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The name has a huge impact on the life and character of a person from birth. Calculate various meanings the name can easily be done independently at home.

Numerical correspondences of letters of the Latin alphabet

How to analyze the name in numerology

The meaning of the name number in numerology is considered as information about the character, abilities and temperament of a person. The numerological analysis of the name provides answers to such questions: what abilities do you have, what is your internal motivation and how are you perceived by society.

Calculating the number of a name is easy. You need to add the numeric values ​​of all the letters of the full name and bring them to a single digit. Decryption of information is available to everyone, it remains to use it competently. Ways to determine the number in three values ​​will be considered further.

How to calculate soul number by name

The sum of all the numbers of vowels in the full name, surname and patronymic is the number of the soul. The number of the soul is an indicator of a person’s aspirations, true and deep desires: what he wants from life, what he needs for realization in life.

  1. One - speaks of leadership qualities, ambition, determination and selfishness. A person with the number 1 will do everything to achieve his goals. He will overcome all obstacles, but will reach the planned heights.
  2. Two - calm, balanced, soft, passive and tactful people. They know how to control emotions and keep themselves in hand. Easily find compromises and carry out orders. They do not like to be performers, the role of an adviser is suitable for them.
  3. The three symbolizes people who seek power and control over people, and also desire universal recognition. They are used to living one day at a time, without long-term goals and plans. Differ in frivolity in life.
  4. Four is a symbol of the four elements and seasons. Such people are distinguished by balance, prudence, common sense, diligence. They try to control emotions and rarely give them free rein, but they like to argue and express their opinion. Do not recognize the rules and regulations, born reformers. Achieve their own goals on their own.
  5. Five - eternal students. People who always strive for new knowledge and skills, improve themselves and gain new experience. They love adventure, do not sit still, are prone to adventures. They do not think for a long time, they prefer to act immediately. The decision is made quickly. They are cheerful, resourceful and witty.
  6. Six - creative individuals. They love art and romance. Very sociable, kind, honest, loyal and reliable. They do not like noisy companies, preferring to spend time at home. Persistently go to their goals.
  7. Seven is considered a sacred number. It symbolizes a creative person who has very developed intuition and imagination. Such people are excellent - artists.
  8. Eight is a symbol of material wealth. Eight people are usually distrustful, cautious and secretive. But in the professional field, they reach the top in any business area. They have excellent management skills.
  9. Nine is a symbol of perfection. Capable, successful and highly intelligent individuals. Often underestimate themselves, so it is difficult to find life path. They have creative and artistic abilities, as well as great physical strength.

Numeric correspondences of Cyrillic letters

How to find out the number of appearance

The appearance number is also called the personality number. It indicates what impression a person makes in society.

  • 1 - with;
  • 2 - b, t;
  • 3 - in, to;
  • 4 - d, l, f;
  • 5 - d, m, x;
  • 6 - n, c;
  • 7 - h;
  • 8 - f, p, w;
  • 9 - h, r, w.

1 - you need to stand out from the rest. Introducing more bright colors into your wardrobe, gracefully emphasize the image with cheerful colors, endearing people to you.

2 - you need to show your accuracy and neatness. Remove unnecessary details from your image, finding a calm and comfortable style. The softness of character can be emphasized by the appropriate elements of the wardrobe.

3 - you need to focus on elegance and attractiveness. invert Special attention on the quality of wardrobe items, as well as to emphasize the image with precious jewelry.

4 - a simple style suits you, expressed in minimalism and practicality. When choosing clothes for a holiday, you do not need to wear too elegant things. At a party, you can stand out with a strict and elegant trouser suit.

5 - it is important to follow fashion trends. The appearance should be stylish and modern, but you should not go to extremes.

6 - value holders underestimate their appearance. They need to pay attention to the image and purchase clothes from quality materials.

7 - you need to focus on elegance, choose your style and stick to it. Perfect for a straight fit.

