Doman training. Doman Method. How to practice? And is it worth it? Doman Method for Healthy Children

IN modern world Many parents think that the sooner they start developing activities with their child, the better. Thinking about how to do it better, they are looking for a suitable technique. One of the most famous is the technique of Glen Doman. Let us consider in more detail what are the features of this technique and how it works.

From the life of Glen Doman

In 1919, in one of the oldest cities in the United States - Philadelphia - Glen Doman was born. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania in 1940, he began his career as a physiotherapist in a hospital. It is here that he begins work on researching how children's brains develop. However, the outbreak of war interrupts her. In 1941, Doman joined the army as a volunteer, having been trained in infantry officer courses. His service ends with the rank of commander of an infantry company with the Distinguished Service Cross.

Returning to medicine after the war, Glen Doman, together with fellow workers, begins to assist in the recovery of children with various brain injuries and serious damage to the nervous system. In 1955, he founded the non-profit Institute for Human Development. The theoretical and practical basis of the Institute was the Doman method.

For more than 20 years, being constantly at work, conducting numerous studies, experiments, experiments, drawing conclusions, coming to any conclusions, Doman and his like-minded colleagues have been looking for ways and opportunities to cure such children (with complete or partial paralysis). , a strong lag in development, incapable of perceiving the world and communicating). They considered it important to treat the root cause - the brain, and not the consequences of lesions, i.e. body.

In 1960, Doman published an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association about methodical work and ongoing treatment of children with brain damage and the results of their rehabilitation. It was then that a lot of people knew about him. His work brought about a "soft scientific revolution".

From this period, together with his associates, Doman actively continued his work, developed and improved new programs and methods for the recovery of children. He has received many awards for his achievements in his work.

In the book "The Harmonious Development of the Child" you can find a more complete description of his method.

When can classes start

As a result of his observations, Doman came to the conclusion that children do not learn as much in their entire lives as they can learn in the first 6 years of life. Almost from birth, the child is ready to explore the world, he is interested in everything that is in his environment. At this age, you do not have to additionally motivate the child. Classes must be carried out in the form of an entertaining game.

In his opinion, you can start teaching children from 3 months, because it is at this age that the baby shows a reaction to objects. The educational process begins with showing cards for a short period of time (literally a few seconds per card). It is necessary that real objects are presented on the cards: vegetables, fruits, animals, furniture, transport, geometric figures etc.

Doman technique

For many years, Doman conducted various studies, focusing on working with children who are lagging behind in development. However, looking at how their brothers and sisters, who were absolutely healthy, joined the classes with interest and achieved great success, he created a methodology that was designed with their interests and needs in mind.

The main provisions on which the methodology is based:

  • The human brain grows and develops only by being constantly at work.
  • To achieve great success in the development of the baby's intellect, it is necessary that his brain is actively working from birth to 3 years.
  • Physical development plays an important role in the maturation of the brain and motor intelligence.
  • Until the child reaches the age of 5, his brain is tuned to receive new knowledge, there is no need to additionally motivate the child for this.

Principles of learning according to Doman

  • It is necessary to start the learning process as early as possible, because the younger the child, the easier it will be for him to learn.
  • Do not forget to praise the baby and sincerely rejoice at his success.
  • A child is also a person to whom respect and trust must be shown.
  • Learning should be fun.
  • Learning must take place in an appropriate setting.
  • The lesson should end before the child gets bored or bored.
  • New information for training needs to be provided very often.
  • Regularity, consistency and organization of classes are very important.
  • No need to check how the baby learned the information.
  • Careful preparation for classes is required, everything needs to be done in advance.
  • Stop immediately if your child or you get bored.

Physical development

It is physical development that Glen Doman pays great attention in your system. He is sure that it is directly related to the development of the child's intellect. That is why attention should be paid to good physical development from birth.

The child's needs for swimming, walking, crawling, grasping are given to him by nature. From the moment the baby is born, it is necessary to approve their development, to provide the child complete freedom movements. Helping the baby to be active from birth, parents help him develop intellectually much faster than his peers.

For the physical activity of the baby, it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions.

A special track for crawling can help with this. It is necessary that the baby is located between its sides, practically touching their forearms and hips. The track is on a slight slope. It is best that its surfaces are smooth, no blankets or mattresses are required. You need to dress the crumbs crawling there to a minimum.

During the day, the baby should spend at least 3-4 hours in it. On such a track, the child will be able to crawl a fairly long distance, and by 4 months, provided proper organization, will already begin to crawl actively. Thanks to this, there will be an active intellectual development of the child, his brain and the ability to perceive the new.

With the help of the track, innate reflexes are stimulated, the intrauterine space is imitated, when the baby remembers his first reflex, with which he was born.

Teach your baby to overcome obstacles with a variety of rollers and ladders. Twist and twist it as often as possible, this will help develop a sense of balance. Help and encourage the child in his attempts to walk, run, swim.

For newborns, Glen Doman created his own balance program - dynamic gymnastics, which you can successfully use at home.

The essence of the Doman technique

Along with active physical development at the same time, you can begin intellectual pursuits. For this, cards with large real pictures and a signature on them are used. With their help, the baby learns new information more easily, receives the necessary load for the development of the brain.

You can buy ready-made sets of cards, find them on the Internet and print them on a color printer or make your own. All cards must have a white background, each with only one picture. The signature is written below in large red letters. As often as possible, offer your child new information that interests him. If this is not done, then the child will very quickly become uninteresting in these activities.

At the beginning of the lesson, you will need 5 cards of the same thematic line. Each card is shown to the baby for 5-10 seconds, the name under it is read loudly and clearly. After about three sessions, you can start replacing cards one by one from the set. You can show your child one set only once per lesson. You need to do at least 3 times a day. In total, you will get at least 15 card impressions per day.

Whatever you teach your child, don't expect instant results. You will see results when the child is ready to demonstrate them to you. Be sure: the baby hears and remembers everything, while studying with him, you do not waste time.

How to teach to read according to the Doman system

Looking at the words that are written, the child does not realize their meaning. If, along with showing the word, he voices it, then mechanical memorization will work, the baby’s brain will understand the information received, linking it together. It is in this way that the baby begins to understand the laws of reading, just as it happened with the development of oral speech.

Glen Doman is sure that you can start learning to read in this way already for a six-month-old baby.

To work, you will need cards with sets of words. Their size should be 10 * 50 cm, the text is bright red, the font is 1.5 cm thick, and each letter should be 7.5 cm high. difficult words at the very beginning of training. Try to choose words that the child knows well (mom, dad, grandfather, you can use the names of your favorite dishes, clothes, pets).

Try to stick to the following training scheme:

  • A set of words is a group of 5 words united by one topic.
  • You need to practice three times daily.
  • The first day. Show your child one set of words. Speak the words in a clear, even voice. For each word you need to spend no more than 15 seconds. It turns out 3 lessons with one set of words.
  • Second day. To the already shown set of words, add one more. We will get 6 lessons per day (3 with a previously studied set of words, 3 with a new one) and two sets of words.
  • Day three. Three sets of words and nine activities.
  • Day four. Four sets of words and 12 lessons.
  • Day five. Five sets of words and 15 lessons during the day.
  • Day six. You add another set of words, but at the same time you exclude one word from the previous five sets.

Adhering to this scheme, you will constantly replace sets of words, adding new ones each time. Demonstrate words first, then phrases, and then you can try demonstrating whole sentences.

How to teach counting

Adults, having heard the word "two", imagine a number, and children think in facts. They will present two dots, two sweets, two apples, but they won’t even guess to correlate the word “two” with the image of a number. It was on this specific feature for children that Doman relied when creating the methodology. Allowing the kid to interact with concrete facts, not abstract concepts, you will give him a great chance to learn how to count without counting, determine how many things are shown, learn about basic mathematical operations.

