Individual educational route for the development of a child in a preschool institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Individual educational route of the child. IOM

A rich personal potential, of course, is available to every child. If its disclosure is hindered by factors such as inability or unwillingness to learn; lack of interest in learning or lack of self-confidence, IEM can become a real help. An individual route will give support to the stimuli that are significant for the child, focusing on his inner strengths.

In this section, we have collected for you useful materials from teachers on the organization of successful promotion little man along its development trajectory; effective ways neutralization of the reasons hindering the disclosure of its potential.

All about how to light an inquisitive light in children's eyes.

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All sections | Individual educational route of the child. IOM

Individual educational route of the child in the cognitive development of Feep APPROVE: Head _ Melnikova T. V. Order No. dated 08.28.2017 of the child in cognitive development (FEEP) Surname, name of the child Masha I Date of birth 11/04/2011 Mother Full name, place of work Irina Sergeevna I. Housewife Dad Full name Sergey ...

Individual educational route of pedagogical support for a gifted child MUNICIPAL AUTONOMOUS PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE CITY OF NOVOSIBIRSK "KINDERGARTEN №102 COMBINED TYPE Individual educational route pedagogical support for the gifted baby towards"Artistic and aesthetic development" Information about...

Individual educational route of the child. IOM - Individual educational routes

Publication "Individual educational ..." Pashina Kira, educator Journal of individual work with pupils senior group compensating direction "Sun" for 2018-19 academic year. year January Educator - Pashina K.A., Pshenitsina L.N. Artistic and aesthetic development Game "Fix the mistake." Objective: To continue learning...

MAAM Pictures Library

Individual route for children with cerebral palsy in preschool Section 2.3 child_ Educational area_ Physical Culture _ Month Tasks Content Result 1st quarter September October November Adaptation period Outdoor games, games - fun, examination of motor skills and physical qualities Correction of fine motor skills and ...

An individual route for children with mental retardation in physical education in a preschool educational institution Section 2.3 child_ Educational area _ Physical culture _ Month Tasks Content Result September Correction of basic movements in walking, running Coordinate your movements with the movements of comrades (the ability to maintain distance while walking in a column; go ...

Application to an individual educational route for the development of children 4–5 years old in the middle group Surname of the child_ Age_ Group No. _ p / No. Educational area "Social and communicative development": Level 1 is able to accept a game problem situation, develop it, change one's own role behavior, focusing on the behavior of partners 2 organizes a variety of games ...

Individual educational route of the child. IOM - Individual educational route for a child

Individual educational route of the child Educational area Contents educational field(forms, methods, techniques) Educational goals Result obtained Date 1. Social and communicative development 1. P / and with the rules "Hello, grandfather Mazai" Purpose: to involve in ...

Seminar for educators "Designing an individual educational route for a preschooler in a preschool educational institution" Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard allows us to talk today about the formation of a new system of preschool education, where one of the key points is the need to use all pedagogical resources for the effective development of the child....

Explanatory note

In this methodological guide an individual educational route for a child with developmental problems due to illness has been developed, consisting of the types, causes of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms) of the child, as a result of which the learning conditions are organized and described for the child in order to develop his potential and form the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

Introduction, which explains the reason for compiling an individual educational route for the child, general information about the child at the time of IEM development, purpose, tasks, number of IEM sessions, form of IEM.

Diagnostic data for a child. Diagnostics of the child's development is the basis for building IEM. Along with diagnostics, in the process of implementing IEM, monitoring is carried out in work with preschoolers - this is control with periodic monitoring of the level of development of the child with mandatory feedback. Monitoring allows not only to register the state of development of the child at the moment, but also provides materials for comparison, analysis and correction of violations and deviations in development. The purpose of pedagogical monitoring is to summarize and analyze information about the state of general development to assess, plan a correctional development process (development of IEM) and predict the final result.

The health-improving route of the child includes an individual motor regimen, hardening procedures, physical activity and therapeutic and preventive measures for the child.

The child's employment grid, which indicates the sequence of introducing the child into activities common with all children;

Implementation of an individual route, which indicates the topic, content, the result of the lesson and what needs to be finalized.

A dynamic watch list is maintained where all changes are made. The purpose of such observation is the correction of the components of the educational process, the choice of optimal forms of its organization. Having an idea of ​​the desired result in the form of specific performance criteria, depending on the results of the interim examination, it is possible to make timely changes to the IEM, for better implementation of the educational process and its effectiveness for a child with limited opportunities health.

The effective implementation of the IOM will ensure positive dynamics in personal development child. Undoubtedly, such work will require from the teacher professional competence and interest in the process and result of their work.



