What is a separate definition. To help the student: separate definitions

Isolation(comma-separated) agreed-upon definitions depend on several factors:

a) from the part of speech of the defined (main) word;
b) from the position of the definition in relation to the defined (main) word - before the main word, after the main word;
c) from the presence of additional shades of meaning in the definition (circumstantial, explanatory);
d) on the degree of distribution and the way of expressing the definition.

Conditions for separating agreed definitions

A) The word being defined is a pronoun

1. Definitions that refer to personal pronouns ( I, you, we, you, he, she, it, they) are isolated. The degree of distribution of the definition, the way it is expressed (participle, adjective), position in relation to the main word usually do not play a role:

I , learned by experience I will be more attentive to her. Tired, she shut up, looked around. AND, tired of your happiness, He fell asleep immediately.

2. Definitions that refer to negative pronouns ( nobody, nothing), indefinite pronouns ( someone, something, someone, something), are usually not isolated, since they form a single whole with pronouns:

Can't compare to this novel. nothing previously written by the author. Flashed across his face something like a smile.


1) With a less close connection, if there is a pause after an indefinite pronoun, the attributive turnover is isolated. For example: AND somebody , sweaty and out of breath running from store to store(Panova).

2) Adjectives or participles with or without dependent words associated with the definitive pronoun all are not isolated if the adjective or participle acts as the main word, and the pronoun all - as a dependent definition. For example: All those late to class standing in the hallway. (cf.: Late to lecture standing in the hallway). If the main word is the pronoun all, and the attributive phrase explains or clarifies it, then such a phrase is isolated. For example: All , railroad related, still fanned for me by the poetry of travel(cf.: All still fanned for me by the poetry of travel).

B) The word being defined is a noun

1. A common definition (participle or adjective with dependent words), homogeneous single definitions stand apart if they come after the noun being defined. Such definitions are usually not isolated if they come before the noun they define.

Wed: glades, strewn with leaves were full of sunshine. - Leaf-strewn meadows were full of sunshine; I especially liked eyes big and sad. - I especially liked big and sad eyes.


1) Common and homogeneous single definitions after the noun are not isolated if the noun needs a definition, if without this definition the statement does not have a complete meaning. In oral speech, it is on these definitions that the logical stress falls, and there is no pause between the word being defined and the definition. For example: Instead of a fun Petersburg life, boredom awaited me in the side deaf and distant (Pushkin). Somewhere in this world there is life pure, graceful, poetic (Chekhov).

2) A single definition, standing after a noun, is usually not isolated. For example: To a young man the old man's worries are incomprehensible. A single definition can be isolated only if it has an additional adverbial value (it can be replaced by a subordinate clause with conjunctions if, when, because, although and etc.). In oral speech, isolated single definitions are necessarily pronounced with pauses. For example: young man in love, it's impossible not to talk(Turgenev). - It is impossible for a young man, if he is in love, not to speak out; The people, amazed, steel like stones(M. Gorky). - People became like stones because they were amazed. However, such a selection is always copyrighted (!).

2. Before the noun being defined, a common definition (participle or adjective with dependent words), homogeneous single definitions are isolated only if they have an additional adverbial meaning (you can ask questions to them Why? contrary to what? and etc.; they can be replaced by adverbial clauses with conjunctions because although and etc.). In oral speech, such definitions are necessarily distinguished by pauses.

Wed: Always cheerful, lively, nurses now they were moving silently and concentratedly around Tanya (Kazakov). - Although the nurses were always cheerful and lively, now they were moving silently and concentratedly around Tanya.

However, such separation is usually optional, not mandatory. And depending on the intonation (the presence of pauses or their absence), the same definition in the position before the main word - the noun will be isolated or non-isolated.

Wed: Wounded in the head, scout couldn't crawl (Since the scout was wounded in the head he couldn't crawl- pause after noun to the head). - Scout wounded in the head couldn't crawl(pause after noun) scout).

3. Common and single definitions are isolated if they are torn off from the noun being defined by other members of the sentence (regardless of whether they are before or after the main word).

For example:

1. angry, sullen walked around the room(Chekhov). Homogeneous single definitions angry, sullen refer to the noun Kashtanka and separated from it by predicates stretched, yawned.

2. towards me, pure and clear,, the sounds of the bell came(Turgenev). Definitions pure and clear, as if washed by the morning chill stand before the noun sounds, but separated from it by other members of the sentence - predicate brought.


1) If a separate definition is in the middle of a sentence, then it is separated by commas on both sides.

glades, strewn with leaves were full of sunshine.

