Phrases like mother loves daughter. Philological games and tasks in the lessons of linguistics in high school. Education, pedagogy, upbringing

йцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюйцукенгшщзхъ chsmitbyutsukengshschzhfyvaproljeyachs ukengshschzhfyvaproljeyachs

Dear young linguist!
When Sherlock Holmes deciphered the mysterious inscriptions,
made up of images of dancing men, he did not suspect
which solves a self-sufficient linguistic problem. In the proposed tasks, you will encounter such tasks that cannot be solved,
acting according to a pattern, the answer to it cannot be subtracted somewhere, or simply
to guess, it is necessary to reflect, analyze, compare, i.e.
use logical thinking. But before it's built
solution to the problem, you need to find a “thread” that you can pull, and
not logic will help here, but intuition, linguistic flair.

It is no coincidence that linguistic tasks are called self-sufficient: no special knowledge is needed to solve them, all the necessary information is contained in the condition, you only need how
should be thought about.

We can say that each linguistic task is a small
Scientific research. After all, you will go through the same stages that pass in
real scientists in their work: study and analysis of the material, conjecture,
the assumption and its verification, the construction of the proof and the conclusion.

Good luck!
1. Ko...

In one cartoon-mystery there are such lines:

^ Far, far away in the meadow
They graze to...
Ko... No, not horses!
Ko... No, not goats!
Ko... That's right, cows!
Find the phonetic error.
2. Shyl-drank

The well-known phrase in Russian is encrypted below:

^ Shyl-drank yu pyapyuggy zerengy gyeslyg, fed gyag, fed gyag, zerengy

Decipher this phrase.
3. The death of a poet

The poet David Samoilov has an ironic poem "House-Museum".
The guide's story about the life of the venerable poet ends like this:

^ Here he died, on this canapé.

Before whispering a saying

Incomprehensible: “I want to ...”

Or songs? Is it cookies?

Who knows what he wanted

This old poet before the coffin!

The death of a poet is the last section.
Don't crowd in front of the wardrobe...
There is a phonetic error here. Which?
^ 4. Continue row

It is necessary to continue the series, guessing what pattern lies in it.

basis. Explain the answer.

1) Orange, banana, grapes...

2) Spider, cockroach, mouse...

3) Bears, sisters, pigs...

4) Road, repair, police...
^ 5. The fourth extra

In each row of 4 elements, you need to name the extra one - the one that does not have
quality common to all others. Explain your answer:

^ 1) Shout, scream, croak, crow;

2) Gold, hurricane, milk, swamp;

3) Swan, sparrow, crow, parrot;

4) Fish, cancer, eel, scorpion;

5) Ears, heads, legs, shoulders;

6) Mink, key, trail, spit;

7) Night, daughter, rye, mouse;

8) Steamboat, steam room, wig, greenhouse.
^ 6. Is Vasya smart?

Here are some suggestions:
1) Petya is smarter than Vasya

2) Petya is much smarter than Vasya.

3) Petya is even smarter than Vasya.

4) Petya is much smarter than Vasya,

5) Petya is incomparably smarter than Vasya.

6) Petya is a little smarter than Vasya.

7) Petya is much smarter than Vasya.

Is it possible, on the basis of any of these proposals, to establish whether smart
Vasya or stupid? Prove your answer.
7. Name

Russian personal names and surnames derived from them are given.
female patronymics:

Ilya - Ilyin - Ilyinichna
Iona - Ionov - Ionovna
Kirill - Kirillov - Kirillovna
Kuzma - Kuzmin - Kuzminichna
Leonid - Leonidov - Leonidovna
Nikita - Nikitin - Nikitichna
Roman - Romanov - Romanovna

^ Savva - Savvin - Savvichna
Fedor - Fedorov - Fedorovna

Foka - Fokin - Fokichna
Foma - Fomin - Fominichna

From one of the names, the surname and patronymic are formed incorrectly, although
are considered normative.

1. Find this name.

2. What is the rule for the formation of Russian surnames and female patronymics
can you formulate tasks on the material?
^ 8. Called Earth

Here is a quote from S. Smirnov's poem "I testify myself":

I'm leading, I'm leading him to Earth
Affectionately called Big.

Is the passive participle correct?
^ 9. Grammar dictionary

To learn a language, it is necessary to have precise knowledge of how
words change according to cases, numbers, genders, etc. In grammar
dictionaries, this information is presented in the form of special marks that refer
to the corresponding patterns of declension and conjugation. Below are some
Russian nouns as they are presented in
"Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language":

witch w o 1a

rain m 2b
crucian m o 2
babysitter w o 2 a
blanket with 1 a
deer m o 2 a
praise w
I b
bullet w 2 a
herd m 1
trait w 1
chief m o 1 a

Establish what each of the litters means, determine which litters in
"Grammar dictionary of the Russian language" have the following words: pancake,
substance, leader, card, princess, mile, set, shell, elephant, tier.
^ 10. Many-faced "one"

Read some examples with words one , one , one , alone .

1. In this roomone table, and in the next as many as three.

2. One a friend promised to help me.

3. Heone he failed to pass the exam, where can he cope with five.

4. All large pieces of furniture were taken out of the room, remainedalone

5. Comrades parted:one turned back, another decided
continue searching.

6. Everyone left, stayedone Mitya.

Three pairs of words are given:
1) Burning brunette, round fool, pouring rain.

In each of these pairs, the first word has the same meaning, namely:
it expresses a high degree what is signified by the second word of the pair.

Burning in combination with the word brunette indicates very black
hair; round in combination with the word fool to a very large extent
stupidity; torrential - for very heavy rain.

Here are two more rows of pairs; in each row, the first word in the pair has one and
the same meaning:

^ 2) Beneficial influence, a good buy, happy marriage, favorable

3) Cause a split, restore order, create conditions, smash
square, sow panic.

