Wool wool yellow yellowish whispers. The main word is sign

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O.D. Ivashov

to the textbook "Russian language:

Proc. for 8 cells. general education institutions /

S.G. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L.Yu. Maksimov and others - 22–

26th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2000–2003 "

1. Functions of the Russian language in modern world

1. Two functions of the language.

2. The two functions of language are inextricably linked.

3. Other language features.

The state language is official language states, the language of science, production and culture. It also serves as a means of international communication.

Functions of the Russian language in the modern world:

1) A means of communication.

2) Means of thought.

3) Russian language - official language RF.

4) The Russian language is a means of interethnic communication.

3 (1)2 The general idea of ​​the texts is the greatness of the Russian language.


Language system Section of the science of language Language units Graphics Phonetics Sounds Spelling Word formation Significant parts of a word Ways of word formation Lexicology Words Phraseology Phraseological turnover Morphology Parts of speech and their forms Punctuation Syntax Phrase Х Simple sentence [- = ] Difficult sentence,And .

The letter n in brackets denotes an exercise from a 2002 textbook from Denmark.

The number in brackets indicates the number of the exercise from the 2000 textbook.

Drops - verb (what about dela and e t?) N.f. - (what to do?) to drop Post. confession: nesov. view, transition, 1 ref.

Non-post. confession: exc. incl., singular, present vr., 3 y.o.

The forest (what is it doing?) drops Crimson Frost - 2 syllables m - [m] - acc., sound, tv.

o - [a] - vowel, bezud.

p - [r] - acc., sound, tv.

o - [o] - vowel, shock.

h - [s] - acc., deaf., tv.

5 letters, 5 sounds.

ch. noun adj. places. noun ch. noun incl. noun

[The forest drops its crimson dress], [frost will silver the withered field]. (According to the narrative, non-exclamation, non-union complex, 1) two-part.

2) two-part., rasp., incons., full.) 2 (c) Night-whose - 2 syllables N - [n] - acc., sound, tv.

Oh - [o] - vowel, ud.

H - [h ’] - acc., deaf, soft.

b - [-] Yu - [y ’] acc., sound, soft.

[U] vowel, bezud.

5 letters, 5 sounds.

Wandered (what d e l a l?) - verb.

N.f. - (what to do?) wander.

Fast. confession: nesov. view, non-transitional, 2 ref.

The sheaf (what did you do?) wandered.

Field Field field (suffixal way) n. nar. ch. pr. noun noun adj. noun

[A sheaf of a field searchlight wandered brightly along the shore at night]. (Narrative, unexcused, simple, distributed, full).

The letter c in parentheses denotes an exercise from the 2000 textbook.

2. Phonetics and graphics.

Spelling 6 (4).

1. Late-nya-ya - 3 syllables Autumn - 1 syllable p - [p] - acc., deaf., tv. o - [o] - vowel, shock.

o - [o] - vowel, shock. s - [s ’] - acc., deaf, soft.

s - [s] - acc., sound, tv. e - [e] - vowel, bezud.

d - [-] n - [n '] - acc., sound, soft.

n - [n '] - acc., sound, soft. b - [-] i - [a] - vowel, bezud. 5 letters, 4 sounds.

i - [th '] - acc., sound, soft.

[a] - vowel, bezud.

7 letters, 7 sounds.

Sad-nu-yu - 3 syllables g - [g] - acc., sound, tv.

p - [r] - acc., sound, tv.

y - [y] - vowel, shock.

s - [s] - acc., deaf., tv.

t - [-] n - [n] - acc., sound, tv.

y - [y] - vowel, bezud y - [y ’] - acc., sound, soft.

[y] - vowel, bezud.

8 letters, 8 sounds.

2. Compressed - 2 syllables Tu-man - 2 syllables with - [h] - acc., sound, tv. t - [t] - acc., tv., deaf.

well - [zh] - acc., tv., sound. y - [y] - vowel, bezud.

a - [a] - vowel, shock. m - [m] - acc., tv., sound.

t - [t] - acc., tv., deaf. a - [a] - vowel, shock.

s - [s] - vowel, bezud. n - [n] - acc., sound, tv.

5 letters, 5 sounds. 5 letters, 5 sounds.

Sun - 2 syllables with - [s] - acc., tv., deaf.

o - [o] - vowel, shock.

l - [-] n - [n] - acc., sound, tv.

c - [c] - acc., tv., deaf.

e - [e] - vowel, bezud.

6 letters, 5 sounds.

The rhyme flew away - empty is formed by a combination of sounds [t'el'i], she alone - [on], goals - mountains [ly / ry], dampness - rolled down [ast '/ as '].

Sounds Vowels Consonants [a] [o] [u] [e] [s] [i] Voiceless Voiced [p] [f] [k] [t] [w] [s] [b] [c] [g] [d][g][s] [x][c][h][u] [d][l][m][n][r] Hard Soft Hard Soft [p][f][k][ t] [s] [p '] [f '] [k '] [t '] [s '] [b] [c] [g] [e] [g] [s] [b '] [c ' ][g'][d'] [x][w][c] [x'][h'][u'] [l][m][n][p] [d'][h’] [l'][m'] [r'][n'] 8 (6).

Coal - angle [l / l '], dawns - dawns [r '/ r], glad - mouth [a / o], glad - row [r / r '], ditch-roar [r / r '], brother - ford [a / o], row - poison [r '/ d '], beak - key [f / h '], Shura - Yura [w / d '], gesture - eats [w / d '], spend the night - roam [n / k], forges - sings [ku / pa].

There are more sounds than letters: poison, Yura, eats, spend the night, roam, forge, sing.

The letters b, i, u, e, e serve to indicate the softness of the previous consonants.

1) Railway siding, the volume of the ball, the vast expanse, disconnect the wire, present documents, drive up to the shore, pre-anniversary preparations.

2) Crow's nest, hovering over the roof, hitting the rocks, true friends, sewing a suit, drinking water, send a courier, someone's footprints, nightingale trills, climbing plants, Colorful scarf, learn songs, a prerequisite, save money.

R e a l o : separating solid and soft signs(Ъ is written after the prefix before the root;

b - at the root).

Separating b and b indicate the presence of a sound [y '] before the vowel.

Summer threw off the green (green) caftan, The larks whistled to their heart's content.

Autumn (autumn), dressed in a yellow fur coat, Walked through the forests with a whisk (brooms).

To enter as a zealous mistress In the snowy forest towers (towers) A dandy in a white flyer - Russian ruddy winter!

Rule: writing unstressed vowels at the root of the word (checked by stress).

The highlighted words are used in figurative meaning: caftan, shu ba - foliage;

terema - forest.

Zhel-tu-yu - 3 syllables. Went in - 2 syllables.

well - [zh] - acc., sound, tv. in - [in] - acc., sound, tv.

e - [o] - ch., ud.

o - [a] - ch., bezud.

l - [l] - acc., sound, tv. w - [w] - acc., deaf., tv.

t - [t] - acc., deaf., tv. l - [l] - acc., sound, tv.

y - [y] - ch., bezud. a - [a] - ch., ud.

yu - [th ’] - acc., sound, soft. 5 letters, 5 sounds.

[y] - ch., bezud.

6 letters, 7 sounds.

1) A rare occurrence - apt word[t], catchy color - a daring answer [s], lightning zigzag - suburban station [k]. 2) A wonderful landscape is an honest act [sn], an imperious look is a dangerous turn, thick eyelashes [sn], the son's peers are our peers [sn]. 3) Paying for an apartment - rally the ranks [a], shine a lantern - dedicate to your plans [and], (a friendly company - a cleaning campaign [a]).

Rare (6b., 7stars), well-aimed (6b., 7stars), honest (7b., 6stars), domineering (8b., 7stars), peers (10b., 9stars), pay (7b. ., 6 stars), unite (8b, 7 stars), shine (9b, 8 stars), dedicate (9b, 8 stars), company (8b, 9 stars), campaign (8b, 9 stars) .).

Rules: 1) an unstressed vowel in the root of a word can be checked by selecting a full-root word in which this vowel is stressed;

2) an obscure or unpronounceable consonant in the root of a word can be checked by choosing a single-root word in which this consonant is followed by a vowel.

Unchecked: station - railway station, eyelashes - eyelash, peers - peers, peers - peers, company - sociable, campaign.

Phrases: the same age as mom, were peers.

Excessive luxury (n. f.r.), rude lies (n. f.r.), truthful speech (n. f.r.), disinterested help (n.), save time (v., inf.), get involved in sports (verb, inf.);

you read (vb, singular, 2 l.) a book, you catch (vb, singular, 2 l.) fish, you swim (vb, singular, 2 l.) in the sea;

cut off (verb, imperative) bread, eat (verb, command) soup, appoint attendants (verb, imperative).

Lie - 1 syllable. Speech is 1 syllable.

l - [l] - acc., sound, tv. p - [p '] - acc., sound, soft.

o - [o] - ch., ud.

e - [e] - ch., ud.

w - [w] - acc., deaf., tv. h - [h '] - acc., deaf., soft.

ь - [-] ь - [-] 4 letters, 3 sounds 4 letters, 3 sounds Eat - 1 syllable.

s - [s] - acc., deaf., tv.

ъ - does not denote the sound e - [th '] - acc., sound, soft.

[e] – ch., beat.

w - [w] - acc., deaf., tv.

b - [-] 5 letters, 4 sounds.

Adverbs: wide open, away, backhand.

I. A new (kapron) cloak, an elegant brooch, bitterness of resentment, a series of failures, a steep turn, a slight tremor, to feel falseness, to perform carcass, black ink, burning frost, kindle a fire, warn against a mistake, have a little fun, cut your hair neatly, leave away, strike backhand, fall on the ground, the sky is all over clouds, take revenge, unnecessary luxury, save the necessary things, open doors wide, cut lilac branches, get carried away with reading, give first aid, the joy of unexpected meetings.

II. You go to bed early, and in the morning you slowly get up, wash yourself, and run to the river. Cast your line and wait for the bite. You forget a little, doze off - you look, but the worm is gone. It's a shame, even cry. You get angry, then you take it and plant a new bait. Waiting again.

The use of b after hissing b is written b is not written 1. Ess. (daughter) 1. Existing. plural number (cloak, many clouds) 2. In verbs (eat, protect) 2. Short adjectives(pahuch) 3. Adverbs in sh and ch (+ wide open) 3. Adverbs in w (except wide open) 3. Morphemics and word formation 14 (n).

The coachman galloped off, but kept looking to the east. The horses ran together. The wind meanwhile grew stronger by the hour. The cloud turned into a white cloud, which rose heavily, grew and gradually enveloped the sky.

The ripening rye turns yellow. Grass dries quickly. An hour passes, then another. The still air blazes with prickly heat.

The stems are made up of a prefix, a root, and a suffix.

I. The wind blowing flames, develop speed, tar the skis, fasten the sails, grind your teeth in pain, try on a dress, reconcile opponents, unite people.

II. Make a request, put a letter in an envelope, the location of the rooms;

careful touch, touch the table with your hand;

get badly burned, sunburnt sportsman;

juniper thickets, overgrown with grass, older age, grew up in the village, grown seedlings, sprouts (excl.) new;

erase for writing, rub the floor, spread the carpet, lock the apartment, shine with dew, harvest, freeze for a moment, kindle a fire.

Letters are missing at the root of words.

In the first part: an unstressed vowel at the root of the word. In the second part: alternating vowels in the root of the word.

Fix - run (prefix - root - suffix).

Sails - the sea (root).

Request - struggle (root, suffix).

Tanned - sick (prefix - root - suffix).

Fasten, sail, unite, strongly, tanned.

I. Wool, wool, yellow, yellowish, whispers, whisper, shuttle, shuttle, dandy, flaunt, cheap, cheap.

II. Leg, legs, boat, river, wolf cub, cockerel, peas, hook, sand, canvas, nomadic, spending the night, uprooting, indignant, kindled, smoked, scientist, argue passionately, speak louder.

III. Locust, doctor, pencil, stranger, big.

IV. Fresh, bakes, guards, burns, kindles.

O - E (E) after hissing I. Without stress - E.

II. Under stress:

1. At the root of the word - Yo, if you can pick up a single-root word with E.

2. In suffixes and endings of verbs - Y.

3. In suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives - O.

Jump - jump, suburb - city, independent - dependent - prefix method.

Guitarist - guitar, spring - spring, dance - dance - suffixal way.

Employee - labor, underground - earth, sadness - sadness - adjective-suffixal.

Khlebozavod - bread + plant - addition of bases with the help of a connecting vowel.

Moscow State University (Moscow State University), university (higher educational institution) - the addition of abbreviated foundations.

Salary - wage, sports club - sports club - addition of parts of the bases of words (without connecting vowels).

There is also a non-suffix way (green - green) and the transition from one part of speech to another (ordinary fighter;

private from the neighboring part - adj. in creatures).

1) Drummers, autumn (suffix way).

2) Run up, failure (additional method).

3) Disperse, partner (adjective-suffix).

4) Reinforced concrete, nuclear-powered ship (addition of bases with the help of the conjunct vowel O).

5) All-terrain vehicle, machine gun (addition of the basics with the help of the conjunct vowel E).

6) Dizzy (addition of bases with simultaneous addition of a suffix).

Touch (incomplete action), seaside (proximity), adjective (attachment), ghost (meaning unclear), lunar (attachment), ponder (incomplete action), coastal (proximity to shore), attachment (attachment), attach ( accession), burnt (incomplete action).

Wise (very), excellent (very), crime (re-), beautiful (very), overcome (re-), overcome (re-), pretty (very), evil-evil (very), barrier (over- ).

Land (join) in the steppe, open the door (incomplete action), interrupt negotiations (re-), join the conversation (when connected), think about the book (incomplete action), exceed (re-) the norm, station square (proximity to the station ), funny (very) adventure, overcome an obstacle, neglect danger, say hello, explain the reason for being late, transformation (re-) of the earth, see a ghost, beautiful lady (very), adjective ..

If the prefix denotes attachment, approach, proximity, or incomplete action, then this prefix is ​​attached.

If the prefix is ​​close in meaning to the word very or to the prefix re-, then this prefix is ​​pre-.

1. -chik: Carver, oiler, ranger, storyteller, defector, carrier, rocket man, copyist.

2. -schik: Chaser, cheater, cheerleader, racer.

The general meaning of suffixes is the designation of people by the nature of their occupations or actions.

Rule: for nouns denoting people by the nature of their occupations or actions, after the consonants d, t, z, s, zh, the suffix -chik is written;

after other consonants -shchik.

Presidium meeting, presidential decree, priority in consideration of the issue, to have privileges.

The branch of the science of language that studies the origin of words is called etymology.

a) Clean up the mess, backstory of the novel, safe passage, ultra-sensitive film, rake hay, arrange furniture, calculate the cost of repairs, travel all over the country, spend money.

b) A tired loader, a young bricklayer, a lemon drink, a leather bag, cranberry juice, an old carpet, a low room, a sailor's dance, French, report to the commander, participate in the competition, honor the winners, feel joy;

c) Wash the window sill, cloudless day, wall calendar, at the marine park.

d) Timber rafting, local history, granary, land management, pedestrian, agricultural, factory, yellow-winged, yellow-red, bluish-gray, German-Russian, light blue.

Prehistory - history (prefix).

Disorder - order (prefixed).

Loader - cargo (suffixal).

French - French (suffixal).

4. Vocabulary and phraseology 24 (22).

Responds - responds, responds.

Spheres - areas, sites, segments.

The thought expressed in the text is confirmed by the appearance of new words in our language - computer, cloning, genetic engineering, server, domain, etc.

Scientific style, because special words are used, the results of research activities are expressed.

I. 1) The fish did not say anything, only splashed its tail on the water and went into the deep sea. 2) Profound silence reigned all around. 3) It rained, and even with a squall, and refreshed the atmosphere. 4) The development of each person is influenced by the entire social atmosphere in which he is destined to live.

Deep sea - the word deep in the sense of "extended or far located in the direction from top to bottom."

Deep silence - the word deep in the meaning of "having reached the fullness of its manifestation, the highest limit."

Atmosphere - a gaseous shell that surrounds the Earth and some other planets.

Public atmosphere - the surrounding conditions, the situation.

II. They lit up - became bright.

Chilled - withered from the cold.

They babble - rustle the leaves.

III. Goes! - Fine! Agreed!

There is a suit - it looks good on the figure.

There is a street - stretches.

There is a tram - the tram route runs along this street.

Goes to the goal - does everything to achieve what he wants.

Words that have several lexical meanings are called polysemantic (for example, a comb is an object for combing hair, and the top of a mountain, and the top of a wave, and a fleshy growth on the head of a rooster).

Silence, sky and steppe! And in this boundless steppe, people created a cosmodrome.

On the night of April 11-12, 1961, we did not sleep. At 3 o'clock the final checks of all the ship's systems began.

Exactly on schedule, a bus with astronauts appears and approaches almost to the carrier rocket itself. Yuri Alekseevich approaches a group of leaders and, raising his hand to a pressure helmet, reports:

- Comrade Chairman State Commission, Senior Lieutenant Nantes Gagarin to fly the first in the world spaceship Vostok is ready!

The text refers to the first manned flight into space.

New words that appear in the language are called neologisms.

The text belongs to the journalistic style.

Steppe - 1 syllable. Night - 1 syllable.

s - [s] - acc., deaf., tv. n - [n] - acc., sound, tv.

t - [t ’] - acc., deaf, soft. o - [o] - vowel, ud.

e - [e] - vowel, ud.

h - [h ’] - acc., deaf, soft.

b - [-] n - [n ’] - acc., deaf, soft.

ь - [-] 3 sounds, 4 letters.

4 sounds, 5 letters 27 (n).

Image makers did everything to make their ward look great. How do relatively simple ideas and principles of franchising lead to effective business development?

Once, at the beginning of autumn, Kirila Petrovich was getting ready to go to the outfield. Naka Nuna was ordered to the kennel and aspirants to be ready by five o'clock in the morning. The tent and kitchen were sent forward to the place where Kirila Petrovich was to dine. The owner and guests went to the kennel, where more than five hundred hounds and greyhounds lived in contentment and warmth, glorifying the generosity of Kiril Petrovich in their dog language. There was also an infirmary for sick dogs under the supervision of the head doctor Timoshka... Kirila Petrovich was proud of this wonderful establishment and never missed an opportunity to brag about it to his guests, each of whom had examined it at least for the twentieth time.

It is impossible to find synonyms for those words that designate such objects and concepts that are no longer present in the life of modern people (that is, they are completely outdated). These are such words as the departing field, stirrups, psari, kennel.

You can pick up synonyms: infirmary - hospital;

staff doctor - doctor, veterinarian;

sim - by this;

onym - to them;

which - which.

The text belongs to the journalistic style (with elements of colloquial).

