South Ural State University for an applicant. South Ural State University. Creative teams of the university

Full name: Federal state budgetary educational institution higher vocational education « South Ural State University" (National research university) FSBEI HPE "SUSU" (NRU). The university is among the top ten universities in Russia in the ranking of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

University features

The educational policy of South Ural State University is aimed at training specialists who are competitive in the global labor market, possessing the knowledge and skills (including the skill of self-education) necessary for the production of new knowledge, technologies, goods and services that are internationally competitive. As part of the innovative educational program, the university has equipped more than 20 educational and scientific laboratories with the latest equipment, debugged a system of continuous modernization curricula and courses based on the use of modern computer and educational technologies, created a unified university information infrastructure, including access to both external sources of information and university information. The pre-university training system combines preparatory courses (lasting from 1 month to 3 years), schools of economics, computer science, in-depth training of the most gifted students in physics and mathematics classes, various forms career guidance and etc.

The system of continuing professional education is represented by continuity educational programs implemented at the university. The structure of specialties and areas of graduate training is focused on the needs for qualified personnel of the city, region and the South Ural region and is changing towards an increase not only in the number of university-level educational programs, but also in the number of students enrolled in these educational programs.

Programs are being developed that provide additional education, which increases the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.

A methodological base for creating resources for the distance learning process has been developed, scientific research is being carried out, cycles of seminars on the use of computer and distance technologies in educational process, actively developing electronic teaching aids.

Many university graduates hold key positions in government at the federal, regional and municipal levels, have become prominent scientists, major organizers of production and financial and economic structures. In 2017, the 240,000th specialist will leave the walls of the university.

South Ural State University is one of the leading universities in Russia. The University trains bachelors, specialists, masters and graduate students in more than 300 areas of technical, socio-economic, legal, natural sciences and other fields.

South Ural State University is one of the leading universities in Russia. The University trains bachelors, specialists, masters and graduate students in more than 300 areas of technical, socio-economic, legal, natural sciences and other fields.

South Ural State University (SUGU), Chelyabinsk, is one of the largest educational institutions in Russia. SUSU is among the top ten Russian multidisciplinary universities according to the rating of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation and the social Navigator project.

Since 2010, SUSU has had the status of a National Research University. In 2015, the university became one of the Russian universities selected to participate in the 5-100 project in order to increase the competitiveness of Russian universities.

In 2018, for the first time in its history, South Ural State University entered the ranking of the best universities in the world, compiled by the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) consulting company from the UK.

SUSU includes 10 institutes and schools, 2 faculties (the faculty of pre-university training and the faculty of military education), as well as 3 branches. Today, more than 28 thousand students from 48 countries of the world study at SUSU. South Ural State University has over 140 international partners and 3,000 contracts with Russian and international companies.

The University conducts training using distance technologies.

The university provides constant access to educational materials, which allows students to study course materials in advance - this makes classes with teachers more dynamic and practice-oriented.

Massive open online courses are posted on the Internet sites of the University.

SUSU's strategy is digitalization. The main direction of development is the digital industry. The university is launching 4 projects in the digital industry together with the largest industrial partner - the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

At first school year SUSU is launching project-based education as part of the University's development strategy. All projects will be coordinated with the leading enterprises of the Russian Federation and the world market and correspond to the advanced level of technology, the tasks that the business solves. There are also many humanitarian projects - virtual project The Museum of Writers of the South Urals, launched as part of a master's program in philology, the Museum of Artists of the South Urals, which art historians are working on, the EUcheek project (Evrochek), implemented by journalists at the request of an international organization, and others.

The most successful projects, together with teams of specialists, will be transferred to enterprises, government agencies and organizations for subsequent implementation of projects in industry or the public sphere.

Currently, the University includes:

  • Institute of Architecture and Construction,
  • Higher medical and biological school,
  • Higher School of Economics and Management,
  • Graduate School of Electronics and Computer Science,
  • Institute of Natural and Exact Sciences,
  • Institute of Linguistics and International Communications,
  • Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities,
  • Institute additional education,
  • Institute of Open and Distance Education,
  • Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service,
  • Polytechnical Institute,
  • Law Institute,
  • Faculty of military training,
  • Faculty of pre-university training.

