Memory training methods and mnemonic techniques. Basic mnemonic techniques for remembering information. Memorization of foreign languages

Why, having a good memory, it is difficult for us to remember numbers, phone numbers and especially dates? We'll fix it. Mnemonics will help, which will be discussed in our article.

Mnemonics - what is it?

First, let's talk a little about mnemonics. From Greek it means "the art of memory". This is a set of methodologies and rules that are aimed at improving memory performance. They help organize the information coming to the brain, creating associative pictures.

Memorizing numbers and compound words happens by turning them into some colorful images, thanks to this, the information is firmly fixed in our minds. Mnemonics is nothing more than the implementation of mnemonics in practice. This is a set of techniques that help to remember large amounts of information.

Anyone can master mnemonics at any age. You do not need to have superpowers and special knowledge for this. Everything will depend only on how much time you are willing to devote to it.

Types of mnemonics

Consider them:

  1. Folk. Widespread mnemonics. This is not a specific memorization system, these are some tricks that people use unconsciously. Indirectly, we were taught to use them in kindergarten and school. Of course, their effectiveness is low, has no scientific justification and a strict system.
  2. Classic. It was used in ancient times to memorize long oratorical speeches. The set of techniques in this direction is small. The best example of classical mnemonics will be the "Cicero" method, which we will consider below and "Hanger".
  3. Pedagogical. Unlike the classical one, it does not use it as a basis, thanks to which it has become understandable and accessible to most people. Here the emphasis is on natural memorization through enhanced experience of the material being studied. This is nothing more than repeated reading of texts, in other words, cramming, taking notes, copying book illustrations. Habitual educational process. In the 16th century, this mnemonics triumphed over the classical one. Methods of the first to this day are used in the modern education system.
  4. Circus, or as it is also called "variety" mnemonics. Uses classical principles. A distinctive feature in the special encoding of information, which is encrypted everywhere and in facial expressions and gestures, voice intonation. The main thing is not even the memorization itself, but the transfer of the code from the assistant to the performer different ways. It turns out that only a part of the mnemonic means is used.
  5. Sports. We are talking about competitions mnemonists. They compete on two criteria: the speed of memorization and the amount of information memorized once.
  6. Modern mnemonics. It is supported by the presence of a theoretical basis. Existing techniques based on the theory are being finalized and combined into a specific memorization system, which will be aimed at solving a particular problem. Suppose there are sets of exercises for learning a foreign language. good example will be the Giordano method, which allows you to remember clear, accurate information.

So, we briefly reviewed the types of mnemonics, let's start discussing the next question.

How does it work?

So, mnemonics is a memorization system. It's hard for us to keep in our heads and reproduce the numbers, number series, lists of words, and so on, rather than logical, associative, and other relationships between these objects. It is for them that it is easier to find information in memory. And if there are no such connected threads, they must be created. This is what most of the techniques of mnemonics work on.

How long can these encrypted objects be stored in our head? How many will be required. The main thing is to periodically reproduce them.

Memory, like our body, requires a constant must constantly work. The more it is loaded, the more efficient its performance. Mnemonics are known from ancient times. The ancient Greeks noticed a direct relationship between memory and the senses. It was believed that the more emotions a person receives in the process of life, the brighter his memories will be. Therefore, when performing exercises for memorization, it is necessary to connect association flashes.

Associations are the foundation. Only by learning to recreate correct and strong images in your head, you can move on. Illogical and strange associations contribute to better memorization.

How to create an association?

There are several rules:

  1. The resulting image will help you remember the information.
  2. The picture should be illogical, ridiculous and even meaningless. The more extraordinary a situation arises in your head, the more it will crash into consciousness. If you manage to create a mental image of the subject, this is the floor of success.
  3. Mnemonics for beginners will seem simple if you learn how to recreate large, bright, detailed images. It is desirable to connect all your senses to this process.
  4. Let the association be funny, the first thing that could come to mind.
  5. Represent yourself. For greater memorization efficiency, put the association into action.

For example, you need to remember two words: "camel" and "sandbox". Imagine that you are playing in the sandbox, sculpting Easter cakes. And in the distance near the swing stands a camel, chewing on a thorn. And then he sat down next to her, putting out his huge legs to the sides to fit in a tiny sandbox. You look and think why the camel is here, I came to the sandbox to pick up my son. What did he forget? Suddenly, the camel jumped and disappeared around the bend, and the child ran after the giant.

Therefore, in order for our memory to store the information received for a long time, dry facts should be replaced with vivid pictures. There are a lot of mnemonics techniques, we will talk about some in more detail below, and so, each has a number of characteristics:

  • Innovation. The bottom line is that no matter what technique you choose and how difficult it is, the main thing is that the exercise is new, and, therefore, the benefits will be greater. The goal is to get out of your comfort zone.
  • Difficulty level. It is necessary to choose such trainings on which you need to make an effort, gain knowledge. For example, learning a new language.
  • Interest, without which you will not go far. And yet, it is necessary to take tasks with an increasing level of complexity. It should be high, but not so high as to reveal your inability.

The result can only be achieved through regular training. So, we briefly covered the question of what it is - mnemonics, talked a little about the techniques, which we will return to later. Let's figure out how to learn mnemonics.

It doesn't matter whether it's mnemonics for beginners or you have already mastered some of the basics, you need to know that in order to develop a memorization system, you need to use it more often. Start with simple tasks. If you need to learn how to remember numbers, start with phone numbers, credit cards. Come up with long numerical series, for example, a password for your account, and set up protection, and train your memory.