1. Indicate a few more pairs in which the first words will denote
a high degree of what is indicated by the 2nd word.

2. Explain what is the meaning of the first words of each pair in a row
(2) and which one is in row (3). Add a few more pairs to each row
which the 1st word has the same meaning as in the whole series.

3. Come up with 2-3 such rows of pairs so that in each row the first word
pairs had the same meaning.

^ 12. Mother loves daughter

Phrase mother loves daughter usually understood like this:
(who?) Mother loves (who?) daughter.

But in some cases (for example, with a special intonation or in the context
^ Not a father, but a mother loves a daughter ) can be understood in another way:
(who?) Mother loves (who?) daughter.

Think of five similar phrases like “subject + verb +
addition" in which such ambiguity may occur (i.e.
the subject can be mixed with the object).

1. Ko...

Say the words horses, goats And cows: do the initial combinations, written in the same way, also sound the same? No, they sound different: in words horses And goats sounds under stress [o], and in the word cows- a sound close to [a].

2. Shyl-drank

Known strings encrypted: “Once upon a time, my grandmother had a gray goat, that's how, that's how, a gray goat”. Voiced consonants are replaced by the corresponding voiceless ones, voiceless consonants are replaced by voiced ones, the letter l is replaced by R, letter m- on n (and vice versa), the letter th do not replace, vowels A, at, O... are replaced by I, Yu, yo… (and vice versa).
3. The death of a poet

Say the words songs And cookies- they sound different: in the word songs under stress, a clear sound [e] is pronounced, and in the word cookies according to the first letter e an obscure sound close to [and] is pronounced. So if the dying poet said: I want to[p'e] ... that couldn't be the beginning of a word cookies, if he said [p'i], it was not the beginning of the word songs
^ 4. Continue row

1) Any word is the name of a fruit starting with G- the next letter of the alphabet, for example, pear;

2) bird or Human, because in this row - the names of animals in decreasing order of the number of legs;

3) for example, musketeers- a word that, together with a numeral three forms the title of a work of art: ^ Three bear", " Three sisters…” Three musketeer";

4) for example, lights: this word starts with F - continuing musical series

before -horns,re -mont,mi -licia, and at the same time related to the theme of the series.
^ 5. The fourth extra

1) scream(other words are verbs);

2) Hurricane(the rest of the words contain full-vowel combinations);

3) Crow(the rest are masculine);

4) Acne(the rest gave the name to the constellations of the Zodiac);

5) ^ Heads(the rest of the words are called paired objects);

6) Trail(other words have widely used homonyms);

7) Rye(unlike others, it does not have a plural);

8) Wig(in other words, the root -steam-).
^ 6. Is Vasya smart?

Sentences (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), (7) do not contain any information about Vasya's mind. We only learn that Petya surpasses Vasya in this feature (according to sentences (2), (4), (5), (7), this superiority is significant).

A completely different case is proposition (3). It undoubtedly says that Vasya is smart: adverb more in front of the form cleverer possible only in the sense Vasya is smart, but Petya is even smarter than Vasya.

7. Name

If we carefully analyze the condition of the problem, we can conclude: if the surname ends in –ov, then the middle name ends in - ram; if last name ends in - -in, then patronymic - either on –ichna, on either –inichna. It immediately catches the eye that the names on –ov(and, accordingly, patronymic on - ram) are formed from the names of the 2nd declension, and the surnames on –in(and patronymics on –ichna (-inichna)) - from the names of the 1st declension.

The only name that breaks the pattern is And she; obviously this is the exception.
^ 8. Called Earth

The form is formed incorrectly. Passive participles of the present tense are practically not formed from verbs in which the present tense is arranged in the same way as the verb of the I conjugation call for(For example, lead, lead, lead). Let's draw a parallel: to lead - driven, to carry - carried, to attract - drawn,to call - calling . So right, oddly enough: Earth calling Big!
^ 9.Grammar dictionary

Each word is characterized in the "Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language" by four features, which correspond to four consecutive positions:

1) gender: male / female / middle;

2) animation: animate / inanimate (not marked!);

3) the final vowel of the stem: hard (endings -a, -s, etc.) / soft (endings -i, -я, etc.);

4) stress: falls on the base / on the ending (if any.)

Abbreviated notes:

m - masculine, w - feminine, s - middle; o - animation; 1 - the last vowel of the base is hard; 2 - the last vowel of the base is soft; a - the emphasis falls on the base; b - the stress falls on the ending.

Words from the task should receive the following labels:

pancake m 1b
substance with 1

chief m o 2b

map w 1 a

princess w o 2 a

mile w 2 a

set with 1 a

shell m 2 a

elephant m o 1b

tier m 1 a.
^ 10. Many-faced "one"

In sentences (1), (3) the word one acts as a numeral, because denotes the number of items.

In examples (2), (4), (5), (6) the word one quantity does not mean. In sentences (2), (5) - a pronominal adjective with the meaning some(in sentence (2)) and with the meaning another(in sentence (5)). In sentences (4), (6) - the word one used as a particle with the value only.
^ 11. Burning, round and torrential

In row (1), you can specify, for example, such phrases as a weighty argument, a blunder, pitch darkness.

The first words of series (2) have the meaning "what is indicated by the second word is good." Pairs can be added: positive assessment, tempting offer, attractive appearance.

The first words of the combinations of series (3) have the general meaning "to make what is indicated by the second word appear." Can add: make a sound, set a quota, sew a suit, call a meeting.

You can give, for example, the following series of words with the meaning "to do so that there is not what is indicated by the second word": put out the light, undermine unity, disturb order.
^ 12. Mother loves daughter

In the searched phrases, the subjects and objects should be such nouns in which the nominative case coincides with the accusative, for example: The seas surround the continents. Silver replaces gold. Metal replaces wood.