8 - expensive and high-quality clothes must be in the wardrobe of these people so that they look prosperous.

9 - special attention should be paid to posture, and in clothes it is important to observe a restrained style and abandon black things.

How to calculate the number of an expression

The number of expression is otherwise called the number of fate or talents. This number indicates the innate abilities of a person. You can recognize it by adding the numbers of all the letters in the last name, first name and patronymic.

  1. Indicates leadership qualities that need to be developed. Such people are born leaders, curators, etc.
  2. You need to develop intellectual abilities. Suitable areas related to mental work.
  3. You are naturally endowed with creative abilities. You can implement them in music, cinema, literature, drawing, dancing, etc.
  4. These are reliable and responsible people. They are excellent performers, but do not underestimate their leadership abilities. The main thing for them is to see the result of their work.
  5. These people love freedom and independence. They may work under a boss, but they don't enjoy it. They can be travelers, bloggers, entrepreneurs or freelancers.
  6. You are made for family and charity. These are wonderful housewives who love to help other people.
  7. You have been endowed with universal abilities. You can develop in any field of activity.
  8. These people have managerial abilities and the gift of persuasion. Good politicians and leaders.
  9. They are innovators who can change the world for the better. They are generators of ideas in various fields of activity.

Numbers directly affect the fate of their owner

Numerological analysis of personality is carried out not only by date of birth. The name also gives answers to questions about what is the purpose of a person, what individual abilities he is endowed with and in what direction he needs to move. Without this, it is impossible to harmoniously develop and fulfill oneself in life.

Numerology and alphabet

The letters of the ancient runic alphabet had significance not only as symbols denoting sounds, but also as potential carriers of certain numbers. The sound vibration during the pronunciation of words could be mathematically accurately expressed using the corresponding numbers. The name of a person, written through numbers, was not a simple set of letters, but a kind of code, a key that opens the forbidden door of Zervan. Therefore, the writing of names in ancient times was treated as a sacred act.

Modern alphabets are far from perfect, but they are encoded in the collective unconscious of the peoples who use them. Any alphabet reflects the current state of a particular people and the laws adopted in this society. The decimal number system makes it possible to study the numerical patterns of modern alphabets. The numerical information of the letters of the alphabet can explain much that is embedded in the collective unconscious of the people.

Each letter of any alphabet can be expressed as a number, and then the words of any language can be represented as sets of numbers. The numerical code of the name is calculated in the same way. Since the alphabet reflects the state modern society By analyzing the numerical code of the name, one can understand what position a person with a given name should take in life in order to fit into the laws of society and find their place among other people.

The numerical code of the name, calculated on the basis of the alphabet accepted in society, shows what needs to be done, what problems in interaction with other people must be overcome in order to match one's name and gain additional protection for oneself. It is necessary to know the laws of society, but not to assume at the same time that they determine the true path of a person on Earth. Your own unique path to God, the path creative disclosure and self-realization can be seen if the numerical code of the name is determined through the ancient runic alphabet, filled with sacred meaning.

To study the numerical patterns of various alphabets, two methods are usually used. The first of them refers to the level of information of numbers associated with the planets, and the second uses the relationship of numbers with the signs of the Zodiac. Let's take a closer look at both of these approaches.

Table 1. Conventional symbols of the Zodiac and planets

This text is an introductory piece.

Annex 2 Hebrew alphabet

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Germanic runes (modified Armanic alphabet). According to Z. A. Kummer. According to Siegfried Adolf Kümmer, Rune Magic. "Fa" - Fa-Tor, father; flesh and spirit of the race; a flame flaring up in the hearth; the magical power of fire, giving shape to everything; the eternal return (ewige Wiederkehr) of Father Fa-Thor,


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CHAPTER 1 Numerology Numerology is a way to help find out if a person has lived on Earth before and what his further fate. The origins of the magic of numbers should be sought in ancient times. Consciously or unconsciously, people obey it:

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5. NUMEROLOGY AND PROPHECY There are so many numerological systems that it is not easy to give a definition that would cover them all. Their range is huge - from simply replacing the letters of the English alphabet and translating with their help into the numerical value of the name, which

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The Hebrew Alphabet I have included the Hebrew letters here for those readers who wish to delve deeper into the meaning of Hebrew names. The next few chapters will be devoted to letters, gematria and kabbalistic (or rather just numerological) calculations. You can

ARABIC ALPHABET No. Letter Written separately at the beginning in the middle at the end 1 Alif? ? ?? ?? Alif Maksura? ?? 2 Ba? ?? ??? ?? 3 Ta? ?? ??? ?? 4 Ca? ?? ??? ?? 5 Gym

The word has power, and a person is exposed not only to its sound vibrations, but also to the influence of numerological meaning. The sequence of letters and their numerical values ​​should also not be ignored. Each letter of the alphabet represents a well-known numerological pattern of energy transfer, denoted by a number.

The alphabet has a strict energy vibration, "amenable to numerical calculation." The code contained in the letters, according to numerologists, is the key to revealing the secrets of nature and man, who is part of it. These numerical codes are not arbitrary. their symbolism and rational division according to quantitative and qualitative values ​​have been worked out for centuries. You can recognize the code through numerological decoders and formulas.

In former times, there were alphabets where letters were also numbers. This was the native alphabet of Pythagoras - ancient Greek. Each letter in it had not only a numerical expression, but also its own special name and separate meaning. It is believed that the hidden meaning of the letter upsilon was first understood by Pythagoras (this is the second letter of his name). The letter upsilon, shaped like a fork, symbolized the choice between the path of virtue and the path of vice.

It was customary to depict the right branch of the letter as a straight line directed to the sky: it corresponded to virtue. And the left branch is a squiggle turned down: it meant vice. Upsilon was even called the Pythagorean letter, and in ancient world for quite a long time there was an expression: “Chose the road according to the Pythagorean letter”, that is, to make a worthy choice in life. People who were initiated into these wonderful properties of the Greek alphabet could use it for predictions, as well as cryptography. Each word, composed of Greek letters, was transformed into a series of numbers according to a special system. They were added together and got the final number.

In this way, knowledge was encrypted that was not intended for everyone. And the very art of encryption was called hematrix. Numbers acquired not only a mathematical meaning, the science of their magical meaning arose - numerology. When Arabic numerals came into use in Europe in the 15th century, the connection between numbers and letters became less obvious, and science even more mysterious. But modern numerology is constantly evolving, being discovered and known by inquisitive minds, thanks to which it is possible to systematize and calculate the meanings of letters.

Alphabet codes

The outstanding numerologist of our time Alexander Kisel in 1992 published the book "The Well of the Abyss". In this book, he described how he made a breakthrough to a new numerology, having carried out incredible and evidence-based research in the use of numerical and digital forms and their manifestations in real life.

A. Kisel believes that the Russian alphabet has a mathematical structure strictly coordinated by space and its creation is a mathematical (numerological) property of our thinking. “Letters are words,” he writes, “a collection of words is a thought, but thoughts rush in our brain in a mathematical order, according to some formulas ... when we speak, our thought has a mathematical appearance,” So thought can be expressed in numbers or graphs. The numbers and formulas embedded in the alphabet help to reveal "numerical resonances" between words and concepts, supplementing their semantic meaning with a new level of numerological understanding. According to A. Kisel, thanks to this, a universal numerical relationship with the outside world is established, its karmic destinations and influences on a person are better understood.

The studies of many numerologists have proved the mathematical harmony of the structure of the alphabet, its numerical harmony and symmetry. A. Kisel, Cairo, p. Vronsky and others established that, forming words, letters have a "numerical resonance" with those phenomena and objects of nature, in the structure of which these same codes are embedded.

