French lessons from scratch initial training. French: independent study. What can you achieve with our course

Do you know that French is official language in 29 countries on five continents? You will find French speakers not only in France, but also in Canada, Belgium, Switzerland and many African countries. By learning French, you will be able to jump-start your career and expand your employment opportunities.

French is not the easiest language to learn for a native Russian speaker, pronunciation is especially difficult. However, it has a lot in common with Spanish, Portuguese and Italian especially in grammar. So learning French will allow you to discover a new world and help you learn other Romance languages!

Remember that learning a foreign language is not an easy task and a long-term goal. We are always there to help you fulfill your dream faster and with less effort. This will not happen immediately, but once you learn a language, you will know it for the rest of your life!

What can you achieve with our course

Whether you're planning to visit beautiful Paris, looking for new career opportunities, or learning French to impress, we're here to help! Our lessons cover levels from Beginner to Upper Intermediate. You can start at any lesson or level and even earn a McGraw-Hill Education certification as you progress to the next level. Learn how to introduce yourself in French, order croissants with perfect French pronunciation, tell locals about your career and hobbies, and share your opinion on various topics.

Sample topics in our course

  • Initial A1: how to greet people, phrases for everyday communication, hobbies, food and drink and basic grammar
  • Elementary A2: communication, work, school, shopping and meeting with friends
  • Medium B1: job interviews, holidays, culture, news and travel
  • Above average B2: entertainment, world news, media and opinion sharing

Travel French course

If you're planning to travel to France soon and don't have time to complete the full course, we also offer a French Travel Course. In it you will find the necessary phrases that will help you abroad. Learn to ask directions, buy tickets and get local advice.

French pronunciation course

If you can't explain the difference between é, è, ê and ë, a pronunciation course will help you. There are four diacritics in French, and we will tell you about each of them. This will make your speech sound like a native French speaker. Silent letters, nasal vowels, and the differences between "u" and "ou" are just some of the topics covered in our course. You can test yourself and see if you pronounce sentences correctly with our speech recognition exercises."

Many people have a blue dream, called - I want to learn French. Many dream, but are afraid, as they are overcome by many questions and doubts.

In this article, we will address questions such as:
- Is it easy to learn French online,
- the best way to learn French from scratch,
- how to quickly learn spoken French online for beginners and many others.

Why you need to learn French

  • Someone wants to own it in order to talk while traveling in France, to be able to understand the French.
  • Someone loves its very sound - so melodic and beautiful, and wants to understand the meaning of songs and poems, quoting them for friends.
  • Someone considers it romantic and would like to be able to whisper words of love in French to their loved one in the ear.
  • Someone wants to start new life in a French-speaking country and for this you need to pass an interview at the embassy.
  • Someone has French business partners, and for business communication You just need to be able to communicate fluently in French.

The reasons for learning French for beginners can be many, they are all varied and beautiful.

But immediately a lot of questions arise - how to learn French yourself from scratch, where to start and what to do, how to approach this, what are the most common mistakes during training, etc.

Below in the article we will try to answer most of these questions.

Is it difficult to learn French - available options

When asked whether it is difficult to learn French on your own, there can be no definite answer. After all, all people are different and each person has his own potential, his own motivation, each has a different willpower.

It is easy for someone to sit down for daily activities, someone needs a check and a constant reminder, it is difficult for someone to pull themselves together and force themselves to learn French, doing several exercises every day and memorizing dozens of new words and phrases.

For those who still decide to learn French, we offer some of the most common learning options.

OPTION 1: Tutorials, phrasebooks, textbooks and other book aids

If you have great willpower and motivation, then you can learn French from scratch on your own, at home. To do this, it is enough to buy various modern textbooks in the store, methodological kits, phrasebooks, dictionaries and more.

We have selected for you the most effective and good textbooks that will help YOU in this good undertaking.

TOP 3 textbooks for learning Franaçais:

1. I.N. Popova, Zh.N. Kazakov and G.M. Kovalchuk French language. Manuel de Francais.

2. Potushanskaya L.L., Kolesnikova N.I., Kotova G.M. “Initial course of the French language”.

3. Textbook by Gaston Mauger "French Course".

MINUSES: However, most often it happens that a person sits down at the table, opens these very books, runs through the first pages with his eyes study guide and ... closes it, because he understands that it is unrealistic to figure it all out on his own without the help of a knowledgeable specialist.

