The role of distance learning in school. The role of distance learning in education. Distance learning practice

Abramovsky Anton Lvovich

Assistant of the Department of Marketing and Municipal Management, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University [email protected]


Abramovsky Anton Lvovich

Assistant of the Marketing and Municipal Administration Department, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University [email protected]



The article analyzes the role of distance higher education in the Russian Federation in connection with the strengthening of globalization processes. The author formulates conclusions about the increasing value distance learning for Russian high school in order to ensure its competitiveness in the market of educational services.


globalization in education, distance higher education, essence of globalization, training, education, innovations in education.

The article analyzes the role of the distance education in the Russian Federation in view of the intensifying of the globalization processes. The author draws conclusions about the increasing role of the remote learning for the Russian higher education in order to ensure its competitiveness in the educational market.

globalization in education, distance higher education, essence of globalization, training, education, innovation in education.

Currently, the term "globalization" has gained wide popularity. It is used in many areas of human activity to describe integration processes, increasing mutual influence and interdependence of countries and peoples from each other. Sociological encyclopedia edited by V.N. Ivanova interprets this term as follows: "the ever-increasing influence and impact of universal, world (global) processes on the fate of individual countries and peoples, as well as all of humanity as a whole" . The Collins English Dictionary defines globalization as “the process by which financial and investment markets operate internationally, in large part as a result of deregulation and improved communication capabilities, whereby a company expands its activities internationally.” An analysis of the degree of development of the definition of "globalization" allows us to conclude that this issue is well covered in the works of scientists from the USA and Western Europe, it is especially worth noting the researchers Lechner and Boli, 2000; Scholte, 2000; Thompson, 2000; Tomlinson, 1999; Zachary, 2000. In their works, terminology is specified, attempts are made to determine the root causes of globalization processes, questions of the difference between internationalization and globalization are discussed, and their chronological periods are described.

Of particular interest on the issue of periodization of globalization is, in our opinion, the concept of the researcher V.Ya. Nechaev, who singled out three stages in this process. The first stage in the development of globalization in the world appeared at the beginning of the era of the new chronology and was closely connected with the development of world religions, since at that time certain value orientations were formed, which, in turn, began to go beyond the boundaries of the first states and actively spread beyond the place of their appearance. . The chronological framework of this period is determined by V.Ya. Nechaev at 1,000 years old.

The second stage refers to the beginning of the second millennium and is associated with the formation of the first universities in the world. V.Ya. Nechaev emphasizes that universities “... take religion, science, and art under their cosmopolitan cover, offering them to compete in disciplinary dynamics, “stacking” their knowledge and their culture in the heads of new generations of people. In essence, the modern era (Modern and Contemporary) comes when universities have already prepared generations of educated people who are able to use sciences, arts, technologies in all spheres of public life.

The third stage in the development of globalization began with the entry of mankind into the third millennium, the so-called "information age" (some prefer to call it "post-industrial"). It is characterized by the availability of modern information and communication technologies, the emergence of the global Internet network, which has united all of humanity; the rapid development of computer technology, mobile communication devices (cell phones, smartphones, tablet computers, laptops); openness of information in general, multiple increase in its flows; general intensification of the rhythm of human life. In our opinion, this stage of globalization is the most interesting, since never before has humanity had such opportunities for a breakthrough in the four main areas of life (economy, politics, social sphere and culture).

The influence of globalization processes on the economies of countries is most noticeable, since this influence leads to the formation of a single world market (the emergence of such institutions as the World Trade Organization); a change in the principles of doing business (the emergence of a knowledge economy, a reduction in the size of an enterprise's staff to a few highly qualified specialists, an increase in the speed of business processes); increased competition between companies represented on the market (due to the growth of production capacity, an overabundance of goods and services); to the activation of scientific and technological progress, the development of technologies and innovations.

Considering the impact of globalization processes on politics, it is worth noting the strengthening of interstate and international cooperation, changing the role of the state in organizing the life of the population, the growth of political interdependence and interconnectedness of countries and peoples.

However, globalization has the greatest impact on the social sphere, since there is a tendency to change the nature of intercultural ties (a large number of migrants around the world, interethnic marriages), people's worldviews and their way of life (and they do not always wear positive character, - often lead to the formation of a lifestyle of the consumer, and not the creator). We also note the emergence of new threats in the form of global crime, international terrorism, more frequent economic crises (which is inevitable in a market economy), and an increase in the gap between the rich and the poor.

The impact of globalization on culture is also ambiguous. There is an opinion that this process destroys general cultural differences in different countries of the world, contributes to the development of the cultural component, as the dominant one in the only remaining superpower. Such "erasing of boundaries" leads to inevitable losses and devalues ​​the cultures of all mankind.

In view of the foregoing, and also taking into account the entry of modern civilization into the information age, it can be argued that globalization trends have touched the fundamental institution of public life - education. Researchers such as F. Fukuyama rightly point out that the formation of social classes and the differences between them in our time are due not to origin (as it was 100 years ago), but to the volume and quality of knowledge gained. E.S. Demidenko in his article "Upcoming Changes in Education in a Technogenic Society" perfectly illustrates this statement. He writes: “ the beginning of the 20th century. more than half of the top officials still came from very wealthy families, in the middle of the century their number was reduced to a third, now there are only a few.

Globalization processes are especially noticeable in higher education. Not only the methodological base of teaching has changed (due to the active use information technologies, the emergence of electronic educational environments, distance learning innovations and online learning), but also the principle of conducting economic activity modern universities that combine the functions of a temple of knowledge and a commercial enterprise (foreign researchers call this combination "university-enterprise"); universities exist in a market economy, competing not only among themselves within one country, but also with others from different countries.

The increase in competition is partly due to the ability of an increasing number of universities to teach remotely (teacher and student can be thousands of kilometers apart), with the active use of educational environments (learning environments). US universities, such as the University of Phoenix (Phoenix University), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of Western Governors (Western Governors University) and a number of other educational institutions, are especially successful in this direction.

