Tebiev Boris. Tebiev Boris Kaz-Gireevich. Chronicle of creative life

Rector of the International Pedagogical Academy; born July 4, 1946; Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Tula State Pedagogical Institute. L. N. Tolstoy in 1968; doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1992); Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1995); full member of the New York Academy of Sciences, professor at the Moscow Aviation Technology University. K. E. Tsiolkovsky; Vice-Chairman of the Russian Coordinating Council of the International Committee of the Movement "Educators for Peace and Mutual Understanding"; historian of Russian culture and public education; member of the editorial board of the journal "Pedagogy".

  • - Prince of Gorodets-Suzdal - the third son of Konstantin Vasilyevich, Prince of Suzdal ...

    Biographical Dictionary

  • - Soviet crystallographer, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Member of the CPSU since 1957. Graduated from Moscow State University, then the Institute of Steel...
  • - genus. Aug 19 1907 in Tiflis, mind. Jan 30 1967 in Tbilisi. Composer and conductor. In 1932 he graduated from the Tiflis cons. according to class f-p. L. Truskovsky and compositions by S. V. Barkhudaryan...
  • - Prince of Suzdal, son of Konstantin Vasilyevich Suzdal, mind. in 1393. In 1354 he married Maria, daughter of Grand Duke Olgerd...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Soviet physicist-crystallographer, academician. R. in Moscow. Graduated from Moscow University and Institute of Steel. Since 1949 he has been working at the Institute of Crystallography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Russian and Soviet pilot. He was an instructor at the Moscow School of Aviation. After February Revolution chosen by her boss. During civil war fought on the Eastern and Turkestan fronts ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - In 1902 he graduated from the Riga Polytechnic Institute with the title of engineer-architect. Technician SO MGP. In 1904 he worked in Omsk. From 1904 - in Moscow, worked on the construction of the house of the insurance island "Anchor", was an architect ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Vice-President of the International Financial and Industrial Group "Leader of Groups Incorporation"; born January 7, 1928; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus...

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  • - Head of local self-government, mayor of Kostroma since December 1995; was born on May 23, 1946 in Kostroma; graduated from the Kostroma Technological Institute in 1969....

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  • - was born in the city of Anapa in 1966. Studied at MEPhI. But he did not have the opportunity to work either as an engineering physicist or as a physical engineer. Restructuring is coming...

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  • - Chief Researcher of the Coordinating and Analytical Center for Problems environment Republican Research and Advisory Center for Environmental Problems of the Ministry of Science of Russia since 1998 ....

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Prince of Gorodets-Suzdal, the third son of Konstantin Vasilyevich, Prince. Suzdal. Dying, Konstantin assigned Suzdal to Dmitry, Nizhny Novgorod to his second son Andrey, and Gorodets to Boris...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Russian writer, white émigré. Began printing in 1901...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Soviet cameraman, Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR. Member of the CPSU since 1958. In 1927 he graduated from the State College of Cinematography. In 1936‒1937 he was in Spain...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Russian physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Proceedings on the theory of X-ray and electron diffraction, structural analysis of crystals, the structure of biological crystals and macromolecules, electron microscopy...
  • - Russian cameraman and director of documentary films, Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR. Makaseev's shooting was included in the releases of "To the events in Spain", in documentaries: "Spain", "Grenada, Grenada, my Grenada .....

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

"Tebiev, Boris Kaz-Gireevich (Konstantinovich)" in books

Zaitsev Boris Konstantinovich (1881–1972)

From the book Path to Chekhov author Gromov Mikhail Petrovich

Zaitsev Boris Konstantinovich (1881-1972) Writer; during the years of acquaintance with Chekhov - a student expelled from the Moscow Higher Technical School for participating in student riots. In 1899, his father was going to buy Chekhov's estate in Melikhovo. Chekhov suggested

PRONIN Boris Konstantinovich

From the book Silver Age. Portrait Gallery of Cultural Heroes of the Turn of the 19th–20th Centuries. Volume 2. K-R author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

PRONIN Boris Konstantinovich November 26 (December 8), 1875 - October 29, 1946 Drama actor, director. Artist of the Moscow Art Theater (1903–1905), Komissarzhevskaya Drama Theater, director-manager of the Intermedia House in St. Petersburg. Founder of the literary and artistic clubs Stray Dog and Halt

Vishnevsky Boris Lazarevich Arkady and Boris Strugatsky: double star

From the book Arkady and Boris Strugatsky: double star author Vishnevsky Boris Lazarevich

Vishnevsky, Boris Lazarevich Arkady and Boris Strugatsky: double star

Ksenia Buksha BORIS PASTERNAK: NINE LIVES AND ONE DEATH Boris Leonidovich Pasternak (1890–1960)

From the book Literary Matrix. Textbook written by writers. Volume 2 the author Buksha Ksenia

Ksenia Buksha BORIS PASTERNAK: NINE LIVES AND ONE DEATH Boris Leonidovich Pasternak (1890–1960) 1 “Looks like an arap and his horse at the same time,” said Marina Tsvetaeva. Very aptly, it is worth looking at the portrait. Akhmatova also recalls: “He, who compared himself with a horse

Zaitsev Boris Konstantinovich

From the book Silver Age. Portrait Gallery of Cultural Heroes of the Turn of the 19th–20th Centuries. Volume 1. A-I author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

ZAYTSEV Boris Konstantinovich 29.1 (10.2).1881 - 28.1.1972 Prose writer, translator, memoirist. Publications in the magazines "Pass", "Pravda", " New way”, “Questions of Life”, “Golden Fleece”, in almanacs and collections “Rosehip”, “Knowledge”. Collections of short stories "Stories. Book 1" (St. Petersburg, 1906),

Boris Konstantinovich Zaitsev (February 10 (January 29), 1881 - January 28, 1972)

From the book History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the 20th Century. Volume II. 1953–1993 In the author's edition author Petelin Viktor Vasilievich

Boris Konstantinovich Zaitsev (February 10 (January 29), 1881 - January 28, 1972) “The universalism, erudition, responsiveness of Boris Konstantinovich Zaitsev, a wide circle of acquaintances in the literary world (he met with almost all the major Russian writers of the early twentieth century), extraordinary

