Social science part 2 oge. Materials for preparing for the exam in social science. How to write the name of the item

Tasks. There are 31 tasks in the OGE in social studies.

1–20 → short answer tasks covering all the main topics of the social studies course. They need to choose only one answer option: enter the number of the option in the appropriate field on the form or fill out the table for compliance.

21–25 → short answer tasks where you need to use knowledge from different sections of the course. In these tasks, you need to select one or more answers from the proposed options and arrange them in the form of a sequence of numbers without spaces or commas. For example, 234.

26–31 → tasks with a detailed answer related to the analysis of the proposed text on a specific topic. They need to state the course of their thoughts, adhering to logic and using arguments from a text or a social science course.

Course sections. The OGE will test knowledge of the following sections:

Man and society, assignments 1–4

Spiritual culture, 5–6

Economics, 7–10

Social sphere, 11–13

Politics and social management, 14–16

Law, 17–20

All exam requirements are listed in the 2019 specification. Familiarize yourself with it in order to clearly understand what topics will be on the exam.

Time. The exam lasts 180 minutes. To solve one problem basic level difficulty from the first part takes 1-4 minutes, an increased level of complexity - up to 10 minutes.

The tasks with a detailed answer from the second part are solved the longest:

Task 26 → 15–20 minutes

Task 29 → 15–20 minutes

Task 31 → 10–15 minutes

How is work evaluated?

1 point → tasks 1–21, 23–25

2 points → tasks 22, 24, 26–28, 30–31. Task 22 is worth 2 points if there are no mistakes, and 1 point if one mistake is made. In tasks 26–31, points are given depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer. If the answer is complete, you will get the maximum score.

3 points → task 29. You will receive them if the answer contains all the necessary components. If something is missing, you will be given 1 or 2 points - depending on the completeness of the answer.

The maximum you can get at the OGE in social studies is 39 points. They are translated into an assessment on a five-point scale.

15–24 → "3"

25–33 → "4"

34–39 → "5"

How to solve problems with a short answer

1. Carefully read all the words in the condition

They contain the key to the answer. There are usually no superfluous words in tasks, everyone has the knowledge for the right solution.

Exercise 1. A distinctive trend in the development of modern society is:

1. Mechanization

2. Industrialization

3. Modernization

4. Globalization

Solution. In this case, the key word is "modern". To give the correct answer, you need to correlate the terms precisely with modern society rather than with society as a whole.

Answer: 4.

2. Learn all the terms and definitions

Knowing the terms, you can easily find the correct answer.

Task 2. What concept is traditionally used to refer to the totality of socially significant qualities of a person acquired throughout life?

1. Personality


3. Individual

Solution. We recall the definitions: “personality is a concept developed to display social nature of a person, considering him as a subject of socio-cultural life, defining him as a carrier of an individual principle, self-revealing in the context of social relations. It follows from this that the correct answer to the task is personality.

Answer: 1.

3. Read primary sources

This is especially true of tasks on the topic of politics, government and law. Use not only textbooks and manuals, but also the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws and codes. They are written in an understandable language and contain all the necessary information.

Task 18. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Commander Armed Forces Russian Federation is:

1. President of the Security Council

2. Minister of Defense

3. Chief of the General Staff

4. President of the Russian Federation

Solution. We turn to Article 87 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “the President of the Russian Federation is Supreme Commander Armed Forces of the Russian Federation".

Answer: 4.

4. Be careful

At least 20% of mistakes in the social studies exam are made by students due to inattention, and not due to lack of knowledge. Before filling out the form, check all the answer options several times and make sure that you filled out all the columns correctly and did not mix up the numbers.

Task 21. Compare civil and criminal liability. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences:

1. Comes only for the committed crime

2. Applied by the competent authorities of the state

3. Strictly regulated by the rule of law

4. Involves a criminal record of a citizen

Answer. The completed table with the answer should look like this:

5. Do not use additional information unless it is specified in the condition

If there is no data in the task, then you do not need them. Do not seek to demonstrate erudition and breadth of outlook. In tasks with a short answer, this will do more harm than good. After all, you risk getting confused and making a mistake.

Task 23. During one of the Internet surveys, the question was asked: “Which positions would you prefer to hire a non-smoking specialist?” The survey results are shown in the chart below.

Survey results for task 23

Solution. What conclusions can be drawn from the chart data?

1. Employers give preference to non-smoking office workers.

2. Most importantly for employers, account managers should not smoke.

3. It does not matter for employers whether their accountant smokes or not, many will accept a smoking person for this position.

4. The vast majority of surveyed employers would like to see non-smoking administrative staff.

5. Employers do not focus on the smoking of medical staff.

You need to analyze the diagram and find several correct answers. Do not involve additional knowledge to solve the problem and do not calculate anything, because there are no numbers and percentages on the diagram. A simple comparison will suffice.

❌ Option 1 is not suitable, the column "Office employees" is not high enough to indicate the preference of employers.

❌ Option 2 is not suitable. You can't tell from the "Account Managers" column that this is all that important to their employers.

✔️ Option 3 is fine. According to this plate, more than half of employers will hire a smoking accountant, and this is really "many".

✔️ Option 4 is fine. The column dedicated to data on "personal assistants" is the highest - such a majority can be called overwhelming.

✔️ Option 5 is fine. The column relating to the medical staff suggests that employers really do not focus on his bad habits.

Answer: 345.

What to pay attention to. The correct answer entry looks exactly like this - 345, without spaces and commas.

Task 24. It is related to task 23, to solve it you need to use the same diagram.

The results of the survey, reflected in the diagram, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follow from the information received during the survey?

1. If you want to become a personal assistant to the head of a reputable company, you should reconsider your views on smoking, as many managers will prefer a non-smoking assistant to a smoker.

2. Doctors should set an example for other citizens and give up bad habits.

3. When employing office workers, a negative answer to the question about smoking will often play a decisive role.

4. Artists, musicians and other creative workers most often smoke, which does not interfere with their successful career.

5. In the resume of the secretary, it is worth indicating that there are no bad habits, as this will increase the attractiveness of this employee.

Solution. When doing this task, refer exclusively to the diagram. Be guided by the presented data, and not by how correct the statement looks. It may be absolutely true, but not related to the diagram.

In this case, options 2, 3, and 4 are incorrect; no such conclusions can be drawn from the diagram.

Answer: 15.

What to pay attention to. In task 23, there are usually three correct answers, and in task 24, two options.

How to work with text

On the exam, you will receive a short text snippet. You need to read it and complete six tasks. They test your ability to understand the text, divide it into its constituent parts, highlight the main thing, search for the necessary information, analyze it and give examples that illustrate the ideas of the text.

Text for tasks with a detailed answer

Text for tasks with a detailed answer

1 - task 26. Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

  • Highlight the main points, and then head them.
  • The plan should have at least 4-5 points.
  • The plan should be related to the text and touch on all the ideas that are covered in it.
  • Ideas don't always match paragraphs.
  • The plan should be short and concise. Don't use long sentences.
  • You can use interrogative sentences.
  • The plan should form a holistic impression of the text.
  • When making a plan, imagine that you need to make a report on the text, and the plan is your cheat sheet for the speech. If, looking at the plan, you can remember all the main theses from the text, then it is written correctly.
  • The beauty of the wording will not be evaluated, only their correctness. But try to be clear and concise.

2 - task 27. What is the relationship between patriotism and state policy noted by the author, quoting V.V. Putin? What concepts are closely related to this?

  • Do not start answering the second question of the assignment until you answer the first.
  • When answering questions, stick to a clear structure. It is best to start with the words indicated in the task. "Quoting the words of Putin, the author notes that the policy of the state should be based on patriotism." "The author says that the concepts of political and economic stability are connected with this."

3 - task 28. What definitions of the Motherland does the author note? Indicate two features that characterize the patriotic attitude to the Motherland, highlighted by the author.

  • If the condition refers to definitions, then there must be at least two of them.
  • Rewrite the definitions, abbreviating them in your own words.
  • Find the indicated features in the text and choose two of them.

4 - task 29. What definition of patriotism is closest to the author? Using social science knowledge, give two examples of such patriotism.

  • Find the correct definitions in the text.
  • Determine which one is closest to the author.
  • Examples should not be from the text, but from a social studies course, books, films, the Internet or your own experience.
  • In 2-3 sentences, explain why this particular example seems appropriate to you.

This means that one example must be taken from the text, one from other sources.

  • Find in the text those features that are mentioned in the condition.
  • Choose two of them.
  • Choose features that you like best and that are easier for you to explain.
  • For each line, give an example not from the text.
  • Justify your idea in a few sentences.

Task 26 The task requires to draw up a plan of the text, highlighting its main relatively complete semantic fragments and title each of them. An outline is a clear sequential presentation of parts of the content of the text in brief formulations that reflect the theme and / or main idea of ​​the corresponding fragment. To complete the task, you must: - read the text carefully, - understand its content, - understand the topic, - identify the main ideas of the text. The names of the paragraphs of the plan should not fully reproduce individual phrases of the text. It is necessary to highlight the main idea of ​​each fragment and briefly formulate it. The number of selected fragments can be different.

Types of Plans A plan can be simple or complex. The plan can be drawn up in a denominative form (no verbs). The plan can be drawn up in question or thesis form. - The question plan is written in the form of questions to the text; Each paragraph of the text corresponds to one question. - The thesis plan consists of theses of the verb system. The thesis is a briefly formulated main provision of a paragraph of text, lecture, report, etc.

