The annual plan of a speech therapist at a speech center in a dow, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard. The work program of a speech therapist at a logopoint in a dow according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The main directions in the work of a speech therapist

Work program "Correction speech disorders at the preschool speech center"

Designed for pupils of the 6th and 7th year of life.
The implementation period is 2 years.
Program content
1. Explanatory note
3. Integration educational areas in speech therapy
4. Content speech therapy work
5. Planned results of mastering the work program
6. Applications
7. List of Literature

1. Explanatory note
Preschool educational institutions are the first stage of continuous education and are included in the system of public preschool education. They play a leading role in the upbringing and development of children, in preparing them for school.
At present, in our preschool educational institution, the content of the educational process is built in accordance with the main educational program preschool education developed on the basis of an exemplary general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. This program involves the use of speech therapy support in the direction of "Cognitive - speech development" in the educational field "Communication".
Children with speech disorders are considered as a group of pedagogical risk, because their physiological and mental characteristics make it difficult for them to successfully master the educational material at school. Readiness for schooling largely depends on the timely overcoming of speech disorders. Children with speech disorders need a special organization of corrective and speech therapy assistance, the content, forms and methods of which should be adequate to the capabilities and individual characteristics of children.
In order to provide diagnostic and correctional support for pupils, a speech center functions in the kindergarten.
In connection with the appearance in general education kindergartens of a large number of children with speech disorders, including children with severe speech disorders, such as general underdevelopment of speech, it became necessary to introduce specialized programs for the correction of these disorders at the speech therapy center at the MDOU:
- "The program of preparation for school of children with general underdevelopment speeches” (T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina);
- "The program of corrective education and upbringing of children with OHP of the 6th year of life" (T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina);
- "The program of training and education of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment" (T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina);
- "The program of classes on the development phonemic hearing and perception, sound analysis and synthesis in children preschool age» (T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina);
- "System corrective work in a speech therapy group for children with ONR” (N.V. Nishcheva);
- "Elimination of OHP in preschool children" (T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina)
- Learn to speak correctly. Correction system for general underdevelopment of speech in children of 6 years old. ”(T.A. Tkachenko)
The purpose of the program is to form a full-fledged phonetic system of the language, develop phonemic perception and skills of initial sound analysis and synthesis, automate hearing pronunciation skills and abilities in different situations to develop coherent speech.
In the process of remedial training for children of speech pathologists, the following tasks are solved:
- early detection and timely prevention of speech disorders;
- elimination of defects in sound pronunciation (education of articulation skills, sound pronunciation, syllabic structure) and the development of phonemic hearing (the ability to perform operations of distinguishing and recognizing phonemes that make up the sound shell of a word);
- development of sound analysis skills (special mental actions to differentiate phonemes and establish the sound structure of a word);
- clarification, expansion and enrichment of the lexical side of speech; formation of the grammatical structure of speech; development of coherent speech of preschoolers;
- implementation of continuity in work with the parents of pupils, employees of the preschool educational institution and specialists of the children's clinic, medical institutions;
- care for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;
- variability in the use of educational material, which allows developing creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;
- respect for the results of children's creativity;
- the unity of approaches to the upbringing of children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution and the family.
The solution of the goals and objectives of education outlined in the Program is possible only with the targeted influence of the teacher on the child from the first days of his stay in a preschool educational institution.
Achieving the goal and solving problems is carried out taking into account the following principles:
- the principle of a proactive approach, dictating the need for early detection of children with functional and organic developmental disabilities, on the one hand, and the development of an adequate speech therapy impact, on the other;
- the principle of a developmental approach (based on the idea of ​​L. S. Vygotsky about the "zone of proximal development"), which consists in the fact that training should lead the development of the child;
- the principle of a multifunctional approach, which provides for the simultaneous solution of several correctional tasks in the structure of one lesson;
- the principle of consciousness and activity of children, which means that the teacher should provide in his work methods for activating the cognitive abilities of children. Before the child it is necessary to set cognitive tasks, in the solution of which he relies on his own experience. This principle contributes to a more intense mental development preschoolers and provides for the child's understanding of the material and its successful application in practical activities in the future;
- the principle of accessibility and individualization, which provides for taking into account age, physiological characteristics and nature of the pathological process. The action of this principle is based on the continuity of motor, speech tasks;
- the principle of gradual increase in requirements, involving a gradual transition from simpler to more difficult tasks in the process of mastering and consolidating emerging skills;
- the principle of visualization, which ensures close interconnection and wide interaction of all analyzer systems of the body in order to enrich the auditory, visual and motor images of children.
Characteristics of the contingent of pupils
The structure of speech disorders in preschoolers is heterogeneous. On speech therapy classes children with the following speech conclusions are enrolled:
- phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech;
- phonetic underdevelopment of speech;
- general underdevelopment of speech - 3, 4 level of speech development.
If a pupil has a complex speech pathology (OHP, stuttering), a speech therapist is obliged to recommend that parents visit a consultation with a district speech therapist in a children's clinic, a psychoneurologist and then follow the recommendations of specialists. In the event that the parents of a child with a complex speech pathology refuse to comply with the recommendations, the speech therapist is not responsible for eliminating the defect.
Characteristics of children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (FFNR)
Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech is a violation of the process of formation of the pronunciation system mother tongue in children with various speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes.
The defining feature of phonemic underdevelopment is a reduced ability to analyze and synthesize speech sounds, providing the perception of the phonemic composition of the language. In the speech of a child with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment, difficulties are noted in the process of forming sounds that are distinguished by subtle articulatory or acoustic features.
The unformed pronunciation of sounds is extremely variable and can be expressed in a child’s speech in various ways:
replacing sounds with simpler ones in articulation;
difficulty distinguishing sounds;
features of the use of correctly pronounced sounds in a speech context.
The leading defect in FFNR is the lack of formation of the processes of perception of speech sounds, which entails difficulties for children in the practical understanding of the basic elements of language and speech. In addition to all the above features of pronunciation and the distinction of sounds, with phonemic underdevelopment in children, the prosodic components of speech are often violated: tempo, timbre, melody.
Manifestations of speech underdevelopment in this category of children are expressed in most cases not sharply. There is a poverty of the dictionary and a slight delay in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech. With an in-depth examination of children's speech, individual errors can be noted in case endings, in the use of complex prepositions, in matching adjectives and ordinal numbers with nouns, etc.
Characteristics of children with phonetic speech underdevelopment (FNR)
Phonetic underdevelopment of speech is a violation in its sound (phonemic) design during the normal functioning of all other utterance operations.
Violation of the sound design of speech is due to incorrectly formed articulatory positions. Most often, the wrong sound in its acoustic effect is close to the right one. The reason for the distorted pronunciation of sounds is usually insufficient formation or impaired articulatory motility.
Distinguish the following violations of sounds:
- distorted sound pronunciation;
- lack of sound in speech;
- replacement of one sound with another, close in its articulation pattern.
Characteristics of children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP)
General underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and initially intact intellect is a speech anomaly in which the formation of all components of the speech system suffers: sound pronunciation, sound analysis skills, vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent speech. The main contingent of older preschoolers has the third level of speech development.
The third level of speech development is characterized by the appearance of extended everyday speech without gross lexico-grammatical and phonetic deviations. Against this background, there is an inaccurate knowledge and use of many words and an insufficiently complete formation of a number of grammatical forms and categories of the language. In the active dictionary, nouns and verbs predominate, there are not enough words denoting qualities, signs, actions, states of objects, word formation suffers, and the selection of words with the same root is difficult. The grammatical structure is characterized by errors in the use of prepositions: in, on, under, to, from under, because of, between, etc., in coordinating various parts of speech, building sentences. The sound pronunciation of children does not correspond to the age norm: they do not distinguish similar sounds by ear and in pronunciation, distort the syllabic structure and sound content of words. A coherent speech statement of children is distinguished by the lack of clarity, consistency of presentation, it reflects the external side of phenomena and does not take into account their essential features, cause-and-effect relationships.
Children with OHP differ from their normally developing peers in mental processes. They are characterized by instability of attention, a decrease in verbal memory and memorization productivity, a lag in the development of verbal and logical thinking. They are characterized by rapid fatigue, distractibility, increased exhaustion, which leads to the appearance of various kinds of errors. Many children with ONR have motor disorders of the articulatory apparatus: changes in muscle tone in the speech muscles, difficulties in fine articulatory differentiations, limited opportunity voluntary movements. Disorders of speech are closely related to the violation fine motor skills hands: lack of coordination of fingers, slowness and awkwardness of movements, stuck in one position.
These deviations in the development of children suffering from speech anomalies are not spontaneously overcome. They require specially organized work to correct them.
2. Organization educational activities
The effectiveness of speech therapy work is determined by the clear organization of children during their stay in kindergarten, the correct distribution of the load during the day, coordination and continuity in the work of all subjects corrective process: speech therapist, parents and teachers.
The organization of the activities of a speech therapist, educators and other specialists during the year is determined by the tasks of the work program. Speech therapy examination is carried out from 1 to 15 September, from 15 to 31 May. (Appendix 1) Speech therapy frontal (subgroup) and individual classes are held from September 15th.
Number of classes: 2 times a week (individual and frontal). The distribution of speech development classes conducted during the week meets the requirements for the maximum educational load on a child in a preschool educational institution, defined by SanPiN No. 2.4.1.-1249-03. According to the standards "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions. SanPin, approved by the Chief State Physician Russian Federation, as well as experience, functioning of preschool speech therapy centers shows that it is necessary to reduce the number of frontal and subgroup classes, and increase the time for individual work. Taking into account the requirements for the organization of the daily routine and training sessions the maximum allowable volume of the weekly educational load should not exceed the norms allowed by the SanPins (clause 2.12.7). In accordance with the SanPins, the duration of classes for the 6th year of life is 25 minutes, with children of the 7th year of life 30 minutes.
This program is designed for implementation in a speech therapy center kindergarten of a general developmental type, that is, the schedule of directly educational activities does not provide for special time for conducting frontal activities of a speech therapist teacher. Speech therapy individual classes are held from September 16 to May 15, both during hours free from direct educational activities, and during its implementation. A speech therapist teacher takes children to his classes at any time, except for physical education and music classes.
Classes with pupils are held both individually and in a microgroup (2-3 people). The main form of speech therapy correction is individual lessons. The frequency of microgroup and individual lessons is determined by the teacher-speech therapist, depending on the severity of the violation of speech development. Microgroup classes are held with pupils who have: general underdevelopment of speech; the same type of violation of sound pronunciation.
The release of children is carried out throughout the school year as their speech defects are eliminated.
The program is compiled taking into account the main forms of organization of remedial classes:
individual - the main goal is the selection of complex exercises aimed at eliminating specific violations of the sound side of speech in dyslalia, dysarthria. At the same time, the speech therapist has the opportunity to establish emotional contact with the child, draw his attention to monitoring the quality of the sounding speech of the speech therapist and the child, choose an individual approach taking into account personal characteristics (speech negativism, fixation on a defect, neurotic reactions, etc.);
Tasks and content of individual lessons:
development of articulatory praxis;
phonation exercises;
clarification of the articulation of correctly pronounced sounds in various sound-syllabic combinations;
evoking and staging missing sounds or correcting distorted sounds;
the initial stage of their automation in light phonetic conditions.
microgroup - the main goal is to develop teamwork skills, the ability to listen and hear a speech therapist, to perform exercises at a given pace to develop voice power, change modulation (in chorus, selectively); adequately assess the quality of children's speech production. A speech therapist can organize a simple dialogue to practice pronunciation skills; to exercise children in distinguishing phonemes similar in sound in their own and someone else's speech. For speech therapy work during microgroup classes, 2-3 children are united on the basis of the same type of sound pronunciation disorder. The composition of children in microgroups changes periodically during the year. This is due to dynamic changes in the speech correction of each child. The composition of microgroups is an open system, it changes at the discretion of the speech therapist, depending on the dynamics of achievements in pronunciation correction.
Tasks and content of microgroup classes:
strengthening the pronunciation skills of the studied sounds;
developing the skills of perception and reproduction of complex syllabic structures consisting of correctly pronounced sounds;
education of readiness for sound analysis and synthesis of words consisting of correctly pronounced sounds;
expansion of vocabulary in the process of fixing previously set sounds;
fixing available to age grammatical categories taking into account the sounds corrected in individual lessons.
The predominant form of correctional work is individual lessons, so there is no thematic long-term planning of group work with children. The planning of the content of speech therapy classes is carried out daily: the main directions in which it is planned to work in the lesson are described, the names of didactic games, articulation exercises. Such planning allows you to more clearly track the stages at which work on the project was completed. previous lessons and, therefore, more efficient to carry out the correction.
The order of studying sounds, the sequence of lexical topics, the number of classes may vary at the discretion of the speech therapist.
Planning classes with children diagnosed with FN, FN, OHP-III eq.
6th year of life, divided into 3 periods of study
I period - October - November. 9 weeks, 18 lessons - 2 lessons per week,
7 o'clock 30 min.
II period - December - February 12 weeks, 24 lessons - 2 lessons per week,
10 o'clock
III period - March - May 12 weeks, 24th lesson - 2 lessons per week, 10 hours.
- sound pronunciation + connected speech
Total 66 lessons per year, 27 hours 30 minutes.
From May 15 - repetition of the material covered
Planning classes with children diagnosed with FN, FFN, OHP-III-IV ur.r.
7 years of life divided into 2 periods of study
I period - October - December. 13 weeks, 26 lessons - 2 lessons per week,
13 o'clock
II period - January-May. 21 weeks 42 lessons - 2 lessons per week, 21 hours.
- sound pronunciation, preparation for literacy + coherent speech
Total 68 classes per year 34 hours.
From May 15 - a repetition of the material covered.
Duration of classes with children: FN - from 3 to 6 months;
FFN and FN (polymorphic dyslalia) - 1 year
ONR-III lvl. - 1-2 years.
Individual sessions.
The frequency of individual lessons is determined by the nature and severity of the speech disorder, the age and individual psychophysical characteristics of the children, the duration of individual lessons is 10 minutes.
FN - 2 times a week;
FFN - 2 times a week;
OHP-III ur.r - 2-3 times a week.
Interaction with preschool teachers and parents
This program can be successfully implemented if parents (or persons replacing them) are included in the correctional and developmental activities, as well as teachers and kindergarten specialists (music director, head of physical culture, teacher-psychologist). Work on the speech development of children is carried out not only by a speech therapist, but also in the unregulated activities of educators: on walks, in the evening and morning hours, as well as during direct educational activities. Parents of the child and teachers of the kindergarten constantly reinforce the skills and abilities formed in the child.
When organizing educational activities, there are priorities in the work of adult participants in the educational process:
- psychodiagnostics;
- identification of compensatory possibilities;
- training exercises.
Speech therapist:
- diagnostics, setting and automation of sounds;
- frontal correctional classes;
- individual remedial classes;
- excursions, observations;
- commenting on their activities (speaking out loud the next action);
- games and exercises for the development of general, fine motor skills;
- exercises for the formation of correct physiological breathing and phonation exhalation;
- outdoor games with speech accompaniment to consolidate the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds;
- games for the development of spatial orientation;
- exercises for the development of auditory perception, motor memory;
- games, exercises on the perception of color and shape.

