An ideal educational organization using health-saving methods. Health-saving methods as a factor in personality development. Gymnastics for the eyes

Elena Zvyagintseva

Competitive application

on participation in the regional competition"Kindergarten of the Year-2018"

educator municipal government preschool

educational institution "Kindergarten "Vesnyanka" of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of the cognitive-speech direction of the development of children


Stavropol Territory

Zvyagintseva Elena Nikolaevna


"Best professional educator, working

co health-saving technique»

1. General information

Contest participant

Surname, name, patronymic Zvyagintseva Elena Nikolaevna

Job title educator_

Date of birth 09/26/1964

Full address of residence 356030 Stavropol Territory, Krasnogvardeisky area, Krasnogvardeyskoye village, Likhachev street 8, apt. 8

Contact phone numbers, address Email 8 962-011-50-01, [email protected]

Education, academic degree (level, educational institution) Secondary special, Ordzhonikidzevsky pedagogical school № 1.

Professional career (general experience work, dates, places work, positions)

35 years old, from August 1983 to August 1985, a primary school teacher in the city of Beslan of the Republic of North Ossetia, from September 1985 to October 1986 - a primary school teacher in the city of Stavropol, from August 19, 1988 to the present - educator MKDOU Kindergarten No. 18 "Vesnyanka" With. Krasnogvardeisky Krasnogvardeisky district Stavropol Territory.

The presence of awards, titles (if available) does not have

Name of preschool educational organization (fully):

municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 18 "Vesnyanka" of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of the cognitive-speech direction of the development of children "

Full address of the institution:

The subject of the Russian Federation: Stavropol region

index: 356030

locality: Krasnogvardeyskoye village

Street: Mira

house: 4/2

federal telephone area code:8-865-41 phone: 2-41-52

Fax: -- e-mail: [email protected]

Head of a preschool educational organization (Name, contact phone number): Gorbatykh Elena Vladimirovna 8 (86541) 2-41-52

Awards and other achievements of the organization:

1st place in district stage of the competition"Green Flame" in nomination "The best preschool educational institution for the promotion of traffic rules" (2015, 2016); 2nd place 2017

in nomination "The best children's propaganda team"- 1st place in 2015, 2nd place in 2016 ; 1st place 2017 -1 place in district stage of the competition"Kindergarten of the Year -2015" in nomination "Best preschool teacher» , accepted participation in the marginal stage of the named competition;

1st place in district competition professional excellence « Educator of the Year - 2016» , 2nd place « Educator of the Year -2015» , 1 place « Educator of the Year 2012» , 2nd place « Educator of the Year - 2011» ;

2nd place in regional (2015, 2016);

1st place in regional Spartakiad among preschoolers (2017, 2018); -in 2017, the team of MKDOU Kindergarten No. 18 "Vesnyanka" listed on the Board of Honor Krasnogvardeisky district Stavropol Territory;

In 2015, the team was awarded a letter of thanks from the head of the village of Krasnogvardeisky Krasnogvardeisky district Stavropol Territory for a large and fruitful work on education and upbringing of the younger generation, successes and achievements in sports and recreation, educational, cultural activities;

In 2014,2015,2016. 2017, 2018 pupils and teachers became winners and laureates Internet contests, olympiads, creative competitions, quizzes "Know", "You are a genius!", Pedology, "Rassudariki", "Rainbow of Talents", "Time of Knowledge", "Know-It-All", "ABVGDEika", "Lyra",

"Safety Experts", « Competition» , "Ready for school!", "Soon to school!".

2. Description

Why did you choose this profession?

I often think why I became educator? I just couldn't be anyone else.

I love my profession, I love my children. It can only be understood by educator.

This is a calling, a desire to be close to the enthusiastic world of children's eyes.

Be educator means to have compassion, the desire to see children who have already become "by their children". I made the right choice and I am proud of my profession!

What do you consider your highest achievement in working with children?

The highest achievement in my work with children is when I see that children come to the group with interest and look forward to meeting me, their friends and new knowledge. At the end of the year, I notice a significant increase in the development of the creative abilities of children and I consider this the highest achievement in my life. work

The happiness of every teacher is to see the fruits of their hard work, to lay the foundations for future professional education, and I, rejoicing at the success of graduates, am proud of their achievements, and I think that this is also my merit, because a piece of my soul remained with them,

Your Core Principles work with children?

1. The basic principle of my work is equality and cooperation with children.

2. Interactions with the family - joint activities contribute to the establishment of a trusting relationship with parents,

3. Reliance on traditional, national values ​​- upbringing children through regional culture and traditions.

4. "Learning in the game"- the game is a simple and close way of knowing the surrounding reality.

5."Development of the creative abilities of the child"- the interests of the child need to be developed, stimulated to employment.

6."Psychological Comfort"- in the group it is safe, useful, safe.

Key Features educational process, the use of innovative methodologies.

When planning educational process, I take into account the basic principles of preschool education outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard.

During educational educational process using modern methods and innovative technologies for design and research activities, sand therapy. Modern children require a deep presentation of the material they are interested in, and information and communication technologies fully realize this. I use social gaming technologies: work in pairs, subgroups.

My Job focused on the end result - the strengthening of life and children's health, correction of speech, mental and physical development. For this I use health-saving educational technologies "finger gymnastics", "Igrotraining".

I believe that a modern child needs a modern education.

Why did you decide participate in the competition?

I believe that I have the strength, talent, and most importantly, love for children, which helps to make the life of a child in kindergarten bright, interesting, and informative.

And it's very nice when your work positively evaluated not only by children, but also by others.

How do you imagine the ideal educational organization in future?

An ideal educational organization should be equipped with all the necessary equipment for the implementation health-saving technologies: gym and gym, swimming pool, phytobar, because I worked valeologist and I know how children love to drink healthy and tasty tea. Parking should be provided at the entrance to the kindergarten. The educational organization has its own large and comfortable bus, which takes children on excursions, exhibitions, and museums. In the era of universal computerization, the development of nanotechnology, the kindergarten of the future, in my opinion, - a large number of halls and rooms: experimental and project rooms for children, where each child is given the freedom to choose activities. And most importantly, kindergarten should work only caring people, in groups of 10-15 children, and educator has enough time to work with each individually.

My approach to working with children

Healthy children are a great blessing

The GEF of preschool education sets the initial task of protecting and strengthening the physical and mental pupils' health as well as his emotional well-being. This task for adults (for teachers and parents) we need to start solving systemically and together.

One of the directions in work I highlighted the introduction health-saving technologies in educational activities, in the formation healthy lifestyle.

my goal work - educate in children the need for healthy lifestyle.

To achieve this goal, I set myself the following tasks:

Contribute to the preservation and strengthening children's health.

form health saving skills and habits.

Encourage the desire to be able to sympathize, empathize with someone else's pain.

-Bring up conscious attitude to lead healthy lifestyle.

In his work I use various methods and techniques, health-saving technologies, which help to interest children in knowing their body, in preserving and strengthening their health.

A sports corner created by the group, which includes not only sports equipment, but

and various types of massage ry: walnuts, cones, balls. simulators for the development of breathing (cocktail tubes, snowflakes, feathers, mats for the prevention of flat feet, a track health,

didactic games, card indexes of outdoor games, counting rhymes, album "Kinds of sports", books and illustrations, helps children to relieve aggression, tension, negative emotions. Children show interest in their health.

On site kindergarten has a sports ground with the necessary equipment, which

allows children to satisfy the need for various kinds of movements.

For the development of coordination of movements and motor activity of children, a playground was made on asphalt. Ecological trail that promotes recoveryand ensure the environmental safety of children: phytoflower bed, contributing to familiarization with medicinal plants and their application for recovery. In the classroom, children will learn what foods are good for the body, what vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables; get acquainted with the structure of the human body and safe behavior

at home and in nature.

spend my days health, leisure and entertainment are a good basis for the development of physical activity and education of children. Skills healthyI fix the way of life in: didactic; mobile; role-playing games; exercise in daily life.

Outdoor games create a positive emotional upsurge, cause good health. Carrying out morning exercises and the inclusion of breathing exercises in it creates a cheerful mood in children, and a need is developed for its daily implementation.

Another form of involving children in healthy lifestyle and wellness regimen is gymnastics after daytime sleep.

Its goal is to improve the mood and muscle tone of children, as well as take care of the prevention of posture and foot disorders.

IN work with preschoolers, I use various types of massage that affect tactile stimuli, the development of emotions and speech reactions. For improvement healthchildren and increase the resistance of the child's body to adverse environmental influences, I carry out hardening with air and water: morning wash; washing hands before eating; rinsing the mouth; washing feet before going to bed, lightweight clothing; sleep with open windows in the warm season; air - solar baths; ventilation of premises.

The most favorable time for tempering procedures, outdoor games and physical exercises is a walk. An integral part of it is, which has become traditional, health run.

When conducting NOD, I use ICT in joint educational activities:

presentations, eye gymnastics, finger games, musical exercises.

Developed such projects,How: "Vitamins", "Winter sports".

Health technology project "Be healthy, Baby!" found a positive response

from the parents, where the forms work became a meeting - a round table with parents,

joint leisure, consultations: "Movement is life", "Tempering a Child",

as well as problem solving: "Why does a person wash?", "To have teeth healthy. Days were spent open doors, event "Along the track health» .