The SUSU Faculty of Military Education is one of the best in the country. Since 2018, training at the faculty has been conducted in 6 specialties. The university provides a unique opportunity to pass military service without interruption of study.

More than 40 laboratories operate on the basis of the university, including international ones, working under the guidance of leading foreign professors.

Sports infrastructure is well developed at SUSU. Students have at their disposal an Olympic-standard swimming pool, an athletics arena, 18 sports halls; in 2018 a climbing wall will be built. Currently, the University implements more than 25 sports areas.

In May 2018, the Testing Center for the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" was established on the basis of the SUSU Sports Club. Upon admission to the university, the golden badge of distinction of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex of the TRP adds 10 points to the amount of the Unified State Examination.

SUSU is included in Project 5-100, a state program to support Russia's largest universities.

SUSU is also included in many Russian and world rankings. For the first time, the university was included in one of the most authoritative rankings of the best universities in the world QS World University Rankings, as well as in the world subject ranking in technical sciences according to the international rating agency Round University Ranking. In 2018, SUSU moved up to 12th place among Russian universities and 414th place in the global ranking according to RankPro. In the national ranking of Russian universities by Interfax, SUSU occupies the 33rd position; 9th position in the national ranking of demand for classical universities in Russia; is in the top 10 national ranking inventive activity of universities; ranks 5th in the country in the section "Demand for inventions".

SUSU has 4 branches:

  • city ​​of Zlatoust;
  • Miass city;
  • Nizhnevartovsk city;
  • Satka.

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Date of registration of the operator in the register: 16.05.2008

Grounds for entering the operator in the register (order number): 343

Operator location address: 454080, Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk, Lenin avenue, 76

Start date of personal data processing: 01.01.2008

Subjects of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the processing of personal data takes place: Chelyabinsk region

Purpose of personal data processing: receipt, storage, combination, transfer of direct personal data in connection with labor relations. Implementation of the activities defined by the Charter of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "SUSU"

Description of the measures provided for by Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: Developed and approved by order of the rector No. 244 of 06/16/2017. Regulation on the policy regarding the processing of personal data. Developed and approved by order of the rector No. 114 dated May 25, 2010 Regulations on the information and analytical system "Univeris". Order No. 235 dated 06/07/2017 appointed a person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data. Local acts on the processing of personal data have been developed. Internal control is exercised over the compliance of personal data processing with Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” and the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, and the requirements for the protection of personal data. Employees directly involved in the processing of personal data are familiar with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, including the requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the organization's policy regarding the processing of personal data, local acts on the processing of personal data. Rules for access to personal data processed in the personal data information system have been developed, as well as registration and accounting of all actions performed with personal data in the personal data information system.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, passport data, gender, citizenship, studied language, work book data, specialty , pension insurance card number, military registration documents, place of previous work, professional retraining, diploma qualification, profession, CV, attestation results, student ID, session results, results state exams, USE results and other documents submitted by applicants during the period of entrance examinations and participation in the competition for admission to the university.

List of actions with personal data: Collection, accumulation, systematization, updating, clarification, storage, transfer and destruction of personal data.

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Art. 23, 24 Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 86-90 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law "On Personal Data" dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ, No. 273-FZ Art. 98 "Information systems in the education system", Charter of the University, Regulations on the policy regarding the processing of personal data, approved by order of the rector No. 244 of 06/16/2017.

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location details: Russia

Chelyabinsk, prospekt Lenina, 76

The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Ural State University" (National Research University) is one of the largest educational institutions in Russia and the largest in the Chelyabinsk region. In the early 2000s, it was the largest university in Russia in terms of the number of students.

SUSU is known for its scientific achievements, high level training of specialists, fundamental scientific base and modern infrastructure. It's multidisciplinary educational institution, in the scientific and educational process of which the latest Smart technologies are being introduced: modern information and communication technologies for managing the educational process, interdisciplinary collaborations, a system of multi-level training of specialists and scientific personnel, new technologies in education (MOOC, e-learning and b-learning), an innovative course and many others.

Participant of Project 5-100 (Project for improving the competitiveness of leading Russian universities among the world's leading scientific and educational centers).

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ SUSU: a city within a city

    ✪ Interesting girls from SUSU - South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk

    ✪ Higher School of Russia. South Ural State University.