To learn how to count, you will need 100 cards 27 * 27 cm in size. Red dots from 1 to 100 are scattered on the cards. Their diameter should not exceed 2 cm. In the classroom, the child will initially master the concept of "quantity", then the concept of "equation". After that, you can start learning to solve problems. Only then, according to Doman, can the child be introduced to the graphic representation of numbers, the concept of "number". IN last turn start solving digital equations.

The principle of teaching mathematics is similar to teaching reading. Only at the beginning of classes, it is necessary to pay enough attention to a set of cards from 1 to 5, and from 5 to 10.

You also need to introduce the basic actions with the help of dots. For example, when learning to subtract 2 from 3, pronouncing the action (three minus two equals one), show the corresponding cards with three dots, a minus sign, two dots, an equals sign, one dot.

Even in half a minute you can learn a lot

In comparison to the human brain, Glen Doman puts the most perfect computer, which sums up based on facts. He believes that it is absolutely useless to explain something to the child for a long time and then expect smart thoughts and right decisions about the actions taken from him. The child needs to be provided with accurate, accessible, clear information. To clarify this, he gives the following example.

Looking at the dog, the child is interested in you about it. What can you do:

  • brush it off with the words: “Leave me alone, I have no time”;
  • tell the baby: “This is wow wow”;
  • short answer: "It's a dog";
  • say: “This is a St. Bernard dog”;
  • show pictures of dogs;
  • show pictures of different breeds of dogs and say: “Look, there are animals everywhere that are called dogs, but they can be different. There is a poodle, a German shepherd, a Doberman, a chow-chow, a dachshund, etc.

From the last answer, the kid will be able to make a small discovery for himself, realizing that all dogs have common features - this is the number of paws, the presence of a tail, wool, but at the same time they can differ in color, size, length of hair, tail, shape of ears and etc. Thus, in just half a minute, the child will be able to do a huge intellectual work and speed up brain activity.

Obtaining encyclopedic knowledge

If you follow Doman, then you need to understand that the goal of human life is to obtain multilateral knowledge about the world around. Explanations and explanations for children will not bring any benefit, their brain is able to perceive only facts.

In order for card learning to give the child truly encyclopedic knowledge, it is necessary that:

  • all the details on the cards were clearly visible;
  • each card featured only one item;
  • all depicted items had a name;
  • the child was previously unfamiliar with this subject;
  • the cards were large enough (28*28 cm);
  • cards were clean.

You need to deal with cards for an average of 30 seconds.

Negative points

It would seem that everything in Doman's methodology is presented clearly, accessible, clearly and logically. However, like any other technique, it has its downsides.

  • It is not enough for a child only to know the facts, he must be able to apply them in life, use them. Otherwise, all the information he receives will be just rubbish in his head.
  • A large load on the baby's brain can lead to negative consequences in the form of mental disorders, mood swings, lack of appetite, communication problems, increased anxiety, vulnerability, sensitivity.
  • Education needs to be age-appropriate. If the kid sees a dog, then he will correlate its image with the word “dog”, and according to Doman, this word will cause him to associate with a card. For example, seeing a giraffe or an elephant in reality, the baby may simply not recognize them.
  • The passivity of the child, the lack of creative and constructive moments in learning. The child does not learn to independently find information, curiosity is dulled.
  • The kid practically does not have time to communicate with friends, play. No attention is paid to aesthetic, emotional, moral development. Parents spend a lot of time preparing for classes: they make cards, sort them, select suitable ones, etc.
  • Not all sense organs are involved. There is no tactile development, the sense of smell and taste buds are not used.
  • Mechanical memorization of words in learning to read. If the child encounters unfamiliar words in the text, he will not be able to read it and understand the meaning of what he read.
  • According to the methodology, it is necessary to accompany the readable text with pictures. In the future, it will be difficult for a child to learn to read texts without illustrations, he will hardly understand what he read. All this can lead to a lack of desire in the baby to do what he is not interested in or does not do well.
  • Lack of active gaming in which it is easiest for the child to learn new information.


Glenn Doman's technique can greatly help parents in the development of their children and even raise geniuses and geeks. However you need to take into account the age capabilities of your baby, approach classes competently, monitor the health of the child, take into account his individual capabilities. You can't force a child to do it. It is best to conduct complex classes in game form and do not forget to praise and encourage for each, even a small achievement.

N. Zhukova

There are many options for card lessons, the most popular is Domanov memory development technique(about her, in her classic form, and will be discussed in this post). But still, before using the Doman technique, I recommend studying.

Doman cards for memory development

The main simulator for the development of memory according to the Doman method is the "Bit of Intelligence". It is various variations of this technique that are used for early development with the help of cards. The technique consists in a short demonstration of cards (one card is shown no more than 2 seconds!) with clear image sound or brief fact about the image. You will say that during this time it is impossible to see anything, and this is for ordinary person right. But this technique is just aimed at developing the speed of the reaction of the brain. Therefore, at first the child will really not understand anything, with regular classes, according to Glenn Doman, the child should develop reaction speed and photo memory.

How to use Doman cards with images:

      • We demonstrate the first days of classes 3 times a day, 10 cards for one lesson, then gradually the number of cards increases to 120 ;
      • A card that has been shown 30 times is considered learned and is replaced by a new one, i.e. You need to keep a record of how many times which card was shown.
      • In fact, when the number of cards is increased to the required volume every 10 days, you will need new 120 cards (4 minutes - 1 lesson). This is not a lot, not a few 1440 cards a year, but with the advent of the Internet, purchasing cards has ceased to be a problem - there are a lot of sites offering to download or view cards online. Although psychologists and other child development professionals do not approve activities with kids on the computer.

In addition to the Glenn Doman method, there is another method promoted by the Umnitsa company, which also promises parents high results from showing cards from birth. At first glance, it may seem that Glenn Doman's technique is similar to the technique from Clever Doman-Manichenko, in fact, this is not at all the case! In Glenn Doman's technique, the key point is the short-term display of a card to develop the speed of the brain's reaction. The Doman-Manichenko technique involves viewing cards in a comfortable mode, as well as games for the ability to operate with objects depicted on the cards and their properties. At the same time, the results promised by the methods differ in scale:

  • in the first case, the technique promises to endow the child with photomemory (very ambitious results that have not been confirmed by any serious scientific research);
  • in the second case - lexicon the child will be replenished with the number of cards in the purchased sets and the number of studied properties of the depicted objects.

At one time, I purchased sets of cards for classes with my daughter according to the Doman method and found them a more worthy use -.

Doman's cards for learning to read

There is an opinion that Glenn Doman recommended teaching children to read from birth - this is not entirely true; in his publications, the best age for learning to read is 1 year. What is also important is the control of the acquired knowledge, which implies the ability of the baby to speak, because already on the 7th day of training, the baby must “read” the first words aloud. Cards for learning to read should be large - 50 by 10 cm. The text should be red. Modern cards, in addition to the text on the back, contain pictures, but in Doman's original method, pictures on reading cards are not required.

Class schedule:

  1. The first day of the lesson includes 4 displays of 5 words - nouns. The intervals between classes should be no more than 30 minutes;
  2. The second day of the lesson includes: 3 shows of 5 words with cards that were shown yesterday and 3 shows of 5 words with new cards. At the end of the day: 6 lessons - we study 10 words;
  3. The third day of the lesson includes: 6 shows of 5 words each with cards that have already been shown on the 1st and 2nd day of classes and 3 shows of 5 words each with new cards. At the end of the day: 9 lessons - we study 15 words;

Subsequent days: in the end, you should increase the number of studied words per day to 25. In one lesson - 5 cards. Each card entered into display is shown 3 times a day. Thus in a day 15 lessons. And do not forget the cherished 30 minutes between studying the same cards - this necessary condition to achieve a result. After studying the word for 5 days, it must be removed from the impressions, since during this time the word should already be remembered. To make it easier to control the process of replacing cards, Doman recommends signing the start date of the shows on the card in small letters. This is how difficult the process of learning to read according to the Doman method! Perhaps you decide to search the Internet for easier recipes for reading cards and you will definitely find them in large numbers ;-). Only I immediately warn you, the exercises that I described are 100% consistent with the original exercises of Glenn Doman from his publications. Everything you find with a simpler approach has little to do with the Doman method. You can read more about Glenn Doman's development methodology in his books.