Weinstein Boris Konstantinovich

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(VA) author TSB

Zaitsev Boris Konstantinovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (FOR) of the author TSB

Makaseev Boris Konstantinovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MA) of the author TSB

Shishkin Boris Konstantinovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SHI) of the author TSB


From the book Dictionary of Aphorisms of Russian Writers author Tikhonov Alexander Nikolaevich

ZAITSEV BORIS KONSTANTINOVICH Boris Konstantinovich Zaitsev (1881-1972). Russian writer. From 1922 he lived and worked in exile. The main works of the creative heritage of B. Zaitsev are the books of stories "Quiet Dawns", "Stories", "Earthly Sorrow"; story "Agrafena"

ZAYTSEV Boris Konstantinovich 29.1 (10.II).1881, Orel - 28.I.1972, Paris

From the book of 99 names Silver Age author Bezelyansky Yuri Nikolaevich

ZAYTSEV Boris Konstantinovich 29.1(10.II).1881, Orel - 28.I.1972, Paris Boris Zaitsev outlived almost all of his contemporaries in the Silver Age. In 1971, the 90th anniversary of Boris Konstantinovich, “the last swan of the Silver Age,” was solemnly celebrated in Paris. He died through

Boris (Pti-Boris) Smelov Drive a little naked girl around the room with a knitting needle

the author Krusanov Pavel

Boris (Petit-Boris) Smelov To drive a little naked girl around the room with a knitting needle. His photographs are fascinating. The magical play of light and shadow and the accuracy of the composition instantly captivate the viewer into the inner space of the photograph, and at exhibitions move away from any of the works

Boris (Grand-Boris) Kudryakov A glass of lead

From the book Anxiety of the city of St. Petersburg the author Krusanov Pavel

Boris (Gran-Boris) Kudryakov A glass of lead Boris Kudryakov, aka Grand-Boris, or simply Grand, was probably the most mysterious and closed person of the St. Petersburg underground. Any word spoken about him, or even a flashing thought, is always inaccurate and needs immediate attention.

Boris Konstantinovich Zaitsev. Balaam

From the book of Balaam the author Zaitsev Boris

Boris Konstantinovich Zaitsev. Balaam

Tebiev Boris Kaz-Gireevich (Konstantinovich)

Professor of the Department of Economic Theories of the Faculty of Economics of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law of the Russian State Humanitarian University. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1992), Doctor of Economic Sciences (2002), full member Russian Academy natural sciences(RANS), member of the International Pedagogical Academy, full member of the New York Academy of Sciences.

He was awarded government and public awards: the Order of the Badge of Honor (1986), the title and order of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "Knight of Science and Arts" (2000), the Order of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "For the Benefit of the Fatherland" named after. V.N. Tatishchev (2006), the Order "Glory of Russia" (2006) and the Order of Lomonosov "For merits and great personal contribution to the development of national science and education" of the National Committee of Public Awards of the Russian Federation (2007).

He has been teaching at the Russian State University for the Humanities since 1998. Author of more than 300 works, including monographs "Economic liberalism and criticism of socialist economic doctrines in Russia of the 19th century” (M., 2002), “The state, society and “difficult children” in pre-Soviet Russia” (M., 2005. co-author)

The author talks about himself:

“By education I am a teacher of history and social studies. high school. In 1968 he graduated from the Tula State Pedagogical Institute. L.N. Tolstoy. From the first year he was actively interested in local history and published a lot of materials related to the history of Tula and the Tula region, including M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

For many years he worked in the Komsomol. He defended two doctoral dissertations. The first of them is devoted to the social and pedagogical movement in Russia at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. The second is liberal economic thought in Russia XIX century. Among my pupils there are about 30 candidates and doctors of sciences (pedagogical and economic). He has 21 monographs and over 300 scientific articles to his credit.

In 1993 he created the International Pedagogical Academy as an educational institution and a scientific and creative community of scientists and teachers of the CIS countries. At that time, it included about 20 regional branches, some of which became independent institutions. We trained 2,000 school psychologists from former pioneer leaders.

In 2008, the publishing house of the Lenin Library "Pashkov House" published my book "Secrets of book bindings", which I am now supplementing with new stories about book searches and finds from my library. By the way, among the essays there is also an essay on the unique edition of "Fairy Tales for Children of a Fair Age" (only 3 surviving copies are known along with mine) by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The book contains many interesting materials about L.N. Tolstoy, V.V. Veresaev, S.A. Yesenin and others.


The summer of 1851 in Baden-Baden turned out to be extremely sunny. However, here, in the south of Germany, in a fertile valley bordered by the picturesque mountains of the Black Forest, there was enough heat and sun at any time of the year. Zhukovsky liked this small, clean town, known since ancient rome healing springs and lush vineyards...

The head of the III department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, Count Pyotr Shuvalov, triumphed. Finally, State Councilor Saltykov, known in literary circles as the satirist writer Shchedrin, is in his hands. Let him try to get away now. Completely lost my shame!

The comedy "Woe from Wit" has become a truly pearl of Russian classical drama, a turning point in its history. The creator of the comedy - Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov - Vissarion Belinsky called the Shakespeare of the comedy genre.

A lot has been written about the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, first of all, of course, in connection with Pushkin, and sometimes quite biased. And this is not difficult to understand: it is probably impossible to write impartially about the poet, his environment and his era in general.

In 2008, the Pashkov House publishing house of the Lenin Library published my book Secrets of Book Bindings. I wanted to unobtrusively tell the reader how romantic and interesting the search for rare books is, how exciting the joy of knowledge and the joy of even the smallest discoveries can be, how much a smart, kind book means in our life.

Books accompanied Zhukovsky all his life. They were not only the decoration of his office, but also the most loyal friends, with their help he discovered for himself an unknown world of human feelings, thoughts, impressions.

"Young Jacobins were indignant"

Book lovers have a feature that distinguishes them from ordinary readers. It is not enough for a book lover to even re-read a favorite work several times. You always want to see and read a book at least once in your life in the form in which it was first born.

Secrets of book bindings

The bindings of old books tend to deteriorate, crumble, foreshadowing the death of the book. And then the book lover picks up a scalpel, glue and a brush and begins to “treat” his pets.

