- You are the forge of personnel of the Ural law school! - And where do you put those who "worked their own"

Alexey Semenov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Until 2013 - Rector of the Moscow Institute open education. in 2013, he replaced Viktor Matrosov as rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, who, after many years of work in this position, was fired due to a scandal related to the fabrication of fake dissertations put on stream. In 2014, the media reported on a conflict that arose between Semenov and some university professors. He was blamed for the reduction of the teaching staff, the reduction of rates, the unification of the faculties of the university.

It is assumed that the place of Semenov can be taken by the Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the field of higher education Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, former vice-rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University and graduate of this university Alexei Lubkov.


Sergei Kazarnovsky

Director of the "Class Center"

There is an old school joke.

During the lesson, the director walks around the school and sees a student of the “primary school”, who is trampling at the door of the office and muttering something. The director listened. “Where is the point? What is the logic? Where is the logic? What's the point? ' the student mutters. I saw the director. "What's happened? ' is the director.

The boy adjusted his glasses and said: “I accidentally farted in class. Here. I was kicked out. Did they stay? !"

I have been in school for 35 years. 25 years director. And I am suffocated by the lack of graduates of specialized pedagogical universities who could be admitted to children. They are afraid of school. They don't know her. No, of course they do. Everyone was in it. Everyone has gone through the circles of hell. And so, to come ready for a profession - in which there is everything. And the children are not frostbitten "nerds", but alive, flying at breaks, forgetting notebooks, speaking when they want, and not when it is allowed by the hand. And crazy parents who will teach how to teach, while giving gifts on holidays ... To which, the devil knows how to relate. How about a sincere thank you, or how about your child's insurance policy? And the head teacher, wounded by electronic messages from the "center", with the last of her strength, will explain not how to do it, but how to do it! And that feeding tasteless food and health care in the absence of a nurse - this is part of the profession ...

Briefly speaking. This is a practical profession, not 5-year lectures and exams and a couple of months of pedagogical practice. It was.

And suddenly. I am offered students of the first 4th year of one pedagogical university, so that they live at school. From morning to evening. Sat in class. We went to the dining room. Came to Parent meeting. Stayed on extension.

This happened 3 years ago, when Semyonov came to Moscow State Pedagogical University. Every year before that, students flickered like shadows with their pedagogical practice, leaving no trace either in our life or, apparently, in their own. And here they filmed the lessons on video, then analyzed them and even made comments to the teachers. I, the director, ran to them for university tests in order to enjoy their success.

And then he took interns in the 5th year so that they really worked as teachers, and a year later he calmly gave the first class!

This was unimaginable before. This is the most perfect revolution in today's pedagogical education. Every year, Semyonov gathered the directors of the best schools, discussing the results of the previous year, and again assigned students to these schools to real life already from the 2nd course! Pure Darwinism. Absolutely natural selection for the title of "School Man". Others don't work at school! That's what Semyonov did first!

This is what true teacher training is! Growing School people.

One of my students today, when he entered school, told how, while relaxing with his father, they met Bigfoot somewhere on the island. His story was not questioned, I only asked: “And who is Bigfoot?” And he instantly replied: ancient man who never became human.

Exhaustive and understandable.

“I'm not sure I can articulate as well. But I, the director of the school, smell the School Man almost like an animal.

Here he is experiencing a personal tragedy that a seventh grader does not know where the liver fluke lives in the human body! Here he drags his whole family to make a grandiose environmental project about plasticine butterflies. He himself finishes, as always, the repair that was not completed by the deadline by the builders. Spends all his free time to communicate with children and at the same time strongly resists any necessary school bureaucracy.

By and large, School people are those people who decide to spend their lives talking to children. For third-party people who are busy with very specific matters, such an attitude to life often seems like an eccentricity.

At all times, teachers were ascetics. And I know this well also from family legends: my grandmother and great-grandmother were directors of a school and a gymnasium in the province.

This is what Semyonov began to do - to select devotees!

And this is the most accurate understanding of the teaching profession.

Semyonov ... they are filming! Where is the meaning? What is the logic?

A wonderful idea came from good man: “Until the age of seven, we teach children to walk and talk. Then they come to school, and we teach them to sit... and be silent.” And it is true. We demand the impossible from them. For example, to be attentive, because we ourselves do not know how to “take attention”, and generally do not consider this an element of our profession. And they, our children, need to be taught this. Slowly, meticulously, day by day. We demand responsibility from them, but this actually arises much later. And to be precise, it is the boundary between childhood and non-childhood. So, we demand all this and much, much more, and, of course, we kill absolutely everything alive in our children. Moreover, this result does not need to be checked by the USE - it is obvious.

Semyonov, a scientist, teacher, father with a long-term “herd” (8 children, God knows how many grandchildren, grandchildren), absolutely understood that many of our requirements for teaching a lesson are due to our helplessness and illiteracy in terms of organizing public space. Children in the classroom are the same audience. And all the laws of public communication should work in the same way. Attention must be taken. Don't demand it! This is almost Stanislavsky.

And there is technology for this! And then the “teacher” comes into the classroom with two magazines and begins the lesson by asking: “Is this our 5th “A” or “B”? ” And then he says in the teachers’ room: “What an inattentive 5th grade today!”

And Semyonov opens a course of dramatic skills for students!

