Higher School of Economics postgraduate study. The HSE PhD program is a unique platform for a scientific career. Postgraduate study allows you to study another specialty

E. Kobzar, Ph.D. economy Sciences. Recorded by Elena Veshnyakovskaya.

While Russian science is struggling with the crisis, the Higher School of Economics, Russian university with European ambitions, has adopted new rules of the game. From an educational platform, it is consistently turning into a platform where competitive science is being done. Hence the somewhat paradoxical format of postgraduate training that the HSE has been developing for the third year in a row: along with regular graduate school admissions, academic graduate students are admitted.

The HSE offers its graduate students, both regular and academic, 53 majors, including the humanities, engineering, and exact sciences proper ( full list on the website www.hse.ru); 280 budget places, a hostel for non-residents, a scholarship. Nevertheless, the direction of academic postgraduate study stands out so radically within this stream that the applicant cannot later change his choice - from the first day the scenarios are too different. What are the specifics of the new format, says Elena Nikolaevna Kobzar, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies of the National research university"High School of Economics".

The HSE aims to bring the postgraduate research agenda closer not only to what is happening in Russian science but also to what is done outside Russian Federation. "Locomotives of science", points of growth in its various fields are located in different areas. We are quite ready to embed ourselves in the overall picture of the world.

Academic graduate school is addressed to those who want to deal exclusively with science; it's all the learning and research opportunities we have put together. Including a very strong corps of teachers and supervisors: both domestic scientists and those whom we hire from the international academic market - we invite as guest stars (“invited stars”) to read courses and conduct master classes. In addition, academic postgraduate study implies a very rigorous examination of works, not only internal, but also with the participation of invited Western experts. It is difficult, but without a rigorous examination, a scientist cannot develop normally.

An international internship for a postgraduate student of an academic postgraduate program is obligatory. It is distinguished by a clear program of work, the trainees go, quite definitely knowing that they are expected back not just with impressions of the trip, but with texts: articles, dissertation chapters.

An HSE academic graduate student must get to a foreign research center, where a co-supervisor is waiting for him - a person who is engaged in similar research topics and is ready to mess around with an intern. Therefore, the preparation of a six-month internship begins about a year before the trip: a program is collegially developed, an agenda is agreed upon - what the intern will do upon arrival. In particular, he can listen to a course of lectures for graduate students abroad; can (and should) present a piece of their work there and receive feedback; and, finally, “dig into” a project that is going on at another university. As a rule, Western colleagues need to see our person in their project much earlier than he arrives. It is quite difficult to organize it alone and without experience, so the future trainee is assisted by the supervisor, the academic director of the graduate program, and other colleagues.

A separate stream in graduate school was needed because, if you look realistically, both in Russia and in the world, many people are ready to engage in science less people what goes to graduate school, and what we propose to do is science from morning to evening. Academic graduate students are allocated here, at the university, jobs - not in general at the department, as is usually the case, but a room and their own computer; their actual employment is six days a week, and each day is jam-packed with study and research projects. Hence the requirement for students in the program: during the preparation of their dissertation, they must not work anywhere outside of HSE. It scares a lot of people.

Our scholarship is now 30,000 rubles, plus the money that graduate students earn in projects within HSE (this is not forbidden). The figure turns out to be quite good for historians, philologists, philosophers, mathematicians, because their alternative starting earnings are comparable. But academic graduate school began with economists and sociologists, that is, with those who have significantly higher alternative earnings. It is not our mission to offer scholarships comparable to these earnings, as no graduate school in the world does. This circumstance serves as a natural filter. Last year, 24 people entered the academic graduate school. And last year it spread to mathematicians, historians and a number of humanitarian areas, including philology and philosophy. Now we are ready to annually recruit up to 50 people for the academic program.

In the minds of many, HSE graduate school is limited exclusively to economics and sociology. Meanwhile, we have many specialties, especially if we talk not only about academic, but also about ordinary postgraduate studies. Economists and sociologists are not even half. One of the strongest areas that we have is mathematics, and pure, not applied. Our mathematicians are internationally visible and highly competitive. In other directions, the picture is mixed. Are we afraid or not of blurring quality? We understand that there is such a danger. The answer to this challenge is quality control of scientific works.

