The teacher must teach! Everything else is our responsibility. What and how should a modern teacher learn? What does a student need for distance learning

Kapliy Tatyana Egorovna

What does a modern teacher teach and learn?

Did the job

Kapliy Tatyana Egorovna,

Orthodox teacher,

MOU "Proletarian secondary

secondary school No. 2 "

Rakityansky district

Belgorod region

“... If the teacher connects

In itself, love for the cause and for the students,

he is the perfect teacher." L.N. Tolstoy.

A modern teacher... What should he be like? The question is interesting.He should be native and such a teacher should always be: in the past, and in the present, and in the future. Because he is a teacher! His work should be appreciated, should be in demand!“Teaching is an art, a work no less titanic than that of a writer or composer, but more difficult and responsible. The teacher addresses the human soul not through music, like a composer, not with the help of colors, like an artist, but directly. He educates with his knowledge and love, his attitude to the world, ”said D.S. Likhachev.

To achieve this, the teacher must have the following characteristics:

  • loves children and shows interest in them;
  • know the psychology of students of different ages;
  • value the personality of the child;
  • be able to observe the behavior of children and draw conclusions;
  • evaluate the intellectual potential and build a strategy for the individual development of the child;
  • it is easy to communicate with children, to achieve their love and respect;
  • successfully lead the children's team;
  • deep knowledge of your subject;
  • be ready for innovation and strives to develop.

The country is changing before our eyes, the school is changing, life is changing too. modern student. And the teacher should not lag behind this hectic life, so a modern teacher should be demanding, but fair and always give the student the right to answer, to realize himself. Of course, for this you need to be an experienced specialist, a true professional in your field. But what is the main thing in the work of a teacher? The main thing is to show the child the world as it really is.What is he modern teacher? Modern man is the one who understands the uniqueness of the children of our time,brings out the most best qualities, embedded in the soul of the child, encourages children to enjoy the acquired knowledge.

Here are the main features inherent in modern students:

  • easy perception of information;
  • high intellectual potential and variety of its manifestations;
  • the ability to quickly master electronic novelties;
  • pragmatism;
  • poor orientation in the problems of the real world;
  • low level of physical activity;
  • insufficient self-control;
  • decrease in learning motivation .

Such different characteristics of modern children create special prerequisites for teacher creativity. By studying new approaches and preserving the pedagogical discoveries of past years, a modern teacher builds his own system of education, it should be interesting to every child. Therefore, a modern teacher simply has to be flexible.

L.N. Tolstoy once said that it is enough for a good teacher to have only two qualities - great knowledge and a big heart. I think that these words of Lev Nikolayevich are relevant both in the past, and in the present, and in the future.The main task of the teacher's work at the present time is: to help children acquire new knowledge using modern information Technology And effective methods learning, to be able to form the student's information competence, to develop students' curiosity, cognitive and creative interest.

In other words, a modern teacher does not just pass on the knowledge he has, but teaches children to think, reason, defend their opinion, respect the opinions of other people, using the knowledge gained in the classroom.

The teacher, first of all, should love children. This means that communication with children will be interesting to him, the judgments of schoolchildren will not seem stupid and boring to him, their affairs will sincerely interest and excite him. This means seeing in children - a person endowed with certain characters that should be reckoned with. The teacher should enter the class with a smile on his face, showing that he is glad to see his students, happy to communicate with them, he must feel that his experience, his knowledge lead the students. He teaches the student to work, think, create, strives for his student to be a co-author: he argued, shared his opinion, spoke, expressed his point of view. A real teacher turns to the sources of folk culture, which enrich a person, ennoble his soul, teach him to appreciate the past and the present. The role of teachers in the development of society is important, as they pass on knowledge from generation to generation.

It seems to me that a real teacher should be responsive, understanding and able to support the student, cheer him up in difficult times, but on the other hand, the teacher must be strict and fair, this disciplines children and teaches them to be responsible.Throughout his professional activity, a modern teacher himself studies, improves his skills, shares his experience with his colleagues, conducts master classes, open lessons, participates in various competitions, writes articles, conducts seminars. A teacher is a person who can not only teach children, but is also able to learn from her students. Our world is in constant motion. Does the teacher have the right to remain the same? It is unlikely that such a teacher will be useful to society, only those who are able to master and evaluate new information themselves will be able to lead active, cognitive, and potential children.

