Guidelines for students on mastering the discipline

Examples of guidelines for students

(for work programs of disciplines)

Example 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Example 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Example 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Example 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Example 1

Planning and organizing the time needed to study the discipline.

An important condition for the successful mastering of the discipline is the creation of a system proper organization labor to distribute teaching load evenly in accordance with the schedule of the educational process. Drawing up a work plan for the semester, month, week, day can be of great help in this. Its presence will allow you to subordinate your free time to the goals of study, to work more successfully and efficiently. From the evening it is always necessary to distribute work for tomorrow. At the end of each day, it is advisable to sum up the work: carefully check whether everything was done according to the plan, whether there were any deviations, and if there were, for what reason they occurred. You need to exercise self-control, which is necessary condition your successful studies. If something remains unfulfilled, it is necessary to find time to complete this part of the work without reducing the volume of the weekly plan. All tasks for practical exercises, as well as tasks submitted for independent work, are recommended to be performed immediately after the corresponding topic of the lecture course, which contributes to better assimilation of the material, allows you to identify and eliminate “gaps” in knowledge in a timely manner, systematize the previously studied material, and proceed on its basis to acquire new knowledge and skills.

The system of university education is based on a rational combination of several types training sessions(first of all, lectures and practical classes), work on which has a certain specificity.

Preparation for lectures.

Acquaintance with the discipline takes place already at the first lecture, where you are required not only to pay attention, but also to independently draw up a summary. When working with lecture notes, it is necessary to take into account the fact that some lectures provide answers to specific questions of the topic, while others only reveal the relationship between phenomena, helping the student to understand the underlying processes of development of the subject under study both in history and at the present time.

Note-taking of lectures is a complex type of university classroom work, which involves intense mental activity of the student. A summary is useful when the essentials are written down and done by you. There is no need to try to write down the entire lecture verbatim. This kind of “note-taking” does more harm than good. It is advisable to first understand the main idea stated by the lecturer, and then write it down. It is advisable to make the entry on one page of the sheet or leaving the fields on which later, when working independently with the abstract, you can make additional entries, mark incomprehensible places.

Lecture notes are best divided into paragraphs, observing the red line. This will be greatly facilitated by the questions of the lecture plan proposed by the teachers. You should pay attention to the accents, conclusions that the lecturer makes, marking the most important points in the lecture material with the remarks “important”, “well remember”, etc. You can also do this with the help of multi-colored markers or pens, emphasizing terms and definitions.

It is advisable to develop your own system of abbreviations, abbreviations and symbols. However, when further work with an outline, it is better to replace the symbols in ordinary words for fast visual perception text.

When working on lecture notes, you should always use not only the textbook, but also the literature that the lecturer additionally recommended. It is precisely such a serious, painstaking work with lecture material that will allow one to deeply master the theoretical material.

Preparation for practical exercises.

You should start preparing for each practical lesson by reading the plan of the practical lesson, which reflects the content of the proposed topic. Careful thinking and study of the issues of the plan is based on the study of the current lecture material, and then the study of the mandatory and additional literature recommended for this topic. All new concepts on the topic under study must be learned by heart and included in the glossary, which is advisable to keep from the very beginning of the course.

The result of such work should be manifested in your ability to freely answer the theoretical questions of the workshop, speak and participate in a collective discussion of the issues of the topic under study, correctly perform practical tasks and tests.

In preparation for practical exercises, you need to pay attention to Special attention for independent study of the recommended literature. With all the completeness of the notes of the lecture, it is impossible to present all the material in it due to the limit of classroom hours. Therefore, independent work with textbooks, teaching aids, scientific, reference literature, materials of periodicals and the Internet is the most effective method obtaining additional knowledge, allows you to significantly intensify the process of mastering information, contributes to a deeper assimilation of the material being studied, forms your attitude to a specific problem.

It is advisable to start working with literature by studying general works on the topic, as well as textbooks and tutorials. Further, it is recommended to proceed to the analysis of monographs and articles that consider certain aspects of the problems studied within the framework of the course, as well as official materials and unpublished documents (research papers, dissertations), which may contain the main questions of the problem under study.

Work with sources should begin with an introductory reading, i.e., look through the text, highlighting its structural units. When reading introductory reading, bookmarks mark those pages that require more careful study.

Depending on the results of the introductory reading, a further method of working with the source is chosen. If the solution of the task requires the study of some fragments of the text, then the method of selective reading is used. If the book does not have a detailed table of contents, the student's attention should be drawn to the subject and nominal indexes.

