Barmin n. Barmin Alexander Nikolaevich. Greetings to the teachers of Ilyinsky secondary school

Barmin Nikolai Mikhailovich
Born March 22, 1924 (according to the passport - 1922).
Died January 12, 1997.

Nikolai Barmin was born in the village of Yurga Kemerovo region, from where his parents soon moved to Leninsk-Kuznetsk. Three sons were born in their family, of which Nikolai was the youngest. His father came from an impoverished noble family which was one of the reasons for his arrest in 1937. In her youth, her mother owned an inn, but because of the persecution of her husband, she was forced to leave everything and move with him and the children from one place to another.

At the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War Nikolai Barmin attributed two years to himself and, without graduating from school, volunteered to go to the front. He fought on the Southwestern and Ukrainian fronts, was wounded twice. After the second wound, he entered the theater institute, but, before he could start training, he was again drafted into the ranks of the Red Army.

Having finally demobilized in 1945, Nikolai Barmin became a second-year student at the acting department of GITIS, after which he left to work in Estonia in 1948. After staying there for only a few months, Barmin transferred to Moscow, to the Central Theater of Transport, becoming one of the leading artists of his troupe. He was involved in the repertoire in the most diverse roles, playing character-comedy, heroic and dramatic characters. Among them: Ivan Gora (“Walking through the agony” by A.N. Tolstoy), Silenieki and Lanka (“The Tempest” by V. Latsis), Claude Frolo, Clopin Trouilfou and Quasimodo (“Notre Dame Cathedral” by V. Hugo), Nelkin ( "The Wedding of Krechinsky" by A.V. Sukhovo-Kobylin), Recardo ("The Gadfly" by A.L. Zhelyabuzhsky based on the novel by E.L. Voynich), Kashchei ("The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich" by V. Goldfeld), Vinogradov ("K New Shore” by V. Latsis), Octavio (“Spanish Priest” by D. Fletcher) and others.

In February 1955, Nikolai Mikhailovich moved to the Theater-Studio of a film actor, in whose troupe he remained until January 1990. He played in the performances: “Barbarians” by M. Gorky (Doctor Makarov), “Daring Earthlings” by G.A. Semenikhin and Yu. Malasheva (Stanislav Leonidovich), "The Third Generation" by N.I. Miroshnichenko (Garis), “Many years later” by G.G. Natanson and V. Orlov (Dobkevich and an elderly actor), "Oakwoods" by B.S. Romashova (Goloushev), Despair by V.S. Spesivtsev and others.

Nikolai Barmin has been acting in films since 1947, where, unlike the theater, he most often played people in uniform, workers, and social heroes. His characters were distinguished by representativeness, determination, masculinity, good humor. Among the best works actors: Firsonov ("There is such a guy"), Mikolka's father ("Mikolka the locomotive"), Styrny ("Red Leaves"), Panas ("The girl is looking for her father"), Ryabov ("The man does not give up"), director of the vocational school (“Knight’s move”), Funtikov (“26 Baku commissars”), Chernomor (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan”), Dergach (“I am “Diver-2””), Lieutenant General Ignatiev (“Mikhailo Lomonosov”), Ozhogin ("Morning of the doomed mine"), General Rudenko ("Destroy the 30th!").

In life, Nikolai Barmin was a sociable, inquisitive person. He was fond of football, chess, reading, winter fishing. Among his friends were,.

The wife of Nikolai Mikhailovich Evgenia Ivanovna (1927-2013) worked as an editor at Mosfilm. In 1961, their daughter Vera was born in their family, who later became an editor on the radio.

Nikolai Barmin was buried at the Khovansky cemetery.

Films and roles:

1947: "The train goes east" (passenger geologist); 1952: "Light in Koordi" (Vorobiev); 1956: “There is such a guy” (Firsonov), “Captain of the “Old Turtle”” (chairman of the gubchek), “Mikolka Parovoz” (father of Mikolka); 1958: "Her Big Heart" (ep.), "Red Leaves" (Styrny), "Poem of the Sea" (special flight passenger); 1959: "A girl is looking for a father" (daddy Panas), "A man changes his skin" (Metalkin); 1960: "Northern Rainbow" (General Yermolov), "Morning" (Smirnov), "Man Does Not Give Up" (Ryabov); 1961: Our Street (Baryshev), Tales of Youth. Breakthrough "(commander of the partisan detachment); 1962: “Two in the Steppe” (officer), “Children of the Pamirs” (commander), “Possessed” (Andreev), “Ostrov Olkhovy”, TV, km (member of the city committee bureau), “Knight's Walk” (director of the school); 1963: “Big and small” (Nikolai Ivanovich), “He conquers the sky” (design engineer), “Rat on a tray”, short film (guest); 1964: “Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman” (resident of the village), “Father of a Soldier” (Colonel), “Span of the Earth” (intelligence commander), “Ask Your Heart” (Lavrushin); 1965: “26 Baku Commissars” (Funtikov), “Flying Days” (Barabin), “We, the Russian People” (officer), “Our House” (auditor), “Roll Call” (general); 1966: "Two years over the abyss" (General Savchenko), "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" (Chernomor), "Through the icy mist", TV (gendarme); 1967: Exodus (Chief of Staff), Quiet Places Here (General), One Chance in a Thousand (General), Mysterious Wall (Major); 1969: "His Excellency's Adjutant", TV (Station Manager), "Echo of Distant Snows" (Major); 1970: "And There Was Evening and There Was Morning" (ep.), "Sea on Fire" (Navy Officer), "Marine Character" (German Officer), "The Man from the Other Side" (ep.); 1971: "The City under the Limes" (commander), "The End of the Lyubavins" (police chief), "Mortal Enemy" (ep.), "Masters" (detachment leader); 1972: "The Return of the Violin" (ep.), "Pyotr Ryabinkin" (ep.), "Sibiryachka" (member of the district committee bureau), "Taming the Fire" (air general); 1973: "Fearless chieftain" (general at the races), "Fair wind" (Fyodor), "Man in civilian clothes" (ep.); 1974: "Love of the Earth" (member of the bureau of the district committee), "Heaven with me" (guest), "Born by the Revolution", TV (ep.); 1975: “I am Diver-2” (Dergach), “From Dawn to Dawn” (fellow soldier photographer); 1976: "Distant close years" (Karpenko), "Days of the surgeon Mishkin", TV (member of the commission), "Life and death of Ferdinand Luce" (colonel); 1977: "The Violent Swan" (Mikhail Ivanovich), "Bay of Joy" (Petrovich), "Racing Without a Finish" (ep.), "Hatred" (detachment commander), "Dust in the Sun" (chief of staff); 1978: "Oasis on fire" (Arseny), "Classmates", TV (factory worker), "Siberiada" (liquidator of the accident); 1979: An Antarctic Tale, TV (ep. ), “Birds fly north” (Innokenty Mikhailovich); 1980: “Shot in the back” (head of the sports society), “Otherwise it is impossible” (Innokenty Mikhailovich), “The collapse of the operation“ Terror ”” (SR); 1981: "My Eternal Love" (ep.), "They were actors" (member of the military tribunal), "Tankodrom", TV (lieutenant colonel); 1982: "Death on the rise" (member of the commission); 1983: "It's time to saddle the horses" (ep.), "Three on the highway" (head of the consumer union); 1984: "Special Unit" (Major Barmin), "Partings" (executive); 1984-1986: "Mikhailo Lomonosov", TV (Lieutenant General Ignatiev); 1985: “At 17 boyish years”, TV (role), “Morning of the doomed mine” (Ozhogin); 1986: Testers TV (CEO); 1987: “Not subject to disclosure” (old Cossack); 1988: "Don't you like our government?!" (huntsman), "Civil suit", TV (people's assessor); 1989: “I want to make a confession”, TV (Vasily Ivanovich); 1991: "Don't wake the sleeping dog" (gray-haired co-operator), 1992: "Destroy the 30th" (KGB general).

Doctor of Geographical Sciences (2002), Professor (2003), Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Dean of the Faculty of Geology and Geography of the Astrakhan state university

Speciality: physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry.

Main areas of research: monitoring of the soil and vegetation cover of the Caspian Sea.

Short biography. Born in Astrakhan. In 1983 he graduated from the Astrakhan State pedagogical institute. From 1990 to 1993, he was a postgraduate student at the Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, headed by G.S. Rosenberg. Academic degree Candidate of Biological Sciences was awarded in 1993 at Voronezh State University for the defense of a Ph.D. In 1998 he was approved with the rank of associate professor. The degree of Doctor of Geographical Sciences in the specialty "Physical Geography and Biogeography, Soil Geography and Geochemistry of Landscape" was awarded after defending his doctoral dissertation in 2002 on the topic "Volga-Akhtuba floodplain and the Volga River Delta: dynamics of herbaceous vegetation cover in changing natural and anthropogenic conditions ". In 2003 he was approved as a professor.

