International academic mobility of students. Academic mobility: basic concepts

academic mobility , as one of the directions international cooperation in the field of education is the exchange of students and teaching staff Republic of Belarus and foreign country for the purpose of training, advanced training, improvement pedagogical activity. At the same time, such an exchange is carried out, as a rule, on a parity basis and is temporary. Participants of academic exchanges, after completing their studies or internships, return to their university and continue their studies or professional activities there (the definition of the concept of “academic mobility” and a description of the forms of its implementation are given in the Education Code of the Republic of Belarus).

It is important to note that sometimes academic mobility is also understood as studying at a foreign university in order to obtain a diploma. This is not entirely true. Academic exchange is based on the idea of ​​internationalization of education, when an international component is included in the learning process. Each country has its own academic traditions and by visiting a foreign university, a person gets the opportunity to supplement his competence with something special, which is not available in his country, in his university. At the same time, obtaining additional international competencies is included in the learning trajectory at home.

IN special literature devoted to the issues of international education, it is also customary to consider going abroad to study in order to obtain a diploma outside the concept of academic mobility. This concept is precisely understood as a temporary stay in a foreign university with a subsequent return to one's own country. For this, a special term "study-related experiences abroad / foreign study-related experiences" is used - "foreign educational experience".

Participants of academic mobility in universities are students, undergraduates, graduate students, as well as teachers, researchers and administrative staff. However, the goals and duration of academic visits abroad differ significantly for different categories.

So students of the 1st and 2nd stages higher education go abroad to study for 1-2 semesters. Possible more short term stay at a foreign university in order to passintensive courses or trainings, however, as a rule, it should be at least 3 months. Education in a foreign university is carried out on the basis of individual plan agreed with the sending and receiving universities. As a result of the study, the student is issued an academic certificate, which he submits to his dean's office upon his return to receive recognition of the results of studying abroad.

Along with training in the specialty, the goal of academic mobility of students and undergraduates can also be passage industrial practice . It is important to note that the Yerevan Communiqué of the Ministers of Education of the countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) (2015) separately emphasizes the importance of developing academic mobility specifically for internships abroad.

Today, this type of academic mobility is considered as the most promising, as it provides an opportunity to acquire the necessary professional competencies international level.

For graduate students, participation in academic exchanges is somewhat different: along with attending advanced special courses, they also carry out research activities, collect materials on the topic of their dissertation research in libraries or archives, conduct experiments in laboratories, participate in scientific conferences attend individual consultations of their supervisor. The terms of study abroad for graduate students, as a rule, range from 6 to 12 months.

A separate category of participants in academic mobility are university employees: scientists, teachers, administrative staff. Content academic visit in this case, it can include both elements of scientific and educational activities and teaching. For example, scientists, along with conducting scientific research or attending master classes and trainings, they can also give lectures, advise students or graduate students.

The duration of visits to foreign universities is different: administrative or pedagogical visits, as a rule, are of a short-term nature, from 1.5 weeks to 1 month; scientists go abroad for a longer period, from 6 to 12 months. It should be noted that in the national education system asgeneralizing the name of the scientific and educational visit abroad of a university employee, the term "internship" can be used.

Like any institutional activity, academic mobility is based on a number of rules and procedures. The organizational mechanism for the implementation of academic mobility can be prescribed in an international agreement concluded between two (sometimes more) universities, an international program that finances exchanges, or in an international project document, the purpose of which is to organize academic exchanges.

Semester in foreign university- an academic exchange program for students of GSEM UrFU, which allows you to spend a semester at one of the institutes. GSEM UrFU has a wide network of academic partners, including large classical universities and small private business schools, which allows students of various programs to find a suitable university.

If a certificate was not provided confirming the level in English not lower than B2, it is necessary to pass the test. The test is administered in writing the first week after the application deadline. In case of doubt about the correctness of the results and the availability of identical answer forms, an invitation to an additional interview is possible.