Russia's entry into the global educational space is associated with the signing of the Bologna Declaration, according to which the transition to a two-level system of education (bachelor and master) in higher education was carried out, a course was taken to increase the informatization of universities and the development of distance learning technologies. For the implementation of its provisions in September

In 2013, a new Federal Law “On Education” was adopted, according to which the concepts of distance learning are introduced. educational technologies(DOT), e-learning. Such innovations will stimulate the development of systems distance education in higher education, to strengthen its role as a strategic direction for ensuring accessibility in Russia and exporting domestic education to other countries of the world.

The transition to distance learning in higher education is associated with certain difficulties, which relate to the creation of electronic learning tools for students (technical level), the preparation of high-quality educational courses (content level), the training of teachers and tutors (personnel level), the assessment of learning outcomes (evaluative level ). At the same time, there are universities in our country that actively apply foreign experience in this area, take into account the Russian specifics of work and implement high-quality distance learning for their students. One of these is the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (hereinafter - MESI). In 1992, this university began the process of introducing information technologies into education, and at present it trains more than 70,000 students, including about 15,000 foreign students from 52 countries of the world. MESI offers more than 740 full-fledged online courses for its students, has a developed infrastructure for supporting students who study remotely, as well as 29 branches throughout Russia.

Thus, the education system in the XXI century. has undergone significant changes due to the processes of globalization and thanks to the active development of information technology. Currently, the world is developing and spreading new form higher education - remote.

Leading universities of the world are interested in spreading their educational product outside their countries, which is a significant challenge to the domestic system of higher education. To increase competitiveness, Russian educational institutions can expand distance learning systems based on information technology, combined into a specialized educational environment, which will allow them to retain the existing student body, offer a better and more convenient educational service at competitive prices. If the university is unwilling to use new technologies in the learning process, there is a threat to its existence, since it can be ousted from the market of educational services.

The information society requires continuous development higher vocational education to which it is necessary to respond appropriately. The development of distance learning in Russia is a necessary step to remain competitive Russian universities in the global educational space.

1. Sociological encyclopedia / scientific. ed. V.N. Ivanov and others: in 2 vols. M., 2003. T. 1. 696 p.

2. Nechaev V.Ya. Parameters of globalization and factors of the Bologna process // Bulletin of Moscow University. 2004. No. 4. S. 27-34.

3. Demidenko E.S. Upcoming changes in education in a technogenic society // Uspekhi modern natural science. 2011. No. 12. S. 89-90.

4. Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics // Official website of the university. 2013. URL: (date of access: 09/02/2013).

Distance learning systems. The role of LMS in the organization of the distance learning process.

A distance learning system (LMS) is an IT solution that provides storage and delivery of electronic courses to students, automation of testing, generation of reports on the results of distance learning.

At the same time, distance learning is a type of education based on the educational interaction of teachers and students remote from each other, implemented using telecommunication technologies and Internet resources.

IT, IT - information technologies. IT is a set of methods responsible for the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information using various software technical means. IT must ensure the operation of the information system with the help of various kinds of programs.

The introduction of functional modules of the distance learning system, providing management of e-learning, enables the educational institution to launch the processes of distance learning and e-testing. The distance learning system allows you to implement the automation of a number of elements of the educational process. The functioning of the distance learning system should be considered as part of a single information and educational environment of an educational institution, in which the educational process is built on the basis of the latest technologies e-learning.

The main goals of introducing a distance learning system are:

improving the quality of the general educational process in an educational institution through the use of information technology;

increasing the manageability of the educational process through a distance learning system: ensuring continuous monitoring by teachers, the administration of the educational institution, and parents;

reducing the routine workload on teachers;

improving the quality and reducing the time spent on checking the quality of knowledge.

Using the distance learning system, the teacher can monitor the learning process upon completion of work with the system (by analyzing the reports provided by the distance learning system), correct the learning process, assign additional tests with specific criteria or issue individual tasks.

Through the distance learning system, students are able to access all curricula and tasks from home or a computer class, that is, from any place equipped with a computer that has a network connection to the server of the distance learning system.


The rapid development of network information technologies, in addition to a noticeable reduction in temporal and spatial barriers to the dissemination of information, has opened up new prospects in the field of education. It can be stated with certainty that in modern world there is a trend of merging educational and information technologies and the formation on this basis of fundamentally new integrated learning technologies based, in particular, on Internet technologies. With the use of Internet technologies, the possibility of unlimited and very cheap replication has become possible. educational information, fast and targeted delivery. At the same time, learning becomes interactive, the importance of independent work students, the intensity of the educational process is seriously increased, etc.

Prerequisites for the introduction of information technology in the educational process

Organizational, technical, personnel and technological prerequisites are necessary for the successful integration of educational and network technologies.

Organizational background. Quantitative and qualitative growth of telecommunications structures and the formation of fundamentally new learning technologies based on Internet technologies.

To encourage the introduction of information and distance technologies in the educational process, planning should be revised study load for teachers who are developers of the content of distance learning courses. The work of teachers in preparing, adapting and conducting classes using distance technologies should be approved as separate species academic work with the introduction of the relevant parameters into the current Norms for calculating the teaching load of teachers.

Technical background. As you know, modern network learning technology requires a sufficiently productive, versatile and easily accessible technological environment. The development of informatization processes makes it possible to create a developed telecommunication system. This system, in addition to using it in traditional educational and scientific processes and for automating the management activities of the school, makes it possible to create the necessary environment for the widespread introduction of Internet technologies in the real educational process.

Technological background. Required structural model distance learning process, including an educational institution as organizational structure distance education, information resources, technical and software tools for providing distance learning technology, the role and functions of teachers, students, administrators of the educational process and technical specialists. When developing information resources of an educational orientation, open Internet standards can be used that provide the possibility of teaching schoolchildren, updating teaching materials by teachers and managing the educational process using standard software tools. All developed distance courses must have single system management and maintenance (support) of the learning process, based on the integrated operation of servers. This approach is especially important for reducing the cost of producing and updating the content of educational materials.

