Mtsko diagnostic work. Fundamentals of economic knowledge

In accordance with the letter of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow (DOgM) dated July 19, 2019 No. 02-19-5518 / 19, mandatory diagnostics are carried out on November 13, 2019 in grades 5–8, 10 and on March 18, 2020 in grades 4–8, 10 classes in 127 schools in Moscow.

Schools are selected by open lottery at least three days prior to the diagnosis. For each of the 127 selected schools, at least three days before the diagnostics, an open lot determines the class and subject (block in 10 classes) of the diagnostics. The subject (block in 10 grades) is selected from the list specified in Appendix 2 to the letter DOGM. The work will be carried out in electronic (computer) form. The results of mandatory diagnostics will be automatically included in the MRKO.

Corrective mandatory diagnostics are carried out in educational organizations in which students showed unsatisfactory results on the main state exam in Russian language and mathematics in 2018 or in which the results of the state final certification of a number of 11th grade graduates in 2017/2018 academic year on educational programs of secondary general education significantly lower than the results of the internal assessment of the quality of education.

Items Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11
Mathematics October 03 December 05 November 28
Russian language October 24 November 08 January 17
Elective subject OO:
Social science
Computer science
December 13th

In the electronic application for corrective mandatory diagnostics, it is necessary to indicate the classes of the corresponding parallel of the educational organization.

The results of corrective mandatory diagnostics will be automatically included in the MRKO.

Diagnostics in April-May 2019 will be held in 10 classes participating in projects in two general education subjects studied at an advanced level:

  • chemistry and biology (medical class);
  • mathematics, physics or computer science, or chemistry (engineering class, Kurchatov project of continuous convergent (interdisciplinary) education);
  • mathematics or history, physics or computer science, or chemistry, or social science (academic (science and technology) class at a Moscow school).

IN verification work tasks built on a professionally oriented context will be included in order to avoid overload when conducting additional separate professionally oriented diagnostics.

Two diagnostics are planned for the 8th cadet classes:

  • on the history of Russia;
  • in the Russian language or in mathematics (the subject is chosen by open lottery at the weekly city video conference meeting 2 weeks before the diagnosis).

In the target indicators of the project of organizing pre-profile and profile training in basic general education programs in professional organizations includes mandatory participation in the procedure for an independent assessment of the quality of education, carried out by the ICAC. Professional organizations provide for diagnostics in 10 grades in two compulsory subjects and in two general education subjects studied at an advanced level in accordance with the chosen profile:

  • Russian language and mathematics;
  • computer science and physics/chemistry (for a technical profile);
  • informatics and social science / economics (for the socio-economic profile).

Knowledge acquired in school lessons and within additional education, students will be able to demonstrate in thematic diagnostics:

- The history of Moscow in the history of Russia - in 9 classes;
– Financial literacy – in grades 8-9;
- Memorable pages of the history of the Fatherland - in 10 classes.

The diagnostic results are included in the MRCS at the request of the school.

Meta-subject diagnostics make it possible to evaluate the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program which are presented in various interdisciplinary programs. The formation of meta-subject results is ensured by all subjects and extracurricular activities.

Based on the results of meta-subject diagnostics, the level of formation of inter-subject concepts and the level of achievement of individual universal action How necessary condition continuing education and an indicator of success in further professional activities.

The test papers will include tasks in the Russian language, mathematics and literary reading.

The first stage of diagnostics September - November 2019

You can apply for participation in the events of the first stage of diagnostics (September - November 2019) on the website in school personal account .

All information about diagnostics can be found in the section

MCKO (Moscow Center for the Quality of Education) - autonomous government agency additional vocational education Moscow. Created on October 20, 2004 by order of the Government No. 2090.

The purpose of this organization is to monitor, diagnose educational institutions; expansion of practical and theoretical tasks related to improving the efficiency of assessing the level of quality of students' knowledge, as well as the disclosure of their abilities; identification and training of the most capable representatives of youth; improvement of methods of certification of various educational institutions; preparation and implementation of monitoring studies.