Criteria for assessing the task 1. The ability to identify the main semantic fragments of the text, to formulate their names (points of the plan) is assessed. 2. The maximum score for completing the task is 2 points. 3. When evaluating the performance of this task, the expert decides whether the structure of the text is correctly determined by the graduate (are all the semantic parts of the text highlighted; are there any “extra” semantic parts missing in the text; are the points of the plan related by meaning); how accurately the content of the text is conveyed in the titles of the points of the plan (how accurately the points of the plan reveal the main idea of ​​the corresponding fragment, the author’s thought; do they correspond to the general logic of disclosing the content of the text). 4. If all the semantic parts of the text are highlighted, the title reflects the main ideas of the text logically and completely - 2 points are given. 5. If the student correctly identified more than half of the semantic fragments of the text and reflected the main ideas of the relevant parts of the text in the names (paragraphs of the plan), then 1 point is given. 6. The main fragments of the text are not highlighted OR the names of the selected fragments (points of the plan) do not correspond to the main idea of ​​the corresponding parts of the text, being quotations from the corresponding fragment, OR the answer is incorrect, 0 points are given

Task 27 The second task involves the extraction of information presented in the text explicitly. Tasks may contain requirements: find any two (three) definitions in the text (explanations, reasons, characteristics, etc.); find answers to 2-3 questions in the text; find evidence (arguments, etc.) in the text that the author cites in support of some idea; fill in the gaps in the table. The ability to extract information from the text is tested and evaluated. For example, bringing one position instead of the required three or four indicates an insufficient level of possession of this skill. Please note: The task is directly related to the text. Examinee's reasoning, not related to the content of the text, cannot be considered the correct answer. If the answer is reduced to reasoning that is not directly related to the text, then it is scored 0 points. The maximum score for completing the task is 2 points.

Task 28 The task involves a transformative reproduction or interpretation of the information contained in the text. This type of task has several models: determine what is a fact, determine its causes; establish the consequences of the described social phenomenon; explain the position (opinion, point of view, etc.) of the author and give his arguments (explanations, evidence, examples, etc.); evaluate the role of certain factors, etc. In the graduate's answer, the required information can be given in the form of a direct quotation from the text, and details can be omitted and only a fragment of the phrase is given. Information can also be given in the form of a paraphrase close to the text. The reasoning of the examinee, not directly related to the content of the text, cannot be considered the correct answer. If the answer is reduced to only such reasoning, it is estimated at 0 points. The task, like the previous task 27, also directly relates to the text, but requires its interpretation and involvement of the knowledge of the course. You should carefully read what and in what quantity you need to name and what sources of information to involve (only text or knowledge of the course, personal experience, facts of public life).

Task 29 The task involves going beyond the content of the text and attracting knowledge of the social science course, the facts of social life or the graduate's personal social experience. An assignment can have two parts (for example, an explanation and examples). This type of tasks has several models of conditions and requirements: Using the facts of social life and personal social experience, name three manifestations of a phenomenon ... Using the content of the text, knowledge of the course and personal social experience, give three confirmations ... (give three explanations) ... Using facts social life and personal experience, confirm with three examples ... (give three examples, confirm with three specific examples) ... Based on social science knowledge and personal social experience, make three assumptions ... Using the content of the text, social science knowledge and facts of public life, give two examples ... and briefly explain each example ... Using the content of the text, social science knowledge and personal social experience, explain three situations ... Illustrate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe text with three examples ... (illustrate any three characteristics given in the text with specific examples) ... Formulate three recommendations based on the author's text ...

Criteria for evaluating tasks 29. What are the requirements for the implementation of such tasks? Firstly, the accuracy and correctness of the facts presented, their compliance with the theoretical provisions given in the task; Secondly, reasoning should concretize the essence of the theoretical position given in the assignment, the logical and meaningful correctness of these reasoning is evaluated. The provisions or concepts that need to be specified, as a rule, are of a general, abstract nature (such is the specificity of social science knowledge). Examples may be facts of the past and present, gleaned from one's own experience or that have become publicly known; real events and simulated situations. The maximum score is 3 points.

Task 30 The task, which, as a rule, has an independent detailed condition, tests the ability to apply knowledge gleaned from a source of social information to solve a specific problem. The task involves the use of information from the text to comprehend and explain relevant facts and processes real life, practical life situations. The correct answer must contain the following elements: answer to the question text fragment The task is evaluated as follows: An explanation is given, a text fragment is given. - 2 points. An explanation is given OR a piece of text is given. -1 point. The answer is incorrect. - 0 points. Tasks have two levels of requirements: the first refers directly to the situation formulated in the condition; the second - focuses on the search for information to solve the problem in the proposed source. The variants use different models of the condition: a problem situation, a social fact, statistical data, a problem statement, etc.

Examples of tasks 30 Condition of the task - a problem situation Citizens have submitted an application for registration of marriage to the registry office. The bride immediately demanded that the groom provide her material support. The groom refused, citing the fact that the marriage had not yet been concluded. Is the groom's refusal legal? Explain your answer. What piece of text can help you explain? The task condition is a social fact In state Z, the share of rural residents has significantly decreased over the past 20 years, which has had a negative impact on the development of the agricultural sector. In this regard, a law was passed prohibiting the inhabitants of villages and villages from leaving for the city. Evaluate this law from the standpoint of knowledge of natural human rights. Provide a piece of text that can justify your assessment. The maximum score for completing the task is 2 points.

Task 31 The task involves the formulation and argumentation by the graduate of his own judgment (or the author's position, opinion, etc.) on the current problematic issue public life. This building is directly related to the content of the text, but involves consideration of its individual provisions from a different perspective. The assignment to the text is constructed in such a way that in his answer the student can both agree with the given point of view and refute it. The correct answer must contain the following elements: student's opinion: agreement or disagreement with the stated position; arguments (explanations), in case of agreement or disagreement.

Criteria for evaluating assignment 31 - The student's opinion is expressed, two arguments are given. - 2 points. - The student's opinion is expressed, one argument is given OR the student's opinion is not expressed, but it is clear from the context, two arguments are given. - 1 point. - The student's opinion is expressed, no arguments are given OR the student's opinion is not expressed, but it is clear from the context, one argument is given OR the answer is incorrect. - 0 points. Evaluated: - content completeness, - the logical validity of the student's own position, - the variety of the arguments given by him. Arguments can be knowledge, facts, examples gleaned from the course, from media reports, from personal social experience. This type of tasks has another model of the condition and the requirements arising from it: - Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of the position (opinion, point of view, etc.) of the author. Maximum score - 2:

Note to students Use of the texts included in KIMS Unified State Examination in social studies lessons In the learning process, it is necessary to acquaint students with texts various kinds, showing their originality and characteristic features. This is not, of course, a serious textual analysis. It is enough to accustom students to start working with the text by “recognizing” its species, this will facilitate its interpretation and analysis. The "recognition effect", as practice shows, is extremely important for the successful completion of examination tasks in relation to the tasks of part C. It is appropriate to use the recommendations described in the methodological literature. It should be remembered: if the main statement in the text, the argument of any truth, is most likely scientific text; if the norms of behavior are set out (prohibitions, prescriptions, opportunities), this is most likely a legal document; if the basis of the text are value judgments, the attitude to something is clearly shown; this is a journalistic text; if quantitative indicators are presented that reflect the state or development trend of an object, these are static materials; if the text contains assessments of the state of society and forecasts, promises, plans for improvement, this is most likely a political document; if only facts are stated (a description of something, some actions or someone's judgments is given), these are informational materials” (L.N. Bogolyubov, E.L. Rutkovskaya).

How to work with the text on the exam 1. How to start working with the text? It is necessary to carefully read both the text and the questions to it. “Solid” reading is useful in that it makes it possible to orientate in the text, preliminarily (not always explicitly, more often in a filmed form) determine its structure, note key provisions, correlate its content with tasks and questions. It is important in the process of preliminary reading to clearly determine to which content line of the course of social science the proposed text belongs. Such a correlation is necessary because, as has been noted more than once, some tasks involve the involvement of contextual knowledge. 2. Is it necessary to determine the main idea of ​​the text? It is not necessary to look for exact formulations (unless, of course, among the tasks there is one that directly prescribes to determine the main idea of ​​the author); it is enough to answer the question: “What is the text talking about?”.

How to work with the text on the exam 3. In what order should I answer the questions? The general principle is simple to answer in the order in which they are presented in the work. It is sometimes impossible to complete the subsequent task if the answer to the previous question is not found. However, if there are difficulties, you should not stop working on the text. Each task is evaluated, and even a not very convincing answer may contain the correct elements that deserve an extra point. 4. How to find out for yourself whether to look for the answer in the text or do you need to remember what was studied in the lessons? Read the assignment carefully. It gives the appropriate instructions: find in the text; what the author says what signs does the author name; Based on the knowledge of the course and your own experience, describe; specify the opinion of the author, based on knowledge of the course. The conclusion is obvious: you need to carefully read the task.

How to work with the text on the exam 5. What should I pay attention to when completing assignments? Important: read the assignment carefully; understand what exactly is required for a successful response; understand what parts the task consists of; try to complete all the tasks; if you can answer only part of the task, be sure to write down the answer (each element of the answer is evaluated, incomplete, but the correct answer will bring you extra points); do not go beyond the scope of the question, do not try to write everything you know about the problem, do not evaluate the author's opinion and do not seek to express your point of view, if this is not expressly provided for by the task.

Detailed performance analysistasks with a detailed answerat the OGE exam in social studies

second part examination work compose tasks with a detailed answer. Each of the six tasks in this part tests a specific skill on a different social science course content. There are some general rules that can be recommended for the successful completion of the tasks in this part.

First of all, you need to read the condition of the assignment and clearly understand the requirement, which indicates the elements of the response being evaluated. At the same time, it is important to pay attention not only towhat to name(indicate, formulate, etc.): signs, (features, arguments, examples, etc.), but also determine whichnumber of data elementsit is necessary to bring (one, two, three, etc.).

This is necessary in order to get the maximum score without doing extra work (when instead of three elements the graduate gives, for example, five or six). The fact is that there is a clear dependence of points on the completeness of the correct answer. The answer may be correct, but incomplete. In this case, it will be impossible to get the maximum score.

Read the text and write out the tasks.

We are entering an age in which education, knowledge, professional skills will play a decisive role in the fate of a person. Without knowledge, by the way, which is becoming more and more complicated, it will simply be impossible to work, to be useful ... A person will bring in new ideas, think about what a machine cannot think about. And for this, the general intelligence of a person, his ability to create something new and, of course, moral responsibility, which a machine cannot bear in any way, will be more and more needed ... the hardest and most the most difficult task to be not just a man, but a man of science, a man who is morally responsible for everything that happens in the age of machines and robots. General education can create a person of the future, a creative person, a creator of everything new and morally responsible for everything that will be created.

