15 years old. For children younger age, namely from 11 to 14 years old, the Exam, being an exam of the University of Cambridge, was developed directly by the examination department of the University of the same name Cambridge ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages).

In principle, everyone who has recently begun to study English and has already achieved little success can take the exam. After all KET tests basic knowledge, including the ability to use simple phrases and expressions, easy grammatical structures in oral and writing. If you can introduce yourself, answer easy questions and also ask them, can speak briefly on any issue, are able to understand basic texts and catch the meaning of simple conversations in audio and video format, the international KET exam will help you evaluate your knowledge on professional level, will show you your weaknesses and strengths in learning English, which means you can purposefully prepare for the exams one step higher.

KET is the first of the General English block of exams, which measures knowledge in the field of general universal English. The exam confirms knowledge of the English language at a basic level (level A2 Council of Europe scales) and contains 3 parts:

  • « Reading and Writing» (1 hour 10 minutes, read information from newspapers or magazines in English, and do several types of tasks based on it),
  • « listening» (30 minutes, listen to announcements and monologues in the form of audio recordings at a slow pace, and answer a certain number of questions),
  • « Speaking» (8-10 minutes, talking in pairs (with a partner) with two examiners, one of whom communicates with you, and the other evaluates your abilities).

Completed tasks checked by experts Cambridge ESOL, which evaluate your knowledge by the sum of points for all tests (stage 1 - 50%, 2nd and 3rd - 25% each). After a couple of months, you will be able to find out if you passed this exam (70% -84%), whether you achieved success in it (85% -100%), or coped with the task, but not quite well, so you get a level certificate A1 , which means that you can take part in a simple dialogue in English on a predictable topic, are able to write a simple questionnaire or note with the time, date and place, but this is not enough for the international KET exam. Well, if your percentage of points received is 0% -44% of correct information, then you failed the exam.

This exam involves Availability basic knowledge. Using the language for study, work or just travel, you will inevitably face the need to deepen the material that you know, and, therefore, you will be able to take international English exams at a higher level.

There are 5 international exams in this series: KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE. The upper limit is the CPE exam, which is taken by those who speak English almost like a native speaker. Accordingly, the international KET exam is the first step in improving your knowledge.

Certificate The international KET exam, like the other exams in this block, is valid for a lifetime, which means that you do not have to take this exam again to prove your knowledge. The only question is, will you be satisfied with your victory at this stage of language proficiency or will you strive for new heights, reinforcing your knowledge with increasingly difficult and serious exams?

Basic knowledge English, which are required for the international KET exam won't go unclaimed you. After all, from now on you will be able to communicate with native speakers, for example, when traveling abroad. You will learn to understand easy information presented in English rather than your native language, which will add to your advantage over those who do not study this language. Needless to say, employers of some organizations recognize the certificate of the international KET exam as a basic qualification in the field of learning English.

Every year international KET exam tend to surrender about 40,000 people from 60 countries of the world. To get into their number, you just need to register at the British Council training center, which takes this exam, pay the cost of the exam (6700 rubles in Russia and 2350 UAH in Ukraine), and pass all types of tests at the appointed time.

PET-Preliminary English Test

This is the second exam in the Cambridge General English series that certifies average level English proficiency; designed for those who want to discover opportunities to study, work and travel. The exam confirms knowledge of English at the intermediate level (level B1 Council of Europe scales). The PET certificate is recognized by many companies in the field of tourism, hospitality, the administrative field, as well as most educational institutions, as a confirmation of the average level of English proficiency.

Upon delivery PET you can evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and understand what you should pay more attention to when improving your English. The PET certificate will give you confidence and make it much easier to prepare for higher level exams. In addition, it confirms your fluency in English in Everyday life.

Cambridge certificates are perpetual and do not need to be retaken over time.

Like KET, the exam contains 3 parts - " Reading and Writing” (90 minutes, be able to make sentences, be able to read and understand the main idea of ​​articles from magazines), “ listening” (35 minutes, understand spoken language from various sources and people’s attitudes to what they say, their emotions and moods), “ Speaking» (10-12 minutes, talk with the examiner and paired with another student, be able to ask and answer questions). Due to the fact that this part of the “Speaking” test is taken in tandem with another candidate, the exam becomes the closest to real life situations.

It is assumed that at this level the candidate is capable understand factual information and express opinions, attitudes and moods in English both orally and in writing. The certificate confirms the ability to communicate on everyday topics with a native speaker.

In 2009, a special PET for schools exam was introduced. This exam is absolutely identical to the regular PET, with the only difference being that the topics covered in the exam materials relate to the school and school life, which makes it more convenient for candidates under the age of 15 to take the exam.

For successful delivery examination, the candidate must be able to:

  • Express simply and coherently;
  • Feel free in most situations while traveling;
  • Understand the essence of the conversation, as well as be able to express personal interests and communicate on familiar topics such as work, school, home, etc.;
  • Talk about your experiences and events, and describe your dreams, hopes, and goals.

Result The PET exam is the arithmetic mean of the sum of the scores for all three parts. The score for reading and writing is 50% of the total score, listening and speaking - 25% each.

Grades and their corresponding scores:

Pass with Distinction: 160 - 170;
Pass with Merit: 153 - 159;
Pass: 140 - 152;
Level A2: 120 - 139.

"Pass with Distinction", "Pass with Merit" and "Pass" mean that the exam has been passed and the desired level has been confirmed. It is important to note that the "Pass with Distinction" score is a confirmation of the next level B2 (FCE exam), and the "Level A2" score is the confirmation of the previous level (KET exam). If the candidate does not score enough points to level A2, then the exam is considered not passed, and the certificate is not issued.

FCE - First Certificate

This is not just one of the list of Cambridge exams, but the first Cambridge certificate. The exam is designed and administered by the ESOL division of the University of Cambridge Examinations Council (UCLES). Just like the KET and PET exams, the FCE certificate is valid for a lifetime. But this is far from the last advantage of the exam.

Can take the FCE exam those who speaks English sufficiently to use it in everyday life, including at work and at school.

To successfully pass the exam, you need to have a large vocabulary, be able to conduct a conversation and use the necessary communication strategies in a variety of life situations. If you can communicate fluently in everyday situations, read correspondence in English, conduct telephone conversations, use language skills in various fields of activity, then you should try to pass this exam.