If you want to memorize non-numeric information, you can use the book, but not fiction. Because, mnemonics - what is it? This is a set of methods and techniques that allow memorizing large amounts of information. And the novel, as you know, contains a plot with a logical sequence related events. The presence of these connections makes it easy to assimilate the material. Let it be better physics, chemistry or geography.

And some more tips on mnemonics for beginners:

  1. Choice of method. It is important to choose the most suitable and appropriate system for your type of thinking and perception.
  2. Choice of pictures and links. Some sources give unambiguous recommendations, for example, to present such and such objects, and what should be done with them. But, each person has an individuality and transforms the information received into images, based on personal experience using their associations. Therefore, do not stop and despair, the recommendations given can serve as starting points.
  3. Repetition. A good result can be achieved through numerous, regular workouts. They need to be done every day or at least three times a week. The acquired experience needs to be consolidated, the skill should be brought to automaticity, so that it can be used without difficulty at any time. Repeat different phrases. Memory needs to be shown that the saved objects are relevant and important to you, get out of it the material that was put there a long time ago.
  4. Calm. You need to train in complete silence. No, this can be done in the metro, but the main thing is that you can concentrate and abstract from the world around you. At the initial stage of mastering a method, do not allow uninvited emotions, anger, stress, and so on to interfere in the process. Firstly, it will be difficult to understand whether it suits you, and secondly, in subsequent work, its use may be associated with precisely these associations, which will interfere with the memorization process.

Fascinating, most importantly, first decide on the purpose for which you need a developed memory: remember numbers (phone numbers, passwords), to study a foreign language or law.

When learning the methods of mnemonics for beginners, the main mistake is the illusion that after a few trainings, many consider themselves professionals. At the right time, the association does not work. This is all because there is little practical skills for remembering information for a long time. It seems that the connection between the images turned out to be correct, but it did not work. You need to practice a lot and hard, and the methods of mnemonics will obey you step by step.

And why, in general, do you need mnemonics?

First, mnemonics is self-education. We not only learn to memorize large amounts of information, it improves the functioning of the brain, this, secondly, thereby improving our memory. And thirdly, the constant use of techniques will allow you to include in the work and use:

  1. Attention. As you know, memory and attention are closely related. Tracking connections between pictures, replacing objects with images trains attention and improves concentration on the actions performed.
  2. Creative thinking. Its development contributes to rapid analysis and decision making.
  3. The ability to visualize. The ability to draw images and associative pictures for them is a unique opportunity that helps to quickly memorize large amounts of information. And, in general, it changes life for the better, you look at it with different eyes.
  4. Imagination, which mnemonics perfectly develops. You will notice how quickly you can find a solution, and your vision will be bright and non-standard, and others will find it difficult.

In general, mnemonics contributes to the fact that both hemispheres of the brain are included in the work, the left is responsible for logic, the right for imagination. Usually people use only one hemisphere, the left. Because they use a logical approach to solving a problem, and by connecting the right one, the possibilities of the brain are used much more widely, making the thinking process more efficient.

Consider the basic techniques

They can be practiced every day and absolutely everyone:

  1. The basic method "Chain", for memorization a large number items. He is simple. Recommended for beginners in mnemonics. Let's say we need to remember a list of products to buy. What we do is imagine a bright image and glue it mentally with another object, just as colorful, of the same size. Then these images are linked together in pairs. When the connection is formed, the first picture is removed from consciousness by transferring attention to the second one. After that, there is a connection between the second and third, and so on. When the chain is remembered, several images pop up in the mind at once.

For example, you need to buy chicken, eggs and millet. Introducing a chicken that hatches eggs. The chicks have hatched and are beginning to peck at the millet. And so on, a whole tower of images is built. So you can remember up to a hundred names.

  1. Reception "Matryoshka". Here the images are paired. The first picture of the association is always larger and contains the second one. Here, as in a nesting doll, one picture is placed in another, while a small element appears to us as a large one and is connected to a part of a large object. When they are connected, we transfer attention to a smaller one, the other should disappear from consciousness. Then we mentally increase it and attach the third one. And so on. The images are nested within each other. In this case, only two images should be clearly drawn.
  2. Reception "Symbolization". Used to memorize abstract concepts. When coding a certain image, you need to ask yourself the question of how it can be represented. Let's say cold is associated with ice, summer with emerald grass, spring with a bouquet of tulips, and autumn with yellow maple leaves.

The difference between mnemonics techniques and cramming is that in the second case, information is remembered after reading and repeating several times. Here, memorization occurs immediately, and then, adhering to a certain algorithm, the information received must be repeated.

Now it is clear that mnemonics for the development of memory is effective method. Thanks to it, memory not only improves, but also the reading speed increases, and information is absorbed faster.

What other mnemonics and ways of developing memory exist?

Let's talk about the Cicero method for memorizing textual information. He was so named in honor of the great historical figure, philosopher, politician, excellent lawyer, excellent orator, who at the end of his life became a consul. He made a huge contribution to the development of European culture. He was declared an enemy of the state and executed, but his memory remained forever.

Mark Tullius Cicero had a unique memory, which he was famous for, he was an excellent orator, and he spoke all his speeches without looking at the sheet, reproduced dates, numbers and many facts and names. He just used the techniques of mnemonics, which was put into practice by the ancient Greek poet Simonides.

First, let's define how the method works

He has another name "Roman room". The point is that the images are attached to the familiar environment of the house, which appear in a certain sequence. Thanks to these associations, familiar interior items were easily reproduced in memory, to which numbers, dates and names were attached. This method is popular in mnemonics for beginners.