    ✪ This is our university: international students of SUSU



The history of SUSU is the stages of formation and dynamic development connected with the history of Russia. From an institute consisting of only two faculties, the university has turned into a national research university, known not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Foundation - Chelyabinsk Mechanical Engineering Institute - 1943

In order to prevent a "personnel shortage" in September 1943, the people's commissar of the tank industry V. A. Malyshev, director of Tankograd, deputy people's commissar I. M. Zaltsman and the head of the Chelyabinsk regional committee of the CPSU (b) N. S. Patolichev appealed to the Council of People's Commissars with a request for creation in Chelyabinsk of its own institute.

In December 1943, an associate professor, Ph.D. Pyotr Alekseevich Grishin. The day he signed Order No. 1 - December 15, 1943 - is celebrated at SUSU as the university's birthday.

In 1943-1944 the Institute was located in different parts of Chelyabinsk. First faculty laboratory technical measurements housed in a shed with stove heating, and the first welding laboratory - in the pantry of the school building. After the start of the re-evacuation of factories and institutions, the university was located in a three-story store building on Spartak Street - now the Detsky Mir store is located there. Initially, the institute had only two faculties - mechanical-technological and tank, which in 1944 was renamed the faculty of wheeled-tracked vehicles. The faculties included 24 departments.

From the first years of its existence, CMMI began to engage in research work in the field of mechanical engineering. This was a wartime requirement: the country needed equipment and people capable of operating this equipment. During the years of post-war reconstruction National economy the country needed specialists of a new profile: machine builders, metallurgists, power engineers, builders. This was reflected in the structure of the university - new faculties appeared. By the end of the forties, it became clear that within the framework of the former structure, the institute would not be able to effectively solve the tasks facing it - a reorganization began, which marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of the university. By this time, over 900 students were studying in nine specialties.

Formation - Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute - since 1951

In order to train scientific and teaching staff in March, a Council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations was created at the CPI in the specialties "Mechanical Science, Drive Systems and Machine Parts", "Heat Engines", "Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles". A postgraduate department was opened, scientific and pedagogical personnel were trained at the departments of "Machine tools and tools", "Physical chemistry", "Building structures", "Gyroscopic instruments and devices", "Water supply and sewerage" and others.

From the very beginning of the existence of the university, scientific schools and laboratories were formed, which were guided by the solution of defense (in war time), and then national economic tasks: a problem laboratory (New technological processes of rolling), 12 industry laboratories and 12 laboratories created by order of the rector. Later, a problem laboratory of control systems and a laboratory of radio electronics were opened, which later became the Research Institute of Digital Systems.

Development - Chelyabinsk State Technical University - since 1990

In 1990, the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute. Lenin Komsomol was renamed Chelyabinsk State Technical University(ChGTU). At this time, the development of humanitarian specialties, departments, faculties began at the university.

In connection with the transition to a market economy in the country, there was a need for humanitarian specialists: financiers, accountants, economists, lawyers, linguists, historians, and psychologists. Technical universities then already realized the need for fundamental training of specialists in the field of natural science education and raising the cultural level of students.

The transformation of CPI into a state university, developing in accordance with the modern concept of technical education, contributed to the formation of new faculties and areas of training of specialists: the Faculty of Economics and Management, international faculty, social and humanitarian faculty and others.

Perfection - South Ural State University - since 1997

In 1997 ChSTU was renamed into South Ural State University, becoming from a technical classic.

A new stage in the development of the university begins with the opening of new faculties and departments: legal, physical, mechanical and mathematical, historical, chemical faculties and many others [ what?] .

In April 2010, SUSU becomes one of 15 Russian universities that receive the status of "National Research University" . From this moment, a new period in the development of SUSU begins in tougher conditions of competitive ratings, globalization, openness of the educational process, and market relations in the field of intellectual services.

In 2015, the university became one of the universities participating in Project 5-100, the purpose of which is to strengthen the competitive position of a group of leading Russian universities in the global market of educational services. As part of the Roadmap [ what?] of the 5-100 project, SUSU has optimized its structure by creating 10 higher schools and institutes that train specialists using modern smart technologies [ what?] .

SUSU in facts and figures

SUSU today is the center of educational, scientific, cultural and sports life in the Southern Urals. 32,000 students study here, more than 6,000 teachers and employees work here. In total, over 240 thousand specialists with higher education, tens of thousands of Candidates and Doctors of Science have been trained in the history of SUSU. Today, SUSU has 264 bachelor's and specialist's programs, 150 master's programs, 86 areas of postgraduate training, and 200 additional specialized education programs.