Of the approximately three hundred enrolled in our graduate school, one third reaches the third year. Mass elimination takes place every six months according to the results of certification.

We need the graduation of graduate students with defenses just like everyone else. But at the same time, out of the total number of them “on time” (postgraduate study time plus a year on top), about 20% are defended, which is comparable to the situation in many European universities, where the percentage of defenses is the same or lower.

There are rumors about the special cruelty of our dissertation councils in relation to graduate students. In fact, there is simply a bar, the level below which the work protected by us should not fall. HSE dissertation councils are open - you don't need anything other than the normal quality of your dissertation to come and defend your thesis. But few come. There is also an opposite situation: we do not force our graduate students to defend themselves exclusively in our dissertations. They are free to defend themselves wherever they see fit - here or anywhere else. The HSE website publishes abstracts of all dissertations defended by our PhD students both here and in other councils, and the full texts of dissertations defended in our dissertation councils. This is a good benchmark for applicants and an incentive for departments who understand that absolutely everyone will see their products.

RANEPA is one of the country's leading centers for the preparation of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel highest qualification.

Training is carried out in 39 specialties within 10 branches of science. In 2015-2017, the dissertation councils of the Academy defended 250 candidate and 48 doctoral dissertations in economic, legal, historical, philosophical, sociological sciences, political science and cultural studies.

In 2017, the Academy received the right to independently award academic degrees in economics, law, psychology and historical sciences as well as cultural studies.

Among the teaching staff of the Academy are academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Education and other public academies, honored scientists of the Russian Federation, professors and doctors of sciences.

Directions of postgraduate and doctoral studies at the Presidential Academy

  • Informatics and Computer Engineering
  • Historical sciences and archeology
  • Culturology
  • Political sciences and regional studies
  • Psychological sciences
  • Mass media and information and librarianship
  • Sociological Sciences
  • Philosophy, ethics and religious studies
  • Economy
  • Jurisprudence

Benefits of Postgraduate Studies

Postgraduate and doctoral studies Russian Academy National economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation today - one of the leading centers for the training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel of the highest qualification in the system of higher vocational education.

Studying in graduate school with the subsequent defense of a candidate's or doctoral dissertation is an opportunity to become a full member of the scientific community, to participate in the latest developments and achievements of science in your field.

Having a Ph.D. or Ph.D. degree is an additional advantage when applying for a managerial position. And scientific publications in the media, necessary for admission to the defense of a dissertation, provide an opportunity to express yourself in the professional and business world.

Postgraduate and doctoral students of the Academy are actively involved not only in the Russian, but also in the international scientific community, thanks to long-term partnerships between the RANEPA and the world's leading scientific schools.

The training of highly qualified personnel in the system of higher professional education is also carried out in 12 branches of the Academy:

Contact Information

The Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies of the RANEPA is located at the address: Moscow, Prospekt Vernadskogo, 84, building 8, 9th floor.

You can contact the Department of Graduate and Doctoral Studies at the following numbers:

Economic and technical sciences (for consultations and submission of documents)

  • Building 6, cab. 2116, 2118
  • +7 499 956-98-26

Economic Sciences - Institute of Civil Service and Management (for consultations)

  • Building 6, cab. 3120
  • +7 499 956-97-55
  • This address Email protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. ">

Humanitarian sciences

  • Building 8, cab. 919
  • +7 499 956-97-28; +7 499 956-97-02
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Legal Sciences

  • Building 8, cab. 922
  • +7 495 937-07-41
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Legal Sciences - Institute of Public Administration and Management

  • Building 6, cab. 2081
  • +7 499 956-95-34; +7 926 474-83-62
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Head of the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies of the RANEPA

Guslistaya Tatyana Vyacheslavovna

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

In 2017, the postgraduate program "Fine and decorative arts and architecture" will be opened at the HSE School of Design.