Principle of operation

This method of mnemonics is very interesting. There are certain rules for remembering:

  1. The interior of a room, office or the whole apartment is a matrix to which associations of objects that need to be remembered are attached. Here it is important to follow a certain sequence, for example, move clockwise or on the right side, if you imagine the path from home to work.
  2. Matrix fixation. It is necessary to mentally walk around the room several times in order to remember a clear arrangement of objects.
  3. Linking information to certain matrix objects, for example, to the decor of a room or office.

There are some features that facilitate the memorization process using this method:

  1. Images should be attached to objects that are well lit.
  2. The real size of the object must be reversed, if the object is large, we represent it as small and vice versa.
  3. The connection of a familiar object with a new image should be bright and dynamic. You can use an action trick or just turn on an imaginary colorful coloring.

Let's give an example of the "Cicero" method

As a starting point, we will use the interior of the room: a door, a corner, a window, a mirror, a sofa. Words to remember: angel, rat, fire, old man, axe.

The association will look like this: I go to the door, and I see an angel blinding with light. I open the door, and a huge rat runs into the corner. I glance at the window, and it was engulfed in flames. Then I see a mirror from which an old man is looking at me. I go to the couch and start hitting it with an axe.

Popular mnemonics for adults and not only. It can be used by everyone, it is effective and easy to use. "Roman Room" will teach you to easily memorize information and reproduce it at any time, no worse than the notorious speaker.

And in conclusion, I want to note that you need to approach everything competently. There is a lot of literature with memorization methods, but the books mix different, sometimes incompatible techniques. It turns out a kind of fuss, in which no system can be traced. Another problem is the complete lack of theoretical substantiation applied methods. Without theory, any practice will be ineffective. The terms "mnemonics" and "self-education" are identical, because by developing memory in different ways, we get a lot of new knowledge. And you need to constantly improve.

What are memory techniques? Mnemonics? What techniques effective learning exist? How can they help modern man? How can they help the student? Student? Adult?

To answer these questions, we are starting a series of articles on effective learning techniques. Today we will talk about the first of them - mnemonics.

The art of memory was especially important in the pre-literate periods of history.

Performances on pieces of paper were considered shameful even with the advent of writing. Whether you are a politician, a philosopher, an amphitheater actor.

The art of memorization was developed by medieval monks who had to memorize a huge number of liturgical texts.

But what was the secret of these people? How did they pronounce many hours of speeches without hesitation, remember huge formulas and texts?

They used a special method of memorizing information - mnemonics. Over the centuries, it has undergone colossal changes, but its essence has remained the same.

The technique that allows you to quickly and efficiently memorize huge amounts of information has existed for more than 2500 years.

But at the same time, the paradox is obvious: why, when there are effective technologies, does a child spend 3 weeks to memorize the countries of Europe, when this is done in 30 minutes?

Why do people spend several weeks memorizing the rules of the road, instead of one evening?

Why would a child go all day long to cram a poem when it can be done in a few elementary steps and get a good grade.

Why cramming the multiplication table when it can be understood and learned in two evenings?

Why is it necessary to learn definitions and formulas when they can be easily memorized using mnemonics?

I am convinced that effective learning techniques, primarily mnemonics, simply need to be integrated into our education system.

Mnemonics is a set of tricks, methods for more easy memorization information. In simple words- these are special techniques that allow you to memorize difficult and complex.

Let's look at what mnemonics is and how to use it.

Many simple techniques of mnemonics are probably familiar to you.

The first technique of mnemonics - Acrostic

When a small rhyme or a comic story is invented for the first letters of memorizing information

  • Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits (the first letter is the same as the letters of the flowers)
  • Ivan gave birth to a girl, ordered to drag a diaper (cases)

Second trick - Mnemophrase

A phrase or sentence that makes it easy to remember the information you need.

  • I put on clothes, I put on Hope
  • The bisector is a rat that runs around the corners and divides the corner in half

The third is mnemonic

“To remember PI, brothers,
Need to repeat more often
Three, fourteen, fifteen
Nine, twenty-six and five"

"Drive, hold, look and see,
Breathe, hear, hate
And hurt and endure
And depend and twirl.
You remember, friends.
They cannot be conjugated in -E.

It is not necessary to use ready-made mnemonic memos, especially since there are not as many ready-made ones as needed.

You can create them yourself.

For example, come up with a phrase in order to remember a month with a child. See how Smart Child course graduate Maria did it:

Maria combined mnemophrase and acrostic:

Winter -Z (all dressed in winter - fur coat, hat, etc.) and signed DYaF at the bottom (months - December, January, February)
Spring - B (good mother or big mother)))) signed by MAM (March - April - May)
Summer - L (A horse with a wreath on its head runs and screams - IIA (June, July, August).
Autumn - O (orange O and signature SON (September, October, November)

You can also use the first letters to come up with a phrase to remember the planets or a poem to remember the alphabet, days of the week.

These are the simplest methods of mnemonics. Using these techniques, you cannot remember phone numbers, large amounts of information, dates and formulas, traffic rules or definitions, but you can already remember a lot.

For more complex information, there are more advanced memorization techniques that allow you to learn faster and more efficiently.

We will talk about them in future articles.

And we will study in more detail the techniques for memorizing information this Sunday in our new program“Make your child smarter. Memory module

In just 1 day, you will learn all the basic memory development techniques for yourself and your child.

