Literacy Node Analysis Sample. Summary of GCD on teaching literacy for children of the preparatory group for school Topic: Sound analysis of the word “elephant. Gymnastics for the eyes


    The topic of the lesson is "What we know and can do"

    Educational area "Communication"

    Educational: Exercise children in the ability to make sentences according to the picture, in determining the place of sound in a word and conducting sound analysis; consolidate the ability to work in prescriptions; divide words into syllables

    Developing: Develop logical thinking, connected speech; develop fine motor skills fingers

    To successfully solve the tasks outlined, I prepared the following demonstration material for the painting "Spring", "Chicken", "Duck", handout chips for sound analysis, picture cards, simple pencils. He helped me to reveal the topic brightly, interestingly.

    To ensure children's interest in the topic, an emotional response to it, I used the motivation to participate in the competition.

    To solve the first task, I used the following methodological techniques - articulation gymnastics, an artistic word: riddles, didactic games "Tricky Riddles", Relatives", the use of demonstration pictures and cards.

    A differentiated approach to children during the lesson was manifested in the course of the following tasks

    To satisfy motor activity children and the preservation of their health, I organized a physical education session, I constantly monitored the landing of children.

    During the lesson, the children were active.

    The interest remained.

    Were attentive.

    Summing up the lesson, I involved the children in this, asked them to speak and remember what tasks we performed.

    She was able to create a situation of success.

CONCLUSIONS: - The declared topic was fully consistent with the content of the lesson

I believe that I was able to fully realize the tasks set.

GCD introspection

    The topic of the lesson ……………………….

    Educational area…………………………………………

    Duration………………………….. / acc. to the requirements of SANPIN / OR / does not correspond. requirements of SANPIN / Causes………………………………………….

    During the lesson, it was supposed to solve the following tasks:

    Educational ……………………………


    Educational …………………………..

    For the successful solution of the identified tasks, I prepared the following demonstration material……………………………………., handout……………………………………………. He helped me to reveal the topic brightly, interestingly, etc. OR why didn’t it work?………………………………………………………………………………..

    To ensure children's interest in the topic, an emotional response to it, I used motivation…………………………………………………….. OR created a problem situation…………………………… …………………………..

    The lesson consisted of /three, four, five, etc./ Parts First……………………, Second……………………, Third ……………………

    To solve the first problem, I used the following methodological techniques………..they helped me……………… OR ………………

    To solve the second problem, I used the following methodological techniques………..they helped me……………… OR…………… etc.

    I do not forget that the game is the leading activity of children preschool age, so I suggested the following games to the children ... ..? used the following game techniques ... ..?

    During the lesson, to ensure the efficiency of the children's team, I used the following forms of organizing children's activities:

    Work in small subgroups …………WHERE?

    Work in pairs …………WHERE?

    Collective work…………WHERE?

    Individual in …………WHERE?

    Throughout the lesson, she paid attention to the speech of children: she sought complete answers, posed search questions, created conditions for dialogue with children, etc.

    A differentiated approach to children during the lesson was manifested in the course of the following tasks…………………

    To satisfy the motor activity of children and preserve their health, I organized / dynamic pause? physical education minute? /, I constantly monitored the landing of children ... ..

    During the lesson, the children were active ... OR?

    Interest remained... OR?

    Be careful…..OR?

    Summing up the lesson, I involved children in this, asked them to speak on the topic ... ..? She was able to create a situation of success.

CONCLUSIONS: - The declared topic fully corresponded to the content of the lesson OR the topic does not correspond to the content because ...

I believe that I was able to fully achieve the tasks set… OR I was not able to complete the task……………. because………. In ind. and a subgroup of work with children I will plan ………

Sample self-analysis of a lesson in a preschool educational institution

Target: To form in children an interest in knowledge about vegetables through integration educational areas Keywords: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, health.
- To form children's ideas about vegetables, about the place of germination and harvesting them for the winter;
- To consolidate the ability of children to describe vegetables according to characteristics,
according to the scheme;
- Improve the ability to grammatically correct, consistently build their statements;
- Expand the active vocabulary, activate the names of vegetables in the speech of children.
- Continue to develop in children the ability to distinguish and name colors, exercise in comparing objects by color;
Encourage children to answer questions by speaking the words clearly.