FCE Test equates to a level Upper Intermediate(or B2 according to the international scale CEFR). With the FCE certificate, you have the opportunity to study or work abroad. If you are a high school student, passing the FCE Test will give you maximum final grades in English for grades 10 and 11 - this will be confirmed by a letter from the Ministry of Education.

Exam lasts 5 hours And divided for 2 days. During the exam, the level of all your language skills is checked, so the test is divided into whole 5 parts(they are called "Papers"): reading (1 hour, 30 questions on 3 texts), writing (1 hour 20 minutes, write an essay, then an article or letter, email, review or report), language usage(45 minutes, grammar and vocabulary, insert words into the text), listening (40 minutes), speaking (15 minutes). Reading, writing and listening are tested in the same way as in other Cambridge exams. The level of oral language proficiency will be assessed depending on how well you can lead a discussion.

All examiners are accredited by Cambridge ESOL.

Those who successfully pass this exam receive a certificate from the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. This certificate is highly regarded by universities and companies in many countries. Everyone who has passed the test receives a document on the results of the exam, which indicates what level of language proficiency was demonstrated at each stage of the exam.

More than 270,000 people test FCE each year in over 100 countries. FCE is an important qualification indicator for anyone who wants to work or study abroad, or to achieve professionalism in a field where knowledge of the language is needed - this can be both business, medicine, engineering and many other fields of activity. In addition, FCE can be an important step in preparing for higher level exams such as the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) and the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).

Why take the FCE? Many universities and others educational establishments consider FCE an indicator of English language proficiency at an intermediate level. In such educational institutions, passing the FCE is one of the conditions for admission to them. Since during testing many life situations, the FCE certificate is important for any person who wants to work or study abroad or communicate with foreign partners. Companies all over the world recognize FCE. It means the ability to work with English-language documentation, to use English in the field of management, as well as in any field, for example in tourism, where it is required to maintain contacts with English-speaking colleagues.

Knowledge of the language at the FCE level allows you to conduct business correspondence and telephone conversations, participate in trainings, read simple books and articles. The fields of application for the FCE certificate are many and varied.

CAE - Certificate in advanced English

The exam is necessary for those who have to work or study in an environment with high requirements for knowledge of the English language. Similar to FCE, test CAE consists of 5 parts. It can be taken in both written and electronic form.

Obtaining this certificate characterizes you as a fairly confident "user", and, based on the name, confirms the possession of the Advanced level ( C1). If you can easily read any literature, write competently and in different styles, communicate freely on any topic and understand fluent native speakers, then you should try it. Successfully passed CAE counts for admission to many universities, even such prestigious ones as Oxford, Cambridge and California Institute of Technology.

Each of the 5 parts is longer than FCE: Reading (1 hour 15 minutes), Writing (1 hour 30 minutes), Using English (1 hour), Listening (40 minutes) and Speaking English (15 minutes).

This exam is graded in the form of letters, each of which has its own range. The total score consists of the sum of the results of each part of the exam.

A: 80-100
B: 75-79
C: 60-74
CEFR Level B2: 45-49
fail: 0-44

The validity period of the certificate is unlimited.

CPE - Certificate of Proficiency in English

Also known as the Certificate of Proficiency in English, the exam is a qualification that certifies that you have achieved an exceptionally high level of English proficiency. This is the last in the block of Cambridge exams, confirming English proficiency at the highest level - on a par with a native speaker (Proficiency, or C2). Is oldest from the Cambridge Language Examinations. It was first introduced in 1913.

An English language certificate gives you the opportunity work in any field, receive the first higher education, study for postgraduate or master's programs in any English-speaking country, because it is accepted by more than 20,000 commercial and public institutions and organizations around the world.

Like all Cambridge certificates, CPE does not expire. It is accepted by most European universities and other educational institutions abroad. In many English-speaking countries, with this certificate, you will not need to take qualification tests for employment or higher education.

CPE is also considered one of the key tests for teachers, it significantly increases the competitiveness of the teacher, both in the domestic market and abroad.

Consists of 5 parts - Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening, Speaking.

The specificity of the assessment is such that even if one of the blocks was passed badly, then you have every chance of getting a CAE certificate.

BEC-Business English Certificate

The University of Cambridge exam designed to certify proficiency business English.

BEC tests a candidate's ability to communicate effectively in a business environment, but does not require any specialized knowledge.

BEC is for students who need specialized knowledge
English to pursue a business career internationally
level. The exam tests four aspects of language knowledge: listening, reading, speaking and writing. This test uses exercises based on everyday business life to test the candidate's ability to use various linguistic functions and structures in a business context.

There are 3 options for the BEC exam:

  • B.E.C. Preliminary(Designed for candidates who speak business vocabulary
    English at the level intermediate);
  • BEC Vantage(designed for students who know business English at the level Upper Intermediate);
  • B.E.C Higher(intended for candidates who have completed a business English course at the level Advanced).

B.E.C. Preliminary. Upon successful completion of the exam, certificates are issued at three levels: passed (Pass), passed with honors (Pass with Merit) and passed with special distinction (Pass with Distinction), depending on the overall assessment of the test results. All candidates also receive a report on the results of the exam, which includes the score for each part of the exam in accordance with the Cambridge Language Scale, the overall result of the Cambridge Language Scale, the overall score for the entire exam and the score on the Council of Europe Scale.

BEC Vantage. Upon successful completion of the exam, English language certificates of three levels are issued: A, B and C - depending on the overall assessment of the test results. Candidates who score between 140 and 159 points are awarded a level certificate. B1

B.E.C Higher. Upon successful completion of the exam, English language certificates of three levels are issued: A, B and C - depending on the overall assessment of the test results. Candidates who score between 160 and 179 points are awarded a level certificate. B2. All candidates receive a report on the results of the exam, which includes the score for each part of the exam in accordance with the Cambridge Language Scale, the overall result of the Cambridge Language Proficiency Scale, the overall score for the entire exam and the score on the Council of Europe Scale.

YLE - Young Learners English Tests

This is the only English proficiency test in the world that is designed for children aged 7 to 12. The exam consists of 3 levels: "Starters", "Movers" and "Flyers", the last of which roughly corresponds to the complexity of the KET exam.

  • YLE Starters- for children whose knowledge in English corresponds to the Beginner level;
  • YLE Movers- for those who have already reached the Elementary level;
  • YLE Flyers- for those who can already enter into dialogues in English and have a vocabulary at the Pre-Intermediate level.

