What is the pedagogical process in pedagogy definition. What is the pedagogical process? § the essence of the pedagogical process can be traced through special organized forms of the pedagogical process

PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS is a holistic educational process in the unity and interconnection of education and training, characterized by joint activities, cooperation and co-creation of its subjects, contributing to the most complete development and self-realization of the personality of the pupil. The process that realizes the goals of education and upbringing in the conditions of ped. systems in which educators and students interact in an organized manner (educational, educational, vocational and educational institutions, children's associations and organizations).

Pedagogical dictionary. - M.: Academy. G. M. Kodzhaspirova, A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov. 2005 .

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    Pedagogical process- specially organized interaction of the older (training) and younger (trained) generations with the aim of passing on by the older and mastering the social experience necessary for life and work in society. The expression "pedagogical process" ... ... Wikipedia

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1. Essence, patterns and principles of the pedagogical process

Pedagogical process - one of the most important, fundamental categories of pedagogical science. Under pedagogical process is understood as a specially organized, purposeful interaction of teachers and students (pupils), aimed at solving developing and educational goals. The pedagogical process is designed to ensure the fulfillment of the social order of society for education, the implementation of the provision of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the right to education, as well as the current legislation on education.

The pedagogical process is a system, and like any system it has a certain structure. Structure - this is the location of elements (components) in the system, as well as the connections between them. Understanding the connections is very important, because, knowing what is connected with what and how in the pedagogical process, it is possible to solve the problem of improving the organization, management and quality of this process. Components pedagogical process are:

goal and tasks;

organization and management;

methods of implementation;


The teaching process is work process, and, as in other labor processes, objects, means and products of labor are singled out in the pedagogical process. An object the work activity of a teacher is a developing personality, a team of pupils. Facilities(or tools) of labor in the pedagogical process are very specific; they include not only teaching aids, demonstration materials, etc., but also the knowledge of the teacher, his experience, his spiritual and spiritual capabilities. On creation product pedagogical work, in fact, the pedagogical process is directed - this is the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students, the level of their upbringing, culture, i.e., the level of their development.

Patterns of the pedagogical process- these are objective, essential, recurring connections. In such a complex, large and dynamic system as the pedagogical process, a large number of various connections and dependencies are manifested. Most general patterns of the pedagogical process the following:

¦ the dynamics of the pedagogical process suggests that all subsequent changes depend on changes in the previous stages, therefore the pedagogical process is multi-stage in nature - the higher the intermediate achievements, the more significant the final result;

¦ the pace and level of personality development in the pedagogical process depend on heredity, environment, means and methods of pedagogical influence;

¦ the effectiveness of pedagogical influence depends on the management of the pedagogical process;

~¦ the productivity of the pedagogical process depends on the action of internal incentives (motives) pedagogical activity, on the intensity and nature of external (social, moral, material) incentives;

¦ the effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends, on the one hand, on the quality of pedagogical activity, on the other hand, on the quality of one’s own learning activities students;

¦ the pedagogical process is conditioned by the needs of the individual and society, material, technical, economic and other opportunities of society, moral and psychological, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic and other circumstances under which it is carried out.

The regularities of the pedagogical process find concrete expression in the main provisions that determine its general organization, content, forms and methods, i.e., in principles.

Principles V modern science- these are the basic, initial provisions of any theory, guiding ideas, basic rules of behavior, actions. Didactics considers principles as recommendations that guide pedagogical activity and the educational process - they cover all its aspects and give it a purposeful, logically consistent beginning. For the first time, the basic principles of didactics were formulated by Ya. A. Comenius in The Great Didactics: consciousness, visibility, gradualness, consistency, strength, feasibility.

Thus, principles of the pedagogical process- these are the basic requirements for the organization of pedagogical activity, indicating its direction and shaping the pedagogical process.

The task of comprehending and regulating such a branched and multifaceted activity as pedagogical activity requires the development of a fairly wide range of norms of different directions. Along with general pedagogical principles(for example, the principles of the connection of education with life and practice, the connection of education and upbringing with work, the humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process, etc.) distinguish other groups of principles:

¦ principles of education- discussed in the section on education;

¦ principles of organization of the pedagogical process- the principles of training and education of the individual in the team, continuity, etc.;

¦ principles of leadership of pedagogical activity- the principles of combining management in the pedagogical process with the development of initiative and independence of students, combining exactingness with students with respect for their personality, using the positive qualities of a person as a support, the strengths of his personality, etc .;

¦ teaching principles- the principles of scientific character and feasible difficulty of learning, systematic and consistent learning, consciousness and creative activity students, visibility of learning, strength of learning outcomes, etc.

At the moment, there is no single approach in pedagogy in determining the composition and system of principles of the pedagogical process. For example, Sh. A. Amonashvili formulated the following principles of the pedagogical process:

"1. Knowledge and assimilation of the child in the pedagogical process is truly human. 2. The child's knowledge of himself as a person in the pedagogical process. 3. Coincidence of the interests of the child with the universal interests. 4. Inadmissibility of using means in the pedagogical process that can provoke a child to antisocial manifestations. 5. Providing the child in the pedagogical process with public space for the best manifestation of his individuality. 6. Humanization of circumstances in the pedagogical process. 7. Determining the qualities of the emerging personality of the child, his education and development from the qualities of the pedagogical process itself.

When highlighting system of principles of teaching in higher education should be considered features of the educational process this group educational institutions:

- in higher education, not the basics of sciences are studied, but the sciences themselves in development;

independent work students is close to the research work of teachers;

- the unity of scientific and educational processes in the activities of teachers is characteristic;

- Teaching of sciences is characterized by professionalization. Proceeding from this, S. I. Zinoviev, the author of one of the first monographs on learning process in high school, principles of didactics high school considered:


Connection of theory with practice, practical experience with science;

Consistency and consistency in the training of specialists;

Consciousness, activity and independence of students in their studies;

Connecting the individual search for knowledge with academic work a team;

The combination of abstract thinking with visibility in teaching;

Availability of scientific knowledge;

The strength of the assimilation of knowledge.

Pedagogical process

Pedagogical process

The teaching process is:

Pedagogical process

Pedagogical process- specially organized interaction of the older (training) and younger (trained) generations with the aim of passing on by the older and mastering the social experience necessary for life and work in society.