"CRR-Kindergarten No. 102"

Individual educational route of the child


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"CRR-Kindergarten No. 102"

Individual educational route

Name of the child

Date of Birth _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Last name, first name, patronymic of mother, age, education _______________________________________________________________

Last name, first name, patronymic of the father, age, education _______________________________________________________________

IEM start date _________________________________________________________________________________

Reason for registration: persistent failure to assimilate the OOP of the preschool educational institution due to illness______________________________________

Age at the beginning of correctional and developmental work: 4 years ______________________________________________________

Purpose (IOM): opening new perspectives in the assimilation of the OPP preschool educational institution, enriching the child as a person; assistance in adapting to the team of children, the development in the child of surprises from their abilities; encouragement and stimulation of individual _____ child's capabilities; involvement of parents in the creative process.___________________________________________________

Tasks: identify the special educational needs of the child; provide individual pedagogical assistance to the child; help the child learn educational program preschool education; ensure positive shifts in the development of the child, his purposeful advancement in relation to his own capabilities, stimulation of individual capabilities; provide methodological assistance to parents of children with disabilities._____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Number of lessons per week: 5 lessons _________________________________________________________________________

Conduct form: occupation, game activity, joint activity, conversations, observations, individual work. ____

Expected Result:________________________________________________________________________________________

Form of work with parents:consultations, workshop, interview, exchange of experience._________________________________

Parent ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagnosis of child development

The purpose of pedagogical monitoring is to summarize and analyze information about the state of general development for the purpose of assessing, planning a correctional and developmental process (development of IEM) and predicting the final result.

Physical development

Somatic development


Speech development


Features of the development of cognitive processes














Types, causes of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms)

Compiled by: teacher Karpizenkova I.V.

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler (IEM) is an indispensable element of the effectiveness of the work of every modern educator.

The essence of IOM preschooler

GEF defines new approach To preschool education. One of the main requirements for it is effective application all pedagogical resources to achieve maximum results in the education and development of future students. Given that the program is aimed at the average student, it is possible that the weaker ones may not learn it well enough, and the most capable lose the motivation to learn.

That is why an individual approach to all children, taking into account all their characteristics, provides the IOM of a preschooler. It is understood as an educational program that is aimed at teaching a particular child and takes into account all his personal qualities.

Purpose and directions of IOM

A preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard, an example of which is found today in all educational institutions, is aimed at solving specific problems. The purpose of the development and implementation in the educational route is the formation in kindergarten factors that will be aimed at positive socialization and social and personal development of pupils. The latter includes the main processes of intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic and other types of development.

The main task that the individual educational route of a preschooler solves is the development of cognition, an example of which is demonstrated in open classes. The directions of the educational route are as follows:

Formation of movement, which includes the improvement of motor skills;

Opportunity to engage in various fields of activity;

Improving speech skills;

Development of ideas about the surrounding world of objects and social relations;

Development of ideas about time, space.

At the same time, the implementation of an individual route involves regular monitoring in order to track the degree of mastering the educational program by each pupil of a preschool institution.

IOM structure

In the process of introducing new standards into the education system, all educators were required to take refresher courses. On them, they were shown an example of an individual educational route for a preschooler, the sample of which was considered in sufficient detail. However, this type of child development monitoring is important not only for educators, but also for parents, who are often unaware of the purpose of this pedagogical tool.

The structure of the educational route should include such components as:

Target, which involves setting specific goals that meet new standards;

Technological, causing the use of certain pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques;

Diagnostic, defining complex of diagnostic tools;

Organizational - pedagogical, determining the conditions and methods for achieving the goals;

Effective, containing the final results of the child's development at the time of transition to schooling.

Necessary preliminary actions before drawing up an educational route

Since the main goal of the educational route is to identify difficulties in the learning process and social development each child, it is necessary to carefully study its characteristics.

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler involves a preliminary research activities before fixing the results of the child and is mandatory, including the following actions:

1. Drawing up the characteristics of the child. This document should indicate the pupil's visit to other preschool institutions and the break between their shifts. It is also necessary to note the speed and level of adaptation to the group.

2. To determine the key difficulties in a child, it is necessary to carefully study his family with the subsequent compilation of its characteristics. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the relationship between the child and parents, since excessive guardianship can cause suppression of the pupil.

4. Determining the degree of development of attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech development is mandatory for further monitoring of its progress;

5. It is also necessary to identify the child's propensity for specific activities in order to help in development through such games.

Registration of the educational program

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the degree of need for a thorough study of all areas of the life of each individual child. Having studied all the necessary data, the teacher proceeds to draw up an individual route, which includes the following sections:

General information about the preschooler;

Family characteristics;

Peculiarities appearance preschooler;


Features of motor skills;

Cognitive sphere of a preschooler;

Level of knowledge on sections of the program;

The level of development of speech;

attitude towards work;

Characteristics of the activity;

Difficulties in communication;

Individual characteristics;

More information about the preschooler.

This deep analysis allows you to build individual work with a preschooler quite effectively.

