Phillips questionnaire test of school anxiety. Purpose of the Phillips School Anxiety Test. Processing and analysis of results

The test is designed to study the level and nature of anxiety associated with school in children of primary and secondary school age. The test consists of 58 questions that can be read to schoolchildren, or they can be offered in writing. Each question must be answered with a clear “yes” or “no”.


“Guys, now you will be offered a questionnaire, which consists of questions about how you feel at school. Try to answer sincerely and truthfully, there are no right or wrong, good or bad answers. Don't think too long about the questions.

On the answer sheet at the top, write down your first name, last name, and class. When answering a question, write down its number and the answer "+" if you agree with it, or "-" if you do not agree.

Processing and interpretation of results:

When processing the results, questions are selected, the answers to which do not match the test key. For example, the child answered “yes” to the 58th question, while in the key this question corresponds to “-”, that is, the answer is “no”. Answers that do not match the key are manifestations of anxiety. Processing counts:

1. The total number of discrepancies throughout the text.

If it is more than 50%, we can talk about increased anxiety of the child, if more than 75% of the total number of test questions - about high anxiety.

2. The number of matches for each of the 8 anxiety factors highlighted in the text. The level of anxiety is highlighted in the same way as in the first case. The general internal emotional state of the student is analyzed, which is largely determined by the presence of certain anxiety syndromes (factors) and their number.

8 Anxiety Factors

1. General anxiety at school

2, 3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 23, 26, 28, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58

2. Experience social stress

5, 10, 15, 20, 24, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 44

3. Frustration of the need to succeed

1, 3, 6, 11, 17, 19, 25, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 43

4. Fear of self-expression

27, 31, 34, 37, 40, 45

5. Fear of a situation of knowledge testing

2, 7, 12, 16, 21, 26

6. Fear of not meeting the expectations of others

3, 8, 13, 17, 22

7. Low physiological resistance to stress

9, 14, 18, 23, 28

8. Problems and fears in relationships with teachers

2, 6, 11, 32, 35, 41, 44, 47


1) The number of sign mismatches (“+” - Yes, “-” - No) for each factor (- absolute number of mismatches in percent:< 50%; ?50%; ?75%).

for each respondent.

2) Representation of these data in the form of individual charts.

3) Number of mismatches for each dimension for the entire class: - absolute value -< 50%; ?50%; ?75%.

4) Representation of this data in the form of a diagram.

5) The number of students having mismatches for the divided factor? 50% and? 75% (for all factors),

6) Presentation of comparative results for repeated measurements.

7) Full information about each student (according to test results).

General anxiety at school is the general emotional state of the child associated with various forms its inclusion in the life of the school.

Experiences of social stress - the emotional state of the child, against which his social contacts develop (primarily with peers).

Frustration of the need to achieve success is an unfavorable mental background that does not allow the child to develop his needs for success, achieving a high result, etc.

Fear of self-expression - negative emotional experiences of situations associated with the need to disclose, present oneself to others, demonstrate capabilities.

Fear of a situation of knowledge verification - a negative attitude and anxiety in situations of verification (especially in public) of knowledge, achievements, and opportunities.

Fear of not meeting the expectations of others - focus on the significance of others in assessing their results, actions and thoughts, anxiety about assessments.

Increasing the likelihood of an inadequate, destructive response to an alarming environmental factor.

Problems and fears in relations with teachers are a general negative emotional background of relations with adults at school, which reduces the success of a child's education.

The results of our study among children of primary school age in the amount of 10 boys and 10 girls.

Table 3 Results school anxiety according to the Philips method

Normal level

Enhanced level

High level

General anxiety at school

Experiencing social stress

Frustration of the need to succeed

Fear of self-expression

Fear of a knowledge test situation

Fear of not meeting the expectations of others

Low physiological resistance to stress

Problems and fears in relationships with teachers

The resistance of others in assessing their results, actions and thoughts, anxiety about assessments.

Low physiological resistance to stress - features of the psychophysiological organization that reduce the child's adaptability to situations of a stressful nature.

Increasing the likelihood of an inadequate, destructive response to an alarming environmental factor. Problems and fears in relation to teachers are a general negative emotional background in relations with adults at school, which reduces the success of a child's education.

The results of our study among children of primary school age in the amount of 10 boys and 10 girls. (In accordance with Figure 2.2.3)

Figure 2.2.3. Levels of school anxiety in children of primary school age

According to the results of the study of anxiety at school using the Phillips test, 4 schoolchildren have a high percentage on the scale "General anxiety at school", i.e. 40% of the subjects.

Somewhat increased general anxiety at school in 30% of the subjects (3 people). Such indicators indicate that these children tend to experience anxiety. varying degrees intensity while at school: in the process of learning, testing and assessing knowledge, as well as in the process of communication and interaction with teachers and peers.

70% of the total number of subjects regard the situation of schooling as threatening their prestige, self-esteem, status, etc.

Only 3 schoolchildren have a normal level of anxiety at school, which is 30% of the subjects.

School and school requirements, difficulties are not traumatic for these children, which creates conditions for normal functioning, development of the child in the learning process, establishing friendly contacts and relationships.

A fairly high percentage of the subjects, 50% (student), do not experience social stress. Their relationship with society can be described as satisfactory, not traumatic, positively colored.

Percentage of schoolchildren experiencing social stress during high level- 20% (2 people), for elevated level- 30% (3 people).

Such data indicate that the emotional state of these children, against which their social contacts develop, is tense, negatively colored, and possibly frustrating.

Prerequisites are created for the emergence and development of anxiety, anxiety, anxiety as a consequence of social stress.

50% of the subjects (5 people) have a fear of self-expression. This fact indicates that most children experience negative emotions in a situation of presenting oneself to others, self-disclosure.

This is due, on the one hand, to the fact that these schoolchildren tend to overly critically evaluate themselves, but at the same time, they are extremely egocentric and imagine themselves to be the "center of the universe."