Teaching is what a young person needs now from a very young age. You must always learn. Until the end of his life, not only taught, but also studied all the major scientists. If you stop learning, you won't be able to teach. For knowledge is growing and becoming more complex. At the same time, it must be remembered that the most favorable time for learning is youth. It is in youth, in childhood, in adolescence, in youth, that the human mind is most receptive.

Know how not to waste time on trifles, on “rest”, which sometimes tires more than the hardest work, do not fill your bright mind with muddy streams of stupid and aimless “information”. Take care of yourself for learning, for acquiring knowledge and skills that you will master easily and quickly only in your youth.

And here I hear the heavy sigh of a young man: what a boring life you offer our youth! Only study. And where is the rest, entertainment? So why shouldn't we rejoice?

No. The acquisition of skills and knowledge is the same sport. Teaching is difficult when we do not know how to find joy in it. We must love to study and choose smart forms of recreation and entertainment that can also teach something, develop in us some abilities that will be needed in life ...

Learn to love learning!

(D.S Likhachev)

26 . Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

27 . What, according to the author, will be the role of man in production in the 21st century? Indicate any two qualities that, in the opinion of the author, a person will need.

28 . Why, according to the author, a young person needs to learn from the very beginning early age? Use the text to provide two reasons.

29 . What forms of recreation and entertainment does the author recommend for young people? Give two examples of such forms; In each case, indicate what qualities this form develops.

31 . The author believes that "one must always learn." Using the text and social science knowledge, confirm with two arguments (explanations) the need continuing education throughout a person's life.

The first task for the text(No. 26 in the work) requires to draw up a plan of the text, highlighting its main semantic fragments and title each of them. To complete this task, you must carefully read the text, understand its content, identify the main ideas. It is very important to understand that the names of the points of the plan should not fully reproduce the individual phrases of the text - it is necessary to briefly formulate the main idea of ​​each fragment on your own. At the same time, the number of selected fragments can be different; the evaluation system does not set any specific number of plan items. But at the same time, one must understand that in splitting the text into semantic fragments (micro-themes) there must be a certain logic, and on the basis of its understanding, the expert checking the work can conclude that the main semantic fragments are highlighted.

In our example, the following semantic fragments can be distinguished, for example:

  1. the role of education in the 21st century;
  2. moral responsibility of a man of science;
  3. young years - time of study;
  4. be able to find joy in learning.

Other formulations of the points of the plan are possible that do not distort the essence of the main idea of ​​the fragment, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks. The correctness of all formulations of the work in the verification process will be determined by the expert.

The next two tasks require extracting information from the text.

The second task for the text(No. 27 in work) involves the extraction of information presented explicitly. The required information can be given in the form of a direct quotation from the text, and lengths and details can be omitted and only a recognizable fragment of the phrase is given. Information can be given in the form of a paraphrase close to the text. Both of these options are equal.

In our example, the following elements should be given:

  1. role: a person will bring new ideas, think about what a machine cannot think about;
  2. qualities: the general intelligence of a person, his ability to create something new, moral responsibility.

It is possible that in the text you can find what is not required in the task, but large quantity units of information. In this case, the student can choose any of them.

The third task for the text(No. 28 in work) involves the extraction and some interpretation of the information presented in the text.

In our example, the correct answer should contain the reasons:

  1. knowledge is growing and becoming more complex;
  2. it is in youth that the human mind is most receptive.

The fourth task to the text(No. 29 in work) involves going beyond the content of the text and attracting the contextual knowledge of the social science course, the facts of social life or the graduate's personal social experience.

What are the requirements for such assignments? First, the accuracy and correctness of the facts cited (social facts or models social situations), their correspondence to the theoretical provisions given in the task. Secondly, the presence of reasoning that concretizes the essence of the theoretical position given in the assignment, the logical and meaningful correctness of these reasoning. Thirdly, the correctness of the reflection in the arguments and facts of various types of connections.

In our example, the following explanations can be given:

A correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) answer to the question: the author recommends "smart" forms of recreation and entertainment, which can also teach something, develop in us the abilities that will be needed in life;

2) two examples indicating qualities, let's say:

- classes in the sports section develop strength, dexterity, strong-willed qualities, the ability to interact with partners and rivals;

- reading works of art develops imagination, a sense of empathy; expands ideas about the world and man.

Elements of the answer can be given in other formulations that are close in meaning.

Fifth assignment to the text(No. 30 in work) - a task that, as a rule, has an independent detailed condition, tests a whole range of skills: correlate individual facts and social processes, apply the knowledge of the social science course, supplement the knowledge of the course with information from the proposed source, apply the source of social information to solve the problem, etc.

Such explanations can be given.

Man bears moral responsibility for “everything. what happens in the age of machines and robots”, because:

1) the global economic problems faced by humanity in the second half of the 20th century are largely caused by the intensive transformational activity of man, the nature and direction of which at the beginning of the 21st century is not changed;

2) developing equipment and technologies not only provide positive influence on the development of society, but also carry a potential threat to the existence of mankind.

Other explanations may be given.

The variants use different models of the condition (problem situation, social fact, statistical data, problem statement, etc.)

Sixth assignment to the text(No. 31 in the work) involves the formulation and argumentation by the graduate of his own judgment on the actual problematic issue of public life. This task is directly related to the content of the text, but it requires considering the text from a different perspective.

In our example, the correct answer should contain the following elements:

arguments (explanations):

1) in modern world knowledge becomes obsolete very quickly, so you have to constantly replenish and correct it;

2) modern people often change jobs, so you have to constantly learn new information, activities.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

This question has two objectives:

  • in the form of a question containing the key idea of ​​the semantic block: ""
  1. essence of the middle class.
  2. composition of the middle class.
  3. Middle class features.
  1. What is the middle class?
  2. What are the functions of the middle class?


Every person over the age of eighteen knows from his own experience what exam. But school exam- this is still half the trouble. Here a person studies for quite a long time, so he gets used to the teachers, and they, in turn, to the students. And perhaps they will exam some relief or help. But now, with the advent of the One in our country State Exam, everything changes. And instead of live communication with a person from the commission, we are forced to draw circles in tests.


In fact, this is the most serious. Let's remember the philosophy of eastern martial arts when they say: "Never underestimate your opponent." In this case, this is an opponent who is better to overestimate, and it is much better to prepare.

But, looking from the other side, you understand that social science is the same subject as all the others. Therefore, there is nothing supernatural here. For successful delivery exam All it takes is some preparation and self-confidence.

You should start preparing about a year or so before exam A. human brain is arranged in such a way that information perceived sometime in the past is much better absorbed and easier to extract than that which was read a couple of hours ago.

As John Kehoe wrote in The Subconscious Can Do Anything, the information that the brain has perceived throughout life does not disappear. Even if a person does not remember something, this does not mean that it does not exist. The main part of the perceived material is deposited in the subconscious. And at the right moment, the brain can remember it. But there will be no certainty that this is the correct answer. There will be a clear understanding that it is not knowledge that is manifested, but. But this is only an unobtrusive work of the subconscious, which helps to find the right answer in various questions.

As for the immediate exam well, then the day before it is better not to load the brain with anything superfluous, but just relax. Information overload and excitement before the big day can lead to stress, which is not the best thing to be. Therefore, the most correct option is to relax and sleep.

Advice 3: How to correctly complete task 26 in the OGE in social studies

Task 26 in the OGE: how to do it correctly? What do you need to know to get the maximum score? Features of the answer and advice to the student.

Task number 26 in the OGE in social studies is one of the simplest and at the same time causing the most problems for schoolchildren. Nevertheless, it is not so difficult to perform it: you just need to learn a few simple rules.

The 26th task is a brief outline of the text presented for analysis. It is valued at 2 points. It is necessary to highlight all the semantic fragments of the passage and title each of them.

This question has two objectives:

  1. check the student's ability to highlight the key thoughts of the text, without which it is impossible to study normally in a professional institution;
  2. assess the child's writing skills short plan response.

There is a third function, which is already important for the student himself: after compiling the “table of contents”, it will be much easier to answer the remaining questions of the written part.

What task number 26 should look like

To make it easier to understand exactly how to call each item, imagine that you were asked to write a report on some topic that is not too familiar to you. And only the table of contents for this report was allowed to be taken with them to the speech. Accordingly, each paragraph of this table of contents should be drawn up in such a way that, after reading it, you immediately remember the contents of the entire chapter.

There are two ways to create a text plan:

  • in the form of a sentence of a nominal form: "Functions of the middle class";

At the same time, an answer made in the form of a table of contents, rather than a list of the main questions of the text, is more appreciated.

Most often, the semantic block coincides with the paragraph. However, there are other situations as well. So, sometimes one large paragraph can contain two fragments that carry completely different information. In this case, each of them will have to be singled out as a separate item of the plan.

It also happens the other way around: several paragraphs reveal different aspects of the same issue, so it is impossible to single out each paragraph separately. Most often this happens when the author lists the functions or features of a social phenomenon.

For example, the text "Middle class" is divided into 8 paragraphs; while the fourth paragraph says that the middle class performs different functions, and in all subsequent paragraphs, each of these functions is revealed in turn. It turns out that there are really only 4 semantic blocks in this task: all functions, together with introductory sentence should be singled out.

The correct plan for this story would look like this:

  1. essence of the middle class.
  2. composition of the middle class.
  3. Criteria for the selection of the middle class.
  4. Middle class features.

Or, if you prefer to complete the 26th task in the form of questions, you can compose the table of contents in this way:

  1. What is the middle class?
  2. Who belongs to the middle class?
  3. What are the criteria for the middle class?
  4. What are the functions of the middle class?

Please note that the task form does not allow too long sentences, paragraphs consisting of two or more sentences, as well as additional subparagraphs such as "1a", "1b", "1c". Items containing words that do not carry a semantic load, or that look like a piece of a phrase taken out of context, will not be counted.

At the same time, it is not forbidden to write out fragments of text in the table of contents, if they reflect the meaning of the paragraph well and do not contain unnecessary words.

How to write the name of the item

In order to learn how to do task No. 26 correctly, you need to learn how to highlight the key thoughts of the text and each paragraph separately. To do this, try to mentally retell the text, answering the question: “what is the passage about”? And in the first paragraph? In the second paragraph?

There is no need to repeat phrases that are already in the text: shorten and simplify them, conveying only the general meaning. Remove all introductory words, epithets and comparisons, leave only the "framework" - a few phrases, without which a sentence or paragraph will lose its meaning. They will be the main idea.