- speech and language development.
- games and exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills of the child;
- control over homework;
- control over correct pronunciation child;
- implementation of the recommendations of all specialists;
- consolidation of skills and expansion of knowledge.
Musical director:
- elements of logorhythmics;
- staging diaphragmatic speech breathing;
- development of coordination of movements;
- music therapy;
- development of general and fine motor skills.
- automation of sounds;
- development of phonemic hearing;
- expansion of the dictionary;
- development of coherent speech.
Instructor for physical education:
- development of large and fine motor skills in games and exercises;
- integration of speech and motor function;
- development of the main types of movement.
Interaction of a teacher-speech therapist with participants in the correctional and pedagogical process

Physical Education Instructor
Organization of a subject-spatial developing environment
1. Mirror with a lamp for additional lighting.
2. Table, 2 chairs for practicing by the mirror.
3. A set of probes for setting sounds.
4. Disposable spatulas, cotton wool, cotton buds, gauze pads.
5. Alcohol, sterilizer.
6. Breathing simulators, toys, aids for the development of breathing.
7. Card file of materials for automation and differentiation of sounds (syllables, words, phrases, sentences, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, texts)
8. Logopedic album for examination of speech.
9. Story pictures, series of story pictures.
10. "Algorithms" for compiling descriptive stories.
11. Subject and plot pictures for automation and differentiation of sounds.
12. Board-printed games for automation and differentiation of sounds.
13. Subject pictures on lexical topics.
14. Games for improving the grammatical structure of speech.
15. Didactic games to improve memory, attention, visual and auditory perception.
16. Noise, musical instruments for the development of phonetic perception.
17. Benefits for the development of all types of motor skills (articulatory, fine, general).
3. Integration of educational areas in speech therapy work
Educational area Objectives Type of activity
Physical culture To develop coordination and accuracy of actions. - finger gymnastics
- speech with movement
- physical education minutes
Health To form the correct posture when landing at the table. To expand knowledge about the structure of the articulatory apparatus and its functioning. - conversation

Communication To cultivate active voluntary attention to speech, to improve the ability to listen to addressed speech, understand its content, hear errors in one's own and other people's speech. Improve the ability to "speak" the game situation and, on this basis, develop the communicative function of speech. - game situations
- mini dramatizations

Reading fiction to children Develop interest in fiction, the skill of listening to works of art, to form an emotional attitude to what is read, to the actions of the characters; learn to express their attitude to what they read.
To teach expressively to read poetry, to participate in dramatizations - automation of set sounds in poetic texts, stories
Cognition To teach to perceive objects, their properties, compare objects, select a group of objects according to a given attribute. Develop auditory attention and memory when perceiving non-speech sounds. To learn to distinguish the sound of several toys or children's musical instruments, substitute items; loud and soft, high and low sounds. Continue to develop thinking in exercises for grouping and classifying objects. To form the tracing function of the eye and finger. Develop visual attention and memory in working with split pictures and puzzles. To improve and develop constructive praxis and fine motor skills in working with split pictures, puzzles, didactic toys, games, in finger gymnastics. - writing descriptive stories
- automation of delivered sounds in words
- didactic games for the development of auditory and visual perception
- games with mosaics, puzzles, with small objects
- finger gymnastics

Music To develop the ability to hear a rhythmic pattern. Learn to convey a rhythmic pattern. - didactic games and exercises
Artistic creativity Develop graphomotor skills. - hatching
Socialization Develop communication skills in the game. To improve the skills of playing board-printed didactic games, to learn to establish and follow the rules in the game. Develop the ability to stage poetry, play scenes. - desktop-printed didactic games
- theatrical games
- automation of delivered sounds in poems, stories, spontaneous speech
Labor Expand children's understanding of the work of adults, instill interest in the work of adults. Instill a desire to maintain order in your workplace. - conversation
- automation of delivered sounds in connected speech
- orders
Safety Teach safety precautions. To fix the rules of behavior on the street, with homeless animals, with household appliances. - games with small objects
- automation of sounds in coherent speech (retelling or compiling stories)
- conversation
4.Content of corrective work
Since children with various speech disorders (phonetic, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech, general underdevelopment of speech) are enrolled at the logopoint, it is important that individual correctional work includes exactly those areas that correspond to the structure of the speech disorder.
Oral speech disorders Areas of correctional work
Phonetic underdevelopment of speech - Correction of sound pronunciation
Phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech - Development phonemic perception

General underdevelopment of speech - Dictionary replenishment
-Improvement of the grammatical structure
- Improving coherent speech
- Development of phonemic perception
-Improvement of the syllabic structure of words
- Correction of sound pronunciation

With phonetic underdevelopment of speech, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech and general underdevelopment of speech, sound pronunciation correction includes the following steps:
I. Preparatory - 4-12 lessons;
II. The stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities - 20-50 lessons;
III. The stage of formation of communicative skills and abilities - 2-4 lessons.
Work at the preparatory stage is aimed at:
- the development of clear coordinated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, the preparation of the organs of articulation for the production of certain sounds.
At this stage, in addition to articulation gymnastics, preparatory exercises are used:
for all sounds: “Window”, “Fence”,;