Pokes - indicates;

laugh - laugh;

roar - cries;

hop - times;

gobbled up - ate;

a Papuan fisherman is a native;

lousy - fragile;

sweat shield - suffered.

1) Cold, frost, cold (general - cold weather;

differences - the degree of cold);

2) to want, to strive, to crave (general - to desire something;

differences - greater or lesser degree of desire);

3) polite, amiable, delicate (general - good manners;

differences - different aspects of the expression of upbringing);

4) mistake, oversight, slip (general - wrong action;

differences - wrong action in different qualities);

5) wet, wet, damp (general - soaked in water;

differences - greater or lesser degree of humidity);

6) catch fire, flare up, blaze (general - defeat by fire;

differences - different nature of the occurrence of ignition);

7) spring, spring (general - spring season;

differences are more or less literary);

8) think, think, reflect (general - the thought process;

differences - varying degrees depth of thought process).

It was snowing outside.

If the dog's nose is wet and cold, it means that he is healthy.

The weather was damp and chilly throughout the autumn.

1) A heavy and strong fish rushed under the shore. I started to bring her to clean water. - Tishin shouted that he would bring to light all the boasters and arrogants. 2) Do as you like, Konstantin Alekseevich, I wash my hands. You will be responsible for everything. - Ivan Ilyich began to wash. After resting, he washed his hands and face and brushed his teeth.

Bring to clean water - expose the deceit;

see through.

I wash my hands - stop taking part in any activity;

exit the game;

step back.

Phraseologism is a stable combination of words used to name individual objects, signs, actions. Lexical meaning has a phraseological unit as a whole, for example: to beat the buckets - “to mess around”.

Phraseologism in a sentence is one member of the sentence.

Phraseologisms are used in everyday speech, in works of art, in journalism. They give expressiveness to the statement, serve as a means of creating imagery.

1) His heart was pounding as if he ran at full speed (colloquial style) several miles. 2) When I retire, I will burn my ships (book style). At the factory, Lukashin liked it at first sight (colloquial style). 3) Get one thing on your nose (colloquial style): you need more holding. 4) On the way to Vyoshenskaya, they started talking about the situation and very quickly found mutual language(book style). 5) From the surviving logs in a hurry (colloquial style), they put together a hut, covered it with a hemp. 6) A cold wind blew, the heavens opened up (book style), the rivers flooded the meadows and roads. 7) The cat wept for the goods (colloquial style). The chance gave me the opportunity to give my last debt (bookish style) to my friend. 8) Artillery will not hit the face in the dirt for a long time (colloquial style).

Book style - elevate to heaven;

sing praises;

pour, as from a cornucopia;

his Achilles heel.

Conversational style - bosom friend;


trample into the mud;

skillful fingers;

lead by the nose.

Puzzle over a task, work carelessly, work tirelessly, completely lose heart, make an elephant out of a fly, be able to keep your mouth shut, lose your temper, gather in a hurry, do it reluctantly, put to a standstill.

1) Protect theme native land like a red thread runs through our lines. 2) Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky did a disservice to the mayor.

3) Permanent epithets play an important role in the works of folk art. 4) Polar stations have made a great contribution to the development of the Arctic. 5) Throughout the work, the thought of love for the Motherland runs like a red thread. 6) Immediately after Dubrovsky's arrival, life on the estate began to thrive.

5. Morphology 35 (32).

Have you ever seen a titmouse dance? At first, I myself thought that this only happens in a fairy tale. One day, about eight o'clock in the morning, I went out into the street and stopped at the porch. Ah, what an extraordinarily bright, high sky was overhead! I admired the sky and suddenly heard an amazing bird song. Guessed that the tit-grasshopper sings. Where is she? I looked around at the tall poplars and saw a bird on a long bare bough.

But has she gone mad? Titmouse jumped along the branch, turned around in the air. Only the tail flickered. And all the time she sang: "Chick-chick, chick-chick."

Independent parts of speech: 1. Noun - titmouse, sky.

2. Adjective - bright, high. 3. Numeral name - eight.

4. Pronoun - you, I, myself 5. Verb - dances, thought. 6. Adverb - at first, once.

Service parts of speech: 1. Preposition - in, on, over. 2. Union - and, but.

3. Particle - whether or not.

Interjections are marked in italics in the text.

An interjection is a special part of speech that expresses, but does not name, various feelings and impulses. Interjections are not included in either independent or auxiliary parts of speech. Interjections do not change and are not members of a sentence.

Dancing (what about dela and e t?) - verb.

N.F. - dance.

Fast. recognition: inconsistent appearance, non-transitional, 1 ref.

Non-post. confession: exc. inc., present vr., unit, 3 l.

Titmouse (what is he doing?) is dancing.

In a fairy tale (wh e m?) - creatures.

N.f. - fairy tale.

Fast. confession: inanimate, common name, female, 1 class

Non-post. confession: suggestion fall, unit

Happens (d e?) in a fairy tale.

Amazing (song) - adj.

N.f. - amazing.

Fast. recognition: qualities.

Non-post. acknowledgment: s.ch., w.r., wine. pad.

The song (kak y?) is amazing.

Pushkin Pskov region Pushkin (adj.) museum-reserve (ex.) in the Pskov region (ex.) is the first memorial (adj.) Pushkin (adj.) museum (ex.) in our country (ex.). It was founded more than seventy years (ex.) ago, March 17 (ex.), 1922 (ex.).

Mikhailovskoye (adj.), Trigorskoe (adj.), Saints (adj.) (now Pushkin (adj.)) beings.) poet (beings.).

Much of what Pushkin (subs.) wrote later in St. Petersburg (subs.), Moscow (subs.), Boldino (subs.) was conceived here, in Pskov (adj.) solitude (ess.).

Pushkin (ess.) was never the owner (ess.) of Mikhailovsky (ess.), was not a feudal landowner (ess.). But he strongly loved “his village (ess.) on Parnassus (ess.)”, dreamed of leaving “swine (adj.) Petersburg (ess.)”, settling forever in the Pskov region (ess.) and living among his native (adj. .) nature (beings) and simple (adj.) people (beings). The dreams (of beings) of Pushkin (of beings) were not destined to come true. Shortly before his death (ess.), as if anticipating his end (ess.), Pushkin (ess.) bought himself a piece (ess.) of land (ess.) in the village (ess.) Svyatogorye (ess.), where he bequeathed to bury one's "insensible (adj.) body (beings)".

In life (wh e m?) - a noun.

N.f. - life.

Fast. confession: inanimate, common name, female gender, 3 cl.

Non-post. confession: suggestion fall, unit

Played a role (in what?) in life.

Shred (what?) - creatures.

N.f. - shred.

Fast. recognition: inanimate, nat., male, 2 cl.

Non-post. acknowledgment: vin. fall, unit

I bought (what?) a piece.

In the village (d e?) - creatures.

N.f. - village.

Permanent confession: inanimate, common name, female, 1 class

Non-post. confession: suggestion pad., in units

Bought (d e?) In the village.

The museum (what's the count?) The first one counts.

N.f. - first.

Fast. recognition: ordinal, simple.

Non-post. confession: im. pad., sing., masculine genus.

Museum (how about th?) First.

Common morphological features - the adjective agrees with the noun in case, number and gender.

A NOUN is independent part speech, which combines words denoting objects and animated beings (the meaning of objectivity) and answering the questions who? What? This meaning is expressed using the independent categories of gender, number, case, animateness and inanimateness. In a sentence, nouns mostly act as subject and object, but they can also be other members of the sentence.

An adjective is an independent part of speech that combines words that denote non-procedural features of an object and answer the questions what? whose? This meaning is expressed in non-independent inflectional categories of gender, number and case (perform the grammatical function of agreement). In a sentence, adjectives act as a definition or nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

I (personal) got carried away chasing wild boars and got lost. Nothing (negative) could be seen beyond the forest. I fired (private) several (unspecified) shots into the air, but received no (negative) responses.

Suddenly there was a crackling of boughs and someone's (indeterminate) intermittent breathing. Some (indefinite) beast ran towards me (personal). Who (relatively sit.) could he (personal) be? I (personal) wanted to shoot, but the rifle caught on the vines. I (personal) cried out in a voice that was not my own, and at that (decree) moment I felt the animal lick me. My (attractive) dog has returned. She (personal) carefully took my (pull.) hand with her teeth and began to squeal softly. Without a dog, I (personal) would never (neg.) find the path that (relatively) took me (personal) to the road.

(According to V.K. Arseniev.) I heard (what about dela l?) - a verb.

N.f. - hear.

Fast. recognition: modern view, non-transitional, II ref.

Non-post. recognition: exc. incl., past vr., singular, male genus.

Crack (what did he do?) I heard He screamed (what did he do?) - a verb.

N.f. - scream.

Non-post. confession: exc. incl., past vr., in singular, masculine genus.

I (what did I do?) cried out.

PRONOUN - an independent part of speech, which includes words that point to objects, signs, etc., but do not name them. In a sentence, pronouns can act as various members of a sentence.

I had occasion to talk with guys who wanted to become physicists. Some of them believed that in physics they should have "five", this is the main thing. In other subjects, you can study as you like. I don't think this is the right decision.

Great scientists have never been narrow specialists. While you are in school, try to determine what area of ​​science you are seriously interested in. Set up experiments on your own, analyze, solve problems, learn to read special books that expand and supplement the school textbook. Develop in yourself the ability to focus on what you are doing, learn to persistently achieve your goal, do not be afraid of failure.

In the second part of the text, most verbs are used in the imperative mood.

Counted (what d e l a l and?) - a verb.

Fast. - mismatched view, transition, I ref.

Non-post. recognition: exc. incl., past hr., pl.

Some of them (what did they do?) considered (Not) I think (what did you do?) - a verb.

N.f. - think.

Fast. confession: nesov. view, non-transitional, 1 ref.

Non-post. recognition: exc. inc., present vr., units, 1 l.

I (what am I doing?) (do not) think.

Learn (what are you doing?) - verb.

N.f. - study.

Fast. - mismatched view, non-transitional, 2 ref.

Non-post. recognition: exc. inc., present vr., pl., 2 y.

You (what are you doing?) are learning.

Interested (what about dela and e t?) - verb.

N.f. - to be interested.

Fast. confession: nesov. view, transition, 1 ref.

Non-post. recognition: exc. inc., present vr., unit, 3 l.

The field of science (what does it do?) is of interest.

A VERB is an independent part of speech that combines words denoting an action and answering the question what to do? what to do? This meaning is expressed in terms of aspect, voice, tense, person, and mood. In a sentence, verbs act mainly as a predicate.

1) Hands will overcome (I ref.) one, and knowledge will overcome (I ref.) thousands. 2) To learn a lot (II question), to know a lot (I question). 3) One day before you sow (I ref.), a week before you reap (I ref.). 4) The horse will break out (I ref.) - you will catch up (II ref.), but you won’t turn back what was said (II ref.). 5) I couldn’t hold on (II question) by the mane, you can’t hold on to the tail (II question). 6) The truth hurts the eyes (I question). 7) Slander that coal: it will not burn (I ref.), it will stain it (I ref.).

8) You can’t fill a bottomless barrel with water (II question). 9) You chase two hares (II ref.) - you won’t catch a single one (I ref.).

They will overcome (what about with dela and yu t?) - verb.

N.f. - overcome.

Fast. confession: owl. view, transition., I ref.

Non-post. recognition: exc. incl., bud. vr., pl., 3 y.

Hands (what are you doing?) will overcome.

In the madness Verb endings in I conjugation are written -e-, in II conjugation - -i-. In 3 l. plural in verbs of I conjugation - -ut (-yut), II conjugation - -at - (yat).

Our plane overtakes shoals of migratory birds. The river glistens below. From its old channel, overgrown (communion) with bushes, flocks of geese and ducks rise, frightened (communion) by the approach of an airplane. Having made a (german) U-turn, we descend on a cleared (communion) site in the middle of the forest.

Touching (german) the ground, the plane rolls along a trampled (communion) meadow. At the forest airfield, located (communion) in the taiga wilderness, an old watchman lives. Meeting (general participle) an arriving (participle) plane, he joyfully greets his acquaintances. Before leaving (general participle) from the cockpit, the pilot shouts to his old friend: “How are you, grandfather?”

nar. ch. noun

The river glistens below. (Narrative, unexcused, simple, distributed, full).

Located - communion.

N.f. - located.

Fast. confession: suffer., past. time, owl. view.

Non-post. confession: suggestion drop, sing., m.p.

At the airport (k a to m?) located.

Arrived - communion.

N.f. - arrived.

Fast. recognition: active, past. time, owl. view.

Non-post. recognition: in wines. drop, sing., m.p.

The plane (how about th?) Arrived.

Touching - gerund.

Rolls (to and to?) Touching.

N.f. - touch.

Owls. view, constant

Rolls (to and to?) Touching.

Meeting - gerund.

N.f. - meet.

Nesov. view, constant

Greets (to and to?) meeting.

Participle formation:

present past tense real- suffixes –usch-(yushch) – from suffixes –vsh-, -sh-:

ny voice vb. I ref.: to fly - flying, flying, looking;

suffixes -ashch-(box) - from the verb.

II ref.: look - looking passive suffixes -em-, -om- - from suffixes -nn-, -t-, -enn-:

pledge v. I ref.: draw - draw - scanned, washed, washed;

suffixes –im- – from vb.

II ref.: to import - imported imperfect - The basis of this. temp. + suffixes –a(-ya), -v, -lice, -uchi(-yuchi):

weeping, stealthily, effortlessly perfect infinitive stem + suffixes -vshi, -shi, -a, -я:

skipped view, involving 41 (38).

1) Phrases with adverbs denoting a sign of action (its x x time, place, etc.): work until dark (adverb), come after dark (adverb), x x x turn right (adverb), be heard from the left (adverb), act according to x comradely (adverb), argue hotly (adverb).

2) Phrases with adverbs denoting a sign of another sign with x x: in the morning (adverb) fresh, everywhere (adverb) known, x x in winter (adverb) cold, a little bit (adverb) warm.

3) Phrases with adverbs denoting a sign of an object:

х x naval pasta (adverb), school opposite (adverb).

Dear Guys!

It is very difficult to write about obvious things. After all, you all know perfectly well that education is necessary at the present time for every profession.

In this sense, I was very upset that you wrote in your letter “we want” instead of “we want”. This shows that you guys read very little. Read more - it's so interesting - and remember that you need education not for school, but for yourself and that being educated is not at all boring, but on the contrary, it is interesting. (ch. thought) With best wishes. L. Landau.

The verbs want and run are conjugated, i.e. they change not only in the first, but also partially in the second conjugation.

Oh is a suggestion.

x Write about (obvious) things (prepositional case).

Simple, unproducible, immutable

B is a suggestion.

x Necessary in (present) tense (vin. case).

Simple, unproducible, immutable

For is a suggestion.

x Necessary for the profession (genus case).

B is a suggestion.

x Upset in the sense (prepositional case).

Simple, unproducible, immutable

S is a suggestion.

With wishes (creative case) Simple, non-productive, unchanging.

What is a union. [– = ], that (– =) Subordinate, simple, non-produced, unchanged.

Compose, simple, non-produced, unchanged.

A - Union., And Compose., Simple., Non-produc., Unchanging.

After all, it is a particle.

Add. value - gain Modal., unchanged.

Not a particle.

The general meaning is negation.

Negative, unchanged

1) There was a snowstorm outside, the wind was howling, the shutters were shaking and banging. (Connect using intonation) 2) Soon everything in the house calmed down and fell asleep.

3) Masha wrapped herself in a shawl, put on a warm hood, took her box in her hand and went out onto the back porch. 4) The snowstorm did not subside, the wind blew towards me, as if trying to stop the young criminal. (1 and 2 - with the help of intonation, 2 and 3 - with the help of a subordinate union). 5) Vladimir was driving through a field crossed by deep ravines. The blizzard did not subside, the sky did not clear up. (connected with the help of intonation) 6) Little by little the trees began to thin out, and Vladimir left the forest. (with the help of a composition union) 7) It was already light when they reached Zhadrin. (With the help of subordinate.

union). 8) The coachman drove past the place where they drove onto the road, and in this way we found ourselves in an unfamiliar side. (With the help of subordinating and coordinating unions) 9) The storm did not subside, I saw a light and ordered to go there. (Connected using intonation) 10) The day went well, but at night Masha fell ill. (With the help of coordinating soy for).

1) I ordered to go to the commandant, and a minute later the wagon stopped in front of a wooden house. 2) I left the wagon and demanded that they take me to the chief. 3) In order to console poor Savelich, I gave him my word that I would never have a single penny at my disposal without his consent. 4) Shvabrin came up to me with a tray, but I turned away from him a second time. 5) With his usual sharpness, he, of course, guessed that Pugachev was dissatisfied with him. 6) One of the foremen gave him [Pugachev] a bag of copper money, and he began to throw handfuls of them. 7) My heart ached when we found ourselves in a long-familiar room. 8) It was obvious that Savelich was right before me. 10) I went out with Shvabrin, discussing what we had heard.

4) but. - compound sentence with union no.

5) , (what...). - complex sentence with union what.

6), and. - a compound sentence with the conjunction and.

7) , (when...). - a complex sentence with the union when.

6. The structure of the text. Speech styles 45(n).

There is no logic in this text, the sentences are not connected with each other.

Biological clock This is the conditional name for the ability of living organisms to navigate in time. People have long noticed that many living organisms determine time very accurately. They can find out the time of sea tides, lunar and annual cycles. At a certain time, birds wake up, a bee flies for a bribe, predators go hunting. The biological clock helps animals to make periodic migrations in time and accurately. Without knowing the time, animals would not be able to find enough food for themselves, to adapt to the change of seasons. Watch any animal and you will see that it has the strictest daily routine.

Processes inside the organism of animals also obey certain rhythms. There are regular cycles of building new molecules, processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain, secretion of gastric juice, heartbeat, and respiration.

Plants also have certain rhythms of life. They can be observed in cell division, metabolism, seed germination, flowering, opening and closing of flowers, and nectar secretion.

There are no unnecessary professions. Imagine that tomorrow there will not be a single seller behind the counters of the shops, or, say, all the cars will lose their drivers. So, there will be only one or two fewer professions, and what unpleasant consequences this will cause, how much more complicated and difficult our life will be! Believe me, it is the same with any other profession. If they are, then they appeared under the influence of necessity. Therefore, they are irreplaceable, people need them and must be regularly replenished with fresh forces. It is an honor to be a turner, a tram driver, a cook, and a high-altitude fitter...

In order to make the right decision, one must be able to navigate the variety of professions that modern industry, agriculture and the service sector offer to young men and women entering into life. As the poet said: "All works are good, choose according to your taste."

The main idea of ​​the text is the importance and necessity of all existing professions.

