Dialogue learning in geography lessons presentation. Interactive technologies in geography lessons. Forms of work in the lesson

Purpose of the lecture: to acquaint students with the problems of the work.

Lecture objectives:

1. Consider the features of the artistic time depicted in the novel.

2. Study the system of images of the work.

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" was published in 1862, but the depicted (artistic) time refers to 1859. At that time, Russia lived in anticipation of reforms, and intelligent people (nobles, commoners) were intensely thinking about the paths that the country was destined to take experiencing a severe crisis. There were several groupings in society that offered various ways of developing the state, which was impermissibly lagging behind advanced bourgeois Europe. Some believed that Russia, being a country with a unique history, should develop according to its own special laws, others believed that this path was too long and unpredictable, so you need to follow the example of developed Western powers that have achieved success in economics and politics. These thinkers were called "Westerners". There were radical public figures who offered revolutionary ways to solve problems. Critical eras give rise to ideas, the essence of which lies in the total denial of everything old, which has fallen into decay. The bearers of these ideas were called "nihilists".

Obviously, the era of the late 1850s - early 1860s. was very full of significant events that could not but be reflected in art, in particular - in the novel by Turgenev in question.

"Fathers and Sons" have complex system images: nobles Kirsanovs and raznochinets Bazarov enter into tense relations, contradictions are outlined between former friends - Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady, Bazarov himself challenges established humanistic principles, female images set off the main features of male characters.

The conflict is tied up in the peaceful estate of the educated nobles Kirsanovs, who are trying to improve the life of the peasants on west fret. Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich are highly cultured people: music sounds in their house, they read Russian classics and modern Western magazines. The Kirsanov brothers keep the memory of their loved ones who died early, adhere to humane rules in dealing with people, and try to keep up with progress.

Calmness in a noble family is broken with the arrival of young doctors from St. Petersburg - Arkady and Evgeny Bazarov. Raznochinets Bazarov immediately opposes himself to the noble way of life of the Kirsanovs: his clothes are untidy, he is impolite with the owners, criticizes their love for art, their way of admiring nature, and their attempts at transformative activity. Bazarov experiences particular irritation when listening to stories about Pavel Petrovich's love for the late Princess R. The powerful mind of Bazarov the materialist (and even the vulgar materialist) denies any manifestations of "romanticism", aestheticism and idealism. It is also a reflection of the trend of the era, which gave rise to a large number of scientific discoveries in the field of chemistry, medicine, physics, biology, which was a consequence of the rapid development of industry.

The confrontation between the "fathers" (nobles) and "children" (raznochintsy), which unfolded in a provincial estate, reflects the entire intensity of pre-reform passions, which, in turn, pointed to the need for speedy changes in all spheres of Russian life.

The hostility of the "aristocrat" Pavel Petrovich and the nihilist Bazarov leads to a rather dangerous, albeit parodic duel, and Bazarov himself dies as a result of a professional mistake he made (the hero is a doctor).

The widely educated, subtle and ironic Turgenev, on the one hand, showed how typical traits appeared in the character of the protagonist. modern man On the other hand, the writer could not but see the doom of Bzarov's philosophy. “Not to sympathize with nature”, not to recognize the importance of literature, music, painting, the meaning of love in human life means to deny spirituality. This is a pernicious path, which was confirmed in the situation of the nihilist Bazarov (who did not initially believe in spiritual attachments) fell in love with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. The inharmonious life system consciously built by the hero collapsed - and its author perishes - such is the author's conclusion.

Being a progressive person, Turgenev, of course, understood that “transformations are necessary”, but at the same time, communicating with modern young people, the writer saw weak sides their positions (vulgar materialistic tendencies, thirst for destruction, total denial), which prevented them from becoming harmonious personalities and often led to tragedy.

Lecture 4. The novels "Smoke" and "Nov" as artistic evidence of the era. (2 hours).

Purpose of the lecture: consider the last two novels of Turgenev from the point of view of their poetics and ideology.

Lecture objectives:

1. To study the problems of the Russian opposition emigration, reflected in the novel "Smoke".

2. To give an idea of ​​Turgenev's attitude to populism (on the material of the novel "Nov").

In 1867, Turgenev published his next novel “Smoke”, against the backdrop of Baden-Baden émigré and resort life, a complex conflict of the hero’s private life “(love triangle”, attempts, in line with new trends, to resolve economic problems on the estate and etc.).

Turgenev's contemporaries, belonging to the revolutionary-minded camp, certainly read the pages of the novel with great interest, which told about the life of Russian emigrants. The images of public figures depicted in satirical tones, of course, could not satisfy the supporters of radical changes in Russia. Gubarev (N. Ogarev is easily guessed - a friend of Herzen, a revolutionary and a poet), his "talkative" environment, the topics of their "destructive" conversations for the Russian government are shown by the author with some regret: decent people, cut off from their homeland, have lost touch with topical problems and their activities have nothing to do with actual heroics.