  • Right during the program you will memorize large amounts of information
  • Learn to memorize incomprehensible words and learn all the provinces of China
  • Memorize 10 Articles of the Criminal Code
  • Memorize physics formulas
  • Learn Genetics Definitions
  • You will remember the first line of the periodic table
  • Memorize a 35-item shopping list
  • Learn the alphabet backwards
  • As well as key dates in the history of the USSR

Each item above is a separate technique for separate species information

Thanks to these techniques, you and your children will be able to learn anything in the shortest possible time.

The cost of this program will increase as the start approaches.

Participation price increase schedule:

  • July 10-11 — 4000 rubles
  • July 12-13 — 5000 rubles
  • July 14-16 until 12:00 - 6000 rubles
  • from July 16 from 12:00 - 10,000 rubles

Join the program now while the price is lowest

Nelly Meshcheryakova, a mnemonics course teacher and 4th year IEP student, assures that you can develop your memory quite quickly and at any age.

At least once, but each of us forgot where he left the car keys, did not remember the birthday of his closest relatives and friends or the phone number of a colleague in time. According to psychologists, between the ages of 40 and 65, people experience a persistent decline in memory, and in fact its development and maintenance in the right form is one of the remedies against Alzheimer's disease. Why are there adults - because of poor memory, children lose interest in learning.

Lecturer in mnemonics course educational center for schoolchildren "Unium", 4th year student of the IPiO Nelli Meshcheryakova ( on the picture) assures that you can develop a memory in yourself quite quickly and at any age. And then you will not only learn whole lectures on an unloved subject, but even master several languages.

« We are used to writing down any information in electronic or notebooks. But you can put it in your brain. Then we will not depend on the batteries in the phone or the Internet in the tablet. And mnemonics will help with this.

Mnemonics is a set of rules and techniques that facilitate the process of memorizing information. That is, mnemonics turn numbers and letters into vivid images that literally cut into our memory.”

Why do we need mnemonics? In order not to memorize, but quickly and with pleasure memorize phone numbers, bank cards, names and dates of birth of friends and acquaintances, information on study and work, foreign words, sequences of words (for example, a list of products) or even entire texts.

Ushinsky K.D. wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.”

“Speech therapists have been using mnemonics in their work for a long time: for each word or small phrase, a picture is invented and sketched or displayed, and the entire text is thus sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams-drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information, ”commented Nelly.

In addition, mnemonics helps in the development of connected speech, associative thinking, visual and auditory memory, visual and auditory attention, and imagination. In a word, mnemonics can greatly simplify life if you know how to use it.

You might think that mnemonics appeared recently, but it has existed for several millennia, surrounds us everywhere, and we have used its techniques in practice more than once. So, in mnemonics, the compilation of phrases for memorization is quite widespread. The most famous among them is "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits." It "encodes" the colors of the rainbow: each starts with the same letter as the word in the phrase. The phrase about the order of the planets works in a similar way: “You can fly beyond Mars by making a jewelry turn near our planet.” Or the order of cases "Ivan gave birth to a girl ..."

Mnemonics includes a set of techniques and methods for easy memorization. Mnemonic memorization consists of four stages: coding into images, memorization (combining two images), sequence memorization and fixing in memory.

But foundation of mnemonics - associations, so the key to success in memorization is to learn how to create correct and “strong” associations. Only then can we move on.”

Consider the most important principles of mnemonics. Developed memory is based on two main factors - imagination and association. In order to memorize something new, you need to correlate this new thing with something, that is, make an associative connection with some already known factor, calling on your imagination to help. An association is a mental connection between two images. The more diverse and numerous the associations, the more firmly they are fixed in memory. Strange, illogical associations contribute to better memorization.

Nelly shared five rules to create the "correct" association:

  1. Association is the first thing that comes to your mind. It is necessary to create an image in your head that will evoke another in your memory and help you remember the information you need. The created association will become a hook when memorizing new information.
    2. The association must be illogical and absurd. The more unusual a situation you create, the more it burrows into your brain. I repeat, the image is at the head of everything. If you can create an image of an object in your head, then you are already halfway to success.
    3. Images must be large, voluminous, colored, detailed. Use all your senses to visualize the picture as vividly as possible.
    4. The association should be funny - let it be the first thing that comes to your mind.
    5. The association should be only about yourself, because only what happens to you arouses the strongest interest and therefore is better remembered. When you read a paragraph on history and imagine yourself conquering Rome, you will definitely remember more facts from this text.
    To effectively memorize the rule, it is necessary to set the created association in motion. "Movement" helps to vividly present the image. It makes the process of memorization not only simple, but also interesting.

For example, you need to remember two words: "cavalry" and "attic". You imagine that you go up to the attic and see cavalry there - horses with long bangs are standing, and warriors are sitting on them. They have their heads down to their chests because they don't fit in your tiny attic. You look at them and think: I came here for jam, but what did they forget here? And they answer you: “Exactly - what have we forgotten here?” - and fly out the window. And the jam flies after them, and you bitterly regret it. Having applied all the rules for building the right association, the brain firmly remembered these two words.

Which mnemonics methods to use depends on what you want to achieve: learn to memorize numbers, words, facts, or learn a foreign language.

There are no universal methods for developing memory. But there are a few tricks that everyone can practice every day.

Receptions of mnemonics

"Chain"- one of the basic techniques for memorizing a certain number of items. The method is simple: imagine a bright image, and then glue it with the next one. The images are connected in association in pairs. The sizes of the images are approximately the same in each pair. When you have formed a connection between the first and second image, the first image is removed from consciousness by transferring attention to the second. After that, a relationship is formed between the second and third images, and so on. When a chain of images is remembered, three to five images appear in consciousness at once.