Examiners in a playful and relaxed way check the knowledge of the main types of language activities, which motivates the child to further study and helps to understand that exams are not scary.

Despite the innate human fear of various exams, tests and tests, this series was created in order to show children how easy it is to pass exams. If you think that your child has enough stressful situations at school, do not worry about this exam: absolutely all children receive an English language certificate. No matter how many points your child scores, he will still become the proud owner of the first Cambridge certificate in his life.

How is the exam? YLE is taken in 2 stages and consists of a written procedure (reading, listening, writing) and an interview with an examiner. The exam is adapted to the peculiarities of child psychology, passing the exam forms only a positive perception of the test as a tool for testing knowledge. Through this exam, the child early age get acquainted with the format of international tests. A comfortable environment for the exam is provided by the YLE format itself.

What gives a certificate? If you are interested in whether it is possible to enter one of the foreign schools with an exam certificate, the answer is unequivocal - no. The exam is for other purposes. Among them:

  • the child receives the first international document;
  • early acquaintance with international requirements when passing exams;
  • positive assessment of one's own knowledge;
  • increasing the child's motivation in the field of learning English; checking knowledge by experts from a world-famous university.

How to prepare for the international exam

In fact, there are many preparation methods and you can choose the one that will be most convenient for you. We recommend taking a free online test to find out which exam suits you best.

EnglishDom is a great option, because with us you can not only tighten weak points without leaving your home, but also do it as efficiently as possible. With the help of our teachers, you will be able to ask questions about the moments that bother you in English and consolidate the material that you left unlearned before.

Keep your attention on webinars and online courses. They are designed so
so that you can easily learn on your own.

You can also hire a tutor. You will come to his office or home and study individually with him on topics in which you are weakest. This is convenient for the simple reason that there are different types exams in English and it is worth choosing a preparation method based on this. If this is a children's training, then you can freely prepare yourself.


Pick what you will! If you type any of the names of international exams in the search, you can download a lot of materials for self-study: specialized textbooks, trial tasks and just helpful tips. However, Skype lessons at our EnglishDom school with a qualified teacher will greatly increase the effectiveness of your preparation. Have no doubts!

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International Certificate in English

About the exam

The PTE General exam takes place in 2 stages: a written test and an oral one. The written test includes tasks in listening, reading and writing, all work is checked by EDEXCEL examiners in the UK. The oral test is assessed by the examiner of the educational and authorized test center Lingua Development; a recording of the oral test is also sent to the UK for additional verification of the objectivity of the assessment.

Benefits of PTE over other tests

  • Motivates to use and improve the English language. All tasks in the exam are united by a common theme, which allows candidates to freely express their thoughts and reveal their ability to use the English language to the fullest, without being its native speaker.
  • Situations from real life in assignments. The emphasis in the tests is on the practical use of English in everyday life.
  • Universal. The tasks in the PTE General exams follow the format of the exercises in modern study guides, which greatly simplifies the preparation for the exam.
  • They combine all language aspects: listening and reading comprehension, grammar, writing and speaking.
  • Developed and evaluated by a committee of experienced British independent experts, the largest examination association in the UK - EDEXCEL.
  • Objective and detailed comments on the test results are provided to each candidate.

PTE General (Pearson Test of English General), formerly known as the London Exam LTE (London Test of English), is an international English language exam developed by the UK's leading examination board, EDEXCEL. These exams have been held since 1985. British Pearson Test of English General certificates are widely recognized by employers and higher education institutions around the world.

PTE General exams are represented by six levels, which correspond to the international classification of language proficiency levels of the Common Framework of Reference for Languages:

A1- Foundation
A2 - Elementary/Pre-Intermediate
C2 - Proficiency

How to get an international certificate in English PTE, Toefl, FCE, IELTS?

English is the most demanded language today - required language which you need to know in order to successfully realize yourself. Of course, you can master it yourself and then pass international exams in English, but this will require great effort and desire. Classes with a group and individual training with the help of specialists is the most effective. " Where to take the FCE exam?», « How to get a PTE certificate?”, our article will answer these and other questions.

Among English learners, international exams are becoming more and more popular. For some, an international English exam is an urgent need, but for some it is a simple incentive for further study.

The great advantage of these exams is that you will get international certificate in English, which will help you get a job in a foreign company, it is your guarantee of knowledge of the English language. In addition, certificates are recognized by almost all educational institutions in the United States and other countries. There are also other important points regarding which you should definitely pass an international exam, these include the following:

  • Passing PTE, Toefl, FCE, IELTS is very prestigious. Your knowledge is evaluated by the best professors in the world.
  • International English exams will significantly raise the level of knowledge of the language you are studying.
  • You get the opportunity to continue your studies abroad, because. For this, it is not enough just to know the language, it is important to consolidate this knowledge.
  • You will receive an international certificate in English.
  • You can easily leave for permanent residence in another country, find Good work.
  • The opportunity to get not just a position, but a highly paid prestigious job, for example, the USA.

International English exam
you can take it at any specialized accredited examination center, for example, take the PTE exam or pass the FCE, there is no reason to go abroad. Of course, this opportunity is paid, and payment is usually made long before the exam itself, so keep an eye on the deadlines, do not miss such an important moment.

Everyone can take an international exam, the main thing is to determine for themselves its necessity and, as a result, the type of the exam itself. There is no age limit for general exams. In order for the exam to pass successfully, it is necessary to gain knowledge, both at home and at the courses of European universities, it is very difficult to prepare for them on your own.

The essence of the international English exam is quite simple - you need to score certain points. It is also worth considering that there is a concept of the validity period of the certificate obtained as a result of verification, it can be unlimited and issued for 2 years. You can get an international English certificate only four months after passing the exam.

International exams in English come in different directions, depending on the level of knowledge and the goals for obtaining them. You can take the FCE exam, take the IELTS test, and also get a certificate PTE or TOEFL. For example, to obtain the knowledge necessary for a secretary or manager, it is worth passing the FCE.

The most popular among Russians is the TOEFL exam.
Passing the TOEFL test is necessary for those who decide to enter higher educational institutions in the United States and Canada. The TOEFL test usually consists of four parts: Listening Comprehension, Structure and Written Expression, Reading Comprehension and Test of Written English.

The first part of the TOEFL test pays attention to working with dialogues, in the second - to the correct composition of sentences and grammar, the third - to understanding texts of different content (except for scientific and professional ones) with answers to questions, the result: you will have to write an essay on a given topic.