Inclusive education and IEM for a preschooler with disabilities

The introduction involves the removal of barriers between children of all health groups through collaborative learning.

It is based on equal treatment for each child, but at the same time creating special conditions for children with health problems for a comfortable stay in educational institution. All categories are included in the system of inclusive education educational institutions: preschool, secondary, vocational and higher. Considering that kindergartens also practice such education, the example of an individual educational route for a preschooler with disabilities justifies its relevance.

When compiling it, the teacher is obliged to bring to the attention of parents the following data:

Limits of load norms;

The presence in the institution of additional correctional and developmental programs;

The possibility of making corrections to the current educational route.

The IOM of a preschooler with disabilities is compiled taking into account the diagnostic data and recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council. It is based on maintaining strengths a preschooler with a sufficient share of compensation for developmental defects.

It is important to take into account that when drawing up an individual route for a particular child, changes in the number of classes and their forms are possible.

An example of an individual educational route for a gifted preschooler

Every baby is born with certain abilities that need to be constantly improved. And given that preschool- this is the first social institution child, it is he who plays the main role in this development.

This need is due to the fact that if you teach a gifted person according to a standard program, he will quickly lose interest in learning, and, consequently, motivation. To avoid such a phenomenon, each educator must identify gifted children in his group and create an educational route taking into account all their characteristics.

To create an effective educational route, it is important to take into account:

Features, needs and interests of the child himself, as well as the wishes of his parents;

Ability to meet the needs of a gifted child;

Available resources to achieve the result.

In compiling such a route, the participation of parents is also necessary, who should continue at home the methodology used in kindergarten.

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler with OHP

Creating an IEM for a preschooler with speech disorders, should be carried out jointly with a speech therapist and the child's parents. It should be aimed at creating conditions that will help overcome speech barriers.

A psychological examination is needed, which will reveal the interests and inclinations of such a child. This study will help improve your work efficiency. The directions that the educational route should contain are:

Therapeutic and recreational work;

Issues of training and social adaptation;

Correction issues;

Physical education;

Musical education.

Individual educational route for fine arts

A vivid indicator of the importance of a creative approach to educational activities will be an example of an individual educational route for a preschooler in fine arts. Since this subject initially assumes the presence of creative abilities in the child, it is necessary to direct it to their development. It can be both drawing and making various things with your own hands. The main thing is to identify what a particular child shows an inclination and ability to. Creating conditions for development will give every gifted preschooler the opportunity to discover the talents hidden in him. Demonstration of creative achievements is milestone work, because creative child need public recognition of their abilities.

A sample of an individual educational route for a preschooler in fine arts


Thus, the example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the need for a personal approach to each child and taking into account all his characteristics.

These factors make it possible to develop the future student as effectively as possible, giving him the opportunity to choose his preferred activity.

Elena Zemskaya
Map of an individual educational route for a preschool child (for children 4–5 years old)

Map of an individual educational route for a preschool child(For children 4 - 5 years old) .

Educational areas Goals-results Tasks educational interactions in kindergarten

Tasks educational family interactions pedagogical technologies and techniques, methods, techniques Opportunity to work with other specialists

Speech development


Vocabulary is poor. There are spelling errors (in education plural nouns in the nominative and genitive case, agreement of nouns and numerals) and word formation(word formation, relative and possessive adjectives, etc.); there are defects in sound pronunciation; poorly formed coherent speech.

The child speaks well enough, can express his thoughts and desires, use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech statement in a communication situation, highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy. To replenish and activate the dictionary based on deepening knowledge about the immediate environment.

Develop the articulatory apparatus.

Develop phonemic awareness.

To form the ability to coordinate words in a sentence, to use prepositions correctly in speech; form plural form of nouns (by analogy, use these nouns in the nominative, accusative and genitive cases.

Learn to participate in the conversation; practice writing a story for a series paintings and by painting.

Develop imagery and expressiveness of speech due to reading and learning works fiction, joint verbal and didactic games.

Together with parents, create conditions for maintaining a sustainable interest in word games.

Sound automation work. Psycho-gymnastics, emotional mood, increasing confidence, removing anxiety. Games aimed at the formation of the correct sound pronunciation and development phonemic processes. For example: a game "The ball we palm knock, repeat together the sound ",

"Quiet - Loud" and others.

Games aimed at generalization and expansion vocabulary, the development of the grammatical structure of speech. For example: "One is many", "Whose footprints?", "The Fourth Extra", "Say One Word", "From what - what?", Describe your favorite toy and others.

theatrical activity.

Composing a story for a series pictures.

Finger games. You should work closely with a speech therapist.

It is possible to attract a music worker.

Social and communicative development


Violation of moral norms and rules of conduct.

Shows unmotivated aggressiveness towards peers and adults.

Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with the failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately shows his feelings, including a sense of faith in himself, tries to resolve conflicts.