For example, in the phrase "It is quite obvious that the language stratification runs along other lines than the lines of racial or state stratification" there are only 5 words that really matter: "language stratification", "lines", "racial" and "state stratification". All other words serve only to link this sentence with the previous and subsequent ones and to give the phrase an “emotional” coloring. It is from these five words that you will need to build the name of the item for task 26.

The key idea of ​​the phrase is that the lines of different types of social stratification are different. It remains to turn the narrative form of the sentence into the form of a title: "Lines of social stratification."

The title should be short, concise and fully reflect the meaning of the fragment. There is no need to overly concretize or generalize the meaning of the statement. So, the option "social stratification" for the mentioned item will not be counted. It is clear that the entire text is about social stratification. But since this paragraph deals specifically with the criteria for this stratification, then more and more "extensive" titles will be incorrect, since they will not give an idea of ​​the content of the "chapter".

Ninth-graders can be given one more piece of advice: read more and try mentally or aloud to retell what you read so that the skill of highlighting key thoughts gradually becomes automatic.


  • OGE in social studies: analysis of tasks with a detailed answer
  • How to complete tasks 26 in social studies

Text No. 1

(according to B.V. Markov)

Task 26.Plan your text. To do this, you de-li-those basic semantic fragments of the text and name each of them.

Task 27.What two groups of sciences about che-lo-ve-ke are you de la author? How does the human essence race with the sciences that are included in each of these groups?

Task 28.The author writes that “both philosophy, and religion, and biology elevate man above the rest of nature and recognize, albeit for different reasons, his principles al originality. Pri-ve-di-those according to one example, confirming the author’s statement.

Task 29.The author writes that a person is worth the rest of nature, not as an inhabitant of another, higher world, but as a being, in some la-et-sya plan of nature itself. What a global pro-blem-ma is born by the de-I-tel-no-ness of a person, based on the belief that people can breed in-rya-reap-sya nature as beings of another, higher world? Give any two examples of solving this problem with the modern society and explain how each of the examples you gave il- lu-stri-ru-et pre-odo-le-ni-che-lo-ve-che-stvom in a kind of approach to nature.

Task 30.Indicate the objects of study of the gu-ma-ni-tar-ny and social sciences? Give examples.

Task 31.The author writes that "any conception of a person-lo-ve-ka comes from the presence of a natural and reasonable in him." Bring-ve-di-these two examples of na-li-chia in the person-lo-ve-ke of these two sides - natural and reasonable.

Text No. 2

(Based on materials from the site:

Task 26.

Task 27.What were the goals macroeconomic policy during the given period? Name two goals.

Task 28.

Task 29.

Task 30.

A country


Great Britain




Task 31.

Text No. 3

(Volkov Yu.G., Dobrenkov V.I. and others)

Task 26.Plan your text. To do this, you de-li-those basic semantic fragments of the text and head each of them.

Task 27.

Task 28.

Task 29.

Task 30.

Task 31.

Text No. 4

But still main feature each industry - the presence of a special legal regime ("method of regulation"), which characterizes how, in what way - through permits, prohibitions, obligations - legal regulation is carried out. Let's say civil law, labor law gravitates to permissions; to prohibitions - criminal; to obligations - administrative. A qualified practicing lawyer knows that the designation of legal cases as criminal, labor, family indicates that in this case a special legal order operates.

For example, a citizen entered into an agreement with the organization on the production of work, and then a conflict arose, and the legal body needs to consider the “case”. What's the deal? The answer to this question depends on what kind of agreement was concluded. Employment contract? Just a contract agreement? In the first case (an employment contract), labor law comes into force. If a contract agreement is concluded, then there is already a different legal regime, established and supported not by labor law, but by civil law.

(According to S. S. Alekseev)

Task 26.Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Task 27.

Task 28.

Task 29.

Task 30.

Task 31.

Text No. 1 (explanation)

Any concept of man comes from the presence in him of the natural and reasonable. Related to this is the difference in the disciplines that study man. The rational side is explored by philosophy and other humanities, and the animal side by biology, medicine and other sciences.

A holistic image of a person is formed as the sum of these knowledge. But the two sides of human nature are far from being regarded as equal. According to philosophy, only the mind is decisive in a person, because it subordinates the passions of the soul and controls bodily behavior. Biology, on the contrary, declares the main other half, considers man to be a higher animal, whose mind is genetically dependent on nature ...

However, philosophy, religion, and biology equally elevate man above the rest of nature and recognize, although different grounds, its fundamental peculiarity. Thus, the problem is not to reconcile these approaches by simply summing up the knowledge they have accumulated, but to come up with a new definition of man and fit him into nature without overestimating his originality: man does not oppose the rest of nature as an inhabitant of nature. another, higher world, but as a being in which the plan of nature itself is realized.

Task 26.Plan your text. To do this, you de-li-those the main semantic fragments of the text and name each of them (2 points).

1) Various disciplines studying a person.

2) In-no-ma-nie essence-no-sti ra-zu-ma bio-lo-gi-her and philosophy.

3) Not-about-ho-di-bridge define the place and role of man in nature.

Task 27.What two groups of sciences about che-lo-ve-ke are you de la author? How does the human essence race with the sciences that are included in each of these groups (2 points)?

1. Two groups of sciences are named: to one group of sciences, from the sciences, researching the lo-ve-ka (philosophy and other gu-ma-ni-tar disciplines), and to the other - sciences, investigating animals che-lo-ve-ka (biology, me-di-qi-na, etc.).

2) The answer to the second question: a) According to the voice, but fi-lo-so-fii, only the mind is-la-et-xia is defined-de-la-u-schim in a person, for under-chi -nya-et passions of the soul and con-tro-li-ru-et te-forest-noe behavior.

b) Biology, on the contrary, declares the main other half, considers man to be the highest animal, the mind of someone ti-che-ski or funk-tsi-o-nal-but for-vis-sit from nature.

Task 28.The author writes that “both philosophy, and religion, and biology elevate man above the rest of nature and recognize, albeit for different reasons, his principles al originality. Pri-ve-di-those according to one example, confirming the author’s statement (2 points).

1. Philosophy: many fi-lo-so-fas on-zy-va-li che-lo-ve-ka “the crown of creation” b-go-da-rya he has a ra-zu- ma and

the ability to think rationally.

2. Religion: according to biblical tradition, man was created in the image and in the way of God, which puts him above other creatures .

3. Biology: the top of the evolution of life on Earth was a man, someone who is different from all other living or-ga-niz-movs not only attaches to its environment, but also attaches it to its needs.

Task 29.The author writes that a person is worth the rest of nature, not as an inhabitant of another, higher world, but as a being, in some la-et-sya plan of nature itself. What a global pro-blem-ma is born by the de-I-tel-no-ness of a person, based on the belief that people can breed in-rya-reap-sya nature as beings of another, higher world? Give any two examples of solving this problem with the modern society and explain how each of the examples you gave il- lu-stri-ru-et pre-ado-le-ni-che-lo-ve-che-stvom in a kind of approach to nature (3 points).

1. Name the problem: environmental.

2. At-ve-de-us two examples with explanations, for example:

a) In the modern world, various international organizations are active, but the goal of some is protection of wild animals from ex-treb-le-tion by man. The de-I-tel-ness of such or-ga-ni-za-tsy is based on the belief that a person has no right to claim other living su -society for the sake of one's own pleasure and entertainment.

b) In many coun- tries enterprises, which reduces the pollution of the non-human environment. Data for-ko-us-no-va-na on the notions that the de-i-tel-ness of a person-lo-ve-ka should not-on-but-sit damage-ba to the environment -schey environment, destroy nature.

Task 30.Indicate the objects of study of the gu-ma-ni-tar-ny and social sciences?

Give examples (2 points).

1. Indicate the objects of the study of the gu-ma-ni-tar and social sciences: the gu-ma-ni-tar sciences of the study yut person, public-nye - different sides of society.

2. At-ve-de-ny examples of social sciences: sociology, economics, political science.

Task 31.The author writes that "any conception of a person-lo-ve-ka comes from the presence of a natural and reasonable in him." At-ve-di-te, two examples of na-li-chiya in a person of these two sides - natural and reasonable (2 points).

Examples are given:

1. Natural side - physio-lo-gi-che-sky needs, po-lo-vye differences.

2. Reasonable side-ro-on - member-but-different speech, logical thinking.

Text No. 2 (explanation)

In the 50s-70s. 20th century state intervention in the economy in Europe and the United States was comprehensive. It was necessary to restore the economy destroyed by the war, increase the economic potential, strengthen the competitiveness of their countries.

During this period, a significant state sector arose - on the basis of the nationalization of a number of branches of the economy or the creation of state enterprises in the leading sectors of the economy. The share of government spending and taxes increased.

This growth was based on an increase in social spending (the creation of a modern system of social insurance and assistance to those in need). Important legislative norms were adopted regarding the minimum wage, the conditions for hiring and firing workers, and safety in enterprises. This became the basis for calling a state with such a system of social support a “welfare state”, and the market system itself a “socially oriented economy”.

critical role macroeconomic policy began to play - a policy of general economic regulation, designed to stabilize the economy, rid it of crises and inflation, and maintain high growth and employment rates. In accordance with the ideas of J. Keynes and his followers, the state budget was used for its implementation, as well as the monetary mechanism. With their help, governments sought to manage demand - to expand it in an economic downturn and to limit it in an upswing and the threat of inflation.

Task 26.Plan your text.

1) the reasons for government intervention in the economy in 50−70 years. XX century;

2) the emergence of a significant public sector;

3) the reasons for the growth of state intervention in the economy;

4) the role of macroeconomic policy.

Task 27.What were the objectives of macroeconomic policy during this period? two goals.

1) stabilize the economy;

2) save it from crises and inflation;

3) maintain high rates of growth and employment.

Task two character traits"socially oriented economy".

1) creation of a modern system of social insurance and assistance to those in need;

2) the presence of important legislative norms relating to the minimum wage, the terms of employment and dismissal of workers, safety in enterprises.

Task 29.How was the public sector created? Name two ways. Support each with an example.