These contradictions in self-perception in no way allow them to correctly position themselves and, even more so, to deliver those around them to the “tribunal”.

At this age, a person often checks these sensations and impressions, which he does not understand in any way and is embarrassed, the zeal to “shut up”, hide his own innate world from those around him.

A certain amount increased the degree of horror of self-expression of 20% of the subjects, as if composing 2 teenagers. In the given case, the horror of self-expression is found only in specific situations or with obvious people.

This horror is expressed in no way clearly, and is in no way considered generalized, does not prevail over other feelings. 30% (3 people) of adolescents in the given category of experimental subjects do not have any emotional and psychological problems in self-presentation and self-disclosure. These children easily find contact with others, quickly make new acquaintances, their relationships are deeper and more emotionally rich, compared to those who experience anxiety in this area.

This is also mixed with the fear of not meeting the expectations of others, which was revealed in 60% of schoolchildren (6 respondents).

Children are also afraid to open up because they are worried about how “normal” and “correct” they will look in the eyes of others.

There is some contradiction here - on the one hand, schoolchildren are worried about the opinion of them and the assessments of others, but on the other hand, they are afraid of this, as a result, their self-esteem may suffer, as well as their position among peers, which is very painful for the child.

It can be assumed that social contacts, primarily with peers, are emotionally intense, often frustrating, which is due to age characteristics. In 20% of the subjects (2 people), the level of fear of not meeting the expectations of others was slightly increased.

The desire for social approval is present in this group of children, but it is not the leading motive.

Schoolchildren are to some extent focused on the opinion and assessment of others, but they are not dependent on it.

20% of the subjects of this sample (2 people) do not experience fear of not meeting the expectations of others.

For these children, the most significant is their own assessment of what is happening, orientation to their own values ​​and ideals.

A relatively small percentage of schoolchildren, 30% - 3 people, experience the frustration of the need to achieve success at a high level. In the situation of schooling in their behavior, there is an unfavorable mental background that does not allow them to develop their needs for success, in achieving high results.

There are a number of circumstances for such an action.

Unfavorable news from peers and adults who, as it were, are programming a teenager to fail, and good luck catches him very symbolically.

Either the low self-esteem of a teenager, atheism in their own strengths and capabilities. It may be that, after all, the fact that the frustration of the need to achieve success takes place against the background of anxiety as a characteristic of a person.

The highest percentage of the experimental subjects, namely, 50% (5 people), feel the frustration of the merit of success at a somewhat overestimated level. In the situation of school learning, there are reasons that are negative for them, which prevent them from achieving success.

The impact of these causes is by no means so strong, and with some effort on the part of adolescents and support from teachers and peers, it can be completely avoided.

Only 10 adolescents (20% of the experimental subjects) do not pull frustration in achieving success, as if reinforcing the intention that the school environment, for the majority of children, is considered traumatic, poorly colored and restless.

60% (6 teenagers) feel powerful, and 30% (3 teenagers) feel the least powerful horror in a situation of knowledge testing. This is explained by the fact that, according to these students, teachers make excessive demands on them, as a result of which they can negatively assess them, and negative assessments, as mentioned above, are extremely painful for adolescents and pose a threat to their position among peers, self-esteem.

It is also possible that these schoolchildren are so unsure of themselves, their own knowledge and strengths, that the very expectation of checking their knowledge disturbs them, and communication with the teacher brings only negative emotions.

10% of the subjects (5 people) do not experience fear in a situation of knowledge testing. It is worth noting the fact that the percentage of schoolchildren who experience anxiety in a situation of knowledge testing is almost the same as the percentage of students who have a fear of communicating with teachers.

In our opinion, this indicates that children are worried about testing knowledge and marks, as well as how much the teacher evaluates as an adult.

In 50% of the subjects (5 schoolchildren), strong emotional stress also appears when interacting with teachers, and slightly weaker in 30% of the subjects (3 schoolchildren).

10% of the subjects (1 person) do not experience problems and fears in relations with teachers.

These data correspond to the data on the level of general anxiety at school, which can be explained by the following: the assessment by teachers and parents for children in this sample is more significant than the assessment of peers. General anxiety at school is due to feelings associated with the possibility of a negative assessment of teachers.

A small number of schoolchildren (1 person, 10%) have high anxiety due to low physiological resistance to stress.

In the behavior of this student, there is a reduced adaptability to situations of a stressful nature, to schooling in general, and an increased likelihood of an inadequate destructive response to an alarming environmental factor.

Also, 30% of the subjects, which is 3 schoolchildren, are prone to these features. 60% of the subjects, 6 schoolchildren have normal physiological resistance to stress, which indicates that the possible prerequisites for the emergence of anxiety in them are not physiological, but social, that is, fear of self-expression, fear of assessments and difficulties in interpersonal contacts.

The hypothesis of our study was fully confirmed. Using these results, as well as on the basis of individual conversations, it was concluded that a high level of anxiety is caused by:

1. Poor preparation for lessons;

2. Fear of expressing their abilities, as children believe that they will be evaluated lower than their peers who show a high level of knowledge and creativity;

3. Low self-esteem;

4. Presentation by the teacher of high demands;

5. Domestic troubles;

6. High demands of parents;

7. Insufficient attention and support from parents;

8. Not remarking by the teacher and parents of the success of the child. (According to figure 3)

For the prevention, prevention and treatment of neurosis, it is necessary:

1. Take into account the peculiarity of the child's temperament, his individual characteristics and personal qualities;

2. Observe the main regime moments (food, sleep, etc.), but do not try to win solid victories in your educational activities.

It must be remembered that healthy child cannot always unquestioningly obey adults, and this involuntarily creates the ground for neuroses;

Does not treat the child with prejudice, learn to accept him as he is - by gender, temperament, character;

Do not fix attention on his negative qualities, do not forget to praise the child when he deserves it;

Make reasonable demands appropriate to his age, do not demand the impossible;

Control your feelings, emotions, actions;

Learn to analyze your own character flaws, which are a negative example for children;

Establish a conflicting relationship with the other parent;

Be flexible in education and communication, learn to admit your mistakes, be able to give in.