After a while, he again approaches the books, opens them again, reads thoughtfully and tries to memorize new sounds and words, writes down some rules and does the first exercises .... But then different thoughts begin to arise -

And again the textbook is closed and already put aside. After a couple of days, when the question arises again, how to learn French at home, the person decides to seek the help of professionals.

OPTION 2: Language schools and groups

When there is a need for an experienced teacher, teacher, tutor, many begin to look for where, at what courses they teach French for beginners in the city, or look at ads where an experienced teacher offers his services.

Of course, learning French is easier and more understandable under the guidance of a specialist teacher who will set the pronunciation, teach the rules of reading and writing, explain the grammar and check the correct understanding of the new material. But the study of Franaçais in groups also has its pitfalls.


1. Average quality of education.

You must understand that in each group in language schools there are approximately 10-12 students.

One person needs to be explained once new material, and he has already understood and understood everything, and the other is incomprehensible even from the third time. Or it is enough for one person to read the rule to remember it, and another needs to schematically explain the same rule, or hear its interpretation from the teacher.
In the classroom, the teacher always focuses on the average student, and the scope of the academic hour does not allow you to linger more on one or another moment. As a result, the quality of education often suffers.

2. Travel time.

Any language group requires time to get to a certain time in a certain place. After work, during rush hour, drive through traffic jams to another part of the city, in order to learn French with others for an hour or two, and then again through traffic jams to get home.
In total, together with the round-trip trip, one such activity takes three to four times more time than planned. Is it worth learning French in such language groups if it is so expensive?

OPTION 3:Personal teacher-specialist

The wisest and most correct option to learn French is to find an individual teacher. Then you don’t have to worry about the fact that some moments of training will remain misunderstood, or under-learned.

Personal study is always more effective than group study.

MINUSES: The travel time to the teacher and back, taking into account traffic jams and the cost of travel, will not go anywhere, which again increases both the cost of one lesson and the time spent on it.

OPTION 4: Try in learn french from scratch online.

You and I live in an amazing time, when everything around us is developing at a rapid pace, we need to be in time everywhere, and saving time is very acute for each of us.
The same is true in training: we want to get the result quickly, efficiently, inexpensively and in the shortest possible time. Now there is no problem in learning French online, at home, via the Internet.

Is it difficult to learn French online, what are the ways online study there are ways to learn French online more effectively, we will tell below.

Learn French online - effective ways

Today, there are quite a few resources on the net offering to learn French online for beginners from scratch for free or for little money. Consider the most popular of them.

1. BBC French

An excellent portal for learning many foreign languages. There are plenty of grammar exercises, a weekly newsletter with new lessons, a complete video tutorial for self-learning Franaçais from scratch, dictionaries, reference books, and even access to French TV and radio. Each lesson is provided with detailed comments and audio files so that you can memorize the pronunciation correctly.

Attention! Website on English language, so it is suitable for those who are good at it.


The site is a French language tutorial, which contains not only all kinds of textbooks, dictionaries, tutorials, phrasebooks, but also online lessons on various topics that help you learn French online. Each online lesson is equipped with theory, audio materials, exercises and many other useful things. You can choose which moment you need to parse, work out and fix. For each problem, the resource will find several utilities.


Great podcast site on Franaçais. You can learn French online by listening to one audio lesson every day, which is additionally provided with an interlinear. There are various levels - from zero to advanced. Can choose various directions learning - conversational, grammar, reading, phonetics, and so on. They also have a full website and mobile version, which is very convenient on the go.

A free site for those who decide to learn French online. Here you will find a large number of texts, exercises for them, games, songs, dictionaries and other things that will help you quickly gain basic knowledge.


A very popular YouTube channel for French learners online. This resource is built as a radio conversation between a native French speaker and his English-speaking friend. They discuss various topics and then follow with exercises, games and quizzes to learn new phrases.
There is also a website of the same name where you can find a bunch of additional information, exercises, games, online lessons and much more, however, you will have to pay for a subscription.

Is it easy to learn French from scratch online using free online resources?

The answer is that nothing is impossible.

But independent study is always associated with certain difficulties, because there is no one to evaluate your learning. Therefore, there is always a risk that you will do something wrong.

It is best to learn French online from scratch under the guidance of a specialist. And when you have a basic base, an entry level, then you can already switch to independent online learning.

Learn French online for beginners at our school.

In ours, we learn French from scratch with personal tutors.