- development of speech breathing and a strong long-term air jet:
“What is hidden?”, “Football”, “Ship”, “Storm in a glass”, “Propeller”.
The stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities:
1. Statement of disturbed sounds, using various methods of imitation, mechanical, mixed.
The staging of sounds occurs in such a sequence, which is determined by the natural (physiological) course of the formation of sound pronunciation in children in the norm:
whistling C, 3, C, C", 3"
hissing Sh, Zh, Ch, Sh
sonors J, L, R, R"
Changes in the sequence of staging sounds depend on the individual characteristics of the children.
Work on staging sounds is carried out only individually: showing articulation in front of a mirror, showing the profile of a given sound, showing the position of the tongue with the hand, visual demonstration of the sound.
2. Automation of delivered sounds:
1) isolated pronunciation;
2) in syllables;
3) in words;
4) in phrases;
5) in offers;
6) in the text.
3. Differentiation:
1) isolated sounds;
2) in syllables;
3) in words;
4) in phrases;
5) in offers;
6) in the text.
The stage of formation of communicative skills and abilities implies the automation of the delivered sounds in spontaneous speech.
With phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech and general underdevelopment of speech, one of the important areas of work is the development of phonemic hearing.
Corrective work, in addition to the above, includes the following steps:
I. Development of auditory perception, attention (carried out simultaneously with the preparatory stage);
II. Development of phonemic hearing (carried out simultaneously with the preparatory stage and the stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities);
III. Formation of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis of a word (carried out at the stages of formation of primary pronunciation and communication skills).
At the stage of development of auditory perception, attention is carried out:
1) exercises aimed at differentiating sounds that differ in tonality, pitch, duration: “Guess whose voice”, “Find a couple”, “Catch a whisper”, “Blinds with a voice”, “Guess what sounds”, “Where they called ? and etc..
2) reproduction of a rhythmic pattern by ear: “Clap like me”,
The stage of development of phonemic hearing includes:
1) exercises in recognizing a given sound among other phonemes and isolating it from a word in various positions: “Clap when you hear a sound”, “Determine the place of a sound in a word”;
2) exercises for the differentiation of sounds similar in articulation or acoustic properties: “Raise the desired symbol”, “One, two, three, repeat after me”
The stage of formation of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis of a word involves:
1) sequential isolation and combination of sounds in words of different syllabic structure: “Sound domino”, “Merry fisherman”, “Houses”, “Who is after whom?”, “Sounds quarreled”, “Catch the sound”, “The sound ran away”;
2) sequential isolation and combination of syllables in words of different syllabic structure: “Tell me a word”, “Confusion”, “Funny train”, “Buttons”,
3) designation of vowels and consonants (hard and soft) sounds with chips of the corresponding colors: “Select pictures”, “Sound lotto”, “Guess”, “Say the opposite”;
4) drawing up conditional graphic schemes: "Telegrapher".
With a general underdevelopment of speech, in addition to the above, the following areas of work are included:
Replenishment of the dictionary (carried out at the stages of the formation of primary pronunciation and communication skills):
1. nominative dictionary;
2. predictive dictionary;
3. Dictionary of signs;
4. numerals and pronouns;
5. word formation skills.
Improving the grammatical structure (carried out at the stages of the formation of primary pronunciation and communication skills):
1. inflection;
2. agreement.
Improving coherent speech (carried out at the stages of formation of primary pronunciation and communication skills):
1. retelling;
2. story based on a series of plot pictures;
3. a story based on a plot picture. (appendix 2)
The basis for conducting speech development classes is the gradually expanding knowledge of children about the life around them in accordance with the intended topic (“Kindergarten premises”, “Professions”, “Clothes”, “Dishes”, “Food”, “Toys”, “Autumn ”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, etc.) (Appendix 3)

5.Planned results of mastering the work program
- correctly articulate all speech sounds in various phonetic positions and forms of speech;
- differentiate all studied sounds;

- find words with a given sound in a sentence, determine the place of sound in a word;
- distinguish between the concepts of "sound", "solid sound", " soft sound”, “deaf sound”, “voiced sound”, “syllable”, “sentence” at a practical level;
- name the sequence of words in a sentence, syllables and sounds in words;
- to produce elementary sound analysis and synthesis;
- to master intonational means of expressiveness of speech in retelling, reading poetry.
- understand addressed speech in accordance with the parameters of the age group;
- phonetically correctly design the sound side of speech;
- correctly convey the syllabic structure of words used in independent speech;
- use simple common sentences in independent speech, master the skills of combining them into a story;
- to possess elementary skills of retelling;
- master the skills of dialogic speech;
- master the skills of word formation: produce nouns from verbs, adjectives from nouns and verbs, diminutive and augmentative forms of nouns, etc.;
- grammatically correct independent speech according to the rules of the language. Case, generic endings of words should be pronounced clearly; simple and almost all complex prepositions - used adequately;
- use words of various lexical and grammatical categories (nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc.) in spontaneous circulation;
- master the elements of literacy: the skills of reading and typing some letters, syllables, words, short sentences within the program.


Annex 1
speech card
1. Last name, first name of the child __________________________________________
2.Date of birth________________________________________________
3. Home address______________________________________________
4. Full name parents:
5. Information about the family _______________________________________________
parents' speech
6. Anamnesis:
From which pregnancy _____________________________________________
Speech development: (when they appeared)
Cooing _______________________ Babble ______________________________
Words _________________________ Phrase _______________________________
Has speech development been interrupted?
Did you have a speech pathologist before?
7. General sound of speech:
Speech rate ___________________________________________
Melodic-intonation side of speech ________________________________
Degree of speech intelligibility _______________________________________________
8. State of the motor sphere
a) The state of general motor skills
Motor memory (repeat 4 movements for the hands after the speech therapist): ___________ Arbitrary inhibition (march and quickly stop on cotton): ________________________________________________________________ Static coordination of movements (stand one foot behind the other in one line with eyes closed; stand on one leg with eyes closed) :_________________________________________________________ Dynamic coordination (march alternating step and clap): __________
The pace of movements (for a certain time to maintain a given pace in the movements of the hands): ______________________________________________ Sense of rhythm (tap a rhythmic pattern behind the teacher with a pencil): _______________________________________________________________.
b) The state of manual motor skills:
Static coordination of movements ___________________________________
Dynamic coordination of movements _________________________________
9. The structure of the articulatory apparatus
a) Mimic muscles at rest: nasolabial folds are pronounced, smoothed; nasolabial folds are symmetrical, asymmetrical; mouth open, mouth closed; there is salivation, no; there is asymmetry of the lips, no; lips close tightly, freely; hyperkinesis is, no
b) Lips: natural thickness, thick, splitting of the upper lip, postoperative scars, labial frenulum, short frenulum of the upper
c) Teeth: even, healthy, located outside the jaw arch, small, rare, crooked, underdeveloped, carious, normal size, diastema
d) Bite: physiological, open anterior, open lateral, unilateral, bilateral
e) The structure of the jaw: progenia, prognathia, norm
e) Hard palate: dome-shaped, excessively narrow, high, flat, low, cleft hard palate, splitting of the alveolar process, submucosal cleft, normal
g) Uvulus: absent, shortened, split, hanging motionless along the midline, deviated to the side, normal
h) Tongue: thick, flaccid, tense, small, long, narrow, parts of the tongue are not expressed, pulled deep into the mouth, outside the oral cavity, normal
i) Hyoid frenulum: short, elastic, stretched, incremented, inelastic, normal
10. Phonetic side of speech
Sound state:
The nature of the manifestation:
a) isolated violations
b) violations in syllables
c) violations in words
d) violations in phrases
Whistling Hissing Sonorous Trembling note
s s "z z" ts w w h sch l l "r r" j k k "g z" x Others
Passes - n
Distortions - and
Substitutions - h
11. Phonemic perception and phonemic hearing:
a) highlighting a sound (syllable) from a series of sounds (words): clap when you hear a sound (syllable);
b) repetition of a syllable by ear:
sha - sa_________ sa-sha __________ ta-da ______________ ka-ha __________
ka-ha-ka________ ta-ta-ta_________ pa-ba______________ ba-ba-pa_______
c) highlighting the first sound in words:
Anya ___________ house ___________ cat _____________
d) highlighting the last sound in words:
beetle ___________ glasses ___________ flour ____________
e) selection of pictures for a given sound.
f) Distinguishing paronymic sounds
Duck - fishing rod Roof - rat Mouse - bowl
Cancer - varnish Ears - mustache Scythe - goat Kidney - barrel
12. Syllabic structure of the word, sentence:
a) medicine ____________ elephant ____________ TV _________
school___________ rain______ cup____________
b) the children made a snowman ________________________________
the bird made a nest
13. Dictionary (examination of the active dictionary)
Subject Dictionary
a) name subject pictures:
eyes ___________ ball _______ birdhouse _______
stairs __________ elbows ___________ snail __________
bird ___________ doggy ___________
b) name the action on the subject:
snake ___________ fish _______________
bird ____________ dog ____________
c) name the object by its action:
mode _________ watching ___________ sawing ___________
sniffing ___________ sewing ___________ writing ___________
d) name the object according to its description:
Who is oblique, weak, cowardly? ___________
What shines, shines, warms? ___________
What is the name of the room where books are read and received? _____________
e) the name of the cubs: cats ________ dogs _______ cows __________ goats ___________ horses _____________ chickens ___________ ducks ________ wolves ________ foxes _________ bears __________
f) Generalizing concepts:
Crockery ________________________ furniture _____________________ vegetables _________________________ clothes _____________________ animals _____________________ fruits ____________________________
Understanding past tense verbs husband. and wives. kind:
Zhenya danced Zhenya danced
Valya sang Valya sang
Shura drew Shura drew
Feature Dictionary

Taste: berry ____________ lemon ______________ rowan _____________
Pick up signs for objects: hedgehog _______ cloud _________ tree _______

Selection of antonyms: large ________ cold ________ clean _______ hard _______ dull _________ wet _________ wide _________ light ________ high ________ older _______

