Early delivery. Early exams or long vacations are guaranteed. The nuances of passing the session ahead of schedule

Question: The employee combines work with education (for the first time) in an educational institution of higher education vocational education with state accreditation. He was provided for passing an interim certification, and also accrued vacation pay in accordance with the period of study leave specified in the call certificate, however, a shorter period was indicated in the confirmation certificate due to early exams. The employee did not go to work after passing all the exams.

Should the employee have returned to work earlier from the additional paid study leave due to the early completion of the session? Can an employer calculate vacation pay?

Answer: If an employee combines work with education (for the first time) in an educational institution of higher professional education with state accreditation, and he was granted paid study leave to pass an intermediate certification, and vacation pay was accrued in accordance with the period of study leave specified in the call certificate ( approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 13.05.2003 N 2057 "On approval of the forms of a certificate-call giving the right to provide additional leave and other benefits at the place of work related to studying at a higher educational institution that has state accreditation"), but at the same time the confirmation certificate contains a shorter period due to the early passing of exams, then, in our opinion, the employee should not have gone to work earlier from the additional paid study leave and the employer is not entitled to recalculate the vacation pay accrued in accordance with the period of study leave specified in the help call.

Rationale: In accordance with Art. 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to employees sent for training by the employer or who entered independently in having state accreditation educational institutions higher professional education, regardless of their organizational and legal forms in part-time and part-time (evening) forms of education, successfully studying in these institutions, the employer provides additional holidays with the preservation of average earnings, in particular, for passing intermediate certification in the first and second years, respectively - 40 calendar days, on each of the subsequent courses, respectively - 50 calendar days (when mastering the main educational programs of higher professional education in a shortened time in the second year - 50 calendar days).

In the situation under consideration, the employee presented a confirmation certificate, in which a shorter period was fixed due to the early passing of exams. However, the employee did not go to work after passing all the exams.

The employee must submit to the employer a certificate of summons and an application for study leave.

Therefore, if there is a certificate-call and an application from the employee, the employer must provide the employee with paid study leave.

Also part of the reference-call is a certificate-confirmation, which fixes the period of the student's stay in the educational institution.

The labor legislation does not regulate the situation with the employee's going to work before the end of the additional paid study leave.

In addition, additional paid study leave is provided for passing an intermediate certification, and therefore has a special purpose.

Consequently, the employee was lawfully absent from the workplace, regardless of whether he passed the session ahead of schedule or not.

Thus, the employee should not return to work earlier from the additional paid study leave in any case, in particular in connection with early delivery of the session, and the employer is not entitled to recalculate the vacation pay accrued in accordance with the period of study leave specified in the call certificate.

By the will of the ministries of education and by virtue of ancient traditions, the student takes the session twice during the academic year. Its terms are predetermined in advance and the maximum that can change is the shift of the first and last exams a day forward or backward.

However, life is unpredictable.

Early delivery of the session

It may also happen that for some reason you need to pass the session ahead of schedule. This usually happens for reasons such as childbirth, hospital treatment prescribed by a doctor, coincidence of session dates at two universities, and even a business trip call from work.

In order to obtain permission for an early session, you need to write an application to the dean's office. Specify the required application form there.

However, in any case, your reasons for postponing the session must be documented.

Before you go to the dean's office, try to arrange in advance with the teachers. Collect their signatures stating that they agree to take a test or exam from you at an inopportune time.

In general, practice shows that in this case, not only relationships with teachers are very important, but also your reputation as a student. In the majority of universities, permission to pass the session ahead of time is given to those students who passed everything on time laboratory works, intermediate tests, practical and control. Good attendance will also be a plus. Therefore, if you know in advance that you will have to pass the session ahead of schedule, make sure that all affairs at the university are in order.

Early delivery of the diploma and state

By the way, big problem is surrender thesis and state exams before the deadline. It is not enough to write a paper or do it well, you also need to agree with the dean's office and teachers. Of course, they can go towards you, but there is no guarantee that they will want to. Worst case, you'll have to wait a year. Usually such problems concern those girls who are preparing to become mothers, and the time of childbirth falls just in time for state exams.

However, if fate, the dean's office and teachers are on your side, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

True, here you need to plan everything in advance: agree with those who will take your exams. You need to allocate time so that you can learn the subject. This is not the case when you can write off. If you have already decided to take the session ahead of schedule, you will have to teach.

But the most important thing is to be positive.

Then things will get better. If you are in harmony with yourself and the world, then the chances of getting a lucky ticket increase!