What kind of teachers of the 21st century should be? They should be: energetic, educated people, easily adaptable to changes, these are teachers who deeply know their subject and want to pass on their knowledge to children.

The world is changing the education system is being improved , the outdated requirements for the teacher are being replaced by the modern standard of the teacher. It contains the professional and personal characteristics necessary for a specialist to work with children, these are qualities that will allow the teacher to create a developing environment and help children comprehend new information, master knowledge, skills and abilities that are important for them.

The level of a modern teacher will allow designing and modeling situations and events that will enrich the emotions and value orientations of children. Such a child will be ready to overcome all life's difficulties and will be able to realize himself even in difficult conditions. The professional standard contains the requirements of the state to the teacher.

What is he, a modern teacher? Each generation is looking for an answer to this question and creates an image of an ideal teacher, which means that the teaching profession has not lost its significance for society.

Thus, the teacher, as well as 100 years ago, should be widely educated, kind, intelligent, beautiful, understanding children, always be interesting, because the TEACHER spends most of his time professionally raising and teaching children.

I consider my work to be very important and I am proud of my children, as each of them contains a great creative potential which I am about to reveal. Teacher, educator - how many these words conceal in themselves! I'am a teacher! And it sounds proud!


"School of a novice teacher"

Analytical justification of the program

Any person starting his professional path experiences difficulties, problems due to lack of necessary experience. The formation of a teacher is more difficult, more difficult than for representatives of another profession, because pedagogical education does not guarantee success for a novice teacher. Teaching is not a profession, it's a way of life. The modern rhythm of life requires the teacher to continuously professional growth, creative attitude to work, dedication. Of course, a real teacher has professional pedagogical skills and abilities, owns innovative technologies training and education. Very important role play personal qualities teacher: pedagogical position, attitude to life, colleagues, children and people in general. All these professional skills and character traits are, of course, primarily inherent in a teacher with many years of experience. But what about a novice teacher who has just graduated from the university, or who does not have a pedagogical education at all?

At the beginning of his professional career, a young teacher faces certain difficulties. The inability to accurately calculate the time in the lesson, to logically build a sequence of stages of the lesson, difficulties in explaining the material, lack of understanding with children and colleagues, difficulties in recruiting children into associations - this is not a complete list of adversities that await a novice teacher. Often beginner teachers experience a feeling of insecurity in their actions, as a result of which problems arise. According to psychologists, 87% of novice teachers put in the first place precisely the lack of teaching skills, communication with children.

A novice teacher should get comfortable in a new team, establish the right relationship with children, be able to speak competently and emotionally in the classroom, try to interest children in their subject. That is, in short, learning to teach. He needs to develop his own individual style of communication with children, colleagues and the administration of the institution. For the teacher, this is a new personal situation - responsibility for the quality of their work, the result expected by teachers, students, parents. A novice specialist needs constant friendly help. It would be easier for novice teachers to start their pedagogical activity if the older generation of teachers sought to pass on their experience to them, and at the same time they would be ready to accept it.

Purpose of the program: scientific and methodological support for the activities of novice teachers, improving their professional excellence, disclosure of individual pedagogical abilities, the formation of the need for constant self-development and self-improvement


- plan methodological work in a differentiated and purposeful manner based on the identified potentialities of a novice teacher;

- raise professional level the teacher, taking into account his needs, difficulties, achievements;

- develop the creative potential of novice teachers, motivate their participation in innovative activities; trace the dynamics of the development of the professional activity of each teacher;

- to increase the productivity of the teacher and the effectiveness of the educational process in an educational institution;

- create conditions to meet the needs of self-education of novice teachers.