The expression "pedagogical process" was introduced by P.F. Kapterev (1849-1922). He also revealed its essence and content in the work "Pedagogical Process" (1904).

know: structure, patterns and principles of a holistic pedagogical process

be able to: define and typify structural components pedagogical process

Pedagogical process is based on the principle of initial guiding ideas, on the starting points of any theory, doctrine or science in general, and the logical beginning of any system of activity.

Jan Amos Comenius strived to raise a believing Christian. His ideal was a man capable of "knowing, acting and speaking". Proper education, according to Comenius, should be natural. He fought against scholastic teaching methods and called for teaching everyone and everything to proceed from the individual characteristics of the child. Comenius believed that all children are able to perceive knowledge, and therefore demanded the education of both the rich and the poor, both boys and girls: "up to artisans, men, porters and women." The school, from his point of view, should comprehensively educate children, developing their mind, morality, feelings and will.

Based on the principle of natural conformity, Comenius established four periods in human development, allocating six years for each period, determining the type of the corresponding school: childhood (from birth to 6 years, a special maternal school is offered, where the upbringing and education of babies is carried out under the guidance of the mother), adolescence ( from 6 to 12 years old children must be in school mother tongue, which should be in every community, village), youth (from 12 to 18 years old, teenagers and young men, having discovered the ability for scientific studies, must attend a Latin school, or a gymnasium organized in each big city), maturity (young people aged 18 to 24 who are preparing for scientific activity, must be trained in an academy established in each state).

Education must end with a journey. For all levels (except the academy), the great teacher developed the content of education, insisting on teaching on the basis of the principle from simple to complex, starting "from the simplest elements of children's knowledge from stage to stage", then knowledge should expand and deepen "like a tree that year by year , putting out new roots and branches, becomes stronger and stronger, grows and brings more fruits. To ensure the availability of knowledge to students, Comenius recommended to go in learning from simple to complex, from concrete to abstract, from facts to conclusions, from easy to difficult, from close to far. He proposed to preface the rules with examples.

Comenius demanded to do primary school mother tongue school. Made changes to the structure of training, while maintaining Latin language and "seven free sciences" and introducing physics (natural science), geography and history into the course of the gymnasium. He suggested that after studying the language (grammar), contrary to the accepted plan of education in schools, go to physics and mathematics, and move rhetoric and dialectic classes to high school, thereby attributing the development of speech and thinking of students to such a stage in the development of the child when he acquired real knowledge . “Words need to be taught and learned only in connection with things,” Komensky wrote.

Comenius paid much attention to the sequence of learning. Classes, in his opinion, should be structured in such a way that “the previous paves the way for the next”, i.e. new material should be presented only after the previous one has been assimilated, and the study of the new should, in turn, contribute to the consolidation of the previous one.

Comenius was the first to substantiate the need for a class-lesson system of classes, when the teacher works with the whole class on a certain educational material during school year, which should begin and end at the same time for all students, and classes should alternate with rest. The school day must be regulated in accordance with the age of students of different classes. Comenius also assigned a significant role to the appearance of the school.

Comenius highly appreciated the social significance of the activities of teachers, in contrast to the dismissive attitude towards them at that time. Comenius was the first to speak about the need for special textbooks for children in each class, which should contain all the material presented systematically on the subject. Textbooks should be written in an accurate and understandable language, they are designed to reflect the real picture of the world; their appearance must be attractive to children.

Comenius himself developed several excellent educational books, such as The World of Sensible Things in Pictures. Educational books by Comenius began to be used in Russia at the end of the 17th century, they were used in educational institutions Moscow and Petersburg to early XVIII V. At the same time, the first handwritten translation of Comenius' educational books appeared, in the second half of the 18th century. The World of Sensual Things in Pictures was published by Moscow University.

John Locke in Thoughts on Education, he argued that nine-tenths of people are good or evil, useful or not, due to their upbringing. He wanted to educate a gentleman who knows how to "conduct his affairs sensibly and prudently", possessing the qualities of a businessman and distinguished by "refinement in handling." A gentleman must receive physical, moral and mental education at home, since "even the shortcomings of home education are incomparably more useful than the knowledge and skills acquired at school."

Attaching great importance to physical education, Locke derived morality from the principle of the benefit and interests of the individual. In his opinion, a real gentleman knows how to achieve his own happiness, but does not prevent others from doing so. He considered the environment, the environment of the child, to be the main educational means. He assigned a special role to the upbringing of stable positive habits in children in the formation of personality. In order to achieve positive results in education, he recommended to carefully study individual characteristics child, quietly observe him in order to “notice his prevailing passions and dominant inclinations”, to reveal various qualities in children.

Locke opposed corporal punishment, demanded in no case to satisfy the persistent desires of the child, especially if they are accompanied by crying, but at the same time, in cases of stubbornness and open disobedience, he allowed corporal punishment. attached great importance religious education, but believed that the main thing was not to accustom children to rituals, but to evoke love and reverence for God as the highest being.

Development of the necessary business qualities should influence the mental education of a gentleman. He believed that labor education in the fresh air is good for health, and knowledge of crafts prevents the possibility of harmful idleness. Locke's pedagogical theory determined the goals and nature of the gentleman's upbringing, described in detail the issues of his physical, moral and mental education. Jean Jacques Rousseau in his treatise novel Emil, or On Education, he criticized the upbringing of that time and proposed a plan for the formation of a new person.

Rousseau's pedagogical views are based on the theory of natural education, which asserts that a person is born perfect, but is deformed under the influence of modern social conditions. Education contributes to the development of the child only having a natural, nature-shaped character. Nature, people and things are active participants in the educational process, Rousseau believed. According to Rousseau, natural education follows the natural course of development of the nature of the child himself, therefore, a thorough study of the child, a good knowledge of his age and individual characteristics is necessary.

The educator should provide the child with the opportunity to grow and develop freely, in accordance with his nature, and not impose on him his views and beliefs, ready-made moral rules. Natural education is also free education. The educator, according to Rousseau's theory, must convince children by the logic of the natural course of things, widely apply the method of "natural consequences - the child himself would feel the result of his wrong actions, the consequences that inevitably arise because of this, harmful to him." The educator should give the child a general human, and not class, not professional education.

Rousseau established four age periods in the life of a child, and in accordance with this indicated what the main attention of the educator should be directed to: the first period - from birth to 2 years, until the appearance of speech (the main attention should be paid to the physical education of the child); the second - from 2 to 12 years (figuratively called the "sleep of the mind", when the child is not yet capable of abstract thinking, therefore, during this period it is necessary to develop his external feelings); in the third period - from 12 to 15 years - the main attention should be paid to mental and labor education.

