Virtual city tour “Our beloved Ulan-Ude. About the project Virtual tour of Buryatia

Irina Khomyakova
Virtual tour of the city "Our beloved Ulan-Ude"

slide Virtual city tour

« Our beloved, Ulan-Ude» .

Target: Expand children's ideas about the history of cities, its sights, give an idea of ​​the coat of arms Ulan-Ude. Cultivate a positive attitude towards city, native nature. To form respect and love for the Motherland, for one's native city

Tasks: Develop children's cognitive interest in their native city, its historical past, develop respect for nature, sights cities.

City of Ulan-Ude(former name Verkhneudinsk) located at the confluence of two rivers: Selengi and Udy. According to archaeologists, there was a settlement here about 7 thousand years ago. ancient man. City began with the construction in 1666 of a Cossack winter hut. This place was called "Zaudinsky pebble", was revered by the Buryat population as sacred, through it passed "Khan's road is ringing" to Mongolia and China. In the same year, the first trade caravan was sent from Moscow to China along the route called "Tea Road". In 1678, the fortress walls of the Udinsky prison were erected here. In 1682-1685 the fortress was attacked by the Mongol troops, and it was assisted by the Buryat tribe Khori, who put the invaders to flight. In 1687, the Udinsky prison was fortified by order of the tsar's envoy, Field Marshal General, friend of Peter I F. A. Golovin, who arrived in Transbaikalia to conclude the Nerchinsk border treaty with China.

In 1934 it was renamed Ulan-Ude. (There are several versions of the origin of the name rivers: 1) from the Merkit Udu tribe (uduit, who lived in the XII century along the Orkhon and Selenga; 2) from the Mongolian word "ude", which means in translation "noon". ancient legend says that one day Mongol troops or nomads came to this river during lunch, at noon, and named the nameless river Uda; 3) from Selkup "ut"- water; 4) translated from the Buryat language "Red Uda"

Coat of arms of Verkhneudinsk, Irkutsk vicegerency (1782-1803) approved by the Highest Decree of Catherine II on October 26, 1790. Until 1920, it was the official coat of arms of Verkhneudinsk. Description coat of arms: "The shield is divided into two parts: in the upper coat of arms of Irkutsk. In the silver field of the shield is a running babr, and in his company is a sable. In the lower part, in a golden field, the rod of Mercury and the cornucopia, as a sign that in city there is a notable bargaining and conditions for bargaining.

Coat of arms Lancer-Ude approved by the decision of the City Council session on September 24, 1998. “The coat of arms has been crossed. In the upper azure field there is a golden soyombo (from the coat of arms of Buryatia, in the lower field, crossed by silver and gold, a caduceus and a cornucopia are crossed. ”

Modern coat of arms Ulan-Ude. October 20, 2005 Ulan-Ude city The Council of Deputies approved the provision on the modern coat of arms city ​​of Ulan-Ude.

IN new edition changed colors: instead of the previous three stripes (blue, white, yellow) approved gold background. On the recommendation of the State Heraldic Council of the Russian Federation, an image of a crown has been added to the top of the coat of arms. Heraldic description of the coat of arms of the city of Ulan-Ude reads: “In a golden field, a green overturned cornucopia, opened to the left, crosswise with green leaves and scarlet leaves emanating from it (in red) fruits, on top of which is a black rod of Mercury. The shield is crowned with a gold tower crown with five teeth, on the central tooth is depicted soyombo - a traditional Buryat symbol of eternal life (sun, moon, hearth)- a circle, accompanied at the bottom by a crescent moon placed in a belt, at the top - by a flame about three languages, in the lower part of the crown there is a national ornament symbolizing national traditions. Tower crown indicates status city ​​of Ulan-Ude - capitals of the subject Russian Federation. The soyombo depicted on the central prong of the crown indicates belonging to the Republic of Buryatia. In the lower part of the shield - the ribbon of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, in memory of the award cities in 1984.

Ulan-Ude city of Eastern Siberia, the capital of Buryatia. Population 404.0 thousand people (preliminary data from the 2011 census, 45th in terms of population Russian city. Lancer-Ude is located in Western Transbaikalia at a distance of about 100 km to the east of Lake Baikal within the Ivolgino-Uda intermountain depression, on the right bank of the Selenga River at the confluence of the Uda River.

June 20-21, 1891 during a trip to Eastern Siberia, Verkhneudinsk (now Ulan-Ude) The Republic of Buryatia was visited by Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich. In honor of this event in it, as well as in others cities honored to host a distinguished guest, the Arc de Triomphe was built "King's Gate" which was then called "Royal Doors". Decorated the arch "King's Gate" double-headed eagles, which were dropped in February 1917. The arch itself stood until 1936 and then was also demolished. By the day cities On June 12, 2006, the Arc de Triomphe in the Republic of Buryatia was restored.