Member of the Presidium of the Educational and Methodological Council on Ecology and Sustainable Development of the UMO for classical university education of the Russian Federation, as well as a member of the Joint Scientific Council on Fundamental Geographical Problems at the International Association of the Academy of Sciences (IAAS).

Supervises postgraduate studies in specialties: 25.00.23 - " Physiography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry”, 25.00.26 – “Land management, cadastre and land monitoring”, 25.00.35 – “Geoinformatics”. Under the leadership of A.N. Barmin completed and defended candidate dissertations of 20 graduate students.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal Geology, Geography and Global Energy, member of the editorial board of the Russian Journal of Applied Ecology.

List of major publications on problems of steppe science :

Barmin A.N., Kurmangalieva A.R. Actual problems nature management on the territory of the Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky district. - Astrakhan: Tekhnograd Publishing House, 2011. - 158 p.

Poisonous animals and plants of the Astrakhan region / A.N. Barmin [i dr.]. - Astrakhan: Tekhnograd Publishing House, 2012. - 127 p.

Buzyakova I.V., Barmin A.N., Iolin M.M. Assessment of the climatic conditions of the Astrakhan region for the development of tourism // Tourism and recreation in the XXI century: problems and prospects. – Baku, 2013.

Ecological passports of salt lakes of the Astrakhan region / Barmin A.N. [and others] // Certificate of state. registration of the database No. 2013621034 date of receipt May 05, 2013 at the Database Registry on August 28, 2013

Anthropogenic transformation of pasture vegetation in the Volga delta under the influence of grazing / Barmin A.N. [and others] // Certificate of state. registration of computer programs No. 201361 date of receipt June 05, 2013 Registered. in the Register of Computer Programs on July 18, 2013

Analysis of the manifestation of dangerous natural phenomena on the territory of the Astrakhan region / Barmin A.N. [and others] // European Geographical Students. - 2014. - Vol. (3), No. 3.

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The main scientific provisions formulated by the author on the basis of the research:

  1. The crisis of education, which began in the second half of the CC century, deepened significantly at the beginning of the third millennium. The depth of the crisis is connected with the formation of a new economic reality and the pace of changes in public life. The main features of the new economy: planetary scale, global capitalism, the predominance of network organizations in the areas of finance, trade, industry, information, the dominance of monetary-rational relations. One of the phenomena of the new economic reality is the dominance of capitalized knowledge and systems capable of cultivating it. Globalization economically predetermines the competition of the human potential of states and systems of its reproduction.
  2. Traditional social institutions, formed in the conditions of a social formation, underwent reconstruction, capitalization or lost their significance. In particular, the system of adult education has lost its structural integrity and significance in the regulation of social life. At the same time, the needs of society and the individual in maintaining sociality are increasing.
  3. As a result of the divergence of economics and culture within the economic subsystem of society, an alternative form of adult education has emerged - corporate training and learning organizations. This education is aimed at training and retraining of workers and is characterized, first of all, by economic expediency. The system of vocational education (basic) remained within the framework of the cultural and state subsystems of society. The period of identification of the value of the acquired knowledge (depreciation) in the sphere of labor is reduced or does not arise, which predetermines an increase in the need for additional educational services of a socializing nature.
  4. Alternative forms of knowledge were known in antiquity (epistema, doxa, paideia). However, a significant reassessment of the use value of knowledge occurred only in the second half of the CC century, when technological knowledge (skills) and creative abilities began to occupy leading positions in the market economy. In response to the challenges of the economy in the field of education, a competency-based approach began to develop, within which general cultural, professional, social, communicative, etc. competencies are distinguished. The lack of meta-activity expression of competencies in the conditions of the modern economy significantly reduces the use value of knowledge . On the other hand, the use value of knowledge that arises in the system "educational service - action - duration of action" increases when abilities that create value are highly valued.
  5. The requirement of continuity of education, imposed by the new economy, has both constructive and destructive consequences. Constructive consequences are associated with the growth of the adaptive capabilities of the individual and the development of the personality. The destructive consequences concern the growth of threats and risks. They are associated with the threat of desocialization of the individual, the contradiction between the acquired profession and professionalism, and are fraught with the danger of dilettantism. Professional identity modern man acquires the character of a stable plurality.
  6. The modern economy, described in terms of the system-synergetic approach, is an open highly non-equilibrium system that determines changes in the superstructure. World practice shows that this system corresponds to the system of lifelong education for adults, which is based on system-forming principles: openness and continuity. For modern domestic practice, the principles of autonomy, corporatism and complementarity are of particular importance. The key element of the system open education is self-developing educational environment meeting the individualized needs of adults outside the space and time inherent in traditional educational structures. A natural condition for the formation of such an educational space is a change in the organizational paradigm from a targeted impact to self-realization based on choice and cooperation, a developed information and communication environment, dynamic and multi-level educational content.
  7. In a market economy and the emerging knowledge society, the institutional educational form Personnel development institutions, educational holdings and corporate universities, etc., become the most fully reflecting the needs and trends of socio-economic development. Opportunities for the convergence of the new economy and professional education can be realized at the regional level by creating corporate regional universities. The paper presents the author's model of a corporate regional university, which allows to unite the efforts of economic and educational actors in resolving socio-professional conflicts of adults.


1. Barmin, N. Yu. Adult education in the new economy: socio-philosophical analysis / N. Yu. Barmin. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing House - in NIRO, 2010. - 155 p. - 9.5 p.l.

2. Barmin, N. Yu. Design and Network Institute of Innovative Education / N. Yu. Barmin, G.A. Ignatiev. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing house Printing house "Master Print", 2011 - 172 p. - 10 p. l. (ed. 7 p. l).

3. Barmin, N. Yu. The role of the university in the formation and implementation of regional programs /N. Yu. Barmin, A.F. Khokhlov, A.P. Koldanov // Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. N. I. Lobachevsky. - 1997.S.45–54.

4. Barmin, N. Yu. Regionalization of the educational system / N. Yu. Barmin // Pedagogy. - 1999. - No. 2. -p.13-17.

5. Barmin, N. Yu. Economic knowledge as a culturally appropriate need for the socialization of the individual / N. Yu. Barmin // Nizhny Novgorod education. - 2011. -№2. – P. 57–61.

6. Barmin, N. Yu. Design and Network Institute of Innovative Education as a New Type of Educational Institution in the Regional Education System / N. Yu. Barmin, G. A. Ignatieva// Education. The science. Innovation: Southern Dimension. - 2011. - No. 4 (19). –S.7–15.

7. Barmin, N. Yu. Designing a regional network institute for innovative education / N. Yu. Barmin, G. A. Ignatieva// Integration of education. - 2011. - No. 1. - P. 91–97.

8. Barmin, N.Yu. Training teaching staff as a condition for the formation human capital innovative development /N.Yu. Barmin // Nizhny Novgorod education. - 2012. - No. 1. - P.4 - 11.

9. Barmin, N. Yu. Professionalism as a value / N. Yu. Barmin, G. S. Pak // Bulletin Nizhny Novgorod University them. N. I. Lobachevsky. - Ser. " Social sciencies". -2013. - No. 3. P.23 - 31.

10. Barmin, N.Yu. thinking about man and liberal education/ N.Yu. Barmin // Nizhny Novgorod education. - 2013. - No. 1. – P. 4–10.

Other publications:

11. Barmin. N.Yu. Rural school today. / N.Yu. Barmin, N.V. Bespyatykh, I.A. Kovaleva. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing House - in NIPCRO, 1992. - 99s.

12. Barmin, N. Yu. In the interests of the state and society / N. Yu. Barmin // Pedagogical Review. - 1994. -№1. -S.6-10.

13. Barmin, N. Yu. Organization of regional scientific and technical programs in the Nizhny Novgorod region / N. Yu. Barmin, N. Yu. Babanov // Modern scientific and technical policy Russian Federation: federal and regional aspects and approaches: Sat. materials of the international seminar. - St. Petersburg, 1994. - S. 88-95.

14. Barmin, N. Yu. Regional educational policy – ​​the beginning of the path / N. Yu. Barmin // Pedagogical Review. - 1995. -№3. –S.3–7.

