Russia's participation in the First World War. Participation of Russia in the First World War

Period 1914–1918 is associated primarily with the First World War - a large-scale event that captured the most powerful powers in its whirlpool.

The war began after the assassination by Serbian conspirators in the Bosnian city of Sarajevo in June 1914 of the heir to the Austrian throne, Franz Ferdinand. Austria declared war on Serbia, in response, Russia, as the guarantor of Serbia's independence, began mobilization - bringing the armed forces to combat readiness.

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The real reasons for the start of the war of 1914-1918. there were contradictions between groups of capitalist states, the struggle for spheres of influence, markets, which led to the redivision of the world. On the one hand, these were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, which took shape in the Triple Alliance, on the other, England, France and Russia, united in the Entente. Nicholas II believed that Russia was well prepared for war, and therefore could not let down its allies. In the manifesto on entry into the war, Nikolai noted that Russia was ready for war and called on all the people to go to the defense of the Motherland. The result of the declaration of war was a national upsurge in Russia, an increase in respect for Emperor Nicholas II as a defender of the people, an increase in anti-German sentiments in the country, and the renaming of the capital to Petrograd. The war was received positively by the people.

However, the development of hostilities was weak, already in 1915 the war took on a positional character, the only success of the allied forces was the disruption of the German lightning attack plan. The most striking event of the military campaign was the Brussilovsky breakthrough, the causes of which were the attempts of the Russian high command to break through and defeat the Austrian troops in the region of Lutsk and Kovel. On July 4, 1916, the troops of the South Western Front under the command of General A.A. Brusilov went on the offensive. Brusilov managed to occupy Bukovina and Southern Galicia, overcoming an extremely fortified position, which was considered impregnable by enemies. As a result of the "Brusilov breakthrough", the Germans urgently removed 11 divisions from the Western Front and sent them to help the Austrian troops.

Unfortunately, a single success did not determine the course of the entire war, the army was demoralized, there was no hope for the sovereign, and the country had not been calm for a long time. The soldiers left their fronts and already after the October Revolution, on March 3, 1918, a separate peace treaty was concluded, that is, without the participation of the allied countries, in Brest. Sokolnikov was the head of the Soviet delegation, but L.D. played a big role in the signing. Trotsky, who put forward the concept of "no peace, no war, disband the army." It was because of Trotsky's idea that Russia lost vast territories without a fight, and signed the peace on absolutely unfavorable terms. The consequence of the signing of the Brest Treaty was the isolation of Russia, the loss of a huge part of the territories of the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, the obligation to pay a huge indemnity. The "predatory world" led to dissatisfaction with the policies of the Bolsheviks both inside and outside the country.

Opinions on the role of Russia in the First World War vary, for the most part this war is forgotten due to the influence of Soviet ideology. Contemporaries, including W. Churchill, believed that Russia suffered the greatest losses in the war, taking the brunt of it.

Updated: 2018-03-18

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Unified State Examination on the topic “The First World War. February Revolution 1917"

Part A.

1. What are the causes of the First World War?

a) the desire of the leading world powers to redraw the map of the world in their own interests

b) the desire of the governments of the countries participating in the war to distract their peoples from the revolutionary struggle

c) the desire of the participating countries to take away the colonies from the largest colonial power, Great Britain

2. What was the main outcome of the 1914 military campaign?

a) the signing of a separate peace by Germany and England

b) Germany failed to implement its blitzkrieg plan

c) Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France

3. When did the February 1917 revolution start in Petrograd?

4. What are the main results of the February Revolution?

a) the monarchy fell b) dual power arose

c) the democratization of the country began d) the Constituent Assembly was convened

5. What is the meaning of order #1?

a) the establishment of dictatorships in the proletariatb) the democratization of the army beganc) the State Duma was liquidated

6. What was the main reason for the April crisis of the Provisional Government?

a) Milyukov's note on the continuation of the warb) Lenin's speech at the First Congress of Soviets

c) a breakthrough on the front of General Brusilov

7. Why did the Russian army fail during World War I?

a) poor supply of the army with weapons and shells

b) there was a scattered action of the fronts

c) England and France violated the alliance treaty

8. What are the results of the First World War for Russia?

a) the internal political and economic situation in the country has deteriorated sharply

b) Russia achieved the goals for which it participated in the war

c) during the war in Russia, the First Russian Revolution will take place

9. What events caused the riots in February 1917 in Petrograd?

a) demonstration of women in honor of International Women's Day

b) the dismissal of 30,000 strikers from the Putilov factory

c) speech by the soldiers of the Petrograd garrison

10. What two authorities appeared in Petrograd during the February Revolution?

a) Constituent Assembly

b) Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies

c) Provisional Government

d) Council of State

11. What changes did the Declaration of the Provisional Government, adopted on March 3, 1917, bring into the life of Russia?

a) introduced broad civil rights and freedoms

b) provided the peasants with land

c) brought Russia out of World War I

12. What was the composition of the Entente on the eve of the war?

a) England, USA, France; b) England, Russia, France; c) England, Russia, Italy.

13. Germany declared war on Russia:

a) 06/28/1914; b) July 28, 1914; c) 1.08.1914; d) 3.08.1914

14. Brusilovsky breakthrough took place in:

15. The Verdun operation took place in:

a) 1914, b) 1915; c) 1916; d) 1917

Part B

1. Arrange the events by year:

A) 1914; b) 1916; c) 1918

1. Battle of the Somme; 2. Brusilovsky breakthrough; 3. the first gas attack near Ypres; 4. US entry into the war; 5; battle on the Marne; 6. Battle of Jutland; 7. Battle of Verdun; 8. Milyukov's note on Russia's participation in the war to a victorious end; 9. Brest peace; 10. Compiègne truce;

2. Write the name of the historical event.

Russia abandoned all territories occupied by German troops. It was obliged to demobilize the army, to pay compensation for damage caused to the property of German citizens on its territory.

3. The reasons for the February revolution were.

1 . The agrarian question was not solved

2. Participation of Russia in the First World War

3. Lack of labor legislation

4. Creation of the Provisional Government

5. Creation of the Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies

4. Match.

1. G.E. Lvov A. Minister of Justice

2. A.I. Guchkov B. Minister of Foreign Affairs

3. P.N. Milyukov V. Chairman of the Provisional Government

4. A.F. Kerensky G. Minister of Military Affairs

D. Minister of Finance

5. The reasons for the June and July crises were the authorities.

1. Mass actions of workers

2. Unsuccessful counteroffensive at the front

3. A sharp deterioration in the economic situation of the country

4. Abdication of Nicholas II from the throne

5. Resignation of G.E. Lvov

6. Select events related to the 1917 revolution.

1. Bloody Sunday

2. The fall of the autocracy

3. Establishment of dual power

4. Manifesto "On the improvement of the state order"

5. Kronstadt uprising

Part C

Read the text and do the tasks.

According to the garrison of the Petrograd district to all soldiers of the guard, army, artillery, navy for immediate and accurate execution, and to the workers of Petrograd for information.

