How many people take the exam in computer science. The wave is gone. USE test structure

MOSCOW, June 26 - RIA Novosti. The results of the unified state exams are comparable to previous years, while some average scores differ significantly from last year, in particular, in computer science, the average score increased by four points, and in history - by almost three, follows from the data of Rosobrnadzor.

As previously reported in Rosobrnadzor, the maximum average score increased on the USE in specialized mathematics- six units. This year it was 56.5, last year it was 49.8, and in 2017 it was 47.1.

In addition, positive dynamics is observed at the Unified State Examination in Informatics, where the average score in 2019 was 62.4, in the past 58.4, but at the same time in 2017 it was 59.2. Average score in history, for two years it has always been 52.7, but this year it has grown by almost three units and amounted to 55.3.

According to Rosobrnadzor, stable results are observed at the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, so in 2017 the score was 69.1, last year - 70.9, and this year - 69.5. The same is the case with basic mathematics, which is evaluated on a five-point scale: in 2017 - 4.2; in 2018 - 4.3, in 2019 - 4.1.

As for foreign languages, a positive trend is observed in the state exam in German. In 2017, the average score was 63.8, last year it increased by 5.1 and amounted to 68.9, this year - 72.4.

English remains one of the most popular foreign languages. The average score in this subject in 2017 was 70.2, last year - 69.2, in 2019 - 73.8. Average score for French decreased slightly: two years ago it was 75.9, last year - 77.3, and this year - 73.1. Average score for Spanish also decreased compared to last year by 6.9 units and amounted to 72.2.

The most popular exam for several years has always been social studies. The average score on the Unified State Exam in social studies remains stable: in 2017 - 55.4; 2018 - 55.7, this year - 54.9. The average score on the USE in literature as a whole also remains stable, in 2017 it was 59.6; in 2018 - 62.7, in the same year it was 63.4. The score for geography is as follows: two years ago it was 55.1, last year - 56.6 and this year - 57.2.

At the same time, Rosobrnadzor statistics show that the average USE scores in natural science subjects have become the most stable. So, the average score on the Unified State Examination in Physics was 53.2 for two years in a row; in the current year has slightly grown and became 54.4. The average score in chemistry in 2017 was 55.2, last year it fell by 0.1 points, and in 2019 it was 56.7. The average USE score in biology in 2017 was 52.6; in 2018 - 51.7 and this year - 52.2.

The main period of the Unified State Exam started on May 27 with exams in geography and literature, and on May 29, schoolchildren wrote basic and profile mathematics, on May 31, graduates passed the Unified State Examination in chemistry and history. The most massive exam in the Russian language was held on June 3. USE in physics and the written part in foreign languages schoolchildren handed over on June 5, on June 7 and 8 passed oral part in foreign languages. The most popular elective exam - social science - was held on June 10. Exams in biology and computer science are held on June 13, they complete the USE in the main period, the reserve deadlines will last until July 1. According to Rosobrnadzor, 750,000 people will take exams in 2019.

On the official website of FIPI in the section "Analytical and teaching materials"published" Guidelines for teachers prepared on the basis of the analysis common mistakes participants of the USE 2017", it is here that you can find information about what was the average USE score in computer science in 2017.

Download document.

Table 1

Average USE score 2017 in informatics

In 2017, 52.8 thousand people took part in the Unified State Examination in Informatics and ICT, which is 3.5 thousand more than in 2016. This approximately corresponds to the increase in the total number of graduates in 2017.

In general, the share of those taking the exam from total number USE participants remains virtually unchanged: slightly above 7%. Regions with largest number participants: Moscow (7.8 thousand), Moscow region (3.2 thousand), St. Petersburg (2.7 thousand), Republic of Bashkortostan (2.3 thousand), Novosibirsk region(1.8 thousand).

In 2017, compared to 2016, the proportion of unprepared exam participants slightly decreased (to 40 test points). The proportion of participants with a basic level of training remained virtually unchanged (range from 40 to 60 tb). Significantly (by 5%), the group of the most prepared participants in the exam (81–100 tb) increased, partly due to a decrease in the share of the group of participants who scored 61–80 tb.

Thus, the total share of participants who scored significant for competitive admission to institutions higher education scores (61-100 TB) increased from 46.0% to 48.6%, which is consistent with the increase in the average test score from 56.65 in 2016 to 59.18 this year. The increase in the proportion of participants who scored high (81-100) test scores is partly due to the improvement in the preparation of exam participants, and partly to the stability of the examination model.