* Address your child by name more often.

* Be consistent in your actions, do not forbid the child for no reason what you allowed before.

* If for some objective reason it is difficult for a child to study, choose a circle for him to his liking so that classes in it bring him joy and he does not feel disadvantaged.

* Avoid competitions and any type of robot that takes speed into account.

* Do not compare your child with others.

* Use body contact more often, relaxation exercises.

* Contribute to the increase in the child's self-esteem, praise him more often, but so that he knows why.

* Demonstrate patterns of confident behavior, be an example to the child in everything.

* Be consistent in raising your child.

* Try to make the child as few comments as possible.

* Do not humiliate the child by punishing him.

How to play with children

At the initial stages of working with a child, the following rules should be followed:

1. Inclusion of the child in any new game should take place in stages. Let him first get acquainted with the rules of the game, see how other children play it, and only then, when he wants to, become a participant in it.

2. It is necessary to avoid competitive moments and games that take into account the speed of the task, for example, such as "Who is faster?".

3. If you are introducing a new game, then in order for an anxious child not to feel the danger of meeting something unknown, it is better to play it on material that is already familiar to him (pictures, cards).

5. If the child is highly anxious, then it is better to start working with him with relaxation and breathing exercises.

6. An anxious child can be included in collective games if he feels comfortable enough, and communication with other children does not cause him any particular difficulties.

Method for diagnosing the level of school anxiety Phillips (Philips)

The purpose of the methodology (questionnaire) is to study the level and nature of anxiety associated with school in children of primary and secondary school age.

The test consists of 58 questions that can be read to schoolchildren, or they can be offered in writing. Each question must be answered with a clear “Yes” or “No”.



Method for diagnosing the level of school anxiety Phillips

Method for diagnosing the level of school anxiety Phillips (Philips)

The purpose of the methodology (questionnaire) is to study the level and nature of anxiety associated with school in children of primary and secondary school age.

The test consists of 58 questions that can be read to schoolchildren, or they can be offered in writing. Each question must be answered with a clear “Yes” or “No”.

Instruction: “Guys, now you will be offered a questionnaire, which consists of questions about how you feel at school. Try to answer sincerely and truthfully, there are no right or wrong, good or bad answers. Don't think too long about the questions.

When answering a question, write down its number and the answer "+" if you agree with it, or "-" if you do not agree.

Processing and interpretation of results.

When processing the results, questions are identified; the answers to which do not match the test key. For example, the child answered “Yes” to the 58th question, while in the key this question corresponds to “-”, that is, the answer is “no”. Answers that do not match the key are manifestations of anxiety. Processing counts:

1. The total number of discrepancies throughout the text. If it is more than 50%, we can talk about increased anxiety of the child, if more than 75% of the total number of test questions - about high anxiety.

2. The number of matches for each of the 8 anxiety factors highlighted in the text. The level of anxiety is determined in the same way as in the first case. The general internal emotional state of the student is analyzed, which is largely determined by the presence of certain anxiety syndromes (factors) and their number.


number of questions

1. General anxiety at school

2, 3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 23, 26, 28, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53. 54. 55, 56, 57, 58;

sum = 22

2. Experience social stress

5. 10, 15. 20, 24. 30, 33, 36. 39, 42, 44 sum = 11

3. Frustration of the need to achieve success

1. 3, 6. 11. 17. 19, 25, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 43; sum = 13

4. Fear of self-expression

27, 31, 34, 37, 40, 45; sum = 6

5. Fear of a situation of knowledge testing

2, 7, 12, 16, 21, 26; sum = 6

6. Fear of not meeting the expectations of others

3,8,13,17.22; sum = 5

7. Low physiological resistance to stress; sum = 5

8. Problems and fears in relationships with teachers

2,6,11,; sum = 8


25 +

31 -

43 +

20 +

38 +

44 +

21 -

39 +

51 -

22 +

11 +

35 +

41 +

24 +

30 +

36 +

42 -


1) The number of sign mismatches (“+” - yes, “-” - no) for each factor (absolute number of mismatches in percent: 50% and 75%).

for each respondent.

2) Representation of these data in the form of individual charts.

3) The number of mismatches for each dimension for the entire class; absolute value - 50% and 75%.

4) Representation of this data in the form of a diagram.

5) The number of students who have mismatches for a certain factor of 50% and 75% (for all factors).

6) Presentation of comparative results for repeated measurements.

7) Complete information about each student (according to test results).

  1. General anxiety at school is the general emotional state of the child associated with various forms of his inclusion in the life of the school.
  2. Experiences of social stress - the emotional state of the child, against which his social contacts develop (primarily with peers).
  3. Frustration of the need to achieve success is an unfavorable mental background that does not allow the child to develop his needs for success, achieving a high result, etc.
  4. Fear of self-expression - negative emotional experiences of situations associated with the need for self-disclosure, presenting oneself to others, demonstrating one's capabilities.
  5. Fear of a situation of knowledge verification - a negative attitude and anxiety in situations of verification (especially in public) of knowledge, achievements, and opportunities.
  6. Fear of not meeting the expectations of others - focus on the significance of others in assessing their results, actions, and thoughts, anxiety about the assessments given to others, the expectation of negative assessments.
  7. Low physiological resistance to stress - features of the psychophysiological organization that reduce the child's adaptability to situations of a stressful nature, increase the likelihood of an inadequate, destructive response to an alarming environmental factor.
  8. Problems and fears in relations with teachers are a general negative emotional background of relations with adults at school, which reduces the success of a child's education.




Questionnaire text.