Therefore, for a more efficient joint working with parents to raise a healthyand a developed child I spend: questioning; parent meetings; conversations, consultations; contests, sports holidays.

With my experience work on the use of health-saving I shared technologies at the Council of Teachers. In the preschool educational institution she held an open lesson, a joint sports event with children "We vote for healthy lifestyle» . During my time work children have an interest in healthy lifestyle increased parental interest in physical culture and health work with children.

Organization of project activities, use of ICT in the classroom, preparation of presentations, open eventseffective method interest children. Of course, you have to study and prepare a lot. But, seeing the result, it is not a pity, neither time nor effort. And the interested and enthusiastic looks of the guys are a real reward for their work! My pupils and their families repeatedly participated activities in kindergarten district competitions and won awards.

Every time you release your pupils, no, or rather, my children, it’s hard for me to part with them. But I don't say goodbye to them, I don't lose sight of them, because they keep in touch with me: share their successes, new achievements.

Sections: School psychological service

Three global tasks are set for educational institutions:

  • child's physical health
  • moral health,
  • psychological health.

Therefore, the purpose of the psychological service is the mental and psychological health of the individual. This implies attention to the inner world of a person, his feelings, experiences, interests, inclinations, his attitude towards himself, towards other people, towards the world around him. At the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Moscow), department "Noospheric education", head - Maslova N.V., I took courses where I gained knowledge about health-saving methods. This knowledge correlates well with the purpose of the psychological service. In general, the concept of noospheric education answers many questions of the time. I was interested in the question of how to orient a person in modern society. Mostly the new technology of noospheric education has allowed me to go deeper into working in health-saving mode.

A person with noospheric thinking will correctly understand his place in nature. Noospheric development is aimed at restoring the ecological balance on the planet and the emergence of a new person, the hallmark of which will be a new quality of thinking - a holistic perception of the world. For this, it is necessary to educate holistic thinking, it is based on the idea of ​​the unity of the universe and man, as its particles, that is, man is part of the System of nature. A person must realize his natural conformity or biological adequacy. This is based on energy-saving techniques, which served as the basis for the creation of this program.

I would like to point out the factors on which health depends. According to Yu.P. Lisitsina (1986), human health is only 8-10% dependent on medicine, 20% on heredity, 20% on the external environment, and 50% on a person's lifestyle.

Inadequate psycho-emotional reactions can significantly reduce the level of health. It has been noticed that the same disease in different people proceeds differently. The same drugs have different effects: in some cases they help in recovery, in others they give complications. Under the same conditions, one freezes and dies, and the other is not. This is directly related to the spiritual development of a person, which underlies the difference in organisms, reactions to both illness and treatment. The human body is a laboratory and even a whole factory for the production of drugs, hormones and other useful substances. Thus, a person - the creator of his own health. There are some "powers within us that can protect us from the disease or change its course.

You can strengthen your health only by improving the quality of your consciousness through constant work and eternal movement forward, improving yourself and developing high quality spirit. It is the development of spiritual and psychological forces that will give a person the path to the happiness of the future. And when a person follows the path of love, joy, he feels stronger, more resilient, able to withstand various kinds of influences.

So, working in the "health-saving methods" mode, I developed a system of primary non-drug prevention of disease reduction and health promotion. This system includes the following activities:

  1. Testing quantitative self-assessment of health (test "Measure your health").
  2. The study of self-esteem of personality.
  3. The study of the level of anxiety on the Spielberger scale.
  4. Conducting trainings for the development of personal growth.
  5. Mastering the methodology of personality harmonization - relaxation.

The introduction of such a program, in my opinion, contributed to an increase in the rating of health among various life values.

How was this work actually carried out?

The experiment included 10 people who were identified after testing "Measure your health". The low results obtained could be due to an exacerbation or onset of the disease, as well as the presence of such risk factors for diseases as overweight, low mobility, inadequate psycho-emotional reactions, sleep disorders, and others.

Experimental and clinical psychologists have irrefutably proven that our nervous system is unable to distinguish between an actual situation and a situation created vividly and in detail by our imagination. And in most cases, this happens on an emotional and subconscious level.

Psychology is a school of self-mastery. It allows a person to know himself and unite his spiritual world with material. This must be learned. The image of one's own "I" is changing for the better through the accumulation of knowledge about oneself, practical experience. Having mastered the psychology of the image of one's own "I", a person creates a basis for self-hypnosis.

Worked on the following topics:

  • "A Few Touches to the Portrait of a Happy Man";
  • "The image of "I" or the secrets of self-confidence";
  • "An aggressive person is a war with himself";
  • "I'm O'Kay!" or again about the subconscious.

We came to the conclusion that at the heart of our failures and ailments are emotional traumas, and they cause heartache. Then the person morally suffers and "leaves" in the opposite direction.

I will give examples of this work on increasing the self-esteem of the individual, regulating the level of anxiety and mastering the method of harmonizing the personality - relaxation.

1. To look into inner world It is enough to ask a child: "Who do you feel, imagine, imagine?" The pictures loomed different, like the children themselves:

  • bright clearing with multicolor;
  • lonely tree in the field;
  • cloud in the sky and light sun rays;
  • rock by the sea...

According to this picture, there is a reasoning about what kind of person this is, that is, the image of self-image allows a person to make discoveries about himself.

2. Seriously worked on the concept of "compliments". They make a person softer and warmer, more responsible in their choice.

3. Conducted exercises:

a) Autopilot. Write down 10 phrases, attitudes like: "I'm smart, I'm handsome." These attitudes should be directly related to the individual, reflecting his goals and aspirations. This is an optimistic program for the future.
b) Association. Show that each person is an individual. Rethinking his "I", a person acquires the knowledge of an objective assessment of himself.
c) An exercise in awareness of one's character traits. Write on the envelope character traits that appear in individuals and everyone knows about them. Inside the envelope, place the character traits that the person tries to hide from others (work in pairs, reflection).

4. We studied the program for gaining self-confidence (Rogov E.I. "Handbook of a school psychologist in education", M., 1996.).

5. We have mastered relaxation - a powerful way to harmonize the personality. They did it like this:

a) work on an audio recording of a Leningrad psychotherapist;
b) relaxation technique according to Jacobson (10 muscle groups);
c) relaxation according to Maslova N.V.

Relaxation (according to Maslova N.V.)

"Feel a pleasant source of peace and harmony. Feel how it spreads through your body, along the entire spinal column, as if waves of relaxation pass from the middle of the body. The source brings peace, purity, clarity, cleanses your head. Your brain becomes clear, pure. Clarity and purity settle in your forehead, temples.Wrinkles straighten out, the forehead becomes clean, smooth.Your eyelids are soft, hung, relaxed.Feel relaxed eyes.Try to feel gratitude from your eyes, they are grateful to you.Feel how harmony and relaxation settle in your neck and cleanse it. caresses the thighs, legs and displaces everything that is not purity. and, the ankles become light. Everything comes out through the heels, fingers. Feel how easy it is for you, good. Everything that is not pure comes out of your body, out of your cells, out of your soul. Now take a mental look at yourself from head to toe. Imagine that you are an artist. With a slight movement of your hand, you can freely correct everything in your body that you consider necessary. Admire yourself, enjoy your condition, the state of a healthy mind and body. Wrap yourself in love, and send your love to the world around you."

Reflection on the implementation of the entire program showed that the children became less conflicted, the level of anxiety and aggressiveness decreased, there was a desire to lose weight, they felt brave, strong, confident, their well-being improved. This is the result of my work. It can be concluded that well-being is a reflection of the state of health.

Health-saving technologies are one of the types of modern innovative technologies that are aimed at maintaining and improving the health of all participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions. The use of such technologies has a two-way focus:

  • the formation of the foundations of valeological culture among preschoolers, i.e. teach them to take care of their own health;
  • organization of the educational process in kindergarten without negative impact on children's health.

Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions are perfectly combined with traditional forms and methods in pedagogy, complementing them with various ways of implementing health-improving work. The use of such technologies whole line tasks:

  • laying the foundation for good physical health;
  • improving the level of mental and social health of pupils;
  • carrying out preventive health-improving work;
  • familiarization of preschoolers with the principles of maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • motivation of children for a healthy lifestyle;
  • the formation of good habits;
  • formation of valeological skills;
  • formation of a conscious need for regular physical education;
  • upbringing value attitude to your health.

To ensure an integrated approach to protecting and improving the health of pupils, required by the Federal State Educational Standard, various types of modern health-saving technologies are used in preschool educational institutions:

  • medical and preventive (medical examinations, monitoring the health of children, anti-epidemiological work, organizing specialized correctional groups, preventing many diseases, sanitary and hygienic work, quality control of catering, etc.);
  • physical culture and health (, sports events, valeological classes, hardening procedures, etc.)
  • valeological education of parents (motivation of parents to lead a healthy lifestyle, teaching parents how to interact with children to form a valeological culture in them);
  • valeological education of teachers (familiarizing educators with innovative health-saving technologies and methods of their implementation, motivation for a healthy lifestyle, expanding knowledge about the age and psychological characteristics of preschoolers);
  • health-saving education of children (formation of valeological knowledge and skills).

Only by implementing all these types of health-saving technologies can we achieve close interaction of the main factors affecting the health of preschoolers.