Each participant of the program will receive a letter about the time and place of testing.

Based on the results of the competition, the rating of participants is compiled taking into account the average score, level foreign language and personal achievement. The higher the student's place in the ranking, the greater the chances of getting into the university declared first in the priorities. The results of the competition are sent no later than April 10 for the autumn semester, September 25 for the spring semester e-mail. After receiving the letter, you must confirm your intention to participate in the exchange program with the specified university.

After confirmation of participation in the exchange program, a nomination is sent to the host university: confirmation of the coordinator of the Center for International Cooperation GSEM UrFU about sending the student to the exchange program. As soon as the host university confirms the candidacy, the program participant receives a letter with further instructions from the host coordinator. According to these instructions, it may be necessary to send a package of documents to the host university (in most cases, all or part of the documents submitted when applying for a program) and / or fill out an online application. After processing the required documents, the host university issues an official letter of invitation, which is necessary for obtaining a visa. The letter is sent to the student by e-mail, the original is sent to the UrFU address and handed over to the student by the CMS coordinator.

After receiving the original invitation, the student is engaged in obtaining a visa, booking accommodation and planning a trip on their own.

education) and the director of the Higher School of Economics (I-439), endorsed by the Deputy Vice-Rector G.M. Kvashnina (GUK-302). The terms of stay at the host university must match those specified in the invitation.

  • Exercise

It is filled in in accordance with the empty columns, agreed by the same employees as the application, as well as the head of the information security department A.Yu. Ushakov (R-303), head of the first department A.Yu. Granin (I-231) and the head of the department for work with students N.A. Tushinskaya (I-216), as well as the dean's office of the Higher School of Economics.

Important! At the time of the business trip, the student must not have academic debts, otherwise participation in the exchange program will be canceled.

  • Individual plan

To be filled in with a list of subjects planned to be studied at the host university, indicating the number of credits (ECTS). The total number of credits must be at least 30. The plan is agreed with the GSEM dean's office with marks on the possibility of re-credits and approved by the director of GSEM (I-439)

  • Copy and translation of the invitation

A copy and a self-translated translation of the official letter of invitation of the host university is attached to the package of documents.

The documents are handed over to the CMS, in accordance with them, an order for business trip is issued. Upon return, you can get an extract from the order to confirm the absence for a good reason.

The integration of the spheres of society, occurring as a result of globalization, entailed not only the global division of labor, the migration of labor, the merging of cultures different countries, but also directly touched the system of higher vocational education. In 1999, the Bologna Declaration was signed, which initiated the process of convergence of higher education systems in European countries. The goal of the Bologna process is to create a single European area of ​​higher education. This goal is achieved, among other things, through the mobility of students, teachers, and researchers.

There is no officially accepted definition of the concept of academic mobility in Russian legislation. In the federal law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-fz "On education in Russian Federation"There is no clearly defined concept of academic mobility, but one of the principles of state policy in the field of education is "creating favorable conditions for the integration of the education system of the Russian Federation with the education systems of other states on an equal and mutually beneficial basis." Chapter 14 "International cooperation in the field of education" determines that "the Russian Federation promotes the development of cooperation between Russian and foreign educational organizations, international academic mobility of students, pedagogical, scientific and other employees of the education system, attracting foreign citizens to study in Russian organizations that carry out educational activities, ensuring mutual calling education and (or) qualifications, participates in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation in the activities of various international organizations in the field of education. On education in the Russian Federation: federal law Ros. Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ: adopted by the State. Duma Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federation December 21, 2012: approved. Federation Council Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federation December 26, 2012 Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus".

The definition of the concept of academic mobility is given in the "Concept of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025": "Academic mobility is the international movement of scientists and teachers in order to carry out scientific and teaching activities, exchange of experience, presentation of research results, as well as for other professional purposes. "The concept of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025": approved. President of the Russian Federation. Access from reference - legal system "ConsultantPlus". You can see the contradiction: this definition does not affect students, but in the same Concept, in the main directions of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation, the emphasis is already being placed on them - an increase in foreign students in educational institutions, improving the conditions for studying in Russian educational institutions for Russian and foreign students. In our opinion, it is strange that the state is aimed at international cooperation with educational institutions, but at the same time, Russian legislation does not pay due attention to academic mobility.