On the right bank of the Uda River near the bridge under mountain Spassky Cathedral was built in honor of the icon of the Savior in order to save city ​​from floods. Demolished in 1034, they wanted to take a brick for needs, but they could not separate them from each other, they destroyed it and took it out.

Svyato-Odigitrievsky - The first stone building in city ​​of Ulan-Ude, a monument of Siberian baroque architecture. Located in the historical center cities, on the right bank of the Uda River near its confluence with the Selenga.

The construction of the cathedral began in 1741 and lasted 44 years. The temple was built at the expense of Verkhneudinsk and Kyakhta merchants and donations townspeople. Like many Siberian cathedrals, it was built in two stages. On May 27, 1770, Saint Sophronius, Bishop of Irkutsk and Nerchinsk, consecrated the warm lower chapel in the name of the Theophany of the Lord. The upper summer chapel in the name of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria was consecrated on May 3, 1785 by Bishop Mikhail.

This building with unique architectural and artistic merits can rightly be considered one of the most remarkable monuments of the Russian Baroque of the second century. half of XVIII century in Transbaikalia. The uniqueness of the cathedral also lies in the fact that it was built in a zone of high seismic activity.

The Ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia is one of the largest open-air museums in Russia. The museum contains historical finds from the Xiongnu era to the middle of the 20th century, including a unique collection of samples of wooden architecture of the peoples of Siberia, more than 40 architectural monuments. Museum of Nature of Buryatia The modern exposition of the museum includes unique paleontological, zoological, geological and botanical collections. The Museum of the History of Buryatia has a rich archaeological collection of the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Middle Ages, Xiongnu; an ethnographic collection and a collection of objects of decorative and applied art of the peoples inhabiting Cisbaikalia and Transbaikalia from the 18th century to the present. A special place is occupied by the Buddhist collection of cult objects.

Ivolginsky Datsan - the center of Buddhism in Russia

The Ivolginsky datsan is located in the village of Verkhnyaya Ivolga, Republic of Buryatia. It is the center of Buddhism in Russia and attracts many pilgrims and tourists from all over the world.

Ivolginsky datsan "monastery Wheel of teaching, bringing happiness and full of joy"- Residence of Pandito Khambo Lama - Head of the Buddhist traditional Sangha of Russia, the center of Buddhism in Russia, a large Buddhist monastic complex, a monument of history and architecture.

Datsan Hambyn Khure

Datsan is located in the vicinity of the capital of Buryatia - the city of Buryatia. Ulan-Ude, in the village of Verkhnyaya Berezovka.

It was founded in 1994 by Pandito Khambo Lama D. B. Ayusheev.

Datsan is a whole architectural complex of several temples, suburgans - stupas, service buildings. The main temple - Tsogchen-dugan, was consecrated in 2003. Traditional Buddhist services are held here.

Buddhist temple "Rinpoche Bagsha"

In 2000, with the blessing of Yelo Rinpoche, the center began the construction of a datsan building. (temple) V city ​​of Ulan-Ude, in the area of ​​Lysaya Gora.

In 2004 in a datsan "Rinpoche Bagsha" The largest bronze statue of Buddha Shakyamuni, covered with gold leaf, was installed at that time in Russia.

From the territory of the center there is a breathtaking view of the whole city and the valley of the Selenga River. The hill on which it is located is the most high point cities, one of the numerous peaks of the Khamar-Daban ridge.

In the temple of the center there are unique large rosaries presented as a gift to the Buddhist center "Rinpoche Bagsha" September 1, 2008 by the Japanese monk Hayashi Hiroshi. They are made from the precious African bubinga tree. The total weight of the rosary is 350 kilograms.

On the territory of the temple complex there is a park area with a Japanese-style garden and a long life road with a length of 1 kilometer. 12 pavilions for meditation were built on the equipped trail. Each gazebo corresponds to one of the twelve animals of the calendar cycle, which, in the form of a sculpture, meet travelers on the path.

Buddhist female datsan "Zungon Darzhaling"

At the Buddhist Women's Center "Zungon Darzhaling" a unique history of creation. In the 90s of the last century, called the years "perestroika", there was a surge of public interest in spiritual origins. It was during this period that the initiative group, which consisted of believers and scientists working in the Buryat scientific center, decided to create a socio-religious organization of lay Buddhists. main role Tsyngueva Darima Sambuevna, Dashi Dashipunsykovich Darizhapov and Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Abaev played in the organization and registration of the International Association of Buddhist Laymen. On March 1, 1991, the newly created organization received a certificate of registration from the Ministry of Justice.

The construction of the Buddhist center began on the territory of the 20th quarter. Datsan "Zungon Darzhaling" started its activity in 1993.