  1. The Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies decided:
  2. 1. In all companies, battalions, regiments, batteries, squadrons and separate services of various military departments and on ships of the navy, immediately select committees from elected representatives from the lower ranks of the above military units
  3. 2. In all military units that have not yet elected their representatives to the Council of Workers' Deputies, elect one representative from the companies, who will appear with written certificates in the building of the State Duma by 10 o'clock in the morning on March 2
  4. 3. In all its political actions, the military unit is subordinate to the council of workers' and soldiers' deputies and its committees.
  5. 6. In the ranks and in the performance of official duties, soldiers must observe the strictest military discipline
  6. 7. Rough treatment of soldiers of any military ranks and, in particular, addressing them as “you” is prohibited

C1. Write the name of the document and the date of its adoption.

C2. Expand the main provisions of the document characterizing the relationship to the military.

C3. What event caused the adoption of this document and what is its significance for the military?

C4. Below are 2 points of view on the signing of the Brest Peace. Please indicate which of these points of view you prefer. Give at least three facts, provisions that can serve as arguments confirming your chosen point of view.

  1. The signing of the Brest Peace was forced measure Soviet government.
  2. The signing of the Brest peace was beneficial for the Bolsheviks, as they were afraid of losing power.

C5. . Compare the historical events of the 1905 revolution and the 1917 revolution. Name at least 2 general provisions and at least 3 differences in their activities.


Total: 137 1-20 | 21-40 | 41-60 | 61-80 | 81-100 | 101-120 | 121-137

Read the passage from the memoirs and indicate the name of the war referred to in the passage.

“A ceremonial dinner in honor of Poincaré was held at the Grand Peterhof Palace. It was a wonderful warm evening, through the open windows of the hall came the sound of water erupting from the mighty Samson. In the form of special tactlessness, or perhaps simply due to thoughtlessness, I was seated at dinner next to the German military attache. The conversation, of course, was limited to an exchange of impressions about the comparative beauties of Peterhof and Potsdam. But when Nicholas II got up and began his speech, I wanted to immediately fail on the spot. I could never imagine that the issue of war was already so ripe.


Answer: World War I.

Answer: World War I | World War I

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

he is correct

Based on historical knowledge, list three reasons for the war to which the report relates.

From the official report

“The year was marked by the obvious hostility towards us from France and England, who, in alliance with Turkey, used all possible means to set against us the other powers of Europe.

With the attack on Russia by armed enemies, Polish natives sent out emissaries, sending them mainly to the Kingdom of Poland; the British and French tried to plant outrageous leaflets and pamphlets in Finland, in our southern and western provinces; they intended to bring weapons to Lithuania and put Russian counterfeit money into circulation ...

Unfortunately, I must say that the war aroused criminal feelings and dreams in the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Poland. They hoped that Russia would not endure the struggle, in their opinion, unequal with the European powers, and dream of restoring the former Poland...

The Russians, on the other hand, were all animated by a feeling of love for the Fatherland ... It is revealed in the pious zeal of the people during church prayers for sending successes to our weapons; in lively sympathy for the news of our victories...; everywhere, both in societies and in theaters, every speech about the glorious deeds of our troops leads the listeners into an enthusiastic


At the same time, victims poured down from all sides on the altar of the Fatherland and to help the wounded soldiers fighting for the common cause. In addition to important donations made by the nobility of entire provinces and the inhabitants of cities, people of all classes ... - everyone sacrificed what they could; another brought the latter.

When ... compiling the Naval Militia, so many hunters appeared that many had to refuse ...

In the capital, calm was not disturbed, and the thoughts of everyone are turned only to military events. With unfavorable news from the Crimea, heartfelt participation and general grief about the great losses in our brave troops were always noticeable ... "

Write the name of the war to which the report relates. Indicate the years of this war. Name the Russian emperor, whose reign is the beginning of this war.


1) war - Crimean (Eastern);

2) years - 1853–1856;

3) emperor - Nicholas I


1. Regulations on the attitude of the population to the war:

- the population was embraced by a patriotic upsurge.

2. The following evidence may be indicated:

– active participation in prayers for the glory of Russian weapons;

- manifestations of joy at the news of victories and grief at failures;

- mass donations from different segments of the population;

- readiness to go to the militia.

Response elements can be worded differently


The following causes of the Crimean War can be indicated:

1) Russia's desire to solve the Eastern Question - to put the Black Sea straits under its control;

2) the desire of Turkey to take revenge for the defeat of the XVIII - first half of XIX V.;

3) the desire of Europe to weaken Russia, which played the role of world leader;

4) the anti-Russian mood of public opinion in Europe because of the role of the "gendarme of Europe" that imperial Russia tried to play.

Other reasons may be cited. Reasons may be formulated differently.

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of W. Churchill and write the name of the phenomenon he described.

“Were they, the allies [of the Entente], in a state of war with Soviet Russia? Of course not. But ... they were on Russian soil as conquerors. They armed the enemies of the Soviet government. They blocked his ports. They sank his warships."


It's about intervention. foreign countries against Soviet Russia. When Soviet Russia withdrew from the First World War through the Brest Peace, Russia's former allies - the Entente countries - began to intervene.

Answer: intervention

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a contemporary and indicate what historical event is in question.

“The October Revolution, one of its consequences in the field of foreign policy, had a number of rearrangements in Russia's relations with other states. The most important thing in this reshuffle was that Soviet Russia withdrew from the imperialist war with the powers of the central bloc (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria). Germany, officially recognizing the Soviet power and making peace with it, at the same time ... occupied Ukraine and Finland with its troops.


The text refers to the conclusion of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk between Soviet Russia and Germany on March 3, 1918. This peace allowed Russia to get out of the First World War, but at the cost of territorial losses, Russia lost part of Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states.

Answer: Brest Peace

Source: Yandex: training work USE in history. Option 4.

Read the passage from the historical source and briefly answer questions 20–22. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period.

From a diplomatic note


1) last name - Lenin;

2) year - 1917;


- democratic;

- without annexations;

- without contributions;


Based on the text and knowledge of history, indicate at least three reasons for the event described in the text.

Read an extract from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period.

From the memoirs of a statesman.

“By the end of the day on February 27, all of Petrograd was in the hands of the insurgent troops. The old state machine stopped working... By that time we had established a central body in the Duma to exercise control over the actions of the troops and the rebels. At times, the elements of the crowd took on such a powerful scope that it seemed that it was about to overwhelm us all, but little by little its pressure subsided, giving us a few minutes of respite. From the outside, the Tauride Palace looked more like a military camp than a legislature. ... We were forced to wait for the night, when the crowds of people dispersed and the halls and corridors were empty. Silence fell, and endless discussions, conferences, passionate arguments began in the rooms of the Provisional Committee. There, in the silence of the night, we set about creating the contours of a new Russia...

Blessed is the man who has the fate of surviving the fateful turning years in world history, for he gets the opportunity to look deep into the history of mankind, to become a witness of how the world, the old world, is being destroyed, and a new one is emerging.

It was a historic moment that gave rise to [ new Russia], which took the place of Russia, desecrated and polluted by Rasputin and hated by all the monarchy. Unpopular officials were literally swept away from their posts, many of them were killed and wounded. The workers at the factories, having stopped work, began to eliminate managers and engineers who were objectionable to them, taking them out of the enterprises in wheelbarrows. In some areas, the peasants ... began to solve the agrarian issue in their own way, expelling the landlords and seizing their lands ... After three years of war, the soldiers, tired at the front, refused to obey their officers and continue the war with the enemy.