Published by N.I. Novikov

A small, pocket-sized little book called "Christian School", written, as the title page testifies, in the city of Breslavl by the rector of "local schools" Jerome Rokes, I kept on a bookcase shelf without much, frankly speaking, enthusiasm. And I certainly could not imagine how rare and interesting this book is.

I met Nikolai Alexandrovich Milonov, associate professor of literature at the Tula Pedagogical Institute, and became friends at the end of 1966, when I was elected chairman of the institute's scientific student society (NSO).

A passionate revolutionary poet, a singer of freedom, a tyrant-fighter, one of the leaders of the uprising on Senate Square, mercilessly executed in the prime of his creative powers and talents, Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev was not only one of the most educated people of his time, but also an avid book reader.

Alexei Stepanovich Khomyakov - one of the active participants in the literary struggle of the forties and fifties of the XIX century, the founder and leader of Slavophilism, was a man of brilliant mind and extraordinary abilities.

Do you remember the sad story about the orphan Alifan, to whom a greedy guardian, by great mercy, once bought a book? It was told by the democratic writer Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky in "The Morals of Rasteryaeva Street".

Books with autographs of their creators are always curious and especially dear to the collector, even if these are not autographs of celebrities, but of people little known to the general public or sometimes lost in history. You will meet such a book on the counter of a second-hand bookstore, and, as a rule, you do not regret money for it.

One of my new bibliographic essays for "Secrets of book bindings" is dedicated to P.P. Bunakov, a man close to the Social Revolutionaries and in Soviet time forced to hide from the Chekists in the provinces.

For the site, I made an abbreviated version of my investigations about Bunakov.

A few years ago, I had the indiscreet idea of ​​publishing a local history magazine, Tula Pathfinder, for young fellow countrymen. Why not? Such a magazine has been published in the Urals, moreover, for more than a decade.

On one of the cold autumn days of 1878, a ragged wanderer came to Tolstoy's house in Yasnaya Polyana. According to the tradition that existed here, he was given shelter, fed and warmed. Soon the owner of the estate became interested in the stranger.

In the Central state archive October revolution in Moscow, the author of these lines managed to discover the case “On the doctor-nobleman Vikenty Vikentievich Smidovich”, instituted at the end of the last century by officials of the special department of the police department. Year after year, it collected information about the political unreliability of the writer ...

Today, even among teachers of the history of Russian literature, few people know that in the second half of the 19th century, the work of two gifted writers with the surname Uspensky developed in parallel. Nikolai Vasilyevich Uspensky, Gleb Uspensky's cousin, is certainly one of the forgotten writers.

An old photograph captured two smiling children - a boy of about seven and a girl a little older. Next to them, on a wooden bench near the house, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy is apparently telling the children something fascinating and funny.

Tolstoy's influence on the mentality of his contemporaries was indeed enormous and truly "royal." This can be seen even a hundred years later. The channels of this influence were not only the masterpieces of world literature that came out from under his pen, and, to a special extent, journalistic treatises and articles.

This material was included in the new edition of the book by B.K. Tebiev "Secrets of book bindings. Notes of the scribe. The youngest son of the Decembrist Ivan Dmitrievich Yakushkin became a jurist by education, and Vyacheslav Evgenievich Yakushkin, his grandson, was a Kursk deputy of the 1st State. Duma, literary critic and Pushkinist.

Continuing the Tolstoy theme, I propose a story about the first illustrator of "War and Peace" M.S. Bashilov. In 2017, it will be 150 years since Tolstoy completed the first edition of War and Peace.

, doctor of economic sciences , professor , full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences , president .



Father - Kaz-Girey Badcherievich Tebiev (-), participant in the Great Patriotic War, engineer-economist. Born in North Ossetia. Mother - Olga Georgievna Kasyulaitis (-), a long-distance telephone exchange technician. She was born and lived all her life in Tula. Her father, Georgy Andreevich Kasyulaitis, was a member of the Bolshevik Party with pre-revolutionary experience: he was one of M.V.'s assistants. Frunze during the establishment of Soviet power in Central Asia. He was buried in the center of Tula, at the Communards Cemetery.

Chronicle of creative life

  • - : apprentice turner, turner at the Tula radio plant (now the Oktava plant);
  • 1964-: student of the Faculty of History and Philology. Specialty - teacher of history and social science;
  • -1968: concurrent with full-time education at the institute he worked in the Tula Regional local history museum, was the first guide on the Kulikovo field;
  • 1968: director of the Fedorov eight-year school in the Chernsky district of the Tula region;
  • 1968-: service in the Armed Forces of the USSR;
  • - : teacher of history and social science at secondary school No. 11 in Tula;
  • 1972-: head of the information sector, deputy head of the department, head of the propaganda and cultural work department of the Tula regional committee of the Komsomol;
  • 1976- : Director of the Tula Technical School on the basis of an arms factory;
  • 1978-: deputy head of the propaganda train of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League "Komsomolskaya Pravda" at the construction of BAM;
  • 1979-: head of the propaganda train of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League "Molodogvardeets" at shock construction sites in Western Siberia, instructor of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League;
  • 1980-: responsible organizer of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, assistant to the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol;
  • : defended his thesis on the problem of out-of-school education in the social and pedagogical movement in Russia at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, candidate of pedagogical sciences;
  • 1986- : Assistant Secretary of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions;
  • 1987- : Head of the Department of the Higher Komsomol School under the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (now - Moscow University for the Humanities);
  • 1991- : leading researcher, deputy director for scientific work of the Research Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogics of the USSR;
  • 1992: defended his doctoral dissertation on the history of education in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Doctor of Pedagogy;
  • 1992- : Rector of the International Pedagogical Academy;
  • : organizer and president of the International Pedagogical Academy - a scientific and creative association of scientists and teachers of the CIS countries;
  • from: full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in the section "Russian Encyclopedia";
  • from to the present: editor-in-chief of the journal "Economics at School";
  • since 1998: professor at the department of sociology and jurisprudence;
  • 1998 to present: Vice-Rector for Research, ANO VPO "Moscow Regional Socio-Economic Institute";
  • 1998 to present: Professor of the Department of Economic Theories, Russian State University for the Humanities;
  • from 2000 to the present: General Director of LLC " Publishing House MPA-Press";
  • 2002: defended his doctoral dissertation on economic liberalism in 19th century Russia, Doctor of Economics;
  • from 2002 to the present: editor-publisher of the journal "Economics and Law".

