Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation on RT. FSB "covered" the talking head of drug control

Retired Major General of the FSB on the abolition of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation

How many generals will be left without work after the liquidation of the drug police as a department, what are the chances of Fayaz Shabaev to head a division of the National Guard and why Russia could not contain the spice drug tsunami, said in an interview with Realnoe Vremya the former deputy chairman of the Gosnarkokontrol of Russia and the former head of the government information department of the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation, General retired FSB major and retired police lieutenant general Alexander Mikhailov.

Saving humanity, forgot about people

Hello Alexander Georgievich! When we agreed on this interview, you assessed the result of the work of the Federal Drug Control Service in one word - failure. Why?

I can not give such an assessment - a failure. This assessment has already been given by the president, having liquidated the structure. I can only agree with him. I have worked in this department since its inception. I saw with what excitement it all began, how the new structure unfolded, how it gained momentum, how after 2008 the results fell down. After all, the service was created not only to deal with the fight against chemicals, rejoicing at the seizures: the more the better. The main task was to save people, namely the creation of conditions under which, first of all, we will reduce the number of drug addicts and drug users.

Therefore, the first 5 years of the Federal Drug Control Service, in addition to operational results, great attention devoted to primary prevention - reducing the number of people showing interest in drugs. And if until 2004-2005 the annual increase in those registered in connection with drug addiction was 25%, by 2008 it had dropped to 1.5%. That is, the main task was, by definition, solved. We managed to bring down, and very cool to bring down, the increase in the number of drug users. For what? Primary prevention, work with children, adolescents, at risk, active and even aggressive propaganda, development of youth initiatives, creation of conditions for positive hobbies, as an alternative to alcohol and drugs. There was a program "Inviolable reserve - children of the Fatherland" and 250 children's organizations that worked on it, including the Children's Union of Journalists. Special attention was given to the risk group, in which, as is known, the format of additive behavior is formed ... Specialized magazines "Narkomat" and "Antidoza" were published. Anti-drug film festivals were held, in 2008 a draft theater festival was prepared ... Yes, a lot of things. We taught teachers on our topics, trained volunteers to create new standards of youth culture…

We managed to bring down, and very cool to bring down, the increase in the number of drug users. For what? Primary prevention, work with children, adolescents, at risk, active and even aggressive propaganda, development of youth initiatives, creation of conditions for positive hobbies, as an alternative to alcohol and drugs

We understood that primary prevention is, in fact, the formation of a civil layer, people who, in this case, actively counteract the spread of drugs. And all this worked, a civil anti-drug front was being formed - it is enough to recall how people achieved that in 2005-2006 in the Kaliningrad region the whole village of Dorozhny, in which the gypsies traded drugs, was actually demolished. They actively worked in this regard in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in which the city of Bor was a hotbed of infection (although not only it, there were many such towns in the country), in Kimry of the Tver region they smashed drug dealers from the standpoint of civil society, and not just law enforcement agencies. I will say more: when spices appeared back in 2005-2008, we managed to block them in such a way that they were unpopular in Russia. There was only a group of people who showed interest in them, but by and large, at first, the spices did not yet pose such a danger. But since 2008, everything has gone downhill. The more they talked, the worse it got.

"The new leadership has begun to puff out its cheeks and inflate the problem..."

- Why exactly in 2008?

Because with the advent of the new leadership [in May 2008, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Viktor Ivanov was appointed head of the Federal Drug Control Service, - ed. ed.] preventive work was actually discontinued. First of all, it was these units that began to be reduced, and, as a result, the system of primary prevention, which had an effect, began to collapse. After all, you can catch criminals as much as you like, liquidate groups, imprison tens of thousands, but what is all this for? Kill the camps? Report to your boss? IN last years Ivanov seemed to understand the situation. Started talking about judicial practice. Offer something. But it was clear back in 2008! So no, his team (this is generally a separate issue) was not interested in the achievements of colleagues, maps of minefields, heaps that need to be bypassed ... Using the same rake and in the same heaps. And time has gone! After all, the point of all this is to reduce interest in drugs. If there is demand, there will be supply.

After all, drug use is an element of youth subculture. And whether it was good or bad, we worked, but we dealt with specific people. FSKN on last step her work began to save humanity, not specific people. It is easy to save humanity, and talking about problems somewhere in Colombia, Afghanistan, Honduras ... while we ourselves have work "for the tonsils", as Gotsman said [the hero of the Liquidation series, - approx. ed.].

“A civil anti-drug front was being formed - it is enough to remember how people achieved that in 2005-2006 in the Kaliningrad region the whole village of Dorozhny, in which gypsies traded drugs, actually went under demolition.” Photo

In 2008, work was terminated under the program "NZ - Children of the Fatherland", in 2009 the federal target program to counter the spread of drugs. The program was inexpensive - 3 billion 660 million, but it gave its result. And the new one could not be accepted. And in an attempt to raise their own importance, especially recently, the leadership of the Federal Drug Control Service began to inflate bubbles and say that everything is bad - the number of consumers and deaths is growing. The numbers were outrageously ridiculous. For some time I was responsible for statistics in the service, and we have never recorded 140,000 deaths a year! Of course, when the president saw the horror of the current situation, he probably had some thoughts about whether the structure was working effectively.

- In your opinion, it turns out that the good achievements of the department died even before its liquidation. What to expect now?

It will not be worse. I just know the president well, I captured some period of his work as director of the FSB. I know that the president looks to the root, he has six aces in the deck. So, by and large, all these conversations - "Ah, we liquidated the Federal Drug Control Service, and then everything died" - are meaningless. If the department was no longer working as it was supposed at the first stage, what was the point of keeping it? .. Now a single shock fist is being created. And if you can ask the customs and the FSB for the fight in the foreign transit of drugs, then we can ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs for everything - retail trade, brothels and preventing the importation into the territory of the Russian Federation.

“For such things in the officers' assembly, you need to beat with a candelabra!”

We understand very well that two serious actors used to work in this "clearing" - the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Drug Control Service, somewhere - very well and hand in hand. But in Tatarstan, this work was staged as a kind of competition ... And it came to disgusting, vile manifestations on the part of my former colleagues, who simply organized various kinds of provocations against police officers. And how can law enforcement agencies work if there is no agreement between them?!

"OBNON case" I consider pure counterfeit<…>. This is a completely stupid, mediocre, vile officer-like competition between two structures to show who is cooler

I consider the “OBNON Case” to be a pure counterfeit. It unfolded before my eyes. I saw how it all happened. I was in the republic at that time, I saw, the local court immediately said that there was no corpus delicti. Because there really was nothing there ... Notice that I do not name names so that I would not be accused of putting pressure on the investigation. At the present time, I believe, we are no longer talking about the episodes on the basis of which these employees were closed. But if people have served 2 years in a pre-trial detention center, it is necessary to explain something, justify their stay in conditions of captivity. Find something to say that yes, they are really to blame...

I think this is a completely stupid, mediocre, vile officer-like competition between two structures to show who is cooler. For such things in the officer's assembly, you need to beat with a candelabra! If you have materials, come to your colleague in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan and say: "Brother, these are the jambs of your employees." So no, complex combinations are needed in order to set up your partner, create tension, paralyze the work of OBNONA. The reason is the exorbitant ambitions of a person who saw himself as the Minister of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan. This position may not be sweet, but it is very resourceful in terms of its influence.

You will talk to those who served before Mr. Shabaev came to the administration. According to my information, after his appointment in Tatarstan, about 200 officers lost their jobs. A similar thing happened when he arrived in Chuvashia and began to fire entire departments. In a small calm subject, where drugs are rare. What was it to drive a blizzard and build a career on the bones of honest officers? Moreover, the motive for his appointment to Tatarstan was not entirely clear to me: under the previous head, the region was quite noticeable in the All-Russian rating, it looked very worthy. And the results were, and prevention was carried out. And the very displacement of my comrade was furnished vilely and inhumanly. O times! Oh manners! As I mentioned, there was no particular reason. So some personal motives?

“If you have materials, come to your colleague in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan and say: “Brother, these are the jambs of your employees.” But no, complex combinations are needed in order to set up your partner, create tension, paralyze the work of OBNON. Photo

Recently there was a rumor that after the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service, the leader you mentioned could head National Guard in Tatarstan...

How to say... This character, frankly, is well known in Russia... And there are more than enough professionals for this post. In general, I absolutely do not care about the career of this gentleman ...

The reform will roll through the fate of a huge number of people. There are people in the Federal Drug Control Service who may well retire - both by age and by length of service. There are those who are still far from this pension, they can still change their profession. But there are people who have a year and a half left before retirement. So, in the context of general cuts in all departments, a huge number of people are left behind.

Boomerang always returns to base

The Ministry of Internal Affairs today is simply not able to provide work for all employees of the Federal Drug Control Service. As far as I know, there will even be only one general in this department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there were more than 120 of them in our service. But there are also colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, lieutenants. People had loans, plans. The problem is very serious! And here, as they say, the boomerang always returns to the base: where there were normal relations between departments, we can expect that the issue of employment and dismissal will be resolved humanely and decently.

In a number of subjects, immediately after the decree, the heads of the departments of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs sat down at the table to discuss their subordinates. It's like an officer. And in some places they are waiting for orders from Moscow, where many bosses are only concerned about their own fate.

As the chairman of the executive committee of the all-Russian organization "Officers of Russia", I can say that we will try, at least in Moscow, to create a kind of labor exchange - a single register of people who find themselves in a difficult life situation having a certain work experience, skills and level of education. So that it would be possible to offer the dismissed, if not to the security forces, then to civilian departments, to commercial structures. Because you need to support the guys. Nobody thought this would happen...

The Ministry of Internal Affairs today is simply not able to provide work for all employees of the Federal Drug Control Service. As far as I know, there will even be only one general in this department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there were more than 120 of them in our service. But there are also colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, lieutenants ...

All the skeletons will climb out of the closet

Also, with the redistribution of spheres of influence, you can expect that all the skeletons from the closet will climb. I remember very well how in 1981 a unit for combating organized crime was created in the Moscow Department of the KGB of the USSR. Its employees "saddle the topic" well - they began to work not only on crime, but also on those who "protected" it. Then a certain number of characters in other uniforms went to places of deprivation of liberty, but in 1983 this unit was liquidated, and “landings” immediately began. Including those people who worked very actively and helped to uncover the "protectors".

So the Federal Drug Control Service jailed about 2.5 thousand law enforcement and military officers in the first year of operation. Then we actually broke the existing criminal ties between dealers and representatives of the security forces. This was the task before us. And panic began on the criminal glade. And now the boomerang may be back.

Corruption testifies to the disease of the system. Let me remind you that at one time the head of the Ryazan Federal Drug Control Service, the deputy head of the Novosibirsk Department, who was part of the criminal community, was arrested and convicted.

In an interview with the Zavtra newspaper, you said that in the first year of operation, the Federal Drug Control Service seized 130 tons of drugs, and in the penultimate year - less than 30. Why such a decrease?

My colleagues were carried away by large weights of narcotic drugs. And the ratings that really existed in the department created the conditions for this. If a person understood that this seized weight would not count for him, he chose to wait until he managed to withdraw a large one. And there was also a principle, as in the Ministry of Internal Affairs: an increase in indicators to the level of last year.