The second possible case is when the form nominative case singular matches the accusative plural: The child sees the gypsies. The team welcomes the soldiers.

We observe the third option if one of the nouns in the sentence is indeclinable, for example: The child sees a kangaroo.


Encyclopedia for children. T.10. Linguistics. Russian language / Editor-in-chief M.D. Aksyonova.- M.: Avanta +, 1998.

Page 3

In the same way, the entire text is worked out, the boundaries of sentences are determined.

Analysis of results

The proposed task at the practical level did not cause any difficulties for the students. The whole class coped with the practical task, but the majority of the theoretical part was done inaccurately, chaotically, many ninth-graders showed ignorance of the terms and inability to clearly formulate answers to the questions posed.

Rating "5" - 32% (7 people);

"4" - 36% (8 people);

"3" - 27% (6 people);

"2" - 5% (1 person).

Mission "Mother loves daughter"

The phrase "Mother loves daughter" is usually understood as follows: (who?) mother loves (who?) daughter. But in some cases (for example, with a special intonation or in the context of “Not the father, but the mother loves the daughter”, it can be understood differently: (who?) The mother loves (who?) The daughter.

Think of five other phrases like “subject + verb + object” that can also have this ambiguity (i.e., the subject can be mixed with the object). All phrases must have a different grammatical analysis (for example, differ from each other by the gender or number of one of the members of the sentence). The predicate everywhere must be expressed by the verb in the present tense.

In the search phrases, the subjects and objects should be such nouns, in which the nominative case coincides with the accusative.

1. The coincidence of the forms of the nominative and accusative cases of the same number is quite common. In the singular, these cases coincide for all neuter nouns (sea, window, animal), for inanimate masculine nouns (forest, path), for third-declension feminine nouns (steppe, mother-in-law), in the plural for all nouns ( forests, steppes, seas).

In each phrase with such nouns, the subject and object must be in the same number. Otherwise, the form of the verb will unambiguously indicate the subject.

Combining nouns of different genders and numbers, you can build suitable phrases, for example: The seas surround the continents. The sea resembles the steppe. Silver replaces gold. Haste increases fear. Metal replaces wood.

2. Another, more rare case satisfies the condition of the problem: the coincidence of the forms of the nominative case of the singular and the accusative case of the plural. It is observed in some animated masculine nouns (soldiers, Georgians, Turks, etc.). The predicate in phrases with such nouns should be in the singular, therefore, the second noun should be in the singular only, for example: The child sees gypsies. Romanian meets daughter. The team welcomes the soldiers.

Analysis of results

In general, the students coped with the task, but again the practical part turned out to be more accessible than the theoretical one. Difficulties arose with the explanation of some linguistic phenomena and the formulation of obvious, in general, patterns.

Education, pedagogy, upbringing:

Games using subject and plot pictures
Already at the end of the first year, the child reaches for a colorful picture, rejoicing at the image. The kid does not immediately distinguish the real object from its image in the picture. He treats the drawing like a toy, a thing, trying to take the drawn ball and bite the apple. With the help of an adult, the baby gradually established ...

The use of cognitive books of mathematical content and workbooks in the logical and mathematical development of preschoolers
Throughout the 20th century The questions of using books with mathematical content and workbooks to enrich the mathematical concepts of preschoolers were actively developed (F. N. Blekher, Z. A. Mikhailova, L. G. Peterson, E. Ya. Fortunatova, L. K. Shleger, and others. ). It is possible to distinguish several...

Institutions of social service, prevention and rehabilitation of families and children
In our country, in 1992, the government adopted a resolution "On Priority Measures for the Creation of a State System of Social Assistance to the Family," which includes economic, legal, medical, psychological, and pedagogical assistance. Social politics manifested itself in the payment of ...

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Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

To determine the zone of proximal speech development (its syntactic structure), the following speech parameters were chosen: the appearance of subjectively new syntactic models in students' speech (often of a complicated type relative to the mastered rows), structurally justifiably correlated with the functional-stylistic and expressive parameters of speech, but having errors and shortcomings in design (undeveloped structures of a complicated type); inadequate replacement of syntactic models that are potentially in demand from the point of view of expressing the functional-stylistic, semantic and expressive meaning of speech, with constructions from the same synonymic series (undeveloped synonymic series)

Following L.S. Vygotsky, we can say that the zone of proximal speech development is determined between the level of mastered grammatical series and the level that is in demand, unmastered, but can be mastered with the help of a teacher.

At the end of the section, the following conclusions are drawn.

In the actual zone of speech development, students mainly operate with dominant models of different functional-tonal and stylistic meanings. For example, in the meanings of comparison and opposition, these are constructions with the unions “a” and “but”, in the definitive meaning - with the allied word “which”, etc. d.

In the speech of adolescents, synonymous series of functional-stylistic meanings are either not mastered at all, such as, for example, a series of attributive meanings, and non-dominant models are occasionalisms, or they are mastered insufficiently.

There is an uneven frequency of the use of sentences with different functional and stylistic meanings. Rarely, for example, are causal, target, conditional, comparative meanings, despite the fact that they are in demand by the zone of proximal speech development.

In view of the fact that there is an inadequate replacement of syntactic models that are potentially in demand from the point of view of the functional-stylistic, semantic and expressive meaning of speech, constructions from another synonymic series (the undeveloped adjacent synonymic series is manifested) or from the same synonymic series (the undeveloped given synonymic range), the syntactic structure of students' speech is impoverished, speech becomes communicatively inaccurate.

The undeveloped syntactic structure of students' speech prevents the full decoding of a literary text, hinders reader development

The syntactic structure of students' speech must be developed purposefully both in a variety of functional and stylistic meanings, and within the synonymous range of each meaning demanded by the zone of proximal speech development.