14. The grammatical structure of speech
a) The use of nouns. h. in various cases: im.___ gender.___ date.___ wine.___ creates.___ suggestion.___
b) Formation of forms of the genitive case plural nouns:
"What is there in the forest?" ____________________________________________ “What is there in the garden?” _______________________________________________
"What is there in this room?"
c) Unit conversion. Plural nouns: goat_______ eye________ chair________ detachment_______ forehead_______ ear_______ tree__________ mouth_________ ticket_________ feather_________ window__________ sleeve_______ sparrow____________ doctor___________ swamp__________ lion_______ horn__________ bread__________ watchman_________
d) The use of prepositions: in ___ on ___ from ___ from ___ for ___ under ___ from under ___ from under ___
e) Coordination of numerals with nouns: one notebook ___ two notebooks ___ three notebooks ___ seven notebooks ___ one pencil ___ two pencils ___ three pencils ___ seven pencils ___ one apple ___ two apples ___ three apples ___ seven apples ___
word formation
a) Formation of a diminutive form of a noun: carpet __________ nest __________ head __________ bag _________ bucket _________ bird __________ grass ___________ ear _______ forehead _________ sparrow __________ chair __________ tree ___________
b) Formation of adjectives from nouns: snow ___________ paper ___________ glass ___________ plastic ___________ fur ____________ wool ___________ fluff _____________
c) The formation of compound words: crush a stone _________________ scoop up the earth _________________ mow hay _________________
15. The state of coherent speech
Drawing up proposals for the plot picture _______________________
Drawing up a story based on a plot picture _________________________________________________
Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures _________________ Retelling of the text __________ Independent story ___________________________________________

16. Understanding of speech and features of thinking
a) making up part of a whole
b) highlighting an extra item
c) space-time representations:
right hand left hand
top - bottom high - low
far - close middle
parts of the day ___________________________________________________
d) perception of colors: red _____________ blue _________________ yellow ______________ green ___________ white ___________ black ______________ brown ___________
e) knowledge geometric shapes: square __________ triangle __________ circle ____________ rectangle ________________
e) counting operations:
direct count __________ reverse count _________ ordinal count _________
g) understanding of the text:
The cat was sleeping on the roof, clenched its paws. A bird sat down near the cat. Don't sit close, birdie, cats are cunning!
Where did the cat sleep?
How did she sleep?
Who sat next to the cat?
What do we say to the bird?
17. Speech therapy conclusion ________

Appendix 2
Work on the correction of sound pronunciation begins in mid-September, after the completion of the survey.
Held daily until June 1, except for winter and spring break. In June, instead of individual subgroup corrective pronunciation classes, excursions, entertainment, and games are organized.
All individual-subgroup correctional work is conditionally divided into several stages.
I. Preparatory
Task: Careful and comprehensive preparation of the child for long and painstaking correctional work, namely:
a) arouse interest in speech therapy classes, even the need for them;
b) development of auditory attention, memory, phonemic perception in games and special exercises;
c) the formation and development of articulatory motor skills to the level of minimum sufficiency for staging sounds;
d) in the process of systematic training, mastering the complex of finger gymnastics;
e) strengthening physical health(consultations of doctors - narrow specialists, if necessary, medication, massage, oxygen cocktail).
quality preparatory work ensures the success of sound production and all corrective work. Therefore, it requires maximum attention of a speech therapist and a large investment of time.
II. Formation of pronunciation skills and abilities
a) elimination of defective sound pronunciation;
b) development of skills and abilities to differentiate sounds similar articulatory and acoustically;
c) the formation of practical skills and abilities to use corrected (phonetically clean, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech.
Types of corrective work at this stage:
1. Setting sounds in the following sequence:
whistling C, 3, C, C", 3"; hissing W, F, H, W; sonors J, L, R, R"
(the method of setting is mixed).
Preparatory exercises (except articulation gymnastics):
for all sounds: "Window", "Fence";
for whistlers: “Knead the dough”, “Pancake”, “Drive the ball into the goal”, “Pussy”;
for hissing: "Swing", "Cup", "Pipe", "Parachutik";
for L: “The steamboat is buzzing”, “Catch a mouse”;
for R, R": “Malyar”, “Turkeys are chatting”, “Woodpecker”, “Horse”, “Mushroom”, “Accordion”, “Drummer”.
Work on setting sounds is carried out only individually.
2. Automation of each corrected sound in syllables by
the measure of setting can be carried out both individually and in a subgroup:
a) C, 3, W, F, C, 3 ", L" are automated first in direct syllables, then in reverse and in last turn in syllables with a confluence of consonants;
This sequence is determined by the natural (physiological) course of the formation of sound pronunciation in children in the norm and corresponds to the training program in the preparatory speech therapy group (sequence of frontal exercises).
However, changes are quite acceptable if they are dictated individual characteristics individual children and contribute to their successful promotion.
Voiced consonants 3, Zh, 3" are not automatized in reverse syllables.
b) C, Ch, W, L - vice versa: first in reverse syllables, then in straight lines with a confluence of consonants;
c) R, R" you can start automating from the protor analogue and simultaneously generate vibration.
3. Automation of sounds in words is carried out following the traces of automation in syllables, in the same sequence.
As you master the pronunciation of each syllable, it is immediately introduced and fixed in words with this syllable. To carry out work on the automation of sounds in words, children with similar defects are combined into subgroups. All further corrective work is carried out in subgroups.
4. Automation of sounds in sentences.
Each word worked out in pronunciation is immediately included in separate sentences, then in short stories, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, rhymes with this word are selected.
5. Differentiation of sounds:
S 3, S S, S-C, S-Sh;
F 3, F-Sh;
Ch-S, Ch-G, Ch-Sch;
Shch-S, Shch-T, Shch-H, Shch-Sh;
R-L, R-R", R-L", R-Y, L-L;
6. Automation of sounds in spontaneous speech (in dialogic speech, in games, entertainment, sensitive moments, excursions, work ...).

III. Improving phonemic perception and the skills of sound analysis and synthesis in parallel with the correction of sound pronunciation.
IV. Systematic exercises for the development of attention, memory, thinking on the material worked out in pronunciation.
V. The development of coherent expressive speech based on correctly pronounced sounds.
Lexical and grammar exercises; normalization of the prosodic side of speech; storytelling training.

Annex 3

Literature for parents:
1. Agranovich Z. E. To help speech therapists and parents. A collection of homework for overcoming the phonemic side of speech in older preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2007.
2. Baskakina I. V., Lynskaya M. I. Logopedic games. - M.: IRIS-PRESS, 2008.
3. Bliskovskaya Yu., Grozovsky M., Vorlamova N. Azbuka. - M.: Rosmen, 2009.
4. Bortnikova E. Wonder-educator. - Yekaterinburg: Litur, 2006.
5. Vasilyeva S. A., Sokolova N. V. Logopedic games for preschoolers. - M., 1999.
6. Vorob'eva T. A., Krupenchuk O. I. Ball and speech. - SPb., 2001.
7. Zhukova N. S. Primer. - M.: EKSMO, 2008.
8. Zhukova O. S. Develop speech. - M.: Astrel, 2008.
9. Kolesnikova E. V. The development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old. - M.: Yuventa, 2007.
10. Kolesnikova E. V. Development sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old. - M.: Yuventa, 2008.
11. Kolesnikova E. V. Tests for children 5 years old. - M.: Yuventa, 2001.
12. Kolesnikova E. V. Is your child ready for school? - M.: Yuventa, 2007.
13. Skvortsova I.V. Logopedic games. - M.: OLMA, 2008.
14. Tkachenko T. A. Sound analysis and synthesis. - M.: Bibliophile, 2007.
15. Tkachenko T. A. Logical exercises for the development of speech. - M.: Bookworm, 2005.
16. Teremkova N. E. Homemade speech therapy tasks for children with OHP. - M.: Gnome, 2007.
7. List of references
1. Agranovich Z.E. Collection of homework to overcome the lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers with ONR.-S.P .: Childhood-Press, 2002
2. Borovtsova L. A. Documentation of a teacher-speech therapist of a preschool educational institution. - M.: TC Sphere, 2008.
3. Volkova G.A. Methods of psychological and logistic examination of children
with speech disorders. Issues of differential diagnosis. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
4. Kiryanova R.A. Comprehensive diagnostics and its use by a speech therapist teacher in corrective work with children aged 5-6 years with severe speech disorders. - St. Petersburg, 2002
5. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Frontal speech therapy classes in senior group for children with general underdevelopment of speech. – M.: Gnom-Press, 1999.
6. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Frontal speech therapy classes in the preparatory group for children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech. – M.: Gnom-Press, 1998.
7. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Individual-subgroup work on the correction of sound pronunciation. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2001.
8. Kurdvanovskaya N.V. Planning the work of a speech therapist with children 5-7 years old. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007.
9. N.V. Nishcheva. The program of correctional developmental work for children with OHP. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2004.
10. Povolyaeva M.A. Handbook of a speech therapist. - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2001.
11. Polozova N.V. Basic requirements for labor protection and sanitary provision in preschool. Collection of documents and recommendations. – M.: ARKTI, 2005.
12. Stepanova O.A. Organization of speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution. - M .: TC Sphere, 2003.
13. Tkachenko T.A. learn to speak correctly. OHP correction system in 6-year-old children. Handbook for educators, speech therapists and parents. - M .: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2004.
14. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. The upbringing and education of preschool children
age with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. Program and guidelines for a preschool educational institution of a compensatory type. - M .: School Press, 2003.
15. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Tumanova T.V. Correction of speech disorders // Programs of preschool educational institutions of a compensating type for children with speech disorders. – M.: Enlightenment, 2008.
16. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. The program of education and upbringing of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment.- M.: MGOPI, 1993
17.A.V.Yastrebova. How to help children with developmental disabilities. -M.: ARKTI, 1999

Plan individual work on 10/25/16



F.I child

Purpose of the lesson

Program content


Antonov Kolya

Preparing to fix R (from one-hit)


Aleksanenko Kapitolina

Stretching of the hyoid ligament. Preparing to correct pronunciation Ш (from buccal)

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: execution of words. instructions.

    Passive artic. gymnastics: stretching the belt.

    Cheek strengthening exercises: a storm in a teacup.


Golopolosov Semyon

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: execution of words. instructions.

    Artik. gymnastics: smile (static), window (static), shoulder blade (static), cup (static), grater, drum.

4. Tasks on autom. DR, TR.


Ivanova Sofia

Automation of R in words with TR, DR, branch of R.

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: execution of words. instructions (see appendix).

    Artik. gymnastics: smile (static), window (static), shoulder blade (static), cup (static), grater, drum.

4. Tasks on autom. DR, TR.


Kapustina Sofia

Automation of R in words with TR, DR, branch of R.

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: execution of words. instructions.

    Artik. gymnastics: smile (static), window (static), shoulder blade (static), cup (static), grater, drum.

5. Tasks on autom. DR, TR.


Loyuk Uliana

Preparation for the production of R

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: execution of words. instructions.

    Artik. gymnastics: smile (static), window (static), shoulder blade (static), cup (static), grater, drum.