Even less sympathetic are Russian generals - aristocrats who hate and despise their people - peasants, soldiers, poor townspeople.

The protagonist, Litvinov, stayed in the resort, fashionable and prestigious Badan-Baden for a short time: he is waiting for the arrival of his bride and is going to go to Russia, where he intends to launch transformative activities.

Unexpectedly for himself in Baden-Baden, he meets his youthful love - Irina. Now she is the wife of a wealthy man (a representative of the "ruling generals"), but the life of this woman was unhappy, and the old feeling of Litvinov and Irina flares up with renewed vigor.

However, this passion does not bring joy to the heroes - it is not for nothing that the through image of the novel is smoke.

The novel's ending is subdued release a positive character (Litvinov) from the hypnosis of smoke - a symbol of uncertainty, confusion, fragility of public and personal interests. Litvinov leaves for his homeland alone, without Irina, who is not ready to give up her usual idle life and go with her loved one to Russia, where a long-suffering peasant, native “soil”, a poor and unkempt “land” are waiting for the converters.

In the 1870s Turgenev continues to peer into Russian reality, and the result of his observations is the novel Nov, which was published in 1876 in the journal Vestnik Evropy.

Turgenev, as you know, was sympathetic to the populist movement, but selectively and even critically - to some of its representatives and their methods.

Dmitry Nezhdanov - main character novel - goes to the province, where with a group of radical "comrades" he intends to carry out propaganda activities among the peasants. However, from the very first minutes of communication with the people, the artificiality and lack of incorporation of the theories of populism into Russian reality is revealed. The slogans of the honest and courageous Nezhdanov (“For freedom! Forward!”) are incomprehensible to the peasants engaged in serious economic affairs, the behavior of the Narodnik agitator seems strange and suspicious to the peasants (“What a strict!”), And the case ends with the “grateful” people getting drunk unfortunate revolutionary (in his "Peysan" outfit), reminiscent more of a carnival mummer. The drunken agitator was barely saved by the worker Pavel.

With sympathy and at the same time with skepticism, the author refers to the associates of the protagonist - Markelov, Mashurina. Their fanaticism and selflessness are shown as superfluous and not leading to life-affirming qualities.

However, populism left a mark too deep in Russian history to be depicted only in sad and comical tones, moreover, it was so heterogeneous that among the representatives of this social movement Turgenev could find congenial personalities and portray them.

Such heroes were Marianna and Solomin, a “gradualist”, who believes that Russia should follow the path of transformation for a long time, peacefully and patiently. Sharp and cruel actions can only lead to tragic consequences. It is no coincidence that the novel is preceded by an epigraph: “It should be lifted again not with a superficially sliding plow, but with a deeply taking plow.” New in this case is not only virgin land to be developed, but the whole of Russian reality, of course, waiting for its reasonable converters.

Speech at the RMS of Engels

geography teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 42"

Fedotova I.I.

Effective use of problem-dialog technology

in geography lessons

If you tell me, I will quickly forget it,

if you write to me, I will read it, but I will also forget,

and if you involve me in the case, I will know it and remember it.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Russia's entry into the world educational space is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. The old standards set the task for the school to equip students with knowledge, skills, and habits; GEF set a new task - to form the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, the ability to organize this process. These requirements cannot be realized without the use of new pedagogical technologies.In the process of studying the course, students are included in different kinds activities for working with individual sources of geographic information: cartographic, statistical, textual, media, Internet. A special role is given to cartographic works and other images using computer technology. Wide use of algorithmization in the form of characteristic plans is envisaged geographical objects, processes and phenomena, logic diagrams, structural models.

At the stage of introducing knowledge, the technology of problem-dialogical learning is used, which allows organizing research work students in the classroom and self-discovery of knowledge. This technology was developed on the basis of research in two independent areas - problem-based learning (I.A. Ilnitskaya, V.T. Kudryavtsev, M.I. Makhmutov, etc.) and the psychology of creativity (A.V. Brushlinsky, A.M. Matyushkin , A.T. Shumilin and others).The author of the technology is Melnikova Elena Leonidovna. The technology is fully and consistently implemented in the developing educational system"School 2100".

The use of problem-dialogue technology allows students to interact not only with the teacher, but also with another student, work together, while mastering a variety of speech means in different situations communication.

Problem-dialogical learning is a type of learning that provides creative assimilation of knowledge by students through a dialogue specially organized by the teacher.

When working with the use of problem-dialogical learning, the following develops:

1. mental abilities of students (difficulties that arise make students think, look for a way out of a problem situation);

2. independence (independent vision of the problem, formulation problematic issue, problem situation, independence in choosing a solution plan);

3. creative thinking(independent application of knowledge, methods of action, search for non-standard solutions).

