Why studying the history of the Middle Ages. What is the study of the history of the Middle Ages. Why Study Medieval History?

What does the history of the Middle Ages study? In order to form an idea of ​​the essence of the issue, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the subject of its study, the periodization of the main events that occurred in this period of human history, and various points of view on the period under consideration.

The term "Middle Ages"

This term (more precisely, " middle age”) originated in Italy. It was invented by humanists at the end of the 15th-beginning of the 16th centuries. ad. Historians of the XVII-XVIII centuries finally consolidated and divided the history of mankind into ancient, middle and modern times. According to their deep conviction, and at their suggestion, the opinion began to roam, which is sometimes supported by some modern scientists that it was an era of cultural and spiritual decline, obscurantism, and humanity took a step back. Whether this statement is true, we will consider later in the article.

Now it is necessary to elucidate the question of why scientists of modern times introduced this term. Everything is very simple here. They extolled Antiquity to the skies - the era, in their opinion, the heyday of science, art and culture. Then the Great Roman Empire collapsed, and Europe plunged into chaos for centuries.

Wars, epidemics, religious intolerance and fanaticism have had a negative impact on humanity. But now the era of the New Age began, and then the successive epochs of the Renaissance and Enlightenment gave humanity new hope for the reign of reasonable, humane and justified laws.

On the question of periodization

Time frame of the Middle Ages by historians different countries are considered differently. And this is not surprising, since in different corners the globe had their own peculiarities and specifics. However, the beginning of the Middle Ages does not cause disputes and disagreements.

It is believed that this era came into its legal rights with the collapse of the Roman Empire and this happened on September 4, 476. The Senate of Rome, under pressure, announced that the Western Empire no longer needed an emperor, and the diadem and scepter left for Constantinople. Symbols of imperial power and greatness of Rome.

When it came to where to end this significant period in the history of mankind, then opinions were divided. Each side offered its own version and gave substantiated arguments. This is both (1455), and the beginning of the Reformation (1517) and many other equally significant and unique events.

History, unfortunately, is used as one of the most important instruments of ideological influence. At the same time, its most important and main task is forgotten - the study and analysis of the experience of mankind in order to prevent offensive and terrible mistakes. Therefore, disagreements in chronology, and most importantly, the fact that the term "Middle Ages" is practically inapplicable to the history of all the peoples of the world, consolidated its conventionality.


However, despite the conventionality of periodization, it is still necessary to single out three main periods, which are followed in Russian historiography and in most Western countries:

Early Middle Ages

High, developed, or classical Middle Ages

This is the middle of the XI century - the time of the emergence medieval cities and the beginning of the Crusades, and this segment of history ends with the era of developed European trade, the flourishing of crafts and art.

Late Middle Ages or Early Modern

The end of the XIV-XVI centuries. - the heyday of the era of great geographical discoveries.

It is necessary to make a small reservation. In the West, there are other time frames of the Middle Ages. It ends happily after the famous discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

Middle Ages: the subject of study

What does history study and what is the subject of its study? These are the features, patterns and conditions for the development of society of that period. First of all, this is the origin, formation and development of feudal relations. It was they who became the main factor that influenced social relations in society and its cultural development. Thanks to feudal relations, it was reshaped political map that time. Known in modern times were born national cultures and characters.

Source classification

Answering the question "what does the history of the Middle Ages study", it would be appropriate to characterize and classify the sources that are used in the study of this issue. These are five types of sources that differ in the way information is captured. We list these sources:

  • Natural geographic (thanks to its study, you can get all the necessary data about environment: climate, soil, landscape, etc. This is necessary for understanding the natural specifics of the region under study.).
  • Ethnographic (studied folklore, customs, traditions, national costumes, dwellings, etc.).
  • real (this includes objects material culture. These are weapons, utensils, jewelry, etc. All that in the form of material objects has come down to our days from the past.).
  • Artistic - graphic (paintings, architectural monuments, various sculptures, mosaics, etc.).
  • Written (these are texts, and it does not matter how they are written - notes, letters, hieroglyphs, cuneiform or numbers.).

Classes of written sources for the study of the history of the Middle Ages

Written sources, in turn, are divided into classes for convenience. It is necessary to briefly describe each of them. Here's what they look like:

  • Narrative, or narrative (narrate about events in an arbitrary form, sometimes using fiction).
  • Documentary (such a class of source in a formalized language covers narrow and individual points in the socio-economic, legal or political spheres).
  • Legislative (this class of source raises questions on the history of the Middle Ages, purely in the legal field. But here one interesting feature- they very often reflect not only legislative practice. According to them, one can very clearly see how the legislator is trying to change it, sometimes for a specific situation.).