Program Implementation Mechanism

The "School of a novice teacher" is a permanent form of improving the methodological literacy of a novice teacher: propaedeutic adaptation work, monitoring studies, accompaniment of a novice teacher ; organization of professional communication, orientation of teachers who do not have a secondary special education for receipt higher education. The program will be implemented by organizing various forms methodical work: seminars, trainings, consultations, questionnaires, self-education, etc. Building effective interaction of all subjects of the educational process must be carried out in four directions:

First direction: monitoring "Theoretical knowledge and professional skills of a teacher" - tracking 3 times during the year (at the beginning, middle and end) the results of the teacher's activities in the following areas: knowledge of the subject, the ability to analyze, knowledge of teaching methods, knowledge of children's developmental psychology, knowledge of the psychology of children's communication, the psychology of creativity, the ability to use various forms of organizing the cognitive activity of students, updating the methodological equipment of the lesson. The results of the survey help to identify what problems have arisen in the process of work, what successes the teacher has achieved, what methodological assistance he needs to prove. On the basis of these results, a plan of self-education is drawn up, the study of the main directions of its activity.

Second direction: adaptation- familiarization of the teacher with teaching materials in the direction of activity, a library, classrooms, the specifics of enrolling children in associations, plans for educational, methodological, educational work, documentation, basic requirements for its maintenance, the basics of scheduling classes. Main on this stage, to help the teacher understand all the intricacies of communication between members of the teaching staff and students, work with documentation.

The third direction: mentoring accompaniment of a novice teacher: starting from the director and deputies, ending with a teacher-colleague; a well-planned mentoring system, the development of self-confidence, the ability to organize a group and keep children in the association. After all, it is not enough to be talented and educated. If there are no wise mentors nearby, then a valuable specialist will never turn out of a novice teacher. The main thing at this stage is to help the teacher understand all the intricacies of the teaching profession. We consider the work of teachers-mentors as one of the most responsible social assignments. They are experienced, creative teachers. They make up individual plan work with a novice teacher.

Fourth direction: professional development a methodologist or curator should act as a tutor for mentors, who will always tell you how to properly plan work with a teacher, choose the forms of work. The teaching profession is complex, it requires a vocation, which is helped by the experienced teaching staff of the institution. IN professional development novice teacher is the presence of pedagogical abilities. They consist of the following components:

Didactic - the art of transferring knowledge in an accessible form;

Constructive - when the teacher does not use ready-made recipes, but creates them himself for each specific situation;

Expressive - the ability to appropriately include humor, benevolent irony, a joke in your explanation;

Communicative - the right approach to students in the process of education and upbringing;

The ability to distribute attention - a wide view of attention, the ability to easily switch from one object to another as needed;

Acting - skill depending on the situation and educational tasks to be kind, sometimes strict, sometimes calm, but always objective, fair;

The ability to control all your words, deeds, actions, mood.

It should be noted that all components of pedagogical abilities are closely interconnected, complement and presuppose each other. The absence of one or more can be compensated by the active development of other components. Considerable attention is paid to such a form of individual methodological work as consultations. Beginning teachers will receive specific advice on difficult issues, samples of developments for different types of classes, and recommendations. An inexperienced teacher receives help not only from a mentor, but also from the head of the methodological association, deputy director, psychologist, experienced teachers.

Program implementation

First stage. Preparatory (September-October)

Target: Creation of a methodological base for the implementation of the program: recommendations, training and diagnostic materials.

- formation of a list of novice teachers (Appendix 1)

- development of a work plan for the "School of a novice teacher" (Appendix 2)

- input diagnostics, with self-diagnosis (appendix 6)

- appointment of mentors, drawing up an individual work plan with a novice teacher.

- organizational matters. Acquaintance with the institution, traditions, internal labor regulations Creation normative documents for the implementation of the program; position, order;

Development of program implementation monitoring: input diagnostics, diagnostics professional readiness teacher: activities, skills, knowledge, correction; success assessment academic work teacher

Development of software and methodological, information support: programs, recommendations, memos for a novice teacher, mentor;

- methodological assistance in the development of an educational program

- methodological assistance in the preparation of calendar-thematic planning.

Providing methodological assistance in the development of lesson plans.

Expected Result:

- Determination of methodological difficulties in novice teachers.