The problem-dialogical technology gives a detailed answer to the question of how to teach, so that students pose and solve problems. The word "dialogical" means that the students formulate the problem and search for a solution in the course of a dialogue specially built by the teacher. When building a dialogue lesson, it should be taken into account that dialogue is a form of communication. The dialogue lesson will not work if there are factors that hinder the dialogue:

2. teacher's lack of attention to the child (smile, address by name, physical and eye contact);

3. closed questions, which require one-word answers or questions that do not need to be answered at all;

4. teacher's inability to be a good listener (listening is often critical: not listening, interrupting, negative assessment of what was heard).

The necessary conditions for organizing an educational dialogue are: a) the removal of factors that hinder communication between the teacher and children; b) susceptibility to other people's opinions, the desire not to evaluate, but to hear and accept the opinion of the child; c) the teacher's possession of the technology of organizing a subject dialogue.

Preparation for problem-dialogue lessons is a creative process for me, during which I am constantly looking for the most effective methods and techniques for introducing new knowledge.

I start the lesson with a problem statement. The formulation of the problem consists in the teacher creating a problem situation and organizing a way out of it in one of three ways: 1) the teacher himself sharpens the contradiction of the problem situation and communicates the problem; 2) students are aware of the contradiction and formulate the problem; 3) the teacher encourages students to put forward and test hypotheses through dialogue.

In the lesson of discovering new knowledge, I use the three most effective methods formulation of the educational problem:

  • a dialogue leading to the topic;
  • topic message with further motivation for dialogue
  • dialogue encouraging from a problem situation;

Their similarity lies in the fact that all of these methods provide motivation for students to learn new material. The difference in methods is in character learning activities schoolchildren and, consequently, in the developmental effect.

Let's consider these methods in more detail.

Fragment of a geography lessonin the 9th grade on the topic "Population of Russia"

Leading dialogueis a system of questions and tasks feasible for students that activate and, accordingly, develop logical thinking students. At the stage of posing the problem, I lead students step by step to the formulation of the topic. At the stage of finding a solution, he builds a logical chain of inferences leading to new knowledge. Questions and assignments may vary in nature and degree of difficulty, but should be within the reach of the students. In the course of the dialogue, it is necessary to accept even erroneous answers from students.

A fragment of a geography lesson in grade 6 on the topic "Orientation"



The topic of today's lesson is relevant, its study plays a big role in human life. Once upon a time, entire expeditions perished, and vice versa, the knowledge and ability to do this helped people in difficult times.

Reading text:

The guys went on a trip for mushrooms in an unfamiliar area. In order not to get lost, they took a compass with them, by which they determined that their path lay to the northeast.

Returning home, they found that the compass was lost.

What problem did the guys have?

What skills do they need to show?

The ability to find the sides of the horizon is calledorientation.

- As you guessed, the topic of today's lesson is "Ground Orientation".

The word "orient" comes from the Latin "oriens" - east, so literally it means to determine your position in relation to the east. But the main direction for orientation is the direction North South.

There are many ways to navigate the area. Open atlases on pages 8-9, name these methods.

Which of these methods did you offer the guys to return home?


Which direction to go home.

The ability to find the sides of the horizon without a compass.

Consider different ways orientation, they call it.

Along the crown of trees.

By lichen on a tree trunk.

According to the growth rings of a sawn tree.

By anthill.

By the sun.

Topic message with motivating reception- the essence of the method is that the teacher precedes the message ready theme either intriguing material (reception "bright spot"), or a characteristic of the significance of the topic for the students themselves (reception "relevance"). In some cases, both motivating techniques are used simultaneously.

Encouraging Dialogue- is a combination of the method of creating a problem situation and special questions that stimulate students to recognize the contradiction and formulate a learning problem. At the stage of finding a solution, I encourage students to put forward and test hypotheses, I ensure the "discovery" of knowledge through trial and error. During the dialogue, I use separate stimulating remarks that help the student to work truly creatively. The method is used at any stage of the lesson.

Thus, problem-dialogical learning is a type of learning that provides creative assimilation of knowledge by students through a dialogue specially organized by the teacher. The teacher first, in a prompting or leading-up dialogue, and also with the help of a motivating technique, helps the students to put educational problem, i.e. formulate the topic of the lesson or a question for research, thereby arousing students' interest in new material, forming cognitive motivation for the "discovery" of new knowledge. At the same time, a genuine understanding of the material is achieved by the students, because it is impossible not to understand what he himself thought of.

The modern facilities of the lesson (computer and multimedia projector) allow me to make them more interesting and memorable. Thanks to visual perception, it is easier for children to keep the logical chain of knowledge that is necessary to understand the contradiction that has arisen, to identify the problem, to discover new knowledge. Each new slide that appears either serves to activate the attention and thinking of students, or encourages them to complete tasks, or goes as confirmation of the correct answers and conclusions, verification independent work according to the standard. The organization of problematic dialogues using presentations enlivens the work of students, allows you to include almost every child in the process of discovering new knowledge.Algorithm for preparing the teacher for the lesson.