What event is the document talking about? What year does it belong to? What were the two major new authorities that arose at the start of this event?


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) event - February Revolution (overthrow of the monarchy);

2) year - 1917;

3) authorities:

Provisional government;

Petrosoviet (Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies)


The correct answer must contain the following elements: the attitude of the author: the author welcomes the revolution; evidence, for example:

He actively participates in the creation of a new government, in the creation of a "new Russia";


The following reasons for the February Revolution can be named:

Unresolved agrarian question;

Unresolved work issue;

Unresolved national question;

Contradictions between the tsarist regime and the opposition on the political structure of Russia;

Defeats and losses during the First World War;

The fatigue of the army, the unwillingness of the soldiers to continue the war;

The unpopularity of the government;

Write the name of the war, the events of which are indicated on the diagram.


Answer: World War I.

Answer: World War I | World War I

Read an excerpt from the deputy chief's statement general staff the French army of General Chassin and indicate the battle in question.

"1941, which was to be the year of the final establishment of German domination in Europe, ended with a terrible defeat for the Nazis ... The battle ... marked an important turning point in the war."

1) for the Dnieper

2) Stalingradskaya

3) on the Kursk Bulge

4) Moscow


We are talking about the Battle of Moscow in September 1941-January 1942. It was the first major German defeat since the start of World War II. The victory of the Red Army near Moscow thwarted the German plan for a blitzkrieg.

The correct answer is numbered: 4.

Answer: 4

Read an excerpt from the royal manifesto.

“We declare to all Our faithful subjects:

Following its historical precepts, Russia, united by faith and blood with the Slavic peoples, has never looked at their fate indifferently. With complete unanimity and special strength, the fraternal feelings of the Russian people for the Slavs in last days when Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with demands that were obviously unacceptable for the Sovereign State. Despising the compliant and peaceful response of the Serbian government, rejecting the benevolent mediation of Russia, Austria hastily launched an armed attack, opening the bombardment of defenseless Belgrade.

Forced by the circumstances to take the necessary precautions, We ordered that the army and navy be brought to martial law, but, cherishing the blood and property of Our subjects, We made every effort to achieve a peaceful outcome of the negotiations that had begun. In the midst of friendly relations, Germany, allied with Austria, contrary to Our hopes for an age-old good neighborhood and not heeding Our assurance that the measures taken have no hostile goals, began to seek their immediate cancellation and, having met with a refusal of this demand, suddenly declared war on Russia.

Now it is no longer necessary to intercede only for the unjustly offended kindred country, but to protect the honor, dignity, integrity of Russia and its position among the Great Powers.

We unshakably believe that all Our faithful subjects will unanimously and selflessly stand up to defend the Russian Land.

In the terrible hour of trial, may internal strife be forgotten. May the unity of the Tsar with His people be strengthened even more closely, and may Russia, which has risen as one man, repulse the daring onslaught of the enemy.

With deep faith in the righteousness of Our cause and humble hope in the Almighty Providence, We prayerfully call on Holy Rus' and Our valiant troops for God's blessing.

In what year was this manifesto published? Indicate the name of the war, the beginning of which it refers to. Name the monarch who issued this manifesto.


The answer should indicate: 1. year of publication of the Manifesto: 1914; 2. Name of the war: World War I; Name of the monarch: Nicholas II.

Source: Unified State Examination in History 05/30/2013. main wave. Far East. Option 5.

What year is the publication of this manifesto? Name the war during which this manifesto was published. Name the Russian emperor, whose reign is the beginning of this war.

Read the passage from the historical source and briefly answer questions 20–22. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period.

From the manifesto of a political party

"Citizens! The strongholds of Russian tsarism fell. The prosperity of the royal gang, built on the bones of the people, collapsed. The capital is in the hands of the insurgent people. Parts of the revolutionary troops took the side of the rebels. The revolutionary proletariat and the revolutionary army must save the country from the final destruction and collapse that the tsarist government has prepared.

With enormous efforts, blood and lives, the Russian people shook off centuries of slavery.

The task of the working class and the revolutionary army is to create a Provisional Revolutionary Government, which should stand at the head of the new emerging republican system.

The provisional revolutionary government must take upon itself the creation of temporary laws protecting all the rights and liberties of the people, the confiscation of monastic, landlord, cabinet and appanage lands and transfer them to the people, the introduction of the 8-hour day and the convening of the Constituent Assembly on the basis of a general without distinction of sex, nationality, religion, direct, equal suffrage by secret ballot...

The reaction hydra can still raise its head. The task of the people and their revolutionary government is to suppress all anti-popular counter-revolutionary plans.

The immediate and urgent task of the Provisional Revolutionary Government is to enter into relations with the proletariat of the belligerent countries for the revolutionary struggle of the peoples of all countries against their oppressors and enslavers ... against tsarist governments and capitalist cliques and for the immediate cessation of the bloody human slaughter that is imposed on the enslaved peoples.

The factory and plant workers, as well as the insurgent troops, must immediately elect their representatives to the Provisional Revolutionary Government, which must be created under the protection of the insurgent revolutionary people and the army.

List at least three tasks set in the manifesto for the new government.


The following tasks can be specified:

1) ensuring the rights and freedoms of the population;

2) the transfer to the population of monastic, landlord, office and specific lands;

3) the introduction of an eight-hour working day;

4) convocation of the Constituent Assembly;

5) fight against counter-revolution;

6) establishing contacts with the proletariat of the belligerent countries for the revolutionary struggle of the peoples of all countries against their governments and ending the world war.

Involving historical knowledge, name at least three reasons for Russia's participation in the war to which the publication of the manifesto belongs.


The following reasons for Russia's participation in the war can be named:

The desire to protect fraternal Slavic and Orthodox Serbia from Austrian aggression;

Russia's allied obligations to France, whose conflict with Germany seemed inevitable;

Pursuit tsarist regime reinforce their authority, rally the nation around the throne in wartime;

Russia's desire to solve the Eastern question.

Other reasons may be cited. The reasons may be formulated differently.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) year - 1917;

2) war - World War I;

3) Emperor - Nicholas II.

military operation Soviet troops ended near Stalingrad

1) the exit of Soviet troops to the State Border of the USSR

2) stabilization of the front and transition to a positional war

3) the battle of Prokhorovka

4) the encirclement and destruction of the German army under the command of F. Paulus


Right: Battle of Stalingrad ended with the encirclement and destruction of the German army under the command of F. Paulus. Everything else is wrong: our troops reached the state border in 1944, the battle near Prokhorovka in the summer of 1943, the stabilization of the front and the transition to positional warfare are typical of the First World War.

The correct answer is numbered: 4

Answer: 4

Source: Demo version of the USE-2015 in history.

What is the name of the Russian emperor, during whose reign the beginning of the war belongs, the events of which are indicated in the diagram. In your answer, indicate the name and serial number (for example, Peter the Great).


On the map East Prussian operation 1914, which ended with the death of Samsonov's army, but the salvation of France during the First World War.

Answer: Nicholas II.

Answer: Nicholas II

Write the missing name in the text. What year is this request for? Indicate the name of the war, the termination of which it refers to.