Selected fragments or the entire text (if it is entirely relevant to the topic) require thoughtful, leisurely reading with a “mental study” of the material. Such reading involves highlighting: 1) the main thing in the text; 2) main arguments; 3) conclusions. Particular attention should be paid to whether the thesis follows from the arguments or not.

It is also necessary to analyze which of the author's statements are problematic, hypothetical, and to catch hidden questions.

It is clear that the ability to work with text in this way does not come immediately. The best way to learn to highlight the main thing in the text, to catch the problematic nature of statements, to assess the author's position - this is a comparative reading, during which you get acquainted with different opinions on the same issue, compare the weight and evidence of the arguments of the parties and draw a conclusion about the most persuasiveness of one or another positions.

If in the literature there are different points of view on a particular issue due to the complexity of past events and legal phenomena, they cannot be rejected without understanding. If there are discrepancies between the authors, it is necessary to find a rational grain for each of them, which will allow a deeper understanding of the subject of study and a more critical assessment of the issues under study. Getting acquainted with the special positions of the authors, it is necessary to determine their similar judgments, arguments, conclusions, and then compare them with each other and apply the one that is more convincing from them.

The next stage of work with literary sources is the creation of abstracts that fix the main theses and arguments. You can make notes on separate sheets, which are then easy to systematize on individual topics of the course being studied. Another way is to maintain thematic notebooks-notebooks on one particular topic. Large special work monographic nature, it is advisable to outline in separate notebooks. It is important to remember here that abstracts are written on one side of the sheet, with margins and sufficient line spacing for corrections and remarks (these rules are observed for ease of editing). If quotations are given in the abstracts, then the source must be indicated (author, title, imprint, page number). Subsequently, this information can be used when writing the text of an abstract or other task.

Thus, when working with sources and literature, it is important to be able to:

Compare, compare, classify, group, systematize information in accordance with a specific educational task;

Summarize the information received, evaluate what was heard and read;

Fix the main content of messages; formulate, orally and in writing, the main idea of ​​the message; draw up a plan, formulate theses;

Prepare and present detailed reports such as a report;

Work in different modes (individually, in pairs, in a group), interacting with each other;

Use abstract and reference materials;

Control their actions and the actions of their comrades, objectively evaluate their actions;

Ask for help, additional explanations from the teacher, other students;

Use a linguistic or contextual guess, dictionaries of a different nature, various kinds of clues, supports in the text (key words, text structure, preliminary information, etc.);

Use paraphrase, synonymous means, descriptive words when speaking and writing general concepts, explanations, examples, interpretations, "word creation";

Repeat or paraphrase the interlocutor's remark in confirmation of understanding of his statement or question;

Ask for help from the interlocutor (clarify the question, ask again, etc.);

Use facial expressions, gestures (in general and in cases where language means are not enough to express certain communicative intentions).

When preparing for an intermediate certification, it is advisable to:

Carefully study the list of questions and determine what sources contain the information necessary to answer them;

Compose brief summaries answers (answer plans).

Example 2

Guidelines for students on mastering academic discipline

Preparation for a lecture session includes the implementation of all types of tasks recommended for each lecture, i.e. tasks are completed even before the lecture session on the relevant topic.

Note taking during lectures educational material, pay attention to categories, formulations that reveal the content of certain phenomena and processes, scientific conclusions and practical advice. It is advisable to leave fields in the working notes on which to make notes from the recommended literature, supplementing the material of the lecture heard, as well as emphasizing the particular importance of certain theoretical positions.

It is necessary to ask the teacher clarifying questions in order to clarify the theoretical provisions, to resolve disputes. It is advisable to refine your lecture notes by making appropriate entries in it from the literature recommended by the teacher and provided by the curriculum.

Practical classes allow students to develop creative theoretical thinking, the ability to independently study literature, analyze practice; they teach to clearly formulate a thought, to lead a discussion, that is, they are of exceptional importance in the development of independent thinking.

Your independent work can be carried out in classroom and extracurricular forms. Independent work classroom time may include:

Note-taking (drawing up abstracts) of lectures;

Performance control works;

Problem solving;

Work with reference and methodical literature;

Presentations with reports, reports at seminars;

Participation in the operational (current) survey on certain topics of the discipline being studied;

Participation in interviews, business (role-playing) games, discussions, round tables, conferences;

Participation in testing, etc.