2) Determinative turnover after coordinating union (and, or, but etc.), but not associated with it, is separated by a comma from the union according to the general rule.

Kashtanka stretched, yawned and, angry, sullen walked across the room.

union and bind homogeneous predicates and has nothing to do with separate definitions. Definitions can be removed, but the union can be kept: Kashtanka stretched, yawned, and walked up and down the room.. Therefore, a comma is placed after the union and.

But between the union (usually it is the union a) and the definitive turnover, a comma is not placed if the omission of the turnover requires a restructuring of the sentence.

The ball rests on the surface of the pool, A immersed in water, pops up quickly.

In this case, it is impossible to remove the attributive turnover without the union a.

The ball stays on the surface of the pool, but quickly floats up.

3) The adjective and participle associated with the verb - predicate are not definitions, but the nominal part of the predicate. Such adjectives, participles do not obey the above rules.

Wed: To the hut we ran wet; She came running from the club excited and joyful.

§1. Isolation. General concept

Isolation- a way of semantic highlighting or clarification. Only minor members of the sentence are separated. Usually, isolations allow you to present information in more detail and draw attention to it. Compared with ordinary, non-separate members, the isolation proposals have greater independence.

Separations are different. Separate definitions, circumstances and additions differ. The main members of the proposal are not isolated. Examples:

  1. Separate definition: The boy, who fell asleep in an uncomfortable position right on the suitcase, shuddered.
  2. An isolated circumstance: Sasha was sitting on the windowsill, fidgeting in place and dangling his legs.
  3. Standalone addition: I heard nothing but the ticking of an alarm clock.

Most often, definitions and circumstances are isolated. Detached Members sentences are distinguished in speech intonation, and in writing - punctuation.

§2. Separate definitions

Separate definitions are divided into:

  • agreed
  • inconsistent

The child who fell asleep in my arms suddenly woke up.

(agreed isolated definition, expressed by participial turnover)

Lyoshka, in an old jacket, was no different from the village children.

(inconsistent isolated definition)

Agreed Definition

The agreed stand-alone definition is expressed as:

  • participle turnover: The child who slept in my arms woke up.
  • two or more adjectives or participles: The child, full and satisfied, quickly fell asleep.


A single agreed definition is also possible if the word being defined is a pronoun, for example:

He, full, quickly fell asleep.

Inconsistent definition

An inconsistent isolated definition is most often expressed by nominal phrases and refers to pronouns or proper names. Examples:

How did you, with your mind, not understand her intention?

Olga, in her wedding dress, was extraordinarily pretty.

An inconsistent isolated definition is possible both in the position after and in the position before the word being defined.
If inconsistent definition refers to the word being defined, expressed by a common noun, then it is isolated only in the position after it:

The guy in the baseball cap kept looking around.

Definition structure

The structure of the definition can be different. Differ:

  • single definition: excited girl;
  • two or three single definitions: girl, excited and happy;
  • a common definition expressed by the phrase: a girl, excited by the news received, ...

1. Single definitions are isolated regardless of the position relative to the word being defined, only if the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun:

She was agitated and could not sleep.

(single isolated definition after the defined word expressed by the pronoun)

Excited, she could not sleep.

(single isolated definition before the defined word, expressed by the pronoun)

2. Two or three single definitions are isolated if they come after the word being defined, expressed by the noun:

The girl, excited and happy, could not fall asleep for a long time.

If the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun, then isolation is also possible in the position before the defined member:

Excited and happy, she could not sleep for a long time.

(separation of several single definitions before the defined word - pronoun)

3. A common definition, expressed by a phrase, is isolated if it refers to the word being defined, expressed by a noun, and stands after it:

The girl, excited by the news she received, could not sleep for a long time.

(a separate definition, expressed by participial turnover, is after the defined word, expressed by a noun)

If the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun, then the common definition can be in a position both after and before the word being defined:

Excited by the news she received, she could not sleep for a long time.

She, excited by the news she received, could not sleep for a long time.

Separate definitions with an additional adverbial value

The definitions that precede the word being defined are separated if they have additional adverbial meanings.
These can be both common and single definitions, standing directly before the noun being defined, if they have an additional adverbial meaning (causal, conditional, concessive, etc.). In such cases, the defining turnover is easily replaced subordinate clause reasons with union because, a subordinate clause of a condition with a union If, subordinate assignment with union Although.
To check for the presence of a circumstantial meaning, you can use the replacement of the attributive phrase with a phrase with the word being: if such a replacement is possible, then the definition is isolated. For example:

Seriously ill, her mother could not go to work.