Buddhist center "Lamrim"

The Buddhist center "Lamrim" was founded in October 1995 by ex-Khambo Lama Choi Dorji Budaev to spread the Teachings of the Buddha. The construction of the Buddhist complex "Lamrim", laid in April 2001, and continues to this day. The first donation for the temple was made by His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV. Prayers and rituals are held in the temple by the monks of the Gyume tantric monastery. The main Buddha statue, 2 meters high, was made in Nepal by Nepalese craftsmen.

trade center and cities Steel Big Gostiny Dvor (1804-1856) and Small shopping malls (1804-1856) . The shopping arcade was built by a wealthy merchant, an honorary citizen of Verkhneudinsk Kurbatov. (Large living rooms were designed by the architect A.I. Losev in a stone version with a large square, with a vast courtyard and an arcade on the outside, for which "highest favor" king. In 1834, construction began on the Small Gostiny Dvor on the north side. Over time, the ensemble lost the Small Trading Row and in its place in 1960 the Central Department Store was built. - slide 17.

The creation of the monument began in 1970 on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of V. I. Lenin. Formerly in Lancer-Ude had 3 monuments to V.I. Lenin, much smaller, located on the main street cities. It was decided to replace them with one large monument. The square was cut down and the monument to the fallen fighters for communism was moved. Urban planners abandoned trivial solutions and drew attention to the project of sculptors Georgy Vasilievich and Yuri Georgievich Nerody, People's Artists of the RSFSR, who received awards for it at exhibitions in Paris, Montreal and Moscow. The architectural part was designed and implemented in nature by architects Alexei Nikolaevich Dushkin and P. G. Zilberman. The sculpture, 7.7 meters high, 4.5 meters wide and weighing 42 tons, was cast at the Mytishchi stone-cutting plant in the form of two halves, in this form it was delivered to Lancer-Ude by rail and already in place erected on the eastern part of the Soviet Square in front of the Government House of the Republic of Buryatia on a polished granite pedestal. The height of the pedestal is 6.3 meters. The back side of the pedestal is inclined. The pedestal measures 4.52x4.71 meters at the top and 4.52x5.8 meters at the bottom. The monument rests on the pedestal in the front part, as if at one point, as it is limited from below by an oblique cut. Stairs lead from the monument to the square. Official opening occurred on November 5, 1971, since then the monument, along with Baikal, has been a symbol Ulan-Ude.

Sculpture "Mother Buryatia". (Hospitable Buryatia)

This sculpture was installed in 2002 and is placed in the center city ​​of Ulan-Ude. In 2008, this monument was moved to the Selenginsky bridge and welcomes guests cities from the side of the airport. The sculpture Mother Buryatia can be called the Buryat version of the Statue of Liberty in New York. The height of the sculpture is 8 meters and is depicted as a Buryat woman with a traditional hadak in her hands. In general, a wonderful sculpture turned out to be Mother Buryatia, or as it is also called "Hospitable Buryatia".

At the cinema "October" on Komsomolskaya Square on May 9, 1970, a monument was unveiled in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Great Victory. On pedestal: two warriors, Russian and Buryat. The monument symbolizes the courage and resilience of the Soviet people. The author of the monument is A. Timin.

In the monument there is a letter-appeal of Komsomol members and youth of the 70s to peers of the 21st century. The letter will be opened on October 29, 2018, on the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Lenin Komsomol.

MONUMENT-TANK "T-34". In November 1967, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, a majestic monument was opened on Victory Avenue. On the pedestal tank "T-34" and inscription: "In memory of the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945 The workers of Buryatia - to soldiers-front-line soldiers. "The monument symbolizes indomitable strength and the heroism of the many millions of Soviet people.

During the war years, the working people of the republic contributed to the victory over fascist Germany. Soviet Buryat-Mongolia invested forty-one million rubles from personal savings for the construction of a tank column, delivered bonds worth sixty million rubles, ten pounds of gold, eight pounds of silver. And the Komsomol members collected one million three hundred thousand rubles for the construction of a tank column "Young Collective Farmer of Buryat - Mongolia."

Monument "Beauty Angara" is in city ​​of Ulan-Ude, in front of the building of the Buryat State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after G. Ts. Tsydynzhapov. The sculptural composition is dedicated to the famous ballerina of Buryatia Larisa Sakhyanova and the soloist of the theater Pyotr Abasheev. The theater was founded in 1939 and has staged over 300 performances. Among them is the famous ballet-poem "Beauty Angara", which the audience saw for the first time in 1959. The production received the M. Glinka Prize and is called national. In 2002, a sculptural composition of Sakhyanova and Abasheev appeared at the entrance to the theater, and they were captured while dancing in graceful poses. The sculpture is made of bronze alloy and mounted on a pedestal, and the authors of this composition were A. Mironov and D. Ulanov.

Buryat State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater (BGATOiB) dates back to December 20, 1939, with the organization of the Music and Drama Theater, from which the Opera and Ballet Theater separated in 1949. The founder is the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia.

For 70 years, our theater continues to carry high and noble mission - to elevate a person above the lack of spirituality, to delight and excite the hearts of people, forcing them to think and empathize.