- Creation of a methodological base for project implementation

- Development of software, methodological, information support

Second stage. Practical (November-February)

Target: Implementation in practical activities programs

Information and methodological support for beginning teachers: consultations, recommendations, study;

Monitoring tracking of the dynamics of changes;

Requirements for a modern occupation;

Open classes of experienced teachers, where you can specifically see, learn how to use such areas Diary of Mutual Visits (Appendix 3)

- main stages of the lesson

Classification of methods, techniques used in the educational process;

Didactic, psychological, hygienic, educational requirements;

Definition of educational goal;

Implementation of didactic principles of teaching;

The choice of rational methods, techniques, methods;

Interactive forms and teaching methods;

Non-traditional, integrated classes using computer technology;

Intermediate diagnostics (class attendance)

- individual approach to teaching gifted children;

This will help the teacher rationally choose the type of lesson, its structure, correctly determine tasks, goals (educational, educational, developmental), rational methods learning, combine different forms of collective and individual work to get acquainted with modern educational technologies, interactive methods.

Expected results:

1. Increase professional competence teachers:

2. Improving the effectiveness of training, maintaining and increasing the contingent of students;

3. Empowerment for creative development the personality of the child, the realization of his potential;

4. Inclusion of each novice teacher in a creative search through participation in the work of the SNP

Third stage. Analytical (March-May)

Target: Analysis, evaluation, development perspective of the teacher.

Monitoring the mutual effects of rising levels professional competence novice teachers and changes in the effectiveness of the educational process in their associations;

Self-analysis of the lesson.

- organization of individual work with students.

Formation of unified approaches to assessing students' knowledge;

Non-traditional, integrated classes using computer technology interactive forms and teaching methods

Making a "Portfolio of a novice teacher"

Final diagnosis. Self-diagnosis (Appendix 8)

Every novice teacher from the first days of his pedagogical activity with his mentor is preparing a "Portfolio of a novice teacher" (4). This folder is a “desk book”, which contains the most necessary tips, recommendations and materials needed in becoming a teacher.

The Portfolio is collected as it accumulates:

Section 1. General information about the teacher "

- Surname, name, patronymic of the teacher,

- home address,

- Place of Birth,

- Date of Birth,

- education information,

- professional activity,

- training

Section 2Regulations

Diploma of vocational education;

Employment history;

Certification sheet or order on assignment of a category;

Certificates of advanced training courses.

Section 3. Results of pedagogical activity”

Children's achievements

- Achievements of the teacher (Diplomas, diplomas, letters of thanks, certificates of participants, etc.)

Section 4. Scientific and methodological activities:

Messages and reports at conferences, seminars, MO

Participation in innovative and research work of students (individual plan for working with children, materials for working with gifted children)

List of literature on the topic of self-education

Publications and articles in scientific and methodological journals, on websites

Lesson development

Master classes.

Section 6. “Reviews”

- Reviews of children and parents.

Section 2. “Self-analysis of pedagogical activity”

Program expertise materials

Monitoring progress and quality of education (graphs, charts)

Monitoring the achievements of students (map of creative growth)

Analysis of pedagogical activity, diagnostics of the teacher's work

Questionnaires and tests of students, parents

The portfolio is constantly updated with the necessary materials. Gradually, it becomes the "center of self-education" of the teacher.

Expected Result: obtaining an objective assessment of the activities of novice teachers, determining effective forms of methodological assistance.

Methodological support of the program

- Program "School of a novice teacher"

- The plan of work of mentors with novice teachers

- Memo for a novice teacher (Appendix 5)

- Memo for the mentor of a novice teacher (Appendix 7)

Expected results of the program implementation

The implementation of the program will contribute :

Adaptation of novice teachers in the institution;

Activation of practical, individual, independent teaching skills;

Improving the professional competence of teachers in matters of pedagogy and psychology;

Ensuring continuous improvement of the quality of teaching;

Improving the methods of work for the development of creative and independent activities of students;

The use of new pedagogical technologies in the work of novice teachers;


1. Leader's Handbook educational institution- the topic of the article "Adaptation of a novice teacher" (No. 5, 2010, p. 54);