Every year, at the time set by the university, students take two sessions: winter and summer. But sometimes situations arise when you need to pass exams ahead of schedule, that is, before the deadline. How then to act in the current situation?

Reasons for early delivery

Good reasons why you will be allowed to take exams apart from the rest of the students may be:

  • departure abroad - on vacation or on a training program;
  • family circumstances, including pregnancy;
  • employment.

There may be other reasons, for example, the usual desire to quickly go on vacation. But before you apply for permission to take exams ahead of schedule, you need to seriously think about how to convincingly substantiate it.

How to pass the session ahead of time?

Early delivery is the usual exams, but with some peculiarities. You will not be allowed to pass if you do not succeed in current subjects, have unsatisfactory grades or in previous sessions.

If everything is in order with academic performance, you can write an application for early passing exams and tests. And be sure to indicate the reason that no teacher can resist.

But this is not the end, but only the beginning. You have to collect signatures from all teachers who take your exams. After all, each of them, having assessed your capabilities and current performance in their subject, should express their opinion about what is happening. If you didn't go to lectures or didn't pass the colloquium for a whole semester, then forget about the early session. It is also possible that during the set period of “your session”, the teacher will be absent.

After collecting all the permissions, you still need to visit the dean and the person in charge of the implementation of the curriculum at the faculty, and take their signatures. And only now you can go to the department and get a personal examination sheet.

And now the most difficult begins. In order to organize longer holidays for yourself, in last days semester, you will have to work in a crazy mode: prepare for all exams in an extremely short time and attend lectures and seminars at the same time. Therefore, you need to calculate your strengths in advance. Whatever happens after early delivery spend extra days of vacation in a hospital bed. The body of a student, although young and hardy, but not stone, can “fail”.

And no one is safe from failures in the exam out of turn. It takes 1-2 days to prepare for it, and it is almost impossible to write off, because the exam takes place one on one with the teacher.

Weighing all the pros and cons of early surrender, think about it - is it really so necessary?

While studying at a university, students go through two sessions every year, and no one is immune from a situation where early exams are the only way out of a non-standard life situation, but a transfer is possible only if there are good reasons.

Reasons for leaving the session early

To be sure that the dean's office will meet halfway, before writing an application with a request to allow early exams, you need to make sure that the reason is really good. The student's request will be granted:

  • in case of an urgent trip abroad for the purpose of education, treatment;
  • coincidence of exams in different universities;
  • if they are sent on a business trip from their place of work;
  • for family reasons, such as pregnancy and childbirth;
  • in employment with the need for constant presence;
  • if urgent hospital treatment is required.

Other reasons are also possible, most importantly, they must be weighty and have documentary evidence.

The transfer of exams is possible when studying full-time and part-time

Is it possible for everyone to pass the session ahead of schedule?

To be eligible for an early session, the student must not have academic debts for the previous period.

Also, positive decision-making is influenced by:

  • high student performance;
  • no debts for the past semester for laboratory, control and other types of work;
  • the presence of intermediate offsets;
  • absence of violations of discipline and absenteeism.

So, if you know in advance that you will need to take exams before the deadline, you should take care of closing all debts.

Sample application letter for early exam

To obtain permission, you must write a statement explaining the reason and attach documents confirming the need to pass the session in advance.

The application is made in the name of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and must be considered by the leadership of the institute or university.

Early session

It should indicate the following information: full name of the student, faculty and course, as well as the reason for postponing exams.

Having a good reason, a properly drafted application, and good academic performance during the semester is a reliable guarantee of satisfying a request to reschedule a session. If a student has an academic debt, and the current grades in the journals are low, then the university management has the right to refuse early delivery.

Application for an early session

Early delivery of the session is a pipe dream. This is the opinion of many students, or rather, approximately 70% of first-year students and 50% of subsequent-year students.

How to cancel a session early

Why is the percentage of those who doubt senior courses less? But because they have already encountered the passing of the session and understand that it is still possible to pass it ahead of schedule. But is it necessary? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Many people think that passing a session early is beneficial in all respects. There is a lot of time for your personal affairs, and your head no longer hurts about tails for exams. This is of course true, but nevertheless, there are also disadvantages to the early delivery of the session, which we will talk about a little later. First, let's dwell on how to pass the session earlier, because there is a certain schedule that must be followed.