Article last updated: 03/30/2018

Today's parents devote a lot of time to early child development. Contribute to this and author's training programs, which have not lost their popularity for many years. Surely mothers have heard about Montessori materials or Doman cards.

Child psychologist

The system of the American physiotherapist Glenn Doman, which will be discussed in the article, is built on the principle of conveying large amounts of information to the child through visual perception. Special cards help in this process.

The method of early development of Doman, according to the author and his followers, can significantly expand the innate abilities of the baby and even bring up a real genius. However, opponents of this system are convinced that it can harm the child. Where is the truth?

If you are interested in early childhood development programs, be sure to read the article in which the psychologist explains what is and what are the basic principles of this popular educational system.

The future author of the popular developmental technique was born in 1919 in Philadelphia. In the early 40s, Doman began to practice physiotherapy in the clinic. The main goal of his work is to study the laws and features of the development of the child's brain.

However, the ongoing World War forced the scientist to stop work and go as a volunteer to the front. For military merit as part of a company of infantrymen, Doman was even awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the second-highest among American military awards.

After the end of hostilities, Doman returns to work and begins to specialize in babies with severe cortical damage. hemispheres brain and severe damage to the central nervous system.

In the mid-1950s, he organized the private Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential. The fundamental basis of this research institution was the methodology of Glenn Doman.

For two decades, the scientist, together with colleagues, conducted various studies, experimented, generalized information in order to create a system for the rehabilitation of children with mental and intellectual retardation.

Glen Doman was convinced that first of all it was necessary to cure the cause of mental difficulties - the imperfection of the brain, and only then deal with the consequences - weak speech, imperfect movements, etc.

In 1960, Doman published material in a specialized scientific publication on the features of his work with children diagnosed with brain damage and the results of their rehabilitation. This article brought him wide popularity in scientific circles.

It was from this time that Doman's early development technique began to be actively used not only by specialists, but also by parents, and its application was expanded - now healthy babies were also trained.

Full information about the development system can be found in author's books:

  • "How to teach a child to read";
  • "The harmonious development of the child."

In these books the reader will find a "clean" system, without additions or corrections. In Russia, the Doman technique is popular, which is adapted to the domestic language and cultural specifics by Andrey Manichenko.

Children's opportunities will grow day by day, if you deal with the child constantly and on a regular basis. The author of the technique was convinced that the brain can develop only with daily training.

However, this process is uneven. That is why up to 3 years it is necessary to transfer the maximum amount of information to the baby, and in the next 3 years - up to the age of six - to constantly maintain the child's skills and supplement his "baggage" with new knowledge.

Doman's child development methodology is based on several important principles:

  1. Early lessons. Classes with children to improve motor skills and intelligence should begin almost from the first days of life. Immediately after birth, Doman recommended incorporating exercise into the daily routine. It is necessary to stimulate the child to crawl, grab, turn over, stand. You should also teach your baby to swim. The author argued that such reflexes are natural for children.

    Intellectual development occurs with the help of sets of cards. The child grasps the picture, memorizing it at the subconscious level. This allows you to "upload" large amounts of information into the baby.

  2. Regularity of exercise. According to Doman, classes should be held daily, they cannot be missed. Only in this case, the children's brain will work and develop fully.
  3. Consideration of the interest of the child. Classes should be carried out only when the baby is interested in them. If he experiences any discomfort, you need to return to the exercises after 2 to 3 hours.
  4. Creation of conditions for learning. Doman cards are a prerequisite for the development of a child. This toolkit consists of pictures, dots or words. Cards are introduced into the process gradually so that the baby can quickly remember everything.

Physical development according to Doman

The development system for the smallest includes a very serious set of physical exercises. Dr. Doman believed that there is a relationship between motor skills and intelligence.

Adults who regularly engage in certain exercises with the child produce stimulation cognitive processes. Thus, the more developed the baby is physically, the higher his intelligence will be.

In order for the baby to be active, certain conditions are created. First of all, a special crawling track is required, which must be placed at a slight angle. The child during the exercises should be lightly dressed.

The complexity and duration of the exercises will depend on the age of the ward.

  • From the very first days of life, a child must, with the help of an innate repulsion reflex, crawl a short distance along a special track. Such charging is performed 10 times a day. Total duration - 4 hours a day;
  • development of manual skills. The child is offered an index finger or a smooth wooden pin of the same size for grasping. When the baby grabs a finger, mom lifts his torso. Perform lifting 10 times a day. Duration - 10 minutes;
  • balance development. This type of exercise involves the improvement of the vestibular apparatus. The parent shakes, rotates, throws the child in various planes. In total, this complex for newborns consists of 15 different exercises. Duration - 10 minutes.

2 to 7 months

  • development of motor skills. The child crawls like a plastuna for a toy. He needs to crawl over the track long distance than before ( good level- one pause for the entire distance). The exercise is performed 15 times a day. Total duration: from 4 hours per day;
  • development of manual skills. The child grabs the parent's finger, and mom or dad raises the torso so that the baby hangs a little. Perform visas 15 times a day. Duration increased from 2 to 10 seconds;
  • balance development. Mom shakes, rotates and throws the baby in various planes. Again, the same 15 exercises are performed as in the early age period. Duration of improvement of the vestibular apparatus: 10 minutes.

7 to 12 months

  • development of motor skills. The child crawls on all fours. Up to 30 series of such exercises should be carried out per day. Total duration: minimum 4 hours, preferably up to 12 hours per day;
  • development of manual skills. The child hangs on the crossbar, and the parent insures him. Perform visas 15 times a day. The duration of each exercise is 20 seconds;
  • balance development. The child is pumped, rotated, tossed in various planes. At this age, a complex of 10 special exercises is performed. The duration of such a charge is 20 minutes.

From 1 year

  • development of motor skills. The child walks, and you need to start with one or two steps. Up to 30 walking sessions are carried out per day. Duration - at least 2 hours a day;
  • development of manual skills. The child hangs on the horizontal bar, and then gradually moves along it with the help of interceptions (this method must first be demonstrated). For a day, you need to perform 10 interception exercises and 5 series of sagging. Duration - 5 minutes;
  • balance development. A set of 10 exercises for the passive development of balance is performed. The parent shakes, twists, tosses the baby in various planes. Duration - 20 minutes.

So that nothing gets in the way motor activity, Doman recommended that parents wear a minimum of clothes on a newborn. So the child will freely move his arms and legs, which will accelerate his physical maturation.

Read more about that in the article of a child psychologist. From it you will learn how to create conditions for walking and what exercises will help increase the physical activity of the baby.

In his writings, the author indicated the optimal age for mastering this skill - 12 months. In addition, in order to control the acquisition of knowledge, it is necessary to enlist the child’s ability to speak, because after a week of training, the baby must “read” the words shown.

Developing cards for children have a strictly defined size: 10 by 50 centimeters. The words on them must be bright red, and the height of the letters is approximately 7.5 centimeters.

According to the Doman method in teaching reading follow a certain pattern:

  1. First days: the child is shown 5 pictures with nouns four times. Pauses between classes are no more than half an hour.
  2. Second day: the parent performs three displays of 5 words, already shown yesterday, and three displays of 5 new words. The result is 6 lessons, during which 10 words are studied.
  3. Third day: mother carries out six sessions of 5 cards already shown on the first and second days, and three sessions of 5 new words. The result is 9 lessons, during which 15 words are studied.

It should be remembered that a 30-minute break is required between exercise sessions. In this case, the child's nervous system will have time to rest, and the result will be noticeable sooner.

As soon as the word has been learned within five days, it is removed from the demonstration, since the baby should already be able to remember it. The author recommended that for better control of the replacement of cards, write on them the date the presentation began.