    Exhalation training (storm in a glass), speech breathing for the sound P: blow off the cotton (tongue in the shape of a cup)

    Dotted background setting. play the sound R: selection by ear:

From the sounds: V-D-R-T-G-D-F-L-R

From the pronunciation options CANCER, HAND, PAR, GIFT, CROW (P-B, D, G, T, one-beat, velar, uvular, protorny, coachman).


Reconvald Daria

Preparation for the production of R

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: execution of words. instructions.

    Artik. gymnastics: smile (static), window (static), shoulder blade (static), cup (static), grater, drum.

    Exhalation training (storm in a glass), speech breathing for the sound P: blow off the cotton (tongue in the shape of a cup)

    Dotted background setting. play the sound R: selection by ear:

From the sounds: V-D-R-T-G-D-F-L-R

From the pronunciation options CANCER, HAND, PAR, GIFT, CROW (P-B, D, G, T, one-beat, velar, uvular, protorny, coachman).

6. Repetition of the articulation of the sound R.


Varnavina Nastya

Atomization L’ words.

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: execution of words. instructions.

3. Learning the logarithmic exercise "Swans"

4. The game "Chain" (Practical tasks for automating sounds L, L ', R ', j ", Krupechuk, page 61

5. Performing exercise. 5-8 pp 62-63 (Practical tasks for automating sounds L, L ', R ', j ", Krupechuk,)


Gandurov Artem

Automation L in collocations

    Finger gymnastics "Fingers-assistants" ("Sound transformations", Iskhanova, page 141).

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: execution of words. instructions.

    The game "Confusion" ("Sound Transformations", Iskhanova, p. 142).

    Pronunciation of couplets (Practical tasks for automating sounds L, L ', R ', j ", Krupechuk, page 18).


Narakshina Daria

Preparation for the production of Sh.

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: execution of words. instructions.

    Active Artik. gymnastics: smile-proboscis-kiss, hippopotamus-lion-pussy, fat-thin man, alternating cheek puffing, brush-basting, snake, swing, horse, fungus, accordion, shoulder blade, cup, cup behind the teeth, grater

    Exercises to strengthen the cheeks and exhale strength: a storm in a glass.


Belov Ivan

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: execution of words. instructions.

    Artik. gymnastics: smile (static), window (static), shoulder blade (static), cup (static), grater, drum.

    Consolidation of knowledge of articulation of sound R.

    The game "Football" with protor P

    Pronunciation and memorization of tongue twisters with protoric R, speeding up the pace. (Practical tasks for automating sounds L, L ', R ', j ", Krupechuk, page 77)


Levchenko Julia

Automation of the protoric P, the development of a strong, targeted air jet at the tip of the tongue.

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: execution of words. instructions.

    Artik. gymnastics: smile (static), window (static), shoulder blade (static), cup (static), grater, drum.

    Consolidation of knowledge of articulation of sound R.

    The game "Football" with protor P

6. Pronunciation and memorization of tongue twisters with protoric R, speeding up the pace. (Practical tasks for automating sounds L, L ', R ', j ", Krupechuk, page 77)


Zagoruiko Ivan

Preparation for the production of R.

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: execution of words. instructions

    Artik. gymnastics: smile (static), window (static), shoulder blade (static), cup (static), grater, drum.

    Dotted background setting. play the sound R: selection by ear:

From the sounds: V-D-R-T-G-D-F-L-R

From the pronunciation options CANCER, HAND, PAR, GIFT, CROW (P-B, D, G, T, one-beat, velar, uvular, protorny, coachman).

Plan of individual-subgroup work on 10/25/16



F.I child

Purpose of the lesson

Program content


1. Grigory Lisov

2. Alina Krapiventseva

R-L differentiation in sentences

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Fiction picture ("Practical tasks for automating sounds L, L ', R ', j", Krupechuk, page 108)

    Game "Fun Fishing" (Mersibo)


1. Gonzolyuk Sofia

2. Komissarov Stepan

3. Malkova Ksenia

Automation of P in phrases.

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: the game "Request" (Correction of phonetic disorders. Preparatory stage". Tkachenko).

    Pronunciation of phrases, the game "Theater"

    The game "Name the sign" (followed by hanging the picture with a clothespin).

    Education will attract. attach from. : ram, cow, rabbit


1. Fateeva Varya

2. Shkeppu Daria

3. Menshov Egor

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Active Artik. gymnastics: smile-proboscis-kiss, hippopotamus-lion-pussy, fat-thin man, alternating cheek puffing, brush-basting, snake, swing, horse, fungus, accordion, shoulder blade, cup, cup behind the teeth, grater

    Development of exhalation power. Football game

    Development of auditory attention and memory. Exercise 1 (Speech therapy exercises "Tkachenko, p. 30).

    The development of the melodic-intonational side of speech. Pronunciation of Sh with different intonation.

    Bioenergy plastics to the song "Gluttons" (direct syllables with Ш + vowel)

1. Blinova Vika

2. Maltseva Alice

Development of auditory attention and memory. The development of phonemic perception. Work on syllable structure.

    Finger gymnastics "Goat and kid" ("Speech therapy exercises" Tkachenko, page 44.

    Activation of auditory attention and memory: the implementation of two-syllable verbal instructions "(Correction of phonetic disorders. Preparatory stage." Tkachenko).

    A game " Non-speech sounds» (Mersibo)

    The development of speech attention. Exercise 10 (Speech therapy exercises "Tkachenko, page 13).

5. Development of auditory attention and memory. Exercise 1 (Speech therapy exercises "Tkachenko, p. 30).

6. Reproduction of rows of vowels.

7. Encoding rows of vowels with claps.


1. Samulnik Sasha

2. Yaroslavsky Dmitry

Subject: seasons.

See abstract " Subgroup lesson"belts of the year"


1. Aleksanenko Kapitolina

2. Zagoruiko Ivan

Development of the skill of phonemic analysis

Repetition of symbols of vowel sounds (according to Tkachenko). Performing exercises No. 5 (“Speech therapy exercises” by Tkachenko, page 73), determining the first and last stressed vowel: the game “Aliens”

Ekaterina Igorevna
A long-term work plan for a speech therapist teacher at a speech center in a preschool educational institution for the academic year

Long-term plan of work of a speech therapist teacher at a logopoint in a preschool educational institution for the academic year



1. Diagnosis of speech development of middle, senior and preparatory groups.

2. Documentation logopoint.

3. Formation of subgroups and (composing) planning individual and subgroup work.

4. Organization of TOPMPK GKOU SKOSH 118 in MADOU No. 133 for children with speech disorders.

Job(team and methodological Job)

1. Acquaintance ped. team with the results of a speech examination.

2. Conversation with the team on the topic .

3. Refinement of specifics work with children from various violations speech.

4. Speech therapy corner in the group, recommendations for its equipment.

5. Planning speech therapy work in accordance with the plan of the preschool educational institution for the current year.

6. The work of a psychologist- medical and pedagogical

council. PMPK No. 1

Working with parents

1. Familiarization of parents with the results of diagnosing children's speech and features work of the logopoint.

« logopoint» on the Kindergarten website topic: "The role of parents in raising children correct speech. The speech of adults is an example to follow" and "Normal development of speech and age-related features".

3. Visually - informational counseling for parents with the help of a stand and a rubric « logopoint» on the Kindergarten website topic: "All about the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC)”, as well as personal counseling for parents.

Organizational - correctional Job

1. Design speech therapy corners for parents.

2. Production of games and manuals for the development of the articulatory apparatus.

3. Making games and manuals for the development of phonemic hearing.

Organizational and methodological Job(team and methodological Job)

1. Teachers' council on the topic "Speech development". Acquaintance of educators with the order of speech development in junior and middle groups on folklore and educators of senior and preparatory groups with the methodology literacy work.

2. Conducting an open lesson on teaching literacy in senior and preparatory groups.

3. Individual counseling at the request of educators.

Working with parents

1 Visually - informational counseling of parents using the rubric « logopoint» on the Kindergarten website topic: "Why do we need home speech therapy tasks» .

2 Individual counseling for parents on topic: "The value of articulatory gymnastics in the production of sounds and the correct execution of exercises" and "To exercise with a tongue".

Organizational - correctional Job

1. Making games and manuals for the development of phonemic perception.

2. Making games and manuals for the development of fine motor skills.

Organizational and methodological Job(team and methodological Job)

1. Consultations - workshops on work over fine motor skills.

2. Consultation workshop on work over expressive intonation-colored speech through role-playing games, memorization of poems.

Working with parents

1. Individual counseling on the requirements for performing exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

2. Visually - informational counseling for parents using the rubric « logopoint» on the Kindergarten website topic: “To speak clearly, you need to be friends with your fingers!” (about the connection between fine motor skills and speech).

Organizational - correctional Job

1. Production of texts-stories on lexical topics.

2. Participation in the preparation of matinees for the New Year.

3. Diagnosis of the state of phonemic hearing, perception in children of older and preparatory groups.

Organizational and methodological Job(team and methodological Job)

topic: “The development of phonemic hearing and perception in children. Formation of sound-letter analysis”.

2. Consultation-workshop for educators on topic: "Learning how to do breathing exercises".

3. Organization of a joint work on lexical topics (teacher speech therapist , teacher).

Working with parents

1. Individual counseling on the meaning of phonemic hearing and perception.

2. Visually - informational counseling for parents using the rubric « logopoint» on the Kindergarten website topic: "It's fun to breathe together!" (learn how to do breathing exercises).

« logopoint» on the Kindergarten website topic: "How teach child to hear and correctly pronounce sounds " (we develop phonemic processes).

Organizational - correctional Job

1. Examination of the speech of children in the younger and middle groups.

2. Correction individual work plans.

3. Making schemes for compiling stories on lexical topics.

4. A system for regulating material for the development of coherent speech.

Organizational and methodological Job(team and methodological Job)

1. Consultation workshop on work over sound pronunciation junior groups Oh.

2. Consultation on the topic: Job over the lexical side of speech; Job over the grammatical side of speech.

3. PMPK meeting, analysis of the current work.

Working with parents

1. Visually - informational counseling for parents using the rubric « logopoint» on the site det. garden on topic: "How to top up lexicon in children"

2. Individual consultation on the topic "What is the grammatical structure of speech?", "We play and develop the grammatical structure of speech"

3. Individual consultation on topic: "Why do we need PMPK, what documents are needed to submit to PMPK for preschool children."