The desert road entered the forests. Red autumn rushed around.

The forests were rusty, they were covered with yellow mold ... (Description) The car rustled sleepily along the flinty road, the wind rustled sleepily in the radiator, the passengers dozed ... (Narration) Through drowsiness we saw in the north a ridge of red mountains covered with wrinkles. There was not a single blade of grass on the mountains, as if a cheerful vegetation cover had been removed from the earth. (Description) The car was rolling, and its steady motion evoked simple and calm thoughts. All the attractiveness of the earth lies in the animal and plant world. Both worlds have been studied by us almost to perfection, but contact with them always leaves a feeling of mystery. Mysterious and therefore beautiful are the dark thickets of forests, the depths of the seas;

the cry of a bird and the crackling of a tree bud bursting from the warmth are mysterious. The solved riddle does not kill the excitement caused by the spectacle of the earth. The more we know, the stronger the will to live. (Reasoning) The highlighted words are used in a figurative sense.

I. Now near the front door [in A.P. Chekhov's office] to the right is a bookcase. There are a few knick-knacks on the mantelpiece and a beautifully made model of a sailing schooner. On the walls are portraits of Tolstoy, Grigorovich, Turgenev. On a separate small table, on a fan-shaped stand, there are many photographs of artists and writers. (Description) II. The next day, at the appointed time, I was already behind the stacks, waiting for my opponent. Soon he also appeared. “We might be caught,” he told me, “we must hurry.” We took off our uniforms, remained in the same camisoles and drew our swords. (Narration, art style) III. Atmospheric air, in addition to nitrogen and oxygen, also contains a very small amount of carbon dioxide, a few ten-thousandths. This carbonic acid is made up of carbon and oxygen. Therefore, this colorless gas, which does not differ in appearance from air, contains coal particles.

(Reasoning, scientific style) 49 (42).

Children, you didn’t receive any telegram without me?.. Answer, tormentors!.. That’s where my death is!.. That’s who, of course, will bring me to the grave! Yes, you stop buzzing and tell me plainly how it was.

This text reflects the signs of a conversational style.

Death is death;

bring to the grave - kill;

buzz - make noise;

tol com - in detail, in detail.

In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians are required to follow the signals of a traffic light or a traffic controller.

In places where traffic is not regulated, pedestrians may cross the carriageway only after they estimate the distance to approaching Vehicle and their speed and make sure not to interfere with their movement.

The text refers to the official business style, because. its purpose is to convey accurate information. The text is written in one of the genres of official business style - instructions. The text is characterized by the utmost precision of expressions, excluding different interpretations.

Oceans are large semi-isolated parts of the World Ocean, |separated from each other by continents|. Consequently, each ocean is limited by the shores of the continents and some conventional line, preferably along the shortest distance between the continents. Within such boundaries, the ocean is a kind of unity - a compact mass of water and a group of oceanic depressions. Like the continents, the three largest oceans have great variety physical and geographical conditions.

Text style - scientific.

I. The name of Yuri Gagarin has gone down in history forever. It marks the beginning of a new era - the era of human space exploration.

His feat embodies all the best that has been created by the human mind from ancient times to the present day, this feat, as they say, is inscribed in history in golden letters.

II. We are entering an age in which knowledge will play a decisive role in the fate of man. Without knowledge it will be impossible to work.

Teaching is what a young person needs from a very young age.

You must always learn. Until the end of his life, not only taught, but also studied all the major scientists. The most favorable time for learning is youth.

It is in youth that the human mind is most receptive ...

Do not waste time on trifles! Take care of yourself for learning, for acquiring useful knowledge and skills...

Try to find in each item the joy of acquiring a new one!

Learn to love learning!

These texts belong to the journalistic style. Its purpose is to influence the listener. Here, solemn words, emotionally colored words, exclamations, appeals to the reader are widely used (in addition to neutral ones).

I. I began to think about what surrounds me early. The flights of dragonflies, the life of the underwater kingdom of the Valova river, in which rowed redfins and golden lines were found, the laws of river currents that made whirlpools whirl and long strands of algae wriggled serpentine - everything was so wonderful, full of mysterious significance.

II. Much more can be written about the Meshchersky region. You can write that this region is very rich. But I don't write about it on purpose. Are we supposed to love our land just because it is rich? Not only for this we love our native places! We also love them for the fact that, even if they are not rich, they are beautiful for us. I love the Meshchersky region because it is beautiful, although all its charm is not revealed immediately, but very slowly, gradually.

Type of speech - reasoning.

Miracle of nature Plan.

1) The end of the school year.

2) Travel fees.

3) Fun trip.

4) Lake in the forest.

5) Return home.

Here it is over academic year! It turned out to be long and hard, but the holidays came, and my class and I decided to go for a walk in the forest to sing songs together by the fire, eat baked potatoes, play games or just talk.

In the early morning, everyone gathered at the school, where a small bus was already waiting for us, on which was written “Beware of the children!”

The bus inside turned out to be spacious and we sat comfortably on the soft seats. At the request of the driver, one of us sang our favorite song, and the whole class joined in the cheerful chorus.

Soon the bus left the highway and drove along a country road until it stopped at the edge of a small forest of young elk trees. For a while we were doing different things: someone collected dry branches for a fire, someone began to cook simple food, someone has already started playing catch-up, someone lay down on soft grass to read a book.

Suddenly, one of the girls emerged from the dense fir trees and called everyone to follow her. It turned out that a wonderful lake was hiding behind a row of trees. It looked extraordinary! Grass, trees and the sky with clouds running across it were reflected in the black-black still water. The land of the banks was some kind of red-brown color. The combination of colors and the tranquility of the lake made a great impression on us. “A real miracle of nature,” said our class teacher. We did not disturb the silence around us. We returned to the fire and had a fun day that flew by very quickly. We returned back at dusk, and the driver drove the bus carefully, turning on slowly slow music. And I was driving and kept remembering our miracle of nature ... 54 (n).

I. 1) The picture shows an autumn forest.

2) In the foreground, the viewer sees the descent of the ravine.

3) In the background of the picture is a lake or a river.

4) We can say that the picture depicts Karelia, in a flat landscape and wetlands.

6) The artist chose an elongated format of the picture to convey the surrounding space, the eye covers more space.

7) The artist expressed his love for nature, a subtle sense of the world around him with his landscape.

8) The painting impressed me as a vivid and wonderful work of art.

Golden autumn in Karelia Looking at the painting by V.V. Meshkov "Golden Autumn in Karelia", you feel the author's enthusiastic attitude to the world around him. The elongated horizontal format of the canvas conveys the vast expanse of the poetic landscape. The composition also includes tall, severe pines, a chain of lakes in the background, and boulders in the foreground. The whole picture is made in gold and ocher colors. Only the autumn sky was frowned with gray clouds. The picture conveys all the colors of autumn of a beautiful place on Earth.

To elect an assembly to the presidium, privileges for families with many children, privileges for veterans, meeting with war and labor veterans, our peers and peers, pursuing one’s interests, future profession, good specialty, timely signal, architect’s project, white columns.

At the institute they teach me my future profession. I will be an engineer - this is a good specialty.

To pursue (what about de l and t?) - verb.

N.f. - chase.

Nesov. view, transition., I ref., in indef. form.

(What to do?) pursue.

With veterans (with whom?) - creatures.

N.f. - veteran.

Non-post. acknowledgment: creative. fall, pl.

Meeting (with e m?) With veterans.

Veterans is a noun.

Veterans (to o g o?) - creatures.

N.f. - veteran.

Fast. confession: soul, nat., husband. genus, 2 cl.

Non-post. recognition: genus. fall, pl.

Privileges (to o g o?) Veterans.

Future - communion.

N.f. - future.

Fast. - really., present. time, nesov. view.

Non-post. recognition: im.pad., sing., in f.r.

Profession (how can I?) Future.

Ours is a pronoun.

Peers (h and?) Ours.

N.f. - our.

Fast. tag: possessive.

Non-post. recognition: im.pad., pl.

Peers (h and?) Ours.

Architecture is the art of designing and constructing buildings and other structures in accordance with their purpose, technical capabilities and aesthetic views of society.

Erect - build, construct.

Sculpture is a work of art of creating three-dimensional or relief images (statues, busts, bas-reliefs, etc.) by modeling, carving or casting.

Intricate - not immediately clear;

High relief - a type of relief sculpture in which the convex part of the image protrudes above the background plane by more than half of its volume.

Ornament - an artistic decoration, a pattern, which is characterized by a rhythmic arrangement of geometric or stylized plant and animal elements of a pattern.

Architect - builder, architect.

Architecture - the art of designing and building buildings;


Russian architecture is distinguished by sophistication. The temple was erected by Russian architects in the XII century. The author of these sculptures was fond of antiquity. Intricate patterns add dimension to this bronze high relief.

This great architect, considered the founder of Russian architecture, became famous for his intricate ornaments.

The theme is the triumphant acre, its history and destiny. The subject of the text corresponds to the heading. The type of speech is a description with narrative elements.

Chain link. The triumphal arch opens up to your eyes unexpectedly. At its top is a cast-iron chariot of Glory, in which the Goddess of Victory proudly stands. ... The monument is decorated with bronze high reliefs “The Expulsion of the Gauls from Moscow”, “The Beating of “Twelve Languages”, “Liberated Moscow”.

Between them are figures of severe warriors in armor, allegorical female figures, symbolizing firmness, courage and glory.

Gall is French. "Twelve languages" - many languages.

The triumphal arch opens to the eye when you enter Moscow from the direction of Filey. You immediately remember that it was built in honor of Russia's victory over Napoleon's troops in the war of 1812. The building is crowned by a composition of six racing horses and a driver with a laurel wreath in his hand. Below, between the dark columns against the background of white facing slabs, there are statues of ancient warriors. The whole building represents the pride and triumph of the winners.

PHRASE 7. The structure and grammatical meaning of phrases.

Connection of words in a phrase 60 (52).

х х 1) Reliable (adj.) friend (noun), interesting (adj.) book х х (n), good (adj.) doctor (n), work (adj.) experience (n.), x х original (adj.) document (n.);

2) very (adverb) interest x x ny (adj.), spring-like (adverb) fresh (adj.);

3) to build x (verb) a polyclinic (noun), to overcome (the main thing is a verb) it is difficult x sti (noun), to answer (verb) questions (noun).

1) The main word is the subject.

x x Concrete (adj.) supports (n.), wooden (adj.) partition x rod (n.), talented (adj.) play (n.), brilliant x x (adj.) scientist (n.), desperate (participle) courage (n. x vit.), trip (n.) to the mountains (n. with a preposition).

2) The main word is a sign.

хх Very (adverb) skillful (adj.), extremely (adverb) captivating (adj.), desperately (adverb) bold (adj.) 3) The main word is action.

x x Prepare (verb) a report (noun), buy (verb) a brochure x (noun), draw (verb) with ink (noun), tell (verb) about a trip (noun with a preposition), drive up (verb) to the lake (n. vit. with a preposition), to rise (verb) from behind the forest (n. with a preposition), to appear (verb) from behind the mountains (n. with a preposition).

x x x Wide trousers, very handsome, be bold.

x 1) Adj. + noun:

x x x x Beautiful dress, blue jacket, brilliant success. New car.

x 2) Exist. + Exist. in the river P.

хххххх Brother's jacket, father's briefcase, builders' song, eagle's nest. Friend's notebook.

x 3) Ch. + n. in c. P.

x 4) Main + noun in tv. P.

x x x x Chop with an ax, write with a pencil, draw with paints. Drive by cart.

x 5) Adverb + ch.

x x x x Run fast, swim well, grumble angrily. Look gloomy.

x 6) adv. + adv.

x x x Overcast in autumn, very dark. Very bad.

x 7) Exist. + Exist. in the river n. with a suggestion. from.

x x x Nylon thread, foam rubber mat. Flour dough.

x 8) Main + noun in dates P.

x x x Applaud the artists, object to the speaker. Pay the seller.

x 9) Main + adv.:

x x x x Return dark, arrive today, get up early. Get dressed quickly.

x 10) Ch. + n. in tv. P.

x x x Control a ship, lead a brigade, command a squadron. Ru x lead the workers.

x 11) Adv. + noun:

x x x Close to the coast, good for health. Damp from the rain.

1) Director's phone, teacher's pen, scientist's argument. 2) Call the secretary, light the stove, read the newspaper. 3) Seal with sealing wax, cut with scissors, sing a song. 4) Creeping fog, red flag, new sarafan dress. 5) A paint can, a bottle of lemonade, a bucket of water. 6) Return from the rain, swim away from the shore, avoid responsibility, look out from behind the fence. 7) Get out of the ground, look out from under the canopy.

х x falling), report on work (noun + noun in a sentence with a preposition), х x review of the book (noun + noun in a sentence with a preposition), review of x article (noun . + noun in vin. with a preposition), awarded x (short adverb + noun in gen. dec.), worthy of respect (short adj. + noun in gen. dec.).

x x x II. To believe in people (v. + noun. in dat pad. without preposition), faith in people x х x (n. + noun. in vin. pad. with a preposition), self-confidence (n. + noun. in х x proposition. Pad. with a preposition), true to his ideals (adj. + noun in Dan. Pad.

x x x without a preposition), to be afraid of the beast (v. + noun in the gen. pad. without a preposition), x x x is dangerous for me (cl. adj. + places in the gen. pad with a preposition), love of books (n. . + x x noun dat. with a preposition), in love with books (adv. + noun in vin. with a preposition).

ххх a) Centuries-old traditions, traditional meetings, our contemporaries, xx ideals of youth, true friend (points to the object and its sign), xxx exact calculation, known since childhood, very attentive (points to xx sign of the sign) , socially useful, vital, worthy of respect, extremely shy, second of the participants, third from the left.

x x b) Participate in a campaign, honor veterans (indicates the action x and the object to which it goes), correctly calculate (indicates the action and its sign).

x x c) Extremely pleasant, early in the morning.

x x Honor veterans: v. + n. in wine pad. without preposition;

x x true friend: adj + n.;

x x known since childhood: phr. + n. in the genus pad. with a suggestion;

x x the second of the participants: order. num. + n. in the genus pad. with a suggestion;

x x third from left: order. num. + nar.;

x x very attentive: adv. + adj.;

x x worthy of respect: adj. + n. in the genus fall without preposition;

хх extremely shy: nar + adj.

x x 1) Experienced (adj.) mentor, eighth (ordinal) grade, first x x x (num.) scholarship, grandmother's (adj.) advice, our (pronoun) future. When the main word changes, the dependent word also changes.

x x 2) Fill out a questionnaire (noun), think about the future (with a preposition), x x agree with it (pronoun with a preposition), agree with the facts (noun with x preposition), known to the audience (ess.) . Changing the main word does not change the dependent word.

x x 3) Persistently (adv.) to convince, know by heart (adv.), very (adv.) x x persistent, summery (adv.) hot.

Changing the main word does not change the dependent word.

x Raise the flag (noun) (connection by ending), live on the seaside (noun with a preposition) (connection with a preposition and ending), walk along the alley (noun with a preposition) (connection with a preposition and ending), work on electric x stations (noun with a preposition) (connection with a preposition and ending), pass along a hill (noun with a preposition) (connection with a preposition and ending), xx seal with sealing wax (ess.) (connection with an ending), make hastily (nare x chie) (connection by meaning), dress in winter (adverb) (connection by meaning), x play the piano (noun with a preposition) (connection by preposition and ending), x x order to return (verb) (connection by meaning) , to explain slowly x (general participle) (connection by meaning), this (pronoun) summer (connection of endings x x em), with the first (numeral) train (connection with preposition and ending), find out about the incident (noun with preposition ) (connection by preposition and ending), raging (participle) sea (connection by ending).

x Tourist (adj.) hike (coordination) - in the tourist (adj.) x x hike (coordination), first (num.) group (coordination) - first x x (num.) group (coordination), our (pronoun. ) team (coordination) - x x to our (pronoun) team (coordination), every (pronoun) day (co x x agreement) - with each (pronoun) day (coordination);

develop abilities (n.) (management) - developed (participle) child (cox agreement);

return from a campaign (noun with a preposition) (management) x x - return home (adverb.) (adjacency), multiply by two (num. with x preposition) (management) - double (adverb.) (adjacency), nor x x what (pronoun.) not to get involved (management) - not at all (adverb.) not to surprise x x xia (adjacency), to walk talking (germ.) (adjunction), to go on vacation x (noun with a preposition) (management) - leave for treatment (verb) x (adjacent), work for a month (noun with a preposition) (management x x leniye);

lead the choir (noun) (management) - the leader of the choir x (noun) (management), talk with friends (noun with a preposition) x (management), private conversation (adverb) (adjacent).

As dependent words when adjoining, there can be verbs, participles, adverbs.

x x x 1) New job- adj. + noun, agreement. Work in a new way - x x x v. + ext., junction. Learn to work - v. + verb, adjoining.

x x 2) Turning to the square - noun. + n. in wine pad. with a suggestion, management.

x x x Turn left - noun. + ext., junction. Left turn - adj. + x n., agreement.

x x 3) Persistent demand - noun. + adj., agreement. Persistently x x x x demand - vb. + ext., junction. Stand your ground - v. + pronoun.

in the preposition pad. with a suggestion, management.

x x x 4) Winter road- adj. + noun, agreement;

cold in winter x x x – nar. + adj., junction;

leave in the winter - v. + ext., junction.

х х х 5) Constantly take care - nar. + vb., adjoining;

constant worries x x x – adj. + n., agreement, to show care – vb. + n. in wine pad. without pretext, management.

x 6) To act (verb) is fair (adverb) - adjunction, fair xx (adj.) decision (ess.) - agreement, demand (verb) justice (ess.) - management.

Adjectives, numerals, participles, pronouns can be used as dependent words in agreement.

As dependent words in management there can be nouns, numerals, pronouns (both with and without a preposition).

As dependent words when adjoining, there can be n / f verbs, gerunds, adverbs.

x x x 1) Coordination. A slender birch, a built house, the second number, on x shi children.