When conducting lessons in our course, teachers often face the problem of lack of time. The material of the topic is quite extensive, so it is not possible to “open” it completely together with schoolchildren using the problematic dialogue technology. As a result, there is no time left either for the stage of independent application of knowledge, or for summing up. At the heart of this problem lies the desire of the teacher to “discover” all knowledge with the students. On the contrary, some complex provisions are easier to explain to the teacher himself, leaving easier "discoveries" for students. It is important that at each lesson, at least part of the knowledge, the students "discover" themselves.

The second and main reason for the lack of time is the inability to use the minimax principle. According to this principle, students in the classroom can learn a lot of new things (maximum), but they should learn only the most important knowledge (minimum).

Student task:

Independently detect and formulate a learning problem, determine the purpose of learning activities, choose a project topic;

Put forward versions of the solution to the problem, be aware of the final result, choose from the proposed ones and look for the means to achieve the goal on your own;

Make (individually or in a group) a plan for solving the problem (project implementation);

Working according to the plan, compare your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes yourself;

In dialogue with the teacher, improve independently developed assessment criteria.

It seems to me that a modern lesson should, first of all, teach a child to learn, communicate and help to realize himself. To do this, the student in the lesson must be full actor. A modern lesson is a lesson in which a business-like creative atmosphere reigns, where children willingly enter into a dialogue with the teacher and with each other. This is a lesson filled with a variety of learning situations, and each of them causes students to question and surprise. A modern lesson is a pedagogical work, the teacher brings his creativity, his methodical style to it.

Of course, the organization of a problematic dialogue in the classroom and during extracurricular activities should be associated with reflection, since the student must learn to record the results of his educational and extracurricular activities. Only in this case can we talk about the high efficiency of using the technology of problem-dialogical learning.

I organize reflection in the lesson in various ways:

  • through summing up the lesson on the questions (What did you learn? What did you learn? What did you understand? What are you experiencing difficulties? What did I like most about the lesson? What did I fail to complete and why? Did I achieve my goal? What are my main results? What tasks aroused the greatest interest and why?);

One should not think that the organization of interactive learning is limited only to the creation of uninhibited communication with students, a free exchange of opinions. The teacher needs to take into account a number of organizational issues:

1. Organization of the study space of the classroom. The traditional arrangement of desks with interactive technology is inappropriate. Students must communicate face to face. Therefore, this form of work, as a group, is the most optimal.

2. The content of the educational dialogue. The teacher should think over the topic of the dialogue; formulation of questions and tasks; the material of the dialogue, which should solve the tasks of the lesson; taking into account time constraints; the composition of the groups, the psychological atmosphere in the group, since each participant in the dialogue should become a participant, not a spectator. First, learn to enter into a dialogue with your own "I", then interact with others ("I and the other").

For the teacher, dialogue in the classroom is, above all, a unique way to get in touch with the student's personal problems and reflections. For students, this is a feeling and understanding of equality with their interlocutor, which means not equality in knowledge, but equal rights to responsibility for raising and solving their own question. Therefore, dialogism is a joint search for truth, a form and method of relations, where the main thing is not the reproduction of information, but reflection, discussion of the problem, moreover, within the framework of the laws of speech behavior: mutual respect, mutual understanding and co-creation.

Thus, conditions are created conducive to the development of universal educational activities of the student, such as:

  • regulatory (organize their activities, solve problems);
  • cognitive (extract information, draw logical conclusions);
  • communicative (carry on a dialogue, interact with people);
  • personal (give a moral assessment of the situation, make a moral choice).

I have been using the technology of problem-dialogical learning for many years and I can say with full confidence that it is effective. In the course of using the problem-dialogical technology, I achieve the following substantive and metasubject results:

  • formation of strong and deep knowledge;
  • formation of regulatory, cognitive, communicative, personal universal educational actions;
  • acquisition of independent work skills.

Summing up, I would like to say that the use of the technology of problem-dialogical learning allows students to independently discover knowledge, therefore, problem-dialogical learning can be called universal. pedagogical technology that ensures the development of each student, the key to success and creativity, allowing the teacher to make each lesson interesting.


  1. Melnikova E.L. Problem lesson, or How to discover knowledge with students: A guide for the teacher. - M., 2012
  2. Melnikova E.L. Problem-based learning technology: methods, forms, teaching aids - M .: School 2010, 2009
  3. Melnikova E.L. Problem-dialogical learning as a means of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard: A Teacher's Guide. – M.: FGAOU APKiPPRO, 2013