At the age of 15 to adulthood, which belongs to the fourth period, in the “period of storms and passions,” the moral education of a young man should be brought to the fore. According to Rousseau, every woman is obliged to profess the religion of her mother, and the wife - the religion of her husband. Thus, Rousseau denied independence to a woman, despite the demand for the free upbringing of an independent citizen from a boy. Rousseau's ideas about the education of an active, thinking, free person had a great positive influence on pedagogical theory and practice, although later they were largely rejected.

Claude Adrian Helvetius wrote the book "On the Mind", which was banned and sentenced to be burned. Helvetius developed his ideas in more detail in the book On Man, His Mental Powers, and His Education, which was published after his death. He was the first in the history of pedagogy to reveal the factors that form a person. All representations and concepts in humans, according to Helvetius, are formed on the basis of sensory perceptions, and thinking is reduced to the ability to feel. A person, he believed, is formed under the influence of the environment and is a product of circumstances and upbringing.

Helvetius formulated a single goal of education for all citizens, emphasizing the huge role of education in the reorganization of society. He demanded detachment public education from the clergy, demanded the visibility of training, the use of personal experience child and bringing the simplicity and comprehensibility of educational material to the level of students. Helvetius believed that regardless of gender, everyone should receive an equal education.

Denis Diderot resolutely opposed religion and considered sensations to be the source of knowledge. Unlike Helvetius, he believed that the second stage of knowledge is the processing of sensations by the mind. He substantiated his point of view on education in the "Systematic refutation of the book of Helvetius" On Man "". Diderot rejected the assertion of Helvetius about the omnipotence of education and the absence of individual natural differences in people, emphasized the importance of physical organization and anatomical physiological features to form a person.

Diderot believed that mental operations depend on what natural inclinations and characteristics people have, what organization of the brain a person has; and the manifestation of the physiological characteristics of people entirely depends on social causes, including education. Diderot believed that the educator, striving to develop the abilities and inclinations given by nature to the child, can achieve great results and drown out bad inclinations.

Diderot demanded from the teacher a deep knowledge of the subject being taught, modesty, honesty and other high moral qualities. He believed that the teacher needs to create good material conditions. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi dedicated his life to educating and educating the children of the people. Pestalozzi wanted to "make possible for the very last poor man the correct development of physical, mental and moral faculties."

Pestalozzi, like Rousseau and Comenius, was a supporter of the natural character of education. According to Pestalozzi, natural forces and the inclinations of the child are inherent in the desire for development, and in order to ensure the development of the child in accordance with his nature, elementary education is necessary, including physical, labor, moral, aesthetic and mental education. Pestalozzi's theory of elementary education is based on the requirement to start raising a child with the simplest elements and gradually complicate it more and more.

Physical education should develop all the natural physical inclinations of the child, develop in him the appropriate skills and abilities, contribute to the formation of the human personality, the development of his mind, moral feelings and strong-willed qualities. Teachers should develop the child's physical strength by performing such simple movements that he makes while walking, eating, drinking, lifting weights, that is, everyday, everyday movements. Pestalozzi closely linked physical education with labor, attaching great importance to it in the development of the child. In his opinion, labor activity develops human dignity, diligence, perseverance, conscientiousness and other qualities in children.

Target moral education Pestalozzi defined it as the formation of an active love for people in children. Later - as they grow older - the moral education of children should be carried out at school, which will be facilitated by the relationship between the teacher and students, which are built on the basis of paternal love. Pestalozzi assigned an important place to the close connection between moral education and the physical development of the child, the requirement to achieve the moral behavior of children not only by instructions, but by exercises in moral deeds.

The rapid development of industry at the end of XVIII - early XIX V. V Western Europe accompanied by exacerbation of social contradictions. Robert Owen was a supporter of public education of citizens with early age he organized the first preschool institutions for the children of workers, educating them in the spirit of collectivism, instilling in them labor skills taking into account their interests and using games and entertainment in working with them. Owen created schools where a religion-free education was combined with physical education and productive labor, as well as the assimilation of high moral principles by children.

A great contribution to the development of Russian pedagogical thought was made by M.V. Lomonosov(1711-1765). “Not the sum of knowledge, but the correct way of thinking and moral education is the goal of education,” wrote Lomonosov. He created a number of educational books: "Rhetoric" (1748), "Russian Grammar" (1755), etc. Publisher of the first magazine in Russia "Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind" N.I. Novikov(1744-1818) for the first time in Russian pedagogical literature declared pedagogy a science. The first didactic system in Russia was developed by K.D.Ushinsky(1824-1870). In the work “Man as a subject of education.

Experience of Pedagogical Anthropology" (1868-1869), he gave an analysis of the psychological mechanisms of attention, interest, memory, imagination, emotions, will, thinking, substantiated the need to take them into account in the learning process. Special attention K.D. Ushinsky drew on the influence of unintentional education, influence public environment, the "spirit of the times", its culture and advanced social ideals.

The goal of education according to Ushinsky is the formation of an active creative personality, preparing a person for physical and mental labor as the highest form of human activity. Considering the positive role of religion in shaping public morality, he advocated the independence of schools and science from it. The system of moral education of Ushinsky was built on patriotism, strength good example, on the reasonable activity of the child.

He demanded from the teacher the development of active love for a person, the creation of an atmosphere of camaraderie. Ushinsky's new pedagogical idea was the idea of ​​teaching students how to learn. “... It is necessary to transfer to the student not only certain knowledge, but also to develop in him the desire and ability to independently, without a teacher, acquire new knowledge.” Ushinsky approved the principle of educative education: "Education should act not only to increase the stock of knowledge, but also to a person's beliefs."

Pedagogical principles of K.D.Ushinsky

1) Training should be built taking into account age and psychological features child development. It must be strong and consistent.

2) Training should be based on the principle of visibility.

3) The course of learning from the concrete to the abstract, the abstract, from ideas to thoughts is natural and is based on clear psychological laws of human nature.

4) Education should develop the mental strength and abilities of students, as well as provide the knowledge necessary for life.

Pedagogical process- specially organized interaction between the teacher and the student with the aim of transferring by the elders and mastering by the younger social experience necessary for life and work in society. The pedagogical process, as well as the processes of teaching and educating a person, is a special function of society, which is realized in the conditions of a single pedagogical system.