1) the nationalization of a number of sectors of the economy (examples: the nationalization of earth oil production in Mexico in 1938 by the government of Lazaro Cardenas; the nationalization of a number of industries in England in the 1940s; the nationalization of the Suez Canal by the Egyptian government in 1956);

2) the creation of state-owned enterprises in the leading sectors of the economy (example: Gazprom in Russia).

Task 30.Analyze the data on government spending in developed Western countries in this period as a percentage of GDP:

A country


Great Britain




How do the given data characterize the role of the state in the economy? What, in the author's opinion, influenced the change in the role of the state during this period? Give a statement in the text that supports this conclusion.

1) government spending is a significant part of GDP;

2) quote: “The share of government spending and taxes increased. This growth was based on an increase in social spending (the creation of a modern system of social insurance and assistance to those in need).

Task 31.The text contains a point of view according to which state regulation of the economy is assessed positively. Do you share this position? Give two reasons to support your position.

1. People feel protected by the state.

2. Social tension is reduced in society.

Arguments in rebuttal:

1. Dependent sentiments are growing among the population.

2. High taxes for social programs hinder business development.

Other arguments may also be given.

Text No. 3 (explanation)

As the population of European countries turned from predominantly rural to urban, the role of children in society also changed. Children no longer performed a significant economic function in the family, because workplace became separated from the house. Over the years, compulsory school attendance, child labor laws, and special legal regulations for teenagers have made the concept of adolescence take root and become a real social category.

During adolescence, individuals undergo changes in growth and development that can be considered truly revolutionary. After many years of being in the position of juniors and dependent on adults, they are suddenly compared with them in physical constitution, stature and strength. But the main content of adolescence is the formation of a fairly stable personality. IN Everyday life people interact with each other usually based on their own ideas about other people and themselves. Therefore, for adolescents, the search for their own personality becomes especially acute.

During this period of transition from childhood to adulthood, young people tend to confuse their social roles, their ideas about themselves are still not clear enough. An unformed personality attracts adolescents to search for a more reliable support, as a result of which they are so susceptible to outside influences and easily join all sorts of groups, rush headlong into love adventures or social movements.

Although the media actively discusses the contradictions between adolescents and their parents, the problem of the generation gap appears to be oversimplified. Research shows that both family and peers have an equally important impact on the lives of most teenagers. The peer group has a greater influence on the formation of musical tastes and personal preferences of a teenager. Family members have a greater influence on a teenager when it comes to career choices, life goals and core values. In many cases, a large proportion of young people see no reason to sharp border between the value system of their parents and their peers. This can be partly explained by the fact that adolescents intuitively choose friends who share views that are consistent with those of their family members.

Task 26.Plan your text.

1) the transformation of under-growths into a re-al-ny so-qi-al-ny category;

2) the content of the under-growth-to-the-th period;

3) problems of nes-for-mi-ro-vav-shey-sya personality;

4) the influence of peers and family members on a teenager.

Task 27.Name three factors that, in the author's opinion, contribute to the fact that the concept of "adolescence" has become a real social category.

1) special legal regulations;

2) the cessation of the children from fulfilling the meaning of my eco-no-mi-che function;

3) be sure to visit the school;

4) child labor laws.

Task 28.The author calls the changes, pro-is-ho-dying in undergrowth, revolutionary. Using the content of the text, give two explanations of this author's characteristic.

1. Teenagers don’t-expect-given-but compare-no-va-yut-sya with adults in terms of physical constitution, height and strength.

2. The main content of under-growth-to-go-pe-ri-o-yes so-it in the form-mi-ro-va-nii up to a hundred-accurately stable chi-howl personality.

Task 29.Based on the text and society-Vedic knowledge, guess why the means of mass information are active, but about judge-da-yut pro-ble-mu times-ry-va between generations. Give three explanations.

1) the significance for the society of the problem of ble-we for-mi-ro-va-niya of the personality of adolescents;

2) a society of waves-well-et pro-ble-ma of non-ga-tiv-no-go influence from the outside on adolescents;

3) in a modern society, if I especially sharply buy different systems of values ​​of sub-gerns and adults .

Task 30.In the lesson of the general-st-in-knowledge, Mi-ha-il, you-said the assumption that the older members of the family do not have a i-niya on the sta-nov-le-nie personality of a teenager. However, not everything is one-but-class-no-ki Mi-ha-i-la agreed with his opinion. Which of the two points of view is from-ra-same-on in the above text? Bring-ve-di-te a fragment of the text to help answer the question.

1. Answer to the question: the second point of view - ro-di-te-li and older family members influence the personality of a teenager.

2. A fragment of the text: “Family members have a greater influence on the under-growth when it comes to you-bo-re profession, life goals, fun -da-men-tal-nyh mo-de-lyah in-ve-de-niya and basic life values ​​"OR" Research suggests that both the family and peers have the same important impact on the lives of most adolescents.

Task 31.The author writes that under-growth-ki in-tu-i-tiv-but you-bi-ra-yut to your friends, once-de-la-yu-shchi views, co-gla-su-u-schi-e from the look of their family members. Do you agree with the judgment you said by the author? Based on the text and society-Vedic knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.

1. Your opinion: in agreement or not in agreement with your position.

2. Two ar-gu-men-ta (explanations) to confirm their position.

In the case of consent, it may be indicated that:

a) a circle of friends is often made up of people close to the family;

b) the choice of friends pro-is-ho-dit on the basis of the values ​​​​for-lo-wife-nyh in the family.

In the case of non-co-glance, it may be indicated that:

a) in under-growth-of-age, often you-bi-ra-yut friends from pro-ti-vo-re-chiya to parents;

b) a circle of in-te-re-owls of under-growths under-wives of race-shi-re-nia and change, often under-growths have friends with with different views than their parents.

Text No. 4 (explanation)

Legal norms, as we already know, are “bricks”, the initial elements of the entire building of the law of a given country. Branches are the largest divisions of law, so to speak, entire floors, services of the legal building. Such are criminal law, labor law, administrative law, civil law, etc. In their totality, these branches constitute the law as a whole - the system of law of a given country. The branch of law is the main subdivision of the system of law, which is distinguished by a specific regime of legal regulation and covers entire areas of homogeneous social relations.

When referring to the branch of law, one can note whole line her signs. Each of the branches has "its own subject", i.e. a special section of public life, a special type of homogeneous social relations: constitutional, labor, land, social security, etc. Each of the branches has "its own legislation", as a rule, independent codes, other legislative acts. Thus, criminal law corresponds to criminal legislation headed by the Criminal Code; civil law - civil legislation headed by the Civil Code.

And yet the main feature of each industry is the presence of a special legal regime (“regulation method”), which characterizes how, in what way - through permits, prohibitions, obligations - legal regulation is carried out. Let's say civil law, labor law gravitates to permissions; to prohibitions - criminal; to obligations - administrative. A qualified practicing lawyer knows that the designation of legal cases as criminal, labor, family indicates that in this case a special legal order operates. For example, a citizen entered into an agreement with the organization on the production of work, and then a conflict arose, and the legal body needs to consider the “case”. What's the deal? The answer to this question depends on what kind of agreement was concluded. Employment contract? Just a contract agreement? In the first case (an employment contract), labor law comes into force. If a contract agreement is concluded, then there is already a different legal regime, established and supported not by labor law, but by civil law.

Task 26.Plan your text.

1) what constitutes the system of law;

2) signs of a branch of law;

3) a special legal regime as the main feature of the branches of law.

Task 27.What is the definition of the branch of law given in the text? Explain the connection between the terms "rule of law", "legislative act", "branch of law".

1. Definition: a branch of law is the main subdivision of the system of law, which is distinguished by a specific regime of legal regulation and covers entire areas of homogeneous social relations.

2. Explanation of the connection between these terms: the branch of law combines the rules of law governing homogeneous social relations, each branch has its own legislation (codes or legislative acts).

Task 28.What are the three features of the branch of law considered by the author?

Each industry has:

1) "your subject";

2) "its own legislation";

3) the presence of a special legal regime (“regulation method”).

Task 29.The text provides examples of some branches of law. Name any three branches and, based on the knowledge of the social science course, determine its subject for each.

1) civil law (property and related personal non-property relations);

2) labor law (labor relations between employees and employers, as well as other relations closely related to them);

3) criminal law (public relations related to the commission of criminal acts, the imposition of punishment and the application of other measures of a criminal law nature).

Task 30.What is the purpose of legal norms being combined into codes? What are two examples of codes given in the text? Using social science knowledge, give another example of a code.

1. The answer to the first question, let's say: the code contains single-order legal norms governing

relevant public relations (for the convenience of regulating homogeneous legal relations),

(a different answer to the first question may be given).

2. Examples of codes in the text: Criminal Code, Civil Code.

3. An additional example of a code, let's say: the Labor Code.

Task 31.What three methods of regulation, according to the author, operate in various industries rights? On the example of any branch of law, explain why it tends to one or another method of regulation.

1) three methods of regulation: permission, prohibition, obligation;

2) an assumption for any one branch, for example: criminal law tends to prohibitions, since its application is a reaction to the commission by subjects of unacceptable acts in society.

Text No. 5

(According to E. Benes)

Task 26.

Task 27

Task 28.

Task 29.

Task 30.

Task 31.

Text No. 6

Task 26.Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Task 27.

Task 28.

Task 29.

Task 30.

Task 31.Is power possible without coercion? Justify your opinion based on the document and historical and social science knowledge.

Text No. 7

Task 26.Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Task 27.

Task 28.

Task 29.

Task 30.

Task 31.

Text No. 8

(based on the materials of the encyclopedia for schoolchildren)

Task 26.Plan your text. To do this, you de-li-those basic semantic fragments of the text-hundred and oza-head each of them.

Task 27.

Task 28

Task 29

Task 30.

Task 31.

Text No. 5 (explanation)

The problem of centralization and decentralization of state administration and legislative power in different states and societies manifests itself in different ways, depending on the circumstances, the needs of the people and the state. Depending on the circumstances, this problem appears in some states as federalization, in others as autonomy, in others as simple local decentralization and an expedient division of competencies between central and local executive and legislative bodies. In some places decentralization is forced by the question of the heterogeneous composition of the population, in other cases by too large a territory, in still others by the cultural or economic maturity or immaturity of certain areas. On the European continent, a very frequent argument in favor of decentralization is historical traditions and remnants of the past in public administration, due to how states were formed or expanded at the expense of different provinces and new territories.