х х 2) Management. Love nature, meet you.

x x x 3) Connection. It is good to see, to live lovingly, to want to live.

x x x x I. Checkered scarf - adj. + n., agreement, checkered scarf – n. + x n. in wine pad. with a suggestion, management, put on a scarf - vb. + n. in wine pad.

x without preposition, management;

jump - v. + n. in wine fall without x x preposition, control, ski jump - noun. + n. in the genus pad with suggestion, x x control;

trust people - v. + n. v date pad without suggestion, management, x x x faith in people - noun. + n. in wine pad. with a suggestion, management;

gray jacket - x x x adj. + n., agreement, gray from dust – adj. + n. in the genus pad. with x suggestion, management;

return at night - noun. + adv., junction, cart x x x x rotate at night - vb. + nar., junction, late at night - nar. + ext., x x adjoining;

brave man adj. + n., agreement, desperately x x x x brave – adv. + adj., junction;

cold in winter - nar. + adj., x x adjoining, cold in winter - nar. + ext., junction.

x x x x II. Three notebooks (num. + noun, control) - three notebooks (num. + noun, x x x agreement), four pencils (num. + noun, control) - four ka x x x randash (num. + noun. , agreement), two children (num. + noun, control x x x nie) - two children (num. + noun, agreement), eight athletes x x x (num. + noun, control) - with eight athletes (num. + noun, agreement), fifty rubles (num. + noun, management) - with fifty x rubles (num. + noun, agreement).

x x In a loud whisper - coordination, the rustle of trees - management, x x go for luggage - management, catch a bear cub - management, x x fishing hook - coordination, canvas bag - coordination, x x x spending the night in the forest - management, gilded ring - coordination , three sho x x fera - management, hotly arguing - adjunction, gooseberries - xx management, new highway - adjunction, boiled milk - agreement.

The spelling of words with missing letters is based on the rule of writing letters o, e after sibilants. It is associated with significant parts of the word by the root and suffix.

O - E (E) after hissing I. Without stress - E.

II. Under stress:

1. At the root of the word - Yo, if you can pick up a single-root word with E.

2. In suffixes and endings of verbs - Y.

3. In suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives - O.

Fishing, gilded, hot.

Fishing - fish + catch + n (addition of bases with simultaneous addition of a suffix).

Gilded - to gild (suffixal).

Hot - hot (suffixal).

x x I. Worry about daughter (in p.p.), worry about brother (in p.p.), warn x x about danger (in p.p.), warn against mistakes (in p.p.).

x x x II. Confidence in success (in p.p.), faith in victory (in v.p.), fidelity to duty (in x x x l.p.), love for the Motherland (in l.p.), devotion to the Motherland (in d .p.), caring for goods and health (in p.p.), attention to people (in p.p.), worthy of attention (in r.p.), honored with awards (in r.p. ).

х х 1) To go in thought (management);

walk across the square (control).

х х 2) Inform about the opening (management);

about the opening of the exhibition x (management). 3) Be present in the planetarium (management);

attending lectures (management). 4) Train hard (adjacent);

three times during autumn (management). 5) Approach the estate (management x x nie);

to the village estate (approval). 6) Talk about the service x x (management);

about military service (management) 7) Dream about a trip (management);

about a trip to the Arctic (management). 8) Stop suddenly x x (adjacent);

stop at a loss (management). 9) Slightly visible x x (adjacent);

be seen in the sky (management). 10) Suddenly appear x curl (adjacent);

appear in the distance (control). 11) Slow x x but descend (adjacent);

parachute down (management).

To be present at an election rally, to listen to a candidate's speech, to make an excited speech, to hold a delegate election, to meet with our deputy, to vote for the elected representatives of the people.

х х 1) The object and its attribute (noun + noun in r.p. with the sentence from). Milk from xxni trees, ruby ​​from Cairo, strawberry jam.

x 2) The action and the subject to which it passes (ch. + noun in ch).

x x x Respect your parents, protect the forest, drink milk.

x x x 3) Action and its sign (v. + adv.). Leave early, wait a long time, x say rashly.

x 4) Sign and reason for its occurrence (adj. + noun in r.p. with preposition

x x from: wet with dew). Shy by nature, sweet by sugar, white by snow.

Forest smell - the smell of the forest (an object and its sign), a bronze statue - a bronze statue (an object and its sign), a marble monument - a marble monument (an object and its sign), a swimming pool - a swimming pool (an object and its sign). sign), suit for training - training suit (object and its sign);

to tell with enthusiasm - to tell with enthusiasm (action and its sign), to hold on with dignity - to hold on with dignity (action and its sign), a park by the sea - at a sea park (an object and its sign), a hotel at the station - a railway station hotel (an object and its sign), to go in the field - to walk in the field (action and its sign), to go along the coast - to go along the coast (action and its sign).

Resident of Moscow - a Moscow resident;

cardboard box - cardboard box.

Nina walked towards the gate. Heavy dump trucks entered the construction site.

At the gate, Nina was stopped by her grandfather in a short jacket. He saluted and said guiltily that outsiders were not allowed to enter. A little offended, Nina explained that she was not an outsider and showed her diploma.

Half an hour later she was given a pink ticket and entered the construction site.

A slender metal frame, consisting of horizontal steel beams and vertical columns, went high into the sky. Dump trucks with sand, concrete, containers, trucks with reinforced concrete slabs and cast-iron pipes drove in different directions, rattling their steel bodies.

Went to the gate (Vb + noun in Danish with a suggestion, indicates an action and its sign), heavy dump trucks (adj. + noun, indicates an object and its sign), drove into the construction site (n. in vin. pad with preposition + + verb, indicates an action and its attribute), grandfather in a jacket (noun + + noun in preposition pad with prev., indicates an object and its attribute), in a short jacket ( adj. + noun in a prepositional case indicates an object and its attribute), stopped at the gate (v. . + noun in vin. pad without preposition, indicates the action and the object to which it passes).

The text is divided into 3 paragraphs, because in each of them a new thought begins.

x x x Jam from apples - noun. + n. in the genus pad with suggestion, management;

soup with fa x x x salt - noun. + n. in tv. pad. with a suggestion, management;

cranberry jelly - noun.

x x + noun in the genus pad. with a suggestion, management;

bookcase - noun. + n. in the genus

x pad. with a suggestion, management;

water from a spring - noun. + n. in the genus pad. with a suggestion, x x control;

silence of the night - noun. + n. in the genus pad without preposition., management.

Grammatical meaning - indicate the subject and its attribute.

Apple jam - agreement;

bean soup - agreement;

cranberry jelly - agreement;

bookcase - coordination;

spring water - agreement;

night silence - agreement.

In these phrases, the sign is expressed more specifically.

x Quiet (adv.) went down (vb) - an action and its sign (attachment).

x Slumbering (verb) over the sea (n.) - action and its object (management).

x Polar (adj.) night (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement).

x In the dark (adj.) abyss (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement) x Bright (adj.) stars (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement).

x It pours from above (n.) (verb) - action and its place (management).

x Bluish (adj.) radiance (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement).

х Dead (adj.) silence (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement).

x hung (verb) over the sea (n.) - action and its place (management).

x Frozen (adj.) sea (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement).

x Bluish (adj.) reflection (n.) - an object and its attribute (coordination) x Illuminates (verb.) surface (n.) - an object and its object (control).

x Water (adj.) smooth surface (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement) Bluish, smooth surface.

Bluish - blue (suffixal).

Surface - smooth (suffixless).

Loyalty folk traditions, dedication, true courage, genuine fearlessness, a talented sculptor, a work of genius, truly folk, a monument to the dead, an obelisk made of granite.

x Genuine (adj.) fearlessness (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement).

x Truly (adv.) folk (adj.) - a sign of a sign (adjacent).

x Obelisk (n.) made of granite (n.) - an object and its sign (control).

PROPOSITION 8. The structure and grammatical meaning of sentences 82 (74).

Do you know Ukrainian night? (questioning sentence) Oh, you don't know the Ukrainian night! (narrative exclamation sentence) Look at her. (wake up

preposition) A month looks from the middle of the sky. (narrative sentence) The immense heavenly vault resounded, moved apart even more immensely. (narrative sentence) He burns and breathes. (narrative sentence) A period, question mark, and exclamation mark are placed at the end of the sentence.

Exclamatory sentences additionally express the emotions (feelings) of the speaker or writer and are pronounced with a special exclamation intonation.

1) I am writing these lines in the village. (Agreement in person and number) 2) But you are, and there are tools. (Not agreed) 3) There is a cliff on the Volga. (Not agreed) 4) A storm covers the sky with mist. (Agreement in person and number) 5) Crane nose knock-knock on the plate. (Not agreed) 6) Coastal reeds will make little noise. (Agreement in person and number) 7) Tatyana jumped into another passage. (Not agreed) 8) The pond is already frozen. (Agreement in gender and number) I am writing these lines in the village (n.). (Narrative, unexcited, simple, two-state, distributed, full.) Noise (what is he doing?) - verb.

N.f. - make noise.

Fast. - modern view, non-transitional, II ref.

Non-post. confession: exc. incl., bud. vr., unit, 3 l.

The reed (what will it do?) will make a noise.

Frozen (what did you do?) - vb.

N.f. - freeze.

Fast. confession: owl. view, non-transitional, 1 ref.

Non-post. confession: exc. incl., past time, unit, m.

The pond (what did you do?) froze.

The rye grew slowly. In the heat and silence, the ears leaned to the ground, as if they had fallen asleep without memory, and the shadow of darkness found on them from the sky and covered them ... Natasha looked around in an unfamiliar field. A distant lightning in anger divided the entire visible world in half, and from there, on the other hand, a dusty whirlwind came under a heavy and slow cloud;

there was a thunderclap, at first deaf and fearless, then its sound rolled out and, repeating itself, reached Natasha so close that she felt pain in her heart.

I. 1) The fox sees the cheese, the fox is captivated by the cheese. 2) Choose your friends carefully. When self-interest covers itself with the guise of friendship, it only digs a hole for itself.

3) Bypass us more than all sorrows and master's anger, and master's love! 4) For the clouds, the eagle rose to the top of the Caucasus Mountains. 5) We didn’t want to offend anyone with a fable. 6) The Dnieper is wonderful in calm weather, when it rushes through forests and mountains full of its waters. 7) Do not be lazy to ascribe to the letter what you need. 8) They say Chalin would hardly have bored you if you had agreed briefly with him.

Profit is profit.

A face is a look, a mask.

II. In early August, lingonberries ripen in central Russia. (Narrative, true fact) Have you seen this little evergreen shrub? (Questionable, possible fact) His age reaches more than 300 years. (Narrative, real fact) Visit the forest in the summer and look at this centenarian. (Encourages., Desirable fact) Everyone would gladly pick up more lingonberries. (Narrative, desirable fact) But handle the berry picker with care! (Wake up, desired fact) Take care of this wonderful plant! (Wake up, desirable fact) It serves people well. (Narrative, real fact) Everyone would gladly pick up more lingonberries. (Narrative, unexcused, simple, two-part, distributive, unfollowed, complete) 83 (c).

The feat of the Papaninites May 21, 1937 An unforgettable day. For the first time in the history of the study of the Arctic, drifting ice in the area North Pole a four-engine plane descends. On board are four future winterers - four researchers.

For nine months, the head of the polar station Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin, the biologist Pyotr Petrovich Shirshov, the astronomer and magnetologist Evgeny Konstantinovich Fedorov, and the radio operator Ernst Teodorovich Krenkel were supposed to live and work on the ice floe. This drift, which became legendary, had it all: deprivation, freezing cold, blizzard fury, risk and obscurity. Great courage, perseverance, and exceptional devotion to the beloved cause were needed so that the people who remained on the ice floe could overcome all difficulties and achieve success. Four brave winterers brilliantly completed their tasks.

In February 1938, the expedition was removed from the ice floe. Since then, a new word has appeared in the Russian language - papanintsy.

More than half a century has passed since Papanin and his friends began their historical drift. During this time, more than twenty drifting stations were organized on the ice of the Arctic Ocean, but the feat of the Papaninites did not fade in the memory of the people. (The style of the text is journalistic.) Difficulties, difficulties - difficult (suffixal way).

Did you take off - 2 syllables with - [s] - acc., deaf., tv.

n - [n '] - acc., sound, soft.

"to the textbook Russian language: Proc. for 8 cells. general education institutions / S.G. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L.Yu. Maksimov and others - 22–26th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2000–2003 ... "

-- [ Page 1 ] --

O.D. Ivashov

to the textbook "Russian language:

Proc. for 8 cells. general education institutions /

S.G. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L.Yu. Maksimov and others - 22–

26th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2000–2003 "

1. Functions of the Russian language in the modern world

1. Two functions of the language.

2. The two functions of language are inextricably linked.

3. Other language features.

The state language is the official language of the state, the language of science, industry and culture. It also serves as a means of international communication.

Functions of the Russian language in the modern world:

1) A means of communication.

2) Means of thought.

3) Russian is the state language of the Russian Federation.

4) The Russian language is a means of interethnic communication.

3 (1) The general idea of ​​the texts is the greatness of the Russian language.


4 (3).

Language system Section of the science of language Language units Graphics Phonetics Sounds StudyPort.ru Spelling Word formation Significant parts of a word Ways of word formation Lexicology Words Phraseology Phraseological phrase Morphology Parts of speech and their forms Punctuation Syntax Phrase Х Simple sentence [- = ] Compound sentence ,and .

The letter n in parentheses denotes an exercise from the 2002 textbook.

The number in brackets indicates the number of the exercise from the 2000 textbook.

Drops - verb (what about dela and e t?) N.f. - (what to do?) to drop Post. confession: nesov. view, transition, 1 ref.

Non-post. confession: exc. incl., singular, present vr., 3 y.o.

The forest (what is it doing?) drops Crimson Frost - 2 syllables m - [m] - acc., sound, tv.

o - [a] - vowel, bezud.

p - [r] - acc., sound, tv.

o - [o] - vowel, shock.

h - [s] - acc., deaf., tv.

5 letters, 5 sounds.

ch. noun adj. places. noun ch. noun incl. noun

[The forest drops its crimson dress], [frost will silver the withered field]. (Narrative, non-exclamation, non-union complex, 1) two-part.

2) two-part., rasp., incons., full.) 2 (c) Night-whose - 2 syllables N - [n] - acc., sound, tv.

Oh - [o] - vowel, ud.

H - [h ’] - acc., deaf, soft.

b - [-] Yu - [y ’] acc., sound, soft.

[U] vowel, bezud.

5 letters, 5 sounds.

Wandered (what d e l a l?) - verb.

StudyPort.ru N.f. - (what to do?) wander.

Fast. confession: nesov. view, non-transitional, 2 ref.

Polevoy [A sheaf of a field searchlight wandered brightly along the shore at night]. (Narrative, unexcited, simple, extended, full) The letter c in parentheses denotes an exercise from the 2000 textbook.

1. Late-nya-ya - 3 syllables, 7 letters, 7 sounds.

2. Compressed - 2 syllables StudyPort.ru The rhyme flew away - emptied is formed by a combination of sounds [t'el'i], alone - [on], goals - mountains [ly / ry], dampness - rolled down [ast '/ as' ].

[a][o][y][e][s][i] [p][f][k][t][s] [n '][f '][k'][t'][ s '] [b] [c] [g] [d] [g] [h] [b '] [c '] [g '] [e '] Coal - angle [l / l '], dawns - dawns [r '/ r], glad - mouth [a / o], glad - row [r / r '], ditch-roar [r / r '], brother - ford [a / o], row - poison [r '/y'], beak - key [f / h '], Shura - Yura [w / y '], gesture - eats [w / y '], spend the night - roam [n / k], forge - sings [ku /pa].

There are more sounds than letters: poison, Yura, eats, spend the night, roam, forge, sing.

The letters b, i, u, e, e serve to indicate the softness of the previous consonants.

1) Railway siding, volume of the ball, immense space, disconnect the wire, present documents, drive up to the shore, pre-anniversary of StudyPort.ru naya preparation.

2) Crow's nest, hovering over the roof, hitting the rocks, true friends, sewing a suit, drinking water, send a courier, someone's footprints, nightingale trills, climbing plants, Colorful scarf, learn songs, a prerequisite, save money.

Rule: dividing hard and soft characters (b is written after the prefix before the root; b - at the root).

Separating b and b indicate the presence of a sound [y '] before the vowel.

Summer threw off the green (green) caftan, The larks whistled to their heart's content.

Autumn (autumn), dressed in a yellow fur coat, Walked through the forests with a whisk (brooms).

To enter as a zealous mistress In the snowy forest towers (towers) A dandy in a white flyer - Russian ruddy winter!

Rule: writing unstressed vowels at the root of the word (checked by stress).

The highlighted words are used in a figurative sense: caftan, fur coat - foliage; terema - forest.

6 letters, 7 sounds.

1) A rare occurrence - a well-aimed word [t], a catchy color - a daring answer [s], a lightning zigzag - a suburban station [k]. 2) A wonderful landscape is an honest act [sn], an imperious look is a dangerous turn, thick eyelashes [sn], the son's peers are our peers [sn]. 3) Pay for the apartment - rally the ranks [a], shine a lantern - dedicate to your plans [and], (friendly company - cleaning campaign [a]).

Rare (6b., 7stars), well-aimed (6b., 7stars), honest (7b., 6stars), domineering (8b., 7stars), peers (10b., 9stars), pay (7b. ., 6 stars), unite (8b, 7 stars), shine (9b, 8 stars), dedicate (9b, 8 stars), company (8b, 9 stars), campaign (8b, 9 stars). ).

Rules: 1) an unstressed vowel in the root of a word can be checked by using StudyPort.ru to find a full-root word in which this vowel is stressed;

2) an unclear or unpronounceable consonant at the root of a word can be checked by choosing a single-root word in which there is a vowel after this consonant.

Unverifiable: station - railway station, eyelashes - eyelash, peers - peers, peers - peers, company - sociable, campaign.

Phrases: the same age as mom, were peers.

Excessive luxury (n. f.r.), rude lies (n. f.r.), truthful speech (n. f.r.), disinterested help (n.), save time (v., inf.), to take a great interest in sports (verb, inf.); you read (vb, singular, 2 l.) a book, you catch (vb, singular, 2 l.) fish, you swim (vb, singular, 2 l.) in the sea; cut off (verb, imperative) bread, eat (verb, command) soup, appoint attendants (verb, imperative).

Adverbs: wide open, away, backhand.

I. A new (kapron) cloak, an elegant brooch, bitterness of resentment, a series of failures, a sharp turn, a slight trembling, feel falseness, perform carcasses, black ink, burning frost, kindle a fire, warn against mistakes, have a little fun, cut your hair neatly, go away , hit backhand, fall backwards, the sky is all over in clouds, take revenge, unnecessary luxury, save the necessary things, open doors wide open, cut lilac branches, get carried away reading, provide first aid, the joy of unexpected meetings.

II. You go to bed early, and in the morning you slowly get up, wash yourself, and run to the river. Cast your line and wait for the bite. You forget a little, doze off - you look, but the worm is gone. It's a shame, even cry. You get angry, then you take it and plant a new bait. Waiting again.

StudyPort.ru 1. Being. (daughter) 1. Existing. plural including (cloak, a lot of clouds) 2. In verbs (eat, take care) 2. Short adjectives (odorous) 3. Adverbs for w and h (+ wide open) 3. Adverbs for w (except wide open) The coachman galloped, but kept looking at East. The horses ran together. The wind meanwhile grew stronger by the hour. The cloud turned into a white cloud, which rose heavily, grew and gradually enveloped the sky.