In numerology, there are several types of numerological codes of the alphabet. All of them are verified by numerologists, and each person can choose for himself the one that suits him best.

Letters and their numerical values:

  • A - 1
  • B - 2
  • AT 3
  • G - 4
  • D - 5
  • E, Yo, E - 6
  • F - 7
  • 3 - 8
  • I, Y, Y - 9
  • K - 10
  • L - 11
  • M - 12 = 3
  • H - 13 = 4
  • 0 - 14 = 5
  • P - 15 = 6
  • R - 16 = 7
  • C - 17 = 8
  • T - 18 = 9
  • Y - 19 = 10 = 1
  • f - 20 = 2
  • x - 21 = 3
  • C - 22
  • H - 23 = 5
  • W - 24 = 6
  • SC - 25 = 7
  • Yu - 26 = 8
  • I - 27 = 9

In this code of the Russian alphabet, the letters E, Yo and E are considered the same vibration 6, the letters I, Y, Y - vibration 9, the letters b and b do not have their own vibrations, therefore they are not taken into account when counting. Thus, in this code, the letters from A to I correspond to natural numbers from 1 to 9 (these are the main numbers of numerology), therefore these letters are also basic. Their characteristics will exactly match the characteristics of their numerical value. Letters corresponding to numbers after 9 are converted in the code to integers. In numerology, the study of the energy of numbers, such a transformational process, on the one hand, leads to the complication of the numerical root of the letter, and on the other hand, makes it more diverse, and this quality, as we know, underlies humanity.

It must be remembered that the number 10 equals 1, but despite this transformation, it does not lose its value as 10. It contains all the properties of the numbers from 1 to 9, and as a result of the transformation 10, a unit of a special kind is obtained. It is endowed with a vibrating combination of all 10 meanings, although after transformation it appears in the form singular. So when 10 becomes 1, a vibrating space is created around it.

The letters of the Latin alphabet also have their own numerological meaning.

  • A - 1
  • AT 2
  • C - 3
  • D-4
  • E - 5
  • R - 6
  • G-7
  • H - 8
  • I-9
  • J - 10 = 1
  • K-11
  • L - 12 = 3
  • M - 13 = 4
  • N - 14 = 5
  • 0 - 15 = 6
  • R - 16 = 7
  • Q - 17 = 8
  • R - 18 = 9
  • S - 19 = 10 = 1
  • T - 20 = 2
  • U - 21 = 3
  • V-22
  • W - 23 = 5
  • X - 24 = 6
  • Y - 25 = 7
  • Z - 26 = 8

In numerology, other coding methods are also used.

Letter meanings

In numerology, the shape of each letter is crucial. A well-written letter will create a maximum of vibrations (this also applies to numbers). Energy connections are everywhere. They are created by the constant interaction of form and space, which are necessary to obtain a result. The energy connections of letters follow the same laws as the energy connections of numbers. As numerology teaches, each letter of a person's name gives him certain character traits.

The letter A is "loner". This letter is a grounded symbol that stands on two legs. Its upper part is an upward Pyramid, the lower part is a container for the energy of the Earth. The letter A is single, grounded and closed. It symbolizes upholding one's own opinions and people who are able to follow the voice of intuition. This letter is a symbol of the beginning: the strength and desire to accomplish something, the desire for spiritual and physical comfort.

The letter B is "harmonizer". This letter consists of a semicircle, a horizontal line and a vertical line connecting them. The lower semicircle symbolizes the energy of the emotional and physical realms, the upper horizontal line the mental level. Thus, the letter B symbolizes the harmony of the mind, heart and body, romanticism, constancy and reliability in relationships with people, as well as initiative, the ability to overcome difficulties, the desire for material well-being.

The letter B is "creator". This letter consists of two balanced semicircles. They are connected on the left by a vertical line that passes through the junction point of the semicircles. The semicircles form two containers of energy. The top contains the spiritual and mental energy, the bottom contains the energy of the emotional and physical realms. The letter B symbolizes balance and internal stability, constancy, ease of communication, the ability to quickly establish contacts, an adequate perception of reality; unity with nature, the creative nature of the individual. This is the letter of the builder.