2. Methodist - topic "Adaptation of young professionals in institutions additional education(No. 5, 2010, p. 41);

3. Methodist - topic "Case technology in working with young professionals" (No. 5, 2010, p. 51);

4. National project "Education" - the topic "On the implementation of the program "School of a novice teacher as a way to optimize the process of entering the profession" (№ 3, 2010, p. 17);

5. Innovations in education - the theme "Peculiarities of the development of integrative trends in Russian special education (Integrative, inclusive education)" (No. 8, 2010, p. 4);

6. Pedagogy - the topic "Ethical and pedagogical approach to the formation of value orientations of the future teacher and the principles of its implementation" (No. 6, 2010, p. 15);

7. Public education - the topic "Is there a legal status for young specialist?" (No. 2, 2010, p. 132);

8. Principal of the school - the theme "He flew away and did not promise to return ..." (№ 8, 2010, p. 4);

9. Primary school + before and after - "On the preparation of the future teacher for the spiritual and moral education of the individual" (No. 9, 2010, p. 10

10. Social Psychology. – M.: Andreeva G. M. Aspect Press, 1999. - 375 p.

11. Body language. – M.: Piz A. Eksmo, 2005. - 272 p.

12. School of a novice teacher: Methodical recommendations. Vorobieva N.I., Tsintsar A.L.

Annex 2

The work plan of the "School of a novice teacher"

Forms, methods of conducting


Organization of education at the School

Legal framework: law on education, regulation on the institution of additional education for children, the concept of development of the institution;

Inner order rules.



Dedication to teachers

Solemn event

head of the school for a novice teacher, cult mass department

Organization of the educational process

The structure of educational programs of additional education;

Calendar-thematic planning;

Criteria for evaluating educational, educational achievements children;

Records management

Practical lesson


Administration, head of the school for a novice teacher, mentors

Learning process

Principles and rules of training;

Forms of organization of the educational process;

Theoretical seminar

Cognitive activity of students

Psychological features of the cognitive activity of students;

Ways of formation of cognitive interests;

Motives for learning;


head of the school for a novice teacher, experienced teachers

Teaching methods

Lesson 1.

The essence and functions of teaching methods;

Classification of teaching methods;


teachers-mentors, leaders of the MO

Lesson 2.

Different ways of learning;

Practical teaching methods;

Lesson 3.

Logical teaching methods. Methods of control of students' knowledge.

Lesson 4.

Game teaching methods. Methods of self-management of the educational process.

Forms of study

Lesson 1.

Occupation is the main form of organization of the educational process of the occupation function. Objectives of the lesson. Class types. Requirements for the modern occupation.

Theoretical seminar, practical lesson

teacher mentors, head of the school for novice teachers

Lesson 2.

Designing a lesson according to goals, didactic tasks, according to the content of the program material;

Choice of teaching methods.

Open classes for beginner teachers, discussion

Lesson 3.

Open lesson - features of preparation and conduct;

Analysis and self-analysis of the lesson.

Practical lesson

head of the school for novice teachers administration, leaders MO,

Lesson 4.

Different forms of education: excursions, seminars, electives, elective courses…

Analysis of their implementation;

Goals and objectives of the forms of education


educational process

Forms and types of educational activities;

Methods of education of schoolchildren;
-national character of education;

Criteria of upbringing of the personality;

Features of oriented education and upbringing of children.

Problem seminar

The role of the teacher in the educational process

The personality of the teacher-creator;

Requirements for a teacher

Self-education and self-education of the teacher;

The role of the teacher's personality in the modern educational process.


head of the school for a novice teacher, teachers


A kaleidoscope of pedagogical discoveries of novice teachers "Let's get to know each other, young colleague!"

Kaleidoscope of finds

head of the school for a novice teacher, mentors

cult-mass department

Competitive entertainment program for novice teachers "Our Hope".