The theatre's richest repertoire, remarkable theatrical traditions laid down by the first generation of the creative intelligentsia of Buryatia, the skill and dedication of artists, musicians, and theater specialists multiplied the glory of the multinational art of our republic.

The birth of musical theater was not an accidental phenomenon. The treasures of the musical epic creativity of the Buryat people became the basis for the formation of the national repertoire. The musical theater of Buryatia has gone from mastering the genre of musical drama to creating national operas and ballets.

The Buryat Opera and Ballet Theater is the only opera house in Eastern Siberia and Far East. For 70 years, the theater team has adequately represented the professional art of Buryatia in the single cultural space of Russia. An interesting and varied repertoire, the high professionalism of the troupe brought the theater a well-deserved authority and recognition. "Music Center" not only Buryatia, but the entire vast region of the eastern part of our country.

In recent years, the theater has carried out international projects with Mongolia, the USA, and China.

Theater tour recent years pass in neighboring regions: Altai Territory, Tomsk and Irkutsk Regions, Trans-Baikal Territory, Aginsky Buryat District.

The Opera and Ballet Theater is a platform for the implementation of Russian and international projects. Tours of well-known theater groups in Moscow, St. Petersburg, invitations to soloists of the Mariinsky Theater, colleagues from Perm, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and friendly Mongolia, have become one of the theater's activities.

Three mighty horses rise on a pedestal in the capital of Buryatia. Wild and unbridled, they symbolize the rebelliousness of the primordial elements. Whether there are heroes capable of saddling rearing stallions is unknown. The dangerous beauty of horses scares and attracts at the same time.

The sculptural composition was installed in 2008 at the intersection of Tereshkova, Sakhyanova and Pavlova streets. The grand opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the celebration of the day cities. The author of the project was Alexander Mironov, who created whole line sculptures that adorn Ulan-Ude. Three horses symbolize the elements of fire, water and air. They seem to hide the great power of nature. The monument with horses, the power and beauty of which immediately catches the eye, also reminds of the development and opportunities of the republic, embodies its image.

Majestic horses made of bronze trample the marble pedestal with their hooves. Their furious appearance resembles a riot of elements. It seems that an invisible trainer clicks a flexible whip next to the horses, trying to control the recalcitrant animals. However, is it possible to tame the elements? Once upon a time, a man managed to mount a horse, to subdue a strong animal to his will. But the bronze horses, as conceived by the sculptor, turned out to be wild and free: none of them has a saddle or a bridle. The monument is set on a hill, which makes the horses look even more menacing. Two horses stand on their hind legs, and the third stands firmly on the ground, raising one of its front legs high.

The manes of the stallions are fluttering, their muscles are tense, a loud inviting neigh is about to be heard. It seems that the horses will wake up from their bronze sleep and trample the passerby who has come too close with their hooves. Some townspeople consider the sculpture too aggressive, because the horses, judging by their appearance, not configured at all peacefully. Nevertheless, the author tried to depict the elements, and the stallions are just an image in which the sculptor concluded his vision of the recalcitrant and changeable elements of nature.

appearance cities changing rapidly in the last 10 years. In 2016, the 350th anniversary of the founding was celebrated, the Day is celebrated annually cities. The city is developing, first of all, as a shopping center, which reminds the former Verkhneudinsk. This is due to its location and economic ties. At the same time, it is a major scientific, industrial, financial, religious and cultural center.

More than 400 thousand people live in it. Several institutes, national and cultural societies, museums and theaters operate here. Refurbished and rebuilt several Orthodox churches and Buddhist datsans, one Catholic church.

IN city there is an intense and eventful cultural life.

Music groups and theater groups come on tour.

Various holidays, festivals, sports competitions are held. Several medium and small hotels have been built, the airport has been reconstructed.


Photo by Mark Agnor

Now anyone can wander around the Buryat capital without leaving their home or office: panoramic images of Ulan-Ude appeared in the Google Street View mapping service

Also, thanks to the site, residents of Buryatia have the opportunity to view the routes of the Ivolginsky, Pribaikalsky, Barguzinsky, Kurumkansky districts and the M55 Baikal federal highway.

The Google Street View service is quite easy to use: you need to go to and enter in search line the name of the city and street (theater, museum, library or any other object of interest), and then activate the Google Street View function (yellow “icon” with a picture of a person in the lower right corner). After that, panoramic viewing becomes available. In the photographs, you can see the silhouettes of passers-by, cars (without license plates), examine in detail the streets, buildings, as well as the names of institutions and organizations (in addition to commercial ones).

The service has controls for the scale and direction of inspection: you can zoom in or out, zoom in and out of the image. A graphic image "floats" over the pictures centerline of the roadway, and on it - arrows that allow you to move along the street in both directions and turn at intersections. There is also the name of the street, the number of one of the nearest houses and the marking of the cardinal points. The viewing angles are 360 ​​degrees horizontally and 290 degrees vertically.

Recall that Google specialists conducted panoramic surveys of the streets, roads and sights of Ulan-Ude in July 2013: for this, a special Google-mobile drove around the city.