The letter G is "a lover of order." Consists of a long vertical line and a short horizontal line. The energy flow collects the energy of heaven and earth. This letter represents a force to be reckoned with. It symbolizes activity and often - spiritual motivation, which encourages a lot. The letter G is a craving for knowledge, a desire to uncover secrets, the ability to perceive everything that happens in life in close relationship, attention even to trifles, conscientiousness in all matters.

Letter D - "man of action". This letter is an inwardly curved semicircle and vertical lines, which are connected by upper and lower horizontal lines. The vertical direction of the energy flow, which limits the semicircle, forms a closed energy space. The purpose of this letter is to be a gate. She is reliable and calm, orderly and grounded. It symbolizes reflection, reflection before starting any business. It means the main focus on the family, the desire to help those in need; some capriciousness, a tendency to extrasensory perception.

The letter E - "connoisseur of comfort." It consists of four straight lines - three horizontal lines of the same length and a vertical line connecting them, twice as long. Horizontal lines run vertically from the top, bottom and middle, creating two balanced sections to the right of it. The energy flow of the letter E is a strong vertical line, three horizontal energy flows direct it, dividing it into mental, spiritual and physical. Mental and emotional energies are mixed in the upper section, emotional and physical - in the lower. The letter E symbolizes outstanding analytic skills, the ability to understand and structure. It is very stable if it is related to life, and consists in equal parts from spiritual and mental, emotional and physical energies. The letter E is the desire for self-expression, the need for the exchange of ideas, the willingness to play the role of an intermediary in conflict situations. Insight, intuitive understanding of the world of the secret and incomprehensible. Sometimes talkativeness.

letter Y. It has the same structure as the letter E, but its energy is enhanced by two points above it. It symbolizes the emotionality of nature, energetic self-expression, violent passions that are not always restrained.

The letter J is "searcher". This letter is formed by three straight lines intersecting in the center. Their energy flows receive the energy of the Earth and heaven and collect it in the center. This letter symbolizes endurance, steadfastness in the face of adversity, a harmonious personality who has a rich inner world, as well as some secrecy, desires - as impulses to action.

The letter Z is "confident strength." The letter З is formed by two semicircles directed in one direction - to the left. The curves of the letter connect heaven and earth, its energy fields meander like a snake, rising to the heavens. This letter symbolizes mystical and intellectual knowledge, earthly charisma, the movement of life and serpentine power. Expresses a strong imagination, intuition, the desire to isolate oneself from external reality and live in one's own closed world; in difficult situations - self-elimination from solving the problem.

The letter I is "humanist". It is formed by three straight lines of the same length - two vertical and one diagonal, which connects the top of the right vertical line and the bottom of the left. The energy flow of this letter rises from the earth to the sky. The diagonal draws the power of heaven and earth to the points of contact with the verticals. The voids form energy-harvesting triangles. This letter is the reaper of what is sown, it gives the ability to multiply. It symbolizes sophistication, sensitivity, kindness, the desire for harmony with the outside world. Romantic soft nature. In the negative: efficiency and practicality are most often a front to hide the true (and often harsh) essence.

The letter K is "justice". This letter is formed by a strong vertical line and a second line that curves in the middle and joins diagonally with the vertical. The energy flow of the vertical line is directed towards heaven and earth, as is the flow of the diagonal line, which changes direction in the middle. The inner space forms an open tick, equally open to both the sky and the earth. This letter is a spiritual teacher, it symbolizes spiritual development and stability, balance between heaven and earth. Expresses endurance, fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight; main life principle- all or nothing.