Application No. 3

Seven golden rules for the teacher

1. You must love what you do and go forward step by step (I. Pavlov)

2. You cannot pretend to be an intellectual (D. Likhachev)

3. Politeness is brought up only by politeness (W. James)

4. "Magic Ten": Count to ten before unleashing your anger. And he will seem disgusting to you. (V. James)

5. A wise man looks for everything in himself, and a fool looks for everything in another person (Confucius).

6. No big victory is possible without a small victory over oneself (L. Leonov)

7. The first steps are always the most difficult (R. Tagore)

Commandments for a novice teacher

1. Immerse yourself in your work and then nothing will prevent you from working productively.

2. Be friendly and you will be brave.

3. Don't be presumptuous and you can become a leader.

4. Know how to demand and forgive.

5. Believe in the unique abilities of each child.

6. Be competent and be confident.

7. Believe that every child can be taught, it just takes time.

8. Make learning fun.

9. Be for the child not a leader, but a rival, then he will be able to surpass you.

Reminder for a novice teacher

1. Prepare carefully for classes. Be sure to use the lesson plan and stick to all of its points. Take it as a rule: the presence of a lesson plan is your admission to the lesson.

2. Going to class, you must know in detail where you came, why, what you will do, whether it will be effective.

3. Come to the office before class starts to prepare everything you need for the class.

4. Try to show the beauty and attractiveness of the organized beginning of the lesson, strive to ensure that each time it takes less and less time.

5. Lead the lesson so that each child is constantly busy with work. Remember: pauses, procrastination, inactivity are the enemies of discipline.

6. Engage children with interesting content of the material, creating problematic situations, brainstorming. Control the pace of the lesson, help the weak to believe in themselves. Keep an eye on the whole group. Pay special attention to those with unstable attention. Prevent attempts to disrupt work order.

7. More often make requests, questions to those students who are distracted in class, are engaged in extraneous matters.

8. At the end of the session, give an overall assessment of the work of the group and individual children. Let the children feel satisfaction from the results of their work. Try to notice the positive in the work of undisciplined students, but do not do it often and undeservedly, for little effort.

Application No. 4

Diary of mutual attendance of classes



Topic of the lesson

Purpose, tasks

Conclusions of the proposal

You're very close person for your student. Try to keep it always open for you. Become his friend and mentor.

Do not be afraid to admit your ignorance of any issue. Be with them in their search.

Try to instill in the child faith in yourself, in his success. Then many peaks will become surmountable for him.

Don't demand "perfect discipline" in class. Don't be authoritarian. Remember, an activity is a part of a child's life. It should not be shackled and pinched. Form in him an open, enthusiastic, uninhibited personality, able to create, comprehensively developed.

Strive to ensure that your classes do not become stereotyped, carried out "according to a stencil". Let discoveries be made in the classroom, truths be born, peaks be conquered, searches continue.

Each meeting with a teacher for parents should be useful and productive. Each meeting is to equip them with new knowledge from the field of pedagogy, psychology, the learning process.

Enter the office with a smile. When meeting, look into everyone's eyes, find out his mood and support if he is sad.

Bring good energy to children and always remember that "a child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit."

Be on the lookout for opportunities to find a way to overcome the failure that has befallen.

Remember, each of your activities should be a small, but a step forward, to the recognition of the new, the unknown.

The child must always overcome difficulties in learning. For it is only in difficulties that the abilities necessary to overcome them develop. Be able to define the "bar" of difficulty. It should not be too high or too low.

Teach your students to work. Don't look for the easy way in learning. But remember how important it is to support, encourage, be near in difficult situation. Feel where your shoulder, your knowledge, your experience are needed.

If you think of two points, which one to choose, - do not hesitate, put the highest. Believe in the child. Give him wings. Give him hope.

Do not hide from your children good feelings, but remember: among them there should never be a special place for "favorites". Try to see in each child what is destined for him, open it to him and dispel in him that hidden thing that he does not even suspect.

Remember that the child should be interested in the lesson. Only when it is interesting, the child becomes attentive.

In communicating with the parents of your students, remember that their children are the most precious thing in life. Be smart and tactful. Find the right words. Try not to offend or humiliate their dignity.

Don't be afraid to apologize if you're wrong. Your authority in the eyes of students will only increase. Be patient with their mistakes too.

Live life to the fullest with your children. Rejoice and grieve with them. Get involved and be surprised. Joke and instruct. Learn to be impatient with lies and violence. Teach justice, perseverance, truthfulness.