The Google Street View service itself began work in May 2007. At first, the project covered several cities in the US and other countries, and in February 2012 it was launched in Russia. A year later, Google representatives sent a letter to the head of the city administration Evgeny Pronkinov, in which they asked for assistance in the implementation of a project for a special survey of cultural and historical heritage sites and streets of Ulan-Ude.

The modern world defines itself as a free, democratic, tolerant, multicultural society, in which diverse states are united on a voluntary basis. A common feature of all these states is the plurality of cultures, religions, political views. The freedom to be who you are and to live in the world next to millions of other people, respecting their differences, is the basis for today's global world. But in the context of globalization, the problem of preserving ethnic identity is of particular relevance.

The Republic of Buryatia is a multinational republic, on the territory of which Buryats and Russians, Tatars and Germans, Ukrainians and Jews, etc. live side by side. Centuries-old neighborhood different peoples contributed to the formation of a tolerant attitude of the population of the republic towards representatives of other nationalities, other religious denominations. Tolerance is one of the values ​​of the cultural symbiosis that has developed on the territory of our republic, the preservation of which will allow us to extrapolate this experience to other regions of the Russian Federation. One of the effective mechanisms for the formation of a tolerant attitude is familiarization with cultural and historical traditions through the creation information resource"Virtual tour of the expanses of Buryatia".

The project "Virtual tour of the expanses of Buryatia" has the following goals:

  • Formation of information competence of students;
  • Formation of spiritual and moral culture by means of EOS;
  • Formation of personal competencies, universal learning activities students through inclusion in the design and research activities.

The project allows to implement in accordance with the GEF general education systemic-activity approach to the educational process that contributes to:

The project is focused on the formation of personal characteristics of pupils and students:
. loving his land and his Fatherland, knowing native language who respects his people, their culture and spiritual traditions;
. actively assimilating the humanistic, democratic and traditional values ​​of the multinational Motherland;
. having a sense of duty and responsibility to the Motherland, etc.

This Project, in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard, is aimed at expanding the electronic educational space in the region, which allows improving educational competencies, fostering a sense of patriotism, love for small homeland for young students by creating a virtual tour of their native land - the Republic of Buryatia.

Selection and layout of materials in your area to open a virtual tour based on research activities contributes to the improvement of students' subject, meta-subject, personal results.

The implementation of the Project is carried out on the basis of a system-activity approach, where the main designers, researchers and guides will be children, i.e. basic school students

Students of educational organizations, exposing in the electronic space a virtual tour of their district, have the opportunity to "walk" through the expanses of any other district

Anyone can take a virtual tour of the expanses of Buryatia: children, their parents, as well as tourists. Main actor These are the children of the republic. They are given the opportunity to study their region in a new format. Explore the sights and features of each area. Appreciate the traditions and customs of the multinational republic and fall in love with your native land, learn the splendor and beauty of your republic. This project is aimed at ensuring that the younger generation develops a sense of pride in their republic, patriotism, a desire to take care of everything that surrounds them, to make a personal contribution for the further prosperity of their republic.

Subject teachers can use the resources of this electronic educational space as part of the implementation of the national-regional component in the lessons of history, biology, geography, etc.

The adult population of the republic is also given the opportunity to get acquainted in more detail with local history materials, climatic features, local attractions, "holy" places, war veterans, internationally known athletes, both in their own region and in other regions.

Educational organizations coordinating work in the district will be assigned the status basic school. At the end of stage 3, a competition for the best project implementation will be organized and a crystal LOTUS will be awarded to the winner, symbolizing perfection

L- love for the native land, the small Motherland

ABOUT- education

T- creation

ABOUT- Union

WITH- perfection, strength

"Virtual tour of the expanses of Buryatia"


The spiritual and moral development of a Russian citizen is a key factor in the modernization of Russia.The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, among the tasks for 2014, set as a priority the task of developing and strengthening the educational component in the school. In this regard, of particular importance is the spiritual and moral formation of schoolchildren, the development of children's interest and love for national culture, respect for other cultures..

The successful solution of the tasks of spiritual and moral education in the context of the introduction of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards depends not only on the content of education, but also on its organization: the implementation of the main educational program, programs of extracurricular activities of a spiritual and moral orientation.

The GEF is based on a system-activity approach that provides:

formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education;

designing and constructing the social environment for the development of students in the education system, etc.

The standard is focused on the formation of personal characteristics student:

loving his land and his Fatherland, knowing his native language, respecting his people, their culture and spiritual traditions;

actively assimilating the humanistic, democratic and traditional values ​​of the multinational Motherland;

having a sense of duty and responsibility to the Motherland, etc.

This project, in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard, is aimed at expanding the electronic educational space in the region, which allows improving educational, key competencies, to bring up a sense of patriotism, love for a small homeland among students by creating a virtual tour of their native land - the Republic of Buryatia.