This is a new format program that opens up opportunities for graduates professional development not only in the field of academic research or teaching, but also in the field of socio-cultural design. Studying on the program will allow you to master not only research competencies and relevant analytical tools, but also conceptual and applied skills design work in the field of culture.

Postgraduate students will work with complex research problems involving the analysis of history, theory and practice modern culture: fine arts, photography, cinematography, performing arts, architecture, design and fashion. During the training, graduate students will also get acquainted with relevant educational methods teaching disciplines that study various aspects of culture (use of multimedia and online technologies, project group work, etc.). The uniqueness of the program lies in the fact that graduate students master not only the traditional academic block of disciplines, focused on research work and writing a dissertation, but also study additional project courses aimed at developing practical skills, which will enable the graduate student to look at their own research work from the point of view of applied use. Postgraduate students of the first intake will be offered to choose from: - creation of a publishing project based on their own dissertation research; - creation of a curatorial project based on their own dissertation research; - creation of a multimedia project based on own dissertation research; - development of an online course based on their own dissertation research. Graduate students of the program "Fine and decorative arts and architecture" can choose any topic of study in their specialty.

However, we offer graduate students to formulate a topic within one of the priority areas and receive a 25-50% discount on tuition fees.


  • 1920s in world culture
  • Children's illustrated magazine
  • Art and propaganda
  • Cinema history
  • History of computer games
  • Concept art
  • Fashion and constructivism
  • early photography
  • Russian icon painting
  • theatrical costume

How to contact us:

Terms of admission

First wave April 3 - May 22 - Acceptance of documents June 5 - June 26 - Entrance tests July 31 - Lists recommended for enrollment Second wave August 1 - September 15- Acceptance of documents September 25 - October 13- Entrance examinations on October 27 - Lists recommended for enrollment


Foreign language (max. 50 points) - Exam program Specialty (max. 100 points) - Interview and portfolio competition Interview

In the first part of the interview, the applicant chooses one of the listed periods in the history of art and culture and gives the main characteristics of this period: - primitive art, its forms and features; - Art of the Ancient East (fine art and architecture of the countries of Western Asia); - art ancient egypt(architecture and fine arts); - art Ancient Greece(main stages, features of the development of architecture, sculpture, vase painting); - art ancient rome(architecture, sculpture, painting); - the art of Byzantium (the main stages of development and their features, architecture, mosaics, icon painting); - Romanesque art; - gothic architecture and sculpture; - proto-renaissance; - the art of the early Renaissance; - art of the Northern Renaissance; - baroque art; - Western European art of the first half of the 18th century; - Western European art of the second half of the 18th century; - the art of the era of classicism in Western Europe; - Western European art of the first half of XIX V.; - impressionism; - Art Nouveau in Western Europe; - European modernism; - contemporary art and contemporary art: Comparative characteristics. Postmodernism; - latest forms visualizations: performances, installations, etc.; - Old Russian painting; - Russian icon painting; - Old Russian art (IX-XVII centuries, main components, features of development, main stages); - Russian art of the 17th century. (features of the stage of development, stone and wooden architecture, painting); - fine arts and architecture of Russia in the era of Peter I (peculiarities of the era, the formation of the appearance of St. Petersburg; the development of sculpture, secular painting and engraving); - Russian art of the XVIII century. (the originality of the transitional period, the times of Elizabeth, Catherine II; the development of architecture and painting); - Russian painting of the first half of the 19th century. (peculiarities of the period, main trends, portrait, genre, historical picture); - Russian art of the second half of the 19th century (painting - the ratio of genres and changing themes; sculpture - academicism and realism; architecture - "national style"); - Russian art late XIX- the beginning of the XX century. (features of the artistic life of the period, the idea of ​​art synthesis, the problem of Art Nouveau in Russian art); - Soviet art of the twentieth century; - "propaganda" art of the 1920s; - Soviet art of the second half of the 20th century (architecture, sculpture, painting); - "unofficial", nonconformist art in the Soviet Union; - trends in the development of art in the Russian Federation and CIS countries in the 1990s and at the beginning of the 21st century.