15. Barmin, N.Yu. Nizhny Novgorod Incubation Center high technologies. Work experience in 1993–1994 / N. Yu. Barmin, V. A. Antonets, N. V. Nechaeva, I. V. Sheinfeld, T. A. Yakhno // Sat. Regional Scientific and Technical Development and Cooperation, ed. A.N.Tikhonova, A.G. Fonotova. - Samara., 1995. - S. 287-297.

16. Barmin, N. Yu. Educational management: syllabus and training programs for educational organizers / N.Yu. Barmin, G.A. Morozov, V.F. Anurin, V. A. Maltsev. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing house - in VVKTs, 1994. - 87p.

17. Barmin, N. Yu. The education system of the Nizhny Novgorod region today / N. Yu. Barmin // Pedagogical Review. - 1996. -№2. – P.34–38.

18. Barmin, N. Yu. Creation of an educational GIS for general educational institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod region / M. A. Bazina, N. Yu. Barmin, G. A. Ignatieva, G. S. Kamerilova, et al. Cartography at the turn of the millennium. – M.: Institute of Geography RAS, 1997.–C.599–604.

19. Barmin, N. Yu. Education of the Nizhny Novgorod region (figures and facts) / N. Yu. Barmin / / Sat. materials of the pedagogical conference. - N. Novgorod, 1997. - S. 24-29.

20. Barmin, N.Yu. Experience of additional professional training in the field of technology commercialization / V. Antonets, N. Barmin, B. Bedny, A. Grudzinsky and others// Library of technological entrepreneurship. - M: Publishing House of the ANKh ZeLo, 1997. - No. 1. – P.211–218.

21. Barmin, N. Yu. Understanding the accumulated experience / N. Yu. Barmin // Pedagogical Review. - 1997. - No. 3. – P.3–11.

22. Barmin, N. Yu. August Pedagogical Council: Results and Problems of Nizhny Novgorod Education / N. Yu. Barmin // Pedagogical Review. - 1997. - No. 4. – P.7–15.

23. Barmin, N. Yu. Strategy for the implementation of the program "Orphans" / N. Yu. Barmin // Pedagogical Review. - 1998. - No. 2. – P.3–7.

24. Barmin, N. Yu. Regionalization of education: on the way to unified system/ N.Yu. Barmin // Pedagogical Review. - 1998. - No. 2–3. – P.3–8.

25. Barmin, N. Yu. Development of information interaction between research institutions and industrial enterprises as a way to regulate innovation activities in the region / N. Yu. Barmin. N.Yu. Babanov// State regulation of the economy: materials of the international scientific-practical conference. - N. Novgorod., 1999. – P.8–9.

26. Barmin, N. Yu. Teaching technology in the Nizhny Novgorod region / N. Yu. Barmin // School and production. - 1999. - No. 4. – P.19–21.

27. Barmin, N.Yu. The role of school economic education in preparing the younger generation for life / N.Yu. Barmin // Results, problems and prospects of economic education: materials of the scientific - practical conference. – N. Novgorod., 2003. – P.7–9.

28. Barmin, N. Yu. Normative financing and quality of education / N. Yu. Barmin// Pedagogical Review. - 2008. - No. 2–3. – P.31–37.

29. Barmin, N.Yu. Municipal methodological services of the Nizhny Novgorod region in the context of systemic changes in education / N. Yu. Barmin, O.V. Pleteneva, O.V. Tulupova. - N. Novgorod, 2008. - 244 p.

30. Barmin, N.Yu. Informatization of Nizhny Novgorod schools: state and prospects / N.Yu. Barmin // Nizhny Novgorod education. - 2009. - No. 2. – P.23–30.

31. Barmin, N. Yu. Education is the most complex process of human formation, taking into account its features / N. Yu. Barmin //Modern preschool education. Theory and practice. - 2010. - No. 5. - P. 18-21.

32. Barmin, N. Yu. Education of adults on the way to leadership positions in the world community / N. Yu. Barmin // Scientific potential. - 2011. - No. 3. - P. 18–25.

33. Barmin, N. Yu. Network interaction in ensuring the sustainability of innovative development educational systems/ N.Yu. Barmin // Education through life: Continuing education in the interests of sustainable development: materials of the IX international conference. - St. Petersburg, 2011. - P.52–56.

34. Barmin, N.Yu. Regional aspects of modernization preschool education/ N.Yu. Barmin// Upbringing and education of children younger age: materials of the international scientific - practical conference. – M., 2011. – P.112–119.

35. Barmin, N.Yu. Innovative idea: from thought to concept: an androgogical play in three acts: Method. recommendations / N.Yu. Barmin, G.A. Ignatieva, O.V. Tulupova. - N.Novgorod, 2013. - 112p.

Dean of the Faculty of Geology and Geography of Astrakhan State University, Head of the Department of Nature Management and Land Management.

Degrees and scientific activity: defense of a Ph.D. thesis at Voronezh State University on the topic “Dynamics of herbaceous vegetation of the delta of the river. Volga in conditions of increased water runoff.

Awarded the title of Associate Professor.

Defense of a doctoral dissertation at the Volgograd University of Architecture and Civil Engineering "Volga-Akhtuba floodplain and the delta of the river. Volga: dynamics of herbaceous vegetation cover in changing natural and anthropogenic conditions.

Awarded the title of professor.

Professor Barmin A.N. the scientific direction "Monitoring of biosystems of river basins" was created. One of the main scientific problems to be solved within the framework of A.N. directions are:

  1. Monitoring of the soil and vegetation cover of the Astrakhan region.
  2. Monitoring of environments under the technogenic impact of the oil and gas industry.
  3. Recreational loads in ecotone geosystems.

Achievements: Barmin A.N. won 3 grants from the Russian Foundation fundamental research. Participated in 2 international TEMPUS grants. He is a member of the Presidium of the educational and methodological association on ecology and sustainable development for classical university education in the Russian Federation. Member of the Joint Scientific Council on Fundamental Geographical Problems at the International Association of Academies of Sciences (IAAS).

According to the citation index, it ranks 3rd in Astrakhan State University.

From 1997-2001 worked on a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 97-04-48271 "Dynamics of the soil and vegetation cover of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain and the delta of the Volga River."

In 2007 and 2009 worked under economic contracts with the Office of the Federal Agency for Cadastre of Real Estate in the Astrakhan Region, with PFC PetroAlliance, with KNAUF LLC on the topics: “ Scientific Foundations protection and monitoring of natural and disturbed lands in the southern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain”, “Ecological monitoring of seismic surveys by ZD at the Tsentralnoye field”, “Geoecological survey of sites on the territory of the Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky state reserve of Koshara-Turgai and Koshara-Shunguli”.

Since 2008 and 2009 works under the RFBR grants (08-05-92470 and 09-05-00183) "Zonal features of the functioning of agrocenoses in modern nature management" and "Dynamics of the soil and vegetation cover of the Lower Volga Valley."

Forwarding activity:

1979 - 1983 (July-September) geobotanical and soil research in the Volga delta and the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain led by Dr. Sci. Golub V.B.

1990-1993 (July-September) - expedition along the delta of the river. Volga and fore-delta.

1992 - landscape study in northwestern Kazakhstan along the Caspian coast to the river. Ural.

1997 - geobotanical expedition to the eastern part of the river delta. Volga.

1998-1999 - landscape studies of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain.

1999-2001 – expeditions to study landscapes commissioned by the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (Astrakhan region).

2002 Studies of the recreational capacity of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain and the delta of the river. Volga.

2003-2005 – landscape studies of the Western Caucasus during the implementation of the TEMPUS project with the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Maikop State Technological University.

2009 - Landscape research of the Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky Reserve.

2009-2010 (August) – complex soil-geobotanical expedition along the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain.

Work with youth: under the leadership of Barmin A.N. 11 graduate students defended.

Acknowledgments and state awards: Barmin A.N. awarded diploma Ministry of Education of Russia (2005), and the sign "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation" (2007).

The level of education:

Name of the direction of training and (or) specialty:

"Geography and Biology".


geography and biology teacher high school.

Academic degree:
doctor of geographical sciences.

Academic title:

Job title:
Dean of the Faculty of Geology and Geography; Professor of the Department of Ecology, Nature Management, Land Management and Life Safety.

Work experience in the specialty:
32 years.

General work experience:
36 years.

Sphere of scientific interests:
biogeography; nature management; soil science; soil geography; geobotany; landscape geochemistry; land management; environmental monitoring of territories; geoinformatics; GIS technologies.