Read the passage from the historical source and briefly answer questions 20–22. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period.

From a diplomatic note

“I have the honor to inform you, Mr. Ambassador, that the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies organized on October 26 (November 8) a new Government of the Russian Republic, in the form of the Council of People's Commissars. The Chairman of this Government is _______________, the leadership foreign policy entrusted to me as People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs.

Drawing your attention to the text of the proposal for an armistice and a democratic peace without annexations and indemnities on the basis of the self-determination of peoples, approved by the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, I have the honor to ask you to consider this document as a formal proposal for an immediate truce on all fronts and the immediate opening of peace negotiations, a proposal with which the plenipotentiary Government of the Russian Republic addresses simultaneously all the belligerent peoples and their governments.

Please accept the assurance, Mr. Ambassador, of the deep respect of the Soviet government for the people of the United States, who cannot but strive for peace, like all other peoples, exhausted and bled dry by an unprecedented massacre.

From a government message

"Citizen supreme commander. The Council of People's Commissars, on behalf of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, took power into its own hands, together with the obligation to propose to all warring peoples and their governments an immediate truce on all fronts and the immediate opening of negotiations for the conclusion of peace on democratic principles. ... A corresponding notice was sent by the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs to all authorized representatives of the allied countries in Petrograd.

How does the government appeal characterize the foundations on which it is proposed to conclude peace?

Give at least two provisions from the diplomatic note that correspond to these basics.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) a description of the foundations for concluding peace, for example:

- democratic;

2) provisions on peace conditions, for example:

- without annexations;

- without contributions;

on the basis of self-determination of peoples.

The answers could be worded differently.

Involving historical knowledge, indicate at least three reasons for Russia's participation in the war, the appeal to stop which is contained in the appeal.


The following reasons for Russia's participation in the First World War can be indicated:

- Russia's defense of fraternal (Slavic and Orthodox) Serbia from Austrian aggression;

- Russia's protection of its interests in the Balkans, the desire to resolve the Eastern Question (establishment of control over the Black Sea straits);

- Russia's fulfillment of its allied duty to France in the context of the unresolved Franco-German conflict;

- the desire, through a patriotic upsurge, to support the shattered authority of the tsarist government.

Other reasons may be given


1) last name - Lenin;

2) year - 1917;

3) the name of the war is World War I

Match between international events and their dates. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.



NATO was created in 1949. The Hungarian Crisis occurred in 1956. The Berlin Wall was erected in 1961. Prague Spring was in 1968. Extra: 1945 - the end of World War II.

Answer: 2345

Source: Yandex: USE training work in history. Option 6.

Establish a correspondence between processes (phenomena, events) and facts related to these processes (phenomena, events): for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



A) oprichnina - the death of Metropolitan Philip at the hands of Malyuta Skuratov.

B) Civil War in Russia - the assault on Perekop.

C) the reforms of Alexander II - the creation of a world court.

D) the struggle of Moscow and Tver for leadership in the Russian lands - the death of Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich in the Horde.

Answer: 2435.

Answer: 2435

Below are four historical figures from different eras. Choose ONE of them and complete the tasks.

1) Vladimir Monomakh;

2) Nicholas II;

3) Franklin Roosevelt;

4) L.I. Brezhnev.

Indicate the lifetime of the historical figure (up to a decade or part of a century). Name at least two areas of its activity and give them brief description. Indicate the results of its activities in each of these areas.


Nicholas II (1868-1918)

6. Russo-Japanese war

11. World War I

12. Abdication

4. Revolution of 1905-1907

Vladimir Monomakh (1078-1125)

Main activities:

1. From 1078 Prince of Chernigov

2. Since 1094 Prince Pereyaslavsky

3. From 1113 Grand Duke of Kiev

4. Organization of a congress "for the dispensation of peace" of princes in Lyubech (an attempt to overcome princely strife and resolve the issue of succession to the throne in Kyiv and individual principalities)

5. Military campaigns against the steppe Polovtsians

6. Drawing up the "Charter of Vladimir Vsevolodovich", the final legislative act of "Russian Pravda"

7. Compilation by the prince of "Instructions"

8. Further edition under the Grand Duke of "The Tale of Bygone Years"

1. Legalization of the transfer of the throne in local principalities according to the paternal principle (from father to son), and in Kyiv according to the ladder principle (by seniority in the clan)

2. The weakening of the raids of the steppes on Russian lands

3. Further development written law

4. Expansion of the borders of Kievan Rus

5. An attempt to develop the spiritual and religious foundations of the "code" of honor of the Orthodox ruler

5. Development of church architecture

6. Development of religious and secular culture

Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich (1906 - 1982),

Main activities:

1, party member since 1931, member of the Central Committee since 1952, member of the Politburo (Presidium) of the Central Committee since 06/29/57 (candidate 10/16/52-03/06/53 and 02/27/56-29/06/57) , Secretary of the Central Committee 10/16/52-03/06/53, 02/27/56-07/16/60 and 06/22/63-10/14/64,

2. Since 1954, the second, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. In 1956-1960 and 1963-1964 secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, at the same time in 1958-1964. deputy Chairman of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU for the RSFSR.

3. In 1960 - 1964 and since 1977 Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Since 1964

3. First, since 1966 General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, at the same time in 1964-1966. Chairman of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU for the RSFSR. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 3-10 convocations.

4. Hero Soviet Union(1966, 1976, 1978, 1981), Hero of Socialist Labor (1961). Marshal of the Soviet Union (1976). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1979). Laureate of the international Lenin Prize "For the strengthening of peace between peoples" (1973).

5. Being one of the main participants in the conspiracy that led to the removal of Khrushchev, he has been head of the party since 1964 and plays a paramount role in the implementation of the new collegial policy of the USSR. Acting as a guarantor of the stability of the situation within the country, sharing with A. Kosygin the responsibility for carrying out economic reforms, and with M. Suslov - for following the "correct" ideological line, Brezhnev leaves a noticeable personal imprint on the Soviet foreign policy of this period. The invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 is followed by a search for ways to defuse tensions with the West, until the fateful invasion of Afghanistan reveals the true face of the decrepit, ossifying regime. Satisfying his ambition with a kind of cult of personality,

6. After the drastic changes in politics under Khrushchev, the arrival of Brezhnev to the post of General Secretary of the party means a return to a more measured political life, which is expressed, among other things, in an extraordinary, compared to the previous period, stability in the composition of the country's leadership. During Brezhnev's 18 years in power, the Soviet government pursued a realistic policy, abandoning Khrushchev's "plans" for building communism in favor of the outwardly more modest concept of "developed socialism" as the stage at which, in the opinion of the leadership, the USSR is located. Deeply conservative in their political views, the Brezhnev "team" begins its activities by focusing on issues economic development country and begins in 1965 to carry out a series of reforms aimed at granting greater independence to enterprises. The result of these reforms is a slight increase in the standard of living of the population, especially in rural areas, but after the first period of real growth in the country's economy, by the mid-70s, signs of stagnation appear, and the irremovability of the political leadership leads to the growth of the nomenklatura, concerned mainly with the preservation of their posts and privileges. The party's claim to a leading role in all spheres of social life is expressed primarily in its obsession with the idea of ​​complete control over the intelligentsia. The image of the almighty state begins to crack with the emergence of the phenomenon of dissidence, which, as it were, symbolizes - although there are negligibly few dissidents - the widening gap between the government and society. In the international arena, Brezhnev continues to follow the course initiated by Khrushchev to develop a dialogue with the West. The settlement of the status of Berlin, the recognition of the inviolability of borders in Eastern Europe, and especially the first bilateral disarmament agreements represent tangible achievements of the policy of détente, culminating in the signing of the Helsinki Accords. These successes, however, turn out to be seriously undermined by the intrigues of the USSR in Africa, and then by a direct invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, after which international affairs tension reigns again.