Scientific and pedagogical activity

Created by B.K. Tebiev's theory of the socio-pedagogical movement as a generating factor in the development of public education laid the foundation for the scientific school of historians of public education in Russia.

Professor B.K. Tebiev more than 30 students and followers in the field of pedagogy and economics, candidates and doctors of science.

IN last years collects and publishes materials on the life and work of Russian scientists-economists under common name"Pantheon of economic thinkers of Russia". Among the published ones are essays about M.A. Balugyansky, A.I. Butovsky, I.K. Babste, V.P. Bezobrazov, N.Kh. Bunge, S.N. Bulgakov, N.S. Mordvinov, P.B. Struve, M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky.

As a researcher, he is interested in the history of financial control in Russia and the history of the Governing Senate.

On the initiative of B.K. Tebiev, a number of non-state universities were organized. He is the author of the concept of the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus, founded in 1993 in Stavropol.

Journalistic, literary and publishing activities

From his student years, B.K. Tebiev combines scientific activity with journalism and literary work. From 1965 he published biographical and literary essays about famous people of the Tula region in Tula newspapers and central magazines. The essay "Hegumen Epiphanius" (1968, "Young Communard") in 1980 was reprinted in the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate among the works dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo. For many years B.K. Tebiev is interested in the life and work of V.A. Zhukovsky. In published an essay "The mind needs indefatigability ...", in which Zhukovsky is presented as a social thinker.

Since 1996 he has been engaged in publishing activities; organized two publishing houses - "International pedagogical academy and MPA-Press. Under the leadership of B.K. Tebiev, the first economic magazines in Russia for schoolchildren and teachers were created, including the School Economic Journal. Developed by B.K. Tebiev's methodology of mass economic education of youth formed the basis of the concept of the all-Russian scientific and methodological journal "Economics at School" edited by him - the official body of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Since 1996, under the scientific editorship of B.K. Tebiev, the all-Russian journal “Applied Psychology and Psychoanalysis” is published, dedicated to the problems of preventing antisocial behavior of adolescents and topical issues of psychology. Like the journal "Economics at School", this publication is recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for the publication of the main results of dissertations for the competition degree candidate and doctor of sciences.

In the second half of the 1990s - early 2000s, B.K. Tebiev published such publications as "Russian Wealth", "My Fatherland", "Journal of Detective Lovers".

Since 2002, under his editorship, a new all-Russian journal "Economics and Law" has also been published, addressed to students of economic and legal specialties. B.K. Tebiev is the chairman of the scientific and editorial board of the journal "Bulletin of Economic Integration".

Awards, titles and insignia

  • 1974: badge of the Komsomol Central Committee "For active work in the Komsomol";
  • 1974: member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR;
  • 1980: badge of the Central Committee of the Komsomol "For participation in the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline";
  • 1985: Bronze medal of VDNKh of the USSR "For achievements in development National economy THE USSR";
  • 1986: Order of the Badge of Honor - for active participation in the preparation and holding of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow (1985);
  • 1986: sign of the Central Committee of the Komsomol "Labor Valor";
  • 1997: medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow";
  • 1999: Silver Pushkin Medal - for a great contribution to the implementation of programs to support Russian culture (for the study "Pedagogical ideals and the school of the Pushkin era"; magazine "My Fatherland");
  • 1999: Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences;
  • 2000: badge of honor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "Knight of Science and Arts";
  • 2001: full member of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems;
  • 2001-2006: Member of the Board of the Moscow International Foundation for UNESCO;
  • 2003: Honored Scientist of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania;
  • 2004: member of the Writers' Union of Russia;
  • 2005: Member of the Moscow Union of Lawyers;
  • 2006: Order of the Holy Right-believing Grand Duke Dimitry Donskoy (Autonomous non-profit organization "National Committee of Public Awards");
  • 2006: medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth";
  • 2006: Order of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "For the benefit of the Fatherland" named after. V.N. Tatishchev;
  • 2006: Order "Glory to Russia" of the Museum and Exhibition Center "History of Domestic Entrepreneurship" under the Russian Academy of Economics them. G.V. Plekhanov - for his great personal contribution to the development of economic science, for his services in training personnel for the domestic economy;
  • 2007: Order of M. Lomonosov of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "National Committee of Public Awards" - for merits and great personal contribution to the development of national science and education;
  • 2008: certificate of honor the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - for active participation in the work of the bulletin "Presidential Control";
  • 2010: badge of distinction "For merits in strengthening cooperation with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation"


Source of information - electronic catalog of the National Library of Russia:

  1. State, society and "difficult children" in pre-Soviet Russia: State-legal thought, social. politics and social-charity. activities to prevent crime and neglect of minors in Russia XVIII -- beg. 20th century / B. K. Tebiev, O. A. Korkishchenko; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, MATI - Ros. state technol. un-t im. K. E. Tsiolkovsky. -- M. : Intern. ped. acad., 2002. - 141 p. -- 500 copies-- ISBN 5-89411-044-0 .
  2. Education for Virtue: Ped. Views and activities of V. A. Zhukovsky / P. M. Siminovsky, B. K. Tebiev. -- M. : Intern. ped. acad., 2003. - 159 p. -- 500 copies-- ISBN 5-89411-045-9 .
  3. State, society and "difficult children" in pre-Soviet Russia: state-legal thought, social politics and social and charitable activities to prevent juvenile delinquency and neglect in Russia in the 18th - early 20th centuries: monograph / B.K. Tebiev, O.A. Korkishchenko; Moscow region. social-econ. in-t. -- Ed. 2nd, rev. - Moscow: MPA-Press, 2005 (M.: Publishing house "MPA-Press"). -- 139 p. -- 300 copies. -- ISBN 5-94914-026-5 .
  4. Banker of Russian bankers: economic views and activities of E. I. Lamansky (1825-1902) / B. K. Tebiev, M. G. Mikhailov; Moscow Regional Institute of Higher. socio-economic education. - Moscow: MPA-Press, 2007. - 106 p. -- 500 copies-- ISBN 978-5-94914-036-9 .
  5. At the turn of the century: Governments. politics in the region education and society.-ped. movement in Russia late XIX - early. 20th century / B.K. Tebiev; International ped. acad., acad. ped. and social. Sciences. Department "School and education". - M.: Intellect, 1996. - 249 p. -- 500 copies-- ISBN 5-87047-028-5 .
  6. From the history of public universities in Russia. - M.: O-vo "Knowledge" of the RSFSR, 1987. - 55 p. -- (To help the lecturer / O-vo "Knowledge" of the RSFSR, All-Russian public council for the leadership of people's high fur boots). 10000 copies
  7. Friendship and peace to strengthen the young: (On the results of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow). - M.: O-vo "Knowledge" of the RSFSR, 1985. - 36 p. -- (To help the lecturer / O-vo "Knowledge" of the RSFSR, Commission. for the promotion of knowledge among young people). -- 1000 copies
  8. Economic liberalism in Russia of the 19th century and criticism of socialist economic doctrines / B. K. Tebiev; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, Ros. state humanitarian. un-t, Dept. economy theories. - M. : MPA, 2001. - 244 p. -- 500 copies-- ISBN 5-89411-048-3 .
  9. Was there an alternative to barrack socialism in Russia? : B.K. Tebiev, T.S. Ledovich. - M. : MPA-Press, 2003. - 67 p. In issue Dan. author: Tebiev B.K., Doctor of Economics, Prof., Ledovich T.S., Ph.D. -- Bibliography. in subline approx. -- Auth. according to the book -- 800 copies
  10. Education of students by means of theatrical art in Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries / E.A. Ilyina, B.K. Tebiev; Scientific ed. d.p.n. V.P. Simonov; Moscow state region un-t. Dept. pedagogy. - M. : MPA-Press, 2003. - 119 p. - 300 copies. -- ISBN 5-89411-048-3 .
  11. To be a citizen is obliged ...: role student organizations in the civic education of students in Russia the second half of XVIII- the beginning of the XX century. : historical and pedagogical research / B. K. Tebiev, S. N. Kulina; Russian state Humanitarian University, Phil. in Veliky Novgorod, Caf. ekon.-upr. legal disciplines. -- [Ed. 2nd, rev.]. -- Moscow; Veliky Novgorod: MPA-Press, 2007. - 142 p. -- ISBN 5-94914-028-1 (in trans.).
  12. ... And in education to become on a par with the century: pedagogical searches and the school of the Pushkin era / B. K. Tebiev. - Moscow: MPA-Press, 2008. - 187 p. -- (Library of the teacher of the Moscow region). -- 300 copies. -- ISBN 978-5-94914-040-6 .
  13. People of business: Essays on the history of training. entrepreneurial personnel in Russia in the 18th-early 20th century. / N. N. Kalinina, B. K. Tebiev. - M. : Intern. ped. acad., 1999. - 190 p. - ISBN 5-89411-032-7.
  14. Tula Theater of the Young Spectator: pages of a creative biography / B. K. Tebiev; (ed. E. B. Kartseva). - M. : MPA-Press, 2007. - 91 p.
  15. Secrets of book bindings: From the scribe's notes / Boris Tebiev; Artist V. V. Pokatov; Russian State Library. - M .: Pashkov house, 2008. - 384 p. - (In the circle of books and friends). - 1,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-7510-0421-7.(in trans.)
  16. Governing Senate and senatorial revisions in Russia 1711-1917. : historical and legal research / K. A. Mikhailik, B. K. Tebiev; under scientific ed. L. F. Kolesnikova. - Moscow: Integration, 2010. - 185 p. -- 500 copies-- ISBN 978-5-91010-026-2 .
  17. Tula Theater / B.K. Tebiev, E.V. Korotkov, L. S. Morozova. -- Tula: Approx. book. publishing house, 1977. - 247 p. -- 15000 copies
  18. The address of the Komsomol feat is BAM. - Moscow: B. i., 1979. - 44 p. ; 20 cm. - (To help the Komsomol activists, propagandists, lecturers, speakers / VLKSM, Central Committee, Lecture group of the propaganda and agitation department). -- 11000 copies

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An excerpt characterizing Tebiev, Boris Kaz-Gireevich