That is, you can learn French right at home, via the Internet, personally with your personal teacher, online tutor.

We have noticed that being at home, the student is more relaxed and better tuned for deep immersion in the process. Then the learning itself takes place at ease, in the mode of friendly conversation, the material is better absorbed, words and phrases are better remembered.

Agree, this method is the most comfortable and takes into account all the features of both the student himself and his lifestyle.

All you need is a computer and an internet connection. In doing so, you can -

  • change start times,
  • duration of study,
  • frequency of these activities
  • you can even adjust the program if you have specific deadlines or goals.

And all this without leaving your home, at a convenient time for you.

At our school, we are very sensitive to the quality of teaching. Our online tutors are constantly training and improving their level, they are also constantly mastering the latest techniques teaching.

Another nice moment - the opportunity to take a free trial demo lesson.

In this demo lesson, you -

  • get to know your teacher
  • ask him all your questions,
  • and go through a demo lesson to understand what kind of methodology this specialist has, how he explains the material, what exercises he gives, how he answers your questions.

And after that, you can decide whether it is convenient for you to learn French online, whether this learning method suits you or not. If everything suits you, then you can further pay for the classes of this online tutor and start classes.

You can right now by leaving a request.

In our school we study French from scratch, for beginners. There are courses for continuing, separate courses for tourists, for children and for schoolchildren.

Learn French for children and schoolchildren online

IN modern schools increasingly begin to learn French as the main foreign language. And so many parents face a number of questions -

Yes, learning French is difficult, especially for children. It is more difficult than English in grammar, in pronunciation. But all these difficulties pale before its beauty. And after Franaçais, it will not be difficult for your child to learn any other language of the Romano-Germanic group.

Often in schools, the quality of teaching a foreign language leaves much to be desired. When there are 25-30 students per teacher in a class, he physically cannot control how one or another student has mastered the material.

The teacher is simply unable to clearly explain the new rule to each student. Therefore, most often, you have to look for a private teacher-tutor who is available and game form will help the child learn both the school curriculum and delve into the intricacies of the subject being studied.

The modern parent, keeping up with the times, will offer his child to learn French remotely with an online tutor who teaches French for children online.

And this will be a great option to save time, because not many parents have the opportunity to take their child to a specialist, and those teachers who come themselves ask for an additional fee.

After considering all the pros and cons of the options for helping children learn Franaçais, you will come to the conclusion that learning French online at home for children is the most acceptable way.

For parents this training option also has advantages, because in this case they will be able to control the learning process -

  • see and hear how their child behaves in the classroom,
  • what does he do during class
  • What is the teacher's methodology?
  • what is the relationship between the child and the teacher,
  • what difficulties and difficulties arise.

Thus, the parent can help his child in time and facilitate the learning process for him.

Learning French for tourists online

Usually, for those who travel or are about to travel to France, the question arises of knowing the Franaçais.

After all, everyone knows the fact that the French do not like English. Indeed, often they pretend not to understand English speech and prefer to answer only in French. Many tourists try to prepare for the trip and master at least the most common phrases in French.

There are specially designed programs focused on French for tourists, where the main points of phonetics, pronunciation, grammar are explained, as well as the basic colloquial phrases necessary for any traveler in France.

Note that the French language for travelers is a truncated and most basic course, which in many ways intersects with the main program for those who decide to learn French from scratch.

Vocabulary will be the most basic, it will only be enough to:

  • check into a hotel
  • fill out a form with personal data,
  • ask for directions and not get lost in the city,
  • be able to order food in a restaurant
  • and call for help if needed.

Tourists sometimes have enough of this knowledge to feel calm and relaxed while traveling in France.

You can right now and find out if it is difficult to learn French online.

Why learn French? This is a trouble with pronunciation, a lot of exceptions in grammar, absolutely incomprehensible (well, what is it when common word"photo", i.e., photo becomes topho, and then the vowel is removed, and we get toph)? Yes, and with the current political situation, learn better Arabic, it will be more accurate. No? Want to parler francais? Then I offer you my vision of learning any foreign language:

Immerse yourself in the language environment. Start simple - change the language on your phone to a foreign one. I don’t know how on Android, but on iPhone, pay attention that it is regular French, without any Suisse, Belgique, Canada. At first it will be unusual, but in this way you will gradually find it easy to find everything that was so familiar.