Democracy in its theory and political practice proceeds not from the collectivist consciousness, but from the consciousness of the individuality of the individual, and considers the human being as primary and basic, and the state, which is made up of individuals, as secondary. Rigid centralization is the first and basic condition of every dictatorship; democracy, on the other hand, draws its greatest strength from the free conviction of citizens that they belong to the state and people's whole.

However, no state, including a democratic one, will embark on the implementation of broad decentralization if it is threatened by separatist movements and aspirations. If it is under the threat of losing part of its territory as a result of voluntary decentralization in favor of the separatists, then no one in the world will force it to voluntary decentralization. If decentralization movements arise only because of rivalry and personal ambitions, from the desire for power or the establishment of party rule, then a great sin and crime is committed against one's own state and people.

Task 26.Plan your text.

1) the problem of centra-li-za-tion and decentralization;

2) the foundations of democracy;

3) the danger of separatism.

Task 27. Based on the text, on-so-ve-those three factors, you-stup-pa-u-schee at-chi-na-mi de-centr-tra-li-za-tion of the state-su-dar-stven-but th control.

1) the heterogeneity of the composition of a hundred of the population;

2) too large territory;

3) cultural or eco-no-mi-che-sky maturity or non-maturity of certain areas;

4) historical traditions and re-zhit-ki of the past in state administration.

Task 28.Using the content of the text, on the three characteristic features of democracy, which you are the author of.1) democracy in its theory and in-li-ti-che-practice-ti-ke is-ho-dit from the knowledge of in-di-vi-du-al-no-sti from-del -noy personality; 2) considers the human being as primary and main, and the state as secondary; 3) draws its greatest strength from the free conviction of citizens in their belonging to the state-su-dar-stven- no-mu and na-rod-no-mu whole.

Task 29.In what forms, according to the author, can the problem of centralization, decentralization manifest itself? Na-zo-vi-te three such forms, pro-il-lu-stri-rui-te each of them with an example.

1) federalization (examples of the Fe-de-ra-tiv-no-go state of the Russian Federation, Fe-de-ra-tiv-naya Res-pub-li-ka Germany);

2) autonomization (political or cultural auto-to-no-miya in the co-hundred-ve of a uni-tar-no-go state);

3) a simple local de-cen-tra-li-za-tion and a purpose-le-co-ob-different division of competencies between the central-us and places-us- mi or-ga-na-mi (transmission of questions of so-qi-al-noy on-li-ti-ki to the ve-de-tion of local authorities).

Task 30.In country Z, the local authorities' authorities are con-tro-li-ru-ut-xia-central-we-mi or-ga-on-mi authorities. Local authorities of power in all matters from-chi-you-wa-yut-sya in front of the central authorities. From-sut-stu-et local self-government. Using the content of the text, indicate whether, according to the author, the description of the ter-ri-to-ri-al device with de-mo-kra-ti-che-sky regime. Bring-ve-di-te a fragment of the text, someone can answer this question. Bring one of your own ar-gu-ment to confirm the opinion of the author.

1. The answer to the question is given: not compatible.

2. A fragment of the text: “Rigid centralization is the first and main condition of every dictatorship: de-mo-cracy, on the contrary, draws its greatest strength from the free conviction of citizens in their affiliation to the state-su-dar-stven-no-mu and the whole people.

3) Argument: local self-government is an integral feature of the de-mo-kra-ti-che-go regime.

Task 31.The author writes that de-cen-tra-li-for-tor-movements can lead to the commission of a great sin and pre-stup-le -nia against their own state-su-dar-stvo and the people. Based on the text and the society of Vedic knowledge, ve-di-te two ar-gu-men-ta in confirmation of the author's position .

The right-of-the-ve-these may contain the following elements: two ar-gu-men-ta in confirmation of the author's position : 1) armed conflicts lead to human victims;

2) as a result of de-centr-tra-li-for-tor-movements, economic and cultural ties are torn;

3) inter-na-qi-o-nal-nye and inter-confessional conflicts are provoked;

4) may raise a threat of a civil war.

Text No. 6 (explanation)

If we turn to the concept of "democracy", then each of its two components - "the people" and "power" - is a complex phenomenon. From a legal point of view, the concept of "people" is identified with the concept of "citizens" and is defined as belonging to a given group of people within a single state. Power is a social phenomenon. It appears along with the emergence of society and exists in any society, since any society requires management, provided by reasonable means, including coercion.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in a referendum on December 12, 1993, establishes in Article 3 the provision that the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people. This means that Russia is proclaimed a state of democracy, i.e. democratic state...

Recognition of the people as the supreme bearer of all power is an expression of popular sovereignty, which should mean that the people, not sharing their power with anyone, exercise it independently and independently of any other social forces or corporations, use it exclusively in their own interests. own interests.

Task 26.Plan your text.

1) components of the concept of "democracy": people and power;

2) The Russian Federation is a democratic state;

3) the people are the supreme bearer of power.

Task 27.The author points out that power exists in any society. Based on the text and knowledge from the history and social studies courses, give two arguments in support of this conclusion.

1) power appears along with the emergence of society and exists in any society, since any society requires management, provided by reasonable means, including coercion;

2) the presence of power provides opportunities for the normal life of people, the observance of their rights.

Task 28.What does the author call "popular sovereignty"? Name three signs of popular sovereignty that are listed in the text.

1. "The recognition of the people as the supreme bearer of all power is an expression of popular sovereignty ..."


1) the people do not share their power with anyone;

2) carries it out independently and independently of any other social forces or corporations;

3) uses it exclusively for his own interests.

Task 29.A. N. Radishchev in his work “Experience on Legislation” writes that the conciliar people’s power is the original power, and therefore the highest, the only one, that the user of the people’s power issues laws, but no law can appoint either a path or a limit to the conciliar act of the people. Is it possible to say that in such a state there is democracy? Please cite sources that help answer this question.

1. Yes, in this state there is democracy, laws cannot establish a limit to the actions of the conciliar people's power.

2. Quote: "The people, not sharing their power with anyone, exercise it independently and independently of any other social forces or corporations, use it exclusively in their own interests."

Task 30.What legal document reflects the existence of popular sovereignty in the Russian Federation? Show on concrete examples manifestations of democracy in the historical and modern life Russia. Give at least two examples.

1. The presence of popular sovereignty in the Russian Federation is reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The following examples may be given:

1) all citizens of the country who have reached the age of majority take part in the election of the President of the Russian Federation;

2) for the solution of very important state issues, a referendum is envisaged - the highest form of democracy.

Task 31.Is power possible without coercion? Justify your opinion based on the document and

In a correct answer, the following arguments can be given in support of this point of view:

1. Any power cannot exist without coercion, since there will always be those who do not want to voluntarily obey it.

2. The subjects of power force the population to carry out their orders.

Arguments in rebuttal:

1. With true democracy, it is possible that people will carry out orders voluntarily without coercion.

2. High level civil self-consciousness of the population does not require the use of violence against the population, since people consciously fulfill what is required of them.

Text No. 7 (explanation)

The middle class is a part of society that occupies a middle position in terms of status between the upper and lower classes.

At the beginning of the 20th century, small proprietors and independent entrepreneurs were classified as middle class. But as the “mass welfare society” developed in developed countries, there was an increase in the living standards of skilled wage laborers (managers, lawyers, accountants and bankers, school and university teachers, doctors, etc.), who significantly expanded the ranks of the middle class.

There is a constant debate among scholars about the criteria for identifying the middle class. Most often, the main objective criteria are the level of education and income, consumption standards, ownership of material or intellectual property, as well as the ability to highly skilled work. In addition to these objective criteria, an important role is played by subjective perception a person of his position, that is, his self-identification as a representative of the "social middle".

Being the main social group, the middle class of developed countries performs a number of very important social functions.

Chief among these is the social stabilizer function: having achieved a certain place in the social structure of society, members of the middle class tend to support the existing state structure that allowed them to reach their position. It should be borne in mind that the middle class plays a leading role in the processes of social mobility, and this also strengthens the existing social order, protecting it from social cataclysms: the dissatisfaction of the lower class with their position is balanced by the very real opportunities presented to them to improve their status in society.

In the sphere of economic relations, the middle class plays the role of an economic donor - not only as a producer of a huge part of society's income, but also as a major consumer, investor and taxpayer.

In the cultural sphere, the middle class is the custodian and disseminator of the values, norms, traditions and laws of society.

It is the middle class that supplies officials and managers of various ranks, both for the state apparatus and for business. The activity of civil society is also based on the activity of the representatives of the middle class.

Task 26.Plan your text.

1) the meaning of the concept of "middle class";

2) population groups belonging to the middle class;

3) criteria for identifying the middle class;

4) social functions of the middle class.

Task 27.What two groups of criteria for identifying the middle class are named in the text?

1) objective;

2) subjective perception by a person of his position.

Task 28.What are the four functions of the middle class considered by the author of the text?

1) social stabilizer;

2) economic donor;

3) the custodian and distributor of cultural values;

4) supplier of personnel for officials and managers.

Task 29.Using the facts of public life, illustrate with three examples the social mobility of the middle class.

1) a university teacher moved to work under a contract in another country;

2) a bank employee became the head of the department, and then the head of the branch of the bank;

3) the doctor, having defended his dissertation, became the head physician of the clinic.

Task 30.The author notes the leading role of the middle class in the activities of civil society. Make two assumptions about the reasons for such activity of the middle class.

1) members of the middle class are educated enough to understand the importance of civil society;

2) members of the middle class need to protect their property and position in society;

3) representatives of the middle class travel a lot, can compare life in different countries want to bring the best that has been achieved by other countries.

Task 31.The text indicates that there is a constant debate among scholars about the criteria for identifying the middle class. Using social science knowledge and social facts, formulate any two questions that can illustrate this debate.

Can be formulated next questions:

1) can a wealthy but uneducated person be considered a representative of the middle class;

2) what is more important: objective indicators of wealth and success or a subjective opinion about one's social affiliation?

Text No. 8 (explanation)

The main manifestation of the moral life of a person is a sense of responsibility towards others and oneself. The rules by which people are guided in their relationships constitute the norms of morality; they are formed spontaneously and act as unwritten laws: they are obeyed as they should be. This is both a measure of society's requirements for people, and a measure of reward according to merit in the form of approval or condemnation.