Independent work outside the classroom may consist of:

Repetition of lecture material;

Preparations for seminars (practical exercises);

Solving problems given in practical classes;

Preparation for tests, testing, etc.;

Preparation for seminars of oral reports (messages);

Preparation of abstracts, essays and other individual written works on the instructions of the teacher;

Graduation accomplishments qualifying works and etc.

Identification of the most complex and problematic issues on the topic under study, receiving clarifications and recommendations on these issues with the teachers of the department at their weekly consultations.

Carrying out self-control by answering the questions of current control of knowledge, solutions presented in teaching materials departments of tasks, tests, writing abstracts and essays on certain issues of the topic being studied.

Most important point independent work is the performance term paper(course project). The theoretical part of the course work is carried out on established topics using practical materials received during the internship.

For each topic of the course work, an approximate list of key issues, a list of necessary literature is recommended. It is necessary to study the literature recommended for the course work. To fully reveal the topic, the student should identify additional sources and materials. When writing a term paper, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with publications on the topic published in journals.

It is necessary to express your own views on the merits of the issues raised, to make your own proposals. General provisions should be supported and explained concrete examples. The material presented, if necessary, should be illustrated with tables, diagrams, diagrams, etc.

Example 3

Methodological instructions for students on mastering the academic discipline

Society imposes a fairly wide list of requirements on a modern specialist, among which the graduates have certain abilities and skills to independently obtain knowledge from various sources, systematize the information received, and evaluate a specific situation. The formation of such a skill occurs during the entire period of your training through participation in practical exercises, the performance of control tasks and tests. At the same time, your independent work plays a decisive role in the course of the entire educational process.

Successful mastering of the competencies formed by this academic discipline presupposes the optimal use of your independent work time. It is advisable to devote up to 20 minutes to studying the lecture notes on the same day after the lecture and the day before the lecture. Theoretical material to study within a week up to 2 hours, and to prepare for a practical lesson in the discipline up to 1.5 hours.

To understand the material of the academic discipline and its qualitative assimilation, you are recommended the following sequence of actions:

After listening to the lecture and finishing the training sessions, in preparation for the next day's classes, you must first review and think over the text of the lecture heard today, analyze the examples considered;

When preparing for the lecture of the next day, you need to review the text of the previous lecture, think about what the topic of the next lecture might be;

During the week, choose time to work with literature on the academic discipline in the library and to solve problems;

In preparation for practical exercises, repeat the basic concepts and formulas on the topic homework, study examples;

When solving an exercise or problem, first understand what theoretical material you need to use; outline a solution plan, try to solve 1-2 similar problems on its basis. When solving problems, it is always necessary to comment on your actions and do not forget about meaningful interpretation.

The theoretical material of the course becomes more understandable when, in addition to listening to lectures, you study books on this academic discipline. It is useful to use several textbooks, but it is easier to master the course by sticking to one textbook and notes.

It is recommended, in addition to "learning" the material, to achieve an understanding of the subject of the discipline under study. To this end, after reading the next chapter, it is advisable to perform a few simple exercises on the relevant topic. In addition, it is very useful to mentally ask yourself and try to answer the next questions: what is this chapter about, what new concepts are introduced in it, what is their meaning. When studying theoretical material, it is always useful to write out formulas and graphs.

When preparing for an intermediate certification, it is necessary to master the theoretical provisions of this discipline, analyze the definitions of all concepts and the formulation of models that describe processes, consider examples and independently solve several typical tasks from each topic. In addition to the study of lecture notes, it is necessary to use textbooks in the academic discipline.

When doing homework and preparing for a test, you must first read the theory and study examples for each topic. When solving a specific problem, you should first understand what is required of you in this case, what theoretical material you need to use, outline general scheme solutions. If you solved the problem “according to the model” considered in the classroom or in methodological guide example, then it is advisable to think over the solution process after that and try to solve a similar problem yourself.

Example 4

Methodological instructions for students on mastering the academic discipline

To study the sections of this academic discipline, it is necessary to recall and systematize the knowledge previously obtained in this branch of scientific knowledge, in philosophy, mathematics.

When studying the material of an academic discipline from a textbook, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the essence of each question presented there. The main thing is to understand what is stated in the textbook, and not to “memorize”.