Pass the TOEFL test
There are two ways: paper (in writing) and electronic (via the Internet). Russians can take the TOEFL test only in one organization - the American Testing Center, which has its branches in different cities countries. You can take the TOEFL test as many times as you like, retaking it for the best score.

To take the TOEFL test, you need to register, this can be done either by mail, the Internet, or by phone. Today, many Testing Centers offer to take a trial TOEFL test, which can be clarified directly in one or another Center.

Another option is to get an FCE certificate.
The FCE is a British English language proficiency test for intermediate students, consisting of five parts: Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening and Speaking. It is necessary to pass an fce exam, as a rule, for admission to secondary educational institutions and for work.

Where to take the FCE exam?
In Russia, you can take the FCE exam at the British Council training centers, as well as the Cambridge ESOL examination centers. The FCE pass is a Level 3 screening test. Based on the results of successful testing where you pass the FCE exam, you can get an FCE certificate, which has no time limits and is recognized by many employers around the world. After passing the fce exam, you will be able to communicate freely, write and understand texts, raise the level of knowledge of the grammar of the language.

Another British exam is the IELTS test.
Passing the IELTS test is good for those who plan to leave to live in Europe: the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or continue their studies at foreign universities. The IELTS test consists of four sections, two of them are the same for everyone, and two differ from the chosen structure of the IELTS test - General or Academic. You can take the IELTS test at many Test Centers (121), each of them has the right to test no more than four times per month, during which you can take the IELTS test. Also, many institutions provide an opportunity to take the IELTS test, as in a trial version, to assess the level of their own knowledge before starting to take the IELTS test for a certificate.

The famous London exam is the PTE test.
following which you can get a PTE General certificate, this exam was formerly known as LTE (London English Language Exam). Getting a PTE General certificate is good for those who plan to study, work in administrative and other bodies, as well as in the field of tourism and trade. The PTE General exam consists of three parts: Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking, which are united by a common theme.

Having passed the PTE General exam and having received the PTE General certificate, you can easily get a job and study, as this certificate is recognized by most foreign institutions. Individuals of all ages can take the PTE exam and thus earn the PTE General certification, as this exam is widely available due to its low cost.

Children aged 8 to 13 can take a special children's exam. For this, a separate line of exams for children PTE Young Learners has been developed.

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The English Language Center "First Decision" offers effective preparation for the international exams FCE, CAE, IELTS and TOEFL, paying due attention to all aspects of the exam in accordance with the exam format.

Studying one of the international exam preparation courses at First Decision English Linguistic Center and passing an exam at an accredited CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH exam center for Cambridge exams will help you get a certificate that is recognized around the world and confirms your level of English proficiency.

An international certificate is a document confirming language proficiency and recognized by educational institutions and employers in different countries ah world. An international certificate can be obtained by passing a special exam in English.

All certificates can be conditionally divided into 2 groups:

American (TOEFL, JET, etc.)

British (IELTS, FCE, CAE, etc.)

Certificates also differ in purpose, for example: TOEFL is a standardized English language proficiency test taken for academic purposes, CEELT is a Cambridge English language test for teachers, BEC is an exam of the University of Cambridge, designed to certify business English skills.

In addition, certificates are divided into "spheres of influence", that is, the countries in which they are recognized. This means that educational institutions in these countries can accept holders of such documents without additional exams by language, and state structures consider such certificates as confirmation of the language skills of applicants for citizenship, work, etc. Having a certificate confirms the ability to work with English-language documentation, use English in the field of management, as well as in any other field, such as tourism, where it is required to maintain contacts with English-speaking colleagues.

Whether you are planning to study abroad, move to another country and get a job, start a career, or just test your skills, First Decision's International Exam Preparation Program is exactly what you need.

1. Cambridge English: Key - Key English Test (KET)

Preparation course for the international exam KET.

This course is designed for students who speak English at the Elementary (A1) level and who want to thoroughly prepare for the KET exam.

The Cambridge English: Key - Key English Test (KET) is a basic level qualification that tests your ability to communicate in English in simple everyday situations.

The KET is the first test in the Cambridge English (ESOL) series of general English exams that tests four language skills: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

The KET certificate is recognized by a number of organizations as proof of basic English proficiency.

Most educational institutions also accept the KET certificate as proof of ownership. base level English.

In preparation for the exam, students will get acquainted with the format of the exam, learn how to perform typical tasks for each of the 3 sections of this exam: reading (and writing (Reading & Writing), listening (Listening), speaking (Speaking); learn to act within the time limits established by the exam format; expand their vocabulary.

Preparing for the Cambridge English: Key – Key English Test (KET) test will give you practical English language skills and you will be able to:

understand and use basic phrases and expressions

introduce yourself and answer basic questions about yourself

communicate in English when your interlocutors speak slowly and clearly

write short, simple messages

Teaching aids: Objective KEY (Cambridge UP), Cambridge English: KEY 1 – 7 (past papers/ practice tests) (Cambridge UP), Speaking Test Preparation Pack for KET (Cambridge UP).

2. Cambridge English: Preliminary - Preliminary English Test (PET)

PET is the second exam in the Cambridge General English series. The exam confirms knowledge of English at the intermediate level (Intermediate) or B1, according to. At this level, students must demonstrate their ability to use English in everyday situations.

The exam consists of 3 parts - reading and writing (Reading and Writing), listening comprehension (Listening), speaking (Speaking).

At this level of language proficiency, students can communicate in spoken and written English in everyday situations at an intermediate level.

Proficiency in English, corresponding to the PET certificate, implies the ability to use the language in everyday situations, while traveling, at work and in correspondence.

The PET certificate is recognized by a number of organizations as a certificate of English language proficiency at an intermediate level.

The PET exam preparation program includes:

systematic development of all language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening

Familiarization with the exam format and completing assignments in this format

training in time planning when performing tasks

analysis of typical mistakes when performing tasks in PET format

Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

significantly expand your vocabulary

understand the main point in direct instructions and public messages

feel at ease in most situations that may arise while traveling

ask questions and participate in substantive conversations at work

write letters and take notes on familiar topics

Study guides: Complete PET (Cambridge UP), Cambridge English: Preliminary 1 - 8 (past papers/ practice tests), Objective PET (Cambridge UP), Instant PET (Cambridge UP), Insight into PET (Cambridge UP).