Card file of health-saving technologies

There are many effective varieties of modern health-saving technologies that should be in the file cabinet of a kindergarten teacher.

Physical education minutes

One of the simplest and most common types of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions is physical education minutes. They are also called dynamic pauses. These are short breaks in the intellectual or practical activities during which children perform simple physical exercises.

The purpose of these physical exercises is to:

  • change of type of activity;
  • fatigue prevention;
  • relieving muscle, nervous and brain tension;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • activation of thinking;
  • increasing the interest of children in the course of the lesson;
  • creating a positive emotional background.

Holding dynamic pauses has some peculiarities. They are designed to be performed in confined spaces (near a desk or table, in the center of a room, etc.). Most physical education sessions are accompanied by a poetic text or are performed to music.

Such dynamic pauses last 1-2 minutes. All children are involved in the implementation of physical education. This does not require a sports uniform or equipment. The time for holding is chosen arbitrarily, depending on the degree of fatigue of the children. Physical education may include individual elements of other health-saving technologies.

Breathing exercises

Studying the experience of many educators preschool institutions shows that breathing exercises are among the most popular types of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. It is a system of breathing exercises that are part of the complex of corrective work to improve the overall health of the child.

The use of breathing exercises helps:

  • improve the functioning of internal organs;
  • activate cerebral circulation, increase oxygen saturation of the body;
  • train the respiratory apparatus;
  • to carry out the prevention of respiratory diseases;
  • increase the body's defense mechanisms;
  • restore peace of mind, calm down;
  • develop speech breathing.

In the respiratory gymnastics classes, the following rules must be observed. It is recommended to carry it out in a well-ventilated room and before meals. Such classes should be daily and last 3-6 minutes. To perform breathing exercises, a special form of clothing is not required, but it must be ensured that it does not hamper the movement of the child.

During the exercise, you Special attention pay attention to the nature of the inhalations and exhalations. Children should be taught to inhale through the nose (breaths should be short and light), and exhale through the mouth (exhale long). Breathing exercises also include breath holding exercises. It is important that in children, when performing exercises for the development of speech breathing, the muscles of the body do not tense up, the shoulders do not move.

Finger gymnastics

Finger gymnastics is a type of health-saving technology that is used not only for the development fine motor skills hands (which is important for preparing a child for drawing, modeling and writing), but also for solving problems with speech development in children. In addition, such gymnastics contributes to the development of:

  • tactile sensations;
  • coordination of movements of fingers and hands;
  • creative abilities of preschoolers.

Finger gymnastics is carried out in the form of staging poetic texts with the help of fingers. This is almost the first kind of gymnastics that can be performed with children. In the course of finger gymnastics, children make active and passive movements with their fingers. The following types of exercises are used:

  • massage;
  • actions with objects or materials;
  • finger games.

It is recommended to do finger exercises daily. During its implementation, you need to ensure that the load on both hands is the same. In addition, it must be remembered that each session of finger gymnastics should end with relaxing exercises. Such classes can be carried out collectively, in groups or individually with each child.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Also, gymnastics for the eyes is one of the health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. It involves a system of exercises aimed at correcting and preventing visual impairment. Gymnastics for the eyes is necessary for:

  • stress relief;
  • fatigue prevention;
  • eye muscle training
  • strengthening of the eye apparatus.

To perform such gymnastics, 2-4 minutes are enough. The main rule of this gymnastics is that only the eyes should move, and the head remains stationary (except in cases where head tilts are provided). All exercises should be done while standing.

Usually, the teacher shows a pattern for performing each action, and the children repeat after him. Often such gymnastics has poetic accompaniment. It may include exercises with objects, special tables or ICT.


Psycho-gymnastics refers to innovative health-saving technologies that are used in kindergarten to develop the child's emotional sphere and strengthen his mental health. The purpose of psycho-gymnastics is as follows:

  • conducting psychophysical relaxation;
  • development of cognitive mental processes;
  • normalization of the condition in children with neuroses or neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • correction of deviations in behavior or character.

Psycho-gymnastics is a course of 20 special classes, which are held in a playful way. They are organized twice a week and last from 25 to 90 minutes. Each lesson consists of four stages that involve acting out:

  • sketches using facial expressions and pantomime;
  • sketches for depicting emotions or character traits;
  • sketches with a psychotherapeutic orientation.

The session ends with psycho-muscular training. During the lesson, a “minute of prank” is held, when children can perform any actions that they want.


Rhythmoplasty is an innovative method of working with children, which is based on the performance of special plastic movements that have a healing character to the music. Purpose of rhythmoplasty:

  • replenishment of "motor deficit";
  • development of the motor sphere of children;
  • strengthening the muscular corset;
  • improvement of cognitive processes;
  • formation of aesthetic concepts.

Rhythmoplasty is organized in the form of special music lessons. Physical exercises should be performed at a slow pace with a wide amplitude. These sessions should be done twice a week for 30 minutes each. It is recommended to engage in rhythmoplasty not earlier than half an hour after eating.

Game therapy

The Federal State Educational Standard states that for preschoolers, the leading activity is the game. Therefore, game therapy should be an obligatory type of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. This technology involves involving children in a variety of games, during which they will have the opportunity to:

  • show emotions, experiences, fantasy;
  • express yourself;
  • relieve psycho-emotional stress;
  • get rid of fears;
  • become more self-confident.

Play therapy is considered an excellent tool for dealing with children's neuroses.


Aromatherapy involves the use of special items with essential oils in the room where the children are. It can be called a passive method of influencing the health of preschoolers, since the children themselves do not have to perform any actions. They can engage in any kind of activity and at the same time inhale aromatic vapors. This is how it happens:

  • improving the well-being and mood of children;
  • prevention of colds;
  • solving sleep problems.

Essential oils can be applied to figures made of clay or untreated wood (the dose of the aromatic substance should be minimal). It is also recommended to make special aromatic pillows with parents, filling them with dried herbs, or individual aroma medallions.

In addition to the described health-saving technologies, other types of them can be used in preschool educational institutions:

  • herbal medicine;
  • color therapy;
  • music therapy;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • heliotherapy;
  • sand therapy.

The essence of such technologies is clear from their names. The ultimate goal of using health-saving technologies in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard is to preserve and strengthen the health of children, which is a prerequisite for improving the effectiveness of the educational process. Only a healthy child can become a good student and a successful person.

The priority activity of any preschool educational institution is: creating conditions for maintaining the mental and physical health of each child, ensuring the emotional well-being of children, providing pedagogical support for the preservation and development of the individuality of each child. All this is a health-saving environment of a kindergarten or a health-saving space.




Maintaining the health of modern children is an urgent problem. The significance of this problem is defined in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". Our preschool educational institution also bears its share of responsibility for the current situation. Therefore, the priority goal of work in preschool educational institution is: raising a physically healthy and socially adapted child, providing mental well-being, as well as the formation of a preschooler's responsibility for their own health. And the role of the teacher of our preschool institution is to organize the pedagogical process that preserves the health of each pupil. All the conditions that depend on us have been created in the kindergarten in order to help each child become physically and mentally healthy, multifacetedly capable, joyful and happy. In this regard, a special place is given to health-saving activities, which ensure the direction of the educational process. The work of the health-saving education system is based on an integrated systematic approach.

The implementation of educational tasks in a preschool educational institution is carried out in close relationship with health-improving tasks. Harmonious physical and mental development The child is facilitated by a flexible day regimen, which implies: a dynamic day regimen for children, a flexible work schedule for specialists and all service personnel. All activities are designed to preserve and strengthen the health of each pupil. In order to prevent a reduction in the duration of the morning walk, we allow partial use of the time of one of the classes for wellness procedures. And in order to eliminate the lag in the assimilation of program material in children, the lack of their knowledge is replenished in the process individual work, both indoors and on the site of the kindergarten. The implementation of health-saving work in full has caused an urgent need to find the most appropriate forms of organizing other activities throughout the day.

Morning walks are held not only after the end of educational activities, but also before the start of educational activities, immediately after breakfast. To carry out health work, the content of educational activities, the time of which is partially used for carrying out procedures for individual children, is facilitated. The educator foresees and takes into account the schedule for the implementation of procedures and the number of children who need them in advance.

One of the areas of health-saving activities of the kindergarten is the rational organization of the educational process. For the implementation of health-improving and corrective measures that would not disrupt educational activities, we have developed an appropriate daily routine. Educational activities in kindergarten are carried out in the mode of changing dynamic positions, for which easels and massage mats are used. Part of the educational activity the child can sit, part - stand, thereby maintaining his vertical posture. The most important feature of all educational activities is that it is carried out in the mode of using visual educational and didactic material, constant visual search and performing tasks that activate children with the help of "mobile mobiles" - crosses. The problem of overloading the child is solved by organizing subgroup, individual work with children, introducing thematic days (Days of play, Days of health).