  1. Do you find it difficult to keep up with the whole class?
  2. Do you get nervous when the teacher says he is going to test your knowledge of the material?
  3. Do you find it difficult to work in the classroom the way the teacher wants?
  4. Do you sometimes dream that the teacher is furious because you don't know the lesson?
  5. Has anyone in your class ever hit or hit you?
  6. Do you often wish your teacher would take your time explaining new material until you understand what he is saying?
  7. Are you very anxious when answering or completing a task?
  8. Does it happen to you that you are afraid to speak up in class because you are afraid of making a stupid mistake?
  9. Do your knees tremble when you are called to answer?
  10. Do your classmates often laugh at you when you play different games?
  11. Do you ever get a lower grade than you expected?
  12. Do you worry about the question of whether you will be left for the second year?
  13. Do you try to avoid games where choices are made because you are usually not chosen?
  14. Do you sometimes tremble all over when called to answer?
  15. Do you often get the feeling that none of your classmates want to do what you want?
  16. Do you get very nervous before starting a task?
  17. Is it hard for you to get the grades your parents expect from you?
  18. Are you afraid at times that you will feel sick in class?
  19. Will your classmates laugh at you, will you make a mistake when answering?
  20. Are you like your classmates?
  21. After completing a task, do you worry about how well you did it?
  22. When you work in class, are you sure that you will remember everything well?
  23. Do you sometimes dream that you are at school and cannot answer the teacher's question?
  24. Is it true that most guys are friendly to you?
  25. Do you work harder if you know that your work will be compared in class with your classmates?
  26. Do you often wish you were less anxious when asked questions?
  27. Are you afraid to get into an argument at times?
  28. Do you feel that your heart starts to beat hard when the teacher says that he is going to test your readiness for the lesson?
  29. When you get good grades, do any of your friends think you want to curry favor?
  30. Do you feel good with those of your classmates whom the guys treat with special attention?
  31. Does it happen that some guys in the class say something that hurts you?
  32. Do you think that those students who do not cope with their studies lose their disposition?
  33. Does it seem like most of your classmates don't pay attention to you?
  34. Are you often afraid to look ridiculous?
  35. Are you satisfied with the way teachers treat you?
  36. Does your mother help in organizing evenings, like other mothers of your classmates?
  37. Have you ever worried about what others think of you?
  38. Do you hope to study better in the future than before?
  39. Do you think that you dress for school as well as your classmates?
  40. When answering a lesson, do you often think about what other people think about you at that time?
  41. Do bright students have any special rights that other children in the class do not have?
  42. Do some of your classmates get angry when you manage to be better than them?
  43. Are you satisfied with the way your classmates treat you?
  44. Do you feel good when you are alone with a teacher?
  45. Do your classmates sometimes make fun of your appearance and behavior?
  46. Do you think you're more worried about your school stuff than other kids?
  47. If you can't answer when asked, do you feel like you're about to cry?
  48. When you lie in bed at night, do you sometimes worry about what will happen at school tomorrow?
  49. Working on difficult task Do you sometimes feel that you have completely forgotten things that you knew well before?
  50. Does your hand tremble slightly when you are working on a task?
  51. Do you feel nervous when the teacher says he is going to give the class an assignment?
  52. Does testing your knowledge at school scare you?
  53. When the teacher says that he is going to give the class an assignment, do you feel afraid that you won't be able to do it?
  54. Have you ever dreamed that your classmates can do things that you can't?
  55. When the teacher explains the material, do you think that your classmates understand it better than you?
  56. On your way to school, are you worried that the teacher might give the class a test paper?
  57. When you complete a task, do you usually feel that you are doing it poorly?
  58. Does your hand tremble slightly when the teacher asks you to do an assignment on the blackboard in front of the whole class?

The method of diagnosing the level of school anxiety Phillips allows you to timely identify the child's condition. Having information about the approaching danger, the need to take certain measures, the psychologist begins to work with the student. We will identify the main causes of the appearance of such a condition in children, the methodology for conducting the study, the specifics of the condition.

Characteristics of anxiety

Phillips' method of diagnosing the level of school anxiety is necessary for the timely detection of the child's condition. Depending on the natural and acquired qualities, it is characterized by a vague sense of danger or aggressiveness. The following parameters can be considered as additional symptoms of anxiety: sweating, nausea, headache, palpitations, chest tightness. schoolchildren differ significantly. The child is not able to stay in one place, is very worried. Fear is a reaction to external danger.

Types of anxiety

The method of diagnosing the level of school anxiety Phillips allows you to identify its different levels:

  • neuroendocrine type of hormonal changes;
  • motor-visceral level (twitching of hands, knees);
  • conscious understanding (the child feels only bodily discomfort).

Components of Anxiety

The main component of this feeling is redness, palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating.

The child is aware that he is nervous or afraid of a certain moment (situation). Phillips' method of diagnosing the level of school anxiety also determines the feeling of shame, the fear that someone will see the child's actions. Due to increased anxiety, the student develops absent-mindedness, problems arise in studies, concentration of attention decreases.

Types of anxiety

At a low level of intensity, anxiety is vital for a person. This feeling helps to take certain actions to reduce or prevent danger. For example, high school students put a lot of effort in order to prepare for the exam. Normal anxiety stimulates the growth and change of the child, helps him to move from one age to another.

Excessive anxiety is an ambiguous response to stress and problems that appear in school life. If anxiety is normal, the child turns on internal mechanisms that are aimed at eliminating the source of danger. For example, the fear of passing exams stimulates active preparation for them. Pathological anxiety causes maladaptive and non-constructive actions. The child does not cope with threats, he is not confident in himself, his strength, avoids social communication. If you do not provide such a student with timely psychological help, he may develop various phobias. Children develop agoraphobia, which means the fear of being alone.

The Phillips method of diagnosing the level of school anxiety helps to solve the problem). Processing the results allows the psychologist to identify the problem, to select ways to reduce fears. If it is not possible to get rid of fears by external methods (Ericksonian hypnosis, cognitive psychotherapy), the doctor prescribes certain drugs to the child.