In the second part of the interview, the applicant talks about himself, about the motives that he is guided by, choosing to study in the specialty "Fine and decorative arts and architecture" as the trajectory of his education, as well as about the topic he plans to explore. If necessary, the interview can be conducted remotely (for example, via Skype).

Portfolio Contest:

To participate in the portfolio competition, the applicant submits a motivation letter, in which he describes the range of his interests and motives for entering graduate school, and also indicates the proposed research topic.

The applicant can choose one of the themes of the School of Design or propose his own theme. Upon request, the applicant can also provide the following documents: - resume (CV); - information about participation in conferences, exhibitions, competitions, schools, research projects, scientific grants, olympiads, etc.; - list of publications; - a copy of the diploma of education or a certificate of academic performance with a list of disciplines studied and grades received; - a letter of recommendation from a specialist familiar with the achievements of the applicant; - documents confirming the work experience of the applicant.

For more information about applying to graduate school, visit the HSE School of Design website.


First wave
April 3 - May 22 - Reception of documents
June 5 - June 26 - Entrance tests
July 31 - Lists recommended for enrollment
Second wave
August 1 - September 15 - Reception of documents
September 25 - October 13 - Entrance tests
October 27 - Lists recommended for enrollment
Possible from May 2

The leadership of the Higher School of Economics has repeatedly advertised its program of academic graduate school (), or graduate school "full day", How "a training program at the level of world standards with co-leaders from among foreign researchers, in the fields of science "economics", "management", "sociology" and "technical sciences (department of software engineering)". In addition, 30 graduate students were offered a special scholarship of 25 rubles and work in HSE academic projects. It should be noted that this plentiful advertisement greatly excited the weak, immature minds of graduate students and even teachers. Moreover, the latter envied with black envy, because even at some faculties of Moscow State University, young teachers still receive half as much.

However, on January 27, 2012 at the meeting of the HSE Academic Council ( www.hse.ru/news/recent/47135557.html) provided some very interesting information:

Demand for the academic postgraduate (full-time postgraduate) program was also low. The results of a survey of graduate students conducted by the HSE Center for Internal Monitoring show that a third of graduate students will combine writing their dissertations with work outside HSE, regardless of the size of the stipend paid (now the scholarship for academic graduate school is 25,000 rubles a month). Another third of graduate students are ready to give up work, provided that their scholarship exceeds 50,000 rubles.
"We must understand, - noted Sergey Roshchin, - that with the achieved scale of our postgraduate studies and in the conditions of limited demand for this type of training and the limited academic market, strengthening the requirements for the quality of postgraduate applicants comes into conflict with the expected quantitative parameters."
Nevertheless, scientific work of those who are already studying in graduate school, according to Sergei Roshchin, was in 2011 "as effective as ever." In particular, the indicator of defending dissertations by graduate students on time approached the average Russian level. This growth was the result of a whole set of measures and regulations adopted by the HSE graduate school since 2007. At the same time, the effect of them cannot last forever, and the reserves for an extensive increase in the share of defenses are "practically exhausted."

It would seem that what else do graduate students need - they are working on a dissertation, and they are paid a good scholarship for this. However, as always, "The devil is in the details". And the answer is simple:

Program ( www.hse.ru/org/hse/aspirant/acad_asp/about) assumes that the graduate student not only goes through the required training program, but also is at the faculty, department or research center all day long. And, therefore, takes an active part in the events held by the scientific unit.
Postgraduate students of the Program can work only[Hulio's note: emphasis mine] in HSE and HSE research projects.

I think few people will agree to write in the resume for the last three years "boy in the wings". Especially when experience is lost, when finding a suitable job in the specialty is incredibly difficult even after a university, not like after a graduate school. In addition, as noted by British scientists, a three-year stay in the department as "errand boy" contributes little to the rapid writing of a good, suitable dissertation.