Teaching disciplines:
« Contemporary Issues land management, cadastre and land monitoring”, “Methods of geographical research”, “Modern problems of geoecology”, “Geographic mapping”, supervision of candidate and master's theses.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining:

  • advanced training program "Engineering Biology" (Maikop State University of Technology, 2004);
  • advanced training under the program "Application information technologies in the educational process” (Astrakhan State University, 2005);
  • advanced training under the program "History and Philosophy of Science (Social and Humanitarian Sciences)" (Astrakhan State University, 2005);
  • advanced training under the program "Landscape planning" (Institute of Geography RAS, 2006);
  • advanced training under the program "Management of innovative scientific and technical projects and methods of commercialization of scientific products" (Astrakhan State University, 2007);
  • advanced training under the program "Management educational activities university (management of the faculty and department) ”(Astrakhan State University, 2008);
  • advanced training under the program "Studying the experience of improving production based on cost reduction technologies" (Astrakhan State University, 2008-2009);
  • advanced training under the program "Product development system: people, processes, technology" (Astrakhan State University, 2009);
  • advanced training under the program "Ecology and rational nature management" (St. Petersburg State Mining Institute named after G.V. Plekhanov, 2009);
  • advanced training under the program "Innovation management (Intellectual property: patent, databases, computer programs)" (Astrakhan State University, 2009);
  • advanced training under the program "Professional activity using modern information technologies" (Educational and Methodological Center for Information and Analytical Work of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, 2009);
  • advanced training under the program "A New Approach to Engineering Education (Rethinking Engineering Education - The CDIO Workshop)" (Astrakhan State University, 2012);
  • advanced training under the program "Rational nature management and greening of modern production" (Novosibirsk State Technical University, 2013);
  • professional retraining under the program "Organization Management" (Astrakhan State University, 2014);
  • advanced training under the program "Management of the organization: management of the faculty and department" (Astrakhan State University, 2014);
  • advanced training under the program "Design and development of educational programs in the framework of the implementation of federal state educational standards» (Astrakhan State University, 2014);
  • organizational training under the program “Management. Nature and structure of organizations” (Astrakhan State University, 2014);
  • organizational training under the program "Building business models" (Astrakhan State University, 2015);
  • organizational training under the Lean Office program (Astrakhan State University, 2015);
  • advanced training under the program "Personnel management: education of leaders, teamwork" (Astrakhan State University, 2015);
  • advanced training under the program "State and municipal management" (Astrakhan State University, 2015);
  • professional development under the program "Project Management: Innovative Technologies in vocational education» (Astrakhan State University, 2015);
  • advanced training under the program "Application of modern geoinformation systems in the educational process" (Astrakhan State University, 2015);
  • advanced training under the program "Life Safety Engineer" (Astrakhan State University, 2016);
  • organizational training under the program "Personnel management: modern systems for developing a strategy and deploying plans within an organization" (Astrakhan State University, 2015-2016);
  • organizational training under the Toyota Management System program (Astrakhan State University, 2016);
  • organizational training under the program "Flow: the psychology of optimal experience" (Astrakhan State University, 2016);
  • organizational training under the program "Organizational Psychology" (Astrakhan State University, 2017);
  • advanced training under the program "Recognition of character structures and the use of its potential in professional activities and individual development(individualization)" (Astrakhan State University, 2017).

List of major publications


    Barmin A.N., Iolin M.M. Ecotone biocenoses of the Volga River delta under global climate change // Changes in the state of the environment in the Commonwealth countries under current climate change: monograph / ed. ed. Kotlyakov V.M. - M. : Media-Press, 2008. - S. 176-183.

    Barmin A.N., Fedotova A.V. Nature, past and present of the Astrakhan region. - Astrakhan: NOVA Printing House LLC, 2008. - S. 58-77.

    Barmin A. N., Baranova N. V., Gorbunova A. G., Loktionova E. G. and others. Ecological assessment of the state of the environment of the Krasnoyarsk region of the Astrakhan region: monograph. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2008. - 127 p.

    Barmin A. N., Nasibulina B. M., Gorbunova A. G. et al. Regional environmental problems of urbanized territories under technogenic impact: monograph. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2008. - 156 p.

    Barmin A. N., Asanova G. Z., Iolin M. M. et al. Influence of the Astrakhan industrial agglomeration on the transformation of natural-territorial and aquatic complexes: monograph. - Astrakhan: LLC KPC "Polygraphcom", 2009. - 254 p.

    Barmin A. N., Belyakova Yu. V., Iolin M. M. et al. Farm sector of the Astrakhan region: state, problems and solutions: monograph. - Astrakhan: LLC "New Artel", 2010. - 178 p.

    Barmin A.N., Ermolina A.S., Iolin M.M. et al. Specially Protected Natural Territories: Problems, Solutions, Prospects: Monograph. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "ACT", 2010. - 312 p.

    Barmin A.N., Sintsov A.V., Adyamova G.O. Soil cover of urbanized territories: monograph. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "ACT", 2010. - 164 p.

    Barmin A. N., Zhizhimova G. V., Loktionova E. G. Influence of urbanized territories on intra-urban aquatic complexes (on the example of Astrakhan): monograph. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2010. - 117 p.

    Barmin A. N., Bystrova I. V., Karabaeva G. Z. et al. Western Ilmenno-Bugrovy district of the Astrakhan region: natural features, assessment and current state: monograph. - Astrakhan: printing house "Technograd", 2011. - 176 p.

    Barmin A. N. Geoecological problems of the quality of water resources of the Astrakhan region and their rational use: monograph. - Astrakhan, 2011. - 155 p.

    Barmin A. N., Akmaeva R. I., Gorelova O. I. et al. Modern problems of formation of regional economic policy and mechanisms for its implementation (on the example of the Astrakhan region): monograph / under scientific. ed. A.P. Lunev. - St. Petersburg. : Publishing House of the Polytechnic University, 2011. - 244 p.

    Barmin A.N., Kurmangalieva A.R. Actual problems of nature management in the territory of the Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky district: monograph. - Astrakhan: Tekhnograd Publishing House, 2011. - 158 p.

Articles, theses

    Barmin A.N. Problems of regional geography: state, problems and solutions // University geography at the beginning of the 21st century: collection of articles / otv. ed. Dobrolyubov S. A. - M .: MAKSPress, 2008. - S. 33-39.

    Barmin A. N., Belyakova Yu. V. Use of land resources by peasant farms of the Astrakhan region //Agriculture. - 2008. - No. 3. - S. 10-12.

    Barmin A. N., Asanova G. Z., Kondrashin R. V. Cartographic support for geoecological monitoring of hydrochemical pollution of the watercourses of the Volga River delta // Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh obrazovaniya. Geodesy and aerial photography. - 2008. - No. 2. - S. 58-66.

    Barmin A. N., Iolin M. M., Kondrashin R. V. et al. Ecological state and features of the impact of technogenic loads in the Astrakhan region // Life Safety. - 2008. - No. 8. - S. 44-49.

    Barmin A.N., Salnikov A.L., Shabanov D.I. et al. On the impact of regulation of the flow of the Volga River on the geoecological situation in the Astrakhan region // Problems of regional ecology. - 2008. - No. 3. - S. 78-84.

    Barmin A. N., Asanova G. Z., Kondrashin R. V. Mapping support for geoecological monitoring of hydrochemical metal contamination of watercourses in the Volga River Delta. Geodesy and aerial photography. - 2008. - No. 3. - S. 56-63.

    Barmin A. N., Kishko R. V., Adyamova G. U. Implementation of the results of the state cadastral assessment in the system of taxation and effective use of land resources of the Astrakhan region // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2008. - No. 2. - S. 33-36.

    Barmin A. N., Iolin M. M., Shuvaev N. S. Justification of landscape planning in the Astrakhan region: opportunities and prospects // Ecological and biological problems of the Caspian Sea basin and water bodies of the internal flow of Eurasia: materials of the X International scientific conference dedicated to the 450th anniversary of Astrakhan / comp.: V. N. Pilipenko, S. R. Kosobokova. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2008. - S. 313-314.

    Barmin A. N., Solovieva A. V., Sintsov A. V. Watercourses of the city of Astrakhan: features and problems // Ecological and biological problems of the Caspian Sea basin and water bodies of internal runoff of Eurasia: materials of the X International Scientific Conference dedicated to 450 anniversary of Astrakhan / comp.: V. N. Pilipenko, S. R. Kosobokova. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2008. - S. 378-380.

    Barmin A.N., Kondrashin R.V. Analysis of the noospheric development of landscapes in the area of ​​the Caspian Pipeline Consortium // Ecological and biological problems of the Caspian Sea basin and water bodies of internal flow: materials of the X International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 450th anniversary of Astrakhan / comp.: V. N. Pilipenko, S. R. Kosobokova. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2008. - S. 314-316.