An anxiety disorder is considered a diagnosis of a neurotic disorder when a child feels discomfort and nervousness without a serious reason. This state is revealed by the Phillips method of diagnosing the level of school anxiety. The objectives of the study are to assess the psychological comfort of children.

Portrait of an anxious child

The student is afraid of all the events taking place around him. He is timid, avoids communication with adults, peers. The child feels absolutely helpless, he is afraid to enter into different types activities. He makes high demands on himself, is self-critical, has a low level of self-esteem. The schoolboy is convinced that he is stupid, clumsy, ugly. Children with increased anxiety need approval from adults, they need constant praise and encouragement. With the manifestation of anxiety, there is weakness in the legs, dry mouth, and an increased heart rate. Anxious children have somatic problems such as dizziness, heavy shallow breathing, and abdominal pain.

Criteria for child anxiety

What is the Phillips level diagnostic method based on? The author uses certain criteria:

  • systematic anxiety;
  • difficulty concentrating on a single lesson;
  • muscle tension in the neck, face;
  • increased irritability;
  • sleep problems.

If at least one of the listed criteria is present in the child's behavior, we can talk about increased anxiety.

Signs of anxiety

What signs of anxiety does the Phillips method of diagnosing the level of school anxiety reveal? An example of processing allows you to identify signs of such a state:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • tension, stiffness;
  • wet and cold hands;
  • terrible dreams;
  • lack of appetite;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • self-doubt;
  • unwillingness to overcome difficulties.

Child psychologists are sure that the cause of anxiety lies in an internal conflict caused by various circumstances:

  1. Conflicting demands made by parents and teachers. For example, due to illness, parents do not let the child go to school, and the teacher gives him a "deuce" for the material, scolds him in the presence of classmates for his lack of knowledge.
  2. Overestimation (inadequacy) of requirements. Parents dream of their child being an excellent student, they do not want to put up with his “fours” and “triples”.

Increased anxiety in primary school age is shown by boys, and in adolescence it is typical for girls.


What is Phillips' School Anxiety Level? We will give a description of it a little lower, while we dwell on the appropriateness of its use.

The Phillips method of diagnosing the level of school anxiety, the form of which is shown in the photo, is considered a standard psychodiagnostic technology that allows you to assess general school anxiety, as well as link the identified problems with the quality experiences of school life. The questionnaire itself is easy to process and conduct, so it is often used for psychodiagnostic frontal examinations.

Who is the Phillips School Anxiety Test for? The instruction was created for schoolchildren of primary and secondary age (grades 3-7).

Diagnosis is carried out individually or in a group form. Questions can be read by ear, or given to the children printed questionnaires. During diagnostics, the class should not be present classroom teacher, it is enough to have a psychologist.

In addition to the text of the questionnaire, sheets of paper and pens will be required for the study.


“Try to answer honestly questions about how you feel at school. There are no good or bad answers, they must be true. On the answer sheet, sign your class and last name. When answering a question, put a plus or minus sign.


  1. Is it difficult for you to be on the same level with the whole class?
  2. Do you worry if the teacher wants to check how well you learned the material?
  3. Is it difficult for you to work as the teacher requires?
  4. Have you dreamed that you did not know the answer to the teacher's pig?
  5. Did your classmates beat you?
  6. Would you like the teacher to slow down the learning material?
  7. Are you worried about the answer?
  8. Are you afraid to make a stupid mistake during a discussion?
  9. Do your knees tremble when answering at the blackboard?
  10. Do your classmates often laugh at you during the game?
  11. Are you getting a lower mark than you deserve?
  12. Are you worried about staying in your second year in the same class?
  13. Do you avoid games where choices are made?
  14. Do you tremble when you have to answer?
  15. Do you often feel like your classmates don't want to help you?
  16. Are you very nervous before starting a task?
  17. Is it hard for you to get the grades your parents want to see?
  18. Are you afraid that you will feel bad in class?
  19. Will the guys laugh at you if you make a mistake?
  20. Are you like your classmates?
  21. Do you worry about doing the right thing when doing a task?
  22. When working in class, are you not sure that you remember the material?
  23. Do you dream that you cannot answer the teacher's questions?
  24. Is it true that most of the guys are friendly to you?
  25. Do you try to work hard if you are sure that the result will be compared with the work of other guys?
  26. Do you dream of worrying less when answering?
  27. Are you afraid to get into an argument?
  28. Is your heart beating fast when the teacher starts the survey?
  29. Do any of the guys think you don't deserve a good grade?
  30. Do your kids say bad things to you?
  31. Are you afraid to be funny?
  32. Are you satisfied with the attitude of your teacher?
  33. Are you dressing well?
  34. Are you satisfied with the attitude of your classmates?
  35. Do the guys make fun of your behavior, the way you dress?
  36. Do your hands tremble during independent (control) work?
  37. When you go to school, are you worried that the teacher will call you to the blackboard?
  38. During the test, do you think that there will be a mark of "two"?

Results processing

Depending on the number of positive and negative answers to certain questions, anxiety, social stress, and fear of self-expression are assessed. In addition, this technique can reveal fear of classmates, a teacher, low resistance to stressful situations. If the anxiety index exceeds 50 percent, this indicates the need for help from a psychologist and parents. If the 75% indicator is exceeded, serious measures must be taken urgently.


One of the most common problems faced by a school psychologist is school anxiety. Early detection of this condition is extremely important because it has bad influence on all areas of a child’s life: health and mental state, communication with peers and teachers, academic performance at school, behavior in educational institution, as well as beyond.