Subscribe to French podcasts and listen for at least 15 minutes daily. If you don't like this format, listen to the radio. I really enjoy doing this. There is a good selection of different radio stations, but some may seem too fast, so I advise you to take a closer look at "france culture" and "fip". But as they say des goûts et des couleurs il ne faut pas disputer, so look for what you personally like.

Type active vocabulary the way you did in childhood. Where are you now? I am writing this answer in a cafe and there is a coffee machine in front of me. I used to have a B2, but I don't remember those things anymore. What am I doing? That's right, I open a dictionary (I recommend this one and this one). I open it and see what it is (f)machine a café. Pay attention to the strange letter in brackets - this is the genus. It is very important to know what kind of word you found, because in French everything is not as simple as it seems (the table is la table, that is, female). Do the same and once a day describe the objects that you see around. Better yet, use what you love. I love to draw, so I sketch new words. There was nothing suitable at hand, but this is what it looks like:

I know guys who come up with rhymes for new words because they write poetry and those who find a song where this word is and memorize the line.

By the way, the option with music is not bad, but here I can not advise anything. The language schools teach Joe Dassin, Edit Piaf and traditional French songs. I personally like them, but you may like something else. You can also watch your favorite films in French. Go to french google and write the title of your movie and regarder en ligne gratuitement. But I will say right away that finding everything you want will not work.

But for all this to be effective, one must not just watch, but write out and learn new words / expressions. Subscribe to thematic groups on VK/FB. There are a lot of them, so I will advise this one with oral French. You can also watch French bloggers. There are a lot of articles on the Internet on the topic "Top 5 YouTube channels for learning French." Of the Russian speakers, I like Gayane. Oh, this part turned out even more than I came to life. Let's move on to the next one.

Determine why you need it. This is necessary in order to consistently move towards the goal and know how to measure the effectiveness of your training. Do you want to go to study in France? You will need to pass an international exam at least B2. Before it, you can pass A1, A2 and B1. Apply every six months or once a year. Tasks can be found in special collections, or on the Internet.

If you want to learn French for travel, then after a long (at least 3 months) period of study, go wherever you want and practice. At the end, evaluate how successful you were, what you still need to work on, and whether you need it on a more serious level.

If you need it for work, then you will need professional vocabulary. Find on LinkedIn or Facebooke a person who works in this field and ask him to call for 15 minutes. If he understands everything, then this is success) Okay, this is a strange method. But if you want to work in this country, then you will certainly have people with whom you can practice.

Learning French without grammar would be weird. Take your textbook and workbook Popova, Kazakova and do everything from start to finish. From level A2 it will be possible to take a foreign textbook. Alter Ego seems to me the most relevant. If everything is not so serious, then just do tasks on TV 5 Monde. Choose the level you want and go. There are also various forums. For example, like this. And there is also such a course on the course. It's free and very cool.

The formation of French (la français) falls at the beginning of the Middle Ages - the crossing of folk Latin and the Galic dialect laid the foundation for the emergence of the most refined and melodic language in Europe.

In the 12th and 13th centuries, French took second place in importance after Latin, becoming more and more common among businessmen, merchants and navigators. From the 17th to the 19th century, it acquired the status of an elite one - all European nobility expressed itself in it. Currently remains one of the most common in the world. ALL COURSES ONLINE has selected the best free video lessons for beginners to learn French on their own from scratch at home.

General information. Working with the alphabet

The first educational channel presents a lecture for beginners. Anna Tarasutina will touch on the history, the importance of French in modern world, motivation to study, the importance of limiting the study period, choosing a good textbook (dictionary, audio materials), memorization methods. Information is given about the features of transcription and reading, taking into account the difference in the number of letters and sounds, the nuances of displaying the length of vowels, the stressed syllable. A detailed analysis of the alphabet is carried out - the phonetic system includes 15 vowels, 3 semiconsonants, 17 consonants. Anna will talk about the position of the vocal apparatus during training, reinforcing everything with examples.

To be (être)

Elena Shipilova is the creator of Speak As Soon As Possible distance courses, which are short, simple and easy to understand. In the lesson, Elena will talk about être - the verb "to be". The introductory part is devoted to pronunciation. It is recommended to immediately take up the words without fear of making a mistake, not to get hung up on the rules of reading - it is enough to learn the sound by ear. The rest of the time is devoted to working with être - conjugation with a clear pronunciation and translation will allow you to learn the combinations correctly. Information is given about the negation of "not", the construction interrogative sentence in three ways. The final part: common set expressions that can be immediately included in everyday speech.