The right measure of demand or reward is justice: the punishment of the offender is just; it is unfair to demand more from a person than he can give; there is no justice outside the equality of people before the law.

Morality presupposes relative freedom of will, which provides the possibility of a conscious choice of a certain position, decision-making and responsibility for what has been done.

Wherever a person is connected with other people in certain relationships, mutual obligations arise. A person is motivated to fulfill his duty by his awareness of the interests of others and his obligations towards them. In addition to knowing moral principles, it is also important to experience them. If a person experiences the misfortunes of people as his own, then he becomes able not only to know, but also to experience his duty. In other words, a duty is something that must be performed for moral, and not for legal reasons. From a moral point of view, I must both commit a moral act and have a corresponding subjective frame of mind.

In the system of moral categories, an important place belongs to the dignity of the individual, that is, to her awareness of her social significance and the right to public respect and self-respect.

Task 26.Plan your text.

1) norms of morality;

2) morality and freedom of will;

3) mutual obligations of people;

4) do-sto-in-personality.

Task 27.How does the author describe the norms of morality? (Give three characteristics.)

1) non-pi-sa-nye for-ko-na (they are given everything for granted);

2) a measure of the requirements of society for people;

3) a measure of reward for merit in the form of approval or condemnation.

Task 28. Based on the knowledge of the course and personal social experience, open up the meaning of the concept of “justice”. Explain the author’s thought about the connection between justice and the equality of people before the law.

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: justice is a general principle, according to the voice-but-something-ro-mu in-di-vi-doo-we-we must-we-be-chat what they deserve;

2) clarification of the author’s thoughts, for example: justice is possible only when for doing one and the same thing i-niya different people will bear the same responsibility, i.e., in the conditions of equality of citizens before the law.

Task 29. What two motives, in the opinion of the author, induce a person to fulfill his duty? Using the facts of social life and personal social experience, pro-il-lu-stri-rui-those with two examples of these motives.

1. Two bu-di-tel-ny motives: awareness of the person-lo-ve-com in-te-re-sovs of the surroundings and their obligations due to but-she-niyu to them.

2. Examples:

a) an adult son takes care of his elderly parents, supports them financially;

b) a citizen on the street held a bully in order to prevent a dangerous situation for people.

Task 30.In the newspaper, there were pub-li-ko-va-nas that did not correspond to the reality of the information, po-ro-cha-ing citizens-yes- ni-na S. He went to court with a lawsuit against the newspaper for the protection of honor and dignity. Explanation of the actions of citizen-yes-no-on S. Bring-ve-di-te a fragment of the text, someone can help you in explaining.

1. Explanation of the fact given in the task, for example: a citizen must defend his good name and renounce his right to -ve-stven-noe respect, not-for-spot-nan-ny reputation.

Another explanation of the fact given in the task can be given.

2. A fragment of the text, for example: “In the system of moral ka-te-go-ry, an important place belongs to the dignity of the personality, i.e. e. her awareness of her own social significance and the right to public respect and self-respect.

Task 31.There is an opinion that a person should be free and consciously make a moral choice, that necessity in the moral sphere is unacceptable. Pri-ve-di-te two ar-gu-men-ta (explanations) in support of this opinion.

1) the main controller of a person in terms of morality is his conscience, so this is an effective sa- mo-control is possible only in the conditions of co-knowing-of-the-no-go-bod-no-go-bo-ra of a person;

2) the possibility of external control over the ethical ve-de-niya of a person is extremely limited, therefore it is not - mowing-no-tel-noe co-observation of man-lo-ve-come moral norms can only be provided by his free will;

3) moral assessments are extremely subjective, in this way only a self-sto-I-tel-but a person can make a well-known moral stven-ny choice.

Text No. 9

(According to P. S. Gurevich)

Task 26.Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Task 27.

Task 28.

Task 29.

Task 30.

Task 31.

Text No. 10

In addition to these large circles of coercion in which the individual finds himself along with the rest of society, there are also smaller circles of control. The profession chosen by the individual inevitably carries a number of controlling influences, sometimes very harsh ones. The individual is officially controlled by licensing organizations, professional associations and trade unions and, of course, by those official requirements that are established by the immediate superiors. Equally important are the various ways of informal control by colleagues and employees. Any professional role in society, even the most insignificant, implies a special code of conduct, which, in fact, can hardly be neglected.

(according to P. Berger)

Task 26.Plan your text. To do this, you de-li-those basic semantic fragments of the text-hundred and oza-head each of them.

Task 27.

Task 28.

Task 29.

Task 30.

Task 31.

Text No. 11

(According to the book of L. L. Gumilyov “Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere of the Earth”. M., 1994. S. 92−93)

Task 26.Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Task 27.

Task 28.

Task 29.

Task 30.

Task 31.

Text No. 12


(According to N. Smelzer)

Task 26.Plan your text. To do this, you de-li-those basic semantic fragments of the text-hundred and oza-head each of them.

Task 27.

Task 28.

Task 29.

Task 30.

Task 31.

Text No. 9 (explanation)

Culture is often defined as "second nature". Cultural experts usually refer to culture as everything man-made. Nature is made for man; he, working tirelessly, created the "second nature", that is, the space of culture. However, there is a flaw in this approach to the problem. It turns out that nature is not as important for a person as the culture in which he expresses himself.

Culture is, first of all, a natural phenomenon, if only because its creator, man, is a biological creature. Without nature, there would be no culture, because man creates on natural landscape. He uses the resources of nature, reveals his own natural potential. But if man had not crossed the limits of nature, he would have been left without culture. Culture, therefore, is an act of overcoming nature, going beyond the boundaries of instinct, creating something that can be built on top of nature.

Human creations arise initially in thought, spirit, and only then are embodied in signs and objects. And therefore, in a concrete sense, there are as many cultures as there are creative subjects. Therefore, in space and time there are different cultures, different forms and centers of culture.

As a human creation, culture surpasses nature, although its source, material and place of action is nature. Human activity is not entirely given by nature, although it is connected with what nature gives in itself. The nature of man, considered without this rational activity, is limited only by the faculties of sense perception and instincts. Man transforms and completes nature. Culture is activity and creativity. From the origins to the sunset of its history, there was, is and will be only a “cultural person”, that is, a “creative person”.

Task 26.Plan your text.

1) culture as a "second nature", everything man-made;

2) culture as unity with nature and overcoming nature;

3) the diversity of cultures and their creators;

4) culture as activity and creativity.

Task 27.What approach to the definition of culture is discussed in the text? What, according to the author, is the disadvantage of this approach?

1. Answer to the first question: the author clarifies and corrects the approach to the definition of culture as "second nature".

2. Answer to the second question: the disadvantage of this approach lies in the fact that, according to the author, it turns out "as if nature is not as important for a person as the culture in which he expresses himself."

Task 28.How does the author characterize the connection between human nature and his activity? What, in his opinion, is the content and result of the activity?

1. Answer to the first question: human activity is not entirely given by nature, although it is connected with what nature gives in itself.

2. Answer to the second question: man transforms and completes nature.

Task 29.Why, according to the author, “without nature there would be no culture”? Give two answers of the author and illustrate them with examples.

1) “a person creates on a natural landscape” (for example, when determining the construction site of a new building, the features of the land plot are taken into account);

2) a person “uses the resources of nature” (for example, a potter makes dishes from clay, a sculptor uses natural stone);

3) a person “reveals his own natural potential” (for example, some people show the inclinations for artistic creativity, others for sports, and others for mathematics).

Task 30.The writer decided to create a novel about the life of his contemporaries. First, for several months he built the main storyline. After the writer decided on the images of his characters, he set to work, and a year later the novel was published. What phrase of the text explains this sequence of actions? What type of art is represented in this example?

1. The phrase of the text: "human creations arise initially in thought, in the spirit, and only then are embodied in signs and objects."

2. Kind of art - literature.

Task 31.The author uses the phrase "man of culture" in a broad sense. What person in modern conditions, in your opinion, can be called cultural? What do you think parents should do in order for their child to grow up as a cultured person? (Involving social science knowledge and personal social experience, indicate any one measure and briefly explain your opinion)

1. The answer to the first question, for example: a person who has versatile knowledge in various fields, who has high spiritual humanistic values, can be called cultural; a cultured person, as a rule, takes an active life position (the answer to the first question can be formulated differently).

2. A measure and an appropriate explanation, for example: parents introduce a child to culture, take him to museums, theaters, read books to him (thus, from childhood they develop a craving for knowledge (knowledge of the world), form moral ideas, develop initiative, etc. P.).

Text No. 10 (explanation)

"Social control" is one of the most commonly accepted concepts in sociology. It refers to the various means that any society uses to evaluate and correct the behavior of its members. No society can do without social control. Even a small group of people randomly gathered together will have to develop their own control mechanisms in order not to fall apart in the shortest possible time.

Now let's look at a person who is standing in the center of several circles, each of which represents certain system social control. The outer circle can be used to designate the politico-judicial system to which everyone must obey. This is the system that levies taxes against our will, calls for military service, makes you obey its endless rules and regulations, and if necessary, put you in jail.

The next circle of social control, pressing on the lonely individual in the center, is represented by morality, customs and mores.

In addition to these large circles of coercion in which the individual finds himself along with the rest of society, there are also smaller circles of control. The profession chosen by the individual inevitably carries a number of controlling influences, sometimes very harsh ones. The individual is officially controlled by licensing organizations, professional associations and trade unions and, of course, by those official requirements that are established by the immediate superiors. No less important

various ways of informal control by colleagues and employees. Any professional role in society, even the most insignificant, implies a special code of conduct, which, in fact, can hardly be neglected.

Finally, the group of people in which the so-called private life of the individual passes, that is, the circle of family and personal friends, also forms a system of control. It would be a big mistake to believe that the pressure in this circle is the weakest of all just because it lacks the formal means of coercion found in other systems of control. It is in this circle that the individual, as a rule, has the most important social connections.

Task 26.Plan your text.

1) the essence of so-qi-al-no-go control;

2) several "circles" of control;

3) social control in the professional sphere;

4) so-qi-al-ny control in the nearest environment of a person.