“Some characters in the service had their own lured dealers (criminal cases are evidence of this). And they brought drugs just enough so that they could be seized and give a result similar to the period last year.” Photo

Let's imagine a situation. A small patriarchal town where there are alcoholics, petty drug addicts, but everything is calm. And suddenly they import 1 kg of heroin or, God forbid, 20 kg. What reaction should the head of the FSKN unit have? He understands: if I cover this game now, I will be on horseback. But until next month! Because in the next month and the next 20 years, I will have nothing at all. But they will call to Moscow, saying, they say, you have a complete failure, 20 kg were confiscated, but now they are not.

Boy for rating?

Therefore, some characters in the service had their own lured dealers (criminal cases are evidence of this). And they brought drugs just enough so that they could be seized and give a result similar to the period last year. I won’t point fingers, but I’ll note that after the arrest of a major dealer in your republic by OBNON, the Department of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Republic of Tatarstan fell significantly down the rating table. And here you start to wonder: was there a boy? Isn't that the point of the whole conflict?

Today we must really proceed from the main thing. Why was a special service created? It was created to save people - to reduce the number of consumers and demand for drugs. By all means, hand in hand with civilian agencies. Here is the key problem, everything else is lyrics! We will never clean up crime, but we can minimize the losses from it. If we create conditions under which children learn to say “no”, then we have completed our task. And the second important task- take dealers at distant approaches, confiscate large consignments at the border, as far as possible to the place where they are being taken from ... After all, as drug trafficking moves deeper into the country, the same heroin begins to lose concentration. He is being ripped off at every stage. There have been awkward situations. They will take a large cargo, they will ring up in the media, and experts say: in that large weight, only 10% of the drug substance ...

So it is possible and necessary to reduce consumption through primary prevention and supply reduction, but if one block falls out, the second one can no longer work effectively. If there is demand, there will be supply...

Irina Plotnikova, photo


Mikhailov Alexander Georgievich

  • born October 27, 1950 in Moscow
  • Major General of the Federal Security Service of the Reserve, Lieutenant General of the Police, retired, Lieutenant General of the Police
  • member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy of the Russian Federation, assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation - General of the Army N. D. Kovaleva (director of the FSB 1996-1998)
  • Graduated from the Moscow Electromechanical College. Moscow City Executive Committee in 1969, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov in 1977, served in Soviet army(1969-1971)
  • 1971-1974 - senior technician at the Moscow Radio Plant
  • since 1974 he served in the state security agencies in operational positions; occupied leadership positions, including in the fifth department of the KGB of the USSR (political counterintelligence); in 1989 he was appointed head of the first press service in the USSR in the state security agencies; 1993-1996 - Head of the Public Relations Center of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation; 1996-1998 - First Deputy Head of the Information and Analytical Department of the Department of Analysis, Forecast and Strategic Planning of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
  • May 1998 - May 1999 - Head of the Information Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  • May - October 1999 - Head of the Department of Government Information of the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • since October 1999 he has been the head of the Russian Information Center
  • in July 2003, he was appointed deputy chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for the Control of the Circulation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (later - the Federal Drug Control Service), created by decree of the President of Russia
  • retired in October 2008
  • Vice-Rector of the Independent Institute of Political Technologies "Russian School of PR"; Academician of the Academy of Russian Literature
  • Co-Chairman of the Presidium of the National Civil Committee for Cooperation with Law Enforcement, Legislative and Judicial Authorities
  • member of the Writers' Union of Russia; author of a number of detective books and scientific publications
  • Cavalier of the golden badge of honor "Public recognition" (2003); laureate of the award. Konstantin Simonov, Vladimir Pikul, Arkady Kashko, laureate of the Prize. Yu. V. Andropov (with a gold medal) - for an outstanding contribution to the security of the Russian Federation (2002); awarded the Order of Derzhavin, medals of Sholokhov, Sergei Yesenin; awarded the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church Dmitry Donskoy.

On the eve of the New Year, each of us sums up the results of the outgoing year, makes plans for the future. Drug control officers are no exception. We talked with the head of the Zelenodolsk Regional Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan, Police Major Ya.A. Kostyuk.

Yaroslav Alexandrovich, have there been any changes in the drug situation in the Zelenodolsk region over the past year?
Despite the ongoing serious anti-drug work, the drug situation in the Republic remains difficult. Unfortunately, we have to state that the growth of drug addicts continues in Zelenodolsk. According to ZPND them. Ankylosing spondylitis today consists of 623 people with drug dependence syndrome, which is higher than the national average. It should be noted that thanks to the work of law enforcement agencies, the previously available drug heroin has become a rarity. But he was replaced by a "drug for the poor" - desomorphine. During the year, we identified eight drug dens in Zelenodolsk, where this drug was manufactured and consumed. But we hope that the situation will change for the better, after the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 78 FZ, according to which prescription dispensing of codeine-containing drugs has been introduced in the Republic of Tatarstan. By the way, here is the merit of the Zelenodolsk people. In labor collectives: ZFZ, PFMK, the plant named after Sergo, in universities and colleges of the city, discussions were held about the danger of the spread of desomorphine. And our residents treated this problem with understanding and wrote appeals to the leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan with a request to limit the sale of codeine-containing drugs.

Tell me, what was the outgoing year like for you and your employees?

I will say right away that the year was not easy. Our operatives had to spend days and nights at work, often without days off. But I think the effort was worth it. Despite the fact that the total number of drug crimes detected by us has decreased, we, as a specialized body, considered it expedient to move away from the “gross” indicators and focus the operational staff on the disclosure of drug crimes committed by prior conspiracy and by organized groups. Our goal is serious developments with the elimination of all links in the criminal chain. Of course, we still have a lot to learn, but we have to state what is happening professional growth drug cops. This year we have identified crimes committed by organized criminal groups. All seven criminal cases were sent to court. Eight criminal cases were initiated against a group of people who committed drug crimes by prior agreement. As you know, serious drug-related crimes are often committed with the knowledge, or with the direct participation, of law enforcement officials. This year, we have identified drug crimes committed by special forces. subjects. One employee has already been convicted and is serving a sentence. Two others are under investigation. In total, in 2011, we brought 30 people to criminal responsibility for illegal drug transactions.
- What are your plans for the next year?
- I think that a lot of work awaits me and other employees of the Zelenodolsk MRO next year. But since we have chosen to serve in the drug control authorities, we will make every effort to protect our youth from drugs.
- Yaroslav Alexandrovich, what would you like to wish to the readers of our newspaper?
- Taking this opportunity, I want to say that if you become aware of drug-related crimes, you can report to the helpline: 555-00, or contact me for a personal appointment, we guarantee anonymity and confidentiality.
I would like to wish all the readers of the newspaper health, family happiness and, of course, that trouble, whose name is "drug", would never knock on their house.

Activists of the anti-drug project "Independent Children" are invited to the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan

November 23, 2011 in the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, a meeting was held between the heads of the Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan with members of the Public Youth Chamber and participants in the republican anti-drug project "Self-Reliable Children". The event was attended by the Head of the Department F.B. Shabaev, Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan R.G. Nugumanov, Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan - Chairman of the Public Youth Chamber E.P. Efimov, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, leaders of youth movements - members of the Public Youth Chamber, participants of the republican anti-drug project "Self-Reliable Children". Zelenodolsk guys did not stand aside. The most active participants in this project, which has been implemented in the Zelenodolsk region since 2008, were invited to the State Council for an important meeting. Irina Ulanova, Dmitry Ruppel, Kamila Tazieva from the "Frontiers" detachment and Veronika Ugoltsova, Alina Voroshina, Alexandra Kupriyanova from the "SMID" detachment of the Vasilyevsky TsVR met with Major General Shabaev F.B. and took part in the discussion of topics of interest to young people in the field of anti-drug propaganda. The participants of the meeting noted the importance of interaction between state authorities and public organizations in carrying out anti-drug work. Participants of the meeting asked questions and received exhaustive answers. The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere, it became interesting and useful for all participants.

Art. detective

Krylova S.M.

In Tatarstan, the action "Tell me where they sell death!"

From November 10 to November 18, Tatarstan will host the second stage of the All-Russian anti-drug action "Tell me where death is sold." The action has been taking place in all regions of Russia for the fourth year. who have become addicted to drugs.The number of tragedies caused by drugs is constantly growing, and, unfortunately, young people are most susceptible to this evil.Cracking the spread of drugs would be much more effective if everyone who has information about drug crimes used their telephone right and notified law enforcement agencies. The Drug Control Department appeals to the residents of the republic with an appeal: do not pass by, actively counteract the "plague of the 21st century" - drug addiction! Report the facts of drug trafficking known to you to the "helpline" of the Zelenodolsk MRO of the Drug Control Department of the Republic of Tatarstan: 5-55 -00 and to the Internet reception of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan

However, the task of the action "Tell me where they sell death!" includes not only the collection of operational information. The organizers strive to make it useful for those who need advice or support, therefore, along with drug control specialists, specialists from other interested ministries and departments will be on duty at the hotline. During the campaign, they will receive applications by the following phones:

Narcologist: 4-98-20

Education department specialist: 4-97-61

Youth department specialist: 4-27-26

Psychologist of the Center for Assistance to Family and Children: 4-15-28

No person should or can feel safe where there are drugs. Call and you will save the health and lives of many people: your relatives, friends, acquaintances!

Tatarstan adopts law to combat desomorphine drug addiction

On October 26, the State Council of the Republic of Tajikistan adopted a Law providing for the prescription sale of medicines with a low content of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors.

The new law will be the response of the authorities to the avalanche growth of desomorphine addiction. This synthetic drug is prepared from drugs containing codeine, which are freely sold in pharmacies.

The prevalence of desomorphine is high due to its availability and cheapness, but at the same time it remains an extremely toxic substance that causes irreparable harm to health. After the first use, this drug causes a strong dependence, and the life of an addict who uses it is no more than 2 years. Since the beginning of the year alone, all law enforcement agencies of the republic have seized about 6 million single doses of desomorphymine. Indifference and concern about the spread of desomorphine drug addiction in the republic was actively expressed by the public of Tatarstan. The President of Tatarstan, the Government and the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan received over 300 appeals from public organizations, youth, volunteers and residents from all over the republic with a proposal to ban OTC sale of codeine-containing drugs. The mass media of Tatarstan expressed their participation in resolving the problem of drug addiction, widely covering the situation with desomorphine addiction and its devastating consequences.

The State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan adopted the Law "On measures aimed at preserving the life and health of citizens on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, and amending certain legislative acts of the Republic of Tatarstan", which will limit access to codeine-containing drugs to a wide range of people and will not prevent people from purchasing necessary medicines who really need them for medical reasons. In addition, according to experts, this step will effective tool improvement of the inhabitants of the republic.

To turn the tide, some regions Russian Federation area through legislative assemblies have already introduced tougher rules for the sale of drugs containing codeine. So in the Kaluga region, a law was adopted, which for violation of the distribution of these drugs entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of fifty thousand rubles, and on legal entities - one million rubles. Similar fines are envisaged to be introduced in Tatarstan.

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk MRO
Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
Krylova S.M.

Drug control officers stopped the activities of an organized criminal group.

The Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan considered a criminal case against an organized criminal group supplying Zelenodolsk with heroin.

In October 2010, the Zelenodolsk Regional Department of Narcotics Control received information that several guys, united in a group, were engaged in drug trafficking.