Alpatych, turning his face to Prince Andrei, looked at him; and suddenly raised his hand in a solemn gesture.
“He is my patron, may his will be done!” he said.
A crowd of peasants and servants walked across the meadow, with open heads, approaching Prince Andrei.
- Well, goodbye! - said Prince Andrei, bending over to Alpatych. - Leave yourself, take away what you can, and the people were told to leave for Ryazanskaya or Moscow Region. - Alpatych clung to his leg and sobbed. Prince Andrei carefully pushed him aside and, touching his horse, galloped down the alley.
At the exhibition, just as indifferent as a fly on the face of a dear dead man, the old man sat and tapped on a block of bast shoes, and two girls with plums in their skirts, which they picked from greenhouse trees, fled from there and stumbled upon Prince Andrei. Seeing the young master, the older girl, with fright expressed on her face, grabbed her smaller companion by the hand and hid behind a birch together with her, not having time to pick up the scattered green plums.
Prince Andrei hastily turned away from them in fright, afraid to let them notice that he had seen them. He felt sorry for this pretty, frightened girl. He was afraid to look at her, but at the same time he had an irresistible desire to do so. A new, gratifying and reassuring feeling came over him when, looking at these girls, he realized the existence of other, completely alien to him and just as legitimate human interests as those that occupied him. These girls, obviously, passionately desired one thing - to carry away and finish eating these green plums and not be caught, and Prince Andrei together with them wished the success of their enterprise. He couldn't help but look at them again. Considering themselves to be safe, they jumped out of the ambush and, holding their hemlines in thin voices, ran merrily and quickly across the grass of the meadow with their tanned bare legs.
Prince Andrey refreshed himself a little when he left the area of ​​dust high road along which the troops moved. But not far beyond the Bald Mountains, he again drove onto the road and caught up with his regiment at a halt, by the dam of a small pond. It was the second hour after noon. The sun, a red ball in the dust, was unbearably hot and burned his back through his black coat. The dust, still the same, stood motionless over the voice of the humming, halted troops. There was no wind. In the passage along the dam, Prince Andrei smelled of the mud and freshness of the pond. He wanted to get into the water, no matter how dirty it was. He looked back at the pond, from which cries and laughter were coming. A small muddy pond with greenery, apparently, rose a quarter by two, flooding the dam, because it was full of human, soldier, naked white bodies floundering in it, with brick-red hands, faces and necks. All this naked, white human meat, with laughter and a boom, floundered in this dirty puddle, like crucian carp stuffed into a watering can. This floundering echoed with merriment, and therefore it was especially sad.
One young blond soldier - even Prince Andrei knew him - of the third company, with a strap under the calf, crossed himself, stepped back to take a good run and flounder into the water; the other, a black, always shaggy non-commissioned officer, waist-deep in water, twitching his muscular frame, snorted joyfully, watering his head with his black hands. There was slapping and screeching and hooting.
On the banks, on the dam, in the pond, everywhere there was white, healthy, muscular meat. Officer Timokhin, with a red nose, wiped himself on the dam and felt ashamed when he saw the prince, but decided to turn to him:
- That's good, your Excellency, you would please! - he said.
“Dirty,” said Prince Andrei, grimacing.
We'll clean it up for you. - And Timokhin, not yet dressed, ran to clean.
The prince wants.
- Which? Our prince? - voices began to speak, and everyone hurried so that Prince Andrei managed to calm them down. He thought it better to pour himself in the barn.
“Meat, body, chair a canon [cannon fodder]! - he thought, looking at his naked body, and shuddering not so much from the cold, but from disgust and horror, incomprehensible to him, at the sight of this huge number of bodies rinsing in a dirty pond.
On August 7, Prince Bagration in his camp at Mikhailovka on Smolensk road wrote the following:
“Dear sir, Count Alexei Andreevich.
(He wrote to Arakcheev, but he knew that his letter would be read by the sovereign, and therefore, as far as he was capable of doing so, he considered his every word.)
I think that the Minister has already reported on leaving Smolensk to the enemy. It hurts, sadly, and the whole army is in despair that the most important place was abandoned in vain. I, for my part, asked him personally in the most convincing way, and finally wrote; but nothing agreed with him. I swear to you on my honor that Napoleon was in such a bag as never before, and he could lose half the army, but not take Smolensk. Our troops have fought and are fighting like never before. I held on with 15,000 for over 35 hours and beat them; but he did not want to stay even 14 hours. It's a shame and a stain on our army; and he himself, it seems to me, should not live in the world. If he conveys that the loss is great, it is not true; maybe about 4 thousand, no more, but not even that. At least ten, how to be, war! But the enemy lost the abyss ...
What was it worth to stay two more days? At least they would have left; for they had no water to drink for men and horses. He gave me his word that he would not retreat, but suddenly sent a disposition that he was leaving into the night. Thus, it is impossible to fight, and we can soon bring the enemy to Moscow ...
Rumor has it that you think about the world. To reconcile, God forbid! After all the donations and after such extravagant retreats, make up your mind: you will turn the whole of Russia against you, and each of us, out of shame, will make him wear a uniform. If it has already gone like this, we must fight while Russia can and while people are on their feet ...
You have to lead one, not two. Your minister may be good in the ministry; but the general is not only bad, but trashy, and he was given the fate of our entire Fatherland ... I, really, go crazy with annoyance; Forgive me for writing boldly. It can be seen that he does not love the sovereign and wishes the death of all of us who advise to make peace and command the army to the minister. So, I am writing you the truth: prepare the militia. For the minister in the most skillful way leads the guest to the capital. Adjutant Wolzogen is giving the whole army a big suspicion. He, they say, is more Napoleonic than ours, and he advises everything to the minister. I am not only courteous against him, but I obey like a corporal, although older than him. It hurts; but, loving my benefactor and sovereign, I obey. It’s only a pity for the sovereign that he entrusts such a glorious army. Imagine that with our retreat we lost people from fatigue and more than 15 thousand in hospitals; and if they had attacked, it would not have happened. Say for God's sake that our Russia - our mother - will say that we are so afraid and why we give such a good and zealous Fatherland to bastards and instill hatred and shame in every subject. What to be afraid of and who to be afraid of?. It's not my fault that the minister is indecisive, a coward, stupid, slow and everything has bad qualities. The whole army is crying completely and scolding him to death ... "