It is necessary to differentiate access rights to data and functional modules of the created resources for different categories of users (schoolchildren, teachers, administrators of the educational process, technical specialists) to protect data from unauthorized access and unintentional destruction.

The process of creating and successfully operating the information and educational environment is divided into three interrelated parts: 1) development of the content of educational materials; 2) creation of software tools for automated assembly of training courses and support of the educational process; 3) determining the role of departments and organizing their constant interaction to ensure the distance learning process.

When developing a support system for the distance learning process, the following requirements were met:

Russian-language interface;

application of open standards for information presentation;

no need to install specialized software on the user's computer, the work of the subjects of the educational process only with standard programs (MS Word, Internet Explorer) at all stages of the creation and operation of educational materials;

ease of use;

openness (the possibility of relatively easy integration into external information and educational environments);


integration (in addition to the actual educational materials, there are means of interpersonal communication, means of self-control and control of the assimilation of material, means of managing the educational process).

Forms of using information technology in educational process

Information technology can be used in teaching students in several ways. In the simplest case, the real educational process follows conventional technologies, and information technologies are used only for intermediate knowledge control in the form of testing. This approach to the organization of the educational process seems to be very promising due to the fact that if it is widely used, the school can get serious savings due to the lower cost of network computer testing compared to blank ones, especially in preparation for the USE.

The use of educational information resources as a supplement to the traditional educational process has great importance in cases where the qualitative assimilation of volume educational material there are not enough classroom lessons according to the curriculum. In addition, this form of organization of the educational process can be used for unequal initial training of students and for classes with gifted children.

The advantages of such forms of organization of the educational process:

a fundamentally new organization of independent work of schoolchildren becomes possible;

the intensity of the educational process increases;

schoolchildren have additional motivation for cognitive activity;

availability of educational materials at any time;

the possibility of self-control of the degree of assimilation of the material on each topic an unlimited number of times.

The main types of support for the educational process in DO

The main thing in DL is the organization of independent cognitive activity of students in a developed learning environment based on computer and telecommunication technologies.

A very important, fundamental principle of educational work in distance learning is also individual operational communication between the teacher and the student using modern telecommunications, for example, using Email.

The practice of distributing textbooks in electronic form is becoming common for many educational institutions.

The high quality of DL is determined by the following factors:

the possibility of attracting highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel and specialists in the field of new information technologies to the development of widely replicated educational and methodological support;

high intellectual potential information environment BEFORE;

high level independence in the cognitive activity of students;

big amount various tasks, including research ones;

the possibility of almost daily individual communication between the teacher and the student.

Information technologies of distance learning

The educational process, carried out on the basis of distance learning technologies, includes both mandatory classroom classes and independent work of students. The participation of a teacher in the educational process is determined not only by conducting classroom classes, but also by the need to provide ongoing support for the educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren by organizing current and intermediate control, conducting online classes and consultations.

Information technologies used in distance learning can be divided into three groups:

presentation technologies educational information;

technologies for the transfer of educational information;

technologies of storage and processing of educational information.

Together, they form distance learning technologies. At the same time, when implementing educational programs, technologies for the transfer of educational information are of particular importance, which, in essence, provide the learning process and its support.

Educational Information- this is the knowledge that must be transferred to the student so that he can competently perform this or that activity.

Educational technologies is a set of didactic methods and techniques used to transfer educational information from its source to the consumer and depends on the form of its presentation. A feature of educational technologies is the outstripping nature of their development in relation to technical means. The fact is that the introduction of a computer in education leads to a revision of all components of the learning process. In an interactive environment "student - computer - teacher" great attention should be given to revitalization figurative thinking through the use of technologies that activate right-brain, synthetic thinking. And this means that the presentation of educational material should reproduce the thought of the teacher in the form of images. In other words, the main point in the educational technologies of distance learning is the visualization of thought, information, knowledge.

The educational technologies most suitable for use in distance learning include:

multimedia lectures and laboratory workshops;

electronic multimedia textbooks;

computer training and testing systems;

simulation models and computer simulators;

consultations and tests using telecommunications;

Information Technology are hardware and software tools based on the use computer science which ensure the storage and processing of educational information, its delivery to the student, the interactive interaction of the student with the teacher or pedagogical software, as well as testing the student's knowledge.

Distance learning technologies. The main role played by telecommunication technologies in distance learning is to provide educational dialogue. Learning without feedback, without constant dialogue between the teacher and the student is impossible. Learning (as opposed to self-education) is a dialogic process by definition. In full-time education, the possibility of dialogue is determined by the very form of organization of the educational process, the presence of a teacher and a student in one place at one time. In DL, the educational dialogue must be organized with the help of telecommunication technologies.

Communication technologies can be divided into two types - on-line and off-line. The former provide real-time information exchange, that is, a message sent by the sender, upon reaching the recipient's computer, is immediately sent to the appropriate output device. When using off-line technologies, received messages are stored on the recipient's computer. The user can view them with the help of special programs at a convenient time for him. Unlike full-time education, where the dialogue is conducted only in real time (on-line), in distance education it can also go in a delayed mode (off-line).

The main advantage of off-line technologies is that they are less demanding on computer resources and communication line bandwidth. They can be used even when connected to the Internet via dial-up lines (in the absence of a permanent connection to the Internet).

Technologies of this kind include e-mail, mailing lists, and teleconferencing. All of these technologies allow you to exchange messages between different computers connected to the Internet.