Results: Domestic policy in the time of B. was determined by the militarization of the economy, the creeping restoration of Stalinism, the widening gap between the prosperity of the upper classes and the miserable life of the lower classes, and the corruption of the authorities from top to bottom. The criminal foreign policy - from the introduction of tanks into Czechoslovakia in 1968 to the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 - was only a logical consequence of domestic policy. The leading role of the CPSU, enshrined in the Constitution of 1977, only conserved the existing situation. B.'s activity led to crisis, stagnation in the economy, gave rise to an epoch-making phenomenon - freethinking, or dissidence, showed his successors the unviability of "developed Socialism" and the need for reforms.

Roosevelt Franklin Delano

Roosevelt F.D.

Roosevelt Franklin Delano (January 30, 1882 - April 12, 1945), statesman United States, President of the United States in 1933-45. Lawyer by education; studied at a privileged private school in Groton, Harvard and Columbia Universities. In 1910 he was elected to the New York State Senate from the Democratic Party. In 1913-20, as Assistant Secretary of the Navy in the government of T. V. Wilson, he advocated strengthening the naval power of the United States. In 1920 R. - a candidate for Vice President of the United States from the Democratic Party. After losing the election, he returned to private law practice and business activities. From August 1921, as a result of poliomyelitis, he lost the ability to move freely for life. Despite his illness, R. continued to play an increasingly prominent role in the leadership of the Democratic Party. In 1928 he was elected governor of New York. In the context of the global economic crisis of 1929–33 and the intensification of the class struggle in the country, R.'s criticism of the reactionary policy of the ruling Republican Party contributed to the growth of his popularity. In 1932 R. was elected President of the United States from the Democratic Party. Upon taking office (1933), R. took a number of emergency measures for state regulation of the economy, which, he believed, could improve the economy and save the capitalist system. Under pressure from the working masses, the R. government also made some concessions in the social field. On the whole, R.'s reforms, known as the New Deal, marked a new stage in the development of state-monopoly capitalism in the United States. In 1936, with the decisive support of the popular masses, R. was elected president for a second term. Despite the limited and inconsistent results of the "new course", due to the class nature of bourgeois reformism, R. and subsequently retained the support of the majority of voters. For the first time in US history, R. was elected president for a third (in 1940) and then for a fourth (in 1944) term.

In the field of foreign policy R. showed himself as a realistically thinking statesman. On November 16, 1933, the R. government established diplomatic relations with the USSR. Given the growing countries Latin America resistance to the expansion of American imperialism, R. proclaimed the doctrine of "good neighborliness", giving preference to veiled forms of penetration into these countries. R. was aware of the danger threatening the United States from fascism and condemned the aggressive designs of Germany, Italy, and Japan. With the outbreak of the 2nd World War of 1939-45, he advocated providing support to Great Britain and France against Nazi Germany. After the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR, on June 24, 1941, he announced the readiness of the United States to support the struggle of the Soviet people. In contrast to the reactionary forces of the United States, who spoke from the standpoint of anti-Sovietism, he defended the idea of ​​​​rapprochement between the two countries and the provision of material assistance to the USSR. After the United States entered the war (December 1941), R. made a major contribution to the creation and strengthening anti-Hitler coalition. Representing the United States at the Tehran (1943) and Crimean (1945) conferences, he attached great importance to the development of the post-war international cooperation and the creation of the UN. He highly appreciated the courage and steadfastness of the Soviet people in the fight against the invaders and acted as a staunch supporter of maintaining and strengthening cooperation between the USSR and the USA in post-war period, seeing in this the most important condition for the preservation of world peace.

Results: Domestic policy: Thanks to his activities, the United States relatively quickly got out of the global crisis of the 30s, increased the role of the state in the country's economic life, and improved the social sphere.

Foreign policy: His activities played a big role in the victory over Nazi Germany. There was a rapprochement with the USSR. He created the prerequisites for the transformation of the United States into a great superpower.

Below are four historical figures from different eras. Choose from them ONE and complete the tasks: indicate the lifetime of a historical figure (up to a decade or part of a century), name the main areas of his activity and give a brief description of them, indicate the results of his activity.

1) Dmitry Donskoy;

2) M. M. Speransky;

3) N. S. Khrushchev;

4) Adolf Hitler.


Dmitry Donskoy

Main activities:

1. The struggle of Dmitry Ivanovich with reliance on Russian Orthodox Church for the preservation of their rights to the great reign of Vladimir

2. Construction of the white stone Kremlin in Moscow

3. Continuation of the policy of "collecting lands"

4. Reflection of raids on Moscow by the troops of the Lithuanian prince Olgerd

5. Military campaign against Tver in 1374-1375.

6. Battle on the Vozha River - the first victorious battle of Russian troops with the Horde

7. The victory of the united Russian army in the Battle of Kulikovo

8. Carrying out military reform

9. The beginning of the formation of the Grand Duke's court

1. Preservation for the Moscow prince of the rights to the great reign of Vladimir

2. Strengthening the military power of Moscow

3. Joining a number of lands and multiplying the territories of the Moscow Principality

4. Rejection Prince of Tver from claims to the throne of Vladimir and the final approval of Moscow's rights to the great reign of Vladimir

5. Destruction of the traditional belief in the invincibility of the Golden Horde

6. Reforming the Moscow army and strengthening the grand ducal power

Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky (1772-1839)

Main activities:

1. Main activities:

2. Russian public and statesman of the times of Alexander I and Nicholas I

3. Developed draft reforms of the state power system

4. Document - "Introduction to the code of state laws"

5. The proposal to introduce the classical principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial as the basis of the state structure

6. It was supposed to establish the division of society into three classes: the nobility, the "middle class", "the working people"

1. Instead of the Permanent Council, the State Council was established, consisting of 35 people appointed by the emperor

2. The whole complex of transformations proposed by Speransky was not implemented due to the resistance to reforms on the part of the nobility and the indecision of Alexander I

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (1894-1971)

Main activities:

1. First Secretary of the Central Committee of the KPS, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR

2. Reforms in the field of industrial management

3. Decentralization of economic management and restructuring of industry management from the sectoral principle to the territorial one

4. Elimination of 10 major industrial ministers and their replacement by territorial administrations - economic councils, who managed local enterprises

5. Consolidation of economic councils. Establishment of the Council National economy USSR and Union republics, as well as state committees for industries as an attempt to overcome negative trends in the economy

6. N. S. Khrushchev's reforms in the field of agriculture

7. Revival of agricultural production

8. Increased administrative pressure on the agricultural sector

1. The changes had a short-term effect, and then separate tendencies began to appear, the unified technical policy was violated

2. The reform did not bring cardinal changes to the economy, but only increased industrial and managerial confusion

3. Fall in agricultural production

4. Deterioration in the supply of food to the population

5. Start of grain import from abroad

6. Growing discontent in society and the resignation of N. S. Khrushchev

Adolf Gitler

Years of life: 1889 - 1945

Main activities:

Main results of activity:

3. Europe was divided into two camps: Western capitalist and Eastern socialist. Relations between the two blocs deteriorated sharply. A couple of years after the end of the war, the Cold War began. Explanation.