Let's say you need to buy cheese, powder and a light bulb in a store. Introducing a huge package of powder. A light bulb flies into it and a white powder scatters across the plank floor. Cheese is strung on a light bulb ... and so a whole tower is built. Glues should be as effective as possible. They say that this way you can remember a list of at least a hundred items. What you really need to go to the store.

Reception "Matryoshka". Experts say that it serves as the most optimal way of mnemonics. It is based on the combination of images in pairs, and the previous appearance of the association must always be greater than the next, that is, the impression is necessary that the first type of word includes the one following it. After their connection, it disappears from consciousness, the main image becomes the subsequent one, which mentally increases, and an association is created between words standing one after another. So, the images are constantly being introduced into each other, like a “matryoshka”. A classic example of this action, when it is necessary to connect two seemingly incompatible images of "beauty and the beast."

hanger method good for memorizing numbers. For each number, you need to come up with several associations or “hanger” words: 0 - bagel, 1 - stake, 2 - swan, 4 - chair, 8 - snowman ... You can pick up rhyming words: zero - salt, two - owl ... We replace the numbers with pictures and come up with a coherent story. Voila - the phone number was deposited in the memory for a long time.

But what if you urgently need to remember a few foreign words?

“With the help of mnemonics it is really possible to learn hundreds of English words in one day, ”Nelli assures.

For example, we need to remember the word "pillow" - a pillow. We select a sound association - "fish-saw". We connect the pillow and the sawfish. And we come up with a story: a pillow maniac comes to you with a sawfish and starts sawing your pillow with a terribly unpleasant “peeeee” sound. Feathers scatter in different directions - otherwise it was a gift from your beloved grandmother and you are terribly sorry for her.

So, having applied the rules for constructing an association, we memorized the English word. To reproduce this story in memory, you only need 3 seconds. And when you hear the word “pillow” (“pillow”), you will remember the combination “fish-saw”, and it will hook the word “pillow” out of your memory.

If we turn to theory, then three types of associations are used in mnemonics: sound (pillow saw), semantic (cavalry and attic) and visual. The latter is used in elementary school lessons.

"Difficult to write, dictionary words represent graphically: for example, the word "cassette" can be drawn as a cassette, in the holes of which two letters "C" are hidden.

There are many examples of visual association: in the word “weather”, instead of the letter “o”, you can draw the sun. Unverifiable "o" in the words "carrot", "cucumber", "crow", "milk" can be remembered by drawing a crow with earrings in the form of two "o" or a bottle of milk with three rings thrown over it. The drawn carrot twists two hoops around the waist, and the cucumber drives the hoop in front of him. Now the spelling of these words will remain in the memory forever.

Even the rules can be drawn. For example, the rule “The particle “not” with verbs is written separately” can be depicted as a football player-verb hitting the ball-particle.

And if you need to remember some dates, then you can use image numbers that you can string, like beads, on the thread of your memory.

For example, the year of the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible (1552) is depicted as follows: one - in the form of a spear, five - stars sparkling on the helmets of Russian soldiers, two - a swan flying from the Syuyumbike tower.

To make the date even better in memory, you can make a proposal from the names invented for the numbers of the drawings. The funnier it is, the better the desired date will be remembered.

The difference between mnemonics and cramming is that in the second case, a person reads and then repeats many times, memorizing in this way. And thanks to mnemonics, information is remembered immediately, but then it needs to be repeated following a certain algorithm.

In mnemonics, as in any other skill, it is important to practice regularly. After all, memory is a muscle that must always be kept in good shape. I recommend exercising regularly. Over time, this will become a habit, and you will no longer be able to remember differently, as you did before.

I immediately tell my students that it is better not to expect miracles. To get the desired result, you need to work hard.


- If you want to get acquainted with the theory in more detail, then I recommend reading the “Textbook of Mnemonics” by Kozarenko V. A. There are many exercises in the book “Memory. Memory training and attention concentration techniques”, its author is R. Geisselhart. You can also learn mnemonics from The First 20 Hours by George Kaufman and Super Memory by Tony Buzan.

Unfortunately, in Russia and here in Tatarstan, mnemonics is not yet widely used. But it has been proven that by training memory, we change the brain. The mnemonic technique reconfigures the connections between brain nerve centers, increasing the amount of memory. So remembering a thousand English words a day is quite realistic and accessible to anyone - you just have to want to.

Illustrations from open sources,, personal archive of the author

Mnemonics is a set of techniques by which memory is expanded and taught to memorize the necessary information. Methods of mnemonics are designed for the emergence of associations.

The mnemonic rule for memorizing information is interesting even for children in preschool educational institutions, therefore children's institutions usually have a file of mnemonic exercises.

Mnemotechnical techniques work by transferring information into images. Images are auditory, visual and graphic. Exercise contributes to the development of memory, intelligence, mindfulness and speech in preschoolers.

The techniques of mnemonics in kindergartens are gradually mastered by children. First, simple mnemonic tricks are learned, then they move on to complex exercises. It works like this:

  • The children are shown mnemonic squares, which are a simple image. Each image represents a word, a phrase or a simple short sentence.
  • Further, children master mnemotracks, this is a collage consisting of four simple images. The children learn to make stories based on it.
  • Mnemotables are complex exercises for the development of children. Mnemotables are compiled in such a way that stories are reproduced from them.

Mnemotables are important components of the figurative visualization of information, so we will dwell on them in more detail.