Dialogue teaching in the lessons of geography and biology.
Sagitzhanova B.E., Pavlyuk E.V.
GU " high school No. 26"
“School is a workshop where thought is formed
the younger generation, you must hold it firmly in your hands,
if you don't want to let go of the future."
Barbus A.
The main objective of the Cambridge Courses program is to help Kazakhstani teachers evaluate and improve our teaching practice. The basic material in the Teacher's Guide is divided into seven modules, all of which are interconnected, as well as individual strategies and approaches used in the classroom. To increase the effectiveness of learning, it is not enough to simply master the knowledge of skills and abilities, it is necessary that children understand “Why do they need it” and can take responsibility for their own learning. “If teachers can design a learning process so that students not only learn the content educational program but could also develop their ability to learn, this will make it possible to learn more effectively ”(Teacher’s Guide. p. 142.). Understanding learning is at the core of one of the seven modules of the New Approaches in Teaching and Learning Program, we will look at one of the new approaches, Learning Through Dialogue. “Dialogue-based learning and teaching involves an approach in which dialogue between students, between student and teacher, helps students to independently form and develop their own thinking” (Teacher's Guide. p. 11.). The word "learning" from a socioconstructivist perspective (Vygodsky 1978; Wood 1998) underlies "new approaches to teaching and learning". What is required is the concept of “learning to learn”, here we need to create an environment in which students become active and begin to take part in the learning process. The peculiarity lies in the fact that information is transmitted, and understanding is formed by the student independently. We only provide assistance in the learning process, we strive to “create an environment in which students have what Csikszentmihalyi (2008) calls “an end in itself” and what Ryan and Deckey (2009) call intrinsic motivation. In other words, students are self-motivated.” (Teacher's Manual, p. 140)
“A collaborative class is a class in which the teacher understands the measure of his responsibility, not limited only by the scope of the subject taught/learning content. The success of learning and teaching lies in creating an atmosphere that allows the individual to feel free and safe in the learning process ”(Assignments to be completed during the period of practice at school).
Dialogue is a special form of communication with students, because during the conversation we can establish contact with the class, identify class problems, and identify knowledge gaps. The Brazilian educator Frieri believes that the purpose of a teacher is to enter into a dialogue with students, to communicate with them, which will contribute to the identification and development of knowledge not with a tendency to replenish, increase, but to deepen (2007 ed., p. 43). Frieri's beliefs suggest that in our lessons there was basically no dialogue with the students, but only the teacher's monologue. We have noticed that when the teacher talks a lot in class or explains a topic, the main part of the class is not always interesting. theoretical basis. We believe that if children do not participate in the dialogue, their development does not occur, low activity of mental activity. And our goal is to achieve in the process of dialogue the teacher and students, students in the group, express their opinions, honestly reveal themselves in these speech exchanges, mutually learn through the exchange of information, ask questions in the assessment process.
Mercer and Litlon have shown in their work that classroom dialogue can help intellectual development students and their learning outcomes (Teacher's Guide, p. 155). Vygotsky believes that dialogue is the main tool of learning. Students learn more easily when there is an opportunity for dialogue with others who are more knowledgeable, such as classmates or teachers. Therefore, in our lessons, using "dialogical learning", we try to form groups so that in each group there is a student who, with his ability to reason, maintains a dialogue in the group. The joint conversation of students in the classroom is of great benefit, as it allows students to express their understanding of the topic, helps them to realize that people can have different opinions, ideas, and helps students to argue their ideas; helps the teacher understand where their students are in their learning process. (Teacher's Manual, p. 155).
Dialogic learning technology prepares the student to seek independent solution. The main feature is that new knowledge is not given in finished form. Children in the process of independent research activities extract them on their own. It is better to assimilate the material that they found themselves and expressed in their own way. In such lessons, students think more, speak more often, form thinking and speech more actively. They learn to defend their own position, take risks, take the initiative and develop character as a result.
In our practice, in the lessons of geography and biology, we organize independent cognitive activity of students, while remaining its manager (we set the goals of the activity, describe the means of activity and control the results), i.e. our leadership involves student activity. More developing is the dialogue in which the student, without fear of reaction, criticism from the teacher and from classmates, argue their position. We often use strategies that contribute to the development of dialogue in geography and biology lessons, such as: “six hats of thinking”, “working together ..”, “you to me - I to you”, “mosaic of problems”, etc.
According to Mercer's research, conversation is an essential part of student dialogic learning. He distinguishes three types of discourse in which subjects are involved: discourse-debate, cumulative discourse, and exploratory discourse (Teacher's Guide, p. 156). In the lessons of geography and biology, “dialogical learning” is realized through an exploratory conversation, a conversation - a debate that takes place in groups when working on creating posters.
Working in groups or pairs, the leader is always determined. In the class, leaders - speakers are more often chosen by the groups themselves, children single out students with good vocabulary who can convey the essence of their projects very well or students who study “excellently”, and sometimes strong children turn out to be leaders, because they can supervise the work of the groups. In the course of assignments, both weak and strong students create their own work with the help of conversation and communication. It should be noted that in the end, we increasingly began to hear the "quiet voices" of some students, who are usually passive in the classroom.
Analyzing the role of dialogue in the lessons of geography and biology, we agreed with the statement that “children learn more efficiently and their intellectual achievements are higher, provided they are actively involved in discussions, dialogue and argumentation” (Teacher's Guide. p. 167). With the help of an exploratory conversation, the method of refutation and evidence, we monitor performance better, because the children work independently, discuss the task in a lively way, put forward their ideas, defend their opinion, become more active. Almost all students are involved in the process of learning, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. Joint activity of students in the process of cognition, development educational material means that everyone makes his own special individual contribution, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity. And all this happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support. Dialogue communication leads to mutual understanding, interaction, to the joint solution of common, but significant tasks. "A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it." Adolf Diesterweg
Tasks to perform during the period of practice at school.
Guide for the teacher. Third base level.