The structure (from lat. structura - structure) of the pedagogical process is the arrangement of elements in the system. The most important thing is to understand the relationships between the components that make up the structure of the system. In a pedagogical system, connections are not similar to connections between components in other dynamic systems. Here the object is also the subject. The objects of pedagogical work are a group of students, a developing personality. They are characterized by complexity, consistency, self-regulation and, in addition, self-development, and from this - the variability and uniqueness of pedagogical processes. The subject of the teacher's activity is the formation of a person. He does not yet possess the knowledge, skills and experience of an adult. It develops according to the laws of its psyche - the peculiarities of perception, thinking, understanding, the formation of will and character. This is not a direct proportional dependence on pedagogical influence.

The result of the process depends on the interaction of the teacher, the technology used and the student. Each system contains the following elements. The goal is the end result. Principles - the main directions for achieving the goal. Content - educational material. Methods - the actions of the teacher and the student in the transfer, processing and perception of content. Means are specific ways of implementing content. This is the knowledge and experience of the teacher, the impact of his personality on the student, as well as the types of activities to which he will be able to switch students, methods of influence and ways of cooperation. These spiritual means of labor.

Forms of learning (external outlines, appearance, structure of something) - the external side of the organization of the process (individual, group, frontal, classroom, extracurricular, etc.). The product of pedagogical work, its logical completion of the process is a well-mannered person prepared for life. In specific processes, individual personality traits are formed that correspond to the goal. The pedagogical process combines the processes of formation, development, education, training, along with all the conditions, forms and methods of their flow. This is a dynamic system.

With the low efficiency of the pedagogical process, the analysis of its causes allows you to make changes, avoid previous mistakes. It is useful to take into account genetic ties, traditions in training and education. This ensures continuity in the planning of new pedagogical processes. In addition to clearly identifying the components, such a representation makes it possible to analyze the various connections and relationships between the components. The pedagogical one is characterized by the levels of management, productivity, economy, etc., the definition of which makes it possible to substantiate the criteria that give qualitative and quantitative estimates achieved.

Time is a universal criterion that allows you to determine how quickly and efficiently this process proceeds. In the practice of managing the pedagogical process, this is the main thing. The pedagogical process is not a mechanical combination of upbringing, development, training, but a new high-quality education, which is subject to special laws. Its main characteristics - integrity, commonality, unity - emphasize the subordination of all its constituent processes to a single goal.

The essential characteristic of the concept of "pedagogical process" (definition of the concept, the structure of the pedagogical process, the pedagogical process as a system)

1. The pedagogical process is a holistic process The pedagogical process is a holistic educational process of the unity and interconnection of upbringing and education, characterized by joint activities, cooperation and co-creation of its subjects, contributing to the most complete development and self-realization of the individual.

What is meant by integrity?

In pedagogical science, there is still no unambiguous interpretation of this concept. In the general philosophical understanding, integrity is interpreted as the internal unity of an object, its relative autonomy, independence from environment; on the other hand, integrity is understood as the unity of all components included in the pedagogical process. Integrity is an objective, but not permanent property of them. Integrity can arise at one stage of the pedagogical process and disappear at another. This is typical for both pedagogical science and practice. The integrity of pedagogical objects is built purposefully. The components of a holistic pedagogical process are the processes of education, training, development.

Thus, the integrity of the pedagogical process means the subordination of all the processes forming it to the main and single goal - the comprehensive, harmonious and holistic development of the individual. The integrity of the pedagogical process is manifested: - in the unity of the processes of training, education and development; -in the subordination of these processes; -in the presence of a general preservation of the specifics of these processes.

3. The pedagogical process is a multifunctional process. The functions of the pedagogical process are: educational, educational, developing.


    implemented primarily in the learning process;

    in extracurricular activities;

    in the activities of institutions of additional education.

Educational (appears in everything):

    in the educational space in which the process of interaction between the teacher and the pupil takes place;

    in the personality and professionalism of the teacher;

    V curricula and programs, forms, methods and means used in the educational process.

Developing: Development in the process of education is expressed in qualitative changes in a person's mental activity, in the formation of new qualities, new skills.

    The pedagogical process has a number of properties.

The properties of the pedagogical process are:

    a holistic pedagogical process enhances its constituent processes;

    a holistic pedagogical process creates opportunities for the penetration of teaching and upbringing methods;

    a holistic pedagogical process leads to the merging of pedagogical and student teams into a single school-wide team.

    The structure of the pedagogical process.

Structure – location of elements in the system. The structure of the system consists of components selected according to a certain criterion, as well as the links between them.

The structure of the pedagogical process consists of the following components:

    Stimulus-motivational- the teacher stimulates the cognitive interest of students, which causes their needs and motives for educational and cognitive activity;

This component is characterized by:

    emotional relations between its subjects (educators-pupils, pupils-pupils, educators-educators, educators-parents, parents-parents);

    the motives of their activities (the motives of pupils);

    the formation of motives in the right direction, the excitation of socially valuable and personally significant motives, which largely determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

    Target- awareness by the teacher and acceptance by students of the goal, objectives of educational and cognitive activity;

This component includes the whole variety of goals, tasks of pedagogical activity from the general goal - "all-round harmonious development of the personality" to specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities.

Associated with the development and selection of educational content. The content is most often offered and regulated by the teacher, taking into account the learning objectives, interests, inclinations of students; The content is specified in relation to both the individual and certain groups, depending on the age of the subjects, the characteristics of the pedagogical conditions.

    operational-effective- most fully reflects the procedural side of the educational process (methods, techniques, means, forms of organization);

It characterizes the interaction of teachers and children, is associated with the organization and management of the process. Means and methods, depending on the characteristics of educational situations, are formed into certain forms of joint activity of educators and pupils. This is how the desired goals are achieved.

    Control and regulatory- includes a combination of self-control and control by the teacher;

    reflective- introspection, self-assessment, taking into account the assessment of others and the determination of the further level of their educational activities by students and pedagogical activities by the teacher.

4. Pedagogical process, features of the pedagogical process, principles of its organization

Pedagogical process- this concept includes the method and way of organizing educational relations, which consist in the systematic and purposeful selection and application of external factors for the development of subjects of education. The pedagogical process is understood as the process of teaching and educating a person as a special social function, the implementation of which requires the environment of a certain pedagogical system.

The concept of "process" comes from the Latin word processus and means "moving forward", "change". The pedagogical process determines the constant interaction of subjects and objects educational activities: educators and educated. The pedagogical process is aimed at solving this problem and leads to changes that are planned in advance, to the transformation of the properties and qualities of students. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process where experience turns into a personality quality. The main feature of the pedagogical process is the presence of the unity of education, upbringing and development on the basis of maintaining the integrity and generality of the system. The concepts of "pedagogical process" and "educational process" are unambiguous.