Using mnemotables in kindergarten, educators teach children to memorize poems, select rhymes for words. Poetry memorization exercises are mnemonic if the information is presented to the kids as a game.. The tables are compiled by educators, psychologists or parents, but when the baby has already learned how to perform the exercises, he needs to try to make the tables on his own. When children are motivated to make tables, they, in addition to speech and memory, develop imagination, which is relevant for studying at school.

Mnemotables in kindergarten are:

  • Tables with algorithms that show the sequence of washing hands, washing, dressing, eating.
  • Tables that tell stories.
  • Tables configured for learning poetry or other materials.

Mnemonic tricks in kindergarten:

  • To develop the imagination, show the child the mnemonic tables, according to which he will compose his own story or fairy tale.
  • Practice memorizing poems using mnemonic tables.
  • Development game logical thinking children: give the children cards with pictures of objects and ask them to sort each object into a group (objects related to construction, cooking, sports).

After these activities, invite the children to draw pictures based on your story.

Mnemonic Rule

Mnemonics is a complex development of psychology, so it works according to the rules. So, mnemonic rules:

  • Mnemo tables for children without training are complex. Start with mnemonic squares.
  • Provide color charts. Black and white drawings do not arouse the interest of children.
  • Tables should not contain more than 9 figures, because it is difficult for children.
  • Do not offer children more than 2 mnemotables per day.
  • Memory does not develop if the tables belong to the same topic.

The use of mnemonics is important not only in kindergarten. Parents should also pay attention to the development of children at home.

Vladimir Kozarenko "Mnemonics step by step"

"Mnemonics step by step" Kozarenko consists of five separate courses that are interconnected. All methods for developing memory begin with simple ones, gradually becoming more complex and requiring greater concentration.

Kozarenko's textbook of mnemonics is useful for people who study English language, because it contains a manual that helps memorize foreign words. Kozarenko's book is designed for people who study English on their own or take lessons in groups.

The book covers such a volume of information that other books are not able to cover. You will learn to concentrate, develop memory, reproduce information in your own words, improve your English, set your memory to memorize numbers.

Types of mnemonics

What is mnemonics and why is it needed, we figured it out. But there are such types of mnemonics:

  • Classical - the development of memory occurs with the use of visual images.
  • Pedagogical - more easy way memorization. There are few visual images in it, but it involves the use of constant repetitions of the material, rewriting information in a notebook, memorizing notes. This is how memory is developed in most educational institutions, but this method is not practiced in DOW.
  • Circus - a game for the development of memory using gestures, facial expressions, intonations. This is a game technique, it assumes the presence of tricks known only to the teacher and the student.
  • Sports - memory develops by memorizing numbers.
  • Modern - involves the study of large amounts of information. The technique is designed to develop memory in people who need to remember accurate information.

Mnemonics for pronunciation of sounds

The development of speech should be given special attention, because the correct pronunciation of sounds is important for the socialization of children. In addition, the development of coherent speech is no less important, because the child is able to think competently, but it is important to be able to express thoughts. The use of mnemonics is possible for the development of speech and the correct pronunciation of sounds.

For the formation of coherent speech and the correct pronunciation of sounds, it is necessary to show children a schematic representation of sounds. Working with children takes place in the following sequence:

  • Coordination of signs with children. The guys must agree with the images on paper.
  • Teaching children the correct pronunciation of sounds using pictures.
  • Creating coherent speech by memorizing poems from pictures.

So that the development of coherent speech is not challenging task, at the same time it is necessary to conduct classes in which the guys will replenish lexicon. If this is not done, then the story from the pictures will not show coherent speech, the children will simply practice pronunciation of sounds.

Correct pronunciation sounds and the development of coherent speech are closely interconnected. They shape the child's personality. If a kid in a kindergarten develops mental abilities, then at school it will not be difficult for him.

To automate sounds in the coherent speech of children, of course, it is best to contact a speech therapist. But doctors also use mnemonic techniques, so work with your child at home to consolidate the result.

In automating sounds in coherent speech, the most difficult thing is to interest the child. He does not understand that he has to work, so do not force him. Otherwise, the baby will lose interest and learning will not be effective. Practice with him as he wishes, then the learning process will bear fruit.

We figured out what a mnemonic is for automating sounds, developing coherent speech, memory, thinking and mindfulness. The main rule when doing exercises is regularity. Practice with your child systematically so that the exercises really affect the memory and thinking of the child.

Many people are interested in how to learn to memorize large amounts of information - for study, for work, for personal purposes. And for sure, many have heard that various mnemonics techniques. However, not everyone knows how to master them, use them correctly and how they generally work. In this article, we will talk what is mnemonics, on what principles she's based like her apply and develop and also discuss some features of various techniques.

Mnemonics: what is it and who can use it

In general, mnemonics is a combination of various techniques that make it easier to remember large amounts of information. It sounds intriguing, and if you remember that some who have mastered these techniques can immediately memorize a sequence of 100 cards drawn at random, then mnemonics looks like real magic. Or people who can remember a list of several dozen abstract words, there was already a super-memory and such a system only improved it? Well, they may have had super memory, but that doesn't mean you can't achieve the same results, even if you think your memory leaves much to be desired.

After all one of the main advantages of mnemonic techniques is that anyone can master them: It does not require any superpowers or special knowledge. A It's not too late to start exercising at any age: adults, teenagers, and children can use various techniques. Mostly success depends only on how much effort and time you devote to the development of mnemonics.