Every year, a student is supposed to take two sessions - the final checks of the knowledge acquired during the semester. There are also such cases in some universities, when the session has a longer term, but is rented once a year. But sometimes during their period there are various kinds of emergency situations that make it difficult to pass exams and tests according to the schedule established by the university. In these cases, the best way out of this situation would be early surrender of the session. There are also situations when a student is sure that he will not be able to pass the session on time, and not everyone wants to be late with the delivery, because in most cases, after passing the session of all students, teachers also go on vacation and it becomes almost impossible to find them. In student practice, there are many funny stories when, due to the fact that the student had an exam debt, he was even forced to look for a teacher in his house, constantly calling him on the phone, only for him to accept his ill-fated exam or test.

So, when a student plans to pass the session ahead of schedule, he needs a good reason for this. Moreover, this basis must be necessarily documented. If a student is sure in advance that it is impossible to attend a scheduled exam or test, then he needs to make sure that the valid reasons for early passing the session are documented.
So what can be the reason for the early delivery of the session?

moving to study in another city or country for study.
pregnancy or childbirth of a student.
work that requires constant presence on it.
disease. For example, a student has certain medical procedures scheduled for the duration of a session, so they may request an early turn-in.

Of course, these are not all the reasons. When a student plans and writes an application for an early session, he needs to convincingly justify the reasons for his decision. The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the need to pass certification ahead of schedule. It is written in the name of the vice-rector for academic affairs and submitted to the dean's office with subsequent consideration by the rector of the university.
The decision may be made in the negative direction if the student at the time of application will have observed negative ratings. associated with poor performance. That is, if you know in advance that you will need to take the session in advance, then you should take care of your academic performance.

It is also possible that you can pass some exams automatically if you just agree with the teacher. Then you will not have to fill out any applications, and you will not have to provide for the fact that all exams will be passed ahead of schedule. if you manage to pass some exams automatically, then you will have fewer "tails" for the session.

Advantages and disadvantages of early delivery of the session

There is no need to even talk about the advantages of such a session. Firstly, if you hand over the session in advance, then you will have more time for your own life and for your personal affairs.

Secondly, you can gain a certain prestige among teachers and students, since not everyone is given the opportunity to pass the session earlier, namely, not everyone has the skills to do this.

Like it or not, there are also many disadvantages of early delivery.

In most cases, such sessions are given in a shorter period than scheduled ones. Hence the first minus - the difficulty of passing at such a pace. Each exam is given only a couple of days.

the second minus is that when the session is given in advance, it is assumed that you will be alone with the teacher, that is, it will definitely not work to write off. Moreover, the teacher may have a biased attitude towards you, because you stood out from the general mass of students when you took the initiative to pass the exams in advance.

When you consider all the pros and cons of taking exams early, don't forget that it can be an impossible task for you. So, in most cases, students choose to pass the session on a general basis.

Early exam: reasons

Question: Hello!

8. Early delivery of the session, retake and liquidation of academic debts

I am a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Psychology at St. Petersburg State University and in the 2016/2017 academic year I am leaving for the University of Helsinki on an academic exchange program. However, the semester in Helsinki starts on January 12 and I don't have time to pass the winter session before I leave. Is it possible to pass the winter session ahead of schedule (in December), or can I take it only when I arrive, requesting an individual schedule?

Answer of Ekaterina Gennadievna Babelyuk, First Vice-Rector for academic, extracurricular and educational work of St Petersburg University:

According to Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation”, students are provided with academic rights to the direction for training and conducting scientific research on selected topics, internships, including within the framework of academic exchange, in other educational organizations and scientific organizations, including educational organizations higher education and scientific organizations of foreign states.

In accordance with paragraph 14.11 of the "Rules for training on basic educational programs bachelor's, specialist's, master's and secondary vocational education in St. Petersburg state university”, approved by the order of the First Vice-Rector for Academic, Extracurricular and Methodological Work No. 470/1 dated January 29, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules of Study”), a student who has completed an academic exchange, after returning to SPbU, upon personal application, is provided with an individual schedule in in the manner prescribed by St. Petersburg State University. An individual study schedule is provided to the student by order of the rector or other authorized official for a period not exceeding the end of the next intermediate certification (the date of monitoring the implementation of the curriculum).

At the same time, clause of the rules of study establishes that if a student knows in advance that he will not be able to attend the test (exam) for a valid reason, documented, including in the case of the coincidence of the timing of the intermediate certification at SPbU with beginning of the study period in another educational organization, he can be provided with an individual schedule for passing tests and exams.