The organizer of this criminal group was a 38-year-old drug addict with experience named Alexander. High profitability and an extensive clientele were decisive factors for him in creating a drug business. And after weighing all the arguments, in the summer of 2010 he decided on criminal activity. He hired only those people whom he trusted. Drug-addicted and in need of funds to acquire them, Dima and Slava, without thinking at all about the consequences, joined the drug group. In addition, Alexander knew that accomplices would always be able to provide him with a permanent clientele from among their drug addict acquaintances. And as a reward, he gave them part of the heroin for his own consumption. Alexander himself assigned the role of the leader of a drug group: when purchasing heroin, he packaged it in foil bundles and kept everything in his own apartment. In addition, as the organizer of a criminal group, he collected and kept money from drug trafficking.

The tasks of the other two members of the group included the constant sale of heroin to clients. They coped with their role successfully, until their own clients came to the attention of the drug police. It was with the usual possession of heroin that a series of crimes began, which were unraveled by the Zelenodolsk drug police. The chain led them to Dima, who was soon detained for possession of heroin. But his disability became a mitigating circumstance, and he was released on bail, which, however, did not prevent him from continuing his criminal activities. Soon, for the sale of heroin, drug control operatives detained another participant in the drug business, Slava, who turned out to be smarter - after weighing all the pros and cons, he provides all possible assistance to drug control officers in exposing an organized criminal group and confesses.

In August 2011, all members of the organized crime group were put on trial. However, the verdict of the court seemed too harsh to them and they decided to appeal it to the Supreme Court of the Republic. But the judge left the verdict of the Zelenodolsk City Court unchanged. The organizer of the group was sentenced to 9.5 years in prison, Dima - to 7 years and 8 months in prison. Given the remorse for the deed,

Sincere recognition and assistance in exposing the criminal activities of this organized group Slava received a suspended sentence of 5 years in prison.

Based on the foregoing, one thing follows - a person who decides to try drugs once, it is very difficult to refuse them later. Criminal acts always lead to consequences. Drugs are an evil that must be fought, and fought together! If you know any information regarding the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, persons involved in these criminal acts, as well as the owners of drug dens, please report to the helpline of the Zelenodolsk Interdistrict Department, at the number: 5-55-00. Privacy guaranteed.

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk MRO
Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
Krylova S.M.

An extraordinary meeting of the anti-drug commission of the Zelenodolsk municipality was held on October 10, 2011.

The reason was the spread of desomorphine drug addiction in the region, which began to take on an epidemic character. If earlier desomorphine was used by former heroin addicts, then recently there has been an involvement in the use of desomorphine by persons who have not previously used drugs. The Federal Drug Control Service believes that the current situation is the result of the uncontrolled release of codeine-containing drugs. The Government of the Russian Federation has repeatedly issued resolutions on the introduction of prescription dispensing of these drugs, however, the timing of its entry into force has been postponed. According to the latest regulation, prescriptions for codeine-containing drugs will not be introduced until June 2012.

Decision of the anti-drug commission: to intensify explanatory work on the dangers of desomorphine among the population, activate the media, hold meetings with labor collectives and students.

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk MRO
Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
police Major
S.M. Krylova

Residents of Zelenodolsk supported the prescription of codeine-containing drugs.

In October, employees of the Zelenodolsk inter-district department of drug control held meetings with students of universities and secondary schools in Zelenodolsk, as well as with workers of the PFMK and ZFZ. The drug control officer told about the desomorphine drug dens identified in Zelenodolsk, provided statistical data on the identified crimes related to the manufacture of desomorphine over the past three years. The audience was presented with slides showing the terrible consequences of desomorphine consumption. Zelenodolsk residents reacted differently to what they saw. Someone thought that you will not achieve anything by restrictive measures, and the sick who need painkillers will suffer. And drug addicts will find something to poison themselves with. Others, on the contrary, believe that prescription drugs such as pentalgin are simply necessary, as they themselves have witnessed how young people purchase components for the manufacture of desomorphine in a pharmacy. And pharmacists calmly dispensed as much of the drug as they asked for. Medical students also brought such an argument that it is dangerous to engage in self-medication. If something hurts, you need to see a doctor in order to identify the cause of the pain and eliminate it.

At the end of the conversation, they came to a consensus - when on the same scale human life, fate, really need to switch to prescription. Drug addiction primarily affects young people of reproductive age who could have families and children. And as a result, they die themselves, do not give offspring, leave their parents for a lonely old age.

As a result of the meetings, the collectives wrote appeals to the leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan on the introduction of prescription dispensing for codeine-containing drugs in the territory of the Republic.

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk MRO
Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
police Major
S.M. Krylova

Aurora Cup went to Zelenodolsk residents

Last week in Kazan, on the basis of the sports and patriotic center "Patriot", the V Republican military sports game "Aurora Cup" was held. The game was traditionally initiated by the Office of the Russian Federal Drug Control Service for the Republic of Tatarstan. The purpose of the meeting is to form the personal qualities of a patriotic citizen in teenage cadets, to involve them in sports, prepare them for military service and orient them towards choosing a profession in law enforcement agencies and the armed forces. Fourteen teams from eight cities and regions of the republic gathered to participate in the game, including Zelenodolsk. Honored guests and organizers of the meeting welcomed the cadets and followed their success in the competitions: Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan, Police Colonel Timur Yusupov, representatives of the Anti-Drug Coordination Department of the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Military Commissariat of the Republic of Tatarstan. Military training , as you know, is one of the components of the educational process in cadet schools, so the Cup competition began with a paramilitary relay race, including the assembly and disassembly of a machine gun, firing from pneumatic weapons, running and the most beautiful combatant song contest in terms of entertainment. While the pupils were fighting for the prize of the Aurora Cup, the teachers - participants of the Aurora project at the round table discussed the topic of legal and psychological support of anti-drug work. In addition to the main competitive action, the Aurora Cup program was full of interesting events and meetings. The hosts of the "Patriot" center gave the young participants a tour of the car park, showed an exhibition of weapons. The drug control special forces, in turn, gave demonstration performances and at the same time told how to protect themselves from drug aggression. The guys were able to see live how the four-legged friends of the “cops”, who during their service found more than one kilogram of drugs, follow the classic cynologist commands, look for hidden drugs and neutralize “armed” criminals when trying to escape from the crime scene. According to the experience of the police officers: such visual actions and live communication arouse great interest among the guys, and after such meetings, many of them determine for themselves the future associated with work in law enforcement agencies. At the end of the game, the winners and prize-winners were awarded diplomas and gifts on behalf of the leadership of the republican drug control. There was no equal to the team from the Zelenodolsk region. Pupils of the cadet class of Lyceum No. 9 were solemnly awarded the Aurora Challenge Cup. However, the organizers of the event tried not to leave anyone without gifts, all the participating teams received diplomas and memorable gifts from the hands of the organizers and honored guests of the holiday. It should be noted that the Cup is held within the framework of the interdepartmental anti-drug project "Aurora" developed by the Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan on the basis of the Russian national program "Safe Reserve - Children of Russia". Aurora fits perfectly into the life of cadet schools with its military lifestyle, additional military training program and continues all year round. The purpose of the program is to teach teenagers to live consciously, keep their soul and body healthy, and constructively solve problematic conflict situations.

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk MRO
Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
police Major
Krylova S.M.

Last week an unscheduled meeting of the regional anti-drug commission took place in Zelenodolsk. The reason for its meeting was the difficult operational situation in terms of the circulation of the narcotic drug desomorphine. The Drug Control Service was the first to sound the alarm about the danger of the distribution of desomorphine and the availability of its components. As you know, desomorphine is made in artisanal conditions from codeine-containing drugs that are freely available. The Commission decided to intensify explanatory work with students and conduct conversations with employees of enterprises about the spread of desomorphine drug addiction in Zelenodolsk.

Republican stage announced All-Russian Olympiad scientific and student work in the field of prevention of drug addiction and drug crime

From November 15, 2011 to December 15, 2011, the Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan holds the Republican stage of the annual All-Russian Olympiad of scientific and student work in the field of drug addiction and drug crime prevention.
The purpose of this competition is to develop practical advice on the organization of the drug addiction and drug crime prevention system, identifying the state, main directions and level of scientific research in the field of drug addiction prevention.
The Olympiad of scientific and student works includes 4 nominations:
- The essence and content of the prevention of drug addiction and drug crime.
- Propaganda healthy lifestyle life, the formation of an anti-drug worldview among children and youth.
- The work of public associations for the prevention of drug addiction.
- Organization of prevention of drug addiction and drug crime in the field of youth leisure.
Detailed information can be found in the anti-drug contests section.
The best works will be sent to participate in the next qualifying round (Volga Federal District).

Competition for the best organization of anti-drug preventive work announced in the republic

A competition has been announced in the republic for the best organization of anti-drug preventive work in general educational institutions, primary vocational education, secondary special and higher educational institutions.
The organizers of the competition are the Anti-Drug Commission in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan, anti-drug commissions in the municipalities of the republic and other departments.
The competition is held in three stages. The first - regional - will be held until November 15, the second - republican qualifying - until December 15. The third final stage is planned to be held until December 31, 2011 with the direct departure of the members of the competition committee to the educational institution.
Anti-drug preventive work carried out by general educational institutions, primary vocational education institutions, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions will be evaluated according to several criteria. Among them is the use of information and interactive technologies, organization of employment and leisure of pupils and students, the presence of an anti-drug volunteer movement, medical examinations of pupils and students for the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

An internal service private tried to smuggle drugs into the zone

Zaripov I.R., a junior inspector of the security department of correctional colony No. 5, received six and a half years in prison with a sentence in a strict regime colony.
With regard to a nineteen-year-old employee, the Zelenodolsk drug police received information that an ordinary internal service, for a fee, transfers to convicts of the colony Cell phones, drugs and other prohibited items. The young man was placed under surveillance. Soon, operatives of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan, together with employees of the Zelenodolsk MRO of drug control Zaripov I.R. was detained at the place of work. Officers were waiting for him at the checkpoint. After examining the detainee, the drug police found a polymer bag with two bundles of drugs in the pocket of their uniform jacket. As a result, about 3 grams of hashish and almost 6 grams of a synthetic drug, which is an analogue of JWH-018, were seized. The private explained that a package with narcotic contents was handed over to him in Kazan. And it was intended for a specific person from among the convicts. Now instead of studying legal institute, which he dreamed about, the young man ended up on prison bunk.
Significant assistance to the drug police is provided by messages received on the "helpline". If you have information about crimes in the field of drug trafficking, call the number: 5-55-00 or contact the Department's website and action will be taken on your message. Information confidentiality is guaranteed.

Head of Zelenodolsk MRO
Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
Kostyuk Ya.A.

Attempt to transfer hashish failed!

Last week, the drug police, together with employees of IK-5, suppressed an attempt to transfer drugs to the zone. What tricks are not used by friends and relatives of prisoners in order to successfully carry out their plans. But their ingenuity only increases the vigilance of law enforcement officers. It happened this time as well. The brother brought food parcels and personal hygiene items to his brother, who is serving a sentence. During the inspection of the parcel, the UFSIN officers, together with the Zelenodolsk drug police, discovered and confiscated more than 11 grams of hashish, which were hidden in three jars of shoe polish with a double bottom. By this fact the investigative drug control service initiated a criminal case under Part 2 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk MRO
Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
Krylova S.M.