The teaching process is a system. The system consists of various processes, including the formation, development, education and training, inextricably linked with all conditions, forms and methods. As a system, the pedagogical process consists of elements (components), in turn, the arrangement of elements in the system is a structure.

The structure of the pedagogical process includes:

1. The goal is to identify the final result.

2. Principles are the main directions in achieving the goal.

4. Methods is the necessary work of the teacher and the student in order to transfer, process and perceive the content of education.

5. Means - ways to "work" with the content.

6. Forms - this is a consistent receipt of the result of the pedagogical process.

The purpose of the pedagogical process is to effectively predict the outcome and result of the work. The pedagogical process consists of various goals: the goals of direct teaching and the goals of learning in each lesson, each discipline, etc.

Russia's regulatory documents present the following understanding of goals.

1. The system of goals in the standard provisions on educational institutions (the formation of a general culture of the individual, adaptation to life in society, creating the basis for a conscious choice and development of a professional educational program, education of responsibility and love for the Motherland).

2. The system of diagnostic goals in certain programs, where all goals are divided into stages and levels of training and represent a display of the content of certain training courses. In the education system, such a diagnostic goal can be teaching professional skills, thereby preparing the student for the future. professional education. The definition of such professional goals of education in Russia is the result of important processes in the education system, where attention is paid, first of all, to the interests of the younger generation in the pedagogical process.

Method(from the Greek sheShoskzh) of the pedagogical process - these are the ways of the relationship between the teacher and the student, these are the practical actions of the teacher and students that contribute to the assimilation of knowledge and the use of learning content as an experience. A method is a certain designated way to achieve a given goal, a way to solve problems that result in solving the problem.

Different kinds classification of the methods of the pedagogical process can be determined as follows: according to the source of knowledge: verbal (storytelling, conversation, instruction), practical (exercises, training, self-management), visual (showing, illustrating, presenting material), based on the structure of personality: methods of forming consciousness ( story, conversation, instruction, demonstration, illustration), behavior formation methods (exercises, trainings, games, assignments, requirements, rituals, etc.), methods of feelings formation (stimulation) (approval, praise, censure, control, self-control and etc.).

The components of the system are educators, students, and learning environments. Being a system, the pedagogical process consists of certain components: goals, objectives, content, methods, forms and results of the relationship between the teacher and the student. Thus, the system of elements is a target, content, activity, and resultant components.

Target Component process is the unity of all the various goals and objectives of educational activities.

Activity Component- this is the relationship between the teacher and the student, their interaction, cooperation, organization, planning, control, without which it is impossible to come to the final result.

Effective Component process shows how effective the process was, determines the successes and achievements depending on the goals and objectives set.

Pedagogical process- this is a necessarily labor process, which is associated with the achievement and solution of socially significant goals and objectives. The peculiarity of the pedagogical process is that the work of the teacher and the student are combined together, making up an unusual relationship between the objects of the labor process, which is pedagogical interaction.

The pedagogical process is not so much a mechanical combination of the processes of education, training, development, as a completely new qualitative system that can subordinate objects and participants to its own laws. All constituent components are subject to a single goal - to preserve the integrity, commonality, unity of all components.

The peculiarity of pedagogical processes is manifested in determining the influential functions of pedagogical action. The dominant function of the learning process is training, education - education, development - development. Also, training, upbringing and development perform other interpenetrating tasks in a holistic process: for example, upbringing is manifested not only in upbringing, but also in developing and educational functions, and training is inextricably linked with upbringing and development.

Objective, necessary, essential connections that characterize the pedagogical process are reflected in its patterns. The patterns of the pedagogical process are as follows.

1. Dynamics of the pedagogical process. The pedagogical process assumes a progressive nature of development - the overall achievements of the student grow along with his intermediate results, which indicates precisely the developing nature of the relationship between the teacher and the children.

2. Personal development in the pedagogical process. The level of personality development and the pace of achieving the goals of the pedagogical process are determined by the following factors:

1) genetic factor - heredity;

2) pedagogical factor - the level of educational and educational sphere; participation in educational work; means and methods of pedagogical influence.

3. Management of the educational process. In the management of the educational process, the level of effectiveness of pedagogical influence on the student is of great importance. This category depends on:

1) the presence of systematic and valuable feedback between the teacher and the student;

2) the presence of a certain level of influence and corrective actions on the student.

4. Stimulation. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process in most cases is determined by the following elements:

1) the degree of stimulation and motivation of the pedagogical process by students;

2) the appropriate level of external stimulation from the teacher, which is expressed in intensity and timeliness.

5. The unity of sensory, logical and practice in the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on:

1) the quality of the student's personal perception;

2) the logic of assimilation perceived by the student;

3) the degree of practical use of educational material.

6. The unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. The logical unity of two interacting principles - this is the degree of pedagogical influence and the educational work of students - determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

7. Conditionality of the pedagogical process. The development and summing up of the pedagogical process depends on:

1) the development of the most versatile desires of a person and the realities of society;

2) available material, cultural, economic and other opportunities for a person to realize their needs in society;

3) the level of conditions for the expression of the pedagogical process.

So, important features of the pedagogical process are expressed in the basic principles of the pedagogical process, which make up its general organization, content, forms and methods.

Let's define the main principles of the pedagogical process.

1. The humanistic principle, which means that the humanistic principle should be manifested in the direction of the pedagogical process, which means the desire to unite the development goals and life attitudes of a certain individual and society.

2. The principle of the relationship between the theoretical orientation of the pedagogical process and practical activities. In this case, this principle means the relationship and mutual influence between the content, forms and methods of education and educational work, on the one hand, and the changes and phenomena taking place in the entire public life of the country - economy, politics, culture, on the other hand.

3. The principle of combining the theoretical beginning of the processes of education and upbringing with practical actions. Determining the meaning of the embodiment of an idea practical activities in the life of the younger generation implies subsequently the systematic acquisition of experience public behavior and provides an opportunity to form valuable personal and business qualities.

4. The principle of scientific character, which means the need to bring the content of education into line with a certain level of scientific and technological achievements of society, as well as in accordance with the already accumulated experience of civilization.

5. The principle of orientation of the pedagogical process to the formation in the unity of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior. The essence of this principle is the requirement to organize activities in which children would have the opportunity to verify the veracity of the theoretical presentation, confirmed by practical actions.