He knows how to express and defend his position on various issues.

Complies with elementary generally accepted norms, has primary value ideas about "What is good and what is bad", strives to do well; shows respect for the elders and care for the younger ones. Contribute to the formation of the child's personal attitude to the observance of moral norms: mutual assistance, sympathy for the offended and disagreement with the actions of the offender; approval of the actions of those who acted justly.

To teach collective games, the rules of good relationships. Recommend reading fiction, followed by a discussion of the actions of the characters.

Control TV viewing.

Invite parents to praise their child for good deeds. Games, exercises and trainings that contribute to the development of emotional, personal and behavioral spheres (development of communication skills and improvement of relationships with others, removal of fears and increase of self-confidence, reduction of aggression and weakening of negative emotions).

Corner decoration "Our Good Deeds". Reading literary works, followed by a discussion of the nature of the characters, their moods and actions, conversations on ethical topics. Problem solving situations: "On the Polite Bus"; "How to proceed". Analysis of problematic situations in a series of plot pictures.

Dealing with problem situations.

Games: "Circle of good» ; "Who gave kind words"; "Ring of Friendship", "Invitation to Visit", "Stand in his place", "Magic Glasses", "Good bad" and etc.

Watch cartoons followed by discussion.

Emotion training using phrases: "Come here"; "Do not disturb me"(learn to pronounce phrases with different intonation: rude, affectionate, insulting, etc.)

Cause-and-effect exercise - complete phrase: "WITH child no one wanted to play because.". The work is carried out in close relationship with all the specialists of the preschool educational institution.

Artistic and aesthetic development


Difficult to convey images of objects, phenomena. Practical skills are not formed, poor possession of technical skills.

Emotionally responds to the beauty of the surrounding world, works of folk and professional art (music, dance, theater, visual activity, etc.. d.). Generate interest in drawing.

Learn to create your own art images.

Learn how to use a brush correctly. Encourage your child to paint.

invert focus on art illustrations.

Suggest a set of development games figurative thinking. Use surprise moments, game situations.

Practice drawing different geometric shapes.

Finger gymnastics.

Hand and finger massage.

The use of non-traditional drawing techniques.

Drawing on groats, sand.

Games that develop creative thinking . For example: "What does it look like?", "Continue Pattern", "Finish the drawing" and others.

Music therapy.

Psychological relief.

Required teamwork with a teacher for pictorial activities and with the involvement of a music worker.

cognitive development


Has difficulty counting to 5; when comparing the number of items in groups based on the score (up to 5) by piece correlation of objects; in determining which items are more, less, equal number.

Confused in determining the position of objects in space in relation to oneself (top - bottom, front - back).

confuses names geometric shapes.

Possesses elementary ideas from the field of mathematics. Learn to count to 5 (based on visualization, using the correct counting techniques) that: name the numbers in order; correlate each numeral with only one object of the recalculated group.

Learn to compare two groups of objects.

To form an idea of ​​the equality and inequality of groups based on the score.

Learn to equalize unequal groups in two ways, adding one item or removing one.

To develop the ability to determine spatial directions from oneself, to move in a given direction.

Develop an understanding of geometric shapes.

Learn to highlight the special features of geometric shapes with the help of visual and tactile-motor analyzers.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking. Games at home at the expense of objects that surround the child.

Look for familiar geometric shapes in household items.

Construction from geometric shapes. Training in determining the left and right sides.

Games for orientation in space relative to your body.

Games using flat and volumetric geometric shapes.

Cards with numbers.

Learning counting rhymes with quantitative and ordinal counting.

Counting in order (first, second, etc.)

We count the number of caught players (in outdoor games, transferred items (in relay races, when setting tables for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

We play mobile games of mathematical content "Get in the circle", "Find yourself a mate", "Classes", "Make a Figure", "Relay races in pairs", "Which team will score more goals in the basket".

We conduct physical education and mathematics leisure "In the Land of Geometry".

Head of Physical Education, Musical Development and pictorial activities work in collaboration with the educators of the group.

Physical development


Slightly disturbed coordination, pace, rhythm of movement. The child is clumsy.

The child has a large and fine motor skills; he is mobile, hardy, masters the basic movements, can control his movements and manage them. Develop and improve motor skills.

Develop speed, strength, agility, coordination, pace and rhythm of movement.

To form the need for daily motor activity.

Introduce physical exercises to strengthen various organs and systems of the body.

Invite parents to spend the weekend with their children hiking, skiing, sledding, biking (by season).

If possible, create a sports corner at home. Teaching static and dynamic postures through the creation of expressive images.

Development of a sense of rhythm through the rhythmization of movements to melodies, short texts.

Equipment of the sports area in the group with sports equipment for motor activation.

Carrying out logorhythmic studies. Head of Physical Education, Musical Director.