Interactive technologies in teaching geography.

New socio-economic relations, a high level of competition require a person to master a variety of activities, such as research, design, organization, communication and reflection. The formation of these competencies occurs faster and better when using interactive teaching methods. A school graduate should be able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired at school in real life. life situations. Interaction implies equality, goodwill and activity of all in mutual cognitive activity.

Interactive methods - a system of rules for the interaction of a teacher and students in the form of educational games and situations, providing pedagogically effective cognitive communication. To implement interactive learning, you can use:

    technology of simulation games;

    case method (concrete situation - problem - solutions);

    role-playing games;

    heuristic technologies;

    brainstorming method;

    the method of synectics based on analogy;

    association method;

    dialogue training;

    game design;


    user interaction with the computer;

    cluster method;

    puzzle method;

    method of comparative diagrams;

    method of drawing diagnostics, etc.

Small group work is one of the most popular interactive methods, as it allows all students (including shy ones) to participate in the work. The criteria for the examination of group work for schoolchildren are:

    activity of all members of the group - 3 points;

    the correctness of the judgments expressed by each member of the group - 3 points;

    level of culture of communication - 2 points;

    logic of answers - 5 points;

    completeness of answers - 5 points;

    depth of answers - 5 points;

    the ability to listen to a friend - 2 points.

Problem learning technology

is based on the principle of integration, which means the connection of the technology under consideration with others: student-centered learning and differentiated learning. Problem learning is called learning, in which the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills occur in the process of solving a problem (“Transferring the northern rivers of Russia - pros and cons” or “Construction of hydroelectric power stations on rivers - pros and cons”).

Critical Thinking Technology

the ability to express one's thoughts, to argue one's point of view and take into account the points of view of others, the ability to work with big amount information and use various ways of integrating it, the ability to independently formulate a hypothesis and solve problems (the economy of the regions of the country or individual states).

Creative thinking

continuation of critical thinking, contributing to the development of new solution ideas. It is based on various technologies - individual work with drawing and notes in a notebook; front work; completing tasks using a computer. (assessment of the natural resource potential of Russia, rational use, geoecological processes unfavorable for humans in their area).

Technology " brainstorm»

One of the types of work is an express warm-up - a quick search for answers to questions and tasks of a training nature:

    The atmosphere is not the water shell of the Earth, but …………….

    troposphere is ……………..a layer of the atmosphere.

    aneroid - a device for determining ……………………….

Synectics method

Synectics is often used to generate new ideas or solve problems (examples). Its meaning lies in the search for these solutions in similar situations that have already happened. But synectics is still a multifaceted method that sometimes uses incompatible elements. An example of the synectics method is the solution of the problem by the American company Kellogg, which had to reduce the packaging for their breakfast cereals, but at the same time so that the product did not crumble or wrinkle. The solution was found in a similar situation - harvesting autumn leaves. When dry leaves are packed, they lay down chaotically, leaving a lot of air between the leaves, which crumble. And if you clean it after rain, the leaves are more flexible, so they are easily pressed. Pringles chips began with this idea. Here is such a simple illustration of the synectics method.Four kinds of analogies:

1. direct when any similarity of situations is found.

2. symbolic, when the problem is rethought through metaphors or comparisons.

3. subjective or, as it is also called, personal. In this case, the synectics method requires the researcher to reincarnate as the subject of study or part of it, to imagine how it can function, and what can be done to make it function better.

4. fantastic, when the subject is considered in isolation from its features outside of existing physical laws.

Discussion - "Aquarium"

Aquarium - This role-playing game, in which 2-3 people take part, and the rest act as observers, which allows some to "live" the situation, while others analyze the situation from the outside and "empathize" with it.

From myself, I can note that the participants in the "aquarium" should discuss the situation so loudly that the others can hear everything! .. (do not shout, of course ... but ... :-) speak loudly enough) the ability to publicly express their point of view.

Implementation stages :

1 . divide all participants into small groups (2-3 people each).

2. participants of one of the small groups sit at the table (in the "aquarium") in the center of the hall (active working group), the leader offers them tasks to complete and the necessary information. And the rest of the participants (passive working group) act as observers.

3 . To complete the task, members of an active working group must:

Discuss it in a group using the discussion method;

Come to a common opinion (3-5 minutes).

Participants of the passive working group should listen at this stage of the event, without interfering in the discussion process, and observe.