Exercise: "Offer limits"

Purpose: to learn to find sentence boundaries in the text.

Teacher: What is an offer? What do we know about him?

Finished thought.

It has the main members: subject and predicate.

On the board is written the text without dots and a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence:

cold matinees hit from the trees with rain yellow leaves hid insects migratory birds gather on the road thrushes greedily peck mountain ash in the forest a cold wind whistles the trees fall into a deep sleep.

Find errors in the text.

No capital letter; dots; offers; ...hard to read; ...hard to understand.

We will correct mistakes. It is necessary to find the beginning and end of each sentence, put the appropriate signs.

The discussion proceeds as follows:

What is the first sentence about?

About matinees.

Let's check.

What? - matinees. This is the subject, we emphasize it with one line.

What is said about matinees?

What they hit.

Let's check. What did the morons do? - hit. This predicate, we emphasize it with two features.

Let's determine what other words in this sentence are connected in meaning with the main members of the sentence. Where does thought end?

In the same way, the entire text is worked out, the boundaries of sentences are determined.

Analysis of results

The proposed task at the practical level did not cause any difficulties for the students. The whole class coped with the practical task, but the majority of the theoretical part was done inaccurately, chaotically, many ninth-graders showed ignorance of the terms and inability to clearly formulate answers to the questions posed.

Rating "5" - 32% (7 people);

"4" - 36% (8 people);

"3" - 27% (6 people);

"2" - 5% (1 person).

Mission "Mother loves daughter"

The phrase "Mother loves daughter" is usually understood as follows: (who?) mother loves (who?) daughter. But in some cases (for example, with a special intonation or in the context of “Not the father, but the mother loves the daughter”, it can be understood differently: (who?) The mother loves (who?) The daughter.

Think of five other phrases like “subject + verb + object” that can also have this ambiguity (i.e., the subject can be mixed with the object). All phrases must have a different grammatical analysis (for example, differ from each other by the gender or number of one of the members of the sentence). The predicate everywhere must be expressed by the verb in the present tense.

In the search phrases, the subjects and objects should be such nouns, in which the nominative case coincides with the accusative.

1. The coincidence of the forms of the nominative and accusative cases of the same number is quite common. In the singular, these cases are the same for all neuter nouns (sea, window, animal), for inanimate masculine nouns (forest, path), for third declension feminine nouns (steppe, mother-in-law), in the plural for all nouns ( forests, steppes, seas).

In each phrase with such nouns, the subject and object must be in the same number. Otherwise, the form of the verb will unambiguously indicate the subject.

Combining nouns of different genders and numbers, you can build suitable phrases, for example: The seas surround the continents. The sea resembles the steppe. Silver replaces gold. Haste increases fear. Metal replaces wood.

2. Another, more rare case satisfies the condition of the problem: the coincidence of the forms of the nominative case of the singular and the accusative case of the plural. It is observed in some animated masculine nouns (soldiers, Georgians, Turks, etc.). The predicate in phrases with such nouns should be in the singular, therefore, the second noun should be in the singular only, for example: The child sees gypsies. Romanian meets daughter. The team welcomes the soldiers.

Analysis of results

In general, the students coped with the task, but again the practical part turned out to be more accessible than the theoretical one. Difficulties arose with the explanation of some linguistic phenomena and the formulation of obvious, in general, patterns.

"Excellent" received 2 people, "good" - 11, "satisfactory" - 7 people, "unsatisfactory" - 2.

Rating "5" - 9%;

"3" - 32%;

You can develop the grammatical structure of speech not only in the lessons of the Russian language, but also in extracurricular games events, which are also useful because they often unite very divided classes. Let us give examples of mass linguistic games, the purpose of which is to form and develop the skills of coherent monologue and dialogic speech, to develop creative thinking, train memory and help strengthen partnerships and friendships between classmates.

Game "Comparisons"

Choose a word that names an object, phenomenon or action. Then the players in the circle compare it with something, indicating the grounds for comparison.

For example, with the word "river" options are possible: "It looks like a ribbon, just as long and shiny." "She's like time, she can't be stopped either."

It is forbidden to repeat. Anyone who does not answer is out of the game. The last one to answer wins. It is especially interesting, though difficult, to play with words with an abstract meaning.

Game "Wreath"

2 teams are playing. The player approaches the opponents alone, and they call him a word that his team must guess. He offers her options with which to compare the hidden object, phenomenon or action. For example, for the word "rain": "It can be like a waterfall. It can be like a lullaby. It's like a shower."

When the word is guessed, the teams switch roles. Complicate the game of words with an abstract meaning (devotion, dominance) - they are difficult to compare - or, on the contrary, very specific (like a screwdriver or a zipper) - they are difficult to guess.

2.3 Methods of mastering the ways of word formation

The study of the grammatical structure of students' speech includes the study of the following skills of schoolchildren: word formation of nouns, adjectives and verbs, the use of cases, categories of the number of nouns, mastering the coordination of different parts of speech, as well as the ability to use simple and complex prepositions, construct sentences

Scientists distinguish the following features of word formation of parts of speech:

· nouns (diminutive, names of cubs of animals and birds, by analogy /rain - raindrop, snow - .../, with the meaning of a part of the whole);

Prefixed verbs (replacing verbs with prefixes with non-prefixed verbs of diffuse meaning, replacing one prefix with another, close in meaning, using instead of a verb with a prefix the stem of a verb without a prefix);

relative adjectives.

Having studied word-formation models in all their diversity, students begin to perceive the language not as a static substance, but as a living developing organism. With this knowledge, the need for active conscious word creation comes to them.