ICCA regularly conducts a number of activities aimed at diagnosing the work of educational institutions. This contributes to the development of secondary schools, technical schools, universities and other similar institutions located in the capital. Thanks to such a system, the government can make more informed decisions on the implementation of reforms in the educational processes, and students receive up-to-date knowledge and skills necessary for further development professionalism.

Types of diagnostics

In the period from 2017 to 2018, the MCCS plans to conduct a number of mandatory diagnostics of the following types:

  • compulsory diagnostics (grades 4-8, 10);
  • corrective (9, 10, 11 classes);
  • in general education subjects studied at a deep level for educational institutions participating in certain projects (medicine, engineering, cadet class);
  • in vocational educational institutions that participate in the project for the organization of profile and pre-profile training in accordance with the main general education programs.


The schedule of mandatory diagnostics for the 2017-2018 academic year is presented in the table:

date Class Item Conduct form
October 129 Mathematicsblank
the 25th of October9 Russian languageblank
November 1610 Russian languageblank
November 235-8, 10 by drawRussian language, Mathematics, Foreign language, Literature (6-8, 10 cells) or history, Geography (6-8 cells), Physics (8.10 cells), Biology (7-8 cells, 10 cells), Social science 10 cells. By lottery 3 days before diagnosiscomputer
November 30th11 Mathematicsblank
5th of December10 Mathematicsblank
December 13th11 Elective subject: social studies, history, physics, biology, chemistry, informaticsBlank
January 1811 Russian languageBlank
February 279 and 10Diagnostics of reading literacyBlank
March 19 Foreign languageIn the OGE format
March 15th4-8, 10 by drawRussian language, Mathematics (4-8.10), The world, Biology (5-8, 10), Geography (5-7, 10 grades), Social Studies (6-8, 10), Music (6), Physics (7-8, 10), Literature (6-8, 10 ), Chemistry (8.10), Physical Education (7), Information Technology, Life safety (8), Informatics (10) The subject and class are determined 3 days before the diagnosisComputer
April 2410 engineeringMathematics
25th of April10 and 11AstronomyComputer
May 1510 EngineeringPhysicsComputer form with execution on task forms with a detailed answer


There are types of optional diagnostics. These include:

A detailed schedule of diagnostic activities conducted by the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education can be.

For extrabudgetary educational institutions

For these institutions, the ICCS offers 2 types of diagnostics: independent and within the framework of the ICMS. A detailed schedule of independents is presented in the following table:

date Item Class
November 29, 2017English language 5
English language8
Meta Item Skills10
December 5, 2017Meta Item Skills4
December 13, 2017Russian language4
January 23, 2018Computer science9
Social science9
January 31, 2018Biology9
February 1, 2018Russian language7
Russian language8
February 13, 2018Mathematics7
Russian language6
March 22, 2018Information Technology6
March 28, 2018Geography7
March 29, 2018Geography6
April 25, 2018Social science8
Social science10

The schedule of diagnostics within the framework of the IMCO is presented in the table below.


There are 2 stages of application. The first stage (from September to November 2017) has already passed, but the second stage (from December to February 2017-2018) is still relevant. The application can be submitted on the official website of the MCKO and in personal account schools.

Presentation video clip about MCCS:

The new academic season 2018-2019 will again not do without independent monitoring and diagnostics of the MCCD in the capital's schools. Thus, the state institution of additional professional education in Moscow has the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching, draw conclusions about the quality of knowledge received by schoolchildren, identify the most capable teachers, pave the way for the introduction of new learning systems, and this is not the whole list of tasks that can be solved using data. checks.

Monitoring 2018-2019

All audit activities of the institution were divided into three large groups:

  1. Grade educational achievements students of educational organizations in the 2018/2019 academic year (on a budgetary and non-budgetary basis).
  2. National studies on the quality of knowledge delivery.
  3. International comparative studies of the quality of the educational process.