For 16 hours

The educational program "Polyglot" in the format of a reality show is an intensive course, after which the audience will speak foreign language. Moderator - Dmitry Petrov - author of the book "Magic of the Word", polyglot, translator, psycholinguist. The course lasts 16 academic hours, designed for people who decide to learn from scratch. The peculiarity lies in the emphasis on practice - participants begin to communicate, albeit not always correctly and fluently, already in the first lesson, practicing and consolidating their skills. The program involves several actors and directors, writer Sergei Lukyanenko, poet Vera Polozkova. The full recording lasts 11 hours.

50 useful phrases

Christina brings the 50 most requested phrases in Everyday life. He voices each one several times, gives the meaning in Russian, if necessary, touches on the nuances of translation, the situation in which this or that phrase is appropriate to apply. For clarity, expressions are displayed on the screen in text format - it is convenient to memorize pronunciation and spelling. The recording is 47 minutes long. For better assimilation, you can review, repeat after Christina, listen in the background in the manner of audio.


A lesson from the School of Bonjour Français will give a complete understanding of indefinite articles, which are functional words that determine the gender (un - masculine, une - feminine) and number of nouns. Cartoon characters will tell you why articles are needed, show the rules of use and spelling. Articles accompany the noun without fail, the correct use is the key to a competent sentence. The material is presented in a light, relaxed manner, understandable, easy to digest, lasts about 10 minutes. Suitable for children school age and adults.


Question building is a tricky topic. There are three ways to ask a general question.

  1. The simplest is similar to Russian, carried out with the help of intonation (modern colloquial version).
  2. Putting est-ce que in first place.
  3. The inversion method is the most complex and most competent, used in the literature, necessary for business correspondence, public speaking. The author thoroughly analyzes the types of inversions (simple, complex), the nuances of use, the order of words in a sentence, situations in which one has to resort to a certain type of inversion or cannot be used at all.

Unstressed pronouns

The lesson is devoted to unstressed (verbal) personal pronouns that are not used separately and are the most common. At the beginning of the video, the author touches general information, will explain the difference from drums (independent). Rules for the use of singular, in a certain case (there are no cases in French, but parallels can be drawn). Plus, classes in a clear display of the information provided - the slides are divided by color for better perception, the material is presented in the form of tables. It is convenient to classify, find analogies, write down and memorize. Detailed explanations will dispel all controversial points.

Past tense

A five-minute recording, when watching which beginners will master the Passe Compose, formed with the auxiliary verb avoir (to have). The following information is provided:

  • conjugation,
  • negation,
  • work with endings to form the past tense,
  • verbs that do not change according to the standard (you will have to remember by heart).


Three-hour audio recording. Regular listening will help you learn to perceive colloquial speech, learn new set phrases watch intonation. An excellent training for people who have mastered the basics of grammar and phonetics, who want to consolidate their skills. It is convenient to view the written form of dialogues - slides with text are easy to read, repeat aloud after the speaker. First, it is recommended to watch the video, then listen instead of audio in the background.


Shkola ENF is an educational channel for beginners in learning a foreign language. Quentin and Maria, the founders of the School, offer viewers video lessons and online courses. In the lesson, Maria will tell you what you need to know about the verb system at the initial level - how many groups exist, what are the features, what tenses you need to master (there are more than ten of them, but in practice you will need three). The breakdown into groups allows you to catch the logic and facilitate the assimilation of the material.

Today, la français has official status in a number of international organizations (including the UN, UNESCO) in Belgium, Monaco, Canada, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and is actively used in many regions of Africa and the Caribbean. The language is spoken by over 270 million people. Regular practice and attention to transcription quickly lead to an understanding of the basics, conversation becomes easier, and speech takes on a natural look.

Learning something new is always a complex long process that requires not only excellent theoretical knowledge, but also frequent practice. Learning French from scratch is more than realistic. All it takes is a little patience, effort and diligence. In this article, we will help you deal with all the intricacies of the upcoming case.

In contact with

We start with the basics

To start speaking a foreign language no worse than native speakers, you will need to make a lot of amplification. How to learn French if you have never encountered it before? It is worth starting the study from the basics, so it will be easier to get used to speech, spelling and other things. IN this stage includes elementary lexicon, a set of rules for pronunciation, use, which are most often used in reality.