To form the ability of children to coordinate movements with the text, to understand and follow verbal instructions;
- Develop visual perception and memory, motor imagination and coordination of movements;
- Develop fine general and fine motor skills of the hands;
- Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers;
- Create a favorable emotional atmosphere and conditions for active play activities of children.
Organizational activities, preparation for the lesson
The lesson was carried out in accordance with the abstract. The summary was compiled independently, in accordance with the tasks of the main general educational program, corresponding to the given age of children. For the implementation of each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining way.
At every moment of the lesson there were visual aids that stimulated and activated children for mental activity. Benefits of sufficient size, aesthetically decorated. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the classroom.
Music was used during the lesson to enhance emotional perception.
The organizational reception "Greeting" in poetic form "was aimed at developing communicative qualities, establishing friendly relations both within the children's team and between guests and children.
The occupation is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - sitting on chairs, moving around the group while looking for a way out of a problem situation with a hare - going to the garden, working with the test, developing fine motor skills of the hands - sitting on chairs, search activity - standing, working with cereals "Find a vegetable", logarithmic exercise - "walking in the garden." The quick change of techniques and change of postures during the lesson made it possible to avoid the fatigue of children.
Didactic activity of the educator:
All moments of the lesson are logical and consistent, subject to one topic. Moments from the educational areas were integrated into the lesson Cognition: Consolidated the ability to describe a vegetable by characteristic features, according to the scheme; formed the ability to distinguish and name color; Communication: children participated in a general conversation, listened without interrupting their peers; activated children's vocabulary through words - name vegetables, exercised in coordinating nouns, adjectives; "Socialization" to independently express benevolence, empathize. Artistic creativity: Improved the ability of children to roll plasticine between their palms with direct movements, consolidated indentation techniques, developing fine motor skills of the hands., Physical Culture; developed motor imagination and coordination of movements; Health: formed children's ideas about vitamins and their importance. Receptions in the lesson were of a game nature, were based on game learning situations,
Using the Garden model helped in an interesting game form implement basic training task - formation children's ideas about vegetables and where they grow. My role was to learn to give detailed answers. This helped to achieve optimal results.

At every moment of the lesson, I tried to guide the kids to find solutions to the problem, helped them gain new experience, activate independence and maintain a positive emotional mood.
The creation of search, problem situations activated the mental and speech activity of children,
The specifics of working with children in the classroom was reflected in a student-centered approach. She encouraged and praised timid children in order to consolidate their situation of success.
During the lesson, I tried to communicate with the children on the same level, tried to keep the children interested in the lesson throughout the whole time.
The result of the lesson was organized in the form of a game problem situation "Guess the treat?" so that in the course of it to check the quality of assimilation of the material.
Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan to Special attention give individual answers. It is also necessary to achieve a clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation, replenish the active and passive vocabulary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.

Natalya Marushkina

Dear Colleagues. I bring to your attention SELF-ANALYSIS GCD "GREETING CARD", the abstract of which was published earlier.

Subject- Greeting card.

The lesson was carried out in accordance with the abstract. The summary was compiled independently, on the basis of the tasks of the main general educational program, corresponding to the age of the children.

This directly educational activity was carried out with children of senior preschool age of 6-7 years.

In Directly educational activities the main educational area "cognition" was in integration with the educational areas: "communication", "socialization".

Target (for children): Help Cheburashka send a postcard to Gena the crocodile.

Target (for teacher)- Create conditions for children to get acquainted with the graphic image of the letter G.



Improving the ability to perform sound analysis of words using a mixed model.

Repetition of the iotized function of vowels.

Working with a sentence: analysis, repetition of writing rules, graphic notation.

Introduction to the letter G.

Mastering the syllabic way of reading.


Develop logical thinking, attention, ingenuity;

Develop the grammatical structure of speech.


Cultivate initiative, independence, activity;

To cultivate the ability to work in a team, the desire to help a friend;

To cultivate the ability to listen to the answer of a friend, to form the skill of self-control and self-esteem.