    Barmin A. N., Buzyakova I. V., Iolin M. M. et al. Zoning of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain for the development of recreational activities // Ecological problems of basins major rivers- 4: abstracts of reports of the International conference / otv. ed. G. S. Rozenberg and S. V. Saxonov. - Tolyatti: IEVB RAN, 2008. - S. 11-12.

    Barmin A. N., Sintsov A. V., Adyamova G. U. Specifics of the structure of the soil cover of a large city on the example of Astrakhan // Problems of biology, ecology, geography, education and modernity: materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference / under total ed. V. N. Skvortsova. - St. Petersburg: Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin, 2008. - S. 227-228.

    Barmin A.N., Iolin M.M., Buzyakova I.V. Development of ecotourism in specially protected natural areas of the Astrakhan region // Problems of nature management and ecological situation in European Russia and neighboring countries: materials of the III International Scientific Conference: in 3 hours - Belgorod: IPC "Polyterra", 2008. - Part 1. - P. 72-74.

    Barmin A. N., Ermolina A. S., Glagolev S. B. Ecotourism and economic development of the Astrakhan region // Tourism and recreation: methodological approaches and practical solutions: materials of the I International scientific and practical seminar dedicated to the 450th anniversary of Astrakhan. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2008. - S. 83-87.

    Barmin A.N. Influence of the pyrogenic factor on forest and steppe biotopes of the Astrakhan region. Collection // Ecology of Russia: on the way to innovations / comp. Yu. A. Rogozhina. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2009. - Issue. 1. - S. 123-126.

    Barmin A.N. The Volga River: a local history approach to the study of the collection // Ecology of Russia: on the way to innovations / comp. Yu. A. Rogozhina. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2009. - Issue. 1. - S. 126-132.

    Barmin A. N., Shuvaev N. S., Kolchin E. A. Definition of conflict in the field of nature management // Agrarian science - agriculture: collection of articles of the IV International Scientific Conference. - Barnaul: Publishing House of AGAU, 2009. - Book. 2. - S. 336-338.

    Barmin A. N., Shuvaev N. S., Adyamova G. U. et al. Modern problems of agricultural production on the territory of the Astrakhan region // Steppes of Northern Eurasia: materials of the V International Symposium / edited by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. A. Chibileva. - Orenburg: IPK "Gazprompechat" LLC "Orenburggazpromservis", 2009. - S. 745-749.

    Barmin A. N., Sintsov A. V. Anthropogenic and technogenic changes in the soil cover of Astrakhan // Ecology and life safety of industrial and transport complexes: a collection of proceedings of the II International Ecological Congress ELPIT 2009. - Tolyatti: TSU, 2009. - T. 2. - S.58-64.

    Barmin A. N., Amirkhanov N. A., Bystrova I. V. Utilization of acid gases in post-salt deposits of the Astrakhan gas condensate field // Ecology and safety of life of industrial and transport complexes: Proceedings of the II International Ecological Congress ELPIT 2009. - Tolyatti: TSU , 2009. - V. 1. - S.104-107.

    Barmin A. N., Volkova I. N., Drozdov A. V. et al. On the perception of changes caused by desertification // Man and nature: “challenge” and “response”. Series “Socionatural history. Genesis of Crises of Nature and Society in Russia” / ed. Kulpina E.S. - M. : IAC-Energy, 2010 - Issue. XXXII. - S. 10-12.

    Barmin A. N., Kolchin E. A., Shuvaev N. S. Extreme air temperatures and their distribution across the territory of the Astrakhan region // Astrakhan readings of local lore: collection of articles / ed. A.A. Kurapova. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilievich, 2009. - Issue. I. - S. 20-23.

    Barmin A. N., Shuvaev N. S., Kolchin E. A. et al. Geoecological assessment and quality of the environment in Astrakhan // Astrakhan local history readings: collection of articles / ed. A.A. Kurapova. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilievich, 2009. - Issue. I. - S. 7-12.

    Barmin A. N., Amirkhanov N. A., Bystrova I. V. Evaluation of the prospects for supra-salt deposits of the Astrakhan gas condensate field for the utilization of acid gases // Astrakhan local history readings: collection of articles / ed. A.A. Kurapova. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilievich, 2009. - Issue. I. - S.13-15.

    Barmin A. N., Shuvaev N. S., Iolin M. M. Agriculture of the Astrakhan region: problems, conflicts, solutions // Theoretical and applied problems of the agro-industrial complex. - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 22-26.

    Barmin A. N., Iolin M. M. Climatic changes as a factor of influence on the biocenoses of the Volga River delta // Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin. - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 103-107.

    Barmin, A.N., Starichkova, K.A., Iolin, M.M., et al., Evaluation of vegetation dynamics on the transect in the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, Arid Ecosystems. - 2009. - T. 15. - No. 4. - S. 39-51.

    Barmin A.N., Iolin M.M., Sharova I.S. et al. The use of L.G. Ramensky and DCA-ordinations to indicate changes in environmental conditions in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain // Bulletin of the Samara Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - 2010. - T. 12. - No. 1. - S. 54-57.

    Barmin A. N., Kolesnikova S. A. Modern relief formation in the Volga delta and adjacent territories // Twenty-fifth plenary interuniversity coordination meeting on the problem of erosion, channel and estuarine processes: reports and brief messages. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2010. - S. 162-163.

    Barmin A. N., Ermolina A. S., Iolin M. M. et al. Optimization of management of specially protected natural areas (on the example of the Astrakhan region) // Natural and technical sciences. - 2010. - No. 1. - S. 210-215.

    Barmin A.N., Kolchin E.A. Dangerous geomorphological natural phenomena on the territory of the Astrakhan region // Natural and technical sciences. - 2010. - No. 1. - S. 199-204.

    Barmin A.N., Golub V.B., Iolin M.M. et al. Indication of changes in environmental conditions in the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain using L.G. Ramensky and DCA-ordinations // News of higher educational institutions. Geodesy and aerial photography. - 2010. - No. 5. - S. 21-25.

    Barmin A. N., Amirkhanov N. A. The role of natural and cultural heritage in modern society(on the example of the Chernoyarsky district of the Astrakhan region) // Geology, geography and global energy. - 2010. - No. 3. - S. 256-259.

    Barmin A. N., Kanishchev S. N., Kurskova N. A. To assess the impact of recreational activities on the arid landscapes of the Bogdinsko-Baskunchak State Reserve // ​​Problems of a comprehensive study of the Volgograd reservoir: a collection of scientific articles. - Volgograd: Volgograd scientific publishing house, 2009. - S. 155-161.

    Barmin A. N., Buzyakova I. V., Iolin M. M. et al. Prospects for the development of functional tourist zones of urbanized territories (on the example of Astrakhan) // Strategy for the development of the hospitality and tourism industry: materials of the III International Conference. - Eagle: OrelGTU, 2009. - S. 380-382.

    Barmin A. N., Nikulina E. M., Shuvaev N. S. Basic principles of restoring ecological balance in cities // Ecological problems of natural and urbanized territories: collection of articles III All-Russian conferences. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilyevich, 2009. - S. 142-145.

    Barmin A.N. Positive and negative aspects of the urbanized process // Ecological problems of natural and urbanized territories: collection of articles of the III All-Russian Conference. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilievich, 2009. - P. 145-147.

    Barmin A. N., Sharova I. S., Iolin M. M. Application of GIS technologies and GPS navigation in the study of the recreational potential of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain // Tourism and recreation: innovations and GIS technologies: materials of the II International scientific-practical conference / comp.: I. V. Buzyakova, M. M. Iolin. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2009. - S. 42-45.

    Barmin A. N., Kolchin E. A., Iolin M. M. Climatic conditions of the region as a factor in activating rest and recreation // Tourism and recreation: innovations and GIS-technologies: materials of the II International scientific and practical conference / comp. : I. V. Buzyakova, M. M. Iolin. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2009. - S. 199-202.

    Barmin A. N., Glagolev S. B., Iolin M. M. Prerequisites for development ecological tourism in the Astrakhan region // Tourism and recreation: innovations and GIS-technologies: materials of the II International scientific and practical conference / compiled by I. V. Buzyakova, M. M. Iolin. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2009. - S. 254-257.

    Barmin A. N., Buzyakova I. V., Iolin M. M. et al. Territorial planning of the Volga delta for the development of tourist and recreational activities // Economics. Service. Tourism. Culture: Materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference / Altai State Technical University named after II Polzunov. - Barnaul: AltGTU Publishing House, 2009. - S. 39-41.