Most complete solution The tasks of a preschool institution are facilitated by the introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process, which are a set of conceptually interconnected teaching methods and techniques focused on the development of the child, taking into account the preservation and strengthening of his health. In the process of educational activities, elements of health-saving technologies are used, which contributes to raising the child's interest in the learning process, increases cognitive activity and, most importantly, improves the psycho-emotional well-being and health of children. Purposeful work to improve the movements of the fingers, as you know, is very useful and important for preparing the hand for writing, because. "Children's talents" are at their fingertips, so finger games are used for the speech development of children. For the development of self-control and voluntary regulation in educational activities in communication, breathing exercises are used, which are used to correct various speech anomalies. Visual gymnastics is used reasonably in various activities and the widespread use of visualization. To relax and relieve tension in the classroom, relaxation exercises are used. Sand therapy is successfully used in younger groups, thanks to which children develop their horizons, speech, improve coordination of movements, finger motor skills and improve children's well-being. The use of all the above educational technologies is carried out taking into account age, gender, individual features children, as well as health conditions. Comprehensive systematic work on the use of health-saving technologies in pedagogical process aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of each pupil, helps to improve the quality of education, reduce morbidity and form strong motivation in children for a healthy lifestyle, leads to an increase in health reserves and facilitates the child's adaptation to school workloads.

Thus, in our kindergarten, the implementation of the health-saving system of the educational process is aimed at shaping the physical, mental and social health of a graduate of a preschool educational institution.


The health of children and adolescents is an urgent problem and a matter of priority, as it determines the future of the country, the gene pool of the nation, the scientific and economic potential of society. The state of health of the Russian population, according to official statistics and the results of epidemiological studies, has deteriorated significantly in recent decades, and further deterioration should be expected if conditions affecting health are not significantly changed in a favorable direction. Highest value assigned to lifestyle and environmental factors.

The growing body of a child is especially sensitive to the effects of environmental factors, as well as to a deficiency of vital nutrients and microelements. Simultaneously with the negative impact of environmental and economic crises on the growing population of the country, many risk factors that take place in educational institutions are adversely affected. At the same time, the health of the child population, on the one hand, is sensitive to impacts, on the other hand, it is rather inert in nature: the gap between the impact and the result can be significant, reaching several years.

At preschool age, a significant part of modern children (68%) develop multiple functional disorders, 17% of children acquire chronic diseases, and only one child out of three remains healthy. Thus, the reduced initial level of health of children aged 6-7, who begin systematic education at school, significantly impairs their opportunities for successful education.

The identified health problems of modern children and adolescents require close attention not only of medical workers, but also of teachers, parents, and the public. A special place and responsibility in this healing process is given to educational system which can and should make the educational process health-saving.

In this regard, the creation of an experimental site in a preschool educational institution that implements the forms and methods of health-saving technologies used in educational institutions makes it possible to develop and test a regional model of a health-saving environment in an educational institution.

The main purpose of the experimental site is to design a model of a health-saving environment that provides conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of a child based on the use of modern health-saving technologies in education.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be solved:

  • Formation of a health-saving infrastructure of a preschool educational institution.
  • Implementation of medical and preventive activities that ensure the preservation and strengthening of the health of children under the guidance of the medical staff of the preschool educational institution in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.
  • Organization of physical culture and health-improving activities aimed at the physical development and strengthening of children's health.
  • Organization of sports and gaming activities that ensure the education of the need for movement and an active lifestyle.
  • Implementation of educational health-saving activities in order to foster a culture of health for preschoolers.
  • Implementation of socio-psychological activities aimed at ensuring the socio-emotional well-being of preschoolers.
  • Implementation of outreach activities, including work with the family and staff of preschool educational institutions.

The activities of the experimental site are carried out in the following areas:

  • Research
  1. Designing and approbation of a model of systematic integrated work on the preservation and promotion of health in a preschool educational institution.
  2. Monitoring the development of children in a health-saving environment.
  3. Organization and holding scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables and other forms of joint scientific activity.
  • Organizational and methodological
  1. Formation of the experimental site council and ensuring its functioning.
  2. Formation of a creative community of teachers who use the principles of health saving in educational institutions in their work.
  3. Creation of a scientific and methodological council in the direction of the experimental site on the basis of MDOU Development Center child-kindergarten No. 28 "Pearl", Sayanogorsk.
  4. Providing scientific and methodological assistance to teachers of the MDOU Center for Child Development-Kindergarten No. 28 "Pearl" and parents on the use of health-saving technologies in teaching and upbringing.
  5. Creation of master classes on modeling a health-saving microenvironment that ensures the preservation and promotion of health in preschool educational institutions.
  • advisory
  1. Helping parents with child development.
  2. Provision of additional services to the population, teachers on the issues of diagnosis and correction of the physical, sensory, motor and psychophysiological development of children.

The following results testify to the effectiveness of the experimental site:

  • the presence in the preschool educational institution of systematic and integrated work to preserve and strengthen the health of children (models of a health-saving environment);
  • creation of a valeological model of a graduate of a preschool educational institution;
  • stable indicators of the level of physical development and physical fitness children, their health and emotional well-being; positive dynamics in the development of children of the "risk group";
  • positive attitude of children towards themselves and others;
  • development, implementation and dissemination of accumulated experience in modeling a health-saving environment in preschool educational institutions (scientific and methodological articles in collections of republican, Russian and international conferences, reports at regional and republican conferences, participation in competitions, teaching materials, teachers' reports on work, etc.);
  • increasing the level of professional skills of teachers on the basis of the implementation of individual professional development programs.

Thus, the experimental activity of the preschool educational institution makes it possible to comprehensively and systematically solve the problems of preserving and strengthening the health of children with the use of health-saving technologies.


Pereksina N.P., senior educator

We must learn to use our knowledge in a way that

to help us achieve our goals.

N. Enkelman

Modeling a health-saving system in a preschool educational institution required the solution of complex tasks:

  • Determination of the basic principles of organizing the health-saving activities of teachers.
  • Organization of work on the health protection of children in a preschool educational institution.
  • Creation of conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the health-saving system.
  • Development of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the implemented health-saving system.

A scientific approach to recreational activities - the opening in 2007 of a municipal experimental site on the topic "Medical-psychological-pedagogical support for children from 2 to 7 years old."

The main activities of a preschool educational institution:

  • Organizational - the organization of the health-saving upbringing and educational process of the health-saving space in a preschool educational institution.
  • Physical culture and health-improving – motor – educational activities, diagnostics of the development of physical qualities, health-saving technologies.
  • Therapeutic - immunotherapy, vitamin therapy.
  • Preventive - tempering measures, observance of the sanitary - epidemiological regime and daily routine.

A health-saving pedagogical system is a system that creates the maximum possible conditions to preserve, strengthen and develop the physical, intellectual and social health of all its subjects.

Plan work of preschool educational institution No. 28 "Pearl"

on the creation of a health-saving pedagogical system


Actions (events)



Optimization of the educational process, strengthening its health-preserving and health-forming orientation on the basis of a real connection into a single whole of the processes of education, upbringing and development

  1. Development and implementation of the Development Program "For the sake of the future of children"
  2. Development and implementation of a health program

"Healthy child"


head of the preschool educational institution,

senior educator

  1. Adjustment of the annual plan, long-term and calendar plans of educators in the inter-diagnostic period in order to improve the content of the health-saving educational process (planning samples, consultations, control)


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of the preschool educational institution,

senior educator

  1. Implementation of active health-saving forms of organizing and conducting classes, health-saving methods, technologies


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of the preschool educational institution,

senior educator

  1. Implementation of various projects in working with children (use of the design method in the activities of preschoolers, activation experimental activities with children for health care, etc.)


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of the preschool educational institution,

senior educator

  1. Systematization of individual work with preschool children through a variety of circle and sectional work (planning circle work, holding exhibitions, creative reports)


Head of DOU

senior educator

  1. Ensuring continuity in the health care of preschool and primary education (orientation to the needs of society, joint work plans in order to build a system “today a preschooler, tomorrow a schoolchild”)


Creative group "Neboleyka"

Strengthening the health of children on the basis of the integrated use of means of physical culture and health work

  1. Prevention of diseases and functional disorders
  2. Optimization of motor activity of preschoolers
  3. Correctional work with children
  4. Organization of sports clubs


Head of DOU

senior teacher,



Formation of readiness of teachers to implement a health-saving approach

  1. Formation among teachers of preschool educational institutions complete system knowledge about

preschooler health care


Head of DOU

senior educator

  1. Approbation and implementation of health-saving programs, projects, methods, technologies by teachers




  1. Development and use by teachers of diagnostic cards in the main areas of the health-saving educational process; observation of children's activities, control and verification classes, consultations.