(additional reason value)

Even when she was ill, her mother went to work.

(additional concession value)

Thus, various factors are important for isolation:

1) by what part of speech the defined word is expressed,
2) what is the structure of the definition,
3) how the definition is expressed,
4) whether it expresses additional adverbial meanings.

§3. Standalone Applications

Application- this is a special kind of attribute expressed by a noun in the same case as the noun or pronoun that it defines: dragonfly jumper, beauty girl. The application can be:

1) single: Bear, fidget, tortured everyone;

2) common: Mishka, a terrible fidget, tortured everyone.

The application, both single and common, is isolated if it refers to the word being defined, expressed by the pronoun, regardless of the position: both before and after the word being defined:

He is a great doctor and helped me a lot.

Great doctor, he helped me a lot.

A common application is isolated if it comes after the defined word expressed by a noun:

My brother, an excellent doctor, treats our entire family.

A single non-spread application is isolated if the word being defined is a noun with explanatory words:

He saw his son, the baby, and immediately began to smile.

Any application stands apart if it stands after its own name:

Mishka, the neighbor's son, is a desperate tomboy.

An application expressed by a proper name is separated if it serves to clarify or clarify:

And the neighbor's son, Mishka, a desperate tomboy, set a fire in the attic.

The application is isolated in a position before the word being defined - a proper name, if an additional adverbial meaning is expressed at the same time.

An architect from God, Gaudi, could not conceive an ordinary cathedral.

(why? for what reason?)

Application with union How is isolated if the connotation of the cause is expressed:

On the first day, as a beginner, everything turned out worse for me than for others.


Single applications after the word being defined, which are not distinguished by intonation during pronunciation, are not isolated, because merge with it:

In the darkness of the entrance, I did not recognize Mishka-neighbor.


Separate applications can be punctuated not with a comma, but with a dash, which is placed if the application is especially emphasized in the voice and is highlighted with a pause.

Soon New Year- the favorite holiday of the children.

§4. Standalone add-ons

The additions expressed by nouns with prepositions are separated: except for, besides, over, except for, including, excluding, instead of, along with. They are passed inclusion-exclusion or substitution values. For example:

Nobody but Ivan knew the answer to the teacher's question.

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§6. Isolation of comparative turnovers

Comparative turnovers are separated:

1) with unions: How, like, exactly, as if, What, how, than etc., if they matter:

  • comparison: The rain poured, as if from a sieve.
  • Similarities: Her teeth were like pearls.

2) with union like:

Masha, like everyone else, prepared well for the exam.

Comparative turnovers are not isolated, If:

1. are phraseological in nature:

Stuck like a bath leaf. The rain poured like a bucket.

2. the circumstances of the course of action matter (comparative turnover answers the question How?, often it can be replaced by an adverb or a noun in Etc.:

We are going around in circles.

(We walk(How?) like in a circle. You can replace the noun. in T.p.: around)

3) turnover with union How expresses the meaning "as":

It's not about qualifications: I don't like him as a person.

4) turnover from How is part of a compound nominal predicate or is closely related to the predicate in meaning:

The garden was like a forest.

He wrote about feelings as something very important to him.

§7. Separate clarifying members of the sentence

Refinement members refer to the word being qualified and answers the same question, for example: where exactly? when exactly? Who exactly? which one? etc. Most often, the clarification is transmitted isolated circumstances place and time, but there may be other cases. Clarifying members can refer to the addition, definition or main members of the sentence. Clarifying members are isolated, standing out in speech intonation, and in writing - with commas, brackets or dashes. Example:

We stayed up late into the night.

Below, in the valley that stretched out before us, the stream rustled.

The qualifying member usually comes after the qualifying member. They are tonally connected.

Clarifying members can be introduced into a complicated sentence:

1) with the help of unions: that is, namely:

I'm getting ready for USE task C1, that is, to the essay.

2) also words: especially, even, particularly mainly, For example:

Everywhere, especially in the living room, was clean and beautiful.

test of strength

Find out how you understood the contents of this chapter.

Final test

  1. Is it true that isolation is a way of semantic highlighting or clarification?

  2. Is it true that only minor members of the sentence are separated?

  3. What are separate definitions?

    • common and uncommon
    • agreed and inconsistent
  4. Are isolated definitions always expressed by participial turnover?

  5. In what case are the definitions standing before the defined word separated?

    • if an additional adverbial value is expressed
    • if no additional adverbial value is expressed
  6. Is it correct to think that an application is a special kind of attribute, expressed by a noun in the same number and case as the noun or pronoun it defines?

