Neuro-Linguistic Programming volume 1 pdf. Harry Alder - NLP. Modern psychotechnologies. NLP Practitioner. Bob Bodenhamer, Michael Hall

The science of NLP requires a serious approach, but this area of ​​\u200b\u200bknowledge is the most interesting direction in psychology. The proposed books will be useful to anyone interested in NLP methods.

NLP is a complex science that requires a serious approach. Nevertheless, neuro-linguistic programming remains one of the most interesting areas in psychology. The books that we offer you to read will be useful to anyone who is interested in NLP methods and is tuned in to understanding themselves, others and life in general.

1. Bob Bodenhamer, Michael Hall "NLP Practitioner"

A well-organized collection of the most interesting materials on Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The book has general information about NLP, a description of the methods used, many examples and exercises for mastering the material. The book will be of interest to those who want to get an idea about this science and those who have already become interested in NLP and want to expand their knowledge. If you really want to get to the bottom of NLP, this book is a must read.

2. Joseph O'Connor NLP. A Practical Guide to Achieving the Desired Results”

Informative and very useful reference by NLP. From the manual you will draw theoretical knowledge and learn about the practice of their application. The author offers effective practical techniques for obtaining self-improvement and suggestion skills. You will gain knowledge that allows you to better understand people and delve into the laws of communication. The information contained in D. O'Connor's practical guide can be applied in education, law, management, business, sports, etc.

3. R. Bandler, D. Grinder "From frogs to princes"

Recording of an introductory lecture on NLP, finalized and adapted for reading. The materials of this three-day lecture, read by the authors in 1978, will help to form a general impression of the science of NLP, understand the basic mechanisms of influence, and teach you to gently and tactfully lead any person to the goal. NLP methods work even in cases where psychologists are powerless. The book is recommended to everyone who is interested in the issues of communication between people: psychologists, sociologists, psychotherapists, etc.

4. Richard Bandler Reframing. Orientation of personality with the help of speech strategies»

The work of one of the founders of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Richard Bandler, is devoted to reframing, its models and methods for using them. Reframing serves as a tool for rethinking perception and behavior, allowing you to free yourself from destructive patterns. The best way to reflect the essence of reframing is the frame surrounding the picture - information about the content of the picture depends on which fragment got inside the frame. The method is to move the same picture into new frames. R. Bandler offers to get acquainted with the methods of reaching certain facets of a person's personality in order to block unwanted images and bring others to the fore.

5. Manly Hall "The 77 Best NLP Techniques"

The book by specialist Michael Hall contains the most effective techniques NLP. The application of the proposed methods will help in personal development the ability to communicate, the disclosure of one's own potential. Knowledge of NLP techniques is applicable to activities in the field of business, education, psychology, sociology, and management. The book is intended for a wide range of readers and will be useful to every person striving for self-development.

6. Sergey Gorin “NLP. Bulk Techniques»

Collection of fragments of NLP seminars conducted by the author from 1993 to 1995. Examples of successful interaction between a psychotherapist and patients allow non-specialists to understand the subject of study. The only condition is the possession of the basic terms of NLP, without which the understanding of the text will be complicated. Many techniques from the arsenal of Valery Khmelevsky, one of the authorities of the Russian school of neurolinguistic programming, are described.

7. Gregory Bateson "Angels fear"

It takes centuries for the world to solve some problems - remember the problems of Aristotle and Descartes. But the new problems are no easier than the old ones. Angels Are Afraid by Gregory Bason is an attempt to identify and characterize some of the new questions that have arisen. The author analyzes the history of human development using his own concept. The originality of the doctrine lies in the description of the reference points, passing through which the consciousness of all mankind and each individual changes. People are reconsidering their attitude to the world, they discover new knowledge that makes them see events in a new way.

The book will be of interest to anyone who is interested in psychology, philosophy and self-development.

8. Alder “NLP. Modern psychotechnologies»

You will be interested in effective techniques used by intelligence officers, politicians and top managers. You can master the art of communication and try to apply it. Few are born virtuosos of communication, you have the opportunity to learn the nuances of influencing the interlocutor and become a connoisseur of psychological techniques. The author teaches the reader to inspire confidence, understand what is said and what is not said by the interlocutor, manage events and people.