Victims of the “crocodile”: two desomorphine drug dens were “covered up” in Zelenodolsk in August

In August, drug control officers liquidated two desomorphine hotbeds of evil, arranged in ordinary city apartments. Moreover, the owners of these drug dens were people who did not use drugs themselves, they were lovers of alcoholic beverages. On August 19, the drug police closed the brothel on the street. K. Marx Zelenodolsk, which was arranged by a 37-year-old woman. She was unemployed, led an antisocial lifestyle, abused alcohol, and had big circle friends who are addicted to drugs. In the absence of her roommate, former heroin addicts gathered at her place, who focused on the cheap, affordable, albeit the most terrible drug desomorphine: each brought with him the components necessary for making the potion and engaged in the laborious process of “cooking”. And it was enough for the owner of the apartment that she had a drink. During the first visit, the drug police found guests at the drug den. All, as the used syringes testified, and later the medical examination also showed, managed to use drugs. Less than a month later, drug control officers again detained visitors to the brothel. The so-called kitchen was confiscated from the apartment: items and tools used in the manufacture of the drug. Two weeks earlier, the drug police found a drug den on the street. Queen of Zelenodolsk. Its owner was a 34-year-old man. He himself does not consume drugs, but he let drug addicts in for another bottle of vodka or beer. The hospitable host ignored the requests and warnings of his wife and continued to provide his kitchen to the brewers of the potion.
Currently, criminal cases have been initiated against the owners of drug establishments on the grounds of the elements of crimes provided for by Articles 232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. An investigation is underway. By the way, over the past period of the current year in the city of Zelenodolsk, drug control officers have identified 9 desomorphine drug dens.
As you know, desomorphine is a drug whose medical consequences are extremely serious. The strongest physical dependence, the most severe “withdrawal”, infection of the body, leading to decay and amputation of the arms and legs. The life span of a desomorphine addict is from six months to three years. Meanwhile, there are more and more desomorphine addicts every day, "crocodile" is currently the second most popular drug in Russia after heroin (occupies more than a quarter of the market). The share of desomorphine dens closed this year in the republic from total number was 70%. The main reason for this is the availability of codeine-containing drugs and their low cost. Therefore, the Federal Drug Control Service strongly advocates the prescription of codeine-containing drugs.

Head of Zelenodolsk MRO
Ya.A. Kostyuk

I’ll go to the police, let them teach me ...

August 15 in the children's health camp "Chaika" was unusually crowded and noisy. The guys from the neighboring camps "Gorkovets" and named after M. Jalil came to visit. The reason for the meeting was role-playing game"Fighter of drug control", held as part of the campaign "Camp - a territory without drugs." This year, the Deputy Chief Physician of the Republican Narcological Dispensary Khaeva R.F., the leading adviser of the Department of Education and additional education children of the Ministry of Education and Science Pukhova Yu.V. and senior detective of the Zelenodolsk MRO drug control Krylova S.M. The goal of the game is to form a negative attitude towards drugs and drug dealers among the younger generation, as well as to create a positive image of drug control officers. All the guys resting there were able to try themselves in the role of a commando, an opera, an expert. Before starting to play drug police, RND specialists tested the guys. After all, only healthy guys can be drug cops.

After the tests, they were accepted into the ranks of the drug police. In search of a drug dealer, young commandos overcame obstacles. Like a real opera, they examined the premises where the notes-pointers were hidden and looked for caches of drugs. After all, there may be simpletons who want to try them. Ultimately, the discovered drugs were burned at the stake. And the propaganda team of the camp "Chaika" presented to the audience a short speech about the dangers of drugs. The event ended with the presentation of commemorative diplomas. According to the sum of points scored, the camp named after M. Jalil became the winner of the game.

Time has shown how necessary and useful is preventive work with children in solving a serious problem. And in the form of an entertaining game, it is easier for children to understand what evil drugs carry in themselves. This helps them form a negative attitude towards drugs and those who distribute them. In addition, the winners of the game will soon be able to become a worthy replacement for the current drug police.

Art. detective
Buinsky branch
Zelenodolsk MRO
Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
Krylova S.M.

How much rope does not twist ...

At the beginning of the year, several residents of the city of Zelenodolsk were detained by drug police for possession of psychoactive substances. The drug dealer himself was soon identified. It turned out to be a 28-year-old resident of Zelenodolsk, in the past - a former employee of the Yelabuga inter-district department of the Drug Control Administration in the Republic of Tatarstan. After working in the service for several years and resigning from the authorities in 2009, the young man apparently decided that it was more profitable to sell drugs than to expose drug dealers. Having moved to Zelenodolsk, he opens a retail outlet, where psychoactive substances were on the counter under the guise of “fish food” along with gear. Soon, the entrepreneur turns off trade in Zelenodolsk and opens a fishing store in the neighboring city of Volzhsk. Here, also under the guise of bait, drugs were sold. Soon the goods began to be in demand and make a profit, and the businessman decided not to spend money on maintaining the store, on the purchase of fishing tackle and other disguises. For trade, only a small kiosk was needed, with a tiny window. In the "case" he took only acquaintances and trusted people. So, a 28-year-old young man, himself a drug user, became a packer. And the seller was a resident of Zelenodolsk, a friend of the wife of the business organizer. The daily proceeds from the drug business amounted to about 30 thousand rubles. Every day, up to 100 people came to the kiosk. During the operational search activities, it was established that the unfortunate entrepreneur purchased drugs in bulk in Naberezhnye Chelny. Then, together with their assistant, they packaged smoking mixtures in a rented apartment in Volzhsk and only then gave it to the kiosk saleswoman for sale. With the help of employees of the Volga Federal Security Service and operatives of the Federal Penitentiary Service, drug control operatives carried out a large-scale operation, during which they detained both the drug dealer himself and his accomplices. A drug control officer acting within the framework of the operational-search activity "Test Purchase" easily acquired 3 bags in a stall. During the search, 49 bags of “dope” were seized from the stall. The saleswoman herself explained that she was selling only fish bait, and knew nothing about the contents of the bags. The price of a small bag of 300 rubles did not bother her. Local residents, passing by the kiosk, which was examined by the drug police, exclaimed that it was high time to close this "shop".

Having raided the rented apartment where the drug dealer’s assistant was hiding, and opening the door of the dwelling, the special forces officers discovered that the accomplice had already managed to get rid of some of the drugs by flushing them down the toilet. But the rest, discovered by drug control operatives, "pulled" to a particularly large size. The unfortunate businessman is arrested. On this fact, a criminal case was initiated under part 3 of article 228.1 (illegal sale of narcotic drugs and their analogues on an especially large scale), the sanction of this article provides for imprisonment for a period of 8 to 20 years.

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk Regional Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
police major Krylova S.M.

Packets of high

In early 2010, Tatarstan was flooded with smoking blends. Then on the streets of Kazan, like mushrooms after the rain, tobacco shops and just stalls began to appear, where anyone could buy a "bag of high" for themselves. After the components of smoking mixtures were included in the List of narcotic drugs, the circulation of which is prohibited in Russia, they were replaced by new types of psychoactive substances camouflaged as household goods (fertilizers for plants, bath salts, insect repellents and complementary foods for fish). Moreover, new psychoactive substances appear so quickly that the Government of the Russian Federation does not have time to include them in the list of narcotic drugs. Zelenodolsk has not bypassed this misfortune either. There were those who wanted to warm their hands in this dirty business. However, the open sale of these funds has not received mass distribution. Thanks to the vigilance of our citizens, who reported to the helpline about outlets selling psychoactive substances and the well-coordinated work of law enforcement officers and the district administration, it was not possible to openly sell drugs. However, new types of drugs were widely used among young people. Employees of the Zelenodolsk MRO managed to establish where such a massive and easily accessible drug came from. As a result of operational activities carried out by the drug police, it was found that "bags of high" can be easily purchased in the neighboring city - in Volzhsk. Where openly, in a crowded place, there was a stall on which there was no sign, only one small window. It was to this place that lovers of "high" were drawn. There were always plenty of buyers at the stall. Who came alone, who in the company, and some drove up in cars, both with the numbers of the Republic of Mari El, and ours, Tatarstan. Operatives of drug control, with the help of employees of the Volga Federal Security Service and operatives of the Federal Penitentiary Service, carried out a large-scale operation, during which they detained both the drug dealer and his accomplices. A drug control officer acting within the framework of the operational-search activity "Test Purchase" easily acquired 3 bags in a stall. During the search, 49 bags of “dope” were seized from the stall. The saleswoman herself explained that she was selling only fish bait, and knew nothing about the contents of the bags. Having raided with a search the rented apartment where the drug dealer's assistant was hiding, and, having opened the door of the dwelling, the special forces officers found that the accomplice had already managed to get rid of

Parts of drugs, flushing them down the toilet. But the rest, discovered by drug control operatives, "pulled" to a particularly large size. As the examination showed, the substance in the bags contains JWH-18, which is a synthetic analogue of marijuana, the circulation of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation. The main factors that contributed to the spread of smoking mixtures among people are their availability and relatively inexpensive price. They are not stopped by prohibitions of relatives, nor by doctors' warnings that the use of this product inevitably leads to the development of incurable diseases, such as chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract, cancer of the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx and lungs, and damage to the central nervous system. There are a huge number of cases when smoked people "went for a walk" from the last floor of a high-rise building, confusing a door with a window.

It is worth noting that both the drug dealer and the seller are residents of Zelenodolsk. Moreover, the first one is a former employee of the Yelabuga MRO of drug control.

On this fact, a criminal case has been initiated under part 3 of article 228.1 (illegal sale of narcotic drugs and their analogues on an especially large scale). The unfortunate businessman is arrested.

By the way, every year there are more and more calls from vigilant citizens, which first of all testifies to their consciousness and trust in Drug Control. People understand that in order to stop the further spread of drug addiction, we need to act together!

You can report crimes and offenses related to drugs to the helpline of the Zelenodolsk MRO: 5-55-00, or you can contact the leadership of the department for a personal appointment. Reception hours: by the head of the department every Tuesday from 15.00 to 17.00. Confidentiality and anonymity are guaranteed.

Senior detective
Zelenodolsk MRO
Krylova S.M.

Should be reminded!

The long-awaited summer has arrived. Many household plots and front gardens are simply buried in flowers. However, despite numerous warnings, poppy flowers can be seen here and there. Therefore, the drug police consider it their duty to once again remind the owners of land plots about the inadmissibility of growing narcotic plants on their plots. In the event of the appearance of wild-growing drug-containing plants, the land user is obliged to take measures to destroy them. Inaction in this case, according to Article 10.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, results in a fine of 3,000 to 4,000 rubles for officials, and from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles for organizations. And for the cultivation of poppy and hemp, criminal liability is provided. In particular, for the cultivation of up to ten poppy plants, administrative liability is provided in the form of a fine of 1.5 thousand to 2 thousand rubles. Growing more than ten plants of this plant or 20 cannabis bushes is subject to criminal liability under Article 231 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal cultivation of plants containing narcotic substances prohibited from cultivation”. Guilty persons are punished by a fine in the amount of up to three hundred thousand rubles, or by imprisonment for up to two years.
And if you see poppy or hemp sprouts on abandoned land - inform the Zelenodolsk drug control department Phone: 5-55-00. The message can also be sent to the e-mail address: htpp://

Senior detective
Buinsky branch
Zelenodolsk Regional Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
Krylova S.M.

