University chemist. Chemistry for admission to medical school

Future applicants who prefer chemistry are waiting at the faculties natural sciences. There are many professions that require excellent knowledge of chemistry. Which university to prefer and how to choose the right direction of study?

Fundamental science is not suitable for everyone, but applied chemistry is in demand in various industries - from industrial production to pharmacology. In every university, you can find programs that train future environmentalists, technologists, and pharmacists. Which universities are considered the best for studying science, and which ones will give you more practice for work? Let's figure it out together.

Top universities and faculties for future chemists

Capital and regional universities with specialized areas in chemistry.


Specialty/Bachelor's degree

Passing score 2017 (budget/commerce)

Russian University Friendship between nations

04.03.01 Chemistry

Modern physical and chemical methods research of organometallic and inorganic substances based on synchrotron radiation

Chemistry of innovative medicines

Nanocatalysts chemical reactions. Petroleum Chemistry

Analysis of the biological activity of organic and complex compounds

Saint Petersburg State University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Novosibirsk State University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Analytical chemistry

Bioorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

Organic chemistry

Physical chemistry

Chemistry solid body

Ural Federal University

04.03.01 Chemistry

179 / no set

Far Eastern Federal University

04.03.01 Chemistry

fundamental chemistry

132/dial was not

National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University. N. I. Lobachevsky

04.03.01 Chemistry

Chemistry and materials science

South Ural State University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Moscow Pedagogical University

04.03.01 Chemistry

179 / no set

Belgorod State National research university

04.03.01 Chemistry

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Medical and pharmaceutical chemistry

Environmental chemistry, chemical expertise and environmental safety

189 / no set

Applicants who have chosen the direction of study in the field of chemistry and related sciences receive good career prospects.

Demanded specialties

Chemistry students in their third year, and sometimes at the very beginning of their studies, choose a specialization that will define them future profession and development opportunities in their field. Let's take a look at what you can choose from.

Demanded and interesting profession related to medicine. A pharmaceutical chemist takes part in the development of new drugs, controls the technological processes in the production of drugs. He can specialize in research areas, participate in experimental programs.

The demand for chemists in the pharmaceutical industry is stable. The average salary in Russia is 40 thousand rubles.

Environmental chemist

Impact monitoring specialist environment harmful and toxic substances. Environmental chemists are in demand at industrial enterprises, where strict environmental control is ensured.

Employees take part in the development of new production technologies that reduce the harm from the use of various toxic substances, and check the quality of products and raw materials.

Graduates can find work in expert organizations, certification laboratories, sanitary and epidemiological stations, factories and industrial facilities. Salary young specialist starts from 20 thousand rubles, an experienced ecologist can claim earnings up to 60 thousand.


Biochemistry is in demand in the research field. The working day of a specialist takes place in laboratories and is associated with the study various processes in living organisms.

Biochemists take part in experimental programs in genetics, testing drugs and analyzing the biological functions of substances.

Specialists are needed not only in medical research centers, but also in the food and agricultural industries. Experienced biochemists are highly valued. Wage at the initial stage of a career from 20 thousand rubles.


This specialty is adjacent to pharmaceuticals, genetics, and medicine. Biotechnologists are engaged in the development and production of drugs, vitamins and nutritional supplements, food products.

They spend their work time in cosmetic and pharmaceutical laboratories. Large food industries also open corresponding vacancies in the state. More experts are working scientific work- conduct research in the field of genetics, cellular structures.

The results of the activities of biotechnologists are in demand in agriculture. Earnings vary from 20 to 80 thousand rubles, depending on experience and field of activity.

A teacher or a scientist - any chemist can conduct not only Scientific research but also fun experiences


This is a technical specialty. You can consider employment options in the metallurgy, oil, energy and gas industries. The main activity of the specialist is related to research, development and testing of new materials.

Finding a job after graduation is not difficult, the initial rate of a young specialist is 20 thousand rubles, workers with experience can count on amounts from 40 to 50 thousand.

Chemistry teacher

Professionals are in demand in schools and secondary specialized educational institutions. Anyone who likes to share knowledge and has chosen a pedagogical direction for himself will easily find a job. At the initial stage, the income will not be high, but over time you can build a good career.

Living systems architect

This specialty is positioned as the profession of the future. By the time of the graduation of today's applicants, it will become a new and promising direction. It combines the work of an ecologist, a biotechnologist and a chemist.

The main task of the specialist is the design and creation of closed-loop technologies for the autonomous existence of settlements and cities. Although today it seems like science fiction, the direction of reproduction and recycling of resources is considered promising.

In addition to the listed professions, graduates of chemical faculties can try themselves in science, forensics, medicine and other areas.

Chemistry for admission to medical school

For applicants who have submitted documents, chemistry is a major subject in which they will have to pass an entrance test. Many universities have requirements for minimum USE results, at least 50 points.

Was the decision of the doctor/chemist/pharmacist long overdue? You need to think about entering in advance - to participate in olympiads, to take preparatory courses. This will give an additional advantage when submitting documents and help in exams.