Definition of school anxiety. Causes

School anxiety is a rather multifaceted concept that includes various forms of psychological stress of a child at school and has the following features:

    uncertainty and inappropriate behavior;

    unreasonable confidence in an unfair, biased attitude towards oneself on the part of teachers and classmates;

    excessive stiffness both in class and during breaks;

    feeling uncomfortable in normal school situations;

    anxiety for minor reasons;

    increased vulnerability, sensitivity;

    unwillingness to go to school;

    irritability and aggressive manifestations;

    lack of perseverance in the performance of tasks of the teacher;

    complete loss of interest in what is happening in the lesson;

    painful perception of critical remarks in his address;

    constant uncertainty about the correctness of their actions;

    fear of doing something wrong and looking like an outsider in the eyes of peers;

    expectation of disapproval and censure from teachers;

    decreased concentration of attention in the classroom, absent-mindedness;

    fear of losing or damaging school supplies.

Often it is school anxiety that is the provoking factor, the trigger mechanism for the disorder of the inner emotional sphere of the personality.

The main causes of school anxiety are:

    internal conflict based on the needs of the child himself;

    conflicts with classmates and teachers;

    excessive requirements that do not correspond to the psychophysiological development of the child;

    conflicting demands from parents and teachers;

    specifics of educational and educational system schools;

    features of the psycho-physiological organization of the student, his temperament;

    norms of behavior instilled in the family.

Description of the methodology for diagnosing the level of school anxiety Phillips

To diagnose the level of anxiety in schoolchildren of primary and middle age (6–13 years old), the British psychotherapist B. N. Phillips’ method, developed in the 1970s, is currently being actively used. It was he who came up with the idea that for normal socialization and the formation of an adequate self-esteem of the child, it is important to reduce school anxiety in time. The Phillips method allows you to determine how general level anxiety of the subject, and certain anxiety syndromes that clearly indicate specific problems. This technique is presented in the form of a test. Easy to administer and interpret, the Phillips School Anxiety Questionnaire has performed well in psychological research in high school.

The Phillips test consists of 58 general questions about how a child feels at school, which imply unambiguous answers: "yes" or "no".

Questionnaire text:

    Do you find it difficult to keep up with the whole class?

    Do you get nervous when the teacher says he is going to test your knowledge of the material?

    Do you find it difficult to work in the classroom the way the teacher wants?

    Do you sometimes dream that the teacher is furious because you don't know the lesson?

    Has anyone in your class ever hit or hit you?

    Do you often wish your teacher would take your time explaining new material until you understand what he is saying?

    Are you very anxious when answering or completing a task?

    Does it happen to you that you are afraid to speak up in class because you are afraid of making a stupid mistake?

    Do your knees tremble when you are called to answer?

    Do your classmates often laugh at you when you play different games?

    Do you ever get a lower grade than you expected?

    Do you worry about the question of whether you will be left for the second year?

    Do you try to avoid games where choices are made because you are usually not chosen?

    Do you sometimes tremble all over when called to answer?

    Do you often get the feeling that none of your classmates want to do what you want?

    Do you get very nervous before starting a task?

    Is it hard for you to get the grades your parents expect from you?

    Are you afraid at times that you will feel sick in class?

    Will your classmates laugh at you, will you make a mistake when answering?

    Are you like your classmates?

    After completing a task, do you worry about how well you did it?

    When you work in class, are you sure that you will remember everything well?

    Do you sometimes dream that you are at school and cannot answer the teacher's question?

    Is it true that most guys are friendly to you?

    Do you work harder if you know that your work will be compared in class with your classmates?

    Do you often wish you were less anxious when asked questions?

    Are you afraid to get into an argument at times?

    Do you feel your heart start beating fast when the teacher says he is going to test your readiness for the lesson?

    When you get good grades, do any of your friends think you want to curry favor?

    Do you feel good with those of your classmates whom the guys treat with special attention?

    Does it happen that some guys in the class say something that hurts you?

    Do you think that those students who do not cope with their studies lose their disposition?

    Does it seem like most of your classmates don't pay attention to you?

    Are you often afraid to look ridiculous?

    Are you satisfied with the way teachers treat you?

    Does your mother help in organizing evenings, like other mothers of your classmates?

    Have you ever worried about what others think of you?

    Do you hope to study better in the future than before?

    Do you think that you dress for school as well as your classmates?

    When answering a lesson, do you often think about what other people think about you at that time?

    Do bright students have any special rights that other children in the class do not have?

    Do some of your classmates get angry when you manage to be better than them?

    Are you satisfied with the way your classmates treat you?

    Do you feel good when you are alone with a teacher?

    Do your classmates sometimes make fun of your appearance and behavior?

    Do you think you're more worried about your school stuff than other kids?

    If you can't answer when asked, do you feel like you're about to cry?

    When you lie in bed at night, do you sometimes worry about what will happen at school tomorrow?

    When working on a difficult task, do you sometimes feel like you completely forgot things that you knew well before?

    Does your hand tremble slightly when you are working on a task?

    Do you feel nervous when the teacher says he is going to give the class an assignment?

    Does testing your knowledge at school scare you?

    When the teacher says that he is going to give the class an assignment, do you feel afraid that you won't be able to do it?

    Have you ever dreamed that your classmates can do things that you can't?

    When the teacher explains the material, do you think that your classmates understand it better than you?

    On your way to school, are you worried that the teacher might give the class a test paper?

    When you complete a task, do you usually feel that you are doing it poorly?

    Does your hand tremble slightly when the teacher asks you to do an assignment on the blackboard in front of the whole class?

Testing is usually carried out in writing: the child is asked to fill out a special form with numbers (from 1 to 58), in which, when answering questions, you need to put “+” (for a positive answer) or “–” (for a negative answer) in the corresponding each graph question. Questions are presented either in writing or read to students. The Phillips technique can be used both for an individual survey and for the study of anxiety in a group ( school class). Of course, to obtain reliable results, the presence of adults (in addition to the experimenter) in the room where testing is carried out is highly undesirable.


Before testing begins, the child must be given precise instructions on how to answer the questions provided. It is important to draw the attention of the subjects to the fact that it is not necessary to think for a long time on each situation, taking into account all possible scenarios and thinking out all possible circumstances. It is better to immediately give the answer to which the child is initially inclined. It is highly likely and will be true. It is also necessary to explain to the children that they need to answer on their own, there cannot be identical answers to all questions, there are no only right or completely wrong answers in the test.

