Snezhnyansky city department of education. Department of education of the administration of the city of Snezhnoye. Snezhnyansky city methodical office. Memo. on working on mistakes in the Russian language

The page is located on the website of the methodological department of the education department of the administration of the Yakovlevsky district. In 2015, 110 citizens applied to the public reception of the Zhdanov City Department of Justice for free legal assistance.

Attention! On March 1, 2016, the registration of applications for the state final certification in educational programs main general education! The materials posted on the site can be used both as part of school lessons on the topic: "Personal data", and simply in the form of interesting and informative information. On December 10, 2015, a festival of school choirs took place in the Zvezdny RDC in the city of Stroitel. The competition was attended by 8 choirs of district schools.

This Wednesday, a regular meeting of the Contact Group and four working subgroups took place. In Velikoshishivska village administration, an action was held to collect signatures under an appeal to the UN and the OSCE, to influence the authorities of Ukraine and stop hostilities. Aleksey Shvydky, head of the administration of the city of Shakhtersk, expressed his opinion on this matter in the program “The Way of Truth”… 30.04.2015. Parliament of Donetsk People's Republic adopted the Law “On the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency” (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic is located at Donetsk, Universitetskaya st., 83A.

19) other bodies and organizations that take measures to prevent neglect and delinquency of minors in accordance with the legislation of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Order No. 630 dated June 16, 2016 “On the results of the Republican competition of copyright general educational programs for additional education for children” and an appendix.

At the same time, the series, number, date of issue of the lost, damaged or destroyed certificate and the authority that issued it are indicated in the certificate. The functions and concerns of the Ministry of Justice of the Donetsk People's Republic are the concerns of thousands of people who daily need a legal solution to countless joyful and sad problems. One of the most significant events in a person's life is the wedding ceremony. The work of an employee of the registry office in this direction is invaluable.

To dispel the myths about the leap year, let's flip through the pages of the history of our ancestors. Leap year they, in general, was considered special. Exactly at leap year the girl had every right to independently choose the groom. This year, matchmakers were sent by fragile girls, not strong guys. So, as we see, our distant ancestors did not worry at all about this.

Documents on secondary general education will be received by 93 lyceum students - graduates of 2016.

Leap year is not to be feared. There are no statistics confirming the unfavorable outcome of marriages entered into in a leap year. The further life of the newlyweds depends solely on the feelings and mood of the lovers. If you truly love each other and dream of getting married this year, feel free to carry out your idea! Carries out accounting of the housing stock in the Donetsk People's Republic. 4) providing assistance in ensuring a person's access to secondary legal assistance and mediation.

Today, May 31, 11-graders of general educational organizations of the DPR are taking the first exam as part of the State Final Attestation. This is a mandatory exam - in Russian / Ukrainian, which will be held in the form of a presentation with a creative task. Meeting is a meeting, a meeting of goodness, joy and happiness. The content of this site is aimed at studying issues related to the protection of the rights of personal data subjects.

The role of the Ministry of Justice of the Donetsk People's Republic is diverse and important for the people. The head of the Zhdanovsky city department of the registry office of the PIU of the Ministry of Justice of the DPR holds a personal reception of citizens every Friday on issues of state registration of acts of civil status. We draw the attention of citizens that the territorial departments of the registry office of the State Registration Chamber of the Ministry of Justice of the Donetsk People's Republic conduct betrothal ceremonies, wedding anniversaries.

The department of education is a group of structural units:
Head of the Education Department of the Administration of Snezhnoye
Vasiliev Dmitry Viktorovich, tel (06256) 5 - 41 - 27
Direction of activity: manages the activities of all structural divisions of the education department, ensures the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them, implements the state policy in the field of education.

Chief Specialist of the Department Boyko Galina Vasilievna
tel (06256) 5 – 21 – 13
Direction of activity: organization of work in general educational institutions, control over the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the educational institutions of the city.