Organization of children:- group, subgroup, individual.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with the sound composition of the word, writing vowels and some consonants.

Acquaintance with the rules for writing vowels after consonants, the iotized function of vowels.

Proposal work,

Games for the development of phonemic hearing.

In this GCD, I tried to use the partnership form of organization, which includes:

An adult is a partner, next to the children (together, in a circle

Children allowed

Allowed free movement of children in the course of activities

Allowed free communication of children (working hum)

Types of children's activities: communicative, playful, cognitive - research.

I used individual, subgroup and frontal form of organization of children. I tried to rely on the experience acquired by children earlier to achieve the goal and obtain new information. The children had to complete some tasks in order to get to the wise owl, who introduced them to new letter. All this corresponds to developing directly educational activity.

During the GCD, a variety of methods and techniques were involved:

practical: experience, exercise, independent work;

visual: observation, demonstration;

verbal: conversation, explanation;

gaming: didactic game, an imaginary situation in expanded form.

To motivate the children, a character was used - Cheburashka, who needed help solving the problem of writing a letter.

All moments of the lesson are logical and consistent, subject to one topic. Moments from the educational areas "cognition" were integrated into the lesson: the children spent sound-letter analysis words,

worked with a proposal

determined the iotized function of letters,

"Communication": children participated in a general conversation, listened without interrupting their peers; "Socialization": independently found a way out of the situation, asked for help, expressed goodwill, empathized.

Receptions at the lesson were of a playful nature.

At the end of the lesson, each child expressed his attitude to the activity carried out by placing a smiley of the corresponding mood on the board.

During the lesson, all hygiene requirements for the organization of space, selection, manufacture and placement of equipment and materials were observed.

When preparing this OD, the main task I set for myself was “Show the possibilities of using an interactive whiteboard”, which was required for an open lesson. Therefore, I tried to use the ID to solve almost all the tasks of the GCD. One of the proposed exercises can be included in everyday activities, which will also arouse the interest of children, allow you to diversify methods and techniques, and increase the effectiveness of the lesson.

Related publications:

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on teaching literacy and mathematics in the preparatory group Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic", "Physical development",.

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Sounds [t], [t ']" Topic: Sounds [t], [t] (reinforcement) Tasks: - consolidate knowledge about sounds [t], [t]; - to form the ability of pupils to differentiate.

Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Sound [Y] and letter Y" Educational tasks: 1. To consolidate the ability to conduct a sound analysis of words, using visual modeling; 2. Introduce the letter.

Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory speech therapy group Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory speech therapy group Prepared and conducted by the speech therapist Olkhovik Valentina.

Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory speech therapy group "Treasures" Objectives: Repetition of vowels A, O, U, I, S, E. Acquaintance with the concept of a word - an object. A treasure is hidden in the chest. To get it, you need.

Victoria Spiridonova
Self-analysis of a lesson in preparing children for learning to read and write.

Self-assessment of the literacy preparation session

in the preparatory speech therapy group

on the topic "Sound and letter Sh"

This lesson is devoted to fixing the sound Ш and getting acquainted with the letter Ш. The educational material meets the requirements of the state program of T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina for children with ONR in a special kindergarten. It is planned according to the 2nd period of study and perspective plan. The structure of the lesson meets the developmental tasks of training, education and correction. It is organically associated with previous lessons and builds on them and is preparatory to the next topic.

In developing the outline of the lesson, I, first of all, took into account the features mental development children of senior preschool age and the individual capabilities of each child.

IN preparatory group 20 children are engaged with a speech therapist. Of these, 9 children have a speech conclusion of the OHP level 3, 6 children have dysarthria varying degrees complexity and OHP level 3 dysarthria syndrome and 2 children OHP level 2-3.

Considering all this, I outlined the goal, objectives, content of the lesson, determined the form of conduct, methods, techniques and means necessary to obtain a positive result.