International Day Against Drugs and Illicit Traffic (June 26) is an occasion to once again draw the attention of the population of our republic to the topic of the relevance of the fight against drug addiction and drug trafficking. This is an opportunity to appeal again to every inhabitant of Tatarstan - the problem of drug trafficking can only be solved together, by combining the efforts of the state and society. International Day Against Drug Addiction, Illicit Drug Trafficking has been celebrated since 1987 by decision of the UN General Assembly as a sign of determination to strengthen activities and cooperation to create an international society free from drug addiction.
In June, the regional anti-drug commission, together with the Zelenodolsk Regional Regional Office of the Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control in the Republic of Tatarstan and other subjects of the prevention of drug addiction of the population, conducts an anti-drug marathon dedicated to the International Day against Drugs. Within the framework of which, various events are held: meetings with law enforcement officers, conversations with medical workers, social workers, sports events are held, exhibitions are arranged in libraries.
June 23, 2011 in the Palace of Culture "Rodina" in Zelenodolsk city event "We are friends and sing, we live without drugs", held as part of the Republican action "The young generation is dear to us." At the end of the concert program, commemorative diplomas and gifts from the Zelenodolsk MRO of the Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control in Tatarstan and the regional anti-drug commission were presented to employees of local bodies of various ministries and departments actively involved in the prevention of drug addiction of the population. Among them, the director of the "Zelenodolsk Musical Theater" Antonova Elena Limarkovna - for active work to promote a healthy lifestyle, social teachers of the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children "Rodnik" Stepanova Dania Garafetdinovna and Kovalenko Nadezhda Anatolyevna, a leading specialist of the Department for Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism Spiridonova Vaselina Nurullaevna, director of the municipal institution "Sports and recreation camp" Chaika "" Khayalutdinov Radik Ildarovich, responsible for the prevention of drug addiction, leading specialist of the Information and Methodological Department of the Department of Education Kayurova Tatyana Nikolaevna.
The students who took part in the district drawing competition were not left without attention. The first place in the drawing competition was taken by a student of school No. 7 in Zelenodolsk - Frolova Valeria. All winners were also awarded diplomas and gifts.
The activities of the anti-drug marathon will be continued in summer recreation camps, where the role-playing game "Drug Control Fighter" will traditionally be held.
Zelenodolsk MRO drug control calls on all residents of the district to report information about the places of distribution of drugs, or persons involved in this by calling 5-55-00.

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk MRO

The government has set restrictions for drug addicts

The Government of the country approved special list professions where access to drug addicts is closed. It is possible that in the future, upon admission to important work Applicants will have to take a drug test. Among the lovers of the potion are not only the inhabitants of the social bottom, but also people on whose work other people's lives depend. A drug addict driving a car or flying an airplane is not just a sick person, but a potential killer. A government decree approved a list of certain types of professional activities, for which restrictions are established for drug addicts. This document may be the first step towards establishing a sober order in a vital area. Similar restrictions have been in place in the past. But in practice they were not implemented. Therefore, purely theoretically, a surgeon who took a dose could go to the operation, a pilot with heroin in his blood would sit at the helm of the aircraft, and a drug addict controller would control the air traffic. The latter, by the way, is not speculation. According to the head of the Federal Service for Drug Control, Viktor Ivanov, a drug-addicted dispatcher was identified a couple of years ago, who controlled flights in the Far Eastern air zone. He also went to work while under the influence of drugs. A few years ago, at one of the mines in Kemerovo region there was an explosion. The reason turned out to be that two drug addicts were preparing a dose for themselves on a spirit lamp. This led to an explosion of methane. In addition, in just two years, drug control operatives have identified more than a thousand people at technogenic enterprises who were either involved in drug crimes or took drugs themselves. Moreover, such enterprises were not specially checked. The department conducted the usual operational-search work, and then it suddenly turned out that a drug addict or drug dealer who fell into the field of view of the special services was working in a responsible production. Back in 1993, the government approved a list of professions that require a medical examination for taking drugs. However, the document remained inoperative. Because the mechanism for its execution has not been created. According to Viktor Ivanov, that document was written carelessly, in the end it turned out that no one was obliged to control this process, no one was responsible for anything. As a result, the relevant regulations that should have followed him were not developed and adopted. Therefore, a new document has now been adopted. Even today, the labor code does not prevent private companies from obliging all applicants to pass a drug test. Moreover, where it really matters, drug tests, mental health tests and the like have long been practiced. In some companies, employees are even checked on a lie detector, where during conversations on the record they are also interested in the relationship of a person with drugs. According to the drug control, today in our country over 30,000 drivers are deprived of their driving licenses due to the fact that they were caught while driving under the influence of narcotic intoxication.
By the way, over the past 3 years in Zelenodolsk, drug control officers, together with traffic police officers, have detained more than 30 people in a state of drug intoxication, who were deprived of a driver's license. About 100 more people registered for drug use were also deprived of the right by the administration vehicle on the basis of materials provided by operational drug control officers. The Buinsk drug control department also practices the direction information letters in an organization where drug users work, for acceptance by the management of the organization management decisions for this category of persons.

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk MRO
Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
Krylova S.M.

Recently, a trial took place over a resident of the city of Zelenodolsk, Burganova Alsu. She received a year and a half in prison, conditionally for a period of 1.5 years, for her addiction to desomorphine and the maintenance of a drug den. According to Burganova herself, she tried the drug for the first time in January last year. As you know, desomorphine is particularly toxic and quickly addictive to it. In her apartment, where Burganova lived with a drug addicted partner, she set up a real drug den. Desomorphine was cooking in the kitchen. The guests brought the necessary components, and the hostess prepared a fetid brew. Once, the drug police have already visited this apartment, where, in addition to the owners, there were guests. Moreover, all were in a state of drug intoxication due to the use of desomorphine. The official warning of drug control officers did not make the woman settle down. During the next visit of the operatives, in addition to Burganova and her roommate, there was a guest in the apartment. There was a smell characteristic of desomorphine in the apartment and all three were drugged. In the same place in the kitchen, objects were found with the help of which the drug was made and used, as well as packaging from the components. Terrifying in this story is that Burganova's young daughter lives in the same apartment. What does this child see? What is the future for her? After all, for a child, a mother is the brightest, most holy being. Perhaps Alsou could have become an exemplary mother, ready for anything for the sake of her child’s happiness, if she hadn’t once tried the drug. This time, the court, taking into account all the circumstances of the case, found it possible to correct Burganova Alsu without isolating her from society. But whether she can cope with her illness and take the path of correction - time will tell.
If you know any information about crimes related to drugs, please let us know by calling the helpline: 5-55-00 Perhaps your call will save someone's life.

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk MRO
UFSKN of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan Krylova S.M.

Eliminated haven for drug addicts

A real haven for drug addicts was a room in one of the dormitories in Zelenodolsk.
Its organizer was a 23-year-old Zelenodolsk resident, who had previously been convicted several times for possession of drugs and the maintenance of a drug den. He was often visited by suspicious individuals. The hospitable host prepared desomorphine, and the guests brought all the necessary components for this potion. At the time of the arrival of the operational staff in the room, in addition to the Khorzyain, there were five guests who had come to take another dose of desomorphine. When examining the dwelling, the investigators found used syringes, substances and items necessary for the manufacture of the drug. Also during the examination, more than 4 grams of desomorphine was found, which, according to the current legislation, forms a particularly large amount.
A criminal case was initiated under article 232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - for the maintenance of a brothel and under part 2 of Art. "228" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - for possession of a narcotic drug. It should be noted that the accused is already on trial under a similar article. Last year, he was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison with a suspended sentence of 3 years. Currently, the issue of choosing a measure of restraint is being decided.
We remind you that you can report all drug-related crimes to the helpline of the Zelenodolsk MRO: 55-5-00. The call is confidential.

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk Regional Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
Krylova S.M.


In April, the mass media reported on the introduction of codeine-containing drugs from May 1. Pentalgin, Caffetin, Codelac, Solpadein, Nurofen Plus were supposed to be on the list of restrictions. But in pharmacies, the free distribution of these medicines continues. For comments, we turned to Ya.A.
It was previously planned that from May 1, drugs that, according to the Federal Drug Control Service, are often used by drug addicts to manufacture drugs, such as, for example, desomorphine, will be sold in pharmacies only by prescription. However, the government's decision on this matter has not yet appeared. According to RIA Novosti, prescription drugs containing codeine, such as pentalgin and codelac, which are often used by Russians, will be introduced no earlier than November 1 this year. Since so many Russians use such drugs, and clinics are not ready for a massive influx of patients who need a prescription for an anesthetic drug that is widely used in everyday life.
According to the chief narcologist of the Russian Federation Evgeny Bryun, 25% of drug addicts in the Russian Federation take desomorphine. This drug was widely used in the Zelenodolsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan, where in 2010 11 drug dens were liquidated, where this drug was manufactured and consumed. Users of desomorphine very quickly become severely disabled and die. Therefore, the leadership of drug control believes that prescription dispensing for these drugs is necessary. And the free sale of codenin-containing drugs is, of course, beneficial to pharmacy chains.

Information for the media on the need to introduce prescription dispensing for medications containing codeine

From May 1, codeine-containing drugs will move from free access to prescription. The list of restrictions in Russian pharmacies will include Pentalgin, Kaffetin, Codelac, Solpadein, Nurofen Plus. The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia is forced to take restrictive measures due to the unprecedented scale of "drug and pharmacy drug addiction."
A few years ago, a new drug for our country appeared on the territory of Russia - desomorphine, while consumers themselves call it simply “crocodile”.
Desomorphine is a substance synthesized by scientists from morphine at the end of the last century in America. Initially, this medicinal substance was intended for people who had a severe form of cancer and suffered from unbearable pain. However, pretty soon, it became clear to physicians that desomorphine brings short-term relief, but it causes addiction, almost from the first use.
Desomorphine began to spread in Russia not just quickly, but rapidly. If in 2007 desomorphine was episodically used in 19 subjects of the Russian Federation, in 2009 its consumption became regular in 60 regions. The head of the Federal Drug Control Service, V.P. Ivanov, said that practically all of Russia was covered by the desomorphine epidemic. According to him, the reasons for the growth of desomorphine addiction is that the department's employees cut off drug supply channels, including from Afghanistan, the largest supplier of heroin, and this forces drug addicts to find other ways to intoxicate. Now desomorphine is the second most popular illegal drug in Russia after heroin. According to the estimates of Russia's chief narcologist Yevgeny Bryun, up to 25 cents of Russian drug addicts “sit” on it. The reason for this is simple - the availability of codeine-containing drugs, from which it is made.
High dependence and extremely high toxicity makes it an extremely dangerous drug. Together with those wishing to be poisoned, not only the households of drug addicts suffer, but also neighbors who suffocate from the vapors of desomorphine brew. Patients with desomorphine addiction, according to narcologists, are practically incurable. When taking desomorphine, veins burn out, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis develop. All internal organs are affected, primarily the liver, kidneys, central nervous system. A person turns, as people say, into a walking corpse, and in a year, and more often earlier, dies.
However, this does not frighten drug addicts, since, unlike heroin, desomorphine is cheaper and more accessible. Desomorphine addiction over the past 5 years has gained such momentum that in a year the Federal Drug Control Service withdraws 112 million single doses of desomorphine from circulation. Moreover, codeine-containing drugs are so cheap that desomorphine is cheaper than ice cream. The dynamics of the growth in the number of desomorphine addicts, and these are mainly young people from 15 to 30 years old, according to the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, corresponds to the dynamics of the number of codeine-containing drugs sold through the pharmacy network. In the regions of the Volga Federal District, sales of codeine-containing drugs have more than tripled over the past three years, which, according to experts, is directly related to the growth of desomorphine addiction. Tatarstan is no exception. Compared to 2006, the sale of drugs in the republic has doubled (from 524,000 to 1,42,000 packs). It speaks for itself, almost a vertical curve of the dynamics of sales in the pharmacies of the republic of the most popular among desomorphine lovers of the drug "Piralgin": in 2009, 19 thousand packages were sold, in 2007 - 48588, in 2008 - 51492, in 2009 - 129146, in 2010 - 183703 packages.
Over the past two years, the artisanal drug, called "crocodile" for its dangerous nature, has become one of the most used in the dens of Nizhnekamsk, Bugulma, Naberezhnye Chelny, Almetyevsk and other cities of the republic. Last year nurseries of "crocodile" were registered for the first time in Kazan. For the first time in Tatarstan, desomorphine was detected in 2006 in Bugulma. In 2009, the number of seizures of this drug increased by 2.5 times compared to 2008 (from 20 to 48 seizures). In 2010, drug control officers in Tatarstan identified over 60 seizures of desomorphine from illegal circulation, seized more than 57 grams of the potion and initiated 58 criminal cases. A striking illustration of the insidiousness of this artisanal drug is the fact that the owners of many of the identified dens do not live to see the court, having died from the use of desomorphine. For the 1st quarter of this year, the drug police have already identified 15 seizures of desomorphine and the number of seizures, compared to last year, is 2 times higher than last year.
The situation with the growth of desomorphine addicts will remain unchanged as long as a person will be able to freely purchase codeine-containing drugs in pharmacies without a prescription. Today, availability is limited to only one norm - two packs per hand. Given that pharmacies in Russia are opened with enviable regularity, any drug addict can buy the amount of medicine he needs by running around several pharmacies.
To solve this problem, the Federal Drug Control Service came up with the initiative to develop the norms of the bill, providing for the establishment of prescription dispensing for all drugs containing codeine. These measures, of course, can cause dissatisfaction on the part of people, since codeine is an ingredient in many harmless drugs, even such drugs as headaches and coughs. But otherwise we condemn to death those people who are not able to protect themselves. At a visiting meeting of the State Anti-Drug Committee, Viktor Ivanov said that desomorphine, made from codeine-containing drugs, has become one of the "main sources of death" from drugs in Russia. According to him, 10,000 people die from desomorphine every year in Russia.
With the support of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia and the Government of the Russian Federation, a law was developed and adopted, according to which, from May 1, 2011, drugs containing codeine will be dispensed in Russian pharmacies only by prescription.