Each group is distinguished by the ICAC 2018-2019 diagnostic calendar, as well as the goals, participants, and verification tools. But they have a common regulatory document - a letter from the Moscow Department of Education dated May 14, 2018 "On measures for the independent assessment of educational achievements of students in educational organizations in the 2018/2019 academic year."

High School Test Plan

This is the most demanded plan among teachers and directors, as it applies to all budgetary educational institutions of the capital. In the new academic year, it will consist of seven stages:

  • Corrective obligatory diagnostics from 9th to 11th grades. Applies only to establishments where USE result in Russian language and mathematics in 2018 was unsatisfactory.

  • Checking in those subjects that are studied at an in-depth level.

  • Checks in the organizations participating in the project on the organization of specialized training in basic general education programs.

  • Checking knowledge acquired in optional classes. For grades 8-9, this is “financial literacy” or “history of Moscow”, and for tenth graders these are “memorable pages of the history of the Fatherland”.
  • Meta-subject diagnostics. Serves for analysis of achieving the planned results in the development of the educational program.
  • Diagnostics in primary school(mathematics, Russian language, reading). Will take place in April 2019.

Important! The first stage of diagnostics will take place in September-November 2018. Applications for participation in it must be submitted on the website in the school's personal account. Also on the official website of the institution in the section "instructive - teaching materials» can be found with complete information for the audit.

In the current academic year, the MCCS will also conduct a raid of inspections in educational institutions that are not related to the budget (private schools). The ICAC Audit Schedule 2018-2019 for them is shown below.

National Educational Quality Surveys

This group includes two diagnostic tools. These are the All-Russian Verification Works (VPR) and the program of the National Research on the Quality of Education (NIKO).

The purpose of these methods is to ensure the unity of the educational space with the universal observance of the adopted general educational programs.

The features of VPR are:

  • the level of checking the knowledge of schoolchildren is carried out through the same task for the whole country;
  • uniform evaluation criteria are used;
  • students are provided with absolutely identical conditions when passing the exam (reflected in special instructions);
  • unified assessment criteria (after completing the work, schools get access to the criteria and recommendations for assessment).

VPR enable school leaders to timely orient themselves in the correct organization of the educational process and check the level of knowledge of their wards for compliance with the all-Russian standard.

Important! During the writing of such control, the presence of observers from parents or teachers is allowed.

The features of the NIKO program are:

  • anonymous questioning (computer testing technology or the use of machine-readable forms) of students in order to collect information about the learning process and its proper level;
  • sampling of participants is carried out at the federal level according to a special methodology (depending on the specific NIKO project).
  • the results of the surveys received are used to analyze the current state educational system and formation of programs for its development.

Important! When testing students under the NIKO program, the assessment of the activities of teachers and regional executive authorities is not provided.

Participation in the new academic year in the NIKO project is shown below.

International comparative studies of the quality of education

In 2018-2019, this monitoring group will be marked by three events, each of which is aimed at different categories of schoolchildren.

  1. Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (quality of reading and understanding of the text). Will be held among students primary school V different countries peace.
  2. Research International Computer and Information Literacy Study (testing computer and information literacy for eighth graders).
  3. Research on civic education for eighth graders.

Non-diagnostic goals of ICCS in 2018-2019

In addition to monitoring educational institutions, the Moscow Education Center has many other goals and plans in the field of raising the level of education in Moscow and, in particular, in Russia. These are various international conferences, seminars and certifications.

So, the very first in the calendar of the new academic year is planned an important event world-class - Moscow International Forum "City of Education" (August 30 - September 2, 2018). The organizers plan to attract more than 70,000 participants, among whom will be representatives of the leadership of schools in Moscow, Russia and other countries of the world. The forum will end with the traditional festival of the Russian language.

And in February, the main organizational event of the year will take place - an international conference on the development of a quality system for obtaining knowledge.

The Center also offers advanced training courses to employees of educational organizations with the issuance of an appropriate certificate.