We remember that the child already went through this stage of constructing words according to the samples perceived by ear from adults at the age of 2 or 3, but at that moment word creation was just one of the many ways of knowing the world. Over the years, when the young man had already accepted the concept of a language norm, word creation became for him the discovery of new horizons of knowledge, one of the ways of self-expression.

That is why it is so important for us to involve a teenager in this wonderful language game - the creation of a word.

Task "Salt"

Try to explain from what word and in what way the word cookery was formed, acting in the expression " salt". Support your explanation with examples of derived words that are formed in the same way and have approximately the same meaning.

Consider the hypothesis "cook - cook - cook". The meaning of the prefix to cook is the same as in the verbs to vilify (jacket), draw, play. But then it turns out that “table salt” is “salt that has not been boiled for a long time”, which does not at all correspond to the actual meaning of this phrase, namely: “salt that can be used for cooking.”

Now suppose that the word "culinary" is not a participle, but an adjective and is formed from a noun, like the words "song" (from "song"), "kitchen" (from "kitchen"), etc., in which the suffix - n- is attached to a stem ending in the suffix -en- with a fluent "e". It turns out the chain "cook - cook - cook" (akin to "groom - stable - stable"). Then “table salt” is salt related to the kitchen (kitchen), “kitchen” salt, which is consistent with the actual meaning of this phrase.

In modern Russian, the word "culinary" is not a derivative, since the word "culinary" has ceased to exist.

Guidelines: this task is quite difficult and requires a special linguistic flair and additional historical and grammatical knowledge, so it can be given to a strong student to prepare as a report or offered to students who do well in Russian in the block of tasks of a school or district Olympiad.

The task "The best troechnik"

Before you is a phrase from a very famous work one great Russian writer. A bill is made in it (otherwise the task would not work):

"...Kiryuha... was considered the best three-year-old in the whole district."

How is it possible to be the best threesome?

The answer becomes clear from the full text of the phrase taken from A.P. Chekhov "Steppe":

“Kiryukha lived in the coachmen at good people and was considered the best C-student in the whole district.

This meaning of the word "threesome" is no longer in modern language. In the "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegov, it is not indicated. But in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by D.N. Ushakov and in both academic dictionaries (17 and 4 volumes) it is. This is a “cabman, coachman, riding a troika”.

Methodological recommendations: offering students this, in fact, a simple task, it is necessary to refer to their reading experience, to recall previously studied works fiction. It is thanks to tasks of this type that the idea of ​​interaction between the lessons of literature and the Russian language is realized in practice. It is important for the teacher to show the children the right direction of reasoning.

All participants in the experimental group performed well on this task. The most complete and accurate answer was given by 6 people, 10 people had good answers, 5 people answered satisfactorily, 1 person did not cope with the task.

Rating "5" - 27%;

Task "Complex numbers"

Compound numerals are given, found in manuscripts and epics of the XII - XVII centuries: half a third - 250; half a hundred and ten - 55; half a fifth - 4.5.

1. What quantities were transmitted by the numerals half a hundred and half a third ten?

2. Are there situations in which we use the same logic of notation of quantity in modern Russian?

3. Are there words in modern Russian that go back to complex numerals of this type?

2. Designation of time, such as "half past six", "quarter past three".

3. One and a half * one and a half, one and a half hundred * one and a half hundred.

Methodological Notes: Absolutely all students coped with the task. Excellent result in 12 people, good in 8, satisfactory - in 2 people.

Rating "5" - 55%;


In the course of our work on the study of the process of teaching the Russian language, the creation of a system of special exercises, in the analysis of theoretical literature on linguistics, psychology and methodology, we were convinced of the relevance of our work. We realized that despite the long overdue obvious need for the development of speech and communication skills in schoolchildren, this need modern education not fully satisfied.

There are many reasons for this: from the general low level of culture, erudition and erudition of students, and incorrectly, not according to the priorities of the program time allocated by the State Standard to the Russian language lessons irrationally organized by teachers. There is an insufficient development of the grammatical structure of students' speech. Modern schoolchildren have a clear bias towards linguistic and linguistic competence, but communicative competence is extremely poorly developed. This is despite the fact that modern society makes high demands specifically on the contact valency of a person and his ability to freely navigate in the communication space, and not on the quality of theoretical knowledge about the language.

Summarizing the results of our study, we can following output: the grammatical structure of speech, being the fundamental basis for the formation of linguistic, linguistic and communicative competence even with insufficient development in some schoolchildren, he is able to intensively improve under the condition of correct pedagogical influence, subtle psychological interaction and clear methodological understanding.

The exclusively positive dominant of the obtained conclusion is due to the positive solution of all the tasks stated at the very beginning of the study:

Having studied the most significant works on age-related and experimental pedagogy, the psychology of speech development and the methodology of speech development, we have established theoretical basis development of the grammatical structure of the speech of schoolchildren;

· during teaching practice, we developed and tested a system of special exercises on the method of forming the grammatical structure of speech, the method of forming the syntactic structure of speech, the method of mastering the methods of word formation;

revealed typical mistakes students when performing the proposed exercises and developed a methodology for collective analysis and individual work above them;

· developed guidelines for introducing the proposed set of exercises into the basic and optional Russian language training program, and also gave recommendations for conducting extracurricular activities designed to develop the grammatical structure of students' speech.

grammar speech learner Russian language

List of used literature

1. Arkhipova E.V. Fundamentals of methodology for the development of students' speech. M.: "Verbum-M", 2004.

3. Bogoyavlensky D.I. Some psychological problems of teaching grammar. On Sat. Questions of the psychology of mastering grammar and spelling. M., APN RSFSR - 1959.

4. Questions of the methodology of the Russian language. Ed. G.N. Seizures. Issue II. Ryazan, 1973

5. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech / Collected works. M., 1982. - T. 2.

6. Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. M., 1997.