How university is more prestigious the more difficult it is to enter. Those who choose universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Smolensk or Kursk should be prepared for a big competition. Siberian "towers" in Tomsk or Khabarovsk are different high level teaching, but because of the territorial remoteness, it is easier to enter them.

92 establishments and 371 curricula. universities, universities with chemistry education abroad and in Europe for Russian children, teenagers, students, as well as foreign schoolchildren! Choose a school based on the description of its curricula, their cost, rating and student reviews - and our specialist will answer your questions and help with the choice. FREE enrollment services at partner institutions, places are limited.

A small excerpt from the description of educational institutions in this section:

Plymouth University (University of Plymouth) is a public university and is located in Plymouth. The beginning of its history dates back to the school of navigation founded in 1862, and the university status was assigned to the educational institution in 1992. This is a prestigious and world-renowned educational institution with a high level of education and research activities. Today, the university offers a large number of quality educational programs in the most various fields. It includes the following faculties and schools:

1. Faculty of Arts and Humanities

2. Faculty of Business

Other destinations:

  • Geography BSc with Applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with European Study
  • Environmental Law LLM
  • Chemistry and Mathematics BSc
  • Applied Linguistics, MA
  • Hispanic Studies with Russian (BA)
  • BA International Economics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Honors Bachelor's Statistics
  • Studying humanities, fine arts and design
  • BA Journalism and Economics
  • Fashion merchandising
  • Health psychology
  • Law (BA)
  • Electrical and Railway Engineering MEng
  • BS architecture
  • actuarial business
  • Animation, Honors Bachelor
  • History and Politics of the Americas with a Year Abroad BA
  • Public Health & Population Sciences BMedSc - Intercalated Degree
  • Biomedical Research (Microbiome in Health and Disease) MRes

According to surveys conducted among school graduates, about 13% of students plan to connect their profession with chemistry and enter a specialized institute. This area of ​​training is still far from the top economics and jurisprudence, but from year to year it is becoming more promising, and it is worth paying attention to, if only because the labor market has long been oversaturated with lawyers and economists, and chemists are in a huge deficit.

Pros and cons of studying at chemical universities

If a student, as they say, is ill with chemistry, then he has a direct road to a university specializing in this direction. The advantages of this choice will be:

  • a small competition for budget places;
  • it is easy to find a job, as chemists are now worth their weight in gold;
  • a huge number of grants, research, educational programs and internships, including foreign ones, in this profile.

All this together gives good prospects for future career growth and opens the way to employment in other countries (this specialty is also in great demand abroad).

Rather bright prospects overshadow the negative aspects of the profession of a chemist:

  • huge scale of work (often monotonous and tedious);
  • difficult working conditions (harmful fumes, toxic substances and strong vibration are frequent companions of chemists).

From the latter circumstance follows the presence of medical contraindications for starting a career in the field of chemical research or production. The doors to the technological workshop and laboratories are closed for allergy sufferers, asthmatics, people with weak immunity, chronic respiratory diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders.

If there are no health restrictions and there is a keen interest in the future profession, then you should choose an educational institution that can not only replenish your knowledge base, but also support your love for the subject.

List of chemical universities in Russia

You can start mastering the profession in one of the many educational institutions in the country. The table contains a list of top chemical universities in Russia with data on the number of state-funded places and tuition fees in the field.

Rating The name of the university Number of budget places The cost of a year of study, rub.
Interfax QS
1 90 Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov 211 350 500
4 235 St. Petersburg State University 50 269 700
6 244 NSU (Novosibirsk National Research State University) 45 150 000
7 277 TSU (Tomsk State University) 30 150 000
10 446 RUDN University 36 205 000
12 439 KFU (Kazan Federal University) 49 122 460-136 140
13 - SFU (Siberian Federal University) 40 154 306
14-15 412 Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin (Yekaterinburg) 50 159 600
17 541-550 FEFU (Far Eastern Federal University - Vladivostok) 25 200 000
18 531-540 SFedU (Southern Federal University - Rostov-on-Don) 40 115 000
21 601-650 Lobachevsky University, UNN (Nizhny Novgorod) 60 137 000
27 - St. Petersburg Mining University 30 260 000
31 - Kazan National Research University of Technology 33 126 800
38 - 24 126 800
48 - RCTU them. D. I. Mendeleeva (Russian University of Chemical Technology) 1228 204 200
49-50 - SSU (Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky) 64 89 540
55-56 - Tyumen State University (Tyumen State University) 51 107 000
69-70 - DSTU (Don State Technical University- Rostov-on-Don) 18 107 200

It is quite possible to study for free as a chemist even in educational institutions that occupy the top positions of the Russian rating (the table is based on Interfax data, as well as the world QS). The number of budget places for this profile is quite impressive almost everywhere. So if you have good scores in the USE, it is easy to become a student of a prestigious university.