The manifestation of excessive anxiety can take various forms and reveals the following aspects:

    the prevailing emotional background of the student;

    inability to build relationships with peers and adults;

    anxiety associated with the need to participate in the social life of the school;

    various fears (fear of punishment, fear of testing knowledge, fear of upsetting parents);

    attitude towards personal success (often indifferent, but the “supervalue” of the school grade is also manifested);

    loss of control over one's own behavior in stressful situations;

    health problems (decrease in efficiency, increased fatigue, pronounced vegetative reactions, nervous breakdowns).

Processing and analysis of results

The procedure for processing the results is quite simple and understandable: it is only necessary to compare the answers of the subjects with the key to the test and identify discrepancies. It is the mismatched answers that indicate the qualitative features of the experience of anxiety by each subject.

Test key:

Next, you need to calculate the total number of discrepancies, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the level of anxiety of the child: 50% of the total number of questions in the test indicates an increased level of anxiety, 75% indicates its high level. If less than 50% of discrepancies are revealed, it can be argued that the level of anxiety of the respondent is within the normal range.

Similar indicators are used in the qualitative analysis of the results, which makes it possible to identify certain anxiety syndromes (factors), each of which separately determines and evaluates both personal and situational school anxiety of the subjects. To do this, answers that do not match the key are correlated with a specially designed scale of the Phillips questionnaire.

Question numbers

1. General anxiety at school

2, 3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 23, 26, 28, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58;

2. Experience social stress

5, 10, 15, 20, 24, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 44;

3. Frustration of the need to achieve success

1, 3, 6, 11, 17, 19, 25, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 43;

4. Fear of self-expression

27, 31, 34, 37, 40, 45;

5. Fear of a situation of knowledge testing

2, 7, 12, 16, 21, 26;

6. Fear of not meeting the expectations of others

3, 8, 13, 17, 22;

7. Low physiological resistance to stress

9, 14, 18, 23, 28;

8. Problems and fears in relationships with teachers

2, 6, 11, 32, 35, 41, 44, 47;

To obtain a complete picture of each of the above anxiety factors, it is necessary to refer to their content characteristics.

    General anxiety at school is the general emotional state of the child associated with various forms of his inclusion in the life of the school.

    Experiences of social stress - the emotional state of the child, against which his social contacts develop (primarily with peers).

    Frustration of the need to achieve success is an unfavorable mental background that does not allow the child to develop his needs for success, achieving a high result, etc.

    Fear of self-expression - negative emotional experiences of situations associated with the need for self-disclosure, presenting oneself to others, demonstrating one's capabilities.

    Fear of a situation of knowledge verification - a negative attitude and anxiety in situations of verification (especially in public) of knowledge, achievements, and opportunities.

    Fear of not meeting the expectations of others - focus on the significance of others in assessing their results, actions, and thoughts, anxiety about the assessments given to others, the expectation of negative assessments.

    Low physiological resistance to stress - features of the psychophysiological organization that reduce the child's adaptability to situations of a stressful nature, increase the likelihood of an inadequate, destructive response to an alarming environmental factor.

    Problems and fears in relations with teachers are a general negative emotional background of relations with adults at school, which reduces the success of a child's education.

The results of the diagnosis of a group of children are recorded in a special protocol to simplify further analysis of the data obtained. It is also recommended to present the results of the survey of schoolchildren in the form of a diagram.

Phillips anxiety scores can be presented in various charts.

If testing revealed increased or high school anxiety, it is necessary to develop an action plan to restore the normal emotional background of the child and maintain a positive self-attitude. In this case, first of all, an in-depth psychodiagnostics of anxiety symptoms of schoolchildren's anxiety and work with a psychologist are recommended. In addition to the Phillips technique, the following methods are actively used to identify the state of school anxiety:

    A projective technique for diagnosing school anxiety A. M. Prikhozhan;

    Diagnosis of situational and personal anxiety Spielberger - Khanin;

    Zuckerman affective questionnaire;

    McNair, Lorr, and Droppleman Mood Profile Questionnaire;

    The method of expert surveys of teachers and parents of schoolchildren;

    Observation as a method for determining the level of school anxiety.

It is necessary to teach the child to cope with emotional stress, to dose them reasonably, to rationally organize the mode of work and rest. It is important to clearly identify the triggers for anxiety and create the necessary conditions to increase the student's self-esteem, his confidence in his own strengths and abilities. The child should be taught the technique of controlling his behavior at school, efforts should be directed to the formation of the volitional qualities of the individual, the development of the student's value orientations for this stage of its development. The main work with the psychologist is to develop new strategies for behavior in difficult situations for the child and to find ways to get rid of anxiety (release).

Of course, the emotional tension and excitement of the closest people, parents, is always transmitted to the child. Therefore, for psychological peace at school, children need a conducive environment for this in the family circle.

Home environment can escalate a child's anxiety at school

    praise the child more often, do not disregard his school successes and achievements;

    never compare your child with his classmates, tell your child more often about his uniqueness;

    always be aware of your child's school life, help him prepare for important events at school (speech in front of the class, test, participation in competitions);

    do not scold children for misconduct at school, it is always important to understand their point of view on the events happening to them;

    develop the habit of talking with your child at the end of the day about things that upset or worried him or her at school,

    it is important to give the child the opportunity to “pronounce” worries and anxieties;

    model various life situations, while demonstrating to the child a model of confident behavior;

    always be objective and do not overestimate the bar for your baby;

    do not set the child to achieve the ideal in everything, often the “excellent student syndrome” is present in children prone to excessive experiences;

    help your child develop the right attitude to failures and constructive criticism in his address;

    fix in the child’s mind the understanding that every person has the right to make a mistake, that “one learns from mistakes”;

    do not demand instant results from the child;

    help your child prioritize at this stage of his life, find parallels with your school life;

    do not humiliate the dignity of the child by punishing him, use punishment only as a last resort and always “on business”;

It is certainly common for young and middle-aged children to experience a sense of anxiety when interacting with various components. educational process. However, increased anxiety should in no case interfere with the socialization of the child and his school performance.