Real theatrical workshops with final shows that gather full houses. That is, what is happening is what has been talked about for many years in the pedagogical environment, admiring the lonely talented teachers of the year: practical mass training for the public profession of a teacher has begun!

And Semyon ... they are filming! Where is the meaning? What is the logic!

The main building of the University has a corner entrance. By location, he was probably the main one before. The entrance has been closed for a long time and, judging by the mourning attributes above the entrance, it was used in very specific cases. No one before Semyonov removed this paraphernalia. Just in case, Semyonov removed it!

Semenov's time at my university is a very fruitful time. Since 2013, we have carried out serious reforms. For example, the moodle system. It was that tasks can be done via the Internet. This is a great opportunity not to take time for lectures, seminars. Life at the university gradually became informatized.

Now, after so many reforms, the person with whom people worked, who loved him, respected him, and fulfilled their duties, is leaving. It's almost fifty people. Again we have to wait for new people, new thoughts, new reforms, everything will start again from scratch. We have not been able to continue many of the reforms due to the accession to our university of the Moscow State University for the Humanities. Sholokhov, and now a new minister, a new rector, new vice-rectors will only aggravate the situation.

With Alexei Lvovich, we could agree on everything, there was no issue that could not be resolved. He had great respect for us students. The communication style was simple. There were no show-offs, no sidelong glances.

With regard to education, many faculties have more practice. In fact, I personally would do it myself, so that there would be more practice than theory. A student comes to the 1st year, and he immediately needs to be sent to school a couple of times a week, let them analyze, they get invaluable experience, it would even be good to fix this in legislation.

The property that struck me in Alexei Lvovich was his ability to work. He could sleep for 3-4 hours at night, then fly to China on a business trip, then fly to Academic Council, there were always a lot of people at the reception. He solved the problem not behind his back, but together with us. Before his intervention, according to the administration, the dining room always “cooked delicious food” until a friend showed me pilaf with a fried cockroach. Naturally, together with the rector we solved this problem - we made repairs in the dining room, changed the menu.

The Ministry of Education and Science, in my opinion, has done very big mistake, having fired Alexei Lvovich, he did everything gradually, but it turned out. Chaos has ceased in the dormitories, and those who say that the profile direction has been cut, they are not preparing scientists here. Our graduates come to kindergarten and school, and there, in addition to teaching the subject, you just have to be a versatile person, love music, painting, theater. Yes, and education should be based on world experience.

It is very unfortunate that this is how they decide everything. Wasn't it possible to ask us students? Come, find out how and what. After all, the Minister of Education graduated from our university ...

A terrible and amazing thing happened - on September 1, on the holiday of Eid al-Adha and on the first day of the new school year the rector of the Moscow Islamic Institute (MII) Damir Khairetdinov was suddenly removed from his post.

Obviously, the corresponding decree R. Gainutdina was extraordinary. Firstly, it happened on a holiday, and secondly, rectors of universities on the first day of the academic year are changed only in case of emergency !!! Note, however, that, despite the fact that D.Khairetdinov has so far retained the position of Deputy Head of the Spiritual Spiritual Administration of the Russian Federation for Education, Science and Culture, at a solemn prayer service in the Moscow cathedral mosque On September 1, he was not seen in places of honor. This sign is very eloquent, because the former rector always attended such events and was next to. The muftiate always made fun of this fact, they say, "Tamara and I go as a couple." This time D. Mukhetdinov (Oxford), in any case, at the official part, he was sitting alone! Although believers, first of all, the question arose why he was in Moscow at all, why did he leave the St. Petersburg Ummah, which he allegedly heads, on such a significant day!?

So what happened? In order to fully analyze the current situation, it is necessary to recall some moments of the exiled rector's biography. A prominent representative of the "Nizhgarsk" group in the RMC D.Khairetdinov was born in Moscow in 1972. He received his higher education at the Russian State Humanitarian University, in 2002 at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. N.N.Miklukho-Maclay of the Russian Academy of Sciences defended his PhD thesis (supervisor - A.V. Malashenko). In the 1990s worked at the Russian Center for the Storage and Study of Documents recent history; Islamic cultural center of Russia; Islamic Congress of Russia. Since 1996 he studied at the Institute Arabic at the Umm al-Qura University in Mecca (Saudi Arabia), where, according to some reports, he met and became close friends with D. Mukhetdinov (Oxford). Unlike his new friend, who was later expelled from the university for "immoral behavior", he graduated from high school.

A promising young man was noticed by Saudi curators, therefore, since 1999, for 7 years, D. Khayretdinov worked as the secretary of the Islamic department of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Moscow. He did not hide his sympathy for the KSA, but without Saudi citizenship, you cannot make a further career in the embassy of the kingdom. Therefore, in 2006, with the consent and support of the Saudi side, it was decided to start active work in Russian Islam. For this, connections with the mentioned D. Mukhetdinov (Oxford), with the filing of which D.Khairetdinov was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Nizhny Novgorod Region for Public Relations and Vice-Rector for scientific work Nizhny Novgorod Islamic Institute. H. Faizkhanova. At D. Mukhetdinov (Oxford), apparently, there were reasons: at that time he ingratiated himself with the "curator" of Islamic projects in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation A. Grishin(until 2011) and at the same time used the protégé of the infamous general M. Belousova. In this regard, he was already planning a career in Moscow, and he needed to restore relations with another important player in the Russian Islamic space - Saudi Arabia, without whose approval it was almost impossible to advance to serious posts in the Russian Mufti Council.