    Barmin K. A., Sharova I. S., Starichova A. N., Golub V. B. The vegetation dynamics of the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain18 th International Workshop of European Vegetation Surveg. - Roma, March 25-28 2009. - Orto Bota nico di Roma. - Universita "La Sapinza" - P. 32.

    Barmin K., Starichkova K., Iolin M., Sharova I., Nikolaychuk L. Estimate of vegetation dynamics along the transect in the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain // 19 International Workshop of European Vegetation. - Survey, Pecs, 29 April-2 May 2010. - P. 121.

    Barmin K. A., Iolin M. M. The estimation of the Volga delta biotic complexes variation in the result of climate change // The Caspian Region: Environmental Conseguences of the Climate Change. - Moscow, October 14-16, 2010. - P. 184-188.

    Barmin K. Z. Botta-Dukat and E. Sakamon-Albert (Eds.): Book of Abstracts // 19th EVS Workshop "Flora, vegetation, environment and land-use at large scale". - Pecs, Hungary, 29 April - 2 May 2010. - P. 119.

    Barmin A. N., Bachiev R. A., Buzyakova I. V. Ecological consequences of development economic activity on the territory of the state natural national park "Prielbrusye" // Ecological balance and sustainable development of the territory: materials of the International scientific and practical conference / ed. ed. prof. V.N. Skvortsova. - St. Petersburg. : Pushkin Leningrad State University, 2010. - S. 299-302.

    Barmin A. N., Bachiev R. A., Shuvaev N. S. Natural resource prerequisites and environmental consequences of the development of recreational economy in the area adjacent to the Kabardino-Balkar high-mountain state reserve (on the example of Chereksky and Chegemsky districts) // Sustainable Development mountain territories in the conditions of global changes: materials of the VII International scientific conference. - Vladikavkaz: Terek Publishing House, 2010. - S. 856-859.

    Barmin A. N., Bachiev R. A., Mamedov M. Yu. Prospects for the development of territorial and recreational systems of Kabardino-Balkaria in the ecological aspect // Sustainable development of mountain territories in the context of global changes: materials of the VII International Scientific Conference. - Vladikavkaz: Publishing house "Terek", 2010. - S. 956-959.

    Barmin A. N., Zanozin V. V., Iolin M. M. Features of the morphological structure of the landscapes of the Astrakhan region // Geographical Sciences and regional education: materials of the III Regional scientific-practical seminar. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2010. - S. 143-150.

    Barmin A.N., Amirkhanov N.A. Natural and cultural heritage of the Akhtubinsky district of the Astrakhan region // Tourism and recreation: innovations and GIS-technologies: materials of the III International scientific and practical conference. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilievich, 2010. - S. 198-201.

    Barmin A. N., Sharova I. S., Zhizhimova G. V. et al. Assessment of the impact of recreational pressure on the ecosystem of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain // Tourism and recreation: innovations and GIS-technologies: materials of the III International Scientific and Practical conferences. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilievich, 2010. - P. 110-112.

    Barmin A. N., Zotkina N. Yu., Shuvaev N. S. Poaching in the Astrakhan region - a conflict of nature management // Tourism and recreation: innovations and GIS-technologies: materials of the III International scientific and practical conference. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilyevich, 2010. - S. 112-114.

    Barmin A. N., Shuvaev N. S., Shaposhnikova S. O. Conflicts of recreational environmental management // Tourism and recreation: innovations and GIS-technologies: materials of the III International scientific and practical conference. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilyevich, 2010. - S. 129-132.

    Barmin A. N., Ermolina A. S., Iolin M. M. et al. Specially protected natural areas of the Astrakhan region as a basis for the development of ecological tourism // Tourism and recreation: innovations and GIS-technologies: materials of the III International scientific -practical conference. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilyevich, 2010. - P. 163-166.

    Barmin A. N., Kolchin E. A., Shuvaev N. S. Dangerous climatic phenomena of natural origin as a limiting factor in the organization of recreation and tourism in the territory of the Astrakhan Region // Tourism and recreation: innovations and GIS-technologies: materials of the III International scientific and practical conference. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilyevich, 2010. - S. 201-203.

    Barmin A. N., Kolchin E. N., Iolin M. M. Change in the level of the Caspian Sea as a dangerous natural phenomenon (on the example of the Astrakhan region) // Current state and strategies for the conservation of natural and anthropogenic systems: materials of the All-Russian correspondence scientific- practical conference (Akhtubinsk). Min. natural resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, State Processing Plant "Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky", etc. - Volgograd: Tsaritsyn, 2010. - S. 64-67.

    Barmin A. N., Sintsov A. V., Sharova I. S. Modern change in the soil cover of Astrakhan under the influence of anthropogenic and technogenic sources of urban infrastructure. -practical conference (Akhtubinsk). Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, State Processing Plant "Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky", etc. - Volgograd: Tsaritsyn, 2010. - S. 123-125.

    Barmin A. N., Ermolina A. S., Iolin M. M. Ecological framework of the Astrakhan region // Current state and strategies for the conservation of natural and anthropogenic systems: materials of the All-Russian Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference (Akhtubinsk). Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, State Processing Plant "Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky", etc. - Volgograd: Tsaritsyn, 2010. - S. 118-122.

    Barmin A.N., Bondareva V.V., Sorokin A.N. et al. Database of geobotanical descriptions of the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain and its use for assessing the dynamics and structure of the vegetation cover // PAs of the Lower Volga as essential mechanism conservation of biodiversity: results, problems and prospects: materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference. - Volgograd: Tsaritsyn, 2010. - S. 285-288.

    Barmin A.N., Ermolina A.S., Iolin M.M. Floristic diversity of the lower Volga valley // PAs of the Lower Volga as the most important mechanism for biodiversity conservation: results, problems and prospects: materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference. - Volgograd: Tsaritsyn, 2010. - S. 107-112.

    Barmin A.N., Amirkhanov N.A. Cultural heritage of the Limansky district of the Astrakhan region // Natural science education at school and university: materials of the Interregional scientific conference. - Yaroslavl: From YaGPU, 2010. - S. 21-23.

    Barmin A. N., Gollerova O. F., Pilipenko S. V. Tourist and recreational potential of the city of Shturovo (Slovakia) and its environs // Natural science education at school and university: materials of the Interregional scientific conference. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House of YaGPU, 2010. - S. 44-47.

    Barmin A. N. Urban landscapes and their innovative role for environmental management // Innovative technologies in science and education - a resource for the development of the construction industry and housing and communal services: materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Astrakhan. - Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilyevich, 2010. - P. 143-147.

    Barmin A. N., Bogdanov N. A., Iolin M. M. et al. Diagnosis of the state of developed territories by the microelement composition of the soil // Problems of nature management and the ecological situation in European Russia and neighboring countries: materials of the IV International Scientific Conference. - Belgorod: Belgorod University, 2010. - S. 434-439.

    Barmin A. N., Amirkhanov N. A. Natural and cultural heritage of the Kamyzyak district of the Astrakhan region // Modern problems of geography: a collection scientific papers based on the materials of the Anniversary International Conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Volgograd branch of the Russian geographical society. - M. : Tsaritsyn, 2010. - S. 73-76.

    Barmin A. N., Gollerova O. F., Pilipenko S. V. Components of the tourist potential of the city of Shturovo (Slovakia, the Danube tourist region) and its environs ( short description) // Ecoculture and phytobiotechnologies for improving the quality of life in the Caspian Sea: materials of the International Conference with elements of a scientific school for youth. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2010. - S. 354-355.

    Barmin A.N., Gollerova O.F. Stages of development and the modern system of regionalization of tourism in Slovakia // Ecoculture and phytobiotechnologies for improving the quality of life in the Caspian: materials of the International Conference with elements of a scientific school for youth. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2010. - S. 355-361.

    Barmin A.N., Kolesnikova S.A. Azonal types of morphosculpture in the territory of the Astrakhan Region // Scientific Perspective. - 2010. - No. 5. - S. 25-28.

    Barmin A.N., Amirkhanov N.A., Shuvaev N.S. Natural and cultural heritage of the northern regions of the Astrakhan region // Natural and technical sciences. - 2010. - No. 3. - S. 256-260.

    Barmin A. N., Kolesnikova S. A. Influence of anthropogenic processes on the landscapes of the Astrakhan region on the example of the Astrakhan gas condensate field // Natural and technical sciences. - 2010. - No. 3. - S. 241-246.