As a working definition of the concept of academic mobility in this study, we will accept the definition given in the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to member states on academic mobility, because, in our opinion, it most fully reflects the essence of academic mobility. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe defines academic mobility as follows: “The term “academic mobility” means a period of study, teaching and/or research in a country other than the country of residence of the student or member of the academic staff (home country). This period shall be of limited duration, with the student or staff member returning to his or her home country after the end of the designated period. The term is not intended to refer to migration from one country to another.” Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to the Member States on academic mobility (Strasbourg, March 2, 1995 No. R (95) 8) // National Information Center for the Recognition of Education and (or) Qualifications, degrees and titles obtained in another state.

The glossary of terms of the Bologna process notes that "student mobility implies the possibility of partial study in European partner universities with subsequent recognition of both the time of study at a foreign university and the credits received there." If we talk about teachers, scientists, administrative and managerial personnel, then for them mobility is “the possibility of conducting scientific research and teaching activities, as well as internships and the exchange of professional experience in different countries participating in the Bologna process.” Glossary of terms of the Bologna Process (developed by the National Tempus Office in Russia).

Academic mobility is an integral form of the existence of intellectual potential and the opportunity for students to form their own educational trajectory, to choose subjects, courses, and educational institutions in accordance with their inclinations and aspirations. Brinev N.S. Academic mobility of students as a factor in the development of the process of internationalization of education / N.S. Brinev, Chuyanov R.A. // Democratization and prospects for the development of international cooperation. Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference March 21-22, 2003 Omsk

Based on the variety of features and characteristics of academic mobility, there are different approaches to its classification.

Academic mobility is divided into direct and reverse. With direct mobility, students, teachers, employees move from their country abroad. Accordingly, with reverse mobility Foreign citizens move with educational and research purposes to their country. Guidelines on the development of academic mobility of students and teachers at the university / O.O. Martynenko // The Bologna process in Russia Also distinguish between vertical and horizontal academic mobility. With vertical mobility, a student undergoes full education for a degree (bachelor, master) at a foreign university, with horizontal mobility, training takes place over a certain period of time (semester or academic year) with the subsequent return of the student to the main native university.

In accordance with the criterion of time spent on the spot, short-term and long-term academic mobility are distinguished. With long-term mobility, a person is studying at another university for more than 1 month, and with short-term mobility - up to 1 month.

On a geographical basis, intra-university, Russian, international and distance academic mobility are distinguished. There are two forms of intra-university mobility.

In one case, a student of a branch of the university can receive educational services at the central university, and in another case, the student has the right to study individual disciplines or parts of disciplines outside the main faculty. Russian academic mobility means studying a student at another Russian university. With international mobility, a student receives educational services at a foreign university with a trip to the place of study and training in full-time education, when with distance mobility, including international, a student receives educational services on-line via the Internet. Academic mobility // Handbook educational process NRU HSE

A key factor in the international cooperation of students is the development of academic mobility, which refers to the movement of someone related to education for a certain (usually up to a year) period to another educational institution (in their own country or abroad) to study, teach or conduct research . Traditionally, there are 2 main types of academic mobility: internal and international (training and internships at foreign universities and organizations). The level of development of academic mobility at the university and in general in the national system of higher education gives an idea of ​​the degree of integration into the international educational space, the level of accessibility of higher education and is one of the most important indicators of the quality of education.