7. Gvozdev A.N. “The formation of the grammatical structure of the Russian language in a child. M.: APN RSFSR, 1949.

8. Gvozdev A.N. Questions of studying children's speech. M., 1961.

9. Dudnikov A.V. Methods of syntax and punctuation at school. Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 1963.

10. Zhuiko S.F. Psychology of grammar acquisition in primary school. M.: APN RSFSR, 1958.

11. Lvov M.R. Dictionary-reference book on the methodology of the Russian language. Moscow: Education, 1988.

12. Methodology of grammar and spelling. Ed. N.S. Rozhdestvensky 2nd edition M .: Education, 1979.

13. Methodology of the Russian language. M.: Education, 1982.

14. Pristupa G.N. Methodology of the lesson of the Russian language. Ryazan, 1971.

15. Ramzaeva T.G., Lvov M.R. Methods of teaching the Russian language. Moscow: Education, 1979.

16. Reformatsky A.A. Introduction to linguistics. Moscow: Aspect Press, 1996.

17. Rubinstein S.L. Basics general psychology. M., 1989.

18. Tekuchev A.V. Methodology of the Russian language in high school. - M.: Enlightenment, 1970.

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Entertaining questions that can be used in the lessons on the topic “Homonyms”

Task: Answer the questions

  1. What is the line that no scientist can read? ( line sewn on a typewriter).
  2. Which boron never has foliage? ( Bor- chemical element).
  3. Can all steam rise? (Can't get up steam- arable land left without sowing).
  4. Is every drum a musical instrument? ( drum also called parts that have the shape of a whole cylinder).
  5. What rocker can fly? ( rocker- a genus of large dragonflies).
  6. Which key can't open the lock? ( key- source, musical sign).
  7. What shoes don't have heels? (U shoes– devices for braking wagons).
  8. Which animal and which warship have the same name? ( Battleship).

Exercises to use in Synonyms

Task: Select the “third extra” word in each of the given groups of words, keeping in mind that the combination of two words in all groups is associated with the same vocabulary phenomenon (what?)

Fire, autumn, flame.

Alphabet, calligraphy, alphabet.

Rogue, cavalry, cavalry.

Throw, throw, jump.

Hurricane, rain, blizzard.

Task: Guess riddles-jokes.

Which state is difficult to wear on your head? (Panama).

Which European capital stands on mowed grass? (Paris on the Seine).

Which city is flying? (Eagle).

What river can be cut with a knife? (Rod).

What land never gets old? (New Earth).

Which wing never flies? (Aircraft wing).

The game "Who is faster?" (used in the lesson "Phraseologisms")

Task: pick up phraseological units that begin with verbs:

Give (give a head to cut off, give a word, back up, give a hat, give heat).

Go (go uphill, keep up, go against, go your own way).

Stand up (get up from your left foot, stand across your throat, stand at a dead end, stand across the road).

Take (pull yourself together, take over, take the bull by the horns, take in circulation).

Get out (get out of the water, get out of patience, go into orbit, go out into people, get out of yourself).

Keep (keep tight, keep a stone in your bosom, keep yourself in control, keep gunpowder dry, keep your ears open).

Tasks used in the lesson “Grammar is a way of organizing a language.

Why do we need grammar?

Exercise: Phrase mother loves daughter usually understood as follows: “(who?) mother loves (who?) daughter.” But in some cases (for example, with a special intonation or in the context not a father, but a mother loves a daughter it can be understood differently: “(whom?) mother loves (who?) daughter”. Come up with 5 other Russian phrases like “subject + predicate + object”, in which such ambiguity can also occur (i.e. the subject can be mixed with the object). All 5 phrases must have a different grammatical analysis (for example, differ from each other by the gender or number of any of the members of the sentence); in this case, however, the predicate must be expressed by the verb in the present tense . (Answer: for example, the seas surround the continents. The sea resembles the steppe. Metal displaces wood. Haste increases fear. Silver replaces gold).

Tasks offered to students in the lesson

“Phonetic level of the language. Sounds of speech”

Task: Determine if the two words in the pair contain common consonants and, if so, which ones:

  1. row-yar
  2. table-year
  3. hatch cat
  4. edge-south
  5. stack guest
  6. row-beast
  7. pit-mai
  8. her-her
  9. royu-yar
  10. mouth shadow
  11. tulle south
  12. spruce network
  13. fool-pleased

Tasks used in the lesson “Parts of Speech”

Exercise: complex numerals found in manuscripts and epics of the 12th-17th centuries are given: half a third (250), half a hundred and ten (55), half a fifth (4.5). What quantities were indulged in numerals half a hundred and half a third ten? Are there situations when we use this logic of quantity designation, speaking in modern Russian? Are there words in modern Russian that go back to complex numerals of this type? (550, 25. Designations like half past six, a quarter past three. One and a half).

Exercise: Try to come up with as many words as you can, consisting of some prepositions. For example: the word SOVOK consists of five prepositions. To compose words, use the following prepositions: in, to, for, on, over, about, from, by, under, with, for the sake of, with, at. ( Taste, wax, goat, kus, piece, bite, eye, slope, strut, posture, kos, blanket, smack, suction, radio, radius, lope, bevel, livestock, juice, sauce, bough, vinegar, bite, etc. e.)

Task used in the topic “Slavic and Baltic languages”

Task: given Russian words and phrases and their translations into Bulgarian in a confused order:1) steering wheel, awning, fan, brig, seine, sail, cobblestone, steering wheel, cherry jam, gear; 2) golyam kamak, ship for a fee, sail, an old two-masted paid-walker, helm pricked, helm, sweet from cherries, golyama ribarska mrezha, jagged prick, canopy from a fee. Set the translation of all Russian words and phrases.(rudder - helm, tent-canopy from a fee, fan-sail, brig-old two-masted paid-walker, seine-golyama ribarska mrezha, etc.)