Forms of organization of the educational process

The educational process in distance learning includes all the main forms of the traditional organization of the educational process: lectures, seminars and practical classes, a laboratory workshop, a control system, research and independent work of students.

multimedia lectures. For independent work on lecture material, students use interactive computer training programs. These are textbooks in which the theoretical material, thanks to the use of multimedia tools, is structured so that each student can choose for himself the optimal trajectory for studying the material, a convenient pace of work on the course and a way of studying that best suits the psychophysiological characteristics of his perception.

Practical lessons. Practical classes are designed for in-depth study of the discipline. In these classes, there is a comprehension of theoretical material, the ability to convincingly formulate one's own point of view is formed, skills of professional activity are acquired. Various forms of practical training: study sessions foreign language, solving problems in physical, mathematical and natural sciences, seminars, laboratory workshops - can also be used in distance learning. In this case, they acquire some specifics associated with the use of information technology.

Practical exercises on problem solving. Three stages can be distinguished for successful mastery of methods for solving specific problems. At the first stage, the student is offered typical tasks, the solution of which allows him to work out the stereotypical techniques used in solving problems, to realize the connection between the theoretical knowledge gained and the specific problems to which they can be directed. For self-control at this stage, it is reasonable to use informal tests that not only state the correctness of the answer, but also provide detailed explanations if the wrong answer is chosen; in this case, tests perform not only a controlling, but also a learning function. At the second stage, tasks of a creative nature are considered. At the third stage, the test papers, allowing to test the skills of solving specific problems. After each control task it is advisable to conduct a consultation on the analysis of the most common mistakes and development of joint recommendations on the methodology for solving problems.

Consultations. With distance learning, which involves an increase in the amount of independent work, the need for organizing constant support for the educational process from teachers increases. Consultations play an important role in the support system. In distance learning, consultations are conducted by the course instructor via e-mail.

Knowledge quality control. Pedagogical control is one of the main forms of organizing the educational process, since it allows you to check the results of educational and cognitive activities. By time, pedagogical control is divided into current, thematic, final. According to the forms, the control system is formed by exams, tests, oral survey (interview), written control, abstracts, colloquia, seminars, term papers, laboratory tests, design work, diary entries, observation logs, etc. The DL system uses almost all possible organizational forms of control, supplemented by specially developed computer programs, allowing to remove part of the load from the teacher and increase the effectiveness and timeliness of control. Thus, the use of new educational technologies expands the possibilities of controlling the educational process.

Independent work. The expansion of the scope of independent work in distance learning leads to an increase in its share in the organization of the educational process. The expansion of the volume of independent work in the DL system is accompanied by the expansion of the informative field in which the student works. Information technologies make it possible to use as a basis for SRS not only printed materials of an educational or research nature, but also electronic publications, Internet resources - electronic databases, catalogs and collections of libraries, archives, etc.

Research work. The distance learning system involves the use of various pedagogical technologies that allow the implementation of creative, research and game forms design pedagogical activity, which forms the basis of scientific research work students.

Model of application of distance learning in the organization of the educational process

Presentation materials

e-learning materials

Distance Learning Glossary

Indeed, based on modern requirements, not only future specialists in the field computer systems and technology, but also students, engineers, researchers and scientists specializing in other areas should be able to enter and use information resources corporate and Internet networks.

The organization of the educational process using distance pedagogical technologies in educational institutions is regulated by the following legal acts:

1. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" as amended by the Federal Laws of January 13, 1996 No. 12-FZ, of November 16, 1997 No. 144-FZ, of July 20, 2000 No. 102-FZ, of August 7, 2000 No. 122-FZ, dated December 27, 2000 No. 150-FZ, dated December 30, 2001 No. 194-FZ, dated February 13, 2002 No. 20-FZ, dated March 21, 2002 No. 31-FZ , dated June 25, 2002 No. 71-FZ, dated July 25, 2002 No. 112-FZ, dated December 24, 2002 No. 176-FZ, dated January 10, 2003 No. 11-FZ, dated May 6, 2003 The decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2000 No. 13-P was taken into account;

2. Regulations on obtaining general education in the form of external study, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2000 No. 1884 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 4, 2000 No. 2300), with amendments and additions, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2001. No. 1728 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 17, 2001 No. 2709);

3. Regulations on the state final certification of graduates of grades 10 and 11 (12) of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of December 03, 1999 No. 1076 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 14, 2001 No. 2709);

4. Rules for the provision of paid educational services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 5, 2001 No. 505 (as amended on April 1, 2003);

5. The basic curriculum of general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 09.03.2004;

In accordance with Article 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", educational programs are mastered taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual and, accordingly, the choice of the form of education, as well as the possibility of combining them, is the right of adult citizens, as well as parents (legal representatives) of minor citizens. The administration of an educational institution may offer the forms of education prescribed in the Charter of this educational institution, but does not have the right to change them without the desire of students and their parents. The state guarantees the general accessibility and free of charge of general education received in various forms(Article 10, Clause 1) within the limits of state educational standards, if a citizen receives education of this level for the first time (Article 5, Clause 3).

The competence of an educational institution includes the use and improvement of methods of the educational process, including distance learning technologies. An educational institution has the right to use distance learning technologies in all forms of education in the manner prescribed by the federal (central) state education authority (Article 32, clause 5).

For students studying full-time educational programs in accredited general educational institutions, there is the possibility of passing intermediate and (or) final attestation as an external student in certain subjects in these institutions (Regulations on obtaining general education in the form of an external student, clause 1.4.). In fact, this is a combination of two forms of education: full-time and external. Remote training courses may be involved in the following ways:

As subjects resource center;

As training courses of educational structures cooperating with this general educational institution;

As paid additional educational services.

An educational institution does not have the right to refuse a full-time student in a combination of several forms of education, even if an external student this institution not provided. The student is included full-time in the contingent of the educational institution, and the costs of his education, determined by the state standards for the cost of educating citizens, are laid down by local governments in the field of education in the budget in terms of education costs. In this case, an application for passing an intermediate and (or) final certification in certain subjects of general education programs on behalf of underage students who are mastering general education programs in this educational institution full-time is submitted by their parents (legal representatives) (Regulations on obtaining general education in the form of an external student, 2.1.), indicating in which subjects external certification is needed.