Thus, in order to consider the issue of the possibility of passing tests (exams) of the winter intermediate certification 2016/2017 school year in terms different from the deadlines set in the schedule, you need to submit a personal application to the employees of the training department along with a document that is the basis for providing an individual schedule in accordance with clause 4.4.2 of the training rules.

I draw your attention to the fact that education at St Petersburg University is carried out not at faculties, but according to basic and additional educational programs (see Why are there no “classes at faculties”?).

Tags: Session, Academic mobility

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Question: Good afternoon! I would like to know what grounds are needed for early submission of the winter session, in what period does the early submission of the session take place and what is needed in order to pass the winter session ahead of schedule? Thank you in advance!


Studiolance Blog about Studiolance!

Vice-Rector for academic work Lavrikova Marina Yurievna: Intermediate certification is carried out strictly in accordance with the approved schedule of tests and exams, which is brought to the attention of students and teachers. Only in exceptional cases can a student be given the opportunity to pass tests and exams ahead of schedule.

On 01.10.2012, Chapter 4 of the Rules for Studying the Basic Educational Programs of Higher and Secondary Vocational Education at St. Petersburg State University, approved by the Order of acting Rector dated August 16, 0212 No. 3480/1 (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules of Education”), which determines the procedure for conducting intermediate certification at St Petersburg University.

If the student knows in advance that he will not be able to attend the test (exam) for a valid reason, documented, if one of the following reasons exists, then the student may be provided with an individual schedule for passing tests (exams):

  • sending a student by the University to participate in educational and scientific activities during the interim assessment;
  • sending a student by the University to study at another university (hereinafter referred to as the host university), if the timing of the intermediate certification coincides with the beginning of the period of study at the host university;
  • sending a student studying under a military training program to training camps during an intermediate assessment;
  • departure of the student during the intermediate certification for international, Russian, interregional sports competitions, training camps, competitions, olympiads and other extracurricular activities to represent the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, the University;
  • sending a student during the interim certification for sanatorium treatment, including as an accompanying person;
  • planned inpatient treatment (or surgery) of a student during the interim assessment, as well as the upcoming birth of a child by female students during the interim assessment.

The Rules of Study can be found on the official website of St Petersburg University www.spbu.ru in the section "Learning activities".

If the reasons why you want to pass the interim attestation ahead of schedule correspond to one of the grounds listed in the list, then you should contact the Deputy Head of the Educational Department in the direction of jurisprudence Alexandra Yuryevna Shmidt.

You can find the location of the Educational Department in the direction of jurisprudence here.

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Early delivery of the session

Good day, dear reader. If you are reading this article, then most likely you are interested in knowing how you can cancel session early. For many first-year students, it is not even clear what just a session is, and then there is also an early one. If you are among those who have come to higher educational institution only this year, and want to know how to take exams before the main course, or you have been studying for more than a year, but have never thought about taking exams ahead of schedule, then this article is especially for you.

Before we tell you "from and to" about the procedure early session, let's think, why are some students so eager to take exams before others? Are they the smartest or kamikaze? Most likely, they are neither one nor the other. Just due to life circumstances, they need to close the examination sheet as soon as possible.

The reasons may be very different. Here are just a few of them:

1) departure abroad;

2) family problems;

3) work;

4) I just want to go on vacation as soon as possible.

We did not just bring this list. We'll still need it. And now let's finally talk about the procedure itself. early delivery of the session.

Early exams are nothing more than a regular session. True, with some peculiarities. Like almost everything in this world, an early session takes place according to certain rules.

Rules for early surrender of the session:

1) conditions for early delivery;

2) preparation of documents;

3) preparation for exams.

Now let's talk more about each of these points.

1. Conditions for early delivery.

If you want to cancel session early, then the most important condition is your current academic performance. Therefore, if you are going to fly south, then make sure that you do not have academic debt for previous sessions.

For first-year students, we explain: academic debt is when a student did not pass one or more exams and / or tests in previous sessions.

If you are “clean”, then purely formally you cannot be banned from collecting signatures (we will talk about signatures a little later). Therefore, take care in advance that you do not have problems due to past debts.

2. Preparation of documents.

After you have received oral permission for early surrender from the curator of your group (or the dean - each university has its own rules), you can start collecting documents. Here we hasten to please you - there will be few "papers". Only 2 documents. You can get them in your dean's office (or at the department.)

The first document is your application (a blank sheet of paper). Most likely, you will be interested to know what to write in it. Duck, here, in this application you must write your student data (name, faculty, specialty, course) and the reason why you decided leave a session early.