Teaching a child to count according to Doman

According to the method of Glenn Doman, parents and children count differently: an adult imagines a specific figure, and a child sees the number of apples, sweets, etc.

That is why on the cards that will be shown to the child, the author did not depict numbers, but red dots that correspond to this number. This will make it easier for children to learn to count.

The demonstration material consists of white cards, which measure approximately 27 by 27 centimeters. The diameter of the red circles is slightly less than 2 centimeters. You will need 100 such cards, which will contain from 1 to 100 circles.

Learning to count is like learning to read and includes the following actions:

  • the child is shown quickly cards with circles;
  • the lesson consists of three sessions of 5 cards;
  • every day you need to add two new cards and remove 2 cards with familiar numbers from the session;
  • then the adult introduces additional pictures with big amount circles and increase their number.

The Doman counting method suggests that if a child regularly looks at cards with circles depicted, then very soon he will learn to set the number of items automatically. This will allow him to perform mathematical operations on large numbers.

It is necessary to develop a child constantly, as Doman believed, the goal of life is to gain knowledge. Information materials consist of so-called "bits of intelligence", which is a certain fact.

The author of the technique believed that the explanations were of no particular interest and did not bear any benefit for the child, since his brain can only perceive pure facts - the same bit of information.

Cards for child development help to obtain deep and versatile knowledge if:

  • each element of the image is clearly visible;
  • only one item is shown on the map;
  • the parent pronounces the name of each subject;
  • before this image was unknown to the child;
  • the map is quite large;
  • it is clean, without noise images or dirt.

The formation of encyclopedic knowledge occurs as follows: the mother shows the child a card for 2 seconds, clearly pronouncing the name or description of the image.

Glen Doman believed that this technique is aimed at developing the speed of the nervous reaction. And if at first the child does not understand anything, then (subject to the regularity of classes) he has a faster memorization and photographic memory.

Initially, you need to show 10 cards three times a day, then gradually the number of cards shown increases to 120. As soon as the picture has been viewed 30 times, it should be replaced with a new one. Therefore, mom needs to keep a record of how much each card was shown.

Demonstration material is sold in stores, but many parents are increasingly choosing to make their own cards, since hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures and images will be needed for training.

What else can be used at home? You can find out about this by reading an article by a child psychologist with the most detailed description of useful activities for kids by months.

Glenn Doman's technique allows cards to be made from improvised materials. The easiest and most reasonable option is to download for free from the site and print on thick quality paper using a color printer. You can make cards by cutting out pictures from magazines and newspapers.

The printed material, with careful use, will last a fairly long time if hard paper is additionally laminated. Such cards can even be loaned to friends who also want to teach their child using this technique.

It is imperative to sign the reverse side of the card in advance so as not to turn it over during the demonstration, because nothing should distract the baby from the process of contemplating the depicted object or word.

Cards need to be systematized and decomposed into certain sections. Eg:

  • poultry;
  • musical instruments;
  • body parts;
  • vegetables;
  • Russian writers, etc.

If for the smallest children 10 cards for each section are enough, then for older kids the number of pictures increases dramatically. In addition, subcategories appear in the sections. For example, in the category "birds" appear "waterfowl", "birds of the Arctic", "birds of prey".

Doman's technique in the words of the author

An American physiotherapist compared a child's brain to a perfect computer that collects and analyzes "bits of intelligence." The author believed that it is not common for children under 1 year old to perceive overly clever thoughts.

The child should be presented with specific, clear and as much information as possible. As an example, Doman suggests paying attention to the acquaintance of a baby with a dog.

When the baby looks at the passing Ball and asks what it is, parent can:

  • refer to employment and refuse to explain;
  • tell the child: “It’s yap-tyav”;
  • tell simply that it is a dog;
  • explain that this is a poodle dog;
  • show images with dogs;
  • show cards with different breeds of dogs and show where the St. Bernard, Shepherd, Dachshund, Setter, etc. are depicted.

The last explanation is the most complete, because without additional explanations the child can understand that all dogs have common features - four paws, a tail, wool. However, pets differ in size, color, etc.

That is, in a short time, the baby independently performs a lot of intellectual work and accelerates brain activity.

The early development of a child according to the Glen Doman system is popular with domestic mothers. Usually parents express positive opinions about the results of regular classes, as the baby is actively interested in bright images, words and dots.

Glen Doman's cards attract children's attention, so the child remembers a lot of facts and information that parents offer him.

However, many experts are not so optimistic about this technique, highlighting several serious disadvantages:

  1. The system is based only on visual and sound perception. The kid passively receives information, does not analyze it and is often unable to put it into practice.
  2. Lessons do not provide for the development of creative abilities. For example, without the formation of fine motor skills, it is impossible to improve the intelligence of a baby. However, when working with cards, the child does not draw, does not sculpt from plasticine, does not play.
  3. According to the method, the text is accompanied by a demonstration of cards. In the future, the child has difficulty reading texts without images and does not always understand the material read. Such training is fraught with a lack of desire in children to engage in uninteresting activities.
  4. Every kid is a bright personality with his own preferences. One wants to sculpt from plasticine, the other seeks to collect puzzles, the third - to active activities. Not every child will study Doman's cards without doing anything.

Increased load on nervous system often leads to undesirable consequences - mental disorders, changes in the emotional background, problems with appetite, communication skills, high anxiety, tearfulness.

The opinion of a neurologist

Many experts speak rather negatively about the Glenn Doman method. For example, the neurologist Yelizaveta Melanchenko opposes early developmental systems, including Domanov's.

Quite often, children with various problems in the form of tics, obsessive movements, and enuresis come to see neurologists. Such symptoms are the result of too early a child's education. What causes psychological and neurological disorders?

The maturation of the child's brain occurs gradually. First of all, centers are formed that are responsible for the functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems, then for movement, emotions, volitional processes and reading.

In the event of a violation of this sequence (when a child is taught to read before he begins to walk), the development of the baby can deviate from the normative indicators.

Due to intellectual overstrain, spasm of the head vessels occurs due to blood flow to the brain. As a result, the child has a headache, tics, enuresis and simply increased emotional lability appear.

Unfortunately, some mothers do not listen to the advice of specialists and intellectually overload their babies. As a result, the child becomes uncontrollable, aggressive, cannot master the kindergarten program, after which he switches to home schooling.

In especially severe cases, children are even prescribed serious medications to reduce the manifestation of a neurological disease. The conclusion, as they say, is up to you.

Doman's cards are part of the popular developing system of the American physiotherapist. Some parents talk about obvious positive changes in the development of the baby, while other mothers are convinced that with age, the accumulated knowledge is forgotten.

In many respects, the books of the famous American doctor, the author of methods for the early development of children, Glenn Doman, contributed to the spread of the ideas of early intellectual development of children.

For fifteen years, Doman dealt with traumatized children. He and his colleagues noticed that if hopeless children, who were lying motionless and considered functional idiots (they could not be tested at all), were stimulated by any sense organ - hearing or vision - then the entire brain would be activated as a whole. It suddenly turned out that by stimulating vision, you can make the child move. Particular attention was paid to reading. The child was shown a word written in large letters and said it aloud. Every five days, the set of words was updated, and at some point it turned out that the sick child understood the meaning of the written words, began to move, and some children were even able to overtake their healthy peers in development.

(This, of course, is a very schematic explanation of what happened to sick children; you can read more about this in Doman's books, which have existed in Russian translation since the mid-90s.)
Finally, one fine day, the system of early learning to read was tested on healthy children. The results exceeded all expectations. Such children developed faster physically, and intellectually they were much ahead of their age.

One of Doman's most popular books is called the same as our book that you are holding in your hands - "How to give a child encyclopedic knowledge." For readers who are not familiar with the works of Glenn Doman, we will try to briefly outline the essence of the methodology set forth in Doman's book.