Yuliya Kurkova, Chief Specialist of the Department
tel (06256) 5 – 41 – 57
Direction of activity: analysis and selection of the staff of pedagogical workers of educational institutions, organization of work to ensure life safety and labor protection during the educational process, fire safety.

Leading Specialist of the Department Anna Vinogradova
tel (06256) 5 – 21 – 13
Direction of activity: organization of work of preschool educational institutions, control over the fulfillment of tasks assigned to preschool educational institutions of the city; educational work.

City methodical office:

Provides information, scientific, educational and methodological services to educational institutions.
head of the methodological office Fomenko Lyudmila Evgenievna.
tel (06256) 5 – 80 – 74
Direction of activity: organization of course retraining, certification teaching staff, innovation activity, school of young leader.
methodologist Zinchenko Irina Alekseevna. Field of activity: psychology, social pedagogy.

Methodist Golikova Valentina Maksimovna. Direction of activity: psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, inclusive education.

Methodist Soloviev Andrey Vladimirovich. Direction of activity: information and communication technologies, work of the city portal.

Methodist Daurova Victoria Alexandrovna. Direction of activity: primary education.

Centralized accounting department:
Financial department:
chief accountant Lozgacheva Natalia Nikolaevna
tel (06256) 5 – 47 – 69
Direction of activity: accounting management.
Deputy Chief Accountant Sedenok Vlada Petrovna. Direction of activity: distribution of humanitarian aid, food, financing, reporting.
accountant Buneridi Lyudmila Pavlovna. Line of business: financial operations
accountant Ozerova Tatyana Petrovna. Direction of activity: settlements with suppliers, tenants; processing bank statements from current accounts.

accountant Smagina Elena Nikolaevna. Direction of activity: reports on labor to the statistical service, reports on the use of working time.

accountant Vlasova Tatyana Igorevna. Direction of activity: drawing up contracts for food products, checking free meals for grades 1-4 and a privileged category of students.

economist Sokolovskaya Elena Nikolaevna. Direction of activity: reporting to the tax office, to the state statistics authorities.
economist Lukyanenko Svetlana Mikhailovna. Direction of activity: planning, drawing up and execution of the budget, billing of teaching staff.
economist Liskonozhenko Elena Nikolaevna. Direction of work: preparation and development of a draft budget, drafting contracts and accounting for preventive examinations.
Settlement department:
accountant Shmatova Tatyana Sergeevna
tel (06256) 5 – 41 – 82
accountant Zaivaya Irina Vladimirovna
accountant Shepeleva Olga Evgenievna
accountant Kuzmenko Svetlana Alexandrovna
Line of business: accrual wages employees of institutions controlled by the department of education; issuance of certificates in such city ​​organizations like the Pension Fund, UTiSZN, etc.
Material Department:
accountant Varakina Tatyana Andreevna
tel (06256) 5 – 37 – 18
accountant Goryunova Elena Leonidovna
Direction of activity: documentary accounting and write-off of materials, fixed assets and other non-current assets, inventory of property for institutions of the education department.
Nutrition Department:
accountant Kushchenko Irina Dmitrievna tel. (06256) 5 – 37 – 18
accountant Rudenko Nadezhda Zakharovna
accountant Drozdova Raisa Nikolaevna
Direction of activity: accounting and analysis of the implementation of nutritional standards for children in preschool institutions city ​​education.

Business group:
technician - builder Kiryushkina Natalya Aleksandrovna
foreman of the economic group Tkachenko Anatoly Andreevich
Direction of activity: maintenance of buildings, structures and equipment of educational institutions

Educational institutions: 14 preschool educational institutions, 15 general educational institutions, 2 institutions additional education.