Press group of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan

"Crocodile" continues the destructive procession

Two drug dens were immediately liquidated by drug control officers in the city of Zelenodolsk on the eve of the first spring holiday. The owner of one of them was a 36-year-old repeatedly convicted Zelenodolsk man. The last time he was serving a sentence for the sale of the drug heroin. Having been released from prison a year ago, the man “retrained” somewhat, setting up a haven for drug addicts in his apartment. Where, for the next dose of desomorphine or alcohol, he allowed to produce and consume desomorphine in his house. Employees of drug control have already issued a warning about the termination of the maintenance of the brothel. However, this measure was clearly not enough. And when, at the end, the operatives recently visited his house again, they found 5 people there. The whole company was in a state of drug intoxication. When inspecting the dwelling, the drug police seized syringes, drugs and ingredients needed to make the potion.

The second drug den was found on Lenin Street in Zelenodolsk. It was arranged by a 27-year-old woman, well known to law enforcement officers. She has previously been involved in drug offenses. But given the state of health, the court sentenced her to a sentence not related to deprivation of liberty. However, this measure had little effect on the woman. As a result, the apartment turned into a haven for local drug addicts. At any time of the day, a drug addict could come here for a dose. Each visitor carried codeine-containing preparations and the necessary ingredients, from which the hostess prepared desomorphine. At the time of the arrest, there were 3 people in the apartment, all of them had already used drugs.

As the analysis of criminal cases shows, the “contagion” under the name desomorphine continues its destructive march through Zelenodolsk. If in 2009 only one drug den was identified in Zelenodolsk, in 2010 there were already eleven. The terrible thing in all these stories is that there is no way out for all those who have reached desomorphine. This dirty synthetic substance exceeds heroin in its narcotic effect by several orders of magnitude, and even the smallest overdose of it leads to death, not to mention the rapid destruction of the body.
We remind you that for the content of the drug den, according to Art. 232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 4 years.

Zelenodolsk MRO of the Office of the Federal Service for Drug Control in the Republic of Tatarstan appeals to residents of the city to report on operating drug dens to the helpline 55-5-00 or leave information on our electronic page Each message will be checked, the anonymity of the informers is guaranteed.

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk MRO
Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan
Krylova S.M.

The year started with sales

Very bad start New Year for a 21-year-old Zelenodolsk man who decided to profit a little from the sale of a prohibited potion. A young man studied in Moscow several years ago, at the same time he became addicted to "weed". Arriving in his native Zelenodolsk, he did not leave the habit of smoking marijuana. Rather, on the contrary, he became not just a consumer, but also a producer of this potion. Having obtained hemp seeds, he planted them in his summer cottage. But the far-sighted agronomist, foreseeing undesirable consequences, planted them not on his own, but on a neighboring abandoned site. At the right time New Year holidays the young man decided, as they say, to put his goods up for sale. But the unlucky businessman got a buyer, who turned out to be a drug control officer. And after selling 2 grams of marijuana, handcuffs snapped on the young man's wrists. Marijuana was also seized during a search of his dacha. On this fact, a criminal case was initiated under Article 228.1 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The sanction of this article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 5 to 12 years.

Helpline where you can report drug-related crimes: 5-55-00

Art. detective
Zelenodolsk MRO
UFSKN of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan Krylova S.M.

Meeting of the anti-drug commission of the Republic of Tatarstan

Last week, a joint meeting of the anti-drug commission in the Republic of Tatarstan and the collegium of the Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan took place. The meeting was held in the House of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, in the videoconferencing mode, with the connection of all municipal districts. Opening the meeting, Rustam Minnikhanov said that in general, the drug situation in the republic was and remains difficult. Today, the eyes of drug traffickers are focused on Tatarstan, as it is an economically favorable region with high level life. Rustam Minnikhanov also urged to pay the most serious attention to the identification of new narcotic and psychotropic substances that appear on the market. Today, all departments should be involved in the prevention of drug addiction, public organizations, says Rustam Minnikhanov, this is a complex work. At the same time, the president of the republic called for his "allies" schools and universities where they are not afraid to identify drug addicts. Now their teams - for the desire to "open the wound and cure" - will be rewarded. And the tests themselves for drug addiction will be carried out without warning.
Fayaz Shabaev, Head of the Department, delivered the main report on the results of the work of the Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2010 and tasks for 2011. In particular, he said that in 2010 alone, 8 new types of narcotic substances appeared in the republic. In total, over the past year, the Drug Control Department of Tatarstan seized over 155 kg of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, including 11 kg of heroin, more than 35 kg of hashish, 37 kg of marijuana and 3.7 kg of synthetic drugs. In total, more than 250 thousand average single doses of drugs did not reach the end user. A feature of the drug situation is that the criminal professionalism and organization of participants in drug trafficking have noticeably increased. Drug criminals actively use new forms of drug trafficking using electronic payment terminals, cell phones, and the Internet. During the meeting, Police Major General Fayaz Shabaev critically assessed the results of operational activities in the past year. According to him, the measures taken by law enforcement agencies in the fight against drug trafficking are inadequate to the current drug situation. Thus, the entire wholesale drug distribution network is organized or controlled by organized criminal groups and communities. Summing up the results of the meeting of the board, the head of the Department, Major General of Police Fayaz Shabaev, among the priorities for 2011, identified the avoidance of the so-called "valley" and aimed the team at curbing the activities of organized criminal groups and communities; detection of facts of smuggling and transit of drugs; seizure of large consignments of narcotic drugs; detection of facts of legalization of funds obtained by criminal means.
At the end of the meeting of the Republican Commission, Yaroslav Kostyuk, head of the Zelenodolsk Regional Regional Office of the Department of the Federal Drug Control Service, said that according to the tasks set by the leadership of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan, all the forces of the department would be directed to the disclosure of drug-related group crimes, as well as to identify crimes committed organized crime groups and communities. Work will also continue to reduce the demand for narcotic and psychoactive substances. After all, as experience shows, it is impossible to eradicate drug addiction by force alone, the efforts of the whole society are needed.

What drugs are now the most popular in Tatarstan, why test purchases from drug dealers are a thing of the past, what is the fate of the Grom special forces - Vadim Kostyunin, the head of the Drug Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, spoke about this in an interview with Vechernaya Kazan. Recall that after the abolition of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) on June 1, the department became the main and only drug controller in the republic.

- Vadim Alexandrovich, it's no secret that when the Federal Drug Control Service was created in 2003, there was a tacit competition between it and OBNON in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which, as a rule, is beneficial. Now you have no one to compete with ...

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, a department for combating drug trafficking appeared in 1992, so we will soon celebrate the 25th anniversary of service. And before the creation in 2003 of the Republican Directorate of the Federal Drug Control Service, which transferred some of our employees, OBNON of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan was the center of responsibility for organizing anti-drug work in Tatarstan. Now we take full responsibility for this again. I don't think it will have a negative impact on the drug situation.

I note that for the entire time of the existence of the Federal Drug Control Service, the main wave of drug crimes was still detected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (about 60 - 70%). Even more significant contribution was made by the police in the detection and suppression of administrative offenses related to drugs (80 - 90% annually).

Of course we are not separate federal Service with great resources and opportunities. But our advantage is in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself: not only our unit, but also the territorial police departments, external services, the traffic police - almost the entire police work on drugs.

- What is the place in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your department for drug control?

The Drug Control Administration, which for euphony is briefly called the Drug Control Administration (UNK), was created on the basis of OBNON. It is part of the criminal police and reports directly to the deputy chief of police for operational work.

I cannot name the staffing of the department, this is classified information. I can only say that this issue was resolved at the level of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the number of operatives and the central apparatus increased significantly. If earlier our specialized units were only in large police departments, now they operate in 20 cities and districts. strengthened material base, including due to the transfer to us of buildings where the structures of the Federal Drug Control Service were previously located. But the building on Gubkina, 50 in Kazan, where the Drug Control Department was located, is not in very good condition. good condition, and the central office of the UNC remained in its place. I think we are in more comfortable conditions, in the city center...

- How many employees of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Republic of Tatarstan transferred to the UNC, in what areas do they work?

Dozens of employees of the Federal Drug Control Service have been accepted into the subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan. These are detectives, and investigators, and experts. The majority joined the ranks of our administration. Also, highly qualified employees of the Federal Drug Control Service continued to serve in our units such as the Investigation Department, the forensic center, and the rear service.

- What is the fate of the canine service of the UFSKN and the Grom special forces?

All three dogs, together with cynologists, came to us. As for the Grom special forces, some of its employees transferred to the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, someone went to the created National Guard, where the special forces of law enforcement agencies are consolidated.

- And how, in this case, are military operations carried out when it is necessary to detain criminals?

We can carry them out on our own. We have weekly physical training classes, our employees regularly pass tests, including hand-to-hand combat. Well, if more serious forces are needed, then we will interact with the relevant structures of the National Guard.

- How are things related to the investigation of criminal cases initiated by drug control?