With such internal and external support, a rapid career began. D.Khairetdinova in SMR. During his work in Nizhny Novgorod from 2006 to 2011. he, as managing editor, produced a series encyclopedic dictionaries"Islam in Russian Federation", entered the editorial board of the tafsir of the Koran Abdullah Yusuf Ali(ed. 2007), the newspaper "Medina al-Islam", the almanac "Islam in modern world", the annuals "Faizkhanovskie Readings", "Ramazanov Readings". Since March 2011, already in Moscow, he has become the editor-in-chief of the official publication of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European Part of Russia (DUMER) "Islam Minbare", and since May 2011 - the head Department of Science and Education DUMER.

At that time, however, there were D.Khairetdinova and short-sighted punctures. So, working in the Spiritual Muslim Board of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, he and his brother Marat from a certain center "Amal", in which he smashed everyone in a row - from Ravil Gaynutdin to the Chechens, for which he later almost suffered. But it worked!!!

In March 2012, as a result of a raider seizure carried out with the support of a group of General M. Belousova(since 2012 - "curator" of Islamic projects on the Old Square) D.Khairetdinov became the rector of the Moscow Islamic University (MIU), which was later re-registered by him as the Moscow Islamic Institute (MII). The new curators immediately kindled with special love for him, as they put "their" person (on the recommendation D. Mukhetdinov (Oxford)) for an object with 2000 empty square meters in the very center of Moscow, and also assigned to him and to D. Mukhetdinov (Okfordsky) the task of "processing" significant financial resources allocated through the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and the Fund for the Support of Islamic Culture, Science and Education for the preparation of textbooks and teaching materials for Russian Islamic universities and madrasahs. Our subject.

At the same time, the curators were not interested in either the Saudi past of the two Damirov, nor the fact that the newly-minted rector in his new post was immediately noted for inciting anti-Shia sentiments, supervised "Warhammer 40.000", . On the contrary, they supported his "scientific" activities, and contributed to the fact that the former rector of ISAA MSU, Professor M. Meyer, and the opponent is the director of the Hermitage M. Piotrovsky!!!

Everything was going great!!! But in mid-2017, everything went awry. It all started, oddly enough, with the departure R.Batrova from the post of Deputy Mufti of Tatarstan in April 2017. He has spoken and continues to speak almost every Saturday with articles denouncing individual Muslim leaders, above all R. Gainutdina and muftis close to him in an awkward position. He actually showed the extremely low level of their education, duplicity, the pursuit of money - as the main task of the activities of Muslim organizations. And although the names in the articles rarely sound, it is clear who and what they are talking about. R.Batrov, after April 2017 found himself in the ideological cage of two Damirov. He was even predicted a position in the DUMRF or in the MII. Added fuel to the fire and a similar "proximity" Damirov to deprived in June of this year. all posts to the imam near Moscow A. Sadriev. The first clouds began to appear in the cloudless sky of their quarry!

In July of this year. The Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg opened a criminal case on the facts of corruption-suspicious, in violation of all procedures required by the Law, "processing" of public funds allocated to St. Petersburg State University as part of a project to support the field of Islamic education. It turned out that in 2014-2016. vice-rector S. Bogdanov concluded with D.Khairetdinov these are actually illegal treaties. Team business M. Belousova quickly managed to hush up !!! The curators fussed - the investigators "unexpectedly" relented and even apologized to S. Bogdanov!!! But there are good reasons to believe that D.Khairetdinov, who was interrogated in the case, "surrendered" his curators from the Belousov group, or rather, one relative of M.Belousov, who continues to serve in a certain place. After all, this is the same "relative" who promised cover and insisted on the introduction of these very illegal procedures. In the context of a tough interdepartmental struggle (with arrests and arrests), the Russian Interior Ministry has received strong trump cards to protect "its" interests and can use them at the right time. Such things are not forgiven! It turns out that the closure of the case cost the interested parties very, very expensive!!!

There is another interesting moment in this story. The open and quickly closed case concerns 2014-2016. and names of the vice-rector of St. Petersburg State University S. Bogdanova, caught between the hammer and the anvil rather by accident, succumbing to the persuasion of those who promised an "iron" roof. But 2017 has arrived! In connection with the investigations, the Belousovites could not find another simpleton who would sign new agreements according to the same schemes. To do this, they are forced to use the current vice-rector, who knows what he is getting into, and, therefore, is very close to their team!!! And then, according to unverified information, D.Khairetdinov collapsed. He already knows for sure the illegality of the procedure, which means that he will already be an accomplice in the crime !!! Should he wait for help from the curators when the "fried rooster" pecks again? Apparently, he correctly assessed the situation! After all, closing the case in 2017, they did not save him, but themselves!!! How will it be next time?

Imagine how pissed they were M. Belousov and his cousin! Not only does he balk at the contracts, he also felt like a “owner” with the premises leased at the MII. This is also unforgivable! Moreover, his guarantor D. Mukhetdinov (Oxford) has not yet paid for the loss of funds from the Fund for the Support of Islamic Culture, Science and Education! Remember the story of 50 million rubles that disappeared in the "double" publishing house "Medina"! We, too !!!