Svyatoslav Igorevich (957-972)

Main activities:

Nicholas II (1868-1918)

Main activities:

1. Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke Finnish, the last Emperor of the Russian Empire

2. Manifesto of February 3, 1899 on the order of legislation in the Grand Duchy of Finland

3. Agreement signed between Russia and Austria for 10 years

4. Implemented monetary reform

6. Russo-Japanese war

7. On April 17, 1905, a decree “On strengthening the principles of religious tolerance” was issued, which abolished a number of religious restrictions, in particular with regard to “schismatics”

9. Publication of a new law on elections to the First State Duma

10. Stolypin's agrarian reform began to be carried out

11. World War I

12. Abdication

1. Establishing the gold standard of the ruble

2. Period of economic growth

3. Defeat in the Russo-Japanese War

4. Revolution of 1905-1907

5. Russia became the main exporter of agricultural products, it accounted for 2/5 of all world agricultural exports

6. Formation of political parties

7. Creation of the State Duma

8. Reform of the State Council - its transformation into the upper house of parliament

9. Approval of the "Basic Laws of the Russian Empire"

10. Declaration of freedom of speech

11. Partial political amnesty

12. Participation of Russia in the First World War

13. Revolution of 1917 and Civil War

14. Formation of a coalition provisional government headed by A.F. Kerensky

15. The coming of the Bolsheviks to power

16. The execution of Nicholas II and his family. Fall of the monarchy

Egor Timurovich Gaidar (1956 - 2009)- Russian statesman and politician, economist, doctor of economic sciences.

Main activities: I As an economist:

1. Founder and director of the Institute for Economic Policy. E. T. Gaidar.

II As a politician and statesman:

1. One of the main leaders and ideologists of the economic reforms of the early 1990s in Russia.

2. In 1991-1994, he held high positions in the Russian government, including for 6 months he was and. O. chairman of the government.

3. Took part in the preparation of the Belovezhskaya agreement.

4. Under the leadership of Gaidar, the transition from a planned to a market economy began, prices were liberalized, the tax system was reorganized, foreign trade was liberalized, and privatization was launched.

5. One of the key participants in the events on the part of the government during the Constitutional crisis of 1993 and the termination of the Congress people's deputies and the Supreme Soviet of Russia.

6. Organizer of anti-war rallies during the First Chechen War.

7 Founder and one of the leaders of the Democratic Choice of Russia and the Union of Right Forces parties.

8. Head of the Russia's Choice faction in the State Duma of the first convocation (1993-1995) and deputy from the SPS faction of the Duma of the third convocation (1999-2003).

9. Took part in the development of the Tax Code, Budget Code, legislation on the Stabilization Fund.

Results and results:

The attitude towards Gaidar and his reforms is contradictory. Gaidar's supporters believe that his reforms in 1992 averted mass famine and civil war and created the foundations for future economic growth. Gaidar's opponents accuse him of various negative consequences of the reforms, from falling living standards to the deliberate destruction of the economy. There are also intermediate points of view that see both positive and negative aspects in its activities. Gaidar's memory is immortalized by a decree of the President of Russia.

Jacques Chirac

Born in 1932

Chirac Jacques - French statesman and politician, President of France (1995 - 2007), Prime Minister (1974 - 1976, 1986 - 1988).

Main activities:

Prior to being appointed President:

1. Slowing down the growth of unemployment in France.

2. Development of entrepreneurship. Reducing business taxes. Transfer to private hands of some enterprises nationalized by socialists, insurance companies, banks.

As president:

1. Striving for the integration of France into the European Union.

2. Tougher policy towards immigrants.

3. Repeal of laws providing for the liberalization of police work.

Main results of activity:

1. Dissatisfaction with the policies of Chirac led to the failure of the referendum on the ratification of the EU Constitution in 2005.

2. In 2005, riots of immigrants from Arab countries broke out in France.

3. Jacques Chirac's refusal to support the US in the anti-Iraq campaign led to a cooling of Franco-American relations.

4. The Paris Museum of Primitive Art was created.


Svyatoslav Igorevich (957-972)

Main activities:

1. Eastern campaign of Svyatoslav 964-965. (the defeat of the Khazar Khaganate, the weakening of the Volga Bulgaria, a breakthrough to the Caucasus and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, the conquest of the lands of the Vyatichi)

2. Campaign in the Danube 967-968.

3.War with Byzantium 970-971

1. Strengthening the grand ducal power in Rus'

2. Expansion of the territories of the state

4. Complication of relations between Rus' and Byzantium

Nicholas II (1868-1918)

Main activities:

1. Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland, last Emperor of the Russian Empire

2. Manifesto of February 3, 1899 on the order of legislation in the Grand Duchy of Finland

3. Agreement signed between Russia and Austria for 10 years

4. Implemented monetary reform

6. Russo-Japanese war

7. On April 17, 1905, a decree “On strengthening the principles of religious tolerance” was issued, which abolished a number of religious restrictions, in particular with regard to “schismatics”

9. Publication of a new law on elections to the First State Duma

10. Stolypin's agrarian reform began to be carried out

11. World War I

12. Abdication

1. Establishing the gold standard of the ruble

2. Period of economic growth

3. Defeat in the Russo-Japanese War

4. Revolution of 1905-1907

5. Russia became the main exporter of agricultural products, it accounted for 2/5 of all world agricultural exports

6. Formation of political parties

7. Creation of the State Duma

8. Reform of the State Council - its transformation into the upper house of parliament

9. Approval of the "Basic Laws of the Russian Empire"

10. Declaration of freedom of speech

11. Partial political amnesty

12. Participation of Russia in the First World War

13. Revolution of 1917 and Civil War

14. Formation of a coalition provisional government headed by A.F. Kerensky

15. The coming of the Bolsheviks to power

16. The execution of Nicholas II and his family. Fall of the monarchy

Mahatma Gandhi

Years of life: 1869 -1948

Gandhi Mohandas Karamchang is an Indian public and political figure, one of the leaders of the national liberation movement, the ideologist of Gandhism.

Main activities:

1. Anti-racist activity. In 1914, he achieved the abolition of the most offensive racist laws for Indians.

2. Reorientation of the Indian market to Indian goods. Campaign for spinning national fabrics.

3. Speech against untouchability and castes, against religious hatred.

4. The fight against the British presence in India and the course for the country's independence before the Second World War. Speeches and demonstrations of the people. Rejection of the salt monopoly of the state.

5. Religious clashes between India and Pakistan. Gandhi was in the minority, the majority of the INC agreed to the British terms. On August 14, 1947, the Indian Union was proclaimed. Millions of people have moved from India to Pakistan and vice versa. This led to mass clashes in which about 700 thousand people died.