Middle Ages in Rus'

As already mentioned, the periodization of the Middle Ages is a convention, therefore, understanding this phenomenon creates the conditions when it is necessary to take into account the historical specifics of the region. Not by chance medieval Rus' is considered by historians as a territory where feudal relations arose more slowly, based on the data available modern science. So here the periodization looks like this:

  • IX-XII centuries - Kievan Rus, led by Kiev - "the mother of Russian cities."
  • XII-XIII centuries - the era of civil strife between individual principalities and the beginning of the establishment Tatar-Mongol yoke in some Russian lands.
  • XIV-XVII centuries - the unification of Russian lands under the rule of Moscow.

Why medieval Rus' held societies much later than its European neighbors is a topic for additional research. And the final point on this issue has not yet been set.


The emerging feudalism and the establishment of the universal power of the Church entered into a clear antagonism with the ancient slave system that existed at that time, but was gradually dying out. There was a change of a new socio-economic formation. Which resulted in a huge surge of violence and cruelty.

This was expressed not only in the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, but on its ruins new players arose in the form of barbarian kingdoms. And the Great Migration of Peoples, which lasted from the 4th to the 7th centuries, added to the confusion. Changes occurred, first of all, in the very environment of the barbarian tribes.

The birth of barbarian kingdoms, the strengthening of the power of their kings inevitably led to stratification within their society. Feudal relations were the tool that strengthened the power of the "suzerain". For this, the vassals received not only land, but also the people who cultivate it. Gradually, their descendants also received this status, with the right to further transfer by inheritance.

Enslavement of the peasantry

It is necessary to touch briefly on the main events in the history of mankind, which not only influenced lifestyle medieval society, but also created the precondition for further development. A textbook on the history of the Middle Ages gives a brief chronology of those events that occurred in more than a thousand years of history.

At the end of the V-beginning of the VI centuries. (481-511) tough and ambitious king Clovis is nominated among the Franks. He not only became the ancestor of the Merovingian dynasty. Under him, perhaps on his direct instructions, the “ salic truth". Thanks to it, it is possible to study and analyze the existing archaic orders. And the most important thing is the emerging property and social inequality. Clovis and his successors stubbornly conquered lands in the territory of modern France.

But the dynasty changed and Charles I created a huge empire, however, it did not last long. But under him, the dispossession of land and the enslavement of the peasantry finally took shape.

The Christian religion contributed to this process. The Church received huge allotments and riches and became so strong that she herself intervened in the affairs European rulers and even sanctioned the predatory Crusades, hiding behind a plausible pretext. Major events Middle Ages include many episodes, one way or another, influenced the course of modern history.

Cities and trade

If one dispassionately examines the history of mankind, one can come to the conclusion that the basis of any conflict is economic interests. It is then that the necessary ideology takes shape, sometimes pushing entire nations to mutual extermination. Medieval wars, and modern ones, illustrate this perfectly. But it is also true that it is economic benefit that is the necessary engine that not only changes society, but also moves it towards progress. Trade and economic ties inevitably lead to cultural and technical borrowing.

Cities formed on major trade routes and around fortified fortresses (burghs) became centers of trade, crafts, science and culture. Sometimes people traveled to other countries to learn and excel in their field or to bring back exotic goods.


What does the history of the Middle Ages study? It is considered to be decline and decay. At first glance, one can partially agree with this. Medieval wars, unsanitary conditions, burning people and other "charms" do not inspire optimism. However, it should be understood that this was the necessary path of mankind when changing the socio-economic formation. The history of formation has come a long and thorny path, but history cannot be abandoned: no matter how bitter and terrible lessons it may give.

History lesson in 6th grade

Goals: to introduce the main content of the course "History of the Middle Ages", to give an idea of ​​its specifics and features; locate academic discipline in the educational process; introduce the reference and methodological apparatus of the textbook, the tasks and structure of the course; generate interest in a new subject.

Planned results:

  • subject: learn to determine the chronological framework of the medieval world according to the timeline; explain the meaning and objectives of the course "History of the Middle Ages"; navigate the structure of the textbook; establish continuity between Antiquity and the Middle Ages;
  • meta-subject UUD: independently organize educational interaction in a group; determine one's own attitude to phenomena modern life; express your point of view; listen and hear each other; express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; independently discover and formulate a learning problem; choose the means to achieve the goal from the proposed ones, as well as look for them on your own; define concepts; analyze, compare, classify and generalize facts and phenomena;
  • personal UUD: to form a starting motivation for learning new material; comprehend the importance of studying history for oneself; express their attitude to the role of history in the life of society.