Somehow, problems immediately arose with his doctoral dissertation, in which they discovered plagiarism, forgery and inciting religious hatred, expressed in insulting the Orthodox. The dissertation was withdrawn from defense, M. Meyer And M. Piotrovsky were in a stupid position! They didn't see it! Despite the protests R. Silantieva and his only objective review! Did not see these sins and curators, who needed D.Khairetdinov!!! Was…

If our assumptions (certainty!!!) with the fact that D. Mukhetdinov (Oxfordsky) was put on the counter for those 50 million rubles are correct, and mechanisms are being created for him to return his "debt" (although officially the money has long been written off) through programs to support the Russian of Islamic education, then, if D. Khairetdinov refused to fit into the new schemes for "processing" state funds, D. Mukhetdinov (Oxford) himself would inevitably become the new rector of the MII !!! There is simply no one to fit in for his sins !!! But D. Mukhetdinov (Oxford) and so busy: he and a member Public Chamber Russian Federation, and the imam-mukhtasib of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, and the Executive Secretary of the International Islamic Forum, and the First Deputy Head of the DUMRF, and the Deputy Center for Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies of the ISAA Moscow State University, and the Special Representative of the RMC for Relations with the CIS Countries, and the Special Representative of the DUMRF for Relations with Moscow government, and Chief Editor publishing houses, newspapers and magazines, and... Six of these positions require full or almost full employment!!!

And… what do we read in the Decree of R. Gainutdin? The new rector is... D. Mukhetdinov!!! THAT'S SO "ACCIDENTIAL"!!!

Does anyone else have doubts about what was the reason, and most importantly, the urgency of replacing the rector, who apparently lost confidence ...?

But the curators miscalculated again !!! Well, M. Belousov does not have a single professional specialist! At least crack! They, as always, were too lazy to look at the documents!!! So, if we turn to the charter of the MII, kindly posted on its official website, we can notice paragraph 6.13, which reads: " Mandatory requirement to the applicant for the post of rector is the presence degree and an academic title" (there are only two titles left - "Associate Professor" and "Professor"). So, academic titles at D. Mukhetdinov (Oksforsky) No. And the rector is frankly illegal, that is, "leftist"!!! D.Khairetdinov also did not have such titles, but at least he was elected rector in 2012 of the then MII, which did not have such requirements in the Charter, and only then re-registered the MII Charter.

The question arises, how now to conclude agreements between St. Petersburg State University, through the Ministry of Education and Science and the above-mentioned Foundation with MII? The answer is - again illegally, bypassing all procedures, and even with the "left" rector!!! Or will the curators again provide an "iron roof"? Most likely YES!!! PROVIDE!!! THEY JUST HAVE NO OTHER OUTPUT!!!

It is also interesting how much more time will be needed for the Department of Internal Security of the FSB of Russia and the relevant divisions of the Administration of the head Russian state did you manage to "thin" the "iron roof" of M. Belousov's group?

Maybe at least before the presidential elections in Russia they will do something, because the cynicism of the “Belousovites” is going through the roof!!! And then we are surprised at the "recruiting" successes of extremists and the inefficiency of working with Muslim youth!!!

Sources at the university believe that he "turned everything upside down"

On Monday, the Minister of Education dismissed the presenter from the post of acting rector pedagogical university countries MSGU Alexei Semenov. The rector himself explains what happened by the desire of Minister Vasilyeva to appoint his man, the former vice-rector of the same university, Alexei Lubkov, to this post.

The piquancy of the situation is given by the fact that a new potential protege of the ministry left the Moscow State Pedagogical University two years ago due to a conflict with Semyonov. And a month before today's personnel reshuffle, in September 2016, Lubkov took a high post in the Ministry of Education and Science.

Alexey Semenov

On Monday, news agencies reported that Russian Education and Science Minister Olga Vasilyeva fired the acting rector of the Moscow Pedagogical state university(MSGU) Alexey Semenov. Now acting the rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University is in the hospital, after the end of treatment he will be officially dismissed, and the Ministry of Education will appoint an interim rector at the university. At the time of Semyonov's illness, Vladimir Nechaev, First Vice-Rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University, replaced him.

In the future, according to the law, the election of a new rector must be held at the university. First, the academic council of the institution will choose the rector, and then the candidacy will be confirmed by the Ministry of Education.

In 2013, Aleksey Semenov replaced Viktor Matrosov as rector, who, after many years of work in this position, was fired due to a scandal involving a factory in educational institution. But already a few months after the start of Semenov's work at the university. The main claims of the public were to reduce the teaching staff, reduce the rates of the remaining ones, and unite the faculties of the university in order to replace their deans with their own people.

At that moment, the then vice-rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Alexei Lubkov, also spoke on the side of the outraged university teachers.

Thanks to the patronage of the former Minister Dmitry Livanov, Semenov managed to extinguish the conflict and stay in his chair, they say at the university. But he had to make significant concessions. And after the conflict, Lubkov was forced to resign from the Moscow State Pedagogical University. With the coming to power of the new minister, Semenov lost his former support at the top, and he failed to earn the approval of teachers, apparently, this led to his resignation.