Organizational - correctional Job

1. Production of manuals for enriching the vocabulary of children, the grammatical structure of speech, the development of phrasal speech.

Organizational and methodological Job

(team and methodological Job)

1. Consultation for educators of senior groups on topic: "Prepare your hand for writing".

topic: "Entertaining walks"

3. Visiting the classes of educators in order to assist in monitoring the correct sound pronunciation.

Working with parents

1. Participation in meetings of junior, middle groups "On the results of the examination of young children".

2. Visually - informational counseling for parents using the rubric « logopoint» on the Kindergarten website topic: "Prepare your hand for writing".

3. Visually - informational counseling for parents with the help of a rubric « logopoint» on the Kindergarten website topic: "Entertaining walks" (games for the development of coherent speech, and not only)

Organizational - correctional Job

1. Selection and design of material for the development of sound pronunciation.

Organizational and methodological Job(team and methodological Job)

2. Consultation for educators on topic: "How teach a child to retell» .

3. Consultation for educators on topic: .

4. Consultation for educators on topic: "Development of higher mental functions in the classroom"

5. Conducting an open lesson on teaching literacy together with the teacher in the preparatory group.

Working with parents

1. Individual consultations on homework in notebooks.

2. Visually - informational counseling for parents using the rubric « logopoint» on the Kindergarten website topic: "Speech readiness of the child for school".

4. Individual consultations at the request of parents.

Organizational - correctional Job

1. Identification and examination of children who need to be presented at the PMPK.

2. Documentation

Organizational and methodological Job(team and methodological Job)

1. Consultation for educators on topic: "Pedagogical presentation on the child, aimed at the passage of TPMPC."

2. Meeting Psychologist-Medical-Pedagogical Council (PMPC, analysis of the current work.

3. Consultation for a teacher-psychologist on topic: "Psychological representation of the child, aimed at the passage of TPMPC".

Working with parents

1. Participation in parent meetings of senior and preparatory groups with a presentation on the topic “All about the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC)».

2. Individual consultations at the request of parents.

3. Visually - informational counseling for parents of younger groups with the help of a rubric « logopoint» on the Kindergarten website topic: "Prevention of speech disorders"

Organizational - correctional Job

1. Examination of children, registration of documentation for the withdrawal of children.

2. Participation in the preparation and holding of graduation matinees.

Organizational and methodological Job(team and methodological Job)

1. Summing up for the year - participation in the analytical teachers' council.

2. Analytical report on the work done work per academic year.

3. Discussion and approval plan summer wellness work at the general meeting.

4. Individual consultations at the request of educators.

Working with parents

2. Participation in parent meetings with a speech on the topic "Our achievements!".

3. Visually - informational counseling for parents with the help of a rubric « logopoint» on the Kindergarten website topic: « Plan summer wellness work» .

Annual work plan of a speech therapist teacher for the 2018-2019 academic year

Speech therapist: Proskurneva E.V.

MBDOU No. 34 "Spring"

Target: creating favorable conditions for the child to live in preschool childhood, the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, the formation of prerequisites learning activities, correcting deficiencies in speech development children.


Diagnostic- creation of conditions for continuous diagnostic and prognostic monitoring of the correctional process in order to optimally select correctional goals, objectives and means of their implementation.

Correction-developing- creation of conditions aimed at correcting the speech development of children and ensuring that a child with speech disorders achieves a level of speech development corresponding to the age norm.

Preventive- creation of conditions for increasing the competence of teachers and parents in the development of children's speech, socio-emotional and cognitive needs and development opportunities.

Information and methodological- creation of conditions for development and implementation innovative technologies in the field of correction of speech disorders, allowing to increase the effectiveness of the correctional process as a whole.



Final document



Work planning.

Enrollment of children in speech therapy classes, paperwork

Drawing up a schedule of classes and work schedule.

Drawing up individual educational routes.

Records management.

Studying the opinion of parents about work speech therapy room.

The study of documentation, planning the work of a speech therapist for the academic year


August-September 2018


Lesson grid


Individual educational routes

Diagnostic Primary diagnosis

Primary examination of children

Identification of children with problems in speech development. Formation of a group of children to be enrolled in a speech center for the 2019-2020 academic year

Children of middle and senior groups

Until December 2017

Preparation of lists of children sent for examination at TOPMPK to clarify the speech conclusion

Incoming Diagnostics

An in-depth examination of children enrolled in a speech center

Identification of the level of speech development of children at the initial stage of education

Children enrolled in the speech center for the 2018-2019 academic year

September 2018

Speech conclusion

Perspective work plan

Current Diagnostics

Monitoring of speech development

Tracking the dynamics of speech development in the process of correction

Children enrolled in the speech center for the 2018-2019 academic year


Comparative analysis data

Making adjustments to the individual planning of correctional and developmental classes

Final diagnostics

Examination of children

Identification of the speech level of development of children for the final period of education

Children enrolled in the speech center for the 2018-2019 academic year

Comparative data analysis

Analytical report


Individual lessons with children on the correction of speech disorders

The development of the articulatory apparatus, the correction of shortcomings in sound pronunciation. Formation of the system of the native language, taking into account the specific manifestations of the defect, due to the form of the speech anomaly

Children enrolled in the speech center for the 2018-2019 academic year


Individual plans, individual notebooks

Subgroup GCD:

a) on the formation of mobility of the articulatory apparatus

b) on automation of sounds

c) on the development of coherent speech

Development of efferent articulatory praxis based on available sounds

Fixing the mechanisms of sound formation, introducing it into speech,

automation. differentiation

Formation of lexico-grammatical and syntax system native language. Improving Communication Skills

Subgroup of children with the most poorly formed efferent connections

Subgroups of children with a similar defect in sound pronunciation

Subgroup of children with ONR


Group NOD

Improving the pronunciation system. Development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis. Formation of the native language system

Children enrolled in the speech center for the 2018-2019 academic year


Calendar-thematic plan, abstracts

Advisory activity

Individual consultations for parents

Individual consultations

Help for parents

Parents of children attending preschool

Throughout the year as needed

Consultation record book

Advice for parents

Design of the “Speech therapist advises” corner

Does my child need speech therapy?

How a child's speech develops from 2 to 7 years

Developing vocabulary for preschoolers

Workshop consultation:

"Gymnastics for the tongue"

"Teaching children to read at home"

Round table for parents

"Preparing the child for school" - jointly with other specialists

Prevention of speech disorders

Help for parents

Parents of children attending preschool

Once every two to three weeks

Information sheet in the parent corner

Folder - mover

parent meetings:

“My child is enrolled in a speech center”

Summing up the results for the first half of the year and ways of further corrective work.

"Our Successes"

(summarizing the results of training for the year).

"Speech readiness of the child for school"

Acquaintance of parents with the organization and content of correctional work for the new academic year

Help for parents

Parents of children attending speech center

Parents of children in the preparatory group

September 2018

December 2018

Speech at the parent meeting, memos for parents

Consultations for teachers


Improving the efficiency of corrective work

Doe teachers

As needed

Consultation record book

Workshop consultation:

"Games with sand as a means of forming a coherent speech of a preschooler"


"Causes and types of deviations in the speech development of preschool children"

Methodological assistance to teachers

Doe teachers

October 2018

March 2019

Methodical work

Speech therapy room equipment

Creation of a file cabinet of visual, lexical, game and educational material.

Enrichment of the methodological piggy bank with the development of classes, scenarios parent meetings, consultations, master classes.

Dissemination of pedagogical experience on pedagogical websites

Equipping the speech therapy room with teaching aids, didactic and visual material. Replenishment of the methodological piggy bank, generalization and dissemination of practical experience on the topic.

During a year

Speech therapy booth equipment

File cabinets

Lesson notes

Raise professional level

Visiting open classes for teachers of preschool educational institutions

Participation in teachers' councils, round tables of preschool educational institutions

Participation in the work of the methodological association of speech therapists. Participation in competitions pedagogical excellence different levels

Raise professional excellence,

generalization and dissemination of practical experience on the topic.

Teachers and administration of the preschool educational institution

During a year

Member Certificates

Project activity

"The use of sand therapy in the correction of coherent speech in children with severe speech disorders"

Project "Professions of our parents"

"Development liaison speeches through a fairy tale and theatrical activity"

Increasing the efficiency of corrective work, improving professional skills

Children enrolled in the speech center for the 2018-2019 academic year

Teachers and administration of the preschool educational institution

November 2018

February 2019

April - 2019

Performance at pedagogical council, guidelines

control unit

This plan was drawn up in accordance with the program of Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. “Preparation for school of children with general underdevelopment of speech in a special kindergarten. Part 1.2. First (senior group), second year of study ( preparatory group)” and on the basis of the work program of a speech therapist. Frontal classes are conducted taking into account federal state educational standards (FSES), taking into account guidelines Gomzyak O.S. “We speak correctly at 5-6 years old”, Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. "Front speech therapy classes in the senior group for children with ONR", Gomzyak O.S. “We speak correctly at 6-7 years old.”

Correctional work with children 5-7 years old, designed for 30 weeks, can be conditionally divided into 3 periods.

Istudy period (September, October, November)

6-7 years old: lesson - on the formation of the phonetic side of speech and literacy training -10 lessons

On the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of the language and the development of coherent speech - 10 lessons

IIstudy period (December, January, February)

5-6 years old: lesson - on the formation of the phonetic side of speech - 10 lessons

On the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of the language and the development of coherent speech - 10 lessons

6-7 years old: lesson - on the formation of the phonetic side of speech and literacy - 10 lessons

On the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of the language and the development of coherent speech - 10 lessons

IIIstudy period (March, April, May)

5-6 years old: lesson - on the formation of the phonetic side of speech - 10 lessons

On the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of the language and the development of coherent speech - 10 lessons

6-7 years old: lesson - on the formation of the phonetic side of speech and literacy training -12 lessons

On the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of the language and the development of coherent speech - 12 lessons



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten №45

I approve:

Head of MB Preschool №45



Long-term plan of speech therapy work at the speech center

with children of the senior and preparatory group

with ONR

for 2015 – 2016 academic year

Speech therapist: Samatova O.P.



Explanatory note

This plan was drawn up in accordance with the program of Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. “Preparation for school of children with general underdevelopment of speech in a special kindergarten. Part 1.2. First (senior group), second year of study (preparatory group) ”and based on the work program of a speech therapist. Frontal classes are conducted taking into account federal state educational standards (FSES), taking into account the methodological recommendations of Gomzyak O.S. “We speak correctly at 5-6 years old”, Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. "Front speech therapy classes in the senior group for children with ONR", Gomzyak O.S. “We speak correctly at 6-7 years old.”