Equipment: scheme "Classification of historical sources"; multimedia presentation; timeline.

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Motivational-target stage

We continue to travel through time with you.

What period of history are we going to this year?

(Students answer the question.)

However, there is no unequivocal opinion among scientists as to what the Middle Ages are.

Exercise: get acquainted with different points of view on this issue.

slide 1. The Middle Ages is a time of total decline in culture, knowledge, education, this is a time of lawlessness, continuous internecine wars, the destruction of dissidents during the Crusades, the Inquisition, the persecution of heretics - such is the point of view of humanists, enlighteners.

Slide 2. The Middle Ages is a period of the highest progress of mankind, perfect morality, self-sufficient life and well-being. Only in medieval society was the people of Europe the bearer of supreme sovereignty, and therefore the kings were responsible to the people. Only in the Middle Ages was a person driven by lofty motives and aspirations - such is the point of view of the romantics.

Slide 3. The Middle Ages is the undeveloped present, the embryonic state of modernity—such is the point of view of materialist historians.

- Which one of them is right?

Can we answer this question today? (Students do the task.)

In order to more accurately understand the positions of scientists in this dispute, we need to get to know the history of the Middle Ages.

A problem task for the entire period of studying the course of the history of the Middle Ages.

What were the Middle Ages like in human history?

1. Gloomy, dark, failed (with barbaric destruction, the Inquisition, etc.), as the humanists believed.

2. Light, who gave the world a modern political map of Europe, a number of scientific discoveries and inventions, the flourishing of medieval architecture, universities, book printing, etc.

III. Knowledge update

In 5th grade you continued your study of history.

— What is history?

What section of history did we study last year?

— What topics and why do you especially remember?

- How did the story end? ancient world?

(Students do the task.)

Formulation of problematic questions of the lesson.

Why is it important to study history? What can be learned in history lessons?

Announcement of the topic, learning outcomes and course of the lesson (presentation)

Theme of the lesson: "What is the Middle Ages."

(Introduction to the lesson plan.)

Lesson plan

  1. Middle Ages as part of world history.
  2. The main stages of the Middle Ages.
  3. Historical sources, their types and kinds.
  4. Journey through the textbook "History of the Middle Ages".

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. The Middle Ages as part of world history

Scientists identify large periods in history, or epochs, succeeding each other.

Exercise: look at the Timeline slide and name these periods of world history.

- What are the time limits of the Middle Ages?

(Students do the task.)

The Middle Ages (Middle Ages) - the era in the history of mankind between the Ancient World and the New Age - lasted approximately 11 centuries, from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, from the 5th to the 15th centuries.

(Working with a dictionary.)

Middle Ages - this is an era in the history of mankind, covering the period from the fall of the Western Roman Empire (5th century) to the beginning of the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries (end of the 15th century), coinciding in Western Europe with the formation and flourishing of feudal relations.

The very definition of "medieval" comes from the concept of "Middle Ages", introduced in the XV century. Italian humanist Flavio Biondo. With this concept, he designated the period of history from the 5th to the 15th centuries, that is, the period between Antiquity and Modern times. Some scholars interpret this term differently. They argue as follows: Antiquity and the Renaissance are two points of the rise of the human spirit, the apogee of creative thought. And between them - the "failure" of the Middle Ages, barbarism, destruction, the darkness of ignorance. "Dark Ages" - this is how people of the New Age perceived this period, it was they who came up with the term "Middle Ages".

Exercise: the concept of "Middle Ages" was proposed by scientists who studied the history of Western and Central Europe.

- Can this term be applied to the history of Asia, Africa and America?

(Student answers.)

Scientists argue about this, since the history of Europeans differs from the history of the peoples of Asia, America and Africa. And yet historians find common features in the historical destinies of the peoples of the East. After all, each nation had its own period of the Middle Ages. But the main attention in the study of the history of the Middle Ages, we will pay to Europe.

Divided into two groups, do a creative task.

Task for the first group: working with the text of the textbook on p. 8, give an idea of ​​the history and characteristics of the Roman Empire.

Task for the second group: working with the text of the textbook on p. 8, give an idea of ​​the history and characteristics of the northern and eastern neighbors of the Roman Empire.

(Groups present their work. Checking the assignment.)

What changed in the Middle Ages?

Exercise: study the proposed scheme and answer the question posed.

Europe in the Middle Ages:

  • A single "historical continent"
  • Languages, peoples and states appeared that still exist in Europe today
  • United Christendom
  • Similar lifestyle

2. The main stages of the Middle Ages

What stages did the Middle Ages go through in their development?