Doman proposes to divide all information about the world around us, history, and sciences into sections, for example into ten (although, according to the author, there may be more categories). So, all knowledge on Doman should be divided into sections:

Human anatomy.
General knowledge.

These sections, in turn, are divided into categories. For example, for biology, the categories might be "Birds", "Fish", "Trees". You can give narrower groupings of facts into categories, for example, polar birds, etc. Each category includes many elements - units of information, individual "facts", which Glenn Doman calls "bits of intelligence."

From Doman's book: “Knowledge is based on information, and information is obtained through facts. Each fact represents one bit of information. When such a fact is properly presented to a child, it can be called a bit of intelligence. After all, it will not only contribute to the development of the child's brain, but will also form the basis of all his future knowledge.

A section is a group of ten or more cards that have something in common. Here, for example, the section "birds":
1 Common Crow
2. Robin
3. Nightingale
4. Eagle
5. Chicken
6. Heron
7. Ostrich
8. Grouse
9. Finch
10. Sparrow
The group can be expanded both at the expense of currently existing birds, and at the expense of those that have long since died out. You can expand this category as much as your own knowledge will allow.

“Each “bit” that you want to introduce the child to, you need to choose an image - a photograph or a drawing. This image should be pasted on a large cardboard card measuring 28x28 cm.
“Each card contains one bit of information. A neat drawing, illustration or photograph is pasted on it. The card must meet the following requirements: legibility, discreteness, unambiguity, and it must also be new to the child.
A snapshot is quite blurry and therefore does not meet the requirement for distinctness.

By "distinctness" Doman understands the quality of the card, which allows you to distinguish all the depicted details.

“Discrete means that each card should be devoted to only one fact. For example, if a crow is depicted on it, then it should be only a crow - without a landscape or any other animals.
Unambiguity is the certainty of meaning. That is, the fact is depicted on the card in such a way that it can be interpreted in a unique way. If a crow is depicted, then it should be perceived precisely as a crow, and not as a "big black bird."

WITH reverse side each in recommends writing information about the depicted object - the "intelligence development program" - divided into ten (or more) levels of complexity - from simple to complex. The simplest information about an object is its name (on mother tongue child). The following are enumerations of the features of this particular species, for example, birds - what they eat, where and how they build nests, how many eggs they lay, etc.

Doman example:

It should take one second to show the child each card. You can't stay longer. Doman believes that slow showing weakens the interest of the child.

Every day the child should look at a series of ten cards three times a day. And there should be several such series (up to twelve per day).
In addition, according to Doman, it is necessary to look at cards with words written in large red letters three more times a day, teaching the child to read, and the same number of times cards with red dots, giving the child an initial knowledge of mathematics.

Each series of cards should be shown for five days, then one of the cards is set aside and a new one is added in its place.
Doman recommends starting such classes at 3-6 months, but even a year, in his opinion, is not too late ...

After the child has seen about a thousand cards, they begin to re-show the already seen cards. But now they begin to pronounce not the first point of the "program for the development of intellect", but the next one. Then the series is again postponed to return again after the next review of the available thousand cards - with the third item of information from the "intelligence development program", etc.

According to Doman, such advanced learning:
stimulates the development of various parts of the brain and due to which the child develops much faster than peers,
allows the child not only to master each individual fact, but also helps the child to put together in his head a holistic, systematized picture of the world, where all the facts are interconnected with each other.

The Pitfalls of Glenn Doman's Method

Books by Glen Doman infect the reader - they are written in such an enthusiastic language. The described results are also striking - the children cited as an example are not just geeks, but multifaceted geniuses - and that's all! (although, of course, only the most prominent ones are described). Still reading Doman's book, without closing the last page, I want to do everything exactly as it is written there. Many and many parents were infected with the ideas of raising a superman, as Glenn Doman calls the children he taught.

This is where things get interesting. Moms and dads start looking for material for cards, cut cardboard, glue pictures, try to find the right material for compiling “intelligence development programs”. They often do a lot of work to match the existing picture desired text to the “program for the development of intelligence” or to an interesting material, the corresponding picture.

And now the long-awaited hour has come. A certain number of cards have been prepared and intensive classes begin. Parents believe that the baby enjoys and will receive it exactly as many times a day as it is written in Doman's book. Parents believe that they can do everything, they will succeed, they will definitely have enough strength not to stop for a single day, at the right pace and in the right quantity, to show, and most importantly, to make, cards according to Doman.

In reality, it usually turns out just the opposite. And there are many reasons for this.

First, all children are different. One kid can watch ten cards a day with different pictures, words and dots. And it can be very difficult for another child to sit still for even a few seconds, and even more so to focus on looking somewhere.

Another reason is that many parents lack initial enthusiasm, they begin to skip classes: there are so many of them, and there are even more chores around the house and caring for the child. And if you consider that you need to prepare all the material necessary for classes in advance, then there will not even be time to brush your teeth, and you can simply forget about visiting a theater or an art gallery ... Parents feel guilty in front of the child, trying to restore the desired pace and volume of classes and in the end they get tired again, skip classes and quit altogether.

Often in a family where not one, but two or three children grow up, parents try to provide each of the children with the Doman load they need by age, and then there is enough strength for an even shorter period.

In the process of classes, there are still a lot of questions that we could not find answers to in Doman's books:

  • how exactly to show the cards - how best to hold them, how to sit at this time, where to put the child, what to do if he looks at your face, and not at the cards,
  • how fast to show the cards if the child turns away or, conversely, wants to get a better look at the picture,
    how often to change cards, because each child still has his own pace of mastering the material, and each parent has his own pace of making cards,
  • is it still possible to return to already completed cards without adding new text, because if the child is very small, in a month he will forget the “worked out” cards,
  • how to organize your day, based on all the recommendations of the author of the methodology,
  • when and how to play with a child learning this technique,
  • is it possible to give cards to the child in the hands, if possible, how and when,
  • what to do if a child wants to watch, but does not want to listen to the “buzzwords” of “intelligence development programs”,
  • is it necessary to make all the cards of the size indicated in the book (exorbitant) and is it necessary to glue everything on cardboard of the same size (I really don’t want to glue a tiny picture on a huge cardboard - it’s a pity for money) ...

After a huge number of problems that have arisen in the process of classes or their preparation, or even from the unwillingness to embark on such exorbitant and difficult work, the question of whether or not to give the child this very “encyclopedic knowledge” by many parents, with all due respect to the works of Doman, in most cases are resolved negatively.
It remains only to hope that somehow it will turn out by itself - we will read books to the child, he will eventually go to school, and finally, they will teach him everything there.

But after all, the child's brain grows and develops intensively in the first years of life .... By not loading the child's brain with "work" we are wasting time! What to do if you can’t study according to Doman? Or does it work, but only partially?

"Right brain" or why they succeed ...

The topic of teaching on the right brain, which is now captivating the minds of educators all over the world, is currently best developed on Fr. Taiwan and Japan. There are many hundreds of schools there that conduct their education on principles that are unusual from our traditional point of view.
Two words about the essence of the perception of each of the hemispheres. This is a book for parents, and it's probably not worth describing the detailed findings of neurophysiologists here, but it's also good for parents to imagine the main stunning ideas.

Currently, almost 80% of the world's population has a better left brain (language, logical thinking), in addition, education itself is focused on the study of language, mathematics, analysis, logic. In practice, we ignore art, music, creativity, the development of the imagination (the right brain is responsible for this). With this approach, the left hemisphere develops more and more, and the right hemisphere, figuratively speaking, atrophies to a certain extent due to disuse.

In short, the left hemisphere analyzes and sorts things out. The stock of his memory is limited, with redundant information, the “extra” is erased. Unlike the left hemisphere, the right hemisphere stores an infinite amount of information, but its fixation by the right hemisphere begins when certain conditions are met: the presentation of information in small portions, very quickly, a good mood, turning on the imagination, in the game, without a hint of pressure. Under these conditions, we seem to “lull” the left hemisphere, and only in these moments does real, productive learning take place.