Remember our list of possible causes. This is where it came in handy for us. Choose any of the above reasons or write your own. Say by big secret, it is better to write such a reason that more than one teacher “cannot resist”. Tell me, where does the teacher? You'll soon find out. In the meantime, remember that the more convincing your reason, the easier it will be to get all the necessary signatures.

So we got to the most "difficult" part of preparing documents for early delivery - the collection of signatures. What other signatures? Signatures of your teachers, with whom you will take the session ahead of schedule. Why, you ask, complicate the life of a student and do such formalities - to collect signatures from teachers?

Everything is simple here. You just need to understand what all this is for. And this is necessary so that each teacher, having assessed your current state of affairs (precisely for this semester), gives his assessment of whether you can pass the session, and even in advance. Maybe you slept all semester and didn't go to lectures. Then forget about the early session!

Or maybe there is such a situation. Since you pass the session ahead of schedule, then, accordingly, the exams will be held for you earlier than the standard deadlines for passing the session. It's clear. But it may happen that some teacher will not be able to take your exam ahead of schedule simply because he will be away during the deadline for early delivery of the session. Maybe he subtracts all his hours and goes to the country, because he, in fact, owes nothing to anyone. Worked out and everything.

But, if among his students there is at least one student who wishes cancel a session early, then this teacher is obliged to accept it, provided that everything is in order with your current academic performance.

That is why you will be obliged to bypass all teachers, without exception, from whom you need to take this or that subject.
Once you have collected signatures from all teachers, you will need to get a few more signatures. Most likely there will be 2.

The first is from the dean of your faculty (or another person from the faculty), and the second is a signature from the person responsible for syllabus in your department (this person just needs to know how many people intend to take the session early this semester in order to schedule an early session).

After you collect absolutely all the required signatures, you take this document to the department, and in return you receive 3 (bonus) documents - your personal examination sheet.

Why personal? The thing is that usually the statement is given one for the entire group of students. But since If you decide to take the session ahead of schedule, then you should be given a separate statement only for your grades.

3. Preparation for exams.

If you successfully overcome all bureaucratic circles, then you are done. But collecting all the necessary documents is only half the battle. It's just preparatory stage. The most "berries" are yet to come. Before you rest a few more weeks than your classmates, you must work at the maximum speed during these most additional weeks of your future rest. you need in short time prepare for multiple exams.

Therefore, we tell you in advance, calculate your strength so as not to overwhelm your early session. Although it is early, it is, first of all, the same session. A session is the most important event in a student's half year. After all, you don’t want to rest with the thought that you didn’t pass the exams well.

In this regard, you will need to correctly plan the preparation for a fairly a large number exams. Moreover, keep in mind that when you take exams ahead of schedule, the gaps between two exams can be very small.

If during the usual exams, the average interval between two exams is 3-7 days, then with the early passing of the session, it can reach only one day. For example, you take Economics on Wednesday and Organizational Behavior on Friday. So get ready. There will be no one to blame but yourself if you fail miserably in an early session.

Pros and cons of leaving a session early

Now you have general idea About, how to cancel a session. Now let's point out the main pros and cons of early exams.


1) Speed

You will not have time to really get nervous, as the session will already come to an end. Many students do poorly in exams just because they are very worried about the outcome of the exam. The time before the exam is a real torture for them. They spend it not on preparing for exams, but on all sorts of nonsense, just not to think about the upcoming “torments”. As a result - a bad grade, deprivation of a scholarship ...

So, if you belong to such a number of people, then we advise you to take the session ahead of schedule. Better to be nervous for one week than almost a whole month, why bother yourself like that?

2) Additional holidays

Although we said that you need to prepare for an early session at an accelerated pace, after passing it, you will have several weeks more free time than your comrades. Students do not need to be advised where to spend their free time. They know so well


1) Bureaucratic red tape

If you want to take the session ahead of schedule, then you will have to “run a little” to collect all the necessary documents (see above)

2) Intensive training

Be prepared to immerse yourself in your studies for a few weeks. you have to prepare for all the exams almost at the same time

Conclusion: If you want cancel a session early, then you should “prepare” the reason for your early surrender in advance. This may be a departure to another country, etc. The main thing is that this reason should be valid, otherwise you may be denied early exams. Close all your previous debts, otherwise you will not see an early session. Also tune in to the fact that you have to "plow" for about a month, i.e. gather Required documents and prepare for exams, so that later they can rest when the rest will “climb the wall” from fear of exams.

That's all, thanks for reading the article to the end.