This work was instantly picked up, all criminal cases are being investigated, the procedural order is observed, continuity has been established.

- The Federal Drug Control Service in the Republic of Tatarstan implemented several anti-drug projects among children and youth: "Vanguard" (cadet drug control classes), "Club life without drugs", "Self-reliant children" ... What is their fate?

Two general educational organizations take part in the Avangard project - this is school No. 58 of the Sovetsky district of Kazan and the cadet boarding school of Chistopol. There are 187 cadets in total, students of grades 1-11. At the same time, 45 cadet classes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a total number of 1014 people function in 12 educational institutions in Tatarstan. And from new school year drug police cadet classes will be transferred to cadet corps Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan.

As for the interdepartmental anti-drug project "Independent Children", which currently covers 12.5 thousand children and adolescents in all municipalities of the republic, it will continue to work. In November, the Ministry of Education and Science, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, plans to hold a republican shift for project participants, which will include interactive classes, master classes and competitions.

The implementation of the Club Life without Drugs project will also continue, in which 26 nightly entertainment establishments in Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk and Almetyevsk are currently participating. It should be noted that the number of facts of identifying users of psychoactive substances in clubs is decreasing.

- The ex-director of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Ivanov had an idea to take under the wing of his department rehabilitation centers for drug addicts, some of whom use very "non-traditional" methods and at the same time charge a lot of money for services. How do you feel about Ivanov's idea?

Doctors should deal with treatment and rehabilitation, social protection should deal with resocialization. We cannot treat brains with our methods of work. And the root of the problem of drug addiction is in the brain. I think the question was raised this way more in order to attract financial flows. We don't need it. Another thing is that we will find out how many such centers there are in Tatarstan, who opened them, what they do, what they say about them. All these rented cottages and apartments are an incorrect organization of rehabilitation, and handcuffing to a radiator as a method of treatment is completely qualified as illegal imprisonment. We are going to establish control over the work of such centers. But we will do this together with the prosecutor's office so that we are not convicted of bias or biased approaches.

- And finally, how has the drug situation in Tatarstan changed in recent years?

Our region is located in the middle of Russia. If marijuana, heroin, which is transported from Kazakhstan, and there from Afghanistan, is widespread in the border areas, there is practically no heroin in Tatarstan. We now have synthetic drugs in circulation. These are, if you like, more "progressive" drugs. They are convenient to transport, hide, and there are no problems with manufacturing either. You can bring ingredients that are considered legal, and then turn them into a drug right at home.

The spread of synthetic, so-called designer drugs and the development information technologies led to a complete change in marketing methods. For this, virtual space and contactless circuits are used. The contingent of drug dealers has also been radically updated. If earlier they were criminal or marginal personalities, now they are students, young people who are good at computers.

Therefore, we had to radically revise the organization of operational work. Traditional test purchases as the main method of dealing with drug dealers are a thing of the past. We are now fighting them with the help of various information technologies. But let's not forget the traditional drug dealers. Until now, there are those who cook poppy seeds, but there are only a few such "orthodox" left.

In the struggle between the departments of Fayaz Shabaev and Artem Khokhorin around the “OBNON case”, the initiative suddenly passes to the local Ministry of Internal Affairs

Today it became known about a new high-profile scandal in the law enforcement agencies of Tatarstan: ex-police lieutenant colonel Yuri Kazakulov, who three weeks ago led the operational service of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan, appeared before the Sovetsky District Court. As it turned out, the 35-year-old officer was detained the day before - and today he was escorted to the meeting room from the temporary detention facility. As the BUSINESS Online correspondent who attended the meeting found out, Kazakulov managed to resign from the authorities on October 10. The Investigative Committee, demanding the arrest of the suspect, explained that the ex-head of the security service patronized drug criminals - and as a result, the judge ruled on his arrest before December 13.


Today, ex-police lieutenant colonel was brought to the Sovetsky District Court of Kazan from the temporary detention center Yuri Kazakulov, who a few weeks ago held the position of head of the operational service of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan. The investigation demanded the arrest of the suspect.

At today's meeting, Kazakulov first of all asked to remove the press from the courtroom. But the judge Rustem Murtazin explained that the process was open, and limited himself to a ban on filming the suspect himself. A little later, the investigator announced that Kazakulov would be charged in the near future, and petitioned for a preventive measure in the form of detention until December 13, for the duration of the investigation.

“I was born in 1979, I am married, I have two minor children as dependents, I have no previous convictions, I am currently a pensioner of the Federal Drug Control Service,” Kazakulov said when the judge began to identify.

Explaining to the court the need to arrest the suspect, the representative of the investigative committee explained that Kazakulov actually provided patrons to the criminal drug community. He is charged with bribery (clause 5 of article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), abuse of official powers (article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), abuse of official powers contrary to the interests of the service for personal gain (clause 1 of article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), complicity and organization criminal community (part 3 of article 33) and illegal possession and transportation of drugs (part 2 of article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

“Kazakulov, being the head of the operational department, being obliged to identify and suppress crimes related to drug trafficking, from 2010 to 2014 patronized Dyadkov, creating all conditions for him to acquire and subsequently sell drugs on the territory of Kazan,” he reported to the court investigator. And he added that at present there are already several episodes in the case, which are combined into one production. In all episodes, Kazakulov assisted drug criminals, artificially improved the performance of the department.

The judge, returning from the deliberation room, decided to satisfy the petition of the investigation - Kazakulov was arrested until December 13.


Recall that Lieutenant Colonel Kazakulov, as chief of the operational service, often appeared in the media as a newsmaker and was a kind of “talking head” of the department. It is known that the head of the department of the Federal Drug Control Service Fayaz Shabaev he does not often favor the media with his attention. For example, in 2012, through the mouth of Kazakulov, the State Drug Control Service announced that work was intensified in the republic to eliminate large drug supply channels. In this regard, the prices for certain types of poison on the black market have doubled over the year. He said that the FSKN deliberately moved away from the so-called gross indicators and aimed at suppressing crimes committed by organized criminal groups and communities.

In 2013, Kazakulov told that employees of the State Drug Control Service did not allow 51 kg of hashish and 30 thousand "blue octopuses" to enter Kazan - this batch of drugs, according to him, was brought to the city "for the Universiade." A little earlier, he reported on an underground laboratory for the manufacture of smoking mixtures discovered in Naberezhnye Chelny - he said that the criminals were counting on $ 1 million in net profit.

Judging by the relevant document posted on the website of the government, in 2013, by decree of the President of Tatarstan, Kazakulov was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor". The justification states: "For impeccable service, high professionalism and merits in the field of combating drug trafficking"


The Federal Drug Control Service is very sparingly commenting on the event. Head of the press service of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan Natalya Fayzullina confirmed to BUSINESS Online that Kazakulov had indeed left his post. “He was fired of his own free will on October 10 after years of service with the right to receive a pension,” she explained. According to Fayzullina, their department knows nothing about the criminal prosecution of the former head of the operational service.

"BUSINESS Online"Some details of the cases in which Kazakulov is being suspected have become known.

“Operational information regarding the FSKN is not only what Oleg Kuchaev said in the video ( We are talking about a scandalous video in which a recidivist Kuchaev, who was detained for selling drugs, talks about the methods of work of the State Drug Control Service: the employees of this department, according to him, in the struggle for effectiveness, artificially create and “protect” groups that sell drugs on an especially large scaleapprox. ed.)," a source familiar with the investigation explained to BUSINESS Online. - There are cases of operational accounting, in which there is a lot of data in addition to his testimony, specific employees of the State Drug Control Service appear there. First of all, this is Kazakulov. According to these data, it was Kazakulov who “supervised” Kuchaev and all this business. And just criminal cases were opened against Kazakulov on the facts of how he organized "artificial" sales. He was quickly fired from the State Drug Control Service, he immediately went to the hospital. A criminal case was opened investigative committee. But this case is fully handled by the FSB, they also carry out operational support.”

The detention of Kazakulov could become a sharp turn in the high-profile "OBNON case", which in the Republic of Tatarstan clearly hides an unspoken confrontation between two law enforcement agencies: the State Drug Control Service and the department for combating drug trafficking in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Recall that the scandal erupted in November last year, after the investigative committee opened criminal cases against the leadership of the republican OBNON Andrey Alekseev And Dmitry Andrienko, as well as an operational officer of the department Marat Sadikhov and the head of the Kazan police Ruslana Khalimdarova. All of them were detained by employees of the Investigative Committee and a group specially sent from Moscow from the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They were charged with drug trafficking, all of them were suspended from work and given a written undertaking not to leave. But after a series of "Kazan rounds", when the initiative passed from one side to another, in June in the Basmanny Court of Moscow, the above-mentioned officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan were arrested and are still being held in custody.

Thus, for a year now, a hidden confrontation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the republican Gosnarkokontorol has been on the rise. In fact, the accused officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were the first to bring it to the public plane (obviously with the sanction of the leadership), first making transparent hints about the presence of compromising evidence against drug control - this was stated by "Business Online" Khalimdarov.

The head of the FSKN department, Shabaev, initially took the outward position of an observer and refused to comment on attacks against his team. However, a few days after the high-profile detentions of the OBNON leadership, the correspondent of "BUSINESS Online" managed to get a brief comment from Shabaev, who that day was a special guest at the republican judo tournament "Healthy children - a happy future!" “The article is ordered! - the general said, speaking of the publication that came out that morning - it just put forward a version that the criminal case was the result of a struggle between OBNON and UFSKN, and during interrogations by the police, a certain "dealer" opened up that he facts of illegal activities of employees of the State Drug Control Service are known. - It is better to ask all questions to the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This is what they understand. We're not here!"

But a few weeks later, the video was released. As it turned out, relying mainly on the testimony of Kuchaev, the investigators opened criminal cases against the officers of OBNON and Khalimdarov. At the moment, it is known that Kuchaev accused the drug police of planting drugs on him. True, on the video Kuchaev said something completely different. On the recording, Kuchaev is sitting and talking over a cup of tea with representatives of law enforcement agencies - it is not difficult to guess that these are OBNON officers. Judging by their dialogue, the conversation is very frank, and it does not look like Kuchaev is speaking under any pressure. What made the man subsequently testify against the OBNON employees, one can only guess.

First, in the video, Kuchaev talks about the methods of work of the Federal Drug Control Service: the employees of this department, according to him, in the struggle for effectiveness, artificially create and “protect” groups that sell drugs on an especially large scale. And when the network is created, they cover it. At the same time, according to Kuchaev, all responsibility falls on the "suckers" - mainly on those who "buy". We are not talking about the economic side of the issue.

There is also a mention of specific employees of the State Drug Control Service. In particular, Kuchaev talks in detail about how FSKN officers “slam” drug addicts who buy goods from a certain Kostya. Mentioned in conversation Denis Fureev - Deputy Head of the State Drug Control Service, representative of the Federal Drug Control Service Yuri Olegovich ( Kazakulov Yury Olegovichapprox. ed.) and some "tall, strong man." Allegedly, they knew about the existence of this criminal group and were directly related to it.

- What are they called? Gosnarkokontrol! They control drugs. So they “control,” someone’s voice-over remarks caustically.

Recall that Kuchaev was tried three times under articles 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Torture”) and 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“”) and spent a total of 16 years in prison. Currently, he is again being tried on articles related to drug trafficking, the process is taking place in the Vakhitovsky District Court of Kazan.