The letter L is "spiritual innovator." Formed by two diagonal lines meeting at the top. Her energy flow collects the energy of the earth and sends it to the sky. The letter L stands firmly on the ground. It takes ideas and translates them into physical reality. This is a majestic letter. It symbolizes a subtle understanding of beauty, extraordinary artistic and artistic abilities, the desire to share knowledge and impressions, the consciousness of the inadmissibility of wasting life in vain, the need to search for one's true destiny.

The letter M is "creative power for yourself and others." This letter consists of two parallel vertical lines connected by two diagonal lines that converge at ground level. It receives energy from a strong connection with the earth, the energy flow moves through the bases of upward triangles. But this letter also contains a downward pointing triangle that governs celestial energy. This letter is the embodiment of down-to-earth femininity, caring like a smart mother who knows when to use a whip and when to give a carrot. Symbolizes the desire to help others, sometimes shyness; rejection of a predatory attitude towards nature; internal struggle with the temptation to become the center of everyone's attention.

The letter H is "strong, creative, organized." It is formed by two strong vertical lines, the middle of which is connected by a horizontal "bridge". Two points of contact with the heavens and two with the earth. They are stabilized by a central line forming two open "containers". This is a very strong letter. It symbolizes people who are confident in themselves, retain strength under pressure from outside and have developed intuition. This letter is a sign of protest, a critical approach to reality; striving for the spiritual and physical health. Diligence in work, dislike for monotonous and uninteresting work.

The letter O - "bringing ideas to life." Represents a closed circle, the beginning of which can be considered any point. It has no beginning and no end. This letter symbolizes a broad outlook, developed imagination and intuition. She controls deep inner rhythms and symbolizes great wisdom. It expresses strong and deep feelings, the need for self-knowledge, the desire to understand one's destiny, rich intuition, the ability to highlight the most essential in the bustle of life. Ability to handle money.

The letter P stands for "self-confident adventurer". It consists of two vertical lines and a horizontal line connecting them from above. This letter stands firmly on the ground and “rests its head” on the sky. A container closed at the top indicates hidden strength and energy. It symbolizes the wealth of thoughts, stable opinions, the ability to generalize, the desire to comprehend reality as a whole, caring for one's appearance.

The letter P is "the power of creative analysis." It is formed by a straight vertical line and a semicircle that connects its top and middle. The vertical line rests on the ground. The semicircle contains the energy of heaven and emotions. This is an elegant and kind letter, a powerful builder. Symbolizes spirituality, the ability not to succumb external influences, the ability to delve into the essence, self-confidence, the desire for action, courage, enthusiasm. Sometimes thoughtless risk, adventurism, a tendency to indisputable judgments.

The letter C is "strong and independent." This letter consists of a single line forming an open circle. The letter curves to the right and also has a curved top and bottom. It is a protected container, receptive, the energies are mixed in it. His relationship with the Earth is war and peace. This letter is reliable, calm, creative and cheerful. It symbolizes the desire for a strong position and material security, common sense; irritability, imperiousness, sometimes capriciousness, understanding the importance of realizing one's purpose in life.

The letter T - "battle with the purpose of power." Formed by a vertical line that starts on the earth and ends at the top, it is covered by a horizontal line on top, which supports the heavenly energy with the help of logical analysis. The vertical line draws this force to the ground. This letter symbolizes the ability to see opportunities and make right choice. This letter is prone to compromise. Creative person, sensitive nature with intuition; constant search for the truth. Desires are not always commensurate with possibilities. The symbol of the cross reminds of the transience of life, so you should not put off until later things that can be done immediately.

The letter U is "great spiritual vision." The letter U is formed by three straight lines connected in the center. Two are above the connection point and one is below. The energy flows of this letter are connected in the center, where the upper two are combined and directed towards the earth. This letter symbolizes decision making. It is balanced and symbolizes spiritual wisdom, a rich imagination, generosity, empathy, altruism, a constant desire to reach a higher spiritual level, the realization that the truth does not always have to be announced at every crossroads.