Size: px

Start impression from page:


1 Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Snezhnoye Snezhnyansky city methodological office Memo on working on mistakes in the Russian language for grades 2-4, 2015

2 The work of the creative group of teachers primary school city ​​of snow: Zhelnovach T.V. Head of the GMO Section of Primary School Teachers, Primary School Teacher of School I-III Stages 1, Moshchak G. P. Primary School Teacher of School I-III Stages 1, Oboskalova E. I. Primary School Teacher of School I-III Stages 1, Krivulenko N. IN. Primary school teacher of the secondary school I-III levels 5, Rozhkova S.N. Primary school teacher of the school I-III levels 5, Azarova N.I. - Primary school teacher of the I-II levels 7, Bagriy E.A. Primary school teacher of the Mining School of I-II levels. The memo will help the teacher organize the process of teaching the Russian language through independent work students over their own mistakes. It encourages children to do work not at random, but thoughtfully, based on the analysis of the material. Designed to work in the Russian language lessons and when performing homework. Recommended for teachers, students and parents.

3 How to work with the memo 1. Strictly determine the category of your mistake by number. 2. Do work on your mistake according to the model. 3. Remember the rule! 4. Try not to make this mistake again. 1. Skipping or replacing a letter. Write out the word. Underline the missing letter. Do this: a pendulum, Pavel, a lake. 2. Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence. Write the sentence correctly. Think and write another sentence. Underline the capital letter. Do this: Warm autumn has come. A light breeze blew. 3. Word wrap. Divide the word to transfer. Do this: ole - no, rise - eat, mass sa, horses - ki. 4. The combination of chk, chn, thu, nsch, schn. Write the word correctly. Underline the spelling. Think of and write down two more words for this spelling. Do this: river, powerful, accurate. 5. Vowels after hissing. Write the word correctly. Underline the spelling. Think of and write down two more words for this spelling. Do this: kids, grove, cloud.

4 6. An unstressed vowel in the root, untested by stress. Write down the word. Mark the stress, underline the words with the same root. vowel. Write down two Do this: east, east, orientalist. 7. Unstressed vowel in the root, checked by stress. Write out the word. Put an accent. Select the root. Underline the unstressed vowel at the root. Choose the correct word and write it in brackets. Put the stress on the test word. Do this: at home (home), young (youth, young). 8. Double consonants in a word. Write the word correctly. Divide the word to transfer. Write down two single-root words. Underline the double consonant. Do this: bath, bath, bath, bath. 9. Capital letter in proper names. Write the word correctly. Write two more words with the same spelling. Do this: Ignat, Parkhomenko, Milka, Volga, Donbass. 10. Connecting vowels in compound words. Write out the word. Highlight the root. Underline the connecting vowel. Write down one word with this spelling. Do this: locomotive, plane. 11. Vowels and consonants in prefixes. Write the word correctly. Select an attachment in it. Write two more words with the same prefix. Do this: Fly, swim, go.

5 12. soft signь, denoting the softness of consonants. Write the word correctly. Underline the soft sign ь and the consonant before it. Write two more words with the same spelling. Do this: Spruce, day, hemp. 13. Separating soft sign ь. Write the word correctly. Underline the soft sign and the vowel. Write two more words with the same spelling. Do this: Blizzard, friends, nightingales. 14. Divider solid mark b. Write the word correctly. Select the prefix and the root. Underline the spelling. Write two more words with the same spelling. Do this: Congress, volume, shooting. 15. Paired voiced and deaf consonants. Write the word correctly. Check consonant. Underline the spelling. Write two more words with the same spelling. Do this: frost (frosts), gazebo (talk), oaks (oaks). 16. Unpronounceable consonants. Write down the word. Check the unpronounceable consonant. Designate a root. Define the spelling. Write two more words with the same spelling. Do this: honest - honor, heart of the heart, famous - news. 17. Spelling a preposition with words. From the sentence in which the mistake was made, write out the word along with the preposition. Prove that the preposition with the word is written separately. Define the spelling. Do this: to_home; to (what?) house, to (our?) house.