3. Cambridge English: First - First Certificate in English (FCE)

At this level of language proficiency, one can communicate confidently in spoken and written English in everyday situations at a level above average. FCE-certified English proficiency can be used in everyday life, as well as at work and school. The scope of the certificate is many and varied.

The validity of the FCE certificate is unlimited.

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the format of the exam, to teach how to perform typical tasks for each of the 4 sections of this exam: Reading & Use of English, Writing (Writing), Listening (Listening), speaking (Speaking).

During the course, students:

perform tasks that correspond to the format of the exam

operate within the time limits set by the exam format

develop writing, reading, speaking and listening skills

expand their vocabulary

During the training, control tests are carried out to check the acquired knowledge.

Upon completion of the Cambridge English: First – First Certificate in English (FCE) course, students will be able to:

understand the main idea of ​​the text describing practical and abstract subjects

take an active role in discussions on technical topics within their own competence

speak fluently with a native speaker without mutual effort

easy to communicate on various topics

discuss international news

be able to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a particular situation

Teaching aids: Cambridge English: First 1 - 2 (past papers/ practice tests), Grammar and Vocabulary for First and First for Schools (Cambridge UP), First Trainer (Cambridge UP), Compact First (Cambridge UP), Objective First (Cambridge) UP), Complete First (Cambridge UP).

4. Cambridge English: Advance - Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)

CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) is the fourth exam in the Cambridge General English series of exams, which corresponds to the C1 (Advanced) level according to the CEFR Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The CAE exam is great for those who actively use oral and written English in the areas of professional activity and everyday communication.

It is assumed that at such a high level of language proficiency one can confidently communicate in spoken and written English in everyday situations, while receiving higher education and solving professional problems.

In the CAE exam preparation program, all types of speech activities that make up the exam format are practiced: reading and grammar (Reading and Use of English), writing (Writing), listening comprehension (Listening) and speaking (Speaking).

During the learning process, students:

learn to express their thoughts freely orally and in writing

increase their vocabulary by studying synonyms and antonyms, homonyms, borrowings, idioms, phraseological units, comparisons and comparisons

communicate activate and systematize complex grammatical material

get to know the format of the exam

After completing the course, students will be able to:

understand long and linguistically complex texts, including understanding their hidden meanings

express themselves easily and spontaneously, without difficulty

use language resources flexibly and effectively in social, business, educational or academic contexts

be able to present complex topics in a clear, structured and detailed manner, linking stories together using a diverse range of linguistic resources

The scope of the certificate is many and varied and is highly regarded by companies and universities around the world. In many countries, higher education institutions consider the presence of the Cambridge CAE certificate as an indicator of knowledge of the English language at a level that allows them to study and take exams in various specialties in English.

Teaching aids: Cambridge English: Advanced 1,2 (past papers/ practice tests), Grammar and Vocabulary for Advanced (Cambridge UP), Advanced Trainer (Cambridge UP), Compact Advanced (Cambridge UP), Objective Advanced (Cambridge UP), Complete Advanced (Cambridge UP).

5. Cambridge English: Proficiency - Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

CPE is one of the most difficult Cambridge exams. Passing the CPE means that you speak English as well as an educated Englishman. The CPE certificate corresponds to level C2 of the CEFR Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​and is an international exam confirming the highest level of English language proficiency.

The exam consists of 4 parts: reading and grammar (Reading and Use of English), writing (Writing), listening comprehension (Listening), speaking (Speaking).

Many higher education institutions in different countries consider the presence of the Cambridge certificate Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) as evidence that a candidate can study at universities that have very high requirements for knowledge of the English language and can cope with a task of any complexity.

The CPE Exam Preparation course is designed to help prepare students to take the exam successfully. As a result of the course, students will get a complete understanding of the format of the exam and strategies for effectively completing exam tasks, raise the level of knowledge, and gain experience in taking the exam in conditions as close as possible to the conditions of the real exam.

After completing the Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) exam preparation course, students will be able to:

understand almost everything they read and hear without much effort

summarize information from various oral and written sources, as well as reproduce the main idea and logical connections of this information in a consistent manner

speak freely and accurately

defend your opinion during discussions on difficult topics

Study guides: Cambridge English: Proficiency 1.2 (past papers/ practice tests), Objective Proficiency (Cambridge UP), New Progress to Proficiency (Cambridge UP).

6. Cambridge English: Business - Business English Certificate (BEC)

The BEC international exam preparation course is designed for students who have completed the Active English for Adults Business Course (Business English section of the Adults curriculum) and who want to thoroughly prepare for the exam.

The Cambridge BEC exam is an internationally recognized English language proficiency level that certifies the ability to use English at work.

In order to succeed in international business, a good command of the English language is essential. By passing the international BEC exam, you will gain new opportunities, including significant advantages in hiring with a greater likelihood of rapid career growth.
BEC is recognized by many large companies, government organizations, immigration agencies, educational institutions all over the world, as a necessary proof of English in the field of business.

The results of the Cambridge BEC exam are recognized by such leading international companies like Sony Ericsson, Shell, Vodafone, Bayer, Coca-Cola, HSBC.

BEC comes in three levels of difficulty:

1. B.E.C. Preliminary Designed for students who have a good command of business English vocabulary Intermediate level(B1)

2. BEC Vantage(designed for students who know business English at the level of Upper-Intermediate (B2)

3. B.E.C Higher(intended for students who have completed the Business English course at the Advanced (C1) level.

The BEC preparation program includes tasks for the development of reading (Reading), writing (Writing), listening (Listening) and oral speech (Speaking) in work situations, i.e. the ability to understand business texts, correspondence, advertisements, articles, write letters and reports, listen to business monologues and dialogues, discuss work-related topics.

The structure of all BEC tests is the same, only the number and complexity of tasks, as well as the time allotted for their completion, differ.

Study guides: Business Benchmark (Cambridge UP), Cambridge English: BEC (past papers/ practice tests).

7. IELTS - International English Language Testing System

The program is designed for students who have completed the basic Pre-Intermediate level course according to the European Scale of Levels established by the Council of Europe and who want to prepare for the IELTS exam format to confirm the level of language proficiency for admission to a foreign university and migration.

IELTS is an internationally recognized English language test developed by the UK International Exam Services ( The British Council in collaboration with The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate) and Australia (International Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges). Based on the results of the exam, a conclusion is made on the ability of the examinee to study in the chosen specialty in educational institutions in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and a number of other countries where teaching is conducted in English, on admission to work or issuance of a residence permit.