  7. What prepositions are used in prepositional case combinations that are separate objects?

    • o, in, on, to, before, behind, under, over, before
    • except for, besides, over, except for, including, excluding, instead of, along with
  8. Is it necessary to separate adverbs and participles?

  9. Is it necessary to isolate circumstances with a preposition despite?

  10. In contact with

    In Russian, a sentence consists of main and secondary members. The subject and predicate are the basis of any statement, however, without circumstances, additions and definitions, it does not so widely reveal the idea that the author wants to convey. To make the sentence more voluminous and fully convey the meaning, it combines grammatical basis and minor members of the sentence, which have the ability to stand apart. What does it mean? Isolation is the separation of secondary members from the context in terms of meaning and intonation, in which words acquire syntactic independence. In this article, isolated definitions will be considered.


    So, first you need to remember what a simple definition is, and then proceed to the study of the isolated. So, definitions are called secondary members of the sentence, which answer the questions "Which one?" and "Whose?" They indicate the sign of the object referred to in the statement, are distinguished by punctuation marks and depend on the grammatical basis. But isolated definitions acquire a certain syntactic independence. In writing, they are distinguished by commas, and in oral speech - by intonation. Such definitions, as well as simple ones, are of two types: agreed and inconsistent. Each of the species has its own characteristics of isolation.

    Agreed definitions

    A separate agreed definition, like a simple one, always depends on the noun, which is the defining word for it. Such definitions are formed by adjectives and participles. They can be single or have dependent words and stand in the sentence directly after the noun or be separated from it by other members of the sentence. As a rule, such definitions have a semi-predicative meaning, it is especially clearly seen in the case when the sentence structure contains adverbial words that are extending for this definition. Single definitions are also isolated if they stand after a noun or pronoun and clearly indicate their features. For example: the child, embarrassed, stood near the mother; pale, tired, he lay down on the bed. Definitions expressed by short passive participles and short adjectives. For example: then the beast appeared, shaggy and tall; our world is burning, spiritual and transparent, and it will become truly good.

    Inconsistent definitions

    Like simple inconsistent definitions, stipulated in the sentence, they are expressed by nouns in indirect case forms. In a statement, they are almost always an additional message and are associated in meaning with personal pronouns and proper names. The definition in this case is always isolated if it has a semi-predicative meaning and is temporary. This condition is obligatory, because proper names are quite concretized and do not need constant signs, and the pronoun does not combine with signs lexically. For example: Seryozhka, with a worn spoon in his hands, took his place by the fire; today he, in a new tunic, was especially good. In the case of a common noun, a characterizing meaning is required to isolate the definition. For example: in the middle of the village stood an old abandoned house, with a massive high chimney on the roof.

    What definitions are not isolated

    In some cases, even in the presence of relevant factors, the definitions are not isolated:

    1. In the case when definitions are used together with words that do not have an inferior lexical meaning (Father looked angry and formidable.) In this example, there is a defining word “view”, but the definition is not isolated.
    2. Common definitions do not lend themselves to isolation when connected with the two main members of the proposal. (After mowing, the hay lay folded in the bins.)
    3. If the definition is expressed in a complex comparative form or has a superlative degree of an adjective. (More popular songs have appeared.)
    4. If the so-called attributive turn comes after an indefinite, attributive, demonstrative or possessive pronoun and forms a single whole with it.
    5. If the definition comes after a negative pronoun, such as no one, no one, no one. (No one admitted to the exams could answer the additional question.)

    Punctuation marks

    When writing sentences with separate definitions, they should be separated by commas in such cases:

    1. If isolated definitions are participles or adjectives and come after the defining word. (The perfume given to her (what?) had a divine aroma, reminiscent of spring freshness.) This sentence has two definitions, expressed by participial phrases. For the first turnover, the defining word is perfume, and for the second, aroma.
    2. If two or more definitions are used after the defining word, then they are isolated. (And this sun, gentle, gentle, shone right through my window.) This rule also applies in cases of using inconsistent definitions. (Father, in a hat, in a black coat, quietly walked along the alley of the park.)
    3. If in the sentence the definition indicates an additional circumstance (concessive, conditional or causal). (Tired by the hot day (reason), she collapsed on the bed exhausted.)
    4. If in the statement the definition depends on the personal pronoun. (Dreaming of a vacation at sea, he continued to work.)
    5. A separate definition is always separated by commas if it is torn off from the defining word by other members of the sentence or comes before it. (And in the sky, accustomed to rain, a raven circled senselessly.)