Exercise: working with the text of the textbook on p. 9, fill in the table "The main stages of the Middle Ages."

(Checking the execution of the task.)

3. Historical sources

Time, the course of which cannot be stopped or changed, leaves its traces. Traces of primitive people ancient states, medieval cities remained on stone, in the ground, on paper. Not everything has been preserved, and much has not yet been found. But the traces of time must be able to read.

When we study past events, we ask the following questions:

- How is all this known?

- What helped you learn about the time separated from us by centuries and even millennia?

Exercise: Use your knowledge to answer these questions.

(Students do the task.)

If the sources that told us about the Middle Ages had not been preserved, then we would not have known how people lived at that time, what they did, what their culture was.

They help us learn about the events of the past traces left by time and read by historians. These traces in science are called historical sources. Under the historical source is understood any monument of the past, testifying to the history of human society.

What sources help us to study the past?

(Students list and organize sources.)

Written sources- annals, chronicles, letters, decrees, diaries and memoirs, as well as various inscriptions on stone and other material.

oral sources- Traditions, tales, legends, epics, ballads, epics.

Material sources- tools, household utensils, clothes, coins, medals, weapons, coats of arms, buildings and other architectural structures.

Exercise: I propose to play the game "Guess and decompose." The slide shows historical sources, but they are mixed up. Divide them into groups.

Sources: proverbs, temples, coins, sagas, household items, household records, parables, letters, jewelry, contracts, furniture, legends.

(Checking the completion of the task and filling in the table.)

Each type of source reflects historical events in its own way and requires special methods of study. Eat historical discipline, which develops methods for using historical sources.

Exercise: study the data of the proposed table and characterize the historical disciplines.

How can these sciences help us in studying the history of the Middle Ages?

Auxiliary historical discipline Characteristic
Historical textology Engaged in establishing the authenticity of texts, the exact date of their creation
Paleography Studying ancient manuscripts, mainly their external side (writing method, letter shapes, features of the material on which they wrote, etc.), in order to determine the time and place of their creation
Genealogy Deals with the origin of families and clans, individuals and family ties, compiling pedigrees
Epigraphy Studying inscriptions on ancient monuments, buildings, works of art, tombstones, stone steles and slabs
Numismatics Studying coins and other banknotes
Heraldry Studying coats of arms
Toponymy Studying the origin of the names
Onomastics Learns personal names
Phaleristics Studying orders, medals and other insignia
Chronology Studying the systems of reckoning
Metrology Learns various measures (length, volume, weight)
archeography Develops rules and methods for collecting, publishing and organizing the storage of historical sources (manuscripts, books, etc.)
Archeology Studying material sources
Ethnography Studies the life and customs of individual peoples (life, traditions, rituals, folklore)

(Checking the assignment and summarizing the study of the issue.)

4. Journey through the textbook "History of the Middle Ages"

This year you will study a part of world history - the history of the Middle Ages. You have to go to the distant, distant past. And our main reference book, a history textbook, will help us on this journey.

I suggest, using the "Wise Owls" technique, do the following exercise: working with the text on p. 5, 6 of the textbook, find information that you know and information that was previously unknown.

(Checking the assignment and summarizing.)

1. Each chapter begins with questions to help you prepare for class.

2. At the beginning of each chapter, the main questions are listed, the answers to which you will find in the texts of the paragraphs.

3. The text of the paragraph is divided into the main one, which must be learned, and the additional one, containing information about historical figures, background information, interesting stories.

6. historical documents presented under the heading "We study the source" . The texts are diverse in nature and are accompanied by questions and tasks that allow you to penetrate the meaning of the document.

7. The authors of the textbook have compiled a variety of questions and tasks that will help you better understand its content. At the beginning of the paragraphs, tasks are offered, combined into a rubric "Remember!" which require referring to previously studied material in the course of history. At the end of the paragraphs, questions and tasks are given that require not only the search for an answer in the text of the textbook, but also your reasoning, ability to compare and generalize historical facts, phenomena, processes.

8. Final questions and tasks include various texts, creative work covering events of a long period Russian history. Here you will also find generalizing questions and tasks, as well as a rubric "Creative tasks and projects" .