The IELTS preparation course program covers all the features and aspects of the exam format that are assessed in the process of passing: reading (Reading), written English (Writing), listening comprehension (Listening) and spoken English (Speaking). The program covers the entire format and includes a review of all parts of the exam. great attention is given to the strategy and development of techniques for performing all potential types of tasks by modules and by levels.

There are two versions of the exam:

1. IELTS Academic - designed for people who enter universities and other higher education institutions where teaching is conducted in English

2. IELTS General - for those who apply for emigration to an English-speaking country or plan to work in an English-speaking company.

After completing the IELTS – International English Language Testing System exam preparation course, students:

learn to work on all aspects of writing: relevance to the topic, consistency and coherence, style, vocabulary and grammar

learn to describe different kind diagrams, processes, maps, evolution of objects, essays

replenish vocabulary on the main topics of the colloquial part

will be able to allocate time to perform any type of tasks

The course program includes a trial exam followed by an assessment of the results and analysis of errors.

The IELTS certificate is only valid for two years.

Teaching aids: Complete IELTS (Cambridge UP), Objective IELTS (Cambridge UP), The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS (Cambridge UP), New insight into IELTS (Cambridge UP), Cambridge English: IELTS (past papers/ practice tests), IELTS Trainer (Cambridge UP).

8. TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language

TOEFL is an American English exam designed to assess the level of knowledge of the English language and is structured in the form of multiple choice questions.
The exam was developed by the American Educational Testing Service.

TOEFL is vital for admission to more than 2,400 colleges and universities in the US and Canada, for MBA programs and for those whose employers make TOEFL a prerequisite for work

It is also recognized in higher education institutions, business structures, research centers in other English-speaking countries and in about 150 non-English-speaking countries.

Currently, TOEFL consists of four sections: listening (Listening), reading (Reading), writing (Writing) and speaking (Speaking).

TOEFL preparation is aimed at students with an Intermediate (B1) or Upper-Intermediate (B2) level of knowledge according to the CEFR Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The English Language Center First Decision TOEFL preparation course will introduce students to the exam format and sample tasks for each of the 4 sections of this exam. Students will learn to act within the time limits established by the exam format, expand their vocabulary. The preparation program includes work with grammar, pronunciation and basic speaking skills, as well as work with tasks from previous years (past papers) and a mock exam

The course is aimed at:

improvement general level English, including 4 basic skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening

empowering students to use the specialized language required for the TOEFL

maximizing student potential and rapid progress through a large number of hands-on activities

TOEFL results are considered valid for 2 years.

Teaching aids: Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test (Cambridge), TOEFL preparation (Barron’s).


Although many are sure that it is very easy to get an education abroad, if only there was money, this is not entirely true.

If you decide to study (or work) in an English-speaking country, such as Britain or Australia, then you will need documents confirming a high level of language proficiency in this country. And for this you have to sweat - pass the appropriate exam.

A certificate or diploma indicating that the applicant has passed the exam conducted according to the international methodology will also be recognized by a foreign employer.

If we talk about "English exams", that is, those that are recognized in educational institutions in the UK, then they include Cambridge exams (UCLES), Oxford exams (OXFORD / ARELS), IELTS exams, ESOL (PITMAN) and TRINITY exams.

The University of Cambridge Examination Syndicate UCLES, or Cambridge Certificates as they are also called, are recognized by many British universities, as well as by British and European companies when recruiting.

By the way, only their own certificates are recognized at the University of Cambridge.

Cambridge certificates include KET (Key English Test) - a key test, PET (Preliminary English Test) - a preparatory test, FCE (First Certificate in English) - the first certificate. All of them are issued at the initial stages of education, in contrast to the CAE (Certificate of Advanced English), which confirms a high level of knowledge of the language. Most universities in the UK recognize the presence of a CAE certificate as sufficient for admission. Although some higher education institutions also accept applicants with an FCE certificate. There is also a certificate of the highest level - CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English), indicating perfect command of the English language.

They are so proud there. Therefore, if your plans include studying there, take care of such a document.

Cambridge exams are accepted only by the British Council. Oral tests are taken by British teachers, written works are sent to the UK for evaluation. If you want to know which exam your level of English proficiency corresponds to, you can take pre-tests. All the necessary information can be found on the official website of the Cambridge Examination Syndicate www.ucles.org.uk and the British Council in Russia www.britcoun.org/russia.

The Oxford Written Examination in English as a Foreign Language is administered by the Oxford University Board of Examiners.

The exam has three levels: The Preliminary Examination (intermediate), The Higher Examination (high) and Diploma (language proficiency at the level of a native speaker). In Russia, Oxford exams of the first two levels are accepted by the Examination Methodological Council (EMC) RELOD (www.relod.ru). To pass the Diploma exam, you will have to go abroad.

There are also oral "supplements" to the written Oxford exams. They are called ARELS Oral Examinations and have the same difficulty levels as the Oxford exam. When entering a university, these certificates will not help you, they may be more useful for getting a job.

In Russia, you cannot pass the ARELS exam, for this you will also have to go on a special language tour abroad.

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) certificate, which confirms the practical knowledge of the language, is recognized by most universities in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, as well as universities in other countries where teaching is conducted in English. This certificate is preceded by an examination consisting of four parts (listening, reading, composition and practical writing), each of which is assessed on a 9-point system. To enter the university you need to score at least 6 points.

IELTS takes into account the specialization of the examinee.

There are three types of academic modules - on exact, natural and humanities. The fourth module is intended for other purposes. Examinations are held several times a month at the British Council offices in Moscow. Their results are valid for two years. Details on the website: www.ielts.org/

The Institute's PITMAN ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) exam - English for speakers of other languages ​​- is recognized by all universities in the UK, many foreign universities, which teach in English, as well as business employers in 85 countries around the world.

The PITMAN exam standards are focused on practical use language in solving everyday problems.

ESOL exams have five levels of difficulty: Basic (basic), Elementary (elementary), Intermediate (medium), Higher Intermediate (above average), Advanced (advanced). Intermediate is sufficient to enter an English-speaking school and get an unskilled job, Higher Intermediate is necessary to enter an English-speaking university and get professional work. Advanced is the highest level, sufficient to enter any university and any job.

They take ESOL exams at EMS RELOD (www.relod.ru), an exam at each level implies the possibility of obtaining a certificate of two degrees. You can preliminarily assess what level your knowledge corresponds to by passing a trial exam.