University students have an interesting sports and cultural life. They have a unique sports base at their disposal - an athletics arena with two tennis courts, the largest Olympic-standard swimming pool in Russia, the Sports Palace with eighteen specialized sports halls for boxing, weightlifting, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, table tennis and other sports with a total area of ​​3200 m². Own recreation center, sports and recreation and children's camps. Among the graduates of the university are the champions of the Olympic Games, eminent masters of sports, members of the Olympic teams.

SUSU has 21 student organization, there is a Center for Creativity and Leisure. SUSU vocal, instrumental, dance and theater groups annually hold over 200 concerts and over 50 themed holidays and events: Miss SUSU, Student Spring, Odyssey of the Mind, Star Olympiad, etc. In Russia and beyond known abroad for its avant-garde theatrical performances student theater "Mannequin".

Over 13,000,000 copies of books are in the fund of the largest in the region scientific library SUSU. On the basis of the university, there are 7 museums and the only university television and radio company in Russia, SUSU-TV, broadcasting 24 hours a day, on air via cable networks and on the Internet.


Places in international rankings

  • RankPro - 2017: 573
  • Webometrics - 2017: 26 (country)

Places in Russian ratings

  • "MIA Russia Today", rating of demand for universities in the Russian Federation: 13
  • Potanin-2016 rating: 17 (Top Universities in Russia)
  • Interfax - 2016: 45-46

Parameter Socialization: 27; Parameter Internationalization: 31-32

University structure

High Schools and Institutes

  • Architectural and Construction Institute.
  • Higher medical-biological school.
  • Higher School of Economics and Management.
  • Graduate School of Electronics and Computer Science.
  • Institute of Linguistics and International Communications.
  • Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities.
  • Institute of Natural and Exact Sciences.
  • Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service.
  • Polytechnical Institute.
  • Law Institute.

Science and Innovation at SUSU

Today, SUSU scientific research is focused on four main areas of knowledge and breakthrough areas of research, on the development of which all efforts are directed - engineering, supercomputing, natural sciences and human sciences. In area engineering the most important area of ​​breakthrough is space engineering, in particular, the development of methods for protecting the Earth from asteroids. In the field natural sciences - developments related to alternative sources energy (solar batteries, hydrogen energy). IN supercomputer area focuses on data mining. In area human sciences the efforts of SUSU scientists are focused on studying the molecular mechanisms of chronic emotional stress development. [ ]

The main transfer tools [ what?] technology is innovation infrastructure SUSU, which is a set of divisions that ensure the transfer of scientific and technical developments, their distribution and implementation on the market:

  • Scientific and educational institutes with their departments, RECs and laboratories, which are generators of new scientific developments and innovative projects.
  • The project preparation and support service attracts extrabudgetary funds to the university through the commercialization of scientific developments.
  • The Patent Department preserves and develops the intellectual potential of the university for its scientific and technical And economic development, is responsible for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation, partnership and integration with scientific organizations and industrial enterprises of Russia and foreign countries based on the intellectual property of the university.
  • The business incubator implements youth entrepreneurship programs focused on solving socially significant problems of the region, for the development of a system of youth professional competitions involving the public and employers.
  • Small innovative enterprises created with equity participation in their authorized capital of SUSU are a key element of the final stage of the innovation process.

Today, SUSU has created 29 scientific and educational centers and laboratories:

  • Research and Production Institute "Educational Equipment and Technologies".
  • Research Institute "Experimental Mechanical Engineering": Laboratory of Experimental Mechanics, Laboratory of Composite Materials, Laboratory of Shell Design electronic systems Management, Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Physical Modeling of Thermomechanical Processes, Resource Center for Special Metallurgy..
  • REC "Geoinformation Technologies".
  • REC "Aerospace Technologies".
  • REC "Energy and resource-efficient technologies in diesel engine building for armored vehicles and engineering vehicles".
  • REC "Nanotechnologies".
  • Sports Science Research Center.
  • Laboratory of Supercomputer Modeling".
  • Laboratory of Physical Research.
  • Laboratory "Energy Efficient Technologies in the Field of Metallurgy and Modern Materials".
  • Laboratory "Energy saving in housing and communal services and social sphere".