    How to find isolated definitions in a sentence

    In order to find a sentence with a separate definition, you should pay attention to punctuation marks. After highlighting the grammatical basis. Asking questions from the subject and predicate, establish the connection of words and find definitions in the sentence. If these secondary members are separated by commas, then this is the desired construction of the statement. Quite often, isolated definitions are expressed by participial phrases, which, as a rule, come after the defining word. Also, such definitions can be expressed by adjectives and participles with dependent words and single ones. Quite often in a sentence there are isolated homogeneous definitions. It is not difficult to determine them, in a sentence they are expressed by homogeneous participles and adjectives.

    Strengthening exercises

    In order to better assimilate the topic, you need to consolidate the knowledge gained in practice. To do this, you should perform exercises in which you need to find sentences with separate definitions, put punctuation marks in them and explain each comma. You can also write sentences from dictation. When performing this exercise, the ability to identify isolated definitions by ear and write them down correctly will be developed. The ability to correctly place commas will come in handy both during study and during entrance exams to a higher educational institution.

    The inconsistent definition often causes punctuation difficulties. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not always easy to distinguish it from the agreed one, which will be separated by a comma. It is difficult to find a good text that does not contain these sentence members, because their use enriches speech. However, agreed and inconsistent definitions, examples of which are presented below, are an attribute only writing.

    Secondary members of the sentence explain the main ones, but can also refer to the same minor ones. If they complement the grammatical basis, they will be called secondary members of the subject or predicate group.

    For example:

    The high, cloudless sky completely occupied the horizon.

    The subject is the sky. Its group: the definitions are high, cloudless. The predicate - occupied. His group: addition horizon, circumstance completely.

    Definition, addition, circumstance - these are the three minor members of the sentence. To determine which of them is used in a sentence, you need to ask a question and determine the part of speech. So, additions are most often nouns or pronouns in indirect cases. Definitions - adjectives and parts of speech close to them (pronouns, participles, ordinal numbers, also nouns). Circumstances are adverbs or participles, as well as nouns.

    Sometimes there is a polysemy of the secondary term: it answers two questions at the same time. As an example, consider the sentence:

    The train to Omsk left without delay.

    The secondary member to Omsk can act as a circumstance (train (where?) to Omsk) or as a definition (train (what?) to Omsk).

    Another example:

    Snow lies on spruce paws.

    The secondary member on the paws is both a circumstance (lies (where?) on the paws) and an addition (lies (on what?) on the paws).

    What is the definition

    Definition - such a secondary member of the sentence, to which you can ask questions: “What?”, “What?”, “What?”, “What?”, “Whose?”

    Distinguish agreed and inconsistent definitions. Gradation depends on how this member of the sentence is expressed.

    A definition can be an adjective, a noun, a numeral, a pronoun, a participle, and even an infinitive. They extend the subject, object, and circumstance.

    For example:

    The last leaves hung from the frozen branches.

    The definition of the latter refers to the subject leaflets; the definition of frozen refers to the addition-circumstance on the branches.

    Sometimes these minor members of the sentence can carry the main semantic load of the subject and be included in its composition.

    For example:

    A villager does not like to get out into a stuffy city.

    Here the role of the definition village is very interesting, without which the subject inhabitant would not make sense. That is why it will be part of the main member of the proposal. Thus, in this example, the subject is a villager.

    Semantic functions of definitions

    Both agreed and non-agreed definitions can express the following meanings:

    1. The quality of the item (beautiful dress, interesting book).
    2. Quality of action (opened door, thinking student).
    3. Place (forest fire - fire in the forest).
    4. Time (December holidays - holidays in December).
    5. Attitude to another object (clay vase - clay vase).
    6. Belonging (mother's heart - mother's heart).

    Agreed Definition

    Definitions agreed can act as the following parts of speech:

    • Adjective name (children's toy, deep lake).
    • Pronoun (your car, a certain amount).
    • Communion (meowing kitten, waving flag).
    • Numerals (eighteenth fighter, first student).

    Between this definition and the word to which it refers, there is an agreement in gender, number and case.

    Our majestic history spans twenty centuries.

    Here are the following agreed definitions:

    History (whose?) Ours - pronoun;

    History (what?) majestic - adjective;

    Centuries (how many?) Twenty - numeral.

    As a rule, the agreed definition in the sentence is before the word to which it refers.

    Definition inconsistent

    Another, more expressive kind is the inconsistent definition. They can be the following parts of speech:

    1. Nouns with or without a preposition.

    2. Adjectives in comparative degree.

    3. Verb-infinitive.

    Let's analyze a sentence with an inconsistent definition:

    The meeting with classmates will take place on Friday.