Do not educate the overconfident - they will be shunned; too modest - they will not be respected; too talkative - they will not pay attention; too silent - they will not be considered; too harsh - they will be brushed aside; too kind - they will be trampled.

Application No. 6

Reminder for novice teacher mentor

1. Together with a novice teacher, develop and deeply analyze educational programs and explanatory notes to them.

2. Help create a thematic plan by drawing Special attention on the selection of material for systematic repetition, practical and laboratory work, excursions.

3. Assist in preparation for classes, especially for the first, for the first meeting with students. The most difficult topics are best developed together. In your group, try to study the material 2-3 lessons ahead of time, in order to give the novice teacher the opportunity to reveal the most complex topics.

4. Try to cook and pick together didactic material, visual aids.

5. Attend classes for a novice teacher with subsequent thorough analysis, invite him to your classes, and discuss them together.

6. Help in the selection methodical literature for self-education and in its organization.

7. Share experience without edification, but by kindly showing samples of work.

8. Help in a timely manner, patiently, persistently. Never forget to celebrate the positive in your work.

9. Teach not to copy, not to rely on ready-made developments, but to develop your own pedagogical style.

Appendix 7

incoming monitoring.


professional readiness of the teacher

1. Understanding children's conditions and the ability to motivate children.

2. The speed of pedagogical reaction and the ability to impromptu.

3. Positive charge, wit, humor.

4. The ability to find contact with children, colleagues, parents.

5. Skill before entrance to the institution throw off the burden of problems.

6. Tolerance is the acquired and developed ability of a spiritually kind attitude towards everything on the planet, the ability to forgive, see and maintain the beautiful in a person.

7. Empathy is the ability to empathize, sympathy, the willingness of the soul to help a person, support him.

8. Passion for whatever you do.

9. The ability to keep children's secrets.

10. Ability to live in the interests of children.

11. Initiative, energy.

13. The presence of interests that are attractive to children.

14. Ability and desire to compose, invent, bring to the end.

15. The ability to patiently move towards the intended goal.

16. Ability to initiate, organize and help children's amateur organizations.

17. The ability to come to the rescue in time.

18. The ability to search, creativity.

19. The ability and desire to follow the path of self-education, self-development.

20. Emotional emancipation, a wide palette of positive sensory perception of the world. The ability to infect others with your energy.

21. A stable ethical position, a moral law in the soul.

22. External attractiveness, the ability to figuratively, beautifully, expressively and clearly express one's thoughts.

23. The ability to self-irony.

24. reflective ability.

25. Constant concern for their health and the health of students.

26. The ability to finish what you start.

27. Daily constant deep psychological and pedagogical, subject, methodical preparation for classes.

28. The ability to admit your mistakes.

29. Ability for individual productivity work with students

Appendix 8

Final monitoring

1. What difficulties did you face? List them.

2. How do you overcome them?

3. Who helps you at work? How?

4. I go to class to...

5. What is the most difficult part of your job for you?

6. What personality traits are most difficult for children to develop?

7. How do you explain the difficulties in your work?

8. What should be a modern teacher?

9. How to develop the individual abilities of the child in the educational process?

10. What and how can you learn from an experienced teacher?

11. Were there any difficulties in educational work in your work?

12. What books on pedagogy, psychology, methodology have you read in the past academic year?

13. What were your pedagogical discoveries?

14. Classes, on what topics were you most effective, interesting this year? What was your artistic success?

Diagnostic test card for assessing the professional growth of a teacher

Theoretical knowledge and professional skills of the teacher

Beginning of the year

middle of the year

The end of the year

1. Knowledge of your subject

2. Ability to analyze

3. Knowledge of teaching methods

4. Knowledge of child developmental psychology and ability to use psychological methods, techniques, procedures, norms in their professional activities.

5. Knowledge of the psychology of children's communication, the psychology of creativity. The ability to stimulate children's activity.

6. Search for various forms of organizing the cognitive activity of students.

7. Possession and use of various forms of occupation, traditional and non-traditional.

8. The ability to captivate children, organize their individual and collective successful activities.

9. Knowledge and use of modern educational technologies in their work.

10. Rational use of visibility in your work.