6 18. Spelling prefixes with words. Write out the word. Select an attachment. Form from this word the same root words with different prefixes. Do this: I drove in, I left, I went. 19. Spelling of suffixes. Write out the word. Select a suffix. Write two more words with this suffix. Do this: Kindergarten, boy, key. Brownie, garden, coastal. 20. Soft sign ь at the end of nouns after hissing. Write the word correctly. Define the genus. Write two more words with this spelling. Do this: Sword (m. R.), hut, cloak. Daughter (female), speech, mouse. 21. Not with a verb. Write the verb with not. Write two more words for this rule. Underline the spelling. Do this: you didn’t bring it, you didn’t finish it, you didn’t draw it. 22. Homogeneous members of the proposal. Write out an offer. designate homogeneous members and the word on which they depend. Do this: Apples, pears and plums ripen in orchards. 23. Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns. Write out the noun. Put it in its original form. Determine the type of declension. Select an ending. Choose and write your example. Do this: on the path (road, 1 slope) in the clearing (clearing, 1 slope)

7 24. Spelling of unstressed case endings of adjectives. Write the adjective together with the noun it refers to. Put a question from the noun to the adjective. Determine the gender, number and case of the adjective according to the noun. Pick out the ending of the adjective. Do this: to your beloved grandson (which one?), m.r., singular, d.p. 25. Preposition with a pronoun. Write out a pronoun with a preposition from the sentence. Write 2 more examples for this spelling. Do this: in front of you, in front of me, with us. 26. Soft sign b at the end of 2nd person verbs singular present tense. Write the verb correctly. Write 2 more verbs with this spelling. Do this: write, decide, read (present, 2 hp, singular) 27. A soft sign in an indefinite form of a verb. (-tsya, -ch) Write the word correctly. Write a question. Define the spelling. Write another word with this spelling. Do this: smile (n.f., what to do?), cherish (n.f., what to do?). 28. Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs. Write the verb correctly. Put an accent. Put the verb in the initial (indefinite) form. Look at the vowel before -t. Determine the conjugation of the verb and the vowel that should be written at the end of the verb singular and plural. Do this: write - write, ch, 1 ref., (-e, -ut, -yut) puts put, ch., 2 ref., (-i, -at, -yat)

8 29. Difficult sentence. Write it right. Emphasize grammatical basics. Underline the comma. Do this: The girls sang songs and the boys played musical instruments. 30. A sentence with direct speech. Write it down right. Make a diagram. Emphasize punctuation marks. Do this: The teacher said: "Denis Korablev is coming to the blackboard." A: "P." 31. Spelling of adverbs. Write out the adverb. Underline the spelling. Write down two more words. Do this: fast, fun, funny. Top, bottom, side. 32. An offer with an appeal. Write the correct sentence. Emphasize the appeal and the punctuation marks with which it stands out. Do this: Hello, Julia!

MEMO FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Russian language. Work on mistakes 1. Capital letter at the beginning of the sentence Write the sentence correctly. Think and write another sentence. Underline the capital letter.

Memo on the Russian language 2013 Spelling list 1. Capital letter. Period at the end of a sentence. 2. Skipping, replacing, distorting letters. 3. Division into syllables. 4. Word wrap. 5. Soft sign (b) indicator of softness.

Memo on the performance of work on the errors in the Russian language 1. A period at the end of a sentence. Write the sentence correctly. Put a dot at the end. Do this: The birds have flown away. 2. Syllables zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu. write out

Memo for working on mistakes in the Russian language in elementary school. 1. Pass, replacement of a letter. Write the word correctly 1 time, underline the letter. House. 2. Making an offer. Remember! First word in a sentence

REMINDER “How to work on mistakes in the Russian language. The sequence of work on spellings ”1. From a new line, write out the word or phrase in which the mistake was made. 2. Emphasize

Developed by a speech therapist teacher Alexander Alexandrovich Lementuev 2014 0 Errors in the image of word schemes. Write down the word. Draw the correct sound scheme of the word, coloring in all parts. Mistakes in the selection of synonyms.