    Meeting (what?) With classmates. An inconsistent definition with classmates is expressed by a noun with a preposition.

    Next example:

    I have never met a friendlier person than you.

    The inconsistent definition is expressed by the comparative degree of the adjective: a person (which one?) Is more friendly.

    Let's analyze the sentence, where the definition is expressed by the infinitive:

    I had a great opportunity to come to the seashore every morning.

    There was an opportunity (what?) to come - this is an inconsistent definition.

    The examples of sentences discussed above allow us to conclude that this type of definition is most often found after the word to which it refers.

    How to distinguish an agreed definition from a non-agreed one

    In order not to get confused about which definition is in the sentence, you can follow the algorithm:

    1. Find out what part of speech the definition is.
    2. Look at the type of connection between the definition and the word to which it refers (agreement - an agreed definition, control and adjacency - an inconsistent definition). Examples: meowing kitten - connection agreement, definition meowing - agreed; a box made of wood - communication control, the definition of wood is inconsistent.
    3. Pay attention to where the definition is in relation to the main word. Most often, the main word is preceded by an agreed definition, and after it, an inconsistent definition. Examples: a meeting (what?) with investors - the definition is inconsistent, it is after the main word; deep ravine - the definition is agreed, it stands after the main word.
    4. If the definition is expressed by a stable combination or phraseological phrase, it will certainly be inconsistent: it was (what?) Neither fish nor meat. Phraseologism neither fish nor meat acts as an inconsistent definition.

    A table will help distinguish between agreed and inconsistent definitions.




    What is expressed

    1. Adjective.

    2. Pronoun.

    3. Communion.

    4. Numerals.

    1. Noun with or without a preposition.

    2. Infinitive.

    3. Adverb.

    4. Comparative adjective.

    5. Pronoun.

    6. Indivisible combination, phraseological unit.

    Communication type

    Agreement in gender, number and case

    1. Management.

    2. Connection.


    Before main word

    After the main word

    The concept of isolation

    Situations often arise when in a sentence there are separate agreed and inconsistent definitions that require separation by appropriate punctuation marks (commas or dashes). Separation always implies two identical punctuation marks, it should not be confused, for example, with commas when homogeneous members where single commas are used. In addition, the use of two different characters in isolation is a gross mistake, which indicates a misunderstanding of this linguistic phenomenon.

    Separating agreed definitions with commas is a more frequent phenomenon than separating inconsistent ones. To determine whether a comma is necessary, you need to pay attention to two aspects:

    • The position of a separate definition in relation to the word being defined.
    • How are the members of the sentence participating in the isolation expressed (the definition itself and the word being defined): history (what?) majestic - adjective; centuries (how many?) twenty - numeral.

    Separation of agreed definitions

    If the agreed definition is after the word being defined, it must be separated by commas if:

    1. It is a participle. For example: A basket of mushrooms, collected the day before, stood in the cellar. Here, the isolated definition collected the day before is a participle turnover, which is located after the word basket being defined.
    2. It is an adjective with dependent words. For example: Through the glass, crystal clear, you could see everything that was happening in the yard. Here, the definition of crystal clear is an adjective (pure) and its dependent word (crystal). It is required to put commas, because this revolution is located after the word glass, which is being defined.
    3. Definitions are necessarily separated if there is another definition before the word being defined. For example: Autumn days, bright and sunny, soon faded away. The definition of autumn is in front of the defined word days, respectively, the definition of bright and sunny must be separated by commas.
    4. Definitions are not common, they are in the sentence after the word being defined. Eg: South night, black and warm, was full of mysterious sounds. The definition black and warm are two uncommon adjectives connected by the union and. There may be such an option: the southern night, black, warm, was full of mysterious sounds. In this example, the union is absent, but the definition is still isolated.

    In the latter case, you need to be more careful, because there are situations when the definition is closely related in meaning to the word to which it refers, so it is not required to separate it with commas. For example:

    In a country far from home there is a certain sense of loneliness.

    The definition far from home should not be separated by commas, because without it the meaning of the sentence is not clear.

    Separation of the agreed definition, which is before the word being defined, is necessary if it has the meaning of cause or concession. For example:

    Exhausted by the difficult transition, the tourists were glad to set up camp.

    In this case, the definition exhausted by a long transition is isolated, because it is used in the sense of a reason: since the tourists were exhausted by a difficult transition, they were glad to set up camp. Another example:

    Not yet greened, the trees are elegant and festive.

    Here the definition has a concession that has not yet been planted with greenery: despite the fact that the trees have not yet been planted with greenery, they are elegant and festive.