9. At the end of the textbook there is dictionary basic concepts.

Algorithm for working with the textbook

  1. Before starting the tutorial, understand the meaning of the paragraph heading. This is the main theme of its content.
  2. Determine how the topic relates to the content of the entire chapter.
  3. Analyze the subheadings of the parts of the paragraph.
  4. Try to understand why the topic of the paragraph is revealed in this sequence, what is the connection between the individual points of this plan.
  5. Read the text in parts.
  6. In each sentence, find out the meaning of unfamiliar words, terms, names.
  7. In the course of reading, refer to maps, find on the map geographical objects and battlefields that are mentioned in the text.
  8. Consider the portraits, reproductions of paintings, diagrams, tables given in the textbook.
  9. When reading each article of a paragraph, pay attention to the main information for memorization, which are in bold, identify the main idea, formulate conclusions on your own, extract from the text the main facts that allow them to be substantiated.
  10. After reading the entire paragraph, formulate a general conclusion. It should briefly describe the meaning of the topic of the paragraph.

V. Summing up the lesson

Let's go back to the problematic questions that we posed at the beginning of the lesson.

Why is it important to study history?

What can be learned in history lessons?

(Students' opinions are heard.)

Creative task

(Work in a group.)

(Checking the execution of the task.)

Homework (differentiated)

  1. For strong students - prepare a presentation on the topic "Famous events of history."
  2. For average students - to explore the traces of the past (optional).
  3. For weak students - give examples of historical sources.

Lesson #1 Introduction. What is the history of the Middle Ages?

The objectives of the lesson along the lines of personality development.

1–2 LR. Picture of the world in facts and concepts.

To form an idea of ​​the Middle Ages as one of the stages in the development of human civilization, linking various historical facts, concepts into a holistic picture of the world.

3 LR. historical thinking.

To identify options for the causes and consequences of the transition of human civilization from Antiquity to the Middle Ages.

4–5 LR. Moral and civil-patriotic self-determination.

Create conditions for students to understand the role of the Middle Ages in the historical process.

Mandatory minimum content:

Civilization as a stage of development and as a community of people. 5th-15th centuries Middle Ages.

Lesson stages

Teacher actions

Student actions

Formation of UUD, assessment technology

I. Creation of a problem situation. Formulation of the problem.

Think up, please, phrases with the definition of "average". 2

What meaning is often attached to this word?

Look at the title of the tutorial we start with academic year. What is it called?

Read the text, p. 6, 1st–2nd paragraphs.

Compare the main ideas of the paragraphs, what is the main contradiction?1 2

Strange name, isn't it?

What assessment of the Middle Ages (positive or negative) is contained in the first paragraph (prove, based on the text)?

Based on this, does the study of the Middle Ages make sense?

On the board we fix:

The Middle Ages must be studied.

The Middle Ages are an important time.

Based on the second paragraph, what assessment (positive or negative) is given to what is called the average?

Based on this, is the Middle Ages a necessary or uninteresting period?

We fix on the board:

Medium - uninteresting. The name "medium" is insignificant.

Compare the two statements - how do they contradict each other?

Discuss in pairs and suggest wording problematic issue, which we have at the beginning of the study of this course. 1 2

a) "Why study the Middle Ages?" Is it necessary to study the Middle Ages?

This is expected if we wrote on the board: "should" and "of little interest".

b) “Why was the Middle Ages called so - the middle ones?”

We expect only if we have written such a contradiction: “Cf. centuries are significant”; "The name "medium" is insignificant." 2 4

Imagine that our descendants will say about our time: “The Middle Ages!” Do we agree with this formulation?

Do you think people of that time would agree with the definition of "average"?

What is the question?

What problem of the lesson will we solve with you? 1

On the board we fix the topic of the lesson and the problem of the lesson.

Students make up phrases.

This word means intermediate, mediocre.

The textbook is called "History of the Middle Ages."

The student reads the text aloud.

Positive (life and work of 40 generations, "great monuments"). 2


Negative - mediocre, uninteresting.


It is necessary to study, this is the life of so many generations, but the name says that it is of little interest, insignificant.

Pupils confer 30 s. We listen to different versions of different couples.

We will not agree with the wording, since a lot of interesting things are happening in our time. 2


Why study the Middle Ages? What did she bring to modern world?

Students write the topic of the lesson and the problem in workbook, With. 4.

Regulatory UUD

    Determine the goal, problem in educational activities.

    Put forward versions, choose the means to achieve the goal in the group and individually.

3 . Plan activities in a learning situation.

4 . Assess the degree and ways of achieving the goal in the learning situation.

Cognitive UUD

1. Find reliable information in different sources (textbook texts, maps).

2. Analyze (highlight the main thing).

3. Define concepts.

4. Summarize, draw conclusions.

5. Highlight causes and effects.

6. Present information in different forms (diagram, map).

Communicative UUD

1. Ability to work in pairs.

2. State your opinion and justify it.

Personal UUD

1. Evaluate your own and others' actions.

2. To recognize and show oneself as a citizen of Russia in kind words and deeds - explain mutual interests, values, obligations of one's own and one's society, country.