In the 1980s, the Japanese scientist Dr. Shichida published a paper on the theory of learning in the right brain (they talked about teaching intuition, a new approach to the study foreign languages, about speed reading, the ability to decide in an instant math problems- that is, all the abilities that are based in the right side of the brain).
Dr. Shichida proved that the most effective is the mechanical, quick "flipping" of cards with information: it does not require understanding, and often reading aloud. But the insufficient speed of showing the cards interrupts the process of remembering information by the right brain. Dr. Shichida believes that the ideal memorization of information by the right brain occurs at the age of three, but gradually this possibility is reduced and by the age of six the left half of the brain takes over. This does not mean that after six the former high-speed “memorization” system is impossible, but it requires the use of specially developed student relaxation techniques.

Some authors advise avoiding the term "right brain" and calling it "image brain", what we would call the area of ​​the brain responsible for photographic memory. And great importance is attached to the development of this photographic memory. Because she trains relatively easily, and Dr. Shichida believes that this ability to mentally photograph a series of images is not only a way to activate and develop the right creative half of the brain, but also an opportunity to get into the "realm of the subconscious."

There are several stages in this training of photographic memory: in general, this different degrees recreating in memory what they saw, as a result of which children learn to see a picture or text in its entirety, in color, and that's all the details.

So, the Doman system is a study, largely designed for the perception of the “right brain”. But Doman came to this empirically.
And it seems to us that it is possible to achieve success in teaching a child according to the method of Glen Doman only if all his recommendations are followed thoroughly, with an accuracy of up to a millimeter in the size of each card. Of course, we cannot look into the brain of a trained child and see how the process of learning, memorization, perception and systematization of information takes place, but, apparently, a trained child in the first weeks, or even months of classes, does not absorb information in the way it is used to. we are adults to do. And gradually gets used to just this way of obtaining information. When a certain threshold is passed, the child is used to being shown monotonous cards so many times a day, his brain, in the process of the next lesson, switches from the logical perception of information to a completely different way. And at this moment, the information goes straight to the right brain, bypassing the left - the logical hemisphere.
But, as you understand, in order to get used to this method of obtaining information and to continue studying according to this system, every day, strictly according to the regimen, the child must look at cards of a strictly established size at the same pace as yesterday and the day before yesterday, etc. (read from Doman). That is, nothing should change, you should not skip classes or take a step back from the author's recommendations, and only in this case, after several months, or even years of hard work, everything will begin to be assimilated. And assimilate really with amazing speed and efficiency. And the child, indeed, will not only know a huge number of facts from all branches of human knowledge, but will also be able to put together in his head a holistic, systematized picture of the world, where all the facts are interconnected with each other.

Mothers who educate their children in Philadelphia, at the Doman Institute itself, mothers obsessed with the idea of ​​teaching by this method, get the same - amazing - results described in Doman's books precisely because they act STRICTLY according to Doman.

And if you also want to act through the right brain, you need to be patient and work, work, work….

But experience shows that our simple Russian mother, due to a huge number of reasons, cannot master the Glenn Doman technique in full. That is, you should not even start making and displaying “Doman cards” if you do not plan to do absolutely everything in the right amount.
Apparently, we need to look for other options for the development of the child's brain, maintaining the emerging "dotted" connections (see the chapter "Early development: fashion or necessity?"). It is necessary to look for other ways to get acquainted with the outside world, to create a complete picture of the world in the child's head.

Glen Doman (born 1920) is an American neurophysiologist, the author of a methodology for the intensive intellectual and physical development of children from the moment of birth, based on the results of a detailed study of the patterns of development of children. The main idea of ​​Glenn Doman sounds like this: "A huge potential is hidden in any child that can be developed, thereby providing him with unlimited opportunities in life."

Glen Doman Family: wife Cathy, son Douglas (is vice-president of the Institute for Human Development), daughter Janet (heads this institute).

Historical reference. In 1940, Glen Doman graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and after graduation worked as a physical therapist in a hospital. In 1941, his work was interrupted by World War II. Doman began his service in the army with an ordinary infantryman, and finished as an infantry company commander. At the end of the war, Doman returned to medical practice. Together with colleagues, he organized and began to carry out work on the restoration of children with various brain injuries and severe damage to the nervous system. In 1955, Glen Doman founded the Institute for Human Development based on his methodology.

Methodology for the treatment of children with brain damage

(according to the book by G. Doman “What to do if your child has brain damage…”)

For more than 20 years, working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in the course of endless research, experiments, testing, observations, conclusions, Doman and his associates have been looking for solutions aimed at curing children with brain damage (partial or complete paralysis, significant developmental delays, lack of perception of the surrounding world, inability to

communication). They proceeded from the position that it is necessary to treat the damaged brain - the root cause, and not the body - a consequence of brain damage.

In the course of painstaking work, Doman developed a unique technique which was a complex treatment of sick children. An individual program was prepared for each child. It all started with copying - the procedure was as follows: adults performed movements with the arms, legs and head of the child, as he would have done himself, being healthy. Children spent a lot of time on the floor, face down, learning to crawl under adult supervision.

In addition, children received active visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation with increasing frequency, intensity, and duration. Glen Doman, within the framework of the methodology, developed breathing programs (with high content oxygen), speech development, as well as a manual program. These procedures were stimuli that stimulated a certain sense organ, which led to the activation of the brain as a whole.

The result was that after some time, most of the children, passing through the stages of physical improvement characteristic of the development of healthy children, showed a noticeable improvement. This was indisputable proof that "the brain really develops in the process of its intensive use, and the development of the child's intellect is firmly connected with his physical development."

In 1960, an article by Doman appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association on the treatment of children with brain damage and a description of the results of their rehabilitation. A wide range of people became aware of the work of the Institute for the Development of Human Potential. Doman's research produced a "soft revolution" in science. Since then, Glen Doman and a group of his like-minded people have persistently continued to work continuously on the creation and improvement of new programs and methods aimed at improving the health of children with various violations brain activity.

Among the many awards received by Doman in various countries, there is even a knighthood given to him by the Brazilian government for outstanding work on behalf of the children of the world.

Doman Method for Healthy Children

Subsequently, Glen Doman began to apply his developmental methodology to teaching healthy children. And it all started with the fact that healthy brothers and sisters of sick children, with whom daily classes were held, also joined the exercises with pleasure and very quickly achieved significant results. Then Doman, inspired by an accidental discovery, developed a methodology that takes into account the interests and needs of healthy children. The result exceeded all expectations!

Children of two, three, four years read freely, considered, became real erudite and, at the same time, were perfectly developed physically: they swam well, ran, climbed, performed gymnastic studies and acrobatic stunts.

The main points of Glenn Doman's methodology

- Every child can become a genius, and early development is the key to being a genius.

- The human brain grows through its constant use, and this growth is actually completed by the age of six.

- Young children have a great thirst for knowledge. They easily absorb a huge amount of information, and it remains in their memory for a long time.

- Small children are sure that the most wonderful gift for them is the attention that adults give them, especially mom and dad.

- The best teachers are parents. They can teach their child absolutely everything they know, if only they do it sincerely and joyfully, using facts.

Basic principles and rules for teaching a child according to the Doman method

1. Start as early as possible - the smaller the child, the easier it is to teach him everything.

2. Rejoice in the success of the baby and praise him.

3. Respect your child and trust him.

4. Teach only when the learning process is enjoyable for both of you.

5. Create the right environment for learning.

6. Stop before your child wants to.

7. Introduce new material frequently.

8. Be organized and consistent, hold regular classes.

9. Don't test your child's knowledge.

10. Cook thoroughly educational materials and do it ahead of time.

11. If you or your child is not interested, stop classes.

All children can become physically perfect

(according to the book by G. Doman "How to make a child physically perfect")

In the methodology of Glen Doman, great importance is attached to early physical development, because it is closely related to the child's intelligence and his abilities. Therefore, from birth, it is necessary to provide the child with freedom of movement and consolidate his innate reflexes (to crawl, grab, walk, swim).