    Separation of inconsistent definitions

    Separate inconsistent definitions are a rather rare phenomenon. Usually they are paired with matched ones. Thus, isolated inconsistent definitions are usually used after the word being defined and are associated with the agreed connection by agreement.

    For example:

    This coat, new, ribbed, suited Natasha very well.

    In this example, the inconsistent ribbed definition is related to the agreed new definition, so it needs to be isolated.

    Here is another sentence with a separate, inconsistent definition:

    Quite by accident we met Andrey, in the dust, tired.

    In this case, the inconsistent definition in the dust is related to the consistent definition of tired, so commas are required.

    It is not necessary to separate with commas the cases when there are isolated inconsistent definitions before the agreed one. Examples:

    From a distance we saw sailors in pressed uniforms, happy and contented.

    In this case, it is possible not to isolate the inconsistent definition in a smoothed form, because after it there are agreed: happy, satisfied.

    IN classical literature one can meet both non-isolated and isolated inconsistent definitions. Examples:

    Two stearin candles, in travel silver chandeliers, burned in front of him. (Turgenev I.S.) and Three soldiers in overcoats, with guns on their shoulders, walked in step to replace the company box (Tolstoy L.N.).

    In a sentence from Turgenev's work, the inconsistent definition in travel silver chandeliers is isolated, but Tolstoy's sentence of the same construction is not. In the latter there are no punctuation marks in the definitions in overcoats, with guns.

    As a rule, inconsistent definitions related to the predicate group are not isolated. Let's look at the last example: they walked (how? in what?) with guns, in overcoats.

    Application as a special kind of definition

    A special kind of definition is an application. It is always expressed by a noun. Applications and inconsistent definitions should be distinguished. The latter are associated with the word being defined by means of control, while between the application and the main word there is an agreement.

    For example, let's compare two sentences:

    1. You, as the chief engineer, must oversee this project.

    2. This woman in a white coat made the guys grumble.

    In the first case, we have an application engineer. Let us prove this by declining the main and the definition of the word. You are an engineer - you are an engineer - you are an engineer - you are an engineer, etc. The connection between the words is clearly visible agreement, respectively, we have an application. Let's try to do the same with the definition from the second sentence. A woman in a white coat - a woman in a white coat - a woman in a white coat. Communication is control, so here we observe an inconsistent definition.

    In addition, the application simply names the subject differently, while the inconsistent definition is some kind of its sign.

    Application isolation

    A single application, as a rule, is written with a hyphen: hostess sister, lord commander. In certain cases, the application will stand apart. Let's sort them out.

    The application that refers to the personal pronoun is separated. Examples:

    1. Does she, an excellent student, take care of the control.

    Here the application of an excellent student refers to the pronoun to her.

    2. Here it is, the reason.

    We isolate the application reason, because it refers to the pronoun she.

    A common application is isolated if it is located after the word being defined. Examples:

    1. A brave captain, a thunderstorm of the seas, easily passed any reefs.

    The thunderstorm application is a common one (thunderstorm (what?) of the seas), so you need to separate it with commas.

    2. The girl, everyone's favorite, received the best gift.

    The application universal favorite is used after the word girl being defined.

    Applications are separated with the meaning of reason, concession, clarification (with it there is a union like). Example:

    You, as an investor, can control the work of employees. - You can control the work of subordinates because you are an investor (reason value).

    Here you need to be careful, because the application with the union as in the meaning of "as" is not isolated. For example:

    How school discipline mathematics develops well logical thinking. - As a school discipline, mathematics develops logical thinking well. Separation is not needed.

    If a separate application is at the end of a sentence, it can be distinguished with a dash. For example:

    The rest of the sisters are similar to each other - Elizabeth and Sophia.

    The application Elizabeth and Sophia is at the end of the sentence, so a dash is separated.

    Homogeneous adjectives and participial phrases that appear after the noun being defined or other parts of speech that acquire objective meaning in the sentence (subjected to substantivation: substantivum - lat. noun) are always separated in writing, that is separated by a comma. If they are in the middle of sentences, they are separated by commas on both sides.

    In contact with


    What is a separate agreed definition. So in syntax they call a part of speech that performs a defining function. Most often, this role is played by adjectives, as well as participles with one or more dependent words. Definitions are secondary members in the sentence, refer to the subject group, are underlined by a wavy line: Bright sun blinded. White clouds floated across the sky. The golden autumn has come.

    In written speech, separate definitions are separated by commas, in oral speech - intonation. They are common and solitary. It depends on the location of attributive structures inside sentences (after or before the main word) whether they will be highlighted in writing with commas or not.