The main orthograms of the Russian language Letters I, A, U after hissing Combinations ZhI SHI are written with the letter I. Uzhi, reeds, knives, kids. Combinations CHA SCHA are written with the letter A. A cup, cottage, candle, sorrel. NC combinations

Reminders Russian language Grade 4 1. How to prepare for a letter from memory 2. How to prepare for a presentation 3. How to write a narrative text 4. How to write a description text 5. How to write a reasoning text

Memo on the performance of work on the errors in the Russian language. Read the sentence in which the mistake was made, find out the meaning of each word. 1. Errors in the construction and recording of sentences. Write without errors

Chapter. Primary School. Teacher Bilyk Svetlana Viktorovna Memo for working on mistakes Name of the mistake I know 1. Stress The stress is placed on the vowel that is in a strong position during pronunciation.

Last name, first name Total ANALYSIS OF CONTROL AND DIAGNOSTIC WORK IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Date: Teacher: Grade Total students Completed the work None ACHIEVED SUBJECT RESULTS 1 Phonetics and graphics 1.1

SPECIFICATION of the final test for students of the 3rd grade in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. Purpose of work The work is intended for carrying out the procedure of intermediate certification of pupils of the 3rd grade. By using

Analysis of input monitoring of grades 2-4 for 2013-2014 academic year. Purpose: to determine the availability of basic knowledge and the level of training, the quality of the formation of the OCU in the Russian language, mathematics, the "loss" of children

Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language Grade 5 (Basic textbook by T.G. Ramzayeva "Russian language" for the 4th grade, part 2) I-st ​​half of the lesson Theme of the lesson Total Terms of study Worked material

Distribution of ISETs by topic Topic "Repetition of the studied material" Lesson 2 "Parts of speech" - total ISETs 10 Parts of speech 1. Noun- independent part speech that answers the questions Who? What?

State public educational institution "Special (correctional) boarding school" in Buzuluk, Orenburg region Considered and adopted at pedagogical council schools Protocol 32 of

Appendix to the work program in the Russian language Approved at a meeting of the Moscow Region Calendar and thematic planning in the Russian language protocol class from 0 g. Number of hours: total 70, hours per week. Supervisor

Municipal educational institution "Prigorodnaya secondary comprehensive school"I APPROVE": Director / Smirnova O. N. / Order of 2015 Appendix to the work program in the Russian language for

Explanatory note to the examination material in the Russian language for grade 4 Final test Structure of the work: dictation with a grammar task The examination material was developed on

Thematic planning in the Russian language (external study) Grade 4. T.G. Ramzaeva "Russian language" Theme of the lesson Assignments 1 TERMESTER 1. Introductory lesson. Introduction to the textbook. What do we know about the word? Word. Offer.

O. V. UZOROVA, E. A. NEFYODOVA All tables FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL Grade 3 Russian language Mathematics The world AST publishing house Moscow RUSSIAN LANGUAGE SPEECH AND MEANS OF LANGUAGE SPEECH Oral (statement) Written

Calendar thematic planning in the Russian language UMK "School of Russia". Kanakina V.P. Grade 2 (136 hours, 4 hours a week) Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Russian language. Proc. for general education organizations.

2 p / p Plan. date due date Recurrence. Offer. Text Theme of the lesson 1. 1.09 Speech. Offer. Text 2. 6.09 Words that name objects, signs, actions of objects. 3. 8.09

SPECIFICATION of the final test for students of the 3rd grade in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Purpose of the work

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE EXPLANATORY NOTE For the basis thematic planning was chosen set "School of Russia" - one of the most common and popular training kits recommended by the Ministry

O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefedova RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Exercises and tests for each lesson 4 GRADE AST Moscow UDC 373:811.161.1 LBC 81.2Rus-922 U34 U34 Uzorova, Olga Vasilievna. Russian language. Exercises and tests for

Speech. Text. Offer. Word. Text is made up of sentences and sentences are made up of words. Text A sentence is a word or several words expressing a complete thought. Sentence Each sentence is pronounced

1. Explanatory note Working programm on the subject "Formation of the grammatical structure of speech" for grade 5 (II option) was compiled on the basis of the program of the course "Language and Literature" (2nd department, option

Appendix EXAMPLE THEMATIC PLANNING of Russian language lessons in the th grade () 0 0. Word Introductory lesson. Acquaintance with the textbook "Russian language (first lessons)" We repeat vowel sounds and letters Vowels