The book will be useful to anyone who wants to master communication skills and interact effectively with others.

9. Sid Jacobson "Status of Solved Problems"

Sid Jacobson wants to help readers understand the basic ideas of NLP. According to the author, Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a free method, therefore, their use should not be limited to established provisions. The reader is invited to determine the content of the methods and bring them closer to own life. At the same time, the book contains answers to many questions, as well as a brief excursion into the history of NLP and a description of the most effective models and methods based on general laws thinking. Sid Jacobson's methods are quite applicable to all areas of life, so the book can be recommended to the widest range of readers.

10. Steve Andreas “Six Blind Elephants. Understanding yourself and each other

Steve Andreas "remembers everything", holds the "general frame of NLP" and strives to unite many areas of NLP application with common models. The theme of the book is relationships, but the areas under consideration are so vast that it is not always easy to follow the course of the author's thought. Steve Anders has collected everything in his work: Self-concept, logical levels, reality strategy, schizophrenia, hypnosis, time frames, reframing, double binds, metaprograms, submodalities, criteria, perceptual positions, "Clean Language", congruence and nuances of the therapy process . If you are not afraid of difficulties, check out the methodological breakthrough in NLP.

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Kovalev S.V. Collection of books on NLP (Kovalev S.V.)

Format: PDF, DJVU, Scanned pages
Kovalev S.V.
Year of release: 2003-2011
Publisher: Profit Style, Phoenix, Your Books, etc.
Genre: Psychology, Psychotherapy, NLP
Russian language
Number of pages: a lot of
Description: Books by an outstanding spiritual doctor, professor, teacher of neurolinguistic programming (NLP), internationally recognized psychotherapist and author of the Eastern Version of Neuroprogramming and Neurotransforming.
Read, work on yourself, enjoy the result!

Add. information:

1. An Introduction to Neurotransforming or A Guide to Efficiency and Happiness
2. We come from a Terrible Childhood (Codes of your destiny)
3. Neurotransforming. The team of our self
4. Neurotransforming. Fundamentals of self-counseling
5. NLP Consulting. Book 1
6. NLP-psychocorrection. Book 2
7. NLP of Human Perfection
8. The NLP of Effective Leadership
9. Fundamentals of neurotransforming
10. Psychotherapy personal history.
11. Seven steps from the abyss

If the torrent is updated, I will inform you additionally.


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Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP is a direction in psychology, the foundation for which is the copying of verbal and non-verbal human behavior. NLP was created in the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century and is used in psychological training.

The official psychology of NLP does not recognize: sometimes the direction is called pseudoscience. This is due to the fact that most of the methods he uses are not scientifically substantiated and ineffective, although there are research results that prove the opposite.

Neuro-linguistic programming explores the experience of psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, linguists, hypnotists in order to make the methods they use publicly available. NLP is:

  • Possession of the skill of a clear goal setting. The ability to see obstacles on the way to the goal and eliminate them.
  • Attentiveness and sensitivity to what is happening within oneself and in the environment outside world. The skill is needed to control one's own activity in the process of implementing the plan.
  • Flexibility in actions on the way to achieving the goal, the ability to change actions until a result appears.

The “Neuro” part of the name indicates that in order to display the human experience, one must be competent in the area of ​​​​brain activity responsible for processing, storing and disseminating information.

The importance of language in displaying the device of behavior, thinking, interaction between people is demonstrated by the word "Linguistic".

"Programming" - involves the exact sequence of steps in advancing the goal. This is a systematic inference and behavior.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a combination of skills that help to quickly change a person's thinking (manipulate) in order to influence him. Such an action on the psyche is not realized by the object and is carried out with the aim of liberation from problems, development, or as a remedy.

The foundation of NLP is interaction with human consciousness. In the process of working with people, blocking of the conscious is used in order to release the unconscious.

History of Neuro Linguistic Programming

The development of neurolinguistic programming began in the late 60s of the last century at the University of California by scientists led by anthropologist Gregory Bateson. The study was designed to reveal the patterns of effective communication of some psychotherapists with patients.