The selection and arrangement of materials in your area to open a virtual tour through research activities helps to increase students' subject, over-subject, personal results.

The implementation of the project will be carried out on the basis of a system-activity approach, where the main designers, researchers and guides will be children, i.e. moderator students. The tour will present 10 main routes (sections) for each district, i.e. as a whole in the republic.

Students of educational organizations, exposing in the electronic space a virtual tour of their district, have the opportunity to walk through the expanses of any other district

Anyone can take a virtual tour of the expanses of Buryatia: children, their parents, as well as tourists. The main protagonist is the students of the schools of our republic. They are given the opportunity to study their region in a new format. Explore the sights and features of each area. Appreciate the traditions, customs of the multinational republic and truly love your native land, to know the splendor and beauty of your republic.

Subject teachers can use the resources of this electronic educational space in the lessons of history, biology, geography, the Buryat language and literature, foreign language etc. as a national-regional component.

The adult population of the republic is also given the opportunity to learn more about local history materials, climatic features, local attractions, holy places, war veterans, internationally known athletes, both in their own region and in other regions.

Educational organizations coordinating work in the district will be assigned the status of a moderator. At the end of stage 3, a competition for the best implementation of the project will be organized and a crystal LOTUS will be awarded to the winner, symbolizing perfection (L - love for the native land, the small Motherland;ABOUT - education;T - creation;ABOUT - Union;WITH - perfection, power). The knowledge of the younger generation of their native land, the formation of a careful attitude towards their small homeland, a sense of pride and patriotism are at the heart of this project.

The organizer and coordinator of the project is the department of innovative design "and the center of informatization and distance learning and support AOU DPO RB "Buryat Republican Institute of Educational Policy

Project Goals

    Formation of spiritual and moral culture among the younger generation based on the study of the native land;

    Expansion of the electronic educational environment;

    Formation of personal competencies, universal learning activities in students through inclusion in design and research activities.


1. Development of routes (sections) of a virtual tour;

2. Creation of a network of educational organizations-moderators (from each district of the republic, one or two educational institutions) interested in participating in the implementation of the project.

3. Preparation by moderators of materials on the routes of the excursion.

4. Conducting an examination of the collected materials.

5. Opening of a virtual tour of the expanses of Buryatia.

6. Further replenishment of the excursion material.

7. Publication of collections of children's literary works.

8. Issuance of an electronic manual based on the collected materials.

Project participants

The regional project "Virtual tour of the expanses of Buryatia" is attended by educational organizations, internship sites of the AOU DPO RB "BRIOP", which are assigned the status of "moderators". During the implementation of the project, parents and other interested educational organizations can be involved.

Terms and conditions

Regional project implemented in four stages:

1st stage - January 2014 - February 2014

    Creation of a network of educational organizations-moderators that will coordinate the work in the district;

    Determining the content of the main routes (sections) of a virtual tour;

    Conducting orientation events (courses, seminars).

2nd stage – March – May 2014

    Selection and layout of materials for the creation of an electronic educational space "Virtual tour of the expanses of the native land" by the project participants;

    Planting the collected materials in the electronic space template;

    Conducting a competition for the best implementation of the project.

    Examination of the collected materials;

    Public defense and awarding of winners of the regional project.

3rd stage – June 2014

    Opening of the portal of the electronic educational space "Virtual tour of the expanses of Buryatia".

4th stage further replenishment of materials, the release of an electronic manual.

Routes of the virtual tour of the regions.

1.Business card district (general information).

2.Local history.

3.Sights of the area.

4. Geography of the area.

5.History of the area.

6. Animal and plant world.

7. Education.

8.Health care.

9.Culture and sport.

10. For tourists: Decorative and applied art,

artistic and folklore associations AndNational cuisine

Project Implementation Mechanism

Development of the project concept - instrumentation;

Determining the internal content along the routes - CIP and schools - moderators from each region of the republic;

Selection and layout of materials along the routes of the excursion - participants educational institutions under the guidance of district moderators;

Development of a single template (program) of the electronic space according to the routes - the center of informatization and distance learning and support;

Fitting educational products into the template - district moderators.

Holding a competition for the best educational electronic product - "Virtual Tour of the District" - AOU DPO RB "BRIOP".

Opening of the portal "Virtual tour of the expanses of Buryatia".

Using the portal in the UVP in educational organizations republics and beyond. Release of an electronic manual.

See diagram 1

Possible risks and ways to eliminate them

Accounting for performance in certification procedures.

Incentive points (activities at the national level)

The flow of emerging questions from schools - moderators for the implementation of the project

Webinar meeting schedule

Scheme 1

Content of sections (routes)

Section 1. Business card

    1. . State symbols :

1.1.1 coat of arms photograph;

1.1.1. 2 short description an explanation of each element in the symbolism;

1.1.2 hymn text, date of birth; Sound representation of the anthem (audio file).