Since these reflexes are given to children by nature, they must be used, otherwise they will gradually disappear, and the child will have to re-learn to crawl, swim, walk. Having preserved the reflexes of the child, we will provide him with the opportunity to become an active participant in the life process, which means that he will “grow wiser” and “grow up” before his peers.

So, starting from the ideas of the Doman technique, we can conclude that it is necessary to create conditions for physical stimulation of the baby!

For this, the newborn is placed in a special device - a crawling track, which is at a slight slope. The kid, lying between the sides of the track on his stomach, touches their hips and forearms. Thanks to this, that innate reflex is triggered, which helped the baby to get out of his mother's tummy, and, having barely been born, the baby crawls quite considerable distances along the track. The recommended time for a child to stay in the track (on the floor, on the mat) is 3-4 hours a day. At the same time, the child must wear a minimum amount of clothing.
The smooth surface of the track (without carpets, soft mattresses, blankets, etc.) is also an ideal environment for moving around while sleeping, which also contributes to early development. If you do everything right, your baby will start to really crawl on all fours by four months.

Also, Glen Doman's technique focuses on developing a sense of balance and balance (you need to turn and twist the child in various ways), on learning to overcome obstacles (rollers lying on the floor, stairs, etc.). It is important to teach the child to swim, help him walk, run ...

Doman in his methodology states that in his development from birth to six years, the child goes through seven stages, which correspond to the seven stages of brain maturation. First, the control of hearing, vision, manual skills, movement is carried out at the level of the upper sections spinal cord is the first stage. The last, seventh level is the upper sections of the cerebral cortex. Each level of the brain gradually turns on, displacing the previous one and taking control over various functions.

We move from one stage to another, having mastered and performed a lot of certain movements. These seven stages ordinary child, with which they are not specially dealt with, passes in six and a half years, but they can also be completed in three and a half years, if you act in accordance with the methodology of Glen Doman. ;

What you can teach your child in 30 seconds

(according to the book of G. Doman "Harmonious development of the child")

Doman believes that “The human brain is the most perfect computer, and it obeys the same pattern: what more facts he knows, the more conclusions he can draw from them. Moreover, if we fill the heads of our children with all sorts of nonsense, it is hardly worth expecting clever speeches and actions from them. Therefore, we must provide them with accurate, distinct and unambiguous information.”
So, let's look at an example: if a child comes up to you and asks you about the dog he saw, you can tell him:

1. Leave me alone;

2. This is "woof-woof";

3. This is a dog";

4. This is a "labrador";

5. Show him ten pictures of dogs;

6. Teach him to make connections between facts(show him ten cards with dogs and say: "Look, baby, all these pictures are of animals called "dogs": German Shepherd, Collie, Labrador, Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, Boxer, Doberman Pinscher, Rottweiler, Chow Chow , lapdog").

Doman's method claims that if you prefer the sixth option, then the child will be able to draw his own conclusions: all dogs have hair, paws, a tail, etc., but they can have a different color, size, height, tail length, etc. Thus, in 30 seconds, you can significantly accelerate the development of the child's brain.

How to teach your child to read

(Based on the book by G. Doman “How to teach your child to read”).

The child's eye sees the written word, although he himself does not understand its meaning. But, if the baby sees and simultaneously hears the written word, then his brain interprets the information received - “understands” and mechanically remembers what is written. Glen Doman, in his methodology, claims that over time, the baby, based on his own experience, will understand the laws of reading, just like he once learned to understand oral speech.

How to work with Doman cards

You can start teaching a child to read according to the Doman method from the age of six months..

To do this, use special cards 10x50 cm in size, with red letters written on them. block letters 7.5 cm high and 1.5 cm font thick. To begin with, parents teaching according to the Doman method select words well known to the child (family members, toys, clothes, body parts, favorite dishes, etc.).

1st day. Within 5-10 seconds, the mother shows the child 5 cards with words one after another and clearly pronounces what is written on them: “mom”, “dad”, “grandmother”, etc. That's it, work is over. Now the baby receives a reward - mother's kiss, hugs, affection, words of love, etc. During the first day, the display of Doman cards must be repeated 2 more times.

2nd day. Repeat yesterday's cards and add 5 more new cards. Today the kid will already receive 6 short lessons - 3 on old cards and 3 on new ones.

3rd day. 5 more new cards are added and therefore there will be nine shows.

4th and 5th day. Thus, gradually you reach 25 cards and 15 demonstrations per day.

6th day. We add five new cards, removing one word in the studied sets.

Sample Daily Reading Program with Doman Flashcards

Daily content - 5 sets of words (25 cards). One lesson - 1 set of 5 words shown only once.

Frequency - each set 3 times a day (5 sets of 3 times = 15 sessions).

The duration of one session is 5 seconds.

Entered words - 5 words daily (one in each set).

Deleted words - 5 words daily (one from each set).

The number of demonstrations of each word - 3 times a day for 5 days, i.e. just 15 times.

Note: in the Doman method, clear recommendations are given that the dosage of classes and the number of cards change depending on the desire and mood of the child.

Gradually, the font of the letters will decrease, and the red color will change to black.

"Primer from diapers"

The sequence of learning to read according to the method of Glen Doman is built from simple to complex

    • The first stage is individual words.
    • The second stage is phrases.
    • The third stage is simple sentences.
    • The fourth stage is common suggestions.
    • The fifth stage is books.

How to teach your child to count

(according to the book by G. Doman "How to teach your child mathematics")

"Mathematics from the cradle"

Doman in his methodology claims that children see things as they really are. If we say “two”, the child will represent the quantity: two dots, and we adults will represent the icon (the number “2”). Those. the child thinks in facts, and if we give the child such facts, he will learn to immediately determine the number of objects without counting them, and will discover such mathematical rules as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.

To teach a child to count according to the Glen Doman method, you need to make 100 cards 27x27 cm in size. On each card, from 1 to 100 dots with a diameter of slightly less than 2 cm will be drawn in a chaotic manner.

The display of cards is carried out in the same way as with reading cards. Only in this case, at the initial stage, you use only two sets: cards with dots from 1 to 5 and cards with dots from 6 to 10.

The sequence of learning to count according to the Doman method on the actual material is built as follows:

  • The first stage is the development of the concept of "quantity".
  • The second step is equations.
  • The third stage is problem solving.
  • The fourth stage is the development of the concept of "number", memorization of numbers.
  • The fifth stage is digital equations.

How to give your child encyclopedic knowledge

(based on the book How to Give Your Child Encyclopedic Knowledge)

“By and large,” says Glen Doman, “the purpose of life is the acquisition of versatile knowledge about the world around us.” It is useless to explain anything to children - they still do not know anything. A child's brain can only perceive bare facts.

In order for the cards to really convey encyclopedic knowledge to the child, they must meet the following requirements of G. Doman's methodology:

1. All details are clearly visible.

2. Only one item is shown.

3. It must have a special name.

4. This subject should be unfamiliar to your child.

5. The card should be large - the best size is 28x28 cm.

6. The card must be blank.

About 30 seconds are allotted for one lesson on cards with pictures according to the method of Glen Doman.

Doman in his methodology divided all existing knowledge into ten sections

1. Biology - it includes categories, for example, birds, and, accordingly, a set of cards: an ordinary crow, robin, nightingale, finch, eagle, ostrich, chicken, sparrow, black grouse, heron, etc.

2. Art - it includes categories, for example, paintings by Van Gogh, and, accordingly, a set of reproduction cards: "Schoolboy", "Sunflowers", "Madame Rulin with her child", "Postman Rulin", "Sad old man", " Café Terrace at Night", "Self-Portrait", "Gypsy Carts", "Church at Auvergne", "Fields with Peach Trees in Bloom", etc.

3. History - it includes categories, for example, rulers, and, accordingly, a set of cards: Nicholas II, Alexander Nevsky, Stolypin, Alexander I, Lenin, Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Catherine II, Brezhnev, Kerensky, etc.