The ripening rye turns yellow. Grass dries quickly. An hour passes, then another. The still air blazes with prickly heat.

The stems are made up of a prefix, a root, and a suffix.

I. The wind blowing flames, develop speed, tar skis, fasten sails, grind teeth in pain, try on a dress, reconcile opponents, unite people.

II. Make a request, put a letter in an envelope, the location of the rooms;

careful touch, touch the table with your hand; get badly burned, tanned athlete; juniper thickets, overgrown with grass, older age, grew up in the village, grown seedlings, sprouts (excl.) new; erase a record, rub the floor, lay out a carpet, lock the apartment, shine with dew, harvest, freeze for a moment, kindle a fire.

Letters are missing at the root of words.

In the first part: an unstressed vowel at the root of the word. In the second part: alternating vowels in the root of the word.

Fix - run (prefix - root - suffix).

Sails - the sea (root).

Request - struggle (root, suffix).

Tanned - sick (prefix - root - suffix).

Fasten, sail, unite, strongly, tanned.

I. Wool, wool, yellow, yellowish, whispers, whisper, shuttle, shuttle, dandy, flaunt, cheap, cheap.

II. Leg, legs, boat, river, wolf cub, cockerel, peas, hook, sand, canvas, nomadic, spending the night, uprooting, indignant, kindled, smoked, scientist, argue passionately, speak louder.

III. Locust, doctor, pencil, stranger, big.

IV. Fresh, bakes, guards, burns, kindles.

StudyPort.ru O - E (E) after sizzling I. Without stress - E.

II. Under stress:

1. At the root of the word - Yo, if you can pick up a single-root word with E.

2. In suffixes and endings of verbs - Y.

3. In suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives - O.

Jump - jump, suburb - city, independent - dependent - prefix method.

Guitarist - guitar, spring - spring, dance - dance - suffix way.

Employee - labor, underground - earth, sadness - sadness - prefixed-suffixal.

Khlebozavod - bread + plant - addition of bases with the help of a connecting vowel.

Moscow State University (Moscow State University), university (higher educational institution) - addition of abbreviated bases.

Salary - wages, sports club - sports club - addition of parts of the bases of words (without connecting vowels).

There is also a non-suffix way (green - green) and the transition from one part of speech to another (ordinary fighter; private from the neighboring part - adj. in creatures.).

1) Drummers, autumn (suffix way).

2) Run up, failure (additional method).

3) Disperse, partner (adjective-suffix).

4) Reinforced concrete, nuclear-powered ship (addition of bases with the help of the conjunct vowel O).

5) All-terrain vehicle, machine gun (addition of the basics with the help of the conjunct vowel E).

6) Dizzy (addition of bases with simultaneous addition of a suffix).

Touch (incomplete action), seaside (proximity), adjective (attachment), ghost (meaning unclear), land on the moon (attachment), ponder (incomplete action), coastal (proximity to shore), attachment (attachment), attach (attachment), burnt (incomplete action).

Wise (very), excellent (very), crime (re-), beautiful (very), overcome (re-), overcome (re-), pretty (very), evil-evil (very), barrier (re-) .

If the prefix denotes attachment, approximation, proximity, or StudyPort.ru an incomplete action, then this is the prefix at-.

Land (join) in the steppe, open the door (incomplete action), interrupt negotiations (re-), join the conversation (join), think about the book (incomplete action), exceed (re-) the norm, station square (proximity to the station) , funny (very) adventure, overcome an obstacle, neglect danger, say hello, explain the reason for being late, transformation (re-) of the earth, see a ghost, beautiful lady (very), adjective ..

If the prefix denotes attachment, approach, proximity, or incomplete action, then this prefix is ​​attached.

If the prefix is ​​close in meaning to the word very or to the prefix re-, then this prefix is ​​pre-.

1. -chik: Carver, oiler, ranger, storyteller, defector, carrier, rocket man, copyist.

2. -schik: Chaser, cheater, cheerleader, racer.

The general meaning of suffixes is the designation of people by the nature of their occupations or actions.

Rule: for nouns denoting people by the nature of their occupations or actions, after the consonants d, t, z, s, zh, the suffix -chik is written;

after other consonants -shchik.

Presidium meeting, presidential decree, priority in considering the issue, have privileges.

The branch of the science of language that studies the origin of words is called etymology.

a) Clean up the mess, backstory of the novel, safe passage, ultra-sensitive film, rake hay, arrange furniture, calculate the cost of repairs, travel all over the country, spend money.

b) A tired loader, a young bricklayer, a lemon drink, a leather bag, cranberry juice, an old carpet, a low room, a sailor's dance, French, report to the commander, participate in the competition, honor the winners, feel joy;

c) Wash the window sill, cloudless day, wall calendar, seaside park.

d) Timber rafting, local historian, granary, land management, pedestrian, agricultural, factory, yellow-winged, yellow-red, StudyPort.ru bluish-gray, German-Russian, light blue.

Prehistory - history (prefix).

Disorder - order (prefixed).

Loader - cargo (suffixal).

French - French (suffixal).

Responds - responds, responds.

Spheres - areas, sites, segments.

The thought expressed in the text is confirmed by the appearance of new words in our language - computer, cloning, genetic engineering, server, domain, etc.

Scientific style, because special words are used, the results of research activities are expressed.

I. 1) The fish did not say anything, only splashed its tail on the water and went into the deep sea. 2) Profound silence reigned all around. 3) It rained, and even with a squall, and refreshed the atmosphere. 4) The development of each person is influenced by the entire social atmosphere in which he is destined to live.

Deep sea - the word deep in the sense of "extended or far located in the direction from top to bottom."

Deep silence - the word deep in the meaning of "having reached the fullness of its manifestation, the highest limit."

Atmosphere - a gaseous shell that surrounds the Earth and some other planets.

Public atmosphere - the surrounding conditions, the situation.

II. They lit up - became bright.

Chilled - withered from the cold.

They babble - rustle the leaves.

III. Goes! - Fine! Agreed!

There is a suit - it looks good on the figure.

There is a street - stretches.

There is a tram - the tram route runs along this street.

Goes to the goal - does everything to achieve what he wants.

Words that have several lexical meanings are called polysemantic (for example, a comb is an object for combing hair, and the top of a mountain, and the top of a wave, and a fleshy growth on the head of a rooster).

Silence, sky and steppe! And in this boundless steppe, people created a cosmodrome.

On the night of April 11-12, 1961, we did not sleep. At 3 o'clock, the final checks of all the ship's systems began.

StudyPort.ru Exactly on schedule, a bus with astronauts appears and approaches almost to the carrier rocket itself. Yuri Alekseevich approaches a group of leaders and, raising his hand to a pressure helmet, reports:

- Comrade Chairman of the State Commission, Senior Lieutenant Gagarin is ready to fly on the world's first spacecraft Vostok!

The text refers to the first manned flight into space.

New words that appear in the language are called neologisms.

The text belongs to the journalistic style.

t - [t ’] - acc., deaf, soft. o - [o] - vowel, ud.

e - [e] - vowel, ud.

p - [p '] - acc., deaf., soft.

4 sounds, 5 letters Image makers did everything to make their ward look great. How do relatively simple ideas and principles of franchising lead to effective business development?

Once, at the beginning of autumn, Kirila Petrovich was getting ready to go to the outfield. The day before, an order had been given to the kennel and aspirants to be ready by five o'clock in the morning. The tent and kitchen were sent forward to the place where Kirila Petrovich was to dine. The owner and guests went to the kennel, where more than five hundred hounds and greyhounds lived in contentment and warmth, glorifying the generosity of Kiril Petrovich in their dog language. There was also an infirmary for sick dogs under the supervision of the head doctor Timoshka ... Kirila Petrovich was proud of this wonderful institution and never missed an opportunity to brag about it to his guests, of whom each examined it at least for the twentieth time.

It is impossible to find synonyms for those words that designate such objects and concepts that are no longer present in the life of modern people (that is, they are completely outdated). These are words such as the outgoing field, stirrups, psari, kennel.

You can pick up synonyms: infirmary - hospital; staff doctor - doctor, veterinarian; sim - by this; onym - to them; which - which.

The text belongs to the journalistic style (with elements of colloquial).

Pokes - indicates; laugh - laugh; roar - cries; hop - times;

gobbled up - ate; a Papuan fisherman is a native; lousy - fragile; dragged - suffered.

StudyPort.ru 1) Cold, frost, cold (general - cold weather; differences - degree of cold); 2) to want, to strive, to crave (general - to desire something; differences - a greater or lesser degree of desire); 3) polite, amiable, delicate (general - upbringing; differences - different aspects of the expression of upbringing); 4) mistake, oversight, slip (general - wrong action; differences - wrong action in different qualities);

5) damp, wet, damp (general - soaked in water; differences - greater or lesser degree of humidity); 6) catch fire, flare up, blaze (general - defeat by fire; differences - different nature of the onset of ignition); 7) spring, spring (general - spring season; differences - more or less literary); 8) think, think, reflect (general - thought process; differences - different degrees of depth of the thought process).

It was snowing outside.

If the dog's nose is wet and cold, it means that he is healthy.

The weather was damp and chilly throughout the autumn.

1) A heavy and strong fish rushed under the shore. I started to bring her to clean water. - Tishin shouted that he would bring to light all the braggarts and arrogants. 2) Do as you like, Konstantin Alekseevich, I wash my hands. You will be responsible for everything. - Ivan Ilyich began to wash. He washed his hands and face with rest, brushed his teeth.

Bring to clean water - expose the deceit; see through.

I wash my hands - stop taking part in any event; exit the game; step back.

Phraseologism is a stable combination of words used to name individual objects, signs, actions. The phraseologism as a whole has a lexical meaning, for example: to beat the buckets - “to mess around”.

Phraseologism in a sentence is one member of the sentence.

Phraseologisms are used in everyday speech, in works of art, in journalism. They give expressiveness to the statement, serve as a means of creating imagery.

1) His heart was pounding as if he ran at full speed (colloquial style) several miles. 2) When I retire, I will burn my ships (book style). Lukashin liked the factory at first sight (colloquial style). 3) Get one thing on your nose (colloquial style): you need more exposure. 4) On the way to Vyoshenskaya, they started talking about the current situation and very quickly found a common language (bookish style). 5) From the surviving logs in a hurry (colloquial style), they put together a hut, covered it with a hemp. 6) A cold wind blew, the abyss of heaven opened up (book style), rivers flooded meadows and roads. 7) The cat wept for the goods (colloquial style). Chance gave me the opportunity to pay my last debt (bookish style) to my friend. 8) Artillery will certainly not lose face (colloquial style).

StudyPort.ru Book style - uplift to heaven; sing praises; pour, as from a cornucopia; his Achilles heel.

Conversational style - bosom friend; disservice; trample into the mud; skillful fingers; lead by the nose.

Puzzle over a task, work carelessly, work tirelessly, completely lose heart, make an elephant out of a fly, be able to keep your mouth shut, lose your temper, get together in a hurry, do it reluctantly, confuse.

1) The theme of protecting the native land runs like a red thread through our epics. 2) Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky did a disservice to the mayor.

3) Constant epithets play an important role in the works of folk art. 4) Polar stations have made a great contribution to the development of the Arctic. 5) Throughout the work, the thought of love for the Motherland runs like a red thread. 6) Immediately after Dubrovsky's arrival, life on the estate began to thrive.

Have you ever seen a titmouse dance? At first, I myself thought that this only happens in a fairy tale. One day, about eight o'clock in the morning, I went out into the street and stopped at the porch. Ah, what an extraordinarily bright, high sky was overhead! I admired the sky and suddenly heard an amazing bird song. Guessed that the tit-grasshopper sings. Where is she? I looked around at the tall poplars and saw a bird on a long bare bough.

But has she gone mad? Titmouse jumped along the branch, turned around in the air. Only the tail flickered. And all the time she sang: "Chick-chick, chick-chick."

Independent parts of speech: 1. Noun - titmouse, sky.

2. Adjective - bright, high. 3. Numeral name - eight.

4. Pronoun - you, I, myself 5. Verb - dances, thought. 6. Adverb - at first, once.

Service parts of speech: 1. Preposition - in, on, over. 2. Union - and, but.

3. Particle - whether or not.

Interjections are marked in italics in the text.

An interjection is a special part of speech that expresses, but does not name, various feelings and impulses. Interjections are not included in either independent or auxiliary parts of speech. Interjections do not change and are not part of the sentence.

N.F. - dance.

Fast. recognition: inconsistent appearance, non-transitional, 1 ref.

Non-post. confession: exc. inc., present vr., unit, 3 l.

Titmouse (what is he doing?) is dancing.

In a fairy tale (wh e m?) - creatures.

StudyPort.ru N.f. - fairy tale.

Fast. confession: inanimate, common name, female, 1 class

Non-post. confession: suggestion fall, unit

Happens (d e?) in a fairy tale.

Amazing (song) - adj.

N.f. - amazing.

Fast. recognition: qualities.

Non-post. acknowledgment: s.ch., w.r., wine. pad.

The song (kak y?) is amazing.

Pushkin (adj.) Museum-Reserve (ex.) in the Pskov region (ex.) - the first memorial (adj.) Pushkin (adj.) Museum (ex.) in our country (ex.). It was founded more than seventy years (ex.) ago, March 17 (ex.), 1922 (ex.).

Mikhailovskoye (adj.), Trigorskoe (adj.), Saints (adj.) (now Pushkin (adj.)) beings.) poet (beings.).

Much of what Pushkin (ess.) wrote later in St. Petersburg (ess.), Moscow (ess.), Boldino (ess.) was conceived here, in Pskov (adj.) solitude (ess.).

Pushkin (ess.) was never the owner (ess.) of Mikhailovsky (ess.), was not a feudal landowner (ess.). But he deeply loved “his village (ess.) on Parnassus (ess.)”, dreamed of leaving “swine (adj.) Petersburg (ess.)”, settling forever in the Pskov region (ess.) and living among his native (adj.) nature (beings) and simple (adj.) people (beings). The dreams (being) of Pushkin (being) were not destined to come true. Shortly before his death (ess.), as if anticipating his end (ess.), Pushkin (ess.) bought himself a piece (ess.) of land (ess.) in the village (ess.) Svyatogorye (ess.), where he bequeathed to bury one's "insensible (adj.) body (beings)".

In life (wh e m?) - a noun.

N.f. - life.

Fast. confession: inanimate, common name, female gender, 3 cl.

Non-post. confession: suggestion fall, unit

Played a role (in what?) in life.

Shred (what?) - creatures.

N.f. - shred.

Fast. recognition: inanimate, nat., male, 2 cl.

Non-post. acknowledgment: vin. fall, unit

I bought (what?) a piece.

In the village (d e?) - creatures.

N.f. - village.

Permanent confession: inanimate, common name, female, 1 class

Non-post. confession: suggestion pad., in units

Bought (d e?) In the village.

StudyPort.ru N.f. - first.

Fast. recognition: ordinal, simple.

Non-post. confession: im. pad., sing., masculine genus.

Museum (how about th?) First.

Common morphological features - the adjective agrees with the noun in case, number and gender.

A NOUN is an independent part of speech that combines words denoting objects and animate beings (the meaning of objectivity) and answering the questions who? What? This meaning is expressed using the independent categories of gender, number, case, animateness and inanimateness. In a sentence, nouns mostly act as subject and object, but they can also be other members of the sentence.

An adjective is an independent part of speech that combines words that denote non-procedural features of an object and answer the questions what? whose? This meaning is expressed in non-independent inflectional categories of gender, number and case (perform the grammatical function of agreement). In a sentence, adjectives act as a definition or nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

I (personal) got carried away chasing wild boars and got lost. Nothing (negative) could be seen beyond the forest. I fired (private) several (unspecified) shots into the air, but received no (negative) responses.

Suddenly there was a crackling of boughs and someone's (indefinite) intermittent breathing. Some (indefinite) beast ran towards me (personal). Whom (refers.) could he (personal) be? I (personal) wanted to shoot, but the rifle caught on the vines. I (personal) cried out in a voice that was not my own, and at that (specified) moment I felt the animal lick me. My (attractive) dog has returned. She (personal) carefully took my (pull.) hand with her teeth and began to squeal softly. Without a dog, I (personal) would never (neg.) find the path that (relatively) took me (personal) to the road.

I heard (what about s de l a l?) - a verb.

N.f. - hear.

Fast. recognition: modern view, non-transitional, II ref.

Non-post. recognition: exc. incl., past vr., singular, male genus.

Crack (what did he do?) I heard He screamed (what did he do?) - a verb.

N.f. - scream.

Non-post. confession: exc. incl., past vr., in singular, masculine genus.

PRONOUN - an independent part of speech, which includes words that point to objects, signs, etc., but do not name them. In StudyPort.ru a sentence, pronouns can act as different members of the sentence.

I had to talk with guys who wanted to become physicists. Some of them believed that in physics they should have "five", this is the main thing. In other subjects, you can study as you like. I don't think this is the right decision.

Great scientists have never been narrow specialists. While you are at school, try to determine what area of ​​science you are seriously interested in. Set up experiments on your own, analyze, solve problems, learn to read special books that expand and supplement the school textbook. Develop the ability to focus on what you are doing, learn to persevere in achieving goals, do not be afraid of failure.

In the second part of the text, most of the verbs are used in the imperative mood.

Counted (what d e l a l and?) - a verb.

Fast. - mismatched view, transition, I ref.

Non-post. recognition: exc. incl., past hr., pl.

Some of them (what did they do?) considered (Not) I think (what did you do?) - a verb.

N.f. - think.

Fast. confession: nesov. view, non-transitional, 1 ref.

Non-post. recognition: exc. inc., present vr., units, 1 l.

Learn (what are you doing?) - verb.

N.f. - study.

Fast. - mismatched view, non-transitional, 2 ref.

Non-post. recognition: exc. inc., present vr., pl., 2 y.

You (what are you doing?) are learning.

Interested (what about dela and e t?) - verb.

N.f. - to be interested.

Fast. confession: nesov. view, transition, 1 ref.

Non-post. recognition: exc. inc., present vr., unit, 3 l.

The field of science (what does it do?) is of interest.

A VERB is an independent part of speech that combines words denoting an action and answering the question what to do? what to do? This meaning is expressed in terms of aspect, voice, tense, person, and mood. In a sentence, verbs act mainly as a predicate.

1) Hands will overcome (I ref.) one, and knowledge will overcome (I ref.) thousands. 2) One must study a lot (II question) in order to know a lot (I question). 3) One day before you sowStudyPort.ru eat (I ref.), a week before you reap (I ref.). 4) The horse will break out (I ref.) - you will catch up (II ref.), but you won’t turn back what was said (II ref.). 5) I couldn’t hold on (II question) by the mane, you can’t hold on to the tail (II question). 6) The truth hurts the eyes (I question). 7) Slander that coal: it will not burn (I ref.), it will stain it (I ref.).