The most important thing here is understand the basic principles for yourself and use mnemonics in practice, honing your skills and not stopping there. Moreover, in our opinion, the techniques of mnemonics are just the area that you can learn on your own: for free, from online sources. For example, in this article we give general advice on the use of mnemonics, and in other materials you will find more detailed descriptions of the most common and effective techniques and techniques. However, before moving on to them, familiarize yourself with the principles of operation and some secrets of mnemonics.

Receptions of mnemonics: basics, or a little theory

Let's see how this memory system works in principle. Briefly essence of mnemonics can be conveyed as follows: it is difficult for us to remember abstract and / or disparate data (numbers, lists of words and other sequences, points of speech and other units of information) and it is easier to remember connections between objects, connections between new information and existing information, associations, our emotions according to attitude towards something, etc. In other words, it is much easier to remember logical, associative, figurative and other connections between objects, and not the objects themselves. Through these connections, it is easier for us to find information in memory, and, having found it, to reproduce it. Hence, if any data does not have such links, they must be created. It is on this that most of the techniques of mnemonics are built.

In order to create such connections, there are various techniques. Many of them work like this: an image is “assigned” to a certain unit of information, and then these images are associated. To remember (play) this information, the order of action will be reversed: interconnected images are recalled, and then what was meant by them. So in fact we first encode, encrypt data in a form that is easy to remember, and when we need them, we get them from memory and decipher. Sounds difficult? In fact, when you master this or that technique at the proper level, it will happen almost automatically.

The question may arise, why bother with this garden at all? Let's memorize what we need, not some codes! However, as we said, it is much easier to remember connections (in the broadest sense of the word), and for abstract units of information it is impossible to create them in any other way (except for encoding - decoding). Besides, mnemonics unifies the process of creating links, its use becomes a certain a skill that can be trained(in other words, transfer the process to an automatic level, as we talked about above), and this is essential speeds up memorization. Also, mnemonics allows you to use those images and connections between them that are closer to you, and therefore it will be much easier to keep them in memory.

How long can we keep such "encrypted" messages in our heads? Generally - As much as needs. The use of mnemonics helps to remember a speech for a presentation, a shopping list, or 50 words for an argument - that is, that? what needs to be stored in memory once and then reproduced once (usually after a short period of time). However, similar techniques can be used for something that you want to keep for a long time. Moreover, if you reproduce this information more or less often, then this will surely lead to the fact that it will “crash” into your memory, that is will be available without decoding and generally without mnemonics. So these tricks will help you transfer certain information into long-term memory, acting as a kind of buffer. However, until they are transferred there, from time to time remember what you encoded and reproduce the necessary information (more details below). For clarity, let's analyze in practice how to use the techniques of mnemonics based on the theory described above.

How mnemonics work in practice

Mainly, memorization in mnemonics occurs on the basis of visual thinking: we imagine images and invent connections between them. However, we note right away that “mainly” does not mean “just like that” - there are other kinds of tricks. However, for now, let's focus on visual thinking, since many well-known techniques are based on it, including the memory palace or Cicero's road.

An example of memorizing numerical information

For example, to memorize long numbers, we can assign an image to each digit in this number and link them in a certain sequence. Images are thought up by associations, external similarity of figure and object, etc. - choose what is closer to you. As a rule, 10 images (one for each digit) are thought out in advance, and then used to memorize any numbers. Let's say 1 is a crane (external similarity), and 3 is the Serpent Gorynych (3 heads + the number 3 and the letter Z are similar). Then, in order to remember the number 13, you need to imagine a crane, which is controlled by the Serpent Gorynych.

If 5 is a palm or a fist (5 fingers) and 0 is a square (external form), then 1350 is a crane operated by Zmey Gorynych, and right now he is installing a giant statue in the shape of a fist of the Hulk in the central square.
Imagine a crane, the Serpent Gorynych is sitting in the cab, he is pulling the levers, and the Hulk's fist is hanging on a metal cable, which must be installed exactly in the center of the square. If 1350 is a pin code from a bank card, then at the mention of this card, the picture described above should pop up in your head. To better tie it to the pin code, you can imagine that a large image of this card is drawn on the cockpit.

The more alive the picture in your head, the better - the easier it will be to reproduce these images.. Try adding emotions(The Serpent Gorynych has been trying to get to the center of the square for the third hour, but still nothing), movements(“consider” how our hero moves the levers, how the hanging statue sways), characteristics(“touch” a cold statue, a stretched cable from a crane, etc.). It is believed that movement and a certain sequence of events are remembered better than something static, in addition, many people remember unusual, funny / sad, even absurd images better. To understand what works best in your case, you need to experiment and try everything.

If a number consists of a large number of digits (for example, it is a bank card number or a telephone number), then it makes sense to divide such a number into parts, and turn the connections between images into a story. For example, from the crane (1), which was controlled by the Serpent Gorynych (3), the fist of the Hulk (5) came off, and at that time a swan (2) walked across the square (0). It's good that he managed to jump back - right on the rainbow (7). He slid down it like a hill (4), and at the bottom he was met by a matryoshka doll (8). And so on.

An example of memorizing non-numeric information

There is a similar memorization technique for non-numerical information - the famous memory palace, Roman room and Cicero's road. As part of these techniques, the memorized information is divided into semantic parts, which are also tied to certain images (the so-called strong points). The Cicero road allows you to remember the sequence, so it makes sense to use it when you need to remember, for example, a shopping list or the theses of a speech (in fact, these mnemonics were developed and actively used in Ancient Greece, which was famous for its excellent speakers and developed oratory). In turn, the memory palace is not connected with sequences and helps to remember certain information regardless of each other.