4. Geography - it includes categories, for example, Russian cities, and, accordingly, a set of cards with views of these cities: St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Suzdal, Sochi, etc.

5. Music - it includes categories, for example, composers - and, accordingly, a set of cards: Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bizet, Verdi, Kalman, Bach, Chopin, Mussorgsky, Scriabin, etc.

6. Language - it includes categories, for example, English or Italian, and, accordingly, a set of cards: giorno (day), ora (hour), senso (feeling), enigma (riddle), scatola (box), etc.

7. Mathematics - it includes categories, for example, quantity, and, accordingly, a set of cards: one dot, two dots, etc.

8. human anatomy- it includes categories, for example, the human skeleton, and, accordingly, a set of picture cards: skull, tibia, shoulder blade, phalanx, pelvis, ankle, collarbone, ulna, lower jaw, etc.

9. General knowledge - it includes categories, for example, tools, and, accordingly, a set of cards: a knife, an ax, a saw, a screwdriver, a planer, a hammer, a shovel, a rake, a drill, a scythe, etc.

10. Literature - it includes categories, for example, Russian writers, and, accordingly, a set of cards: Tolstoy, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Bulgakov, Solzhenitsyn, Chekhov, Goncharov, Bunin, etc.

As part of the Glenn Doman methodology, classes begin with a demonstration of three different categories of 10 cards each. Each category is displayed 3 times during the day. Gradually, you can add more and more categories until their daily number reaches 12 (when shown 3 times a day).

When you and your baby go through 1000 cards, the time will come for the intellectual program. Based on the Doman methodology, the categories provide a general informational overview, and the intellectual program allows you to go further, deepening the level of knowledge within each category.

Each such program starts with the simplest and ends with rather complex information.

Section: Biology.

Card set: Common crow.

1st Level: Crows make their nests in trees or bushes.

2nd Level: Crow's nests are made from twigs lined with grass or wool.

3rd level: Crows feed on insects, seeds, fruits, and nuts.

4th Level: Crows (among other things) eat shellfish, carrion, mice, eggs, fish, offal, putty, rubber, insulating material.

5th level: A female crow has one brood of chicks per year.

Level 7: Crows belong to the crow family.

Level 8: The crow family includes crows, jays, and magpies.

Level 9: Most crows choose mates for life.

10th Level: Most crows live in flocks and nest in densely populated colonies.

Level 11: New Zealand and most islands only Pacific Ocean there are no representatives of the crow family.

Level 12: The crow family has 103 species, united in 26 genera.

I would like to finish the review of the system with the words of Glen Doman himself: “Our methods are the fruit of many years of work, and they have proven themselves well. But you should never forget that miracles are not in the methods, but in the child himself. His brain is the most incredible miracle. And you yourself are a miracle too.

Reasons for improving the condition of sick children

Not all healthy children who study at home with the help of Glen Doman's cards achieve significant results. And vice versa, many children at the Doman Institute were able to reach new levels of their physical and intellectual development. This happened in part for the following reasons:

1. Mothers of sick children believed in success. They did their best, making thousands of cards, because they had no other option, and they sacrificed everything so that their children could learn at least a little to raise their heads, at least to crawl, at least to see a little, at least to hear a little ...

2. Glenn Doman's technique became a way of life for a family where a sick child grew up. But as soon as classes stopped, the development of the child often also stopped.

3. Strict adherence to the Doman method - conducting classes systematically and in exact sequence - led to the fact that children got used to just such a presentation of material (through stimulation of the right hemisphere of the brain, bypassing the left) and already with difficulty perceived information outside of class.

4. Children with brain damage, for lack of other opportunities, could only do what was offered to them, and could only do what they were taught.

Controversial issues of the Doman methodology

When you read Glenn Doman's books, you become infected with his ideas, because everything looks very simple, logical and tempting. However, there are controversial points of this methodology, about which there is a heated debate:

In his methodology, Doman constantly compares human brain with a computer, very perfect, endowed with a huge store of memory. But living children are not electronic machines. By filling their heads with hundreds and even thousands of bytes of information, we are unlikely to make them smarter or more educated. After all, it is not enough to know certain facts. You need to be able to apply and use them, and if this does not happen, then unnecessary information that the child cannot yet filter and “digest” accumulates in his head like unnecessary trash.

An abundance of information can overload and exhaust a child's nervous system. And there is some likelihood that this will contribute to mental disorders (problems in communication, sudden mood swings, touchiness, vulnerability, sensitivity, anxiety, lack of ability to perceive and concentrate, etc.) or physical (headaches, fatigue, impaired appetite, etc.). If you are lucky and the child will be resistant to such overloads, then, perhaps, everything will end up with really excellent success.

It is important that stimulating parenting and learning development is in line with age characteristics children. So, for example, visual thinking develops in children first of all, the child sees a dog and correlates it with the name “dog”. Studying the written words and other objects incomprehensible to the child within the framework of Doman's methodology using cards, the child forms an abstract image, i.e. it only matches the title with a specific card. It is unlikely that he will recognize the antelope in the zoo, so well shown to him before in the picture. After all, this requires a certain experience, intellectual maturity and an effective need, which one-year-old children do not yet have.

When learning according to the method of Glenn Doman, the child is passive, he receives information only in order to reproduce it later. There is no creativity here, there is no need to extract information, there are no questions. You just need to look at the pictures and listen to the dispassionate facts. Thus, the curiosity inherent in every child from birth is dulled, the desire to independently learn and study the world disappears.

getting carried away intellectual development and operating with abstract concepts according to the method of Glenn Doman, adults do not leave the child time for creative, aesthetic, moral, psychological and emotional development. And what about just chatting and playing, moving and running, singing and dancing? After all, as you know, the child's brain develops gradually and in accordance with the harmony laid down by nature itself, and when we stimulate only one or two parts of the brain, they develop at the expense of other parts.

In the classes according to the Doman method, only visual and auditory organs are mainly involved, while for the integrity of perception, the interaction of all other sense organs is important: taste, smell, tactile sensations.

Classes with Doman cards (their production, sorting, selection, training) take a lot of time. And most parents soon begin to miss the enthusiasm with which they began to work on this method.

Learning to read from cards with pictures and captions is based on the mechanical memorization of words, while the child still cannot read books with unfamiliar words, analyze what he has read, and obtain the necessary information. Trained according to the method of Glenn Doman, the child only reproduces the previously memorized text. In practice, most children do not catch the connection between memorized words and sounding speech, and they still have to be taught to read again.

Books read or listened to do not always have to be accompanied by pictures, as is customary in the Doman method. This is necessary so that the baby's brain learns to independently build a visual row based on the text. Otherwise, a child who is used to getting easy knowledge only from pictures will most likely have difficulty perceiving the usual text of a textbook without illustrations and will not want to learn what is difficult or uninteresting.

Toddlers better remember the material that is included in a variety of games and activities. And according to the method of Glenn Doman, the material is presented in only one way - through cards.

Fortunately, children have a well-developed instinct for self-preservation.

Up to 6 months, on the one hand, children still do not move much, and they could be involved in showing cards, but on the other hand, they still poorly concentrate on the objects they see, and knowledge about the world around them is still very scarce.

After 6 months, due to the fact that babies begin to actively crawl and walk, it is also quite difficult to keep their attention on cards and classes according to the Doman method.

After a year, children do not sit still for a minute - sometimes mothers have to run after them with Doman's cards so that they even take a look at the methodological material being demonstrated.

At 1.5 - 2.5 years old, kids show their independence and independence to the fullest - they can begin to take cards from you, look at pictures for a long time, ask questions, thereby contradicting the entire methodology of Glen Doman.

At 2.5 - 4 years old, children are far from all the same what to study. They will only watch what they are really interested in.

After four years the child has much more important things to do than looking at cards. It was during this period that he may flatly refuse to engage in the Doman method.

Listen to your baby, and you will definitely understand what and how to do with him.