4 . The participants of the active working group, after voicing a common opinion, take their places, and the participants of the passive working group discuss the following issues:

Do you agree with the opinion of the group that spoke?

Was this thought sufficiently reasoned?

Which of the arguments do you think is the most convincing?

5. After that, another group takes a place in the "Aquarium" and discusses the following situation.

All groups in turn should visit the "Aquarium", and the activities of each of them should be discussed by the audience.

Carousel method is that students form two circles: external and internal. The inner circle is those who sit motionless, and in the outer circle the students change after a certain period of time. The students of the inner and outer circles receive cards with tasks. The students of the inner circle explain their task to the students of the outer circle, while listening to each other's explanations. Then they take other cards with tasks.

Cluster method

represented by several types: classical (to consolidate the material), paper cluster, cluster with numbering of words, group cluster, reverse cluster. The cluster is a record of phrases for the keyword: classic - using the word "apk" to make a cluster; paper - choose words that relate to this word; cluster with word numbering - write a keyword on the board and students sign words to it, then arrange the answers in order of importance for given word(industry of Russia); group cluster - work in groups, but only on their topic.

Comparison chart method

analysis of the proposed problem, topic and identification of differences and common features of objects, plots, events, phenomena. This method can be used when working with the text of the textbook, tables, diagrams (remember and name the distinctive features that are characteristic of North-West Russia).

Puzzle method

collect text on a specific topic, and cards with fragments of text are used as fragments (puzzles) (name five signs that are inherent in the population of Russia).

Drawing diagnostics

Drawing is one of the recognized methods in teaching geography. Geography is a study, a process of creating a picture of the world. An integral part of the geographical picture of the world are images.

Inclusion of students in the active academic work, the use of a variety of methods of cognitive activity significantly expand the teaching and educational opportunities of the lesson.

The modern school is in dire need ofhumanization of relations between children and adults, in the democratization of the life of the school community.Hence, the expediency of using innovative technologies in the practice of teaching and educating schoolchildren is obvious. educational technologies. The dynamic development of society requires the formation in a person not so much of a socially typical as of a brightly individual, allowing a child tobecome and be yourselfin a constantly changing society. Interactive learning technology provides to me the opportunity to organize non-standard UVP, to ensure motivational readiness and a positive emotional attitude of students to work in the lesson.

Interactive: from English. (inter - “between”; act - “action”) thus literal translation denotes interactive methods - allowing learners to interact with each other; and interactive learning is learning built on the interaction of all students, including the teacher. These methods are most consistent with a student-centered approach, since they involve co-learning (collective, collaborative learning), and both the student and the teacher are subjects educational process. The teacher more often acts only as an organizer of the learning process, a group leader, a facilitator, and a creator of conditions for student initiative.

In addition, interactive learning is based on the direct interaction of students with their experience and the experience of their friends, since most interactive exercises refer to the experience of the student himself, and not only educational, school. New knowledge, skill is formed on the basis of such experience.

The choice of this technology was not accidental. Interactive methods are very close to me in their design, goals, principles, content and organizational aspects. Even at the beginning of my pedagogical activity I divided the guys into groups, working in groups they performed certain tasks, for which I put marks. As a rule, everyone, the guys, especially the weak ones, were satisfied for the grade they received, and I, since the grades are accumulating.

A modern teacher always thinks how best and more effectively to convey the content of the subject to students, to control knowledge. Traditional forms and methods of teaching do not always lead to the desired result. Having become acquainted with the interactive learning technology presented by G.O. Astvatsaturov "Technology of design modern lesson and creativity of the teacher ”2002, the work in the lesson began to build more competently. Active Methods are aimed not at communicating ready-made knowledge to students, their memorization and reproduction, but at organizing them for independent acquisition of knowledge, mastering skills in the process of active joint cognitive activity - interactive learning.

Main criteriawhen selecting topics for interactive learning - modernity, scientific character, interest.

Basic working methodsproblem and research. And interactive forms make it possible to involve almost all students in cognitive activity, as well as to trace the process of self-development of both a group and an individual student.

Interactive learning contributes to solving a set of problems:

Increase the intensity of the lesson;

To develop the independence of students, their self-government;

Contribute to the in-depth assimilation of program material;

Develop a set of practical skills and abilities.

The end goals can be defined as:

educational– gain knowledge for more short time by redistributing the material of individual topics,

Educational - promote team building, leveling students' knowledge;

Educational - develop practical skills and abilities.

I would especially like to say about the educational value, since the lesson, as a rule, has a predominantly individual character, the learning task in the classroom, at home, everyone performs independently, reports only for himself. Communication, conversations in the classroom are prohibited. Collective work allows you to establish the exchange of knowledge in the classroom, increase the activity of the children, reveal their capabilities that could not be revealed in individual work.