The development of academic mobility of students, teachers and administrative staff of universities has become important after the adoption of the postulates of the Bologna process in order to integrate, first of all, into the European educational space. The position on the importance of mobility is always present in the Bologna documents. The Magna Carta of the Universities states: "As in the distant early years of their history, universities encourage the mobility of faculty and students." This attitude was developed in the Joint Declaration of the four Ministers of Education (Sorbonne, 1998): “The open European area of ​​higher education brings innumerable prospects, undoubtedly respecting our diversity, but requiring, on the other hand, constant efforts to remove obstacles. and creating conditions for learning and learning that will enhance mobility and strengthen cooperation.” It also notes that “both at the first level of higher education and at the second, students should be encouraged to spend at least one semester at universities outside their own country. At the same time, more and more teachers and researchers should work in European countries other than their own.”

Finally, the Bologna Declaration formulates the objectives in this area as follows: “To promote mobility by overcoming obstacles, the effective exercise of freedom of movement, paying particular attention to:

- for students - access to educational institutions and related services;

- for teachers, researchers and administrative staff - recognition and confirmation of periods spent in European countries for the purposes of scientific research, teaching and retraining, without violating their status and legal rights.

Academic mobility is an opportunity for students, graduate students and young scientists to continue their education or gain scientific experience abroad by participating in a short-term educational or research program. Academic mobility is one of the priority areas of international activity of all foreign universities.

The purpose of the development of academic mobility programs is to improve the quality of education, improve mutual understanding between different peoples and cultures, educate a new generation prepared for life and work in the international information community.

There are several definitions of academic mobility. Some experts in the field of international education understand academic mobility as the period of study of a student in a country of which he is not a citizen. This period is limited in time; it also implies the return of the student to his country after completing his studies abroad. The term "academic mobility" does not reflect the process of migration from one country to another.

According to other sources, academic mobility is an integral form of the existence of intellectual potential, reflecting the realization of the internal need for this potential to move in the space of social, economic, cultural, political relationships and relationships. Academic mobility is an opportunity to shape your own educational trajectory. In other words, within the framework of educational standards, choose subjects, courses, educational institutions in accordance with their inclinations and aspirations.

Academic mobility is one of the most important aspects of the integration of Russian universities and science into the international educational space. Academic mobility in the field of international cooperation of higher education cannot be reduced to specific actions, technologies and mechanisms related only to the student exchange system educational institutions different countries. Experts note that in reality there is a complex and multifaceted process of intellectual advancement, exchange of scientific and cultural potential, resources, learning technologies.

The departure of students to other countries for the purpose of obtaining education is not a new phenomenon, which in some countries has its own historical roots. Wherein Special attention deserve geopolitical factors that leave a certain imprint on the development of academic mobility in a particular country.

Academic mobility of students is an extremely important process for personal and professional development, since each of its participants is faced with the need to solve life situations and their simultaneous analysis from the standpoint of their own and "foreign" culture. This automatically and often subconsciously develops certain qualities in him: the ability to choose ways of interacting with the outside world; the ability to think in a comparative aspect; ability for intercultural communication; the ability to recognize the insufficiency of knowledge, i.e. knowledge about the lack of knowledge, which determines the motivation to study; the ability to change self-perception; the ability to consider one's country in a cross-cultural aspect; knowledge about other cultures studied from the inside, etc.

However, at present, the migration of academically oriented youth has become a central link in the global system of higher education. Quantitative indicators of the development of academic mobility of students are very impressive. Many researchers believe that this process will continue to gain momentum, even if the annual increase in students gradually decreases. The main reason for the development of academic mobility of students is the support from various programs (ERASMUS, COMMETT, LINGUA, TEMPUS, etc.). Many countries have signed bilateral and multilateral agreements in this area.

In addition to more or less organized mobility, there is also the so-called "spontaneous" mobility outside of schemes and programs. This process depends on many factors, such as, for example, national characteristics of access to education, on the one hand, and linguistic and cultural characteristics, on the other.

The main tool for the development of academic mobility is the recognition of qualifications and education documents, the effectiveness of which is impossible without the existence of an adequate system for assessing the achievements of university students.