Aleksey Semenov himself commented on the situation with his resignation as follows:

I became aware of my upcoming resignation last Wednesday at a meeting at the Ministry of Education and Science. Alexey Lubkov, Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Science, openly stated in his report that he was not satisfied with the quality of my work at the post. rector. In our environment, this was perceived as an obvious signal of the imminent release from office.

We have a long relationship with Alexei Lubkov. In 2013, when Minister Livanov appointed me acting. rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, I invited him to work as a vice-rector, given that he had worked at this university for many years, knew its specifics well and enjoyed the support of the MSPU public.

Already in the first year of my activity at the university, serious reforms were launched, and on the issues of their implementation, Alexei Vladimirovich and I had a number of serious disagreements. As a result of these disagreements, at the end of August, Lubkov left his post, and for two years, in my opinion, quite successfully, I continued to lead the university.

With the change of minister, the official policy of the authorities in the field of education also changed. In September of this year, Lubkov moved to work at the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, he enjoys the support of Olga Vasilyeva, and she sees him as rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. I am sure that it is Alexei Lubkov who will be elected rector of our university in the official elections in due course. Of course, he is supported by a part of the public of the university, but the location of the Minister of Education in this matter will play a decisive role.

As for my participation in the activities of the university, it will depend on the position of the Minister of Education and Alexei Lubkov himself on this matter, whether they will need my help. Of course, part of my life is connected with Moscow State Pedagogical University, I would very much like to continue working on current projects and plans for further development university.

Meanwhile, the source of “MK” at the Moscow State Pedagogical University said that in fact the situation at the university did not develop quite like this: “The teaching community from the very beginning was against the work that the new acting. the rector started at the university. Everyone was outraged that Semyonov worked for three years at Moscow State Pedagogical University without any elections, in fact, on bird's rights.

After the appointment of a new minister, Semenov realized that his days at the head of the university were numbered, and therefore began to try to turn the situation upside down. According to our information, on Friday Alexei Lubkov tried to contact him and calmly agree on further work. Semenov could write a statement of his own free will and continue to work in another position, but instead he began to trumpet his resignation.

At the moment, no one has seen the order to dismiss Semenov at the university, there is also no information that Lubkov will head the Moscow State Pedagogical University, perhaps these are just Semenov's fantasies. Lubkov recently took a high position in the ministry, it is not a fact that he will change it to the chair of the rector.


"There will be no more elections"

Head of USGUU on how Yuri Chaika's alma mater was left without a rector and a president

Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika knows about the situation with the rector Vladimir BublikYaromir Romanov

The Ural State Law University, which released two Russian prosecutors general, Yury Skuratov and Yury Chaika, was left without a rector. Vladimir Bublik, who has held this post since 2007, is now in charge of the university as an acting director. O. Last fall, it failed to recertify at the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, causing influential graduates to worry about the future of the university. As it became known to the site, Pavel Krasheninnikov, Chairman of the Committee on State Construction and Legislation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, was sent with an inspection to USGUU. Yesterday he held a meeting of the board of trustees of the university, where they listened to Bublik's report. The Sverdlovsk Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev took control of the situation. What was discussed at the closed meeting and how did it happen that the influential law school stayed with interim management, Vladimir Bublik told the site in an interview.

“The Ministry is now pursuing a tough personnel policy”

- As far as we know, yesterday you reported on the current situation to the Board of Trustees?

- This is true. The Board of Trustees is a supervisory body that monitors how the university is developing and in what direction. Its decisions are considered advisory, but given who is on the board, for me as a rector, these decisions are practically binding...

Who is on the board of trustees?

- The most famous graduates of the university. Chairman of the Board of Trustees [Chairman of the Committee on State Building and Legislation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Co-Chairman of the Association of Lawyers of Russia] Pavel Vladimirovich Krasheninnikov ...

- The most famous graduate of the university - Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika - is a member of the Board of Trustees?

- With the prosecutor's office a separate conversation, they have certain restrictions on this matter. Now we are negotiating to include First Deputy Prosecutor General [Alexander] Buksman (a fellow student of Chaika, a graduate of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute in 1976 - website note) on our board of trustees. Now the Board of Trustees includes [Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation] Sergey Rudakov, [General Director of Ural Airlines] Sergey Skuratov, [Former Prime Minister of the Sverdlovsk Region] Alexei Vorobyov, [Director of the UMMC for Corporate Relations and Special Projects] Oleg Melyukhov, Head of Administration of Yekaterinburg Alexander Jacob. Almost all the "heavyweights" who are not indifferent to how the university develops. Pavel Vladimirovich asked me yesterday to explain what happened, why I was not attested, why the election of the rector was cancelled, what awaits the university and how the university will get out of this situation.

- As rector, you served two five-year terms, you were going to go for a third.

My term expired at the end of last year. We were preparing for the elections, but they did not take place. Now I am in charge.

Yuri Chaika is one of the most famous graduates of the Academy of Law, then he was called Sverdlovsky legal institute

- The information that you did not pass the certification appeared in October. True, now on the Internet resource that told about this, a stub hangs, from which it follows that it is blocked by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

- Here it is necessary to explain what the situation is now in the country's higher education and what policy the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, represented by Olga Vasilyeva, is pursuing. There is a reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences - the management staff is being changed there. There is a change in the governor's corps. I am more than sure that there is an instruction from the President [Vladimir Putin] to hold similar events to renew the rectors' corps, which is rather conservative in our country.