8) You can’t fill a bottomless barrel with water (II question). 9) You chase two hares (II question) - you won’t catch a single one (I question).

N.f. - overcome.

Fast. confession: owl. view, transition., I ref.

Non-post. recognition: exc. incl., bud. vr., pl., 3 y.

In the madness Verb endings in I conjugation are written -e-, in II conjugation - -i-. In 3 l. plural in verbs of I conjugation - -ut (-yut), II conjugation - -at - (yat).

Our plane overtakes shoals of migratory birds. The river glistens below. From its old channel, overgrown (communion) with bushes, flocks of geese and ducks rise, frightened (communion) by the approach of an airplane. Having made (general participle) a U-turn, we descend on a platform cleared (communion) in the middle of the forest.

Touching (german) the ground, the plane rolls along a trampled (communion) meadow. At the forest airfield, located (communion) in the wilderness, an old watchman lives. Meeting (general participle) an arriving (participle) plane, he joyfully greets his acquaintances. Before leaving (general participle) from the cockpit, the pilot shouts to his old friend: “How are you, grandfather?”

The river glistens below. (Narrative, unexcused, simple, spread, full) Located - communion.

N.f. - located.

Fast. confession: suffer., past. time, owl. view.

Non-post. confession: suggestion drop, sing., m.p.

At the airport (k a to m?) located.

Arrived - communion.

N.f. - arrived.

Fast. recognition: active, past. time, owl. view.

Non-post. recognition: in wines. drop, sing., m.p.

The plane (how about th?) Arrived.

Touching - gerund.

Rolls (to and to?) Touching.

N.f. - touch.

Owls. view, constant

Rolls (to and to?) Touching.

Meeting - gerund.

StudyPort.ru Welcomes (to and to?) meeting.

N.f. - meet.

Nesov. view, constant

Greets (to and to?) meeting.

Participle formation:

real- suffixes -usch-(yusch) - from suffixes -vsh-, -sh-:

ny voice vb. I ref.: fly - flying - flying, looking passive suffixes -em-, -om- - from suffixes -nn-, -t-, -enn-:

pledge v. I ref.: draw - draw - scanned, washed imperfect - Basis present. temp. + suffixes –a(-ya), -v, -lice, -uchi(-yuchi):

weeping, stealthily, effortlessly perfect infinitive stem + suffixes -vshi, -shi, -a, -я:

1) Phrases with adverbs denoting a sign of action (its time, place, etc.): work until dark (adverb), come after dark (adverb), turn right (adverb), be heard from the left (adverb), act FSUs comradely (adverb), argue passionately (adverb).

sign: in the morning (adverb) fresh, everywhere (adverb) known, in winter (adverb) cold, a little bit (adverb) warm.

3) Phrases with adverbs denoting a sign of an object:

naval pasta (adverb), school opposite (adverb).

It is very difficult to write about obvious things. After all, you all know perfectly well that education is necessary at the present time for every profession.

In this sense, I was very upset that you wrote in your letter “we want” instead of “we want”. It shows that you guys don't read very much. Read more - it's so interesting - and remember that you need education not for school, but for yourself and that being educated is not at all boring, but on the contrary - interesting. (ch. thought) With best wishes. L. Landau.

StudyPort.ru The verbs want and run are different conjugations, i.e. they change not only in the first, but also partially in the second conjugation.

Oh is a suggestion.

Write about (obvious) things (prepositional case).

Simple, unproducible, immutable

It is necessary in the (present) tense (vin. case).

Simple, unproducible, immutable

For is a suggestion.

Necessary for the profession (genus case).

Upset in the sense (prepositional case).

Simple, unproducible, immutable

With wishes (creative case) Simple, non-productive, unchanging.

Subordinate, simple, non-producer, immutable

Compose, simple, non-produced, unchanged.

After all, it is a particle.

Add. value - gain Modal., unchanged.

The general meaning is negation.

Negative, unchanged

1) There was a snowstorm outside, the wind was howling, the shutters were shaking and banging. (Connected with the help of intonation) 2) Soon everything in the house calmed down and fell asleep.

3) Masha wrapped herself in a shawl, put on a warm hood, took her box in her hand and went out onto the back porch. 4) The snowstorm did not subside, the wind blew towards, as if trying to stop the young criminal. (1 and 2 - with the help of intonation, 2 and 3 - with the help of a subordinate union). 5) Vladimir was driving through a field crossed by deep ravines. The blizzard did not subside, the sky did not clear up. (connected with the help of intonation) 6) Little by little the trees began to thin out, and Vladimir drove out of the forest. (with the help of a composition union) 7) It was already light when they reached Zhadrin. (With the help of subordinate.

union). 8) The coachman drove past the place where they drove onto the road, and in this way we found ourselves in an unfamiliar side. (With the help of subordinating and coordinating unions) 9) The storm did not subside, I saw a light and ordered to go there. (Connected using intonation) 10) The day went well, but at night Masha fell ill. (With the help of a coordinating union).

1) I ordered to go to the commandant, and a minute later the wagon stopped in front of a wooden house. 2) I left the wagon and demanded that they take me to the chief. 3) In order to console poor Savelich, I gave him my word that I would never have a single penny at my disposal without his consent. 4) Shvabrin came up to me with a tray, but I turned away from him a second time. 5) With his usual sharpness, he, of course, guessed that Pugachev was dissatisfied with him. 6) One of the foremen gave him [Pugachev] a bag of copper money, and he began to throw handfuls of them. 7) My heart ached when we found ourselves in a long-familiar room. 8) It was obvious that Savelich was right before me. 10) I went out with Shvabrin, discussing what we had heard.

4) but. - a compound sentence with the conjunction but.

5) , (what...). - a complex sentence with the union what.

6), and. - a compound sentence with the conjunction and.

7) , (when...). - a complex sentence with the union when.

There is no logic in this text, the sentences are not connected with each other.

So conventionally called the ability of living organisms to navigate in time. People have long noticed that many living organisms determine time very accurately. They can find out the time of sea tides, lunar and annual cycles. At a certain time, birds wake up, a bee flies for a bribe, predators go hunting. The biological clock helps animals make periodic migrations on time and accurately. Without knowing the time, animals would not be able to find enough food for themselves, to adapt to the change of seasons. Watch any animal and you will see that it has the strictest daily routine.

The processes inside the organism of animals also obey certain rhythms. There are regular cycles of building new molecules, processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain, secretion of gastric juice, heartbeat, and respiration.

Plants also have certain rhythms of life. They can be observed in cell division, metabolism, seed germination, flowering, opening and closing of flowers, nectar secretion.

StudyPort.ru There are no unnecessary professions. Imagine that tomorrow there will not be a single seller behind the counters of stores, or, say, all cars will lose their drivers. So, there will be only one or two fewer professions, and what unpleasant consequences this will cause, how much more complicated and difficult our life will be! Trust me, it's the same with any other profession. If they are, then they appeared under the influence of necessity. Therefore, they are irreplaceable, people need them and must be regularly replenished with fresh forces. It is an honor to be a turner, a tram driver, a cook, and a high-altitude fitter...

To make the right decision, you need to be able to navigate the variety of professions that modern industry, Agriculture and services are offered to young men and women entering into life. As the poet said: "All works are good, choose according to your taste."

The main idea of ​​the text is the importance and necessity of all existing professions.

The desert road entered the forests. Red autumn rushed around.

The forests were rusty, they were covered with yellow mold ... (Description) The car rustled sleepily along the flinty road, the wind rustled sleepily in the radiator, the passengers dozed ... (Narration) Through drowsiness we saw in the north a ridge of red mountains covered with wrinkles. There was not a single blade of grass on the mountains, as if a cheerful vegetation cover had been removed from the earth. (Description) The car was rolling, and its uniform movement caused simple and calm thoughts. All the attractiveness of the earth lies in the animal and flora. Both worlds have been studied by us almost to perfection, but contact with them always leaves a feeling of mystery. Mysterious and therefore beautiful are the dark thickets of forests, the depths of the seas; the cry of a bird and the crackling of a tree bud bursting from the warmth are mysterious. The solved riddle does not kill the excitement caused by the spectacle of the earth. The more we know, the stronger the will to live. (Reasoning) The highlighted words are used in a figurative sense.

I. Now near the front door [in A.P. Chekhov's office] to the right is a bookcase. There are a few knick-knacks on the mantelpiece and a beautifully made model of a sailing schooner. On the walls are portraits of Tolstoy, Grigorovich, Turgenev. On a separate small table, on a fan-shaped stand, there are many photographs of artists and writers. (Description) II. The next day, at the appointed time, I was already behind the stacks, waiting for my opponent. Soon he also appeared. “We might be caught,” he told me, “we must hurry.” We took off our uniforms, remained in the same camisoles and drew our swords. (Narration, art style) III. Atmospheric air, in addition to nitrogen and oxygen, also contains a very small amount of carbon dioxide, a few ten-thousandths. This carbonic acid consists of carbon and oxygen. Therefore, this colorless gas, which does not differ in appearance from air, contains coal particles.

(Reasoning, scientific style) 49 (42).

Children, you didn’t receive any telegram without me?.. Answer, tormentors!.. That’s where my death is!.. That’s who, of course, will bring me to the grave! Yes, you stop buzzing and tell me plainly how it was.

This text reflects the signs of a conversational style.

Death is death; bring to the grave - kill; buzz - make noise; really - in detail, in detail.

In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians are required to follow the signals of a traffic light or a traffic controller.

In places where traffic is not regulated, pedestrians may only cross the carriageway after they have judged the distance to approaching vehicles and their speed and made sure that they do not interfere with their movement.

The text refers to the official business style, because. its purpose is to convey accurate information. The text is written in one of the genres of official business style - instruction. The text is characterized by the utmost precision of expressions, excluding different interpretations.

Oceans are large semi-isolated parts of the World Ocean, |separated from each other by continents|. Consequently, each ocean is bounded by the shores of the continents and some conventional line, preferably along the shortest distance between the continents. Within such boundaries, the ocean is a kind of unity - a compact mass of water and a group of oceanic depressions. Like the continents, the three largest oceans have a wide variety of physical and geographical conditions.

Text style - scientific.

I. The name of Yuri Gagarin has gone down in history forever. It marks the beginning of a new era - the era of human space exploration.

His feat embodies all the best that has been created by the human mind from ancient times to the present day, this feat, as they say, is inscribed in history in golden letters.

II. We are entering an age in which knowledge will play a decisive role in the fate of man. Without knowledge it will be impossible to work.

Teaching is what a young person needs from a very young age.

You must always learn. Until the end of his life, not only taught, but also studied all the major scientists. The most favorable time for learning is youth.

It is in youth that the human mind is most receptive ...

Do not waste time on trifles! Take care of yourself for learning, for StudyPort.ru acquiring useful knowledge and skills...

Try to find in each item the joy of acquiring a new one!

Learn to love learning!

These texts belong to the journalistic style. Its purpose is to influence the listener. Here, solemn words, emotionally colored words, exclamations, appeals to the reader are widely used (in addition to neutral ones).

I. I began to think about what surrounds me early. The flights of dragonflies, the life of the underwater kingdom of the Valova River, in which there were elegant redfins and golden lines, the laws of river currents that made whirlpools whirl and long strands of algae wriggle serpentine - everything was so wonderful, full of mysterious meaning.

II. Much more can be written about the Meshchersky region. You can write that this region is very rich. But I don't write about it on purpose. Are we supposed to love our land just because it is rich? Not only for this we love our native places! We also love them for the fact that, even if they are not rich, they are beautiful for us. I love the Meshchersky region because it is beautiful, although all its charm is not revealed immediately, but very slowly, gradually.

Type of speech - reasoning.

1) The end of the school year.

2) Travel fees.

3) Fun trip.

4) Lake in the forest.

5) Return home.

So the school year is over! It was long and hard, but the holidays came, and my class and I decided to go for a walk in the woods to sing songs together by the fire, eat baked potatoes, play games, or just talk.

In the early morning, everyone gathered at the school, where a small bus was already waiting for us, on which was written "Beware of the children!"

The bus inside turned out to be spacious and we sat comfortably on the soft seats. At the request of the driver, one of us sang our favorite song, and the whole class joined in the cheerful chorus.

Soon the bus left the highway and drove along a country road until it stopped at the edge of a small forest of young fir trees. For some time we did different things: someone collected dry branches for a fire, someone began to cook simple food, someone had already started playing catch-up, someone lay down on soft grass to read a book.

Suddenly, one of the girls emerged from the dense fir trees and called everyone to follow her. It turned out that a wonderful lake was hiding behind a row of trees. It looked extraordinary! Grass, trees and the sky with clouds running across it were reflected in the black-black still water of StudyPort.ru. The land of the banks was some kind of red-brown color. The combination of colors and the tranquility of the lake made a great impression on us. “A real miracle of nature,” said our class teacher. We did not disturb the silence around us. We returned to the fire and had a fun day that flew by very quickly. We returned back at dusk, and the driver drove the bus carefully, turning on slowly slow music. And I was driving and kept remembering our miracle of nature ... I. 1) The picture shows an autumn forest.

2) In the foreground, the viewer sees the descent of the ravine.

3) In the background of the picture is a lake or a river.

4) We can say that the picture depicts Karelia, in a flat landscape and wetlands.

6) The artist chose an elongated format of the picture to convey the surrounding space, the eye covers more space.

7) The artist expressed his love for nature, a subtle sense of the world around him with his landscape.

8) The painting impressed me as a vivid and wonderful work of art.

Considering the picture of V.V. Meshkov "Golden Autumn in Karelia", you feel the author's enthusiastic attitude to the world around him. The elongated horizontal format of the canvas conveys the vast expanse of the poetic landscape. The composition also includes tall, severe pines, a chain of lakes in the background, and boulders in the foreground. The whole picture is made in gold-ocher colors. Only the autumn sky was frowned with gray clouds. The picture conveys all the colors of autumn of a beautiful place on Earth.

Elect to the presidium of the meeting, privileges for large families, privileges for veterans, meeting with war and labor veterans, our peers and peers, pursuing their interests, future profession, good specialty, timely signal, architect's project, white columns.

At the institute they teach me my future profession. I will be an engineer - this is a good specialty.

To pursue (what about de l and t?) - verb.

N.f. - chase.

Nesov. view, transition., I ref., in indef. form.

(What to do?) pursue.

With veterans (with whom?) - creatures.

StudyPort.ru N.f. - veteran.

Non-post. acknowledgment: creative. fall, pl.

Meeting (with e m?) With veterans.

Veterans is a noun.

Veterans (to o g o?) - creatures.

N.f. - veteran.

Fast. confession: soul, nat., husband. genus, 2 cl.

Non-post. recognition: genus. fall, pl.

Privileges (to o g o?) Veterans.

Future - communion.

N.f. - future.

Fast. - really., present. time, nesov. view.

Non-post. recognition: im.pad., sing., in f.r.

Profession (how can I?) Future.

Ours is a pronoun.

Peers (h and?) Ours.

Fast. tag: possessive.

Non-post. recognition: im.pad., pl.

Peers (h and?) Ours.

Architecture is the art of designing and constructing buildings and other structures in accordance with their purpose, technical capabilities and aesthetic views of society.

Erect - build, construct.

Sculpture is a work of art of creating three-dimensional or relief images (statues, busts, bas-reliefs, etc.) by modeling, carving or casting.

Intricate - not immediately clear; difficult.

High relief - a type of relief sculpture in which the convex part of the image protrudes above the background plane by more than half of its volume.

Ornament - an artistic ornament, a pattern, which is characterized by a rhythmic arrangement of geometric or stylized plant and animal elements of the pattern.

Architect - builder, architect.

Architecture - the art of designing and building buildings; architecture.

Russian architecture is distinguished by sophistication. The temple was erected by Russian architects in the XII century. The author of these sculptures was fond of antiquity. Intricate patterns add dimension to this bronze high relief.

This great architect, considered the founder of Russian architecture, became famous for his intricate ornaments.

StudyPort.ru The theme is the triumphant acre, its history and destiny. The subject of the text corresponds to the title. The type of speech is a description with narrative elements.

Chain link. The triumphal arch opens to your eyes unexpectedly. At its top is a cast-iron chariot of Glory, in which the goddess of Victory proudly stands. ... The monument is decorated with bronze high reliefs “The Expulsion of the Gauls from Moscow”, “The Beating of “Twelve Languages”, “Liberated Moscow”.

Between them are figures of severe warriors in armor, allegorical female figures, symbolizing firmness, courage and glory.

Gall is French. "Twelve languages" - many languages.

The triumphal arch opens to the eye when you enter Moscow from the direction of Filey. You immediately remember that it was built in honor of Russia's victory over Napoleon's troops in the war of 1812. The building is crowned by a composition of six racing horses and a driver with a laurel wreath in his hand. Below, between the dark columns against the background of white facing slabs, there are statues of ancient warriors. The whole building represents the pride and triumph of the winners.


7. Structure and grammatical meaning of phrases.

1) Reliable (adj.) friend (n.), interesting (adj.) book (n.), good (adj.) doctor (n.), work (adj.) experience (n.), genuine (adj.) document (noun); 2) very (adverb) interesting (adjective), spring-like (adverb) fresh (adjective); 3) build (verb) a polyclinic (n.), overcome (the main thing - verb) difficulties (n.), answer (v.) questions (n.).

1) The main word is the subject.

Concrete (adj.) pillars (n.), wooden (adj.) feather rod (n.), talented (adj.) play (n.), ingenious (adj.) scientist (n.), desperate (participle) courage (n. vit.), trip (n.) to the mountains (n. with a preposition).

2) The main word is a sign.

Very (adverb) skillful (adj.), extremely (adverb) captivating (adj.), desperately (adverb) bold (adj.) 3) The main word is action.

Prepare (verb) a report (n.), buy (verb) a StudyPort.ru brochure (n.), draw (verb) in ink (n.), tell (verb) about a trip (n. with a preposition), drive up (verb) to the lake (noun with a preposition), to rise (verb) because of the forest (noun with a preposition), to appear (verb) from behind the mountains (noun with a preposition).

Wide trousers, very handsome, be bold.

1) adjective + noun:

Beautiful dress, blue jacket, brilliant success. New car.

2) Exist. + Exist. in the river P.

Brother's jacket, father's briefcase, builders' song, eagle's nest. Friend's notebook.

3) Ch. + n. in c. P.

4) Main + noun in tv. P.

Chop with an ax, write with a pencil, draw with paints. Drive a carriage.

5) adverb + ch.

Run fast, swim well, grumble angrily. Look gloomy.

6) adv. + adv.

Overcast in autumn, very dark. Very bad.

7) Exist. + Exist. in the river n. with a suggestion. from.