Richard Bandler and John Grinder studied methods, techniques, methods of interaction, analyzed them by observing the work of psychotherapists with their wards. The methods used by Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson, Fritz Perzl were monitored.

Later, the methods studied were organized as species and shown in the form of models of the impact of people on each other. The conclusions of the study are presented in the works “The Structure of Magic. Volume 1 "(1975)," The structure of magic. Volume 2" (1976). Together with Virginia Satir, in 1976, the book "Changes in the Family" was written.

The result of the research was a meta-model, which served as the basis for continuing the study. This is how practical psychology, more precisely, a separate direction, called "neuro-linguistic programming".

In the early 1980s, each of the creators of NLP began to follow a separate path, which led to the emergence by the end of the 80s of several associations with one-of-a-kind approaches. At the same time, NLP came to Russia. The first Russian scientists from Novosibirsk were trained by John Grinder himself. He has taught with almost all Russian trainers, twice held seminars in Russia: in 1997 and 2004.

Using NLP

Neuro-Linguistic Programming teaches you to understand yourself and people nearby, observation and influence by communicative and psychotherapeutic methods. NLP is used by people in the following areas of life:

  • Oratory.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Journalism.
  • Management.
  • Studies.
  • Commercial activity.
  • Acting skills.
  • Law and law, jurisprudence.
  • Time management and efficient use.

Mastering NLP practices helps to improve communication skills, causes personal growth, heals fears and phobias, maintains mental health and performance at a normal level.

How to learn it

NLP techniques are available to anyone. It won't be hard to master them. This is evidenced by the main provisions of the doctrine.

There are three main levels of education:

  • The standard NLP Practitioner course is preferable if you are only interested in communication skills and counseling. Also "NLP Practitioner" is recommended for beginners. The duration of this course is 21 days. Graduates receive the qualification of NLP practitioners, which indicates the possession of the methodology and the ability to apply it when conducting practices for beginners. "NLP Practitioner" is a basic educational course, the training in which is built on the principle from simple to complex.
  • If there is a desire to deepen knowledge, work with persuasion and modeling, the NLP-Master course will help.
  • "NLP-Trainer" will teach you how to work with the audience, introduce you to the features of learning neurolinguistic programming.

Trainings and full-time courses last for months, and you have to pay a tidy sum for training. But not everything is so sad. Most of the techniques can be mastered on your own.

To do this, you need to read special books on NLP, diligently apply the learned techniques in practical activities. Improving skills in neurolinguistic programming will allow the continuous use of the acquired knowledge and skills in life.

The developers of NLP, while modeling the techniques of famous psychotherapists, applied several laws that these professionals used. All laws are connected in a system of presuppositions - axioms-tools that make the applied techniques effective.

More than one book has been written on neuro-linguistic programming: there are a great many of them. Often these books do not contain much useful information, as one would like and reading them, expecting an impressive result is pointless. The best in this field, the most famous and useful are the following books:

A NLP Practitioner. The book was written by Bob Bodenhamer and Michael Hall. The book has incorporated the most interesting materials. Includes general information, description of methods, techniques, exercises, examples. "NLP Practitioner" is equally highly appreciated by people who first became interested in the teachings, as well as those who already had some knowledge in this area and wanted to improve them.

B The book "From Frogs to Princes" by Richard Bandler and John Grinder is intended for specialists in the field of psychology (psychotherapists, sociologists, psychologists), as well as anyone who is interested in the psychology of interaction between people. Reading the contents of the book will be useful for beginners learning NLP.

In "The State of Solved Problems" - a book by S. Jacobson, which describes the universal model. It can be used by people to solve problems in any area of ​​life. The foundation for the model was the laws of thought, life and activity.

G “Reframing. Personality Orientation Through Speech Strategies by Richard Bandler. The book deals with the psychology of reframing, that is, changing thinking and perception in order to get rid of adverse mental patterns. Not only the current practitioner or specialist will read the work with interest, the presented models and methods of application can be successfully used by ordinary people.