The game "From word to word" (suggested for use in the lesson

“The word is the basic unit of the language”)

Task: given a pair of words. Replacing two letters in any of the pairs of words and forming new words, go to another word. The order of letters cannot be changed.

WINTER-SUMMER (winter-strength-sieve-summer)

SPRING-Autumn (spring-mouth-lash-deer-fire-autumn)

DEW-HORROW (dew-risk-start-proc-stock-hoarfrost).

Entertaining poems used

in the lesson "Stress and intonation"

* Although I'm called sugar,
  • Alexandrova G.V. Entertaining Russian. Boring textbook. - St. Petersburg: Triton, 1998
  • Drozdova O.E. Guidelines for the lessons of linguistics in grades 5-8. Moscow: Vlados, 2003
  • Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Zepalova T.S. Develop the gift of words. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990
  • Drozdova O.E. Linguistics lessons for schoolchildren. 5-8 grade. - M.: Vlados, 2003
  • Rakov V.I. Philological crossword puzzles and tasks. – M.: Ileksa, 2006
  • Zhurinsky A.N. Linguistics in tasks. – M.: Indrik, 1995
  • http://xn--i1abbnckbmcl9fb.xn--p1ai/%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B8/500023/
  • We communicate with words. Words describe all our feelings surrounding nature and everything created by human hands.

    The word is a very gentle creature. Substitution, addition or deletion of one letter can completely change the meaning of a word. Words, like people, are born, live and die. But there are long-lived words that live for thousands of years (bread, water, air).

    Even in early childhood, only having learned to speak, we begin to change existing words and invent new ones.

    In the State Educational Institution School No. 832 of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, the curriculum includes a number of non-standard subjects aimed at learning the word: linguistics, a literacy course, rhetoric. For the formation of a modern linguistic personality, it is not enough those lessons in the school course of the Russian language that are included in the program. True language proficiency does not only consist of mastering spelling, punctuation, and so on. The school should develop in children an attitude towards human language as a universal tool and object of knowledge. The course of linguistics, introduced several years ago, is designed to teach children to compare, analyze linguistic facts, and develop an interest in the language. Linguistics lessons are conducted at our school in grades 5-7, in grades 8-9 there is a creative laboratory "Linguist", designed to support the project and research activities students.

    In these lessons, I often offer children word games. These can be crosswords, chainwords, squares, linewords related to philological work, tasks for finding and building words. They contain a large amount of vocabulary and fragments of works of art. They illustrate the richness and possibilities of the Russian language. The vocabulary of such exercises is very diverse. Such different linguistic material contributes to the successful mastery of the word, increasing the level of literacy.

    Particular attention in the lessons of linguistics, I pay attention to problem solving. It is tasks, because, unlike various kinds of exercises and tasks, it needs to be solved, i.e. the answer does not lie on the surface, but is achieved as a result of certain logical operations, while the solver can prove the correctness of the answer. The self-sufficiency of the problem is manifested in the fact that all the material necessary for its solution is contained in the condition and the solver does not require special knowledge and training. The linguistic task thus embodies the principle of problem-based learning, modeling many elements of students' creative activity under simplified conditions. Students who solve problems get acquainted with the methods of analyzing language material used in linguistics, independently “discover” many linguistic concepts, such as phoneme, morpheme, agreement, and many others, although special terms are not used in the problem material itself.

    Another feature of tasks is also very important: they introduce students to a wide range of linguistic phenomena belonging to a variety of languages. Such tasks reflect the connection of linguistics with other sciences, for example, with mathematics.

    A special type is represented by tasks on the phenomena of the Russian language. In addition to the data contained explicitly in the condition, the decider can use the information that he has as a native speaker.

    Such phenomena allow gradually, sometimes unconsciously, to solve a number of pedagogical problems:

    • Develop skills and abilities to work with words, identify their meanings, look for the right concepts, determine spelling, make anagrams, etc .;
    • Actively expand the vocabulary of schoolchildren; actively use new vocabulary;
    • Raise the level of culture of thinking, speech culture;
    • Refer to literary works and thereby repeat material on literature, world artistic culture;
    • Develop skills and need to use explanatory and other dictionaries;
    • Learn to clearly define specific goals in each case when solving a problem;
    • To cultivate a taste for working with the word, excitement in solving intellectual problems, the ability to persevere, overcoming difficulties, not to leave things unfinished.

    I widely use such linguistic material in extracurricular activities when organizing quizzes, competitions, KVN, as well as in the lessons mentioned above. Such entertaining tasks are appropriate for the age of the students and arouse and maintain interest in the subject.

    I will give examples of such tasks (during their development, various sources were used: Alexandrova G.V. Entertaining Russian language. Neskuchny textbook, 1998; Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Zepalova T.S. Develop the gift of words, 1990; Rakov V.I. Philological crossword puzzles and tasks, 2006; Zhurinsky A.N. Linguistics in tasks, 1995). The topics of the lessons given below correspond to the thematic planning of the program "Linguistics in secondary school" (

    Entertaining questions that can be used in the lessons on the topic “Homonyms”

    Task: Answer the questions

    1. What is the line that no scientist can read? ( line sewn on a typewriter).
    2. Which boron never has foliage? ( Bor- chemical element).
    3. Can all steam rise? (Can't get up steam- arable land left without sowing).
    4. Is every drum a musical instrument? ( drum also called parts that have the shape of a whole cylinder).
    5. What rocker can fly? ( rocker- a genus of large dragonflies).
    6. Which key can't open the lock? ( key- source, musical sign).
    7. What shoes don't have heels? (U shoes– devices for braking wagons).
    8. Which animal and which warship have the same name? ( Battleship).