A detailed schedule of diagnostic work for 2018-2019 can be found on the MCKO website

MCKO - Moscow Center for the Quality of Education - was established in 2004 by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The goals of this organization:

  • Monitoring/diagnostics of educational institutions;
  • Expansion of practical / theoretical tasks that are associated with an increase in the effectiveness of assessing students' knowledge, disclosure of abilities;
  • Identification / training of the most capable;
  • Improving the methods of certification of various educational institutions;
  • Preparing/conducting monitoring/research.

The main activities of MCKO

The MCKO constantly carries out measures to diagnose the activities of educational institutions, which helps the development of Moscow educational institutions. Such a system helps local authorities to implement competent reform decisions. learning processes. Students, in turn, acquire the knowledge/skills needed for further improvement.

Types of diagnostics

In 2017-2018 MCKO will conduct a number of mandatory diagnostics:

  • Mandatory;
  • Corrective;
  • In general education subjects studied in institutions participating in various projects;
  • In institutions participating in projects of profile / pre-profile training in basic general education programs.

Mandatory diagnostics

Schedule of mandatory diagnostics for the 2017-2018 academic year:

date Class Item Conduct form
October 12 9 Mathematics blank
the 25th of October 9 Russian language blank
November 16 10 Russian language blank
November 23 5-8, 10 by draw Russian language, Mathematics, Foreign language, Literature (6-8, grade 10) or history, Geography (grade 6-8), Physics (grade 8.10), Biology (grade 7-8, grade 10) , Social science 10 cells. By lottery 3 days before diagnosis computer
November 30th 11 Mathematics blank
5th of December 10 Mathematics blank
December 13th 11 Elective subject: social studies, history, physics, biology, chemistry, informatics Blank
January 18 11 Russian language Blank
February 27 9 and 10 Diagnostics of reading literacy Blank
March 1 9 Foreign language In the OGE format
March 15th 4-8, 10 by draw Russian language, Mathematics (4-8,10), The world around us, Biology (5-8, 10), Geography (5-7, grade 10), Social studies (6-8, 10), Music (6), Physics (7-8, 10), Literature (6-8, 10), Chemistry (8.10), Physical education (7), Information technology, Life safety (8), Computer science (10) The subject and class are determined 3 days before the event diagnostics Computer
April 24 10 engineering Mathematics
25th of April 10 and 11 Astronomy Computer
May 15 10 Engineering Physics Computer form with execution on task forms with a detailed answer

Optional Diagnostics

There are also optional diagnostics:

  • In organizations participating in the Effective Primary School project;
  • Thematic;
  • Metasubject;
  • subject.

For extrabudgetary educational institutions

For these institutions, the ICCS provides the following types of diagnostics: independent and within the framework of the ICMS. Detailed schedule of independent diagnostics:

date Item Class
November 29, 2017 English language 5
German 5
French 5
English language 8
German 8
French 8
Meta Item Skills 10
December 5, 2017 Meta Item Skills 4
December 13, 2017 Russian language 4
Mathematics 4
January 23, 2018 Computer science 9
Social science 9
Chemistry 9
January 31, 2018 Biology 9
Physics 9
February 1, 2018 Russian language 7
Russian language 8
Mathematics 6
February 13, 2018 Mathematics 7
Mathematics 9
Russian language 6
March 22, 2018 Information Technology 6
March 28, 2018 Geography 7
Biology 7
Mathematics 8
Biology 8
March 29, 2018 Geography 6
Story 6
Physics 8
Chemistry 8
April 25, 2018 Social science 8
Social science 10

Schedule of diagnostics within the framework of VMKO:


There are 2 stages of application. The first stage - from September to November 2017 - is completed, but the 2nd stage - from December 2017 to February 2018 - is still relevant. You can submit an application on the MCKO website, as well as in the personal account of the educational institution.

It is planned to carry out diagnostics of MCCD in Moscow schools within the framework of the new academic year 2018-2019. Thanks to this procedure, the effectiveness of teaching methods will be assessed, as well as summarizing the quality of the knowledge provided by students. ICCM will allow to determine professional educators and note the main mistakes in order to modernize the learning system.