It should be noted that after the “summer defeat” of the team of General Khokhorin in Moscow, in the confrontation between the law enforcement agencies, there was a new turn. In recent weeks, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has clearly seized the initiative - in addition to today's event in court, one of its successes can be attributed to the collapse of part of the criminal cases initiated against Khalimdarov and Co., which literally at the beginning of this week, police lawyers managed to carry out - Sovetsky District Court


The “OBNON case” became known on November 29, 2013, when the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan announced the detention of four high-ranking police officers. It was about the head of the department for combating drug trafficking of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan Andrey Alekseev, his colleague in Kazan Dmitry Andrienko, Deputy Head of Department - Head of Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Kazan Ruslan Khalimdarov and Senior Operative of the Narcotics Department Marat Sadikhov. Soon they were charged with a number of articles related to drug trafficking, as well as charges of malfeasance. Special forces sent from Moscow from the security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and employees of the investigative committee played the main role in the detention of the policemen.

After the lawyers of the defendants in the case recognized the initiation of a criminal case as illegal in December, the case began from scratch - the Investigative Committee of Russia decided to withdraw the criminal case from the development of local investigators and transfer it to the main investigation department of the Russian Investigative Committee.

The criminal case is mainly based on the testimony of the victim. Oleg Kuchaev who was allegedly planted with drugs by the police. Kuchaev is tried three times under articles 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Torture”) and 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“ Illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, manufacture, processing of narcotic drugs”) and spent a total of 16 years in prison.

In December, the defenders of the accused policemen presented to journalists a video in which Kuchaev, in opposition to the version of the investigation, talks about the methods of work of the State Drug Control Service: the employees of this department, according to him, in the struggle for efficiency, artificially create and “protect” groups that sell drugs on an especially large scale. . This published compromising evidence actually confirmed the version that the “OBNON case” is unfolding against the backdrop of an unspoken struggle between departments Artem Khokhorin And Fayaza Shabaeva .

Alekseev, Andrienko, Sadikhov and Khalimdarov have now been removed from their positions and, according to the decision of the Basmanny Court of Moscow, adopted in June this year, are in custody, in August the period of detention was extended.

A new round in the confrontation between the security forces: the protection of the Kazan police pulled out a "trump jack" in the form of compromising evidence on the subordinates of Fayaz Shabaev

Today, a sensational turn has taken place in the high-profile “case of the policemen” of the Tatarstan Ministry of Internal Affairs: lawyers defending the interests of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who are charged with a whole bunch of crimes, have shown journalists a video that, in fact, is compromising information on employees of the State Drug Control Service of the Republic of Tatarstan (UFSKN). On it, Oleg Kuchaev, a recidivist, is talking over a cup of tea with the OBNON officers of the Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs and talks about the methods of work of the Federal Drug Control Service: Fayaz Shabaev’s subordinates, in the struggle for performance, artificially create and “protect” groups that sell drugs on an especially large scale. .. How real is everything and what is back side truth? - it is difficult to answer these questions right off the bat, but the stuffing of this entry at least legalizes the version that behind the latest scandalous events around the subordinates of General Khokhorin there is a hidden confrontation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan and the local State Drug Control Service.


The scandalous “police case”, which has been troubling the Tatarstan law enforcement agencies for several weeks, has taken a sharp turn today.

On December 3, the head of the Kazan policeRuslan Halimdarov, leaving the courtroom where the issue of his suspension from office was being decided, informed correspondent of "BUSINESS Online" that there is a video that can significantly affect the course of the case, in which he and his colleagues from OBNON are suspected.Today it became known what this video is.At a press conference organized at the Marriott Hotel, lawyers for police officers Amira Mardanova(represents the interests Dmitry Andrienko), Airat Khikmatullin(represents the interests Andrey Alekseev), Vsevolod Dobrynin(protects Khalimdarov) andKonstantin Bakulin(advocate Marat Sadikhov) presented to journalists a video showing a conversation between OBNON employees and a drug dealerOleg Kuchaev.

What is known about the latter? Tried three times under articles 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Torture”) and 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, manufacture, processing of narcotic drugs”). He spent a total of 16 years in prison. At present, criminal cases in which Khalimdarov, head of the OBNON Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan, are suspected of being involved Alekseev, head of the OBNON Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Kazan Andrienko and senior detective of the OBNON Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Kazan Sadikhov are based solely on the testimony of Kuchaev. business articles At least, other versions have not yet been announced.

Lawyers, relying on the current version of the investigators, briefly announced the outline of the criminal cases in which their clients are suspects. According to this version, on April 6, 2013, unidentified officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan, acting in concert with the head of OBNON of the RF Internal Affairs Directorate for Kazan, Andrienko, illegally secretly entered Kuchaev’s home, where they planted a previously illegally acquired drug in order to further seize it during the search.

What do we see in the video? On the recording, Kuchaev is sitting and talking over a cup of tea with representatives of law enforcement agencies - it is not difficult to guess that these are OBNON employees. Judging by their dialogue, the conversation is very frank, and it does not seem that Kuchaev speaks under some kind of pressure. What made the man subsequently testify against the OBNON employees, one can only guess.

First, Kuchaev talks about the methods of work of the Federal Drug Control Service: according to him, the employees of this department, in the struggle for effectiveness, artificially create and “protect” groups that sell drugs on an especially large scale. And when the network is created, they cover it. At the same time, according to Kuchaev, all responsibility falls on the "suckers" - mainly on those who "buy". We are not talking about the economic side of the issue.

There is also a mention of specific employees of the State Drug Control Service.

In reality, Kostya turned all the cases, but they told me that it was necessary to change the testimony, switch the arrows to other people and “load” Dzhonik, ”said Kuchaev.

And why don't they want to "load" Kostya? employees are interested.

I don't know why, because he's walking under them, probably...

And who talked to you about it?

Shamil. As I understand it, this is the deputy head of the fifth department ... ( according to the BUSINESS Online newspaper, an employee with the name Shamil really works in the operational fifth department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Republic of Tatarstan, but he is not the deputy head - approx. ed.). And yesterday he told me that I was climbing into such wilds, such wilderness, that I could feel very bad.


Further, Kuchaev tells in detail how the employees of the Federal Drug Control Service “slam” drug addicts who buy goods from a certain Kostya. Mentioned in conversationDenis Fureev -Deputy Head of the State Drug Control Service, representative of the Federal Drug Control Service Yury Olegovich (we are talking, apparently, about the Deputy Head of the Investigative Service of the Federal Drug Control ServiceYuri Danilov), and some "tall, strong man." Allegedly, they knew about the existence of this criminal group and were directly related to it.

What are they called? Gosnarkokontrol! They control drugs. So they “control,” someone’s voice-over remarks caustically.

The role of Kostya and Ilyusha here is as follows: they artificially create a group. For example, they find a certain Kuchaev and tell him: develop the network. He recruits a few people, a small community, three or four people. For some time they are allowed to work, the weights are different - kilograms go. Then they slowly withdraw from business, they begin to forget about them, they switch the supply from themselves to a figurehead, which then will be impossible to find. And at some point, this artificially created group is “slammed”. So much for the OPS, - sums up Kuchaev.

Then the conversation turns to a certain Nail. Kuchaev tells that the Federal Drug Control Service officers asked him to testify, according to which the representatives of OBNON gave him “half a kilo” so that he, Kuchaev, threw them into Nail’s apartment. Hearing this, everyone in the room laughs out loud.

This Shamil asked to do? - asks the voice-over. Kuchaev confirms.

According to the lawyers, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan sent the video for verification to the investigating authorities and is waiting for the results. Also, according to the defenders, they sent a complaint to the Sovetsky District Court against the decision to initiate a criminal case, which, in their opinion, was initiated illegally.


Advocate Airat Khikmatullin -Alekseev's lawyer, explained that any words of Kuchaev should be treated critically, but added that the video recording could indicate: "The Federal Drug Control Service may be related to the crimes that our clients are now charged with." Khikmatullin explained that Kuchaev had several other accomplices who are now supposedly being forced to change their testimony. One of them, according to the lawyer, was asked to write a statement, according to which the drugs were discovered by him not on a tip from Kuchaev, but on a tip from OBNON officers. On December 15, this accomplice personally wrote a complaint to the prosecutor's office. Lawyer Khikmatullin read out this complaint:

“On December 13, an operative officer of the Federal Drug Control Service called me, introduced himself as Timur and asked me to drive to the building of the State Drug Control Service on Gubkin Street. There, the operational officer met me and offered to go to the investigative committee. Which is what we did. Arriving there, the employee remained in the car, and asked me to go into the building. There I was met by an investigator, together with him we went up to the second floor, where in the office he asked me to remember the dates of April 5 and 6, 2013, when I and Kuchaev were detained. We were both detained for drug trafficking. I said that I remember those days well and I had already testified about this earlier, both in the State Drug Control Service and to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kazan. Then the investigator asked me to leave the office, escorted me to the end of the corridor and said that it would be better for me to remember how it all happened. Then, a couple of minutes later, Kuchaev approached with an employee in a mask and black uniform. He came close to me and in a low voice began to persuade me to change my testimony in terms of what he did not tell me about the place where the drugs were stored, but the police officers told me. In response, I told him that I would insist on the previously given testimony, because they were true. I consider this meeting with Kuchaev as a psychological means of influence. Why he needed it, I don't know.

We are told that new criminal cases may be initiated. Now all the defendants in respect of whom OBNON worked are being checked, - said Hikmatullin. - Go to any convict on whom OBNON opened a criminal case and brought him to criminal responsibility, and ask the question: “Listen, maybe these drugs were planted on you?” Guess what the answer will be. And this answer will be enough to initiate criminal cases. We are well aware that in our republic there is now an unhealthy hype around law enforcement agencies, and the only thing we ask for is objectivity.

The lawyers also decided to refute a number of facts around the case, which were actively exaggerated by the media. So, according to the defenders, in the offices and apartments of their clients, contrary to the conflicting information that appeared in the first days after their arrest, no narcotic drugs were found. The defenders also denied that the offices of the police officers had to be broken into during the arrest because they did not let the operatives there. As it turned out, everyone was detained early in the morning near their homes.

Drugs were found in the offices of OBNON employees, but they were sealed, with tags and passed through operational cases that they were developing. This is the so-called operational drug trafficking - it is acceptable, it is legal, - Khikmatullin explained and added that the investigators were allegedly preparing to open a criminal case on the discovery of these drugs.

Today, lawyers reported that the FSKN officers had been wiretapping their clients even before the initiation of criminal cases.

On this occasion, we prepared and filed a complaint, such a fact was. But I do not want to spread, because it is connected with operational information, - Hikmatullin emphasized.

The newspaper "BUSINESS Online" appealed to the State Drug Control Service for the Republic of Tatarstan, where our publication was told that there would be no comments. If the position of the leadership of the department changes, we are ready to give them the floor. "BUSINESS Online" continues to monitor the development of events.

P.S.After the publication, Yury Danilov got in touch with the BUSINESS Online newspaper. He said that he had not been working as deputy head of the investigative service of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Republic of Tatarstan for a year and a half and was retired. According to Danilov, he has nothing to do with illegal actions.


The defendants in the criminal case are the head of the department for combating drug trafficking of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan, 33-year-oldAndrey Alekseev, head of the department for combating drug trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Kazan, 32-year-oldDmitry Andrienko, Chief of Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Kazan, 37-year-oldRuslan Halimdarov, Senior Detective of the Department for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan 41-year-oldMarat Sadikhov.