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of the preschool educational institution,

senior educator

Organization of a system of work with parents on health saving

  1. Consultative and educational work with parents using non-traditional, interactive forms on health saving


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of the preschool educational institution,

senior educator

  1. Involving parents in cooperation in the health care system


Doe teachers

  1. Organization of the work of the parent club


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of the preschool educational institution,

senior educator

  1. Holding joint holidays and other events


Doe teachers

Creation of an optimal health-saving educational and methodological environment in the infrastructure of the health-saving space of preschool educational institutions

  1. The study, accumulation, generalization of the experience of teachers and the creation of a PPO bank for the introduction of health-saving programs, methods, technologies


Head of DOU

senior teacher,


  1. Analysis of the solution to the problem of health saving in preschool educational institutions in order to create conditions for the development of a preschooler and his maximum self-realization in health saving (drawing up a work plan in this area)


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of the preschool educational institution,

  1. Transformation of the subject-developing environment, taking into account the program being implemented in each age group (protection of projects for transforming the developing environment in all groups) in order to strengthen its health-saving focus


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of the preschool educational institution,

senior educator

  1. Equipment methodical office scientific and methodical literature, variable programs, methods, pedagogical technologies of training and education, teaching aids


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of the preschool educational institution,

  1. Creation of an information and innovation bank of a kindergarten, including health-saving programs, methods, technologizations used by teachers


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of the preschool educational institution,

senior educator, teachers

  1. Publication of the collection "Health-saving activities of a preschool educational institution: an innovative aspect"


Scientific director of the experimental site,

head of the preschool educational institution,

senior educator, experimental site council

Criteria for the effectiveness of a health-saving system

The model of a health-saving system developed and implemented in a preschool educational institution successfully solves next questions health saving:

  • An optimal developing infrastructure of a health-saving space has been created in a preschool educational institution.
  • A comprehensive program "Healthy Child", the author's program "Give yourself health" has been developed.
  • An optimal health-saving subject-developing environment has been created for the development of children and their maximum self-realization in health conservation, taking into account the program being implemented in each age group.
  • An effective system for the prevention of child road traffic injuries has been created.
  • Various projects have been implemented in working with children (through the use of the “You are a pedestrian” design method and others, the activation of experimental and research activities of preschoolers).
  • Parents are involved in active cooperation (through the board of trustees, joint meetings, consultative days "Cooperation", open days, "Family Museum", "Family Theater", etc.).
  • The level of theoretical, methodological knowledge of teachers about ongoing programs and technologies for health protection and technological skills for their implementation has increased.
  • Criteria for the effectiveness of a health-saving subject-developing environment have been developed.
  • Diagnostic maps have been developed in the main areas of the health-saving educational process; questionnaires for parents, teachers.

All of the above are important criteria for the effectiveness of a health-saving pedagogical system.

In the process of implementing the comprehensive health-improving program "Healthy Child", we received positive results - a health-saving model of a preschool educational institution was created based on the integration of all subjects involved in the educational process through the implementation of an integrated approach:

  • creation of conditions for the protection and strengthening of the physical, mental and social well-being of the child;
  • successful adaptation of children to the preschool educational institution;
  • increasing the competence of teachers, parents, children on health issues;
  • increasing the level of physical development of children;
  • reduction in the number of children who often suffer from colds;
  • increasing the level of pedagogical reflection of teachers as a component of the teacher's subjective position in professional activities, their focus on creating their own programs pedagogical activity;
  • formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle for children in the family;
  • improving the quality of education.

Thus, the main mechanism of the health-improving work of a preschool educational institution is the model of a health-saving system.

Health system model

Motor-educational activity

Wellness work

Preventive and curative measures

Diagnostics of the level of physical development, health status and physical fitness

hardening activities

Correctional work


Organization of rational nutrition

physical education classes

health-saving technologies

chest massage

diagnostics of the level of physical development


logorite mika

outdoor games

Organization of a second breakfast (juices, fruits)


Vitamin therapy


medical examination of children in a children's clinic

morning reception of children in the fresh air, morning exercises, air baths (airing)


health days

Introduction of vegetables and fruits to lunch and afternoon snack

musical-but-rhythm-cal classes


Ultrasound inhalation "Monsoon"

diagnosis of child development



health week

Substitute Foods for Allergic Children

morning exercises

rosehip tincture with honey

tube quartz

examination of the psycho-emotional state of children by a teacher-psychologist

swimming in the pool, sauna, contrast shower, extensive washing, rinsing the throat with cool water, rinsing with a decoction of herbs, wiping with a soft mitten moistened with cold water

occupation of a speech therapist

sports entertainment, holidays, leisure

Drinking regime

wellness hour after sleep



examination by a speech pathologist

additional hardening measures

anti-drug activities

game day (once a month)

physical education minute

gargle with herbal infusion


self-massage, reflexology, sunbathing, walking barefoot on grass, cones, sand, stones, ribbed board, salt path, spiked mats


health run

garlic and onion snacks

section "Blue Lagoon"

eleuthero coccus extract

lubrication of the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment

garlic-lemon tincture


“Fear has big eyes,” says the proverb. They are also great for parents who do not dare to give their baby under the care of "someone else's aunt", not being sure of his complete safety. Perhaps such mothers and fathers were not lucky with their own kindergarten experience, or perhaps they are simply not well informed about modern forms preschool education. All this must be taken into account by teachers who are going to open short-stay groups for children attending preschool institutions. Since 2009, an adaptation group for short stays for children from 1.5 to 3 years old has been working in our kindergarten.

The kindergarten is located in a residential area of ​​the city, where a large number of young families with children live. Some of these children attend preschool, others are at home with their mother or grandmother. To understand the attitude of parents towards the opening of short stay groups, we conducted a sociological survey, which showed that the majority of parents are interested in them. Especially in demand is a group designed for visiting young children together with their mothers in the evening.

The first distinguishing feature of our group is already in its name - "adaptation". By enrolling a child in this group, parents understand that the more successful the process of the baby’s stay here is, the more calmly he will adapt to kindergarten in the next academic year, when he will attend a group without a mother. It is also important that parents meticulously get acquainted with the life of the kindergarten throughout the year in order to calmly leave their child here.

Of course, the constant presence of parents in the group imposes additional responsibility on the workers not only of this group, but of the entire team. Love for the child and high professionalism of the staff is the most important condition for the successful functioning of any children's group. But in a group of short-term stay, the teacher must control not only the team of children, but also the team of parents, constantly activating and including them in the process of education and training. Here we need a creative, thinking teacher, not only knowing modern technologies education, but also able to apply them depending on the situation.

The goals that we set ourselves when opening the adaptation group remain the same six years later:

  • creation of prerequisites for the successful adaptation of the child to kindergarten;
  • formation of pedagogical and psychological literacy of parents.

We named our short-stay adaptation group "Baby" for children aged 1.5 to 3 years with an evening stay in kindergarten. A group of 20 children attend. Time of stay: from 18.00 to 20.00. To organize the work of the "Krokha" group, a creative group was created, which included: a teacher-psychologist, educator, music director, physical education instructor. The work is carried out according to the long-term plan. Parents work in a variety of ways:

  • study of the family (filling in an individual journal of the child, a social questionnaire for parents);
  • parent clubs: "How to prepare a child for admission to a preschool educational institution", "Development of independence in children in self-service"; individual counseling on education;
  • entertainment: "Visiting Santa Claus", "April Fool's Day".

Meeting the first babies and mothers, we faced some problems. It turned out that many parents do not even suspect that the baby cannot listen to both the teacher and the mother at the same time. Each parent considered it his duty to repeat the teacher's phrase several times and as loudly as possible, so that the baby better understands the meaning of what was said, as a result, the room was filled with a rumble of voices, in which the child literally “drowned”. We also encountered a different view on the purpose of the joint stay of mother and child in the group: some mothers sat comfortably on the sofa in the group room and began to discuss various issues with other parents, not paying any attention to their baby! In this regard, we begin work not with the child, but with the mother, explaining her role in this situation. By involving adults to participate in various activities, we strive to create a sense of psychological comfort in the child, arouse interest in the activity and promote emotional interaction between the child and the adult.

By the end of the school year, parents who attended the adaptation group with their children are completely transformed. They already have an idea of ​​what the baby should know and be able to do at this age, and most importantly, how to teach it. Parents grow in their self-esteem as educators of their own child. They gain confidence in their abilities, and they know exactly what to do with the baby and how to do it.

As a result of such interaction during the school year, parents become our active helpers. They are imbued with our concerns and aspirations and know about everything that happens in kindergarten, not by hearsay "from the sandbox", but from joint activities. Only when the task of joint activity of parents and children is solved, when parents begin to understand how they are necessary for the full development and upbringing of their child, only then can one be completely confident in the effectiveness of the work of the short stay group in kindergarten.

When children enter a preschool institution, adaptation to new microsocial conditions is accompanied by distinct changes in behavior, vegetative indicators, and body reactivity. Adverse consequences and failures of adaptation can be prevented by applying a set of sparing psychoprophylactic measures. However, for the implementation of these measures, it is necessary to diagnose the features of adaptation as early as possible and predict its course.

For quantitative characteristics individual behavioral and emotional reactions, taking into account their prognostic significance in children from two to three years old who first entered kindergarten, we use the scoring method expert assessments. Children entering the preschool educational institution are observed during the day by educators (at 1 and 2 half a day), who at the end of the day note the child’s manifestations of behavioral and emotional reactions in 9 indicators (negative emotions, anger, fear, positive emotions, social contacts, cognitive activity, physical activity, sleep, appetite) and write down the corresponding scores in the observation form. Next, the sum of points per day is calculated, which represent a comprehensive assessment of the child's condition in terms of predicting his adaptation. Each child is observed until the onset of full adaptation (+40 points for three days). Along with this, the dynamics of body weight is monitored when the child enters kindergarten and then monthly until the onset of full adaptation, as well as the frequency of morbidity and exacerbations of chronic morbidity. Based on a comprehensive assessment, adaptation is considered favorable, conditionally favorable and unfavorable.