Main results of activity:

1. In 1936, Britain was forced to reform India. Regional self-government bodies were created, the elections for which were won by the INC (Indian National Congress).

2. Gandhi's "death" hunger strikes became a powerful factor in public life that humbled religious extremists.

On January 12, 1948, Gandhi went on a "death" hunger strike demanding an end to the clashes. The clashes have stopped. On January 30, Gandhi was killed during a public speech by a terrorist from an extremist Hindu organization, who believed that the leader of the national liberation movement had betrayed the interests of the Hindus in favor of the Muslims.

Main activities:

1. The final stage of the policy of "collecting lands" (the annexation of Yaroslavl, Rostov, Novgorod, Tver, Perm, the Trans-Ural lands, etc.)

2. Campaigns against Kazan

3. Refusal to send tribute to the Horde and "Standing on the Ugra River"

4. Wars with the Livonian Order. Construction of Ivangorod as an outpost in the Baltic

5. Wars with Lithuania

6. The beginning of the use of the official title of "sovereign of all Rus'"

7. Creation of the Sudebnik of 1497

8. The introduction of St. George's Day and payments by peasants to the elderly

1. Creation of a unified Moscow (Russian) state

2. Strengthening the political influence of Moscow on the Kazan Khanate

3. Elimination of tributary relations and dependence of Rus' on the Horde

4. The beginning of the consolidation of the Moscow state in the Baltic. The conclusion of a truce with the Livonian Order for 50 years

5. The establishment of Moscow's power over the former Lithuanian cities (Novgorod-Seversky, Chernigov, Gomel, Bryansk, etc.)

6. Laying the foundations for the transformation of the grand-ducal power into the autocratic royal

7. Creation of a unified code of laws of the united Moscow state (the beginning of the formation of a single legal space on the territory of the state)

8. The beginning of the enslavement of the peasants

9. The beginning of the development of the Urals and Siberia

Sergei Yulievich Witte (1849-1915)

Main activities:

1. Russian statesman, Minister of Communications, Minister of Finance, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, Chairman of the Council of Ministers

2. Supporter of accelerated industrial development

3. Tight tax policy, increase in indirect taxes, introduction of the state wine monopoly

4. Protectionism designed to protect Russian industry from foreign competitors

5. Financial reform

6. Widespread attraction of foreign capital to the country

7. Rail fare reform

8. Industry tax reform

1. Introduction of the gold backing of the ruble and its free conversion

2. Liquidation of large accumulations of untransported goods that have become commonplace

3. The creation of the State Duma, the transformation of the State Council, the introduction of electoral legislation and editing the Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire

4. Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Chinese Eastern Railway

Adolf Gitler

Years of life: 1889 - 1945

Adolf Hitler - Fuhrer and Imperial Chancellor of Germany (1933-1945).

Main activities:

Prior to Hitler's appointment as Chancellor:

1. During the First World War, he volunteered for the German army. He was awarded the Iron Cross.

2. Became a member of the German Workers' Party. Having quickly pushed aside its creators from the leadership of the party, he became the absolute leader - the Fuhrer. In 1919 the party was renamed the German National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany.

3. Participant of the "beer putsch". The court sentenced Hitler to 5 years in prison, but after 9 months he was released.

After appointment as Reich Chancellor:

1. "Unification" of Germany. The communist and social democratic parties were banned. A number of parties dissolved themselves. Trade unions were liquidated.

2. Mass persecution of "foreigners". The culmination was the operation "Endlezung", aimed at the physical destruction of the entire Jewish population.

3. A number of activities were carried out, designed for popular support. Unemployment was eliminated. Large-scale actions were launched to provide humanitarian assistance to the needy population.

4. Preparation for revenge for the lost World War I. Reconstruction of industry, creation of strategic reserves. Propaganda treatment of the population.

5. Expansion of the territory. With the connivance of the leading European powers, Czechoslovakia was dismembered, the Czech Republic was absorbed, and Austria was annexed. With Stalin's approval, Hitler sent his troops into Poland.

6. World War II (1939 - 1945). Since 1939, Hitler, having seized almost the entire western part of the continent and occupied the Baltic states, Belarus, Moldova and part of Russia, established the most severe occupation regime in the occupied territories. However, from the end of 1942, the Nazi armies began to suffer defeats. In 1944 the Soviet territory was liberated, fighting close to the German borders.

Main results of activity:

1. Germany lost the Second World War, having suffered heavy losses in the process. (Hitler did not live to see the capture of Berlin by Russian troops).

2. Fascist and Nazi ideologies were declared criminal at the Nuremberg trials and banned. In many Western countries increased support communist parties, thanks to their active participation in the anti-fascist struggle during the war.

3. Europe was divided into two camps: Western capitalist and Eastern socialist. Relations between the two blocs deteriorated sharply. A couple of years after the end of the war, the Cold War began.

In 1944, a conspiracy was organized against Hitler, the purpose of which was to physically eliminate him and conclude peace with the advancing allied forces. On April 30, 1945, in besieged Berlin, Hitler committed suicide.

Causes, nature and goals of the war

The First World War (August 1, 1914-November 11, 1918) was imperialist in nature, that is, it was fought for the redivision of an already divided world. Its events unfolded in the form of an open conflict between two military-political blocs of states that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. (Entente and Triple Alliance) and their satellites, fighting for:

  • military-political dominance on the European continent;
  • redistribution of spheres of colonial influence;
  • sources of cheap raw materials and markets for their own goods.

Russia's goals in the war were to ensure the inviolability of its own territories, to increase its influence in South-Eastern Europe and in the area of ​​the Mediterranean straits, as well as to annex the Western Ukrainian lands that were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

On the eve of the war, the Russian army was in a "disassembled" state. The military reforms that began after the failure in the Russo-Japanese War were not carried through to the end. Limited funding affected the combat effectiveness of the fleet and did not allow the completion of the rearmament of the army, which lacked modern automatic weapons, vehicles, and means of communication. Most of the senior command staff had outdated ideas about the methods of warfare. The weak development of the transport and communication system remained an age-old problem. Nevertheless, Russian empire from the first days of the war took an active part in it.

Russia in the military campaign of 1914

Russia sided with Serbia in the "Sarajevo crisis" caused by the assassination of the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, announcing a general mobilization. In response to this, Germany in an ultimatum demanded that Russia cancel the mobilization, and having received a refusal on August 1, 1914, she declared war on her. On August 6, Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia. At the end of August 1914, having broken through the French border defensive lines, the German army approached Paris.

Being an ally of France in the Entente, the Russian army, which was under the command of Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich, immediately went on the offensive in East Prussia(August 4 - September 15, 1914), thereby creating the North-Western Front. Initial successes (the defeat of the Germans near Gumbinnen) soon gave way to defeats. The inconsistency in the implementation of the plan of offensive operations of the Russian command allowed the Germans to defeat one of the armies in the area of ​​​​the Masurian Lakes, its commander, General A. Samsonov, committed suicide. Another Russian army, under the command of General P. Rennenkampf, was forced to retreat. However, this operation allowed the French to withstand the Battle of the Marne and thwarted the plans of the German blitzkrieg.