Mandatory diagnostics of MCKO, carried out from November 15, 2018, is divided into three stages

Experts conditionally divide diagnostics into three subgroups:

  1. Evaluation of educational achievements of all persons who study in educational institutions in the current academic year. Will be held research in budgetary institutions (general education);
  2. National studies on the quality of knowledge provided to students. Comparative studies of the educational process are planned, conducted in accordance with the study of international methods (private schools);
  3. Diagnostics within the framework of VMKO. They were held from September to October, and aimed at studying the adaptation of first grade students to the educational process.

The letter of the Moscow Department of Education dated May 14, 2018 contains a calendar of diagnostic activities of the Moscow Center for Education and Science for 2018-2019. A test plan has been developed, which will be held at the secondary school level. Information about these events is of interest to directors and teachers. In the current academic year, 7 stages of control are implied.

ICCM Verification Plan

For budgetary educational institutions, a number of control points have been prepared within the framework of the MCCS:

  • Specialists plan to conduct mandatory diagnostics in grades 10, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. On November 15, the test will take place in grades 5 to 8 (and 10). It is also planned to hold similar events on March 14, 2019 in grades 4-8, 10 in 127 schools of the capital;
  • It is also planned to have mandatory diagnostics in grades 9 to 11, which is corrective. This procedure is planned to be implemented for schools that have encountered problems conducting the exam in mathematics and Russian, showing unsatisfactory results. A 9th grade math test was held on October 3rd. In the 10th grade, a similar procedure will take place on December 5. 11th grade will be tested on November 28th. The control in Russian for the 9th grade was held on October 24th. A similar procedure for grade 10 took place on 8 November. 11th grade will be tested on January 17th. Also, control is planned in the field of "subject of choice" (determined by the educational institution). Will be held on December 13 for 11th grade;
  • There will be a test in subjects studied by schoolchildren at an in-depth level. Diagnostics is planned to be carried out in April-May next year (for 10 classes participating in projects with in-depth study items);
  • It is planned to conduct an audit in specialized schools;
  • Within the framework of the ICAC, it provides for the study of the situation around the success of extracurricular activities. Grades 8 and 9 study financial literacy or the history of Moscow (optional). Tenth-graders have the opportunity to visit electives on the theme "memorable pages of the history of the Fatherland";
  • Metasubject diagnostics. It is implemented in order to analyze the option of obtaining positive results when studying the educational program;
  • Diagnostics will pass in the primary grades in the following disciplines: mathematics, reading and the Russian language. The event is scheduled for April next year.

From September to November of this year, the first stage of diagnostics takes place. A special site has been developed - mcko dot ru. This resource allows you to apply to register. Specialists prepared a column “monitoring and diagnostics” (for managers). Anyone can study the documentation related to the audit.

Diagnostics of MCKO November 15, 2018

The new academic season 2018-2019 will again not do without independent monitoring and diagnostics of the MCCD in the capital's schools.

In accordance with the letter of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow (DOgM) dated May 14, 2018 No. 02-19-2520 / 18, mandatory diagnostics are carried out on November 15, 2018 in grades 5–8, 10 and on March 14, 2019 in grades 4–8, 10 classes in 127 schools in Moscow.

Schools are selected by open draw three days before the diagnosis. For each of the 127 selected schools, on the same day, an open lot determines the class and subject (block in 10 classes) of diagnostics. The subject (a block in 10 grades) is selected from the list specified in the Annex to the letter DOGM. The work will be carried out in electronic (computer) form. The results of mandatory diagnostics will be automatically included in the MRKO.

Thus, the state institution of additional professional education in Moscow has the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching, draw conclusions about the quality of knowledge received by schoolchildren, identify the most capable teachers, pave the way for the introduction of new learning systems, and this is not the whole list of tasks that can be solved using data. checks. You can apply for participation in the events of the first stage of diagnostics on the website ( in the school's personal account.