Consider a few tips to help direct forces in the right direction:

  • Learning French start with easy words such as greetings, farewells, words of gratitude. It is enough to memorize two phrases every day, as well as translate them into frequent use in life.
  • Gradually add additional elements to what you have learned, translating them into simple sentences, like: “How are you?”, “Can I count”, “How much does it cost?”. Like words, repeat them every day, using in real practice.
  • Make up your own biography in a foreign language, where there will be answers to the main questions: “What is your name?”, “How old?”, “Where from?” …
  • Keep practicing daily, even if the words and phrases are clearly in your memory. Use the tutorial, it helps in learning French from scratch.
  • Paste stickers throughout the house, denoting items that are most often used in everyday life with foreign names: refrigerator, stove, bedside table, doors, windows, tables, chairs, TV, telephone, iron and more. Remembering the French names will be much easier, because they are constantly in sight.

Advice! If you are studying on the eve of a business trip, significantly increase your French vocabulary, focusing on the profession, supplementing with basic terms for beginners.

Deep Learning

If it is easier to master the basics on your own, then deeper knowledge requires assistance of a qualified professional. Is it hard to do it alone? Certainly! You will be able to memorize, group words into whole sentences, over time you will understand how to learn how to speak French well, but this is not enough. The ability to correctly select temporary insertions, incline, and become understandable for a native speaker is a lot of work that only a professional can help with.

To learn French in depth, use the following rules:

  1. Educational program for children and adults is different, but there is one main thread: associate each new knowledge with something ordinary. In this way, it will be easier for you to remember even the most complex terminology.
  2. Hire professional teacher, he will help with the question: "How to quickly learn French from scratch?", attend his lessons 2-3 times a week. Do not stop repeating the old in everyday life, supplementing with new knowledge. Watching movies will help you understand spoken language and improve your mental perception as you hear how French is spoken.
  3. Do self-evaluation after every French lesson. Thanks to him, you will be able to focus on the vulnerable sides, not forgetting to analyze them in the next lesson.
  4. Focus on tenses, word forms, especially when learning how to read French. Write down the main rules on one sheet, then hang it in a conspicuous place. Say them regularly in your mind before you write a sentence or read texts.
  5. Reinforce what you have learned in every lesson. and only then proceed to the knowledge of the new .
  6. How to quickly learn French from scratch? - a common question, the correct answer to which is one: "Hurry is useless!". Pay attention to even the smallest details, only in this case you can perfectly master speech and spelling.

Attention! How much it takes to learn French from scratch is a loose concept, but with the help of a professional, it will be much easier and faster to achieve the goal.

Common Mistakes

French for beginners to learn from scratch is difficult at first, and much will be incomprehensible. If you decide to study on your own, pay attention to the following mistakes:

  • Chaotic learning French on your own from scratch is the most common mistake that will never lead to good results.
  • Start learning thinking only about how to quickly learn the language. Quality perception takes time and effort.
  • Do not supplement the process with watching movies, listening to music in french. Avoiding this, you will not understand how to learn to speak correctly.
  • Without knowing foreign language literature, it is impossible to understand how to read as well as a native speaker.
  • French for children is taught in a strict regime, especially if the acquaintance comes from scratch.
  • Intermittent study is wrong. Buy a French tutorial and use it daily.

Advice! French for beginners is always a test that is best done under the strict supervision of a professional.

  1. Learning for children is easier if learn material in a playful way combining the complex with the easy.
  2. Watch more films and read books in a foreign language, preferably aloud. Thus, not only memory will work, but diction will also improve.
  3. Daily contact with sources will help you understand whether it is difficult to learn French on your own and whether it is worth getting a tutor.
  4. Do not forget to pronounce interrogative phrases with increased intonation. Start from the first lesson, so it will be easier to get used to pronouncing French questions correctly.
  5. Do not try to master both the base and the main part at the same time. Chaos is the main enemy it does not contribute to how to learn French easily.
  6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes while communicating. Sorry, try to fix it yourself.
  7. Consider the factors that led you to want to learn, if this is a work area - start learning French for business, focusing on your profession.

Polyglot. Learn French in 16 hours!

French Lesson 1 from Scratch for Beginners: Introduction


Start learning French from the basics, thanks to this you will be able to better understand the structure and features, and in the future it will be easier for you to remember complex phrases and phrases. Systematic classes and maximum immersion in the language environment will help to achieve good results.