It is recommended to study the material on the topics of the lecture notes and chapters (paragraphs) of the textbook (textbook). First, you should read the entire material of the topic (paragraph), especially not dwelling on what seemed not entirely clear: often it becomes clear from what follows. Then you need to return to the places that caused difficulties and carefully understand what was unclear.

When re-reading, special attention should be paid to the wording of the relevant definitions, formulas, etc. (they are usually typed in italics in the textbook); in precise formulations, as a rule, every word is essential and it is very useful to understand why a given provision is formulated in such a way. However, one should not try to memorize the wording; it is important to understand their meaning and be able to state the result in your own words.

Having finished studying the section, it is useful to make a brief summary, if possible without looking at the textbook (tutorial).

When studying an academic discipline, special attention should be paid to acquiring the skills to solve professionally oriented problems. To do this, having studied the material of this topic, you must first understand the solutions to the relevant problems that were considered in practical classes, are given in educational and methodological materials, manuals, textbooks, Internet resources, paying special attention to the guidelines for their solution. Then you need to independently solve several similar problems from the collections of problems given in sections work program, and then solve the corresponding problems from the collections test items and control work.

After completing the study of the section, you need to check the ability to answer all the questions of the course program on this topic (perform a self-test).

All the issues that must be studied and learned are listed in the program in sufficient detail. However, it is very useful to make a list of such questions yourself (in a separate notebook) as follows:

- having started studying the next topic of the program, first write out in a notebook sequentially all the questions of this topic listed in the program, leaving a wide column on the right;

- as you study the material of the section (reading the textbook, teaching aids, lecture notes) you should indicate in the right column the page of the educational publication (lecture summary) on which the corresponding question is stated, as well as the number of the formula that expresses the answer to this question.

As a result, this notebook will contain a complete list of questions for self-examination, which can also be used in preparing for the exam. In addition, by answering a question or writing the appropriate formula (equation), you can quickly check from the textbook (lecture notes) whether this is done correctly if you doubt the correctness of your answer. Finally, using a notebook with such questions, you can determine whether all the material provided for by the program has been studied by you.

It should be borne in mind that in different educational publications the material may be presented in a different sequence. Therefore, the answer to some question of the program may be in another chapter, but this, of course, will not affect the study of the course as a whole.

Instructions for completing test tasks and tests are given in educational and methodological literature, in which specific guidelines for solving it are given for each task and an example of a solution is given.

During the lectures, it is necessary to take notes of the educational material. General and established in practice rules and techniques for taking notes of lectures:

Lecture notes are taken in a notebook specially designated for this, each sheet of which should have fields on which notes are made from the recommended literature, supplementing the material of the lecture heard, and also emphasizing the particular importance of certain theoretical positions.

It is necessary to write down the topic and plan of lectures, recommended literature for the topic. Recordings of sections of the lecture should have headings, subheadings, red lines. To highlight sections, conclusions, definitions, main ideas, you can use colored pencils and felt-tip pens.

In the synopsis, definitions of concepts, categories and laws are written verbatim. The rest should be written in your own words.

Each student needs to develop and use acceptable abbreviations for the most common terms and concepts.

Everything that the teacher writes on the board, as well as recommended schemes, tables, diagrams, etc., should be entered in the abstract.

The purpose of practical classes is to deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained by students in lectures and in the process self-study educational material, and, consequently, the formation of certain skills and abilities in them.

In preparation for the practical lesson, it is necessary to read the lecture notes, study the main literature, familiarize yourself with additional literature, and complete the practical tasks given by the teacher. At the same time, take into account the recommendations of the teacher and the requirements of the program. Refine your lecture notes by making appropriate notes from the literature in it. It is advisable, when preparing for practical exercises in the discipline, to simultaneously use several sources that reveal the questions asked.

Independent work (according to V.I. Dahl “independent - a person who has his own strong convictions”) is carried out in all forms of education: full-time and part-time.

Independent work leads the student to obtaining new knowledge, streamlining and deepening existing knowledge, forming his professional skills and abilities.

Independent work performs a number of functions:


Information and training;

Orienting and stimulating;



Types of independent work performed within the framework of the course:

1. Taking notes of primary sources and other educational literature;

2. Study of educational material (according to abstracts, educational and scientific literature);

3. Implementation of multi-level tasks and tasks;

4. Work with tests and questions for self-examination;

5. Implementation of the final control work.

Students are encouraged to work with the literature and the proposed tasks from the very beginning of the course in the form of preparation for the next classroom lesson. At the same time, the existing knowledge is updated, and a basis is created for the assimilation of new material, questions arise, the answers to which the student receives in the classroom.