8 international scientific laboratories, curated by the world's leading scientists:

  • Laboratory for Multiscale Modeling of Polyfunctional Compounds (Laboratory Leader: Artem Masunov, Ph.D., University of Central Florida, USA).
  • Laboratory of Molecular Electronics (Laboratory Director: Wolfgang Haase, Prof. Dr., Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany).
  • Migration Research Laboratory (Lab Head: Sahadeo Jeff, Ph.D., Carleton University, Canada).
  • Food Gradient Synthesis and Analysis Laboratory (Laboratory Leader: Shirish H. Sonawane, Dr., Warangal National Institute of Technology, India).
  • Neurohepatology Laboratory (Laboratory Leader: Licinio Julio, Prof., Flinders University, Australia).
  • Laboratory of Mechanics, Laser Processes and Digital Manufacturing Technologies (Laboratory Director: Bertrand Philippe, PhD, National School of Engineering Saint-Étienne, France).
  • Laboratory of technical self-diagnostics and self-control of devices and systems (Laboratory leader: Manus Henry, Dr., Oxford University, UK).
  • Domain-Based Cloud Lab (Head of the Laboratory: Andrey Chernykh, Ph.D., Professor, Center scientific research And higher education, Mexico).

An important priority for SUSU is the creation of an innovative environment and the development of small business. Today, 68 small innovative enterprises operate in the university to commercialize the results of the intellectual activity of the university.

The International Scientific Council was established to coordinate research and educational activities University in accordance with the best world practices [ what?] .

The council included 11 leading scientists with extensive experience in fundamental and computer sciences, engineering and medicine:

  • Edward L. Monser is President of Emerson.
  • Dr. Earl Dowell is Professor at William Holland College, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University.
  • Dr. Jack Dongarra (English) Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Tennessee.
  • Dr. Thomas Ludwig - Director of the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ), professor at the University of Hamburg.
  • Dr. Mutapandian Ashokkumar is a sonochemistry physicist who teaches undergraduate and graduate specialty chemistry and is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Melbourne.
  • Dr. Santiago Garcia Granda (English)- Rector of the University of Oviedo (English)(Asturias, Spain).
  • Dr. Panagiotis A. Koutentis is Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus.
  • Dr. Maria Josepha Yuzuel is a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts in Barcelona, ​​the Academy of Granada and the Royal Academy of Sciences of Zaragoza, a member of the board of various scientific associations - the Optical Society of the USA, the advisory committee of the Triestre System Optical Sciences and Applications (since 2003), since 2001 - a member Board of Directors of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), member of the Russian Federation of European Societies of Optics; member of the European Optical Society, member of the Institute of Physics (IOP)); member of the International Commission on Optics, laureate of the Galileo Galilei Prize (ICO Galileo Galilei Award, in 2015 was awarded the medal of the Spanish Royal Physical Society (RSEF).
  • Dr. Jaywan Kim is the acting president of the Korea Institute for Advanced Study.
  • Dr. Ron de Clos is Professor at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (EM), Professor at the LACDR / LUMC Department of Medical Pharmacology, Leiden University.
  • Dr. Mohammed Milad is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

International partnership

One of the priority areas for the development of South Ural State University is international cooperation in the educational and scientific fields. The university actively supports and expands international relations. SUSU has more than 140 active agreements with foreign universities, transnational corporations, and the largest industrial enterprises from 48 countries of the world. The university holds international exhibitions and scientific conferences, organizes open lectures by foreign scientists.

Scientists and staff of the university are conducting advanced developments with leading companies and universities of the world, such as Oxford University(Great Britain), Carleton University (Canada), University of Central Florida (USA), Saint-Etienne National School of Engineering (France), Technical University Darmstadt (Germany), Warangal National Institute of Technology (India), University of Melbourne (Australia), Emerson corporations , Endress+Hauser, SMS Demag and others.

key international partners of SUSU are the transnational corporation Emerson, the concern Siemens AG, the industrial company SMS-group, a manufacturer of hardware and software IBM, innovation and production company Knauf Gips KG, energy company Fortum Corporation.