Task 27.What is the point of the author of the contribution-dy-va-et in understanding " social control"? What are the two big circles of so-qi-al-no-go con-tro-la-named in the text?

1. Answer to the question: various personal means, which any society uses to evaluate and correct its members.

2. Two circles:

a) political and legal system;

b) morality, customs and mores.

Task 28.The author mentions official and non-formal control from the side of the profession. Who and for what purpose implements each of them?

In the right-from-ve-those, the goals and subjects of control of two types should be indicated:

1. Official (formal) control is carried out by the organizations, professional associations, non- middle-level bosses in order to verify the co-blu-de-niya ofi-tsi-al-but established norms and requirements.

2. Non-formal control is carried out by collegues and collaborators in order to verify co-blue-de-ny then in the professional environment of the “special code of conduct”.

Task 29.What feature of control in the family circle did the author bring? How does he justify the effectiveness of such control? At-ve-di-te two examples of so-qi-al-no-go con-tro-la in the circle of family and (or) closest friends.

1. Feature: devoid of formal means of coercion.

2. The author's justification: here in-di-view has the most important social connections.

The peculiarity and the author's justification can be added in other wordings that are close in meaning.

3. Examples:

a) ro-di-te-whether they check how the son-schoolboy completed the homework assignment in physics;

b) ro-di-te-li find out how their child spends time during those days, with whom he is friends, ro-di-te-ley of his friends.

Task 30.Friends about-vi-ni-whether Ivan was not-in-a-row-daughter-no-sti and from-ka-za-were in the future to communicate with him. What norms in this case became the basis of the so-qi-al-no-go control? Explain your opinion.

1. Norms: moral (moral).

2. Explanation, for example: in-order-ness - ka-te-go-riya of morality; we are talking about a non-formal assessment of the ve-de-niya of a person from the perspective of good and evil.

Task 31.Bring two of your own ar-gu-men-ta in support of the fact that any society does not-ob-ho-dim social control.

1) in society, there are accepted norms, and you can’t control them;

2) the control de-la-et makes people in a predictable society.

Text No. 11 (explanation)

Each ethnic group has its own unique stereotype of behavior. Sometimes the behavioral stereotype of an ethnic group changes from generation to generation. This indicates that this ethnos is developing, and ethnogenesis is not dying out. Sometimes the structure of an ethnic group is stable, because the new generation reproduces life cycle previous.

Structure ethnic stereotype behavior is a strictly defined norm of relations: between a collective and an individual, between individuals, among themselves, between intra-ethnic groups... These norms exist behind the scenes in all areas of life and everyday life, being perceived in a given ethnic group and in each individual era as the only possible way of coexistence. .. Coming into contact with another norm of behavior in another ethnic group, each member of this ethnic group is surprised, lost and tries to tell his fellow tribesmen about the eccentricities of another people ...

different peoples originated in different eras and had different historical destinies. Of course, ethnic groups are influenced by the geographical environment through everyday communication a person with the nature that feeds him, but that's not all. Traditions inherited from ancestors play their role, habitual enmity or friendship with neighbors play their role, cultural influences, religion have their own meaning, but, besides all this, there is a law of development that applies to ethnic groups as to any natural phenomena. We call its manifestations in the diverse processes of the emergence and disappearance of peoples ethnogenesis ...

The stereotype of the behavior of an ethnos is as dynamic as the ethnos itself. Rituals, customs and norms of relationships change either slowly and gradually, or very quickly.

Task 26.Plan your text.

1) the dependence of the behavioral stereotype of an ethnic group on its level of development;

2) norms of relationships within an ethnic group;

3) factors influencing the formation of individual ethnic groups;

4) the dynamics of changes in the behavior of the ethnic group.

Task 27.What three types of norms does an ethnic stereotype of behavior include?

1) between the team and the individual;

2) individuals among themselves;

3) intra-ethnic groups among themselves.

Task 28.What, in the author's opinion, influences the historical destinies of ethnic groups? (Name four factors)1) geographical environment; 2) traditions; 3) relationships with neighbors; 4) cultural impacts; 5) religion.

Task 29.What does the author see as manifestations of the dynamism of the ethnic group's behavior stereotype? Give two examples of such dynamism.

1) The dynamism of the stereotype of behavior is the rate of change in rituals, customs and norms.


1. The Russian peasantry used the communal organization of living for almost a thousand years, but for short term Stolypin agrarian reform foundations of the peasant community were destroyed.

2. The change in the tools of labor in a traditional society proceeded very slowly, in an industrial society this process accelerated sharply.

Task 30.LL Gumilyov cites the following facts. The knights who captured Palestine were indignant at the Arab custom of polygamy, and the Arabs considered the uncovered faces of French ladies to be shameless. What feature of the ethnic stereotype is manifested in these facts? Give the position of the text that helped you answer this question.

The answer should indicate (line: the norms of relations of one's ethnic group are considered the only correct ones).

Quote: “These norms tacitly exist in all areas of life and everyday life, being perceived in a given ethnic group and in each individual era as the only possible way of coexistence ... Coming into contact with another norm of behavior in another ethnic group, each member of this ethnic group is surprised, lost and tries tell your fellow tribesmen about the eccentricities of another people ... "

Task 31.The author believes that ethnic groups develop according to the laws of nature. At the same time, many researchers attribute ethnogenesis to social phenomena. Which of these points of view do you think is more correct? Based on the text and social science and historical knowledge, give two arguments (arguments) in defense of your opinion.

In response, the following arguments can be given in defense of the point of view - the ethnos develops according to the laws of nature:

a) the influence of the geographical environment through the communication of a person with the nature that feeds him (dark skin color and curly hair of Africans);

b) severe natural conditions and the poverty of the lands influenced the militancy of the Normans.

In rebuttal:

1. Blood feud among the peoples of the Caucasus is a tradition.

2. Polygamy among the Arabs.

Text No. 12 (explanation)

Each society values ​​certain personality traits above others, and children learn and develop these qualities through socialization. Methods of socialization depend on which personality traits are valued more, and in different cultures they can be very different. In American society, such qualities as self-confidence, self-control and aggressiveness are highly valued; India has traditionally developed opposite values: contemplation, passivity.

These cultural values ​​underlie social norms. Norms are the expectations and standards that govern how people interact. Some norms are presented in laws prohibiting theft, assault on another person, breach of contract, and so on. Such laws are social norms and those who break them are punished. Many expectations influence our behavior in everyday life: we must be polite to other people; when we visit a friend's house, we should make a gift for his family; On the bus, you must give way to the elderly and disabled. We have these same expectations for our children.

It's not just norms that affect people's behavior. The cultural ideals of a given society have a huge impact on their actions and aspirations. In addition, since these ideals are formed on the basis of many values, society avoids universal uniformity. For example, we value science, so the name of Albert Einstein is honored and respected. We also highly value sports, giving famous athletes a high social status.<…>

Socialization is a two-way, multidirectional process. There is a mutual influence between biological factors and culture, as well as between those who carry out socialization and those who are socialized.

Task 26.Plan your text.

1) the connection between the methods of so-qi-a-li-za-tion and the qualities of the individual, the most valuable in society;

2) social norms and expectations of others;

3) the impact of cultural ideas on the way of people;

4) so-qi-a-li-za-tion - a two-way, different-to-right-len-ny process.

Task 27.How does the author describe socialization? What, in his opinion, does the methods of socialization depend on?

1. Answer to the first question: the author characterizes so-qi-a-li-za-tion as a two-way, different-to-right-len-ny process, during someone-ro-go usva-and-va-yut-sya and raz-vi-va-yut-sya certain qualities of the personality.

2. The answer to the second question: the methods of so-qi-a-li-za-tion depend on what kind of personal qualities they value -sya higher.

Task 28.What does the author call-zy-va-et with-qi-al-us-mi norms? What kind of social norms are represented in laws? Examples of some other type of so-qi-al-nyh norms with-ve-de-us by the author?

1. The answer to the first question: so-qi-al-ny-mi norm-ma-mi on-zy-va-yut-xia expectations and standards that govern -mo-action-eat people.

2. Answer to the second question: legal norms.

3. Answer to the third question: the author gives examples of moral (moral) norms.

Task 29.The author writes that in the process of so-qi-a-li-za-tion, pro-is-ho-dit is inter-and-mo-influence-i-nie between those who implement - no socialization, and those who are socialized. Pro-il-lu-stri-rui-te with two examples is mutual influence.

There may be the following examples of mutual influence:

1. Peter tells his son An-to-well about how to behave properly in the theater. Anton listened to his father and pointed out to him that Peter himself did not follow these rules. The father for-du-small-sya and the next time turned off the te-le-background during the performance.

2. One of the lessons of the general-st-in-knowledge was pro-ho-dil in the form of a ro-le-howl game “Elections”, school-no-ki could-ar-gu-men-ti -ro-van-but justify the importance of each go-lo-sa for the future of the country. The teacher, who had previously passed the elections, under the influence of this lesson on the day of the vy-bo-ditch, went to the bi-ra-tel-ny teaching-drain and pro-go-lo- co-shaft for one of the candidates.

Task 30.In the process of co-qi-a-li-za-ci-citizen, the active-d-but the state participates. Guess what qualities it seeks to form among citizens. Indicate any two qualities and briefly explain your choice.

1) pat-ri-o-tism (it is important that a person love his Fatherland, be proud of its traditions, work for its prosperity);

2) responsibility for one’s actions (it is necessary that citizens do not respect the country and observe them, especially knew-but from-but-si-lis to their actions, in-no-ma-li and evaluate-no-wa-whether their consequences).

Task 31.Pupils of the same class, dressed in school uniforms, even you-full of the same right-vi-la and tasks, remain not-like at each other. But this does not mean that their so-chi-a-li-za-tion is failing. Give two justifications (arguments), confirming this opinion.

1) so-qi-a-li-za-tion does not come down to ab-so-lute standardization; it requires you-half-non-niya of those rules and norms, without co-blu-de-niya someone will have rights and in-te-re-sy other people;

2) school-no-ki, taking into account your in-di-vi-du-al-no-sti usva-i-va-yut os-but-you culture-tu-ry of your-e-th society, in this -mu so-qi-a-li-za-tion pro-is-ho-dit successfully.