It can be noted that some tasks for independent work on the course have certain specifics. When mastering the course, the student can use the library of the university, which is fully provided with relevant literature. Significant assistance in preparing for the next lesson can be provided by the available educational and methodical complex short summary of lectures. It can also be used to consolidate the material received in the audience.

All literature can be divided into textbooks and teaching aids, original scientific monographic sources, scientific publications in periodicals. Of these, it is possible to single out the main literature (recommended), additional and literature for in-depth study disciplines.

The study of the discipline should begin with a textbook, since a textbook is a book that sets out the basics of scientific knowledge in a particular subject in accordance with the goals and objectives of training established by the program.

When working with literature, it should be borne in mind that there are different kinds reading, and each of them is used at certain stages of mastering the material.

Pre-reading is aimed at identifying unfamiliar terms in the text and searching for their meaning in the reference literature. In particular, when reading this literature, it is necessary to analyze concepts in the most detailed way.

Cross-reading involves reading the material from beginning to end. Through reading the literature from the above list allows the student to form a set of basic concepts from the area under study and to be fluent in them.

Selective - on the contrary, aims to search and select material. Within the framework of this course, selective reading, as a way of mastering the course content, should be used in preparation for practical exercises in the relevant sections.

Analytical reading is a critical analysis of the text followed by notes. Mastering these concepts will be most effective if, when reading texts, the student asks questions to these texts. Some of these questions are formulated in the list of interview questions in the FOS. The list of these questions is limited, so not only the content of the questions is important, but the very principle of mastering the literature with the help of questions to the texts.

The purpose of learning reading is a deep and comprehensive understanding of educational information.

There are several methods of studying reading:

1. Reading according to the algorithm involves breaking information into blocks: name; author; source; the main idea of ​​the text; factual material; analysis of the text by comparing existing points of view on the issues under consideration; novelty.

2. The method of posing questions to the text has the following algorithm:

Highlight key words in the text;

Try to understand the main ideas, subtext and general intention of the author.

3. Thesis reception consists in the formulation of theses in the form of provisions, statements, conclusions.

Other techniques can be added to this: the method of summarizing, the method of commenting.

An important component of any solid scientific publication is the list of references to which the author refers. If there is an interest in some problem discussed in the text, there is always the opportunity to refer to the list of literature related to it. In this case, the whole problem is, as it were, broken down into its component parts, each of which can be studied separately from the others. At the same time, it is important not to lose sight of the general context and not to delve too much into details, because in this way you can not see the main thing.

Description of the material and technical base necessary for the implementation of the educational process in the discipline / module, including for disabled people and people with disabilities handicapped health

When studying the discipline, audiences equipped with multimedia teaching aids are used: a projector, a laptop, an interactive whiteboard.

The use of Internet resources involves conducting classes in computer classes with Internet access. In computer classes, students have access to information resources, to the library database.

Students with disabilities need special conditions for education. For the purposes of accessibility higher education By educational programs disabled people and persons with disabilities, the Institute provides: 1. Availability of an alternative version of the Institute's official website on the Internet for the visually impaired; 2. The presence of an assistant providing the student with the necessary assistance; 3. For disabled people and people with hearing disabilities - dubbing aloud background information about the schedule of training sessions; providing appropriate sound means of reproducing information; 4. For disabled people and persons with disabilities who have disorders of the musculoskeletal system, material and technical conditions have been created to ensure the possibility of unhindered access of students to the classrooms, catering facilities, toilets and other premises of the Institute, as well as staying in these premises (availability of extended doorways, handrails and other fixtures).

Planning and organizing the time needed to study the discipline.

An important condition for the successful development of the discipline "Organizational Behavior" is the creation of a system of proper organization of labor, which allows to distribute the academic load evenly in accordance with the schedule of the educational process. Drawing up a work plan for the semester, month, week, day can be of great help in this. Its presence will make it possible to subdue free time learning goals, to work more successfully and efficiently. From the evening it is always necessary to distribute work for tomorrow. At the end of each day, it is advisable to sum up the work: carefully check whether everything was done according to the plan, whether there were any deviations, and if there were, for what reason they occurred. It is necessary to exercise self-control, which is a necessary condition for successful study. If something remains unfulfilled, it is necessary to find time to complete this part of the work without reducing the volume of the weekly plan. All tasks for practical exercises, as well as tasks submitted for independent work, are recommended to be performed immediately after the corresponding topic of the lecture course, which contributes to better assimilation of the material, allows you to identify and eliminate “gaps” in knowledge in a timely manner, systematize the previously studied material, and proceed on its basis to acquire new knowledge and skills.