Particular attention is paid to visiting schools and programs double diplomas with Germany, USA, China. Students study partly at SUSU, and partly at foreign partner universities. Joint master's programs with Clark University (USA) are carried out in the following areas of training: management: profile "Management in the field of information technology", management: profile "Marketing communications". Joint master's programs with Lappeenranta technological university(Finland) in the following areas: Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology, Power Engineering (Electric Drives and Control Systems for Electric Drives), Power Engineering (Integrated Use of Renewable Energy Sources), Innovation (Management of Innovative Projects). Joint double degree programs with Chinese universities: Master Program in Management (with Zhejiang Ocean University) and in food technology(with Xuchuan University).

Particular attention is paid to cultural issues and the rapprochement of students various countries and nations. Work with representative offices is actively developing Rossotrudnichestvo which are located all over the world. SUSU is a member of a number of major international specialized associations, among which the Association technical universities Russia and China (ATURC) and the Russian-Chinese Association economic universities(RKAEU). The University takes an active part in the work of the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and many other educational and scientific structures. The university operates regional branch of the Association of Foreign Students of Russia.

South Ural State University has a Center for Socio-Cultural Adaptation for foreign students to make them feel comfortable and quickly "join" the Russian-speaking educational environment.

Extracurricular work

Every year, about 200 different events are held at the university, many of them are already traditional. For example, the SUSU Mister and Miss contest is held annually, in which participants compete in beauty, intelligence, and creativity.

The university administration provides premises for student public organizations Among which are: the SUSU Council of Young Scientists, the SUSU KVN League, the Headquarters of Student Labor Teams, the Debate Club, the SUSU Campus Council, the SUSU Photo School and the Young Leader School. The Helping Hand Center for Social Support is actively operating. The university has dozens of sports sections and amateur creative teams.


University created unique sports base- Palace of Sports and Educational and Sports Complex. They include specialized gyms for basketball, volleyball, wrestling, weightlifting, boxing and kickboxing, aerobics, shaping, 4 gyms, and the Universitetsky shaping center.

The pride of the university is a 50-meter Olympic-standard swimming pool with 10 lanes, an athletics arena with a synthetic 200-meter track (when transformed, 2 tennis courts are equipped in its central part). This place serves as a base for the training of future athletes in the field of professional swimming, the development of sports achievements and is one of the few places in the city and in Russia where swimming competitions of various levels and scales can be held [ ] .

Culture and art

For now [ When?] at the university there are 23 creative teams in various creative areas:

  • theater: studio-theatre "Mannequin", fashion theater "Valkyrie", musical theater "Folk-tone";
  • choreography: SUSU dance team Crazy family, modern dance group Deep Vision, ballroom dance ensemble, classical dance studio L-Classic, dance ensemble Paradox, Urban Dance studio;
  • music: Body and Soul vocal and instrumental ensemble, Pianist studio, Russian folk instruments orchestra, jazz ensemble, jazz orchestra conducted by Georgy Anokhin, chamber orchestra;
  • vocals: Primavera choir, art song club, pop song studio, choir of the autotractor faculty;
  • literature: literary association "Student Parnassus".

Well-known creative groups perform in the halls of SUSU. Often, the best bands that come to Chelyabinsk on tour perform twice - at city concert venues and at SUSU.

Since 2003, the SUSU Hall of Arts has been open to all students and staff South Ural University, as well as other universities, schools, residents of the city, in which the exposition changes monthly, formed from the funds of various museums, collections of artists and collectors. The SUSU Exhibition Hall has become a creative and educational laboratory for art students, where they try their hand as tour guides and art critics.

In 2005, on the basis of the Pushkin Hall at the Department of Art History and Cultural Studies, Education Centre"Russian Museum: virtual branch", equipped with unique modern equipment, including allowing direct communication with the Russian Museum and its branches.


The university has a media complex - "360-degree multimedia newsroom", which technologically in the digital space unites the student television and radio company "SUSU-TV", the educational studio "Radio SUSU", the university newspaper "Technopolis" and the youth Internet portal NewsroomDigital "SUSU-TV" . The SUSU Photo School operates.


The SUSU campus consists of 8 dormitories located in the city center. Nearby is a forest park zone: the Gagarin Culture and Leisure Park and the Chelyabinsk city pine forest.