The combination of different forms of education makes it possible to implement an individual approach to learning, provides an opportunity for educational institutions to organize the educational process based on individual curricula of students, which, in turn, provides social guarantees for the realization of citizens' rights to education.

So, in accordance with Art. 50, paragraph 4, students of all educational institutions have the right to study within the limits of state educational standards according to individual curricula (IEP) and to an accelerated course of study. In this case, the education of citizens according to individual curricula is regulated by the Charter of this educational institution (Article 50, paragraph 4), in the relevant sections of which it is necessary to prescribe the existence of students' rights to study according to the IEP, the possibility of organizing the educational process based on the IEP (including accelerated training courses), an assessment system, including the procedure for assessing intermediate certification in individual subjects of the IEP, the procedure for developing, approving and adjusting the IEP.

This is especially true when organizing profile education for high school students, both in the model of intra-school profiling and in constructing networking educational institutions and organizations (Recommendations on the organization of specialized training based on individual curricula, letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 14-51-102 / 13 dated 04.20.2004).

In the event that an educational institution decides to provide citizens with the opportunity to receive general education in the form of an external student, then this decision must be agreed with the founder, which is explained by the need to finance the procedures for intermediate and (state) final certification of external students, and is reflected in the Charter of the institution. In accordance with the Regulations on obtaining general education in the form of an external student, consultations of external students (within 2 study hours before each exam), examinations and verification examination papers members of the examination committee. In addition, an external student has the right to use the library fund of a general education institution, attend laboratory and practical classes, take part in olympiads, competitions and centralized testing (Regulations on obtaining general education in the form of an external student, clause 2.5). At the request of an external student, classes in subjects can be held curriculum educational institution as additional paid educational services, including in the form of distance learning courses.

In accordance with Article 14, Clause 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, educational institutions can implement additional educational programs and provide additional educational services (on a contractual basis) outside the educational programs that determine their status. At the same time, the Charter of the educational institution must indicate the availability of paid educational services and the procedure for their provision (on a contractual basis) - the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Article 13, paragraph 1.5-g. In accordance with Art. 45 paid additional educational services include: training in additional educational programs, teaching special courses of disciplines, tutoring, classes in in-depth study subjects, tutoring and other services not provided for by the relevant educational programs and state educational standards. Distance learning courses can also be offered to students of general education institutions as paid additional educational services. Paid educational services cannot be provided instead of educational activities funded from the budget. Income from the paid additional educational services provided is reinvested in this educational institution (minus the share of the founder). This type of activity does not apply to business and is not subject to taxation. A general education institution, when providing paid additional educational services, must be guided by the Rules for the provision of paid educational services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on July 5, 2001 No. 505, as amended on April 1, 2003

Regulatory support of distance learning technologies in the system of advanced training of educators

Gavrilov N. A. Report at the Conference "Telematics 2005", St. Petersburg

When introducing distance learning technologies (DET) into the educational process, it is necessary to create a clear regulatory model of an educational institution (EI) in terms of creating, implementing and teaching with the help of DET. The existing regulatory framework defines only the main areas for the use of remote technologies, which are constantly being adjusted and modified. In particular, the latest document regulating the introduction of DOT in the educational process is the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 63 “On the development and use of distance technologies”, which cancels the previous document and establishes new rules According to clause 3. of this document “An educational institution has the right to independently decide on the development of DOT in accordance with state educational standards” However, the educational institution still has a lot of unresolved issues related to the implementation of DOT. Here are just the main ones:

accounting for the teacher's educational work on the creation of distance learning courses (DLL), the ratio of working time norms of the teaching load and work on the creation of LDL

accounting for the work of information technology specialists on the creation of BWW

accounting of the working time of the remote hour of work of the teacher-tutor and the ratio with the academic hour.

Accounting for the remuneration of the teacher's innovative work

The method of accounting for attendance by students of remote classes

These issues can be resolved at the moment only within the framework of local regulations within the OS. Solutions are individual for the educational institution, as is the form of the document (regulation, order, order, contract, etc.), however, in any case, legal relations between all participants in the process of introducing DOT should be settled

We live on the threshold of the information society, in which information, its constantly updated resources play leading role in the development of science-intensive industries, highly efficient technologies, the culture of their exploitation and reproduction. The ability to work with information on different media becomes a field of knowledge. In this regard, there is a need for the widespread introduction of such technologies in the educational process.

Distance learning - a new form of organization learning activities, which has been actively developing in recent years, due to the fairly widespread use of personal computers, both in educational institutions and for personal use.

The objective emergence of remote forms of technology is due to the following main reasons:

Remoteness of students from educational and information centers; originality of the territory of Russia;

Development of a system of advanced training and additional education;

Numerous contingent of people in need of quality and affordable education; the lack of opportunities for full-time education and the insufficiency of distance learning in case of restrictions physical order, disability;

Lack of qualified teaching staff, especially in subject areas;

The need to obtain educational materials more High Quality, in-depth or specific.

It is already too late to prove the economic, educational, even political significance of the organization of the DL system in the country. DO has already become a fait accompli not only abroad, but also in our country. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2002, more than 200,000 students of Russia studied in the system of higher education in a distance form in more than 20 universities of the country. Only Modern Humanities University in Moscow teaches remotely 60,000 students. About 50,000 citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in Russia are students of foreign educational organizations and study remotely.

Distance Education is the result of an objective process of informatization of society and education.

Distance Education is developing most rapidly in business education.

Goals of introduction and use of DO.

1. global intensification of intellectual activity through the involvement and use of information and telecommunication technologies;

2. Business goals - to make money on educational services;

3. Pedagogical - improve the quality of education

4. Pragmatic - to increase labor productivity, saving on costs;

5. Overcoming the existing objective restrictions - removal of temporary restrictions on training, territorial, training of people with disabilities.