The system of university education is based on a rational combination of several types of training sessions (primarily lectures and practical exercises), the work on which has a certain specificity.

Preparation for lectures.

Acquaintance with the discipline takes place already at the first lecture, where the student is required not only to pay attention, but also to independently draw up a summary. When working with lecture notes, it is necessary to take into account the fact that some lectures provide answers to specific questions of the topic, while others only reveal the relationship between phenomena, helping the student to understand the underlying processes of development of the subject under study both in history and at the present time.

Note-taking of lectures is a complex type of university classroom work, which involves intense mental activity of the student. The summary is useful when the most essential is written down and it is done by the student himself. There is no need to try to write down the entire lecture verbatim. This kind of “note-taking” does more harm than good. It is advisable to first understand the main idea stated by the lecturer, and then write it down. It is advisable to make the entry on one page of the sheet or leaving the fields on which later, when working independently with the abstract, you can make additional entries, mark incomprehensible places.

Lecture notes are best divided into paragraphs, observing the red line. This will be greatly facilitated by the questions of the lecture plan proposed by the teachers. You should pay attention to the accents, the conclusions that the lecturer makes, marking the most important points in the lecture material with the remarks “important”, “good to remember”, etc. You can also do this with multi-colored markers or pens, emphasizing terms and definitions.

It is advisable to develop your own system of abbreviations, abbreviations and symbols. However, in further work with the abstract, it is better to replace the symbols with ordinary words for quick visual perception of the text.

When working on lecture notes, it is always necessary to use not only the textbook, but also the literature that the lecturer additionally recommended. It is precisely such a serious, painstaking work with lecture material that will allow one to deeply master the theoretical material.

Preparation for practical exercises.

The student should start preparing for each practical lesson by familiarizing himself with the plan of the practical lesson, which reflects the content of the proposed topic. Careful thinking and study of the issues of the plan is based on the study of the current lecture material, and then the study of the mandatory and additional literature recommended for this topic. All new concepts on the topic under study must be learned by heart and included in the glossary, which is advisable to keep from the very beginning of the course.

The result of such work should be manifested in the student's ability to freely answer the theoretical questions of the workshop, his speech and participation in the collective discussion of the issues of the topic under study, the correct implementation of practical tasks and tests.

In the process of preparing for practical classes, students need to pay special attention to independent study of the recommended literature. With all the completeness of the notes of the lecture, it is impossible to present all the material in it due to the limit of classroom hours. Therefore, independent work with textbooks, teaching aids, scientific, reference literature, materials of periodicals and the Internet is the most effective method of obtaining additional knowledge, allows you to significantly intensify the process of mastering information, contributes to a deeper assimilation of the studied material, forms students' attitude to a specific problem.

It is advisable to start working with literature with the study of general works on the topic, as well as textbooks and teaching aids. Further, it is recommended to proceed to the analysis of monographs and articles that consider certain aspects of the problems studied within the framework of the course, as well as official materials and unpublished documents (research papers, dissertations), which may contain the main questions of the problem under study.

Work with sources should begin with an introductory reading, i.e. view the text, highlighting its structural units. When reading introductory reading, bookmarks mark those pages that require more careful study.

Depending on the results of the introductory reading, a further method of working with the source is chosen. If the solution of the task requires the study of some fragments of the text, then the method of selective reading is used. If the book does not have a detailed table of contents, the student's attention should be drawn to the subject and nominal indexes.

Selected fragments or the entire text (if it is entirely relevant to the topic) require thoughtful, leisurely reading with a “mental study” of the material. Such reading involves highlighting: 1) the main thing in the text; 2) main arguments; 3) conclusions. Particular attention should be paid to whether the thesis follows from the arguments or not.

It is also necessary to analyze which of the author's statements are problematic, hypothetical in nature and to catch hidden questions.

It is clear that the ability to work with text in this way does not come immediately. The best way to learn to highlight the main thing in the text, to catch the problematic nature of statements, to evaluate the author's position is a comparative reading, during which the student gets acquainted with different opinions on the same issue, compares the weight and evidence of the arguments of the parties and concludes that the or another position.