    Exercises to use in Synonyms

    Task: Select the “third extra” word in each of the given groups of words, keeping in mind that the combination of two words in all groups is associated with the same vocabulary phenomenon (what?)

    Fire, autumn, flame.

    Alphabet, calligraphy, alphabet.

    Rogue, cavalry, cavalry.

    Throw, throw, jump.

    Hurricane, rain, blizzard.

    Task: Guess riddles-jokes.

    Which state is difficult to wear on your head? (Panama).

    Which European capital stands on mowed grass? (Paris on the Seine).

    Which city is flying? (Eagle).

    What river can be cut with a knife? (Rod).

    What land never gets old? (New Earth).

    Which wing never flies? (Aircraft wing).

    The game "Who is faster?" (used in the lesson "Phraseologisms")

    Task: pick up phraseological units that begin with verbs:

    Give (give a head to cut off, give a word, back up, give a hat, give heat).

    Go (go uphill, keep up, go against, go your own way).

    Stand up (get up from your left foot, stand across your throat, stand at a dead end, stand across the road).

    Take (pull yourself together, take over, take the bull by the horns, take in circulation).

    Get out (get out of the water, get out of patience, go into orbit, go out into people, get out of yourself).

    Keep (keep tight, keep a stone in your bosom, keep yourself in control, keep gunpowder dry, keep your ears open).

    Tasks used in the lesson “Grammar is a way of organizing a language.

    Why do we need grammar?

    Task: Phrase mother loves daughter usually understood as follows: “(who?) mother loves (who?) daughter.” But in some cases (for example, with a special intonation or in the context not a father, but a mother loves a daughter it can be understood differently: “(whom?) mother loves (who?) daughter”. Come up with 5 other Russian phrases like “subject + predicate + object”, in which such ambiguity can also occur (i.e. the subject can be mixed with the object). All 5 phrases must have a different grammatical analysis (for example, differ from each other by the gender or number of any of the members of the sentence); in this case, however, the predicate must be expressed by the verb in the present tense . (Answer: for example, the seas surround the continents. The sea resembles the steppe. Metal displaces wood. Haste increases fear. Silver replaces gold).

    Tasks offered to students in the lesson

    “Phonetic level of the language. Sounds of speech”

    Task: Determine if the two words in the pair contain common consonants and, if so, which ones:

    1. row-yar
    2. table-year
    3. hatch cat
    4. edge-south
    5. stack guest
    6. row-beast
    7. pit-mai
    8. her-her
    9. royu-yar
    10. mouth shadow
    11. tulle south
    12. spruce network
    13. fool-pleased

    Tasks used in the lesson “Parts of Speech”

    Task: given complex numerals found in manuscripts and epics of the 12th-17th centuries: half a third (250), half a hundred and ten (55), half a fifth (4.5). What quantities were indulged in numerals half a hundred and half a third ten? Are there situations when we use this logic of quantity designation, speaking in modern Russian? Are there words in modern Russian that go back to complex numerals of this type? (550, 25. Designations like half past six, a quarter past three. One and a half).

    Task: Try to come up with as many words as possible, consisting of one prepositions. For example: the word SOVOK consists of five prepositions. To compose words, use the following prepositions: in, to, for, on, over, about, from, by, under, with, for the sake of, with, at. ( Taste, wax, goat, kus, piece, bite, eye, slope, strut, posture, kos, blanket, smack, suction, radio, radius, lope, bevel, livestock, juice, sauce, bough, vinegar, bite, etc. e.)

    Task used in the topic “Slavic and Baltic languages”

    Task: given Russian words and phrases and their translations into Bulgarian in a confused order: 1) steering wheel, awning, fan, brig, seine, sail, cobblestone, steering wheel, cherry jam, gear; 2) golyam kamak, ship for a fee, sail, an old two-masted paid-walker, helm pricked, helm, sweet from cherries, golyama ribarska mrezha, jagged prick, canopy from a fee. Set the translation of all Russian words and phrases.(rudder - helm, tent-canopy from a fee, fan-sail, brig-old two-masted paid-walker, seine-golyama ribarska mrezha, etc.)

    The game "From word to word" (suggested for use in the lesson

    “The word is the basic unit of the language”)

    Task: given a pair of words. Replacing two letters in any of the pairs of words and forming new words, go to another word. The order of letters cannot be changed.

    WINTER-SUMMER (winter-strength-sieve-summer)

    SPRING-Autumn (spring-mouth-lash-deer-fire-autumn)

    DEW-HORROW (dew-risk-start-proc-stock-hoarfrost).

    Entertaining poems used

    in the lesson "Stress and intonation"

    Task: Complete the poems with words, putting the stress in them correctly.

    * Open the faucet - water will flow.
    How did she get here?
    -In the house, garden, orchard
    spent ... (water supply O e).

    *Would be a friend
    There will be ... (dos at G).

    * Although I'm called sugar,
    But I didn't get wet from the rain.
    large, round,
    Sweet to the taste.
    Did you know? I - ... (St. yo kla).

    * He, friends, tastes sweet,
    And his name is ... (arb at h).

    List of used literature:

    1. Mechkovskaya N.B. Social Linguistics. - M.: JSC Aspect Press, 1994
    2. Alexandrova G.V. Entertaining Russian. Boring textbook. - St. Petersburg: Triton, 1998
    3. Drozdova O.E. Guidelines for the lessons of linguistics in grades 5-8. Moscow: Vlados, 2003
    4. Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Zepalova T.S. Develop the gift of words. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990
    5. Drozdova O.E. Linguistics lessons for schoolchildren. 5-8 grade. - M.: Vlados, 2003
    6. Rakov V.I. Philological crossword puzzles and tasks. – M.: Ileksa, 2006
    7. Zhurinsky A.N. Linguistics in tasks. – M.: Indrik, 1995