1.2. Business card of the district :

1.2.1 map of Buryatia with the designation of the region (interactive);

1.2.2 administrative-territorial division ( a brief description of settlements: 1 photograph in panorama mode, description no more than 0.5 p. 12 font; interval 1; margins on all sides of 2 cm.);

1.2.3 district center (video review of the district center with commentary, duration 2 minutes, if possible-3Dpanorama, link to google maps);

1.2.4 map of the area with the designation of settlements;

1.2.5 area; distance from the district center to Ulan-Ude, routes: buses, Railway, aviation.

      1. National composition (%);

1.3. District head:

1.3.1 photo, full name, short biography(no more than 5 offers)

1.3.2 video file (address of the chapter to the project participants - the younger generation, lasting no more than 2 minutes during a meeting with schoolchildren);

1.4. Deputies of the People's Khural

1.4.1 photo, full name, short biography (no more than 5 sentences)

1.4.2 video file (appeal of the deputy to the project participants, i.e. the younger generation, no more than 2 minutes long, his meeting with schoolchildren)

1.5. Essays of students on the topic "My fatherland ..." (1 page 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides by 2 cm);

Section 2. Local history

2.1. Pedigrees of the area

2.1.1 Ancestral tribes and totems (photos with brief explanations, no more than 5 sentences);

2.2. Toponymy of the area

2.2.1 geographical namessettlements of the region,theirorigin, meaning

2.2.2 spelling and pronunciation (voicing in Russian and Buryat languages)

2.3. Culture and traditions of the area

2.3.1 national composition (interactive) the history of their appearance, the contribution of the individual and personalities to the development of the region, the republic. national costumes (2 photographs of costumes - women's and men's, with explanations); Buryat national costume (2 photographs of costumes - women's and men's, their main distinguishing features);

2.3.2 Language, dialect features Characteristics language video: a short script in the Buryat language, reflecting the traditions or customs of the Buryats of the area, no more than 5 minutes long (clear pronunciation of words is required to demonstrate the dialect characteristic of the area); video: pronunciation of the same text in the amount of 3 sentences in the languages ​​of the peoples of different nationalities living in the region.

2.3.3. Interesting customs and traditions of the peoples living in the region (no more than 10 slides with a description);

2.3.4. Legends (no more than 2-3 legends from the lips of old-timers); text version with photos (the volume of one legend is no more than 2 pages, the photo is a panoramic view of the source object of the legend) video presentation of one legend in a staged format from the lips of old-timers (reflecting the connection of times and generations)

2.3.5. Religion Religion of the inhabitants of the area, forms of religions (text representation historical events based on archival data and the current state, no more than 1 page) Slide presentation of photos of temples of the present and past times with a description of no more than 7 slides) Video message of the abbots of the temples to the younger generation with an appeal healthy lifestyle life, respect for the environment (video of an organized meeting of the rector of the temple with the children, the duration of the video is no more than 7 minutes)

Section 3 . Area attractions

3.1. Natural

3.1.1. Orographic elements (photo presentations with brief descriptions, no more than 10 slides);

3.1.2. Video review of sightseeing places in the area, orographic elements (video, no more than 2 minutes long)

3.2. Cultural historical monuments

3.2.1. Text presentation about historical monuments (1 p. 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides 2 cm);

3.2.2. Presentations of photographs with a description of no more than 10 slides.

3.3. Museums

3.3.1 a brief description of the museums of the area (no more than 1 page 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides 2 cm);

3.3.2 presentations, on the slides of which there are photographs of the most interesting exhibits with a brief description (no more than 10 slides);

3.4. Holy places

3.4.1. Video tours to holy places, which are of great interest and value on the part of residents not only of the region, but of the entire republic (video with guide commentary, no longer than 7 minutes).

Section 4 Geography of Buryatia

4.1. Geographical position

4.1.1. Borders (map of Buryatia, showing the district and other districts bordering it in the center)

4.2.1. Coordinates, height above sea level (text no more than 0.5 pages,12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides by 2 cm);

4.2.2 Terrain relief (text describing geographical location, physical-geographical zoning no more than 0.5 pages, 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides of 2 cm);

4.2.3. Natural and climatic zoning: Features of the climate (a table showing the maximum and minimum temperature data by months, the amount of precipitation by season, winds and their directions,see sample table in Appendix No. 1).