Target: consolidate knowledge about the sound Sh and introduce the letter Sh;

Tasks: correctional and educational:

give children a concept of the mechanism of sound formation Ш;


to automate the sound Ш in words, syllables and sentences in children;

develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills;

develop phonemic awareness and perception;

develop the ability to distinguish the first sounds in words and form a word from them;

develop the skills of sound-letter parsing of words;

to form self-control over speech in children through oral, tactile-vibrational and acoustic control;


to cultivate interest in the lesson, the ability to listen to each other and the teacher.

When conducting a lesson great importance was attached to the observance of the fundamental didactic principles (accessibility of the proposed material, visibility, individual approach, etc.) and special provisions developed in speech therapy (the principle of development, the principle of a systematic approach, the principle of the connection of speech with other aspects of mental development).

The training was based on the development of cognitive activity in connection with active observation. The process of mastering the phonetic system of the language by children was given a conscious character. Conscious control over one's own kinesthetic and auditory sensations at all stages of the lesson was combined with the development phonemic perception. I consider it effective to use the method of correction with the help of conjugated movements.

Conscious sound analysis, understanding the specific lexical meaning of a word - on the one hand, the ability to listen to the sound of words, attention to changes in its individual elements - on the other hand, allows children to be qualitatively prepared for literacy.

To obtain better results in the activities of children, a presentation was prepared according to the author's abstract. At the lesson, she built learning as an exciting problem-playing activity. Having got acquainted with the bumblebee, the children performed various tasks with him. Such activities created a positive, emotional background for the learning process, increased speech activity children and kept their interest throughout the lesson.

During the lesson, she used visual, verbal and practical methods aimed at the use of speech skills and abilities and their improvement.

The proposed tasks were given in order of increasing complexity: first, the children determined the presence of the sound Ш in words, then determined the place of the sound Ш in words (beginning, middle, end, corrected speech errors teacher, read syllables with the sound Ш, performed sound-letter analysis of words (noise, machine) and made up a word from the first sounds of given words.

All stages of the lesson were interconnected and interdependent, subordinated to a given topic and objectives of the lesson.

Changing the types of activities at each stage of the lesson made it possible to prevent fatigue and satiety with any one type of activity. Children dynamically switched from word games for finger games and tasks in notebooks. The lesson also included a musical exercise "Friends", which reflected educational task classes.

At all stages of the lesson, the speech activity of children was activated. Encouraging children to be active, I also paid attention to the peculiarities of speech and mental development. So, for example, she often encouraged indecisive and shy children to speak, as well as those with whom an enhanced individual work. She created a situation of success for each child and the entire group as a whole, both in personal assessment and from a third party.

During the lesson, she monitored the intelligibility and expressiveness of the children's speech, carried out a differentiated approach to teaching. She took into account the interests and abilities of the children as much as possible, varied the tasks and their dosage. She assisted children in completing tasks and exercises in various forms - hints on slides, leading questions.

I practiced group answers, they relieve tension and activate insecure children.

Analyzing the activities of children in the classroom, I would like to note that they showed cognitive activity, emotionally reacted to the methods of activation of activities, used their knowledge and skills. They were interested, attentive, organized.

I think the session was successful. The selected teaching methods provided motivation for activities, organization of children to achieve the goals, helped to generalize and consolidate the knowledge gained. Correctional and developmental tasks were completed almost in full and the goal was achieved.

Related publications:

Abstract of a lesson in preparation for teaching literacy in the middle group "Journey to the country of sounds and words" The course of the lesson: “Become more likely in a circle. You are my friend and I am your friend! Hold hands tight and smile at each other! How beautifully you smile.

FGKDOU " Kindergarten No. 154" of the Ministry of Defense

Self-analysis of the lesson for the preparatory group.

Educational area "Cognitive development" FEMP.

Subject: "Helping Kai"

Prepared by: teacher

Maksimova Svetlana Trofimovna



Program tasks:

Educational area: "Cognition"

Set up an account

Continue learning to find the next number to the given number.

Continue to fix the composition of numbers within 10.

Continue to teach how to compose and solve arithmetic problems and write down their solution using numbers and signs, highlight the condition, question, answer in the problem.

To consolidate the ability to correlate the number of objects with a number.

Educational area: "Speech development"

Learn to express and draw the simplest conclusions, express your thoughts clearly for others.