Nylon thread, foam rubber mat. Flour dough.

8) Ch. + noun in dates P.

Applaud the artists, object to the speaker. Pay the seller.

9) Ch.+ adv.:

Return dark, come today, get up early. Get dressed quickly.

10) Ch. + n. in tv. P.

Manage a ship, lead a brigade, command a squadron. Move the workers.

11) Adv. + noun:

Close to the coast, good for health. Damp from the rain.

1) Director's phone, teacher's pen, scientist's argument. 2) Call the secretary, fire up the stove, read the newspaper. 3) Print with sealing wax, cut out StudyPort.ru with scissors, sing a song. 4) Creeping fog, red flag, new sundress. 5) A paint can, a bottle of lemonade, a bucket of water. 6) Return from the rain, swim away from the shore, evade responsibility, look out from behind the fence. 7) Get out of the ground, look out from under the canopy.

noun), work report (noun + noun in the noun with a preposition), review of the book (noun + noun in the noun with a preposition), article review (noun + noun in vin. falling with a preposition), awarded (short adverb + nouns in the genus falling), worthy of respect (short adj. + nouns in the genus falling).

II. To believe in people (v. + noun. in dat pad. without preposition), faith in people (n. + noun. in vin. pad. with preposition), self-confidence (n. + noun. in prepositional pad. with preposition) , true to his ideals (adj. + n. in Dan. pad.

without a preposition), to be afraid of the beast (v. + n. in the gen. pad. without a preposition), dangerous for me (cl. adj. + places in the gen. pad with a preposition), love of books (n. + n. dat. fall. with a preposition), in love with books (adv. + noun in wine. fall. with a preposition).

a) Age-old traditions, traditional meetings, our contemporaries, ideals of youth, a true friend (points to the object and its sign), accurate calculation, known since childhood, very attentive (points to the sign of the sign), socially useful, vital, dosh x toy respect, extremely shy, second member, third from left.

b) Participate in a campaign, honor veterans (indicates the action and the object to which it goes), correctly calculate (indicates the action and its sign).

c) Extremely pleasant, early in the morning.

Honor veterans: v. + n. in wine pad. without preposition;

StudyPort.ru true friend: adj + noun;

known since childhood: par. + n. in the genus pad. with a suggestion;

the second of the participants: order. num. + n. in the genus pad. with a suggestion;

third from left: order. num. + nar.;

very attentive: adv. + adj.;

respectable: adj. + n. in the genus fall without preposition;

extremely shy: nar + adj.

1) Experienced (adj.) mentor, eighth (order number) grade, first (num.) scholarship, grandmother's (adj.) advice, our (pronoun) future. When the main word changes, the dependent word also changes.

2) Fill out a questionnaire (noun), think about the future (with a preposition), agree with it (pronoun with a preposition), agree with the facts (noun with a preposition), known to the audience (ess.). Changing the main word does not change the dependent word.

3) Persistently (adv.) to convince, know by heart (adv.), very (adv.) persistent, summery (adv.) hot.

Changing the main word does not change the dependent word.

Raise the flag (noun) (connection by ending), live on the seaside (noun with a preposition) (connection with a preposition and ending), walk along the alley (noun with a preposition) (connection with a preposition and ending), work at an electric station ( noun with a preposition) (connection with a preposition and ending), walk along a hill (noun with a preposition) (connection with a preposition and ending), seal with sealing wax (ess.) (connection with an ending), make hastily (adverb) (connection by meaning) , dress in winter (adverb) (connection by meaning), play the piano (noun with a preposition) (connection by preposition and ending), order to return (verb) (connection by meaning), explain slowly (germany) (connection by meaning), this (pronoun.) summer (connection of endings), with the first (numeral) train (connection with preposition and ending), learn about the incident (noun with preposition) (connection with preposition and ending), booming (participle) sea ​​(connection by the end).

StudyPort.ru Tourist (adj.) hike (coordination) - in a tourist (adj.) hike (coordination), first (num.) group (coordination) - first (num.) group (coordination), our (pronoun) team (coordination) - to our (pronounced) team (coordination), every (pronounced) day (cox coordinating) - with every (pronounced) day (coordination); develop the ability to (n.) (management) - developed (participle) child (soh agreement); return from a campaign (noun with a preposition) (management) - return home (adverb.) (adjacency), multiply by two (numeral with a preposition) (management) - double (adverb.) (adjacency), them xia (adjacency) ), to walk talking (germ.) (adjunction), to go on vacation (noun with a preposition) (management) - to leave for treatment (verb) lenie); lead the choir (n.) (management) - the leader of the choir (n.) (management), talk with friends (n. with a preposition) (management), private conversation (adverb.) (adjacency).

As dependent words when adjoining, there can be verbs, gerunds, adverbs.

1) New job - adj. + noun, agreement. Work in a new way - v. + ext., junction. Learn to work - v. + verb, adjoining.

2) Turning to the square - noun. + n. in wine pad. with a suggestion, management.

Turn left - noun. + ext., junction. Left turn - adj. + noun, agreement.

3) Persistent demand - noun. + adj., agreement. Persistently demand - v. + ext., junction. Stand your ground - v. + pronoun.

in the preposition pad. with a suggestion, management.

4) Winter road - adj. + noun, agreement; cold in winter - nar. + adj., junction; leave in the winter - v. + ext., junction.

5) Constantly take care - Nar. + vb., adjoining; constant worries - adj. + n., agreement, to show care – vb. + n. in wine pad. without StudyPort.ru pretext, management.

6) To act (verb) fairly (adverb) - adjunction, fair (adj.) decision (ess.) - agreement, demand (verb) justice (ess.) - management.

Adjectives, numerals, participles, pronouns can be used as dependent words in agreement.

As dependent words in management, there can be nouns, numerals, pronouns (both with and without a preposition).

As dependent words when adjoining, there can be n / f verbs, gerunds, adverbs.

1) Coordination. A slender birch, a built house, the second number, fuck shi children.

2) Management. Love nature, meet you.

3) Adjacency. It is good to see, to live lovingly, to want to live.

I. Checkered scarf - adj. + n., agreement, checkered scarf – n. + n. in wine pad. with a suggestion, management, put on a scarf - vb. + n. in wine pad.

no preposition, management; jump - v. + n. in wine fall without suggestion, control, ski jump - noun. + n. in the genus pad with suggestion, management; trust people - v. + n. v dat pad without suggestion, management, faith in people - noun. + n. in wine pad. with a suggestion, management; gray jacket - adj. + n., agreement, gray from dust – adj. + n. in the genus pad. to rotate at night - v. + nar., junction, late at night - nar. + nar., junction; brave man adj. + n., agreement, desperately brave – ad. + adj., junction; cold in winter - nar. + adj., junction, cold in winter - nar. + ext., junction.

II. Three notebooks (num. + noun, management) - three notebooks (num. + noun, randashami (num. + noun, agreement), two children (num. + noun, management) - two children (num. + noun, agreement), eight athletes (num. + noun, management) - with eight athletes (num. + noun, agreement), fifty rubles (num. + noun, management) - with fifty rubles (num. + noun, management) + noun, agreement).

StudyPort.ru In a loud whisper - coordination, rustle of trees - management, go for luggage - management, catch a bear cub - management, fishhook - coordination, canvas bag - coordination, ferra - management, hotly argue - adjoining, gooseberries - management, new highway - adjoining, boiled milk - agreement.

The spelling of words with missing letters is based on the rule of writing the letters o, e after the sibilants. It is associated with significant parts of the word by the root and suffix.

II. Under stress:

1. At the root of the word - Yo, if you can pick up a single-root word with E.

2. In suffixes and endings of verbs - Y.

3. In suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives - O.

Fishing, gilded, hot.

Fishing - fish + catch + n (addition of bases with simultaneous addition of a suffix).

Gilded - to gild (suffixal).

Hot - hot (suffixal).

I. Worry about your daughter (in p.p.), worry about your brother (in p.p.), warn of danger (in p.p.), warn against a mistake (in p.p.).

II. Confidence in success (in p.p.), faith in victory (in p.p.), fidelity to duty (in risk (in p.p.), attention to people (in p.p.), worthy of attention (in r .p.), received an award (in r.p.).

1) To go in thought (management); walk across the square (control).

2) Inform about the opening (management); on the opening of the exhibition); to the village estate (approval). 6) Tell about StudyPort.ru service (management); about serving in the army (management) 7) Dream about a trip (management); about a trip to the Arctic (management). 8) Stop suddenly (adjacent); stop at a loss (management). 9) Slightly visible (adjacency); be seen in the sky (management). 10) Suddenly appear to curl (adjacent); appear in the distance (control). 11) Slow but descend (adjacent); parachute down (management).

Attend an election rally, listen to a candidate's speech, make an excited speech, hold a delegate election, meet with our deputy, vote for the people's elected representatives.

1) The subject and its sign (noun + noun in r.p. with a sentence from). Milk from a tree, ruby ​​from Cairo, strawberry jam.

2) The action and the subject to which it passes (ch. + noun in ch.).

Respect parents, protect the forest, drink milk.

3) Action and its attribute (ch. + adv.). Leave early, wait a long time, say rashly.

4) The sign and reason for its occurrence (adj. + noun in r.p. with preposition

from: wet with dew). Shy by nature, sweet by sugar, white by snow.

Forest smell - the smell of the forest (an object and its attribute), a bronze statue - a bronze statue (an object and its attribute), a marble monument - a marble monument (an object and its attribute), a swimming pool - a swimming pool (an object and its attribute) , training suit - training suit (object and its attribute); to tell with enthusiasm - to tell enthusiastically (action and its sign), to hold on with dignity - to hold on with dignity (action and its sign), a park by the sea - a seaside park (an object and its sign), a hotel at the station - a station hotel (an object and its sign ), go by the field - go along the field (action and its sign), go along the coast - go along the coast (action and its sign).

Resident of Moscow - a Moscow resident; cardboard box - cardboard box.

Nina walked towards the gate. Heavy dump trucks entered the construction site.

At the gate, Nina was stopped by her grandfather in a short jacket. He saluted and said guiltily that outsiders were not allowed to enter. A little offended, Nina explained that she was not an outsider, and showed her diploma.

StudyPort.ru Half an hour later she was given a pink ticket and entered the construction site.

A slender metal frame, consisting of horizontal steel beams and vertical columns, went high into the sky. Dump trucks with sand, concrete, containers, trucks with reinforced concrete slabs and cast-iron pipes drove in different directions, rattling their steel bodies.

Went to the gate (Vb + noun in Danish with a suggestion, indicates an action and its sign), heavy dump trucks (adj. + noun, indicates an object and its sign), drove into the construction site (n. in vin. pad with preposition + + verb, indicates an action and its attribute), grandfather in a jacket (noun + + noun in preposition pad with prev., indicates an object and its attribute), in a short jacket (adj. + noun in a prepositional case indicates an object and its attribute), stopped at the gate (verb + noun in a generic case with a preposition, indicates an action and its attribute), stopped Nina (verb + noun . in vin. pad without preposition, indicates the action and the object to which it passes).

The text is divided into 3 paragraphs, because in each of them a new thought begins.

salt - noun + n. in tv. pad. with a suggestion, management; cranberry jelly - noun.

Ex. in the genus pad. with a suggestion, management; bookcase - noun. + n. in the genus

pad. with a suggestion, management; water from a spring - noun. + n. in the genus pad. with a suggestion, management; silence of the night - noun. + n. in the genus pad without preposition., management.

Grammatical meaning - indicate the subject and its attribute.

Apple jam - agreement; bean soup - agreement;

cranberry jelly - agreement; bookcase - coordination; spring water - approval; night silence - agreement.

In these phrases, the sign is expressed more specifically.

Quietly (adv.) went down (verb) - an action and its sign (attachment).

Dozing (verb) over the sea (n.) - action and its object (management).

Polar (adj.) night (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement).

In the dark (adj.) abyss (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement) Bright (adj.) stars (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement).

It pours from above (n.) (verb) - action and its place (management).

Bluish (adj.) radiance (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement).

Dead (adj.) silence (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement).

Hanging (verb) over the sea (n.) - action and its place (management).

By a frozen (adj.) sea (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement).

Bluish (adj.) reflection (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement) StudyPort.ru Illuminates (vb.) surface (n.) - an object and its object (control).

Water (adj.) smooth surface (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement) Bluish, smooth surface.

Bluish - blue (suffixal).

Surface - smooth (suffixless).

Loyalty to folk traditions, devotion to the cause, true courage, genuine fearlessness, a talented sculptor, a work of genius, truly folk, a monument to the dead, an obelisk made of granite.

Genuine (adj.) fearlessness (n.) - an object and its sign (agreement).

True (adv.) folk (adj.) - a sign of a sign (adjacency).

Obelisk (n.) made of granite (n.) - an object and its sign (control).


8. Structure and grammatical meaning of sentences 82 (74).

Do you know Ukrainian night? (questioning sentence) Oh, you don't know the Ukrainian night! (narrative exclamation sentence) Look at her. (wake up

preposition) A month looks from the middle of the sky. (narrative suggestion) The immense vault of heaven resounded, moved apart even more immensely. (narrative sentence) He burns and breathes. (narrative sentence) At the end of the sentence, a period, question and exclamation marks are put.

Exclamatory sentences additionally express the emotions (feelings) of the speaker or writer and are pronounced with a special exclamation intonation.

1) I am writing these lines in the village. (Agreement in person and number) 2) There are notes, and there are instruments. (Not agreed) 3) There is a cliff on the Volga. (Not agreed) 4) A storm covers the sky with mist. (Agreement in person and number) 5) Crane nose knock-knock on the plate. (Not agreed) 6) Coastal reeds will make little noise. (Agreement in person and number) 7) Tatyana jumped into another passage. (Not agreed) 8) The pond is already frozen. (Agreement in gender and number) I am writing these lines in the village (n.). (Narrative, non-exclamation, simple, two-part, distribution, full.) N.f. - make noise.

Fast. - modern view, non-transitional, II ref.

StudyPort.ru confession: exc. incl., bud. vr., unit, 3 l.

The reed (what will it do?) will make a noise.

N.f. - freeze.

Fast. confession: owl. view, non-transitional, 1 ref.

Non-post. confession: exc. incl., past time, unit, m.

The rye grew slowly. In the heat and silence, the ears leaned to the ground, as if they had fallen asleep without memory, and the shadow of darkness found on them from the sky and covered them ... Natasha looked around in an unfamiliar field. A distant lightning in anger divided the entire visible world in half, and from there, on the other hand, a dusty whirlwind came under a heavy and slow cloud; there was a thunderclap, at first deaf and fearless, then its sound rolled out and, repeating itself, reached Natasha so close that she felt pain in her heart.

I. 1) The fox sees the cheese, the fox is captivated by the cheese. 2) Choose your friends wisely. When self-interest covers itself with the guise of friendship, it only digs a hole for itself.

3) Bypass us more than all sorrows and master's anger, and master's love! 4) For the clouds, the eagle rose to the top of the Caucasus Mountains. 5) We didn’t want to offend anyone with a fable. 6) The Dnieper is wonderful in calm weather, when it rushes through forests and mountains full of its waters. 7) Do not be lazy to ascribe to the letter what you need. 8) Molchalin would hardly have bored you if you had agreed briefly with him.

Profit is profit.

A face is a look, a mask.

II. In early August, lingonberries ripen in central Russia. (Narrative, true fact) Have you seen this little evergreen shrub? (Questionable, possible fact) His age reaches more than 300 years. (Narrative, real fact) Visit the forest in the summer and look at this centenarian. (Encourages., Desirable fact) Everyone would gladly pick up more lingonberries. (Narrative, desirable fact) But handle the berry picker with care! (Wake up, desired fact) Take care of this wonderful plant! (Wake up, desirable fact) It serves people well. (Narrative, real fact) Everyone would gladly pick up more lingonberries. (Narrative, unexcused, simple, two-part, distributive, unfollowed, complete) May 21, 1937 An unforgettable day. For the first time in the history of the study of the Arctic, a four-engine aircraft descends on drifting ice near the North Pole. On board are four future winterers - four researchers.

For nine months, the head of the polar station Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin, the biologist Pyotr Petr Petrovich Shirshov, the astronomer and magnetologist Evgeny Konstantinovich Fedorov, and the radio operator Ernst Teodorovich Krenkel were supposed to live and work on the ice floe. This drift, which became legendary, was everything: hardship, freezing cold, blizzard fury, risk and uncertainty. Great courage, perseverance, and exceptional devotion to the beloved cause were needed so that the people who remained on the ice floe could overcome all difficulties and achieve success. Four brave winterers brilliantly completed their tasks.

In February 1938, the expedition was removed from the ice floe. Since then, a new word has appeared in the Russian language - papanintsy.

More than half a century has passed since Papanin and his friends began their historical drift. During this time, more than twenty drifting stations were organized on the ice of the Arctic Ocean, but the feat of the Papaninites did not fade in the memory of the people. (The style of the text is journalistic.) Difficulties, difficulties - difficult (suffixal way).

Did you take off - 2 syllables with - [s] - acc., deaf., tv.

n - [n '] - acc., sound, soft.

i - [a] - vowel, percussion.

l - [l ’] - acc., sound, soft.

and - [and] - vowel, bezud.

5 letters, 5 sounds.

Drifting - communion.

Ice (how to and e?) Drifting.

N.f. - drifting.

Fast. recognition: valid, current, mismatched view

Non-post. confession: im. fall, pl.

Ice (how to and e?) Drifting.

Four is a number.

There are (how many?) four (researchers).

N.f. - four.

Fast. recognition: quantity, simple, whole.

Non-post. confession: i.p.

There are (who?) four researchers.

I. There was a truck in the wide street. People worked calmly, quickly, silently. And a young man and a girl stood on the sidelines and talked enthusiastically and selflessly. (narration) The girl in a pink sweater and yellow shoes on her bare feet was large, plump, fair-haired, with dark eyes, dully gleaming like tonsils, slightly oblique. Because she squinted a little, she looked at the young man a little from the side. (Description) II. The young man was long, ungainly, round-shouldered, in a washed-out blue blouse with short sleeves for his long arms, belted with a narrow belt, in gray, brown-striped, shortish trousers and slippers on his bare feet. Long straight dark hair did not obey him, StudyPort.ru, when he spoke, fell on his forehead, on his ears, and every now and then he threw them with a sharp movement of his head. His face belonged to that type of pale faces that almost never take on a tan. In addition, the young man was clearly shy.

But in the expression of his face there was so much natural humor and at the same time hidden, just about ready to flare up inspiration, that it worried the girl: she looked into his face without looking up. (Description) Spore - quickly, harmoniously, amicably.

Silently - quietly, silently, without speaking.

They talked, they talked, they talked.

Passionately - with interest, selflessly.

Long - short.