— Since 2007, you yourself have been the head of the Law University.

- Recidivist rectors like me (laughs) ... It's a joke! There are fewer and fewer old-timers like me. The ministry is now pursuing a strict personnel policy, substantively asking managers high school. According to my calculations, about a third of the rectors of Russia are now in limbo. Many, like me, do not pass certification. They work in the status of acting and work on the bugs ...

How was your certification?

- It was October 3 in the meeting room of the ministry. There are more than 20 colleagues in the attestation commission: representatives of the public, the Russian Academy of Sciences, university workers, trade unions, deputies of the State Duma. The commission is really serious and qualified. On that day, Olga Yuryevna [Vasilyeva] personally supervised her work. There were 13 university rectors who arrived for recertification. Approximately half of the applicants did not pass it.

Were you asked questions that you couldn't answer?

- Yes. They asked questions about the staffing situation, the amount of teachers' salaries, the topics of defended dissertations. By the way, Olga Yurievna asked some of the rectors what topic they defended themselves on. It seems that she had reason to doubt whether the man himself did this work.

What exactly were you asked about?

- On the salaries of employees.

How much do your employees earn now?

— We are one of the leaders and fully implement the roadmap to increase wages university workers. For example, the director of the institute (in the previous system, the dean - approx .. rubles.

What else did you ask?

- What is the passing score we have, where our graduates work.

— But the law academy has always been in order with this — the competition for a place every year is gigantic, graduates understand which structures they go to.

- The minister had a certificate that her assistants prepared for her, but in some places there was not quite correct information about us. For example, in the minister's certificate it was written that the passing score at USGUU was 74. And they ask me: why so few? But this is without profile sets. We have target set prosecutor's office, about 180 seats, and they themselves determine the passing score. Where there is a purely university competition, our average passing score was from 85 and above. They asked why we spend a lot of money from state subsidies to pay management personnel ...

- A lot is how much?

- I was told that we spend 18%, and the industry average is 7-10%.

- How many managers do you have?

- The Ministry believes that the managerial and service personnel should be 30% to 70% in favor of the teaching staff in relation to the teaching staff.

So far, we have 58% to 42% in favor of managers. Conventionally, there are now about 150 extra managers in the university.

Accordingly, the wage fund is also skewed not in favor of the teaching staff. Another task is to outsource food systems, cleaning services, motor transport services, and security. Something that is not a core activity for universities. We will also do this. But we must understand that such reforms are unpopular. They concern living people.

“The most serious issue is the quality of education at the university”

The secret of his reappointment as Prosecutor General was revealed at the anniversary of the release of Chaika at USGUU

- You said that you were given the task of correcting the bugs. What will it consist of?

- After I was not attested, I turned to the minister with a request for re-attestation. I know that the Prosecutor General [Yuri Chaika] also talked about me. There was no recertification. Instead, a meeting with the leadership of the ministry was scheduled for October 9. I was given the opportunity to answer questions in more detail. On that day, the conversation was already on the case, with specific figures and documents. It was then that I was identified with the shortcomings that needed to be corrected. The most serious issue is the quality of education at the university.

- You are the forge of personnel of the Ural law school!

— Our university is still the leader in all possible rankings. But there really is a problem. While it is in the depths and not visible from the surface. We are talking about the fact that our teaching staff is aging. The average age of our employees is over 60 years old. Of the 503 teachers, only a third are young people under the age of 40. It is clear that older teachers are experience and authority. But now make a professor in his 60s study a computer. The professors are accustomed to working with books and paper, while young people are used to working with computers. We are lagging behind in informatization of the educational process…

- Does the university have access to the Internet?

modern education simply must be built on digital technologies. In the end, the head of state set the task of switching to a digital economy. There should be electronic document management, there should be electronic online education, electronic online courses for retraining and advanced training. We have now adopted a corresponding concept and planned a budget for these purposes. Modern website coming soon personal accounts teachers and students.

- This point is clear. It is not clear how you are going to rejuvenate the teaching staff.

— We have forgotten the successful Soviet practice of mentoring. Previously, young teachers were helped to get used to the educational process. More experienced teachers did not hesitate to come to them for couples, watched how a person gives a lecture, what he reads. After that, a discussion took place in the departments, were given guidelines. Now the youth is stewing in its own juice. We discussed this recently at the Academic Council. We decided that we need to revive this system. We looked at the curricula along the way. We singled out that there are repetitions and duplications. There are many things that students do not need, and, conversely, there is something that they need, but this is not in the curricula.

- What is missing?

- What the customer, the future employer of our students, requires from us now. For example, we have a new specialty. Starting this year, we will be recruiting students for the prosecution system…

- What is new? Does the university have an institute of the prosecutor's office?

- There is an institute, but it is now preparing bachelors and masters. The prosecutor's office itself needs specialists.

- A classic Soviet specialist with a five-year training?

- Yes. I look at the curricula in the specialty and understand that the Prosecutor General's Office has already adopted a program for the development of "digital prosecutor's office", and in our curriculum there is nothing similar yet. This is despite the fact that we must be ahead of the curve, students should at least know what is at stake. How so? Further. There is a course on the Ethics of a Lawyer, although, in theory, there should be a course on the Ethics of a Prosecutor. There is a course "Judicial speeches" instead of the course "Speech of the prosecutor". We will introduce these adjustments, it is necessary to bring our course in line with the tasks that are set by practitioners.