6. The principle of collectivism in the processes of education and upbringing. This principle is based on the connection and interpenetration of various collective, group and individual methods and means of organizing the learning process.

7. Systematic, continuity and consistency. This principle implies the consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities, personal qualities that were learned in the learning process, as well as their systematic and consistent development.

8. The principle of visibility. This is one of the important principles not only of the learning process, but of the entire pedagogical process. In this case, the basis for the visibility of learning in the pedagogical process can be considered those laws and principles of research outside world which lead to the development of thinking from the figurative-concrete to the abstract.

9. The principle of aestheticization of the processes of education and upbringing in relation to children. Revealing and developing in the younger generation a sense of beauty, an aesthetic attitude to the environment makes it possible to form their artistic taste and see the uniqueness and value of social principles.

10. The principle of the relationship between pedagogical management and independence of schoolchildren. It is very important from childhood to accustom a person to perform certain types of work, to encourage initiative. This is facilitated by the principle of combining effective pedagogical management.

11. The principle of consciousness of children. This principle is intended to show the importance of the active position of students in the pedagogical process.

12. The principle of a reasonable attitude towards the child, which combines exactingness and encouragement in a reasonable ratio.

13. The principle of combination and unity of respect for one's own personality, on the one hand, and a certain level demands on oneself, on the other hand. This becomes possible when there is a fundamental reliance on strengths personality.

14. Accessibility and feasibility. This principle in the pedagogical process implies a correspondence between the construction of students' work and their real capabilities.

15. The principle of influence individual characteristics students. This principle means that the content, forms, methods and means of organizing the pedagogical process change in accordance with the age of the students.

16. The principle of the effectiveness of the results of the learning process. The manifestation of this principle is based on the work of mental activity. As a rule, knowledge that is acquired independently becomes strong.

Thus, defining in stages the unity of education and training in the pedagogical process, the goal as a backbone component educational system, general characteristics of the education system in Russia, as well as the features, structure, patterns, principles of the pedagogical process, we were able to reveal the main idea of ​​the lecture and find out how the education process, being a fundamental, systemic, purposeful and unifying process of education and training, influences the development of the individual, and, therefore, the development of society and the state.

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Pedagogical process- this concept includes the method and way of organizing educational relations, which consist in the systematic and purposeful selection and application of external factors for the development of subjects of education. The pedagogical process is understood as the process of teaching and educating a person as a special social function, the implementation of which requires the environment of a certain pedagogical system 1 .

The concept of "process" comes from the Latin word processus and means "moving forward", "change". The pedagogical process determines the constant interaction of subjects and objects of educational activity: educators and educators. The pedagogical process is aimed at solving this problem and leads to changes that are planned in advance, to the transformation of the properties and qualities of students. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process where experience turns into a personality quality. The main feature of the pedagogical process is the presence of the unity of education, upbringing and development on the basis of maintaining the integrity and generality of the system. The concepts of "pedagogical process" and "educational process" are unambiguous 2 .

The pedagogical process is a system. The system consists of various processes, including formation, development, education and training, inextricably linked with all conditions, forms and methods.

As a system, the pedagogical process consists of elements (components), in turn, the arrangement of elements in the system is a structure.

The structure of the pedagogical process includes:

1. The goal is to identify the final result.

2. Principles are the main directions in achieving the goal.

4. Methods - this is the necessary work of the teacher and the student in order to transfer, process and perceive the content of education.

5. Means - ways to "work" with the content.

6. Forms - this is a consistent receipt of the result of the pedagogical process.

The purpose of the pedagogical process is to effectively predict the outcome and result of the work. The pedagogical process consists of various goals: the goals of direct teaching and the goals of learning in each lesson, each discipline, etc.

Russia's regulatory documents present the following understanding of goals.

1. The system of goals in the standard provisions on educational institutions (formation of a general culture of the individual, adaptation to life in society, creation of a basis for a conscious choice and development of a professional educational program, education of responsibility and love for the Motherland).

2. The system of diagnostic goals in certain programs, where all goals are divided into stages and levels of training and represent a display of the content of certain training courses. In the education system, such a diagnostic goal can be teaching professional skills, thereby preparing the student for future professional education. The definition of such professional goals of education in Russia is the result of important processes in the education system, where attention is paid, first of all, to the interests of the younger generation in the pedagogical process.

Method(from the Greek sheShoskzh) of the pedagogical process are the ways of the relationship between the teacher and the student, these are the practical actions of the teacher and students that contribute to the assimilation of knowledge and the use of the content of education as an experience. A method is a certain designated way to achieve a given goal, a way of solving problems that result in solving the problem 3 .

Different types of classification of methods of the pedagogical process can be defined as follows:

according to the source of knowledge:

verbal (story, conversation, briefing), practical (exercises, training, self-management), visual (showing, illustrating, presenting material),

based on the structure of personality: methods for the formation of consciousness (story, conversation, instruction, demonstration, illustration), methods for the formation of behavior (exercises, training, games, assignments, requirements, rituals, etc.), methods for the formation of feelings (stimulation) (approval , praise, censure, control, self-control, etc.).

The components of the system are educators, students, and learning environments. Being a system, the pedagogical process consists of certain components: goals, objectives, content, methods, forms and results of the relationship between the teacher and the student. Thus, the system of elements is a target, content, activity, and resultant component 4 .

Target Component process is the unity of all the various goals and objectives of educational activities.

Activity Component- this is the relationship between the teacher and the student, their interaction, cooperation, organization, planning, control, without which it is impossible to come to the final result.

Effective Component process shows how effective the process was, determines the successes and achievements depending on the goals and objectives set.

Pedagogical process- this is a necessarily labor process, which is associated with the achievement and solution of socially significant goals and objectives. The peculiarity of the pedagogical process is that the work of the teacher and the student are combined together, making up an unusual relationship between the objects of the labor process, which is pedagogical interaction.

The pedagogical process is not so much a mechanical combination of the processes of education, training, development, as a completely new qualitative system that can subordinate objects and participants to its own laws.

All constituent components are subject to a single goal - maintaining the integrity, commonality, unity of all components.

The peculiarity of pedagogical processes is manifested in determining the influential functions of pedagogical action. The dominant function of the learning process is education, education - education, development - development. Also, training, upbringing and development perform other interpenetrating tasks in a holistic process: for example, upbringing is manifested not only in upbringing, but also in developing and educational functions, and training is inextricably linked with upbringing and development.

Objective, necessary, essential connections that characterize the pedagogical process are reflected in its patterns. The patterns of the pedagogical process are as follows.