Only half of the children enrolled in a preschool educational institution have a favorable adaptation. Most often, this nature of the course of adaptation in 1 junior group observed among children 2 years and 2 years 3 months. At the same time, among children 2 years 6 months. more often there is a breakdown of adaptation in the form of a disease. Unfavorable course of adaptation in children aged 2 years and 6 months. may be due to the peculiarities of raising children in the family (insufficient socialization), health status. In the 2nd younger group, a favorable course of adaptation is noted more often, which indicates that these children are better prepared for new social conditions.

Among children with unfavorable adaptation, there are children who attend a short stay group before coming to kindergarten. These data may reflect violations of the socialization of such children and the desire of parents to compensate for these problems by gradually accustoming the child to caregivers, children, and conditions in the preschool educational institution. In this regard, in short-stay groups, it is necessary to carry out explanatory work with parents on the development of communicative behavior skills in children before entering kindergarten.

An analysis of the course of adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions made it possible to establish that the transition to a new routine moment (eating at lunch, sleeping) was accompanied by a decrease in a comprehensive assessment of the child's condition, which indicates the difficulties of children's adaptation to kindergarten conditions. Therefore, before the child enters the kindergarten, it is necessary to familiarize the parents with the menu of the institution in order to teach the child at home to eat the dishes that will be offered to him in the kindergarten. It is advisable to recommend that the mother organize the diet and cooking in advance in the same way as they do in the preschool educational institution.

Thus, when a child enters a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child (age, communicative behavior skills, the nature of upbringing in the family, etc.). When analyzing a child's adaptation to kindergarten, it is important to analyze daily a comprehensive assessment of the child's condition in order to exclude premature transfer of the child to a new routine moment, which may adversely affect the course of adaptation. Psychological and pedagogical support of a child during adaptation to kindergarten should take into account his individual characteristics.


Health is so disturbing to all the other blessings of life,

That a truly healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.

A. Schopenhauer

One of the most important links in the national educational initiative "Our New School" is a teacher. In connection with the transition to student-centered models of education, the requirements from society to the personality of the teacher, his role in educational process. The teacher is required to have a creative attitude to work, possession of pedagogical equipment, design skills. Personal qualities teacher, the state of his health, professional competence, the ability to use health-saving pedagogical technologies are put forward in first place among the factors that can significantly affect the health status of pupils. During recent decades The problem of the teacher's health in an educational institution has become especially relevant due to the increase in the average age of the teacher and the additional workload.

Teacher - only person who devotes most of his time to teaching and raising children. This requires society to create conditions under which the teacher would perform high-quality professional tasks. Behavior modern educators characterized by increased tension, the result of which are rudeness, incontinence, shouting. Professional duty obliges the teacher to make informed decisions, overcome outbursts of anger, states of irritability, anxiety, and despair. However, the external containment of emotions, when a violent emotional process takes place inside, does not lead to calm, but, on the contrary, increases emotional stress and negatively affects the health of the child himself, as well as the psychological health of the pupils.

Health has always been and will be the greatest value for mankind. By and large, health is something that is always lacking and what a person strives for throughout his life. Recently, a lot has been said and written about such a phenomenon as professional burnout. In the process of performing any work, people tend to experience physical and neuropsychic stress. It has now been established that professional burnout syndrome affects specialists who, by the nature of their work, are forced to carry out numerous and intensive contacts with other people. These are social workers - teachers, psychologists, doctors, lawyers, police officers and leaders of various levels.

The profession of a teacher can be classified as a “risk group” in terms of the frequency of health disorders and the severity of ongoing diseases.Pedagogical activity is full of various kinds of stressful situations and various factors associated with the possibility of increased emotional response. In terms of the degree of tension, the workload of a teacher is on average greater than that of managers, bankers, general directors and presidents of associations, i.e. professionals working directly with people.

Emotional burnout among professionals is one of the protective mechanisms, expressed in a certain emotional attitude towards their professional activities. Taking into account all the above facts, a psychological study of the teaching staff was carried out in our team. The purpose of this study is to determine the range of personal and interpersonal problems in the team, to test in practice a diagnostic package aimed at studying the psychological health of a teacher.

To identify the syndrome of professional burnout, we used the method of V.V. Boyko, which made it possible to establish that 24% of teachers are at the stage of formation of emotional burnout, 9.5% have a formed phase of emotional burnout. When studying the degree of "chronic fatigue" of teachers, it was revealed that 16% of teachers are at the initial stage, 19% of teachers have a pronounced degree, and 9% of preschool teachers have a strong degree. Analysis interpersonal relationships in the team by assessing the socio-psychological climate in the team according to the polar profiles according to the method of E.I. Rogova showed that 92% of teachers consider the psychological climate positive and assess it as a high degree of favorableness.

Teacher-psychologist Lvov Yu.L. calls professional activity after 10-15 years of work the so-called "pedagogical crisis". We conducted an analysis of the pedagogical activity (experience) of our educators and teachers. The results showed that 26% of teachers have a teaching experience of 10-20 years, 52% of teachers have more than 20 years. along with this, an analysis of the health status of teachers was carried out on the basis of statistical data from a dispensary examination in the 2010-11 academic year.

Thanks to the study, we received a comprehensive personality profile, a detailed picture of the professional burnout syndrome, which allowed us to determine measures for the prevention and psychocorrection of emotional burnout. The solution of the tasks set required the need to formulate and search for ways to solve the preservation of the health of teachers on the basis of the psychological support of pedagogical activity through the project "Health of the teacher". The purpose of this project is to ensure the physical and psychological health of teachers through the use of health programs and technologies. The project includes specific group and individual activities for the formation of skills for the regulation of psycho-emotional states, the correction of personal and interpersonal problems. Such events make it possible to teach teachers methods of non-traditional treatment and relieving psychophysical stress using various techniques: relaxation, meditation, autogenic training, good mood gymnastics, self-massage, aromatherapy.

Now they write and talk a lot about the psychological health of children, about preventive and corrective work with children who have disorders in the emotional and personal sphere, but before helping children become psychologically healthy, it is necessary to teach teachers to control their emotional state, teach them elementary methods of recovery, create favorable climate in the teaching staff.

"Health-saving technologies, technologies for preserving and stimulating health"

Place of work MBDOU kindergarten №27

Position held senior educator

Total work experience 13 years .

13 years teaching experience

in position 5 years

Higher education , graduated from the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, specialty: teacher-speech therapist, special psychologist.

1. Literature review

1.1. Physical education of preschoolers: tasks, goals, means ... p.4

1.2 A review of the proposed methods of a health-saving pedagogical system in a preschool educational institution with.6

1.3. History of studying the topic of pedagogical experience in an educational institution, the system of methodological work p.10

1.4. Basic concepts, terms in the description of pedagogical experience p.12

2. Technologies for stimulating and maintaining health

2.1. Description of the main methods and techniques used in the presented pedagogical experience p.14

2.2. Relevance p.20

2.3. Efficiency p.21

2.4. Novelty p.22

2.5. Manufacturability. Description of the main elements of the presented pedagogical experience p.23

conclusions p.24

Applications p.25

References p.36

1. Literary review.

1.1. Physical education of preschoolers: tasks, goals, means.

Starting work on this topic, I studied the literature on the physical education of preschoolers, as well as the tasks, means, ways to solve the problem of strengthening, developing and maintaining the health of children up to school age. The study of the content of physical education was necessary to understand how this problem is formulated by scientists - didactics and developers of the methodology of physical education, what place the tasks of health-preserving technologies occupy in the physical education of preschoolers.

T. I. Osokina identifies the following tasks:

1. Protection of life.

2. Health promotion.

3. Improving the child's body, promoting its proper physical development.

4. Increasing efficiency.

IN AND. Loginova formulates the tasks of physical education in a slightly different way:

1. Protection of life and promotion of health.

2. Ensuring the timely and full development of all organs and functions of the body.

3. Formation of basic movements and motor skills, dexterity, flexibility, courage, etc.

A.V. Keneman, G.W. Khukhlaev formulated three groups of tasks:

1. Wellness - development and strengthening of the bone, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems, internal organs: development of movements, as well as hardening of the child's body.

2. Educational - the formation of skills for performing basic movements; instilling the skills of correct posture, hygiene skills, mastering knowledge about your body, about health; formation of ideas about the regime, about activity and rest.

3. Educational tasks - the formation of moral and physical skills; to develop in children the need, the habit of daily physical exercise as a need for physical perfection; education of cultural and hygienic qualities.

M.A. Vasiliev provides for the protection and strengthening of the health of children, especially the nervous system, the improvement of the functions of the child's body, full physical development, the education of interest in various types of motor activity accessible to children, the formation of positive moral and volitional personality traits. She proposes to carry out this work not only as physical education, but in the context of the general pedagogical process.

E.N. Vavilov identifies several tasks: protection and promotion of health, full physical development, timely formation of motor skills and abilities in preschoolers, improvement of all functional systems of the body.

So, the task of improving the health of a child at preschool age in the works of the above scientists is set, recognized as one of the most important. In the same works, the means of physical education are singled out as a means of improving the health of the child. As a means of physical education, the authors consider the healing forces of nature, good nutrition, a rational mode of life, physical activity of the children themselves, and even artistic means- literature, folklore, films and cartoons, works of musical and visual arts, etc.