Correctional work with children 5-7 years old, designed for 30 weeks, can be conditionally divided into 3 periods.

6-7 years old: lesson - on the formation of the phonetic side of speech and literacy training -10 lessons

On the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of the language and the development of coherent speech - 10 lessons

5-6 years old: lesson - on the formation of the phonetic side of speech - 10 lessons

On the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of the language and the development of coherent speech - 10 lessons

6-7 years old: lesson - on the formation of the phonetic side of speech and literacy - 10 lessons

On the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of the language and the development of coherent speech - 10 lessons

III period of study (March, April, May)

5-6 years old: lesson - on the formation of the phonetic side of speech - 10 lessons

On the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of the language and the development of coherent speech - 10 lessons

6-7 years old: lesson - on the formation of the phonetic side of speech and literacy training -12 lessons

On the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of the language and the development of coherent speech - 12 lessons

2 subgroup - 6-7 years old:

I period of study (September, October, November)





phonetic side of speech

Connected speech




teach children to answer questions and ask them;

to systematize children's knowledge about autumn and autumn phenomena;

activate a dictionary on a given topic;

to educate children's interest in seasonal changes in nature.

Essay on the theme "Autumn".


Clarification of the articulation of sounds [a], [y] sound [and]

Letters A, U


Trees in autumn. Leaves.

generalize knowledge about trees.


Clarification of the acoustic-articulatory characteristics of the sounds [p], [p]

Sounds P, Pb



Vegetables. Labor of adults in the fields and gardens.

to teach children to compose a retelling of a fairy tale, showing creative imagination and artistry;

to develop in children the ability to distribute sentences with definitions;

develop mental activity;

expand children's knowledge on the topic;

Russian retelling folk tale"The Man and the Bear" with elements of dramatization


Clarification of the acoustic-articulation characterization of the sounds [k], [k]

Sounds K, K



Clarification of the acoustic-articulation characterization of the sounds [t], [t]

Differentiation of sounds [k] - [t]

Sounds T, T Sounds K-T


to teach children to compose a retelling of the text using plot pictures;

to fix the correct use of nouns in the instrumental case in speech;

develop the ability to grammatically correctly and logically build your statement;

educate children to be honest about their actions.

Retelling of L.N. Tolstoy's story "Bone" with the help of plot pictures.



Differentiation Sounds of sounds [p] - [t] - [k]. P-T-K№9


to teach children how to write a descriptive story based on a diagram;

replenish vocabulary on the topic "Insects";

develop the ability to logically build your statement;

reinforce the use of possessive adjectives in speech;

to educate children in self-control over speech.

Drawing up a descriptive story about a bee based on a diagram.


Migratory birds

Refinement of the acoustic-articulation characterization of the sounds [x], [x]

Differentiation of sounds [k] - [x]

Sounds X, XH.


to teach children to expressively retell the text using reference signals;

reinforce in children the ability to use words correctly in speech"migratory", "wintering";

to consolidate the ability to syntactically correctly build sentences;

exercise children in the formation of complex adjectives;

instill in children an interest in nature and its inhabitants.

Retelling of the story by I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov “The Cranes Are Flying Away” with the help of reference signals



Mushrooms. Berries.

teach children to retell the story close to the text using plot pictures;

clarify and replenish knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms;

exercise in agreeing numerals with nouns;

to develop in children the ability to accurately answer the questions posed;

educate and instill interest in the artistic word.

Retelling of V. Kataev's story "Mushrooms" with the help of plot pictures.


Clarification of the articulation of sounds [a], [y], [i], [o], [s]

Sounds A, U.I, S, O No. 14


Clarification of the acoustic-articulation characterization of the sounds [m], [m]

Sounds M, M.

Letter M


to teach children how to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures;

develop the ability to build consistently your statement;

to activate and expand the vocabulary of children on the topic of pets;

educate children in curiosity about the environment.

Compilation of the story "Unsuccessful hunting" based on a series of story paintings.


Wild animals

Refinement of the acoustic-articulatory characterization of the sounds [n], [n]

Differentiation of sounds [n] - [m]

Sounds N-M.N-N


teach children to retell the story close to the text;

to fix in children the correct use of possessive adjectives in speech;

develop the ability to answer questions with full answers;

educate children's interest in the artistic word.

Retelling of the story by V. Bianchi “Bathing a bear


Clarification of the acoustic-articulatory characterization of sound [b], [b]

Sounds B, B. Letter B.


teach children how to write a descriptive story;

expand and activate the vocabulary of children on the topic "Clothes";

exercise in the use of common sentences;

education of self-care skills.

Writing a descriptive story based on a diagram.


Differentiation of sounds [b] - [n]

P&B Sounds #20

II period of study (December, January, February)





phonetic side of speech

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech

Connected speech



Winter months.

Clarification of the acoustic-articulatory characterization of the sound [s], [s]

Sounds S, S. Letter C.№23


Development of the semantic field of the word "snow". Practical consolidation in the speech of children of verbs of the past tense.

Drawing up the story "Winter Fun" according to the plot picture (sample - speech therapist's story)


Wild animals in winter.

Clarification of the acoustic-articulation characterization of the sound [s], [s]

Sounds З, ЗЬ. Letter Z.№24,25,

Expansion of the predicate dictionary. Practical use of nouns in various cases in speech.

Compilation of the story "Feeding Trough" based on a series of story paintings.№12


Differentiation of sounds [s] - [s], [s] - [s].

Expansion of knowledge of the meaning of prepositions and their use in independent speech. Fixing prepositional case constructions.

Compilation of the story "How furniture is made" according to the key words.


New Year.

Clarification of the acoustic-articulatory characterization of sound [v], [v]

Sounds B, B. #27

Formation of the vocabulary of adjectives. Formation of relative adjectives. Development of word formation skills. Fixing the use of nouns in T.p.

Retelling of the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane" (with elements of dramatization)№14

Letter B #28



Animals of hot countries.

Differentiation of sounds [d] - [d], [t] - [d].

Sounds D, D. Letter D№29

Fixing the use of plural nouns in R.p.

Formation of word formation skills on the topic

Retelling of the story by B.S. Zhitkov “How the elephant saved the owner from the tiger”.№15

SoundsT-D №30


Differentiation of sounds [t] - [d].

Sounds T-D-D #31

Learning how to write complex sentences. Extension of the dictionary of antonyms. Word formation of possessive adjectives.

Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "Family"№16



Differentiation of sounds [g] - [g], [g] - [k].

Sounds G-G.

Letter G No. 33 Sounds K-G No. 34

Consolidation of the skill of using nouns in Tv.p.

Retelling of the fairy tale "Two Braids".№17

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [e], [th]

Sound and letter E, Y


Formation of possessive adjectives. Formation of denominative adjectives.

Retelling of the story by E. Permyak "The First Fish"№18

Defenders of the Fatherland Day

The mechanism of sound formation [ye] The mechanism of sound formation [ya]

Letter E, I


Expansion of the dictionary on the topic.

Compilation of the story "Dog-Nurseman" based on a series of story paintings.№19


Differentiation of sounds [w] - [s]

Sound and letter Sh

#39 Sounds S-Sh #40

Formation and consolidation in speech of verbs of motion with prefixes. Differentiation of transport by types. Consolidation of the use of the form Tv.p. nouns and expanding the vocabulary on the topic.

Drawing up the story “All is well that ends well” according to the plot picture with the invention of previous and subsequent events.№20





phonetic side of speech

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech

Connected speech



Differentiation of sounds [w] - [w]

Sounds of Sh-Zh #45

Formation and expansion of the semantic field of the word "beetle". Development of the vocabulary of adjectives.

Retelling of the story by K.D. Ushinsky "Four Wishes"№21

Spring. Mom's holiday.

Differentiation of sounds [g] - [w], [w] - [g] - [s] - [s]

Sounds W-W-S-W #46

Formation of a dictionary on the topic. Development of word formation skills.

Drawing up the story “Congratulations to Mom” based on a plot picture with inventing previous and subsequent events.№22

migratory birds in spring

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [l], [l]

Sound and L and L letter L№47,48

Formation of the semantic field of the word "swallow". Expansion of the verb dictionary on the topic.

Compilation of the story "The Birdhouse" based on a series of story paintings.№23

Plants and animals in spring.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [ts] Differentiation of sounds [ts] - [s]

Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic. Formation and expansion of the semantic field of the word "flower".

Retelling of the story by G.A. Skrebitsky "Spring" with№24 inventing subsequent events.

Sound and letter C №50,51


Our country.

The mechanism of sound formation [yu]

An exercise in the formation of synonymous series. Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic.

Retelling of the story by S.A. Baruzdin "The country where we live" with№25 changing the main actors and adding subsequent events.

Letter Yu No. 52


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [p], [p]

Sound P Rb letter P№53,№54

Expansion of the dictionary on the topic. Formation of word formation skills and vocabulary expansion.

Compilation of the story “Who feeds us tasty and healthy” (from collective experience)


Our house.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound, differentiation [p] - [l]

An exercise in the formation of complex words. Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic.

Compilation of the story "The house in which I live" (from personal experience)


Sounds R-L №54


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [h], [h] - [t]

Sound and letter H



Formation and expansion of the semantic field of the word "butterfly". Garden-garden-forest: delimitation of concepts on the topic.

retelling of the story by V.A. Sukhomlinsky "It's a shame in front of the nightingale" with№28 imagining previous events.



Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [f] - [f], [f] - [c]

Sounds F, F. Letter F№57

Expansion of the dictionary on the topic. Formation of the skill of using reflexive verbs in speech.

Compilation of the story "Man" based on a series of paintings.№29

FV Sounds #58


Differentiation of sounds [u] - [h]

Sound and letter Ш №59

Formation and expansion of the semantic field of the word "puppy". Development of word formation skills.

Compilation of the story "Puppy" based on a series of story paintings.


Shch-Ch Sounds #60

School. School supplies.

Differentiation of sounds [u] - [t], [u] - [h] - [s] - [t]

Sounds of Sh-Th #61

Coordination possessive pronouns with nouns.

Drawing up a story based on a series of story paintings (with one closed fragment)№31

Sounds SHCH-CH-S-T No. 62


Soft and hard consonants.