II. Versions.

What assumptions do you have, versions of the solution to the problem? 2

Under learning problem we write down the keywords highlighted by the authors of the versions themselves:

1) this is a transitional time;

2) to understand what made us attribute these centuries to middle, not outstanding times;

3) The Middle Ages - dark times, did not distinguish themselves in any way?

Is it so? 4 3

They offer their own versions (any, even the most absurd, is accepted with approval).2 3

III. Knowledge update.

Let's remember what we know from the history of the Ancient World. Open the diagram in your workbook on p. 4, task 1. Enter the key words in the diagram:

stratification, primitive society, state, cities, writing, civilization.

1 2 3 4 6

Based on the results of the assignment, we propose to carry out an algorithm self-assessment 4 . TOUU

Discuss in pairs what meaning the word "civilization" is used in this diagram, complete the diagram so that the second meaning is also used. Refer to the dictionary on p. 287 textbooks. 1 2

Students do the task.

Based on the results of the implementation, we hear 1-2 pairs of students.

IV. Activity planning.

Before drawing hasty conclusions, let's try to figure out what is generally hidden behind the words "The Age of the Middle Ages." What are your hypotheses for solving the problem?

Open your textbook on p. 3. Try to determine what new we can learn about the movement of mankind from the past to the present?

What medieval stories have you already met in your life, what films have you seen, read books, played computer games?

They offer their versions.

V. Search for a solution to the problem (discovery of new knowledge).

Compare the cards on the endpapers of the textbook. Find similarities and differences.

Can we say that nothing happened in the Middle Ages? 1 2

Draw a timeline on the board.

The teacher, paying attention to the timeline and the diagram of the textbook on p. 10–11, clarifies the time frame of the Middle Ages. 6

What event is considered the end of the Ancient World?

Could the destruction of Rome by the barbarians have influenced the emergence of the name "Middle Ages"?

Children examine the endpapers, in pairs they prepare answers to questions. The task is carried out collectively.1 2

The difference in maps is big, the Middle Ages changed the political map of the world. Conclusion: The Middle Ages are full of events.

EventsV centuries are considered the end of the history of the Ancient World. The fall of Rome, the death of the great Roman civilization, led to the fact that life in Europe became less significant. Events led to the decline.2

VI. Problem solving expression.

So, what general answer can you give to the main question of the lesson? 4

The destruction of Rome by the barbarians led to significant difficulties, it seemed to people that dark times had come. But the Middle Ages is the next stage of world civilization, at this time new states arise, the political map of the world changes, Christian values ​​become the main ones. Conclusion: The Middle Ages cannot be called gloomy and gray, they are full of events. 4

VII. Homework.

Consider the illustrations on p. 12–26. What do these illustrations say? 2

About the new world of barbarians. Read. Once again I draw your attention to p. 7 of the textbook, review and repeat the symbols, signs-symbols, you already know them from the history of the 5th grade. 1

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Among the disciplines, acquaintance with which begins in high school, it is necessary to name a story that allows schoolchildren to understand how people of past eras lived, what events took place centuries ago, and what consequences they led to. Consider what history studies, why do we need to know about long-past events.

Description of the discipline

Historical science allows you to learn about past eras, specific events, monarchs, inventions. However, such an understanding of what history studies would be simplistic. This discipline works not only with facts, but also makes it possible to identify patterns in the development of life, identify periods, analyze the mistakes of the past in order to try not to repeat them. In general, the science of "history of the world" comprehends the process of development of human society.

This area of ​​knowledge belongs to the humanities. Being one of the most ancient sciences (Herodotus is considered its founder), it continues to develop actively.

Subject of study

What does history study? First of all, the main subject of this science is the past, that is, the totality of events that took place in a particular state, society as a whole. This discipline explores wars, reforms, uprisings and insurrections, relations between different states, activities historical figures. To better understand what history studies, let's make a table.