On the territory of the campus there are: a canteen, a hairdressing salon "Studencheskaya", 4 small grocery stores, a cafe "Studencheskoe", a university building "Sigma", where there is a conference room and a cafe. Nearby are the educational buildings of SUSU, a student clinic, a swimming pool, a sports complex, an athletics complex named after. E. Elesina, shoe repair shop (Main building). Each hostel has: Wi-Fi, training and sports rooms, laundries.

Today, in addition to all the amenities of everyday life, there are also opportunities for study. In each hostel, a student can use free Internet access.

Scientific Library of SUSU

The Scientific Library of the South Ural State University was founded in 1943 and is currently the largest university library in the Urals [ ] . The library has funds that include both modern scientific, educational, reference publications (domestic and foreign), as well as collections of rare books of the 19th-20th centuries. The volume of the fund is over 2 million storage units. Printed funds supplement millions [ ] electronic documents- books, magazines, newspapers, video and audio materials. The structure of the library consists of 11 reading rooms, two halls electronic resources, 4 subscriptions (natural science and technical literature, social and humanitarian literature, fiction and subscription for students absentee form learning).

Museums of SUSU

  • Museum of History of SUSU

The museum was founded in 1980 on the initiative of Irina Alexandrovna Korobova, chairman of the CPI Veterans Council, with the support of Rector Vitaly Vasilyevich Melnikov. The first part of the exposition is devoted to the creation of the university. Museum visitors will learn about how in 1951 ChMMI was transformed into the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute, how the first student cards and grade books looked like. Also in the museum there is a model of the Building of the Shopping Center, the Book of Honored Guests of the CPI.

  • Geological Museum

The opening of the Geological Museum at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering of SUSU took place on April 12, 2010. The exposition presents rocks and minerals that reflect the natural wealth of the Ural region. The museum has a wide range of ores (iron, copper, nickel and others), raw materials for making building materials. In addition, here you can see ornamental, semi-precious and precious stones. In total, the museum presents about a thousand exhibits.

  • art hall

The Hall of Arts of the South Ural State University was opened on May 8, 2003. During the years of the Hall of Arts's work, more than 60 exhibitions were held here, which presented works from the funds of the Chelyabinsk Regional State Museum of Arts, the Chelyabinsk Regional Branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, the creative association "Guild masters”, private collections of artists and collectors. Of particular note are the exposures Russian Academy Arts and the State Russian Museum. Gradually, the university's own art collection is being created, based on the gifts of artists. Photography also does not go unnoticed. The Hall of Arts regularly hosts photo exhibitions of famous Chelyabinsk and Russian photographers.

  • Museum "Peoples and Technologies of the Southern Urals" SUSU

The museum was opened on August 31, 2011. It contains the most valuable exhibits found on the territory of the Southern Urals by teachers and students of the SUSU Faculty of History. The exhibits cover the widest time range - from the period of the early Paleolithic, ending with finds from the time of the development of the lands of the Southern Urals by Russians. The museum contains various household items, jewelry, weapons, art objects, etc.

  • Branch of the Russian Museum

"Russian Museum: Virtual Branch" was opened jointly with the State Russian Museum on November 16, 2005. The educational center "Russian Museum: Virtual Branch" opened on the basis of the Pushkin Hall is equipped with unique modern equipment, including allowing direct communication with the Russian Museum and its branches . Educational Foundation virtual museum is more than 500 items of storage: books, albums, videos, disks, slides and computer programs. More than 5,000 people visit the hall every year.

Famous Alumni

The university has graduated more than 240 thousand specialists. Among the graduates are political, scientific and economic figures, including the chairman of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission V. B. Khristenko, minister A. P. Pochinok, governors G. K. Merkulov,

(G) 55.16 , 61.37
South Ural State University
original name Chelyabinsk Mechanical Engineering Institute
international name English South Ural State University
Motto lat. Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam(I'll find a way or I'll make it)
Year of foundation
Type classical university
The president G. P. Vyatkin
Rector A. L. Shestakov
students OK. 58 000
professors 320
Location Chelyabinsk, as well as branches in Ash, Verkhny Ufaley, Zlatoust, Kus, Kyshtym, Miass, Nizhnevartovsk, Nyazepetrovsk, Ozersk, Satka, Snezhinsk, Tryokhgorny, Ust-Katav
Legal address Russia, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenina Avenue, 76

State educational institution of higher professional education South Ural State University- the largest (in terms of the number of students - about 58 thousand) higher educational institution in Russia. The university is located in Chelyabinsk, has branches in 13 cities of Russia (mainly in the Chelyabinsk region) as well as in Nizhnevartovsk and Ufa.