    Barmin A.N., Kutlusurin E.S. Climatic and ecological-hydrogeological factors of the formation of therapeutic mud in the Astrakhan Caspian region // Natural and technical sciences. - 2010. - No. 3. - S. 293-296.

    Barmin A.N., Iolin M.M., Asanova G.Z. Climatic changes as a factor of influence on biocenoses of the Volga River delta. Geodesy and aerial photography. - 2010. - No. 3. - S. 31-35.

    Barmin K., Starichkova K., Iolin M., Sharova I., Nikolaychuk L., Golub V. Estimate of vegetation dynamics along the transect in the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain. Z. Botta-Dukat and E. Sakamon-Albert (Eds.): Book of Abstracts. 19th EVS Workshop "Flora, vegetation, environment and land-use at large scale". Pecs, Hungary, 29 April - 2 May 2010. - Pecs, 2010

    Barmin A. N., Guseva E. S., Belyakova Yu. V. Modern problems of development of agricultural production in the Astrakhan region // Geology, geography and global energy. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 61-66.

    Barmin A. N., Belyakova Yu. V., Guseva E. S. Problems of land monitoring in the Astrakhan region // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 95-98.

    Barmin A. N., Kondrashin R. V., Shuvaev N. S. et al. Peculiarities of hydrochemical pollution of the Volga River delta // Twenty-fifth plenary interuniversity coordination meeting on the problem of erosion, channel and estuarine processes: reports and brief communications. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2010. - S. 20-29.

    Barmin A.N., Kryzhanovskaya T.A. Peculiarities of the US agricultural complex (on the example of the state of Iowa) // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2010. - No. 3. - S. 138-140.

    Barmin A.N., Shuvaev N.S., Iolin M.M. et al. Conflicts in the sphere of nature management on the territory of the Astrakhan region and their cartographic display // Geodesy and Cartography. - 2011. - No. 7. - S. 43-50.

    Barmin A. N., Kryzhanovskaya T. L. New geography of trade // In the world of scientific discoveries. - 2010. - Ch. 9. - No. 4. - S. 28-30.

    Barmin A. N., Shcherbakova N. S., Loktionova E. G. et al. Demographic criteria for assessing the quality of life of the population of the Astrakhan region // Natural and technical sciences. - 2010. - No. 5. - S. 323-339.

    Barmin A. N., Bondarenko A. N., Batovskaya E. K. Toxic effect of hydrocarbons on cereal crops // Theoretical and applied problems of the agro-industrial complex. - 2010. - No. 3. - S. 36-39.

    Barmin A. N., Shuvaev N. S., Kolchin E. A. The use of Earth remote sensing materials and geoinformation systems in the study of channel deformations on the territory of the Astrakhan region // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 119-122.

    Barmin K., Starichkova K., Iolin M., Golub V. Dynamics of vegetation of southern Volga-Akhtuba floodplain // 20 International Workshop of European Vegetation Survey. - Roma, 6-9 April 2011. - P. 127.

    Barmin K. A., Shuvaev N. S., Kolchin E. A. Experience of Mapping Conflicts in Nature // Use the Example of Astrakhan Oblast Arid Ecosystems. - 2011. - Vol. 1. - No. 4. - P. 278-284.

    Barmin A. N. Regional economy of the Astrakhan region: analysis of the leading industrial complexes// Caspian region: politics, economics, culture. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 101-106.

    Barmin A. N., Sorokin A. N., Iolin M. M. Indication of changes in environmental conditions on the transect in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain in the area of ​​the village. Kapustin Yar using L.G. Ramensky and DCA-ORDINATIONS // Bulletin of the Volga University. V.N. Tatishchev. Series "Ecology". - 2010. - Issue. 10. - S. 74-81.

    Barmin A. N., Kolchin E. A. Physical and geographical analysis of the manifestation of hazardous hydrological phenomena in the territory of the Astrakhan region // Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin. - 2010. - Vol. III: Natural Sciences. - No. 3. - S. 89-93.

    Barmin A. N., Amirkhanov N. A. Natural and cultural heritage of the Kharabalinsky district of the Astrakhan region: socio-economic and environmental aspects of the development of rural municipalities // Bulletin Russian Academy agricultural sciences. - 2010. - No. 5. - S. 15-17.

    Barmin A. N., Loktionova E. G., Puchkova A. M. Study of the state of the beaches of the Lower Volga agglomerations // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 122-131.

    Barmin, A.N., Sorokin, A.N., Bondareva, V.V., et al., Dynamics of the floristic composition of communities dominated by Carex acuta in the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, Ecology. - 2011. - No. 5. - S. 120-123.

    Barmin A.N., Iolin M.M., Sorokin A.N. et al. Estimation of the vegetation dynamics of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain on the transect in the area of ​​the village. Kapustin Yar // Volga Ecological Journal. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 431-441.

    Barmin AN, Kolesnikova SA Environmental aspects of groundwater pollution in the Astrakhan region // Water: chemistry and ecology. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 9-12.

    Barmin A. N., Kolesnikova S. A. The state of the air environment of the Bogdinsko-Baskunchak industrial hub // Bulletin of the Russian State University. I. Kant. Series "Natural Sciences". - 2011. - Issue. 1. - S. 22-25.

    Barmin A.N., Kolesnikova S.A. Influence of modern technogenesis on the landscapes of the Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky district of the Astrakhan region // Geographic Bulletin. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 95-98.

    Barmin A.N., Belyakova Yu.V., Guseva E.S. Modern model of environmentally sustainable Agriculture in arid climate // Agriculture. - 2011. - No. 8. - S. 3-5.

    Barmin A.N., Kolchin E.A., Shuvaev N.S. Flood as a dangerous natural phenomenon in the territory of the Astrakhan region // Ecology of Russia: on the way to innovation: interuniversity collection of scientific papers. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilyevich, 2010. - Issue. 3. - S. 71-73.

    Barmin A. N., Komarov A. I. Peculiarities of recreational nature management in the northeastern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain // Tourism and recreation: innovations and GIS technologies: materials of the IV International scientific and practical conference / comp.: I. V. Buzyakova, M. M. Iolin. - Astrakhan, Publisher: Sorokin Roman Vasilyevich, 2011. - S. 69-73.

    Barmin A. N., Buzyakova I. V., Iolin M. M. The current state and problems of hotel service in Astrakhan // Strategy for the development of the hospitality industry: materials of the IV International Internet Conference. - Eagle: State University-UNPK, 2011. - S. 650-653.

    Barmin A. N., Mitrofanov D. V., Kulakov A. V. Modern approaches to assessing the feasibility of the existence of large lowland reservoirs and strategies for regulating runoff // Ecological and biological problems of Siberia and adjacent territories: materials of the II Scientific and Practical Conference with an international participation. - Nizhnevartovsk: Publishing House of the Nizhnevartovsk Humanitarian University, 2011. - C. 24-30.

    Barmin A. N., Amirkhanov N. A. Natural and cultural heritage of the Volodarsky district // Ecological and geographical problems of the regions of Russia: materials of the II All-Russian correspondence scientific and practical conference dedicated to the centenary of the PSCA, 2011. - P. 76-81.

    Barmin A.N., Mitrofanov D.N., Kulakov A.V. Layout of reservoirs // Synthesis of knowledge in natural sciences: materials of the International scientific conference. - Perm: Perm University, 2011. - S. 52-55.

    Barmin A.N., Mitrofanov D.N., Kulakov A.V. Regulation of river flow by reservoirs // Synthesis of knowledge in natural sciences: materials of the International Scientific Conference. - Perm: Perm University, 2011. - S. 71-73.

    Barmin A.N., Komarov A.I. Preservation of landscape and biological diversity of azonal landscapes in the northern part of the Astrakhan region // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 113-121.

    Barmin A.N., Golub V.B., Iolin M.M. et al. Geobotanical monitoring of meadow ecosystems in the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 104-113.

    Barmin A. N., Belyakova Yu. V., Guseva E. S. Land-resource potential of agricultural production in the Astrakhan Region // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 100-104.

    Barmin A. N., Mongaleva K. S. Territorial differentiation and specialization of peasant (farm) households in the Yaroslavl region // Geology, geography and global energy. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 95-100.

    Barmin A. N., Romashko A. A. Satellite methods for determining the coordinates of the geodetic coordinate base of land management // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 91-95.

    Barmin A.N., Amirkhanov N.A. The role of natural and cultural heritage in modern society // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 81-85.

    Barmin A.N., Guryeva M.A., Morozova L.A. Post-treatment of wastewater in biological ponds of urbanized territories // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 65-69.

    Barmin A. N., Dmitrieva M. V., Buzyakova I. V. Monitoring of agricultural land in the Astrakhan region // Geology, geography and global energy. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 304-312.