Historical periodization

What is being studied


Peculiarities appearance and the lives of the most ancient and ancient hunters and gatherers, the emergence of social relations, the emergence of art, the structure of an ancient society, the emergence of crafts, the specifics of community life

ancient world, antiquity

Features of the first states, specifics of foreign and domestic policy first monarchs, social structures of ancient societies, first laws and their significance, business activities

Middle Ages

The specifics of the early European kingdoms, the relationship between statehood and the church, the classes distinguished in society and the characteristics of the life of each of them, reforms, the specifics of foreign policy, chivalry, Viking raids, knightly orders, crusades, the Inquisition, the Hundred Years War

new time

Technical discoveries, development of the world economy, colonization, education and diversity political parties, bourgeois revolutions, industrial revolutions

The newest

Second World War, relations between Russia and the world community, features of life, the war in Afghanistan, the Chechen campaign, the coup in Spain

It can be seen from the table that in the study historical science there is a huge number of facts, trends, features, events. This discipline helps people to realize the past of their country or the world community as a whole, not to forget this invaluable knowledge, but to keep it, analyze it, realize it.

Term evolution

The word "history" has not always been used in its modern meaning.

  • Initially, this word was translated from Greek as “recognition”, “investigation”. Therefore, the term meant a way to identify a certain fact or event.
  • In the days of ancient Rome, the word began to be used in the sense of "retelling the events of the past."
  • In the Renaissance, the term began to be understood as a generalized meaning - not only the establishment of truth, but also its written fixation. This understanding absorbed the first and second.

Only in the 17th century did historical science become an independent branch of knowledge and acquired the significance known to us.

Klyuchevsky's position

The famous Russian historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky spoke very interestingly about the subject of historical science, emphasizing the dual nature of the term:

  • It is the process of moving forward.
  • study of this process.

Thus, everything that happens in the world is its history. At the same time, science comprehends the features of the historical process, that is, events, conditions, results.

Klyuchevsky spoke about the role of this science very briefly, but succinctly: "History does not teach anything, but only punishes for ignorance of the lessons."

Auxiliary disciplines

History is a multidisciplinary, complex science that has to deal with a large number facts and events. That is why it appeared whole line auxiliary disciplines, information about which is presented in the table.

Each of these subsidiary disciplines is very important for understanding the historical process as a whole.


The development of a person and society is a complex, multifaceted process, including the activities of individuals, the development of social and cultural and domestic spheres, internal and foreign policy states.

Because of this, in science itself it is customary to single out a number of main areas of history:

  • Military.
  • State.
  • Political.
  • History of religion.
  • Rights.
  • Economic.
  • Social.

All these directions in their totality constitute history. However, within the framework of the school course, only the most general information from the discipline, history textbooks use a different division:

  • Ancient world history.
  • Medieval.
  • New.
  • The latest.

The world and National history. also in school course local history is also included, within the framework of which students get acquainted with the peculiarities of the development of their native land.

Basic Methods

Before understanding the question of why to study history, we should consider the set of methods that this fascinating science uses:

  • Chronological - the study of science by periods and dates. For example, when studying modern history, it is very important to understand the chronology of the Great Geographical Discoveries.
  • Synchronic - an attempt to identify the relationship between processes and phenomena.
  • Historical and genetic - analysis historical event, determining its causes, meanings, connection with other events. For example, the Boston Tea Party and the First Continental Congress led to the American Revolutionary War.
  • Comparative-historical - comparison of this phenomenon with others. For example, comparing the features of the Renaissance period in various European countries when studying the history of the world.
  • Statistical - collection of specific numerical data for analysis. History is an exact science, therefore such information is necessary: ​​how many victims this or that uprising, clash, war claimed.
  • Historical-typological - the distribution of events and phenomena based on commonality. For example, the features of the industrial revolution in modern history in various states.

All these methods are used by scientists to comprehend the features and patterns of the development of society.


Consider why you need to study history. This science allows you to understand patterns historical development humanity and society, on the basis of this information it becomes possible to understand what awaits us in the future.

The historical path is complex and contradictory, even the most intelligent and far-sighted individuals made mistakes that led to horrific consequences: rebellions, civil wars, the deaths of hundreds of thousands ordinary people, coups. We can only avoid these mistakes if we are aware of them.

Without knowledge of world and native history, it is impossible to be an educated, literate person, a patriot, to understand one's place in the world. That is why from childhood it is necessary to study this fascinating science.

How to comprehend science

To understand the peculiarities of the development of society, you should choose a good history textbook and workbook. In secondary school, work is necessary and contour maps, the filling of which allows you to visually represent the features of the course of a particular process.

An additional advantage will be reading literature on the subject, through which you can significantly expand your knowledge and get acquainted with interesting facts.


Having considered what history studies, let's look at the question of what difficulties one has to face in comprehending this humanitarian discipline:

  • Many events of the historical path have a contradictory and often subjective assessment of researchers.
  • The new history is being rethought, so the knowledge that teachers of the “old school” taught in their lessons all their lives turned out to be irrelevant.
  • When studying ancient periods, many facts are in the nature of hypotheses, albeit supported by evidence.
  • Science strives for precision, which is not always possible.
  • The need to keep in mind a huge number of dates, names, reforms.