1. Dynamics of the pedagogical process. The pedagogical process implies a progressive nature of development - the student's overall achievements grow along with his intermediate results, which indicates precisely the developing nature of the relationship between the teacher and children.

2. Personal development in the pedagogical process. The level of personality development and the pace of achieving the goals of the pedagogical process are determined by the following factors:

1) genetic factor - heredity;

2) pedagogical factor - the level of upbringing and educational sphere; participation in educational work; means and methods of pedagogical influence.

3. Management of the educational process. In the management of the educational process, the level of effectiveness of pedagogical influence on the student is of great importance. This category depends on:

1) the presence of systematic and valuable feedback between the teacher and the student;

2) the presence of a certain level of influence and corrective actions on the student.

4. Stimulation. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process in most cases is determined by the following elements:

1) the degree of stimulation and motivation of the pedagogical process by students;

2) the appropriate level of external stimulation from the teacher, which is expressed in intensity and timeliness.

5. The unity of sensory, logical and practice in the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on:

1) the quality of the student's personal perception;

2) the logic of assimilation perceived by the student;

3) the degree of practical use of educational material.

6. The unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. The logical unity of the two interacting principles - this is the degree of pedagogical influence and the educational work of students - determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

7. Conditionality of the pedagogical process. The development and summing up of the pedagogical process depends on:

1) the development of the most versatile desires of a person and the realities of society;

2) available material, cultural, economic and other opportunities for a person to realize their needs in society;

3) the level of conditions for the expression of the pedagogical process.

So, important features of the pedagogical process are expressed in the basic principles of the pedagogical process, which make up its general organization, content, forms and methods.

Let's define the main principles of the pedagogical process.

1. The humanistic principle, which means that the humanistic principle should be manifested in the direction of the pedagogical process, which means the desire to unite the development goals and life attitudes of a certain individual and society.

2. The principle of the relationship between the theoretical orientation of the pedagogical process and practical activities. In this case, this principle means the relationship and mutual influence between the content, forms and methods of education and educational work, on the one hand, and the changes and phenomena taking place in the entire public life of the country - economy, politics, culture, on the other hand.

3. The principle of combining the theoretical beginning of the processes of education and upbringing with practical actions. Determining the significance of the implementation of the idea of ​​practical activity in the life of the younger generation implies subsequently the systematic acquisition of experience in social behavior and makes it possible to form valuable personal and business qualities.

4. The principle of scientific character, which means the need to bring the content of education into line with a certain level of scientific and technological achievements of society, as well as in accordance with the already accumulated experience of civilization.

5. The principle of orientation of the pedagogical process to the formation in the unity of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior. The essence of this principle is the requirement to organize activities in which children would have the opportunity to verify the veracity of the theoretical presentation, confirmed by practical actions.

6. The principle of collectivism in the processes of education and upbringing. This principle is based on the connection and interpenetration of various collective, group and individual methods and means of organizing the learning process.

7. Systematic, continuity and consistency. This principle implies the consolidation of knowledge, skills, personal qualities that have been acquired in the learning process, as well as their systematic and consistent development.

8. The principle of visibility. This is one of the important principles not only of the learning process, but of the entire pedagogical process. In this case, the basis for the visualization of learning in the pedagogical process can be considered those laws and principles of the study of the external world that lead to the development of thinking from figuratively concrete to abstract.

9. The principle of aestheticization of the processes of education and upbringing in relation to children. Revealing and developing in the younger generation a sense of beauty, an aesthetic attitude to the environment makes it possible to form their artistic taste and see the uniqueness and value of social principles.

10. The principle of the relationship between pedagogical management and independence of schoolchildren. It is very important from childhood to accustom a person to perform certain types of work, to encourage initiative. This is facilitated by the principle of combining effective pedagogical management.

11. The principle of consciousness of children. This principle is intended to show the importance of the active position of students in the pedagogical process.

12. The principle of a reasonable attitude towards the child, which combines exactingness and encouragement in a reasonable ratio.

13. The principle of combination and unity of respect for one's own personality, on the one hand, and a certain level of exactingness towards oneself, on the other hand. This becomes possible when there is a fundamental reliance on the strengths of the individual.

14. Accessibility and feasibility. This principle in the pedagogical process implies a correspondence between the construction of students' work and their real capabilities.

15. The principle of influence of individual characteristics of students. This principle means that the content, forms, methods and means of organizing the pedagogical process change in accordance with the age of the students.

16. The principle of the effectiveness of the results of the learning process. The manifestation of this principle is based on the work of mental activity. As a rule, knowledge that is acquired independently becomes strong.

Thus, defining in stages the unity of education and training in the pedagogical process, the goal as a backbone component of the educational system, the general characteristics of the education system in Russia, as well as the features, structure, patterns, principles of the pedagogical process, we were able to reveal the main idea of ​​the lecture and find out how the process of education, being fundamental, systemic, purposeful and uniting the processes of education and training, has an impact on the development of the individual, and, therefore, on the development of society and the state.

Pedagogical process called the developing interaction of educators and educated, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, the transformation of the properties and qualities of the subjects. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process in which social experience is melted into personality qualities.

In the pedagogical literature of previous years, the concept of "educational process" was used. Studies have shown that this concept is narrowed and incomplete, it does not reflect the entire complexity of the process and, above all, its main distinguishing features - integrity and generality. The main essence of the pedagogical process is to ensure the unity of education, upbringing and development on the basis of integrity and community.

The pedagogical process as a leading, unifying system includes subsystems embedded one into another (Fig. 3). It merged together the processes of formation, development, education and training, along with the conditions, forms and methods of their flow.

Rice. 3

The pedagogical process as a system is not identical to the system of its flow. The systems in which the pedagogical process takes place are the system of public education as a whole, the school, the class, training session etc. Each of them functions in certain external conditions: natural-geographical, social, industrial, cultural, etc. There are conditions specific to each system. For example, intra-school conditions include material and technical, sanitary and hygienic, moral and psychological, aesthetic, etc.

Structure(from lat. struktura - structure,) - this is the arrangement of elements in the system. The structure of the system consists of elements (components) selected according to the accepted criterion, as well as links between them. As components system in which the pedagogical process takes place, B.T. Likhachev singles out the following: a) purposeful pedagogical activity and its carrier - the teacher; b) educated; c) the content of the pedagogical process; d) an organizational and managerial complex, an organizational framework within which all pedagogical events and facts take place (the core of this complex is the forms and methods of education and training); e) pedagogical diagnostics; f) criteria for the effectiveness of the pedagogical process; g) organization of interaction with the natural and social environment.