Dark - light.

Sharp - smooth.

There was a truck in the wide street. (Narrative, non-exclamation, simple, two-part, spread.) Shortish, shortish - short (suffixal method).

Hidden, hidden - to hide (suffix way).

Side - side (additional-suffixal method).

1) Exams (narrative) are going (in expressive tax, at the present time). 2) Who is talking (in indicative inkl., in present time) (questioning)? 3) You do not make noise (in imperative incl.) (prompt.)! 4) Would you come to us (in a conditional incl.) (prompt.). 5) Where will we go (in express. incl., on weekdays) (questioning)? 6) The swimmers were training (in excerpt. incl., in the past time) in the pool (narr.).

I. 1) Come (command. ink.) you to us. (induce.) 2) I would agree (conditional ink.) with your request. 3) Would you go (conditional inf.) to the doctor. (induce.) 4) Did you go (indicative inf.) to the doctor (inquiry)? The swallows soared uneasily.

II. 1) I love (explained) you, Peter's creation, I love (expressed) your strict, slender appearance.

2) Vladimir would have written (conditional tax) odes, but Olga didn’t read them (explained tax).

3) Noise, noise, (command. inc.) obedient sail, Worry (command. inc.) under me, Gloomy ocean. (prompt.) 4) Which writer is in fashion today? (questioning.) 5) The squirrel lives there (expressed. inkl.) manual, Yes, what an entertainer!

6) Who is there? (questioning.) Whose horse is rushing at full speed Across the formidable square (explaining obl.)? (questioning) Creation is a work, a work.

Sail - sail.

StudyPort.ru Today - now, now.

Rushing - running, jumping.

Come (wht about de l and y?) verb.

N.f. - come.

Fast. - inconsistent view, non-transitional, I ref.

Non-post. confession: command. incl., in units, 2 l.

1) The wind does not move. (2 main members) Silence. (1 main member) 2) Late night. (1 main member, there are secondary members) The sea is noisy outside the window. (2 main members, there are secondary members) 3) It was getting dark. (1 main member) The young moon hung like a thin horn over a distant grove. (2 main members, there are secondary members) 89 (79).

I. 1) I remember early, fine autumn. (Two-part., Distributed) 2) The cool silence of the morning is broken by the well-fed cackling of thrushes. (Two-part., Distributed) 3) In the thinned garden, the road to the hut is far visible. (Two-part., Distributed) 4) Everywhere it smells nice of apples. (Single composition, distribution) 5) Until evening, people crowd in the garden. (Two-state, spread) 6) It's getting dark. (One-liner, non-spread) 7) Cheerfully you go home. (Single-track, spread) 8) The echo will roll across the horizon far, far away. (Two-state, spread) II. 1) The wind has picked up. (Two-state, non-spread.) In one minute, the flames engulfed the entire house. (Two-part., dist.) Red smoke hovered over the roof. (Duostat., dist.) Glass crackled... (Duostat., non-distribute.) Sparks flew like a fiery blizzard. (Two-line, dec.) (P.) 2) Once I was walking along the road from the city.

(Double-acting, dist.) It was getting dark. (Single word, non-distributed) 3) The drying leaves smelled of autumn. (Single composition, distribution) 4) Late autumn. (Single composition, distribution) The rooks have flown away. (Two-state, non-spread) III. 1) Night. (Single-state, non-spreading) The machine moves off. (Bi-state, non-distributed) 2) A red flashlight shines in the dark for a long time. (Duostat., dist.) 3) Those gathered go home. (Double-acting, dec.) 4) Where are you going, citizen? (Two-tone, dec.) 5) Martynov picked up the receiver, talked on the phone for a long time. (Two-state, spread) 6) At night, fresh white fluff covered the old crust. (Two-state, distribution) in - [in '] - acc., sound, soft.

s - [s ’] - acc., deaf, soft.

b - does not denote a sound 4 letters, 3 sounds.

1) Skiers are training. You train, skiers. (Appeal) 2) The guys came to the museum. Guys, you come to the museum. (Appeal) 3) The agronomist examined the rye field. A rye field is growing.

The appeal does not affect the prevalence of the sentence, it affects StudyPort.ru on its complexity.

I spent the night on a steppe field the other day. (Narrative) It is almost completely overgrown with tall reeds. (Narrative) A narrow strip of clear water shone in the middle. (Narration.) The dawn slowly faded. (Narration.) The first stars were reflected in calm water. (Narrative) The night would soon pass. (Narrative)!

Before dawn, an alarming duck call woke me up. (Narrative) What were the ducks worried about? (Questions.) Who could disturb them?

(Ask.) Some kind of shadow flashed before my eyes, someone's wings almost touched my face. (Narrative) Owl. (Narrative)! That's who kills the birds at night. (Narrative)! Beware, nocturnal predator! (Narrative) N.f. - pass II. Fast. - modern view, transition, I ref.

Non-post. - in conditional tax, in a single number, in women.

III. The night (what would you do?) would pass.

I. Destroys (what does it do?) - vb.

N.f. - destroy.

II. Fast. - inconsistent view, transition, II ref.

Non-post. - in excerpt, in the present time, in the singular, in the 3rd person III. Who (what is doing?) destroys.

I. Beware (what about de l and y?) - verb.

N.f. - beware.

II. Fast. - mismatched view, transition, I ref.

Non-post. - in the imperative, in the singular, in the 2nd person.

III. (What to do?) beware.

I. I quickly turned around. My eyes fell on a handsome young man in a cap and a wide jacket. (Narration) I liked Gagin immediately (immediately). There are such happy faces in the world: it is pleasant (pleasant) for everyone to look at them, as if they are warming you or stroking you. Gagin had just such a face, sweet, affectionate, with large soft (gentle, pleasant) eyes ... He spoke from such a way that, even without seeing his face, you could feel by the sound of his voice that he was smiling.

(Description) II. The girl whom he [Gagin] called his sister seemed to me at first sight to be very pretty. There was something of her own, special, in the warehouse of her swarthy round face, with a small thin nose, almost childish cheeks and black, light (dark, brown) eyes. She was gracefully built and did not at all resemble her brother ....

(Description) StudyPort.ru I have not seen a creature more mobile (inactive). Not for a moment did she sit still; she got up, ran to the ladies and ran again, often (occasionally, often) laughed in a low voice, and in a strange way: it seemed that she laughed not at what she heard, but at various thoughts that came into her head. Her large eyes looked straight, bright, bold (with apprehension). (Description) 94 (85).

Disinterested - greedy, virtues - shortcomings, active - passive, have fun - yearn, frank - secretive, modesty - arrogance, absent-mindedly - concentrated, quarrel - put up, approve - blame, diligent - lazy.

All these antonyms are united by the theme of human qualities.

A disinterested person, greedy for money, identified shortcomings of work that adorn his dignity, listen absently, work with concentration.

My girlfriend and I have been studying together since the first grade. Why we became friends, I do not remember. Many years have passed. Maybe because our houses are next to each other, and we had to run to school and back home together, maybe because she immediately attracted me with her kind of calm confidence and restraint.

In studies, she was always not very strong - a solid four, and sometimes a three, were guests in her diary. But she never copied homework, and she willingly helped, when she could, careless classmates.

Somehow, all the girls from the class immediately became friends with her, each was proud that she was friends with her; and the boys always listened to her opinion.

Even in elementary school, she was distinguished by a neat appearance:

starched white collars, clean hands, a bow on the head. She has no hearing, she cannot sing, but she always performs at school concerts - she reads poetry. Teachers treat her with respect: you can feel some kind of inner strength in her.

She always knew how to lead the class. Once a young trainee was sent to replace our teacher. The girl was very nervous, looking at the noisy students. No one heard the question she asked. Then my friend raised her hand, went to the blackboard and began to answer in a calm voice homework. The class fell silent: the lesson was saved.

I can tell her about everything, entrust all my joys and sorrows. I know that she will never give me. Together we attended circles; she taught me to knit, and I taught her how to bake my signature pie. So we grew day by day, so the school years passed ... Ten years at the same desk!

At one of the literature lessons, she took out her small photograph from her briefcase and wrote on it: “For eternal memory!”. And for some reason I think that our friendship with her will really be eternal.

StudyPort.ru Testimony of contemporaries (management) (object and its sign), my peers (coordination) (object and its sign), social sign), danger signal (control) (object and its sign), regulate movement (adjacency) (action and the object to which it passes), truly courageous (adjacency) (prih sign of the sign), hand over a certificate (adjacency) (action and the subject to which it passes), an honorary diploma (coordination) (subject and its sign), to receive a scholarship (adjacency) (action and subject to which it passes).


10. Word order in a sentence. Logical stress 1) Who was instructed to invite engineer Kuzmin to the evening meeting with veterans of the plant? Engineer Kuzmin was instructed to invite Volodya and Irina. (At the end) 2) Who was instructed to invite Volodya and Irina to the evening meeting with veterans of the plant? Volodya and Irina were instructed to invite the engineer Kuzmin. (At the end) 3) Where did they instruct Volodya and Irina to invite engineer Kuzmin? Volodya and Irina were instructed to invite engineer Kuzmin to an evening meeting with veterans of the plant. (At the end) 98 (89).

I. 1) It took me a long time to select the necessary quotations. (Reverse) - I have been looking for the right quotes for a long time (Direct). 2) He carefully reread the essay.

(Straight). - He re-read the essay carefully. (Reverse) 3) We worked well in the garden. (Direct) - We worked well in the garden. (Reverse) 4) The adults were planting trees. (Direct) - Trees were planted by adults.

(Reverse) II. Once a Russian general from the mountains drove up to Tiflis. (Reverse.) He was carrying a prisoner child. (Reverse) He fell ill. (Direct) Did not endure the Works of the long journey. (Direct) He seemed to be about six years old. (Reverse) Grandmother planted daisies and daisies in the country house. (Direct) - PoStudyPort.ru Grandmother planted flowers and daisies in the dacha. (Reverse) 99 (90).

1) We enrolled in a swimming school in September. - We enrolled in swimming school in September 2) You will participate in cross-country skiing in January. - In January you will participate in cross-country skiing. 3) Skating competitions will take place in Tula during the holidays. - Skating competitions will be held in Tula during the holidays.

We will work on the garden plot well. Always listen to the teacher's explanations carefully. You must complete the task correctly.

I. In the corner stood a cupboard with dishes; on the wall hung an officer's diploma behind glass and in a frame; lubok pictures flaunted around it... (Description) II. At the door I ran into a tall man, very fat and overweight. His face, pockmarked and plump, expressed laziness and nothing more; the tiny eyes were stuck together, and the lips were glossy, as if after sleep. (Description) III. At that moment, the rebels ran up to us and broke into the fortress.

The drum is silent; the garrison threw down their guns, they knocked me down, but I got up and entered the fortress together with the rebels. (Narrative) 102 (93).

1) The convoy was delayed at the pass. At the pass, the motorcade was delayed. The motorcade stopped at the pass. 2) In the morning the geologists went to the mountains. Geologists went to the mountains in the morning. In the morning, geologists went to the mountains.

3) The helicopter delivered medicines. The helicopter delivered medicines. Medicines were delivered by a helicopter.

The intonation of a sentence is more tense when the logical stress falls on a word in the middle or at the end of the sentence.

I. The Caucasus is under me. Alone in the heights I stand above the snows at the edge of the rapids;

The eagle, having risen from a distant peak, Soars motionless, on a par with me.

II. The day is fading. Behind the slope The sunset spreads.

The sonorous month will come out soon To walk on the roofs of huts.

Soon the stars with a quiet light Will fall to the bottom of the river.

I say goodbye to the warm summer Without sadness and longing.

StudyPort.ru 1) A living word is more valuable than a dead letter. 2) Bad friends for half an hour.

3) The proverb is not said in vain. 4) An old friend is better than two new ones.

5) One bee will bring some honey. 6) Without salt, without bread - a bad conversation. 7) To have a friend - do not feel sorry for yourself. 8) Friendly magpies and a goose are being dragged.

9) It is better not to finish than to talk. 10) good speeches nice to hear.

Friendship theme - 2, 4, 5, 7, 8.

1) The Dnieper is wonderful in calm weather ... 2) Oh, what a strange night it was!

is based on competencies formed at the previous level of education Place of the discipline in the structure of the BEP B.2 Mathematical and natural science cycle Structure of the discipline Number of hours Course Semester Credits. General Lectures Prakt. Audit. SRS Form of control class unit 18 648 138 123 261 387 Exam 1 I 5 181 36 36 72 Exam 1 II 5...”

“5 YEAR OF PUBLISHING. No. 11. Price 15 claws. EMOT March 1928 P. - SUBSCRIPTION PRICE * ATIRICAL WEEKLY. For 1 month 6 0 counts, im b m m l p. 7 0 on in her. 3 p. 25 for 12 months b r. SUCCESSFUL According to the new collective agreements, teachers will receive piecework aa for each corrected error. - And what is this dandy? - Don't you see, Pyotr Ivanovich, teacher mother tongue ok L. Brodami - Look, little hand! Give him the forks! POEMS ABOUT ROUGHNESS We always have such an order. Dedication The subject of discussions and reports, I V. Wall...»

«TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GOALS AND TASKS OF THE DISCIPLINE ITS ROLE IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS 1.1 The purpose of teaching the discipline: 1.2 Course objectives: 2. COMPETENCES OF THE TEACHER, FORMED AS A RESULT OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE 2.1 by general cultural competencies (OK): 2.2. professional competencies(PC): 2.3. the student must 3. VOLUME OF THE DISCIPLINE AND TYPES OF EDUCATIONAL WORK 4. CONTENT OF THE DISCIPLINE 4.1 Lecture course (L) - total 12 hours, including semesters and topics: ."

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"2 Annex to the decision of the Council of Deputies of the city district of Losino-Petrovsky dated 03.09.2008 No. 45/8 PROCEDURE for the organization, protection and use of specially protected natural areas of local importance in the city district of Losino-Petrovsky This Procedure was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 14.03.1995 No. 33-FZ On specially protected natural areas(as amended on 07/14/2008), Federal Law of 12/21/2004 No. 172-FZ On the transfer of land or land plots from one category to ... "

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“Base of normative documentation: www.complexdoc.ru MOSCOW GOVERNMENT MOSCOW ARCHITECTURE MANUAL TO MGSN 4.12-97 MEDICAL AND PREVENTIVE INSTITUTIONS ISSUE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS. STATIONARY INSTITUTIONS: MAIN PROVISIONS. RECEPTION DEPARTMENTS 1998 FOREWORD 1. DEVELOPED by MNIIP of objects of culture, recreation, sports and health care (architects Yu.V. Sorokina, G.I. Rabinovich, doctors G.N. Ilnitskaya, S.L. Polishkis) with the participation of the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Moscow. Moscow (doctors I.A. Khrapunova, L.I. Fedorova). 2...."

IN Old Russian all hissing sounds were soft. Later in literary language[g] and [w] hardened, and [h ’] and [u ’] remained soft. Therefore, no matter what vowel follows the letters zh, sh, h, u, the sounds [zh] and [sh] are pronounced firmly, and the sounds [h ’] and [u ’] are soft.

Wed: lived[live], walked[shol] - beam[beam], Shchors[Sch'ors].

The variety of spellings of vowels after hissing is explained by historical reasons.

1.12.1. Vowels I, S, A, I, U, Yu after hissing W, W, H, W

After hissing w, w, h, u, vowels are not written s, i, u, but are written and, a, y:

lived, tire, chizh, pinch, reap, step, hour, sorrel, murmurs, rustles, rustles, a miracle, I feel my fingers.

Exceptions: I will throw ra, jury, parachute t(and their derivatives: parachute, brooch etc.), as well as some foreign proper names, for example: Jules, Saint-Just, Chyu rlyonis, Mkrtchya n, Longju mo, Shya ulyai and etc.

1.12.2. Vowels E, Yo, Oh after hissing W, W, H, W

Is written E (Yo) Is written ABOUT
A) In the roots of words under stress
1. You can pick up a single-root word with e, for example: she rstka - she rst, che rt - hell, she sweat - she pchet; well fly - fly. 1. You cannot pick up a single-root word with e, for example: kryzho vnik, slum, rustle, blinkers, saddler, snort, cho kat, cho porny, cho hom; Sho lokhov, Shcho rs, Pechora, Pechorin, Izhora.
2. When changing a word or in cognates, there is fluency of vowels (for example: sho v - seam a, zho ra - eat, zho m - press y, press y).
3. In many borrowed words (both in stressed and unstressed syllables), for example: sho k, sho mpol, shorts, artichoke k, hood n, krucho n, show u, chocolate, sho tlandia, highway, chauffeur, chauvinist, borzho m, jon nka, dude n, major r, major d , crepe-jo neighs, jo ngler, ancho mustache and etc.
B) Words derived from a verb burn
Verbs and verbal adjectives, participles, for example: burn your hand, set fire to the roof, burnt, burnt. Nouns, for example: burn g hands, burn g houses, burn ga.
C) In endings and suffixes
1. In an unstressed position in the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: from the landscape, from the dacha, red(kitten) well(friend). 1. Under stress in the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: under a beam, with a candle, big(success) from someone else(shoulder).
2. In an unstressed position in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives that are not formed from verbs, for example: daughter, pea, shoulder howl, plush. 2. Under stress in suffixes of nouns and adjectives not formed from verbs, for example: Cossack, girl, thicket, walrus, penny.
3. Without stress at the end of adverbs, for example: clumsily, richer. 3. Under stress at the end of adverbs, for example: fresh, common.
4. Without stress in nouns and adjectives with a fluent vowel, for example: sin n - sinful, scary n - scary. 4. Under stress in nouns and adjectives with a fluent vowel, for example: prince n - princess a, funny n - funny a.
5. Under stress in the noun suffix -ёr, for example: conductor, trainee.
6. Under stress in the endings of verbs, for example: bakes, burns.
7. Under stress in the verbal suffix -yovyva-, for example: chew up, uproot.
8. Under stress in verbal nouns with a combination of suffixes -yovk-a, for example: uprooting(from uproot ), overnight stay(from spend the night).
9. Under stress in the suffix of passive participles -yonn- (-yon-), as well as in nouns derived from them, for example: smoked - smoked awn, stewed - stewed ka, condensed - condensed ka.
10. In the prepositional case of the pronoun what: about what, as well as in words at all, moreover, nothing.


1) Word she roughish is not perceived as the same root with the word sho roh.

2) Word ratchet, although it is formed from the verb, but there is no combination of suffixes -yovk-a, so it is written with the vowel o.

3) There is no suffix in the adverb yet, so ё is written at the end.

4) In surnames and geographical names, under stress after hissing in suffixes, both -ov and -ev can be written (depending on tradition).

Wed: Likhachev, Pugachev, Sychevka, but: Romashov, Balashov, Mezhovsk.