Mnemonics and memory: do they influence each other?

Of course, the concept of "supermemory" is very close to mnemonics, but we must be aware that To common development memory mnemonics has a rather indirect relationship. For example, it definitely won't make you an eidetic (that is, it won't give you a photographic memory). Mnemonics is a system for storing information, so if you want, for example, to keep the contents of a book you read in your head, you need to use the techniques of this system. For example, to build a book into a memory palace, dividing it into parts and tying them to support images. Also, mnemonics will not help you remember what you did a week ago unless you specifically put this information in your palace.

Thus, if you are interested in the general strengthening and development of memory, you should take a closer look at other methods (some of them are described in the article “Is it possible to develop eidetic memory”), and use mnemonics for its intended purpose - to memorize specific units of information. On the other hand, the use of mnemonics will certainly allow you to develop your own brain, including visual and associative thinking, so such training will definitely not go in vain.

In conclusion, a few tips - they will be useful for those who are just planning to master mnemonics, and for beginners, and for those who already practice various techniques and want to improve their use.

How and what to train

If your goal is the active use of any technique of mnemonics for domestic or work purposes, take note of the main rule: impressive results can only be achieved through numerous trainings. Memorization using mnemonics (especially for speed or for a long time) is a skill. Any skill needs to be developed and brought to automatism in order to perform certain actions easily and
at ease and so that this skill does not fail at the right time. And it is important to train both processes - both decoding and decoding.

In fact, in order to develop mnemonics, you just need to use it. First on something not too long and important, Over time, set yourself more difficult tasks. Anything can serve as exercise. For example, if you want to remember numbers, use phone numbers, credit cards, IDs. Come up with long numeric passwords - and protect accounts, and develop mnemonics. Although at the beginning of his journey, of course, don't forget about insurance: write down passwords or set reminders of who to congratulate when.

If you want to memorize non-numerical information, you can practice on books, but we recommend choosing non-fiction. In fiction, as a rule, there is a plot, and the plot is a logical (to one degree or another) sequence of related events. The presence of connections makes the use of mnemonics in this case "unfair game". Remember better those areas of knowledge that you have always wanted to study (physics, history, geography, etc.), and combine immersion in this science (including at the popular science level) with the training of mnemonics. Another option is to set aside a room in the memory palace for all information about colleagues: pets, number and names of children, etc. This will allow you to keep up the conversation and/or build relationships on occasion.

Choice of method

For best results, you need find the most suitable memorization method. To do this, it makes sense to try each and practice on it, and then choose the most effective and convenient. In addition, you can modify the classic methods to get what works best for your type of thinking and perception. For example, the palaces of memory or the roads of Cicero, in principle, are designed for people who have a better developed visual memory. Does this mean that for those who have it poorly developed, it is better not to even take up mnemonics? No, it is important to simply upgrade the original version so that it becomes more convenient for you.

For example, use not only visual images, but also music, smells or tactile sensations as a semblance of strong points. Let's say you need to memorize a speech for a presentation. Divide the text of the speech into parts and tie it to the songs in the music album that you know well, and when actually giving a speech to the audience, mentally move from track to track. Of course, you can go a more complicated way - first develop visual memory and then learn mnemonics. The choice is yours, but let's subtly hint that one does not interfere with the other.

Choice of images and connections

It is also important to understand what is the principle of selecting images to strong points and what connection between images is most effective for you. It is easiest for someone to imagine more or less real objects; it is easier for someone to remember comical, contrasting images located in clearly inappropriate places; for someone, the most important thing is the emotional attachment or associations with similar events that happened to them in reality. Some prefer to
connected images interacted in one way or another, but for some this is not so important, the main thing is that the images are in motion.

Let us also draw your attention to the fact that in some sources the recommendations are too unambiguous: you need to represent it this way, the objects must be such and such, you need to do something with them. In our opinion, such harsh directives can only be used as reference points in order to understand what to start from. Transforming raw information into images is a somewhat personal process. based on our experience, associations, etc., and they are different for everyone. For example, it may be easier for someone to remember a pink hippopotamus, because he had such a favorite toy as a child, and someone closer to a spider the size of a skyscraper, because he loves horror movies. To understand what is best for you, you can do the first step - practice.

Calm, only calm

Learning, especially at first, is worth the most relaxed environment(from an emotional point of view). This means that you can practice even in the subway, if you are able to completely abstract from the environment. While you are just adjusting to a particular method, do not let unwelcome emotions (including stress, anxiety, etc.) and associations influence this process. Firstly, it is more difficult to understand whether this or that method suits you or not, and secondly, its use in the future may be associated with these associations, which sometimes interferes with effective memorization.

Don't forget from repetition

Do not forget to reproduce from time to time that you need to remember something for a long time, but that you don't use it too often. Repeat memory phrases, walk through the palaces of memory and the roads of Cicero, etc. Thus, you will show your memory that this information is relevant for you and it is too early to get rid of it, in addition, it will not be pushed to the farthest end of your memory, from where it will be more difficult for you to get it.

One of the mistakes of beginners is to encode information, repeat it a couple of times in the next two days, and then safely forget both the images and what was hidden behind them. And at the right moment, it suddenly turns out that Cicero's road has been blocked, and half of the memory palace has collapsed. To prevent this from happening practice getting out of memory, including the information that you put there a long time ago(if you still need it). This skill will be useful not only for mnemonics, but also for general strengthening of memory.