The pedagogical process itself is characterized by goals, objectives, content, methods, forms of interaction between teachers and students, and the results achieved. These are the components that form the system: target, content, activity, and result.

Target the component of the process includes a variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity: from the general goal (comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality) to the specific tasks of forming individual qualities or their elements. Informative the component reflects the meaning invested both in the overall goal and in each specific task. Activity the component reflects the interaction of teachers and students, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which the final result cannot be achieved. This component is also called organizational, organizational and activity, organizational and managerial. Productive the component of the process reflects the efficiency of its flow, characterizes the progress made in accordance with the goal.

4.2. Integrity of the pedagogical process

The pedagogical process is an internally connected set of many processes, the essence of which is that social experience turns into the qualities of a formed person. This process is not a mechanical connection of the processes of education, training, development, but a new high-quality education, subject to special laws.

Integrity, commonality, unity - these are the main characteristics of the pedagogical process, emphasizing the subordination of a single goal of all its constituent processes. The complex dialectics of relations within the pedagogical process is: 1) in the unity and independence of the processes that form it; 2) the integrity and subordination of the separate systems included in it; 3) the presence of the general and the preservation of the specific.

The specificity of the processes that form a holistic pedagogical process is revealed when dominant functions. The dominant function of the learning process is training, education - education, development - development. But each of these processes performs accompanying functions in a holistic process: for example, upbringing performs not only educational, but also educational and developmental functions, training is unthinkable without the accompanying upbringing and development. The dialectic of interconnections leaves an imprint on the goals, objectives, content, forms and methods of implementing organically inseparable processes, the analysis of which also has to highlight the dominant characteristics.

The specifics of the processes are clearly manifested when choosing forms and methods of achieving the goal. If in training a strictly regulated class-lesson form of work is predominantly used, then in education more free forms prevail: socially useful, sports, artistic activities, expediently organized communication, feasible work. The methods (paths) to achieve the goal, which are basically the same, also differ: if training mainly uses methods of influencing the intellectual sphere, then education, without denying them, is more inclined to means that affect the motivational and effective-emotional spheres.

The methods of control and self-control used in training and education have their own specifics. In training, for example, oral control, written work, tests, and exams are obligatory.

Control over the results of education is less regulated. Here, teachers are provided with information by observing the progress of activities and the behavior of students, public opinion, the volume of implementation of the planned program of education and self-education, other direct and indirect characteristics.

4.3. Patterns of the pedagogical process

Among the general patterns of the pedagogical process (for more details, see 1.3), the following can be distinguished.

1. The regularity of the dynamics of the pedagogical process. The magnitude of all subsequent changes depends on the magnitude of the changes in the previous step. This means that the pedagogical process as a developing interaction between teachers and educators has a gradual, “step-by-step” character; the higher the intermediate achievements, the more significant the final result. Consequence of the action of the pattern: the student who had higher intermediate results will have higher overall achievements.

2. The pattern of personality development in the pedagogical process. The pace and achieved level of personality development depends on heredity, educational and educational environment, inclusion in educational activities, the means and methods of pedagogical influence used.

3. The pattern of management of the educational process. The effectiveness of pedagogical influence depends on the intensity of feedback between educators and teachers, as well as on the magnitude, nature and validity of corrective actions on educators.

4. Pattern of stimulation. The productivity of the pedagogical process depends on the action of internal incentives (motives) for educational activities; intensity, nature and timeliness of external (social, pedagogical, moral, material, etc.) incentives.

5. The pattern of unity of sensual, logical and practice. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on the intensity and quality of sensory perception, logical understanding of what is perceived, practical application meaningful.

6. The regularity of the unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process is determined by the quality of pedagogical activity and the students' own educational activities.

7. The regularity of the conditionality of the pedagogical process. Its course and results are determined by the needs of society and the individual, the possibilities (material, technical, economic, etc.) of society, the conditions for the course of the process (moral-psychological, sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic, etc.).

4.4. Stages of the pedagogical process

Pedagogical processes are cyclical. The same stages can be found in the development of all pedagogical processes. Stages are not components, but sequences of process development. The main stages of the pedagogical process can be called preparatory, main and final.

On preparation stage pedagogical process, the appropriate conditions are created for its flow in given direction and at a given speed. The following tasks are solved here: goal-setting, diagnostics of conditions, forecasting of achievements, designing and planning the development of the process.

Essence goal setting(substantiation and goal setting) is to transform the general pedagogical goal facing the system of public education into specific tasks achievable at a given segment of the pedagogical process and in the existing specific conditions.

It is impossible to set the right goal, the tasks of the process without diagnostics. Pedagogical diagnostics - this is a research procedure aimed at "clarifying" the conditions and circumstances in which the pedagogical process will take place. Its essence is to get a clear idea of ​​the state of the individual (or group) by quickly fixing its defining (most important) parameters. Pedagogical diagnostics serves as the most important means of feedback for the purposeful influence of the subject on the object of the pedagogical process.

Diagnosis is followed by forecasting the course and results of the pedagogical process. The essence of forecasting lies in the fact that in advance, in advance, even before the start of the process, to assess its possible effectiveness in the existing specific conditions.

ending preparatory stage adjusted based on the results of diagnostics and prognosis process organization project, which, after finalization, is embodied in plan. The plan is always "tied" to a specific system. In pedagogical practice, various plans are used: managing the pedagogical process at school, educational work in the classroom, conducting lessons, etc.

Stage implementation of the pedagogical process (main) can be considered as a relatively isolated system, which includes important interconnected elements:

Statement and clarification of the goals and objectives of the forthcoming activities;

Interaction between teachers and students;

Use of the intended methods, means and forms of the pedagogical process;

Creation of favorable conditions;

Implementation of various measures to stimulate the activities of students;

Ensuring the connection of the pedagogical process with other processes.

The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on how expediently these elements are interconnected, whether their orientation and practical implementation of the common goal and each other do not contradict each other.

An important role at the stage of the implementation of the pedagogical process is played by feedback, which serves as the basis for the adoption of operational management decisions. Feedback is the foundation of good process management.

On final stage the analysis of the achieved results is carried out. An analysis of the course and results of the pedagogical process is necessary in order not to repeat the mistakes that inevitably arise in any, even very well organized, process in the future, in order to take into account the ineffective moments of the previous one in the next cycle.