State Duma Deputy Pavel Krasheninnikov is a well-known university lecturer

- Yesterday, as far as I know, the reorganization of the university was discussed. What is it about?

- All three vice-rectors have already been replaced. Dmitry Gribanov replaced Vice-Rector for academic work Marat Salikov. Lyudmila Berg replaced Nikolai Tarasov as Vice-Rector for Research. Aleksey Viktorovich Shaburnikov came to us from the system of bailiffs. He used to work for [head of the UFSSP for the Sverdlovsk region Vladimir] Osmak as a deputy, now he is our vice-rector for administrative and economic work.

- What is the point of changing vice-rectors?

- Those who were replaced, roughly speaking, have worked their way in these positions. The minister directly told me about this that the vice-rectors are not finalizing it.

- And where do you put those who "worked their own"?

- They went to the departments and work as professors, heads of departments. In addition, we have replaced the heads of two important departments. The informatization department has been transformed into the e-education department. Previously, it was headed by Sazhina Tatyana, now Starichenko Yevgeny has come. He is a lawyer by education, at the same time a competent informer-practitioner and is engaged in science. Three in one. The educational and methodological direction was headed by the former director of the Institute of Justice Maxim Goncharov. He replaced Sergei Ukolov.

Three departments have also been updated. Chair social law, state and municipal service, we have attached to the Department of Labor Law. In fact, they worked in the same direction. We included the Department of Legal Psychology and Forensic Expertise into the Department of Criminalistics. The Department of Economic Theories became part of the Department of Business Law. Three structural divisions were united into one institute: evening, correspondence and secondary specialized faculties. This is our first reaction to the problem of an excessive number of managers identified by the ministry.

— The main question is whether this will help USGUU retain the status of a forge of personnel for the Ural law school?

- Yesterday at the meeting of the Board of Trustees they also talked about this. It was noted that the university continues to be the flagship legal education in Russia. Claims against me as a rector do not apply to the entire university. We are stable as a university. Stable from a personnel point of view, stable, including financially. Indeed, this stability reverse side. Stability can quickly turn into stagnation. After all, it is clear that the line between stability and stagnation is very weak. Slightly stopped - already lagged behind. Stopped completely - disappeared. We have authority, but we must go further. In digital education, work on the rejuvenation of teaching staff. We have 14% of doctors, but mostly they are old teachers. We need youth...

- Yes, you have already said, but maybe young people simply do not see prospects for themselves in science and teaching?

“You just have to demand from them weekly. Wrote an article? What did you do for your PhD or doctorate? The rector gathered us at one time and asked: “Bublik, Gongalo, what did you do?”

- Then the young scientist understood that now he receives 120 rubles a month, and after the defense he will immediately receive 240.

- Therefore, we are now moving to an effective contract. For half a year we have been breaking spears because of the performance criteria. Someone says that you have to pay for science. Someone thinks that for the education of students. Someone demands to pay extra for science. We need to tie it all together right now. This year we went on an experiment - we will make payments for publications in leading journals that are cited in Scopus and Web of Science.

- What will be the amounts?

— From 15 to 20 thousand rubles per publication. There is already an example. Our employee wrote five such articles in a year, we will pay him 103 thousand rubles. Publish, prepare graduate and doctoral students, participate in scientific events and earn.

- You will stimulate with the ruble.

- Including. The equalization is over.

— It's one thing when a university graduate takes a teaching chair, it's another thing when a person with practical experience goes to teach - a prosecutor, an investigator, a lawyer. Maybe it's time to call [Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri] Ponomarev or [Head of the Sverdlovsk Department of the ICR Valery] Zadorin?

“Today I got a call from [the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region] Sergei Okhlopkov. By the way, he recently spoke at our Academic Council and is aware of our entire situation. A strong head of one of the departments leaves the prosecutor's office due to his seniority. We discussed the possibility of his transfer to us. By the way, the department of prosecutorial activities is headed by the former Verkh-Isetsky prosecutor [Evgeny] Ergashev, he defended his doctorate. Vladimir Bozrov, the former chairman of the Military Tribunal, works for us. We have a lot of practitioners, this is one of our traditions. Lectures are periodically given by Yuri Chaika, [Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences] Veniamin Yakovlev. Pavel Krasheninnikov has been working as a professor with us for a year and a half. Members of the Academic Council [Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation] Krasavchikova Larisa, [Chairman of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Urals District], Professor Irina Reshetnikova. We have [Deputy Chairman of the Sverdlovsk Regional Economic Bar Association] Andrey Vinnitsky, the youngest doctor of science at the university.

- Natalya Poklonskaya will teach you? She seemed to be going to write a PhD thesis on the problem of Crimean legislation in the transition period after joining Russia.

Poklonskaya never entered the Ural Law University

- Natalya Vladimirovna seems to have some kind of personal relationship with the city of Yekaterinburg, but not with us. The question of her competition was discussed with us. Our staff met with her. Work on constitutional law was discussed, but [Poklonskaya] did not join us. She went into politics and moved to Moscow. In fact, you need to have a penchant for research and teaching. We invited her to our conferences, but she did not come.

Let's get back to the election of the rector. Once you've corrected the bugs, what's next?