More successful was the offensive of the Russian units of the Southwestern Front in Galicia (August 23 - September 3, 1914), where they were opposed by the Austro-Hungarian troops. Thanks to the advantage in manpower, the use of mobile cavalry units, heavy artillery, the Russians defeated the enemy forces, occupied Galicia, part of Poland and approached the strategically important areas of Silesia and Poznan for the Germans, which saved the allies from complete defeat, transferring their reinforcements to the problem area. Fearing a German flank attack from Lodz, at the end of 1914 the Russian army went on the defensive.

Russia in the military campaign of 1915

In 1915, the main events unfolded on Eastern Front. In February - March, the Russian army, at the cost of huge losses, managed to hold back the offensive of the German armies in East Prussia. At the same time, the Russians launched their own offensive against the Austro-Hungarians in Bukovina and Poland. The Germans once again came to the aid of the Austrians, breaking through the Russian front (Gorlitsky breakthrough) and displacing the Russians, who were short of ammunition, from Poland, Galicia and the western parts of Belarus and Ukraine. However, the Russian army managed to avoid encirclement, which the enemy had originally counted on. By the end of the year, the war on the eastern front had acquired a positional character.

In the same year, the Caucasian Front arose, on which Turkey opposed Russia. As a result of successful actions, our troops managed to capture the well-fortified Turkish fortresses of Trebizond and Erzerum.

Russia in the military campaign of 1916

Russian troops in June 1916 conducted a successful offensive operation- Brusilovsky breakthrough (May 22 - June 5, 1916), named after its inspirer A. Brusilov (1853-1926) - a general, a talented military leader and military teacher. During the First World War, he developed an offensive plan for the Russian army, relying on breaking through the positional front with the simultaneous offensive of several armies, which was a tactical innovation and did not give the enemy the opportunity to predict the direction of the main attack.

As a result of a swift operation, the purpose of which was to help the allies hold their positions in the defense of Verdun, they managed to break through a 450 km long front and advance 80-120 km deep into enemy territory, capturing Lutsk and Chernivtsi. The possibility of a deep breakthrough of the positional front was proved in practice. The Austro-Hungarian army lost 500 thousand killed and captured. The Russian army again occupied Galicia and Bukovina. This offensive pulled 11 German divisions from the Western Front, allowing the French to survive in the Verdun meat grinder. However, the lack of reserves and the unsuccessful actions of neighboring fronts did not allow to develop success. In the autumn of 1916, the war on the Eastern Front again took on the character of a positional one.

The impact of the war on Russian society

Russian society and war

The First World War was of exceptional importance for the development of Russian history. She became the catalyst for many revolutionary changes that have long been brewing in Russian society.

At the beginning of the war, a nationwide wave of patriotism swept the country. But already the first defeats of the Russian army led to the sobering of most of the society, which realized its hopelessness for Russia. Already in 1915, there was a shortage of ammunition - "shell hunger". Against the backdrop of the rise of the military industry, those sectors of the national economy that were not connected with military supplies experienced a deep crisis. The lack of fuel resources, primarily coal, led to the collapse of the transport system. Since 1915, surplus appropriation was carried out in most regions of the empire, and anti-war propaganda intensified. The country was in ruins.

By the end of 1916, Russia's total losses amounted to 9 million people, of which 2 million were irretrievable. Huge, often unjustified, losses negatively affected the morale of the army and public opinion about the war. Revolutionary moods were fueled by the ever-deepening economic crisis, which included a shortage of basic foodstuffs, inflation, the introduction of a rationing system, the ruin of peasant farms, etc. The introduction in 1916 by the government of fixed prices for bread and a rationing system for the distribution of basic foodstuffs did not give the expected effect. Peasants preferred to sell grain on the black market.

Socio-political life during the war years

In the first days of the war, all parties, with the exception of the RSDLP (b), supported the government and voted for war loans. From the spring of 1915, Special Conferences on defence, fuel, food and transport began to operate. They contributed to the growth in the production of weapons and ammunition, the improvement of the supply armed forces. Deputies of the State Duma, members of the government, military officials, representatives of public organizations, big businessmen. There were also military-industrial committees in parallel. The Central Military-Industrial Complex was headed by the Octobrist leader A. Guchkov. Such structures were called upon to establish effective interaction between the rear and the front, to receive and distribute military orders.

But the defeats at the fronts, the monthly deepening crisis of society led to the fact that the authority of the tsarist government was rapidly falling. In the conditions of a political crisis, the Progressive Bloc was formed in the State Duma (August 1915), demanding the formation of a new government that would enjoy the confidence of the people and answer to the Duma. He represented the association of deputy factions of the IV State Duma.

An open criticism of the actions of Emperor Nicholas II begins, even from the side of monarchist organizations (V. Shulgin). In November 1916, the State Duma hosted a speech by the leader of the Cadets P. Milyukov, who criticized the activities of the government and the connections of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with "dark forces". He supported each thesis of his speech with a rhetorical question: “What is this? Stupidity or treason?

The figure of Grigory Rasputin (1869-1916) became a gloomy symbol of this tragic time for the Romanov dynasty. Being a native of peasants, he became famous due to his closeness to the family of Emperor Nicholas II. He had a reputation as a psychic and healer. Using his influence on the empress, he often interfered in the affairs of state administration, was repeatedly convicted of embezzlement and immoral behavior. He was killed in December 1916 by conspirators close to the Black Hundreds (V. Purishkevich, F. Yusupov).

Against the background of the crisis of tsarist power, the discrediting of Nicholas II, the weakness of the government, in which prime ministers changed four times in 1916 alone, radical forces (Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries) were uniting, carrying out anti-government and anti-war propaganda. The activity of the masses grew. By 1917, all the signs of a revolutionary situation had developed in Russia. The overthrow of tsarism became inevitable.

An interesting idea was expressed by the Russian religious thinker of the XIX century N.F. Fedorov: “Geography tells us about the earth as a dwelling; the story is about it as about a cemetery. Moreover, this statement is relevant for the situation of war. The history of wars cannot be studied without geographical map, therefore, I propose to work out a methodology for solving test tasks in the USE format using a map.

high-quality analytics of theoretical material
no "water" and empty reasoning
constant performance of assignments in the USE format
great presentation design
constant work with historical map
constant analysis of documentary sources
constant appeal to facts from spiritual culture, art, which are so difficult for graduates

And here are all the topics of the course:
1. Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries.
2. Social upheaval Russian history early 20th century
3. Russia on the eve of World War I (1907-1914)
4. World War I
5. Russia in 1917
6. Civil war and its aftermath
7. NEP
8. History of the USSR in the 1930s.
9. USSR on the eve of the Great Patriotic War
10. Strategic retreat
11. Root fracture
12. The offensive stage of the Second World War

The First World War is a “blank spot” on the map of Russian history

2. We plotted front lines and their movements on the map.

3. We have refreshed our knowledge of the nuances of the First World War.

4. We have defined how to find World Wars events on maps.

5. We continued to work with part 1 (test)

6. We analyzed the key event of the First World War on the Eastern Front - the Brusilovsky breakthrough of 1916.

7. We remembered how to format answers to test tasks part 1 in format