Trinity College London multi-level exams can be taken by anyone, regardless of the level of language proficiency and age.

Trinity Certified Holders top level get the opportunity to enter the largest universities in the UK without a language exam.

Trinity exams are conducted in the form of an oral interview with an examiner. To prepare for the exam, there are special study guides Trinity English. There are several certified centers for taking Trinity exams in Moscow. For all questions, you can contact Trinity College directly: [email protected].

Please note that in the US and Canada, British documents do not have much weight, and not all universities accept them.

TOEFL consists of four parts and is conducted in written and computer versions. There are permanent and temporary testing centers for taking exams in Russia. You can order the Information Bulletin (for the computer version) or the Information Bulletin for Supplemental TOEFL Administration (for the written version) free of charge by mail, where you will find all the information you need. TOEFL official website: www.toefl.org.

Americans have their own system of language tests: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is an international exam in English as a foreign language, prepared by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) of Princeton University. Submission of TOEFL results is a prerequisite for admission to more than 2,400 colleges and universities in the US, Canada and several other countries, as well as participation in many foreign internship programs in institutions where teaching is conducted in English.

If you have not yet changed your mind about conquering the heights of knowledge abroad, choose the appropriate exam and go for it. We wish you success!

Every year, the requirements not only for students, but also for candidates for a good job become tougher, knowledge of English at a decent level is required even where it is not necessary to use it due to the type of activity.

International certificates can confirm your language level. But which international certificate to choose?

The choice of certificate depends on the goals and level. In this article I will talk about the most popular exams, their structure and the skills that are tested.

A certificate in English becomes as much an integral part of a portfolio as a diploma of higher education. Experts at examination centers across Russia are noticing an annual increase in the number of candidates, and, apparently, the trend will continue in the near future.

The reason is simple - managers, with equal chances of candidates, give preference to those who have an international certificate in English, even if the work itself is not related to English. This is a fact that should not be ignored.

Term and perpetual certificates

There are certificates that do not need to be confirmed - once passed, you show for the rest of your life. These are, for example, certificates of the Cambridge academic line, KET, PET, FCE, CAE and CPE. Other certificates, such as IELTS and TOEFL, have a validity of 2 years, after which they are considered invalid.

Very often employers even here in Russia prefer urgent certificates. They are also required to obtain a work or student visa. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, they indicate the score, and the host immediately sees the level of the candidate. Secondly, this is, so to speak, fresh information, because if you took the exam 10 years ago, then it’s not a fact that you can repeat the result now.

I partly agree, but not completely. Firstly, not only the level, but also the score (starting from FCE) is also prescribed in academic perpetual certificates. Secondly, if you have a decent score, for example, from 6.5 on IELTS, which corresponds to the C1 level on the international scale (or the CAE certificate), then it is very unlikely that a candidate of this level will “lose” knowledge and forget English completely in a few years.

It's all lyrics. If we cannot dictate conditions, we are left to accept those that are dictated to us. In other words, the choice of a certificate depends only on the purposes of how you intend to use it.

International rating scaleCEFR

All certificate exams have approximately the same structure. Although the types of tasks differ, all exams are balanced, testing all 4 speech skills (listening (listening comprehension) - Listening, reading - Reading, speaking - Speaking and writing - Writing) against one of the 6 accepted levels, from A1 to C2.

There is an international scale for assessing the level of the language, which states what a person should be able to do at each level. The minimum level required by employers is B1. At this level

« Can understand the main ideas of clear messages delivered in the standard language on various topics that typically arise at work, study, leisure, etc. Can communicate in most situations that may arise during a stay in the country of the language being studied. I can compose a coherent message on topics that are known or of particular interest to me. I can describe impressions, events, hopes, aspirations, state and substantiate my opinion and plans for the future.”

A more detailed description of the skills and requirements for each level can be found, for example, on Wikipedia, from where I took this quote.

Cambridge ruler


The line of exams for adults is opened by KET - Key English Test, level A2 on the international scale. This means that you are unlikely to be able to get a prestigious position, and, of course, you will not be able to enter a university. But you can get a fiance visa, for example. A2 is the minimum level that says that you are safe for the country where you are going - you won’t climb where you don’t need to, you can find your way, order food, make purchases, etc.

The exam consists of 3 parts and lasts less than 2 hours in total:

Part 1 - Reading / Writing - reading and writing - consists of 9 parts, and takes 1 hour 10 minutes.

Tasks 1-5 - reading texts with tasks such as find a match, choose the correct option from several, restore the dialogue. Tasks 6 to 9 test writing skills: find out the word by definition and write it down, fill in the gaps in the text with function words, find and write down the necessary information on the ad and write a short note to a friend, 25-35 words.

Part 2 - Listening - listening - includes 5 tasks for understanding 5 listened texts, monologues and dialogues. Lasts 30 minutes + 8 minutes to complete the answer sheet.

Part 3 - Speaking - speaking - consists of only 2 parts, answers to the examiner's questions and an impromptu dialogue of 2 candidates on assignments on cards.

Due to the huge number of children studying English around the world, Cambridge University offers a variation of the exam - KET for Schools. The level of difficulty is absolutely the same, the difference in the topics of the tasks - the child will not have texts about work and the pub on Fridays, the adult, accordingly, will not be asked about school and favorite toys / cartoons.

To pass the exam, you need to give more than 70% of the correct answers.


The next exam is the so-called threshold level - PET - Preliminary English Test, corresponds to the B1 (Intermediate) level. At this level, a person already communicates quite tolerably in the language, can communicate on everyday topics, watch TV and listen to the radio. You can get a simple job like an administrator (if you're lucky, of course). You can even quite well pass the exam, if you try and work out the tasks of the examination type.

The exam is already larger in volume, but it still has 3 parts:

Part 1 - Reading / Writing - reading and writing - consists of 8 tasks (5 + 3), and takes 1 hour 30 minutes. Texts are longer, grammar is more difficult, a personal letter or story is added to a short note (about 100 words)

Part 2 - Listening - listening - 4 tasks, the same 30 minutes

Part 3 - Speaking - speaking - already consists of 4 parts: an interview with the examiner, work in pairs, a description of the picture (individually) and again pair work, a conversation on the topic of the picture.

There is also PET for Schools. Excellent training before the OGE and even the exam. To pass the exam, you need to give more than 70% of the correct answers.