The interactive learning technique is engaging in a non-burdensome, interest-based and satisfying way for all involved. pedagogical process, training. This is where the role of the teacher changes. The students themselves work on the task, and the teacher corrects their work, helps, directs. Working in a group, students in the course of the discussion make each of their feasible intellectual contributions to the common piggy bank. There is an exchange of knowledge and ideas. The psychological atmosphere is changing. In the group, even the “lagging behind” students do not complex, they also begin to actively participate in the discussion and solution of the tasks. This form of work can be used in different types of lessons: when studying new material throughout the lesson, only at the beginning of the lesson, in a practical lesson with elements of creative, search tasks.

Gradual training of students and their mastery of technology.

Lesson of natural history in the 5th grade. Theme: "World of Stars".

Exercise "Your support".

I accompany my story about the temperature, color and brightness of the stars with drawing up a diagram, drawings, symbols (I use different types"support"). Children listen, participate in a dialogue, are involved in drawing up a diagram, “decoding” symbols. A diagram and a model are fixed on a magnetic board:

3000º 6000º 10000º 35000º

By next question"The size of the stars" I invite the children to do independent work on the text of the textbook, to make their own support. They can present material about the size of stars in any form: verbal, graphic, conditionally symbolic. You can work individually, in pairs or in small groups.

One of the groups made up the original prop:

The non-standard approach to the study of the material - to read and draw what was read, to express it in symbols and signs - motivates for learning activities in the classroom in grades 6-7. In grades 7-8 - compiling a reference summary (mind map) on individual issues of the topic or elements - information compression. In grades 9-11 - project activities, independent or group work. public performance - defense project, presentation, defending one's opinion.

Work organization.Groups are created for 5-6 people, it takes a minimum of time. Groups can receive the same task. Then, each group is given the opportunity to speak, supplement or refute the information. For example: Geography of Russia. 8th grade. The theme of the lesson is “Lake Baikal. Problems of Baikal.” The groups were given the task to describe the nature of the lake. Highlight problems and suggest solutions. Joint activity really demonstrates the wide possibilities of cooperation, during which students set goals, determine the best means to achieve them, and distribute responsibilities. The groups report on the results of their searches, at the end of the lesson we summarize and choose the most liked problem-solving project.

The effectiveness of the educational process is determined by various indicators, among which a significant place is occupied by the activity of students in the classroom, their interest in studying a particular subject. This problem is most relevant for teachers working in high school.high school studentsoften, as they determine their future profession change their attitude towards the subjects being studied. They are interested in obtaining deep solid knowledge, first of all, in the major subjects of those universities in which they decide to enter. Therefore, along with an increase in the activity of students in the lessons in one subject, passivity and indifference to others increase. Experience shows that in most cases geography also belongs to these "others". The relevance of the use of interactive forms of education is especially suitable for high school, where there are large volumes of educational material, high requirements for the preparation of students. For example: a lesson in grade 11 on the topic “Sub-regions of Africa”. Groups receive different tasks that work for a common result - by analyzing the maps of the atlas and the text of the textbook, prepare information and present it in the form of a table, leaders report to the class. At the end of the lesson, the children answer the teacher's questions; the answers are evaluated by the group that worked on this problem. This increases the attention of students throughout the lesson.

And with the opportunity to use modern equipment in our school, multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards, computers, lessons in an interactive form have become even more interesting, modern, more high level. This allows not only the teacher to visually present the material in the form of presentations, slide shows, but also the children to compose their projects and presentations in electronic form. Such lessons help students master the material in the lesson, spend a minimum of time on homework, which is very important when high school students are busy. Interest in the subject is growing, geography is becoming an easy subject, which children increasingly choose to take the exam for the basic school course, and successfully cope with the exams.

At the district seminar of the deputy directors for educational work “New technologies in profile education”, I conducted a lesson using various elements of interactive learning.

Lesson in the 11th (profile) grade on the topic "China's Economy: Achievements and Problems."

The class is divided into multi-level groups "A", "B", "C" - in such groups we work constantly (during the year, some students moved from group "A" to "B", from "B" to "C"). The groups received differentiated tasks working for a common result - characterize the features economic reforms, achievements and problems in China-, put eat presentation of a visual mind map.

Stage 1 work - work"with cases", which includes the solution of a specific problem in the form of independent work with the text, the choice of the main information from the proposed (required additional literature)

Stage 2 - "brainstorming" within a small group

Stage 3- creative work- compression of information, its presentation in the form of a reference abstract (mind map).

OK requirement - the ability to "voice" OK by another group,

Aesthetic design.

Stage 4 - public speaking with a presentation of OK. Protection - answer questions.

Stage 5 - summarizing, choice better work, slide show.

Repetitive-generalizing lessons with the help of an interactive method turn into exciting cognitive intellectual games.

As a result of my work, I consider the positive dynamics of the “quality of knowledge”, the successful passing the exam in geography by students of grade 11, an increase in the number of participants and winners of Olympiads in geography at various levels.

I am sure that the use of interactive methods allows me to make the information base of the lesson truly developing, to put the student at the center of the educational process as a subject of knowledge.