The letter F - "the need to make a choice." This letter is a vertical line and two semicircles looking in different directions. The vertical line rests on the ground, and the two semicircles symbolize the emotional and spiritual spheres. This is a harmonious letter that symbolizes balance; the desire to always be in the spotlight, to amaze others with their brilliance, friendliness, originality of ideas (which sometimes really contain valuable grains of truth), the desire to make people happy and enjoy it yourself, the ability to present supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions. Contradictory worldview - a bizarre mixture of very different philosophical teachings.

The letter X is "receptive creativity." Formed by two straight lines intersecting in the center. Its energy flows go diagonally from right to left, receiving the energy of the earth and heaven and collecting it in the center. This letter symbolizes endurance and a harmonious future, courage, readiness to help oneself and others. The desire to gain authority, to take an independent position in life, increased sensitivity to assessments from others. Compliance with the laws of morality.

The letter C is "the embodiment of ideas in the physical world." This letter consists of two vertical lines, connecting them with a horizontal one and a "sprout" going into the ground. The letter Z is an open container for celestial, spiritual energy, however, a strong base and a "sprout" make it possible for this letter to stand firmly on the ground. Leadership, adherence to traditions, arrogance and conceit, inability to exist alone.

The letter H is "a purposeful act of creation." Consists of a vertical line and an open arc that starts in the middle of the vertical line. The top of the letter is open to spiritual energy. However, the asymmetry of the letter makes it unstable. The letter H is the letter of doubt and hesitation. Feeling like an integral part of a single whole. A clear sense of the rhythm of life.

The letter Sh - "strength, defender of the weak." This letter consists of three vertical lines and a lower horizontal bar connecting them. The letter Ш stands firmly on the ground, but directed to the sky, personifying the harmony of the physical, emotional and spiritual world. This letter means confidence, justice, inspiration. It symbolizes a special attention to life, the ability to evaluate what is happening in the smallest detail; modesty, the ability to arrange their affairs without noise; sense of humor.

The letter Щ - "decision maker". The inscription of the letter Ш almost completely repeats Ш, with the exception of a small “outgrowth” that goes into the ground, therefore, Ш gravitates towards the earth rather than towards the sky. This letter symbolizes physical strength, carnal pleasures. Magnanimous and generous nature. The ability to penetrate into the essence of things, a powerful driving force, striving forward.

Letter b- the ability to detail, lay out on the shelves; the danger of the influence of a strong and strong-willed partner.

Letter Y- participation in the experiences of others; attraction to the material, earthiness, practical judgment.

Letter b- softness, the ability to smooth sharp corners in a relationship.

The letter E - "to see and be able." Consists of a line forming an open circle, within which it is equally divided by a horizontal line. The letter curves to the left and has a curved top and bottom. The energies are clearly separated, so positive or negative flows can prevail. This letter symbolizes the ability to see the hidden essence of events, good command of oral and writing, excessive curiosity, the desire to show their belonging to a good society.

The letter Yu is "the great power of intuition." It consists of a closed circle, a vertical line and a crossbar connecting the circle and the vertical. The circle symbolizes a broad outlook, developed imagination and intuition, and the vertical symbolizes an individual inner world, the ability to understand spiritual wisdom and the ability to adapt one's life to one's needs. This letter means adherence to the ideals of universal equality and fraternity, the desire for truth, the ability to sacrifice and at the same time to cruel deeds, the need for which is determined by one's own considerations.

The letter I is "gentleness, compassion." This letter is formed by a straight vertical line, to which a semicircle adjoins from the top left. An inclined line extends downward from the lower end of the semicircle, the other end of which rests on the ground. This letter receives energy from the direct connection of the sky with the earth. The semicircle contains a mixture of mental and spiritual energies. The lower support of the letter I conducts the energy of the physical plane. This letter symbolizes self-acceptance and communication with others. It improves karma. The letter I is a feeling dignity, the desire to achieve the love and respect of others; the ability to get what you want.