Level B2 is already serious, this is the level of fluency in the language. Accordingly, the FCE exam (First Certificate in English) is the first serious test. I know practicing English teachers working in schools who failed and received a B1 level certificate. It is also the first exam of the Cambridge line, on which grades appear - Grades A, B, C - pass (passed), D, E - fail (not passed). To pass, you need to score approximately 60% of the correct answers.

Consists of 4 parts, lasts about 3.5 hours. For the first time, literacy tasks (vocabulary and grammar) appear separately, writing becomes a separate test.

Part 1 - Reading and Use of English (1 hour 15 minutes), 7 tasks. The first 4 tasks on vocabulary and grammar (multiple choice, open cloze, word formation and key word transformations), then 3 rather large texts (multiple choice, gapped text and multiple matching).

Part 2 - Writing (1 hour 20 minutes). 1 task is required (essay), the second task is optional, one of 3 (an article, an email/letter, an essay, a report, a review)

Part 3 - Listening (approximately 40 minutes), 4 tasks (multiple choice (1 and 4), sentence completion (2) and multiple matching (3)

Part 4 - Speaking (approximately 14 minutes), 4 tasks (interview with the examiner, compare 2 pictures (individually), pair work (tasks 3 (dialogue) and 4 (discussion))

Even 10 years ago, there were only a few holders of such a certificate, they were gladly hired by good language schools. Now it may not be enough even for admission to a university - many prestigious universities set the C1 level as a minimum threshold. It is also a teacher's pass to schools of foreign languages. You can confirm this level by passing the CAE exam.


Certificate of Advanced English. Level C1 on the international scale. The structure of the exam is similar to the FCE (see above), but the tasks are more difficult. 4 parts, about 4 hours in total.

Part 1 - Reading and Use of English (1 hour 30 minutes). 8 tasks (4 vocabulary and grammar tasks (multiple choice, open cloze, formation word, key word transformations) and 4 reading tasks (multiple choice (2 tasks), multiple matching, gapped text))

Part 2 - Writing (1 hour 30 minutes) - a mandatory task (essay) and one task of choice from three proposed. Choose from a letter, a proposal, a report or a review.

Part 3 - Listening (about 40 minutes), 4 tests (multiple-choice, a sentence-completion task, multiple‑matching questions.) Moreover, in the fourth test, you need to complete 2 tasks at the same time.

Part 4 - Speaking (approximately 15 minutes) - a conversation with the examiner, a monologue on a given topic, a dialogue with a partner, a discussion.

An assessment is also given - Grades A, B, C - pass (passed the exam), D, E - fail (not passed). To pass, you need to score approximately 60% of the correct answers.

If earlier this exam was considered purely professional, it was passed by linguists - translators, teachers of English, but now many universities designate this level as acceptable. The exam is difficult, you can’t “train” on it, it requires not only many years of language practice, but also knowledge of the exam format. Once upon a time, I didn’t take the preparation seriously enough: “Just think! I have been studying English for so many years, can't I pass it perfectly! Passed on C. Like a cold shower - there is a certificate, and not that there is no satisfaction - on the contrary, I was terribly upset. I suffered for a couple of months and sat down to prepare for CPE (I inform you in advance - I passed, grade B)


Certificate of Proficiency in English, С2. The highest language proficiency score for a non-native speaker. Such a certificate is the pride of its owner and the envy of colleagues so far, despite the fact that the number of holders is growing every year - a consequence of the demand and popularity of the English language around the world

According to the structure, this is a complicated version of the CAE, the same 4 parts, similar types of tasks, only the level of complexity is much higher. Perhaps, 1 part of the letter is different - the essay is not on any topic, but the analysis and comparison of 2 short texts, and in Speaking the monologue lasts 2 minutes, and not one as in the StrAU, without visual support (pictures), only the topic.

Yes, and if my experience and impressions of the SAE and CPE are interesting, then I wrote in English.

International English Language Testing System. The most popular certificate at the moment. Recognized by the absolute majority of universities and employers, it is necessary not only to obtain a visa to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, but also to enter to study in English at European universities.

The exam offers 2 formats - Academic (for study) and General (for work). Personally, I did not officially pass, I only did tests, but there is an opinion that Academic IELTS is still more difficult - some graphs in the written part are worth something! And the texts seem more difficult.

Like all decent exams, it consists of 4 parts (modules) - Listening (4 sections, 40 tasks, 30 minutes), Reading (3 sections, 40 tasks 60 minutes), Writing (2 tasks, description of the schedule and essay (Academic writing) , letter and essay (General Writing), 60 minutes), Speaking (3 parts, 15 minutes), with one candidate, the dialogue is conducted with the examiner.

The test is the same for all levels, tasks are built according to the principle “from simple to complex”, i.e., 1 task is the easiest, 4 is the most difficult. Each module is evaluated separately from 0 to 9 points, then the GPA, which is also indicated in the certificate. It is he who is taken into account when applying or obtaining a visa. The certificate is valid for only 2 years, so do not take the exam in advance.


Test of English as a Foreign Language. IELTS competitor, in demand in the US, but also accepted by universities in Canada, Europe and Asia and some foreign employers. I have very little experience preparing for the TOEFL. For all the years of work, only 2 of my students chose this exam, and even that was a long time ago. I only remember that there are very specific tests - one was about undersea world and its inhabitants, written clearly for professional biologists, since I did not understand all the words, even when I translated into Russian - species of animals and plants that I had never heard of, terms describing their life activity, etc. By structure, I’ll just give a table from Wikipedia:

There are several options for passing TOEFL - traditional, in the examination center (the so-called PBT - Paper Based Test), only this center must still be looked for, there are far from every city - check the information on the official websites. The CBT (Computer Based Test) option is currently not relevant. Therefore, the most popular is iBT (Internet Based Test), there are many reception points throughout Russia. The certificate is also valid for only 2 years

5 prep mistakespreparing for international exams

Preparation for international exams is a long and expensive business. Yes, and the exams themselves are not cheap, so this work must be taken very seriously. Think about why you need a certificate, how and when you will use it. Decide which exam to take. Take into account and do not repeat the mistakes that many have already made before you, namely:

Whichever method you choose, remember that exam success is 90% hard work. Follow the plan clearly, exercise at least 3-4 times a week. The International Certificate in English opens the door to prestigious organizations and gives an advantage in admission to best universities. So it's definitely worth the effort.