    He, |full|, quickly fell asleep. - Solitary.

    He, |lulled by hopes|, slept soundly. - Common definition.

    The moon, |mysterious and pale|, peeked out from behind the clouds. - Comes after the main word.

    |Pale and mysterious| the moon peeked out from behind the clouds. - Stands before the main word.

    With isolated definitions, they allow you to give a description of the subject of the story, making the content more complete. They clarify, supplement information about an action or a specific subject. They can be placed before or after the main word, as well as in the middle of a syntactic construction. If they are "omitted", the transmitted meaning will be the same. Night, |cloudy and foggy|, shrouded the earth. Night has enveloped the earth. – The essence does not change.

    Distinguish several varieties isolated definitions: homogeneous and heterogeneous, consistent with the main word and inconsistent.

    Homogeneous denote uniform qualities of an object or phenomenon. IN syntactic constructions they are connected by unions or listed separated by commas.


    This is the name of definitions that coincide in gender, number and case with the word, to which they refer. Let's give a few examples and see how each of them expresses the agreed definition:

    1. Possessive adjective: I remembered (what?) my father's house.
    2. Indicative: I want to buy (what?) this bag.
    3. Ordinal number: First locality the city of Tara became the territory of the region. Note that "first" and "inhabited" are not homogeneous because they express various qualities, so there is no comma between them.
    4. Single or participial turnover: (what?) The awakened child was crying loudly. The road (what?), |leading to the sea|, passed through the garden.
    5. with dependent words: Air (what?), | invigorating after a thunderstorm |, hung above the ground.

    Communion or participial are not separated by commas if they are before the word being defined. If the sentence has two participial phrases connected by the union "and", they are not separated by a comma.

    Attention! Distinguish isolated agreed definitions from adjectives and participles that are part of the nominal predicate. To remove them from the sentence without losing the meaning will not work.

    For example, take the following structures:

    She - "Happy" and "dreamy" - these are parts of the nominal predicate.

    The boy, tired from the trip, was fast asleep.

    A participial turnover is used here, which clarifies why the boy is fast asleep, and if it is removed, the transmitted essence will not change.

    There are different conditions for separating the definitions of a comma. A punctuation mark is placed if:

    • stands after the main word expressed by the noun: Herbs, |very useful|, grow in reserved places (agreed common);
    • removed from the defining noun: Sun-drenched |, wheatfields spread across the river;
    • refers to a personal pronoun and stands before or after it: I returned to Zurin (what?), | sad and silent |. |Exhausted, dirty, wet|, we finally reached the shore;
    • is in the nature of a reason: (what?) |Stunned by the blow|, he fell on his back. - Why did you fall? - Because of the impact. (Which one?) Ran as fast as he could, |horrified|. Why did you run? – Because of fear;
    • in the sentence there are two or more definitions (homogeneous or heterogeneous) after the main word: People (what?) appeared at the station, fussy and noisy. (What?), |White, blue, red|, dazzled in the clearing. - In the first case, homogeneous definitions with the union "and" are used, and in the second - with a non-union connection.

    Important! If the attributive construction is in front of the noun, then it is not separated by a comma: |Satisfied with the vacation| we're back home.


    Such designs do not change along with the defined word . The main ways of communication with the main word:

    Can be expressed:

    1. nouns in indirect: met Petya (which one?), | up to his ears in oil |, but satisfied with the repair of the motorcycle. Grandpa stood on the platform (which one?), |with a bag at the ready|;
    2. the infinitive of the verb: In Yegor's life there was a goal (what?) - |become a director|;
    3. adjective in a comparative degree with dependent words: The girls noticed Katya in an outfit (what?), | more strict | than she usually wears.

    According to their structure, there are:

    • single: The teacher explained to us the law (whose?) of Archimedes;
    • common: He settled in a room (what?) |overlooking the sea|;
    • uncommon

    There are cases when a comma is not put. If the sentence contains a definition:

    • connected simultaneously with the subject and the predicate: After the physical education lesson, the inventory (what?) lay (where?) scattered around the hall. - "Scattered around the hall" refers simultaneously to the subject "inventory" and the predicate "lay". Depending on the question posed, "scattered around the room" can also be a circumstance;
    • stands after a negative pronoun: |hidden from prying eyes| could not hide from the detective.

    How to find a separate definition in a sentence. Punctuation marks help you search. First, find the main members of the sentence, and with the help of the questions posed by them, determine the words related to the subject or predicate group. Most often, constructions expressed by participial turnover are isolated.