The total number of participants in the main period of the exam this year is more than 67 thousand people. This number has increased significantly compared to 2017, when 52.8 thousand people took the exam, and compared to 2016 (49.3 thousand people ), which corresponds to the trend towards the development of the digital sector of the economy in the country.

In 2018, compared to 2017, the share of unprepared exam participants slightly increased (by 1.54%) (up to 40 test points). The share of participants with a basic level of training decreased by 2.9% (range from 40 to 60 tb). The 61-80tb group of test takers increased by 3.71%, partly due to a 2.57% decrease in the share of the 81-100tb test takers. Thus, the total share of participants who scored significant points for competitive admission to higher education institutions (61-100 t.b.) increased by 1.05%, despite a decrease in the average test score from 59.2 in 2017 to 58 4 in the current year. Some increase in the proportion of participants who scored high (81-100) test scores is partly due to improved preparation of exam participants, partly to the stability of the examination model

More detailed analytical and methodological USE materials 2018 are available at the link.

Our website contains about 3,000 assignments for preparing for the Unified State Examination in Informatics in 2018. Overall plan examination work presented below.


Designation of the level of difficulty of the task: B - basic, P - advanced, C - high.

Content elements and activities to be checked

Task difficulty level

The maximum score for completing the task

Estimated time to complete the task (min.)

Exercise 1. Knowledge of number systems and binary representation of information in computer memory
Task 2. Ability to build truth tables and logic circuits
Task 3.
Task 4. Knowledge of the file system for organizing data or the technology of storing, searching and sorting information in databases
Task 5. Ability to encode and decode information
Task 6. Formal execution of an algorithm written in natural language or the ability to create a linear algorithm for a formal executor with a limited set of commands
Task 7. Knowledge of information processing technology in spreadsheets and data visualization methods using charts and graphs
Task 8. Knowledge of the basic constructions of the programming language, the concept of a variable, the assignment operator
Task 9. The ability to determine the information transfer rate for a given channel bandwidth, the amount of memory required to store sound and graphic information
Task 10. Knowledge of methods for measuring the amount of information
Task 11. Ability to execute recursive algorithm
Task 12. Knowledge of the basic principles of the organization and functioning of computer networks, network addressing
Task 13. The ability to calculate the information volume of the message
Task 14. The ability to execute an algorithm for a specific performer with a fixed set of commands
Task 15. Ability to represent and read data in different types information models(diagrams, maps, tables, graphs and formulas)
Task 16. Knowledge of positional number systems
Task 17. Ability to search for information on the Internet
Task 18. Knowledge of the basic concepts and laws of mathematical logic
Task 19. Working with arrays (filling, reading, searching, sorting, mass operations, etc.)
Task 20. Analysis of an algorithm containing a loop and branching
Task 21. Ability to analyze a program using procedures and functions
Task 22. Ability to analyze the result of the execution of the algorithm
Task 23. Ability to build and transform logical expressions
Task 24 (C1). Ability to read a fragment of a program in a programming language and correct errors
Task 25 (C2). Ability to compose an algorithm and write it as a simple program (10–15 lines) in a programming language
Task 26 (C3). Ability to build a game tree according to a given algorithm and justify a winning strategy
Task 27 (C4). Ability to create own programs (30–50 lines) for solving problems of medium complexity

Correspondence between minimum primary points and the minimum test scores of 2019. Order on amendments to Appendix No. 1 to the order Federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science. .


The order of Rosobrnadzor established the minimum number of points, confirming the development by the participants of the exams of the main general educational programs of the secondary (full) general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard secondary (complete) general education. THRESHOLD IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ICT: 6 primary points (40 test points).

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Graduates have finished taking the exam. Only ahead reserve days for those who could not pass the exam on time or received a failure. Rosobrnadzor summed up the first results. The average score of graduates on profile exam in mathematics - 49.8. The number was exactly the same last year. At the same time, the number of participants with test scores below 40 decreased by more than 9 percent, and the number of applicants with scores over 61 increased. That is, there are fewer unsuccessful jobs.

Chemistry and history graduates also passed almost the same as last year. 9 percent of graduates failed at the Unified State Examination in History, as they could not score the required minimum. Last year there were about the same number - 8.7 percent. But at the exam in chemistry there were much more losers. 15 percent of graduates did not score the required minimum. True, the statistics of Rosobrnadzor showed that students' interest in this subject has grown.

Graduates passed the geography and mathematics of the basic level a little better than last year. The average score for basic level math is 4.29, while it was 4.24. Losers - three percent, they will have to retake the exam, otherwise they may be left without a certificate. This year, the interest of graduates in geography has grown. She was chosen by 2 thousand people more.