1.2. Overview of the proposed methods of the health-saving pedagogical system in a preschool educational institution

At the present stage of development of education, there are several concepts of the physical development of preschool children. The philosophy of this or that program is based on a certain view of the authors on the child, on the laws of his development, and, consequently, on the creation of conditions that contribute to the formation of the personality, protect his identity and reveal the creative potential of each pupil. The development of children's motor activity should proceed in the form of their familiarization with physical culture as a natural component of universal human culture in the proper sense of the word.

T.N. Doronova- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in her program "Rainbow" draws attention to the upbringing and development of kindergarten children, the main component she preferred the most important subject of education - physical education. “Human health depends on how physical education work with children is organized. A child in preschool childhood should feel muscle joy and love movement, this will help him carry through his life the need for movement, join sports and a healthy lifestyle. She defined the main forms of work with children in the chapter "Raising a healthy child" on the motor regime, hardening, physical culture and health work. All the work is presented in the sections “Forming the habit of a healthy lifestyle”, “Daily mode of life”, “Wakefulness”, “Sleep”, “Nutrition”, “Health skills”, “Forming a culture of movements”. Gradually, the child masters the basic cultural and hygienic skills, gets acquainted with the elements of self-control during a variety of motor activities. It highlights the issues of behavior in situations that threaten the life and health of children, the ability to avoid or even anticipate them, which are important at the present stage. T.N. Doronova revealed the means and forms of physical education. These are hygienic factors, hygiene of the nervous system, physical exercises, preventive, developmental, therapeutic, rehabilitation orientation in the selection of physical exercises.

The program of the team of authors led by L.A. Wenger "Development", which contains two theoretical provisions: the theory of A.V. Zaporozhets about the intrinsic value of the preschool period of development, the transition from a utilitarian understanding of preschool childhood to a humanistic understanding, and the concept of L.A. Wenger about the development of abilities, which are understood as universal actions orientation in the environment with the help of figurative means of solving problems specific to the preschooler. This program does not contain tasks for the physical development of the child. A M.D. Makhaneva and Doctor of Psychology O.M. Dyachenko in 2000 developed guidelines on raising a healthy child to the program "Development". They contain, on the one hand, general characteristics means that ensure the health of the child (hygienic, hardening, physical exercises), on the other hand, specific descriptions of physical education classes held in the gym. They are valuable because they allow you to use them when planning a variety of aspects of organizing a healthy lifestyle for children, combining classes in the "Development" program and a number of additional ones with carrying out the necessary recreational activities. M. D. Makhaneva pays great attention to the proper nutrition of children, to the need for its usefulness. She criticizes the generally accepted system of physical education, which cannot solve problems at the present stage, since it does not take into account the specific conditions of children's institutions in different regions of Russia, does not provide for a differentiated approach to children in accordance with their individual characteristics and health, and does not meet the needs of children in movement. .

V.T. Kudryavtsev- Doctor of Psychological Sciences, B.B. Egorov - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, determined the idea of ​​an integrated interdisciplinary approach to the issue of physical education of a preschooler, and a developing pedagogy of health improvement arose (2000). Their program and methodological manual reflects two lines of health-improving and developmental work:

They criticize the well-established approach to the physical culture and health-improving work of preschool children, they speak of the need for a radical revision of the existing methods of physical education in preschool institutions and schools. Physical activity, various forms of its purposeful organization occupy a more than modest place in the life of modern preschool child". They are placed, in their opinion, on the periphery of the educational process. They say the same about wellness work. All this, in their opinion, leads to the loss of the sources of development of the child, the growth of childhood morbidity.

The general goal of the program and methodological material is to form the motor sphere and create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of children's health based on their creative activity.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor N.N. Efimenko in 1999 he released the program "Theatre of physical development and recovery" for children of preschool and primary school age. In it, the author formulated the main fundamentally new systems of physical education and health improvement for children of the first 10 years of life. The idea to turn “monotonous classes into performances that give children joy and benefit their physical, intellectual development, and the formation of interpersonal relationships” runs like a red thread.

In the program "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschoolers" V.A. Ananiev in the sections "Human health and environment”, “Health and lifestyle of a person”, the author sets the task of developing the physical activity of children, says that they need to be taught to take care of their health and the health of others, to form personal hygiene skills, to give knowledge about healthy food to orient children to a healthy lifestyle, to give basic knowledge about what an infectious disease is, what needs to be done so as not to get infected. Ways to solve problems: classes, games - classes, visual activity, walks, hygiene procedures, tempering activities, games, sporting events, holidays. conversations, reading literature, the use of emotionally attractive forms, work with parents aimed at improving the health of children and developing their physical activity.

The program "Fundamentals of life safety for preschool children", developed by candidates of psychological sciences N.N. Avdeeva and R.B. Sterkina, candidate of pedagogical sciences O.L. Knyazeva. The authors note that safety and a healthy lifestyle are not just the sum of knowledge acquired by children, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in life. different situations, including unexpected ones. Determining the main content of the work on life safety and the direction of development of children, the authors of the program considered it necessary to highlight such rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety of life depend on this.

So, the analysis of the content of modern programs for preschool institutions allows us to conclude that, despite the differences in concepts, approaches, methods and means of solving the problem of improving the health of preschool children, in the content of each program, the authors recognize the problem of preserving children's health as a priority and give it priority. meaning. The programs offer to be active in the work of not only teachers, but also the children themselves, parents.

1.3. The history of the study of the topic of pedagogical experiencein an educational institution.

In 2012, the collected material on the introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process, setting herself a number of tasks, and for their successful implementation developed a card file of games and exercises on physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions, as an addition to the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" M .A.Vasilyeva.

System of methodical work

The system of methodical work of the preschool educational institution includes different types activities focused on understanding, testing and creative interpretation of innovative approaches to the problem of using health-saving technologies and health-saving technologies for preschool children by teachers. The conceptual foundations of the activities of the methodological service of the preschool educational institution for the implementation of the goals and objectives are the current approaches to updating the content of activities to create a health-saving environment in the preschool educational institution, improving the quality of health-saving work with children of different age groups, the values ​​of personality-oriented, humanistic pedagogy and psychology.

To achieve the goals set, a perspective plan work on this issue.

Perspective work plan

  • Planning and organizing a system of work to improve the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of preschool teachers on the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process, recommendations for conducting various kinds gymnastic.
  • Organization of seminars, consultations, holding mo.
  • study of the problem in the scientific and methodological literature.
  • Identification, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience of preschool teachers.
  • Organization of an exhibition of methodological literature.
  • Organization and holding of pedagogical councils.
  • Preparation of publications for printing, file cabinets for educators, drawing up recommendations for teachers on the use of health-saving technologies in the educational space of preschool educational institutions.

1.4. Basic concepts, terms in the description of pedagogical experience.

Physical education- a pedagogical process aimed at achieving good health, physical and motor development of the child. In the process of physical education, the tasks of versatile development (mental, moral, aesthetic, labor) are simultaneously solved.

Physical development- this is the process of changing the forms and functions of the body under the influence of living conditions and education. IN narrow sense words are: anthropometric and biometric concepts (height, weight, chest circumference, posture conditions, vital capacity lungs.) In a broad sense, these are physical qualities (endurance, agility, speed, strength, flexibility, balance, eye).

Physical fitness- the level of development of motor skills and abilities, physical qualities of a person. As a result of a deep study of the capabilities of the child's body, normative indicators for all major types of physical exercises and requirements for the quality of their implementation were developed.

Physical training - This professional orientation physical education/

physical education- one of the aspects of physical education, aimed at mastering professional knowledge, motor skills.

Physical exercise- movements, motor actions, certain types motor activity, which are used to solve the problems of physical education.

motor activity- activity, the main component of which is movement, and which is aimed at the physical and motor development of the child.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO).

Technology -With strictly scientific forecasting (design) and accurate reproduction of pedagogical actions that ensure the achievement of planned results

Health saving technology is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors educational environment aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his education and development. the concept of preschool education provides not only for the preservation, but also for the active formation of a healthy lifestyle and health of pupils

2.1. Description of the main methods and techniques used in the presented experience.

Health saving technologies V preschool education- technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of children. children, teachers and parents.

Modern health-saving technologies used in the system of preschool education reflect two lines of health-improving and developmental work:

  • Introducing children to physical culture
  • The use of developing forms of health work.

The focus is shifting from simple treatment and prevention of disease to health promotion. The task of the senior educator today is to equip teachers with the necessary knowledge in this direction, to prepare a card file of games and exercises so that teachers can use this material, share knowledge among parents and teachers of other institutions. The main thing, of course, is that educators could instill in children the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education

  • medical and preventive;
  • physical culture and health;
  • technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child;
  • health saving and health enrichment of teachers of preschool education;
  • valeological education of parents; health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

Medical and preventive technologies in preschool education - technologies that ensure the preservation and enhancement of children's health under the guidance of the medical staff of the preschool educational institution in accordance with medical requirements and norms, using medical devices. These include the following technologies: organizing monitoring of the health of preschool children and developing recommendations for optimizing children's health; organization and control of nutrition for children of early and preschool age, physical development of preschool children, hardening; organization of preventive measures in kindergarten; organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of SanPiNs; organization of a health-saving environment in a preschool educational institution.

Physical culture and health technologies in preschool education - technologies aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the health of preschoolers: the development of physical qualities, physical activity and the formation of physical culture of preschoolers, hardening, breathing exercises, massage and self-massage, prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture, fostering the habit of everyday physical activity and health care, etc.