4.2 Water resources

4.2.1 Watersheds large, medium, small rivers (text describing sources, length, delta, mouth, depth, flood no more than 0.5 pages) presentation of pictures of rivers with surroundings natural landscape(no more than 5 slides with descriptions: title, location from locality and if available, interesting information)

4.2.3 Lakes physical and chemical characteristics (text describing the area of ​​the water table, the origin of the name, the features of the banks, historical data of past times and the current state. The volume of the text is not more than 0.5 pages, 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides along 2 cm)

4.2.4. Mineral springs physical and chemical characteristics (text describing the balneological role for residents of the district, republic and other regions, historical references about the discovery of these sources, etc. The volume of text is not more than 1 page.) video tour (video with audio no more than 7 minutes) if possible, hyperlinks

4.3 Soil types

4.3.1 a brief description of soil types characteristic of the region, their fertility, features (text no more than 1 page 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides 2 cm)

4.3.2 Soil sections and vegetation cover (presentation of photographs depicting soil sections and the most typical vegetation cover for the area with a brief description, no more than 7 slides)

4.4 Minerals

4.4.1 a brief description of the mineral resources of the area, their potential reserves, the activities of hydraulic fracturing in the past and present (text no more than 1 page 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides of 2 cm)

4.4.2. presentations of photographs of mineral resources (for example: tungsten, molybdenum, etc.)

4.3 Agriculture (short description area specializations and

level of development)

4.3.1 Crop production Cultivated crops (description of cultivated plants grown on the territory of the district, their meanings. Text no more than 1 page 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides of 2 cm) A video with a commentary, which shows the fields sown with a particular crop, the plant crops themselves, the duration is not more than 3 minutes.

4.3.2. animal husbandry Brief description of the development of animal husbandry in the region

(text about the development of animal husbandry in the region in the past and present, no more than 1 page 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides 2 cm.) Presentations of photographs depicting the most interesting rare breeds of animals bred in the area: yaks, hainaks, camels, etc. no more than 10 slides with descriptions or videos with sound)

4.3.4 Forestry brief description of the forest fund of the region (text describing the forest fund, its wealth, area, anthropogenic factors that negatively affect forestry. Text size no more than 0.5 p. 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides by 2 cm.) Presentation of slides reflecting forests, tree species characteristic of the region (no more than 7 slides with descriptions)

4.3.5 Industry a brief description of the city-forming enterprises (Text size no more than 0.5 p. 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides 2 cm) presentation of photographs (no more than 5 slides with descriptions)

4.3.6 Tourism brief description of the recreational potential, opportunities; list of small travel agencies, their services (Text size no more than 0.5 p. 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides 2 cm) tourist routes (presentation with TPM on the map, movement features, contact details)

4.3.7. Ecology of the area Compositions of schoolchildren on the topic "Environmental problems of the region, ongoing preventive measures"

(texts of 3 essays by schoolchildren of the 10th grade, which reflect the children's visions of the most acute environmental issues area and ways to resolve them, the volume of texts of essays is not more than 0.5 p. 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides of 2 cm)

5th section History of Buryatia.

5.1. Historical background of the area

(a brief description of the history of the formation of the district.Text volume no more than 1 page 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides 2 cm.).

5.2.Historical events:

5.2.1. Participation of the inhabitants of the region in the Patriotic War of 1812 (a small text with archival data);

5.2.2. Decembrists and their role in the development of Buryatia (presentation with a description of 10-15 slides);

5.2.3. The role of the Cossacks in the region (presentation with a description of 10-15 slides);

5.2.4. Old Believers in Buryatia (presentation with a description of 10-15 slides);

5.2.5. District during the years of the revolution and civil war(short description,text size no more than 1 page 12 font, spacing 1, margins on all sides 2 cm);

5.2.6. Years of repressions (interviews from repressed persons, video, duration no more than 3 minutes);

5.2.7 Collectivization. Industrialization (small text with archival data);

5.2.8. They forged the Victory (1941-45) (presentation of 7-10 slides, possibly photos and memories of them from relatives and friends)

Gone to the front - ... people

The dead - ... man

Returned - ... man

Missing - ... human

Heroes, holders of the Order of Glory of three degrees (their photos and a brief biography)

The contribution of home front workers to the victory - (archival data, 1-2 memories of "children of war")

5.3. The region during the years of the Soviet period 1945-1991 (brief description, archival data, slides or text, no more than 3 pages)

5.4. Warriors-internationalists (number of soldiers, full name, photos, interviews during organized meetings)

Panoramas of Ulan-Ude on the map for online viewing city ​​streets. Journey through interactive map Ulan-Ude city - street panoramas. with search + weather discussed earlier. You move through the streets of the city in real time

Panoramic photos of the streets of Ulan-Ude

We are looking at the sights of the city and pictures of the Republic of Buryatia (Russia) in the photo. You can zoom in or out on Ulan-Ude street panoramas using the zoom tool +/- .

Virtual tour along the streets of Ulan-Ude and the roads of the region depends only on you. Panoramic photos - pictures provide control using arrows on photo images from Google Maps. Even easier - where you clicked with the mouse, you moved there. To see st. Borsoev and Revolution, Trubachev and Tereshkova.

Photo panoramas of Ulan-Ude and the Republic of Buryatia in Russia are available to everyone for an online tour without leaving your computer. Also work on mobile maps of the city. You can move in real time on the roads to show the street. Baltakhinov and Babushkin.

Map of Ulan-Ude with photo - image and panoramas of the area are provided by the map service "Google Street View"