Computer science graduates passed a little worse than last year.

Most hundred points are in Russian (the most massive exam), and less in social studies. Although this item is the most popular choice.

First person

Sergey Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor:

If you have not scored the required scores on the mandatory USE, and this is basic mathematics and Russian, then you can retake the exam this year on a reserve day. If it didn't work out again, then in September.

Elective subjects can only be retaken the next year. The results of the exam do not affect the mark in the certificate. But if you do not score the required minimum in compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics, you will not be able to get a certificate.

Which school to send the child to, so that he then passes the exam for 100 points?

Top 20 Best Schools by Graduate Competitiveness

  • SUNC MSU (Moscow)
  • Lyceum "Second School" (Moscow)
  • Lyceum of Scientific and Engineering Profile (Korolev)
  • Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum 239 (St. Petersburg)
  • Physics and Mathematics Lyceum 31 (Chelyabinsk)
  • School 1543 (Moscow)
  • School 179 (Moscow)
  • Phystekhlyceum them. Kapitsa (Moscow region, Dolgoprudny)
  • Lyceum at TPU (Tomsk)
  • School 57 (Moscow)
  • Physics and Mathematics Lyceum (Sergiev Posad)
  • School 1514 (Moscow)
  • School 1535 (Moscow)
  • Lyceum 1580 at MSTU im. Bauman
  • Yugorsk Physical and Mathematical Lyceum-Boarding School (Khanty-Mansiysk)
  • Academic Lyceum "Physico-Technical School" (St. Petersburg)
  • School "Intellectual" (Moscow)
  • School 2007 (Moscow)

Top 10 schools in technical, natural sciences and exact sciences

  • SUNC MSU (Moscow)
  • Pre-University MEPhI (Moscow)
  • Lyceum at TPU (Tomsk)
  • Lyceum "Second School" (Moscow)
  • SUNC NGU (Novosibirsk)
  • Governor's Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 30 (St. Petersburg)
  • School 1568 im. Pablo Neruda (Moscow)

Top 10 in "economics and management"

  • HSE Lyceum (Moscow)
  • School 1535 (Moscow)
  • School 1799 (Moscow)
  • Lyceum 1580 at MSTU im. Bauman (Moscow)
  • School 1329 (Moscow)
  • School 117 (Moscow)
  • School 710 (Moscow)
  • Kirov Economic and Legal Lyceum (Kirov)
  • School 1518 (Moscow)
  • School 2086 (Moscow)

Top 10 Schools in Medicine

  • School 1535 (Moscow)
  • School 1253 (Moscow)
  • School 1501(Moscow)
  • Kurchatov School (Moscow)
  • School 1529 (Moscow)
  • SUNC MSU (Moscow)
  • School 1950 (Moscow)
  • School 144 (Moscow)
  • School 654 (Moscow)
  • Elista Lyceum (Elista)

Almost 750 thousand people took part in the main period of the Unified State Exam - 2019, of which 662 thousand are graduates of the current year.

The exam was held in all regions of Russia and 54 countries abroad. 5,713 examination points (EPS), about 51,000 classrooms were involved in the conduct. In addition, 351 points at home and 16 points in medical institutions were organized.

Most Popular Item

Most wanted in 2019 subject by choice among graduates of the 11th grade became social science. It was handed over by 315 thousand people. Next in popularity are: physics, biology, history, chemistry and computer science.

Encouraging USE results in mathematics

On May 29, schoolchildren passed the basic level mathematics (compulsory for everyone) and professional level(optionally). First results passing the exam show a significant increase in the level of knowledge of schoolchildren.

Coincidence or regularity?

Despite the many scandals associated with hard holding the exam 2019 in relation to students, schoolchildren who took the exam in mathematics unexpectedly performed well.

USE in mathematics 2019 was held May 29– basic and profile level. A basic level of handed over by students who do not need mathematics in further education. Exam results are determined by 5 point(school) scale. To obtain a certificate of general secondary education, it is enough to get "troika".

Math on profile level pass those who need this exam for admission to a university, college. The result of the exam is determined by 100 point scale.

In total, over the country, good scores in mathematics (from 81 to 100) were scored by more than 25,000 people, A average test score increased by 6 points compared to 2018 results. 100-point results in mathematics in 2019 were shown by students from 69 cities and settlements Russia.

The most distinguished city in Russia is St. Petersburg. Here, the largest number of school graduates passed the Unified State Examination in mathematics with a hundred-point result. Compared to 2018, the number of 100 points there has quadrupled from 20 to 82 people!

The Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239 was especially distinguished, in which the cherished 100 points passed the exam 34 people. This is the best result in the country among educational institutions.

* Lesson at the Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239 (St. Petersburg)

The high results of the Unified State Examination in mathematics confirm the results of studies on the increasing popularity of areas of education related to the exact sciences and, first of all, to IT areas.

The growing popularity of these areas of education is due to the demand for these specialists in the labor market not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Besides, wages in this area, some of the highest among university graduates, and the personal self-esteem of young professionals is the highest among other professions.

USE-2019 results in chemistry and history

89,000 people took the exam in chemistry this year, and the number of participants in the exam increased by about 4,000. The number of participants who did not pass the minimum threshold of 36 test scores decreased by about 1.5%. The overall results of passing the exam in chemistry exceeded last year's results by an average of 1 point, and in history by 2.5 points.

Unified State Examination stories in the main period of the main period, about 103 thousand people surrendered. The share of high-scoring results (81-100 points) increased by 2%, the share of USE participants who did not overcome the minimum threshold of 32 points decreased by about 2.7%.

Despite the relatively modest progress in mastering these subjects, it should be noted that with the general tightening of the rules for conducting exams and the expected deterioration in the overall indicators associated with such toughening, this did not happen. The results show a general trend towards an increase in the number of students who successfully passed the exams.

USE-2019 results in geography and literature

About 17,000 participants took the geography exam, a little more than last year. About 6% of the exam participants could not overcome the minimum threshold. About 44,000 people passed the USE in literature, which is 1,500 more than last year. About 4% of participants scored below the minimum threshold, and about 60% scored well in the range of 61-100 test scores.

USE-2019 results in biology and informatics

Almost 90,000 participants registered for the Unified State Examination in Informatics and ICT, of which 88,000 are graduates of the current year. 2567 PES were used to conduct the exam.

Installed minimum score on the Unified State Examination in informatics and ICT is 40 points, in biology - 36 points. Participants of the exams will know their results no later than June 27.

Summing up first USE Rosobrnadzor reports: “The results of the Unified State Examination in Literature, Geography and Basic Mathematics in 2019 generally remained at the level of last year, and the results in specialized mathematics improved. In general, the results of the first exams do not show any anomalies, they are natural and confirm the transparency and objectivity of the USE"

✅ Latest news on the results of the Unified State Examination of July 24, 2019

On July 24, 2019, a press conference "On the results of the main USE period", at which the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova and representatives of Rosobrnadzor announced USE results 2019.

“According to our assessment, a single State exam held at a fairly high organizational level. We do not note any serious failures, although we had some problems. But such a complex process with such big amount participants cannot pass 100% without any deviations, nevertheless, Rosobrnadzor, together with colleagues from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, successfully coped with all the problems and tasks set” - T. Golikova

Almost 750 thousand people took part in the main period of the USE-2019, of which 662 thousand are graduates of the current year. During the main period of the Unified State Examination, 5,713 examination points (PETs), about 51,000 classrooms were involved, and 351 points were organized at home and 16 points in medical institutions. The exams were held in all regions of Russia and 54 countries abroad.

The most popular electives among 11th grade graduates are:

  • social science (surrendered by 315 thousand people),
  • physics (139 thousand),
  • biology (124 thousand),
  • history (103 thousand),
  • chemistry (89 thousand),
  • informatics (75 thousand).

For the first time in 2019 was held Unified State Examination Chinese . The average test score in Chinese was 62.5 points. One USE participant in Chinese from Moscow scored 100 points.

The Chinese language has been added to the list of elective subjects for the USE in 2019. The exam in Chinese consists of a written and an oral part, which are taken on different days. The written part includes the sections "Listening", "Reading", "Grammar and Vocabulary", "Writing", the oral part - the section "Speaking". In total, students are asked to complete 44 tasks of basic, advanced and high levels of complexity during the exam.

Key quality indicators

The number of 100-point works increased by 557 compared to last year - up to 6 729 . Two participants of the USE-2019 were able to score 400 points in four subjects, 30 participants became three hundred points. The number of high-scoring works increased by almost 26,000 to 302,000 (from 81 to 100 points).

Identified violations on the exam by students

Behind various violations during the main period of the USE-2019, 812 people were removed from the exams, the number of those removed decreased compared to last year. The most common violations are still the presence of mobile phones (355 remote) and cribs(323 deleted).

Summary table based on the results of the USE 2019.

Rosobrnadzor will sum up the results of the entire examination campaign in 2019 in September-October 2019 at its All-Russian meeting.