Among the innumerable subdivisions that can be made in the phenomena of life, one can subdivide them all into those in which the content predominates, others in which the form predominates. Among these, in contrast to rural, zemstvo, provincial, even Moscow life, one can include life in St. Petersburg, especially salon life. This life is unchangeable.
Since 1805 we have been reconciling and quarreling with Bonaparte, we have made constitutions and butchered them, and the salon of Anna Pavlovna and the salon of Helene were exactly the same as they had been one seven years, the other five years ago. In the same way, Anna Pavlovna spoke with bewilderment about the successes of Bonaparte and saw, both in his successes and in the indulgence of European sovereigns, a malicious conspiracy, with the sole purpose of unpleasantness and anxiety of that court circle, of which Anna Pavlovna was a representative. Similarly, at Helen, whom Rumyantsev himself honored with his visit and considered wonderful smart woman, just as in 1808, so in 1812, they spoke with enthusiasm about a great nation and a great man, and looked with regret at the break with France, which, in the opinion of the people who gathered in Helene's salon, should have ended in peace.
Recently, after the arrival of the sovereign from the army, there was some excitement in these opposing circles in the salons and some demonstrations were made against each other, but the direction of the circles remained the same. Only inveterate legitimists from the French were accepted into Anna Pavlovna's circle, and here the patriotic idea was expressed that there was no need to go to the French theater and that the maintenance of the troupe costs as much as the maintenance of the whole building. The military events were eagerly followed, and the most beneficial rumors for our army were spread. In Helen's circle, Rumyantsev, French, rumors about the cruelty of the enemy and the war were refuted and all Napoleon's attempts at reconciliation were discussed. In this circle, those who advised too hasty orders to prepare for departure to Kazan court and women's educational institutions, under the auspices of the Empress mother, were reproached. In general, the whole matter of the war was presented in Helen’s salon as empty demonstrations that would very soon end in peace, and the opinion of Bilibin, who was now in St. think they'll solve the problem. In this circle, ironically and very cleverly, although very carefully, they ridiculed the Moscow delight, the news of which arrived with the sovereign in St. Petersburg.
In Anna Pavlovna's circle, on the contrary, they admired these delights and talked about them, as Plutarch says about the ancients. Prince Vasily, who occupied all the same important positions, was the link between the two circles. He went to ma bonne amie [his worthy friend] Anna Pavlovna and went dans le salon diplomatique de ma fille [to his daughter's diplomatic salon] and often, during incessant moving from one camp to another, he got confused and told Anna Pavlovna that it was necessary to speak with Helen, and vice versa.
Shortly after the arrival of the sovereign, Prince Vasily began talking with Anna Pavlovna about the affairs of the war, cruelly condemning Barclay de Tolly and being indecisive about whom to appoint as commander in chief. One of the guests, known as un homme de beaucoup de merite [a man of great merit], told that he had seen Kutuzov, who was now elected chief of the St. that Kutuzov would be the person who would satisfy all the requirements.
Anna Pavlovna smiled sadly and noticed that Kutuzov, apart from troubles, had given nothing to the sovereign.
- I spoke and spoke in Nobility Assembly, - Prince Vasily interrupted, - but they did not listen to me. I said that his election to the head of the militia would not please the sovereign. They didn't listen to me.
“It’s all some kind of mania to frond,” he continued. - And before whom? And all because we want to ape stupid Moscow delights, ”said Prince Vasily, confused for a moment and forgetting that Helen had to laugh at Moscow delights, while Anna Pavlovna had to admire them. But he immediately recovered. - Well, is it proper for Count Kutuzov, the oldest general in Russia, to sit in the chamber, et il en restera pour sa peine! [His troubles will be in vain!] Is it possible to appoint a man who cannot sit on horseback, falls asleep at the council, a man of the most bad morals! He proved himself well in Bucarest! I'm not talking about his qualities as a general, but is it possible at such a moment to appoint a decrepit and blind person, just blind? The blind general will be good! He doesn't see anything. Play blind man's blind man... sees absolutely nothing!
Nobody objected to this.
On the 24th of July it was absolutely right. But on July 29, Kutuzov was granted the princely dignity. Princely dignity could also mean that they wanted to get rid of him - and therefore the judgment of Prince Vasily continued to be correct, although he was in no hurry to express it now. But on August 8, a committee was assembled from General Field Marshal Saltykov, Arakcheev, Vyazmitinov, Lopukhin and Kochubey to discuss the affairs of the war. The committee decided that the failures were due to differences of command, and, despite the fact that the persons who made up the committee knew the sovereign's dislike for Kutuzov, the committee, after a short meeting, proposed appointing Kutuzov commander in chief. And on the same day, Kutuzov was appointed plenipotentiary commander of the armies and the entire region occupied by the troops.
On August 9, Prince Vasily met again at Anna Pavlovna with l "homme de beaucoup de merite [a person of great dignity]. L" homme de beaucoup de merite courted Anna Pavlovna on the occasion of the desire to appoint a female trustee educational institution Empress Maria Feodorovna. Prince Vasily entered the room with the air of a happy winner, a man who had achieved the goal of his desires.
– Eh bien, vous savez la grande nouvelle? Le prince Koutouzoff est marechal. [Well s, you know the great news? Kutuzov - field marshal.] All disagreements are over. I'm so happy, so glad! - said Prince Vasily. – Enfin voila un homme, [Finally, this is a man.] – he said, significantly and sternly looking around at everyone in the living room. L "homme de beaucoup de merite, despite his desire to get a place, could not help but remind Prince Vasily of his previous judgment. (This was impolite both in front of Prince Vasily in Anna Pavlovna's drawing room, and in front of Anna Pavlovna, who was just as joyfully received the news; but he could not resist.)
- Mais on dit qu "il est aveugle, mon prince? [But they say he is blind?] - he said, reminding Prince Vasily of his own words.
- Allez donc, il y voit assez, [Eh, nonsense, he sees enough, believe me.] - said Prince Vasily in his bassy, ​​quick voice with a cough, that voice and cough with which he resolved all difficulties. “Allez, il y voit assez,” he repeated. “And what I am glad about,” he continued, “is that the sovereign has given him complete power over all the armies, over the entire region, a power that no commander in chief has ever had. This is another autocrat,” he concluded with a victorious smile.
“God forbid, God forbid,” said Anna Pavlovna. L "homme de beaucoup de merite, still new to court society, wishing to flatter Anna Pavlovna, shielding her former opinion from this judgment, said.
- They say that the sovereign reluctantly transferred this power to Kutuzov. On dit qu "il rougit comme une demoiselle a laquelle on lirait Joconde, en lui disant: "Le souverain et la patrie vous decernent cet honneur." [They say that he blushed like a young lady who would have read Joconde, while told him: "The sovereign and the fatherland reward you with this honor."]
- Peut etre que la c?ur n "etait pas de la partie, [Maybe the heart did not quite participate,] - said Anna Pavlovna.
“Oh no, no,” Prince Vasily interceded fervently. Now he could not give in to Kutuzov to anyone. According to Prince Vasily, not only Kutuzov was good himself, but everyone adored him. “No, it cannot be, because the sovereign was so able to appreciate him before,” he said.
“God only grant that Prince Kutuzov,” said Anpa Pavlovna, “takes real power and does not allow anyone to put spokes in his wheels – des batons dans les roues.”
Prince Vasily immediately realized who this nobody was. He whispered:
- I know for sure that Kutuzov, as an indispensable condition, said that the heir to the Tsarevich should not be with the army: Vous savez ce qu "il a dit a l" Empereur? [Do you know what he said to the sovereign?] - And Prince Vasily repeated the words, as if said by Kutuzov to the sovereign: “I cannot punish him if he does badly, and reward him if he does well.” ABOUT! This smartest person, Prince Kutuzov, et quel caractere. Oh je le connais de longue date. [and what character. Oh, I've known him for a long time.]
“They even say,” said l “homme de beaucoup de merite, who still did not have court tact, “that the most illustrious made it an indispensable condition that the sovereign himself did not come to the army.
As soon as he said this, in an instant Prince Vasily and Anna Pavlovna turned away from him and sadly, with a sigh at his naivety, looked at each other.