Voiceless and voiced consonants№63

An exercise in the formation and use of adjectives in speech comparative degree. Formation and expansion of the dictionary on the topic.

Compilation of the story “How I will spend the summer” (on a given topic)№32

1 subgroup - 5-6 years old:

I period of study (September, October, November)





phonetic side of speech

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech

Connected speech




Development of auditory attention and perception on non-speech sounds


teach children to retell the story based on pictures.

to systematize children's knowledge about the behavior of animals in the autumn;

activate the dictionary on the topic "Autumn";

to consolidate the ability to form nouns in the plural.

to educate children in literary and artistic taste, the ability to understand and feel the mood of the heroes of the work.

Retelling of N. Sladkov's story "Autumn on the Threshold" using a magnetic board№1

Trees in autumn.

Development of auditory attention and perception on speech sounds№2

to teach children how to write a descriptive story based on a diagram;

to reinforce in children the correct use of relative adjectives in speech;

develop the ability to ask questions;

generalize knowledge about trees.

educate children to respect nature.

Compiling a descriptive story about a tree using a description scheme.№2



Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [y]

Letter U #3

teach children to retell the story using plot pictures;

teach the logical structure of the statement.

to develop in children the ability to answer questions in a full sentence;

to consolidate and differentiate children's knowledge on the topic "Garden - garden";

develop attention, thinking, coherent speech;

learn to coordinate words in sentences.

to educate children industriousness and desire to achieve success by their own work.

Retelling of the story "Rich Harvest" using a series of story paintings



Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [a]

Letter A #4

teach children to match nouns to adjectives;

learn to write a story based on a diagram.

reinforce the use of nouns in the accusative case in children;

develop the ability to answer questions with a full answer;

reinforce the use of possessive pronouns.

to educate children in hygiene and self-care skills.

Drawing up a descriptive story about fruits based on a diagram. Story-description "Fruits"№4


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [a] - [y]№5

teach children how to transform verbs singular into the plural.

to exercise children in guessing insects according to their actions;

develop the ability to use nouns in the form of the genitive plural;

reinforce the use of prepositions in the preparation of proposals.

to educate children in love and respect for beautiful places and their inhabitants.

Drawing up a descriptive story about an insect based on a diagram. "Insects"№5

Migratory birds.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [p]

Letter P №6

teach children to form and use prefixed verbs and various prepositions.

develop the ability to make simple sentences;

to exercise children in the formation of nouns with a diminutive meaning;

to consolidate the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals.

to educate in children an interest in the behavior of feathered inhabitants of nature, a careful attitude towards them.

Drawing up a story about a bird that flew out of the nest in search of food according to the actions demonstrated№6


Mushrooms. Berries.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [o]

Letter O No. 7

learn to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms;

learn to form and use nouns in genitive case plural.

reinforce the use of the preposition in;

exercise children in the selection of generalizing words;

develop and activate vocabulary on the topic.

instill in children an interest in the environment and respect for it.

"Forest. Mushrooms. Berries"№7


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [and]

Letter I No. 8

teach children to educate Difficult words;

learn to form possessive adjectives.

expand the dictionary of antonyms;

activate the vocabulary on the topic, reinforce the use of the noun plural.

develop word formation and inflection.

educate children's cognitive interest in the world around them.

Pets and their babies


Wild animals.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [m]

Letter M №9

teach children the formation of possessive adjectives.

to consolidate in children the skill of using simple prepositions in speech:on, from, under, over, behind, in;

exercise in the selection of adjectives for nouns on the topic;

develop vocabulary skills.

cultivate curiosity, kindness, love for the environment.

Wild animals in winter№9

Autumn clothes, shoes, hats.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [n]

Letter H #10

to form in children the ability to select and agree on verbs with nouns in the form of singular and plural.

to activate the vocabulary of children on the topic, to develop coherent speech;

exercise children in the selection of words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms);

develop mental activity and attention.

to educate children in accuracy, the ability to care for items of shoes, clothes.

Shoes. Cloth. Hats.


II period of study (December, January, February)


Winter. Winter months.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [t]

Letter T #11

To consolidate the ability to use prepositions of movement in, from, from, to, to; learn to choose related words; learn to form past tense verbs.

Retelling of the story "Common Hill", based on a painting with a problematic plot№11

Winter. Wild animals in winter. Wintering birds.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [t]

Letter T #12

Learn to form verbs and consolidate children's knowledge about the voices of birds; learn to form adjectives and nouns using diminutive suffixes; to fix the use of nouns in I.p. and R.p. plural

Drawing up a descriptive story about winter birds using a diagram№12


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [k]

Letter K #13

Develop the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives in gender, number, case; learn to select verbs for nouns on the topic \ 4 to consolidate the skill of using nouns in R. p.

Story - description "Chair". Drawing up a story on a topic using previously worked out syntactic constructions.№13

New Year.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of the sound [k] - [k]

Letter K #14

To consolidate the ability to select adjectives for nouns; practice using a preposition without and names of entities in various cases.

Drawing up a story based on reference subject pictures on a winter theme№14



Animals of hot countries.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [b]

Letter B #15

Learn to use nouns in plural. R.p.

The story is a description of the "Elephant". Formation of the skill of writing a short story.№15


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [b]

Letter B #16

Learn to choose words that are opposite in meaning; consolidate knowledge about family ties; develop an understanding of logical and grammatical structures.

Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "Family".№16



Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [e]

Letter E #17

Formation of the vocabulary of verbs.

Retelling of the story "How We Communicate", compiled from separate plot pictures№17

Sea, river and aquarium inhabitants.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [g] - [g]

Letter G #18

Formation of possessive adjectives.

Drawing up a descriptive story about fish using a diagram№18

Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [l]

Letter L №19

Teach the formation of adjectives from nouns; to consolidate the ability to coordinate the numerals two and five with nouns.

Compilation of the story "The border of the Motherland - at the castle" based on a series of story paintings№19


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [s]

Letter Y №20

Teach the formation of prefixed verbs of motion; to consolidate the ability to use nouns in the form of an indirect case.

The story of the boat. Learning how to write a short story.№20

III period of study (March, April, May)



Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [s]

Letter C #21

Exercise in the formation and practical use of possessive and relative adjectives in speech; learn to classify the seasons; work out the case endings of singular and plural nouns.

Retelling of the story by K.D. Ushinsky "Four Wishes"№21

Mom's holiday.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [s]

Letter C #22

Learn to convert masculine nouns into nouns female; exercise in the selection of related words; exercise in the selection of signs for objects.

Drawing up a descriptive story about mother according to your own drawing№22

Migratory birds in spring.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [w]

Letter Sh №23

Expansion of the verb dictionary and noun dictionary on the topic.

Drawing up a descriptive story based on the diagram№23

Plants and animals in spring.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [s] - [w]№24

Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic.

Retelling of the Russian folk tale "Three Bears" with elements of dramatization№24


Our country. Our village.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of the sound [x] - [x]

Letter X #25

Introduce children to the flag, anthem and coat of arms of Russia; learn to form adjectives from nouns; develop the ability to coordinate words in sentences.

Compilation of a descriptive story about our village.№25


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [v] - [v]

Letter B #26

Learn to name professions at the place of work or occupation; reinforce the use of nouns in Tv.p.; exercise in the formation of R.p.

Drawing up a descriptive story about professions using a diagram№26

Our house.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [h]

Letter Z #27

Learn to form complex words; to consolidate the ability to make sentences with prepositions.

Retelling of the story by E. Permyak "How Masha became big"№27


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [з]

Letter Z №28

Coordination of nouns with adjectives and verbs, fixing the use of simple prepositions in speech: on-from, to-from

Drawing up the story "The Hare and the Carrot" based on a series of story paintings№28



Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [g]

Letter Zh №29

Learn to differentiate between perfect and imperfective verbs, form reflexive verbs; to consolidate the ability to form nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes; develop a dictionary of antonyms.

Retelling of L. Tolstoy's fable "Old grandfather and granddaughters"



Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [h] - [g]№30

Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic.

Retelling of L. Tolstoy's story "Kitten"№30


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [d] - [d]

Letter D №31

Strengthen the ability to coordinate nouns with possessive pronouns my . Working out the case endings of the names of

Compilation of the story "How we played" according to the actions demonstrated№31


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [f] - [f]

Letter F №32

Learn to form and use adjectives in a comparative degree; to consolidate the ability to form verbs in the past tense; develop a vocabulary of synonyms.

Compilation of the story "Red Summer has come ..." based on the plot picture№32


As a result of speech therapy work, children should learn:

  • understand addressed speech in accordance with the parameters of the age group;
  • phonetically correctly design the sound side of speech;
  • correctly convey the syllabic structure of words used in independent speech;
  • use simple common sentences in independent speech, master the skills of combining them into a story;
  • possess elementary skills of retelling;
  • master the skills of dialogic speech;
  • master the skills of word formation: produce nouns from verbs, adjectives from nouns and verbs, diminutive and augmentative forms of nouns, etc.;
  • grammatically correct independent speech in accordance with the norms of the language. Case, generic endings of words should be pronounced clearly; simple and almost all complex prepositions - used adequately;
  • use words of various lexical and grammatical categories (nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc.) in spontaneous appeal;
  • master the elements of literacy: the skills of reading and typing some letters, syllables, words, short sentences within the program


  1. Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. “Preparing for school children with general underdevelopment of speech in a special kindergarten: At 2 hours. Part II. Second year of study (preparatory group). A manual for students of defectological faculties, practitioners of special institutions, kindergarten teachers, parents. (M.: Alfa, 1993.)
  2. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Tumanova T.V. and others. « Programs of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with speech disorders. (M.: Enlightenment, 2008)
  3. Gomzyak O.S. “Speak correctly at 6-7 years old” Summaries of frontal studies in a preparatory group for school. (M.: Publishing house "GNOM iD" 2010)
  4. Gomzyak O.S. “Speak correctly at 5-6 years old” Summaries of frontal studies in the senior group. (M.: Publishing house "GNOM iD" 2010)
  5. Agranovich Z.E. "A collection of homework to help speech therapists and parents to overcome lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers with ONR" (St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2001.)
  6. Volkova L.S. and others. "Speech therapy" (M .: Education, Vlados, 1995.)
  7. "Correctional speech therapy work with children aged 5-7 years (in accordance with the FGT)". Block-thematic planning / E.F. Kurmaeva)