    Barmin A.N., Shuvaev N.S., Iolin M.M. et al. Conflicts in the sphere of nature management on the territory of the Astrakhan region and their cartographic display // Geodesy and Cartography. - 2011. - No. 7. - S. 43-50.

    Barmin A. N., Shuvaev N. S., Kolchin E. A. Use of cartographic images for visualization conflict situations in nature management // Arid ecosystems. - 2011. - T. 17. - No. 4. - S. 24-27.

    Barmin A. N., Soltakhmadova L. T., Shuvaev N. S. natural features of the Chechen Republic as a factor in the development of peasant (farm) households // Geology, geography and global energy. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 255-261.

    Barmin A.N., Mongaleva K.S. Agro-climatic conditions as one of the factors in the development of farms // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 138-143.

    Barmin A.N., Kolesnikova S.A. The state of the air environment in the areas of development of large hydrocarbon deposits // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 232-235.

    Barmin A. N., Kolesnikova S. A. Influence of development of gas condensate fields on the landscapes of arid territories // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 242-247.

    Barmin A. N., Ermolina A. S., Iolin M. M. Fundamentals and prospects for the development of natural tourism // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 261-267.

    Barmin A. N., Gollerova O. V. Evaluation of the geographical potential for the development of the tourism potential for the development of the tourism industry in the Danube region of Slovakia // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 274-280.

    Barmin A. N., Pilipenko S. V. Use of soils and fertilizers in the cultivation of the walnut lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 287-293.

    Barmin A.N., Komarov A.I. Recreational land use in specially protected natural areas of the Astrakhan Region // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 319-324.

    Barmin A.N., Amirkhanov N.A., Shuvaev N.S. Natural and cultural heritage of the Ikryaninsky district of the Astrakhan region // Geographic Bulletin. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 85-89.

    Barmin A. N., Dmitrieva M. V., Buzyakova I. V. Current state of land resources and land management in the Lower Volga // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 130-138.

    Barmin A.N., Kolchin E.A., Shuvaev N.S. Geomorphological processes and consequences of their manifestation in the Caspian Sea // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 212-217.

    Barmin A.N., Iolin M.M., Sharova I.S. et al. Structure and dynamics of land use in the Astrakhan region // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 143-149.

    Barmin A. N., Sintsov A. V. Modern classification soil cover of urban areas // Geology, geography and global energy. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 149-155.

    Barmin A.N., Komarov A.I. Estimation of recreational loads of coastal landscape complexes for modern land use // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 155-159.

    Barmin A. N., Kutlutsurin E. S. Historical and geoecological aspects of the search and use of balneological resources // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 186-193.

    Barmin A. N., Bondarenko A. N. Methods of collection and primary processing of the walnut lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) // Natural Sciences. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 80-84.

    Barmin A. N., Golub V. B., Pilipenko V. N. et al. Characteristics of abiotic factors on the territory of botanical natural monuments in the lower reaches of the Volga // Bulletin of the Volga University named after V. N. Tatishchev. Series "Ecology". - 2011. - Issue. 11. - S. 67-71.

    Barmin A.N., Golub V.B., Iolin M.M. et al. Estimation of vegetation dynamics in the southern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain on the transect near the village of Khosheutovo // Izvestiya Samarskogo scientific center RAN. - 2011. - T. 13. - No. 5. - S. 107-113.

    Barmin A.N., Nikulina E.M. The role of the landscape-geographical approach in building the ecological framework of cities // Geology, geography and global energy. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 168-174.

    Barmin A.N., Kolesnikova O.V. Influence of open pit mining of mineral deposits on the landscapes of arid territories // Geology, geography and global energy. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 205-209.

    Barmin A.N., Iolin M.M., Shuvaev N.S. and others. Astrakhan region: modern tendencies nature management under technogenic influence // News of higher educational institutions. Geodesy and aerial photography. - 2011. - No. 3. - C. 41-47.

    Barmin A. N., Mongaleva K. S. Small forms of management in the agricultural sector of the Yaroslavl region: the state and prospects for the development of peasant (farm) and personal subsidiary farms // European Researcher. - No. 8. - 2011. - C. 1222-1225.

    Barmin A.N., Bogdanov N.A., Iolin M.M. Analysis of the microelement composition of soil in the diagnosis of the variability of the state of urbanized territories // Problems of regional ecology. - 2011. - No. 4. - C. 76-82.

    Barmin A. N., Shuvaev N. S., Zotkina N. Yu. Poaching - a conflict of nature management (on the example of the Astrakhan region) // Problems of steppe science. - 2011. - No. 5. - S. 183-185.

    Barmin A. N., Ermolina A. S., Iolin M. M. Anthropogenic impact on the specially protected natural territories of the Astrakhan region // Questions of steppe science. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 47-52.

    Barmin A. N., Gollerova O. V. Characteristics and problems of the tourist and recreational complex of the Danube region of Slovakia // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 196-202.

    Barmin A.N., Kolchin E.A., Shuvaev N.S. Socio-economic consequences of hazardous natural phenomena and their monitoring in the south of Russia // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 180-185.

    Barmin, A.N., Sorokin, A.N., Bondareva, V.V., et al., Dynamics of the floristic composition of communities dominated by Carex acuta in the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, Ecology. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 177-181.

    Barmin A. N., Golub V. B., Bondareva V. V. et al. Dynamics of meadow vegetation in the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain (1928-2009) - Dynamics of flora // Bulletin of the Volga University. V.N. Tatishchev. Series "Ecology". - 2011. - No. 12. - S. 120-130.

    Barmin A.N., Golub V.B., Bondareva V.V. et al. Dynamics of meadow vegetation in the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain (1928-2009) - Dynamics of plant communities. V.N. Tatishchev. Series "Ecology". - 2011. - No. 12. - S. 110-119.

    Barmin A. N., Zimovets P. A., Asanova G. Z. Processes of technolithomorphogenesis in the conditions of the urban geosystem // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 43-46.

    Barmin A.N., Komarov A.I., Shuvaev N.S. Analysis of methods for assessing recreational impact on biogeocenoses // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 52-55.

    Barmin A.N., Iolin M.M., Grigorenkova E.N. et al. Structure and dynamics of land use in the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 38-41.

    Barmin A. N., Morozova L. A., Guryeva M. S. Groundwater as a component of the water resource potential // Geology, geography and global energy. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 165-170.

    Barmin A.N., Morozova L.A., Guryeva M.S. Analysis of the water management situation in the Lower Volga region // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 188-193.

    Barmin A. N., Zvolinsky V. P., Bondarenko A. N. Photosynthetic productivity of winter wheat when using foliar top dressing // Zemledelie. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 76-79.

    Barmin A.N., Iolin M.M. CPC oil pipeline: Soil and environmental monitoring // Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 36-38

    Barmin A. N., Ermolina A. S., Iolin M. M. et al. nature reserve"Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky" // Natural Sciences. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 87-92.

    Barmin A.N., Iolin M.M. Influence of the oil pipeline system of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium on the soil cover of the Astrakhan Region // Geology, Geography and Global Energy. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 158-166.

    Barmin A. N., Shaposhnikova S. O., Shuvaeva O. O. et al. Dependence of atmospheric pollution on the state of the roadway (on the example of Astrakhan) // Tourism and recreation: innovations and GIS-technologies: materials V International scientific and practical conference. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2012. - S. 201-206.

    Barmin K. A., Sorokin A. N., Bondareva V. V., Starichkova K. A., Iolin M. M., Nikolaichuk L. F., Golub V. B. Dynamics of Floristic Composition of Communities Dominated by Carex acuta in the Norhern Volga-Akhtuba Floodplain // Russian Journal of Ecology. - 2012. - Vol. 43. - No. 3. - P. 191-195.

Teaching aids

    Barmin A.N., Iolin M.M., Sharganova N.A. Soil cover // Geography of the Astrakhan region: tutorial/ A.N. Barmin, E.I. Beschetnova, L.M. Voznesenskaya and others - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2007. - S. 63-67.

    Barmin A. N., Iolin M. M., Baulina M. N. Russian-English dictionary in engineering geography. - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2009. - 84 p.

    Barmin A. N., Loktionova E. G., Nasibulina B. M. and others. Preparation of the final qualification work: guidelines.- Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2008. - S. 94-96.

    Barmin A. N., Shuvaev N. S., Iolin M. M. Conflicts in the nature management of the Astrakhan region: guidelines: in 2 hours - Astrakhan: Astrakhan University Publishing House, 2009. - Part 1. - 22 With.