Manipulation and NLP

Any active interaction between people is manipulation. Communicating with each other, people at an unconscious level want to get the reaction of the interlocutor. If there are goals that cannot be achieved alone, manipulation during communication is observed in 100% of cases.

You can manipulate other people explicitly or covertly, the difference is that in the first case, a person voices his goal or what kind of reaction he wants to see. Every day, from birth, interaction occurs between people, which accompanies manipulation.

Psychology has determined that it is possible to manipulate human consciousness using special methods:

  • Hypnosis and trance.

Hypnosis has been known to mankind since ancient times, currently a similar method is used as a means of treating addictions, ailments and phobias. Each person falls into a state of trance in a natural way: the point of concentration shifts, there is an immersion in one's own thoughts. Everything that people mastered happened when the brain switched to a different mode of operation, was in a state of trance (a state of altered consciousness). Deep trance (hypnosis) is considered the most vulnerable state to manipulate consciousness: a person perceives information through the senses, logic is turned off, there is no criticality.

Psychology has developed techniques for achieving goals. NLP is a competent systematization of all the best. Here the methods of cognitive psychology, gestalt psychotherapy, behaviorism and others were combined. The techniques that psychology has collected in NLP can easily be turned into a manual for manipulating human consciousness. Moreover, one who owns such methods can detect such actions.

  • Psychotronic weapon.

IN open sources it is impossible to find information about such weapons. There is not even irrefutable evidence that it actually exists, since the information is classified. Psychotronic weapons are directional waves through which the behavior of a person or a crowd is manipulated (wave vibrations make people panic, run or stop). The foundation for the creation of weapons was what psychology studied as a science.

NLP institutes and courses are informal, as psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry do not officially recognize Neuro-Linguistic Programming. This is explained by the fact that the technique is not theoretically justified and does not have scientific confirmation of its effectiveness. However, all the methods used to influence the consciousness and thinking of a person are based on laws, regulations, rules, developments of psychology and psychotherapy that have been confirmed and proven by science.

NLP, as we have already seen in our previous lessons, is not an easy "science" and requires a very serious approach to its study and mastering even basic skills. But this does not prevent neuro-linguistic programming from being one of the most interesting and exciting areas in psychology. And today there are a great many different options for where you can get knowledge about NLP .. Secondly, seminars, webinars, trainings and courses conducted by highly qualified specialists in this field. And, thirdly, these are, of course, books, which are perhaps the most popular way to gain knowledge. This article is dedicated to them.

Here we will consider, of course, not all, but some of the best, most interesting and popular books on NLP. Each of these books is essentially unique in its kind and includes the maximum amount of data on the topic presented. These books give how general information about NLP, and covers in detail such topics as the meta model (language model), perceptual positions and framing, representational systems, non-verbal means of communication, anchoring, performance, state management and many others. The books that we will talk about below are recommended for study not only to all those who are interested in NLP and its methods, but also to those who go through life along the path of self-development and are determined to increase their skills and personal characteristics, improve self-understanding, surrounding people and life in general.

NLP Practitioner. Bob Bodenhamer, Michael Hall

This book is a unique and beautifully organized collection of the most interesting NLP material. It includes an introduction to NLP and general information about it, descriptions of the ways and methods used by this science, as well as a large number of examples and exercises that contribute to the rapid and effective assimilation of the material. The book will be useful for those who just want to get acquainted with Neuro Linguistic Programming and find out what it is, and for those who already have some knowledge and want to improve their skills, becoming a real experienced NLP practitioner.

NLP. A practical guide to achieving the desired results. D. O'Connor

From frogs to princes. R. Bandler, D. Grinder

Reframing. Orientation of personality with the help of speech strategies. R. Bandler

77 best NLP techniques. M. Hall

NLP. Loose techniques. S. Gorin

Angels are afraid. G. Bateson

NLP. Modern psychotechnologies. H. Alder

Status of resolved issues. S. Jacobson

The books we have reviewed in this short article are only a small part of the huge amount of material available today that is of value to anyone interested in NLP and related issues. Therefore, we recommend that you turn our squeeze from dozens of books on NLP - the course " Best Techniques communications".

We wish you the best of luck and outstanding results!