In addition, all postgraduate students enrolled in the Academic Postgraduate program are required to spend at least one semester at one of the partner universities abroad.

And not every Pinocchio wants to leave for six months over the hill.

The purpose of this is to orient the graduate student towards the development of an academic career, adapting as much as possible in the scientific environment.

And all this for the vague prospect of being able to “work at the Higher School of Economics and research projects of the University”. In order to later defend themselves and get an honorary position of an assistant at a university department with a salary of 7-8 tyr ...

Actually, apart from a generous offer of 25 tyr, which, as it turned out, almost no one needs, the HSE is not original: other universities have such an honorary position for graduate students - “trainee” at the department. The attitude towards these interns is appropriate ...

PS: When "sculpted" I forgot to mention this note about the entrance exams for this program - the requirements for candidates are really not bad, including ( www.hse.ru/org/hse/aspirant/acad_asp/rules): "International academic IELTS language certificate with a score of at least 6 points, or a TOEFL IBT (Internet Based) certificate of at least 80 points, TOEFL PBT (Paper Based) of at least 500 points." Here Burantina and realize that "at will" with such skills, they will be able to earn twice as much + work experience in their specialty will go.

Recruitment for the program "Academic Postgraduate" at the HSE continues

Many university graduates strive to enter graduate school, although everyone knows that a scholarship for a graduate student in the humanities is small - 2,500 rubles. Therefore, few universities and research institutes are taking various measures to encourage graduate students in the form of scholarships and grants. Some of these attempts are successful and some are not. Portal PhDRu already posted a note about an unsuccessful project "Academic Postgraduate Program" at the Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE). Nevertheless, this project is very intensively advertised in the media, including on these very Internets.

The main fatal flaw of the project "Academic Graduate School" SU-HSE consisted of excessively high requirements for candidates who were offered a full-time job for 25,000 rubles per month "spin" around campus, participating in various organizational or research projects that may have nothing to do with their dissertation research. By the way, a specialist with similar qualifications and good knowledge in English in the business sector of the capital of this country receives from 50 to 75 thousand rubles. At the same time, a practitioner has more chances to defend a dissertation, since working in a company, he can collect practical material for your "dissertation". In the end, those who want to work hard "for happiness" at the SU-HSE, while losing seniority, it turned out to be quite a bit. Which was a little predictable...

However, since the fall of 2012, according to the statement of HSE Vice-Rector Sergey Yuryevich Roshchin, this project has been going on:

We continue the project launched two years ago on the development of academic postgraduate studies, the purpose of which is to bring postgraduate students to the level of international standards of academic activity. This year Academic Council The Higher School of Economics decided to expand the area of ​​academic postgraduate study, in addition to the already existing two areas in economics and sociology, such areas as History, Philosophy, Philology, Political Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Sciences will be opened . Apart from a “good” scholarship (its size is 25,000 rubles), the program is distinguished from the “ordinary” postgraduate study by a rather serious educational component; also, from the first year of study, postgraduate students take part in the work of various research teams of the university, including as part of international laboratories.
Today, more than ten international laboratories operate at HSE, four of them were established as part of the implementation of Order No. 220 of the Ministry of Education and Science “On Measures to Attract Leading Scientists to Russian educational institutions higher professional education”. In Moscow, the work of the Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its Applications is directed by Professor Fedor Bogomolov; there are two international laboratories on the St. Petersburg campus - the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research under the direction of Professor Ronald Inglehart and the Laboratory for the Theory of Markets and Spatial Economics under the direction of Professor Jacques-Francois Tiss, on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod campus there is the Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Analyzing Network Structures, its head is Professor Miltiad Pardalos. Such involvement of graduate students in real work, in my opinion, largely determines the success of writing Ph.D. dissertations. In the second year of study, all PhD students undergo internships at various partner universities and scientific centers peace. Right now, the guys who joined us in 2010 have gone to different universities for internships, and the graduate students of the first year are reporting on their progress. academic year jobs and are applying for internships next year.