If in the literature there are different points of view on a particular issue due to the complexity of past events and legal phenomena, they cannot be rejected without understanding. If there are discrepancies between the authors, it is necessary to find a rational grain for each of them, which will allow a deeper understanding of the subject of study and a more critical assessment of the issues under study. Getting acquainted with the special positions of the authors, it is necessary to determine their similar judgments, arguments, conclusions, and then compare them with each other and apply the one that is more convincing from them.

The next step in working with literary sources is the creation of abstracts that record the main theses and arguments. You can make notes on separate sheets, which can then be easily systematized according to individual topics of the course being studied. Another way is to maintain thematic notebooks-notebooks on one particular topic. Large special works of a monographic nature should be summarized in separate notebooks. It is important to remember here that abstracts are written on one side of the sheet, with margins and sufficient line spacing for corrections and remarks (these rules are observed for ease of editing). If quotations are given in the abstracts, then the source must be indicated (author, title, imprint, page number). Subsequently, this information can be used when writing the text of an abstract or other task.

Thus, when working with sources and literature, it is important to be able to:

compare, compare, classify, group, systematize information in accordance with a specific educational task;

Summarize the information received, evaluate what has been heard and read;

fix the main content of the messages; formulate, orally and in writing, the main idea of ​​the message; draw up a plan, formulate theses;

· prepare and present detailed reports such as a report;

work in different modes (individually, in pairs, in a group), interacting with each other;

use reference and reference materials;

control their actions and the actions of their comrades, objectively evaluate their actions;

Ask for help, additional explanations from the teacher, other students.

use linguistic or contextual guess, dictionaries of various nature, various kinds of hints, supports in the text (key words, text structure, preliminary information, etc.);

use periphrases, synonymous means, words-descriptions of general concepts, explanations, examples, interpretations, “word-creation” when speaking and writing;

repeat or paraphrase the interlocutor's remark in confirmation of understanding of his statement or question;

Ask for help from the interlocutor (clarify the question, ask again, etc.);

use facial expressions, gestures (in general and in cases where language means are not enough to express certain communicative intentions).

Preparation for intermediate certification.

When preparing for an intermediate certification, it is advisable to:

Carefully study the list of questions and determine what sources contain the information necessary to answer them;

Make brief summaries of answers (answer plans).


Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Production

Main types academic work listener - ϶ᴛᴏ lectures, practical exercises, preparation and discussion of an essay on one of the proposed topics, independent work of students (on normative documents, scientific and educational literature, the development of statistical and analytical information), the use of individual consultations, intra-semester rating tests, the final final test - a written exam.

The lectures present the main theoretical provisions and concepts of the course, giving students information relevant to the program.

The task of practical classes is to develop students' skills in applying theoretical positions to solving practical problems. To this end, materials for practical classes include tasks and questions for discussion, focused on the assimilation of theoretical material and the ability to use it to solve problems. practical tasks. separate view work - preparation of the report and its discussion in the group. The speaker's task is to collect factual material on any applied problem of the public sector, illustrating the theoretical provisions of the course and giving an example of applying theoretical models to solving applied problems. Practical classes are held in the form of discussions, presentations of reports, performance of written tests. Preparation for practical classes involves independent work with the literature recommended for study. Collective work on abstracts is expected (a team of 2 people) and their collective presentation at a practical lesson.

Independent work includes:

1. development of theoretical material,

2. study of publications on topical economic issues related to the problems of the discipline

3. Preparation of reports on topics in accordance with the course program.

4. Answers to Control questions, fulfillment of control tasks proposed in the educational and thematic plan of practical classes and the current control of students' knowledge.

5. Testing students.

6. Teacher's consultations on the most difficult topics.

The current control of students' progress is carried out on the basis of conducting a survey, evaluating performances in active forms of classes, and performing written tests.

Intermediate control involves the implementation of written examinations (or essays). Successful completion of tests is a prerequisite for admission to the final certification.


  • - Guidelines for students on mastering the discipline

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    Lecture and extracurricular work of students gets its practical completion at the seminar. The main purpose of seminars in the discipline is to ensure a deep assimilation by students of lecture materials, ... .


    Lecture and extracurricular work of students gets its practical completion at the seminar. The main purpose of seminars in the discipline is to ensure a deep assimilation by students of lecture materials, ... [read more] .