New information technologies have opened up access to knowledge, providing access to the global information space. Information technologies are a set of methods and technical means for collecting, organizing, storing, processing, transmitting and presenting information that expand people's knowledge and develop their ability to manage technical and social processes.

The Internet is a special information and educational environment. In such an environment, a variety of means are used: verbal, visual, multimedia.

Didactic properties of the Internet

1. publication of educational and methodological information in the hypermedia version

2. pedagogical communication in real and delayed time between subjects and objects of the educational process;

3. open in time and space remote access to information resources.

Distance learning is provided by the use of a set of educational technologies, in which purposeful indirect or incompletely mediated interaction between the student and the teacher is carried out regardless of their location and distribution in time on the basis of pedagogically organized information technologies, primarily using telecommunications.

  • Zoyirov Bahadir Abdullaevich, teacher
  • Sariosinsky agricultural vocational college, Surkhandar region, Uzbekistan

This paper examines the phenomenon of distance education and its significance in the modern world. The author focuses on the importance of distance learning in the context of the transformation of the labor market and changing requirements for the employee.

  • Comparison of programming languages ​​on the example of array sorting
  • Monitoring the physical development of young men of a special medical group in the dynamics of training at a university
  • Functional characteristics and assessment of the energy potential of students with different levels of physical health
  • Organization and conduct of research on improving ICT competencies using andragogical principles of learning
  • Characteristics of the physical health of students of a technical university in the Baikal region

The modern world is characterized by global changes in all spheres of society. In the context of the scientific and technological revolution of the second half of the 20th century, a crisis has ripened in the education system. The crisis manifests itself not only in insufficient funding, but also sometimes inconsistency in the content modern education the state of modern society, its needs and pace of development. Education even in the most developed countries does not keep pace with the changing world.

In the current conditions, when educational practice does not meet modern requirements and cannot prepare a person for the future in a timely manner, radical measures are needed.

Current trends show that in the coming century, education will have to become a continuous process in the life of every person who wants to be in demand in the labor market. Education will now continue throughout his life. The only way modern man be able to adapt to technological innovation not only among the tools of labor, but also its contents; timely acquire new knowledge and areas of professional activity .

Against the background of the creation of a knowledge society, the growth of the process of informatization of society leads not only to the formation of a new information environment, but also a new information way of life and professional activity.

One of the most effective methods expansion and globalization of the educational space in the modern world is the development of distance education systems, i.e. the possibility of implementing the educational process in conditions where students use modern information technologies and telecommunication networks to interact and implement the educational process.

Distance forms of education begin to emerge as early as the 19th century in the form of postal correspondence between a teacher and a student, then carried out using radio and television, and now with the use of information and communication and computer technology.

Now, with the development of ICT and Internet technologies, distance education has become more accessible and effective. Choosing this form of education, the student gets ample opportunities to combine study and work or raising children, and distance education also provides an opportunity to receive education for people with limited mobility and living in remote areas.

Thus, in modern conditions development of the system of distance education is the most important task, the solution of which will help to cope with the problem of improving the quality of the country's labor resources.

The use of ICT in the education process makes it possible to increase the efficiency and quality of education. However, the introduction of these technologies will require a change in the approach to teaching and the formation of educational material, and additional training for teachers in the methodology of remote teaching and interaction with students (answering questions, checking completed work) may also be required.

However, in the course of distance education, the student should not be alienated from the teacher, because this can negatively affect the development of communication skills and independent thinking of the student.

As for the distance education system in Uzbekistan, it began to develop actively only in the last decade. However, today this form of the educational process is already used in many large higher education institutions.


  1. Colin K. Informatization of Education: New Priorities // Gosbuk. URL:
  2. Sokolova S.A. Modern innovation and information technologies in the educational process // Novainfo. - No. 36-1. - URL: http://site/article/3815
  3. Khusyainov T.M. The process of informatization of labor and its social consequences // International scientific school "Paradigm". Lato - 2015. In 8 vols. T. 6: Humanitarian sciences: a collection of scientific articles / ed. D. K. Abakarov, V. V. Dolgov. - Varna: Central Research Institute "Paradigma", 2015. - S. 310-315.
  4. Khusyainov T.M. History of development and distribution of distance education // Pedagogy and education. - 2014. - No. 4. - P.30-41.
  5. Yakimets S.V. The use of information and communication technologies in education: benefits and harms // Bulletin of Pedagogy and Psychology Southern Siberia. 2014. No. 4. pp. 113-115.

UDK 37.013


OU. Gogitsaeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy (Interfaculty) V.K. Kochisov, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

North Ossetian State University. K.L. Khetagurova, Vladikavkaz (Russia)

Annotation: Today, the state faces the task of providing every person with free open access to lifelong learning, taking into account their own interests, abilities and needs, this problem can be solved with the help of distance learning.

Key words: distance learning, informatization of education, communication technologies.

Statement of the problem in general view and its relationship with important scientific and practical tasks. Today, in the context of informatization and innovative orientation of society, the basis for the content and organization of educational activities of higher education is the need for individualization of education, as well as the needs of students in creative self-realization through telecommunications.

The "Concept for the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (Decree No. 1662-r of November 17, 2008) states: requirements of the innovative development of the economy, the modern needs of society and every citizen.

Beginning of the 21st century is associated with fundamental changes in the field of education, with the onset of innovation, with a change in our ideas about the role of education at the present stage. The processes of globalization, the formation of a common world and European educational space and labor market, the active inclusion of countries in the Bologna process have intensified contradictions in education systems, which led, along with an increase in the need for higher and continuing education, to the strengthening of tendencies towards the creation of international educational structures for various purposes and types. Technological open technologies appear and operate. educational systems capable of providing educational services regardless of distances and state borders. Non-traditional teaching methods based on modern educational and information technologies are widely used, first of all, open and distance learning systems based on telecommunication and Internet technologies.