Faculties, directions, specialties

Chemical institutes conduct profile training of students at complex natural science or narrow-profile faculties, in some universities they are separated into separate units, for example:

  • FEFU School of Natural Sciences;
  • faculty of processing of mineral raw materials (at St. Petersburg Mining University);
  • Institute of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University or Tyumen State University;
  • faculties at RKhTU im. Mendeleev:
    1. natural sciences; o chemical-technological;
    2. VKH RAS (Higher Chemical College of the Academy of Sciences);
    3. chemical-pharmaceutical technologies and biomedical preparations;
    4. technologies of inorganic substances and high-temperature materials;
    5. petrochemical and polymeric materials;
    6. engineering chemistry;
    7. chemistry and sustainable development issues;
    8. industrial ecology and biotechnology;
    9. Institute of Materials for Modern Energy and Nanotechnology;
  • faculties of natural sciences of NSU and PFUR;
  • faculties at Moscow State University:
    1. chemical;
    2. materials sciences and fundamental physical and chemical engineering;
  • Chemical Institute. A. M. Butlerova KFU;
  • Faculty of Chemistry, TSU;
  • Natural Science Institute of SamSU.

Depending on the chosen higher educational institution a student can study not only fundamental or applied chemistry, you can choose:

  • mechanics of materials and physics;
  • medical chemistry;
  • theoretical and experimental chemistry;
  • chemical technology;
  • functional materials and nanomaterials.

Formats of education are different: bachelor's degree (4 years with the prospect of subsequent admission to the master's program - plus 2 more years) or immediately specialist (5 years and the opportunity to continue research in graduate school to obtain a degree).

Admission rules

Any special rules with regard to admission to the chemical institutes of Russia, no (with the exception of medical contraindications, which were discussed above). Moreover, this restriction is very conditional, since many universities do not require a special medical examination from their applicants, except for the standard certificate 086 / y. But further work in the specialty in the presence of health problems will be almost impossible.

The first thing to start with is to choose those USE subjects that are required at the intended university. As a rule, these disciplines include:

  • obligatory Russian language;
  • mathematics profile level difficulties;
  • And, of course, chemistry.

Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University conduct additional entrance examinations in the field of study. If the task is to enroll on the budget, then in order to increase the chances of success, you should apply in several directions at once within the walls of one educational institution (according to the law on education, you can choose no more than three of them).

The standard package of documents for an applicant includes:

  1. Application for admission.
  2. Questionnaire (sometimes it is combined on the same form with the application).
  3. Identity card (copy).
  4. Diploma of Education (original plus copy).
  5. Information about the results of the exam.
  6. Documented data on personal achievements.
  7. Consent to the processing of personal information about the applicant.
  8. Photos.

The list can be supplemented, the requirements need to be clarified in the selection committees.

passing scores

The requirements for the results of the Unified State Examination for admission to chemical universities can be called friendly to the applicant, but to get into the leading universities of the country, you still have to try.

university Passing score
Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov 408
St. Petersburg State University 267
NSU 246
TSU 228/238
RUDN University 240
KFU 212/265
SFU 169
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin 192
FEFU 150
SFU 193
Lobachevsky University 193
St. Petersburg State University (Mining University) 260
KNRTU (Kazan National Research Technological University) 192
Samara National Research University. S. P. Koroleva 210
RCTU them. D. I. Mendeleev 246
SSU 172
Tyumen State University 211
DSTU 197

Traditionally, the hardest thing to do in the best university country - Moscow State University. To break through budget place Faculty of Chemistry, last year it was necessary to score at least 408 points out of 510 possible (the results of three USE and an additional entrance test, as well as 10 points for personal achievements) are taken into account.

The minimum threshold for chemist applicants is in the Far East federal university(150 in total), although the university is also in demand (17th position in the All-Russian Interfax ranking and 541 in the international QS top).

For Kazan and Tomsk universities, a double value of passing scores is indicated, since their websites provide indicators for different levels training (at TSU chemistry for bachelors - 228, fundamental and applied chemistry at the specialist level - 238 points, at KFU for similar programs - 212 and 265 points, respectively).

Where do graduates work?

Given the huge shortage of specialists, graduates almost never have problems finding employment. In addition, many programs conduct targeted recruitment for the training of chemists of various profiles, within the framework of which employer companies order training for a professional, assign him an additional scholarship and hire him after completing the training.

Among the possible positions that a graduate of a chemical university can apply for are:

  • technologist;
  • engineer;
  • product quality analyst;
  • laboratory assistant

Most often, specialists of this profile are required in research institutes, pharmaceutical companies, the oil and gas sector and the food industry, factories, metallurgical plants. In addition, Russian chemists are popular abroad (in the USA, Germany, Sweden and a number of other developed countries).

When choosing a future profession, it is important to have a genuine interest in science itself. Any education received "for the crust", including in the best chemical university in Russia, is a waste of time and money. Without a real attachment to the subject, it is impossible to get moral satisfaction from work, not to mention the growth of professionalism and career advancement.