To form the ability to conduct a dialogue between the teacher and children; learn to be friendly and correct interlocutors.

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Strengthen teamwork skills: the ability to distribute responsibilities, work in accordance with a common plan, without interfering with each other.

To consolidate the ability to expressively and rhythmically move in accordance with the music.

Educational area: "Physical development"

To develop the ability to maintain correct posture in various types activities.

Educational area: "Social and communicative development"

To cultivate friendly relations between children, to develop the ability to independently unite for joint play and work, to negotiate, to help each other.

Form gender affiliations

Preliminary work:

1. Reading the fairy tale "The Snow Queen";

2. memorization of a poem;

3. A conversation about friendship, and friendly relations with each other;

Integration of educational areas "Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative", "Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Analysis of goals and objectives.

The lesson was held in the preparatory group. The lesson consisted of three interrelated stages, during which the children gradually completed various activities. This structure is fully justified, since each stage of the lesson is aimed at solving certain problems and offers a choice of methods and techniques. The goals and objectives correspond to the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard. Created to achieve the goal educational environment, goals and objectives correspond to age capabilities. The connection of goals and objectives with the topic of educational activities is traced.

Analysis of the organization of organized educational activities.

In the course of the lesson, a student-oriented model of activity was used. Questions of a problem-search nature prevailed. The following methods were used to activate children:

1. Verbal (conversation, poem, questions for children, encouragement);

2. Visual - demonstration (cards with numbers, cards with numbers, branch layout, birds, ice floes);

3. Practical (compilation number series forward and backward, drawing up and solving problems, the composition of the number in the limit of 10);

4. Game (surprise moment "Snow Queen", games "Funny Snowman", "Find the neighbor number", "Count how many?", "Build a castle")

and techniques: game, explanations, instructions, display, artistic word, encouragement, individual work, analysis, conversation.

All the children freely turned to me for help, faced with difficulties in solving this or that issue. During the whole lesson, problem situations were created to solve the tasks. Adhered to the position of an adult - "coordinator" and "mentor".

Analysis of educational activities.

At the beginning of the lesson, I used a surprise moment. The arrival of the "Snow Queen" aroused in children an internal need to be included in activities. The children were asked to complete tasks to save Kai. Throughout the lesson, the children completed tasks, receiving ice.

Game tasks were carried out with musical accompaniment - all this contributed to the effectiveness of the lesson, mental activity and the development of children's speech. All elements of the lesson are logically united by a common theme.

During the lesson, the following integration of educational areas was traced: cognitive development”, “social and communicative development”, “ speech development”, “physical development”, “artistic and aesthetic development” which were implemented in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children.

The lesson consists of motivational-indicative, search, practical, reflective-evaluative stages. For the development of cognitive interest and cognitive activityThroughout the entire educational process, children showed initiative, creativity, and independence. When performing tasksthe following activities were used: communicative, cognitive-research, artistic-aesthetic, motor. One type of activity smoothly passed into another.For the implementation of each task, I picked up techniques that helped to solve them. The techniques were based on game learning situations in which I tried to encourage children to active speech activity. The children were active, attentive, felt comfortable, could independently develop the ability to independently unite for joint play and work, to negotiate, to help each other.

During the lesson, the dialogic style of communication prevailed. I used tasks of a creative nature (building a castle from a constructor). Consistency was maintained throughout the entire educational situation storyline, the presence of a logical connection between the stages, the preservation of targets, motivation and a meaningful attitude towards activities at each stage. All this is confirmed by the results of the activity.

I believe that the form of organization of the lesson I chose was quite effective and dynamic. I tried to be a partner, assistant for children, to observe the norms of pedagogical ethics and tact. I tried to build my statements competently and in an understandable way for children,encouraged children to show initiative and independence, encouraged individual achievements of children.

In the reflexive-evaluative stage of the lesson, questions were asked and the word “Friendship” was composed from ice floes.The activities of all children were positively assessed, their personal dignity was not belittled.

Strengthened the positive results of the lesson with verbal encouragement. This structure of the lesson is quite justified. I believe that the tasks set in the lesson were completed. The occupation has achieved its goal.