While this was happening in Petersburg, the French had already passed Smolensk and were moving closer and closer to Moscow. The historian of Napoleon Thiers, like other historians of Napoleon, says, trying to justify his hero, that Napoleon was unwittingly drawn to the walls of Moscow. He is right, as are all historians who seek an explanation of historical events in the will of one person; he is just as right as the Russian historians who assert that Napoleon was attracted to Moscow by the skill of the Russian generals. Here, in addition to the law of retrospectiveness (recurrence), which represents everything that has passed as a preparation for an accomplished fact, there is also reciprocity that confuses the whole thing. A good player who loses at chess is sincerely convinced that his loss was due to his mistake, and he looks for this mistake at the beginning of his game, but forgets that in his every step, throughout the whole game, there were such mistakes that no one his move was not perfect. The error to which he draws attention is noticeable to him only because the enemy took advantage of it. How much more complicated than this, then, is the game of war taking place under certain conditions of time, and where it is not the will alone that guides lifeless machines, but where everything springs from an innumerable clash of various arbitrarinesses?

"After the pleasure of having a library

there is nothing nicer

how to talk about her

and share with others the innocent riches of thought,

acquired in the lessons of literature "

Charles Nodier

A new special project has been opened on the Tula Brands website, in which Boris Konstantinovich Tebiev’s unpublished book “Secrets of book bindings. Almost detective stories ... "

Boris Konstantinovich Tebiev - professor, doctor of pedagogical and doctor of economic sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, from his youthful years he has been passionate about book collecting. Over several decades of this hobby, he managed to collect a book collection that not only matches his scientific interests, is an important aid in research work, but also contains rarities, the fate of which is closely intertwined with the fate of the country, our history. The author enthusiastically tells the reader about his book collection, about rare editions and the fate of their creators, about meetings and finds.

In the preface, Boris Konstantinovich writes:

“The generation of people to which I belong seems to me the last generation of true connoisseurs of the book. Moreover, books, not only as a source of knowledge, but also books as such, as a material and spiritual substance, as a clot of human energy, as a product of an era, as a printing product, finally. Believe it or not, but every book for me is an animated being. There are books of triumphs, there are books of sufferers, there are books of wanderers. Press such a book to your chest and experience the whole complex range of human feelings and experiences.

Boris Konstantinovich thanks his native Tula for his passion for books, believing that he was lucky to be born in the city of Russian gunsmiths, a heroic and literary city. Childhood and adolescence B.K. Tebiev were in a house at the crossroads of two quiet streets: Gogolevskaya and Turgenevskaya.

“I will say more: I was born and raised in a kind of “literary quadrangle”. Judge for yourself - on Turgenevskaya Street, a two-minute walk from my house, was the house of the grandfather of the writer Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky, where he often visited in childhood. On Gogolevskaya Street, three blocks from me, is the house where the writer Vikenty Vikentyevich Veresaev was born and raised. On the parallel Turgenevskaya Kommunarov Street (now Lenin Avenue), the central street of Tula, in a five-minute walk there were former government offices and the old building of the provincial court, where Leo Tolstoy visited many times. A few more dozen steps past Pushkin Square and the building of the former Treasury Chamber, in which Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin served as manager in 1867. I am grateful to the Tula regional newspapers Kommunar and Molodoy Kommunar, where my first stories about books and local history essays appeared. I am grateful to the magazine "In the World of Books" and to my editor Yuri Alekseevich Popkov, a man of exceptional kindness and spiritual responsiveness, who convinced me that collecting books and writing about them is a holy and noble thing.

In turn, we thank Boris Konstantinovich Tebiev for the unique material and trust in our publication.

Strazhevskaya Natalya Yakovlevna
Rector of the Institute
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Strazhevskaya Natalya Yakovlevna, born in 1955, Russian citizenship. In 1981 she graduated from the Moscow State Correspondence pedagogical institute majoring in Drawing and Drawing. In 1990 she successfully defended her PhD thesis. He is one of the founders of the Institute. He conducts active pedagogical and scientific activities, manages the teaching staff, constantly improves his qualifications. Has over 50 scientific works used in pedagogical practice.

Tebiev Boris Konstantinovich
Vice-Rector for Research
Doctor of Economic Sciences

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Tebiev Boris Konstantinovich, born in 1946, Russian citizenship. Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Tula State Pedagogical Institute. L. N. Tolstoy in 1968, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1992), Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1995), Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Aviation Technology University. K. E. Tsiolkovsky, Vice-Chairman of the Russian Coordinating Council of the International Committee of the Movement "Pedagogues for Peace and Mutual Understanding", historian of Russian culture and public education, member of the editorial board of the journal "Pedagogy". He has more than 200 scientific papers used in teaching practice.

Kiselev Gennady Mikhailovich
1st Vice-Rector of the Institute
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Academician of the International Pedagogical Academy

Kiselev Gennady Mikhailovich, born in 1965, Russian citizenship. In 1989 he graduated with honors from the Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute. In 1995 he successfully defended his PhD thesis. Since 2002, he has been working at the Institute as a vice-rector for educational and methodological work. He has more than 60 works, most of which are devoted to the use information technologies in the educational process and professional activities.

Vice-Rector for academic work

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Head of Education

Zolotukhina Elena Nikolaevna, born in 1968, Russian citizenship. Graduated with honors from Moscow regional institute higher socio-economic education in the specialty "Pedagogy and psychology". Since 2002, Elena Nikolaevna has been the head of the Institute’s educational department, responsible for organizing educational process. Since 2009, she has been appointed Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. He takes an active part in the development of the educational process of the Institute, successfully manages the educational part. Has 10 scientific papers.