The university (as of 2011) issued approx. 150 thousand specialists.

University symbols

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of SUSU is a classic silver heraldic shield with a blue outer border, in the center of which there is a reduced image of a gray sculpture of a SUSU student framed by a stylized blue letter "U" (the first letter in the word "university") with a thin white outer border . In the upper part of the emblem there is a solid profile of the main educational building of the university in blue. The profile corresponds to the historically first project of the central part of the main building, which is currently being implemented, i.e. contains two additional floors and a five-story tower topped with a spire.


The flag of SUSU is a rectangular panel of three equal vertical stripes: the middle one is white and along the edges are two blue stripes. The ratio of the flag's width to its length is 2:3. In the center of the flag is the coat of arms of SUSU.

The combination of white and blue colors corresponds to a similar combination of colors of the banner of St. Andrew the First-Called (St. Andrew's flag), which is a symbol of original and independent Russia, which adopted Christianity from St. Andrew the First-Called himself. The authorship in the creation of the St. Andrew's flag belongs to Peter the Great and Admiral General Apraksin.

The colors of the SUSU flag have the following symbolic meanings: white - the color of St. George the Victorious, the patron saint of Russia - a symbol of selfless service to the Fatherland, a symbol of honor and dignity; blue - the color of the sky and a noble dream - a symbol of dedication to the heights of knowledge, scientific achievements and high culture. The blue color also reflects the historical circumstance that SUSU was founded as technical university, whose graduates were awarded a blue badge; silver - the color of steel - a symbol of the Southern Urals, known as the "supporting edge of the state", as the edge of high-quality metallurgy, modern mechanical engineering, instrument making and the construction industry, created by graduates of ChMMI, ChPI, ChSTU, SUSU, whose steel will and strength of character contributed to the victory in the Great Patriotic war, restoration and development of industry, education and culture.


The emblem of SUSU, located on the form of an official letter, is a reduced image of a gray sculpture of a SUSU student framed by a stylized letter "U" (the first letter in the word "university") in blue with a thin outer border of white. In the lower right part of the emblem there is a blue image of the main building of SUSU on a scale of 1:2 to the height of the emblem. The contour image corresponds to the historically first project of the central part of the main building, which is currently being implemented, i.e. contains two additional floors and a five-story tower topped with a spire.


The joy of discovery, the search for courage,
Thirst for knowledge of student years.
We are your youth, you are our maturity
South Ural University.

We believe in mentors, we believe in science,
You are our lucky ticket.
In eternal fidelity we swear to each other,
South Ural University.

A bright star, inquisitive alluring,
Everyone shines your faculty.
Bridge between future and present
South Ural University.

University structure


  • Autotractor
  • Architectural and construction
  • Architectural
  • Aerospace
  • military training
  • journalism
  • Correspondence Engineering and Economics
  • Stories
  • Commerce
  • Linguistics
  • International
  • Metallurgical evening
  • Mechanical and technological
  • Retraining of specialists with higher education
  • Improvement of pedagogical qualification
  • Law and finance
  • Pre-university preparation
  • Instrument-making (" Computer techologies, control, radio electronics")
  • Psychology
  • Service and light industry
  • technological evening
  • Physical and metallurgical
  • Physical culture and sports
  • Physical
  • Economy and entrepreneurship
  • economics and Management
  • Chemical
  • Energy
  • Legal


Extracurricular work

The university has dozens of sports sections and amateur creative teams. During summer holidays students have the opportunity to work in student construction teams. Well-known creative groups perform in the halls of SUSU. Quite often the best bands that come to Chelyabinsk on tour perform twice - at city concert venues and at SUSU. The university publishes the newspaper "Technopolis". The SUSU Photo School operates.

Creative teams of the university

  • Rock band "25 Frame"
  • Choir "Prima Vera" of the SUSU Faculty of Linguistics
  • SUSU Ballroom Dance Ensemble
  • Ensemble of modern dance "Deep Vision"
  • Ensemble of modern dance "Urban Rockers"
  • Variety dance ensemble "Paradox"
  • Male choir of the AT faculty