Demonstration version of the introductory work in the Russian language for students of grade 4 entering the MOU "Humanities and Pedagogical Lyceum" in 2015 Explanations to demo version work for

Analysis of midterm control in mathematics and the Russian language 2013-2014 academic year Purpose: to determine the availability of basic knowledge and the level of training, the quality of the formation of UUD in the Russian language, mathematics,

Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language (4 hours per week) n / n topics Lesson topic A simple sentence. Grammatical basis, minor members of sentence 2 Р.р. Compilation of the story "Memorable

Thematic planning in the Russian language Author: Ramzaeva T.G. Grade 3 External study Topic of the lesson 1 TERMESTER Repetition. Speech. Offer. Text is a unit of language and speech. Parts of speech. Word recognition for questions

Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language for grade 5A for 2018-2019 academic year. year Date, plan Lesson topic 1 09/04/2018 Language is the most important means of communication 2 09/04/2018 Speech styles 3 09/05/2018 Sounds and

Lesson Repetition Calendar thematic planning Writing and speech development Grade 5 Section Theme of the lesson Number of hours I quarter Practical exercises in compiling and distributing proposals 2 Communication

Calendar thematic planning of Russian language lessons in the 5th grade p / p Name of the section and topics Hours of study time. Language is the most important means of communication. Language and man.09 Predp. date 2. Oral communication

O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefedova 80 BASIC RULES OF SPELLING AND PUNCTATION OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1 4 classes AST Astrel Moscow UDC 373:811.161.1 U34 U34 Uzorova, Olga Vasilievna. Fedov. Moscow: AST: Astrel,

EXPLANATORY NOTE The program was developed taking into account the current SanPiN sanitary rules. The special task of correcting the speech and thinking of schoolchildren with mental underdevelopment is an integral part

Codifier in Russian Grade 2 Planned result Tested skills Code 1. Section "Phonetics, orthoepy, graphics" 1 Sounds and letters Determine qualitative characteristic 1.1 sounds and designate

Calendar thematic planning Writing and speech development Grade 6 of the lesson Section Topic of the lesson Number of hours I quarter Repetition Main and secondary members of the sentence 2 Sentences not common

"Russian language" (external study) Program: based on the Model Program of Primary General Education, the author's program of T.G. Ramzaeva, approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow, 2004), in accordance with the requirements of the federal

MAOU "Secondary School 26" Certificate "On the results of the intermediate control of students in grades 2-4 in Russian language and mathematics" In accordance with the work plan of the school for the current academic year in

State budgetary educational institution of the Krasnodar Territory special (correctional) school 21 of Krasnodar CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING Class 7 Number of hours: total 136;

Lesson Theme of the lesson Our speech (4 hours) Number of hours Introduction to the textbook. What is the speech like? What can you learn about a person from his speech? 3 How to distinguish a dialogue from a monologue? 4 Knowledge test Text (5h) 5 What is

Thematic planning in Russian E class 36 hours (4 hours per week). p/n Quarter School week Topic Number of hours Testing and tests Revision (4 hours) I Introductory lesson. Acquaintance

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 1" Chistopolsky municipal district RT Considered Agreed Approved at the meeting of the ShMO dep. director and

Passport study room 2 203-204 academic year head of the office Detina Elena Anatolyevna Inventory of property and documentation of the office p / p Name Number of p / p Teacher's table 2 Teacher's chair

Reminders on the Russian language There are 33 letters in the Russian language Vowels 10, sounds 6 Consonants 21, sounds 36 Do not represent sounds: p f k t with w x c h y

Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language in the 5th grade (teacher Volkova V.V.) of the lesson Theme of the lesson Suggestion. Number of hours Date 2 Offers common and non-common. 3 Main

Approximate thematic planning in the Russian language. Grade 4 (grade 4; 1st semester; 4 hours a week) (textbook "Russian language. Grade 4: Textbook: At 3 hours / M.L. Kalenchuk, N.A. Churakova, T.A. Baikova. M.:

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school 9" I APPROVE Director of MOU "Secondary school 9" / Gafurova L.N. / order dated August 31, 2016 Work program of the subject "Russian

Lesson a Title of the section, topic of the lesson DATE Note Section: “Repeat, learn something new” (14 hours) Plan Fact 1 Acquaintance with the textbook “Russian language”. Voice communication. Spoken and written speech. 2.09 2 Purpose of speech

Dictation with grammar for grade 3 Explanatory note to the examination material in Russian for grade 3 Final test Structure of the work: dictation with a grammar task

Russian language program Grade 4 (children 9-10 years old) (corresponds to the program of the 4th grade of the Russian school - textbook by R.N. Buneev, etc.) Grammar and spelling Number of hours Requirements for knowledge and skills

P, p Subject lesson Number of hours in Repetition of phonetics and graphics. Control cheating on the topic "Repetition" 2 What is graphics. Phonetic parsing words Repetition of phonetics. Syllable and stress 3 Review learned

Thematic planning of Russian language lessons (5 hours a week - 170 hours) Theme of the lesson OUR SPEECH (3 hours) Types of speech (2 hours) 1. Acquaintance with the textbook. What is the speech like? 2. What can you learn about a person from

Lesson Name of sections, topics I quarter OUR SPEECH (3 hours) 1 Acquaintance with the textbook "Russian language" (grade 2). Types of speech 2 Our speech. What can you learn about a person by his Planned dates of passage 03.09

BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Basic requirements for the Russian language for the level of preparation of students in grade 1: name, give examples: names of letters of the Russian alphabet; signs of vowels and consonants

EXPLANATORY NOTE This adapted work program in Russian for grade 5 complies with the requirements of the federal component State standard basic general education and

Explanatory note. This work program on writing and speech development for grade 6 students was compiled on the basis of the program of special (correctional) educational institutions of the 8th type, edited by

Thematic planning in the Russian language. Grade 2 UMK "Perspektiva" 170 hours Numbers Theme of the lesson lessons in order I quarter. Section "The World of Communication" 17 hours 1-2 Acquaintance with the textbook. The world of communication.

Russian language Grade 3b 169 hours December 2018 Topic 1 Acquaintance with the textbook "Russian language" (Grade 3). Types of speech and their purpose. Speech is a reflection of human culture. What is language for? Purpose of language and

Topic Number of hours quarter Unstressed vowel at the root of the word, checked by stress 2 Unstressed vowel, checked by stress, in the same parts of the word 3 Unstressed vowel, checked by stress,

Explanatory note to the final diagnostic work for the intermediate certification in the Russian language Grade 2 1. Appointment of the final diagnostic work The work is intended to

"Russian language" First-grader to distinguish, compare: -sounds and letters; -stressed and unstressed vowels; - hard and soft consonants, deaf and voiced consonants; - sound, syllable, word; -word

Explanatory note This program compiled on the basis of the Program of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, grades 5-9, the authors of the program: A.K. Aksenova, N.G. Galunchikova. M.: Enlightenment

Planned subject results: Students should know: the alphabet; a way to check the spelling of vowels and consonants (by changing the form of a word). Students should be able to: - distinguish sounds and letters, sounds

Dear colleagues! The proposed variant of thematic planning for studying the material of the textbooks “Russian language. Grade 4: At 3 o'clock (authors M.L. Kalenchuk, N.A. Churakova, T.A. Baikova) proposed at 136

ADAPTED WORK PROGRAM subject"Writing and Development" (HVZ) UO for students of the 9th grade for the 2018-2019 academic year Poletaeva Irina Fedorovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature category

The work program in the Russian language for grade 3 is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard primary general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 373

P / p Name of equipment Quantity 1 Support schemes 59 1. Complicated sentences. 2. Phonetics. 3. Compound sentences. 4. Vocabulary. 5. Complicated sentence. 6. Members of the proposal. 7. Synonyms, antonyms,