Modern education must be strategically directed, guarantee the ability of a person to adapt to the conditions of a risky economic activity in fast-growing markets, with outpacing development rates and growing demands for mobility and creativity. Modernizing, developing, the education system has an impact on the nature of ongoing social processes.

Analysis of recent studies and publications that dealt with aspects of this problem and on which the author bases himself; selection of previously unresolved parts common problem. Samples of information educational technologies are described by I. M. Bobko, A. A. Kuznetsov, E. I. Kuznetsov, V. M. Monakhov, V. V. Rubtsov, T. A. Sergeeva and others. in particular, vocational education was studied in the works of G.D. Bukharova, S. G. Gorinsky, A. Guterman, V. N. Larionov, E. V. Tkachenko, Yu. L. Khotuntseva, V. V. Shalkina and others. Brusentsova, M.M. Vunyaeva, A.M. Dovgyallo, A.Yu. Kolyagina, A. Ya. Savelyeva and others. General didactic

principles, as well as individual ideas phased formation mental actions, programmed, modular and problem-based learning, which are key to the organization of distance learning, are presented in the works of E.N. Balykina, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, P.Ya. Galperin, D. Guller, A.D. Ivannikova, A.O. Krivosheev, M. Potev, G. Rambler, N.F. Talyzina, A.V. Khutorsky and others. The issues of features and prospects for the use of information technologies in education are disclosed in the studies of O.A. Agapova, A.A. Andreeva, E.N. Balykina, Ya.A. Vagramenko, I.R. Vysotsky, N.A. Geina, N.P. Danilova, A.D. Ivannikova, K.G. Krechetnikova, A.O. Krivosheeva, D.Sh. Matros, E.I. Mashbitsa, I.A. Morev, S. Papert, E.S. Polat, A.A. Polyakova, I.V. Robert, V.P. Tikhomirova, I.G. Shamsutdinova and other scientists. In particular, they note that the use of information educational technologies should be psychologically and pedagogically justified and methodically provided.

Formation of the goals of the article (setting the task). Distance learning (DL) will help create the same conditions for education, advanced training, retraining and job search.

The new quality of domestic education is determined by its compliance with the current and promising demands of the modern life of the state. In the most advantageous situation will be those higher education institutions that have accumulated experience in training using distance technologies.

The main task of universities is to provide students in the shortest possible time with the most probable and required amount of scientific and practical knowledge that meets the requirements for specialists of various profiles.

Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results. The experience of working in the distance learning system at the North Ossetian State University named after K.LKhetagurov (SOGU) is not great. In accordance with the implementation of the Program for the Strategic Development of the North Ossetian state university and in order to modernize the educational process of the university, by order of the rector No. 115 of June 28, 2012, a scientific laboratory of innovative educational technologies (LIOT) was created, the purpose of which is reflected in the regulation on LIOT and is to create conditions for the systematic introduction and active use of information and communication technologies , orientation of the education system to enter the global information space.

Considering that SOSU is one of the largest universities North Caucasus, with established traditions and having a huge scientific and educational potential and must meet modern requirements for education, it became necessary to more intensively introduce e-learning and distance learning into the education system. In this regard, the Moodle platform was uploaded to the server of the university,

providing a learning management system or a virtual learning environment. This is a free web application that provides the ability to create websites for online learning. The MooShe platform is focused on organizing interaction between a teacher and students, suitable for organizing traditional distance courses, as well as supporting face-to-face learning. Management decision, adopted by the leadership of the university regarding the organization of the DL system and its elements in it, is based on the real need for this event, which is associated with a whole range of problems and costs. Among the main arguments that can be given in favor of the introduction of the DL system, the following can be distinguished:

Expansion of the geography of enrollment of applicants, associated with the almost unlimited availability of this form of education, provided by the use of information and communication technologies;

Due to the absence of classroom classes, the costs of providing the educational process are reduced;

The student is provided with various forms of teaching materials;

Ability to use the most modern methods training related to the use of information technology (IT);

Efficiency of information exchange between student and teacher;

Objectivity of students' knowledge control.

A university planning to use distance learning in the educational process must clearly define the goals it sets for itself, as well as its capabilities and resources to achieve them. At the first stage of the implementation of the strategy for the development of the DL system by North Ossetian State University, priority was given to issues of an organizational and methodological nature: monitoring the experience of using DL in order to identify optimal approaches and methods for their application, developing and approving the Concept for the development of the DL system at SOGU, developing the basic requirements for teaching materials and teaching staff in the DL system, the formation of the structure of the distance education system and its structural divisions. Subsequently, a pilot project of distance education was launched on the basis of the pharmaceutical and chemical-technological faculties. At this stage, the DL platform was used as one of the forms of independent work of students. Based on the analysis of the experience of introducing distance courses into the system of full-time education by other universities, a number of principles can be identified that ensure the effectiveness of distance learning as a form of independent work of students, one of which is the active involvement of students in the process of obtaining knowledge. This process turns them into active participants, developing their own ideas based on the comments of colleagues and their own experience. The next principle that ensures the effectiveness of distance learning as a form of independent work of students is the flexibility that allows teachers to create and refract tasks that meet the needs of each student. The teacher's authoritarian stereotype, in this case, is reduced to zero, affirming the humanistic style of the "teacher-student" relationship. A number of scientists note that the goal of an individual approach to learning is to help in every possible way to notice the strongest side of each student, to maintain self-confidence. Of course, the introduction of distance courses in full-time education does not lead to the cancellation of lectures or seminars in the classrooms. Distance courses are an interactive form of learning that contributes to the activation of the educational process, including the process of independent work of students. Their use is intended to improve performance. When using distance courses involved

various information and communication technologies, and the use of each technology depends on the goals and objectives set for the distance course. When using new information technologies in the field of education, the following can be identified as a positive:

Based on taking into account the individual needs of the trainees, achieving maximum differentiation and individualization of learning,

Development of skills of self-study, research work;

Reducing the time to study individual courses without compromising the quality of assimilation;

Formation of communication skills, culture of communication.