That is why acquaintance with the science of history often does not arouse enthusiasm among modern schoolchildren. Most often, they simply do not understand the great importance of this discipline, they do not see interest in it, perceiving the subject as boring and requiring memorization of a large amount of information.

The teacher is required to convey to his students the role of this fascinating science, to help students realize its value. Only in this case, the work in the classroom will be useful and productive.

What are you going to study in the history of the Middle Ages?
The history of the Middle Ages is the second part of world history after ancient history. It covers 10 centuries (from the end of the 5th to the end of the 15th), the period between ancient times and modern history.

Italian humanists proposed to study the history of mankind, dividing it into periods: "ancient history" and "new history". Terms " Ancient history"and" Middle History "they applied to the periods that had passed before them, and" New history called the time when they lived themselves. Under the "Middle History", first of all, they understood the "History of the Middle Ages". Have you studied the ancient period world history, learned how people lived in ancient times, about the emergence, development and crisis of the states of the Ancient East, Greece and Rome. Now you are starting to study the period of the Middle Ages, in which feudal society appeared, you will learn how it developed, about the life and work of the masses, about how they fought for their freedom and waged wars for their independence.

About medieval society. Medieval society in Europe is called feudal, and in Asia - a society based on land ownership. The term "feudal" comes from Latin word"feud". "Feud" was the name of the land that the king gave for certain merits (most often for military service), and which gradually began to turn into hereditary. A feudal society is a society based on landownership.

In Europe, the owner of a land allotment was called a feudal lord. The feudal lord leased part of his land to the peasants. For this, the peasants paid taxes to the owner in the form of a part of the harvest and had to work certain days on the lands of the feudal lord. Thus, in Europe, the peasants in favor of the feudal lord carried a double duty.

At different peoples feudal relations arose in different periods their stories. In Western Europe, the conditional date between antiquity and the Middle Ages is 476, when the Western Roman Empire fell under the blows of barbarian tribes. Among other peoples, the development of feudal relations began earlier or later than this event. The duration of the existence of a feudal society also varies in time.

Feudal society in Asia. In Asia (including Uzbekistan), the forms of land ownership differed from those that existed in Europe. In Asia, the ruler of the country was considered the supreme owner of the land. Part of the land was directly state. State and large private lands, divided into smaller plots, were leased to peasants. From the grown crop, the farmer paid a certain tax (share) to the owner of the land. Unlike Europe, Asia did not practice such a regular duty of peasants as working off the owner's field (corvée).

Europe enters the zone of heavy rainfall, which facilitated the work of the peasants. In Asia, in the arid climate zone, there were no such opportunities. Under these conditions, farming without artificial irrigation with the involvement of the masses of the population for this work was out of the question.

As a result, it was more profitable for large landowners in Asia to lease their lands to peasants.

Thus, the construction, repair and cleaning of irrigation facilities fell on the shoulders of the peasants.
Periodization of the history of the Middle Ages.

The history of the Middle Ages is divided into two major periods:

1. End of the 5th century. n. e. - middle of the 11th century:
Transition to a new feudal society;
Formation of new types of land tenure (large landowners-feudal lords and a layer of dependent peasants);
Wide spread in Western Europe of a new religious outlook - Christianity;
The emergence of Islam in the East and its spread;
the emergence of large feudal states.

2. The middle of the XI - the end of the XV centuries:
Growth of land-production relations;
The transition from a subsistence economy to an economy that produces goods for the market;
The emergence and development of medieval cities and craft workshops;
Growth of trade: international trade, markets, fairs and exchanges;
Liberation of European cities from senior dependence;
Free cities, city-republics and the formation of large centralized states;
Increasing the role of the central government;
The emergence of class authorities (parliament, States General);
Christian Church and Crusades;
History of the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America;
Science and culture of the peoples of the world.

Sources on the history of the Middle Ages.
Two main types of historical sources.

1. Written:
Historical annals and chronicles;
Official documents related to taxes, fines, court, sale and purchase, debt obligations;
Decrees of emperors, kings and sultans.
In medieval times, all documents and books were handwritten. In the XI century. in China, and from the middle of the XV century. printing presses were invented in Europe.

2. Material:
Fine art works: sculptures, paintings, examples of applied art
Tools and weapons in history museums;
Clothes and jewelry;
Housing and interior;
Palaces, fortresses and temples.

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