Learning at school for children is associated not only with the need to process large amounts of information, but also with certain changes in personality, the formation of an evaluation scale, moral guidelines. On the way to the formation of the emotional and personal sphere of the child, there are a number of obstacles, one of which can be considered school anxiety. To diagnose its level, the Phillips method is used.

Description of the Phillips School Anxiety Test Method

British psychotherapist Adam Phillips in the middle of the twentieth century, having made several dozen observations of schoolchildren different ages in class groups, put forward the theory that in order to form a liberated and comprehensive developed personality It is necessary to diagnose anxiety in time and reduce its level. The state of the psyche, in which a person experiences strong excitement for minor reasons, causes significant damage to self-esteem and affects all aspects of emotional and personal development. The test is of particular relevance for children of primary school age and students in grades 5–8, because for adequate socialization among peers, children need to accept and understand themselves.

School anxiety interferes with successful learning

As a stimulus material, the author suggested using a questionnaire consisting of 58 items requiring a clear answer: "yes" or "no". According to the results of the study using the Phillips technique, we can conclude about the degree of anxiety of the child and the nature of its manifestations. With regard to the latter indicator, the test helps to identify the following aspects:

  • emotions of the baby, which are associated with various forms of participation in school and classroom life in particular;
  • stress of a social nature - a condition that is associated with building relationships with peers;
  • indifferent attitude to personal success;
  • fear of showing their skills and abilities in the classroom, the need to speak in front of everyone;
  • expectation of negative evaluation from others;
  • inability to withstand stress, which manifests itself in a non-standard reaction to any irritating factors;
  • inability and unwillingness to build relationships with adults.

The famous American educator and motivational speaker Dale Carnegie said: “An anxious and harassed individual who is unable to adapt to the cruel real world breaks all contact with environment and goes into his own fictional world. So he tries to free himself from worries and worries.

Test procedure

Testing can be done in groups, but in this case there is a risk of children peeping into each other's work

The test is conducted among children 6-13 years old in oral or written form. Work can be organized both individually with each child, and in a group. It is important to clearly formulate the conditions and rules for passing the test:

  1. Children are given forms with questions (for a written form of diagnosis) or leaflets with numbers from 1 to 58 (for oral).
  2. The teacher makes recommendations: “These questions are about how you feel at school. You need to give an answer: “yes”, putting a plus next to the question number, or “no”, marking it with a minus sign. If the oral testing option is chosen, then the children need to be set up only to place the necessary signs corresponding to their answers.
  3. Further, it should be stipulated that the questions must be answered sincerely, there can be no errors in the answers, since there are no bad or good, right or wrong options.
  4. It is also necessary to warn schoolchildren: do not think about the answer for a long time, it is better to write the first thing that comes to mind.

If the teacher sees that the test-taker is thinking about the question for a long time, then it makes sense to approach him and try to explain the task again. In this case, it is impossible to answer for the test subject.

Files: Materials for diagnostics

Processing and interpretation of results

When analyzing the answers, the numbers of those questions that do not coincide with the key are underlined: for example, if the subject put "-" as an answer to question No. 41, and the key is "+", then the factor to which this task relates will be an indicator the nature of anxiety (in this example, an indifferent attitude to success).

Questionnaire Keys:

1 - 7 - 13 - 19 - 25 + 31 - 37 - 43 + 49 - 55 -
2 - 8 - 14 - 20 + 26 - 32 - 38 + 44 + 50 - 56 -
3 - 9 - 15 - 21 - 27 - 33 - 39 + 45 - 51 - 57 -
4 - 10 - 16 - 22 + 28 - 34 - 40 - 46 - 52 - 58 -
5 - 11 + 17 - 23 - 29 - 35 + 41 + 47 - 53 -
6 - 12 - 18 - 24 + 30 + 36 + 42 - 48 - 54 -

Then counted total number inconsistent answers. If there are more than half of them, then there is every reason to talk about an increased level of anxiety in the child. When more than 2/3 (75%) do not converge, it can be said with confidence that the student is experiencing severe anxiety.

Distribution of responses corresponding to anxiety syndromes:

FactorsQuestion numbers
General school anxiety2,3,7, 12, 16,21,23,26,28,46,47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58; sum = 22
Being in a situation of social stress5, 10, 15,20,24,30,33,36, 39,42, 44; sum = 11
No need for success1,3,6, 11, 17, 19,25,29,32,35,38, 41, 43; sum = 13
Fear of any self-expression27,31,34, 37, 40, 45; sum = 6
Fear of being called in class2.7, 12, 16, 21, 26; sum = 6
Fear of not meeting the expectations of loved ones and significant people3, 8, 13, 17, 22; sum = 5
Poor ability to physiologically withstand stress9, 14, 18, 23, 28; sum = 5
Difficulties in relationships with teachers2.6,; sum = 8

Analysis of coincidences within each group allows you to determine the emotional background of the child, as well as the number of certain factors that cause anxiety. The data are recorded in the protocol, which indicates the number of discrepancies for individual syndromes, determines the total number of anxiety factors for each subject, and then counts the number of children in the class (if the test is conducted in a group) who have:

Typically, to work with children whose rates range from 50 to 75%, they use:

  • role-playing games that help to demonstrate that the teacher is the same person as everyone else, who has no reason to be afraid;
  • conversations to convince the student of the following: to achieve success in any business, it is important to be interested in it yourself;
  • situations of success: the child is offered a task with which he will definitely cope, so that his relatives and classmates will know about his achievement - this helps to cultivate self-confidence.

If the student has a lot of discrepancies in the answers (over 75%), then correctional program should be developed by a child psychologist together with the teacher and parents. In this case, the child needs professional help.