In the future, full-fledged functioning of the distributed system of DO SOGU, its development and improvement, the provision of high-quality distance learning services at all levels of the continuous education system, and the export of distance learning services are planned.

In parallel with the process of creating the structure of distance education, it is necessary to organize training at the university to work in it, because an obligatory component of preparation for the introduction of the DL system is work with the teaching staff, because the effectiveness of the DL system largely depends on the level of their qualifications. As part of the formation of information and communication competencies of SOSU teachers, in order to master modern methods of distance learning and approaches to the design of electronic manuals, the introduction of computer technologies in the educational process of the university, a number of teachers took a refresher course "Development of electronic educational and methodical complexes in electronic and distance education” at the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” (Moscow).

Given the certain conservatism of a significant proportion of teaching staff in relation to modern forms and methods of teaching, as well as the fact that certain preliminary training is necessary for the work of teachers in the DL system, the university management decided to conduct courses to train personnel to work in the DL system. A sufficient degree of qualification in combination with the activity of teaching staff and support staff during the development modern forms in training is necessary to obtain positive results from its implementation. During 2013, such courses on the basis of LIOT were organized twice.

At the same time, while solving organizational and technical issues, it is necessary to start preparing teaching materials. Based on experience, it can be noted that the productivity of the educational process is determined by the quality of teaching materials for any type of training. The central element of any learning technology is the educational content involved in it. Here the term "educational content" means the whole complex of educational, methodological, reference and illustrative materials used in the educational process. The process of creating, updating and using educational content in the DL system is permanent, therefore its regulation and control over its implementation are mandatory.

The DL system uses an electronic database of educational and methodological materials, structured in the form of electronic educational, methodological and information complexes for individual disciplines. According to V.I. Soldatkin, the minimum set of teaching materials required for the development of any course consists of the following components:

Working programm;

Course Navigator ( guidelines By independent study course);

A set of methodological tools (teaching aids for the implementation of laboratory, practical, term papers, multimedia supplement of educational content, basic resources electronic library);

Lecture notes for the course;

Base test items for all sections of the course.

The system used in SOGU contains EUMC, mainly structured in accordance with the specified set of components.

The main requirements for the development of materials:

Electronic form of presentation;

Compliance with the special requirements of the software and hardware of the distance education system (in terms of data volume, supported access technologies, etc.).

Today, most SOSU students have access to distance learning courses. By the start of the next school year SOGU plans to include all specialties in the DL system.

Conclusions of the study and prospects for further research in this area. Of course, within the framework of this article it is not possible to analyze many of the problems that happened to be encountered in the implementation of the DL system in SOGU. In the future, we plan to analyze the experience of overcoming the typical problems that arise in the process of introducing distance learning into SOGU.

The introduction and development of distance learning in universities today is not an end in itself and not an accident in the system of modern education, but a powerful and productive means of solving actual problems the entire civilized society. Behind this technology, as we see it, is the future of a single world educational space.


1. Balashova E. D. Distance learning as a means of pedagogical interaction in the process of professional training of customs officials. Author. diss. for the competition uch. Ph.D. Yaroslavl. 2009.

2. Zaichenko T. P. Fundamentals of distance learning: Theoretical and practical basis: Tutorial. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A. I. Herzen, 2004.

3. Kuznetsova Z. M., Fisenko G. S. Quality management of distance education // Fundamental research. 2006. No. 1.

4. Polat E. S., Moiseeva M. V., Petrov A. E. Pedagogical technologies distance learning / Ed. E. S. Polat. M.: "Academy", 2006.

5. Polat E. S. Theory and practice of distance learning: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / E. S. Polat, M. Yu. Bukharkina, M. V. Moiseeva / Ed. E. S. Polat. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004.

6. Teaching on the Internet / Ed. V. I. Soldatkin. - 2nd ed. - M.: INFRA-M, 2007. -47 p.


O.U. Gogitsaeva, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology and pedagogy (mezhfak) V.K. Kochisov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy

and Psychology of the Faculty of Education

North Ossetian State University K.L.Hetagurova, Vladikavkaz (Russia)

Abstract: Today, the state faces the task of giving every person free and open access to education throughout their lives according to their own interests, abilities and needs, this problem can be solved with the help of distance learning. Keywords: distance learning, information education and communication technology.


I.A. Donina, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Technical and

natural sciences

St. Petersburg University of Service and Economics (Novgorod branch),

Veliky Novgorod (Russia)

Annotation: In the conditions of market relations, the success of educational organizations implies not only the achievement of high results, but also their public recognition. This implies building a management system aimed at active interaction with the external environment.

Key words: external environment, marketing, school management, success, effectiveness, efficiency, organizational culture, value system, quality of education, competitiveness.

Traditionally, the efforts of educational organizations are associated with ensuring a high-quality educational process, the task of which is not only to transmit a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to form the personality of the student, his human capital. At the present stage, this requires the presence of a number of conditions, one of which is the acceptance by the school of the possibilities of the external environment as a source of its development and the active involvement of consumers of educational services and the public in the process of interaction.

This is primarily due to the fact that the environment educational organization increasingly begins to be characterized by such terms as unstable

activity, uncertainty, turbulence, etc., creating difficulties and giving rise to certain specifics both in the activities of the school and in its management system. Hence, there is a need to search for the concept of effective management, which makes it possible to qualitatively ensure the social order of society and the state and, at the same time, respond flexibly to changes in the economic, social, cultural, technological and political environment.

The development of concepts and methods of school management was studied by many domestic researchers, such as Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, O.E. Lebedev, A.M. Moiseev, O.M. Moiseeva, D.A. Novikov, M. M. Potashnik, P. I. Tretyakov, K. M. Ushakov, T. I. Shamova