The implementation of these technologies, as a rule, is carried out by specialists in physical education and educators of preschool educational institutions in conditions specially organized forms health work.

Health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten - technologies for educating a valeological culture or a culture of health for preschoolers. The goal is the formation of a conscious attitude of the child to the health and life of a person, the accumulation of knowledge about health and the development of skills to protect, maintain and preserve it.

Technologies for ensuring socio-psychological well-being child - technologies that provide mental and social health preschool child. The main task of these technologies is to ensure emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family. These include: technologies of psychological or psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the child in the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution

Technologies of health saving and health enrichment of teachers- technologies aimed at developing a culture of health for teachers, including a culture of professional health, developing the need for a healthy lifestyle. Technologies of valeological education of parents - the task of these technologies is to ensure the valeological education of parents of pupils of preschool educational institutions.

I believe that today the leading place should be given to the use of technologies for maintaining and stimulating health, as well as technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle and corrective technologies:

Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health:

Stretching - not earlier than 30 min. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age in a gym or music room, or in a group room, in a well-ventilated room, special exercises to music. Recommended for children with sluggish posture and flat feet.

Dynamic pauses- during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. Recommended for all children as a prevention of fatigue. May include elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity.

Mobile and sports games- as part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - small, medium and high degree mobility Daily for all age groups. Games are selected in accordance with the age of the child, the place and time of its holding. In kindergarten, we use only elements of sports games.

Relaxation- in any suitable room, depending on the condition of the children and the goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups. You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff), sounds of nature. A special relaxation room has been created in our kindergarten.

Finger gymnastics– from a younger age individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. It is carried out at any convenient time interval (at any convenient time).

Gymnastics for the eyes- daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age. It is recommended to use visual material, showing the teacher.

Respiratory gymnastics- in various forms of physical culture and health work. Provide ventilation of the room, the teacher instructs the children on the mandatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure.

Corrective gymnastics- in various forms of physical culture and health work. The form of conducting depends on the task and the contingent of children.

Orthopedic gymnastics- in various forms of physical culture and health work. It is recommended for children with flat feet and as a prevention of diseases of the supporting arch of the foot /

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle

Physical education– 2-3 times a week in sports or music halls. Early age - in the group room, 10 min. younger age- 15-20 minutes, average age - 20-25 minutes, senior age - 25-30 minutes. Before class, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.

Problem-playing (game trainings and game therapy) - in your free time, you can in the afternoon. Time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher. The lesson can be organized invisibly for the child, by including the teacher in the process of playing activities.

Communication games- 1-2 times a week for 30 minutes. from older age. Classes are built according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games. varying degrees mobility, drawing, modeling, etc.

Correctional technologies

Technologies of musical impact– in various forms of physical culture and health-improving work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on your goals. Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

fairy tale therapy– 2-4 lessons per month for 30 minutes. from older age. Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children, and the rest of the children repeat the necessary movements after the narrators.

Color exposure technologies- Properly selected interior colors in our group relieve tension and increase the emotional mood of the child.

The health-saving technologies used in the complex eventually form a stable motivation for a healthy lifestyle in the child. To arouse in children a desire to engage, it is important to interest the child from the first minutes. To do this, it is necessary to first think over the methodological techniques that will help to solve the tasks.

The tasks set will be successfully solved only when using open pedagogical principles and teaching methods, namely:

The principle of accessibility and individuality- provides accounting age features and capabilities of the child. One of the main conditions for accessibility is the continuity and gradual complication of tasks - this is achieved by the correct distribution of material in the classroom. Individuality is the consideration of individual characteristics. Each child has his own functional abilities, so the material is absorbed in different ways.

The principle of gradual increase in requirements is to put before the child more and more difficult assignments and their implementation. To do this, it is advisable to alternate load with rest.

The principle of systematic continuity and regularity of classes. Systematic classes discipline the child, accustom him to methodical and regular work.

The principle of visibility is essential in learning to move. Classes are provided with a number of methodological techniques that make the child want to study. The teacher for each task chooses the most effective way of explaining this task - these are methods such as showing, verbal, playful, illustrative and visual.

THAT. to create conditions for motivation to study physical culture I believe that it is necessary to create such conditions so that the child “has an appetite” to engage in physical culture and sports, so that he understands the usefulness of movements for his health.

2.2. The relevance of pedagogical experience.

Health and a healthy lifestyle do not yet occupy the first places in the hierarchy of human needs in our society.

Now you almost never meet a completely healthy child. In connection with the deteriorating level of health of pupils, there is a need to organize GCD with an emphasis on solving the health problems of physical education, without violating the educational component of the process.

In accordance with the Law on Education, children's health is one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of education. The issue of strengthening and maintaining health today is very acute. Physicians note a trend towards an increase in the number of preschoolers with various functional abnormalities, chronic diseases.

Therefore, every teacher has questions: how to organize the activities of preschoolers in the classroom in order to give each child the optimal load, taking into account his preparedness, health group? How to develop interest in physical education, the need for a healthy lifestyle?

Therefore, there is problem, relevant both for pedagogical science and for practice: how to effectively organize the educational process without harming the health of preschoolers? It can be answered subject to the approach to the organization of education and training from the standpoint of the three principles of valueology: the preservation, strengthening and formation of health.

2.3. Efficiency .

The system of methodological support made it possible to achieve an improvement in the quality of work with teachers of preschool educational institutions, which was expressed in the following results.

The level of health and physical development of children:

The incidence rate decreased by 3.5%, the number of sick leave was significantly reduced.

The number of children with a high level of physical development increased by 10% and is 45%.

The number of children with a high level of ideas about a healthy lifestyle increased by 44% and is 82%.

Level professional growth teachers:

The number of teachers with a high level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in organizing a health-saving environment in preschool educational institutions and conducting health-saving activities has increased by 30% and is 90%.

The motivation of teachers to use innovative approaches to the health care of pupils of preschool educational institutions has been significantly increased.

The number of teachers who systematically and methodically competently use health-saving technologies in the educational process and regime moments increased by 29% and is 82%.

The subject-developing environment in groups has been improved (new physical and sports equipment and attributes are being acquired, massage paths, manuals for performing breathing and finger gymnastics have been made.

For successful work on introducing parents of teachers to a healthy lifestyle, she released a methodological guide "Raising a healthy baby", in which you can find a lot useful information, recommendations and memos on the use of new health-saving technologies. Benefit received positive feedback from teachers.

2.4. Novelty.

The novelty of the experience lies in the implementation of innovative health-saving technologies during the entire time the preschooler stays in kindergarten:

The use of valeological techniques to motivate a healthy lifestyle;

Use of information and communication technologies;

Use of modern equipment.

2.5. Manufacturability. Description of the main elements of the presented pedagogical experience.

In the process of work, material was collected on the use of health-saving technologies, card files of games and exercises were developed, and memos for parents were compiled.

Work experience includes the main elements:

  • Educational process: physical education classes, gymnastics, relaxation exercises, cognitive classes, health minutes, physical education minutes, psychological unloading minutes.
  • Strict adherence to the regime: morning exercises, classes, outdoor games for a walk, sports entertainment and leisure, corrective exercises after sleep, hardening procedures, diet, sleep, walks, etc.
  • Visual agitation and work with parents: health corners for children and parents, days and weeks of health, a round table “We take care of the health of children together”, conversations, consultations, etc.
  • A series of conversations for children: “Know your body”, “Keep hygiene rules”, “How to brush your teeth properly”, “Your mood”.


  1. Creating a health-saving environment and educating healthy lifestyle skills in children is one of the main activities of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution, teachers successfully solve the problem of reducing emotional and volitional stress and strengthening the immunity of preschoolers through an integrated approach to the formation of the health of pupils.
  2. Cognitive moments are organically combined with wellness, developing activities are combined with breathing exercises, vibrational gymnastics, eye gymnastics, relaxation, self-massage and other health-saving technologies.
  3. Creation of a stable positive motivation to preserve and strengthen one's own health; the formation of the psychological health of preschoolers as an important factor in human health in general.


  1. Vavilova E.N. Strengthen the health of children: A guide for a kindergarten teacher, - M .: Education, 1986
  2. Emelyanova V.N., from work experience at topic "Improving the quality of physical culture and health work through methodological support for the use of health-saving technologies."
  3. Gavryuchina L.V. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions Toolkit. - M.: TC Sphere, 2008
  4. Ikova V.V. Physical therapy for posture defects and scoliosis in preschoolers, state publishing house of medical literature., Leningrad, 1963
  5. Makhaneva M.D. Raising a healthy child// Handbook for practitioners of preschool institutions. – M.: ARKTI, 1999.
  6. Makarova Z.S. Improvement and rehabilitation of frequently ill children in preschool institutions. M.: Humanities Publishing Center VLADOS, 2004
  7. Penzulaeva L.I. Recreational gymnastics for preschool children (3-7 years old). - M.: VLADOS, 2002
  8. Runova M.A. Motor activity of the child in kindergarten. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2002.

Internet resources:

  • http:// (Health-saving technologies Leukina I.A.)
  • (Theoretical seminar "The use of health-saving technologies in the work of a teacher" Chebotareva O.V.)
  • (class on valeology) Masagutova I. Z.

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