We won't have any more elections.

- This is news!

- I will say this, the minister's request is an order.

Now the ministry is pursuing a certain policy, everything is going to the fact that the rectors Russian universities will be appointed by the minister and there will be no more elections. Recovering Soviet system when rectors are appointed by Moscow and they report to it.

- The end of the last fragments of self-government and democracy in higher education.

“It was actually fiction. I think the changes are correct.

- Why?

Recent years five it was only a game of democracy. Under Andrey Fursenko (Minister of Education of the Russian Federation from 2004 to 2012, currently Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation - note .. Now there is centralization in the economy, politics, and, accordingly, in education, everything is going exactly the same. For the past five years, rectors have had to maneuver between the interests of the staff and the ministry. Such democracy in quotation marks. I’ll explain using our example. They appointed the election of the rector. Three candidates were put forward - I, the deputy director of the Institute of Justice [Sergey] Militsin, professor [Svetlana] Zagainova. The labor collective supported the candidates, the governor [of the Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev " " supported. All three were trained, received qualifications. We spent about 600 thousand rubles on this, and as a result, the ministry did not attest any of the applicants. The appointment system will be more honest and economical in this regard.

— In addition to the appointment of rectors, is there anything else that universities should expect?

- Eliminate the institution of the presidency.

- Viktor Perevalov [Bublik's predecessor as rector, since 2007 - president of the university] was removed?

- Yesterday he worked the last day in this status and wrote a statement. He remained at the university as a professor and head of the department of theory of state and law.

- Will you remain in the status of acting for a long time?

- The date has not been determined. The order says that before approval as rector. I think that this situation will continue at least until the presidential election and, it is possible that until the formation of a new cabinet of ministers. For example, at the Ural Forest Engineering University, the rector [Andrey Mekhrentsev] has been in limbo for about a year now.

- Let's say you are again appointed rector, where should USGUU come in 5 years?

Let's not name dates. It is necessary that our university become a member of the European educational space. Our graduates are not in demand there. Of course, they are successfully retrained and mastered, but it is in our power to change this. The explanation is simple - the world is becoming global, while we are still training lawyers of national law. Recently [Head of Methodological Department Maxim] Goncharov visited Kazakhstan. His conclusion is that this country is increasingly integrating into the European space. This is evident in their legislation. Previously, it was a tracing paper from the Soviet codes. Now the legislation of Kazakhstan has more and more features similar to the legislation of Europe and the USA. Similar processes are underway in Armenia. We are gradually losing our influence in this regard. Young people from the CIS go to Europe more for education, and not to us. And I want to remind you that this is what is called "soft power" - incorporation into the culture where a person was trained.

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The rebellious Russian State Trade and Economic University (RGTEU) has changed its rector. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dismissed Sergei Baburin from his post. Andrey Shklyaev has been appointed the new rector of the university. The order of the Ministry of Education and Science says that Baburin will be paid compensation in the amount of three salaries.

Students expressed their strong disapproval of the ministry's order. They asked the Deputy Minister of Education Alexander Klimov, who held a meeting with students of the Russian State Technical University, who, in fact, Shklyaev is, Interfax reports. Officials negotiating with the rebellious students dragged on with the news of the rector's resignation for several hours while the meeting lasted.

The order for the resignation of Sergei Baburin was signed by the Minister of Education and Science of Russia Dmitry Livanov on December 24, 2012.

Sergei Baburin himself is currently on sick leave with a high temperature. He could not take part in the meeting of students and teachers with representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science.

RSTEU students claim that they have not received answers to their questions from Alexander Klimov. In particular, they did not receive a response that it was necessary to re-examine the RGTEU. A storm of emotions among university students was also caused by the fact that the presidium of the meeting was attended by the entire leadership of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Alexander Klimov that the teachers of the Russian State University of Trade and Economics will continue to work at the university after its merger with the Russian economic university them. Plekhanov.

On the evening of December 24, students of the RSTEU resumed an indefinite strike against the reorganization of the university. About a thousand people are going to participate in the student protest action. In the former Institute of Soviet Trade. The Academic Council of the Russian State University of Trade and Economics approved and supported the protest action of university students.

The representative of the press service of the Russian State Technical University Andrey Gara noted that the students insist on holding a second meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science on December 26 at 14:00. The meeting should take place in the Assembly Hall of the Russian State Technical University.

Professor Anatoly Selyukov, head of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law of the Russian State Technical University, said that the university calls on the ministry to recheck the monitoring data of the university's activities.

“You never know, somewhere, someone made a mistake, for the sake of which now it is necessary to disperse the 70,000th university. This was done with respect to the social university, and with respect to a number of other universities,” emphasized Professor Anatoly Selyukov.

The students answered in the affirmative to the question of the coordinator of the strike headquarters, Ivan Mironov, about the need to continue the indefinite student strike. RGTEU students are dissatisfied with the desire of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to merge their university with Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

Students started protesting on December 18, 2012. They . They demanded that the Ministry of Education and Science cancel the black lists of universities that were found to be ineffective, and "eliminate falsification of monitoring data in relation to RGTEU." The university management "considers illegal" and invalid the order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to join the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and intends to appeal to the President of Russia, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Russian government.

Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science promised to conduct a special verification of the data provided to the department by the Russian State University of Trade and Economics (RGTEU) for.